Factsheets - Kinetic Gold


Factsheets - Kinetic Gold
The Future of Discovery
Nevada-focused prospect generators
Our Mission
We employ a prospect generator/JV business model drawing on more
than 50 years of collective experience to generate quality prospects
with the greatest opportunity for discovery. We are actively acquiring
properties and generating new targets, and seek capable partners to
join us in maximizing shareholder value through discovery.
Our Team
 Founded and directed by successful Nevada explorers
 Significant involvement in several Nevada discoveries and
resource development projects
 Extensive technical, management and leadership experience with
major and junior companies
Corporate Development
Kinetic has continued to explore, generate new targets and advance
its business despite challenging market conditions. Over the past few
years, we have optioned two of our projects, completed two
exploration alliances, two private placements, and have added two
new high quality projects to our portfolio:
 Option Agreement w/ Ivy Minerals Inc. (option to acquire any
or all of four generated properties on favorable terms)
 Exploration earn-in Agreement – South Roberts Project
Two drill programs completed, RC and core
(Agreement terminated, March 2015)
 Royalty Financing and Private Placement w/ Callinan
Royalties Corp. (Altius Minerals) funding Project Generation
 Royalty Financing and Private Placement w/ Ivy Minerals Inc.
funding Project Generation (2016)
 Completed Option Agreement on Spring Peak Project, May, 2016
1. South Roberts: Carlin-type Au
2. Ferguson Mtn: Carlin-type Au
3. Spring Peak: Epithermal Au
4. Ely Springs: Carlin-type Au
5. Jupiter: Carlin-type Au
Option Properties
Carlin-type Au
Carlin-type Au
Carlin-type Au
Epithermal and Carlin-type Au
Bob Felder, President & CEO: bfelder@kineticgold.com
Greg Hill, Vice President, Exploration: ghill@kineticgold.com
4790 Caughlin Pkwy. # 410
Reno, Nevada USA 89519
Tel: (775) 624-7764
The Future of Discovery
Project Summaries
1. SOUTH ROBERTS Carlin-type target (Available for Joint Venture)
The South Roberts project is a Carlin-type target on the southern Battle Mountain-Eureka Trend, an area
with a global endowment of nearly 100M oz gold. Our targets occur along a major structural break and
structural intersections interpreted from detailed gravity data, and are further defined by a strong enzyme
leach gold anomaly, with associated As and Sb. This north-northwest trending Carlin-suite geochemical
anomaly and major structural break has a defined strike length of 3.4 miles (5.5 km). Drill testing in 2014
has confirmed shallow depths to Paleozoic bedrock and intersected anomalous gold and Carlinsuite geochemistry in all drill holes, confirming the presence of a gold bearing hydrothermal system.
2. SPRING PEAK Low-sulfidation epithermal target (Optioned)
The Spring Peak project is a well preserved, low-sulfidation epithermal gold system in the Walker Lane
structural corridor near the Aurora, Borealis and Bodie deposits. Historic production from these deposits is
in excess of 4M oz gold and 25M oz silver. Spring Peak is characterized by widespread gold on surface, in
banded veins with grades up to 35 g Au/t, and associated high As, Sb and Hg. Minor past drilling has been
conducted (1980’s), and consisted of mostly shallow, vertical holes, which encountered widespread gold
mineralization with grades up to 1.93 g Au/t. Our work has defined multiple high-grade bonanza vein
targets, which have not been tested by past drilling.
3. FERGUSON MOUNTAIN Carlin-type target (Available for Joint Venture)
The Ferguson Mountain project is an untested Carlin-type target in the platform carbonates of eastern
Nevada. Targets are indicated by surface geochemical leakage of As and Sb along structures, with gold in
rock chip samples up to 0.44 g Au/t. Drill targets are defined by the intersections of high angle, gold-bearing
structures, favorable stratigraphy, geologic contacts, altered felsic dikes and low angle structural zones, all
documented by Kinetic Gold’s geologic mapping. Our targets have never been drill tested.
4. ELY SPRINGS Carlin-type target (Available for Joint Venture)
The Ely Springs project is an untested Carlin-type target in the platform carbonates of southeastern Nevada.
Rock chip samples up to 1.93 g Au/t with elevated As, Sb, Hg and Tl ± base metals occur in lower
Paleozoic carbonate rocks displaying extensive development of solution/collapse breccias in a similar
stratigraphic setting to Long Canyon. This area has had historic, small scale production of Pb, Zn and Ag
from small surface workings and has not been explored for gold in a modern context. Our work has
generated new, untested drill targets with significant discovery potential in this environment.
5. JUPITER Carlin-type target (Available for Joint Venture)
The Jupiter project contains a large, exposed gold-bearing hydrothermal system with a known strike length
in excess of 5 kilometers, with limited historic drilling. Extensive mineralized jasperoids, folded and
thrusted Cambrian-Ordovician stratigraphy, Carlin-suite geochemistry with low base metals and altered
felsic dikes represent key prospectivity elements for targeting the discovery of a large Carlin-style gold
deposit. Our geologic and targeting work has developed several new, high-quality, untested drill targets.
Bob Felder, President & CEO: bfelder@kineticgold.com
Greg Hill, Vice President, Exploration: ghill@kineticgold.com
4790 Caughlin Pkwy. # 410
Reno, Nevada USA 89511
Tel: (775) 624-7764
The Future of Discovery
Ferguson Mountain Project
Elko County, NV
The Ferguson Mountain project was generated through Kinetic Gold’s regional grass roots targeting
efforts. Our observations indicate geologic similarities to Newmont’s recently acquired Long Canyon
project, as well as other gold deposits discovered in historic base metal districts. We believe that there is
significant potential to discover subtly exposed or blind deposits in the shelf carbonate environment in the
eastern Great Basin, an area that has not been extensively explored for large Carlin-type gold deposits.
 24 unpatented claims (approx. 480 acres)
 Sediment-hosted, Carlin-type target
 Along NW gravity break
Greg is an exploration geologist with 20 years experience with major and
junior mining companies in Nevada, and internationally. This experience
includes exploration, development, and expansion of resources at several
major Nevada mines including the
KM Twin Creeks and Lone Tree mines then
operated by Santa Fe and the Rosebud mine. He has served in technical
and executive roles ranging from mine site exploration and development
to prospect generation, project management, financing, and corporate
leadership. Greg has worked or consulted for many C’companies, notably,
Residual Gravity
map of NE Nevada,
Santa Fe Pacific Gold, and Bar Greg
gold trends and interpreted NW breaks in the platform
possibly representing
crustal structures
is a past
Society of Nevada and an active member
of the
 Similarities
to Long
Quaternary Alluvium
Quaternary Older Alluvium
Quaternary Talus Deposits
Cretaceous/Tertiary Intrusives
Permian Kaibab Fm.
Permian Pequop Fm.
Permian Ferguson Mtn. Fm.
Pennsylvanian Ely Fm.
Mississippian Chainman Shale
Miss.-Dev. Joana Limestone
Miss.-Dev. Pilot Shale
Devonian Guilmette Fm.
• Solution/collapse breccias in thick
carbonate section
• Decalcified, hematitic limestones
• Strong NW and NE structural fabric
• Minor silicification
• Historic base-metals occurrences
Geologic map of the Ferguson Mountain project area (KGC, 2012)
Available for joint venture
Robert P. Felder, President & CEO: bfelder@kineticgold.com
Gregory T. Hill, Vice-President, Exploration: ghill@kineticgold.com
4790 Caughlin Pkwy. #410
Reno, Nevada USA 89519
Tel: (775) 624-7764
The Future of Discovery
Ferguson Mountain Project
Rock Chips
Au to 0.44 g/t
Ag to 26.7 g/t
As to 8220 ppm
Sb to 835 ppm
Anomalous gold and pathfinders in rocks
are spatially associated with NE, EW and
NW structures and their intersections. Soil
geochemistry (arsenic shown at left) also corresponds
well with mapped structures, and, like gold in rocks, is
closely associated with the NE, EW, and NW faults.
Greg is an exploration geologist with 20 years experience with major and
junior mining companies in Nevada, and internationally. This experience
includes exploration, development, and expansion of resources at several
major Nevada mines including the Twin Creeks and Lone Tree mines then
operated by Santa Fe and the Rosebud mine. He has served in technical
Partially silicified
with anomalousand
gold (0.44
g/t) from
and Gold
roles ranging from mine
in rock chips over arsenic in soils.
NE-trending fault zone
to prospect generation, project management, financing, and corporate
leadership. Greg has worked or consulted for many companies, notably,
 The Ferguson
Gold, Cambior, Placer Dome, Santa FeC’ Pacific
and project
Bar is Greg
example of a mostly blind Carlin-type
is a past President and Director Society of Nevada target
andin the
carbonates of eastern Nevada
of the geologic community.
 Target is manifested at surface by
geochemical leakage along structures
 Drill targets defined by coincident Au,
As, Ag geochemical signature and
favorable structures, stratigraphic
horizons and collapse breccias
 Never been drill tested
Geologic cross-section showing target model for gold mineralization and proposed drill holes
Prospect Generators...
Nevada focused..
The Future of Discovery
Fresh targets.
South Roberts Project
Eureka County, NV
Kinetic Gold believes that a major gold deposit in this district is likely to be found hidden beneath
shallow to moderate thicknesses of gravel in Kobeh Valley. Carlin-type districts generally
comprise one or more multi-million ounce gold deposits and a cluster of smaller satellite
deposits. The Roberts Mountains contain a number of small Carlin-type deposits, but to date no
major gold deposit has been found.
 89 claims (approx. 1780 acres)
in southern Battle Mtn.-Eureka Trend
Gold Bar satellite
 Carlin-type gold target in Roberts
Mountains pediment – major deposit
not yet found in this district
Gold Bar
 Compelling fit of geological, structural,
geophysical and geochemical data
underpin South Roberts targets
 High potential for discovery of large
Carlin-type deposits
 Positive first drill test - 2014
Historic production 588,000 oz. gold
Gold Bar resources: 805,096 oz. gold
(M, I & I - McEwen Mining, 2012)
Afgan resources: 121,000 oz. Au
(I & I - NV Gold, 2011)
Geologic map of the southern part of the Roberts Mountains,
showing Carlin-type gold deposits, and location of Kinetic Gold
claim block
2014 Drilling Confirms Concealed Gold System
 Drill program intersects anomalous gold plus
Carlin-suite geochemistry in all six holes
 Webb-Devils Gate contact intersected in 4
of 6 holes, displaying alteration and
anomalous gold + Carlin suite geochemistry
 Rain-style target environment
Location of the South Roberts project among gold deposits of
the Battle Mountain – Eureka Trend
Available for joint venture
Robert P. Felder, President & CEO: bfelder@kineticgold.com
Gregory T. Hill, Vice-President, Exploration: ghill@kineticgold.com
4790 Caughlin Pkwy. #410
Reno, Nevada USA 89511
Tel: (775) 624-7764
The Future of Discovery
South Roberts Project
Structures interpeted
from gravity data
 Targets are under shallow pediment
 3.4 mile (5.5 km) north-northwest
alignment of gold + Carlin-suite
pathfinder anomalies, coincident with
structures and structural intersections
interpreted from gravity data
claim block
 WNW and NW structural controls
indicated by gold deposits, anomalous
soils, and gravity features
 Tightly spaced gravity data underpins
structural interpretation and indicates
shallow to moderate depths to bedrock,
confirmed by 2014 drilling
 Claim block covers area with shallow
depth to bedrock, including favorable
lower plate carbonates
 Analogous environment to Newmont’s
Rain deposit on the Carlin Trend
2014 drill holes on residual gravity, with structural interpretation and gold in
soils by enzyme leach, showing correspondence of structure and
anomalous Carlin-suite geochemistry.
Geologic cross-section showing target model for mineralization at South Roberts, integrating 2014 drill results,
geology and project-scale detailed gravity
Prospect Generators...
Nevada focused..
The Future of Discovery
Fresh targets.
Spring Peak Project
Mineral County, NV
The Spring Peak property hosts a very well preserved low-sulfidation epithermal gold system. Only minimal
exploration has taken place in the last three decades here, and prior drilling on the project intersected
widespread anomalous gold in very short and mostly vertical holes. Since the early drilling, geologic
models of epithermal gold systems have advanced greatly and point to untested high-grade bonanza vein
targets at Spring Peak.
Sinter terrace
Greg is an exploration geologist with 20 years experience with major and
junior mining companies in Nevada, and internationally. This experience
includes exploration, development, and expansion of resources at several
major Nevada mines including the Twin Creeks and Lone Tree mines then
operated by Santa Fe and the Rosebud mine. He has served in technical
Location of Spring Peak project
and executive roles ranging from mine site exploration and development
to prospect
project management, financing, and corporate
Gold in rock chips
up to 35 g/Au/t
 Drill InterceptsGreg
up to 10 feet
@ 1.64
g Au/t
or consulted for many companies, notably,
 Well preserved low-sulfidation system
Gold, Cambior, Placer Dome, Santa Fe Pacific Gold, and Bar Greg
 Multiple banded veins
is apast
Quartz after
bladed calcite and
texturesDirector Society of Nevada and an active member
 Hydrothermal
vents community.
and breccias
of the
 Preserved sinter terrace
- - - -  19 historic shallow drill holes (avg. 280 ft)
 Widespread anomalous gold in prior drilling
 Bonanza vein targets not yet tested
Geologic map with structural interpretation, gold in rock chips and historic
drill holes (KGC, 2012)
Available for joint venture
Robert P. Felder, President & CEO: bfelder@kineticgold.com
Gregory T. Hill, Vice-President, Exploration: ghill@kineticgold.com
4790 Caughlin Pkwy. # 410
Reno, Nevada USA 89519
Tel: (775) 624-7764
The Future of Discovery
Spring Peak Project
Greg is an exploration geologist with 20 years experience with major and
in Nevada, and internationally. This experience
As inmining
soils, Au in rocks,
exploration, development, and expansion of resources at several
Our structural interpretation was built from 185 structural measurements on faults,
and veins.
Where possible,
recorded and
and Lone Tree mines then
integrated into the model, which indicates that WNW, ENE and NS zones control
veins andby
A strong chargeability
Fe and
the Rosebud
He has served in technical
exists within the WNW trend and may represent an altered (sulfidic?) dike swarm
depth. Most ofroles
the targets
were not tested
historic drilling,
and atpredominantly
fromby mine
site which
and development
shallow, vertical holes.
to prospect generation, project management, financing, and corporate
Greg has worked or consulted for many companies, notably,
Harvest Gold, Cambior, Placer Dome, Santa Fe Pacific Gold, and Bar Greg
is a2400
past President and Director Society of Nevada and an active member
of the geologic community.
Cross-section A-A’ showing proposed drill holes testing structural (vein) targets derived from current structural interpretation.
Near-section historic drill holes are shown
Prospect Generators...
Nevada focused..
The Future of Discovery
Fresh targets.
Ely Springs Project
Lincoln County, NV
Kinetic Gold believes that the platform carbonate terrains of eastern Nevada and western Utah
are highly prospective for the discovery of new Carlin-type deposits. The Ely Springs Range lies
just to the west of the historic Pioche District (Ag-Pb-Zn), and may represent a distal, gold-rich
zone. The targets are hosted within Cambrian and Ordovician carbonate rocks and contain many
favorable geologic characteristics supporting the discovery potential for Carlin-style
Similarities to Long Canyon Au Deposit
 Shallow water platform carbonate host rocks
 Solution/collapse breccias at/near Cambrian-Ordovician
 Alteration and Au mineralization at limestone/dolomite contacts
 Presence of jasperoids, zebra dolomite
Ely Springs Project
Location of the
Ely Springs project
relative to the major gold
trends in Nevada
Geologic mapping by Kinetic Callinan Generative, 2015
Available for joint venture
Robert P. Felder, President & CEO: bfelder@kineticgold.com
Gregory T. Hill, Vice-President, Exploration: ghill@kineticgold.com
4790 Caughlin Pkwy. #410
Reno, Nevada USA 89511
Tel: (775) 624-7764
The Future of Discovery
Ely Springs Project
Cross-sections A-A’ and B-B’ showing surface geochemistry and targets for mineralization
Project Highlights
 Gold in rock chips up to 1.93 ppm Au associated
with elevated As, Sb, Hg, Tl ± base metals
 Intersection of N and WNW-trending structural zones
with faulting, folding and anomalous Au over 2.5 km.
 C-O carbonates/unconformity
 Extensive dissolution/collapse breccia
 40 unpatented claims (approx. 800 acres)
 Southern extension of Battle Mtn – Eureka Trend?
Dissolution breccia at Cambrian/Ordovician unconformity
Prospect Generators...
Nevada focused..
The Future of Discovery
Fresh targets.
Jupiter Project
Nye County, NV
Kinetic Gold is committed to exploring for new Carlin-style gold deposits in the platform
carbonate terrains of eastern Nevada and western Utah. The Jupiter project comprises a
large, exposed gold-bearing hydrothermal system with a known strike length in excess of 5
kilometers, and limited historic drilling. Extensive mineralized jasperoids, folded and
thrusted Cambrian-Ordovician stratigraphy, Carlin-suite geochemistry with low base metals
and altered felsic dikes represent key prospectivity elements for targeting the discovery of a
large Carllin-style gold deposit. Our field-based work has developed several untested, highquality targets.
Project Highlights
NE Pediment Target
Eagle Target
East Target
Dike Ridge Target
 Large gold system affecting both
Tertiary volcanics and Paleozoic
 Widespread Au in rocks, up to
3.1 g/t, with As, Sb, Hg, Tl, and low
base metals
 Complex structural fabric and first
identification of thrust fault placing
Cambrian over Ordovician
 New, untested drill targets, including
Cambrian-Ordovician unconformity
(Long Canyon host horizon)
Silicified limestone with silica-lined vugs and
goethite / hematite, containing 2.1g Au/t, 6.9
ppm Ag, 3740 ppm As, 173 ppm Hg, 169 ppm
Available for joint venture
Robert P. Felder, President & CEO: bfelder@kineticgold.com
Gregory T. Hill, Vice-President, Exploration: ghill@kineticgold.com
4790 Caughlin Pkwy. #410
Reno, Nevada USA 89511
Tel: (775) 624-7764
The Future of Discovery
Jupiter Project
Drill Targets
Utilizing our geologic mapping, sampling and biostratigraphic studies, we have developed a geologic
model and several target concepts:
 Cambrian-Ordovician unconformity targets: Based on conodont age determinations, we have
reinterpreted stratigraphic and structural relationships, and now recognize a Cambrian over
Ordovician thrust relationship, which bears directly on this target concept. The CambrianOrdovician unconformity, representing a worldwide sea-level low stand with extensive karst
development is known to be a regional fluid flow zone and is a key control at gold deposits such as
Long Canyon, NV and Gualcamayo, Argentina. This unconformity occurs at potentially shallow
depths at Jupiter. The intersection of mineralized structures and the unconformity holds potential
for the formation of a large Carlin-style gold deposit. (NE pediment and Eagle targets).
 Tertiary-Paleozoic unconformity targets: Gold mineralization occurs along and adjacent to the
exposed NNE high-angle fault contact between Tertiary volcanics and Paleozoic carbonates in the
eastern part of the Jupiter property. Volcanic rocks and carbonates are silicified and mineralized
along the contact zone. A significant target exists at the base of the Tertiary volcanic package
where fed by high angle mineralized structures (NE pediment and East targets).
 High angle structural targets: The highest grade samples at Jupiter are associated with EW and
WNW high angle structures associated with altered felsic dikes (East and Dike Ridge targets).
Past workers reported anomalous results including 1.154 g Au/t over 10 feet in limited vertical
Section 4181100N
NE Pediment,
East Targets
Eagle Target
Prospect Generators...
Nevada focused..
The Future of Discovery
Fresh targets.