) )' SKEE BALL s srr \t" 1l srl \ lconicGome Foctory Celebrotes 100 Yeorsof thePopulor AlleyBowler A Skee-Ball Gentennial kee-Ballis a timeless gameso it comesas no surprisethat the classic arcadepieceis celebrating its I 00thbirthdaythis year. The ubiquitouspresence of alley gameshas,in fact, transformedthe phraseSkee-Ball into a kind of culturalshorthandfor the entirefamily entertainmentindustry. To celebratethis landmark anniversary,the factory will releasea limited,collector's editionofits signature attraction,a gamethat looks on the outsideidenticalto what you might havefound on locationin the 1930s while feafuringthe factory's latest,state-of-the-arttechnologyunderthe hood. Skee-Ball,which was first patentedin 1909,is now in the reliablehandsof former financialexecJoeSladekand his family. However,the companylineageremainsintact,going back in a direct line to thegame'screatorJ.D. Esteson throughto Wurlitzer andthe PhiladelphiaTobogganCompany,which continuesto do businesswithin five miles of the currentSkee-Ball plant in Chalfont,Pa.,near Philadelphia. "Skee.Ballwasfun 100 yearsago,and it's fun today, andGodwilling it will be tun 100yearsfiom now," said CEO Sladekin an exclusive interviewwith RePlay. ".We aredoing businessaswe always havq.Skee-Ballthe gameand Skee-Ballthe company,aswell asthe entireredemptionsideof the gameindustry,hasbuilt a stronglegacy. The economymay be toughright now, but we are iust in neutralfor the mo- ment.We aregoing to go on and on." Sladekboughtthe company in 1985from the family that first startedmaking SkeeBall gunes."Thereis a direct lineagethat hasbeenbenta little bit but hasneverbeen broken,"he explained. Philadelphia Toboggan built carousels androller coastersandbeganmaking Skee-Ballalleysasa way to diversifl,theirbusiness, explainedSladek.By thetime he camelookingfor a businessin his nativePhiladelphiaarea, theywerereadyto sellthatdivisionof the company.Until themid-1980s, Sladekspent his careerworking in finance. includinga long-stintasa veteranwith PriceWaterhouse. "ln 1985,I wasvicepresidentoffinanceofa publish- ing companyin New York City, but my family was from Philadelphiaand I wantedto comebackto Philadelphia." So Sladekbeganlooking aroundfor opportunitiesin his nativecity and quickly learnedthat Skee-Ballwas on the market. "I said,'Heck I usedto play Skee-Ballas a kid down on theJerseyshore,"'Sladek recalled."I wasjust looking to go into a businessthat we couldbuild, andwhen we got to a certainsize,we would haveto makea decisionabout whetherto sell it off or not. That neverhappened.It was too much fun." Skee-Ball Today Sladekis joined todayat Skee-Ballby two of his three iloyember 2OO9 . RePloyMogozine. Page 99 L o fl o L o t 0 (J The Skee-Ballproduction staff gatheredon the factoryfloor by a recentexampleof their handiwork,a bank of classicSkee-Ba//allevs, Skee-Ball's MichaelSladekand CathyLengele head up purchasing. The factoryremainscommittedto new productdevelopmentfrom the engineering staff (leftto right):Matt Evinger,Scott Smithand Mike pantalone. kids, Eilleen,who handles marketing,andMichaelin sales.In management, the Sladeksalsowork handin glove with companypresident Jeff Hudson,who joined the firm in the early '90s when Skee-Ballboughtthe company wherehe was thenemployed,Vari-Tech. The Michigangamecompany that helped develop gamesandoperateredempparksalso tion in amusement Page lOO. brought severalother industry veteransto Skee-Ball,including ReggieMoultrie and Tom and Mark Kane. Hudsonhasan amusement park backgroundsttetching backto the very beginningof his careierwhen he started working at Six Flagsasa collegestudent.Sincethen,he hasdone consultingwork and beeninvolvedin sellingthe redemptionconceptto various themeparks throughout RePloyMogozineo ilouember 2OO9 Europe beforeassuming the duties aspresidentof Skee-Ball. In additionto the iconic alley bowler, Skee-Ballis al.waysbusy developinga wide rangeof noveltyredemption games.Earlierthis year,they launcheda mini versionof Skee-Ball calledSkee-Daddle. Moreover,the companycurrently offersa broadcatalog that includeseverything from unique skill stop gameslike Spin-N-ltin ard Tower of Powerto thenew quickcoin attractionSuper2I andthe sportsgameSuperShot. This month,in additionto the specialretro collector's edition.Skee-Ballwill also launchthe latestupgradeto its classiccommercialalley bowler."This new game.really addresses all the operational andaestheticissues raisedby operators,"said Hudson."I think our customerswill be very plegsed. It's a rebirthofthe classic Skee-Ballalley;' As a company,Skee-Ball oftenfinds itself in competition with its own products,all ofwhich aredesignedto have a long-eaminglife, supported o c ( o l| 9 c rt ( by nearly unlimited factory serviceandpartsavailability. because "In many instances, of the quality and becausewe keep offering parts,many of thosegamesare out there for more than 20 years," noted Hudson. The producthas also spawnedmany competitors that attempt to emulatethe winning formula, which by sheerlongevity has also seen someof its intellectualproperty protection go by the wayside.However,SkeeBall maintainsa strongportfolio ofpatents and trademarks and often finds itself fighting illegal copies,especially overseas. At the executivelevel, both Sladekand Hudsonare deeply involved at every level of the company'soperations. "We keepour handson just abouteverythingthat is going on insidethesedoors.including productdevelopment, customerservice,sales,financial, shipping,etc.,"elaborated Hudson."Joe andI both handlesaleswith our major customersaroundthe world. We've both learnedto sleep well on airplanes." Internationally,Skee-Ball is represented in all the major countriesaroundthe world with distributorsrepresenting factory-producedproduct in Ewope and the Middle East. In Russiaand the Far East, Skee-Ballhasdevelopedlicenseagreementswith exclusiveparbrers.Theseagree- Skee-Ball'soffice staff, from left:Joann Lowrey,EilleenGrahamand Wende Foss. in arcadesaroundthe Skee-Ball hasbecomean iconicoresence worldbecause theplayappealof theclassicalleybowleris universal. Nowonderthegamehassurvived andthrivedfora century! mentsallow thosefirms to make Skee-Ball-branded product, which turns out to be more economicalthan tying to ship machinesinto those territories. Accordingto Sladek,' Skee-Ballis a globalbrand recognizableby many different cultures."I haveseenpeople play Skee-Bal I in Gorkey Park and all over South AmericaandAsia," he explained.*When a kid goesinto an arcadeanywhereand seesa bank of Skee-Balls,his eyeslight up. It's really a privilegeto be part of that phenomenon." Justrecently, Skee-Ball found a new sphereofpopularity for its widely recognized brand,the iPhone.At presstime, the Skee-Ballapolication on the iPhonehad only beenavailablefrom Apple for about a week, and it had alreadyclimbedto numberI I in the application popularity rankings. "That's really exciting," said Sladek."It's our frrst foot into that particulararea. Canyou imaginea virtual redemptioncenter?If people areplaying arcadegameson their iPhones,they aregoing to rememberhow much fun it is to go back to the real thing. To havethe real experience, you havegot to have'that woodenball!" Looking ahead,Sladek, concededthat the economy was takingits toll onjust about every industry. Yet he remainsoptimistic about long-term prospectsfor the redemptiongameindustry. "We have beenherebe- ilonember 2OO9 . RePloyMogozine. Page lOl L c fl o L o t o tt Classicshoreand midway-stylearrades likethe one picturedherehavelong promotedthe possibilityfor fun and prizesby bankingSkee-Ba//alleysas a way to createa high-proflleattraction. fore in the '70s,the '80s,the '90s," he assured."Smart businesspeoplefind waysto adaptto current businesssituations.We tell our customers and anybodywe are talking to that we are going to continue to maintain our current quality. We are going to retain our current selling prices, and we aregoing to containcosts.We have figured out how to do it. We are running our business in a very streamlinedfashion. We are constantlyevaluating how we manageour cash. Meanwhile,believeit or not, we are investing in R&D to make our productsbetter and to createnew products. "I feel good aboutwhat the future holds for SkeeBall," Sladekconcluded. o'Wehave short-termplans and long-termplans.I am very bullish about what the futureholds." A Gentury of Skee-Ball 1909: Skee-Ba// invented andpatentedby J.D. Estesof Philadelphia. 1914:First,Sfte e-Ball aIleys sold and distributedto the outdoor amusementindusfirymarket by Maurice Piesen.Measwing36' long, the alleys were quite large. As a result, the potential playing market was restrictedsince the gamerequired some stength to play. 1928: Sizeofthe alley reducedby more than half to I 4'. Tremendouspopularity achievedas the shortenedversionwidenedthe rangeof appeal.Now the gamewas accessibleto women,children andthe elderly. 1932: First nationalSkeeBalltoumanent held in Atlantic City, New Jerseyarcade. 1935:Wwlitzer Company acquned Skee-Bal I ights from Pieseri. 1945:Philadelphia TobogganCompanyacquired the copyright, patentsand all rights for the exclusivemanufacturing of Skee-Ball alleys fromWwlitzer. 1974: Skee-Ballmoyedto 'btate-of-the-art" abelectronic alleys are introducedto the marlidti' 1977: Philadelphia TobogganCompany forms Skee-Ball,Inc. Applying meticulouscare,Skee-Ball manufacturesfour differen! modelswith various options Page lO2 . RePloyMogozineo ilouember 2OOg from the no-frills alley to the top-of-the-linedigital, solid statemachine. 1985: Skee-Ballupdates alleys.Additionssuchas soundeffects,musicalselec- tions and new electroniccomponentsare added,which allow the operatorthe ability to reprogftrmall gamesettingsat their location.This increases profitability of the game. 1990:Gamesindustry facesa battle to capturemarket shareof the consumers' discretionaryincome.SkeeBall's two new productinffoductionsand the move to larger, more efficient facilities are the stategies designedto addressthis challenge. 1992: Skee-Ballpwchases Michigan-based Vari-Tech, adding a completeline of custom midway gamefixfures to Skee-Ball'salreadyexpanding line ofproducts. 1994: Skee-Ballpurchases NationalSportsGameslocated in Phoenix.Ariz. This addsan exciting new spin to their alreadyexpansiveproduct line by combining it with quality,top-of-linesports-re- o o ( o lt o t o I The Skee-BaII craze has long beenassociatedwith classicAmerlcan entertainmentas evidencedby this locationthat themed its entireoperation aroundthe Skee-Ballbrandand game. games. latedredemption 1998:Fournewversions ofthe alleysareintroducedto the market,increasingthe popularityin Skee-Balland worldwide interestin the new varieties. Inc. cele1999:Skee-Ball, growth and brates90 yearsof commitmentto manufacturing popularandreliablefamily-orientedredemptionand games. coin-operated 2000:With the additionof many new sportsandnovelty gamesto Skee-Ball'salready diverseline of redemption products,Skee-Balldecides to take amusementa stepfurther.In doingso,Skee-Ball createdtheir one-of-a-kind SportsAttractions.These SportsAttractionsweredesignedfor thesportsenthusiastwantingto be challenged in a simulationsportingevent 2001:Skee-Ballannouncesthe adventofa new businessrelationshipwith ElautN.V. from Belgium. The businessrelationshipre- sultsin the formationof the new company,SkeeBall/ Elaut AmusementsGames. Theprimaryproductthatarisis esfrom thiscollaboration the OptimtmtCrane. 2002:Skee-Ball/Elaut Amusement Gamesintroducesthe Big Onecrane,a revolutionaryinnovationin gameinthe merchandising dustry.Industryrenownedas a high revenueproducer,this gamewas awardedfirst place for theBestNew Productin gamescatethe coin-operated gory at the 2003IAAPA tradeshowin Orlando. to the 2003:In response popularityofthe arcadeversion of the Big One crane, Skee-Ballintroducesa midway version.Thisversionof the giganticcranefinds itself in greatdemandby amusement parks all aroundthe world. The midway Big One wasawardedfirst placefor the BestNew Productin the gamescategoryalthe 2004 IAAPA tradeshowin Orlan-- oo. 2004:Skee-Ballcontinues to addto its ever-expanding line of productswith the ,!plnN-Win.This colorfulstop-action gamecombinesbright lights,motion anda real slot machinelever for ultimateexcitement.Spin-N-Winis making its way into everymajor center, family entertainment parkandarcade amusement aroundthe world. 2005:Skee-Ballcontinues to thrustitself into customer serviceandnew productdevelopment. 2007:Skee-Ballreleases an updatedversionofthe originalSuperShotBasketball.Thenew versionofthe gameincludesnew black and red color scheme,brighter lighting andthe ability to link ilorrenber up to 12units. 2008:Super2.1released an arcadehit. A andbecomes game,Skeecasino-themed Ball's newSuper2l players musttime their coin droPto reach2|lBlackJack.With a jackpot,theclosprogressive er playersgetto 2l without going over,the moretickets theywin. 2009: Skee-Ballcelewith bratesits centennial severalnew versionsofthe classicalleybowler,including an updatedretro edition for collectors,aswell asthe newestversionof the commercialgameanda mini alley bowler calledSkeeDaddle. Timeline courtesyof www.skeeball.com. a 2OO9 . RePloyMogozine'Page lO3