Dronninglund Fjernvarme
Dronninglund Fjernvarme
Johan Frey, manager Dronninglund Fjernvarme World largest solarpowerplant for distrikt heating Berliner energietage may 21., 2014 Dronninglund Fjernvarme Started November 19, 1959 as A.m.b.a. company (A.m.b.a = cooperative society with limited liability, ie that participants are liable only for their contributions to the company and not with their entire fortune. In 2014 it is app. 600€) 1,350 customers Approximately 50 kilometer of pipes Annual production of 40,000 MWh Turnover approx. 4 mill. € Production plants Four Gas Engines, Caterpillar 3516, 3.6 MW EL 6.4 MW heat An emergency gasboiler, 8 MW of heat One boiler with associated absorption heat pump. A total of 6 MW One hot water boiler 10 MW And from 2014, 37,000 m2 of Solar panels, approx. 27 MW with associated heatstorrage of 62,000 m3 of water. Approximately 18,000 MWh annually Energy production before 2014 In 2006, as we had to find replacement for two old oil-boilers So the customers instructed the Board that: The project realization should not result in increasing the price of heating. (according to Danish law, you cannot make a profit from selling heat) 50% phase-out of fossil fuels in the first phase. In the long run up to 100% phase-out of fossil fuels. Ensure heat supply for the future. Incentives 2006 • High taxes on natural gas. App. same level as the gas price itself. No tax on solar. • Not allowed to use biomass at natural gas fired plants • Saved CO2 quotes could be sold • Municipal guarantee for loans Why solar thermal? Principle diagram for solar and natural gas fired CHP (max18-20% solar) 50% solar power SUNSTORE 3 Future energy production for Dronninglund Fjernvarme Large pitstorrage can integrate renewable electricity in heat production. EL- boiler EB Heatpump HP CHP Combined heat and power 35 – 40 000 m² 50 – 100 000 m3 Very cost effective heat storage Boiler End use Benefits from combining technologies Solar: Produce free heat Heat pump: Produce cheap heat Fast capacity regulation (load) earn money Reduce storage volume CHP: Produce valuable electricity earn money Fast capacity regulation (prod.) earn money Storage: Gives flexibility Makes combinations possible Damvarmelager 17,7 millioner kr. Bygning 18 millioner kr. Fjernvarmerør 10 millioner kr. Solfangerfelt 45,5 millioner kr.. Søndervang 6,8 millioner kr. Design of pit heat storage Investment Heat storrage, 62.000 m3 (38,7 Euro/m3) Buildings Solarpanels District heating pipes Booilerplant and heatpump Building interest and contingencies Total investment hadware Consulting engineers EUDP (subsidies from Danish Department of Energy) Nettoinvestment (Municipal guarantee for loan) t.EURO 2.400 2.400 6.100 1.340 920 800 13.960 673 -2.953 11.680 Experience with large solar installations Easy to operate, runs unattended most of the time Little maintenance: Shaft seals, filters and areainspection Operating expenses: Approximately 15 cent per. MWh solar Power consumption: 2,5 - 3 kWh el/mWh solarheat. Cons for large solar installations : • Requires large areas of land • Requires large heat storage • Expensive investment per. mWh • Not reliable fuel supplier (on a short basis) Benefits from large solar installations Cleaner environment Power supply is inexhaustible Trouble-free operation Low operating costs Satisfied consumers Replacing fossil fuels You know the "fuel price" 30 years into the future. (Provided the Minister for Taxation can keep his dirty fingers away) Barriers for large solar installations Authority proceedings Large storage and heat pumps Taxes on heat pumps Natural gas companies. Lack of knowledge of solar energy For how long a time are solarpanels expected to last? Inlet manifold Exhaust manifold Conclusion • Apart from the teflon foil, the collectors are in an exceptionally good condition. • Rated lifetime of the solar collectors: Approximately 30 years • Solar panels have improved since the 1990s Final Report by: Ziqian Chen, Jianhua Fan, Bengt Perers og Simon Furbo, DTU Byg rapport R-210. Download available at: www.byg.dtu.dk For further information please contact: Dronninglund Fjernvarme. Att : Johan Frey Address : Tidselbak Allé 18, 9330 Droninglund Denmark Tel: +45 98 84 14 78 Email: frey@drlund-fjernvarme.dk
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