Weekly Bulletin
Weekly Bulletin
www.eca.edu.co AA 101241 Bogotá, Colombia 111166 Calle 221 #52-30 elcamino@eca.edu.co Phone: 676-1339 www.RenWeb.com El Camino Academy Weekly Bulletin Friday, January 21, 2011 Praise That Leo Morales got his green card in just 3 weeks! He and Lilia (Music) fly back on Feb 23. For all the work the construction team was able to finish last week and for their cash donation towards our new building. For the miraculous birth of Maria Antonia Jan. 11 to Elling and Maria Isabel Bejarano and sisters Isabella (3rd) and Salome. Brady Deal (former Computer teacher) and Maria Fernanda Olivera (former 1st and Pre-K teacher) are engaged to be married at the end of this year. Pamela Muñoz (2008 grad) is engaged to be married to Zach Green on May 28 in the States and on June 25 in Brazil. Prayer For the beginning of our new semester and for our new families and students who are transitioning in. For the high schoolers working on the retreat. For wisdom for our admissions team as they are processing various applications for this semester and the new year. For Felipe Avila’s recovery after surgery on both knees this Tuesday. He’s being released from the hospital this weekend. For Daniela Romano (10th), who has been very sick at home all week with a fever, tonsillitis, and now an ear ache. For Guillermo Rojas, father of Daniela (10th), David (5th) and Maria Camila (3rd), who has been in the hospital for several days now with an intestinal infection. _______________________ PARENT EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOPS Parents, be sure to come to our annual Parent Educational Workshops and annual Parent Assembly next Saturday, Jan 29. 8:30 9:00 10:00 11:15 12:00 – 9:00 – 9:45 – 11:00 – 12:00 – 12:30 Registration & Tour of the New Building 1st Session Assembly & 30-Year Celebration 2nd Session Tour of the New Building There will be announcements regarding the 2010-2011 calendar, teacher needs, uniforms, and fundraising progress. Childcare will be provided by the senior class for a small fee. ECA Bulletin#30-19 Page 1 of 9 1 / 21 / 11 ACADEMIC HONOR ROLL Congratulations to the following 5th – 12th grade students who made the High and Regular Honor Rolls 2nd quarter. For High Honor Roll, students must have a grade average of at least 95, with no grade under 87. Regular Honor Roll is for students with a grade average of at least 90, with no grade under 80. Averages are proportional, with grades weighted based on how many times a week the class meets. High Honor Roll Students 5th Maria Paula Buitrago Valeria Aguirre Walter Alejandro Cala 6th Sylvia Sanchez Ye Na Kim 7th Kaitlyn McCollum 8th Juan David Bernate Julian Herrera Maria Camila Moreno 9th 10th 11th 12th Franchesca Uribe Daniela Rojas Juliana Cala Laura Pinzon Maria Catalina Alonso Ernesto Moreno Karen Trujillo Sierra Owens-Hughes Yang-Hee Kim Regular Honor Roll Students 5th Laura Guzman Nathaly Botero Maria Jose Gomez Samuel Romick 7th Dae-Hee Kim 10th Andrea Frank Alessandro Uribe Janett Burgos Franco Uribe Juan Camilo Muñoz Maria Alejandra Yepes Juan Pablo Diaz Pablo Trujillo Laura Quiñones Ye Jae Kim Nataly Arenas 8th Ana Maria Bedoya 11th Daniela Chaves Max Arenas David Cubillos Pablo Bautista Eric Gomez Sulgui No Mattias Bylin 9th Daniella Senior Sara Suarez Eun Sol Jang 12th Jairo Muñoz Juan Sebastian Alfonso Lina Cala Laura Buitrago _______________________ SECOND QUARTER REPORT CARDS The Qtr 2 report cards were emailed on Thu, Jan 6 to those families who are caught up on payments and do not have any pending issue in the library. Parents who have not received their children's report cards need to contact the office. _______________________ PERFECT ATTENDANCE The following students had perfect attendance all of 1st semester, with no absences or even tardies: ECA Bulletin#30-19 Page 2 of 9 1 / 21 / 11 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Tovar, Salome Anento, Antonella Lopez, Hanna 7th 8th Kim, Dae-Hee Herrera, Julian Rudd, María Jose Salcedo, Pamela Rincon, Jocelyn Herrera, Santiago Herrera, Maria Alejandra Kim, Yang - Hee Cardenas, Santiago Diaz, Santiago 9TH 10th Tovar, Esteban 11th Izquierdo, David 12th Kim, Ye Na Osorio, Jesse Melissa _______________________ NEW OFFICE HOURS / ADDRESS The front office is now open from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day, except on Fridays when it opens at 6:30 a.m. Also, the post office has given us a postal code, so our mailing address is now: AA 101241 Bogotá, Colombia 111166 _______________________ NEW STUDENTS 2011-12 If you know of any Christian family interested in having their child attend Pre-Kinder at ECA in 2011-12 (must be 4 years old by Sept. 1, 2011), have them contact Adriana Avila at Admissions@eca.edu.co this coming week so that they can be invited to attend one of the upcoming admissions meetings. _______________________ HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT NEEDED ECA is looking for a full-time human resources assistant. Interested Christians should send a résumé with a pastor’s recommendation to the ECA office. _______________________ SPRING PLAY Rehearsals for The Jungle Book have started! This is a really fun play about a boy caught between two worlds, trying to figure out where he belongs while fighting for his family and his friends. Students who would like to be involved should talk to Miss Kindberg or Mr. Otis as soon as possible. Any parents who would like to help with costumes or set, please let Miss Kindberg know! _______________________ CHRISTIAN DANCE/AEROBICS CLASS On Monday afternoons from 4:15–5:00p, ECA will be having a Christian dance-aerobics class in the MPR for adults. Those who are not ECA teachers or staff are asked to donate $10.000 per semester to join. If you are interested in attending, please write RobynSmith@eca.edu.co. ECA Bulletin#30-19 Page 3 of 9 1 / 21 / 11 ECALI CLASES DE INGLÉS PARA LÍDERES Y PASTORES CRISTIANOS Si estás interesado en tomar clases de inglés, nivel intermedio avanzado, dirigidas a pastores y líderes cristianos, por favor escribe a EnglishInstitute@eca.edu.co o comunícate al 676-1339 ext. 116. ECALI es un instituto de educación no formal. _______________________ NOTES FROM THE NURSES The Infirmary needs crutches. Please contact the office if you know of a donation source. Also, remember that with the climate changes, the sun is strong these days, so please send your children to ECA with sunblock and caps, especially for PE. _______________________ UPDATE RenWeb YOURSELF! Parents and students, when your phone numbers or addresses change, you can update RenWeb directly: 1. Login, 2. click on Family Information, then 3. Custodial Parent Form or Student Demographic Form in the Online Filing Cabinet (bottom section, under the Web Forms tab). Make your changes and click Save at the bottom of the page. This will generate an email to our RenWeb administrative team who will accept or reject the changes. _______________________ RenWeb CHANGE Last week we encouraged parents to sign up for Zero Warning Notifications. RenWeb has subsequently changed the program, and that option is not available for individual families but only for an entire class, like 7th grade. If you would like the parents of your child’s grade to receive notifications whenever students have missing assignments, please contact your child’s principal. Parents can always go to ParentsWeb / Student Information / Grades to view all grades for the year. _______________________ 40 CHALLENGES FOR CREATION Challenge #11: Recycle Using 2 bags Separate your trash into recyclables and trash. On campus we have white bags for recyclables next to black bags for trash. Recycle on campus, at home, or wherever. _______________________ SUMMER READING CONTEST Congratulations to the following students for meeting the summer reading contest requirements: ECA Bulletin#30-19 Page 4 of 9 1 / 21 / 11 K 1st 2nd 3rd Tomas Mendoza Sara Lopez Silvia Cuervo Chase Hudgins Chad Hudgins Elisa Trujillo Juana Guzman Eliana Peña Mariana Moreno Salome Tovar Valentina Cordero Cynthia Hanson Hanna Hart Simon Paez Sung-Eun Kim Maria Antonia Lopez Pablo Avila Samuel Alvira Hanna Lopez Valeria Achury Daniel Sandoval Isabella Bejarano Ana Maria Navarro Santiago Cardenas Laura Pinzon Emma Estrada Juan Esteban Aguirre Maria Camila Rojas Tatiana Restrepo 4th 5th Samuel Yepes Chandler Hudgins Juan Pablo Pinzon Lucas Mendoza Sarah Suarez Maria Alejandra Olarte Sofia Vasquez Michelle Sandoval Zach Saderup Angel Anento Aleen Hanson Isabella Obando Manuela Santiago Jose David Pinzon Karen Mosquera Esteban Tovar Melissa McCollum Sarah Amado Sung-Sil Kim Katia Pistulka Maria Jose Gomez Valeria Aguirre Joy Hudgins Sara Pinzon Felipe Achury David Easter Laura Guzman Esteban Trujillo David Rojas These students will each be given a gift certificate toward the purchase of a scholastic book of their choice this semester. Congratulations to these six students who read the most in their individual classes. They will each be given a $20 gift certificate toward the purchase of scholastic books of their choice this semester. K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Tomas Mendoza Elisa Trujillo Cynthia Hanson Daniel Sandoval Sarah Suarez Sarah Amado 30 books 18 books 19 hours 89 hours 80 hours 30.5 hours Congratulations to the following classes for meeting the summer reading contest requirements as a class. They will be given a movie and popcorn afternoon during this semester. 3rd 5th 252.5 hours 216 hours Congratulations to 4th grade for being the class that read the most hours this summer with 367 hours read! They will be given a special field trip during this semester. ECA Bulletin#30-19 Page 5 of 9 1 / 21 / 11 Thank you to all who participated. There was more reading done this past summer than in previous summers. Congratulations! _______________________ Sports! After-school sports started up this week. HS Girls Basketball was dropped for lack of players, but it’s not too late to join any of these: HS Boys Basketball, MS Basketball, MS Volleyball, MS Soccer, and Elem Soccer...scheduled on the days indicated on the calendar on the last page. _______________________ STUDENT BIRTHDAYS! Happy Birthday to the following students who have birthdays in the next 2 weeks: Student Grade Date Sara Ortiz 7th Veronica Landinez 1st Susan Lopez 2nd David Rojas 5th Samuel Reyes P Matias Frantz K Natalia Diaz 4th Lina Roncancio 12th Santiago Herrera 10th Joy Hudgins 5th _______________________ 1/22 1/23 1/24 1/27 1/28 1/29 1/29 1/31 2/2 2/3 Classifieds VENDO Sábado 22 de Enero 9-12am or 1:30-5:30pm Cra. 23 # 150-63, Barrio Margaritas Informes Maritza de Bedoya Cel: 300-225-3381 Tel. 258-8696 después de las 3:30pm VALOR Bicicleta de carreras dama marca cobra Mesa bar Bicicleta niña Lámpara de mesa metálica Lavadora de platos Kenmore (Dishwasher) Mesa pequeña con base vidrio ECA Bulletin#30-19 Page 6 of 9 $150.000 80.000 40.000 15.000 75.000 35.000 1 / 21 / 11 jarrón en mimbre Mueble computador Bima (Computer desk) Perchero play station BBQ carbón Microondas (Microwave) y mas . . . 25.000 120.000 15.000 70.000 120.000 50.000 _______________________ FRENCH CLASSES Personalized French classes for adults and children. Silvana Cousulich: 420-0058 (home) and 310-383-0156. Referred by Renee Uribe. Clases de francés personalizadas para adultos y/o niños. Silvana Cousulich: 420-0058 y 301-383-0156. _______________________ INVITACION JUCUM AMAZONAS El 2011 será una oportunidad para que te unas con nosotros en todos los proyectos que se desarrollaran en las comunidades indígenas de la Región Amazónica. (Colombia, Brasil y Perú). Haz parte de las actividades que bendecirán muchas vidas y harán la diferencia en este lugar. Brigada Médica: tendrás el privilegio de servir a Dios usando tus dones y tu carrera profesional. Si haces parte del campo de la salud, únete y toca vidas. Hay mucho que puedes hacer por los más necesitados. Fecha: junio y julio. Capacitación y discipulado: puedes planear una experiencia inolvidable de fe. Anima a tus amigos o iglesia para unirse a esta aventura de enseñar la palabra de Dios y guiar vidas al conocimiento de la verdad. Puedes organizar tu agenda y contactarnos. Trabajo con niños: hace un año estamos trabajando con un barrio carente en la Ciudad (El Águila) en un proyecto llamado Mesa de Dios, donde los niños reciben enseñanzas bíblicas y refrigerio. Puedes programar un tiempo con ellos, realizando talleres de higiene, salud, principios bíblicos, recreación, etc. (puedes traer cepillos, material escolar, ropa, etc.). Acción social: donación y construcción de pozos, iglesias, casas. Haz parte de uno de estos proyectos, reúne a tus amigos y dona una de estas construcciones, también puedes tener la experiencia de alegrar corazones y mejorar la calidad de vida. Contáctanos: escríbenos o envía tu donación a la siguiente dirección: Calle 9 No. 6-37 / Barrio Centro Tel: 578- 592 66 68 JucumAmazonas@yahoo.com YWAMLeticia@juno.com edema3f@hotmail.com _______________________ ECA Bulletin#30-19 Page 7 of 9 1 / 21 / 11 HOT LUNCH SERVICE February 2011 The hot lunch service includes two (2) main dishes to choose from. All menus include soup, a vegetable/salad, fruit, a glass of natural fruit juice and a dessert – approx. 40 gms. for children and 50 gms. for adults. Salads are prepared with different kinds of fresh, cleaned vegetables. When a field trip is scheduled, that day’s lunch will be replaced with a sandwich, fruit, and juice when the teacher requests. For families with more than one ECA student, put each child’s initials in a column heading and mark their Main Dish choice with an X. M E N U Date Main Dish Tue. 1 broaster chicken Wed. 2 Fri. 4 Mon. 7 Tue. 8 Wed. 9 Thu. 10 Fri. 11 Mon. 14 Tue. 15 Wed. 16 Thu. 17 Fri. 18 Mon. 21 Tue. 22 Wed. 23 Thu. 24 Fri. 25 Mon. 28 meat with cheese stuffed beef grilled chicken breast Mexican tacos Argentinian churrasquito fricassee flank roast breaded fish orange chicken pork chop spaghetti a la carbonara grilled flank steak with cheese BBQ chicken meatballs flank steak bandeja paisa Valencian rice caramelized chicken goulash breaded wings grilled chicken breast hamburger filet mignon chicken nuggets ajiaco churrasquito spring tuna roast chicken in sauce trout grilled chicken breast julienne beef Number of Lunches __________ Total Cost $_________________________ NAME: __________________________________ Cost per lunch: st nd th Pre-K–1 ___ 2 –4 ___ MS___ HS___ Staff___ st Pre-Kinder – 1 nd th 2 –4 Middle School High School and Adults $5.300 TOTAL COST $ _________________ $5.800 $6.400 Cash Payment Attached $6.900 Include in Monthly Bill Lunch orders must be received by ECA by Monday, January 24. ECA Bulletin#30-19 Page 8 of 9 1 / 21 / 11 Upcoming ECA Events: Jan - Feb 2011 Sun 16 Mon 17 Tue 18 Wed 19 MS Vball Choreography 23 24 25 Thu 20 MS Soccer 26 Fri MS Bball Art 27 30 stuffed beef / tuna rolls 31 Napolitanian spaghetti / breaded fish 1 February grilled fish / meatballs with vegetables 2 3 6 7 8 9 (only 14 students) flank roast / breaded fish orange chicken / pork chop / fricassee 14 th 15 16 Bake Sale: 9 5 1st to Ancianatos Teacher Work Day Teacher Chill Out 10 11 Matt Brunelle Webmaster spaghetti carbonara / grilled flank 17 12 Progress Reports th 4 to Hogar de Paz Breakfast Sale: Consumer Math Andrea Gomez Spanish steak with cheese / BBQ chicken 18 th 19 6 to La Cima meatballs / flank roast 21 9th Recyclers 10th Luz y Vida 11th Ciudad Bolívar Mexican tacos Valentine’s Day 20 Parent Educational Workshops / Board Forum bandeja paisa No Car Day 7 /8 to Egipto Yearbook Picture Retakes Argentinian churrasquito 13 th 29 th 4 stuffed beef / grilled chicken breast broaster chicken / meat with cheese th 7-12 Open Outreaches – girls only 28 goulash / chicken nuggets Admissions Mtg Chinese rice / browned meat 22 HS Boys Bball Elem Soccer Admissions Mtg Diana Herrera MS Aide Sat 21 bandeja paisa 22 Sol Izquierdo Nurse Valencian rice / caramelized chicken 23 th Bake Sale: 9th goulash / breaded wings 24 7-12 Open Outreaches grilled chicken breast / hamburger 25 26 Día del Idioma filet mignon / chicken nuggets ajiaco churrasquito / spring tuna grilled beef chicken in sauce / trout The ECA Bulletin is available online (www.eca.edu.co or RenWeb) Fridays after 12:00 noon. Items for inclusion are due by noon Wednesdays. Unless otherwise requested, classified ads will run for 1 week. Items for inclusion can be sent to the office, sent by fax (676-1339), or emailed to Bulletin@eca.edu.co, Subject: ECA Bulletin ad. ECA Bulletin#30-19 Page 9 of 9 1 / 21 / 10
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