St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
Celebration of the Eucharist Saturday, 5:00 pm, Vigil Mass Sunday, 7:00 am (Misa en Español) 8:30 am, 10:00 am, 11:30 am, 1:00 pm (Misa en Español) 6:00 pm (Youth Led Mass) Weekday Masses 8:30 am - Mass followed by Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet Exposition of the Holy Eucharist Tuesdays from 6:45 p.m.-9:00 p.m. in the Chapel and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. (immediately following morning Mass) until 10:00 a.m. Become a Catholic Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults—for those interested in learning more about the Catholic religion. For more information, call the parish office, or David Utsler at ext. 247. Catecumenado de Adultos Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) - para todos aquellos que desean recibir el Bautismo, Confirmación, Primera Comunión, o están interesados en aprender más acerca de la religión Católica; por favor llamar à la oficina. Reconciliation (Confesiones) Thursdays from 6:00-7:00 p.m., Saturdays from 3:30-4:30 p.m., or by appointment. St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church El Sacramento de la Reconciliación se celebra jueves de 6-7 p.m. y sábado de 3:30-4:30 p.m., o previa cita. 8000 Eldorado Parkway Frisco, Texas 75033 Baptism (Bautismos) Parents and godparents must attend a Baptism class prior to scheduling the baptism. Classes are held the second Saturday of each month at 9:30 am in rooms A, B, C, & D. Call the office to register. Los padres y padrinos deberán asistir a las clases pre-bautismales antes de programar la fecha de bautismo. Las clases se imparten solamente el segundo sábado de cada mes a las 9:30am en el salón A y B (más información se encuentra en el tríptico de bautismos). Office (972) 712-2645 Anointing of the Sick (Uncion de los Enfermos) After business hours, call the emergency phone at 972-974-5430 for critical situations requiring anointing of the sick. Después del horario de oficina, favor de marcar nuestro número de emergencia para situaciones críticas que requieren la unción de los enfermos: 972-974-5430. Matrimony (Matrimonio) Marriages require a six month preparation period. Please call the office to inquire about marriage preparation. Se programarán con un mínimo de seis meses antes del evento. Fax (972) 712-1087 General E-Mail: Website: Msgr. Larry Pichard, Pastor Rev. Zach Webb, Parochial Vicar Frank Reyna, Deacon, Ext. 230 Carl Macero, Deacon, Ext. 663 Gregory Kahrs, Deacon, Ext. 662 Luis Garzon, Deacon, Ext. 664 Society of St. Vincent de Paul Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul 214-619-4096 Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time February 10, 2013 February 10, 2013—Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Francis of Assisi is a Stewardship Parish A Community of Christian Disciples Living as Stewards of God’s Gifts “Holy Communion is the shortest and safest way to Heaven.” -- Pope St. Pius X Views from the Pastor — Msgr. Larry Pichard Lent starts in just 3 days. Shrove Tuesday, February 12, the night before Ash Wednesday, as much of the world celebrates wildly with Mardi Gras or Carnival, we observe the northern European tradition of being “shriven” or forgiven of our sins so that we can enter Lent with a holy frame of mind. Over 1000 years ago a monk wrote in the Anglo -Saxon Ecclesiastical Institutes: “In the week immediately before Lent everyone shall go to his confessor and confess his deeds, and the confessor shall so shrive him.” About a dozen priests will be here for a giant penance service with the opportunity for individual Confession. Because our new Church is not ready, we will not be burning the palms as we have done in previous years since we have no courtyard. On Ash Wednesday, February 13, we will have 1 Mass at 8:30 am with ashes and lots of Word services with ashes. The reason why we don’t have more Masses is that we have overwhelming numbers of people seeking ashes in the late afternoon and evening. With a Mass we would be enclosing a large number of people for an hour. With our Word services with ashes we can take care of thousands of people from 4:00 till 8:00 pm. In between those hours we will wait for the Church to fill up, we proclaim the best Lenten passages from Scripture in English and Spanish, followed by the imposition of ashes and accompanied by the best of Lenten hymns. Don’t just rush in to get ashes on your forehead—that won’t do you a bit of good. Sit and listen to challenging readings, reflect upon soothing music, and search deep in your heart for the Lord’s call for you to repent from sin and seek a new Christian life. That will do you a world of good! Ash Wednesday is a Day of Fasting (very little food) and a Day of Abstinence (no meat). Fasting means significantly reducing the quantity of food that we consume; it is to be observed by all those who have celebrated their 18th birthday and have not yet celebrated their 60th birthday. Abstinence from meat is to be observed by all who have celebrated their 14th birthday. Every Friday of Lent we have a fish fry, Stations of the Cross and Confessions. Each Friday of Lent is a Day of Abstinence (no meat) since we remember the great sacrifice that Jesus did for us on a Friday. Please do your Lenten Confessions early in the season so that you can avoid the long lines of procrastinating penitents. Whatever you do, don’t miss the half-dat retreat here on Friday, February 15th at 8:30 a.m., featuring one of the liveliest and thoughtful Catholic speakers, Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio! Visiones del Párroco — Mons. Larry Pichard La Cuaresma comienza en 3 días. El Martes de Absolución es el 12 de febrero, un día antes del Miércoles de Ceniza, mientras que gran parte del mundo celebra desenfrenadamente el Mardi Gras o Carnaval, nosotros observamos la tradición del norte de Europa de ser “absueltos” o perdonados de nuestros pecados y así iniciar la Cuaresma en un ambiente de santidad y gracia. Hace más de 1000 años un monje escribió en el Instituto Anglo-Sajón Eclesiástico: “En la semana justo antes de la Cuaresma todos deben ir con su confesor y confesar sus pecados, y el confesor deberá absolverlo.” Alrededor de 12 sacerdotes nos visitarán aquí en la parroquia para un evento grande de penitencia (Confesión). Como la nueva Iglesia no está lista, no quemaremos las palmas del domingo de ramos del año pasado, como lo hemos hecho durante los últimos años ya que no tenemos atrio. El Miércoles de Ceniza, 13 de febrero, tendremos una Misa a las 8:30 am en inglés con imposición de cenizas y varias Liturgias de la Palabra bilingües con imposición de cenizas. La razón de no tener más Misas es que tenemos una cantidad enorme de personas pidiendo cenizas en la tarde y en la noche. Con una Misa se encierra a un gran número de personas durante una hora. Con la Liturgia de la Palabra imponiendo cenizas podemos atender a miles de personas desde las 4:00 hasta las 8:00 pm. Entre esas horas esperaremos hasta que la Iglesia se llene, proclamaremos los mejores pasajes de la Biblia de Cuaresma en español e inglés, después habrá imposición de cenizas, acompañado por los mejores cantos de Cuaresma. No corran solo en recibir las cenizas en su frente—eso no les hará ningún bien. Siéntense a escuchar las lecturas inspiradoras y retadoras, reflexionen en la música serena, y busquen en lo profundo de su corazón el llamado del Señor para arrepentirse del pecado y buscar una nueva vida Cristiana. ¡Eso les hará mucho bien! El Miércoles de Ceniza es un Día de Ayuno (es decir muy poca comida) y un Día de Abstinencia (significa no carne). Ayuno significa reducir la cantidad de comida que consumimos; y deben hacerlo todos aquellos que son mayores de 18 años y a quienes no han cumplido 60 años. La Abstinencia de carne deben hacerlo todos aquellos mayores de 14 años y quiere decir no comer carne—ni carne roja, ni carne blanca como pollo o puerco. Sí, podemos comer pescado y marisco, pero no carne de animales de la tierra ni del aire. Cada Viernes de Cuaresma tenemos pescado frito, Vía Crucis y confesiones. Cada Viernes de Cuaresma es Día de Abstinencia (no carne) ya que recordamos el gran sacrificio que Jesús hizo por nosotros el viernes. Por favor hagan su Confesión de Cuaresma con anticipación en ese tiempo y así evitar largas filas de penitentes tardíos. Parish Finances for Week Ending: 1/27/13 Gereral Offertory: Building Fund: Week $39,313.93 $56,072.65 Attendance: 5931 Fiscal Year-To-Date $1,241,551.29 $1,408,794.09 Annual Goal (July-June) $1,975,902.50 $1,935,464.00 Building Fund as of 2/5/2013 Pledged: Received: Capital Campaign $6,660,174 $5,105,195 Honorariums/Memorials $681,670 $432,760 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church—Frisco, TX Masses and LiturgicalActivities Our Parish Staff Sunday, February 10th 7:00 am, Misa en español – Pro Populo (LP) 8:30 am, Mass – † Louise Hornung (ZW) 10:00 am, Mass – Miguel Vasquez (LP) 11:30 am, Mass – † RoseMary Hidalgo (ZW) 1:00 pm, Misa – † James Sartin (LP) 6:00 pm, Mass – † Keith Rowe (ZW) Tracy Brown, Financial Director, Ext. 226 Kyle Cupp, Executive Administrator, Ext. 225 Noel Johnston, Director of Facilities, Ext. 231 Mark Smith, Director of Development, Ext. 351 Nathan Byers, Associate Development Dir., Ext. 352 Anneliese Rivera, Director of Liturgy, Ext. 237 Kevin Shelley, Director of Music, Ext. 313 Laura Marquez, Director of Hispanic Ministry, Ext. 241 Greysi Bargas, Hispanic Ministry Coordinator, Ext. 227 David Utsler, Director of Faith Formation, Ext. 247 Niki MacDougall, Director of Children’s Ministry, Ext. 229 Kathy Deschaw, FF Administrator, Ext. 232 Tammy Weber, Director of Youth Ministry, Ext. 358 Jenny Rohde, Middle School Ministry Director, Ext. 244 Anthony D’Ambrosio, Youth Ministry Musician, Ext. 234 Lauren Harbour, Director of KDO, Ext. 235 Ginny Milich, Safe Environment Coordinator, Ext. 228 Kate Disbrow, Bookkeeper, ext. 360 Alma Geller, Reception, Ext. 221 Carlos Gaona, Custodian and Maintenance, Ext. 238 Adelaida Gaona, Custodian, Ext. 238 Antoyne Davis, Custodian, Ext. 238 Monday, February 11th 8:30 am, Mass – Marie Huemueler (ZW) Tuesday, February 12th 8:30 am, Mass – † Rae Ianniello (LP) 6:45 pm, Adoration CANCELLED 7:00 pm, Shrove Tuesday Confessions, Chapel Wednesday, February 13th Ash Wednesday 7:00 am, Word Service, Great Hall 8:30 am, Mass – Jerry Robinson (ZW) 12:15 pm, Word Service, Great Hall 4:00 pm, Continual Word Service Until 8:00 pm, Great Hall Thursday, February 14th 8:30 am, Mass – † Juanita Garza and Meliton Garza (LP) 6:00 pm, Reconciliation, Chapel Please Pray For Friday, February 15th 8:30 am, Mass – † Ted Scafidi (ZW) 9:00 am, Adoration Cancelled; Retreat by Dr. D’Ambrosio 6:00 pm, Meager Meal, Conference Rooms 7:00 pm, Stations of the Cross, Great Hall 7:00 pm, Reconciliation, Sacristies 8:00 pm, Stations of the Cross in Spanish , San Damiano Room Please pray for the sick and suffering of our parish: Ana Goyburu, Arnulfo Ibarra, Jeffrey Horsely, Lili Schuman, Daniel Orozco, Isabella Jimenez, Bill Viverito, Obdulia Ruiz, Matthew Gunsallus, Nick Camps, Pat Corey, Joe Herrera, Guadalupe Ochoa, Susan Graber. Saturday, February 16th 8:30 am, Mass – † Grace Moses (ZW) 3:30 pm, Reconciliation, Chapel 5:00 pm, Mass – † Gloria Jurado (LP) Please pray for the recently deceased: Maria del Socorro Magallanes, Paul Anthony Lyons Jr., Maria Martinez, Paul Bloemendaal, Consuelo Elizondo, Bernard Duve , Mercedes Monteagudo, Jeanne War, Nathan Small, Humberto Ferado, Juan Gudino, Isaias Francisco. Sunday, February 17th 7:00 am, Misa en español – (ZW) 8:30 am, Mass – (LP) 10:00 am, Mass – (ZW) 11:30 am, Mass – (LP) 1:00 pm, Misa en español – (ZW) 6:00 pm, Mass – (LP) MAJOR PARISH EVENT CALENDAR SUNDAY Feb. 10 MONDAY 11 Donuts 17 18 KofC Café 8th Grade Confirmation Retreat 5th Grade Vocations Awareness 24 25 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 12 13 Shrove Tuesday Reconciliation Service Ash Wednesday 19 20 26 27 THURSDAY 14 4 5 6 HS Confirmation Retreat * For ministry meetings and events, please contact your specific ministry SATURDAY 15 16 Lenten Events 8th Grade Confirmation Retreat 8th Grade Confirmation Retreat 21 22 23 Men’s ACTS Retreat Men’s ACTS Retreat Lenten Events Men’s ACTS Retreat 28 Mar. 1 2 Lenten Events HS Confirmation Retreat HS Confirmation Retreat 7 8 9 Women’s ACTS Retreat Lenten Events ACTS ACTS Daylight Savings Men’s ACTS Retreat Donuts 3 FRIDAY February 10, 2013—Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ministerios de la Comisión Hispana LITURGIA Confesiones. Iniciamos la Cuaresma con el Martes de Absolución. Habrá confesiones por más de 12 sacerdotes de 7 a 9 pm. en nuestra parroquia San Francisco de Asís. Español e inglés. Junta Mensual de Comisión Hispana. La junta será el jueves 14 de febrero a las 7:00 pm. Salón San Damiano. TIEMPO DE CUARESMA… ¡Reserva estas fechas! Miércoles de Ceniza. Miércoles 13 de febrero. Liturgia Continua de la Palabra Bilingüe. De 4:00 a 8:30 p.m. Viernes de Vía Crucis. Convivencia con Pescado Frito a las 6:00 pm. Confesiones de 7:00 a 9:00 pm. y Vía Crucis en español para adultos y niños a las 8:00 pm. FORMACIÓN DE FE – Niños / Grupo Juvenil / Quinceañeras Ministerios Invitados al Viernes de Vía Crucis Febrero 15. Encuentro Matrimonial Febrero 22. Grupo Guadalupano Marzo 1. Formación de Fe y Ministerios de Liturgia Marzo 8. Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Marzo 15. Grupo de Oración y Grupo para Padres Marzo 22. Grupo Juvenil y Jóvenes Adultos Capacitación de Ministros de Eucaristía. Invitamos a todos aquellos que desean ser Ministros de Eucaristía (distribuir el Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo) y a quienes actualmente sirven a la próxima capacitación el sábado 2 de marzo de 12:30 a 2:00 pm. en el Gran Salón. Taller de Primera Comunión. Obligatorio para padres y alumnos que recibirán su Primera Comunión en Mayo de este año. Sábado 2 de marzo de 10 am. a 12 pm. JÓVENES ¡Únete a nosotros! ¡A Todos los Jóvenes de San Francisco! Si eres adolescente entre 13 y 17 años de edad ¡Quieres conocer y realizar actividades con jóvenes de tu edad! Deseas aprender y crecer en tú FormAción HumAna y EspirituaL ¡Únete al grupo de Jóvenes, Instrumento de Tu Paz Jrs! ¿Cuándo? Domingos después de la Misa de 1:00p.m. Salones C y D. Si eres mayor de 18 años y estás soltero ¡Únete al grupo de Jóvenes Adultos! ¿Cuándo? Domingos después de la Misa de 1:00p.m. Salón San Damiano. ADULTOS MATRIMONIOS Preparación Matrimonial. Para parejas que viven en unión libre o civil y desean recibir el Sacramento del Matrimonio. Ayuda a la pareja a profundizar y fortalecer su relación, a entender la diferencia entre un matrimonio civil y un matrimonio sacramental. En inglés es el sábado 23 de febrero, 2013 de 8:00 am a 4:30 pm en la Iglesia de Santo Tomás de Aquino 6306 Kenwood Ave. Dallas, TX 75214. Para más información 214-528-2240. Estamos de regreso… ¿Por qué ser Católico? ¿Te gustaría conocer más sobre tu fe y la enseñanza de la Iglesia? Si deseas unirte a un pequeño grupo y aprender junto con otros adultos. Tenemos grupos en diferentes y aquí en San Francisco. Por favor comunícate a la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano al 972.712.2645. St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church—Frisco, TX Community Life Faith Formation The Squires would like to invite you and your family to our monthly Breakfast Café on Sunday, February 17th following the 8:30 am and 10:00 am masses. We will be serving fresh pancakes, ham, country potatoes, scrambled eggs, biscuits, jelly, yogurt, seasonal fruit, orange juice, and coffee. Prices are $3 for children, $5 for adults, $16 maximum for the family. Please join us for a morning of food, fellowship, and fun. Father Zach invites all 5th grade students of St. Francis to a Vocations Awareness Day on Monday, February 18, 2013 at St. Francis. The students will have the chance to hear what exactly a sister, brother, deacon, or priest do every day, as well as ask any questions they want. There will also be recess time filled with fun and games at Warren Park (weather permitting). To RSVP please contact Kathy Deschaw at by February 11. Attention Young Adults in your 20s & 30s - We are excited to introduce The CATHOLICISM Project! CATHOLICISM is a groundbreaking Documentary Film Series and multi-media Study Program. The ten 60-minute DVD episodes take viewers around the world and deep into the Faith, spanning over 50 locations in 15 countries – stunningly filmed in high-definition. We will be meeting as a group twice a month starting in February to watch and discuss these DVDs. To sign up or for additional details, please visit us in the Narthex after Mass this weekend (Feb 9-10) or next weekend (Feb 16-17) or email us at Beth Moore’s Old Testament study, “A Woman’s Heart” Open to all women in the parish, MOMS is hosting a nine week study written by the nationally celebrated Christian Author, Beth Moore. A Woman's Heart is a wonderful journey on how we as Christian Women can build a tabernacle in our hearts to allow our precious Lord to dwell within us. Each participant is asked to contribute $15 to cover the cost of materials and will meet on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 in the San Damiano Room, beginning February 19th. Childcare is not available. Please register via email to The next MOMS Monthly meetings are Tuesday, February 12th at 6:30pm, and Wednesday, February 13th at 9:30am in the San Damiano Room, and our topic is “Stress, Anxiety and Worries”. We invite all mom to join us, we welcome new members every month and childcare is available with advance notification. MOMS IS NOT a playgroup, and it isn’t about our kids! We are a community of mothers at St Francis supporting each other in faith and friendship, strengthening ourselves spiritually so we can best serve our families. For more information, visit our website, or email us at The Reality of Hunduras: On Saturday, February 16th at 6:00 pm in the San Damiano Room, Sister Teresita Gomez, a sister of Notre Dame and a Honduran who has worked with much effort on behalf of the poor for the majority of her 80 years, will be here to speak to us about “Reality of Honduras”. Please attend to learn how we as a parish community can help the suffering in Honduras. Questions? Email Geralyn at There will be no Middle School classes held on Wednesday, February 13th at 6:30PM in observance of Ash Wednesday. Classes for Wednesday, 6:30PM Middle School students will resume on Wednesday, February 20th. Middle School class will be held for students who attend class on Sunday, February 10th. Men’s ACTS Retreat February 21-24, 2013: The next Men’s ACTS Retreat is coming up soon! ACTS stands for Adoration, Community, Theology, and Service. The retreat will be held at Lake Lavon Baptist Camp in Princeton, Tx. We will leave for the retreat center from the church on Thursday evening February 21, 2013 at 6:00pm and return to the church on Sunday February 24, 2013 for the 11:30am Mass. The cost of the retreat is $185, but do not let the cost of the retreat keep you from participating. Registration forms are available in the Narthex. If you require financial assistance or need more information, please contact the Retreat Director John Gertas at 214-882-1703 or the Co-Directors Anthony Cimo at 214-5078549 or Pat Herring at 214-766-9645. Kids Day Out registration is here! If you have a child ages 18months-5 years old and are interested in our KDO Preschool program; come by the education wing during KDO hours during the month of February. Or call our office at 972.712-1657 and we would be glad to help you out. We look forward to hearing from our new families. Financial Peace University is back again! We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God's ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you've dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more! FPU classes meet on Tuesday nights for around an hour and a half each week for nine weeks, beginning on Tuesday, March 5th. For more information, visit or contact us by email, February 10, 2013—Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Lenten & Easter Schedule 2013 Ash Wednesday, February 13 7:00 A.M. Word Service (English) 8:30 Mass (English) 12:15 P.M. Word Service (English) 4:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M. Continual Word Service with imposition of ashes (Bilingual) Each rotation lasts about 20 minutes or so. You may come and go as you please. We hope that you will spend some time in meditation to hear the readings and listen to the music. Friday Night Lenten Events ~Fish Fry 6:00 p.m. ~Stations of the Cross (English) 7:00 p.m. ~Stations of the Cross (Spanish) 8:00 p.m. Children’s Stations of the Cross in Spanish will take place at 8:00 p.m. in the San Damiano Room. Confessions will be heard by our parish priests during the time that Stations of the Cross are taking place each Friday evening, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Our regular Reconciliation schedule will remain in effect as well: Thursdays 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. and Saturdays 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Babysitting will be available between 6:45 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Reservations are strongly recommended and may be made by contacting our Safe Environment Coordinator, Ginny Milich, at 972-712-2645 ext. 228 or If sitting spaces are still available after the events have begun, they will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. Wednesday, March 20 AND Wednesday, March 27-Confessions from 6:00 p.m. until done. The Church encourages us to make Confession a regular part of our spiritual life, especially during the holy season of Lent. March 20 and 27 Confession times have been designed for those Catholics who may have been away from the church to return to this incredible source of God’s grace, mercy and healing. In order for our regular parishioners to avoid longer than normal wait times, we encourage you to attend one of our regularly scheduled Confession times listed on this page. Holy Thursday, March 28--No Confessions today Morning Prayer 8:30 a.m. Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:30 p.m. (Bilingual) followed by Adoration until midnight Good Friday, March 29--No Confessions today Morning Prayer 8:30 a.m. Passion of the Lord followed by the liturgy in Spanish 3:00 p.m. Passion of the Lord liturgy in English 7:30 p.m. English Holy Saturday, March 30--No Confessions today Morning Prayer 10:00 a.m. Blessing of Easter Baskets 10:30 a.m. Easter Vigil 8:30 p.m. Easter Sunday, March 31 7:00 a.m. Bilingual 8:30 a.m. English 10:00 a.m. English 11:30 a.m. English 1:00 p.m. Spanish 6:00 p.m. English Divine Mercy Sunday, April 7 Recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet Exposition of the Holy Eucharist 2:15 p.m. Spanish Service 3:30 p.m. English Service SEMANA SANTA Y PASCUA 2013 Martes de Absolución. 12 de febrero 7:00 PM Confesiones por 12 sacerdotes. Bilingüe (en español e inglés) Miércoles de Ceniza. 13 de febrero 7:00 AM Liturgia de la Palabra en inglés 8:30 AM Misa (horario regular) en inglés 12:15 PM Liturgia de la Palabra en Inglés 4:00 – 8:00 PM Liturgia Continua de la Palabra Bilingüe. Cada segmento de Liturgia es aprox. 20 minutos. Con lecturas y cantos (en español e Inglés) e Imposición de Cenizas. Esperamos que tengan un tiempo de meditación para escuchar las lecturas y la música. Viernes de Vía Crucis y Compartir. 6:00 PM Comida con pescado frito 8:00 PM Vía Crucis en Español en el Gran Salón 8:00 PM Vía Crucis para niños en Español Salón San Damiano Confesiones. Habrá Confesiones durante el Vía Crucis cada viernes en la tarde de 7:00 a 9:00 PM. Continuaremos con el horario regular de Confesiones los jueves de 6:00 a 7:00 p.m. y sábado de 3:30 a 4:30 PM. * Guardería. Estará disponible en los eventos de Viernes de Cuaresma entre las 6:45 a 9:00 PM. Confesiones. Marzo 20 y 27 A partir de las 6:00 PM hasta la última persona. La Iglesia nos exhorta hacer la Confesión, una parte regular de nuestra vida espiritual, especialmente durante el tiempo de Cuaresma. El 20 y 27 de marzo han sido designados para aquellos católicos quienes han estado alejados de la iglesia y regresan a la increíble fuente de gracia de Dios. Para evitar largas filas a nuestros miembros de la parroquia que asisten usualmente a este sacramento les pedimos por favor confesarse con anticipación en el horario regular y durante los viernes de Cuaresma. No esperen hasta el último momento. Semana Santa. Jueves Santo. Marzo 28 – No hay confesiones Oraciones de la Mañana 8:30 AM en inglés Misa de la Última Cena del Señor 7:30 PM Bilingüe seguido por Adoración hasta medianoche Viernes Santo. Marzo 29 – No hay confesiones Oraciones de la Mañana 8:30 AM en inglés Pasión del Señor seguido de la liturgia 3:00 PM en español Liturgia de la Pasión del Señor 7:30 PM en inglés Sábado Santo. Marzo 30. Oraciones de la Mañana 10:00 AM en inglés Bendición de las Canastas de Pascua 10:30 AM Vigilia Pascual 8:30 PM Bilingüe (español e inglés) Pascua. Marzo 31. Domingo de Pascua. 7:00 AM Misa Bilingüe. 1:00 PM Misa en Español Divina Misericordia. Abril 7. Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia y Exposición del Santísimo. 2:15 PM español / 3:30 inglés.
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Please Pray For - New Page 3
Nathan Byers, Associate Development Dir., Ext. 352
Anneliese Rivera, Liturgy Director, Ext. 237
Kevin Shelley, Music Director, Ext. 313
Laura Marquez, Hispanic Ministry Director, Ext. 241