Arabian Horse World


Arabian Horse World
A r a b i a n H o r s e Wo r l d p r e s e n t s
by Carol Maginn
o all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all
the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the
times you can, for all the people you can, for as long as
you can.”
I read these words on a handwritten note, “From the Desk of
Jim Sirbasku,” found in the front of my folder during the Arabians
Ltd. seminar welcome breakfast, October 9-10, 2010. I must say that it
stopped me in my tracks for a few seconds, as I was not expecting a note
from Jim. I learned later that evening from Judy Sirbasku that Jim kept
this note on his desk to read as he started each day.
I reflected on the amazing weekend of education and celebration
put together by the team at Arabians Ltd., and I realized that these
words are truly the core principles of one of the most successful and
influential Egyptian Arabian breeding programs in the world. Jim’s note
set the tone for a wonderful weekend of fun, education, and camaraderie
for the more than 140 clients in attendance.
Shawn Crews began the weekend by welcoming all the guests along
with a host of special speakers from across the country. The first speaker
was Bob Boggs, who shared the story of his time with Thee Desperado
and the two-year National campaign. Thee Desperado’s National win
was the realization of years of careful planning, breeding, and goal
setting, and was the high point of the Arabians Ltd. program up until
then. Most Arabian breeders would have been satisfied with such an
outstanding accomplishment, given the impact he made on the industry.
This was, however, not the case for Judy and Jim Sirbasku. After proving
that a straight Egyptian horse could win against all comers at the U.S.
Nationals and Scottsdale shows, Arabians Ltd. set their sights on a new
goal — continuing to produce the highest quality straight Egyptian
horses, as well as taking top honors on all continents. The story that
follows, recounted by Arabians Ltd.’s longtime trainer Shawn Crews, is
the saga of this ongoing quest.
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Preceding page, facing page, and above: The 1996 stallion *Mishaal HP (Ansata Sinan x Mesoudah M).
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Above: Thee Desperado (The Minstril x AK
Amiri Asmarr), at 20 years old.
Left: Arabians Ltd. owner Judy Sirbasku, her
granddaughter Zoë, and handler Luis Paniagua.
Facing page top: Judy Sirbasku and Arabians
Ltd. general manager and trainer Shawn Crews.
Facing page bottom: *Mishaal HP.
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“It was the hottest summer on record in Europe the
year that I judged the Italian Egyptian Event,” Shawn
began. “On recommendation from Thomas Mayer, I
decided to change my travel plans and head to Frank
Spönle’s in Germany in hopes of finding that stallion that
Judy had wanted for her program for so long. It was a July
morning when Frank handed me the pedigrees for the
group we would see. There were about ten, ranging from
two-year-olds up and including several noted Egyptian
stallions. In the middle of the pack, Frank showed me a
big, steel-grey stallion. He was imposing and seemed to just
take up all the space around you. When I glanced at the
pedigree, I hoped the horse could live up to his illustrious
lineage. His were just the bloodlines that Judy had asked me
to find. He was *Mishaal HP, sired by Ansata Sinan (who
was a World Reserve Champion Stallion) out of Mesoudah
M, a full sister to *Imperial Madheen, and I hoped I’d see
all the attributes from these two families. They turned the
horse loose, although I’d been told he doesn’t always put
on a show. It must have been my day, or his day, however
you want to look at it, but put on a show he did and we
captured it on video.
“After that, I got busy looking at all the points of
horse that were on Judy’s ‘must have’ list: tiny ears,
large eye, substance, size, straight, high tail carriage
and strong limbs with a preference toward short
cannon bones. Wow, everything on the checklist
was ticked off and double confirmed on his
amazing pedigree.
“That afternoon, I telephoned home and
told Judy of my experience with *Mishaal HP.
We had looked for so long that I hoped this
was the one, but half of our evaluation team
had not seen the horse. I flew home the
next morning, video in hand, and went
straight to Judy’s house. Judy immediately
confirmed my intuition and asked me to
talk to Frank and make a deal.
“Frank came through with flying
colors and I’m totally convinced that
without his professional diligence,
we would not have *Mishaal HP
today. Judy is especially thankful
to Frank and Elisa Grassi for their
perseverance in seeing this project
through for Arabians Ltd.
“There were only 12 foals in
Mishaal’s first foal crop and at first
only a few were shown. When
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the foals first started coming, we didn’t quite know what to
think. They were big, bold, substantial, and friendly beyond
belief. They also had all the traits that Judy had desired:
beautiful little typey ears, large dark eyes, short faces,
strong legs, and tail-over-the-back exuberant movement.
At the first Egyptian Event where the foals were shown,
Grace Of Sinan (x Sammars Gift) won her World Class
Championship, while AA Couture (x Bint Bint Aminaa)
won Reserve in his Futurity, and Paladium (x Amiri Jolie)
also went Reserve in his Futurity. A promising two-year-old
son of *Mishaal HP, Thee Fyresteed (x Thee Crystabelle
RTM) captured the Most Classic Head title in the stallion
division, and Scapa (x Erie Anna) rounded out the credits
for the year with a Reserve Championship in his Futurity.
“As the foals began to arrive in more abundance, we
saw Mishaal’s trademark qualities consistently appear,
and now comfortable with Mishaal’s ability as a sire, Judy
decided to offer 12 Lifetime Breedings to the stallion. Each
of these twelve breeders has the luxury of breeding one mare
a year for the life of the horse and can use a bonus breeding
in any one season they choose. They are an integral part of
Left: Pimlico RCA (Thee Desperado x *Bint Bint Jamil by
Mohafez), 2004 Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Stallion,
Region 9 Champion Stallion, Scottsdale Top Ten Stallion,
and Las Vegas World Cup Top Four Senior Stallion, bred by
Debra and David Geiser, owned by Arabians Ltd.
Bottom row, pictured from the left:
Bellagio RCA (Alixir x Rhapsody In Black by Thee
Desperado), 2005 Egyptian Event Junior Champion Colt and
Scottsdale Top Ten Colt, owned by Arabians Ltd.
Alixir (The Elixir x The Prevue by The Minstril) is an
outcross stallion for Arabians Ltd.
Thee Infidel (Thee Desperado x Bint Magidaa by *Khofo),
U.S. National Top Ten Furturity Colt and Top Ten Stallion,
Egyptian Event Reserve Champion Junior Colt, owned by
Arabians Ltd. and Thee Infidel Group.
Thee Asil (Thee Desperado x Alia Barakaa by Ruminaja Ali),
Egyptian Event World Class Champion Stallion and Region
9 Reserve Champion Stallion, owned by Arabians Ltd. and
Maiden Chase Arabians.
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Above: The Sequel RCA (Thee Desperado x La Marsala by The Minstril), 2005 Egyptian Event
Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion, owned by Arabians Ltd.
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Four *Mishaal HP daughters, from the top:
Madinah Moniet (x Preciouss Secret by
Thee Asil), owned by Merryman Arabians,
Waco Texas.
Thee Scarlet Rose RCA (x Thee Scarlet
Lady by Thee Desperado), a 2009 filly
bred by Judy Sirbasku and owned by Mr.
Osman Linjawi, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Bint Bint Felicia TF (x Skyy by Thee
Desperado), owned by Lisa Cifrese and
Richard Geha.
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Lola SIG (x Thee Phoenixx by Thee
Infidel), a 2008 filly owned by Eric and
Stacey Mlak, pictured here at the 2010
Egyptian Event with Greg Knowles.
Mishaal’s success as a Leading Sire as the foals produced from these loyal patrons were the first
to put him solidly on the map as a sire. We at Arabians Ltd. are sincerely grateful for the
foresight and commitment of these breeders.
“Gradually, a strange phenomenon began to unfold. Our foals had always
done well in the overseas markets and had enjoyed a consistent popularity, but
all of a sudden, there was a great interest internationally in Mishaal’s foals.
The first to be exported was selected by Chen Kedar of Ariela Arabians.
It was Saniyyah RCA (x My Shooting Star), who earned the Junior
National Champion Filly title in Israel for Ariela Arabians. Friend
and trainer Greg Knowles, who recently returned from Israel,
summed up his impression of Saniyyah’s beautiful filly, sired by
Laheeb, in a single word: ‘Amazing.’”
“Greg, one of Arabians Ltd.’s greatest supporters, says,
‘I recommended my own father breed his Magic
*Mishaal HP
Dream daughter to *Mishaal HP. When Shawn called me last February speaking of a beautiful
Mishaal filly that she was afraid would be sold overseas before she had a chance to show, I bought
her on the spot.’
“Bred by Dan and Louise DeRusseau of LD Arabians, Noor Magidaa LDA, won her futurity
class at the Egyptian Event and Greg was presented with a check for $6,800. By the time the show
was over, on the recommendation of Frank Spönle, Noor Magidaa LDA was sold to a new owner,
Nayla Hayek of Hanaya Arabian Stud, in Switzerland. Just three weeks later, she received the Bronze
Medal at the European Egyptian Event Championships, with Frank at the lead.
“At the 2010 Egyptian Event, *Mishaal HP foals proved they were certainly a force to be
reckoned with. In the Saturday night championships, first in the Junior Colts, IV Ever Sinan took
the Reserve title for owners Laura Cronin and Diane Taylor. In the Senior Champion division, AA
Couture was named Reserve Senior Champion Stallion for Pamela Onusko, and a short moment
later the crowd roared as Paladium wore the Senior Champion garland. Champion and Reserve
Senior stallions were both sired by *Mishaal HP. Paladium went on to be named the unanimous
Alia Valentino (Thee
Desperado x Ali Maarlia
by Ali Valentino),
Region 9 Reserve
Champion Mare,
Egyptian Event Reserve
Supreme Champion
Mare, ET foal due in
2011 by Bellagio RCA,
owned by Wayne and
Keitha Adams..
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Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion and at the time
of this writing, he should be arriving in his new home
at the King Abdul Aziz Arabian Horse Centre under
the direction of Mr. Sami Al Nohait in Saudi Arabia.
At this show, Mishaal fillies were also extremely
successful in the futurity divisions. Thee Scarlet Rose
RCA (x Thee Scarlet Lady) won the younger yearling
futurity for breeder Judy Sirbasku and new owner
Mr. Osman Linjawi; Noor Magidaa LDA would win
her futurity for Greg Knowles and now owner, Nayla
Two daughters of Thee Asil: Asila RCA (x MB
Pirouette), top right, owned by Arabians Ltd., had a
promising 2010 colt sired by *Mishaal HP and is a
favorite mare of Judy Sirbasku’s, and II DI IV (x My
Shooting Star), below, owned by OGM Arabians.
Top left: Rhapsody In Black
(Thee Desperado x Aliashahm
RA by Ruminaja Ali), is the
dam of Bellagio RCA and is
Judy Sirbasku’s “best buddy.”
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Bottom left: Thee Scarlet
Lady (Thee Desperado x
Reckless Woman by The
Minstril), owned by Arabians
Ltd., has produced extremely
well with *Mishaal HP. She
is pictured here in 2009 with
Thee Scarlet Rose RCA (by
*Mishaal HP).
Bottom right: Isis Nadia
(Pimlico RCA x Thee Kajaree
by The Minstril), a 2009 filly
owned by Dr. Dennis and
Roxanne Parks.
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Hayek (as mentioned above); and Amal Magidaa LDA (x Il Bint Magidaa), also bred
by LD Arabians and owned by the Pope family, became the Three-Year-Old Extended
Futurity Champion Filly. Also, Lola SIG (x Thee Phoenixx), owned by Eric and Stacey
Mlak, who was Top Ten at Scottsdale in February, was Reserve Champion of the twoyear-old World Class fillies.”
John Neyer, marketing director for Arabians Ltd., has a close relationship with the
horse. “Mishaal is loud and boisterous, and as big as he is, that is a lot of horse to have
on the end of the lead. He is really just a big pet! Having a stallion with such a great,
easygoing personality is a real plus. His foals are the same way from birth. It is like no
one told them they are supposed to be afraid of people! We have been told that in photos
or on video it is hard to get a feel for Mishaal’s imposing size … the babies are the same
way: tall and substantial. They are like gentle giants!”
Breeding manager Stephane Robillard has the difficult task of managing the
breeding careers of some pretty busy stallions. He notes that Mishaal is a gentleman in
the breeding shed. “This year is the first we have handled the embryo transfer process
from start to finish here on the farm. Many of those embryos were Mishaal’s. We are
excited to be able to offer this service and to have been so successful with this process,
and the ‘big white horse’ this season.”
“There’s no greater thrill than watching the culmination of success for our clients
come together,” says Judy Sirbasku. “For the breeders who chose their very best to breed
to Mishaal, to watch those I have mentored and guided, breed the best and to watch our
team of professionals, Greg Knowles, Frank Spönle, Luis Paniagua, and Shawn Crews
sink their heart, soul, and passion into every horse, that’s what makes a show string great.
I want to thank all of our Event team members, all of the breeders, and all of the owners.
Also, our pre-show team, David Reissig, Vincent Young, Mike Cimino, Mike Danos,
Kimberly Shutts, and Chris Bloodgood, who roll into Kentucky a good week before
anyone else, make sure that the Arabians Ltd. stall area is safe and comfortable for each
and every horse and create an enjoyable spot for the Arabians Ltd. family that gathers
together in the magical setting at the
Kentucky Horse Park every year.”
Judy adds, “In large part, what
makes Arabians Ltd. successful is this
extended family. There are no greater
supporters of *Mishaal HP, Arabians
Ltd., and the Arabians Ltd. team than
those breeders and owners from the
home farm and the Arabians Ltd.
affiliate farms. Mike Cimino and the
whole clan from Colthill Crescent
Arabians in Folsom, Louisiana, are loyal
beyond description. The foals they’ve
produced over the last two seasons by
Mishaal and the Arabians Ltd. stallions
are becoming noted worldwide. From
Buchanan, Virginia, Amethyst Acres
Right: Gameelah LDA (Thee Desperado
x Magidaat Al Gamal LDA by *Mishaal
HP), a 2010 filly bred and owned by Dan
and Louise DeRusseau. Dan and Louise
own two lifetime breedings to *Mishaal
HP and are also Thee Desperado lifetime
breeding patrons.
Left: KBF Starlight (Thee
Desperado x MC Alexsis by
The Elixir), 2010 Egyptian Event
Champion Mare ATH, was bred
by Karl and Jacki Breckon and is
owned by Carolyn Busch.
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1. AA Couture (*Mishaal HP x Bint Bint Aminaa by Thee Asil)
with Frank Spönle at the 2010 Egyptian Event where they won
Reserve Champion Senior Stallion. Couture is owned by Pamela
2. Bint Bint Felicia TF (*Mishaal HP x Skyy by Thee Desperado)
and affiliate farm owners Richard Geha and Lisa Cifrese of
Thornewood Farm.
3. Judy Sirbasku with good friend and trainer Greg Knowles.
4. Jessi Wherland, Arabians Ltd. veterinary technician.
5. The Shutts family of Magnolia, Texas.
6. Arabians Ltd. resident trainer Luis Paniagua.
7. From left to right: Karl Breckon, Mike Cimino of affiliate
farm Colthill Crescent Arabians, Dottie Peralta, Mike Danos,
and Vicki Duzac.
8. Mark and Debra Burke of Arabians Ltd. affiliate farm
Amethyst Acres Equine Center, Buchanan, Virginia.
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Equine Center, Inc., and
Mark and Deb Burke (aka
the ‘Purple Gang’) have
assembled a beautiful group
of Egyptian fillies and mares
and an enthusiastic group of
people. Mark and Deb have
helped take our program to
the next level on the East
coast — they are the kind
of people that make us all
better at what we do.
“And in New Jersey,
the buzz is about what’s
going on in Hunterdon
County at Thornewood
Farm, owned by Lisa Cifrese
and Richard Geha, who
have some of the most
amazing straight Egyptian
fillies and broodmares to be
found anywhere. The news
media has taken an interest
in Thornewood Farm as
well. Lisa and Richard
recently received a visit from
reporters at CNBC who
videotaped their magnificent
Egyptian Arabians and
1. Friends, pictured from left to right: Sharon Redman, Judy’s
niece Jill O’Rourke, photographer Polly Knoll, Judy Sirbasku,
and Carolyn Busch.
2. Arabians Ltd. amateur handler David Reissig.
3. Arabians Ltd. breeding and farm manager Stephane Robillard,
with his wife Mellisa who is the stud book and office manager.
Arabian horse. It has
been a great joy to see the
realization of our dreams. At
Arabians Ltd., our hope is
that we can share the dream
with others and bring them
as much joy as we have
experienced through this
labor of love.”
4. Pictured from left to right: Arabians Ltd. media manager
Chris Bloodgood, accountant Amanda Waits, and client services
director Tara Maus.
5. Noor Magidaa LDA (*Mishaal HP x Illa Magidaa LDA by
Thee Desperado), 2010 Egyptian Event First Place Futurity
Finals Straight Egyptian Two-Year-Old Filly. Pictured from
left to right: previous owners of Noor Magidaa’s grandam Bint
Bint Magidaa, Mark and Nancy Ness, breeders Dan and Louise
DeRusseau, Luis Paniagua, Greg Knowles, and Judy Sirbasku,
accepting the award.
6. Arabians Ltd. marketing director John Neyer with the 2010
filly by Thee Infidel and out of Mishaals Prevue RCA.
7. Trainer Frank Spönle with daughter Virginia.
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interviewed Lisa about
financial advantages of
investing in Arabian horses.
We are also happy to
welcome the Shutts family
of Lone Star Arabians,
LLC Inc. to represent our
program and family in
the Houston area,” Judy
Not surprisingly, Judy
Sirbasku’s vision for the
future of Arabians Ltd.
incorporates the philosophy
that has made the program
so successful throughout its
history. “We have always
strived to produce the best
horses we possibly can and
to make sure we offer our
top quality stallions to our
clients, to whom we credit
much of our success,” Judy
says. “Jim and I always felt
that doing all you can for
as many people as you can
as often as possible is key
to success in the Arabian
horse business. That’s
something my husband was
always very proud of. This
is an important principle
that we’re committed to
and that we’re all excited
about continuing. If we
have been able to cultivate
some new dreams or goals,
new friendships, and deeper
commitments to this breed,
then we feel we have perhaps
made an impact on the
future. We would like to
invite everyone to come to
the farm to see what we’re
doing. Our program is the
result of a lifelong love affair
with the straight Egyptian
Colthill Crescent Arabians
Mike Cimino
84403 N. Factory Rd.
Folsom, LA 70437
Thornewood Farm, LLC.
Lisa Cifrese & Richard Geha
50 Dunkard Church Rd.
Stockton, NJ 08559
Amethyst Acres Equine Center, LLC.
Mark & Deb Burke
9195 Springwood Rd.
Buchanan, VA 24066
Lone Star Arabians, LLC.
Ken & Karen Shutts
38144 Spur 149
Magnolia, TX 77354
John and Jeri Merryman
Merryman Arabians
Louise and Dan DeRusseau
LD Arabians
Marion and Christina Murphy
Phoenix Rising Egyptians
Pete Gotsis and Brandie Payne
Ferox Arabians
Lyn Rogers
Lynlee Arabians
Ann Marie Keri
Trinity Arabians
Lisa Cifrese & Richard Geha
Thornewood Farm
Dash and Louise Crofts
Crofts Haven Arabians
Dr. Dennis & Roxanne Parks
Isis Arabians
Zane & Eunice Stigall
San Gabriel Arabians
Thomas & Stefani Annett
Reverence Spring Arabians
Shawn Crews
254-744-0118 cell
John Neyer
254-717-0683 cell
Stephane Robillard
254-723-1074 cell
Amanda Waits
Luis Paniagua
Jill Hayes
254-752-3725 office
Mellisa Robillard
Jessi Wherland
Chris Bloodgood
Tara Maus
Judy Sirbasku, owner
8549 Rock Creek Road
Waco, TX 76708
254.752.6056 fax