SyncroTherm® - ALD Vacuum Systems


SyncroTherm® - ALD Vacuum Systems
ALD Vacuum Technologies
High Tech is our Business
in heat treatment
High Tech is our Business
ALD is a brand name associated world-wide with
innovative vacuum technology at the highest level.
As one of the leading manufacturers of vacuum
furnaces and vacuum process technology, we supply
all areas of vacuum metallurgy and vacuum heat
treatment with high-tech products and services.
with obligation
setting examples
creating additional benefits
The company’s success story begins
Thanks to our advanced and highly
Through consistent project manage-
with two great entrepreneurs in
sophisticated concepts ALD offers
ment and quality management ALD
vacuum technology: Ernst Leybold
individual solutions which are geared
has acquired a top position in the
(1824 – 1907), founder of the Leybold
to their respective tasks. The techno-
international marketplace. In addi-
company and Wilhelm Carl Heraeus
logical advancements in vacuum
tion to our high level of expertise
(1827 – 1904), founder of the Heraeus
metallurgy, vacuum heat treatment
in process and furnace technology
company. The companies Leybold,
and vacuum sintering technology
we offer a wide range of extensive
Heraeus and Degussa, founded by
make us a strong partner for impor-
services together with our repre-
tant and growing future-oriented
sentatives and partners worldwide.
branches such as energy produc-
Our full service comprises the
tion, aviation, material production
excellent supply of spare parts,
and processing and the automotive
periodic maintenance as well as
industry. Our goal is to provide the
servicing, modernization and inte-
highest level of quality and technical
gration of newly developed process-
perfection which is strengthened
es into existing furnaces. You can be
by our determination to supply our
assured, ALD is your reliable partner,
customers with optimum service.
today, tomorrow and in the future.
Wilhelm Carl Heraeus
Ernst Leybold
Friedrich Ernst Roessler in 1837,
We are continuously developing new
are the roots of ALD. Today, ALD is
ecological processes, which are
a member of the international AMG
further improved in specialized
Advanced Metallurgical Group N.V.
operating companies, thus conserv-
and is ranked at the top in vacuum
ing resources and protecting the
metallurgy. ALD is the leader in
vacuum heat treatment technology.
Efficiency which pays off
ALD Vacuum Technologies can look back on more
than 40 years of experience in the production of
vacuum heat treatment plants. Now, for the first
time, heat treatment can be integrated directly into
the mechanical production line because of the latest
development, vacuum heat treatment module, type
heat treatment
Heat treatment of parts in vacuum
Modern heat treatment plants for
Heat treatment integrated in the pro-
prevents damaging oxidation which
low pressure carburization and high
duction line leads to a more efficient
occurs in standard protective atmos-
pressure gas quenching are gener-
and more ecological production of
pheres. Case hardening in vacuum
ally installed in the near vicinity of
parts. The duration of the heat treat-
is carried out through low pressure
the production site. However, they
ment is reduced to the point where
carburization at high temperatures
are not integrated directly into the
the production cycle is maintained
using acetylene as a carbon source.
mechanical production line. ALD
without interruptions, generating
The parts are carburized without
Vacuum Technologies, a technology
a continuous one-piece-flow. The
surface oxidation in a clean, non-
leader in vacuum case hardening has
parts are charged in one layer on one
polluting process. Subsequent high
developed a unique system which
workpiece carrier instead of in one
pressure gas quenching with nitro-
provides the means to integrate heat
big conventional multi layer batch.
gen provides dry and clean parts
treatment directly into the production
These so-called “2D-charges” pro-
with reduced distortion.
line. This enables synchronization with
duce rapid and very homogeneous
the production step soft machining,
heat treatment in all process steps
leading to entirely new perspectives
and further guarantee reproducible
in automation.
World first
Increasing demands on transmission manufacturing
and costs require new solutions for a more efficient
production. The heat treatment module SyncroTherm®
provides the means to optimize the process chain.
The continuous piece flow leads to a more effective
and ecological production – and improves quality.
The One-Piece-FlowPrinciple
According to the one-piece-flow-
The treatment chamber located be-
homogeneously heats the parts to
principle, the heat treatment of large
hind this chamber comprises a cold
treatment temperature, followed by
batches is converted to treatment
loading area with telescopic loader
carburization and diffusion. Tem-
of single components. The parts are
and up to six hot zones which are
perature and process gas supply are
charged in one layer on one work-
arranged one upon the other. Each
controlled independently in each hot
piece carrier. The flat-panel radia-
hot zone may hold one workpiece
tors installed in top and bottom radi-
carrier. The treatment chamber
ate the heat directly onto each part,
always remains under vacuum and is
After carburizationing, the tele-
heating the “2D-charges” rapidly and
separated from the quench/loading
scopic loader returns the workpiece
homogeneously. The micro-alloyed
chamber by a pressure-tight door.
carrier with the carburized parts to
steel parts are carburized at high
the quench chamber. The chamber
temperatures above 1,000 °C without
The process
is flooded with quench gas (nitro-
undesired grain growth. Further-
The external handling system places
gen) to a maximum pressure of
more, the single layer charge pro-
single parts on the workpiece carrier
6 bar. The installed gas circulator
vides the possibility to control high
and transports it through the front
directs the gas flow over the parts
pressure gas quenching which is
opening in the quench chamber,
for rapid and homogeneous quench-
customized for various parts, shapes
which now serves as a loading
ing. Subsequently, the chamber is
and dimensions.
chamber. The chamber is evacuated
ventilated and the workpiece carrier
in order to remove unwanted oxygen.
containing the casehardened parts
The telescopic loader, integrated in
is transported out of the chamber.
The SyncroTherm plant consists of
the treatment chamber, proceeds
The handling system singularizes
a pressure-tight chamber in the front
to place the workpiece carrier into
the parts and transports them to
which serves primarily as quench
a vacant hot zone. In the hot zone
the respective stations for further
chamber as well as loading chamber.
the strong radiant heat rapidly and
Plant technology
Conventional production
One-Piece-Flow production
Heat treatment,
central hardening shop
Soft machining
Hard machining
Soft machining
Heat treatment
Hard machining
Everything under control
The SyncroTherm® Control concept
The vacuum heat treatment module ALD SyncroTherm®
is equipped with an easy to operate system to control,
monitor and document all processes.
SyncroTherm® Control
Plant control
Plant operation
The SyncroTherm® Control controls
The Siemens PLC manages all acti-
The control concept of the Vacuum
the vacuum heat treatment module
vities within the vacuum heat treat-
heat treatment module ALD Syncro-
ALD SyncroTherm . This data-base
ment module ALD SyncroTherm
Therm® is designed for high opera-
hosted by a PC system supports the
and controls temperature, pressure
ting safety standards and easy of ope-
following functions:
and gas flow. The plant is operated
ration. The recipe client provides
via touch panel which communicates
convenient recipe creation and batch
• plant control
with a host computer, installed in
management. Process relevant data
• operating modes of the plant
the switch cabinet. The host compu-
can be accessed and edited at all times.
• recipe creation and management
ter manages all documentation and
This saves time, prevent costs and
• data back up
secures the traceability of individual
contributes to quality management.
• load record generation
• alarm management
• machine parameters management
• touch-PC-solutions, integrated in
switch cabinet
Recipe client 2-n
Recipe client
• redundant PC solutions
• connection to several recipe clients
Siemens PLC
Service for
twenty-four-seven operation
The customer’s satisfaction is our highest priority.
We have set high quality standards for ourselves. In
addition to technical expertise, reliability, flexibility
and highest quality, ALD is offering high service
availability, creating a real added value.
Your reliable partner
Our service overview
Own & Operate
The ALD SyncroTherm® heat treat-
• supply of spare parts and
In the past decades, ALD has esta-
ment module is designed for a 24/7
blished long-term know-how in
operation. In order to guarantee
• repair service
vacuum heat treatment which is
smooth continuous operation, ALD
• service and inspection
applied in company-owned opera-
has set up a world-wide network
• modernization of plants (factory
ting corporations. The ALD Own &
of experienced specialists who
Operate GmbH, located in Germany,
offer universal service for the
• operator training
USA and Mexico, for example, offers
entire process chain. In addition to
• preventive maintenance
heat treatment services to the auto-
repairs, installations, preventive
• professional support in emergencies
motive and aviation industry as well
maintenance, hotline assistance and
as to other industries.
remote services are performed in a
highly professional manner. We have
established warehouses at strategically favorable locations, which store
original spare parts to reach each
ALD SyncroTherm® heat treatment
module fast and reliably.
Advantages at a glance
The vacuum heat treatment module ALD SyncroTherm® opens up entirely new perspectives for a
more effective and economic production of highquality parts. This new and unique technology
improves productivity and treatment quality – in
addition to high environmental compatibility.
Operating efficiency
• environmental-friendly process and plant technology
• more effective and efficient production
• dry quenching without the disposal of waste washing
• rapid hardening in the sequence of soft and hard
• no thermal exposure to the surrounding area of the
• reduced cycle times
• simplified logistics
• low energy and process gas consumption
• maximum availability
• high energy efficiency due to low thermal loss
• hard machining is reduced due to minimal part
• on-demand plant operation
• low noise emission (< 75 dB)
• easy maintenance within shortest time possible
• no CO2 emission
• 24/7 service
• clean working environment without oils, vapors and
• low consumption costs due to high energy efficiency
and small gas quantities
• compact, space saving heat treatment module
• individual processes, customized for various parts
• reduction of heat treatment distortion
• complete quality documentation for each load
• high reproducibility with easy process control
• optimal part surfaces
• high temperature uniformity
• high carburization uniformity on the part and in the
Technology at a glance
The vacuum heat treatment module ALD SyncroTherm®
can be precisely customized to production requirements. The most important technical data is listed
as follows:
Charge dimensions
Length 600 mm
Width 500 mm
Charge weight
Max. 50 kg (including workpiece carrier)
Max. temperature
Neutral hardening 1,250 °C
Number of hot zones
Max. quench pressure
6 (10) bar
Space requirement
Length 6 m
Cycle time / workpiece carrier
7.5 min
Width 4 m
Height 150 mm (including workpiece carrier)
Low pressure carburization 1,100 °C
Height 3.8 m
Integration of the vacuum heat treatment module ALD SyncroTherm® in the production line FELSOMAT Flexline®
Interested in more information?
We would be glad to provide details about efficiencies
and various advantages of the ALD SyncroTherm®
heat treatment module and integration of this system
into your production process. Please contact us!
ALD Vacuum Systems, Inc.
50477 Pontiac Trail
Wixom MI 48393
Phone: +1 248 956 7610
ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH
Phone +49 (0) 6181 307-0
Fax +49 (0) 6181 307-3260
ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH is represented in various countries worldwide.
You can find your corresponding representative office at
© appeal 111 408
63450 Hanau, GERMANY