Unsteady-state Traffic Flow Models for Urban Regulation Strategy
Unsteady-state Traffic Flow Models for Urban Regulation Strategy
ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN In Press ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN Unsteady-state Traffic Flow Models for Urban Regulation Strategy Planning Maria N. Smirnova1,2 *, Aleksandra I. Bogdanova1 , Nickolay N. Smirnov1,3 , Alexey B. Kiselev1 , Valeriy F. Nikitin1,3 , Aleksandra S. Manenkova1 1 Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University, Moscow 119992, Russia Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, 29 Politechnicheskaya Str., 195251 St. Petersburg Russia 3 Scientific Research Institute for System Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 36-1 Nakhimovskiy pr., Moscow 117218, Russia *Corresponding author: wonrims@inbox.ru; ebifsun1@mech.math.msu.su 2 Abstract: The present research aims mathematical modeling of essentially unsteady-state traffic flows on multilane roads, wherein massive changing of lanes produces an effect on handling capacity of the road segment. The model uses continua approach. However, it has no analogue with the classical hydrodynamics, because momentum equations in the direction of a flow and in orthogonal directions of lane- hanging are different. Thus, velocity of small disturbances propagation in the traffic flow is different depending on direction: counter flow, co-flow, orthogonal to the flow. Numerical simulations of traffic flows in multilane roads were performed and their results are presented. Massive changing of lanes produces an effect on handling capacity of the road segment. Mathematical models allow describing the conditions for maximal road handling capacity, the origination and propagation of traffic humps and jams, the influence of various traffic control devices, and transverse evolution of traffic flows on multi-lane roads. Keywords: Traffic; Control; Continua Model; Multilane Road; Handling Capacity 1. INTRODUCTION First attempts of developing the mathematical models for traffic flows were by Lighthill and Whitham [1], Richards [2], Greenberg [3], Prigogine [4]. Whitham [5] provided detailed analysis of the obtained results. The authors regarded the traffic flow from the position of continuum mechanics applying empirical relationships between the flow density and velocity of vehicles. Development of computer technique gave birth to continua models application not only for analytical solutions [6] but also in numerical simulations of traffic flows [7–10]. Another approach using discrete approximation for public traffic and passengers’ interaction is illustrated by [11, 12]. The present research aims resolving arising difficulties in rational traffic organization the Moscow Government was faced in the recent years. The decrease of the roads handling capacity in the centre of the city caused by the increase of traffic density brought to necessity of re-organizing the traffic flows and 1 ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN constructing new roads in and around the city. 2. THE CONTINUA MODEL OF TRAFFIC FLOWS. We introduce the Euler’s co-ordinate system with the Ox axis directed along the autoroute and the Oy axis directed across the traffic flow. Time is denoted by t. The average flow density ρ (E, y, t) is the ratio of the surface of the road occupied by vehicles to the total surface of the road considered. ρ= hn` n` Str = = , S hL L where h is the lane width, L is the sample road length, ` is an average vehicle’s length plus a minimal distance between jammed vehicles, n is the number of vehicles on the road. With this definition, the density is dimensionless changing from zero to unit. The flow velocity denoted V (x, y,t) = (u(x, y,t), v(x, y,t)) where u can vary from zero up to its maximal value Umax , where Umax is maximal permitted road velocity. From definitions, it follows that the maximal density ρ = 1 relates to the case when vehicles stay bumper to bumper. It is naturally to assume that the traffic jam with V = 0 will take place in this case. Determining the “mass” distributed on a road sample of the area S as: Z m= ρdσ , S one can develop a “mass conservation law” in the form of continuity equation: ∂ ρ ∂ (ρu) ∂ (ρv) + + = 0. ∂t ∂x ∂y (1) Then, we derive the equation for the traffic dynamics. The traffic flow is determined by different factors: drivers’ reaction on the road situation, drivers activity and vehicles response, technical features of the vehicles. The following assumptions were made in order to develop the model: • We model the average motion of the traffic described and not the motion of the individual vehicles. Consequently, the model deals with the mean features of the vehicles not accounting for variety in power, inertia, deceleration way length, etc. • We assume the “natural” reaction of all the drivers is assumed. For example, if a driver sees red lights, or a velocity limitation sign, or a traffic hump ahead, he decelerates until full stop or until reaching a safe velocity, and does not keep accelerating with further emergency braking. • It is assumed that the drivers are loyal to the traffic rules. In particular, they accept the velocity limitation regime and try to maintain the safe distance depending on velocity. The velocity equation for the x-component is the following: du = a; a = max −a− ; min a+ ; a0 ; dt 2 Unsteady-state Traffic Flow Models for Urban Regulation Strategy Planning a0 = σ aρ + (1 − σ ) Z Y 0 ω (y) aρ (t, s) ds + U (ρ) − u τ k2 ∂ ρ , ρ ∂x aρ = − Here, a is the acceleration of the traffic flow; a+ is the maximal positive acceleration, a− is the emergency braking deceleration; a+ and a− are positive parameters, which correspond to technical features of vehicles. The parameter k > 0 is the small disturbances propagation velocity (“sound velocity”), as shown in [13–15]. The parameter τ is the delay time, which depends on the finite time of a driver’s reaction on the road situation and the vehicle’s response. This parameter is responsible for the drivers’ tendency to keep the vehicles velocity as close as possible to the safe velocity depending on the traffic density U(ρ) [16–18]: ( U (ρ) = −k ln ρ, u < Umax , Umax , u ≥ Umax . The velocity U(ρ) is determined from the dependence of the traffic velocity on density in the “plane wave” when the traffic is starting from the initial conditions ρ0 = 1 and u = 0, with account of velocity limitation from above (u ≤ Umax ). The value of τ could be different for the cases of acceleration or deceleration to the safe velocity U(ρ): ( τ= τ + , U (ρ) < u τ − , U (ρ) ≥ u In the formula for a0 the first term describes an influence on the driver’s reaction in a local situation, the second – a situation ahead the flow and the third – a driver’s tendency to drive a car with the velocity, which is the safest in each case. If we assume σ = 0, then the expression for a0 will be: 1 a = ∆ 0 Z x+∆ x aρ (t, s) ds + U (ρ) − u . τ In this case acceleration is not a local parameter, but depends on its values in the region of length ∆ ahead of vehicle, where ∆- is the distance each driver takes intro account on making decisions. This distance depends on road and weather conditions. The last term of the relaxation type takes into account tendency to reach optimal velocity. If we assume σ = 1, then the expression for a0 will be: a0 = aρ + U (ρ) − u . τ Now acceleration depends on local situation only. We will consider a case when σ = 1, τ = ∞, so the equation of motion for the x-component is: ax = − k2 ∂ ρ . ρ ∂x (2) 3 ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN The equation of motion for the y-component we can write in such form as for the x direction: ay = − A2 ∂ ρ . ρ ∂x (3) The description for the parameter A will be given below. In order to understand the physical meaning of parameter A we shall consider the following model problem. One car is changing it’s lane with the density ρ 6= 0 to the lane with the density ρ = 0. In this case a car has the maximum acceleration a max. So by putting ∂∂ρy = 0−ρ h to the velocity equation for the 2 ∂ρ y-component we can obtain ρ dv dt = −A ∂ y and then A2 h = a max. √ Figure 1 illustrates the diagram for v(y) According to it we have: v max = amax h, that is a max = v2 max or A2 = v2 max. But in this model v max = 2vav(vavis an average speed of car’s changing a lane), h 2 so A = 4v2 av, where vmax av - the average speed for v max. Figure 1. For description of lane change dynamics, we approximately assume that the trajectory of maneuver of lane changing incorporates two parts of identical circles (Figure 2). On the Figure 2 the bold line is a trajectory of lane’s changing and it begins in the middle of the lane on which the car is going and ends in the middle of next lane. 2 The centripetal force which acts on the car is: F = RmV , where Rturn is the radius of the turn, V - is the turn velocity of the car, directed by the tangent to the car’s trajectory. Let F∗ be the maximum possible flank force under which car is drivable (not skidding), F ≤ F∗ . Then we may calculate the radius of the turn Rturn = Fm∗ V 2 . vmax av = V sin θ . From the similar triangles ∆ABC and ∆OAD (Pic.2) derive that AD = DB, labeling AD = b will get: b h/4 Rh = or b2 = , R b 4 r √ h b Rh 1 h sin θ = = = = . 4b R 2R 2 R 1 Then vmax av = V sin θ = 2 V 4 q h R = 12 V q hF∗ mV 2 = 1 2 q hF∗ m Unsteady-state Traffic Flow Models for Urban Regulation Strategy Planning Figure 2. that is the average speed for v max is vmax av = for A is A2 = 1 2 q hF∗ m . We obtained above A2 = 4v2 av, so the expression hF∗ m . Thus we derived parameterA2 being dependent on the force F∗ , assignable to the lane width, mass of the car and the traction of tires. The equations (1),(2),(3) provide a system describing traffic flows on multilane roads: ∂ ρ ∂ (ρu) ∂ (ρv) + + = 0, ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂u ∂u ∂u k2 ∂ ρ +u +v =− , ∂t ∂x ∂y ρ ∂x ∂v ∂v ∂v A2 ∂ ρ +u +v =− ; ∂t ∂x ∂y ρ ∂y 3. ONE DIMENSIONAL MODEL APPLICATION FOR STUDYING TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AND STRATEGIES We consider two most popular devices used to control automobile traffic on the urban roads: street traffic lights and “laying policemen”. The last is a set of low jumps across the road surface, which are placed at some distance from each other and force the drivers to decrease velocity essentially in the zone of their placement. The “laying policemen” are often used to provide friendly conditions for pedestrians crossing roads near schools, institutions, marketplaces, etc. We should consider the following boundary conditions on the endings of the motorway section0 ≤ x ≤ L. Two variants of the conditions at the inflow x = 0 are possible: 5 ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN 1) No traffic hump: the flow density is given, and the velocity is equal to the maximal safe for this density: ρ (0, t) = ρ0 ; v (0, t) = v (ρ0 ) . 2) Traffic hump or jam at the inflow ending: zero density gradient is assumed, and the velocity is equal to the maximal safe velocity at the density at the inflow: ∂ ρ = 0; v (0,t) = V (ρ) . ∂ x x=0 Presence or absence of the hump at the inflow boundary of the domain is determined each time after a time step calculation using the following criterion. The hump takes place, if two conditions are true at x = 0: ∂ ρ > 0 and ρ > ρ0 . ∂ x x=0 The “free outflow” condition is set on the outflow ending of the domain at x = L: ∂ρ ∂v = 0; = 0. ∂x ∂x As for the initial conditions, we assume that the domain portion at 0 ≤ x ≤ x0 is occupied with vehicles with density ρ0 moving at the velocityV (ρ0 ), and the rest part x0 < x ≤ L is free from the vehicles (ρ = 0, v = 0). 3.1 Street Traffic Lights. The main parameters of this device are the green, yellow and red signals duration, denoted tg , ty , tr correspondingly. The following algorithm is proposed to model the street lights work. 1. In the moment when the signal changes to yellow, the following distance is calculated: v0 xr = max 2ar 2 , where ar is the usual deceleration less than the deceleration of the emergency braking a− . The vehicles which are closer to the street lights at this moment than this distance, cannot stop and therefore they pass the street lights, this yields the traffic rules. 2. When the yellow signal is on, the maximal permitted velocity at the point x` (t) is set to be the following: tess vemax (x` ) = v0max · te where tess is the time left for the yellow signal to be on; x` (t) moves towards the street lights like: x` = L1 − xr · 6 tess , ty Unsteady-state Traffic Flow Models for Urban Regulation Strategy Planning and L1 is the co-ordinate of the street lights device. As the result, by the moment of red lights all the traffic flow is blocked at the streetlights. 3. In the moment when the streetlights change to green, the maximal permitted velocity change back to v0max like in the other portions of the domain. 3.2 Laying Policemen This system of velocity limitation is modelled by maximal permitted velocity the position of the device, which is much lower than one for the other portions of the roadv0max . The present work deals with a system of two “policemen” laying at a given distance between them; this case is the most often one. The position of the first device is denotedL1 . Then, the maximal permitted velocity along the domain 0 ≤ x ≤ L is as follows: ( vmax = vp , x ∈ {L1 , L1 + d} , v0max , x ∈ [0, L] {L1 , L1 + d}, where vp < v0max , and the parameter v p (maximal velocity of passage) is one of the governing parameters. 4. RESULTS OF NUMERICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF TRAFFIC REGULATION STRATEGIES The numerical simulations of the problems used the TVD method with second order of approximations (Van Leer’s flux limiter). The mesh had N = 201 grid nodes. The following parameters values were used in simulations: L = 1000 m is the length of the domain; x0 = 100 m is the length of the domain portion with vehicles at the first instance; L1 = 500 m is the position of the traffic control devices (either street lights or the first “laying policemen”); d = 50 m is the distance between the “laying policemen”; ρ0 = 0.1 ÷ 0.5 is the inflow density, v0max = 25 m/s is the maximal permitted velocity on the main portion of the road; vp = 3 m/s is the maximal velocity of the “laying policemen” passage; k = 7.9 m/s is the velocity of small disturbances propagation in the automobile traffic flow; a+ = 1.5 m/s2 is the maximal traffic flow acceleration; a− = 5 m/s2 is the maximal (emergency) deceleration of the flow; ar = 1.5 m/s2 is the standard deceleration; Y0 = 100 m is the characteristic visibility ahead; 7 ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN σ0 = 0.7 is the local situation “weight”; τ + = 3.3 s, τ − = ∞ are the delay times responsible to maintaining the safe velocity; tg = 40 ÷ 300 s , ty = 5 s, tr = 30 s are durations of the street lights cycle. Thus, the varying parameters were the inflow density ρ0 (together with the inflow velocity) and the green lights durationtg . The results are presented at the Figure 3 – Figure 6 and in the Table 1. The Figure 3 and Figure 4 illustrate traffic flow density distribution for the different time moments which are shown on the figs, for the case of street lights traffic controlling. The green lights duration was taken tg = 50 s, and the inflow density was ρ0 = 0.18 (Figure 3) and ρ0 = 0.3 (Figure 4). The time moments on those figures correspond to the following street lights cycles: Figure 3(a) – first cycle, end of the green period; Figure 3(b) – first cycle, yellow period; Figure 3(c) – first cycle, end of the red period; Figure 3(d) – second cycle, green period; Figure 3(e) – second cycle, green period; Figure 3(f) – second cycle, end of the red period. Figure 4(a) corresponds to the first cycle, yellow period; Figure 4(b) – first cycle, end of the red period; Figure 4(c) – second cycle, end of the green period; Figure 4(d) – fifth cycle, end of the green period; Figure 4(e) – fifth cycle, end of the red period; Figure 4(f) – sixth cycle, end of the green period. It can be seen from the figures that at ρ0 = 0.18 the traffic hump does not occur (Figure 3), and at ρ0 = 0.3 the traffic hump arises and propagates counter-flow decreasing vehicles velocity essentially. The dependence of critical inflow density ρ0∗ under which the traffic hump does not occur, on the duration of the green period of the street lights tg was investigated, and the results are placed in the Table 1. All the other parameters were fixed as shown above. The dependence of ρ0∗ on tg can be described by the following formula: ρ0∗ = a ln (btg ) (4) where a, b are parameters depending on many factors including the red lights duration tr . For the parameters used, we have got a = 0, 054, b = 0, 87 . The table 1 contains also the difference of the critical inflow density obtained by traffic flow simulation and the value obtained using the formula (4). The mean square deviate is equal to 0.011629, and the maximal difference is 0,021566. The Figure 5,Figure 6 illustrate the profiles of ρ(x) for different time moments in the case of “laying policemen”. The Figure 5 corresponds to the inflow density ρ0 = 0.1, and the Figure 6 – to ρ0 = 0.3. The case ρ0 = 0.1 corresponds to the free traffic passage via the zone regulated by two “laying policemen”, and the case ρ0 = 0.3 corresponds to origination of the traffic hump and its propagation counter-flow. It can be seen from both Figure 5 and Figure 6 that two locations with increased density take place. In case ρ0 < 0.2 this does not prevent the traffic flow from the free passage. If the inflow density is higher than 0.2, then the traffic hump originates in front of the first “laying policeman”; it propagates towards the inflow portion and finally the density at the inflow increases thus decreasing the inflow velocity, and the traffic turns to be very slow (Figure 6). 5. SOLVING A MODEL TWO-DIMENSIONAL PROBLEM The considered problem is the nature of car’s behavior on a multilane rectangular road. 8 Unsteady-state Traffic Flow Models for Urban Regulation Strategy Planning Table 1. Green lights duration, Critical density deter- Critical density calcu- Table 1. s mined numerically lated using formula (4.3) Divergence 40 0,18 0,191679 0,011679 50 0,19 0,203729 0,013729 60 0,21 0,213574 0,003574 70 0,22 0,221899 0,001899 80 0,23 0,229109 -0,00089 0,00547 90 0,23 0,23547 100 0,23 0,241159 0,011159 110 0,25 0,246306 -0,00369 120 0,25 0,251004 0,001004 130 0,26 0,255327 -0,00467 140 0,26 0,259329 -0,00067 150 0,27 0,263054 -0,00695 160 0,27 0,266539 -0,00346 170 0,28 0,269813 -0,01019 180 0,28 0,2729 -0,0071 190 0,29 0,275819 -0,01418 200 0,29 0,278589 -0,01141 210 0,3 0,281224 -0,01878 220 0,3 0,283736 -0,01626 230 0,3 0,286136 -0,01386 240 0,31 0,288434 -0,02157 250 0,31 0,290639 -0,01936 260 0,31 0,292757 0,01724 270 0,31 0,294795 -0,01521 280 0,31 0,296758 -0,01324 290 0,31 0,298653 -0,01135 300 0,31 0,300484 -0,00952 The traffic flow is divided into two parts on the left boundary by y f ix . For 0 ≤ y ≤ y f ix the flow has the bigger value then for y f ix < y ≤ H. Boundary conditions for x=0: v = 0, u = u1 , ρ = ρ1 , u1 ρ 1 = q1 v = 0, u = u2 , ρ = ρ2 , u2 ρ 2 = q2 ) u>k and ( q = ρu = q1 , q2 , y > y f ix > 0 y ≤ y f ix ≤ H Boundary conditions for x=L: ∂ ρv ∂ ρu = 0, = 0, ∂x ∂x 9 ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN The numerical calculations of the problems were processed using the AUSM method. The mesh had Nx = 201and Ny = 21 grid nodes. T = 240 s - calculation time; L = 500 m – the length of the domain; H = 12 m– the width of the domain; ρ0 = 0, 01 – the density of traffic flow on the bounder x = 0; u0 = 7, 0 m/s – the x-velocity of traffic flow on the bounder x = 0; v0 = 0, 0 m/s – the y-velocity of traffic flow on the bounder x = 0; Umax = 20 m/s– maximal permitted road velocity; k = 9 m/s– the small disturbances propagation velocity (“sound velocity”) on x axis; A = 3 m/s– the analogy of k coefficient on y axis; y f ix = 3, 75 m- the devisor of the road on 2 parts; q0 = 7- a flow on the left boundary for 0 ≤ y ≤ y f ix ; q0 = 3- a flow on the left boundary for y f ix < y ≤ H; The obtained results are presented in Figure 7 in the form of maps for components of velocity and for density for different moments of time. 10 Unsteady-state Traffic Flow Models for Urban Regulation Strategy Planning (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Figure 3. Traffic flow density in the zone traffic regulation by “lights”. Time in seconds correspond to second cycle, initial traffic density ρ0 = 0, 18: a - the end of “green period”, b - “yellow period”, c - “yellow period”, d - “green period”, e – end of “green period”, f - end of the “red period”. 11 ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Figure 4. Traffic flow density in the zone traffic regulation by “lights”. Time in seconds correspond to sixth cycle, initial traffic density ρ0 = 0.3, a - “yellow period”, b - end of the “red period”, c - green period, d - end of the green period, e - end of the red period, f - end of the “green period ”. (a) (b) Figure 5. Traffic flow density in the zone traffic regulation by a “laying policemen”. Time in seconds is provided on top of the figure; inflow traffic density ρ0 = 0.1. 12 Unsteady-state Traffic Flow Models for Urban Regulation Strategy Planning (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 6. Traffic flow density in the zone traffic regulation by a “laying policemen”. Time in seconds is provided on top of the figure; inflow traffic density ρ0 = 0.3. 13 ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN Density T=5 Density T=30 Density T=120 Velocity x comp. T=5 Velocity x comp. T=30 Velocity x comp. T=120 14 Unsteady-state Traffic Flow Models for Urban Regulation Strategy Planning Velocity y comp. T=5 Velocity y comp. T=30 Velocity y comp. T=120 Figure 7. Maps for flow density and velocity components for different moments of time. 6. CONCLUSIONS The mathematical model for traffic flows simulations in multi-lane roads is developed. Analysis of traffic regulation strategies design shows that in case of low inflow density of the automobile traffic the “laying policemen” devices allow to maintain traffic control without disturbing the free traffic flow. However, the increase of the inflow density leads to origination of the traffic jam and its propagation counter-flow. The regulation by the traffic lights allows improving the road handling capacity essentially when the duration of the different parts of the traffic lights cycle is properly chosen. A model problem for traffic evolution in multi-lane road with non-uniform flux in different lanes was regarded. The results show that on entering the road segment high orthogonal fluxes occur in the direction of less dense lanes, which brings to slowing down flow velocity in that lanes and increasing density. That motion brings to formation of inverse flow from those lanes back. In time flow evolution brings to a more smooth transition zone, however, on coming in contact flow zones of different fluxes always cause formation of an orthogonal flow in the direction of less density lane in the nearest vicinity followed by an inverse flow at some distance. Mathematical models developed allow describing the conditions for maximal road handling capacity, the origination and propagation of traffic humps and jams, the influence of various traffic control devices, and transverse evolution of traffic flows on multi-lane roads. 15 ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 13-01-12056) is acknowledged for financial support. References [1] M. J. Lighthill and G. B. Whitham, “On kinematic waves. II. A theory of traffic flow on long crowded roads,” Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, vol. 229, no. 1178, pp. 317–345, 1955. [2] P. I. Richards, “Shock waves on the highway,” Operations Research, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 42–51, 1956. [3] H. Greenberg, “An analysis of traffic flow,” Operations Research, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 79–85, 1959. [4] I. Prigogine and P. Résibois, “On a generalized Boltzman-like approach for traffic flow,” Bull. Cl. Sci., Acad. Roy. 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