St Brendan Brand Guidelines - St. Brendan Catholic Church
St Brendan Brand Guidelines - St. Brendan Catholic Church
ST BRENDAN BRAND GUIDELINES JANUARY, 2014 OUR BRAND 0.0 GUIDELINES Welcome Partners! These guidelines are designed to help you work with our Ministry and Organizational leaders to use our brand assets to produce brand-compliant materials. Please remember all materials produced must be submitted to the Marketing/Communications Department (MCD) for approval prior to release. To make any use of our marks in a way that is not covered on the following pages, please contact Jason Jourdan at with questions. We appreciate your assistance in helping our faith community speak with a unified voice and look forward to working with you. Thank you. POSITIONING 1.0 BRAND STORY We’re all on a voyage of faith. When we hold together as a community, supporting one another as the tides rise and fall, Christ will see us through life’s storms and to the calm shores of His eternal salvation. POSITIONING 1.1 POSITIONING STATEMENT Saint Brendan The Navigator is a community of Christ’s Catholic Church that embraces people where they are on their voyage of faith. POSITIONING 1.2 MISSION STATEMENT To meet people where they are on their voyage of faith and offer them opportunities to know, share, and live their faith. POSITIONING 1.3 VIRTUES Faith - Faith enables us to know God and all He has revealed as the true center of our lives. Faith gives us the courage to evangelize the Gospel and to live our Catholic Faith. Hope - Hope compels us to desire God above all else. We live out our lives in Hope, trusting in Christ Jesus and His eternal salvation. Charity - We seek to serve in love as God himself loves. Charity enables us to live our faith and share it with others. We love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves. IDENTITY SYSTEM 2.0 BRAND ELEMENTS LOGO The Saint Brendan Identity System brings together a carefully chosen combination of elements that differentiates us in the marketplace and serves to tell our brand story. COLORS TYPOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHY IDENTITY SYSTEM 2.1 LOGO Our logo represents our brand and is the cornerstone of our identity system. Deviance from its defined usage can cause confusion and loss of recognition in the public arena. The strongest protection we can give our logo is to use it consistently and correctly. OUR LOGO SHOULD BE USED IN ITS FULL COLOR VERSION WHENEVER POSSIBLE. IT MAY ALSO BE USED IN BLACK AND WHITE OR (IN RARE INSTANCES) A SINGLE COLOR APPLICATION. IDENTITY SYSTEM 2.1 LOGO 0.25” WHERE FAITH AND EDUCATION UNITE IN ONE SCHOOL Saint Brendan School is celebrating 50 years of Catholic education in the Hilliard and Dublin communities. We offer an educational program that fosters lifelong development of the whole child while striving to teach students to be critical thinkers, collaborative workers, and Christian people. SCAN HERE FOR INFORMATION ON ENROLLMENT, ATHLETICS, AND MORE! 614.876.6132 STBRENDANS.NET OUR LOGO IS TO BE USED AS A SIGNATURE ON MOST PIECES OF COLLATERAL. THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER WITH AN APPROPRIATE AMMOUNT OF CLEAR ZONE IS BEST. THE “CURRAGH” CAN BE USED AS AN ICON OR MEME FOR SOCIAL MEDIA APPLICATIONS ONLY. OUR LOGO SHOULD HAVE A MINIMUM PROPORTIONAL CLEAR ZONE OF ONE “X” HEIGHT OF THE “N” IN BRENDAN. DO NOT: • SKEW OR MORPH SHAPE • ROTATE OR CHANGE DIRECTION • ADD SHINEY EFFECTS IDENTITY SYSTEM 2.1 LOGO Logos are available for the Parish, School, and Faith Formation in the following formats: jpeg .eps .png TAG - EXTERNAL ALL LOGOS WITH THE “HILLIARD, OHIO”TAG SHOULD BE USED FOR EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS. Logo assets are available for download by clicking here: Please see descriptions and usage recommendations. If you do not find a file format or version for a specific promotional application, please contact Jason Jourdan at: Thank you! NO TAG - INTERNAL ALL LOGOS WITH NO TAG SHOULD BE USED FOR INTERNAL PIECES. IDENTITY SYSTEM 2.2 COLORS This is a visual representation of the colors in our brand palette. White is a primary color and should always be the dominant background color in brand-centric promotions. Our secondary colors should always be used in a carefully considered manner. PMS 325 is commonly associated with materials for St Brendan School and PMS 1235 represents The Ministry of Faith Formation. PRIMARY COLORS PMS 349 PMS 382 SECONDARY COLORS PMS 325 PMS 1235 PMS 1525 PMS 1545 IDENTITY SYSTEM 2.3 TYPOGRAPHY Optima Optima Regular Optima Italic Optima Bold Optima Bold Italic Optima Extra Black Optima has been chosen as our primary font. Used in the variations to the left, it is the primary font for body copy. Optima is also used in its Extra Black form as our logo type. IDENTITY SYSTEM 2.3 TYPOGRAPHY MYRIAD PRO MYRIAD PRO LIGHT MYRIAD PRO BOLD Myriad Pro has been chosen as our secondary and headline font. It should be used in the variations shown when absolute clarity is called for such as business cards, charts, and signage. Myriad Pro should only be used in uppercase. IDENTITY SYSTEM 2.4 PHOTOGRAPHY Photography should be selected with the following concepts in mind: Honesty - Choose positive subjects shown in a straightforward manner. Show real people, not models. Show real moments, not contrived poses. Clarity - Our images should be fresh and distinctive with an eye towards clear and contemporary lighting. Metaphors - Our images should always tell a story. This will help to ensure that our brand shines through in content as well as style. Color Photography is preferred, but B&W images may be used in instances of B&W print ads, internal forms, fliers, etc. We use a mixture of original and stock imagery to create our promotions. IDENTITY SYSTEM 2.4 PHOTOGRAPHY TELL OUR BRAND STORY THROUGH AUTHENTIC MOMENTS. REAL PEOPLE, NOT MODELS. SHOW ETHNICALLY DIVERSE PEOPLE. REAL MOMENTS TO PULL PEOPLE IN. REAL ENVIRONMENTS WITH A HUMAN ELEMENT. IDENTITY SYSTEM 2.4 PHOTOGRAPHY AVOID USING CLIP ART/ILLUSTRATION IN PLACE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. OUR MESSAGES ARE BETTER PORTRAYED THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHS Images from the St Brendan Promotional Library are available. Please contact Jason Jourdan at: to request images. Thank you! WRITER’S GUIDE 3.0 MESSAGING We must communicate openly, honestly, and authentically. How we speak to our audience is just as important as what we say. Our writing should communicate our positioning and tell our story in a voice that is approachable and resonate. Clear objectives should be set when writing promotional materials. There should also be a definable call to action in our communications. Example(s): “Join us for an event,” “ Visit our web page,” or “Find us on Facebook.” WRITER’S GUIDE 3.1 FILTER Every piece of communication we produce should be filtered through the position of our brand. Does the message support the St Brendan position to meet people where they are on their voyage of faith? Does the combination of visuals and copy tell our story? Is the campaign promoting St Brendan as a supportive community on the voyage of faith? By producing messaging and collateral materials specific to the St Brendan Brand, we will be able to address our parish and speak to the broader community with a unified voice. WRITER’S GUIDE 3.2 VOICE In keeping with our desire to reach out and be welcoming, our voice needs to be one of a trusted friend. We want to be inviting to the faithful as well as the secular audience. Inspire people by posing thoughtful questions, or making statements of universal truth and appeal. Think parables. Keep the communication simple and straight forward. Headlines should capture moments and appeal to/promote our positioning. WRITER’S GUIDE 3.3 STYLE GUIDE Names and Titles - Our official names are: “Saint Brendan The Navigator Church of Hilliard, Ohio” and “Saint Brendan School of Hilliard, Ohio.” Avoid periods after abbreviations for designations such as “Saint” and “Father.” Example(s): St Brendan, Fr Bob Abbreviations - On first reference to an organization or other abbreviated entity, use its full name with abbreviation in parentheses. Thereafter, use on the abbreviation. Example: The Mutli-Purpose Room (MPR); thereafter, the MPR The School Advisory Board (SAB); thereafter, the SAB Commas - Use serial comma. Example: I enjoy apples, bananas, and grapes. Phone Numbers - Phone numbers use decimal separators between area code and phone digits. Example: 614.555.4545, ex 123 Time of Day - Use Uppercase AM and PM. Also drop “:00” for times on the exact hour. Example(s): 1 PM (not 1 p.m.), 2:45 PM, 8:15 AM. Calendar Dates - Dates appear in this format: January 31, 2014. If text follows, use a comma after the year. Do not abbreviate the Month. Do not use ordinal numbers for dates. Example(s): December 3 not December 3rd; July 4 not July 4th. Numbers - Use percentage symbol, not spelled out percent. Example: 5% not 5 percent. Only use ordinal numbers to indicate grades or the order of days. Example(s): 4th graders, 6th grade class OR 1st Sunday, 3rd week in November COLLATERAL 4.0 BRAND-CENTRIC EXAMPLES FR BOB PENHALLURICK PASTOR WISHING YOU A MERRY p: 614.876.1272 e: 4475 DUBLIN ROAD HILLIARD, OHIO 43026-2443 LIFE IS A VOYAGE ON THE SEA OF FAITH CHRISTMAS JOIN US FOR THESE UPCOMING EVENTS JANUARY 16, 9AM - 12PM St. Brendan School Open House JANUARY 30, 9AM - 12PM St. Brendan School Open House COLLATERAL 4.1 BRAND-CENTRIC EXAMPLES WHERE FAITH AND EDUCATION UNITE WELCOME TO IN ONE SCHOOL Saint Brendan School is celebrating 50 years of Catholic education in the Hilliard and Dublin communities. We offer an educational program that fosters lifelong development of the whole child while striving to teach students to be critical thinkers, collaborative workers, and Christian people. SCAN HERE FOR INFORMATION ON ENROLLMENT, ATHLETICS, AND MORE! 614.876.6132 STBRENDANS.NET COLLATERAL 4.2 CO-BRAND EXAMPLES TICKETS SOLD AFTER MASS BASKET RAFFLE Winners drawn on March 1st (at the auction) Winner need not be present to win BOOKWORM BASKET FEB. 15, 16, 22, & 23 STBRENDAN THE NAVIGATOR 2014 STEWARDSHIP A COMMON 5 $ PER TICKET GOLF LOVER’S BASKET Donated by St. Brendan Kindergarteners 22 BOOKS & $40 IN GIFT CARDS Donated by St. Brendan 1st Graders $70 IN GIFT CARDS PLUS GOLF ITEMS EXPLORE COLUMBUS! Donated by St. Brendan 5th Graders $370 IN GIFT CARDS PLUS COLUMBUS AREA PRODUCTS LEGO LOVER’S BASKET COURSE FOR OUR FUTURE PLEASE RETURN PLEDGE CARDS BY OCTOBER, 31. Donated by St. Brendan 2nd & 3rd Graders $50 IN GIFT CARDS PLUS 35 LEGO SETS AMERICAN GIRL Donated by St. Brendan 2nd & 3rd Graders $100 IN GIFT CARDS PLUS DOLL ACCESSORIES SHOP TIL YOU DROP! Donated by St. Brendan 6th Graders $320 IN GIFT CARDS TEENAGER BASKET Donated by St. Brendan 7th Graders $265 IN GIFT CARDS PLUS “COOL” STUFF DINNER AND A MOVIE! Donated by St. Brendan 4th Graders GAS & GROCERY BASKET $595 IN GIFT CARDS, 8 GOLD TICKETS PLUS 6 DVDs PLEDGE CARDS WERE MAILED WITH YOUR 2014 DIRECTORY AND MAY BE INSIDE THE BOOKLET. Donated by St. Brendan 8th Graders $450 IN GIFT CARDS FOR TICKET INFO: Contact Deneen Schamer at, Candace DeLuca at OR visit our auction raffle webpage: Branded templates are available for Ads, Direct Mail, Posters, etc. Please contact Jason Jourdan at: with brand questions or to request templates. Thank you! THANK YOU.