Meet the MARTYRS… - University of South Florida Libraries


Meet the MARTYRS… - University of South Florida Libraries
Meet the MARTYRS…
…men and women of all ages who
suffered brutal tortures…
Meet women and men who became
living MARVELS through the most
punishing acts of bodily discipline
***Learn to identify SAINTS IN ART
***See how stories of their lives
created models for men and women
of different occupations and social
classes and sketched a MIRROR OF
…and whose relics and tombs
became places of worship
***See how MIRACLES made them
powerful patrons of communities
and protectors against diseases
and calamities of all kinds
***See how the saints in heaven
were “present” on earth through
the calendar of their FEAST DAYS
and the worship of their RELICS
***Join in building an image gallery
of medieval art as a research tool
All pictures are from the D’Emilio photo
archive of art and architecture
***Contribute to a collection guide
and online exhibition on medieval
saints and their cults
1. Avila (Spain), San Vicente, shrine of Sts. Vincent,
Sabina and Christeta, martyrdom of the three saints, late
12th century
2. Catania (Sicily,
Italy), procession for
the feast of St.
Agatha, silver
reliquary of 1376
3. Paris, Abbey of St.
Denis, north portal,
martyrdom of St.
Denis, late 12th c.
4. Rome, Sta. Maria
Antiqua, martyrdom
of St. Cyricus, 740s
5. Verona (Italy), San
Zeno, bronze doors,
beheading of John the
Baptist, early 12th c.
6. Venice, basilica of
San Marco, atrium,
mosaic of St Simeon
Stylites, mid 13th c.
7. Anagni (Italy),
Cathedral, crypt,
translation of relics of
St. Secundina, early
13th c.
8. Latsch (South
Tyrol, Italy), Parish
church of Sts. Peter
and Paul, the two
saints, early 16th c.
9. Venice, basilica of San Marco, atrium, St. Phocas, mid
13th c.
10. Verona (Italy), San Zeno, bronze doors, Emperor
Gallienus offers St. Zeno his crown, 12th c.
11. Rome, San Silvestro in Capite, narthex, inscribed
calendar of feasts of saints whose relics are held in the
12. Bominaco (Abruzzo, Italy), church of San Pellegrino,
painted calendar of saints’ feasts with months of May
and June, mid 13th c
13. Sta. Marta de Tera (Zamora, Spain), south portal, St.
James the apostle as pilgrim, second quarter of 12th c.
***Art History majors/minors may
take the course as ARH 4930
***Religious Studies majors/minors
may take the course as REL 4936
***All enrolled students will have
IDS 4914 (Advanced Undergraduate
Research) listed on their transcript
**For more information and to ask
for a course permit, please contact
Dr. D’Emilio:
I am grateful to the Office of Undergraduate
Research, Florida’s Educational Technology
Clearinghouse, and USF Library Special
Collections for their support for the course.
To experience research...
…take a CREATTE course
HUM 4825
Dr. James D’Emilio
Fall 2013/Tues. 3:05-5:50