te ocia Ass


te ocia Ass
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
114 S. Church St., P.O. Box 395
Hanover, KS 66945
Office Phone: 785-337-2289
Rectory Phone: 785-337-2342
Fr. David’s Cell Phone: 785-650-1999
St. Augustine Catholic Church
Mass Times
Wednesday & Friday– 8:20 a.m.
Saturday Evening– 6:00 p.m.
Sunday Morning– 10:00 a.m.
Sr. Marilyn Cell Phone: 785-541-0411
Email: washcountycc@gmail.com Phone: (785) 325-3392
Marcie Stegman– Secretary
Saturday 3:00 p.m. or by appointment
Email: marilynwall@csjkansas.org
Sr. Marilyn Wall, CSJ– Pastoral Associate
Email: wcccpastor1@yahoo.com
Fr. David Metz– Pastor
November 2, 2014
Parish Council
Scott Jueneman, chairman
2nd Monday at 7:00 p.m.
Finance Council
Andy Leseberg, chairman
1st Tuesday at 7:00pm
Knights of Columbus
Tom Koehler, Grand Knight
(785) 337-2532
Altar Society
Denise Bruna (785) 337-2344
St. John Catholic School
Tim Rundle, Principal
(785) 337-2368
410 B Street
Washington, KS 66968
Office Phone: 785-325-3147
Mass Times
Thursday– 8:00 a.m.
Sunday– 8:30 a.m.
——————————Confessions: Before Mass
Parish Council
Mike Kongs, chairman
3rd Monday at 7:00 p.m.
Knights of Columbus
Jim Fenton, Grand Knight
(785) 348-5562
Altar Society
Lou Kern, President
(785) 325-2633
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
P.O. Box 62
Greenleaf, KS 66943
Mass Time
Tuesday– 8:30 a.m.
Saturday– 4:30 p.m.
Confessions: Before Mass
Parish Council: Terry LeDuc, chairman
Altar Society: Jennifer Hiltgen 747-2266
All Souls’ Day
Monday— November 3
Hanover— No Mass
Tuesday– November 4
Washington—8:00 a.m. Communion Service
Greenleaf—8:30 a.m. + Brian Diederich
Wednesday– November 5
Hanover—8:20 a.m. + John Rundle
Thursday– November 6
Washington—8:00 a.m. + Duane Line
Friday– November 7
Hanover— No Mass
Saturday– November 8
Greenleaf—4:30 p.m. For the People
Hanover—6:00 p.m. + Mary Jo Bruna
Sunday– November 9 Dedication of the Lateran
Washington—8:30 a.m. Christina Rieth & Earron
Hanover—10:00 a.m. + Orville Wollenberg
Prayer Requests
Carol Stamm David Wilkes
Marie Hoover Yvonne Talbot
Pat Bartels
Babe Hoover
Yvonne Smith Judy Snider
Donna Shoemaker
Names will remain on the prayer list for four weeks, at which time they
will be removed unless we hear differently.
Sacraments of the Church
Baptism: A preparation session must be completed before the
baptism is scheduled. Baptisms may be administered during
Mass, after Mass, or at another scheduled time.
Marriage: Required preparation sessions must be completed
before the wedding. Contact the pastor six months prior to the
intended wedding date.
Anointing of the Sick: Call the parish office if someone is in
the hospital or homebound and would like communion and the
Sacrament of the Sick.
Holy Orders: Consider a vocation to the priestly life. Contact
the Chancery at 785-827-8746.
It is a very special weekend as we celebration the
Solemnity of All Saints (Nov. 1) and the
Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed
(Nov. 2). Even though All Saints Day falls on a
Saturday, and the obligation for that holy day is
waived, it does not mean that we stop living a
saintly life. Each one of us is called to be great
saints, so do not miss the opportunities.
As Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI says, “To
become saints means to fulfill completely what we
already are, raised to the dignity of God’s adopted
children in Christ Jesus….The saints bring to light
in creative fashion quite new human
potentialities….The saints are themselves the
living spaces into which one can turn….There is no
isolation in heaven. It is the open society of the
saints and, consequently, also the fulfillment of all
human togetherness...One might say that the saints
are, so to speak, new Christian constellations, in
which the richness of God’s goodness is reflected.
Their light, coming from God, enables us to know
better the interior richness of God’s great
light...Nothing can bring us into close contact with
the beauty of Christ himself other than the world of
beauty created by faith and light that shines out
from the faces of the saints, through whom his own
light becomes visible” (Magnificat, 26-27).
The saints are held up for all of us as how to live
our lives and our faith. We are assured that the
communion of saints are always interceding for us.
In thinking about the saints, we also think about
our loved ones who have gone before us. They
may not be canonized saints by the Church, but
maybe their example reflected a saintly life.
As the Magnificat states, “The commemoration
of All Souls is rooted in the Church’s strong
conviction that we, the living, have a
serious responsibility in love to
accompany with prayer those who have
died but who must yet complete the
purificatory preparation every human
being needs to be able to dwell in the allencompassing love of God” (pg. 39).
God Bless, Dear Friends, Fr. David
Religious Education: Wednesday, November 5 at 7 p.m. at St. Augustine’s.
Sacred Heart Cemetery Service: Will be held Saturday afternoon, November 8, at 3:30pm at the cemetery. Please
gather by the crucifix.
Ministry Schedule Sat., Nov. 1: Greeters: Terry & Rita LeDuc Reader: Terry LeDuc ExOrd Ministers: Terry LeDuc,
Evelyn Diederich, Kelli Diederich Collection: Terry LeDuc Gifts: Terry LeDuc Family Servers: Nichole Diederich,
Brooke Diederich
Stewardship of Treasure
Oct. 25, 2014
Happy Birthday!
October 26 Kaye McGrath
October 28 Tyler Simmons
St. John Cemetery Service: Will be held on Sunday afternoon, November 2, at 2:00pm at the cemetery. Please
gather in front of the altar and bring chairs if you would like.
St. John Finance Council: Will meet Tuesday evening, November 4, at 7:00pm in the Convent Meeting Room.
Are you interested in being a Reader or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion: If you would like to explore
the opportunity and receive training, mark Sunday afternoon, November 9, at St. John Church in your calendar. Fr.
David will lead the session for Readers at 2:00pm and for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at 2:30pm.
Anyone interested in being a Sacristan for Mass, training will occur after the 2:30pm session. Readers can be high
school age and up. Extraordinary Ministers need to be 18 years of age and up. Veteran Readers and Extraordinary
Ministers are welcome to attend.
St. John's ministry schedule has been completed to Palm Sunday, March 29, 2015. Anyone can view it by going to
the website on the front of the bulletin, then click on "Bulletin, CCD Forms, & Schedules" then "Hanover Ministry
Schedule.” The schedule can be viewed or printed from the website. The information is also available in the bulletin
and paper copies are in the back of church. As always, if you would like to make any changes in how you are being
scheduled you are welcome to call Barb Jueneman at 785-337-2915.
Rosary: Before Religious Education Class at 6:45 p.m. on Wednesday’s. All are welcome.
High School REC (religious education class): Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. Junior and Sophomore Confirmation
class meets in the Convent Classroom. Seniors meet at Marie Bruna’s home. Freshmen meet in the basement of the
Stewardship of Treasure
Oct. 25-26, 2014
Happy Birthday!
October 25 Lori Hagedorn
October 27 Denae Jueneman
October 29 Andy Leseberg
November 1 Sydney Pralle
November 4 Coby Sedlacek, LaDona Sedlacek
November 6 Shirley Koehler, Jeremy Martin
November 9 Beth Rut
Happy Anniversary!
November 4 Tom & Marilyn Morgan
November 6 Steve & Tiffany Jueneman
November 9 Harold & Rosie Travelute
Ministry Schedule Sat., Nov. 8: ExOrd Ministers: Nick Garber, Frank Bruna, Denise Bruna, Chuck Garber, Diane
Garber Hospitality: Shorty Goeckel Reader: Judy Bohning Musician: Janet Servers: Katelyn Schroller, Matthew
Schroller, Erik Gerleve Gifts: Rick Doebele Family Sacristan/Bells: Barb Leseberg
Ministry Schedule Sun., Nov. 9: ExOrd Ministers: Rick Samland, Jane Samland, John Zabokrtsky, Lisa Zabokrtsky,
Bob Rut Hospitality: Frank Jueneman Reader: Jim Zarybnicky Musician: Janet Servers: Nate Luppen, Carter Bruna,
Garrett Pedigo Gifts: David Lickteig Family Sacristan/Bells: Jim/Kathy Zarybnicky
Religious Education: Wednesday, November 5 at 7 p.m.
Altar Society Meeting: Wednesday, November 5 at 7 p.m. in the rectory
Parish Soup Supper is Nov. 9. We are in need of help Saturday, November 8 at 1 p.m. to set up the parish hall and do prep work in kitchen. Reminder to check when food items need to be brought to church and
at what time you signed up to work. Thank you for your generosity.
Are you interested in being a Reader or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion: If you would like
to explore the opportunity and receive training, mark Sunday afternoon, November 16, at St. Augustine Church in your
calendar. Fr. David will lead the session for Readers at 2:00pm and for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at
2:30pm. Anyone interested in being a Sacristan for Mass, training will occur after the 2:30pm session. Readers can
be high school age and up. Extraordinary Ministers need to be 18 years of age and up. Veteran Readers and Extraordinary Ministers are welcome to attend.
Ministry Schedule Sun., Nov. 9: Sacristan: Linus & Helen Linenberger Lector: Lou Kern Gifts: Zenger Family ExOrd Ministers: David Bridges, Robin Sawin, Tim Rundle, Noreen Rundle Servers: Katy Rundle, Kylie Cordry, Konner
Gepner Greeters: Gene & Anita Martin Usher: David Bridges Music: Abby Snider Count Money: Pat Klozenbucher,
Jennifer Dague Linens: Kathy Fritz
Stewardship of Treasure
Oct. 26, 2014
$ 105.00
$ 1192.00
Happy Birthday!
October 26 Deanna L’Ecuyer
October 27 Bob L’Ecuyer
October 28 Tony Scheer
October 28 Richard L’Ecuyer
October 31 Carol Lillie
October 31 David Bridges
November 1 Jordanna Beikman, Tiffany Cole,
Jenae Romeiser
November 2 Bayleigh Bisnette, Morgan Bisnette,
Misty Cole, Leanora Heiman
November 4 Cade Uhlik
November 6 Randy Bruna
November 9 Liam Cordry, Jim Cole
Happy Anniversary!
October 25 Kevin & Marci Elliott
Diocesan and Area News
Vocation Brief: This is National Vocation Awareness Week. Pray for those who are discerning a call to proclaim the hope of the Resurrection as
religious brothers, sisters, priests or deacons. If you feel God is offering you the grace of a vocation to the priesthood or religious life, contact Fr. Gale
Hammerschmidt at fr.gale@shcathedral.com or call the Chancery at 785-827-8746.
Diocesan Vocation Prayer Cards: With National Vocation Awareness Week upon us, we will begin using the new Diocesan Vocation Prayer Card at our weekly
Masses. The prayer cards will be available at Mass and the prayer will also be reprinted in the bulletin for your use at home.
World Mission Sunday: Thank you for your generous response to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith on World Mission Sunday. Your generous help will
reach the Church in Mongolia and local churches throughout the Missions, where the poor receive practical help and the experience of God’s love and mercy, His
hope and peace. For more information, please visit: www.IAmAMissionary.org.
Seminarian Collection: What does the Seminarian collection on November 8 & 9 help with? This collection assists the diocese in the education and formation of
our 13 Seminarians that are currently discerning God’s call to the Priesthood. The day to day expenses of educating and housing these fine young men is costly,
but with your gift, you are making a commitment to the future of our diocese.
The Register: Look for a donation envelope in your Nov. 14 Register. All Catholic families registered at a parish in the diocese automatically receive The Register,
which is published on the second and fourth Friday of each month. Instead of requiring subscriptions, we ask for a $20 donation to cover printing and mailing costs.
Please support our ministry for 2015 and send your donation as soon as possible.
JOY of the GOSPEL QUOTES: The pastoral letter written by our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has been put in bulletin form. You can find the quotes here:
“The poor have much to teach us. Not only do they share in the sensus fidei, but in their difficulties they know the suffering Christ. We need
to let ourselves be evangelized by them” (198)!
Message for Life: “If we fail to defend innocent human life in the womb, we will confront the culture of death on our own death bed! Let us never forget Terry
Schiavo and the others who have been victims of the culture of death.”
Catechesis for World Meeting of Families: The Meaning of Human Sexuality- “The tangible, earthly, corporeal world is more than inert matter or modeling clay
for the human will. Creation is sacred. It has sacramental meaning. It reflects God’s glory. That includes our bodies. Our sexuality has the power to procreate,
and shares in the dignity of being created in the image of God. We need to live accordingly.”
Message for Life (Parenting Pointers): “Respect Life Month…Consider all lives that are threatened or suffering in our society today, no matter the age. What life
issue is dearest to your heart? (Abortion, Capital Punishment, Gun Control, Supporting single mothers, Poverty…) Tell your child why. Can you take one action
together such as read up on it, donate, write letters, take political action, pray...?” From Susan Vogt
Encounter Weekend at Conception Seminary: The next weekend is Nov. 8, 9, 10. If you know of a college aged young man or senior in high school who may be
interested in attending the Encounter Weekend, please contact Fr. Gale Hammerschmidt at fr.gale@shcathedral.com.
The World Meeting of Families is scheduled for Sept. 22-27 at Philadelphia, Penn. in 2015. The theme emphasizes that “Love Is Our Mission, and it is by loving
God and one another that we will be fully alive”. Please pray for WMOF and look at the website: www.worldmeeting2015.org.
St. John Catholic School News
Mr. Tim Rundle, Principal
St. John School Council: Will meet Wednesday evening, November 5 at 7:00 p.m. in the Computer Lab of the School.
It's the time of year again to send in your Box Tops for Education, Campbell's Label's for Education and Crome's Cash Register
Tapes (from both Hanover and Marysville stores) to St. John's School. We will be sending in the first round of Box Tops for Education at the end of October so send these in as soon as possible and keep saving them all year long. The Crome's Cash Register
Tapes started on Sept. 1 and will run until March 31, 2015; send them to school as you get them. The Campbell's Labels for Education are a year around collection, however we bank these at the end of next school year. All of these can be sent to school with your
students or can be brought to St. John's School Office or left in the box in St. John's Church on the south entry door shelf. Thank
you for your support of St. John's Catholic School.
Diocesan Vocation Prayer
Lord God, in your tender mercies
you give your holy people every good gift.
We turn to you today in our need, asking that you bless our Diocese
with an abundance of vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Inspire us with your Holy Spirit to help young men and women
hear your call and respond with joyful hearts.
We also ask that you bless our priests and all who serve us in the Church today.
May they know every grace and joy
as you bring to completion the many good works begun in them.
We ask this in faith, through Christ our Lord. Amen.