SETON Sunday News - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
SETON Sunday News - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
XIV Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3, 2016 Year C Volume 2 Number 32 SETON Sunday News The Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - A Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Community 2 | The SETON Sunday News | Fourteenth Sunday, 07/03/16 BLESSED ARE WE WITH YOUR PRESENCE BENDECIDOS SOMOS CON SU PRESENCIA Let us bid welcome to our new Priests! Jesus’ Priests. Priests Missionaries of the Holy Spirit and Priests of the people. Priests who one day said to the Lord: “I will follow you wherever you take me”. And He has brought them to us to serve us with love, faith and hope. ¡Bienvenidos sean nuestros Sacerdotes! Sacerdotes de Jesús. Sacerdotes Misioneros del Espíritu Santos y Sacerdotes de la comunidad. Sacerdotes que un día le dijeron a Jesús: Te seguiré a donde quieras llevarme. Y él los ha traído hasta nosotros para servirnos con amor, esperanza y fe. Este es lo que queremos que ustedes sean para nosotros. Gracias por aceptar el venir a servir a esta comunidad y nosotros nos comprometemos a caminar juntos con ustedes. Sabemos que cada uno de ustedes trae sus talentos y dones para compartirlos con nosotros. Gracias por aceptar continuar la Misión de los Misioneros en nuestra comunidad y seguirnos impulsando a conocer más a Jesús y dejarnos transformar por él. Queremos formar el Pueblo Sacerdotal junto con ustedes. Deseamos crecer en santidad con ustedes; donde vayamos haciendo el proceso de santidad que Dios nos pide a cada uno. Sabemos que ustedes son hombres de Dios, que nos llevaran por esos caminos de crecimiento espiritual y del amor. Comprometernos en buscar caminos de mayor solidaridad con los más pobres y necesitados de nuestra comunidad. P. Gerardo, P. José, P, Armando sean bienvenidos a esta comunidad de Sta. Elizabeth Ann Seton que los recibe con los brazos abiertos y estamos ansiosos de conocerlos y llegar a tener una gran amistad con ustedes. Personal y Líderes de Sta. Elizabeth This is what we would like for you to mean to us. Thank you for accepting the task to come serve this community and we commit to journey with you. We are sure you each bring your own talents and gifts to be shared with all of us. Thank you for taking on the continuation of the mission of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit in our Parish: moving us to know Jesus better and let Him transform us. We want to build the priestly people together with you. We wish to grow in holiness with you; in such a way that we fulfill the process of holiness God has envisioned for each one of us. We know you are men of God, and you will lead us through roads of spiritual growth and love. We make a commitment to look for ways to be more solidary with the poor and needy around us. Fr. Gerardo, Fr. Jose, Fr. Armando, welcome to this community of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton who welcomes you with open arms, anxious to get to know you and establish a wonderful friendship. Staff and Leadership at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Administration Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S., Pastor Mario Rodriguez, M.Sp.S., Vicar Jose Ugalde, M.Sp.S., Vicar Armando Hernadez, M.Sp.S., Vicar Craig Lundberg, Deacon Shannon Everist, Pastoral Asst. for Administration Lori Lowery, Secretary FAITH FORMATION OFFICE Our Shared Vision Phone: 425-481-9358 Enliven Faith Embrace our Ethnicities Enhance Spirituality Monday thru Friday: 10am - 5pm TEAM Office Hours: Mon. - Thu. 9 am - 4:30 pm (Closed 12:30-1:30pm) Mass Times: Mon.-Sat. 9 am / Saturday vigil - 5:00 pm Sunday: 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm (Spanish) & 5 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday - 3:30 - 4:45 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mon — Fri, 10 am — 9 pm How to reach us: Phone: (425) 481-0303 Fax: (425) 485-8510 2316 180th St S.E., Bothell, WA 98012 P.O.Box 12429, Mill Creek, WA 98082 Web Site: www.easbothell.or g Facebook web link: Email: bulletin@easbothell.or g myParish app, St Elizabeth Ann Seton Officers and Councils The Pastoral Council Gerry Apin, Jenifer Arulnathan, Eduardo Cardona, Jean Dellino, Paul Gallagher, Bob Kennedy, Jim Krieger, Alice Paine The Leadership Team Jonald Alejandro, Ana May Apin, Rolfson Augustine, Shannon Everist, Marcia Gimenez, Heidi Gogal, Dc. Craig Lundberg, Steve Robinson The Finance Council Richard Carlson, Bill Dunnigan, Shannon Everist The Seton Sunday News Bulletin Fr. Gerardo Alberto, MSpS, publisher Marcia Gimenez, associate publisher Deacon Craig Lundberg, executive vice president Stephanie Moran, Faith Formation Director Stephanie Matheny, Administrative Assistant Rosamaría García, Bilingual Assistant Stephen Kramp, Life Teen Susie King, The Edge Index Calendar of Events Daily Readings Directory From Fr. Mario Happening… Intentional Disciples Pastor’s Corner Sección en Español Vocational Awareness Typology Welcome SCAN ME FOR MORE INFORMATION 8 8 11 7 10 4-5 3 6 8 9 2 Fourteenth Sunday, 07/03/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 3 Pastor’s Reflection B rothers and Sisters, when Jesus appointed seventy of his disciples to go on a mission, he gave them a vision of a vast field that is ready to be harvested for the kingdom of God. Jesus frequently used the image of a harvest to convey the coming of God's reign on earth. The harvest is the completion of much labor and growth, beginning with the sowing of seeds, then growth to maturity, and finally the harvest. In the same way the word of God is sown in the hearts of each one of us who hear his word, accept it with trust and obedience, and then share the abundant fruit of God's word to others. The harvest Jesus had in mind was not only the gathering in of the people of Israel, but all the peoples of the world. John the Evangelist tells us "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." What does Jesus mean when he says his disciples must be "lambs in the midst of wolves" ? This certainly refers to the second coming of the Lord Jesus when all will be united under the Lordship of Jesus I was born in El Salvador on September 5, 1959. I am the oldest of four, one sister and two brothers; one of my brothers is a diocesan priest in El Salvador. My father is still alive and my mother passed to the house of the Father five years ago. I moved to the United States when I was seventeen years old, ten years later I met the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit in Los Angeles, CA, where I lived since I moved to the States. I joined the Congregation of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit on July 3, 1988, that was the day I started a new adventure in my life. After three months of postulancy, I entered the novitiate, a formation stage of two years. In the novitiate I wanted to confirm God’s calling to consecrate my life in the Congregation of the Missionaries of the after he has put down his enemies and established the reign of God over the heavens and the earth. In the meantime, the disciples must expect opposition and persecution from those who would oppose the Gospel. Jesus came to lay down his life for us, as our sacrificial lamb, to be expiation for our sins and the sins of the world. We, in turn, must be willing to offer our lives with gratitude and service for our Savior Jesus Christ. What is the meaning of Jesus appointing seventy disciples to the ministry of the word? Seventy was a significant number in biblical times. Moses chose seventy elders to help him in the task of leading the people through the wilderness. The Jewish Sanhedrin, the governing council for the nation of Israel, was composed of seventy members. In Jesus' times seventy was held to be the number of nations throughout the world. Jesus commissioned the seventy to speak in his name and to act with his power. He gave his disciples instructions for how they were to carry out their ministry. They must go and serve as people without deceit, full of charity and peace. They must give their Holy Spirit. I made my first religious profession on August 11, 1990, a further step to reaffirm my vocation. In my profession I made my first commitment to Jesus to live poor, obedient and chaste. In September of the same year, I began the stage of philosophy, this stage was for 4 years, which opened new horizons in my life and strengthened my desire to belong to God. In 1995 I started the stage of ‘Efosa’ (internship), which was to live in a Parish community for one year, I was sent to Saint Martha Parish in Huntington Park. I began to live what they taught me in the novitiate and philosophy on the lifestyle of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit, this was a very cheerful dynamic stage; working in parish ministry also helped me to reaffirm my priestly vocation. Finally, the last stage of basic formation was the theological studies, which began in September 1996 at St. John Seminary in Camarillo California, a time of consolidation in my life in all areas. After finishing my theological training I was ordained a priest on August 12, 2000. full attention to the proclamation of God's kingdom. They must travel with only what was essential, in order to concentrate on the task of speaking the word of the God. They must do their work, freely to others, without expecting any payment. Jesus wants his disciples to be dependent on him and not on themselves. Jesus makes it clear that the true source of our joy is God, and God alone. Jesus assures his disciples that he has all power over evil, including the power of Satan and the evil spirits. In fact, that is why Jesus came into the world: to overthrow the evil one. We, as disciples of Jesus, have been given spiritual authority and power for overcoming the works of darkness and evil. God gives us his lifegiving word that we may have abundant life in him. Jesus wills to work in each of us for his glory. God shares his word with us and he commands us to speak it confidently and plainly to others. Brothers and Sisters, are we ready to witness the truth and joy of the Gospel by word and example to those around us? Fr. Jose Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S In 2000, I started my priestly ministry in the community of Saint Matthew’s Parish in Hillsboro, OR. In 2004, I was assigned as Superior and Rector of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit theology house in Oxnard California, and for three years this theology community was at South Bend, Indiana. In 2011, I was assigned to the House of Studies in Mount Angel Oregon, as Superior and Rector of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit House of Studies. In 2016, I was assigned to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s parish, in Bothell Washington, as Superior and Pastor of this parish Community. I tend to respond to each of the previous assignments with faith and trust in God, and I assure you that this is not different in any way. I come to Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton’s community with great enthusiasm, faith, and trust that God wants me here for a reason, and that He will guide me in the process. I rely on your prayers and support in order for me to do the will of God at its best in this community. Fr. José Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S. 4 | The SETON Sunday News | Fourteenth Sunday, 07/03/16 enseñaron en el noviciado y la filosofía sobre el estilo de vida de los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo, esto fue una etapa dinámica Nací en El Salvador el 5 de muy alegre; trabajando en el ministerio parroquial, también me septiembre de 1959. Soy el mayor ayudó a reafirmar mi vocación sacerdotal. de cuatro hermanos, una hermana y dos hermanos; uno de mis Finalmente, la última etapa de la formación básica era los hermanos es un sacerdote estudios teológicos, que comenzó en septiembre de 1996 en San diocesano en El Salvador. Mi padre Juan Seminario en Camarillo California, un tiempo de sigue vivo y mi madre pasó a la consolidación en mi vida en todos los ámbitos. Después de casa del Padre hace cinco años. Me terminar mi formación teológica fui ordenado sacerdote el 12 de mudé a los Estados Unidos cuando agosto de 2000. tenía diecisiete años, diez años más En el 2000, empecé mi ministerio sacerdotal en la tarde me encontré con los comunidad de la parroquia de San Mateo. Misioneros del Espíritu Santo en En 2004, me asignaron como Superior y Rector del Los Ángeles, CA, donde vivía Teologado de Oxnard, California, y durante tres años esta desde que me mudé a los Estados Unidos. comunidad se mudó a South Bend, Indiana. En el 2011, fui Me uní a la Congregación de los Misioneros del Espíritu asignado a la Casa de Estudios en Monte Ángel Oregon, como Santo el 3 de julio de 1988, que fue el día en que empecé una Superior y Rector de la Casa de Estudios de los Misioneros del nueva aventura en mi vida. Después de tres meses de Espíritu Santo. postulantado, entré al noviciado, una etapa de formación de dos años. En el noviciado quería confirmar el llamado de Dios para En 2016, fui asignado a la parroquia de Santa Elizabeth Ann consagrar mi vida en la Congregación de los Misioneros del Seton, en Bothell Washington, como Superior de la comunidad y Espíritu Santo. Hice mi primera profesión religiosa el 11 de Párroco de esta parroquia. Tiendo a responder a cada una de las agosto de 1990, un paso más para reafirmar mi vocación. En mi asignaciones anteriores con fe y confianza en Dios, y les aseguro profesión hice mi primer compromiso con Jesús para vivir pobre, que esto no es diferente de ninguna manera. Vengo a la obediente y casto. En septiembre del mismo año, empecé la comunidad de Santa Elizabeth Ann Seton con gran entusiasmo, etapa de la filosofía, esta etapa fue de 4 años, que abrieron la fe y la confianza de que Dios me quiere aquí por una razón, y nuevos horizontes en mi vida y fortaleció mi deseo de pertenecer que Él me guiará en el proceso. Me apoyo en sus oraciones y apoyo para realizar esta hermosa tarea buscando hacer la a Dios. voluntad de Dios en todo momento en esta comunidad. En 1995 empecé la etapa de 'Efosa' (prácticas), lo que era vivir en una comunidad parroquial por un año, fui enviado a P. José Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S. Santa Marta en Huntington Park. Empecé a vivir lo que me Soy el P. José Ugalde, originario de Tarandacuao, Guanajuato y el primero de ocho hermanos. La mayoría de ellos viven en Rogers, Arkansas, dos hermanas en México y un hermano en Santa María, California. Mi papá, Jesús Ugalde, falleció hace tres años. Mi mamá radica en Rogers, Arkansas con mi hermana menor. Hice mis estudios de formación sacerdotal en California y Oregón, y fui ordenado sacerdote en mi pueblo el 10 de enero del 2009. Muchos de ustedes ya me conocen. Estuve en esta parroquia por cinco años, del 2007 al 2012. Llegué como hermano, y al año fui ordenado diácono. Cuatro meses después fui ordenado sacerdote. Fue para mí una experiencia muy bonita y significativa compartir la fe con ustedes en las alegrías y en las tristezas. En el 2012, fui asignado vicario parroquial en la parroquia de San Mateo en Hillsboro, Oregón. Serví allí por tres años y el año pasado me asignaron de Promotor Vocacional en la Casa del Noviciado en Long Beach, California. Ahora regreso de nuevo a esta comunidad de Santa Elizabeth Ann Seton. Me siento muy contento de volver con la familia que me vio crecer como hermano, diácono y sacerdote. Regreso con la misión de caminar juntos en la fe y juntos trabajar en los proyectos que el Espíritu Santo nos pide a todos los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo: fomentar en la comunidad parroquial la Espiritualidad de la Cruz y las vocaciones a la vida religiosa y sacerdotal. Nos encomendamos a sus valiosas oraciones, y tengan la seguridad de mi oración diaria por ustedes. Agradezco mucho su cariño y su apoyo. Bendiciones. Fourteenth Sunday, 07/03/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 5 Fr. Armando Hernandez, MSpS Padre Armando Hernández, MSpS. I’m a Missionary of the Holy Spirit. On June 10th 2001, I started my Postulancy Stage and later on January the 3rd, 2004 I Professed my Religious Vows. I remember that on the day I received My First Communion I received the Call to serve in the Church as a Priest. I was born in Lerdo, Durango, Mexico, on May 7. My Parents are Francisca and Leoncio (my Dad died 15 years ago). I have two sisters, Angelica and Norma. When I was 8 years old I studied drama and singing in Mexico. Later I was a High School Drama teacher in Mexico. I like to paint and enjoy to play guitar. I concluded my studies as an Accountant. Later, I started my carrier studying Graphic design at Autonomous University of Baja California in Mexicali, B.C. Later, I felt a strong desire to serve God and His Church. In May 2009 I concluded my College studies at Mount Angel Seminary and graduated on May 13, 2009 with a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies. From 20092011 I worked for two years in my pastoral internship here at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish. I studied Theology at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana and Mount Angel Seminary in OR. On September 19th, 2015, I was ordained a Priest here at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Bothell, WA. I love to serve people and to share with them what I learned from Jesus: to be compassionate and to have a spirit of solidarity and mercy with all. I hope that my experience as a Priest here in this parish can be helpful for you and your family members. Also I want to thank you for your prayers, especially for vocations to the religious life and to the Priesthood. May God Bless you. Soy Misionero del Espíritu Santo. El 10 de Junio del 2001 ingresé a la Congregación y el 3 de Enero del 2004 hice mi Profesión Religiosa. Recuerdo que el día que hice mi primera comunión nació mi llamado al Sacerdocio. Nací en Lerdo, Durango, el 7 de Mayo. Soy hijo de Francisca y Leoncio (fallecido). Tengo 2 hermanas Angélica, madre de 4 hijos y Norma. Desde los 8 años estudié teatro y canto en México. En 1987, fui maestro de Teatro en la Escuela Preparatoria de la UJED plantel Lerdo. En 1990, terminé la carrera de Contabilidad. Luego estudié Diseño Gráfico en Mexicali, B.C. Donde después de un tiempo inició una sed por servir a Dios y a su Iglesia. Soy pintor de Arte; también me gusta escribir iconos y tocar guitarra. En Mayo del 2009 terminé mis estudios de Filosofía en el Seminario de Mount Angel Oregon. Realicé mi etapa de Servicio Pastoral del 2009-2011 en esta Comunidad de “Santa Elizabeth Ann Seton”. Estudié Teología en la Universidad de Notre Dame, en South Bend Indiana y concluí dichos estudios en Mount Angel, Oregon. Fui Ordenado Sacerdote en esta Parroquia de “Santa Elizabeth también el 19 de Septiembre del 2015. Me entusiasma el servicio y compartir con las personas lo que aprendí de Jesús: a ser compasivo y tener un espíritu de solidaridad y misericordia con todos. Deseo que mi experiencia de Sacerdocio aquí en Santa. Elizabeth sea de gran ayuda para ustedes. Y agradezco que sigan pidiendo por mi Sacerdocio y por todos los que han sido llamados a abrazar esta hermosa vocación al Sacerdocio y a la Vida Religiosa. Dios les Bendiga. I am Fr. Jose Ugalde, born in Tarandacuao, Guanajuato, Mexico. I am the oldest of eight siblings: five brothers and three sisters. Three brothers, a sister, and my mom live in Rogers, Arkansas; two sisters live in Mexico and one brother in Santa Maria, California. My father Jesus Ugalde passed away three years ago. I went for my priestly formation to John´s Seminary in Camarillo, California and to the Benedictine Abbey in Mount Angel, Oregon and was ordained priest in Mexico on January 10, 2009. Many of you know me. I came as a brother to this parish of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in 2007. A year later I was ordained deacon, and then four months later I was ordained a priest in my hometown, Tarandacuao, Gto. Being in this parish for five years was a beautiful and meaningful experience, sharing my faith with you in moments of joy and sorrow. In 2012 I was assigned Associate Pastor at St. Matthew’s parish in Hillsboro, Oregon, where I served that community for three years. Last year, I was assigned Vocation Director for our Province and lived in Long Beach, California. Now I am coming back home to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. I feel very happy to come back to the family that saw me grow as brother, deacon, and priest. I am coming back with a mission, the mission that the Holy Spirit is giving to all Missionaries of the Holy Spirit: to promote in the parish the Spirituality of the Cross and the vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Please, pray for us, and thank you for your love and support. Many blessings to all of you. 6 | The SETON Sunday News | Fourteenth Sunday, 07/03/16 SECCION en Español Hermanos y hermanas, Cuando Jesús llamó a setenta de sus discípulos para ir a la misión, les dio la visión de un vasto campo que está listo para ser cosechado para el reino de Dios. Jesús utiliza con frecuencia la imagen de una cosecha para transmitir la venida del reino de Dios en la tierra. La cosecha es la finalización de muchas manos en la obra y el crecimiento, que comienza con la siembra de semillas, el crecimiento hasta la madurez, y finalmente la cosecha. personas sin engaño, llenos de amor y de paz. Ellos deben dedicarse a la proclamación del reino de Dios. Ellos deben viajar sólo con lo esencial, con el fin de concentrarse en la tarea de transmitir la palabra de Dios. Ellos deben hacer su trabajo, gratuitamente para los demás, sin esperar pago. Jesús quiere que sus discípulos se apoyen en Él y no en sí mismos. Jesús deja claro que la verdadera fuente de nuestra alegría es Dios, y sólo Dios. Jesús asegura a sus discípulos que él tiene todo el poder sobre el mal, incluyendo sobre Satanás y los espíritus malignos. De hecho, es por eso que Jesús vino al mundo: para derrocar al maligno. Nosotros, como discípulos de Jesús, hemos recibido la autoridad espiritual y el poder ¿Cuál es el significado de que Jesús nombra a setenta discípulos para el para superar las obras de las tinieblas y del ministerio de la palabra? Setenta er a un mal. número significativo en los tiempos Dios nos da vida a través de su palabra bíblicos. Moisés escogió setenta ancianos para que tengamos vida abundante en él. para que le ayudaran en la tarea de Jesús quiere trabajar en cada uno de conducir al pueblo a través del desierto. El nosotros para su gloria. Dios comparte su Sanedrín, el consejo de gobierno de la palabra con nosotros y nos manda a hablar nación de Israel, se compone de setenta con confianza y claridad a los demás. miembros. En tiempos de Jesús setenta se Hermanos y hermanas, ¿estamos entendía como el número de naciones, o preparados para ser testigos de la pueblos, en todo el mundo. Jesús envió a verdad y la alegría del Evangelio con la los setenta a hablar en su nombre y para palabra y ejemplo para los que nos actuar con su poder. rodean? ¿Qué quiere decir Jesús cuando dice a sus discípulos que deben ser "corderos en medio de lobos"? Esto sin duda se refiere a la segunda venida del Señor Jesús cuando todos se unirán bajo el señorío de Jesús después de que haya derrotado a sus enemigos y establezca el reino de Dios sobre los cielos y la tierra. Mientras tanto, los discípulos deben esperar oposición y la persecución de aquellos que se oponen al Evangelio. Jesús vino a dar su vida por nosotros, como nuestro cordero de sacrificio, para expiar nuestros pecados y los pecados del mundo. Nosotros, a su vez, debemos estar dispuestos a ofrecer nuestra vida con gratitud en el servicio a nuestro Salvador Jesucristo. De la misma manera la palabra de Dios se siembra en los corazones de cada uno de nosotros que escuchamos su palabra, la aceptamos con confianza y obediencia, y luego compartimos el fruto abundante de la palabra de Dios a los demás. La cosecha que Jesús tenía en mente no sólo fue reunir al pueblo de Israel, sino a todos los pueblos del mundo. Juan el Evangelista nos dice que "Dios amó tanto al mundo que dio a su Él dio instrucciones a sus discípulos Hijo único, para que todo aquel que en él sobre la forma en que debían llevar a cabo cree no se pierda, sino que tenga vida su ministerio. Tienen que ir a servir a las eterna". El papa Francisco ha reconocido las "virtudes hePablo nació el 25 de septiembre roicas", primer paso para La beatificación, del P. Pablo María Guzmán Figueroa, MSpS. El P. de 1897 en Cuanamuco, estado de Guanajuato, en México y murió el 17 de febrero de 1967, en Ciudad de México. El 20 de noviembre de 1936 fundó la Congregación de Misioneras Eucarísticas de la Santísima Trinidad (MESST). P. José Gerardo Alberto, MSpS Ya estamos recibiendo inscripciones par a clases de Catecismo en todos los niveles. Llene la forma que se encuentra en el Vestíbulo y entréguela en la Oficina de Formación en la Fe. Todos deben llenar una nueva forma, aunque sea el segundo año que asistan a clases.. Listas para recogerse están las fotos y los DVD de la Primera Comunión y Confirmación. Pueden buscarlos en la Oficina de Formación en la Fe de lunes a Viernes de 10am a 5pm. 9 y 10 de julio St. Bernardette, Burien Cuota por pareja $100 Interesados, comunicarse con Laura Esparza: 425-350-0853 Polo Esparza: 425-268-1954 Fourteenth Sunday, 07/03/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 7 Jesus has done it All —————Fr. Mario Rodriguez, MSpS————— This is the statement that flows and moves from the bottom of my heart: “Jesus has done it all.” Fr. Felix used this expression as the title for one of his letters in which he talked about the history of the Congregation of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit. Fr. Felix could clearly see the action of God in our history; Jesus had helped us and given us the necessary graces for the Congregation to exist and develop. Amidst a sea of difficulties, the Congregation had been able to move forward, thanks to Jesus’ Divine intervention. My life and your life are also Divine interventions. We’ve had many successes and many happy times in our lives. We have grown and reached places we couldn’t imagine. We have avoided unexpected situations and dangers. We’ve had many moments of triumph and success. We have become great. And Jesus has been constantly present in our lives, and has been acting in our lives. And it is Jesus Himself who has taken us to these heights, and we know it! But now there can be a new beginning in our spiritual lives. This can be the moment to acknowledge that JESUS HAS DONE IT ALL. That in him we acknowledge the giver of all graces. Jesus is the source and goal of our whole life. Now, as Catholics, it is our turn to acknowledge that JESUS HAS DONE IT ALL in our lives, and we have just been unprofitable servants (Lk 17:10) who have just been led by Him. Jesus has called us to be co-sharers in His salvific mission and we have just allowed ourselves to be led by the Holy Spirit. Jesus has done it all in our parish, in our families and our personal life. I invite you to start looking at your life from the point of view of Jesus’ actions, and not from the perspective of your own achievements. In the end, all we need to say to the Lord is: “Increase our faith.” (Lk 17:5) so we can discover that YOU have done it all in our lives. Jesus lo ha hecho Todo Esta es la frase que ha estado brotando y moviéndose en el fondo de mi corazón: “Jesús lo ha hecho todo”. Esa es la frase que el P. Félix utilizaba para titular una de sus cartas donde nos expresaba la historia de la congregación de Misioneros del Espíritu Santo. El P. Félix descubría el actuar claro de Dios en nuestra historia; Jesús había ayudado y dado las gracias necesarias para que la Congregación existiera y se desarrollara. En medio de todas las dificultades tenidas se había salido adelante, gracias a la intervención divina de Jesús. Mi vida y tu vida son también intervenciones divinas. Hemos tenido muchos éxitos y muchos momentos felices en nuestras vidas. Hemos crecido y llegado a lugares que no imaginábamos. Nos hemos vistos librados de situaciones y peligros inesperados. Hemos tenido muchos momentos de éxito y de triunfo. Hemos llegado a ser grandes. Y Jesús ha estado muy presente en nuestras vidas y Él ha estado actuando en ellas. Y Jesús es quien nos ha impulsado y llevado a esas alturas ¡Y lo sabemos! Pero ahora en nuestra vida puede iniciar un nuevo momento en nuestra vida espiritual. Puede ser el tiempo de reconocer que JESUS LO HA HECHO TODO. Que en Él reconocemos al dador de todas las gracias. Jesús es la fuente y la meta de toda nuestra existencia. Ahora como católicos nos toca empezar a reconocer que JESUS LO HA HECHO TODO en nuestras vidas y que nosotros sólo hemos sido siervos inútiles (Lc 17, 10.) que se han dejado guiar por ÉL. Jesús nos ha llamado a ser copartícipes de su misión salvadora y nosotros sólo nos hemos dejado llevar por su Espíritu. Jesús lo ha hecho todo en nuestra parroquia, en nuestras familias y en nuestra vida personal. Te invito a que empieces a ver tu vida desde la actuación de Jesús y no desde tus propios logros. Al final lo que tenemos que decirle al Señor es: “Auméntanos la fe” (Lc 17, 5) para poder descubrir que TÚ eres quien ha hecho todo en nuestra vida. 8 | The SETON Sunday News | Fourteenth Sunday, 07/03/16 A WAITING HARVEST Vocation Awareness PADRE SERRA SAYS: “Lifestyles” and “Prayer Styles” of sisters and brothers in “community” are described by the National Coalition for Church Vocations as follows: Personal choice within the specific spirit and custom of a community encourages a great deal of creative, thoughtful and prayerful decision-making about how sisters and brothers live and grow holy. Again, community is a frame of reference. Some people find living in a traditional convent or a very large community house best suited to them and to their current ministry or apostolate. Others are drawn to small-group living, perhaps in a small home or apartment. For still others, the decision must be to live alone — and yet to be very community-oriented during this interim. Basically, it’s not really where you live, but why and how you do it. That’s true about praying, too. Everybody does it, but there are many different ways in which we can relate to God. The community helps here, too. Sisters and brothers pray — frequently within very ancient traditions of prayer, constantly finding new ways of keeping in close touch with God. Individually, they have their special ways of being with God, listening to Him and responding to His love. The variety of lifestyles and prayer forms evident in the so called “active” communities is also apparent in contemplative groups of religious. Men and women attracted to contemplative life learn from the great prayers of the past even as they explore new forms of contemplative prayer and contemplative living. This vocation is a particularly precious gift to contemporary society and culture. Among some contemplatives there is renewed interest in “hermitages.” Through this kind of life some are finding, in greater isolation and solitude, an even more intense form of spiritual life. Serra for priestly and religious vocations 13TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Monday July 4 Independence Day, Office Closed Tuesday July 5 Rosary for Life 12noon Church Adoration/Bible Study 7pm Chapel AA 6:30pm St. 1 SacraMentors 7pm St. 2 Knights of Columbus 7pm St. 7 Thursday July 7 Luz y Vida—Gpo de Oración 7pm Seton House Holy Hour for Vocations 7pm Church Grupo de Jóvenes 7pm Youth Room Guadalupe Committe 7pm St. 4 Simbang Gabi 7pm St. 7 8am St. 6 Friday July 8 Saturday July 9 SacraMentors The Readings this week: This week please pray for Louis Cunningham St. Anthony Church, Renton Theology II— Mundelein Seminary For information on becoming a Religious Priest Missionary of the Holy Spirit or a Diocesan Priest contact one of the following people: Serra Club: Arthur Adams Youth Minister: Stephen Kramp Priests: Fr. Roberto Saldivar, M.Sp.S. Fr. Mario Rodriguez, M.Sp.S. Fourteenth Sunday, 07/03/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 9 Y o u t h Section Ty p o l o g y 10 | The SETON Sunday News | Fourteenth Sunday, 07/03/16 HAPPENING Here and elsewhere Volunteers needed for Mother Seton Ministries We are a group of ladies that meet @ 8:00 Friday mornings to straighten pews and when necessary put inserts in the bulletins. We usually finish the pews by 9:00 am and therefore are able to attend the Mass. If we have bulletins to stuff, we do it immediately following the Mass and usually finish by 10:30. On occasion we could use a substitute when one of us is unavailable for whatever reason. If you would be interested in helping on a regular basis or as an occasional volunteer please contact the office; Thank you. SEAS PRO-LIFE: Rosary for Life will be prayed every Tuesday at 12 pm during the summer months in the church. You are all welcome to join us! Are you a man suffering from the loss of a child through abortion? If so, your healing can begin today. Please visit Stop regretting, and start hoping. Nimble Fingers Is a group of women who share their different talents on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from September to June. We work on projects that we donate to different organizations. It is always a pleasure seeing the many talents of everyone. Wednesday July 13th at 11:30 (to avoid the noon rush) we will be going to lunch at: China City Restaurant at 15402 Main Street in Mill Creek. Everyone is welcome to join us at lunch and hopefully join our fun group. If you would like to knit but don’t know how; Jacqueline enjoys teaching or just come and share your talents with us. Are you looking for low-cost, family fun that will impact eternity? Then join us at the Rally Round 4 UltraSound at Fort Steilacoom Park, Lakewood, Washington on FRIDAY AUG 12 and/or SATURDAY AUG 13 to support Events include bike rides of 21 & 42 miles; 5K, 10K & Half-Marathons Races & Walks; a Motorcycle Rally; a Family Fun Festival; and The World’s Largest Squirt Gun Fight. Volunteers needed, please contact Steve Robinson Your parish is here to assist you and your family as you go through difficult transitions and losses. Don’t hesitate to call on us for support and assistance. Help us do what Pope Francis asks of us “to become involved by word and deed in people’s daily lives’ and be ‘supportive, standing by people every step of the way.’ (The Joy of the Gospel) Information in the narthex: In today’s Gospel Jesus sent “messengers on ahead of Him.” (Luke 9:52) To be the messengers of God, we must know well what it is God wants to say and do through us, as he sends us out to bring his love to others. In the first half of June, you were the “messenger of God” in bringing hope to the poor. Your gifts enabled the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to assist ten families with food, with utility and rent bills, and with other needs. On behalf of Catholic Daughters of the Americas we would like to thank you for your support at our recent Bake Sale. We appreciate the contributions you have made this past year as it enabled us to donate financially to the following charities: Smile Train, Tutwiler, Pregnancy Aid, 4US, Gabriel Project and St. Vincent de Paul. See you in September when fall arrives and we commence another successful year. CDA Registration is now open for all Faith For mation Programs. Registration is required for all children and Youth seeking a Sacrament, even if this is their Second year of Formation. Registration Forms can be found in the Vestibule, the Faith Formation Office and online. Confirmation photos and First Communion photos/DVDs are in. You can pick them up in the RE office Monday – Friday 10am to 5pm. If you need to arrange for another time please call the RE office at 425-481-9358. EDGE, Middle School: July 11-15- Transformers Service Day Camp for all middle school youth. Permission slips for both these activities can be found in the RE office or on the website. For more information, call Susie King 425-481-9358 x34 Fourteenth Sunday, 07/03/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 11 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES Counseling 425-257-2111 or 888-240-8572 MINISTRIES & GROUPS Alpha, Steve Robinson Altar Servers, Jane Baer and Veronica Cardona Apostleship of the Cross, Vicki Leone Coffee & Donuts, Kelly Cooley EMEs Ana May Apin and Amelia Carver Environment Team, Claudia Galindo Funeral Committee, Pat Maurer Guadalupe Committee, Claudia Galindo Homebound Ministers, Marianne Iwamoto Home Visitation/Peer Counseling, Joan Kluck Lectors, Nicolette Gagner and Elvira Hernandez Linens, Linda Brownfield Min. of Hospitality, Doug Portello and Graciela Chagoya Music Coordinator, Kathy Egashira Pastoral Council, Paul Gallagher/Gerry Apin Pro-Life Ministry, Karen Salvati Sacramentors, Scott Occhiuto Simbang Gabi, Gerry Apin Stavros, Jim Krieger Vine Moms group, Erin Robinson Women’s Fellowship, Mary Christie Young Adult Group, Roberto Martinez COLLABORATORS IN MINISTRY Cascade Serra Club, Ken Christie Catholic Daughters, Lois Raske Knights of Columbus, Chris Harvill St. Vincent de Paul 425-355-3504 Connect to St Elizabeth Ann Seton Church through myParish App (for I-Phone and Android) Want to listen to Sunday’s homily? Download the App! Please keep the sick among us in your prayers, especially: Mina Amlag Salvador Andrada Roberta Autron Tom Bender Jane Bentley Shawna Boger Eulalia Castillo Ruth Carpizo Ed Crull Billie Dougherty Anna Epps Fran Fielden Marjorie Frye Vanessa Griffith Dee Holiday-Osborne Rosemary Jesmer Helen Johnston Patricia Kramer Jennie Leyva Patti Means Marie Milne Shirley Muntz Yolanda Noblezada Teresa Paris Ritzy Rafer Floyd Roderick Joyce Rosas Florentine Ruhland Benita Schumacher Jim Schumacher Leticia Solorzano Fran Sphung Adrienne Steuer Harry St Nicholas Francis Sullivan Richard Totorica Barb West Tami Wyatt May God the Father bless you, God the Son heal you and God the Holy Spirit comfort you. Amen. PHONE/EMAIL DIRECTORY Staff and Clergy Alberto, Fr. Gerardo 425-481-0303 Everist, Shannon 425-481-0303 ext.24 Garcia, Rosamaria 425-481-9358 ext.29 Hernandez, Fr. Armando 425-481-0303 King, Susie 425-481-9358 ext.34 Kramp, Stephen 425-481-9358 ext.26 Lowery, Lori 425-481-0303 ext.21 Lundberg, Dn. Craig 425-481-0303 ext.25 Matheny, Stephanie 425-481-9358 ext.31 Moran, Stephanie 425-481-9358 ext.28 Rodriguez, Fr. Mario 425-481-0303 ext.23 Ugalde, Fr. Jose 425-41-0303 Ministries and groups Adams, Arthur Alejandro, Jon Apin, Ana May Apin, Gerry Arulnathan, Jenifer Augustine, Rolfson Auroux, Jacqueline Baer, Jane Brownfield, Linda Cardona, Eduardo Cardona, Veronica Carver, Amelia Chagoya, Graciela Christie, Ken Christie, Mary Cooley, Kelly Dellino, Jean Egashira, Kathy Galindo, Claudia Gagner, Nicolette Gallagher, Paul Gimenez, Marcia Gogal, Heidi Harvill, Chris Hernandez, Elvira Iwamoto, Marianne Kennedy, Robert Kluck, Joan Krieger, Jim Leone, Vicki Martinez, Roberto Maurer, Pat Occhiuto, Scott Paine, Alice Portello, Doug Raske, Lois Robinson, Erin Robinson, Steve Salvati, Karen 425-948-7635 425-487-3432 425-741-2007 425-741-2007 425-488-3264 425-420-4406 425-585-0303 425-357-1037 360-863-3750 425-212-8053 425-212-7864 425-745-1436 425-770-0680 425-776-3967 425-776-3967 425-239-5665 425-337-3182 206-214-5884 425-315-5151 425-481-7022 425-338-1268 206-819-6952 425-337-1028 360-348-0793 425-876-9986 425-385-8694 425-418-1636 425-337-9928 425-770-0361 425-870-0940 425-971-3104 425-931-9330 425-308-0888 425-418-4925 425-530-1846 206-999-8176 425-422-9881 425-422-8860 425-327-8700 A Call to Share… Saturday 5pm 9 am 11 am 1 pm 5 pm $3,276.00 $3,977.00 $2,911.16 $1,948.00 $2,918.00 Children’s Envelopes $139.00 EFT Contributions $3,523.75 Mid Week $2,832.00 Total Offering $21,524.91 Thank you... Patty McGoorty, CPA Parishioner Our bulletin is published at no cost to the parish as it is supported by the ads on the back. Please consider using our advertisers’ services and tell them you saw their ad in our bulletin.