THE IN AGGIELAND - St. Mary`s Catholic Center


THE IN AGGIELAND - St. Mary`s Catholic Center
Summer 2006
St. Mary’s Catholic Center
College Station, Texas
Director of Campus Ministry
Fr. David Konderla
2006 Record Year for Aggie Vocations!
Associate Pastor
Fr. Brian McMaster ‘95
This fall, 14 Aggies, a record number, are expected to enter formation for the priesthood and
religious life. Whether their continued discernment leads to ordination or religious vows, St. Mary’s
is blessed to have so many young men and women open to considering a religious vocation. In
the last nine years, 75 Aggies have entered formation for the priesthood and religious life, which
makes the average 8.33/year (yes, even Aggies know you can’t have one-third of a priest or nun).
We give thanks to God for making 2006 a way above average year. Stay tuned for the Fall issue,
by then the former students will have finalized their plans, and we’ll name names!
Campus Ministers
Deacon Switzer Deason
Deacon Bill Scott ‘55
Deacon David Reed ‘84
Sarah Hayes
Asst. Director of Campus
Marcel LeJeune ‘95
Director of Music & Liturgy
Mike Macicek ‘97
Director of Administration
Glenn Schroeder ‘72
Development Director
Greg Gorman
Asst. Development Director
Andrew Robison ‘04
Former Student Returns to St. Mary’s as Associate Pastor
HOWDY! My name is Father Brian McMaster ’95. I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am
to return to St. Mary’s as an Aggie priest! Some of the happiest, most memorable, and formative
years of my life were as a student at Texas A&M and a parishioner at St. Mary’s Catholic Center.
I attended A&M from 1991-1995. My two older brothers attended A&M, so without a doubt, I
knew it was where I wanted to be. I thoroughly enjoyed campus life, Aggie sports, our beloved
traditions, and yes, even my classes (most of them). But, the greatest part of those years was
attending St. Mary’s Catholic Center. Here, I found a home away from home—it became a true
spiritual home where I began to fall deeper in love with my Catholic faith, build friendships that
nourished me and urged me to strive for holiness, and it is where I discovered God’s calling for
my life. While at St. Mary’s I participated in St. Mary’s Youth Retreat Team (SMYRT), the
Newman Mass, a rosary prayer group called “Mary’s Aggies,” Aggie Awakening, among others.
I made Aggie Awakening #34 and continued to staff most of the retreats through #50. I especially
enjoyed attending weekday Masses—it was through this daily encounter with Christ in the Blessed
Sacrament that my love for the Eucharist, the priesthood, and the
Church began to grow. Since the days in which I first started
attending St. Mary’s, some incredible and holy priests have
served here (Fathers Mike Sis, Dean Wilhelm, David Konderla,
and Keith Koehl) as well as many others who preceded them.
Each one inspired me and helped to teach me what it is to be a
priest. I am humbled to follow in their footsteps. Now, I return to
Aggieland, not as a student, but as a spiritual father. I love being
a priest! It has brought joy to my life like none other. Pope John
Paul the Great called for a new evangelization and for shepherds
after the Heart of Christ. Whether it is through preaching,
teaching, celebrating Mass, healing through the Sacrament of
Reconciliation, listening to you, or praying with you, I desire and
pray to be a servant for you and a priest after the Heart of Jesus.
Fr. Brian McMaster ‘95
Gig ‘em and God bless! 
From the desk
of Fr. David
St. Mary’s is a parish of “goodbyes” and this summer we say farewell
to several staff members. While I’m glad they are all moving on for
“good” reasons, we will miss their dedication to Catholic campus
ministry. We wish them well and send them with our prayers. We
are also saying “goodbye” to Father Keith Koehl, who, in spite of
his Longhorn heritage, “loved his enemies” with total dedication
to his priestly ministry. This love is returned by all, and we send
our congratulations and prayers as he assumes the responsibilities
of pastor at St. Patrick Parish in Pflugerville. Although he has left
an indelible mark on St. Mary’s, we are removing all “marks” of
orange from his office! Fortunately, St. Mary’s is also a parish of
“Howdys!” We welcome Father Brian McMaster ‘95 as associate
pastor. We also welcome several new staff members. See page 5 for a complete list of the comings and goings.
2006 has turned out to be a great year for vocations! We expect 14 Aggies to enter formation for the priesthood or religious
life in the Fall—a new record! Please pray everyday for our Aggie priests and religious and our engaged couples, too.
Speaking of engaged couples—there are lots of them around, who, along with many recently married couples, want to live
out their vocation to marriage and family life in holiness following the wisdom and teachings of the Church. There is a
growing need for Natural Family Planning (NFP) instruction. St. Mary’s is committed to sending two people a year away
for training at the Pope Paul VI Institute. We are looking for people willing to be trained to minister to our couples and are
praying for benefactors to sponsor this training.
Finally (and I know this is long, but there is so much good news), KACB (Aggieland Catholic Broadcasting, FM 96.9 in
College Station) is on the air! Right now the format is “All Gregorian Chant All the Time.” As we test equipment, we have
an all music format, but a team of staff and students are exploring the best way to use this unique tool for evangelization to
the Aggies across the street. The radio station is the result of a multi-year effort by a group of people, who—typical for a
bunch of Ags—just wouldn’t give up. 
Stewardship † a way of life
Good Stewardship Through Maintenance
Good stewardship means taking care of the gifts
God, through his benefactors, has entrusted to
St. Mary’s. Beginning in 2005, St. Mary’s initiated
a vigorous program to restore all its structures,
grounds and parking facilities to excellent
condition. The major projects completed are:
resurfacing and striping of the large parking
lot, construction of a permanent structure
for the parking lot attendant, major repairs
to the church roof (and more are needed!),
replacement of numerous cracked inner and
outer window panes in the church, repair of
the sidewalk canopy, and the installation of
a continuous gutter to direct storm water
away from the structures. Major projects in
the planning stages that are expected to be
completed in 2006-2007 include: repainting
the church, installing hand rails for the steps
in front of the church and renovation of the
former day chapel on the second floor of the
church to provide improved meeting space for
the Knights of Columbus and other student
The Spirit in Aggieland
Have you heard of St. Mary’s Class Gift?
Thank you to the Classes of 2005 and 2006 for
establishing class gifts to the Aggieland Catholic
Foundation, Inc. The interest from these gifts will
perpetually fund campus ministry at St. Mary’s.
To establish a class gift, a group of at least 25
students each pledge to give $1,000 to St. Mary’s
over five years (that’s only $20.05 or $20.06 per
month). If you would like to contribute to a gift
on behalf of your class, please contact Andrew
Robison at
St. Mary’s Msgr. Gleissner Legacy Society
Many of us wish to ensure that St. Mary’s will be
able to minister to students way into the future.
A planned gift or bequest is one way to provide
for the future of Catholic campus ministry at
Texas A&M and Blinn. If you inform St. Mary’s
of your planned gift, you will be enrolled in
St. Mary’s Monsignor Gleissner Society. When
others learn of your gift, they too may be
inspired, or the details of your gift can be kept
confidential. To find out more, contact Greg
Gorman at
Our Faith, Our Legacy Benefits St. Mary’s
The Austin Diocese’s Our Faith, Our Legacy
campaign has money set aside to help fund
campus ministries. St. Mary’s may be able to
receive about $1.2 million from the campaign
through matching challenge grants over the
next five years. These funds would be used
to build a discernment house for students
discerning the priesthood and religious life
and to help fund our endowment and other
ministry needs. 
“Another flaw in the
human character is that
everybody wants to
build and nobody wants
to do maintenance.”
—Kurt Vonnegut
St. Mary’s In Action
“My experiences as the
Outbound Senior Retreat 2006
director of St. Mary’s
Youth Retreat Team
—Mr. John Nugent, SJ
Aggie Jesuit John Nugent ‘04
Aggie Jesuit Randy Gibbens ‘99
along the way to find
my calling in life. The
people I worked with
on Leadership and the
campus minister had
recommends this retreat
because, “It will give you
time to think about your past
four years, and about your
future. So many retreats
are so action packed, and
it’s nice to have one that
gives you time to stop
and really see how many
blessings you have in your
This was the third year
for the Outbound Senior
Retreat, and dates for
the 2007 retreat will be
available this coming fall.
Contact Fr. Brian McMaster
for more details.
Profess Vows
Aggie Brother Nathanael
Mary Lysinger, CFR (Stephen
P. Lysinger ‘98) professed
his perpetual vows in the
Community of the Franciscan
Friars of the Renewal on July
30. Aggie Jesuits Mr. Randy
Gibbens ‘99 and Mr. John
Nugent ‘04 pronounced their
perpetual vows to the Society
of Jesus on August 15, the
Feast of the Assumption of
the Blessed Virgin Mary. We
offer prayers of thanksgiving
for these religious vocations
and wish these men many
years of joy in service to God
and his Church. 
[SMYRT] helped me
On March 25-26, 2006,
25 upcoming graduates
participated in the 2006
Outbound Senior Retreat.
The purpose of this retreat
was to give upcoming
graduates a time to reflect
on their years at St. Mary’s
and challenge them to
get involved in their new
parishes after graduation.
All of the speakers were
shared their experiences of
moving on from St. Mary’s
to new parishes in places
like Houston and Dallas.
Senior Mai Bui ‘06,
Vocation Station
a large part in my
discernment to join the
2006 is a record year for Aggie vocations, with 14 Aggies entering formation
for the priesthood or religious life! In the last nine years alone, 75 Aggies have
entered seminaries, convents and monasteries all around the world. Pictured
above, are just a few of those Aggie Religious.
Fiesta! The A&M Class of 2006 gathered
in the Activity Center on May 2 to celebrate
their time in college and look toward the
future. This year’s Fiesta had a Southeast
Asian theme, with the Korean Catholic
Community preparing ethnic dishes. The
reception was planned by the Development
Office of St. Mary’s and included a short presentation about the class gift.
The Spirit in Aggieland
Catholic Student Association.
Brian Hajovsky ‘06, of the CSA, read
the names of Holocaust victims on
April 9, commemorating Holocaust
Remembrance Week. The interfaith
event was sponsored by Texas A&M’s
Hillel Foundation.
Former Student Accepted for NET
The Aggie Catholic
Reunion, held during
Parents Weekend,
began with Mass at
Sbisa followed by
dinner, music, door
prizes, speakers and
fun. The evening
ended with the
drawing of the
winning ticket for the
2006 Winner’s Choice
Raffle. Father Keith
hands winner Mary
Ellen Cole the keys to
her new car.
“I felt NET would allow
me to grow deeper in my
faith and to gain new
ideas that I can take with
me wherever I end up.”
Softly Call the Muster
Father Todd Reitmeyer ‘93, of the Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls,
South Dakota, was killed in a personal watercraft accident on May
24, 2006, while vacationing near Austin, Texas. He is the son of
David and Phyllis Reitmeyer. Father Todd was a proud member
of the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Corps of Cadets in Company L-2. He
also earned a master’s degree in counseling from Northeast
Missouri State, and studied theology at North American College
in Rome. He was ordained a priest on June 13, 2003 in Sioux Falls.
While an undergraduate at Texas A&M, he would regularly invite
the priests from St. Mary’s to eat lunch at Duncan Dining Hall
with all the Catholic members of his outfit. He also brought his
Catholic fish to Mass at St. Mary’s on Sundays. Father Mike Sis
remembers Father Todd during his senior year, “He was a great
role model for Catholics in the Corps. He let them see that it
is possible to be both a strong leader in the Corps and also a
committed leader at St. Mary’s. That’s an important lesson for
all Catholics on campus, even today.”
In the Sioux Falls Diocese, Father Todd
was known for his love of the Lord, his
homilies, and his example. His ministry
reached beyond the diocese through his
popular blog: (
blog/), where there are now many posts
remembering him. One person states in
a post: “If every town had a Father Todd
Reitmeyer, our priest shortage would be
gone overnight.”
Father Albert Palermo, age 85, a
priest of the Milwaukee Diocese,
died on July 4. He served at St. Mary’s
from 1979-1986 and is the priest
credited for bringing Awakening to
Texas A&M. Jay Stockton, ‘82, who
attended Awakening at Louisiana State
University and brought the idea to
A&M, explained that at first there was
little interest in implementing even one
Awakening retreat. While attending a
conference, Father Al met with Jesuit
Father Joseph Tetlow, who had been impressed with the results
of the Cursillo-based retreat in other locations. When Father Al
returned to College Station, he contacted Stockton. “Awakening
would not have started without Father Al’s support. When he got
behind the program, he got behind it in a big way,” said Stockton.
During particularly challenging financial times, Father Al secured
the funding to train the staffers, and Aggie Awakening began on
October 14, 1983. In July 2006, students participated in AA #77,
enriched by Father Al’s lasting legacy to St. Mary’s.
The Spirit in Aggieland
For Lindsey Whitis ‘06, finals
week was a time of great news.
She was accepted as a member
of the National Evangelization
Team (NET), one of only 90
volunteers nationwide between
the ages of 18-30 selected to
serve. NET ministry teams
travel across the country
leading high energy retreats
challenging young Catholics
to love Christ and embrace the
life of the Church. After four
weeks of training, Lindsey will
hit the road until May 2007. A
veteran of retreat ministry, she
was active in St. Mary’s Youth
Retreat Team (SMYRT). She
was encouraged to apply for
NET by St. Mary’s campus
minister and former NET
member, Sarah Hayes. Through
Lindsey gained a passion for
youth ministry. 
Mike Macicek ‘97
Marcel LeJeune ‘95 Dcn. James Ekeocha
Rachel Harmon ‘01
Mike Macicek ‘97, former Ross Volunteer and member of
the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band, is the director of music and
liturgy. Marcel LeJeune ‘95, assistant director of campus
ministry, comes to St. Mary’s from campus ministry at
Texas Tech. Deacon James Ekeocha will participate in
the pastoral work of St. Mary’s as he prepares for ordination
to the priesthood next summer. Tish Morone comes to St.
Mary’s from the corporate world and will serve as a campus
ministry intern as she discerns her religious vocation.
Rachael Harmon ‘01 is a campus ministry intern as she
discerns her religious vocation.
Howdy! By the time you read this, I will have departed
St. Mary’s Catholic Center and moved to my new assignment
as pastor of St. Patrick in Pflugerville, Texas. After being
here five years, I have truly been blessed and amazed at
the generosity, not only of the students and parishioners in
College Station, but of the overwhelming support through
your prayers and financial assistance for the campus ministry
I have enjoyed the privilege of meeting many of you in
person throughout the state and country, and many others
have either called or written. Thank you for your words
of kindness and support. I leave St. Mary’s with mixed
emotions. I will miss the enthusiasm for the faith, while at
the same time I look forward to taking my experiences here
and sharing them with others.
As we journey forward in the faith of Christ, we do not
always know where we might be led. I’m grateful for the
opportunity to have grown in my faith at St. Mary’s. May
God continue to bless the lives of all those connected with
St. Mary’s.
Dawn Rouen
Roel Garza
Julia Motekaitis
Dawn Rouen, former campus minister, is leaving St. Mary’s
to pursue a Masters in Theology at The Catholic University
of America. Roel Garza, former director of music and
liturgy, recently married veterinarian Kellie Frame and will
be teaching in Arlington, Texas. Julia Motekaitis, former
director of social ministry, leaves St. Mary’s to enjoy being
at home with baby, Dominic and husband, Bronius.
In the peace of Christ,
Fr. Keith
The Spirit in Aggieland
Tish Morone
Non-Profit Org.
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Faith Society,today!
September 3
Fall Ministry Kickoff
November 17-19
Aggie Awakening #78
November 20-24
Knights of Columbus
Turkey Fry
November 24
Texas A&M vs. t.u.
“Entering college, I have been so blessed by having
St. Mary’s as my home away from home.”
Having a strong faith is something that is not always
easy, but I have been so blessed by having St. Mary’s
as my home away from home. Not only has my faith
grown, but it has given me an opportunity to reach so
many others through the many ministries here.
My freshmen year was the hardest time of my life, but
I was inspired after joining St. Mary’s Youth Retreat Team (SMYRT). In SMYRT
we conduct retreats for high school and junior high youth. I have always enjoyed
working with youth, which is why I plan to become a high school coach and
teacher. The people I met brought me to a higher level of faith. Each semester,
I have slowly become more involved at St. Mary’s with ministries like Aggie
Awakening and Welcome Weekend. Each one of these organizations has allowed
me to explore different aspects of my faith and has pushed me to become a better
Catholic man. I have had many ups and downs during college, but the one thing
that has helped me to carry on is my faith. Without the influence of St. Mary’s, I
may have still become a firm Catholic man, but I can say with great confidence
that I would not have grown in so many ways and grown as close to so many who
also treasure their Catholic faith. This amazing community has been my support
through times of trial, and has become my family—lifting me up in weakness and
giving me the opportunity to help bring others closer to God. 