- St Brendan`s, Shepparton


- St Brendan`s, Shepparton
Term 2, Week 4
Wednesday 6th May 2015
“Our Catholic Identity - St. Brendans’ is a Catholic School embracing our diverse
community with faith and courage in the spirit of the Mercy tradition”.
Dates to Remember
Next Direct Debit
Friday 15th May.
Winter Uniforms
All students to wear
winter uniform.
Weekly Assembly
in the Hall every
Friday 9am.
All welcome.
Hot Dog Order Forms
and Money
due back no later than
Thursday 7th May.
Notre Dame Open Day
Friday 8th May.
Mother’s Day
Sunday 10th May.
St. Brendans’ Feast Day
Friday 15th May.
Canteen Closed
on 15th May due to
St. Brendan’s Feast Day.
Pupil Free Day
Monday 18th May.
From The Principal
Dear St. Brendan’s Community,
Our children have been very excited with being involved in the winter sports. The coaches, team managers and parents play a
vital part in ensuring all children are attending training, learning new skills and enjoying themselves. We are thrilled to have so
many children playing different sports and we hope they all enjoy their experience. We have had some of our Year 6 students
trial from the Victoria Primary Schools Association in Netball, Football, Basketball, and Soccer. Well done to the students who
were asked to try out.
In Football, we have had Jordan Michel and Ben Moylan who have made it through to stage 2.
In Netball, we have Bridget Anderson who has made it through two stages and now heads to Melbourne which is a
fantastic achievement.
In Basketball we have Lili Keck, Cara Woodman and Renee Doyle that have made it to the stage 2.
In Basketball, Jordan Michel and Caleb Enders have made it through stage 2.
In soccer Teng Kuol and Enrique Goggin have made it through to the stage 3.
Great work and good luck to all students.
Cross Country
Our Year 5/6 students competed in Cross Country today. They did extremely well. We won 6 section flags:
12/13 years—Green Girls, Red Boys, Green Boys.
11years—Blue Boys, Red Boys, Green Boys
Students who have made it through to the next stage are:
12/13years Blue Boys
Achoung Agog
Connor Fleming
Marcus Thomas
Will Leahy
11years Blue Boys
Izaac Thompson—Fethney
12/13years Blue Girls
Renee Doyle
Lili Keck
11years Blue Girls
Nyanman Chol
Aleasha Walker
Harriet Howard
What a fantastic achievement. Well done to all students who participated. We had 99% of students who represented our school.
A great effort!
St. Brendan’s Feast Day
We are looking forward to celebrating our special day next week on Friday 15th May with a walk-a-thon and hot dog lunches.
It’s lovely to see parents making bookings to go on the bus to Jackson Park. A reminder the last day to order hot dog is
tomorrow, Thursday 7th May. The canteen will not be open on Feast Day. There is also a flyer in the newsletter on the
celebration of St. Brendan’s Feast Day with St. Brendan’s Parish on Sunday 17th May. We would love to see as many of our
families attend as possible. Everyone is welcome.
Mothers Day
At our Assembly on Friday we will celebrate Mother’s Day and all Mothers are most welcome to attend. Of course Fathers as
well. I walked around 1/2 Taylor and Finn and read the words children were writing about their Mums. They were beautiful
words they wrote, telling their Mums how beautiful they were, like roses. One child wrote “I have loved you since I was born”.
Another one wrote “ You are soft as Egyptian sheet set” and when I asked the child about this they replied, they are soft and
To all Mothers, have a wonderful day and enjoy the opportunity when you are shown how much you are loved and appreciated
for all you do. We also remember with love the Mothers that are no longer with us and I am sure on Mother’s Day we can
reflect on all the beautiful memories we have.
Enjoy your special day.
Paula Stevenson (Principal)
Parish News
Altar Servers Roster for Masses
“It is the sign of a big-hearted person to be able to
admit when he/she is in the wrong and apologize”.
The year 3 students have begun to prepare for the Sacrament of
Reconciliation both in their Cluster Groups and at school. This
sacrament is about recognizing when we have done something wrong,
admit it and say sorry. We ask Jesus for healing of our relationships.
Some people will deny aggressively to parents and teachers even
though they are in the wrong and know it. Big hearted people can say
sorry and apologize. It is an important life skill to have.
6pm Saturday 9th May
Renee Doyle, Jefferies Jacob.
8am Sunday 10th May
Graeme Quinlan, Bridget
Bozena Szcurek.
11am Sunday 10th May
Nathan Hayes, Lambert & Daniel
Mupenda, Alexander Randall, Jemma
The new weekend altar servers’ roster
has been prepared and will be given out
to the altar servers next week. Could all
altar servers please check when they are
rostered on and arrive at Mass 15mins
before the start time. Thank you altar
servers for the great work that you do.
Project Compassion
Brayden Gladigau (Year 3 Le Brocq)
Xavier Waters (Year Prep Sortino)
Will Furphy (Year 2 Delahunty)
Renee Doyle (Year 6 Threlfall)
A big congratulations and thank you to all who
contributed so generously to Project Compassion this
year. Our school raised a grand total of $1173.85. This
money will be used by Caritas towards their projects to
help the poor and disadvantaged.
Last week students from Prep/1 Sortino and Dyke, Year 1/2 Thorp and Delahunty finished off their Potato Heads. Students
focused on feelings and designed their potato head the way their character was feeling. Students had a lot of fun in
the art room.
The following ladies are on Canteen duty for following weeks:
Thursday 7th May
Kaye Heywood & Ronnyne Magill
Friday 8th May
Sue Howard & Janene Moroney
Thursday 14th May
Nicole Vercoe Byrne
Friday 15th May
Thank you all, Rhonda Georgys (Canteen Manager)
Children’s Chaer Maers!
Language Learning acvies to have a go at home.
Reading rhyming books and singing songs that emphasise rhythm and rhyme are great ways of developing your child’s
knowledge and awareness of rhyme. When reading/singing rhyming books and songs, pause slightly before the second
rhyming word. This helps your child to think about and even guess what the rhyming word could be. For example,
“wine....dine… they rhyme! They both have the same sounds at the end of the word (ine).”
Here are a few fabulous books that you might want to find/borrow to read with your child.
Hairy Maclary, by Lynley Dodd
The Wonky Donkey, by Craig Smith
The Dr Suess Books
Noisy Nora, by Rosemary Wells
Room on a broom, by Julia Donaldson
Many familiar nursery rhymes and songs also emphasise rhyme, like Incy Wincy Spider, Li"le Miss Muffet, Humpty Dumpty,
Li"le Jack Horner, One Two Buckle My Shoe, Hey Diddle Diddle, I’m a li"le teapot, and many more. As a harder acvity
(parcularly for older children), try recreang familiar nursery rhymes by changing the rhyming words. For example,
“Humpty Dumpty sat on the chair, Humpty Dumpty ate his green pear.”
Congratulations to Nikita Alexandrow (Year 4 Brian) who
won 1st place (Grade 1 Piano Level)
at the Bendigo Competitions
Society Inc. Annual Eisteddfod.
Well Done Nikita!
As we prepare for Parish celebrations of St. Brendan’s Feast Day, I wish to extend the invitation to ALL
CHILDREN from our school to be involved in our school performance after 11am Mass. We will be
performing two songs that our children are already familiar with, so it will be easy for younger students
to join in. We will be holding rehearsal this week and next week to prepare.
Even if your child does not wish to participate in the singing, I am looking for ‘helpers’ with props,
movement etc. This is a wonderful day to celebrate our heritage with our parish and I am asking all
families to consider attending this event. Please fill in the attached form and return it to school indicating
your intention to participate so we can finalize our plans. Looking forward to a wonderful day.
Many thanks,
Ange Collins, Performing Arts Teacher.
My child/children_______________ is/are available to participate in the
school’s presentation at Parish celebrations for St. Brendan’s Feast Day on May
17th, after 11am Mass.
Signed ______________________
Parents & Friends News
President: Meaghan Ritchie, Secretary: Bec Priestly, Treasurer: Sarah Mackay
St. Brendan’s Soccer Club
To everyone who supported our soccer fundraiser - YOU MADE A DIFFERENCE!
Special thanks to Jeannie, for organising the roster, and the amazing effort by busy parents (old hands and newcomers)
donating their time, without your support we couldn't have succeeded!
To SRG Australia, Gabi Everard's employer, for sending 3 active and friendly volunteers, who played a vital role all day
at our BBQ - thank you for your generosity!
To all the children who helped serve during the day, your effort was truly appreciated!
Special mention goes to Zoe De Paola and Abby Smyth for drumming up repeat business and vocally sharing our
specials - very brave!
To ALL the generous parents who were able to buy supplies or offer cash donations the result was OUTSTANDING
(only $65 was required to buy missing supplies.)
CONGRATULATIONS!! Our Soccer club's overall profit for the day was $1266.5.
To anyone who missed out on contributing to our club fundraiser, there is still time to be part of the success and future
of our strong soccer club, through cash donations. Call or text if you wish to contribute - 0403288695.
Thank you again for all your help and support,
Sincerely Shannon Leahy
St. Brendan’s Feast Day Walk-a-thon
Hot Dog orders and money are due back by
WILL BE ACCEPTED. Canteen will be closed on
Feast Day and no lunch orders will be available.
If you wish to go on the parent bus and walk with the
children, please contact Jo or Adriana at the office.
Calendar Dates
Term 2 Calendar Dates
Sunday 10th May
Mother’s Day
Tuesday 12th May
Year 3 & 5 Naplan ( Language Conventions & Writing)
Wednesday 13th May
Year 3 & 5 Naplan (Reading)
Thursday 14th May
Year 3 & 5 Naplan (Numeracy)
Friday 15th May
St. Brendan’s Feast Day (Walk-a-thon)
Direct Debit
Monday 18th May
Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 19th May
School Board Meeting
Thursday 28th May
St. Brendan’s Open Day
Friday 29th May
Direct Debit
Monday 8th June
Queen’s Birthday Holiday
Friday 12th June
Mass of Compassion with St. Luke’s Primary School (Change of Date)
Feast of the Sacred Heart (Change of Date)
Direct Debit
Tuesday 16th June
School Board Meeting
Thursday 25th June
Reports sent home
Friday 26th June
Direct Debit
End of Term 2
**Please note, dates ate subjects to change**
Term 1 28th January to 27th March
(students return Thursday 29th January)
Term 2 13th April to 26th June
Term 3 13th July to 18th September
Term 4 5th October to 18th December
Term 1 27th January to 24th March
(students return Thursday 28th January)
Term 2 11th April to 24th June
Term 3 11th July to 16th September
Term 4 3rd October to 20th December
Sporting News
St Brendan’s Soccer Results
St Brendan’s Netball Results
Round 2—Saturday 2nd May.
Round 2 - Coaches Awards for Saturday 2nd May.
Under 7
St. Brendan’s Stripes—NO RESULTS
Under 9
St. Brendan's Blazers played Grahamvale Emerdals 3-3
Award: Montana Bourke & Gemma Boyd
St. Brendan’s Saints—NO RESULTS
St. Brendan's Swifts lost to Kialla West PS 3-16
Award: Natalie Smyth & Evie Galea
Under 8
St. Brendan’s Stripes—NO RESULTS
St. Brendan’s Saints—NO RESULTS
Under 10
St. Brendan’s Saints defeated Grahamvale Heart
Award: Brayden Arnold and Buttrose Chol
Goals: Harrison Boyd, Brayden Gladigau, Buttrose Chol
Under 12
St. Brendan’s/Shep East—NO RESULTS
St. Brendan’s Saints defeated Grahamvale Victory 3-2
Award: Vinnie Scott
Goals: Vinnie Scott, William Leahy, Lawi Bisimwa
Best: Vinnie Scott, Charlie Caruso, Joshua Lulerhe, William
Leahy, Lawi Bisimwa.
Under 11
St. Brendan's Thunder lost to Guthrie Street Yellow 9-3
Award: Jorgi Alper & Millie Keane
St. Brendan's Rockets—NO RESULTS
St. Brendan's Magic—NO RESULTS
Under 13
St. Brendan's Fever—NO RESULTS
St. Brendan's Lightning—NO RESULTS