Relic .Museum. I - Samford University Library


Relic .Museum. I - Samford University Library
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Descriptive Catal<;>gue
Lookout Mountain-•
Relic .Museum. I
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- COLLECTED f'R.O M ALL T H E - - - = -
Southern Battle Fields.
LocateJ Opposite Lookout Inn,
The Larges t Collection of War Relics in the South ,
liJ . . • -
Lookout Mou Ita·n,
Tennessee. ~
•"-• flh~Pfiiii,_TII'C'O.C~
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·HARDIE BROS., Proprietors.
li1Itl1 f\ h:n.rtn.nn'ru1nn l-'U 'lfl nrun.nnn.n..'11IIII.n.n;1J uuuul.f'lii71nl\iij, nnru 111 ~
Samford University Library
Notice to Visitors.
Do not fail to visit SUNS~T ROCK. This wonderful rock overlooks the grandest panoramic view in
America. A few of the points of interest to be seen
from here are the Raccoon Mountains, Sand Mountains,
Cumberland MountainsJ the Tennessee River, which
forms in its windings the famous Moccasin Bend, Cameron Hill, Walden's Ridge, the Battle Field of Wau- .
hatchie, and the rou.te of Hooker's army to the· Battle
Field Above the Clouds.
On Sunset Rock is located a photograph gallery,
where you can have your photogra{>hS taken amid the
grandest scenery in the world. It is only a short walk
from the Inn, or can be reached by Narrow Gauge railroad, in rear <?f the Inn.
. ..
Samford University
Descriptive Cata logue
OF -
Lookout Mountain War Relic Museun1.
N o. I . Pai r o f Saddles, worn by horses, over which went
a h_eavy iron chai n or strap to support the shaft or tongue or an
arttlle ry wagon. Found at bot tom of Mission Ridge, east s ide.
2. F e de ral Canteen, found on battlefield of Chickamauga.
3· F ed e ral C anteen, fo und o n battle fi e ld o f Missionary R idg-...
4 · Sword and S cabbard from battle fi eld of Orchard K nob.
5· Cap from a Canniste r Shot , found on battle field of Resac-a .
6. C onfederate Bayonet, found on battlefield of Lookout l\It.
7· Four F ede ra l Bayonets, found on battlefield o f Chick amau~a.
8. F ederal O vercoat, worn by Capt. Ben J ohnson throu ~h the
winte r of 1863, when G rant was h old ing C hatta nooga.
9· Gun Barre l, fo und on battle fi eld o f Ringgold , Ga.
10. Bridle Bit , foun d on battle fi e ld of A tlanta .
I 1. Shell Cap, found on battle field of 1ission Ridge .
I 2 . S word a nd S cabbard , worn by H enry \t\l elcher (Confederate) from I862 to 1864.
13. Gun a nd Bayone t, picked up on the ba ttlefield at Franklin, T enn.
14. Sword a nrl S cabbard from battlefield o f Chicka mauga.
15. F e de ral Brid le Bit, found on battle fi e ld o f C hickamauga.
I 6. F cde ral Cantee n, foun d on ba ttlefield or Chicka maug-a.
17. Muzzle-loading Carbine, from New H ope C hurch battlefield.
r 8. Cariridge Box ( F e d era l) fro m F o rt McAllister.
Samford University Library
1 9· Iro n Collar fro m wheel o f a cannon carnag e , from C hickama ug a.
20. Co ll ection of Bayone ts from ba ttle fi e ld of A tlanta.
2 1. Collect io n of Buckles from battle fi eld of A tlanta.
22 . Confede rate Officer 's Swo rd , from battl(~field of C hickamauga.
2 3 . Cantee n fro m bat tlefield at Richmond , Ky.
24 . F ederal M ule Bit, from battle field of McMin nville, T e nn.
25. F ederal Canteen, from b attlefield of Mission Ridge.
26 . Cava lry Sabre, from S hiloh ba ttlefield.
2 7. Bit, fo und o n Orchard Knob battlefie ld.
28. This old \ Var Pick was fo und in t he breastworks on t op of
L ooko ut Mo untain, a bout two feet under the g ro und.
29. G un from the K e lly farm , on Chick a mauga battlefield .
30. P o ntoon H ook, fo und near river bank a t Brown 's Ferry,
on T e nnessee R ive r, whe re soldie rs s tretche d a pontoon bridge
to cross the T ennessee.
31 . F e de ral Bayonets, from the battle fi eld s bet ween Chattanooga and A tlanta .
3 2 . Confe derate Officer's Sword, found on L ittle's Hill, Chickama ug a batt lefie ld .
33 · T in Lining from a cartridge box, from Missio n R idge.
34· Confedera te Sabre, very much the worse for service, found
o n battlefie ld of C hickamaug a.
35 · F e deral Cartridge Box , found on the east s ide of Mission
36. F edcral Saddle with Confederate Stirrups. H as evidently
been captu red fro m the F ede rals and used by some Confederate.
F ou nd on t he s ide of Snodg rass Hill, Chickamauga battlefield.
3 7· Broke n G un. Often whe n soldie rs were rou ted, being unable to escape with their g uns they would st ri ke them round a
t ree a nd brea k them at the stock , thus mak ing them unfit for use .
Samford University Library
This is one of these guns, lound at Fort Cheatham, near Kennesaw Mountain.
38. Long Shell, fired but not exploded. Thrown from Federal guns located on Fort Wood. This shell was fou nd near
Bragg's headquarters, on Mission Ridge.
39· Gun and Bayonet, found on Mission Ridge at Sherman
Heights, by Tom Munsford, of Sherman H eig hts.
40. Federal Cartridge Box, found on battlefield of Kennesaw
41. Broken Sabre, found on battlefield of Shiloh .
42. Cartridge Box, showing where bullet has passed through
same. From Chickamauga battlefield.
43· Sabre Bayon~t. Used on the gun as a bayonet, or in the
hand as a sabre. Found on Mission Ridge battlefield.
44· Collection of Bayonets from Chickamauga.
45· Part of Federal Coffee Mill, found in old camp ground on
east side of Mission Ridge.
46. Gun, found at Ringgold, in the ''Pass."
Piece of Sword Blade, found on battlefield of Lookout Mt.
Piece of Sword Scabbard, "
Piece of Sword Blade,
Sword Scabbard,
Federal Sabre,
Sabre Blade,
Altoona Pass
Confederate Sabre,
Ringgold, Ga.
Sword Blade,
Sword Blade,
L ookout i\It.
Sword Scabbard
Mission Ridge
Piece of Sword Blade,
58. Federal Canteen, found on battlefield of New H ope Church,
59· Sword and Scabbard, found on Mission Ridge battlefield,
near G en. Bragg's headquarters. by Dr. Watson, of Memphis,
in 1872.
6o. Two Bayonets, found on Lookout Mountain. near the Cra3
Samford University Library
vens house. This house was used by Gen. Walthall (Confederate) as his headquarters.
· 61 . Federal Canteen, found near Bridgeport, Ala.
62. Confederate Canteen, found on battlefield of Kennesaw Mt.
63. Federal Canteen, found on battlefield of Chickamauga.
64. F ederal Cavalry Sabre, found on battlefield of Mission
65. Part of Artillery Harness, found on Moccasin Point, near
Chattanooga, where Grant's artillery were shelling Lookout Mt.
66. This is a Ball and Chain from Andersonville Prison, used
to confine some poor prisoner. The chain is part of a cannon
trace ; the ball is a shell.
67. Carbine Hook, from battlefield of Resaca.
68-70. Parts of Artillery Harness, from Chickamauga battlefield.
71. Confederate Stirrup, found at Bragg's headquarters, Mission Ridge.
72. Piece of Scabbard from Chickamauga battlefield.
73· Gun Barrel from Chickamaug a battlefield.
74· Bridle Bit, from battlefield of Wauhatchie.
75· Half Canteens, from Lookout Mountain.
76. Confederate Coat, Belt, Cap, Box and Gloves, worn by Jas.
Glover, Thirty-fifth Georgia Volunteers, killed at Chickamauga.
77· This ship was carved out of wood with a pocket knife by
one of the prisoners in Andersonville Prison. It was sold to one
of the guards for some "hard-tack."
79· Part of a Cannon Trace, from battlefield of Atlanta.
8o. Federal Hames, found on east side of Mission Ridge,
where Gen. Jo Hooker made his ascent.
81. Half F ederal Canteen, found on Lookout Mt. battlefield.
82. Half Federal Canteen,
R esaca
83. Buckles,
Chicka mauga
84. Barrel of C01t's Sharpshooter, found on Wauhatchie battlefield.
' 85. Sword Hilt, found on Mission Ridge battlefield.
86. Battle Bugle, made from a cow's horn. Used by the
guerrillas. Found on top of Sand Mountain.
Samford University Library
87. Frame containing a copy of the New York H erald, which
was tacked on the walls of a room in Mrs. J ob's house at Ringgold, Ga. This building was up in the northern end of the
" Pass," o n the west side of the W . & A. railroad, and in it were
stationed some ol G en. H ooker's men during the battle of Ringgold, who kept up, through the windows and doors of this house,
a continuous firing. The Confederates, in trying to force them
back, literally filled the house with bullets. E ig hteen balLs passed
throug h this paper, first passing through the wall. The F ederals
were finally forced t o evacuate the building . Mrs. J ob and family
tGok refuge in the cellar during the battle. T his building is still
standing at Ringgold, Ga., and is occupied by old Mrs. Job and
88-89. Collection of Confederate Stirrups, from the battlefields
along the line of Sherman's march to the sea .
90-95. Coat and Vest, worn by Confederate officer, Lieut. V.
B. J ones, Company K, 24th G eorgia Volunteers, at battle of
Stones R iver, T e nn. ( Murfreesboro), Decembet 3 1st, 1862, and
J anuary 1st and 2d, 1863; W. S . Rosecrans commanding A rmy
of the C umberland, and Gen. Braxton Bragg commanding Confederates. F ederal loss, 1,533 killed, including Brig. -Gen. Sill
and Lieut .-Col. Julius P . Garoche; 6,86o wounded, including Gen.
K irk, morta lly ; missing, 2,8oo ; total, 11,193. Confederate loss,
9,000 killed and wounded, including Gen. H anson and Gen. Rains,
killed, and Gen. Cleburne and Gen. Davis. wounded ; missing,
I ,ooo; total, ro,ooo.
Combined casualties, 2 r, I 93·
9 I . Federal Spur, found o n battlefield of Altoona Pass.
92. This is a S pring Stirrup, used by many of Forrest's Cavalry.
It is a self-acting stirrup . W hen a soldier is wounded or thrown
from his saddle, his own weig ht opens up the stirrup and allows
him to drop to the g round, thus preventing him being dragged
to death by his horse over the battlefield. T he old or plain stirrup
caused many a wounded soldier's death by his foot slipping
throug h the stirrup.
93· This shows the Raw Cotton Hand Shuttles, home-made
Jeans and Hat. These shuttles were the instruments used to
weave with during the blockade, when the Southerners could get
no supplies from the Northern mills.
94· Spur, from the battlefield of R inggold, Ga.
95· See 90.
Samford University Library
g6. Spur, from battlefield of MiS£ion R idge.
97 . Confede rate Cartridge Box, found on C hicka ma ug a battlefield, 1863.
98. A ve ry d ila pidated Confede rate Canteen, used on Lookout
Mountain by some soldie r in grey.
99· Pa rts of G uns found on K e nnesaw Mountain.
I oo. Confede rate Cavalry Sabre, found on the K elly farm,
Chickamauga battlefield.
10 1. F ede ral Saddlebags, fo und on Mission Ridge, near the
base, on west side
I 02 . Pa rt of Gun from Lookout Mountain battlefield.
103 . Iron Ox Bow. found on battlefield of Buzzard's R oost.
S oldier's T in Dinne r P la te, from top of Lookout Mt.
I 05. F orag ing Sack, in which the boys put "captured " chicke ns, corn, sweet potatoes, etc.
1 o6. Collection of Bayone ts from Mission Ridge.
I O i. Fede ral A rtillery H arness, from C hickama uga.
I o3. Coffee Pot, found where H ooke r camped in L ookout
\'all ey.
I 09. Cartridge Box from Shiloh.
I I O . Gun Barrels from Shilo h.
1 1 1. Cartridge Box fcom Lo okout Mountain.
I 1 2. Collar from wagon wheel of a n a mmunition wagon, from
battlefield at Pe rryville, K y. Found in 188 2.
1 13. Bayo net from battle field of Big S ha nty, G a.
I q. Confedcrat~ Haversack, from battlefield of F t. Sanders.
1 I 5· F cde ral H ames, fou nd
on battlefield of N e w Sale m
1 16. Bayonet found on battle fi eld of Atla nta.
I 1 i· Bayone t,
K e nnesaw Mountain.
I' R. See I I 2 .
1 1 9· Ba yone t found on battl e fi eld of Mission R idge.
Samford University Library
I 20. Cartridge Box (Confed erate) from Smyrna.
I 21. Stirrup found on battlefi eld near D alton.
122. Cantee n found at Resaca in I868.
I 23. Stirrup found on battlefi eld of Lookout Mountain.
I 24. F ederal Canteen from Mission Ridge.
I 25. A Gun Barrel found on battlefield of Stones R iver.
I 26. Federal Overcoat which was worn throug h the e ntire cam ·paign.
127. Stirrup found on Chickama ug a.
128. Collection of Bayonets from N ew Hope Ch urch.
I 29. Confederate Cannon Trace, found in Chatta noog a C re<..:k,
where the Confederates crossed while re treating from Lookout
Mountain to Mission Ridge, November 24th, 1863, afte r the battle of Lookout Mountain.
IJO. Gun Locks from battlefield of New H ope C hurch.
131. Cartridge Box ( Federal) from Fort McAllister.
I 32. Sword and Scabbard from battlefield o f Shiloh.
133. Confederate Stirrup from battlefield of R inggold.
I 34· Spur and Strap found on K e nnesaw l\Iountain.
I 35· Collection of Bayonets from battlefield of T unm:l Hill.
136. Coat worn by Capt. Evans, of the 39th Georgia \' olunteers, at Resaca, May 13-I6, 1864. F ede ral losses, 6oo killed.
2, I 47 wounded and missing ; total, 2, 747 . C onfedera te losses.
300 killed, 1,500 wounded and missing ; total, 1 ,8oo. Combin ed
casualties, 4,547.
137. Gun Barrel from Lookout Mountain ba ttlefield.
138. Federal Bridle Bit, found on Little Hil l, Chickamaug a.
139· Cartridge Box (Confederate) from Fra nkl in.
I40. Stirrup found on Orchard-Knob.
141. Federal Cantee n found on Lookout Mountain.
142. Stirrup found on Mission Ridge.
143. Confederate Canteen found at Orcha rd Knob.
144. Portion of Artillery Harness in i1se a t the battle of :\I i-..
sion Ridge.
Samford University Library
145. Confederate Canteen from battlefield of R esaca.
146. F ederal Canteen
Mission Ridge.
147. Saltpetre Spoon or Ladle, used by the Confederates in
making powder. Found in Lookout Mountain Cave, at the base
of Lookout Mountain, on N. C. & S t. L. railroad track, together
with a quantity of saltpetre, a large Confederate knife, two guns
and a Confederate canteen, in 1885, by Fra nk W. Vincent and
Chas. Parker, when exploring the cave. The spoon was resting
on a pile of bricks, with the handle against the wall.
148. Wooden O x H ames, used without a collar. The Confedera tes used oxen to haul their heavy 5iege pieces. This one was
found on the battlefield of R inggold.
I 49· Canteen from Chickamauga.
" Mission Ridge.
I 5I .
Lookout Mountain.
15 2 .
" Mission R idge.
1 54·
" Lookout Mounta in.
55. Muzzle-loading Carbine, from New Hope Church battle-
Carbine found on Kelly farm, Chickamaug a battlefield .
Carbine found on battlefield of K ennesaw Mountain.
Carbine found on battlefield of Chickamaug~.
Breech-loading Carbine, from McMinnville , Tenn.
160. Gun Hammers from different battlefields.
161. Gun and Ca nteen, found in 1887 by carpenters while tearing up old floors in the building corner F ourth and Market Sts.,
Chattanooga, now used as police headquarters ; used during the
war as F ederal a nd Con feder~te prison. This g un and canteen
were found lying close to two skeletons of soldiers, who had died
in trying to esca pe from prison. They were lying between the
joists supporting the floor of the third story and ceiling of the second floor. The skeletons have been buried in the Confederate
cemetery ; the uniform was Confederate, and they were supposed
to be Confederate soldiers.
Samford University Library
162. Frame containing a genuine $IOO Confederate Bond, with
attached, and Confederate Bills, so cents, 'if,!, $2, $J.
$1 o, $so, $Ioo. These bills are still in first-class condition, and
some of them are of very rare issue.
163. Federal Cant~en, found on Mission Ridge battlefield.
164. English Bayonets of very peculiar pattern, be ing f1at with
sharp ridges. They were used by the Confederates.
165. Cap Box found on Mission Ridge battlefield.
166. Federal Saddle. This was known as the McClellan tree.
It was found at the foot of Snodgrass Hill , Chickamauga battlefield.
167. Gun and Bayonet, found on Chickamauga battlefie ld.
168. Cavalry Sabre, from battlefield of Shiloh.
169. Bridle Bit (Confederate) from battlefield of Chickamauga.
170. Federal Canteens from Chickamauga.
171. Gun Barrels from Mission Ridge.
172. Musket, without stock, from Marietta, Ga.
I 73· Federal Canteen, with its original straps, from Chickaamauga battlefield.
174. Confederate Haversack from Crawfish Springs, on the
Chickamauga battlefield ; carried by Marion Ross, 24th Georgia
17 S· Carbine Barrel, from battlefield of New Hope Church.
176. Federal C2.nteen, from battlefield of Chicka mau ga.
177. Large frame of "Shin-plaster" Curre·n cy-3 cent, 5 cent,
10 cent, 25 cent and so cent pieces; also an original $5 Greenback. This one was paid to Henry Fromme, of Charleston, at
the close of the war, in part payment for his services in the army.
In center of frame is a $1 ,ooo Gold Bond This was stole n from
Washington during the war. The thief was in such a hurry to
get away with it, he did not notice it was not signed.
178. Confederate Bridle Bit, found near Brown's F erry, on the
Tennessee river. .
1 79· Confederate Cavalry Sabre, found near the foot of Lookout Mountain where Hooker made his fa.mous charge.
1 8o. Collection ofF ederal Canteens from different battlefields.
Samford University Library
I 8 r. Gun, Bayonet and Ramrod, found at Chickamauga in I 869
by Harry Gleeson, now living at Marietta, Ga.
I 82. Confederate Saddle, found at Chickamauga, I 863.
r 83. Gun Barrels from Lookout Mountain.
I 84. Two Federal Canteens from Lookout Mt. battlefield.
I85. Two Bayonets found on side of Mission Ridge.
I 86. Confederate Cap Box, found at Smyrna.
I87. Pair of Hames, found on Chickamauga battlefield, 1882.
1 88. Two Bayonets, found on battlefield of Altoona Pass.
I89. Federal Canteen, "
I 90. Confederate Bit,
" Wauhatchie.
191. Federal Canteen,
'' Resaca.
I92. Confederate Bit,
" New Hope Church.
I 93· Gun Barrel,
'' Ringgold.
I94· Hilt of Sword, found on battlefield of Spring Hill.
195. Bottom of a Leather Bag, which was hung on a horse to
hold his feed when on a forced march.
I 96. Two Bayonets from battlefield of Wauhatchie.
I97· Federal Canteen from battlefield of Mission Ridge.
I 98. Federal Artillery Hames from battlefield of Chickamauga.
199. See I95·
200. Hilt of Sabre from battlefield of Lookout Mountain.
Collection of Confederate Stirrups, from Chickamauga.
202. Collection of Confederate Stirrups, from Mission Ridge.
203. Canteen from battlefield of Lookout Mountain.
204. Confederate Sword, found on battlefield of Ringgold.
205. Sabre found on battlefield of New Salem Church.
206. Tin lining of cartridge box, found on battlefield of New
Hope Church.
Spur, found on battlefield of Chickamauga.
208. Spur,
" Lookout Mountain.
Samford University Library
209. Spur, found on battlefield of Mission Ridge.
Federal Canteen from battlefield of Altoona Pass.
2 I I. Brake Chain from cannon wagon, found on battlefield of
212. Spur, from battlefield of Mission Ridge.
2 I 3· Spur, from battlefield of Lookout Mountain.
2 J 4· Part ofF ederal Hames, from battlefield of Stones R iver.
2 I 5· Federal Canteen,
" Chickamauga.
216. Collection of Bayonets from Southern battlefields.
2 I 7. Federal Canteens,
218. Gun ~arrels, found on battlefield of Altoona Pass.
2 1 9·
" R esaca.
220. "
" Lookout Mountain.
22 I. "
" Mission R idge.
222. "
" Ringgold.
223. "
" Lookout Mountain.
224. "
" Kennesaw Mountain
225. "
" Huntsville, Ala.
226. Canteens
227. Federal Canteen"
" South Chattanooga.
2 IO.
2 28. Picture of Government Bridge over T ennessee river, showing Cameron Hill; Lookout Mountain in the distance.
229. Photographs of Federal Battle Flags.
230. Stone Fort and Western & Atlantic depot, taken in r862 .
23 I. Photographs of Chickamauga battlefield, and bullets, buttons and buckles picked up on the fi eld.
232. Photographic group of full rank major-generals of the
Union army from 1861 to r865.
233· Spoon, Knife and Tin Dinner Plate, found at Chicka-
234. Soldiers' Frying Pan (Confederate), from Chickamauga .
235. Tin Cartridge Box, found at Chickamaug a.
Samford University Library
236. Old Axe used for making fortifications, (ound at Chickamauga.
237. Tin Cartridge Box, found on Lookout Mountain.
238. Tin Cap Box, from Chickamauga; 17th Ohio, brass number on box showing what company it belonged to.
239. Frying Pan rnad·e from half of a canteen (Federal). "Necessity is the mother of invention."
240. An old Hatchet, found in camp at Chickamauga. If this
iittle relic could but talk, would it not tell of many incidents of interest to us all ?-of stories told and songs of the boys in camp ;
with its help many a boy's cold body has been made warm, and
by the fire they have slept, wrapped in their blankets, dreaming
of wife, babies and old mother at home. .
241. Confederate Iron Cup and Saucer, found at Chickamauga
in Oat woods, due east of Snodgrass Hill. Found 1871.
242. A genuine Confederate Dinner Set, picked up on different parts of Chickamauga battlefield.
243. Federal Drinking Cup, found at Tunnel Hill, Ga.
244. Casing from a Cartridge Box, from Mission Ridge..
245. Tin Cap Box, from battlefield of Rover, Tenn.
246. Piece of wood containing a Confederate bullet, from
Bragg's headquarters, Mission Ridge.
247. W ood Shuttle, used in making jeans. Gotten from Mrs.
Shelton, now living near New Hope Church battlefield, who made
with this Shuttle, uniforms for her husband and two boys to wear
to the war. She lost her husband at Chickamauga, and one of
her sons within two miles of home, during the battle of New
H ope Church. H e was "almost horne." The husband and son
are both buried in the country graveyard, near New Hope Church.
The remaining son is running the farm on which he and his old
mother now live.
248. Piece of lead found at Chickamauga. The forest fires
burning over the battlefield have melted the bullets, causing them
to run together.
249. U. S . Bayonet and Scabbard.
250. Part of a cannon used by French's battery at Atlanta.
251. Confederate Bullet Ladle, used in pouring the lead into
the bullet mold.
Samford University Library
252. U. S. Branding lron, found on Stone F ort, Chattanooga.
253. Lantern used by the U. S. mail service in 1863.
254. Part of a Confederate Hat, taken from a g rave at C hickamauga, when the bones were removed to be re-interred in the
Confederate cemetery at Chattanooga . .
255. Confederate Bugle, found on Mission Ridge.
256. Cartridge Box, found at Atlanta.
257. Part of an old coffee mill from Chickamaug a.
258. Top of Confederate Flag Staff, from R esaca battle fi eld.
259. Key of Chattanooga Military Prison, still standing on corner Fourth and Market streets, Chattanoog a. This prison was
used by both sides.
260. Two Dinner Knives found on Lookout Mountain.
261. U. S. Bayonet and Scabbard, from Shiloh.
262. Part of Confederate Trumpet. found at C hickamaug a on
the Horse Shoe.
263 . See 254.
264. Pieces of Metal from Sword Scabbards. found at Dover,
265 . Mortar, found at old hospital at Chickamaug a .
266. Medicine found in Confederate hospital on Lookout Mt.
267. U. S . Bayonet and Scabbard, found on C hickamauga
268. Part of a Cannon which exploded during the battle of
Shiloh .
269. Mouthpiece of a Confederate Bugle, found on the battl efield of A tlanta.
2 70. Confederate Hat, found on battle field of Altoona.
271. Half a Canteen with holes punched in it, used to g rate
corn and potatoes. Found on Mission Ridge.
272. This is a collection of Bayonets picked up on the battlefields, which have been turned into garden tools by the '' natives"
who live on the battlefields. As the Scriptures say, " The implements of war will be turned into p~ow an~ pruning
knives," or words to that effect. Here IS a huskmg kmfe, g rass
cut ter, sickle, hoe, g imlet, etc.
273. Handle from an officer's mess chest, found on the battlefield of Altoona Pass.
Samford University Library
We- call special attention to our collection of Confederate
Knives. T hese are home-made weapons and were carried ~by the
Confederates generally at the commencement of t he war ; but
owing to their we ight, a nd the fact that the men did not!'often
g et close enough to the enemy to use them, they were soon discarded by many of the Confederate soldiers.
2 74· Confederate Knife, . carried by Morris Bush throug h the
entire campaign. Found on battlefield of New H ope Church.
27 5· Confederate Knife, found near Atlanta.
276 . Confederate Knife, found in the Bloody Pond, Chickamauga battlefield·
277. Four Confederate Knives, taken from a trench in which
were buried some Confederate soldiers at Shiloh.
278. Confederate Dagger, found at Fort Sumpter.
279. Dagger Blade, found on Marietta battlefield.
280. Confederate K nife, picked up on battlefield of New Hope
28 I . Confederate Knife. found on the Kelly place at Chickamauga.
282-283-284. T hree of Gov. Joe Brown's Pikes-very valuable,
as only a few of these weapons are still in existence. They were
mounted at the end of a long pole, like spears. More than a
thousand CoP federate troops were supplied by Joe Brown, of
Alabama, with these weapons. The F ederals did not allow the
Confederates to come near enough to use them.
285: Federal Dinner Knife , found on battlefield of Vicksburg.
286. Confederate Knife, fonnd near the Cravens house, on
Lookout Mountain battlefield.
287. Confederate Knife, fouud in Bloody Pond, at Chickamauga. The mud is on the blade of the knife, as when found.
288, T his Confederate K nife was used to good advantage at
F ort S anders, near Knoxville, having severed the head from the
body of ~ soldier who was trying to get into the fort. Carried
by H arley B. Voltz, now living in Cincinnati.
289. Confederate K nife, found on top of Kennesaw Mountain
by W. P . Attox.
Samford University Library
290. Confederate Knife, found on Lookout Mountain.
291. Confederate Sword Blade and Handle, found on Mission
R idge battlefield.
292. Broad Sword, brass handle, carried by Matt Spurlock,
one of the soldiers of the Steamer Kersarg e, during the terrible
fight between the Kersarge and and Alabama.
293. Confederate Knife, made from a file, found on Lookout
Mounta in, May 3, 1893.
294. Two Mule H oofs, found on Chickamauga battle fi eld,
295. Cannon Screw, used in cleaning out a cannon. F rom
Mission Ridge battlefield.
296. T in Cartridge Box, from Buzzard's R oost.
297. Part of a Gun that has been hung on a small limb of a
t ree. and the limb growing has fastened it secure ly. C ut from
t he battlefield of Pittsburg Landing.
298. Federal Bayonet, from Mission Ridge. For description,
see 297.
Knapsack Hooks from Southe rn battle fie lds.
A collection of metal ends from bayonet scabba rds.
Gun Wrenches.
Shell Screws, which held the fuse.
304. This Pistol is the k ind that ·..vould shoot vnce, a nd then he
who carried it must run. Found on Resaca battlefie ld.
305. Three Pistol Cylinders from Chickamaug a battlefield.
306. Double-barrelled Pistol, found at Shiloh.
307. Six-shot Pistol, with Loader, found on C hicka ma uga
308. Two Pistol Barrels, found on Lookout Mountain battle field.
309. Brass Pistol Barrel, found on Mission Ridge battlefield.
310. Large Federal Pistol, found on Snodgrass Hill, C hickamauga battlefield.
3 I I. P istol Handles, found on Mission Ridge battlefield.
3 I 2. Confedera te Pistol, found on K ennesaw Mountain.
Samford University Library
313. "Horse Pistol," two-barrel, carried by a Federal officer
under Gen. George Crook. Found on battlefield near Farmington, Tenn., October 20, 1863, by Floss Mason.
3 14. One of the most interesting relics in our collection is this
Pistol. It is one carried by one of the Andrews Raiders, and
was dropped while jumping from the engine, "The General," near
Ringgold, Ga. The race was one of the most thrilling episodes
of the late war.
3 I 5· Large powder,. cap and ball pistol, found near one of the
breastworks at Chickamauga.
3 I 6 Two Pistol Barrels, found on Chickamauga battlefield.
3 I 7. Old Pistol Scabbard, found on battlefield of Atlanta.
3 I 8. This Pistol was carried all through the war by Morgan
Greathouse, brother of Brig.-Gen. Greathouse. Gen. Greathouse
was killed during the siege of Atlanta, July 22, 1864, as was also
Maj.-Gen, J. B. McPherson. The losses of the Federals during
this battle we re 500 killed, 2, I4I wounded and missing; total,
3,641. The Confederate losses were, killed, wounded and missing , including Gen. Walker, killed, 8,499. Combined casualties,
12, 140.
3 19. Gun Lock, found on Lookout Mountain.
320. Five-shot powder and ball Pistol, found near the Lee &
Gordon mill, at Chickamauga, shortly after the battle ol Chickamauga.
32 I. Horse Pistol and Holster, carried by J. M. Beene, of Morg a n's cavalry, through Kentucky.
322. Pistol Case, found at Chickamauga, r888.
323. " Old Timer" 6-shot powder and ball, from Lookout Mt.
324. An unusual relic-a 4-barrel Pi~tol, or Pepper Box, found
!n old breastworks at Chickamauga. This is a very curious lookmg gun.
3 25. A Double-barrell~d Pistol, found at Chickamauga, on
Snodg rass Hill. ·
326. Two Pistol Cylinders, from Chickamauga battlefield.
327. Colt's R evolver, found on Lookout Mountain.
328. Old Pistol, found on Munfordsville battlefield.
329. Old long Pistol, found on Resaca battlefield.
330. An old 5-shot Pistol, found at Altoona Pass,
Samford University Library
33 I. Cavalry pistol, tound ne~r the Cravens House, on the battlefield of Lookout Mountain (Federal.)
332. Old style, powder, cap and ball, 5-shot. Found near
'' Rock City," on top of Lookout Mountain, by H enry Miller, of
this city.
333· Colt's Revolver. Fine weapon found on Chickamauga
334· Pistol. Found at Fort Pillar. The man who went to
war with this Pistol must have had a small idea of war.
335· Badly dilapidated Pistol. Found on Kennesaw Mountain .
336. Colt's Revolver. Found on battlefield of Ringgold, Ga.
337· Colt's Revolver. Found on battlefield of Chickamauga.
338.· Large Confederate Pistol. Found at base of Missionary
·339· Pistol Barrel, from Atlanta battlefield.
340. Three Pistol Barrels. Found on the Kelly farm at Chickamauga.
34 I . Very old-fashioned Confederate Pepper Box. Found in
the Shenandoah Valley.
342. Self-Acting Pepper Box of very qld pattern (Confederate).
Found on battlefield of Altoona Pass.
343· This is a very interesting relic, a Pistol made from a rifle
barrel, cut down and fitted with silver mountings. It was carried
by Rich Hollis, who was killed at Chickamauga.
344· Confederate officer's Sword. Found on the battlefield of
Tunnel Hill, Ga. This is a French make of Sword and has been
a beautiful weapon.
345· A collection of Belt Buckles picked up on the various
Southern battlefields.
346. Sabre Bayonet and Scabbard. Found on the battlefield
of Chickamauga.
347· Sabr(Bayonet. Found on the battlefield of New Hope
348. Sabre Bayonet. Found on the battlefield of Shiloh.
349· Sabre bayonet. Found on the battlefield of New Salem
Samford University Library
350. Sword Hilt. Found on the battlefield ot L ookout
Mou ntain.
351. F ederal officer's Belt Buckle. Found at Chickamauga.
352 . C. S. (Confederate) Belt Buckle. Found at Mission
353· Confederate States of America (C. S. A.) Buckle, worn by
an officer on the staff of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston. Found at
R inggold. Ga.
354· Federal officer's Belt a nd Belt Buckle. Found on the
Kelly farm, Chickamauga battlefield.
355· U. S. Buckle, in which is buried a Minie ball, near t he
the center. This buckle was found at Chickamauga, by Gus
W ithers, now living on Chickamauga battlefield.
356. Confederate officer's Belt. Found by J. H . Robertson• at
the foot of Little Hill, Chickamaug a. Aug. 29, 1877.
357· Belt belonging to a member of the Alabama Cavaly (A.
V. C.), meaning Alabama Volunteer Cavalry.
358. Sword H ilt. Found on Fort Wood, in Chattanooga.
359. Flagstaff T op, from Chickamauga battlefield.
360. Sabre Bayonet, from battl efi eld~of _R ocky Face Ridge.
36 1. Sabre Bayonet. from Chickamauga battle field.
362. Confederate officer's Sword, picked up on the battlefield
of Antietam.
363 · Collect ion of Gun L ocks, from Southern battlefields.
364. Federal Drum, found on battlefield of Chickamauga.
Picked up the second day after the battle, by Frank Snodgrass.
The drum was strapped around the waist of the man who carried
it; his body was lying in the fi eld at the foot of Snodgrass Hill.
During this terrible battle the F ederal loss was: K illed (including
Gen. Wm. H . L ytle), wou nded and missing, 16, 179· T he Confederate loss was: Killed (including Gens. James Deshler, B. H .
H elm and Preston Smith) , wounded and missing, 17,801. Combined casualties, 33,980.
365. Federal Pistol Bullet Mould, found on battle field of Mis·
sion R idge.
Samford University Library
366. Star from the coat of G en . P atrick Cleburne, which was
cut from his coat.
367. Federal officer's Sword, fou nd on the battlefield of \\finchester, Ky.
368. Confederate officer's sword, found on K ennesaw l\lountain, near whe re Leonidas Polk wa s kille d, June 30th. r 864. In
this battle the F ede ral losses were: K illed, wounded a nd missing,
8,670, including Ge ns. Harke r and McCook, killed . Confede rate
1- losses, 4,6oo, including G en. Leonidas Polk, killed.
casualties, 13,270.
369. Sword of Gen . Aug ust Willich, found on battlefield a t
Chickamauga, Sept. 27, r863 . H is name is eng rossed on the
blade, " August Willich, Brig .-Gen . U . S . Vol., " and is still visible . Ge n. A ug ust Willich was bo rn in Gorzyn, in the Prussian
Province of Posen, in r8 ro; died a t St. Mary's , Mercer County,
Ohio, in I 878. From I 858 to 186 r he was editor of t he Germa n
R e publican, of Cincinnati. H e enlisted in the rst German (afterwards N inth Ohio) R egime nt, which within three days muste red
about r ,s oo men. In May of r86 r he was commissioned Major.
In the autumn of r86r , Gov. 0. P. Morton, of Indiana , appointed
him Col. of the 32d India na Infantry, famous in the A rmy of the
Cumberland for its drill and discipline, as well as its gallan try in
action. On July 17th, I 862 , he was appointed Brig adier-General
o f Voluntee rs . He was captured at Stones R iver battle, D ec.
3 I st, I 862, but was e xchanged in season to ta ke pa rt at the head
of his brig ade in the battle of Chickama ug a, Sept. I9-20, r863.
and shared in all the battles of the army, including the Atlanta
campaig n. On O ct. 21st, 1865 , he was made Brevet Major-General, and WCl S mustered out J an. r s. r 866.
370. Federal G e neral's Sword, found on the Chickamauga battlefield at the foot of the Snodg rass Hill. T his is the finest sword
in our collection.
371. A General's Sword, found by Geo. M. Bradt at F ort
Cheatham, near Kennesaw Mounta in, in 1890. Only the point of
this Sword was sticking above g round, almost the entire sword
being buried in the earth by the d irt from the fort or breastworks
being washed down by the ra ins of 25 years.
372. Confederate Bulle t Mould, found o n the battlefield of
I ~ Franklin, T e nn.
Samford University Library
3 73. Part of officer's Sword Scabbard, bearing the name of L.
J. W.
Scott, found in a trench on the side of Missionary Ridge.
374· Officer's Sword, from battlefield of Mission Ridge.
375· Officer's Sword, from battlefield of Chickamauga.
3 76. Confederate Sword, found in Confederate Camp, near
Green's Lake, Chickamauga, Dec. 28, 1891.
3 77. Artilleryman's Belt, found on battlefield at Franklin,
T e nn. , shortly afte r the war.
378. Confederate Hat, worn by a Gue rrilla killed at Union
City, T enn .
3 79· H ome-made Confederate Sword; the blade is made from
a sythe blade, and the shield is a rough piece of iron; found on
the battlefield of Atlanta.
380. Sixteen-Pound Solid Shot, found on the east side of Missiona ry Ridge, where Joe Hooker made his charge at. that battle.·
38 r. This Shell was found on Chickamauga battlefield. They
a re known as the Rodman Shells; they have a solid front, and a
leaden sack or wrapping is wired by leaden cords to the butt of
the ~hell; these sacks are filled with g rape and cannister, and a
fuse different from all other shells runs into the rear of the shell;
this is ignited when the shell leaves the gun and explodes in the
e ne my's ranks, but does not retard the she ll.
38 2. Sixteen-Pound Solid Shot, found on Orchard Knob, Gen.
G ra nt's H eadquarters.
383. Shell, from Winchester, Ky.
384. Boxing from a Wheel of an Ammunition Wagon, from
Bridgeport, when F ederals captured and d estroyed ammunition
wagon train.
385. Long Shell, found under Fort Wood, in Chattanooga.
is a Confederate shell, and was thrown from Mission Ridge.
j86. One hundred-pound Long Shell.
287. Long Shell, found on Lookout Mountain, near the Cra- ve.ns House. This shell was thrown bv the F ederals from Moccasin Bend.
388. See 384.
Samford University Library
389. Bones from horse of Gude Bryant, a Confederate officer,
wh? was killed by the explosion of a shell during the battle of
Chtckamauga. After Gude Bryant was killed his horse stood
beside the body of his master and woulci not move away, and was
killed near evening by shot passing entirely through him. The
soldiers buried Capt. Bryant and his horse together, and in 1882
Capt. Bryant's bones were removed and these bones are those of
his horse.
390. Confederate Bridle Bit, from battle of Shiloh.
391. Sword Blade, from New Hope Church.
392. An old Axe. found three feet in the ground, while grading Lookout Mountain Railroad, in front of Cravens House.
393· Old piece of Leather, found on Chickamauga battlefield,
Aug. 8, 1892,
394· Sword Blade, from Ringgold, Ga.
395 Lead from the butt of a shell, found on the battlefield of
396. Horse Teeth, from Chickamauga.
397. Piece of a Rodman Shdl, a very rare relic, as this shell
was not supposed to explode. For description of shell see 381.
398. Carbine Barrel, from battlefield of Lookout Mountain.
399· This is an unusual relic. It is a piece of Exploded Shell,
which still contains the powder of 28 years ago. The shell exploded but all the powder did not burn. This piece is the only
one of its kind in existence.
400. Skull and Bones of a soldier, picked up on the vVidow
Glen's place, on Chickamauga battlefield.
401. Circular Iron Canister Plates, from Mission Ridge.
402. Piece of Gun Stock, from Altoona Pass.
403. · Sword Hilt, found on battlefield of Wauhatchie.
404 Wooden Links, ~ut from a solid piece, of wood with a
pocket knife by a . prisoner confined in the Military Prison m
Chattanooga; still standing, corner Fourth and Market streets.
4os. Ox Shoes, picked up on the battlefield of Atlanta. The
Confederates used oxen to draw their heavy siege pieces.
406. Lock of a Confederate Breech-loading Carbine, found on
battlefield of Chickamauga.
Samford University Library
407. Breech of Repeating Rifle, found at Chickamauga.
~of:. Piec<.; of Gun Barrel, found at Chickamauga.
~OC) s,, ring- Snal... s from e nd of Cannon Traces, found on the
b.Htlelielcl of \ ' icksburg, 1\rliss.
~1 I,>. Part of a Gun Barrel, found on Lookout Mountain.
Ba) onets fro m the different battlefields.
Collection of Minie Balls that have seen service.
412. Screw fro m a she ll with the fuse still in it.
413. Fuse scre ws out of shells.
4 1+· Parts of Gu ns, from the battle fi e ld of Chickamauga.
4 r 8.
+2 1.
tain .
Collections of l\1etal Gun Butts, from Lookout Mountain.
Collections of Metal Gun Butts, from Chickamauga.
Collections of l\1etal Gun Butts, from Mission Ridge.
Collections of Metal Gun Butts, from New. H ope Church .
Collection~ of Metal Gun Butts, from New Salem Church.
Collections of Metal Gun Butts, from Kennesaw Moun-
Collections .o f Gun BJ. nds, from Mission Ridge.
423 . T wo Gun L ock s, from battlefield of Stones River.
·P 4· Coilcction of Trigger Gu<'.rds from differe nt battle fields.
,p 5· Metal Bands I rom guns collecte d from the battlefields
a long- th<: line of Shennan's march to the sea.
+26. Collcrtion of Gun Hammers from Southern battlefields.
+2 7. Coll~'cti on of Gun Locks from Southern battlefields.
.p8. Confederate Cavalry Sabre that has seen service, foimd
on th(· battlefield of Tunnel Hill, Ga . F ederal Cavalry Sabre, found on the battlefield of Chickamauga .
Samford University Library
430. Sword a nd Sca bbard, found on Lookout l\lonntain m
the rear of the C ravens H ouse, occupied by Gen. \\.altha!.
43 1. F ede ral Sabre, found on ba ttlefi eld ofF ort Chratham.
43 2. F edera l Sabre, found on the battle fi eld of R esaca.
433· Two Bayonets, found on t he battlefield of Lookout ;\huntain.
L eather
Leathe r
C ap
C ap
found on battlefield of Ch ick am a uga.
found on battle fi eld of Snodgrass I I ill.
found on battle field of Chickamauga.
found on battle field of Lookout Moun-
438. Federal Buttons, found on differe nt battlefields.
439· Grape a nd Canister Shot, found on different battlefields .
440. Minie Balls found on differe nt battlefi e lds.
441. T wo Confedera te Buttons. These a re very rare relics. as
the Confederates had ver y few military buttons.
44 2. F ede ral Cartridge Box, in a ve ry g ood state of repair.
443· This is the best weapon tha t was used during the war by
either side . The re we re only eighty of them in use. The-y belonged to Companies B and G , 2 rst Ohio I nfa ntry, under l\Iaj.
Isaac C usae, Colonel of Regime nt, A. V. McMahon.
444· Sword Blade and Bayonet, from Lookout Mountain battlefield.
445 · F ederal officer's Sword, found on battlefie ld of R ingg·olcl,
after lying on the g round twe nty years. It shows cvidc nc<' of its
exposure, be ing rotted entirely through in one place.
446. Sword and Scabbard, found on the Gle n place a t C hickamauga in 18 70, b y John Mass, of Chattanoog a.
447· F ederal Sabre, found on ba ttlefield of C hicka ma uga.
448. Federal Sabre, fou nd o n battlefield of l\I ission Ridg-e .
449· F ederal Sabre, found on ba ttlefield of Altoona Pass.
450. One Million Dollars of g e nuine Confederate Mo.ney. all
d enomina tions, from so cents u p to $soo, On the back of a Con-
Samford University Library
fed erate bill the following was written. The bill was found on
the d ead body of a soldier, after the battle:
Reprelienting nothing on God' s earth now,
And aught in the waters below it,
As a pledge of the nation that's d ead and gone,
Keep it, dear friend, ancL sh ow it.
Show it to those who will lend an ear
T o the tale this paper can tell,
Of liberty, born of the patriot's dream,
Of the storm-cradled nation that fell.
Too poor to possess the precious ores,
And too much of a stranger to borrow,
We issued today our promises to pay,
And hoped to redeem on th e morrow.
The days rolled on, and weeks became years,
But our coffers were empty still;
Coin was so rare that the Treasury q uaked
If a dollar sh ould fall in the till.
But the fai t h that was in us was strong indeed,
And our poverty well discerned,
And these little checks represented the pay
That our suffering volunteers earned.
We knew it had hard ly a value in gold,
Yet as gold our soldiers received it;
It gazed in our eyes with a promise to pay,
And our patriot sold iers believed it.
But our boys thought little of price or pay,
Or b ills that were over due;
We knew if it bro ught us bread today,
'Twas the best our poor country could do.
Keep it, it tells our history ;over,
F rom the birth of its dream to the last;
Modest and born of the Angel H ope,
L1ke the hope of success it passed.
451. Scout 's Map, showing line of march of F ederal army from
McMinnville to Mancheste r, with springs, g razing lands, creeks,
mountains and r ivers. T his map is one of o ur most valuable and
interesting relics. It was presented to George M. Bradt by Capt.
W . C. Margedant, in 18go. When C apt . Wm. E . Merrill visited
C hattanooga in I 3gi , with the U .S. C ivil E ng ineers, he happened
to look at th is map while looking over our collection, and as soon
as he saw it he recognized his work, although more than 25 years
had elapsed since he made the map. It was mad e by orde r of
Gen. W. S. R osecrans.
4~ 2 . This book was left with a German soldier on the battlefield near Cartersville, Ga., by a me mber of the N ew York Bible
Samford University Library
Society, The soldier died and his blood stains the back of the
453· U.S. Infantry Tactics, issued in r86 1, found on the battlefield of Missionary Ridge.
454· Gen. Hardee's Infantry T actics (Confederate), found near
Atlanta on the battlefield.
455· R evolutionary Currency.
456. The last paper printed in Vicksburg, July 2, 1863, two
days before Grant entered the city. You will notice it is printed
on wall paper. All the paper in the city of every description had
become exhausted, so they had to come down to using wall paper
to print their daily paper on. This is a very interesting relic.
457· Soldier's Furlough, given by order of Col. H. B. Davidson, at Staunton, Va. , to A. E. Walker, Company I, 6oth Georgia
458. John H. Morgan's Proclamation to the Inhabitants of
Kentucky, taken from a barn door, where it had been nailed by
one of Morgan's men.
461 . Federal Canteen, found on L ookout Mountain.
462. A nearly perfect F ederal Canteen, from which a solc!ier
in blue slaked his thirst that memorable day, Nov. 25, '63.
463. Dilapidated Canteen, found on Lookout Mountain.
464. CoPfederate Bridle Bit of very strange pattern, found on
the battlefield of W auhatchie, Tenn.
465. Tin Drinking Cup, found on battlefield of Ringgold, Ga.
466. Metal Piece from the end of a fl ag staff.
467, Pill Boxes, which contained A . Q. Simmons' Vegetable
Pills, found in Confederate Hospital, Chickamauga.
468. Sword Blade, found at foot of Mission Ridge.
469. U. S. Bayonet and Scabbard, from Chicka mauga.
470. Tin Cup, from Chickamaug a.
47 I. Pocketbook, taken from g rave of one of the Kentucky
Rangers, whose bones were removed from C hickamauga some
time after the battle at that place.
472. Hilt of Sword, from battlefield of Shiloh.
Samford University Library
473· Fragments of leaden wrapping fro m rifle cannon shot,
from Ke nnesaw Mountain battlefield.
4 74· Lead wrapping from a shell, found on the battlefield of
475 · Lead capping from a shell, found on the battlefield of
R esaca.
476. Curry Comb for g rooming cavalry and other horses, found
on Chickamauga battlefield.
477· F lagstaff Top, from C hickamauga battlefield.
478. Brass Widge belong ing to one of Gen. Sherman's cannons, fou nd on the battlefield of Atlanta.
479· Bayonet Scabbard, found on Lookout Mountain.
480. H a ndle of a Sabre Bayonet , found on battlefi eld of New
H ope Church.
48 1. One Hundred-D ollar Confederate Bond with Coupons
482. This is a half of a Canteen, found at C hickamauga under
an oak tree. Leaves have been d ropping in this half canteen for
the past 28 years, and have decayed there . The dirt and leaves
are just as they were picked up.
483, F ederal Envelope, used during the war.
484. Confederate Postage Stamps; very scarce.
485. O fficial W ar Map, lithog raphed during the war, at Chattanooga ( when the F ederals were occupying the city), at the old
Brabson H ouse. T his map was made by Capt. W. C. Margedant, under the direction of Capt. W m. E . Merrill, as was also
Map No. 227.
486. Section of an extra large pine tree cut from C hickamaug a
battlefield , containing a long Confederate S hell and one large 1 2pound Bombshell or Ca nnon Ball, imbedded well into the tree.
Shell plainly visible.
487 and 488. T hese two pieces, cut from two oak trees, are
considered two of the finest specimens ever cut from the Chickamauga battlefield. They are almost exact duplicates in every
way. T he y bulge out in the same way, caused by the growth of
the trees since the shell was fired into them. These two trees
Samford University Library
stood about 35 feet apart, near the top of the hill up which Ge n.
Longstreet made his gallant charge at Chickamauga. The two
shots or shells are known as the Rodman Shells; they have a
solid front, and a leaden sack or wrapping is wired by leaden
cords to the butt of the shells; these sacks are fill ed with g rape
and cannister, and a fuse different from all other shells runs into
the rear of the shell; this is ignited when the shell leaves the gu n
and explodes in the enemy's ranks, but does not retard the shell.
No two finer specimens were ever cut from Chickamauga.
489. Section of oak. tree containing a long, well-exposed Confederate Shell. Found in front of Muddy Pond. This sink hole
contained the only water to be had in the central part of the battle field. Gen . Wilder's Brigade of Mounted Infantry at one time
gained the pool after a hard contest, and there que nched their
thirst. In the water were lying dead men and horses, who had
been wounded and died while drinking.
490. One Hundred-pound Round Shell thrown from Parrott
Gun at siege of Atlanta.
49I. Section of Oak Tree, torn to pieces by exploded shell.
This relic is filled with fragments of shell and grape shot. Cut in
1890 from the "Horse Shoe," Chickamauga, southwest of Snodgrass Hill.
492. A fired, but unexploded, C onfederate She ll. This heavy
she ll was fired from battery situated on top of Mission R iclge
south of Bragg's H eadquarte rs, into Fort \Vood, east of
Chattanooga. On Fort Wood was a battery o f heavy g uns f1 ring
upon Bragg on Mission Ridge, and the Confede rates were trying
to stop these guns. The shell struck the fort just in front of the
g uns on Fort Wood, about six feet from the top, a nd the earth
being soft, the she ll buried itself into the fort without exploding.
It was found nine feet deep in the f0rt, the butt e nd of the shell
facing the breast works on top of Mission Ridg e. This shell is of
an unusual pattern. Found in 1891.
463. Pine section of tree containing round shot, cut from Gle n
Place, Chickamauga battlefield.
463. Four "Johnnie" Shells, from in front of Gen. W althal's
Headquarters (the Cravens House), on Lookout Mountain,, Hattie Above the Clouds."
495· Ninety-six-pound Long Shell, from Atlanta. This she ll
Samford University Library
passed entirely over Atlanta. Fired trom the 100-pounder Parrott Gun, taken to Atlanta from Chattanooga or Cameron Hill.
496. One Long Shell and two pieces of exploded shell, found
on Kennesaw Mountain.
497· Section of Pine Tree containing round shot, almost grown
498. See 495·
499· Section of Oak Tree containing the fuse screw of a shell,
also pieces of the shell cut in the rear of Widow Glen's house, on
the Chickamauga battlefield.
soo. Long Bomb Shell and four large pieces of exploded shell,
o m battle field at New Salem Church.
501. Officer's Camp Stove, found in the old Confederate camp
ground, Chickamauga .
502. L arge Long Shell; lead wrapped to fit tighter when leaving the g un, thus causing the shot to go further. Found at Resaca in J 889, by Frank H. Wharton, of Atlanta.
503. Old Army Bucket, used for carrying water, etc.
504. Three Long Shells, found on the east side of Mission
505. Four " Johnnie" Shells, found on Moccasin Bend. Fired
from Lookout Mountain during battle of Lookout Mountain.
so6. Section of Oak Tree containing pieces of exploded shell.
From Lookout Mountain battlefield.
507. Two pieces of Exploded Shell, found on Fort Wood.
They were thrown from Bragg's g uns on Mission Ridge.
so8. Camp Kettle, found on old camp ground, Mission R~dge.
509. Four Shells, found on east side Mission Ridge, where Joe
Hooker made his ascent.
510. This chair and table is one of our most interesting relics
of the war. This chair and table was used by Gen. Geo. H.
Thomas, at the Snodgrass farm house, on top of Snodgrass Hill,
at C hickamauga, Sept. 19-20, 1863. It was on this table that his
war maps were spread, and from which he directed this terrible
battle, and on the same table he wrote out his dispatches and
commands to his officers.
51 1 . One hundred-pound R ound Shell, taken from bottom of
T ennessee River, at base of Lookout Mountain. Shells were
Samford University Library
shot from Fort Mihalotzy, or Fort Cameron, Cameron Hill ; fi red
from roo-pound Parrott guns. These shots were fired from Cameron Hill during the Battle of Lookout Mountain, or " Battle
Above the Clouds." These guns could not carry this far. and
dropped shot in the T e nnessee River. The Federals were trying
to drop these shells on top of Lookout Mountain, wher~ Confederates were encamped. The cannons were placed there by Gen.
Grant, and were afterwards taken to Atlanta and used in the
siege of 1864.
512. Section of Pine Tree with Mountain Howitzer Ball, or
large Grape Shot. Cut from foot of hill on west side of Mission
Ridge, tree cut down in I 890. Splendid specimen.
5 I 3· Pine stump containing round shot and exploded shell , from
flat woods near Spring Lake, where J eff. C. Davis was encamped
at Chickamauga.
514. Long section of Pine Tree cut from center of Chickamauga
battlefield. This tree contains nine shells and pieces of exploded
shell. The shot struck the tree from different sides, and thus
shows that they were fired from differe nt batteries.
5 I 5· Brick from Military Prisons, 40 r and 403 Market Street,
southwest corner Fourth street, now occupied by city officers and
police.-Confederate.- The same place and where Swetnam &
Scott's Empire livery stable now stands, 9 r 2 Market Street, also
the small building known as " Swim's Jail" or dungeon, which stood
at the northwest corner of East Fifth and Lookout Streets. It
was here that the captured "railroad raiders" with their leader,
James J . Andrews, were confined.
516. This brick was taken from house No. 316 E ast T errace
Street, Chattanooga, Tenn. ; occupied by and headquarters of Gen.
P. H. Sheridan.
517. This brick was taken from house No. 4r 7 Cedar Street,
which was headquarters of Gen. Geo. H. Thomas when he commanded 14th Army Corps.
5 r8. Brick, from the headquarters of Gen. U. S . Grant, 3 r6
Walnut Street, Chattanooga, the old Richardson residence, now
owned and occupied by J . T. Williams. It was here that he was
received and entertained on his arrival at C hattanooga by Gen.
Thoma~. Subsequently Gen. Grant moved to r ro. First Street ,
south side, between Cherry and Walnut Streets, wh1ch was also
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Gen. Sherman 's headquarters.
were at 3 16 Walnut street.
G en. Rosecrans' headquarters
519. Brick, from ofd Sims jail, in which were imprisoned the
Andrews Raiders until their removal to Knoxville and A tlanta.
5 20. Brick. from building at 2 I 8 Boyce Stree t, northeast corner
Montgome ry avenue, Chattanooga, then, a s now, owned and occupied by J ohn A. Lee, Sr. Occupied during the war by Gen.
W. P. Carlin. This was also headquarters for Gen. Ledbetter
(Confederate.) .
52 I . This Brick was taken from a house in Chattanooga used
as headquarters by G en. Vv. T. Sherman.
522. This Brick wa s taken from the old building, No. 440
Market street, in which was printed the old Chattanooga Advertiser, a nd throug h which a shell passed thrown from the battery
of Gen. J . E. Negley, June 7th, 1892.
5 23. Brick, from the old Hair residence, east side Houston
Street, between Vine and Oak; now supplanted by the re~dence
of Mrs. M. F. Caldwell, 204 Vine , southeast corner of Houston.
Occupied during the war by G en. T. J. Wood.
524. Brick, from J. P. Kindrick's residence, occupied by Gen.
J. M. Bre nnan, C hief of Artillery, Army of the Cumberla nd;
known du ring the war as the Van Epps residence; still standing
at 302 Walnut street, Chattanooga; owned and occupied by J . P.
Kindrick , Esq.
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lo Our. · Visitors.
We have for sale, for vtsttors who desire to send to some
loved one at home, small Relics or Souvenirs. Photographs of
points of interest in and around Chattanooga and Lookout Mountain, View Albums, Flower Book Souvenirs, Mountain Curiosities,
Minie Ball Souvenirs, pieces of Exploded Shells, and Bayonets.
Also Guide Book of Chattanooga, Mission Ridge and Lookout
Mountain. Walking Canes and Mountain or Alpine Staffs.
We would be pleased to have visitors look them over. \Ve
will pack carefully all articles purc~ased from us. Our prices are
reasonable. Keep this Catalogue, and when you go horne if you
desire to purchase any little Souvenir, or desire any information
regarding \Nar Relics, Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain, Mission
Ridge, Chickamauga, or other Southern Battlefields, write to us.
Correspondence promptly answered.
LooKOl'T Moe~ 1'.\ I'\ , r E'\:\.
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