Main News - El Camino Academy
Main News - El Camino Academy
ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-27 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News Elementary Secondary FRI Mar 27 Main News Perfect Attendance The following students were not absent for any part of a school day during 3rd quarter. ¡Celebremos a Colombia! PK On Friday, April 24 the Spanish Department will orchestrate a myriad of activities to recognize our Colombian culture, such as dances, dramas, and other artistic expressions. We will start at 8:15a during Flag Raising and continue through 12:30p. The presentations will occur simultaneously in the new MPR and the auditorium and parents, grandparents and extended family are invited to celebrate with us. More details will be sent soon. Don’t miss it! Karen Aponte Jerónimo Fernández Emily Leonard Camila Parada Julián Vargas K Sara Buitrago Daniela Garzón Simón Hoyos Juan Marcos Pabón Matias Salazar 1st Matías Enciso Isabella Fernández Katherine Leonard Spring Festival is Coming! Festivities start at 12:00 noon on Fri, Apr 24. We highly recommend buying tickets in advance so you can avoid long lines at the Festival. Advanced ticket orders must be received by Fri, April 10. Click here for the Ticket Order Form to print. New Lost & Found Policy We are beginning a new policy with Lost & Found after Easter, with stricter consequences and higher prices due to the excessive number of unclaimed items that continue to be left around ECA. Make sure all clothing and other items are labeled, and talk to your children about being more responsible with their belongings. PTF will be administering the new system, and fines will be a donation to PTF for their efforts in organizing the logistics. Honor Roll Corrections Due to a glitch in the Excel document RenWeb generated, several names were incomplete in last week’s bulletin. Our apologies for these names previously incomplete: 1st 9th 9th 10th 11th 12th 12th Katherine Leonard María José Gómez Alejandro Cala José Daniel Suárez María Alejandra Yepes Juan David Bernate María José Rudd 2nd David Ballesteros David Gómez Sara Juanita López Samuel Medina Samuel Tobar 3rd Isabella Forero Samuel Granados Valentina Parada Delaney Turk 4th Silvia Cuervo 5th Juan Granados Mariana Moreno Eliana Peña Salomé Tovar 6th Antonella Anento Pablo Avila Zachary Boyle Cynthia Hanson 7th Ana María Navarro Juan Pablo Pinzón Tatiana Restrepo 8th Ezra Boyle Juan David Castro Camilo Lancheros José David Pinzón Timothy Samosir Manuela Santiago Esteban Tovar Zarina Valdiri 9th Alejandro Cala Benjamin Castro Lorena Garzón David Izquierdo Mateo Mendoza Julián Ramírez 10th Sofía Alvira 11th Gabriela Abaunza Andrés Forero Samantha Silva Franco Uribe 12th Cielo Izquierdo María Camila Moreno ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-27 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News Elementary Secondary FRI Mar 27 Main News Praise & Prayer Praise • Our 5th-12th graders had the opportunity to be inspired by the testimony of the Isaiev family from Ukraine as they shared in a special chapel today. With 7 adopted HIV positive children in their family, their story of God’s power to change lives, heal, and give purpose was motivating! • Our teaching staff had a full day of professional development on E-Day. • Greg Needham, representing Teach Beyond, the mission that our teachers Sarah and Ed Trussell are members of, visited this week. We are always grateful when leaders of the missions of our missionaries come visit! This mission is responding to the overwhelming need for transformational education around the world and want to use education to help transform lives both here on earth and beyond by serving schools like ECA and supporting professionals such as our ECA teachers in any way we can. Prayer • Due to construction costs and other expenses, our ECA bank accounts are at an alltime low, so be praying for wise stewardship of our funds and for the families that are behind in payments. We have almost $100’000.000 that are owed at this time to ECA and this lack of funds is beginning to affect our ability to pay our bills in a timely manner. • For our staff after a day of analyzing and brainstorming, as they follow-up on E-Day and the different goals that were formed to help us grow in academic excellence. • For our Amazon team ministering in the jungle—read the email prayer alerts and use them to pray with details. • For Flavio Uribe’s needed knee surgery - the insurance company still has not approved it. • For the López Family (Susana 6th, Emilio 8th and Tomas 10th) as mother Nohora is still battling cancer with chemotherapy. • Continue to keep missionary Russell Stendal in your prayers for the legal accusations he faces. They are in Leticia & Guanabara III! Yesterday afternoon our mission team arrived safely in Leticia: Students Gabriela Abaunza Juan David Bernate Gabriel Burgos Santiago Cañas Elías Frantz Cielo Izquierdo Sulgui Vanessa No Margarita Pinzón Pamela Salcedo Ana María Triviño María Alejandra Yepes Medical/Dental Brigade Sol Rocio Izquierdo, nurse Juanita Paz, doctor Leila Martínez, doctor Sandra Miguez, dentist ECA Staff Juan Carlos Castellanos Robbie Becker Yolanda Cardozo Jake Carlson Elle Carlson This morning they were at La Aljaba Orphanage, where our students and medical team served about 100 children; they had a special time sharing the gospel using the wordless book, and playing with the children. We will send daily news from the team to all parents and all MS and HS students to know what to pray. In general, pray: • For the Lord to touch the hearts of the Tikunas in the village of Guanabara III. • For them to truly receive the message of Salvation via all the different activities. • For protection for the team against sickness, accidents, and spiritual opposition. Go to to watch the 13-minute video made of last year’s trip and know better how to pray for our team. ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-27 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News Elementary Secondary FRI Mar 27 Main News Spring Play VIP seating is almost sold out! Hurry and buy your tickets for Thu - Sat, April 9 - 11. Seats are numbered and reserved specifically. Some have placed ticket orders without paying – seats are not reserved until payment is received. Secondary students can buy tickets from cast members, and anyone can buy tickets by contacting or calling the office. If tickets are still available at show time, you can buy them at the door. Not Returning for 2015-16? As soon as you know that your children will not be re-enrolling at ECA for school year 2015-16, inform us at Employment Opportunity We have a special 10:00a performance for neighboring schools and universities on Fri, April 10. If you would like to come with a group, contact ECA is seeking a multi-media technician. Qualified applicants can send a résumé to . ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-27 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News Elementary Secondary Nov27 7 Mar FRI FRI Elementary Spelling Bee Lists Elementary Chapel Upper Elementary During this Easter season, when we celebrate Jesus dying for our sins and then rising again in victory over the enemy, elementary students and families are invited to reflect on what Jesus has saved you from. Today in chapel, as we sang the song “Our God is Mighty to Save,” students reflected on what God has saved them from, and wrote their sins on posters, which were then symbolically put on the cross. The 4th quarter slogan for 1st - 4th grades is, “Do what is right, because it is right, no matter who is looking.” Miss Räikkönen shared a story from her childhood, about how she did what was right by giving back some extra money a store clerk mistakenly gave her. Her father saw her and gave her a reward for doing what is right. Our earthly father is not always watching us, but our heavenly father is, and the reward he gives us is peace in our hearts now and hope for an eternal reward far beyond anything we can imagine! Lower Elementary students reviewed the parable of the talents and the heart attitudes of each of the players in the parable. They then discussed how they have reflected these attitudes in their own hearts and actions, and how to be responsible with the things God has given them. Word lists for the annual Spelling Bee were sent home with students today, and will be posted on our website soon, under School Life / Resources. The class and final Spelling Bee activities will be held May 11-15. Please help your children study for this academic competition! ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-27 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News Elementary Secondary FRI Mar 27 Secondary The Weekly Soccer Tournament Continues... Click here for this week’s stats on team standings. The 7th and 8th grade boys will be playing for the Middle School Boys Soccer Championship on Tuesday, April 7 and Wednesday, April 8! Congratulations to 8th grade who defeated 5th grade 3-1 to win the Middle School Girls Soccer Championship! Improv Show The Improv show Not Even Remotely Controlled was a great time for students to show off their skills at improvising comedic stories and characters. About 50 students, teachers, and parents attended and were well entertained. 8th Grade — Champions! ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-27 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News Elementary Secondary FRI Mar 27 Secondary College Counselor’s Corner Johanna Reina Congratulations! ... to Pablo Bautista for his acceptance at Drexel University. ... to Manuela Castillo for her acceptance at Messiah College. College Visits Mon, Apr 20—Cornell University (Ithaca, NY), Northwestern University (Evanston Illinois), and Vanderbilt University (Nashville, Tennessee) will be in Bogotá and ECA has been invited. Book the date; location TBD. Wed, Apr 29—ECA students are invited to visit the University of Los Andes - UNIANDES Thu, May 7—Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, Stanford University, Duke University, and Georgetown University will be at Colegio Nuevo Granada from 7:00p to 9:00p. This is a private event and ECA has been invited to participate. 9th, 10th and 11th grade families are welcome, if they meet the requirements. Students must: Model United Nations The ECA delegation worked really hard to participate in the Model United Nations at UNIANDES, the University of Los Andes this weekend. The delegation represented 2 Muslim countries, Syria and Jordan, and were under lots of pressure to avoid a war with the west. They lobbied to find allies with other Muslim countries to protect the sovereignty of their states. Overall, it was a fantastic experience for our 10 delegates. A special thank you to Elle Carlson for her hard work preparing the students, to Johanna Reina for managing all the logistics, and to Jake Carlson for helping chaperone the delegates. Our next big event is Unisabana’s Model United Nations May 1-4. 1. Be strong academically - GPA 3.5 or higher. 2. Attend with parents. 3. Register with Mrs. Reina to be on the ECA Participant list. Registration Open Upcoming SAT Tests Summer Academic Programs Register for the SAT: Here’s the list we compiled of summer academic programs: (No updates since last week) And here’s the list with additional programs: (No updates since last week) The following Colombian universities are open for registration: Sabana - CESA - Externado - Tadeo - Javeriana - Andes - Rosario - ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-27 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News Elementary FRI Mar 27 Classified Ads Missing Jackets Vendo Casa Ubicación vía Bogotá Melgar a 69 kilómetros y 4 kilómetros antes del peaje de Chinauta, por la entrada de Solaire. Lote con 1584 metros cuadrados Casa 216 metros totalmente construida. Tiempo de construcción de casa 8 meses. Primer piso cocina, sala comedor, zona de ropa independiente, 2 alcobas, una con baño principal y baño auxiliar. Segundo piso tres habitaciones, una con baño privado y aire acondicionado, un baño auxiliar, estudio y espacio para sala star. Tercer piso terraza para BBQ. Resumen de casa: 5 Habitaciones todas con closet de piso a techo, 4 baños, estudio, sala de star, sala comedor, espacio para cocina integral, terraza y tanques de agua para reserva. Servicios públicos: energía, agua de Chinauta para riego y de Fusagasuga para consumo, pozo séptico. Todo el lote está con cerca de piedra, malla, corriente eléctrica y cerca viva de limoncillo. Siembra reciente de 10 árboles frutales, jardín interno y externo. Casa para cuidandero con una habitación, cocina, sala comedor y baño. Dos pesebreras modernas. Precio $750’000.000 millones negociables, venta o permuta la permuta por inmueble bien ubicado en Bogotá. Informes Henry Franco 314-237-12 12 ó 520-2092 Padre de Josué David Franco, 2º grado Mas imágenes de la casa y de la camioneta aquí: Vendo Camioneta Secondary fortuner 2013 Automática, 4x4, gasolina 35mil de kilometraje $74’500.000 Informes Henry Franco 314-237-12 12 ó 520-2092 Padre de Josué David Franco, 2º grado La familia Muñoz Robles les pide el favor a los papás de PK, K y 1º por favor revisar el chaleco de sus hijos por si están cambiados con el de nuestra hija. Los chalecos están marcadas con Samara Muñoz PK y Samara Muñoz K. Y también un chaleco Gris de hilo. Vendo Lavadora/Secadora Vendo Lavadora marca Whirlpool de 34 libras digital buen estado $600.000 Vendo Secadora marca Whirlpool de 34 libras puerta frontal $500.0000 Informe al celular 311588-3915, Caroline Parra Fijo: 677-7724 Se Vende • Lote Eje Cafetero en Condominio 1.857 m2. Para construir casa quinta. • Apartamento en condominio para vacacionar o arrendar a 3 km. de Melgar, Valle de los Lanceros • Apartamento Cartagena, Hotel Sonesta: semanas compartidas (4 al año) cerca al Hotel Las Américas. Informes al 310 5515768 o 6 736897, Katy Rojas. Classified ads can be requested by current and former families and staff and are due 12:00 noon Wednesdays. They will run for 1 week unless otherwise requested. ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-27 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News Elementary Secondary FRI Mar 27 Classified Ads El Testimonio de los Isaiev de Ucrania Colombia Sin Huérfanos Un trabajo de todos Desde Ucrania, Ievgen Isaiev, Conferencia Colombia Sin Huérfanos. Enlace video promocional: Viernes 27 de marzo a las 7:00pm / Teatro G12 - Cll. 22C No. 31-10 Entrada sin costo / Parqueadero vigilado Con la participación de la Honorable Senadora Dra. Viviane Morales Hoyos Transportation available to the academy from ECA on Fridays! Hay transporte los viernes desde el colegio hasta la academia. Si uno no da la vida por algo o por alguien, terminará dándola por nada. Fundación Int’l Maranata Más información: Tels: 477-7060 / 759-1407 / 314-283-9276 Classified ads can be requested by current and former families and staff and are due 12:00 noon Wednesdays. They will run for 1 week unless otherwise requested. ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-27 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News Elementary Secondary FRI Mar 27 Classified Ads Vacation Options Vacation Options More information: - turismo social Classified ads can be requested by current and former families and staff and are due 12:00 noon Wednesdays. They will run for 1 week unless otherwise requested. ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-27 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News 22 MONDAY 23 SABER Test Secondary FRI Mar 27 Calendar March/April SUNDAY Elementary 2015 TUESDAY 24 Click here or go to the next page to see Student and Staff Birthdays WEDNESDAY 25 THURSDAY 26 Holiday: St. Joseph’s Day FRIDAY 27 SAT Deadline SATURDAY 28 Kinder to San Rafael 12th Grade Bake Sale Acoinprev visiting 4th Grade Amazon Trip Model United Nations 29 Palm Sunday 30 31 1 April 2 Maundy Thursday 3 4 10 11 Good Friday Amazon Trip 5 6 7 8 9 6th Grade Bake Sale SAT Deadline 6th to Luz del Mundo Resurrection Sunday 12 Acoinprev visiting 3rd Grade 13 14 15 16 Online Registration Opens Parent Workshop Career Counselor Seminar TerraNova / WIDA testing all week If you have any corrections, comments, or suggestions for the bulletin staff, please email us at or Spring Play Spring Play Spring Play 17 8th to Buena Semilla 9th Grade Bake Sale Staff Day 18 T4:8 All Day Activity ECA Weekly Bulletin Issue #34-27 | Click here to see the school calendar for this month Main News 22 Jacobo Hurtado (6) Secondary FRI Mar 27 Calendar March/April SUNDAY Elementary 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY 23David Gómez (8) 24Pablo Avila (12) Holiday: St. Joseph’s Day Click here or go to the previous page to see the events calendar WEDNESDAY 25 THURSDAY 26Matías Enciso (7) FRIDAY SATURDAY 27 28 Manuela Santiago (14) 3 María Alejandra Yepes (17) Santiago Díaz (14) Gabriel Burgos (17) Angela Báez 29 Palm Sunday 30 Caylie Blair (16) 31 1 Gabriela Ramírez (5) Josué Moreno (10) Hanna López (12) Isabel Garzón 5 Antonella Anento (12) Sara Patiño (13) Resurrection Sunday 12 April 2 6 Facundo Murgas 7 Melissa Osorio (17) 8 Margoth Osma 13 Martín Vergara (6) Maundy Thursday 9 Renee Uribe 14 Matías Cancelada (6) Anamaría Bernhard (7) Sofía Alvira (16) 15 Mariana Moreno (11) David Izquierdo (15) Good Friday 4 Juan Mendoza (13) Manuela Quijano (5) Margarita Segura Rosa María Hastamorir 10 11 17 18 Juan Pablo Pinzón (13) Juliana Castellanos (9) Sarah Trussell 16 Staff Day Heidi Boyle If you have any corrections, comments, or suggestions for the bulletin staff, please email us at or
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