HERE - St. Brendan the Navigator
Third Sunday in ordinary time January 24, 2016 The Navigator El Navegante St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church Cumming, GA Go… Baptize… Teach… Vayan… Bauticen… Enseñen… Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions for January Universal: That sincere dialogue among men and women of different faiths may produce fruits of peace and justice. Evangelization: That by means of dialogue and fraternal charity with the grace of the Holy Spirit, Christians may overcome divisions. Volunteer Appreciation Mass All Volunteers are invited to attend a “Mass of Thanksgiving” on Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2016 at 8:30am, in appreciation for your support and dedication to St. Brendan’s. Following will be a reception in the Narthex. We are blessed to have you as part of our community! Thank you for your continued support, prayers, and being the "hands and feet of Christ". Mass Etiquette: Mass Etiquette When we receive Holy Communion, we are receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus; we are receiving God. In order to respect Him, we participate in the Eucharistic Fast where we do not eat or drink for an hour before receiving Communion (water and medicine not included). Chewing gum breaks the Eucharistic Fast. Please do not chew gum or bring other food and drink into the Church. Baby’s necessities are expected. Year of Mercy The Lord took his wounds with him to eternity. He is a wounded God; He let himself be injured through his love for us. His wounds are a sign that he understands and allows himself to be wounded out of love for us. What certainty of his mercy, what consolation do his wounds mean for us! - Pope Benedict XVI Pastoral Staff Rev. Fr. Matthew VanSmoorenburg, L.C., Pastor... Rev. Fr. Octavio Ventura, L.C., Parochial Vicar ...... Rev. Fr. Patrick Langan, L.C., Parochial Vicar ……. Rev. Fr. Jason Brooks, L.C, Parochial Vicar……...... Rev. Mr. Roger Fraser, Deacon .............................. Rev. Mr. Luis Carlos Lorza, Deacon ………………. Rev. Mr. Ed Rubio, Deacon ...................................., ext. 42, ext. 12, ext. 43 How Do I? Register at the parish? Visit or pick up a “Welcome” packet in the Narthex. Receive personalized offertory envelopes? Elba Banderas at or ext. 10. Make arrangements for a wedding? Contact Fr. Octavio, ext. 12 at least six months before an anticipated wedding date. Contact someone about my interest to become Catholic? Don Conklin, or ext. 26. Contact a Priest in a Sacramental Emergency? Phone 678-224-8448, 24 hours a day. Arrange for Communion to the sick or homebound? Call the parish office at 770-205-7969. Arrange to have my child baptized? Sandy Spera, ext 27 (English), Deacon Luis Carlos Lorza, ext. 43 (Spanish) Request Baptismal, Confirmation or Marriage certificate? Luisa Rubio, or ext. 15. Place an announcement in the bulletin? Online form available at Receive information about an annulment? Deacon Roger Fraser, Reconnect with the Catholic Church? Don Conklin, or ext. 26. Register my child/children for Religious Education? Stacy Applegate, or ext. 13 (English), or Monica Plew, or ext. 40 (Spanish) Make arrangements for a Funeral or Burial? Deacon Luis Carlos Lorza, or ext. 43. Schedule an appointment with a priest? Mary Ann Mallon, or ext. 11. Request a Mass intention? Call the parish office at 770-205-7969. Reserve a meeting space at St. Brendan? Online form available at Volunteer in the parish? Opportunities are updated weekly and listed online at Seek counseling services for myself or my family? Holy Family Counseling Center, 678-993-8494 or Catholic Charities of Atlanta, 404-920-7725. Seek information about Alcoholics Anonymous for myself or my family? Bob 404-308-6556; Kathie 404-219-4055 Seek bereavement support? Debbie Rigby,, 678-617-7268. Receive assistance from the St. Joseph’s Food Pantry? Open Wed. 4:30 – 6:00 pm in the Barn behind the Church or contact Barbara Gordon at, 404-431-9924. Seek emergency financial assistance? Good Samaritan Hotline: 770-205-2324; leave a message and expect a call back within 24 hours. Sign up for electronic giving? Look for the “online giving” link on our homepage at or Laura Myers,, ext. 21. Receive a tax receipt for donations? Laura Myers,, ext. 21. Find out about St. Brendan’s Preschool? Julie Lahey,, ext. 19. Find out about parish life? Kelle Russo,, ext. 41. MASS SCHEDULE HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm (en Español) Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm (en Español), 5:00 pm Daily Mass Monday – Saturday: 8:30 am Tuesday, Thurs. & Fri.: 6:00 pm Wednesday: 7:00 pm (en Español) Rosary – after weekday am Mass The Chaplet of Divine Mercy en Español Sundays at 12:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration in St. Sebastian Chapel Tuesday - 6:30 pm – Wednesday 6:45 pm Reconciliation Saturday: 9:00 a.m. until last person served and 3:30 - 4:45 pm Tuesday: 4:30 - 5:45 pm Wednesday: 5:30 - 6:45 pm English and en Español Please note: Mass times may vary on Holy Days. Check the Mass Intentions in this bulletin or the website calendar. Parish Office Hours: Oficina Parroquial: Mon – Thurs 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, Fri 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Maintenance Personnel Contact Info: Mac McKinney – 678-467-6490 Melvin Rogers – 404-313-2330 Alex Ayala – 770-500-9341 St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church 4633 Shiloh Road Cumming, GA 30040 Phone: 770-205-7969 Fax: 770-205-5040 WWW.STBRENDANSATL.COM ARCHDIOCESE OF ATLANTA 24 HOUR ABUSE REPORTING LINE 1-888-437-0764 Resources Cold winter weather is here and if you’re looking for something to do on a relaxing Sunday afternoon when you and the family are bundled up in the den, look no further! Grab yourself a hot drink, some snacks and go online for some good Catholic reading and/or videos. St. Brendan’s is happy to provide you with a full subscription at no charge, to: "Formed—The Catholic Faith. On Demand”. Simply log-in to and enter the St. Brendan's code 3GVEV2. Thanks to a generous family, you and your whole family will have "free" access this library of Faith Formation resources for all ages! Includes movies, programs, audio tracks, books and more. Spanish titles are also available These resources are amazing! Please share this gift with your whole family. Contact Don Conklin at with any questions. Garden Ministry Want to have some fun, make new friends and help feed those in need all at the same time? If "Yes", then the Garden Ministry is for you! This Ministry has been "Producing" for six years and has provided the St. Joseph Food Pantry with fresh fruits and veggies for its patrons. We are looking for Chair/Co-Chair persons for each of the following committees: communications, events, planting and Work Days, seed starting, maintenance, ministry carnival, and team coaches. No experience is needed, just a love of the earth and of your fellow neighbors in need. Contact Ann Marie Dusek 2016 Kick-Off Meeting The Garden Ministry will hold its 2016 Kick-Off Meeting on Thursday, Jan. 21st at 7:00 p.m. in the Barn. Everyone is welcome to join us as we plan for the upcoming growing season. Whether you like to play in the dirt or stay behind the scenes, there are many ways to "dig in" and let your hands and feet be those of Jesus. For information, contact Ann Marie Dusek at 678-513-0050 or St. Brendan’s Preschool Registration for 2016-17 Are you thinking about a Catholic Preschool experience for your child? Spaces are limited and registration for new students will be on February 6th from 10:00am-12:00pm in the Social Hall. Parish members who arrive at 10:00am get to register first on that day! We offer a theme based curriculum with many exciting and enriching experiences for the children. Our Catholic faith is sprinkled into all that we do with school wide prayers and virtues of the month as well as a monthly preschool Mass that all of our 4 year olds attend. We would love to have your little one be part of our program. For more information, contact Lori DeRoche at or 770-205-7969 ext 29. Divorced Catholic Offerings Information Session—Monday, Jan. 25th, at 7:00pm in the Faith Formation Center to talk about how one can experience God’s mercy through one of life’s most devastating events, a divorce. Prayer and Life Workshop Vince and Monica Frese will share If you want to have a closer relationship with the firsthand stories of how they Lord, the Prayer and Life Workshop is for you. experienced God’s abundant mercy Through prayer, God delights in our love and we through their individual lives as they delight in His, as we celebrate each other's navigated their lives as divorced company. Learn different ways to pray which will Catholics. lead you to an intimate and personal relationship with God that 13 Week divorce support group— will transform your life. Join us in the Faith Formation Center on Recovering from Divorce. Some of the January 25th at 6:30pm. For more information contact Luis Herrera at topics covered include: grieving, fear, anger, dealing with your former spouse, living your faith after divorce, and being Restless Heart, Confessions of St. Augustine Showing at AMC Mansell Crossing Theaters single again. This program is for In this year of mercy, the Mary Our Mother Foundation is pleased Catholics who are going through a divorce, or who are struggling with the to show “Restless Heart, Confessions of St. Augustine” at a major theater. This acclaimed movie tells the story of St. Augustine who pain of divorce. Sessions are held by God’s grace turned from a life of sin to become a great Saint Mondays from 7:00-9:00pm starting Feb. 1st. Registration is required online and Doctor in the Church. It will be showing at AMC Mansell Crossing Theaters, 7730 North Point Pkwy, Alpharetta, 30022. at Showtime is Thursday, Feb. 11, from 6:30–9:00pm. This is a stbrendan one-time showing and seating is limited. Tickets are only $10. Purchase your tickets online Contact: Monica Frese at Popcorn and drinks will be available for purchase. Sunday: Readings for the Week of January 24, 2016 Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10/1 Cor 12:12-30 or 12:12-14, 27/ Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21 Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22/Mk 16:15-18 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5/Mk 3:31-35 2 Sm 7:4-17/Mk 4:1-20 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29/Mk 4:21-25 2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17/Mk 4:26-34 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17/Mk 4:35-41 Jer 1:4-5, 17-19/1 Cor 12:31--13:13 or 13:4-13/Lk 4:21-30 Monday: Tuesday: Middle Schoolers: You’re invited to Wednesday: our upcoming Edge Lock-In Retreat th th Thursday: on February 19 -20 , titled “What’s Inside?” (Based on the movie Inside Out) Friday: Saturday: Through lots of dynamic activities, contests, games, and prayer time, we’ll Next Sunday: be looking at “what’s inside” us and how God the Father sees us and loves us New Members 55 and older are welcome! unconditionally. The lock-in will be held at Vickery Creek Middle school from Thursday, January 21st—11:30AM 7:00pm–8:00am and costs $30. You can Lunch at O'Charleys Restaurant (920 Buford Road, find all the information and permission Cumming—Exit 14 East on GA400/19). Please slip on the St. Brendan’s website under RSVP by Monday, Jan. 18th to Pat or Dick Kraft at “Faith Formation – Middle school” or or 470-253-7087. Please bring a nonemail Nicole Stone for more info: perishable food item to the church for the food pantry. Friday, January 29th—11:30 Financial Peace University The group will have a monthly meeting in the Social Hall, with Do you worry about saving for college lunch, followed by a discussion of events and plans for 2016. The or retirement, dealing with debt, or group has enjoyed the apple farm, The Barber Shop, and are figuring out where your money goes looking to build more relationships with future outings. If every month? Worry no more. You can interested there is always time for some Bingo with fun prizes. learn God’s own wisdom about handling Lunch is $8 per person. Please RSVP to Judy Dorn at money during Financial Peace 404-431-8550 or University. This top notch video-group Grants Manager and Grant Writers Needed program runs for 9 weeks on St. Brendan’s is looking for a volunteer Grants Manager and 4 Monday nights in the Social Hall and volunteer Grant Writers to support the Capital Campaign and to began on Jan. 11th. So you must join develop funding for Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy – 3 now. Contact Wendy Paxton at Year Terms. Contact: Pastoral Council Member, Bill Kelly at 404-775-2171 or Valentine’s Date Night—Feb. 14th PT Director of Music Opening Celebrate St. Valentine’s St. Brendan’s has an immediate opening Day with the one you love for a part-time Director of Music (28 by treating them to this hours per week). This person, reporting special date night. Sunday, to the Director of Liturgy, will plan, Feb. 14, 2016 from 5:008:00pm. The evening begins with Mass develop, communicate, and implement the music for liturgical worship according to the norms and rites of the church at 5:00 and includes a renewal of marriage vows, followed by a powerful throughout the calendar year. Responsibilities include overseeing all Mass celebrations, managing paid and volunteer talk by Fr. James Swanson, LC, and romantic dinner in the Social Hall. $45/ staff, budget adherence, and other managerial/leadership tasks. These include raising awareness of the music ministry needs and couple. Contact Judy Van Velsor at developing talent to support those needs. Requirements include: To expertise in piano, prior management experience, knowledge of reserve your spot. Please RSVP for music theory, singing expertise, experience in leading and Childcare with the following link: directing vocals/instrumentalists, and an active member of the Catholic Church. Please send letters of interest and resume to stbrendan/Childcare Laurie Johnson, Parish Business Manager at Loneliness, Depression, and Burnout Retreat, Jan. 29-31 This retreat at the Monastery in Conyers Assistant Director of Music will provide tools for being open to the St. Brendan’s Music Ministry has an immediate opening for a healing touch of God. Christ longs for us part-time Assistant Director of Music (15 hours), who will help plan, develop, communicate, and implement the music for to receive His love – a love that liturgical worship according to the norms of the church for the provides companionship to the lonely, weekly Mass celebrations, special feast and solemnity light to those in the darkness of celebrations, and other special events requiring music. The role depression, and new life to those experiencing burnout. Contact Patti for will concentrate on directing and leading the weekly Sunday 9:00am Adult Choir. Please send cover letter and resume to a reservation at 770-760-0959 or Laurie Johnson, Parish Business Manager at Mass intentions/Intenciones para las Misas Did you know...St. Brendan’s Giving Tree program provided nearly 1200 gifts to those in need at Christmas. St. Brendan’s is very blessed and thankful for all the generosity, support, and dedicated volunteers to make it happen. Below is an overview the number of people served by your contributions and an estimate of what it takes to make this a success. Thanks for your support. Description of Giving Tree Recipients Estimated # Families 185 Children Elderly in Nursing Homes, Homebound, etc. 475 Meals on Wheels Clients 50 Estimated Total Number of Hours 25-Jan 8:30 AM Mike Zvarich (D) Tuesday 26-Jan 8:30 AM Larry Bergmann (D) 6:00 PM Mike Nasser (D) Wednesday 27-Jan 8:30 AM St. Brendan’s Ministry Leaders and Volunteers (L) 11:30 AM Parents of St. Brendan’s Preschool (L) 7:00 PM Frank Antonio Rodríguez (L) Thursday 28-Jan 8:30 AM Peter Lavelle (D) 6:00 PM Kevin Corcoran (D) Friday 29-Jan 8:30 AM Margaret Sainato (D) 6:00 PM Alix Brumantte & Victor Rivire (L) Saturday 30-Jan 8:30 AM Gisele Cherubin & Husband (D) 5:00 PM Joan Davidson (L) 7:00 PM Martín & Maura Guevara (D) Sunday 31-Jan 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM For the People of Our Parish (L) Stefano Auricchio (D) Francis Terrier (D) Sponsors of the Our Lady of Guadalupe Festivities (L) 5:00PM Our Parishioners Celebrating a Milestone Wedding Anniversary (L) 125 Estimated Program Hours Estimated # Task Description of Hours Planning and Communications Registration Hours Creation of Ornaments Setup & Take Down of Trees Distribution of Ornaments Collection of Gifts Shopping for Unreturned/Late Gifts Wrapping and Bagging Gifts Sort & Organization of Gifts Load & Unload Gifts Reception Coordination Distribution of gifts Monday 18 36 8 5 47 57 20 11 43 14 85 118 462 Contribution Statements for 2015: Contribution Statements for tax year 2015 will be mailed out by January 31st to the address currently on file at the parish. Please note that contributions to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal are not included on this statement as they are sent separately by the Archdiocese. In addition, statements for any one-time donations of $250-plus will be mailed out at the same time as required by the IRS. If you do not receive your mailed statement, please email (or call) after February 5th to request a duplicate. Laura Myers, Bookkeeper, ext. 21, The 2016 AAA appeal will be held during all Masses the weekend of January 23/24th. Our goal for 2016 is $140,700. Letters have been mailed from Archbishop Gregory asking for your continued generous participation. Please Remember in Your Prayers Recordemos en Nuestras Oraciones The Sick (Enfermos) Anna Mazurek Sam Boone Chuck Perott Emerit Allison, nephew of Bridget Tessness Nicholas Bisig, son of Jim & Sandra Bisig Sally Von Bargen, sister-in-law of Jane Smith Todd Young, nephew of Jane Smith Recently Deceased (Fallecidos) Michael George Formon, Sr. Charles Shellman Parish Stewardship of Treasure January 2016 3-Jan-16 $53,105.00 10-Jan-16 $31,076.25 17-Jan-16 24-Jan-16 Electronic Giving for the Month: Total: $84,181.25 Offertory Monthly Budget: $70,000.00 Overage/Shortage for the period: $14,181.25 Offertory Actual YTD: $1,029,592.00 Offertory Budget YDT: $980,000.00 Overage/Shortage YDT: $49,592.00 Last Week’s Second Collection: St. Brendan’s Ministries $4,534.00 Current Month Contributions: $8,003.00 Capital Campaign Electronic giving for the Month: Total Capital Campaign Contributions: $8,003.00 Savings Fund Balance $1,035,670.00 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Update 2015 Goal $132,000.00 Outstanding Pledges $38,999.00 Payments to date $203,768.00
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