Hanover High School


Hanover High School
Hanover High School
10307 Chamberlayne Road
Mechanicsville, VA 23116
(804) 723-3700
“Home of the Hawks”
October 2014
Dear Parents:
Hanover High invites you to participate in our Parent-Teacher Conference Day on Tuesday,
November 4 from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. Conferences will take place in teachers’ classrooms and are
scheduled in 15-minute increments with each teacher. The last available conference slot will be 3:15 PM.
Parents requesting meetings with six teachers should allow 1.5 hours for conferences.
To request a conference, you may fax this form to 723-3709, email Mrs. Drago at: adrago@hcps.us,
(please be sure to include student’s name, teachers’ names and a preferred start-time), or have your child bring
the form to the School Counseling Department.
Upon receipt of your form, we will schedule your appointments and send you a confirmation. To allow
ample to time for scheduling and confirmations, all requests must be received no later than 12 noon on
Friday, October 31st. Any requests received after that point will be referred to your child’s school counselor
to be scheduled with teachers at a later date. All appointments are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please keep in mind that a parent-teacher conference can also be arranged any time throughout the school year.
We thank you for your interest and look forward to seeing you!
(Please print the following information).
Parent Name: ________________________________
Daytime Phone: _____________________
Student Name: _______________________________
Student ID #: _______________________
Please indicate the best way to confirm your conference schedule:
• Fax #:
• Email address: _____________________________________
I would like to visit the following teachers:
Preferred Starting Time:
1. _________________________________
____________ 1st Choice
2. _________________________________
____________ 2nd Choice
3. _________________________________
____________ 3rd Choice
4. _________________________________
5. _________________________________
6. _________________________________
7. _________________________________
Conferences will take place between
8:30 AM and 3:30 PM with the last
available conference slot at 3:15 PM.
8. _________________________________
(804) 723-3700
FAX (804) 723-3759