summer scoop - Summer Citizens


summer scoop - Summer Citizens
April 2016
The Talk Around Town
There are lots of things that always seem to be happening
around campus these days. With the end of the spring semester
just around the corner, seniors are getting anxious about graduation, incoming freshman are announcing their acceptances at
Utah State, & everyone else in-between is ready to push through
finals week and get their summer adventures underway—much
like you might be!
A big change has been announced at the University. USU’s
President, Stan L. Albrecht, recently announced that he will be
retiring. He has been with the University for 11 years, and announced in a personal email to faculty and staff, that “The journey has been a truly remarkable one. While I will miss the opportunity that has been mine to lead this very special place, I will also look forward to the satisfaction that will come in watching it’s
successes under new leadership.”
You can learn more about his announcement, here.
Online Early Registration Ends April 25th!
“The variety of course offerings, the cultural opportunities in Logan, and
the many scenic places to
visit have made it a stimulating and rewarding
-Summer Citizen
Look at the Announcements
page for more information.
In This Issue
Old Main—Utah State University Campus
Talk Around Town
40th Anniversary
Huntsman Hall
Instructor Insights
History & Technology
Historic Salt Lake City
“The more you praise
Online Registration will close
Monday, April 25th
All prices will increase by $10 per
event after this date and T-shirts will no
longer be available. Register by phone
or in person after April 25th.
Don’t hesitate! Register TODAY!
and celebrate your life,
the more there is in life
to celebrate.”
3rd Annual Imperial Glee Club
FREE Concert.
-Friday, June 3, 2016
-6:30 pm
-USU Eccles Conference Center
-Summer Citizens ID must be
swiped to be admitted.
-No reservation required
-Oprah Winfrey
‘Share Your Story’ Submissions are still being accepted.
1. Visit website:
2. Click “Share Your Story
3. Submit a max. 250-word entry
Deadline is May 25th, 2016
Stories may be written anonymously
Join us, for a night of
celebration, where we
will be celebrating YOU!
Thanks for being a part
of this program.
40 years is a great
Summer Citizens Opening
Orientation & Merchant Fair
-Thursday, June 2nd, 2016
-2:00 pm
-Taggart Student Center Ballroom
Exclusive Campus Tours to
Registered Summer Citizens
Be watching for an email link to sign up
for free tours that different departments
on campus will be hosting.
40th Anniversary Gala Dinner & Dance
Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 6:00 pm
Taggart Student Center Ballroom
$25 discount if you register before April 25th.
Call today!
Opening of Huntsman Hall
Utah State University is proud to announce the completion of
Huntsman Hall — The new addition to the business building
on campus.
On March 17, 2016, Jon M. Huntsman was present to do the
honor of cutting the ribbon opening the now-functional hall of
the business school. This building adds 20 new classrooms,
21 new study rooms, state-of-the-art technology, new offices,
conference rooms, and also, a new café.
Many returning Summer Citizens have probably seen this
beautiful building under construction during past summers.
The groundbreaking for this project took place in the Fall of
2013. We have all been anxiously awaiting its exciting
completion ever since.
Be sure to take note of this beautiful building located right
next to our conference center when you arrive this summer!
Instructor Insight
Learn more about our instructors and sign
up for their classes!
Jenika Perry
Jenika’s class is Beads! Mystery and
Magic: The Beginning Techniques. She
admits it! She has been addicted to beads
& beading for over 16 years! Before becoming a beader, she graduated from
USU in 2000 with a Bachelor's Degree in
Interior Design and Photography. She
loves to read, bead, garden & camp. She
has two very active & fun teenage girls, &
a husband, Dan, that keeps very busy as
a Computer Systems Administrator at
Utah State University. She has traveled
far & wide to learn as much about the art
of beading that she can. Jenika can't wait
to share some of what she has discovered
with you!
Jenika Perry
Don’t forget to register! Early
registration ends on April 25th.
After that date, everything
goes up $10.00 & T-shirts will no
longer be available.
Also, those Summer Citizens who are returning from
past years, get your ID card ready to bring with you!
Jeffery Bateman
Jeffery Bateman
Jeff is teaching two classes this year; The
Civil War in History and Memory and
The Great War Comes to Utah. He is a
retired U.S. Air Force Colonel & teaches
U.S. Institutions, Utah History, and American Military History at Utah State University. When he is not teaching or writing,
Jeff likes to play the bass, ride his Mustang (the real kind) & work in the garden.
His work as a historian has been published in The Utah Historical Quarterly,
Airpower History, & the U.S. Army War
College Press. At the 2015 League of
Utah Writer’s Conference, Jeff won eight
awards for his poetry & prose. One of his
poems is set to appear in the forthcoming
LUW anthology. Jeff has authored three
novels. No Peace with the Dawn (with
E.B. Wheeler) forthcoming from Cedar
Fort Press Fall 2016, Mogadishu on the
Mohave, & On the Death Beat, forthcoming in 2017, Grey Gecko Press.
Buying & Selling Antiques & Estates
81 N. Main Street in Historic Downtown Logan
Open: Monday - Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Join us for the Art Gallery
Merchandise starting at $1.00
Offering over 5,000 sq. feet of antique vintage and
collectible merchandise from over 15 different
vendors. Come in this summer to see our antique art,
jewelry, home décor, quilts, furniture and accessories
that are Native American, American and European.
Or bring your antique items to sell!
Look in your Summer Citizen
coupon book to get 10% off
any item over $20.
The Summer Citizens Program this year has some exciting new classes and others brought
back by popularity, focusing on History & Technology that you won’t want to miss.
Click the link to learn more!
World War II
Life & Fun in Early American Colleges
The Great War Comes to Utah
Evolution of US Air Power
Drilling Oil and Gas Wells in the Deep Ocean
Communicating With A Hearing Loss
Contact Us
Summer Citizens
Utah State University
5005 Old Main Hill
Logan, Utah 84322-5005
Historical Salt Lake City
We are hosting an exciting tour this summer to highlight some of Salt
Lake City’s historical past. The event includes a guided tour of the
beautiful Utah State Capitol building and surrounding complex, highlighting the building’s unique structure, breathtaking marble design,
gorgeous rotunda, and offices for state leaders like the governor. In
2004, the State Capitol began renovation and following its completion
in 2008 saw thousands of visitors. We’ll enjoy a catered lunch by
Chartwell Catering who also serves meals for all the legislators. Also
included is a guided tour of the fabulous McCune Mansion, built in the
early 1900’s for the luxurious living of
the McCune family. This spectacular
home features world-class period architecture with workmanship among
the grandest of early 20th-century
homes in all America. Our tour concludes with a guided tour of the Salt
Lake City/County Building constructed
in 1890 in gothic style and as a tribute to Utah’s farmers and miners.
Adventurous tourists have the option of climbing the clock tower
stairs for a grand view of the valley. Sign up today so that you don’t
miss out on this unforgettable learning experience! You’ll love this
city with it’s rich history and culture.
Summer Citizens Diamond Sponsor
Visit us on the web at