
SAVUNMA SANAYİİ MÜSTEŞARLIĞI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
AYYAZILIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
ARES SHIPYARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
ASELSAN A. Ş. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
ATARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
ATEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
BİTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
BMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
FİGES INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
FNSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
GATE ELEKTRONİK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
GİRSAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
GLOBAL TEKNİK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
HAVELSAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
İSTANBUL SHIPYARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
METEKSAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
MKEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
MİKES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
MİLSOFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
ROKETSAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
SAMSUN YURT SAVUNMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
SARSILMAZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
STM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
TAI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
TEI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
TEKSAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
TİMSAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
TİSAŞ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
TAFF TSKGV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
YAKUPOĞLU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
YÜKSEL SAVUNMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
SASAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Undersecretariat for Defence Industries
Bordering over half-a-dozen countries and extending through a vast and at
the same time volatile geography, Turkey has always been aware of the fact
that the establishment of a local, self-suf ficient defence industry is of vital importance for the improvement and maintenance of a deterrent Armed
Forces, as well as for the development of a home-grown defence capability.
As a direct consequence, Turkey has traditionally made modest efforts to become self-sufficient in what might be called, basic defence industrial activities,
i.e. small arms ammunition and explosive manufacturing. Since its establishment in 1985 the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) has been
entrusted with the responsibility of a fairly large number of defence industry
projects, valued at about US$ 30 Billion, and the size and magnitude of defence industry activities in Turkey has begun to display a dramatic transformation as such.
With the renewed emphasis during the last decade, Turkish defence industry
has come to portray a strong presence in the fields of aerospace, naval shipbuilding, tracked and wheeled armored vehicles, specialized textiles, small and
heavy armaments and ammunition, artillery rockets and defence electronics.
Turkish companies are now in a position to compete in the international defence markets and receive orders from abroad for their state-of-the-art,
NATO-standard compliant and cost ef fective products. The involvement of
the private sector companies in the defence industry activities, coupled with
the rapid expansion of manufacturing responsibilities towards a very large
number of sub-contractors from other segments of the industry, provides
Turkish defence contractors with a major advantage in the international market in terms of both cost and advanced technologies of fered.
In a bid to start developing its own designs, the Turkish defence industry has
also seized the opportunity to promote and export its products. Turkish
Armed Forces (TAF) is one of the world's largest, best-equipped, best-trained
and most prestigious armies and the wide use by TAF of products that are
designed and developed locally is a significant reference to their quality. As a
natural result of the great progress achieved by the Turkish defence industry
in the recent 25 years, the rate of foreign sales is increasing every year and
the International Cooperation Department (ICD) of SSM has played and important role in this success.
The primary responsibility of the ICD is to promote the Turkish Defence Industry to reach a significant cooperation and sales potential in the international markets. ICD acts on behalf of the Undersecretariat as a specialized
department in the framework of collaboration in defence procurement programmes and industrial networking activities.
SSM attaches a great deal of importance to international cooperation and
supports the participation of Turkish industrial capabilities in joint or international procurement programmes. In this context, ICD is responsible for establishing bilateral and multilateral relations with Turkey's allied counterparts,
preparing service notes on defence industries of the related countries, coordinating marketing communication activities at international platforms (international exhibitions, conferences, industry days, cooperation meetings
etc.) and organizing the of ficial visits of foreign delegations to Turkey.
SSM works closely with government agencies, the Turkish Defence Industry
Manufacturers Association (SaSaD), NATO, NGOs and industrial entities.
SSM also provides comprehensive support to the presentation of Turkish defence industrial capabilities under a National Participation concept at international defence fairs, such as IDEX in Abu Dhabi, DSA in Malaysia, IDEAS in
Pakistan, SOFEX in Jordan, DSEi in the UK and FIDAE in Chile.
These activities are focused on creating new opportunities for both the Turkish defence industry and supporting the defence industry sector to highlight/promote their products and services internationally. These efforts have
led the Turkish defence industry to establish a strong presence in various
areas including having competence in the international defence market.
Our activities also provide an easy entry into the industry and in turn for our defence companies to have ample opportunity to meet potential clients. In this
context we hosted and arranged numerous company visits for foreign delegations (25 delegations from 23 countries) at all levels from many nations and
continents during 2009. Another mean we have been utilising is a series of
Government-to-Government workshops to look at opportunities for cooperation between Turkish and foreign industries [such as European, South Korean, the US and Ukrainian] in possible future programmes of not only TAF,
but also of other Armed Forces around the world. With that respect we are
open to engaginge in discussions on possible joint programmes with friendly
nations. For that purpose we have organized 14 export visits (during which
high level defence industry cooperation meetings also took place) to several
countries around the globe in 2009. In fact, being open to all kinds of joint ventures and Government-to-Government sales, we encourage the Turkish industry to establish joint ventures (JVs) and partnerships with foreign
In 1997 Turkish defence industry export figure was around US$ 138 Million,
in 2004 it reached to US$196.3 Million and as a result of the activities organized by IDC, such as realizing National Participation to international defence fairs and, performing export visits to the countries constituting Turkey's
target market for defence export, the exports figure increased by 37% from
2007 (US$420 Million) and reaching over US$ 576 Million in 2008. In addition,
Turkish defence industry has also realized US$ 208 Million worth of civil aviation exports during 2008.
In order to sustain the increasing trend of our foreign sales, SSM continues
to perform activities that will enable the industry to reach a compatible level
internationally through the implementation of policies for the further development of the national defence industry. To this end, in order to direct defence
sector in parallel with existing export trends of the world, SSM has prepared
the Export Strategy Document and issued it in December 2009. Comprising
4 Strategic Topics, 7 Strategic Goals and 30 Aims the Export Strategy Document covers principal steps that should be taken to strengthen existing
structure of the Turkish defence industry and to assure qualified and sustainable export. The Document was prepared to increase defence export and
to lead all of the companies operating in this sector for this purpose.
In preparation of the scope of the Document SSM has taken into consideration the opinions of its partners' (such as defence sector company's, SaSaD
Export Board and procurement agencies of the foreign countries) . The Export Strategy Document is based on the 2007 - 2011 Strategic Plan and its
updates, which has been implemented since 2007 and foresees the effective
implementation of defence acquisition activities in order to meet expectations
of the end-user. SSM's main targets for 2011 are;
N Turkish defense companies will export US$ 1 Billion worth of defence
equipment and services per year by the end of 2010.
N By the end of 2010 about 50% of the defence systems requirements of
the Turkish Armed Forces would be met locally in financial terms.
N Turkish defence industry companies will participate at least 4 international projects and one of them will be led by Turkey.
N Turkish defence industry's share in NATO projects will be increased fourfold SSM
for Defence
Ziyabey Cad. 21 Sokak,
No: 4, Balgat 06520
Tel : +90.312 411 90 00
Fax : +90.312 411 93 86
Hall 2
Stand: 2P70
Turkish Pavilion
AYYAZILIM is a system integration partner and electronic design company in defense industry. The company of fers solutions for Homeland
Security via thermal video analysis systems, modulation techniques
and target tracking algorithms. Thermal Shield and COFDM Video
Transmission Sets are genuine designs for this purpose. Some of the
other products developed by AYYAZILIM can be listed as; Video Tracking PIBAL System, Vetronic Systems for Armoured Military Vehicles
and Test Program Sets for electronic cards.
Thermal Shield
Thermal Shield, target detection and tracking system, utilizes the latest video analysis
techniques and tracking algorithms. The
system operates in conjunction with a 9
Hertz thermal camera accurately and
there is no need for an Export License.
Threat area is observed by the thermal
camera and the algorithms detect any
change occurred in that area. The
property which dif fers is that the
system has an ability to learn to
prevent informing the operator
for the objects moving continuously such as the tree leaves blowing in the wind.
COFDM Video Transmission System
COFDM video transmission set is a high quality system to transmit
the video in real time that is less than 50ms, by utilizing COFDM technique for modulation. In
addition to this, the
product is enhanced
with an AES encryption
unit for security issues.
RAYMET Video Tracking
Pibal System
Video Tracking PIBAL System
is a genuine design of
AY YAZILIM which produces
ballistic meteorological reports for Artillery units. The
system utilizes video tracker
to track a balloon inflated with
helium as it goes by to define
wind data. In addition to this,
all the necessary data is gathered with a ground meteorological system and a Metro
Report is prepared for Artillery use.
Vetronics for
Armoured Vehicles
Vetronics system designed
Armed Vehicles including CTIS, ABS, Hull
BUS controls. Integrated Drivers Displays are designed
Customer needs.
Test Program Sets
Electronic Card Systems are developed for testing electronic cards with
the help of simulation programs. Simulation programs apply signals and
observe outputs generated at the
end of test process. These programs provide not only the performance data but also diagnosis.
AY YAZILIM aims to be your system integration partner with its system solutions AYYAZILIM
Ltd. Şti.
Silikon Blok Giriş Kat
No: 8 ODTÜ Teknokent,
Tel : +90.312 210 18 60
Fax : +90.312 210 11 35
Hall 2
Stand: 2P79
Turkish Pavilion
ARES SHIPYARD, with its 7,000 sq.m. yard facilities at the Antalya
Free Zone, is engaged in design, develepoment and building of highperformance, custom-designed naval platforms with advanced-composite and aluminium structures. As an ISO 9001-2000 certified
company, ARES builds purpose-designed vessels for defence, law-enforcement, sanitary and similar organisations for patrol, escort, assault, fast intervention and interception, personnel transportation,
seal insertion & extraction, search and rescue, anti-smuggling, surveillance, environment control, ambulance and similar purposes.
Some features of ARES’ standart or custom-designed platforms are
their superior performance and sea keeping capabilities, low maintanence and long service life, low radar signature, ballistic protection,
capability in shallow water operations, multi weapon installations. ARES 125 FAMB Fast Attack Missile Craft
Primary Roles
Littoral & Coastal Waters LawEnforcement, Naval Duties and
Open Sea Rescue Operations:
N Fast Attack & Missile Operations
N Coast Guard Duties, Inshore
Patrolling & Escort, Search &
Rescue, Anti-Smuggling
N Anti-Terrorist Protection of
Coastal & Of fshore Installations
N Surveillance & Covert
N Seal Insertion-Extraction
Principal Particulars
Lenght Overall...........................38.00 m
Lenght Waterline ......................32.15 m
Beam ..........................................8.00 m
Hull Draught ................................1.60 m
Full Load Displacement.....152-167 Tons
Passangers / Troops ................Upto 50
Crew (All Accomodated) ............Upto 18
Fuel.........................................21,000 Lt
Fresh Water.............................6,000 Lt
Black / Grey Water ..................4,000 Lt
Ammunition.............................3.50 Tons
Main Engines.................Twin/Triple MTU
Waterjets .............Rolls Royce KaMeWa
..................................................(or) MJP
Performance & Range
Max Speed ......................Upto 45 Knots
Economy Speed .......................15 Knots
Range @ Economy .......1,350-1,800 Nm
Construction .......Aluminium Alloy (or)
Material....................FRP Composites
Classification ........DNV, LR, RINA, TL
Customisation.......Complete Interior
............................................and Aftdeck
ARES 125 HERCULES Multi Role Patrol Craft
Primary Roles
Littoral & Coastal Waters LawEnforcement, Naval Duties and
Open Sea Rescue Operations:
N Coast Guard Duties
N Inshore Patrolling & Escort,
Search & Rescue, AntiSmuggling Operations
N Anti-Terrorist Protection of
Coastal & Of fshore Installations
N Surveillance & Covert
N Seal Insertion-Extraction
Principal Particulars
Lenght Overall...........................38.00 m
Lenght Waterline ......................32.15 m
Beam ..........................................8.00 m
Hull Draught ................................1.60 m
Full Load Displacement.....147-162 Tons
Passangers / Troops ................Upto 50
Crew (All Accomodated) ............Upto 18
Fuel.........................................21,000 Lt
Fresh Water.............................6,000 Lt
Black / Grey Water ..................4,000 Lt
Ammunition.............................1.50 Tons
Main Engines.................Twin/Triple MTU
Waterjets .............Rolls Royce KaMeWa
.................................................(or) WJP
Performance & Range
Max Speed ......................Upto 47 Knots
Economy Speed .......................15 Knots
Range @ Economy .......1,350-1,800 Nm
Antalya Free Zone 07070,
Tel : +90.242 259 52 61
Fax : +90.242 259 52 63
ARES 53 GHOST PATROL Multi Role Patrol Craft
Primary Roles
N Coast Guard Duties
N Inshore Patrolling & Escort,
Search & Rescue, AntiSmuggling Operations
N Anti-Terrorist Protection of
Coastal & Of fshore Installations
N Surveillance & Covert
N Seal Insertion-Extraction
Passangers / Troops ................Upto 12
Crew (All Accomodated)...............Upto 5
Fuel...........................................2,700 Lt
Fresh Water ................................300 Lt
Black / Grey Water......................300 Lt
Ammunition.............................1.00 Tons
Principal Particulars
Lenght Overall...........................16.30 m
Lenght Waterline ......................12,50 m
Beam ..........................................4.30 m
Hull Draught ................................1.00 m
Full Load Displacement ..............22 Tons
Main Engines ........Twin MTU/CAT/MAN
Propulsors ..................Surface Piercing,
...............................Waterjets or Shafts
Performance & Range
Max Speed ......................Upto 65 Knots
Cruising Speed.........................45 Knots
Range @ Max. Speed .................350 Nm
Hall 2
Stand: 2P77
Turkish Pavilion
A S E L S A N i s a Tu r k i s h A r m e d F o r c e s F o u n d a t i o n C o m p a n y
A S E L SA N A . Ş .
ASELSAN Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret A. Ş., founded
in 1975, is a high technology, multi-product company
that designs, develops and produces state-of-the-art
products and systems for military and professional applications. ASELSAN carries out its activities with a
workforce of more than 3,500 employees, of which
2,000 are engineers.
ASELSAN’s quality system complies with ISO
9001:2000 as well as NATO Quality Assurance Certificates: AQAP-2110, AQAP-160 and international military standards are being applied for design, material
procurement, production, test, calibration and logistic support activities.
Dedicating utmost importance to R&D activities by allocating 7% of its annual revenue and through its technological know-how, ASELSAN has achieved the
capability to undertake large-scale system integration
projects and develop sophisticated products.
With the know-how and experience accumulated over
30 years of leadership in defence, ASELSAN of fers
state-of-the-art products and systems in the following
Defined Radio
Military / Professional Communications
Radar and Electronic Warfare
C4ISR Systems
Weapon Systems
Navigation and Avionics
Naval Systems
Professional Communication Systems
The realization of tactical command and conSoftware Defined Radio
trol applications in the battlefield needs secure, fast, flexible and unfaltering tactical communication solutions.
Based on combat proven technologies ASELSAN of fers; Software
Defined Radio Family, Fixed Frequency and Frequency Hopping Tactical Radio Families, Have Quick Frequency Hopping Ground-AirRadios, Tactical Packet (TDMA) Radios and Data Terminals, VHF
Radios (with or without Encryption Capability), Data Encryption Equipment, Personal Locator Systems, Tactical Communication Systems
(TASMUS) and Satellite Communication Systems.
ASELSAN Sof tware
Defined Radios are
designed to provide
seamless communications among tactical users through
secure voice, data
and video. The ASELSAN Sof tware Defined Radios ensure
increased survivability
Warfare threat by
providing alternative
communication means over a wideband ranging from 30 MHz to 512
MHz. Software configurable architecture enables the support of various tactical radio waveforms and advanced
EPM techniques on the same platform.
Defence Radar
Radar and Electronic Warfare
ASELSAN provides modern and high-end systems within the filed of electronic warfare. The
products and the systems already fielded by
ASELSAN are; Ground Surveillance Radars,
Coastal Surveillance Radars, 3D Air Defence Radars, RCIED Jamming Systems,
Monitoring and Jamming Systems,
Radar Detection and Jamming
Systems, Direction Finding Systems, EW Self Protection Systems
aircraf t
helicopters and Airborne Signal
Monitoring Systems.
The accumulated technology, design and integration capability in various fields of activities has resulted in state-of-the-art, reliable C4ISR
systems. Air Defence Early Warning C4I System, Battlefield Management System, Fire Control-Fire Support Command and Control
System, Reconnaissance Surveillance System, Naval Combat Management System and Tactical Area Communication System are significant examples of ASELSAN products / systems in the field.
Weapon Systems
ASELSAN Pedestal Mounted Air Defence Systems (PMADS) are developed for the low-level air defence of fixed vital points, stationary or
forward moving troops and convoys.
PMADS incorporate a fully automated firing unit for very short-range
air defence missiles. PMADS improved the capabilities of air defense
missiles, with the addition of such functions as target detection, recognition, identification and computer controlled fire control capabilities in
all weather conditions, day and night.
PMADS is used either in autonomous or coordinated modes whether
the carrier platform is stationary or mobile. In coordinated mode target cueing information is
received from an air defence operation centre
and in autonomous mode
the PMADS crew autonomously search / detect and track the target by
using the system’s own surveillance sensors.
Stabilized Machine Gun Platform (STAMP) is a gun system,
indigenously developed by ASELSAN, for maximizing the personnel
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box: 01, 06172
Location Address:
M. Akif Ersoy Mah., 296.
Cadde, No. 16,
Yenimahalle 06370
Tel : +90.312 592 30 51
Fax : +90.312 385 19 00
Hall 2
Stand: 2P71
Turkish Pavilion
A S E L S A N i s a Tu r k i s h A r m e d F o r c e s F o u n d a t i o n C o m p a n y
A S E L SA N A . Ş .
security and hit probability by
remote control and auto tracking capabilities. STAMP is a fully
automated, light-weight, modular weapon system using various kind of machine guns and
has various application areas
such as asymmetric warfare,
coastal and border defense
purposes. The system is suitable for use on naval and land
ASELSAN designs and manufactures active / passive electro-optic
and night vision devices for
day / night in all weather
PY THON / BOA Thermal
Weapon Sights provide high
performance thermal sight
in a revolutionary design in
least volume. It is a light
weight, ruggedized, high resolution thermal imaging device operating
in Longwave IR (8-12mm) waveband. It uses uncooled staring array
technology and requires no scanners or coolers. It is to be used for fire
control on individual / crew served weapons and in other observation
or surveillance applications. It operates in total darkness and will not
shut down or bloom when hit by direct light. It can be used in all weather
conditions like dust, smoke, fog, haze, darkness and battlefield conditions as well as daylight.
In order to enhance the mission performance during day-night and adverse weather conditions, ASELSAN has designed SCOUT – Hand
Held Integrated Electro-Optical Sensor System.
SCOUT uses the advanced technologies and of fers dif ferent sensors
into one compact and ergonomic design. It comprises a high resolution
Thermal Sight Sensor, an Eye Safe Laser Range Finder, GPS Receiver,
Digital Magnetic Compass and optional Laser Pointer for illuminating
targets to friendly image intensifier weapon sight users.
Navigation and Avionic
ASELSAN provides the most advanced
systems in avionics, navigation and
guidance for land and air platforms.
ASELSAN solutions for survivability
on the battlefield include Cockpit Management systems, Flight and Navigation Management Systems, Inertial
Navigation Systems, Airborne Thermal Imaging Systems and Airborne
Naval Systems
ASELSAN is the “system
solution partner” for naval
shipbuilders and navies,
providing cost ef ficient,
custom made turnkey solutions. ASELSAN
primarily Integrated
Combat Systems'
development, system design and system integration type
projects for combatant and noncombatant surface
and subsurface platforms such as fast
corvettes, frigates
and submarines.
ASELSAN Naval Systems solutions have
been developed with modular architecture, utilizing ASELSAN’s vast
experience in the fields of system integration, software and hardware
design. Risk reduction and cost efficiency is achieved and implemented
in ASELSAN Naval Systems solutions.
ASELSAN Naval System solutions include; Electronic Warfare Systems, Radar Systems, Communication Systems, Electro-Optic Systems, Navigation Systems, Stabilized Weapon Systems, Underwater
Acoustics Warfare Solutions, Sonar Systems and Command Control
Professional Communication Systems
Besides military communication products ASELSAN also provides
products and systems in this field.
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box: 01, 06172
Location Address:
M. Akif Ersoy Mah., 296.
Cadde, No. 16,
Yenimahalle 06370
Tel : +90.312 592 30 51
Fax : +90.312 385 19 00
ASELSAN utilizes its technical expertise to provide Frequency Management and Monitoring Systems, VHF/UHF Professional or Paramilitary Digital Encrypted Radios, Public Safety and Emergency
Communication Systems.
The combination of technological know-how and accumulated experience in design and manufacturing infrastructure make ASELSAN
proud to be the source for developing core technologies, designed
and tailored to meet customer specific requirements.
Hall 2
Stand: 2P71
Turkish Pavilion
ASELSAN, the reliable source and a powerful partner in defence requirements 11
Defence and Aerospace Industry Advanced Technology Applications Research and Development Inc.
Brief Description of ATARD
ATARD is an internationally competitive defense and aerospace company which provides and develops advanced technological applications
and solutions on the basis of national resources and worldwide knowledge. Our highly skilled and experienced technology team designs and
develops to-the-point, top level technological products in collaboration
with academia and contributes to national defense and international
aerospace industry. ATARD has a staff of 23 people of which 17 are engineers with various degree (B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D.)
ATARD has headquarters, engineering of fices AND facilities in Eskisehir. They also have strong relationship with various consultants,
universities, and institutes in Turkey. ATARD has 1,000 m2 closed
composite production area using VARTM, RTM, vacuum bagging,
resin infusion.
As a regard of ATARD’s main expertise;
1. Design, development and prototyping of propulsion system for
Defense Application
2. Composite and metallic airframe design, development, analysis
and manufacturing for Aerospace Application.
3. Composite parts design, structural analysis and manufacturing
for Defense and Aerospace Ind.
4. Flywheel Energy Storage System design and prototyping for
Space applications ATARD
Defence and Aerospace
Industry Advanced
Applications Research
and Development Inc.
OSB Teknoloji Gelistirme
Bölgesi, Piramit 2 No:11
26110, Eskişehir-TÜRKİYE
Tel : +90.222 236 23 95
Fax : +90.222 236 23 96
Liaison Office:
San.Bir 5.Bölge 12. Cad.
No: 106 Büyükçekmece
Tel : +90.212 886 77 02
Fax : +90.212 886 77 06
Hall 2
Stand: 2P94
Turkish Pavilion
Te l e k o m ü n i k a s y o n S a n . Ti c . L t d . Ş t i .
Atel is an emerging leader in Electronic Engineering and Communication Solutions. Established in 1997 in Ankara, ATEL Telekomünikasyon
is a recognized leader in Telecommunication and Electronic Warfare
contracting and project management. The company possesses more
than a decade of industry experience and comprehensive market
knowledge especially in homeland protection and customized communication infrastructure projects.
ATEL produces state-of-the-art IED and RF Jammer Systems for
RCIED Jamming, Radio Jamming and Cellular Jamming systems. ATEL
BKEK (Electronic Jamming Against Bombs) family of counter-IED Jammers, developed in response to Turkish Defense Force requirements
and proven in combat operations over a number of years. These Jammers have accessories to be used as vehicular and portable (Man
Pack) models.
Today, ATEL is the foremost innovator in the field of RF jamming, offering a comprehensive range of jamming equipment and systems
which have a proven record of reliability and performance in all types
of applications and environmental conditions. Our RF Jamming Systems technology:
N Provides superior protection in desired frequency bands in ef fective distances;
N Can be adapted to the requirements of users;
N Ef ficient to be used in every kind of platforms;
N Provided superior protection over standards.
ATEL is one of the leading suppliers of jamming system for Turkish
Armed Forces. With its research and development and production
capacity, ATEL’s products are designed to exacting standards, focusing on performance, reliability, ease of use and cost ef fectiveness.
Utilizing the latest and most advanced technologies, customer requirements are engineered into leading edge designs, outstanding in
both quality and value. ATEL produces technology, performance and
quality with Fixed, Portable/Tactical Jammers and Man-carried Mobile Jammers due to the technology to of fer market-leading of f-theshelf and customized jamming solutions ATEL
San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Turan Güneş Bulvarı, 17/18,
Çankaya 06550
Tel : +90.312 442 62 55
Fax : +90.312 442 62 18
Hall 2
Stand: 2P86
Turkish Pavilion
S a v u n m a H a v a c ı l ı k v e U z a y Te k n o l o j i l e r i Y a z . E l e k . Ti c . L t d . Ş t i .
BİTES is a software company established in 2001 with the purpose
to develop IT projects. BİTES has got at the thin end of the wedge to
the defence industry in 2005. After accomplishing M-60 Main Battle
Tank driver Simulator as part of R&D Project in 2004, our firm got to
first base in defence industry with S-70A 28D/DSAR Blackhawk & S70B Sea Hawk Computer Based Training Systems and Simulation
Center TMIS (Training Management Information Systems) projects
as part of HELSİM (Helicopter Simulator) Project as a subcontractor
Our firm consists of 30 employees in a 250 m2 working area in METU
Technopolis. BİTES has been providing software and hardware solutions in;
N Computer Based Training Systems,
N Virtual Maintenance Training Systems,
N Embedded System Software,
N 3D Modelling & Simulation Technologies,
N Management Information Systems,
N Logistic System Software
to Defence Industry and large corporations. BİTES has developed
most qualified products as a result of its improved workflow and analytical approach.
Our firm has edged into the market with its strategy to develop functional solutions, continuous improvement and to make difference since
the day it was established. It has added experience and practice to its
young and dynamic structure throughout its existence.
Innovative and Concessionary Aspects of the firm;
Our firm maintains a continuing development as a successful establishment with its sense of quality to keep customer satisfaction and
with its investments on R&G on its 6th Year in Defence Industry.
Unique qualities of our products are that they are appropriate to user
demands, easy-to-use, built with the latest technology, one step ahead
of substitutes around the world and functional. Training materials are
developed by education specialists, field specialists and engineers who
are specialized on the subject they are working on. Our training products are presented expeditiously with quality-based production techniques.
We are in a continuous run with the motivation to be a shining star in
Defence Industry Area BİTES Savunma
Havacilik Ve Uzay
Teknolojileri Yaz.
Elek. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Silikon Blok No:1 ODTÜ
Teknokent 06531
Tel : +90.312 210 12 56
Fax : +90.312 210 12 58
Hall 2
Stand: 2P85
Turkish Pavilion
The Independent Wheeled Tactical Vehicle and Wheeled
Armoured Vehicle Manufacturer in Turkey
B M C S a n a y i v e Ti c a r e t A . Ş .
BMC Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. is one of the biggest vehicle manufacturers in Turkey. The company is founded in 1964 and started production in 1966. BMC began with the partnership of British Motors
Corporation which was finalized within years, leading BMC to become
the sole vehicle manufacturer in Turkey with 100% local capital.
BMC acquired a new growth strategy after all the shares of the company were taken over in 1989 by Çukurova Holding, one of the biggest
holdings in Turkey today. The company then continued production with
local and original designs.
Latest products of BMC
known all over
the world as
international brand,
b r o u g h t
BMC worldwide esteem.
Çukurova Group is currently active in the sectors of industry, trade,
tourism, construction, media, banking, investment, insurance and financial services, telecommunications, and information technology. The
holding is one of the Turkey’s leading groups employing over 26,000
staf f in its 138 companies. BMC, within the structure of Çukurova
Group, is the sole Turkish automotive company that is performing its
product design, development and engineering studies independent of
foreign partnerships BMC Sanayi ve
Ticaret A. Ş.
Kemalpaşa Caddesi No:32
Pınarbaşı 35060
Tel : +90.232 477 18 00
Fax : +90.232 477 18 70
Hall 2
Stand: 2P81
Turkish Pavilion
FİGES, a leading engineering service company established in 1990
with more than 80 employees today, is providing advanced engineering services, consultancy, trainings and related software products to
the research and product development departments of domestic and
international Aerospace/Defense and Automotive industry companies.
With its highly qualified and scalable staf f, which has expertise and education spanning a wide spectrum of specialties, FİGES of fers innovative and advanced engineering solutions for air, land and naval
applications in the following areas:
Design and Numerical Analysis:
Design / CAD
Design Optimization
Prototype Manufacturing
Structural Strength Analyses
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Multi Body Dynamics (MBD)
Blasting, Shock and Crash Analyses
Vibration and Fatigue Analyses
Heat Transfer Analyses
Metal Forming Analyses
Electrostatics & Electromagnetics
System Modeling & Control
System Modeling & Simulations
Control Design Applications
Signal & Image Processing
Test and Measurement Applications
Verifications - MIL, SIL and HIL
Embedded Systems
FİGES is one of the few companies providing
advanced engineering services on integrated engineering platform, where it combines and uses system level
design and modeling technologies, along with sub-system and component level modeling and analyses technologies.
With its 20 years of proven experience, FİGES has become a trusted
advanced engineering service supplier mainly to the domestic Aerospace and Defense companies; and in the last few years has started
to provide engineering services to international companies, mainly in
the United States, Italy, France and Germany. For example, FİGES has
been chosen as a “Preferred Analysis Partner” by Cummins Engine
(US), to which, for the last five years, the company has been providing
analysis services on a daily basis. As a qualified supplier of the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM), FİGES has been providing
engineering services to many national naval, land and air platform projects in Turkey.
Below are some of FİGES’ references in aerospace and defense projects:
Naval Platforms:
N Conducted the following analyses for Corvette design:
G 3D global and local strength of materials analyses,
G CFD analyses of Air Intake and Exhaust systems, structural analyses
and design,
G Strength calculations for under
water explosion shock behavior,
G Strength analyses for critical equipments under reduced shock loading.
N 3D global and local strength of materials
analyses at Patrol Boat design,
N CFD and acoustics analyses of the Patrol Boat exhaust system
N Conducted the following analyses for the Sonobuoy (Sonar &
Buoy) design:
G Local part analyses during launching,
G Penetration simulations into water,
G Thermal stress simulations at all phases.
N Functional modeling, sizing, simulations, analyses, optimizations,
performance studies of naval propulsion systems and their control systems.
Land Platforms:
N Experimental modal analysis of Pedestal Mounted Stinger (PMS),
N Conducted the following analyses for the Launcher design:
G Momentary dynamic analyses,
G Modal analysis,
G PSD analysis,
G Fatigue analyses,
N Conducted the following analyses for the
Amphibious Assault Bridge design:
G Strength analyses of launcher,
G Strength analyses of floating system,
G Dif ferential block strength behavior
under dynamic loadings,
G Strength analysis of suspension system,
N Roll-over, blasting, covering charge, ballistic and shock analyses,
N Armour development and penetration calculations,
N MBD (Multi Body Dynamics) analyses to simulate and analyse vehicle motions on virtual roads and environment,
N Functional modeling, sizing, simulations, analyses and optimizations studies in combustion engines of land vehicles.
Air Platforms:
N Helicopter blade aeroelastic analyses,
N Turbine blade design studies,
N For Satellite systems, determining
static strength behavior of the TVC
(Thermal Vacuum Chamber) under
space conditions and radiation analysis of the solar structure,
N FADEC (Engine Control Unit) interfaces modeling and embedded logics:
G FADEC system throttle control and validation,
G FADEC system air data control and validation,
N Design and strength analyses of Tailcone and Parachute Gate
N Armour development and penetration calculations.
FİGES’ vision is to become a prestigious international company in the
field of advanced engineering services FİGES A. Ş.
Ulutek Technology
Development Zone
Uludağ University
Görükle Campus
Nilüfer 16059
Tel : +90.224 280 85 25
Fax : +90.224 280 85 32
Hall 2
Stand: 2P80
Turkish Pavilion
FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A. Ş. is a leading manufacturer and supplier of armored combat vehicles and weapon systems for the Turkish Armed Forces and Allied Armed Forces. FNSS is a Turkish based
joint venture company between Nurol Holding of Turkey and BAE Systems.
Its extensive production line consists of a universal family of tracked
and wheeled Armored Combat Vehicles and Combat Utility Vehicles.
Savunma Sistemleri A.Ş.
FNSS has a full range of Family of Tracked Armored Combat Vehicles
(ACV). The ACV is a combat proven medium weight, low silhouette armored vehicle capable of high mobility in all kinds of terrain and amphibious operations on rivers and lakes. ACV is designed with the
necessary mounting provisions to transform the vehicle into various
vehicle configurations as per the user requirements. The Advanced
Armored Personnel Carrier (AAPC) chassis forms the base vehicle
for all other members of the family of Vehicles.
Based on the experience gained in the development and production of
ACV family of vehicles, FNSS has developed the ACV-S family of vehicles which provides higher internal usable volume and payload. ACV-S
of fers the latest developments in high value vehicle performance while
maintaining commonality with the ACV family of vehicles. The ACV-S
can be provided in a number of dif ferent configurations including but
not limited to tracked logistic carrier, fighting vehicles with one or twoman turrets, mortar vehicles fitted with 120mm mortars, command
post, recovery, fitters, air defense and combat engineering variants.
ACV and ACV-S vehicles have proven themselves, in high intensity operations, peace support/keeping and asymmetrical type threats and
they are in service with a number of Armies World Wide.
Besides manufacturing new vehicles, FNSS is also capable of upgrading and modernizing aged M113 Family of Vehicles to
M113A350/300 configurations including improvements to survivability and lethality.
FNSS's another capability is the development and production of turrets and weapon stations. The company currently of fers a One-Person (Sharpshooter) turret, which is fitted with a 25 mm Bushmaster
cannon and a co-axially mounted 7.62 mm MG. The weapons are fully
stabilized providing full “shoot on the move” capability and incorporate
modern high performance sighting systems.
FNSS has developed a new generation of Wheeled Armored Combat
Vehicles with special emphasis on Mobility, Protection, Payload and
Growth Potential. The vehicles employ the latest design and technologies from the commercial automotive industries (COTS) which
have been Militarized (MCOTS) to meet the performance and durability of modern military operational requirements. The vehicles are
based on a system of vehicles to include a 4X4, 6X6 and 8X8, using significant commonality of each vehicle sub systems thereby reducing
“Logistic Foot Print” and Life Cycle Costs.
The company has the capability to meet the specific configuration requirements of its customers by incorporating variety of weapon stations and mission systems tailored to meet their operational
Caring to its modern production facilities, expertise and comprehensive quality assurance system, the company is able to of fer high quality products and integrated logistics support services to its
customers FNSS Savunma
Sistemleri A. Ş.
P. K. 37 Gölbaşı, 06830
Tel : +90.312 497 43 00
Fax : +90.312 497 43 01
Hall 2
Stand: 2P69
Turkish Pavilion
I n c .
E l e c t r o n i c s
Having an experience of 20 years in the business, Gate Elektronik is
working in the defence industry with the scope of services including;
-Electronic production
N PCB design-Production & Assembly (Sub Assembly), Cable Harness, Fiber
Cable Harness, Chassis Manufacturing
N Test & Measurement System, Back Plane Testing
-Technical Service
In-house maintenance & repair
Onsite maintenance & repair
System Integration & Maintenance Engineering
Integrated Logistic Support
-Software and Hardware Development
G a t e
Gate Elektronik San. ve Tic. A. S., since 1989, is specialized in giving
depot level -onsite maintenance and repair to the military / industrial
/ civil electronic systems, avionics, etc. besides giving system integration and maintenance engineering services, software development
services and electronic production services.
N Test Program Sets -TPS development & ATUs (Adaptors for Test
N Flight Simulator software development
N Remotely Operated Vehicle
N Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)
N Single Shot Rov (SSR)
Gate Elektronik has recently
focused on:
N A400M avionics’ test benches
and test program sets (TPS)
N Test sets of helicopters’ hydraulic cranes
N Test sets of helicopters’ electro valves
N On ship board entertainment
and training systems
N Integration, Maintenance and
Repair of KU Band Satellite Systems
N Design and Production of Jammer Systems
N National Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)
N Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)
N Single Shot Rov (SSR)
Besides more than 2,500 local customers, Gate Elektronik is giving reliable engineering services to NAMSA (NATO) and exports to the countries USA, UK, UAE, Russia, Norway, Japan, and France.
The company’s technical service department is capable to provide on
the site and Gate Elektronik would be pleased to join its ef forts with
you for possible future projects and business opportunities both in
Turkey and abroad as your reliable and qualified solution partner.
Please do visit our web page: www.gateelektronik.com.tr for further
information Gate Electronics
İstanbul Yolu Ayaş Kavşağı
16. Km No: 1-A
Ergazi, Yenimahalle 06170
Tel : +90.312 257 07 37
Fax : +90.312 257 23 00
Hall 2
Stand: 2P82
Turkish Pavilion
M a k i n a v e H a f i f S i l a h S a n a y i Ti c a r e t L t d . Ş t i .
Bora Light
tion rate is 60.000 pistols/year.
The quality of Girsan Yavuz 16 pistols that are produced in NATO
standards, are proved both in the
evaluation tests of national and international bids.
MC 13
MC 25
GİRSAN produces Yavuz 16 pistol
family having high firing power with
the 15+1 cartridge capacity, firing
9 mm x 19 Parabellum and 9 mm x
21 IMI cartridges. Also GIRSAN
produces pistols with diferent caliber like 7.65 mm, .40S&W, .45
ACP and . 380 ACP (short nine).
Girsan Yavuz 16 Pistol Family consists of; Compact M.C., Regard
M.C., Zirve, Tuğra, Bora, Bora
Light , MC 21, MC 23, MC 13, MC 14, MC 25, MC 27, MC 27 E, MC
T 40, MC R 40, MC C 40, MC
21.45, MC 21.40, MC 23.45, MC
23.40, MC 1911 and MC 1911 S.
The whole Yavuz 16 family guns are
semi automatic, having double action, short recoil operation system.
The barrels are produced with cold
forging technology enabling the pistols to reach a longer barrel life of
30,000 shots. The body of the
MC 1911 S
GİRSAN Gun Industry was established in 1994 to produce the gun
and armament requirements of
Turkish Police and Armed Forces in
a high reliability and quality. With its
204 personnel and using CNC Universal Machines that were matching the latest developments in the
world technology. Annual produc-
Compact MC
guns is produced by using the light
alloy steel. Yavuz 16 Gun Family
functions perfectly between - 40ºC
/ + 60ºC. Safety system consists
of safety tumbler, firing pin safety,
half-cock position and a special
safety system: chamber loaded indicator showing that there is a
round in the barrel. It is therefore
possible to check visually whether
there is a round in the barrel without having to retract the slide.
MC 21
Yavuz 16 pistols are widely used by
the Turkish Armed Forces as well
as being the sole local brand used
as the first domestic staf f gun by
Turkish Police.
Recently, after being proven in the
international bids, it is become one
of the well known brands in the international market. Yavuz 16 pistol
is chosen as one of the staf f guns
MC 14
by Malaysian Police Department,
Colombian Air Forces, Georgian
Police and Syrian Army.
MC 23
GİRSAN currently exports to USA,
Italy, South American Countries,
Far Eastern and Middle Asian
Makina ve Hafif Silah
Sanayi Ticaret Ltd. Şti.
(Girsan Gun Industry)
Batlama Deresi Mevkii
Sunta Sk. No: 19
GİRSAN has AQAP 2120 Industrial
Quality Assurance Level Cerificate,
ISO 9001: 2000 Quality Manage-
Regard MC
ment Certificate as well as ATF
FORM 4590 (Factoring Criteria
Report) given by the USA.
Today, Girsan assumes a good position as a well known brand with its superior quality both in the Turkish and International Market.
GİRSAN will be honoured to present the Yavuz 16 family of weapons
and serve the military and police forces around the world in their staf f
weapon requirements, as well as for civilian use Tel : +90.454 215 29 31
Fax : +90.454 215 39 28
Turgut Reis Caddesi 6/7
Tandoğan, Ankara-TÜRKİYE
Tel : +90.312 222 81 89
Fax : +90.312 222 81 98
Hall 2
Stand: 2P92
Turkish Pavilion
Global Teknik, was founded in 2004, to specialize in providing comprehensive “Aviation, Defense, Automation and Home Land Security”
solutions all over the world with its dynamic, skilful workforce by designing and manufacturing advanced technological products to the
specific visual needs of each client on air, sea and ground at ISO
9001:2000 quality standards.
The factory was established in Ankara 1st Organized Industrial Zone
and has NATO Facility Security Certification as well as having NATO
Global Teknik is a certified source for manufacturing, repair and spare
parts supplier to NAMSA (NCAGE Code = T6715) also is a member of
“International Unmanned Vehicle System Producers Association” and
“Defense Industry Manufacturers Association (SASAD)”.
Global Teknik is active in the following areas;
N Design, software development and production of Unmanned Vehicles (Air, Naval and Land)
Design, software development and production of GLOBUAV
Unmanned Air Vehicle
G Design, software development and production of GLOBUSV
Unmanned Surface Vehicle
N Designing, Modeling (CAD/CAM), Molding, Manufacturing, Maintenance and Repair of Composite Parts for Civil/Defense Industry and radomes.
N Internal design and installation of Military/Civil Shelters (Shelterization)
N Manufacturing and Software Development of the Cargo/Vehicle
Inspection System (X-Ray System) under the license in Turkey
with strategic partnerships.
N Establishment ,System Integration and Engineering Services of
EU Standard EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility) Laboratories
together with leading international manufacturers.)10m (Semi
Anechoic Chamber – SAC) 3m (Fully Anechoic Chamber - FAC)
EMC Laboratory for Telecom Devices )
N Turnkey Home Land Security Projects (CCTV Projects, System
Integration and Technical Support After Sales Services includes
outsourcing and of fshore, system integration, application development, software and consulting, quality assurance, training and
after sales services)
N Helicopter Logistic Support Services , Helicopter/Aircraft Spare
Parts Sales and Overhaul, Helicopter Sales and Rental Services ,
Forest Fire Fighting with Helicopters.
Some References;
1. Supply, Installation and Project Management of the Steel Structure for EMC laboratories of Telecommunication Authority, HVAC
System production, installation and integration, Corridor production, installation and Integration, Fire Detection System, installation and integration, Fire extinguishers (Frankonia GmbH, 2006)
2. Installation and Assembly of Automatic Storage System and Software for TAI [TUSAŞ Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayi]
3. Maintenance and Repair Services of the Cargo/Vehicle Inspection
System (X-Ray System) for Custom Gates; Kapıkule, İpsala and
4. Vehicle Tracking System Hardware for İstanbul Municipality
5. Global Teknik is the member of Joint Venture which has been
awarded by Ministry of Forestry (MoF) on January 15th, 2009 for
giving Turnkey Rental Services for the “Usage of General Purpose
Helicopters for Extinguishing the Forest Fires” project during 5
years with 16 pcs. of Helicopters in Turkey .
6. Security System and Hardware for Turkish Naval Forces
7. Passive infra-red sensor supply for STM A. Ş.
8. 2 pcs Mobile Combat Vehicle for İstanbul Special Provincial Administration İstanbul Project Coordination Unit- (with Communication
and IT Equipment) GLOBAL
Factory :
Organize Sanayi Bölgesi
Azerbaycan Caddesi 8. Sok.
No:80 Sincan
06935 Ankara-TÜRKİYE
Tel : +90.312 267 40 50
Fax : +90.312 267 40 55
Contract Office :
Nasuh Akar Mah. 22. Sok.
No: 34 Balgat, 06520
Tel : +90.312 285 10 40
Fax : +90.312 285 10 42
Hall 2
Stand: 2P83
Turkish Pavilion
As an investment of Turkish Armed Forces Foundation, HAVELSAN
is a global software and systems company, serving in IT and defence
market worldwide. In parallel to its software nature, HAVELSAN developes its core capabilities in C4ISTAR, Simulation and Training Systems, Interoperability and Management Information Systems fields.
As a software company, HAVELSAN, focuses on the analysis, design, development and integration of complex and large systems
with its expertise, skill sets, synergy and teamwork, and has
adopted a systematic approach to meet growing the customer demands for comprehensive and introperable solutions.
HAVELSAN, currently employing around 1,200 people, is one of the
few companies that has recorded successful years of revenue
growth in challenging Defence & IT market, with backlog 1,020 Million Dollars.
Core Competencies :
Combat Management
Simulation and Training
Training, Simulation,
Test&Evaluation Systems
Management Information
Programs & Solutions
MEIS (Military Enterprise
Information Systems)
Turkish Air Force (TuAF) Information System
Autonomous Unmanned Platforms
MELTEM II (Maritime Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance System)
Open Skies Treaty Obsevation Aircraft (ASA)
Turkish Airborne Early Warning & Control System (AEW&C)
EWTTR (Electronic Warfare Test and Training Range) (TuAF)
EWTS (Pakistan and Republic of Korea Air Forces)
HELSİM Skorsky Helicopter Simulators
CASA CN 235 Full Flight Simulator (Republic of Korea Air Force RoK AF)
F4E/2020 Simulator
Artillery/Mortar Simulator
Eskişehir Yolu 7. Km
06520 Ankara-TÜRKİYE
Tel : +90.312 219 57 87
Fax : +90.312 219 57 97
Avionics Modelling
Weapon & Sensor Simulators
GENESİS (Ship Integrated Combat Management System)
MILGEM (Turkish Naval Forces Anti-Submarine and Patrol Corvette)
New Type Patrol Boat (Turkish Naval Forces)
Depot Level Maintenance of F-16
Visual Database Generation
National Judiciary Informatics System
Enterprise resource Management Information System
Land Registry Cadastre System
Antalya City Surveillance System Hall 2
Stand: 2P95
Turkish Pavilion
İstanbul Shipyard covers a full range of new-buildings from complex ice
class stainless steel chemical tankers to naval platforms and off-shore
İstanbul Shipyard enjoys a high degree of flexibility and versatility in its
activities, allowing to meet the customers’ expectations and requirements in an efficient and effective manner. Combining the group’s best
practice methods and leveraging on local advantages, allow the building processes to be highly successful. Istanbul Shipyard manages two
shipyards, a steel unit & section production facility, an equipment manufacturing company and a design of fice within SNR Holding.
The shipyard holds ISO9001 certificate as well as NATO Secret and
National Secret Facility Security Clearance Certificates.
In the naval field, İstanbul Shipyard provides its customers, a design
and a flexible, integrated production system at its shipyard, coupled
with its in-house design of fice SEFT and several production facilities
with the outstanding power of the SNR Holding.
İstanbul Shipyard works in cooperation with other leading companies
in the defense sector within the context of supranational programs. Istanbul Shipyard is capable of designing and building a wide range of surface vessels, amphibious vessels and patrol vessels in addition to
auxiliary vessels such as, landing vessels (LCVP, LCT, LST); boats (patrol, coast guard, police, search and rescue); auxiliaries (replenishment tanker, rescue and towing ship, tug, lif ting barge, workboat,
Submarine search and rescue)
İstanbul Shipyard supports ships throughout their whole lifecycle offering logistics support and af ter-sales service. The company can
guarantee both new-building and maintenance / modernization programs; specially tailor-made to customer’s requirements.
As a supplier of the Turkish Nav y and the Turkish Coast Guard; the
Shipyard has recently accomplished the modernization of four SAR35
boats successfully. Five of SNR17 Fluvial Patrol Boats are under construction for the Romanian Border Police.
Please see www.istanbulshipyard.com for further details and reference projects SNR-15 & SNR-24 are designed
as fast patrol boats for patrolling
territorial sea water and blue border surveillance. There are also
options for river types and various speed requirements, as well
as ballistic protection or specialized electronic equipments.
The fast patrol boat (SNR-17) is
capable of carrying out dif ferent
duties however primary objective
is fluvial and coastal patrol on the
water-border. Secondary objectives are anti-smuggling and environmental protection.
The fast patrol craft (SNR42) will
play a major role in ensuring the
safety of shipping, as well as the
preservation of the marine environment. The vessels will also
focus on illegal drug traf fic, performing search and rescue duties and safety at sea, anti
terrorist / pirate activities, escort / fast attack, protection of
the coastal and of fshore structures.
SNR-FRT series tankers are innovative solutions in order to support the long-range missions of
naval forces. SNR-FRT is in position to refuel the fleet as well as
the helicopters and also provide
full logistic support in terms of any
container packed equipment, replenishment and supplies. The series consist of two different sizes:
19,400 dwt and 2,500 dwt.
The new generation Landing Ship
Tank (SNR-LST) is a fast amphibious vessel of upper-intermediate
size with its significant armament
power. She will play the major role
of power projection with transporting huge quantities of fire
support elements and marines in
order to conduct amphibious
raids. She also acts as a flag ship
and logistic support vessel.
İstanbul Denizcilik
Gemi İnşa San. ve
Tic. A. Ş.
Tuzla Tersaneler Bölgesi
No: 28,
Tel : +90.216 446 93 00
Fax : +90.216 446 9308
Hall 2
Stand: 2P78
Turkish Pavilion
Savunma Industry Inc.
METEKSAN SAVUNMA offers hi-tech tailored solutions and
competitive products for Armed Forces in the areas of;
Radar Systems, Electronic Subsystems, Underwater
Acoustic Systems and Simulation & Modelling.
METEKSAN SAVUNMA, the technology platform of Bilkent Group
leading all defence related programs among Bilkent, is one of the eminent conglomerates of Turkey, and an investment of world renowned
Bilkent University.
Our company of fers hi-tech tailored solutions and state-of-the-art
competitive products for the Turkish Armed Forces as well as allied
countries. Our company's mission is committed to meet the requirements of modern armies with compatible, high-tech solutions as a
trusted international business partner.
METEKSAN SAVUNMA Inc. has an extensive experience in both software generation and hardware design/production to undertake engineering projects in the below listed activity areas. Our company has
also full support and collaboration of Bilkent University's various research centers and other invested companies.
Activity Areas:
1. Radar Systems
N System Level Custom Design Solutions & Algorithms
N Antenna Design from microwave to milimeter-wave band
N RF design and fabrication in Microwave & Milimeter-Waves, up to
40 GHz
N Cutting edge Digital Signal Processing applications
N Software development on RTOS
N In-house mechanical design solutions for military applications
2. Electronic Subsystems
N Data Link Systems
N Laser Systems
3. Underwater Acoustic Systems
N Sonar Systems
N Various Underwater Systems
N Underwater Weapon and Counter Measure Systems
4. Simulation Systems
N Virtual and Live Combat Simulations
N Simulators for Naval Platforms Radar Systems:
Electronic Subsystems
Underwater Acoustic
Beytepe Köyü Yolu No: 3,
Bilkent 06800
Tel : +90.312 266 15 20
Fax : +90.312 266 13 93
Simulation Systems
Hall 2
Stand: 2P74
Turkish Pavilion
MKE, with experience that can be traced back to the 15th century, is a leading company in the Turkish defence sector that ensures modern and high technologies are maintained as a priority.
Mechanical and Chemical Industries Corporation
MKE derives its strength from dedication to technology, unconditional costumer satisfaction and production performance at its
world-class high technology plants, allowing it to maintain a strategic position in the global market.
MKE has been a main supplier of the Turkish Armed Forces under
various names since its establishment, and gained its current
legal status as a state organisation in 1950.
MKE’s large range of products serves not only the Turkish Armed
Forces, but also takes a share of the international defence market, exporting to more than 40 countries.
With 10 modern factories and 5,633 experienced personnel,
MKE carries out production in four main categories:
N Ammunition
N Rockets
N Weapons
N Explosives/Powders and Pyrotechnic Products
MKE is proud to have been awarded with latest AQAP 2120 and
ISO 9001:2000 certificates for its Head Of fice and 10 factories.
As a dynamic meeting point of experience, knowledge and technology, MKE has gained a leading position in the Turkish defence sector, and will continue to make bold steps into the global market MAKİNA ve KİMYA
06330 Tandoğan
Tel : +90 312 296 10 00
Fax : +90 312 213 13 62
Tel : +90 312 296 11 69
Export Management:
Tel : +90 312 296 11 87
Marketing Management:
Tel : +90 312 296 11 74
Fax : +90 312 222 22 41
Hall 2
Stand: 2P57
Turkish Pavilion
Microwave Electronic Systems, Inc.
Established in 1987, MİKES
is one of the leading Turkish
companies engaged in the
area of defence electronics
and electronic warfare with
100% Turkish owned shares
(%96,355 ASELSAN A. Ş.,
%3 SSM, 0,625% ASELSAN
net, %0,01 HAVELSAN,
%0,01 ASPİLSAN).
MİKES is a value oriented engineering and manufacturing
house focusing on defense
programs with its high qualified personnel experienced in
design, development, procurement, manufacturing,
integration, testing and logistic support of Systems,
Support/Test Equipment in both
hardware and software and
specialized in Electronic Warfare applications.
MİKES facility has 7000 m2 closed area, including TEMPEST protected software laboratory where the procedures comply with the
requirements of Turkish Defense Industry Security Policy. The facility
is approved for National and NATO Secret level processing. MİKES’
Quality System complies with the NATO and Military Standards.
Since 1989, MİKES has successfully completed various programs for
Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) /Turkish Ministry of National Defense
(TMND) and national/international leading companies.
Ministry of Industry and Trade approved MİKES R&D Center provides
an ef fective R&D environment in defence electronics and leads the
company to today’s innovative approach and future’s technology.
The resident capabilities, technological background and experience in
defence electronics, acquired in more than 20 years expertise in the
sector, consolidated by its R&D capabilities, enables MİKES to provide reliable, ef fective and high performance system solutions to the
ever changing operational requirements of the Armed Forces.
Field of Business
MiKES carries on its activities in the area of Defense Electronics, especially in EW Systems;
N Integrated Self Protection
G Radar Warning Receivers (RWR)
G RF Jammers (ECM)
G Chaf f Flare Dispenser Systems (CMDS)
N ESM & ECM Systems for Naval, Airborne & Land Platforms
N Jamming Signal Generators, Video/Signal Processers, Digital &
RF Sub-systems, etc.
Support Equipment for system, LRU/SRU & factory level maintenance.
SW Solutions
N Simulators, test/evaluation/analysis sw, sub-system sw, etc.
design, development, manufacturing & integration.
Systems and Standarts
N Design, Development & Production: AQAP-2110, ISO
N Software: MIL-STD-498 (Comply AQAP-160)
N Configuration Management: MIL-STD-973
N Reliability: MIL-STD-785
N MRP-II Implementation
N FRACAS (Failure Reporting, Analysis and Corrective Action System)
Highlights of completed major programs :
N Turkish Air Force (TuAF) F-16 (Block 30-40) Aircraft Self Protection EW System (SPEWS), SSM
N TuAF F-4E 2020 Modernization Program RWR System, TMND
N Turkish Naval Forces Dogan Class Fast Patrol Boat Modernization Program ELDES-21 Electronic Support Measures (ESM)
System, TMND
N TuAF Reconnaissance F-4 Aircraft RWR, TuAF/LC
Highlights of ongoing major programs :
N TuAF F-16 (Block 50) Aircraft Self Protection EW System
N TuAF AEW&C Aircraft ESM System, SSM
N HEWS System/Sub-system/Support System Design, Development, Support and Production, ASELSAN
N Subsystems Design and Production for Joint Strike Fighter
(JSF), BAE Systems, NG
N Avionics Systems Software, ASELSAN
N HEWS Laser Warning Receiver (LWR) System SRU Test Equipment Design, Development and Production, ASELSAN MİKES Microwave
Systems, Inc.
Çankırı Yolu 5. Km. Akyurt
06750 Ankara-TÜRKİYE
Tel : +90.312 847 51 00
Fax : +90.312 847 51 14
Hall 2
Stand: 2P71
Turkish Pavilion
MilSOFT is the first company in Europe to achieve CMMI Level 5 and
stands in Top-20 companies throughout the World who achieved to
Level 5 according to the CMMI-DEV version 1.2 rules. In addition, MilSOFT has NATO AQAP-160 and TS-ENISO 9001:2000 certificates.
MilSOFT’s interest areas are;
Ya z ı l ı m Te k n o l o j i l e r i A . Ş .
MilSOFT is a 100% Turkish & private company specialized in system
integration and software development, which has business presence
and interest in defense industry. MilSOFT has more than 200 employees and it conducts operations in its own R&D center at METU
Technopolis, Ankara and also in TUBITAK Technological Free Zone Istanbul. MilSOFT develops the products with its system and software
engineering infrastructure to meet the customer satisfaction in a
cost/schedule ef fective method.
Data Links and Messaging,
Image Exploitation Systems,
Electronic Warfare,
Modeling and Simulation,
Embedded Systems
HW Manufacturing Through Subcontract Management.
MilSOFT developed and exported critical software solutions to the
companies of United States of America, France, Germany, England
and Israel.
MilSOFT’s References are;
N Sikorsky, USA: S-70B Sea
Hawk Helicopter Mission
Computer Software
N Sikorsky, USA: S-92 Helicopter Onboard Maintenance
Data Computer Software per
DO-178B under FAA certification
N Elbit, Israel: Avionics Video
Symbol Generation Software and
Radar Warning Receiver Modeling
N Rockwell Collins, France: Airborne
Data Link Processor Software
N IAI-Elta, Israel: Digital Environment Simulator Software for ESM Systems
N Lürssen, Germany: Ship Simulator
N Thales Airborne & Thales Communication,
France: Link 11 Software, Data Link Integration & Test, Flight Test & Instrumentation System for Turkish Nav y Maritime
Patrol Aircraft
N Thales Underwater Systems, France:
Acoustic Mission Planning Software in Turk-
ish Nav y Maritime Patrol Aircraft program
N SSM/Turkish General Staf f: Joint Electronic Warfare Training
N SSM/Turkish Nav y: Maintenance, Improvement and Development of Middleware in Turkish Nav y Perry Class Frigates’ C2 System (GENESIS) program
N Havelsan, Turkey: S-70B Link-11 Simulation SW in Turkish Nav y
HELSIM program
N TAI, Turkey: UAV Transportable Image Exploitation System and
Remote Imaging Terminal
N SSM/Turkish Nav y: Electronic Warfare and Programming Simulation Systems
N Lloyd’s Register, United Kingdom: Fortran Solver Migration Project
N SSM/Turkish Nav y: Development & Integration of Link 11 & Link
16 Tactical Data Link Processor and Link Consoles to G-Class [Ex
US Nav y O. H. Perry Class] Frigates
N Turkey Emergency Management General Directorate: National
Emergency Management Information System Software
N Aselsan, Turkey: Scalable Combat Management System for Turkish Coast Guard Search & Rescue Ship
N TAI, Turkey: UAV (MALE) Ground Control Station Mission Systems
N NAVSEA/BAV, USA: Missile Integration to Turkish Frigates
N HDW/Germany: New Type Submarine (AIP) Project, Development & Integration of Link-11 & Link-22 Tactical Data Link Processor and Link Console
MilSOFT ICT is a 100% Private and Turkish Company specialized in Information
Communication Technologies. MilSOFT ICT was established as spin-off of MilSOFT
Software Technologies in June, 2007. MilSOFT ICT is focused on development of
core information and communication technologies and improving its expertise,
technological and process infrastructure to be more effective in this specific field.
MilSOFT ICT’s vision is to develop its own information and communication technologies stack and become a leading Technology Enabler in the international market. MilSOFT ICT’s mission is to carry out R&D focused activities to be among the
top organizations in the world, bringing together non-real-time information technologies with the real-time middleware and frameworks in a unified architecture,
where the outcome of these activities will be utilized for development of innovative
and cost-effective applications in line with domestic and international market needs.
MilSOFT ICT conducts its operations in its facility at Metu-Technopolis, Ankara. MilSOFT ICT has been certified as SEI Software Capability Maturity Model Integration
(CMMI) Level 3 as of February 2008. MilSOFT ICT is also a TS-EN-ISO 9001:2000
and NATO AQAP-160 certified company.
Technical Expertise & Capabilities
N Network-Enabled Capabilities (Network Centric Operations)
N Homeland Security
G Crisis/Emergency Management
G Integrated Border Security and
N Maintenance Information Systems
N e-Government & Enterprise Information Systems MilSOFT
Yazılım Teknolojileri
A. Ş.
Teknokent, ODTÜ, 06531
Tel : +90 312 292 30 00
Fax : +90 312 210 00 32
Bilişim İletişim
Teknolojileri A. Ş.
Galyum Blok, 1nci Kat
No: 102, Teknokent, ODTÜ,
06531 Ankara-TÜRKİYE
Tel : +90 312 289 93 00
Fax : +90 312 210 19 89
Hall 2
Stand: 2P84
Turkish Pavilion
I n c .
I n d u s t r i e s
M i s s i l e s
R o k e t s a n
2,75” (70 mm) Laser Guided Missile
With 22 years of success, ROKETSAN has become a strategic centre in the Turkish defence sector, supplying indigenous rocket and missile systems. ROKETSAN develops technologies necessary for the
defence sector, in which it plays a leading role with its own designs and
products, which have been proven by both national and international
Today, ROKETSAN operates all over the world, of fering its expertise
and products to NATO programmes and to friendly armed forces.
ROKETSAN is a cornerstone of the Turkish defence sector, providing
107-, 122- and 300 mm artillery rocket systems, 2.75” Laser Guided
Missiles, Long-Range Anti-Tank Missiles, Medium-Range Anti-Tank Missiles, air defence systems, armour development programs, precision
guided munitions, space and satellite projects, design and establishment of ammunition demilitarisation and surveillance facilities, electronic warfare support centre studies and airbag productions.
At DSA 2010, ROKETSAN is exhibiting their 107 mm and 122 mm artillery rocket systems, its 2.75” Laser Guided Missile, Long-Range
Anti-Tank Missile, its Medium-Range Anti-Tank Missile, and its combined helicopter launcher for 2.75” Laser Guided Missiles and LongRange Anti-Tank Missiles. You can visit ROKETSAN’s stand in Hall 2,
Stand 2P75 at the Turkish Pavilion 122 mm artillery rocket
107 mm artillery rocket
2,75” Laser Guided Missile (CİRİT) and Long Range Antitank Missile System (UMTAS)
Industries Inc.
300 mm rocket
Ankara-Samsun Karayolu
40. Km. Elmadağ 06780
Tel : +90.312 863 42 00
Fax : +90.312 863 42 08
Hall 2
Stand: 2P75
Turkish Pavilion
S a n a y i v e Ti c a r e t A . Ş . ( C A N İ K 5 5 )
Samsun Yurt Savunma (CANİK 55) is one of the biggest semi-automatic pistol manufacturer companies in Turkey and has all necessary certificates such as; ISO 9000, Facility Security and AQAP 2120
to supply the best service to its esteemed Customers. CANIK 55 also
produces pistols under MKEK brand which is the biggest state owned
Defense Company of Turkey. There are thousands of pistols with
patented features, which were produced by our company under the
brand of CANİK 55, that present within the World market. In addition
to the pistol production, our company also manufactures sniper rifles,
automatic rifle components, rocket launchers and aerospace components for local and international market and supports the Defense
Industry by various projects 44
Samsun Yurt
Savunma Sanayi ve
Ticaret A. Ş.
(CANİK 55)
Organize Sanayi Bölgesi No:
28 Kutlukent
Tel : +90.362 266 66 71
Fax : +90.362 266 66 72
Hall 2
Stand: 2P90
Turkish Pavilion
SARSILMAZ Firearms, Inc.
A . Ş .
S a n a y i
S i l a h
HISTORY: Sarsilmaz Firearms Inc. is one of the largest privately
owned small arms companies in Europe, with 125 years of experience.
In 2000, Sarsilmaz underwent major expansion with the purchase of
Bernardelli in Italy.
YEARS: Sarsilmaz is proud to be the of ficial service pistol supplier to
all branches of the Turkish Armed Forces, as well as being a supplier of
tactical weapon systems to the Turkish Security Forces. The company
is an of ficial member of the Turkish Defense Industry Network, serving
the needs of the armed forces in repair and maintenance activities.
Its scope of manufacturing covers spare and renewed barrel production for different brands
guns, as well
as component
manuf actur ing and supply
for the Armed
Forces inventory.
PRODUCTION: Sarsilmaz’s
35,000 m2 production facilities are
equipped with the state-of-the-art machinery,
transforming 130 years of experience into production excellence, and the company will very soon
be moving to a new facility where production will
continue under one roof (36,000 m2).
Sarsilmaz has
business partners
in 62 countries,
where its products
are well known and well
respected in the sector, including
in the Americas and in Europe. The
company has maintained a
continuous presence in the sector, and has
been exhibiting its products for 15 years at major
fairs around the world, including the Shot Show, Las
Vegas, United States; and at IWA, Nurnberg,
Germany, as well as such defence exhibitions as
DOMESTIC MARKET SHARE: Sarsilmaz maintains a commanding
domestic market share in the small arms sector, where it competes
with 25 other manufacturers, among them the government-owned
MKE. Sarsilmaz dominates with 75% of the shotgun market and 85%
of the entire handgun market, and represents a number of foreign
manufacturers in Turkey, including Colt and Smith & Wesson.
FUTURE PROJECTS: Sarsilmaz is planning to invest in an ammunition production facility, which will be yet another example of its continuous ef forts in the field of R&D and its total commitment to quality.
Sarsilmaz is also forming strategic and international production partnership with respected brands and institutions in the firearms sector
in SA / FE and the United States.
OUR VISION: Sarsilmaz plans to expand further through international strategic alliances, and has been researching options for suitable and solid business partners with vision and integrity to realise the
above-mentioned objective SARSILMAZ SİLAH
Nargileci Sk.
Sarsılmaz İş Merkezi, No: 4,
Mercan, 34116, Eminönü
Tel : +90.212 513 35 07
Fax : +90.212 511 19 99
Hall 2
Stand: 2P73
Turkish Pavilion
Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret Inc. (STM) is the leading
systems and sof tware engineering and consultancy company in
Turkey, serving the defence, public and naval sectors through innovative applications of technology and its accumulated field of knowledge.
S a v u n m a Te k n o l o j i l e r i M ü h e n d i s l i k v e Ti c a r e t A . Ş .
STM was established in 1991 by the decree of the Defence Executive
Committee, the highest decision making authority in defence matters
in Turkey, with the following objectives:
To provide systems engineering, project management, technology
transfer and logistics support services to the Turkish Undersecretariat for Defence Industries, the main procurement agency for defence projects,
To develop necessary software technologies for defence systems,
To establish and operate national software centres for software development and maintenance/support.
STM employs around 310 specialised staf f, with expertise and education spanning a wide spectrum of specialties. The company’s basic
founding objective is to bring solutions to the changing technological
requirements of the Turkish Ministry of National Defence and the Undersecretariat for the Defence Industries.
STM possesses the following quality certificates:
SEI Software Capability Maturity Model Integration, CMMI Level-3
as Quality Management System,
EN-ISO 9001:2000 in the scope of “Design, Development Installations and Maintenance of Software Based Systems”,
NATO AQAP 160 in the scope of “Software Based System Design,
Development, Integration and Maintenance”,
Facility Security Clearance Certificate (FSCC) in acc. with the NATO
Security Policy, and
ISO/IEC 27001 certificate, an international standard for information security management system.
STM operates in the defence, public and naval sectors in the following
three business areas:
I. Engineering and Consultancy Services
II. Product Development Projects
III. Acquisition Services
I. Engineering and Consultancy Services
The following services are provided:
Acquisition Projects Consultancy
Concept Development, Demonstration, Feasibility Analysis
Aviation, Air Worthiness Certification Services
R&D Projects Consultancy
Quality Assurance Services
Establishment and Operation of Test/Software/Support Centres
Establishment and Operation of Airport and Naval Shipyard Infrastructure
Information Security Services
Business Processes Consultancy
Information Technologies Infrastructure Services
ILS Services
Naval Platform Design and Engineering Services
II. Product Development Projects
The following products have been developed and are in the service of
the Turkish Armed Forces:
Mission Management and Support Systems
Digital Moving Map System
Mission Planning System (Portable and Stationary)
Mission Support System
Transportable Image Exploitation and Intelligence System
Tank Command Control and Information System
Command Control & Information System
Tactical Level (C2 Systems)
Strategical Level (C2I Systems)
Message Formatting Systems
Management Information Systems
Vertical Wind Tunnel Project for Special Forces.
III. Acquisition Services
The following acquisition services are provided:
Acquisition (material, service, system, spare parts)
Acquisition Process Management
Forming acquisition databases
Acquisition Infrastructuring and Operating
Establishing and operating acquisition organisations aimed at satisf ying long-term needs STM
Mühendislik ve
Ticaret A. Ş.
Ankara Teknoloji Geliştirme
Bölgesi Bilkent Cyberpark
E Blok 5.Cadde No: 6/A
06800 Bilkent – Çankaya
Tel : +90 312 266 35 50
Fax : +90 312 266 35 51
Hall 2
Stand: 2P72
Turkish Pavilion
Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. (TAI), the center
of technology in design, development, modernization,
manufacturing, integration
of aerospace systems,
and after sales support in
Turkey, was established on
15 May 1984.
Tu r k i s h A e r o s p a c e I n d u s t r i e s , I n c .
TAI’s shareholders are
Turkish Armed Forces Strengthening Foundation (54.49%), Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (45.44%), Turkish Aeronautical Association (0.06%) and other minor shareholders.
TAI’s Vision:
Becoming a “World Brand Aerospace Company” with indigenous products and global competitive power.
TAI’s mission:
Leading the development of Turkey’s aerospace industry.
Located in Ankara, Capital of Turkey, TAI’s facilities cover an area of 5
million square meters with an industrial facility of over 200,000 square
meters under roof. The Company has a modern aircraft facility furnished with high technology machinery and equipment that provide extensive manufacturing capabilities ranging from parts manufacturing
to aircraft assembly, flight tests and delivery. Furthermore, in order
to develop a ground for defence-aerospace skills and create synergy
among small to medium enterprises and universities, a significant part
of engineering-based activities are conducted at the Techno Park located in the Middle East Technical University. Quality system of the
Company meets the stringent world standards including NATO AQAP2110, ISO-9001:2000 and AS EN 9100. TAI has 3,200 highly motivated employees, 1,300 of whom are engineers.
TAI, which is the prime contractor of the Turkish Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (TIHA) and the Turkish Armed Forces Attack and Tactical Reconnaissance Helicopters (ATAK) Program, is also engaged in design and
development of Primary and Basic Trainer Aircraft (Hürkuş). TAI, center of aerospace in Turkey, has gained experience in the field of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle technology through the development of
indigenous products (i.e. UAV-X1, KEKLİK, TURNA/S, TURNA/G and
GÖZCÜ), and in the integration of the sub-systems to the platform.
TAI’s experience also includes co-production of F-16 fighters, CN-235
light transport/maritime patrol/surveillance aircraft, SF-260 trainers, Cougar AS-532 search and rescue (SAR), combat search and
rescue (CSAR), utility helicopters and KT-1 basic trainer aircraft.
In addition to indigenous programs, TAI’s core business also includes
modernization, modification and systems integration
and after sales support
of both fixed and rotary
wing military and commercial aircraf t that
are in the inventory of
TAI is the prime contractor of the
avionic modernization programs of
the C-130 transport aircraft and
T-38 jet trainer aircraft that are in
the inventory of the Turkish Air
Force Command (TuAF). Major
modernization programs include
Glass Cockpit conversion of Turkish
Black Hawk helicopters, electronic
warfare retrofit and structural
modifications on TuAF F-16s, Falcon Star and Mid Life Upgrade modifications of F-16’s of the Royal Jordanian Air Force and Pakistan Air
Force, modification of the S-2E Tracker Maritime Patrol Aircraft into
Fire Fighting Aircraft, modification and modernization of Cougar AS532, modification of CN-235 platforms for MPA/MSA missions for
the Turkish Nav y and Coast Guard, modification of ATR-72 platforms
into ASW configuration for the Turkish Navy as well as structural modification and systems integration activities required for the conversion
of B737-700 aircraft into AEW&C aircraft.
TAI, which participates in global-scale design and development programs, is also engaged in the design and manufacturing of structural
components with leading international aerospace companies. With its
proven experience, TAI is a uniquely qualified supplier for Aermacchi,
AgustaWestland, Airbus, Airbus
Military, Boeing, Eurocopter, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman,
MDHI, Sikorsky and many more.
By utilizing capabilities of the Turkish Armed Forces’ Maintenance
Centers, TAI also gives maintenance, repair and overhaul services to its customers.
TAI is actively participating in custom satellite development program
of Turkey and will be the local integrator company for the International
Satellite Acquisition Programs. To this end, a new Satellite Assembly
and Integration Test Facility is in process of construction.
TAI is also engaged in aerostructures manufacturing business for fixed
and rotary wing military and commercial aircraft for worldwide customers, for some components as sole source supplier. With its
proven experience, TAI is uniquely qualified supplier for AgustaWestland, Airbus, Boeing, CASA, Eurocopter, Lockheed Martin, Northrop
Grumman, MDHI, Sikorsky and many more.
TAI participates in the global scale international design and development programs such as Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) and A400M. As a
partner of the Airbus Military S.L., TAI has been participating in the design and development activities of A400M aircraft with leading European aerospace companies namely; Airbus (France, Germany, Spain
and UK), and FLABEL (Belgium).
Turkish Aerospace
Industries, Inc.
P.O. Box 18, Kavaklıdere
06692 Ankara-TÜRKİYE
Fethiye Mah. Havacılık Blv.
No:17 Kazan, 06980
Tel : +90.312 811 18 00
Fax : +90.312 811 14 25
TAI, which also keeps on developing its capabilities in commercial aviation, has also become a full risk-sharing partner of Airbus in the
A350XWB Program for the aileron work package.
Determined to keep abreast of global technological developments and
secure its place among the major aerospace companies, TAI aims to
lead Turkey to new horizons in aviation in the 21st century.
TAI is an establishment of the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation
(TAFF) Hall 2
Stand: 2P58
Turkish Pavilion
TUSAŞ Engine Industries, Inc.
TUSAŞ Engine Industries, Inc. (TEI) was established in 1985, as a joint
venture company between the Turkish partners and the General Electric company (USA). TEI’s Turkish partners are; TAI-Turkish Aerospace
Industries, Inc., Turkish Armed Forces Foundation and Turkish Aeronautical Association.
TEI’s vision is “to become a global, high quality, competitive aircraft engine main producer”
TEI’s mission is “to establish a permanent aircraft engine industry in
our country, by providing products and services which are as superior
as to improve technological basis of aviation and aerospace industry”.
TEI’s main activity areas are;
Parts and Module Production
Engine Assembly and Test
Maintance, Repair and Overhaul
Engine Design and Product Development
Being the sole source for many parts it manufactures, TEI has been
manufacturing more than 600 parts for 33 different engine programs
including both commercial and military.
With its engine assembly and test
capabilities, TEI assembled and
tested 271 ea F110 engine within
the scope of Peace Onyx-I and
Peace Onyx-II Projects. 42 ea F110
engine assembly and test is being
performed in TEI in the scope of
Peace Onyx IV Project. TEI has also
been conducting maintenance, repair and overhaul of Makila 1A1 Engines of Cougar helicopter, TF33
engines of NATO AWACS aircraft,
CT7 engines empower CN235
Casa aircraft and F110 engines of
F-16 aircraft.
TEI has been rendering technical support for military and commercial
aircraft and helicopter engines like F110, J79, J85, T700 and CT7 engines at the Turkish Air Forces inventory, with on-site experienced
professional technical representatives. These services are also expanded to other countries in the
region for commercial engines.
TEI has the design capabilities required for developing the aircraf t
engines and participating in projects with the worldwide engine
manufacturers. TEI has
A400M TP400 engine project as a risk and revenue partner, also has taken its place in Joint
Strike Fighter (JSF) F136 engine project from the
system development phase.
Also in the genuine R&D activities, TEI by completing the design of a turboprop engine (TEI-TP-1X)
has realized the first prototype’s production and flight tests. The engine that was designed and produced with using the latest technological methods by TEI’s engineers has a great importance for
development of the native platform-native engine model TEI - TUSAŞ Engine
Industries, Inc.
Çevre Yolu No:356, PK:162
26003, Eskişehir-TÜRKİYE
Tel : +90.222 211 21 00
Fax : +90.222 211 21 01
Hall 2
Stand: 2P58
Turkish Pavilion
In 1982, upward rise of TEKSAV Teknoloji has begun. During the years
technical staf f build up were established which led to excellent capabilities and skills to match the tough technical requirements of military
Specific research, development and quality goals targeted and
reached with great enthusiasm. Promoted newer opportunities to
the company and eventually Teksav Teknoloji has become an indispensable to the military.
An important reputation vested on TEKSAV for quality products of
high technology based systems with utmost care and service is presented to its customers located inland and abroad Products
Te k n o l o j i A . Ş .
Quality system applied in the company follows the ISO 9001-2000
Quality System procedures and Military standard are common. The
company is registered to NATO (NAMSA) Coding Scheme under with
T9041 code.
Detonation Equipments
N Fire suppression systems
N Autogun remote fire
N 122 mm Rocket Launcher
N Computerized Gun Laying
N Jammer
Airfield Lighting Equipments
N Laser based training
simulators for tanks
N Interactive Shooting Trainer
& Simulator
N Computerized Wireless
Tank Scoring Target System
N Force on force Combat
Land platforms
N Sequence flashing and
runway identification light
N Runway lights
N Approach lights
N Portable airfield lighting
N Beacon flash lighting system
N Runway Distance Marker
N Constant current
N Isolating transformers
N Detonation Systems (Cable,
Remote, undersea and Time
Ground Support Equipment
Nitrogen Service Unit
Mobil Floodlighting Tower
Ground Power Unit
Portable Airfield Lighting
Barrier Systems
N Aircraft Arresting Net
Barrier Systems
N Nylon Tapes
N Net Stanchion Systems
N Hook Barriers
N Textile Brakes
N Spare Parts
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification )
Tank Level Measurement System
Automatic Test Equipment & Test Program Sets
Electronic Testing, Measuring and Quality Control Equipments
Electronic and Electrical Vocational Training Sets
Wireless Data Communication Systems
Barrier systems
TEKSAV Teknoloji
A. Ş.
İAOSB 10016 Sokak No:20
Çiğli, İzmir-TÜRKİYE
Tel : +90.232 328 11 41
Fax : +90.232 328 11 47
Hall 2
Stand: 2P89
Turkish Pavilion
Ta a h h ü t İ m a l a t M o n t a j S a n . v e Ti c . A . Ş .
General Information About TİMSAN
TİMSAN was established in 1982 to produce ground
support equipment in İstanbul Turkey. TİMSAN is producing ambulance truck, catering truck, cleaning &
maintenance truck, deicing truck, mobile air traf fic control tower, passenger stair, belt conveyor, tow-tractor,
low deck-loader, lavatory & water service truck & cart,
cargo trailer, garbage cart, generator cart, container
& pallet dolly, baggage trailer, wheel change dolly, tire
bead breaker, tow-bar.
TİMSAN has been carrying out its activities with qualified staf f of 7 engineers, 44 workers and administrative
staf f, totaling 51 people. Total open area of the company’s premises is 20,000 m² with 3,000 m² of closed
production facility.
Our quality policy is to make products compliant to the
contemporary production and quality requirements
along with the customer specifications. TİMSAN has
TSEK trademark from Turkish Standard Institute, ISO
9001:2000 by ASR and CE certificated by TUV (German
Standard Institute) and by Ebetam (Mirtec). Besides
that as a partner of IATA, all equipment of TİMSAN are
designed according to AHM norms. TİMSAN products
are in service with major airlines , airports and passenger handling companies in Europe, Middle East, Africa,
Asia and Turkey. Turkish Airlines, Turkish DO & CO, Istanbul Handling, MNG Airlines, Onur Airlines, Pegasus
Airlines, Atlas Airlines, Sabiha Gökçen Airport, Turkish
Airlines Technic, MNG Technic, My Technic, Havaş and
Çelebi are companies that use TİMSAN products in
Taahhüt İmalat
Montaj San. ve Tic.
A. Ş.
Meydan Sok. No. 4 / 23
Akatlar, İstanbul-TÜRKİYE
Tel : +90.212 352 39 65
Fax : +90.212 352 39 78
Hall 2
Stand: 2P94
Turkish Pavilion
TISAS-Trabzon Gun Industry Corp. was established in Trabzon in 1993. We
are a KOSGEB (Small and Medium Industry Development Organization) and
MKE (Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation) coordinated company according to the law # 3763 of Ministry of Industry and Trade which
manufactures small arms and related equipments for pistols. Our industry
has been settled on an open area of 11,000 m² in Trabzon Organized Industry Zone and total covered area of our facilities is 5,500 m². Manufacturing systems at TISAS conforms to the AQAP 120 Quality Assurance
Requirements and the essentials of ISO 9001 Quality Management system. We launched to execute foreign trade operations at Ankara District
Office in 1998 to meet increasing demands.
Tr a b z o n G u n I n d u s t r y C o r p .
FATIH 13 is the initial product of TISAS which is produced in 1994 with 7.65
mm and 12 Magazine Capacity. The barrel lenght of this reliable product is
100 mm and its effective range is 25 m. This 680 gr pistol is comfortable
in carrying.
In 1998, TISAS decided to manufacture 9 x 19 mm pistols as well, with a
view to meet market demand. Joint studies were carried out within the
scope of the Eastern Black Sea Weapon Project by the R & D Department
at TISAS and the Black Sea Technical University KOSGEB Technology Development Department. As the Result of search and development studies, 9 x 19 mm "KANUNI 16” pistol was born with a capacity of 15 (optional
17) in 1999. "KANUNI 16” has 100 mm barrel lenght, 880 gr weight, 50 m
ef fective range and with muzzle velocity 340±10 m/sn. It is designed to
meet the needs of law enforcement professionals but mostly preffered by
the civilians.
In 2000, TISAS launched to manufacture the “KANUNI” S and "ZIGANA"
M16 series of Turkish-patented pistols. Both “KANUNI” S and "ZIGANA"
M16 pistols are in 9 X 19 mm and 15 (optional 17).“KANUNI” S mostly addresses to civilian use with it' s comfort in carrying.
High performanced and the choice of the Turkish Armed Forces and law
enforcements "ZIGANA" M16, has the effective range of 75 m with 126
mm barrel lenght.
In 2003, ZIGANA K and ZIGANA T models have been added to the TISAS’
product range. The most desired pistol by the military professionals, ZIGANA T, has got strong fire power among the others and effective at 100
m range with 130 mm barrel lenght
In 2004, USA Firearms Technology Branch examined the models ZIGANA
M16, ZIGANA K, ZIGANA T and determined each one to have the characteristics in conformity with the ATF Form 4590, “Factoring Criteria for
At the end of the year 2005, a new model ZIGANA SPORT was offered for
sale. This intelligent pistol addresses for those, whose, professional shooting are among their interests. This compansated pistol reduces the shooting effects on the hand and ensures the high accuracy during the firing.
In 2006, TISAS has completed the R&D and the tests for the first 45 caliber of Turkey, ZIGANA C45. These pistols are manufactured by TISAS engineers and technicians in accordance with the ISO 9001 Quality system on
"CNC" (Computer Numeric Control) workbenches using the most modern
digital techology available. In 2008, TISAS has presented it' s new model
ZIG M as 45 caliber to the appreciation of the users.
In 2007 , the TISAS upgraded the model ZIGANA F that shoots both in
semi-automatic and automatic functions due to the users choice. ZIGANA
F AUTO is manufactured for only export purpose. Among those calibers
TİSAS also offers it' s FATIH 13 model as 380 cal that is 9 x17 mm.
Depending on above informations our objective is to protect our strategy,
cover the high technology by quality, keep continuously high level customer
satisfaction on top. Our quality policy is to manufacture high quality goods,
deliver to the customer on due time, give after sales technical service. In accordance with the changing demands in the handgun market, we are focused to produce new products with the ongoing R&D studies. TISAS has
addicted itself to spread in vast area around the world in order to become
a large provider for sport, safety-security and protection FATIH 13 380 ACP
Zigana C45
Trabzon Gun
Industry Corp.
DeGol Cad. No:13/1, 06580
ZIG M 1911 .45 cal.
Tel : +90.312 213 75 09
Fax : +90.312 213 85 70
Zigana Sport
Hall 2
Stand: 2P91
Turkish Pavilion
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerini Güçlendirme Vakfı
Turkish Armed Forces Foundation
Turkish Armed Forces Foundation (TAFF)
was established with the Law no: 3388 in
1987 following the unification of the Land,
Naval and Air Forces Foundations.
The aims of TAFF are to enhance the national
defence industry, to establish new defence
industry branches, and to contribute to the
development of the combat capacity of the
Turkish Armed Forces.
Today at present, TAFF is the shareholder of
18 defence industry corporations, covering a wide range of sectors,
from electronics to aircraft manufacture.
TAFF has six subsidiaries (ASELSAN Electronic Industries Inc., TAITUSAŞ Aerospace Industries Inc., HAVELSAN Air Electronics Inc,
ROKETSAN Missiles Industries Inc., İŞBİR Electric Industry Inc. and
ASPİLSAN Military Battery Industry and Trade Inc.) and eight af filiates
(TEI TUSAŞ Engine Industries Inc., DITAŞ Tanker and Marine Operations Corp., NETAS NORTEL Networks Inc., MERCEDES-BENZ TURK
Inc., HEAS Airport Management and Aviation Industries Inc.,
TAPASAN Sensitive Mech. and Elect. Industries Inc., TURKTIPSAN
Assurance for Healthy Society Inc., HTR HAVELSAN Technology
Radar Industry Inc.). TAFF also has four indirect subsidiaries (MİKES
Microwave Electronic Systems, STM Defence Technologies Engineering and Trade Inc., EHSİM Electronic Warfare Systems Engineering, ESDAŞ Electronic Systems Support Industries).
On the other hand, TAFF undertakes the management and responsibility of IDEF International Defence Industry Fairs, which are organized
bi-annually in Turkey with the
support of the Ministry of National Defence. The IDEF Fair
is one of the top five Defence
Fairs in the world and the
largest in the region.
Defence industry fairs play an
essential role in demonstrating the progress and improvements in the field of defence to
friendly and allied countries. By
visiting these fairs, participants have the opportunity to
present their products to a
large group of potential customers, to make ef ficient
commercial contacts and cooperation, and to build beneficial relationships.
TAFF has organized nine IDEF
Fairs, in 1993, 1995, 1997,
1999, 2001, 2003, 2005,
2007 and 2009, with great
IDEF-2009, the 9th International Defence Industry Fair, was held on
April 27-30, 2009 in Istanbul / Turkey. 483 exhibitors from 45 countries participated at the event, and the fair was visited by 372 delegation members from 67 countries and three international
organizations. In addition, 1,200 negotiations were made during IDEF2009 and 43,000 visitors visited the fair. In comparison to previous
fairs, important developments in all areas were seen at IDEF-2009.
Through our intensive ef forts in organising the IDEF Fair, and by observing similar events, it’s our goal to achieve higher success at IDEF2011.
IDEF-2011, the 10th International Defence Industry Fair, will be held on
May 10-13, 2011 in Istanbul / Turkey. The scope and product profile
of IDEF-2011 will consist of Land, Naval, Aviation and Aerospace,
Transportation and Logistic Support Activities, Equipments and Tools
for Supply Departments. At IDEF-2011, equipment and services for
the Army, Nav y, Air, Gendarmerie, Coast Guard will be presented,
alongside space technologies, electric-electronic systems, tools and
equipments for security forces, military medical equipment, and other
related sub-products.
Armed Forces
Foundation (TAFF)
Paris Caddesi
Yazanlar Sokak No: 4
Kavaklıdere 06540
Tel : +90.312 468 87 88
Fax : +90.312 468 99 06
The participant companies will have the opportunity to meet with the
delegations from foreign countries, and Turkish military and civilian authorities at the dedicated meeting area at the fair venue. For this purpose, fully equipped negotiation of fices will be supplied.
Participation at IDEF-2011 Fair will be an occupational opportunity to
present new technologies to the relevant authorities and decisionmakers, and will be an ideal environment for the creation of new areas
of cooperation for companies.
We hope to see you at IDEF-2011, the Eurasian Meeting Hall 2
Stand: 2P93
Turkish Pavilion
Te x t i l e , L e a t h e r, G a r m e n t s , M a n u f a c t u r i n g , U n d e r t a k i n g , Tr a d e I n c .
Yakupoğlu is located in Ankara on a total of 100,000 m² grounds, of
which 70,000 m² is a closed production area. We have over 1,200
skilled workers and 20 Engineers in our facilities.
We have ISO EN 9001 Quality Assurance System Certificate and
membership of SATRA and we are the certified manufacturer in Goretex products. Our products comply with EN and NATO standards.
Our on going research program about the latest technology is designed to ensure that we follow up the new developments in the marketplace and to take necessary action in investing where needed.
In our footwear department we have; 3 pcs 24 stationed CNC dual
density, rubber sole direct injection machines equipped with robots. 5
pcs 30 stationed CNC pu/pu, pu/tpu & pu/rubber sole direct injection machines equipped with robots.Three-dimensional footwear solution for shoe designing. Test equipments in compliance with our
Gore-tex production.
Our available sole types are; Double density rubber (injected), Single
density rubber (injected and vulcanized) , Double density PU (injected),
PU / TPU (injected), PU / Rubber (injected), Goodyear Welted, Unit
In textile department, we produce various garments, equipments and
accessories such as Cold Weather Garments, Various Uniforms,
Gore-tex Breathable and Water Resistant Outerwear Products, Munition Vests, Ballistic Protective Vests, Protective Garments, Backpacks, Sleeping Bags, Insulated Cold Climate Tents, Holsters, Gloves
and Goggles, beds, etc.
We are the biggest supplier of Turkish Army and also selling the products to UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Belgium, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Lebanon,
Tekstil ve Deri
Sanayi Ticaret A. Ş.
Esenboğa Havalimanı Yolu
Üzeri 20. Km Akyurt, 06750
Tel : +90.312 398 12 13
Fax : +90.312 398 08 78
Hall 2
Stand: 2P87
Turkish Pavilion
Yüksel İnşaat A.Ş. one of the leading companies in the Turkish construction industry, was established in 1963 in Ankara. During its initial years, Yüksel specialized particularly in piers, quays and ports.
Yuksel played an active role in the development of Turkey’s infrastructure through numerous contracts covering transportation, energy,
environmental and industrial projects.
Demonstrating the same level of performance in significant superstructure projects in Turkey, the firm expanded its operations into the
international construction industry in 1983. Yüksel İnşaat and its subsidiaries, providing services in a wide range of areas (such as tourism,
finance, information technology, manufacturing and investment), were
organized under the umbrella of Yuksel Holding Company in 1997.
Yüksel entered in the Defense sector in 2007, with a strategy to create indigenous designs. Its first major product a “remote controlled
weapon station” (RCWS) is called NÖBETÇİ (meaning “Sentry” in Turkish).
After a two-year development ef fort, the pre-prototype was displayed
during DSA ‘08 / Kuala Lumpur and became the centre of interest.
This pre-prototype found its place in worldwide defense media immediately. After this pre-prototype Yüksel Savuma Sistemleri (YSS) initiated the second phase of the project so as to design and build a more
sophisticated RCWS. This project was successful and as a result YSS
has a RCWS to introduce to the world market. This product is demonstrated to the Turkish MoD and SSM (Under secretariat for the Defense Industry).
Yüksel Savuma Sistemleri A.Ş. - YSS aims to turn high-tech R&D designs into a final product with low costs and state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies.
NÖBETÇİ’s Main Features
NÖBETÇI, defined as a robotic sentry, is a “high-tech” remote-controlled weapon station system that replaces manned and guarded
Image process capability:
N Motion detection, target tracking
N Completely remote operations with or/and without cable
N Surveillance operations, (predefined symmetric or asymmetric
N Awareness of displacement of any captured image
N Vision fusion (both cam images processed and displayed simultaneously)
N Fog filtering ability
N Ignoring wind- and snow ef fects
Day and night operation capability:
Dual weaponry system, shock absorption system
Ammo counter
Laser range finder
Automatic reticle correction depending on range data
User-friendly man-machine interface
Replay detected motion on thumbnails
NÖBETÇİ’s Some Technical Specs
: 7,62 mm machine gun and 7,62 mm rifle together
on board
: 500 ea
Standard Cams : Electro-optic cam with 12 X lens (f:8-96 mm)
Thermal cam
: f:50 mm
Optional cams
: Focal lengths flexible to customer requirements
: 905 nm eye safe, 20-2,500 meter, ±1 meter
: - 40°C / + 55°C
: 85 kg. (without ammo and weapons)
Overall Height
: 84 cm. (without weapons)
Turret Height
: 53 cm (without weapons)
: Sand-, dust-, waterproofed (MIL-STD-810 compliant)
Dynamic Cap.
: +55° / -20° tilt, 350° pan angles @60°/s nominal
(120°/s optional) YÜKSEL
Eskişehir Yolu, 9. Km.,
ODTÜ MET, (Mikro
Elektronik Teknolojileri
Merkezi) A-1 Blok-4
Tel : +90.312 284 87 83
Fax : +90.312 284 17 64
Hall 2
Stand: 2P88
Turkish Pavilion
Defense Industry Manufacturers Association
Defense Industry Manufacturers Association - SaSaD is the organization of manufacturers of defense equipment, software and systems
for Turkish Armed Forces and export markets. Our Association was
founded in 1990 by 12 leading defense companies with the support
of Turkish Ministry of Defense. Today we have more than 110 members and associate members. Main areas of expertise of our members can be grouped as the following:
N Land Platforms
N Sea Platforms
N Aerospace
N Software, Information Technologies
N Electronics and Electro-optics
N Electrical Equipment
N Main Armaments, Weapon Systems, Rockets and Missiles
N Small Arms and Ammunition
N R&D and Engineering
N Parts, Materials, Components and Moulds
N Military Clothing
As we all know, the defense sector is discriminated from other industrial sectors by its unique customer: the armed forces. From the pro-
Defense Industry
Paris Cad. Yazanlar Sk.
No. 4/106 Kavaklıdere,
curement point view, armed forces are very well organized customers
with their well defined and documented acquisition procedures, quality requirements, specifications, standards etc. Additionally Turkish
Armed Forces, being a NATO member, are among the most developed, best equipped forces of the word and we are proud to support
Turkish Armed Forces with our products.
With its advanced technology, Turkish defense industry reached 2.3
Billion USD turnover and 580 Million USD exports in 2008 and became
a noticeable sector by quantitative measures.
In parallel with the development of defense industry SaSaD gives high
priority to:
N Cooperation with procurement authorities and user,
N Development of international cooperation and promotion of exports,
N Representation of Turkish defense industry sectors in national
and international platforms
N Encouraging cooperation among its members,
N Reporting financial outlook of the sector,
N Organizing inquiries and developing proposals through specialized
committees Tel : +90.312 426 22 55
Fax : +90.312 426 22 56
e-mail: sasad@tr.net
Hall 2
Stand: 2P70
Turkish Pavilion