SEPTEMBER 2015.indd - Charles Campbell College


SEPTEMBER 2015.indd - Charles Campbell College
Instinct and Photos
International News
Industry Workshops
Netball World Cup
Ski Trip
Uniform Fitting Nights
At Charles Campbell College we aim to
help students find their own particular
niche and develop their skills and
passions in all avenues of life. Within
this newsletter, you will find stories
and information about our students’
involvement in:
•Constructing a Book Week patchwork
quilt for display in our library
•Being buddies for International guests
from Japan
•Taking part in the trip to Sydney for
the Netball World Cup (as part of our
Elite Sports Program)
•Skiing the slopes of Mt Hotham on the
annual ski trip
•Excursion to the Migration Museum
to learn about South Australia’s rich
migrant history
•Taking part in guest presentations
about future pathways
•Cooking up a treat using produce
from our own kitchen garden
•Designing and constructing CO2
dragsters for competition at the Royal
Adelaide Show
•Entertaining thrilled families and
friends at the Odeon Theatre for the
Stage 2 Dance Performance Exam,
Term 4 Calendar
These are just some of the many events
Principal’s Report
Principal Sue George-Duif
Junior School Class 5/6A
Junior School Report
Year 6 Market Stall
Book Week
Middle School Report
Senior School Report
Term 3, SEPTEMBER 2015
that our students are involved in, as part
of their curriculum or as extra-curricular
activities, that are aimed at growing the
whole person and providing students with
a wealth of experiences.
Also featured in this newsletter are
the Term 3 Academic Award winners
from across the college. Each term
we recognise those students who
have achieved exceptional results
in their studies and this term we are
impressed with the increased number of
students receiving certificates for their
accomplishments. Students who have
shown a significant improvement in their
grades are also recognised and awarded
certificates. All these students are to be
congratulated on their hard work and
Our Year 11 Design class is currently
working on designing and producing
our 2015 Charles Campbell College
Yearbook, so “watch this space” for
information on how to purchase this
souvenir of this years’ schooling.
Gail Holland
Note From Principal
Sue George-Duif
a ship, we talked about Adelaide and
what people brought on the ship. We
then moved to the time travelling room
and looked at 1920’s, 30’s, 40’s and
50’s. Next was the school where we were
talking about what school was like in the
1900’s. He was doing something funny
so everyone laughed. He chose me to
be Giggly Gerty and I pretended to get
By Imogen
Over the next six months I am working as
a Review Officer, based in Central office.
My main responsibility is leading reviews
of Identified Secondary Schools. It is a
real privilege to be welcomed into other
schools and work with them on identifying
areas of strengths and enhancement. I
have, so far, reviewed three schools, and
by the end of the year will have reviewed
approximately 11 schools, scattered all
Children’s lives in the 19th Century
over the state including Penola, Henley,
Children’s lives when they migrate to
Aberfoyle Park, Whyalla, John Pirie and
Australia or a different country were quite
Victor Harbor.
horrific. Children who didn’t have jobs
would stay years in an asylum rotting and
This is an exciting opportunity for us, as
didn’t get much care and food while on
it will not only strengthen my leadership
the other hand some were executed but
but others at CCC by creating leadership
that’d rarely occur.
opportunities for them. I know you have
By Raph
and will continue to support the new
Principal, Gail Holland, Darine Michael,
Director of Teaching and Learning, Jenny Why people migrate to other places
Parhas, Head of Junior School and Nadia and what the Migration Museum
Dumanovic, Junior School Coordinator in teaches
People migrated to other places because
their new roles.
there might have been war in their
I continue to be impressed by our students, countries and they wanted to start a new
the quality of our student, leaders and life. At the migration museum they will
staff at CCC. Look forward to returning in teach you about what people ate in the
19th Century and what they do and also
January next year.
their living and if they get good care and
have a good hospital near by.
Junior School
By Nyajuok
Class 5/6A
When did we go?
On the 20th of August the Year 5’s from
Charles Campbell College went for an
excursion to the Migration Museum. Our
class left at 11:10am and got on a bus
down at the Paradise Interchange. We
stopped for lunch at the Uni grasslands
(Scott Theatre) and then we walked down
to the Migration Museum.
By Lucy
The Museum
We got to the Migration Museum and
there were two men named Toby and
Ron. After we were split into two groups
one group with Toby and one group with
Ron, we went to all different types of
rooms that showed us what people were
like in 1900’s and that showed us what
it was like going and that showed us the
thing that they do at school.
By Myer
The Tour
We went in to a hallway which had the
map of Australia and talked about the
different groups of people. Then Toby’s
group moved to a room that looked like
Games in the 1900s
The games in the 1900’s were very
different from today because there was
no electricity. Here are some of the
games we learned to play, ring toss,
hop scotch, knuckles and hoop tap. My
favourite is knuckles and now I have a
very similar game called Jacks and Ball.
By Amanda
Return to School
After we played games we walked to the
bus stop. We jumped on a public bus and
travelled to Paradise Interchange. Then
we walked back to school. We reached
school at 3:00pm. We enjoyed a lot and
we learnt about how people migrate to
another country.
By Subhkarmendeep
Junior School Report
At each Junior School Assembly students are awarded with academic and values certificates. Further, at the end of each term,
two Year 6 students are nominated with the ‘Kiwanis Terrific Kid’ award.
At the end of Term 3, we are able to again celebrate our students’ strengths and growth in all areas of the curriculum with the
following acknowledgements:
Academic Improvement
(10% inc GPA and no failing grades)
Samreen Gill
Emily Gao
Year 1
Samara Ebarvia
Natalie Bagusauskas
Eknoor Saini
Samantha Lanyon
Ruachkuoth Deng
Binaypreet Kaur
Evelyn Alford
Year 5
Sharni Campbell – Kartinyeri
Subhkarmandeep Singh
Lusy Lasu
Year 2
Shaiahmay Muli
Tayla Centofanti
Adam Cox
Tahlia Hatswell
Year 3
Frank Ndolimana
Chris Smith
Erin Cox
Hannah Calvert
Abbi-Marie Santos Paje
Year 4
Elena Strangio
Mithuni DeSilva
Year 6
Furtuna Legesse
Angus Warren
Mollie Campbell
Smit Solanki
Shanuka Rajakaruna
Joanna Fearnley
Cooper Thewlis
Imogen Hutchinson
Shamieka Warren
Rawa Palani
Aashvi Patel
Achievement Award for Academic
Merit (GPA >4.5)
Year 1
Binaypreet Kaur
Evelyn Alford
Year 2
Dianna Badalyan
Shaiahmay Muli
Micah Nebab
Max Trotta
Frazer Lawrie
Year 3
Khushan Patel
Zoe Rieschiek
Abbi –Marie Santos- Paje
Kunal Seth
Year 4
Amanda Chancellor
Lara Germeroth
Emily Gziang
Year 5
Riley Hillard
Imogen Paton
Year 6
Shayla Burton
Larissa Collins
Aashvi Patel
Samuel Pinneri – Leung
Grace Calvert
Thank you to our families who attended the report day – it was an absolute delight to see you all there and together celebrate and
share the learning of our students.
Jenny Parhas
Year 6 Market Stalls
Book Week
As part of the Year 6 Mathematics assessment task, students worked in small groups
to create and run a market stall business within our school kitchen community. During
this task, students had the opportunity to bake and cook a variety of nutritious foods
that they then sold to our Junior School students. In order to successfully complete
this task, students used their knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages to
create recipes and shopping lists. Additionally, the students used their knowledge of
percentages and financial mathematics to create a budget cost sheet that outlined the
production cost, the profit, the cost of wages, advertisement costs and rent paid to
the market venue. During the running of the market stalls the students demonstrated
excellent team work, communication and sales skills. The students thoroughly enjoyed
this task and were able to develop a sense of what it would be like to run their own
business in the future.
Book Week 2015 was celebrated with an
activity unifying students from Reception
to Year 7 based on the book My Two
Blankets by Irena Kobald. Students
designed patches depicting belonging.
The patches will be put together to form
a large patchwork quilt connecting all
students across the Junior School and
will be displayed in the Library. Book
Week ended with a costume parade
with students from Reception to Year
9 dressing up as their favourite book
character. The focus this year was on
‘homemade’ with students making their
own costumes or elements of their
Pegah Zahrooni
Tim Hogan
Middle School Report
Another successful term completed!
Achievement was a key focus area
throughout Term Three and will continue
to be a focus for the rest of this year. As
such, we had many stand out achievers
in the Middle School who needed to be
recognised. At our end of term assembly
we presented certificates to students who
had excelled academically and who had
made the most improvements in their
certificates (perfect 5.0 GPA) and were
congratulated on their hard work and
dedication in all subjects:
Year 7
Gul Zehra
Cameron Ouston
Year 8
Georgia Bria
Tiegan Chau
Merridy Hollitt
Ishmeet Kaur
Emily Parsons
Connie Prom
Zabedee Tan
Mikayla Venning
Year 9
Cassie Elflett
Jasmine Duggan
Abigail Guez
We also had a huge number of students
certificates (a GPA of 4.5 or higher):
Year 7
Paige Adams
Theodora Croitoru
Minuka De Silva
Connor Hillard
Jackson Kelsey
Reu Talisayon
Manaswi Patel
Hamish Phillips
Chelsea Wright
Jokew Wuol
Jacob Rhodes
Year 8
Clarence Cheah
Stella Ciotti
Brooke Fotheringham
Jazmin Humphries
Sophia Pucek
Mikayla Venning
James Calabro
Marissa Cheung
Samuel Duke
Jessica Gziang
Alissa Johnson
Bill Kazis
Jacob Stamoulis
Olivia Trotta
Nathan Warman
Clement Cheah
Ethan Grove-Annesley
Nika Heacht
Angelena Jones
Caitlin Kirkman
Sally Lee
Rupali Palikhe
Jesse Princi
Tamieka Anderson
Clare Underhill
Jasmine Lao-Ung
Zak Moore
Sam Przedworski
Dep Ravuth
Aiden Rawlings
William Richardson
Jasmine Wurfel
Iman Zehra
Year 9
Courtney Horsnell
Amber Booth
Demi Germeroth
Katya Lebedeva
Zac Pacitti
Siriwaddh Saphear
Michelle Therese Wilson
Mia Carbone
Alexander Dichiera
Jacob Kromwijk
Rita Lasu
Georgia Parsons
Gabrielle Scott
Bianca Scott
Alexandra Sgoutas
Ellie Turner
Emilee Woodward
Luke Carusi
Christine Hills
Shelby Irrgang
We also presented many certificates to
GIRL in each homegroup and in quite
a few cases we had ties for the highest
achievers. It was great to see such a
healthy competition within homegroups
and peers.
701 – Gul Zehra and Jackson Kelsey
702 – Paige Adams, Theodora Croitoru
and Cameron Ousten
801 – Sophia Pucek, Jazmin Humphries
and Zabedee Tan
802 – Merridy Hollitt, Ishmeet Kaur,
Mikayla Venning and Nathan Warman
803 – Alissa Johnson, Olivia Trotta,
James Calabro, Ethan Grove-Annesley
and Jesse Princi
804 – Georgia Bria, Tiegan Chau and
Clarence Cheah
805 – Connie Prom and Yashraj Mewada
806 – Emily Parsons and Sam
901 – Ellie Turner and Jacob Kromwijk
902 – Cassie Elflett and Siriwaddh
903 – Mia Carbone and Zac Pacitti
904 – Katya Lebedeva, Michelle Wilson
and Alexander Dichiera
905 – Amber Booth and Yen Cheng Chew
906 – Serene Hamze and Roberto
907 – Jasmine Duggan, Abigail Guez
and Monty Clark
One of the most important certificates
To achieve this, students must show a
10% or greater increase in the Grade
Point Average (GPA). At the start of
the term, all students calculated their
previous term’s GPA and set goals for
improvement, as such we were able
to present a lot of certificates. These
students put in a great deal of effort to
improve their grades and really deserve
the recognition:
Year 7
Minuka De Silva
Manaswi Patel
Chelsea Wright
Jayden Catalano
Zac Douros
Samreet Kaur Sandhu
Ivan Nebab
Reu Talisayon
Year 8
Jazmin Humphries
Jacob Stamoulis
Tamieka Anderson
Sam Przedworski
Alex Harris
Tayla Hart
Marco Meccariello
Bailey Bennett
Eve Hovenga
Yashraj Mewada
Josef Pinneri-Leung
Sophia Georgiou
Domenic Latte
Jessica Major
Lam Simon
Adam Casburn
Erik Palmer
Kylie Phillis
Nikita Vucetic
Rhys Faehrman
Amber Marshall
Kaylah Williams
Rachel Monz
Izak Delaine
Year 9
Christine Hills
Tommi King
Morgan Matthews
Kelsey Ware
Serene Hamze
Amber Cross
Kelly Laird
Taylah Lewis
Abraham Sarris
Matthew Osmak
Hamish Blair
7 classes will be heading to Illawonga
Camp at Swan Reach where they will
be involved in a number of fun activities
as well as completing tasks related to
their Humanities and Social Sciences
studies. Our Year 9 students will get
the opportunity to go to Victor Harbour
in Week Nine where they will try out a
number of aquatic activities including
surfing, body-boarding and snorkelling
as well as spending a day at Greenhills
Adventure Park. Both camps promise to
be a lot of fun, so make sure all consent
forms and deposits are returned as soon
as possible to secure a place!
We are looking forward to a successful
term for all students both academically
and socially. We encourage you to
contact the school and your child’s
We look forward to seeing even more teachers, via phone or diary note, if any
issues arise.
improvement in Term Four!
The new assessment period has already Heidi Kulikovsky
begun, and in the coming weeks all MIDDLE SCHOOL COORDINATOR
Middle School students will be working
hard to complete assessment tasks in
the lead up to receiving their Term Four
reports. We encourage all students to use
their diaries to record homework, to meet
assessment guidelines and to ask for help
when needed. Every Tuesday there is
supervised ACADEMIC SUPPORT in the
Library from 3:10pm until 4:10pm. All Year
7, 8 and 9 students are invited to attend if
they would like a quiet place to do some
homework or an opportunity to have a little
bit of one on one support with their work.
Some students may also be requested to
attend if they have not submitted work or if
they received a GPA less than 3.0.
A subject that all students participate in
is a lesson program called PERSONAL
50 minutes per week and focuses on the
pastoral care and personal development
of students. This term, all Year 7, 8 and
9’s developed an Individual Learning Plan
and set goals for achievement. They have
been working though the Child Protection
Curriculum, learning about and discussing
issues such as the right to be safe, power
in relationships and abuse. In Term
Four all Year 7 and 8 students will be
reflecting on the learning they have done
this year and preparing for their Round
Table Assessments in Week Nine. Year 9
students will have a focus on employability
skills and resume writing.
During Term Four our Year 7 and 9
students will be going on CAMP. The Year
Senior School Report
As the College Values are Respect,
Learning and Excellence, it is important
that we take moments throughout the year
to recognize students modeling these
At our upcoming Term 3 Achievement
Assembly, we will acknowledge the
hard work and dedication shown by all
students throughout the term and award
certificates for those students listed below
that achieved Excellence on their report
Included in this set of awards are
acknowledging those students who have
improved their GPA (grade point average)
by 10% or more and who have passed all
To support our students in achieving their
personal best the school offers academic
assistance in the library each Tuesday
afternoon for Year 11 Maths and English
and All Subjects for Year 10’s. I encourage
our students to make use of this additional
time offered by their teachers and
resources in the library to help them along
their learning journey.
A special mention to our Year 12 students
who received their last ever school report
card. Good luck with your upcoming
revision and exams.
Principal’s Award for Academic Excellence (GPA = 5.0)
Year 10
Jade Chi
Giulia Cavuoto
Emma Bria
Year 11
Laruen Hutchinson
Erin Stubbs
Maddy Thiel
Michaela Pupi
Year 12
Rusali Palikhe
Ryan Dye
Kajal Seth
Antonia Theodoulou
Achievement Award for Academic
Merit (GPA > 4.5)
Year 10
Lachlan Wallace
Jayden Nolan
Hayley Lowe
Hadeel Al-Dabbas
Drishti Sood
Karina Sapio
Eddie Prom
Serena Murray
Minhal Zehra
Jasmine Tarrant
Nicole Schultz
Year 11
Jason Lintvelt
India Bennett
Chanell Bonfiglio
Lauren MacFarlane
Madeleine Keller
Louisa-Maria Feuchter
Jon Roizel Diez
Tayla Skipworth
Rhys Boord
Sheramy Wijesinghe
Madeleine Ferraro
Alexander Lievre
Jiaxing (Sandy) Li
Matthew Cronshaw
Fattah Shohani
Vanessa Weniger
Year 12
Spoie Tarrant
Akash Saini
Casey Riley
Emma Maley
Christina Kazis
Bhavneet Grewal
Mikayla Gradara
Jing Yi (Amy) Chen
Angga Arief
Bobbi Carroll
Victoria Wyatt
Daniel Wang
Harvey Prom
Dylan Pippett
Chloe Nietschke
Alice Hu
Stephanie Harris
Academic Improvement (10% inc in
GPA and no failing grades)
Year 10
Sarah Page
Shazia Nuroozi
Declan Walsh
Kaidyn Haythorpe
Mikey Baker
Jarrad Scarce
Joshua Ferrari
Millie Parker
Mischelle Strangio
Shannia Bennett
Brodie Harvey
Britney Williams
Franco Van Staden
Lachlan Wallace
Serena Murray
Year 11
Yianni Skillas
Chung Hon (Ernest) Ngai
Chun Man (Gordon) Ko
Emily Brown
Jamie Woodward
Shi Kai (Justin) Ruan
Zihuai (Mark) Ma
Nicholas Eberle
Kodee Connolly
Bianca Bosco
Casey Street
Mitchell Ward
Sophie Tomaselli
Daniel Sheridan
Vanessa Boehl
Nikki Wade
Brayden Zeman
Eleni Tsopanis
Tomas Liivamagi
Vishal Gohil
Tayla Campbell
Nick Wilkinson
Daphna Torres
Gabriel Mason
Bailey Eade
Danielle Coremans
Ajay Williams
Darcy Nelson
Jason Lintvelt
Chanell Bonfiglio
Lauren MacFarlane
Rhys Boord
Year 12
Raman Murad
Elsie Street
Ruth-Kate McLafferty
Ross Milios
Cheng (Carl) Jin
Lucas Trimboli
Bianca Milanese
Nicholas Stamatopoulos
Annie Clegg
Maddy Schofield
Kane Holt-O’Brien
Alessandro Nanni
Alex Wilding
Nicole Giannone
Casey Riley
Matthew Zviedrans
and supportive atmosphere both on and
off stage. Overall, it was amazing to have
shared such raw emotions with the Year
12’s during one of the most amazing
“Instinct for me was a prodigious performances this year.”
experience that helped me discover who I Khadejia Bright
was as a person, on and off stage.”
Bobbi Carroll
“Having been at CCC for 3 years, being
Instinct - Stage 2
Dance ExaM and Dance
“Being a part of INSTINCT has given me
an opportunity to grow as a performer and
create memories I’ll cherish forever with
an incredible group of performers.”
Darcy Bensted
“Instinct wasn’t just about completing the
performance side of the subject to get a
“grade”... It was about getting to share
my passion for dance with an audience,
and getting to express myself in each of
the different pieces... There genuinely
was a lot of blood, sweat and tears during
the process (even injuries) and no one
besides us really sees that. They see
the performance but don’t realise just
how many hours we’ve rehearsed and
what we’ve given up to get there. But
even through all of that.... it is so worth it!
Getting to dance on that stage, giving it
everything... it’s the greatest feeling! And
coming out of it all with life-long friendships
is the icing on the cake.”
India Bennett
“On the 8th and 9th of September around
100 students from year 7 and up at Charles
Campbell College performed in the
Stage 2 Dance Exam and selective entry
showcase “Instinct” at the Odeon Theatre.
In the show there were various styles of
dance choreographed by our teachers
Mary-Lou Michael and Kim McCarthur,
as well as graduates Tyson Olsen and
David Placentino, well known professional
choreographers Leigh Warren, Lisa
Loreno, and guest choreographers Aiden
Munn and Rachael Symons.”
Maddi Koop
“It’s always a joy to perform with the Year
12’s, and they will be highly missed at our
school performances. They did such an
incredible job, and we can all agree that
we are very proud of them and what they
have accomplished.”
Alana McDonald
“This year’s examination had some
of the most diverse styles of dance I
have seen to date at Charles Campbell
College. Not only did I enjoy performing
in support of the Year 12s, but also to
have been a part of such an energetic
involved in all three moderations has been
an amazing experience that I will treasure
long after I leave school. Overall, it was
great to be able to share ideas with so
many different people, and interact with
them in an innovative and creative new
way that is inconspicuous to the naked
Holly Fennell
“Instinct was the most well executed
Stage 2 Dance Exam we have ever
experienced. All of us had some of the
most fun because of the dances our
talented choreographer’s choreographed.
The 2015 Year 12s had some of the most
interesting and diverse dances, from the
Fosse inspired Jazz to Animal Instinct.
Overall, Instinct was an exhilarating
and entertaining performance that blew
everyone away.
PS: Bye to all the Year 12s and thanks for
a great year.”
Benjamin and Christopher
“The atmosphere on and off stage for
this dance showcase was incredible.
All students worked for a whole term on
their dances trying to perfect their steps
and get stage ready. Setting up for the
dress rehearsals and performances in
the Odeon Theatre was such an exciting
experience for the people who have never
performed in a theatre before. I hope that
this performance exam encourages more
and more people to join next year’s Stage
2 Performance Exam.“
Samara Maitland
“I’m proud of the Year 12’s, but also
the number of male dancers who have
decided to join our Arts family. In total
we had an average of 25 boys in this
showcase, which is extremely rare
in dance. Special hats off to Cooper
and Jayden-Hesse, who have not
only created a joyous atmosphere but
also dedicated themselves to constant
rehearsing and dancing to perform at the
best of their abilities! Thank you boys and
I hope that this encourages more males
to participate in the Performing Arts.”
Jayden Nolan
“The finale was really fun to perform and I
enjoyed how all the year levels combined
to perform to a remix of “Circle of Life”
from the Lion King, choreographed by
Rachel Symons.”
Jasmine Tarrant
“Instinct enabled me to broaden my
horizons in both a social and creative
Jack Kotek
“I am really grateful that I got to perform
in the Stage 2 “INSTINCT” Dance
Exam. Our class got to work with David
Placentino to produce a Salsa/Hip Hop
partner dance titled Girlfriend, which
we performed as part of Instinct, I really
enjoyed working to create this piece.
The finale was really fun because all the
year levels came together and joined to
perform a remix of the Lion King’s, ‘Circle
of Life’.”
Kailia Baldock
“Instinct was not only a performance
but was a journey that every single
one of us took together. The hours of
rehearsals behind the scenes made up
the amazing show the audience saw. It
was an experience that I would go back
a hundred times and do again.”
Beth Pontifex
International News
Term 3 has been very hectic. We welcomed over 30 new International students commencing for varying lengths of time, and we
had three study tours visiting CCC, with 2 from Japan and 1 from Korea.
Hakuo High School, which is our sister school, sent 12 students, whose assigned CCC buddies were our Year 10 and 11 students,
who are travelling to Japan at the end of this term on the first CCC Japan Study Tour. Our students will visit Hakuo and see their
buddies again for their school Cultural Festival, and then they have a very full itinerary, including Tokyo Disney, Kyoto the ancient
capital and a trip on the bullet train.
Kadoma City students came here for a week as their prize for winning an English presentation competition. They did their
presentations for their buddies and homestays, who were all very impressed with their work.
Cheongju students from Korea joined Year 6 and 7 classes for their time here. They performed a Korean dance for their farewell
ceremony and then all the students enjoyed shared pizza and fruit.
Valda Aukett
Industry Workshops
Over the past term the school has embarked on an exciting journey of providing
valuable Industry Information Workshops for our students in Years 10-12 to attend. The
industries were selected following a student survey to ascertain information as to which
career pathways were most in demand. Results from the survey were collated and
contact was made with numerous industry areas to provide what has turned out to be
invaluable learning opportunities for our students, and an opportunity to gain valuable
insights into the career opportunities that are available within their chosen field as well
as the school and post school pathways that will enable them to achieve their career
and what is required to achieve their goals.
I would like to thank members of the UNISA, Adelaide University and Flinders University
teams for their guidance of our students looking to undertake a University pathway
post school, the team from PEER who supported our students looking at a Plumbing,
Electrical and Refrigeration pathway, Rachael Savage who supported those students
looking at a Childcare/Teaching pathway, Anne Morris from the Australian Nursing
and Midwifery association for helping those students interested in Nursing and Health
related careers and AIE (Academy of Interactive Entertainment) for supporting those
students with a Computer Game Design/Programming focus.
In Week 1 Term 4 we will be hosting our final workshop with members of our Defence
Forces providing a workshop for those students thinking at a career within the forces.
Andrew Fleming
Specialist Sports
Program - Netball
World Cup
From 10th to 13th August 2015, twenty
Charles Campbell College students
involved in the Specialist Sport Netball
Program made their way to Sydney to
watch the Netball World Cup.
House, Sydney Harbour Bridge and
Darling Harbour. Some girls were not
very happy with Miss Morris for making
them walk an hour and twenty minutes for
lunch, all the way from the Opera House
to Darling Harbour. After lunch, the girls
had a chance to go shopping and then we
made our way back to Sydney Olympic
Park by ferry.
After an early start (7am flight), we arrived On our last day, we packed up and
in Sydney at 9:30am and made our way to headed to the airport for a 12:50pm flight
the hotel. Over the next two days, the girls back to Adelaide.
watched the following games:
Monday 10th August
South Africa v Sri Lanka
Fiji v Zambia
Wales v Uganda
Jamaica v Scotland
Tuesday 11th August
Trinidad and Tobago v Zambia
Malawi v Uganda
New Zealand v Jamaica
Australia v England
On the Tuesday morning, the girls had a
fitness session at a local park and were
fortunate to have four of the Australian
Diamonds players walk past. They were
quite excited to have a photo with the girls.
The final game on the Tuesday was very
exciting to watch and showed the girls
how fast paced and skilful the players
have to make it to the Elite Netball status
in Australia. The stadium was very loud,
and the girls frequently joined in with the
cheer led by Tamieka.
Overall, our school trip to the Netball
World Cup in Sydney is an experience us
girls are sure to never forget. We had the
amazing opportunity to be able to watch
some of the world’s top sides go head to
head in nail biting games. This trip enabled
us to watch how true professionals play
the game and how we can improve the
way we play. Running into a few of the
Australian Diamond players after one of
our morning fitness trainings, was by far
the biggest highlight of the trip, and being
able to have a chat and a photo with the
girls we travelled all the way from Adelaide
to see. We got to roam around Sydney
and see some famous attractions like the
Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney
Opera House, which was something I’d
love to experience again. Many of us
have grown stronger friendships and
even gained some new ones over those
four days. We are so grateful we had
such great teachers who organised and
prepared the trip for us. We’d love to have
an experience just like this one again.
Aimee Casburn
The experience of witnessing the Netball Elyse Morris
World Cup was quite interesting. Seeing MATHS COORDINATOR
these high-level teams made you
question how much training, exercise
and other health related practices each
team member experiences, on a dayto-day basis. This also made you think
about your own habits, health and fitness
wise. Seeing their form and technique
made you compare your technique to
theirs. I personally assessed the defence
techniques of many players and have
now tried to incorporate these techniques
into my own game. Even though it was
an entertaining experience mainly, there
was a lot to learn from these professional
Michelle Wilson
On the Wednesday, the girls had a day
excursion in Sydney. The group travelled
to Sydney by train and visited the Opera
Ski Trip
Our journey to the snow started with the unavoidable 16 hour bus ride, which was mostly quiet, peaceful and relatively relaxing
with a few lucky people getting two seats to themselves so they could stretch out get comfortable, and even sleep.
The first sight of snow got everyone’s attention and many just couldn’t contain their excitement with squeals of delight and the
sound of camera shutters filling the coach. On arrival at Mt Hotham village bags were unloaded; lunch eaten and we were then
fitted for gear, after which we all suited up for the first lesson. Some people wanted to go on the ski runs before even knowing
how to strap in to their equipment due to the ample snow on the slopes and in the village. The first lesson was about getting the
basics right, learning how to use equipment and being safe on the mountain, laughs were common when people couldn’t stop,
and regularly fell over.
Learning on the Big D and Summit (beginner slopes) was the order for the first few days until we could seek out more challenging
runs, lots of falling had most people very sore and bruised without dampening spirits too much. Jokes from instructors kept spirits
high, some of these included: How do you know if someone is a snowboard instructor? Don’t worry, he will tell you. And how does
a snowboarder introduce himself? Sorry.
Night skiing was fun with the lights shining over the Big D and most students spending 2-3 hours skiing and boarding under them,
honing the skills that they had acquired over the previous three days. Many Charles Campbell students were some of the last to
come in off the slopes and possibly would have kept going all night long given the opportunity.
Later in the week more of the mountain was explored. The Orchard was amazing but getting there was a bit of a trek, some “quality
stacks” happened though but fortunately with no serious injuries. A small group of students even managed to tackle SPARGO’S
(a black slope) on the last day which is quite an achievement after only 5 days experience. All the students had a great time and
progressed well throughout the week.
It was sad it all had to come to an end. The journey home was hard, another 16 hours on the bus with lots of tired and sore bodies
catching up on sleep they missed in the excitement of the week. However, we are sure that laughs, sharing of photos, videos and
exaggerated stories will ensure the memories of a fabulous week will last long in the minds of all who participated.
Troy Walters
Uniform Fitting Nights
We welcome all new and existing students to purchase their uniform requirements
for 2016
Monday, 9th November;
Thursday, 26th November
5.30pm – 7.30pm
Appointments required – please contact our friendly staff to arrange a suitable time
Payment Options:
Cash, Eftpos, Visa or Mastercard
Pay in full on the night
Pay 20% of order as a deposit, (if total is over $250)
Pay a minimum of $50 as a deposit, (if total is under $250)
If any uniform item is not available at the fitting appointment, it will be placed on order with a
deposit required, or payment in full if preferred. Once the stock arrives, you will be notified. Once
you have been notified that your order is ready for collection, please collect it within 2 weeks to
avoid losing your deposit.
Allowance will be made for anticipated growth. Should any items not fit at commencement of Term
1 2016, they may be exchanged provided they are unworn, unwashed, not named, with swing tags
in-tact and accompanied by original receipt.
Should you be unable to attend on these exclusive nights, please contact Devon Clothing Uniform
Shop to arrange an alternative suitable appointment time.
Come in early to avoid the January rush
* Strictly NO appointments taken for fittings in January *
2.40 Staff Mtg
2.40 Schools Mtgs
2/11 Year 12 Exams
8.55: PLC R-2
7/8 Forensic Science Show
12.00: PLC Yr 3-4
5.30: Finance Cmtee Mtg
6.30: School Council Mtg
7/12 M/S Activities Week
Yr 9 Camp
11.50: Sports Assembly
3.30 SSS Leadership Mtg
3.30: PD/PM Mtg
Yr 11 OE Surf Camp – Yorke Peninsula
Round 2 Applications dueTransition – Receptions
1.30: PLC LIT & ESL
Performing Arts
(9.00 – 10.00)
Yr 12’s Last Day
3.30: PD/PM Mtg
Yr 11 Girls Aquatic Camp – Pt Vincent
Performing Arts Auditions
Transition – Receptions
(9.00 – 10.30)
3.30: T&L Leaders Mtg
3.30: SSS Leaders Mtg
6.00: Yr11 Drama Prodn
3.30 T&L Leaders Mtg
Leaders Mtg
PLC 5-6
Yr 8 Immunisations
2.40 T & L Mtgs
3.30: ICT Planning
Stage 2 2016 Headstart Program
PLP Bootcamp
12.00: PLC Yr 3-4
2.40 Staff Mtg
30/11 Yr R-11 Reports
- Parent Morning Tea @ 9am
ICT Planning
Yr12 Recital
Evening – The Gov
2.40 Staff Mtg
5.30: Finance Cmtee Mtg
6.30: School Council Mtg
3.30: WHS
9/11 Year 12 Exams
VET Auto Work Placement
2.40: Schools/YL Mtgs
5.30: Dance Night
16/11 Year 12 Exams
Year 11 Exams
Yr 7 Camp
3.30: PD/PM Mtg
CEA Assessor Training
Transition – Receptions
(9.00 – 11.00)
Transition – Receptions
- Parent Workshop
(9.00 – 12.30)
8.45: JS Assembly
3.30: PD/PM Mtg
3.30 Leaders Mtg
25/11 Yr 10 Exams
Yr 10 Exams
Stage 1 Literacy & Numeracy Bootcamp
7/8 Transition Day
6/7 Transition Morning
(inc. Parent Morning Tea @ 9am)
Yr8/9 Girls Indoor Cricket
Yr 11’s Last Day
PLP Pres. Day
Transition – Receptions
(8.40 – 12.30)
Yr 10’s Last Day
Close Marks Books (R-11)
T&L Leaders Mtg
PLC 5-6
Yr 7 & 8 RTA Day
Transition – Receptions
(9.00 – 10.30)
SSS Leaders Mtg
6.00: Senior School
Awards & Yr 12 Gradn
Junior School
Awards & Yr 6 Gradn
Middle School
Awards & Yr 9 Gradn
R-9: Pool Day
10-12: Work Collection
Staff Mtg - Farewells
ICT Planning
27/1/15 – 19/6/15
22/6/15 – 27/11/15
™ RITSUMEIKEN STUDY TOUR: 19th Nov – 2nd Dec 2015
™ End-of-Semester R-11 Reports will be posted home with the Finance Newsletter & Term 1 Calendar, 2016
Early Dismissal
Staff Meeting
(R-9: 11/12//15)
Yr 11 OE Surf Camp 21/10-23/10
Yr 12 Farwell BBQ
Student Free Day (PLD)
Yr 11 Aquatic Camp 28/10-30/10
Yr 12 Exams
Yr 11 Exams
Yr 7 Camp
Yr 10 Exams
Yr 12 Graduation
Yr 6 & 9 Graduation
Yr 9 Camp
Last Day of Year
Yrs R-11 Reports Posted Home
Year 11 & 12
SACE & International Baccalaureate Spring Revision Program
Mon 28 Sep - Fri 2 Oct and/or Mon 5 - Fri 9 Oct
“The most useful holiday program I have ever been to. There is no
doubt these seminars helped my results improve by at least 15%.”
M. Dimauro
“Very useful seminars. I feel much more confident about my exams.
These seminars help to structure and motivate students to do work
during the holidays!” M. Fioretti
“Improved my confidence in all topics SIGNIFICANTLY.” J. Bobolka
From $40 per day!.......... Early Bird offer closing soon..............
Phone 82317776 or enrol online:
Adelaide Education Consultants L30, 91 King William St Adelaide
2015-2016 Season
FREE Come ‘N’ Try and
Registration Information Night
Friday 16th October 6pm-7pm
East Torrens Baseball Club,
Turner Street, Felixstow
For all enquires contact:
Opal School Holiday
Promotion for
Pre-schools and
Primary Schools
What is Opal:
OPAL is a community based
healthy lifestyle program
supporting you and your
family to eat well and be active
Every year a new OPAL theme is launched.
The key message this year is: WATER THE ORIGINAL
Student Programs for the Holidays:
-Bike Skills for Kids
-Maximum Power Theatre Show and Outdoor Explorers
All programs are free of cost!
Visit: for more
details and bookings
Gail Holland
Darine Michael
Jenny Parhas
Karen Clark
Matthew Zviedrans
Valda Aukett
Rodney Mangos