minnesota board of chiropractic examiners
minnesota board of chiropractic examiners
MINNESOTA BOARD OF CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS www.mn-chiroboard.state.mn.us RENEWALS NOTICES Renewal notices have been sent out. THESE NOTICES ARE NOT YOUR RENEWAL APPLICATION!!! In order to complete a renewal, you must submit a renewal application (not this card) and pay a fee. This can all be completed online by going to .www.mn-chiroboard.state.mn.us. In the alternative you may request an application from the Board, however renewal online is keeping board costs, and your fees, down. Last year during renewal time, 74% of all fees were paid online, and a whopping 88% of all applications were completed online. Because of this use, the fees have also come down significantly. Don't have a computer? No problem ... you can use a friends, go to a local college, a local library, or even stop by the Board office during normal business hours. You'll get immediate confirmation of your transaction, with confirmation of your relicensure online the next day. CONTINUING EDUCATION ROULETTE Much like the old game commonly referred to as "Russian Roulette" some practitioners have taken the chance that they'll slip through and not be audited. This has already begun to result in significant penalties, including up to a $900 fine for each year the CE was deficient, and the requirement to get additional CEo You mayor may not be lucky with --= --ti:l+s-witR--':-Ae-+RS,-Rowe-Vef",tRat-i&-fl9t....tA€H3ase--Aef&.-Aw0fE,J-ef-advice; .,YG61· WILL-BE AUDITED. The audit schedule is constructed such that all doctors will be audited on (approximately) a 4 year cycle. EACH year actively licensed doctors must have the 20 hours (including 3 Xray and 1 professional boundary) requirement accounted for. Excess hours in one year WILL NOT be used to account for a deficiency in another year (except for 2002-2003 transition years). We strongly encourage you not to playa losing game ... be absolutely certain to acquire your CE each and every year. THE NEXT TRAp·· REVISITED Because the Board is seeing more of..this issue surfacing, and because the danger to your license is so great, the Board is reprinting an article from it's December 2002 Newsletter. The Next Trap? It has come to the Board's attention that companies (some from out of state) are contacting doctors of chiropractic and offering them an opportunity that may be too good to be true. (Have you ever heard that before?) It goes like this: You have a patient or patients which may need neurodiagnostic testing. You provide office space for a technician to come in, bring in their own equipment and perform the test. You pay an hourly fee for the technician and rental of the equipment. You then charge the insurance company for the "technical" component of performing the examination, while some physician from another state charges for the "professional" component. You are STRONGLY encouraged to review the laws with your attorney before engaging in such activities. Other states have been taking fairly severe action (e.g. two suspensions in Arizona) for such charging, and there may be some violations of federal laws as well. You are strongly encouraged to consult private legal counsel before utilizing any "Make money fast" schemes. All too often such schemes are illegal, and can cause severe and permanent repercussions. MINNESOTA BOARD OF CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS www.mn-chiroboard.state.mn.us ~ - . MBCE Newsletter a quarterly publication • l ~~",!-.'-- " • ,;; j':'" RENEWAL SEASON IS ABOUT TO BEGIN THE ONLINE RENEWAL SYSTEM HAS BEEN IMPROVED! Renewal season begins in August 2002. Upcoming deadlines are as follows: September 15 December 31 December 31 December 31 February 28 ~ Summer2Q02. ~ Acupuncture Renewals DC License Renewals Professional Firm Renewals Seminar Sponsor Renewals Independent Examiner Renewals The Board would like to encourage more licensees to use the online system and to provide an email address. The online feature to change your address and supply an email address is available now on the web at www.mn-chiroboard.state.mn.us under ONLINE RENEWALIINFORMATION CHANGES. The online Acupuncture Renewal feature shall be activated on or about August 15, 2002. To access the web online system go to the Board's website at www.mn-chiroboard.state.mn.us and click on ONLINE RE EWALIINFORMATION CHANGES. RULE CHANGES TO CONTINUING EDUCATION REPORTING ARE STILL ANTICIPATED Effective immediately, licensees are STRONGL Y ENCOURAGED to begin acquiring and maintaining receipts of participation in continuing education programs directly from the CE providers. This should be done in anticipation of rule amendments. Licensees SHOULD NOT construe this to mean that any amendments are currently in place. This notice is only to prepare you in anticipation of changes currently being considered. A. WARNING ABOUT THE ROLE OF AN ACCOMPLICE Based on recent experiences, the Board wishes to advise practitioners that they should seriously consider the impact of their reporting obligations. Misguided "loyalty" may have inadvertently allowed practitioners to sink further into poor judgment and poor practices until the level of violations have become serious. The Board would like to remind you that loyalty to your patients should always supersede "loyalty" to another practitioner. The only way to avoid being an accomplice, and SUbjecting yourself to possible violations, is to report violations to the Board. This must be done in writing and forms are available from the web site or from the Board staff. The name of complainants will be kept anonymous if requested. ";'"', .' DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Protecting, maintaining and improving tile health ofall Minnesotans May 3,2005 Ms. Rebecca Osborne Mobile Diagnostic Imaging, Inc. 600 University Avenue SE MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55414-2132 Dear Ms. Osborne, Thank you for submitting the 2004 Diagnostic Imaging Facility Utilization Report as required by Minnesota Statutes, section 144.565, subdivision 4a. After an initial audit the following problems were found: • Demographic Information: Please identify your facility's CFO. • Section2: Please identify all.ofthe, individuals with a financiator economic interest in the facility. This includes all contract relationships with referring providers. See Minnesota Statutes, section 144.565, subdivision 4, items b (13). A copy of Minnesota Statutes, section 144.565 and the page of your submitted report with the needed information is enclosed for your reference. To avoid further action, please mail or fax (651-282-5628) corrections or additions as listed above by May 20,2005. If you have any further questions please'contact me at 651-282-3818 or amy.camp@health.state.rnn.us. Sincerely, ~7:L2~ ·AmyL. Camp Health Care Cost Information Systems (HCCIS) Administrator Healthcare Quality Information Program Office of Health Poli&y, Statistics, & Informatics cc: Ann Wynne, Mobile Diagnostic Imaging, Inc. Kristin Loncorich, Supervisor, Healthcare Quality Information Program Barb Wills, Manager, Healthcare Quality Inf0l111ation Program enclosures General Informarion: (651) 215-5800 • TDD/TYY: (651) 215-8980 • Minnesota Relay Service: (800) 627-3529 • www.healrh.state.mn.us For direcrions co any of the MDH locarions, call (651) 215-5800 • An equal opportunity employer DEPARTMENT Of HEALTH Protectinft> maintaining and improving the health ofall Minnesotans September 19,2005 HCClS ill 559 Ms. Rebecca Osborne Mobile Diagnostic Imaging, Inc. 600 University Avenue SE MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554142132 Dear Ms. Osborne, Thank you for submitting the 2004 Diagnosic Imaging Facility Utilization Report as required by Minnesota Statutes, sections 144.565, subdivision 4a. This letter is to inform you that your report has been audited and accepted in full. While MDH is accepting your report as submitted for 200-+, in the future, you must submit names ofindividuals who have a financial or economic interest in each mobile unit's parking contracts. I have enclosed a clean printout of the data we now have in our database. This data may be slightly different from what was originally submitted due to findings during the audit process. Please review this information and let me know if you disagree with any of the changes from what you had reported. If you have any further questions, please contact me at 651-282-3818 or amy.camp@hea1th.state.rllil.us. Sincerely, AmyL. Camp Health Care Cost Information Systems (HCCIS) Administrator Office of Health Policy, Statistics, & Informatics cc: Barb Wills, Manager, Center for Data Initiatives Kristin Loncorich, Supervisor, Center for Data Initiatives Ann Wynne, Mobile Diagnostic Imaging, Inc. David Hoiland, Attorney at Law General Information: (651) 215-5800 • TDD/TYY: (651) 215-8980 • Minn:so[a Relay Service: (800) 627-3529 • www.health.state.ffin.lJS For directions to any of rhe MDH locations, call (651) 21 ~-~SOO • An equal opportuniry employer Minnesota Statutes, section 144.565 Diagnostic Imaging Facilities Subdivision 1. Utilization and services data; economic and financial interests. The commissioner shall require diagnostic imaging facilities to annually report to the commissioner, in the form and manner specified by the commissioner: (1) utilization data for each health plan company and each public program, including workers' compensation, as follows: (i) the number of computerized tomography (CT) procedures performed; (ii) the number of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) procedures performed; and (iii) the number of positron emission tomography (PET) procedures performed; and (2) the names of all individuals with a financial or economic interest in the facility. Subd. 2. Commissioner's right to inspect records. If the report is not filed or the commissioner of health has reason to believe the report is incomplete or false, the commissioner shall have the right to inspect diagnostic imaging facility books, audits, and records. Subd. 3. Separate reports. For a diagnostic imaging facility that is not attached or not contiguous to a hospital or a hospital affiliate, the commissioner shall require the information in subdivision 1 be reported separately for each detached diagnostic imaging facility as part of the report required under section 144.702. If any entity owns more than one diagnostic imaging facility, that entity must report by individual facility. Subd. 4. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given: (a) "Diagnostic imaging facility" means a health care facility that provides diagnostic imaging services through the use of ionizing radiation or other imaging technique including, but not limited to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computerized tomography (CT) scan on a freestanding or mobile basis. (b) "Financial or economic interest" means a direct or indirect: (1) equity or debt security issued by an entity, including, but not limited to, shares of stock in a corporation, membership in a limited liability company, beneficial interest in a trust, units or other interests in a partnership, bonds, debentures, notes or other equity interests or debt instruments, or any contractual arrangements; (2) membership, proprietary interest, or co-ownership with an individual, group, or organization to which patients, clients, or customers are referred to; or (3) employer-employee or independent contractor relationship, including, but not limited to, those that may occur in a limited partnership, profit-sharing arrangement, or other similar arrangement with any facility to which patients are referred, including any compensation between a facility and a health care provider, the group practice of which the provider is a member or employee or a related party with respect to any of them. (c) "Freestanding" means a diagnostic imaging facility that is not located within a: (1) hospital; (2) location licensed as a hospital; or (3) physician's office or clinic where the professional practice of medicine by licensed physicians is the primary purpose and not the provision of ancillary services such as diagnostic imaging. (d) "Mobile" means a diagnostic imaging facility that is transported to various sites not including movement within a hospital or a physician's office or clinic. HIST: 2004 c 198 s 9 2004 Minnesota Statutes, section 144.565, Diagnostic Imaging Facility Excerpt Copyright 2004, Minnesota Revisor of Statutes