Walmart Distribution Center #6064
Walmart Distribution Center #6064
WALMART SITEWORK SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Division Section Title Other Contracting Requirements (including Agreement, Bond, and Certificate Forms) are issued by the owner under separate cover and are not included in the Project Manual SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 1 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01458 Testing Laboratory Services 01742 Construction/Demolition Waste Management 01770 Contract Closeout DIVISION 2 - SITE CONSTRUCTION 02220 Site Demolition 02300 Earthwork 02340 Soil Stabilization 02370 Erosion and Sedimentation Control (Including SWPPP) 02715 Base Course 02751 Concrete Paving 02765 Pavement Markings END OF TABLE OF CONTENTS Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 05/23/11 SEALS PAGE PROJECT: Name: Location: Project Number: Store Number: Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500 3470 Windmill Drive, Cleburne, Texas B000152.001 #6064-500 CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTANT OF RECORD Dunaway Associates, L.P. 550 Bailey Avenue Suite 400 Fort Worth, Texas 76107 ____________________________________ _________ Civil Engineering Consultant of Record Date Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 05/23/11 UniSpec II 042409 SECTION 01458 - TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Administrative and procedural requirements for Owner provided testing and inspection services. B. Related Documents and Sections: 1. Document 00700 - General Conditions: Inspections, testing, and approvals required by public authorities. 2. Section 01770 - Contract Closeout: Project Record Documents. 3. Section 01640 - Owner Furnished Products: General procedures related to Owner furnished work and Work of other Contractors. 4. Section 01452 – Contractor Quality Control: Administrative and procedural requirements for Contractor quality assurance and quality control. 5. Section 01454 – Architect-Engineer Quality Assurance Observation: Site observation by Owner’s Architect and Engineer Consultants. 6. Section 01455 - Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing: Wal-Mart procurement of test and balance for heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems. 7. Section 01456 – Civil Engineer Consultant Quality Assurance Observation: Site observation by Owner’s Civil Engineer Consultant. C. General requirements for testing and inspection to be performed by the Contractor is specified in Section 01452. 1.2 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. B. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) 1. AASHTO R18 - Establishing and Implementing a Quality System for Construction Materials Testing Laboratories. C. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. ASTM C 1077 - Laboratories Testing Concrete and Concrete Aggregates for Use in Construction and Criteria for Laboratory Evaluation. 2. ASTM C 1093 - Accreditation of Testing Agencies for Unit Masonry. 3. ASTM D 3740 - Minimum Requirements for Agencies Engaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as Used in Engineering Design and Construction. 4. ASTM D 3666 - Minimum Requirements for Agencies Testing and Inspecting Road and Paving Materials. 5. ASTM D 7186 - Quality Assurance Observation of Roof Construction and Repair. 6. ASTM E 329 - Agencies Engaged in the Testing and/or Inspection Of Materials Used in Construction. 7. ASTM E 543 - Agencies Performing Nondestructive Testing. 8. ASTM E 699 - Criteria for Evaluation of Agencies Involved in Testing, Quality Assurance, and Evaluating Building Components in Accordance with Test Methods Promulgated by ASTM Committee E-6. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Testing: Evaluation of systems, primarily requiring physical manipulation and analysis of materials, in accordance with approved standards. B. Inspection: Evaluation of systems primarily requiring observation and engineering judgment. 01458-1 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500 05/24/11 C. Quality Assurance: Activities, actions, and procedures performed before and during execution of the Work to guard against defects and deficiencies and substantiate that proposed construction will substantially comply with construction documents. D. Quality Control: Tests, inspections, procedures, and related actions during and after execution of the Work to evaluate that actual products incorporated into the Work and completed construction substantially comply with construction documents. E. Quality assurance and quality control may be performed by either the Contractor or the Construction Testing Laboratory employed by the Owner. F. Construction Testing Laboratory (CTL): The independent testing and inspection agency employed by the Owner. G. Architect of Record (AOR): The prime consultant in charge of overall design and coordination of the building. H. Engineer of Record (EOR): The Registered Engineer in responsible charge of engineering design for the project. I. Structural Engineer of Record (SER): The Registered Engineer in responsible charge of the structural design for the project. J. Civil Engineering Consultant (CEC): The Registered Engineer in responsible charge of the civil design for the project. K. Architect - Engineer (A/E): A collective term to include the AOR, CEC, SER, and the Mechanical, Electrical, and Fire Protection EOR. L. Special Inspector (SI): The Special Inspector under the direct supervision of a registered civil/structural engineer (unless otherwise specified) regularly engaged in inspection, and experienced with the type of work requiring related testing and inspection. The categories of special inspector are: 1. Technical I (TI): A Technician who is an employee of a qualified and approved testing laboratory. Lab work shall be performed in a qualified testing laboratory. 2. Technical II (TII): A Technician with a minimum of 2 years experience, or a graduate engineer, and is an employee of a qualified and approved testing laboratory. 3. Technical III (TIII): An engineer regularly engaged in related work with a minimum of 4 years of experience, licensed in the State in which the project is located, and is an employee of a qualified and approved testing laboratory. This licensed engineer shall review and approve all final field reports. 4. Structural I (SI): A graduate civil/structural engineer, or other trained and experienced personnel acceptable to the SER, with experience in the testing and inspection of related structural systems. 5. Structural II (SII): A civil/structural engineer regularly engaged in related work with a minimum of 4 years of experience, licensed in the State in which the project is located. The licensed engineer shall review and approve all inspection reports. 6. Independent Roofing Inspector (IRI): A technician employed or subcontracted by the CTL for the purpose of field observation of roofing installation. The CTL shall be certified as a Registered Roofing Observer (RRO) by the Institute of Roofing, Waterproofing, and Building Envelope Professionals (RCI) (Formerly Roof Consultants Institute) The IRI shall be the responsible person in charge of the following: a. Overall supervision and implementation of the roof observation program including, b. Training and supervision of the CTL roofing technicians. c. Site visits during the roof installation at least once and as many times as necessary to ensure adequate observations and proper installation d. Field reports, e. Roof installation observation, f. Field testing recommendations, g. Oversight of remedial repairs in the field h. Administration and maintenance of the online Wal-Mart Observation Log with respect to roofing defects and repairs. 7. Roofing Technician: A technician employed by the CTL with training and experience in roofing construction or inspection. The Roofing Technician shall be under the direct supervision of the IRI and shall provide continuous inspection during roofing work. 01458-2 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500 05/24/11 8. Unique special inspector requirements, for specific materials and system, are noted in related technical specification sections. M. Building Official: The Officer or his duly authorized representative charged with the administration and enforcement of the local building code. N. Continuous Inspection: The full-time observation of work requiring special inspection by an approved special inspector who is present in the area where the work is being performed. O. Periodic Inspection: The part-time or intermittent observation of work requiring special inspection by an approved special inspector who is present in the area where the work has been or is being performed and at the completion of the work. P. Deviation: Any item or component of work that does not substantially conform to the requirements of the construction plans and/or specifications and which has not been corrected by the end of business on the day it is identified. A life-safety deviation is any construction deviation that poses a serious hazard to any person. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. CTL Information: Submit the following:information: Testing laboratory name, address, and telephone number, and names of full time Registered Engineer and responsible officer. B. Reports: Submit Testing and Inspection (T&I) Reports within 3 working days of T&I occurrence. C. Roof Observation Program. D. Submit all submittals to the following: 1. CEC: 1 copy. (Site work T&I only) 2. SER: 1 copy (Construction Administration Leader) (Bldg T&I only) 3. AOR: 2 copies (Construction Administration Leader). (Bldg T&I and Roof Observation Program) 4. Contractor: 3 copies. 5. Building Official: Quantities as required. 6. Owner. 1.5 CONSTRUCTION TESTING LABORATORY (CTL) QUALITY REQUIREMENTS A. Testing agency will comply with requirements of ASTM C 1077, ASTM C 1093, ASTM D 3740, ASTM D 3666, ASTM E 329 ASTM E 543, ASTM E 699, and AASHTO R18. B. Laboratory: Authorized to operate in state in which Project is located. C. Testing Equipment: Calibrated at reasonable intervals with devices of an accuracy traceable to either National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standards or accepted values of natural physical constants. D. The CTL shall have and maintain a written Quality Manual (QM) for their laboratory conforming to the Appendix requirements ASTM E 329 or AASHTO R18. The QM shall be available for review by the Wal-Mart Construction Manager upon request. The QM shall be organized similar to Quality Manual Requirements of AASHTO R18 and include such information as follows: 1. Organization and Organizational Policies 2. Staff 3. Equipment 4. Test Data Control and Reports 5. Diognostic and Corrective Action 6. Internal Quality System Review 7. Subcontracting 8. Statement certifying compliance with ASTM standards specified above. 01458-3 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500 05/24/11 1.6 OWNER RESPONSIBILITIES A. 1.7 Employment and payment for services of an Construction Testing Laboratory (CTL) and/or Special Inspector (SI) to perform specified testing and inspecting will be by the Owner under separate contract except for specified testing required to be selected and paid for by the Contractor as may be required by individual specification sections. CONSTRUCTION TESTING LABORATORY AND SPECIAL INSPECTOR RESPONSIBILITIES A. Responsibilities include inspections, tests, and related actions including reports performed by testing or inspection service. They do not include Contract enforcement activities performed by the Wal-Mart Construction Manager or authorities having jurisdiction. 1. Provide the Architect of Record a copy of the contractual provisions defining the CTL’s and SI’s scope of services. B. The CTL/SI representative shall attend a pre-construction meeting prior to actual start of the Project. Except for the roofing inspection, the CTL/SI representative shall be the Registered Professional Engineer assigned to the project. C. Maintain a copy of Contract Drawings and Specifications with all Addenda and Change Orders. Use the Contract Documents supplemented by the approved shop drawings and applicable material and workmanship provisions of the Code for testing and inspection of the work. D. Provide qualified personnel at site to comply with schedule and submit reports for each test and inspection as defined in Part 3 of this Section. Testing and inspection, except roofing inspection, shall be under supervision of the Registered Professional Engineer (P.E.) in the state where Project is located. E. Perform specified inspection, sampling, and testing of work, materials, and equipment in accordance with specified standards. F. Ascertain compliance of materials and mixes with requirements of Contract Documents. G. Perform testing and inspection in a timely manner to avoid delay of work. H. Develop a comprehensive Roof Observation Program to be administered by the IRI outlining the specific activities and details of roofing site observations. The program shall conform and implement the requirements of ASTM D 7186 including the applicable forms therein. I. If observed deviations from the Contract Drawings, Specifications, or building code will be probable cause of subsequent rejection of work or material, notify Contractor, the Wal-Mart Construction Manager, Sitework Engineering Consultant, and Architect of Record, sufficiently in advance for determination to continue operations or take corrective measures before continuing. If uncorrected after a reasonable period of time, bring the situation to the attention of the Structural Engineer of Record, the Building Official, and to the Architect of Record. J. Track resolutions and remedial repairs to deviations and subsequent conformance to the Contract Documents on the Observation Log. K. Report any observed life safety issue immediately to Contractor and Wal-Mart Construction Manager. After notification is given to the Contractor and the Wal-Mart Construction Manager, the CTL/SI shall also log the life safety issue on Wal-Mart’s Observation Log. L. Perform retesting due to non-conformance with the Contract Documents. Costs will be deducted from the Sum due the Contractor. M. Provide a final conformance letter to Wal-Mart, the SER and the AOR. An example is attached at the end of this section. 01458-4 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500 05/24/11 N. Testing and inspection by the Building Official do not preclude the normal field involvement and site observations by Architect or Structural Engineer of Record, nor shall it relieve the Contractor of any responsibility to complete the work in accordance with the approved drawings and specifications. O. Construction Testing Laboratory And Special Inspector Limits On Authority: The CTL or SI may not: 1. Release, revoke, alter, or enlarge on requirements of Contract Documents. 2. Approve or accept any portion of the Work. 3. Assume any duties of Contractor. 4. Stop the Work. P. Testing and inspecting services performed by the CTL (Construction Testing Laboratory) are required to verify compliance with requirements specified or indicated. 1. CTL services do not relieve Contractor of responsibility for compliance with the Contract Document requirements nor limit Contractor's other quality-assurance and -control procedures that facilitate compliance with the Contract Document requirements. 2. Specific quality-assurance and -control requirements for individual construction activities shall be as specified in the Sections that specify those activities. 3. Requirements for Contractor to provide quality-assurance and -control services required by Architect, Owner, Construction Manager, or authorities having jurisdiction do not limit responsibilities of the CTL. 1.8 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES A. Cooperate with CTL/SI personnel, and provide access to the Work and to manufacturer's facilities. B. Provide incidental labor and facilities to provide access to Work to be tested, to obtain and handle samples at the site or at source of products to be tested, to facilitate tests and inspections, and to provide storage and curing of test samples. Provide lift equipment as required for inspection personnel of the Owner or the Owner’s representatives. C. Provide CTL 24 hour notice prior to expected time for operations requiring inspecting and testing services. D. Notify in writing the Wal-Mart Construction Manager three working days prior to expected time for operations requiring inspecting and testing services. E. Provide the CTL/SI with access to the internet for the purpose of logging deviations onto the Wal-Mart Observation Log on the Wal-Mart Building Portal website. 1.9 CONSTRUCTION TESTING LABORATORY AND SPECIAL INSPECTOR REPORTS A. Submit test and inspection reports to the Contractor, the Structural Engineer of Record, the AOR and other designated persons in accordance with the Testing and Inspection Summary Schedule. Submit test and inspection reports to the Building Official as required. B. Submit reports as required herein and conduct and interpret tests and inspections. C. Test and Inspection Reports: 1. Submit test and inspection reports showing the following information: a. Date issued. b. Project title and number. c. Store number. d. Firm name and address. e. Name and signature of tester or inspector. f. Name and seal of registered engineer in responsible charge (as applicable). g. Date and time of sampling. h. Date of test or inspection. i. Identification of product and specification section. j. Location in project, including elevations, grid location and detail. k. Type of test or inspections. 01458-5 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500 05/24/11 l. m. Results of tests or inspections and interpretation of same. Observations regarding compliance with Contract Documents or deviations therefrom. D. Submit a separate final signed report stating whether the work requiring inspection is, to the best of the inspector's knowledge, in conformance with the approved plans, specifications, and the applicable workmanship provisions of the building code. E. Reports shall be made on 8-1/2 by 11 white paper, suitable for photocopying and binding in booklet form. Sheets shall have the CTL letterhead (including phone number and address). Larger sheets shall be folded and bound into the booklet. F. Tests and inspections indicating non-conformance (deviations) to the Contract Documents shall be brought to the attention of the Contractor, Sitework Engineering Consultant, and Architect of Record upon discovery in the form of hard copy reports and entered into the Wal-Mart Observation Log within 24 hours. G. Deviations from the Contract Documents, as defined above, shall be logged onto the Wal-Mart Observation Log by the CTL/SI representative on site. (, enter username and password, select Observation Log). Follow instructions on the Observation Log website for entry of information. H. The Wal-Mart Construction Manager in conjunction with the CTL and/or SI will determine when to involve the AOR or EOR for remedial action. PART 2 PRODUCTS Not Used. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PRODUCTION TESTING A. General Requirements: 1. Testing shall be conducted as specified in the individual specification sections. 2. Tests and inspections shall, as a minimum, be performed by Technical I (TI) inspector if not otherwise specified in the individual section. 3. If inspection of fabricators work is required, the Owner's representative may require testing and inspection of the work at the plant before shipment. 4. Testing and inspection shall be performed in accordance with the industry standard used as the reference for the specific material or procedure unless other criteria are specified. In the absence of a referenced standard, tests shall be accomplished in accordance with generally accepted industry standards. 5. Work shall be checked as it progresses, but failure to detect any defective work or materials shall in no way prevent later rejection if defective work or materials are discovered, nor shall it obligate Owner to accept such work. B. Applicable Sections: Testing by the Owner’s Construction Testing Laboratory is summarized in the following CTL Testing and Inspection Program Summary Schedule. Refer to the applicable individual sections for specific details. The Schedule provides summary information only and does not preclude or supersede requirements contained in the individual sections.” 01458-6 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500 05/24/11 CTL Testing and Inspection Program Summary Schedule Project Name_________________________________________________Project No. ______________________ Location: ___________________________________________ Permit No. ____________________(To be provided by the Building Official) Section & Title 02300 - Earthwork 02340 - Soil Stabilization 02715 - Base Course 02740 - Asphalt Pavement 02751 - Concrete Pavement 02770 - Curbs and Sidewalks 02830 – Segmental Retaining Wall System 02900- Planting 03310 - Structural Concrete and Exterior Concrete Slabs. 03312 - Cast-In-Place Concrete Slabs (Interior) 03362 – Polished Concrete Floors 03410 – Plant Precast Structural Conc Panels 04200 - Masonry Mortar & Grout 04200 - Concrete Masonry Units 05090 – Post Installed Concrete & Masonry Anchors Description of Test or Observation Type of Inspector Report Frequency Tests: Classification of Materials, Laboratory Testing, Field Density Tests Observation: Subgrades/excavation bases, bearing capacity, presence of groundwater, cut & fill slopes. Unconfined compression tests, density tests Tests: Field density, thickness. Inspection: Placement Testing: Core sampling & tests, thickness, smoothness, field density, lab tests. Inspection: Placement. Testing: Lab test, field tests, core sampling & testing. Inspection: Placement, mix. Testing: Lab test, field tests, core sampling & testing. Inspection: Placement, mix. Testing: SRW unit compression test, lab and field soil tests. Testing: Topsoil analysis Inspection: Verify depth of topsoil. Testing: Lab test, field tests Inspection: Forms, slabs, reinforcement, conc. mix, placement, curing, embedded items Testing: Lab test, field tests Inspection: Forms, slabs, reinforcement, conc. mix, placement, curing, embedded items, hardener/densifier Testing: Gloss measurement, slip resistance measurement. Inspection: Precast panel erection. TI, TII, or TIII as specified As specified in Paragraph: SUBMITTALS TI Same TI Same TI Same TI Same TI Same TII Same TI Per test/observation TI, TII, or SI as specified Same TI, TII, or SI as specified Same TI Same TI Per observaton Testing: Mortar and Grout Verification of mixes. Testing: Strength tests Inspection: Placement, bond beams, openings, pilasters, reinforcement, grouting Testing: Pullout & sheer test if reqd. Inspection: Anchor holes, anchor size, embedment, and tightening. TI Same TII or SI Same TII or SI Same 01458-7 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500 05/24/11 05120 - Structural Steel 05210 - Steel Joists 05300 - Metal Deck 05400 - Cold Formed Metal Framing 07530 - Elastomeric Membrane Roofing Testing: Bolting, Shop & Field Welding Inspection: Welding, fasteners, submittals, detail compatibility Testing: Bolting, Shop & Field Welding Inspection: Welding, fasteners, materials, submittals, detail compatibility Inspection: Welding, fasteners, materials, submittals, detail compatibility Inspection: Welding, fasteners, materials, submittals, detail compatibility Full time inspection of roofing installation. 09650 - Resilient Flooring Testing: Moisture Test of concrete slab 02456 - Composite Piles Testing: Load Test Inspection: Installation, location, elevation. TII or SI Same TII or SI Same TII or SI Same TII or SI Same Wal-Mart Independent Roofing Inspector (IRI) T1 Completion of Roofing TI Per observation Per Test END OF SECTION 01458-8 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500 05/24/11 [Example Conformance Letter from Testing and Inspection Agency (CTL) – note all items in parentheses are notes or items to be edited for each individual project] [Mr. Construction Manager] Wal-Mart Construction Sam M. Walton Development Complex 2001 S. E. 10th Street Bentonville, Arkansas 72716 [Re: Supercenter (Store #xxx) – City, State] [Dear Construction Manager:] The purpose of this letter is to state to Wal-Mart, the Architect of Record and the Engineer of Record that, to the best of our knowledge, the construction on the above referenced project has been completed in substantial conformance with the approved Contract Documents and with the provisions of the applicable building code. In the capacity of owner’s testing and inspecting agency, periodic reports as well as a final report have been issued. Those reports state that all of the on-site inspection and testing has been performed. Work requiring inspection was, to the best of the inspector’s knowledge, in conformance with the approved plans, specifications, and applicable workmanship provisions of the code. To our knowledge no outstanding items exist except as otherwise may be entered and shown on the Wal-Mart Observation Log. Sincerely, [Testing and Inspection Agency] [Include a seal, signature and date of signature] cc: [ARCHITECT OF RECORD] [ENGINEER OF RECORD] 01458-9 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500 05/24/11 UniSpec II 032808 SECTION 01742 – CONSTRUCTION/DEMOLITION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for nonhazardous demolition and construction waste removal and disposal by an Owner pre-selected waste management vendor. B. Related Sections: 1. Section 01740 - Cleaning. Site and premises cleanup during and at completion of construction. 2. Section 02023 – Selective Site Demolition.] 1.2 DEFINITIONS A. Construction Waste: Building and site improvement solid waste materials resulting from construction, remodeling, renovation, or repair operations. Construction waste includes shipping and packaging and discarded temporary construction materials. B. Demolition Waste: Building and site improvement materials resulting from demolition or selective demolition operations. C. Disposal: Removal off-site of demolition and construction waste and subsequent sale, recycling, reuse, or deposit in landfill or incinerator acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. D. Recycle: Recovery of demolition or construction waste for subsequent processing in preparation for reuse. 1.3 PRE-SELECTED WASTE MANAGEMENT VENDOR A. 1.4 Contractor shall obtain the services of a Construction and Demolition Waste Management Vendor (Vendor) which has been pre-selected by Wal-Mart for the collection and disposal for the designated construction and demolition waste. 1. Wal-Mart Vendor: Oakleaf Waste Management, LLC (678) 507-3181. PRE-BID REQUIREMENTS A. Prior to bid, contact Vendor, Mary Widener at Oakleaf by telephone or e-mail to make agreement preparations for waste disposal and obtain pricing for bidding purposes. B. The Vendor will prepare a proposal for an agreement outlining all details, provisions, obligations, and responsibilities of each of the Vendor or Contractor parties. C. Provisions of the Vendor/Contractor agreement shall take precedence of those outlined in this section. 1.5 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Basic Vendor Responsibility: 1. Communicate to the job site contact what service and recycling is arranged. 2. Provide handling, containers, storage, signage, transportation, permits, and other items as required to implement waste management during the entire duration of the Contract. 3. Identify what container is for which recyclable or for trash. 4. The Vendor will provide and locate on designated site, the waste container to be used by the Contractor. Waste containers will be classified and segregated to accept materials sorted with respect to type of waste or type of material. 01742-1 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500 05/24/11 B. Basic Contractor Responsibility 1. Upon commencement of construction, contact the Vendor for collection and disposal arrangements. 2. Supply name and contact information to Vendor for a designated Contractor contact person on the job site. 3. Commit to required waste separation for recyclables and insure all are disposed in the proper container as agreed to between Vendor and Contractor. 4. Contact Vendor to order services during construction. 5. Provide and designate and label specific areas on Project site for waste containers and for separating waste materials. 6. Perform segregation of waste materials into the various classification and segregated materials as established and agreed to between Vendor and Contractor. Deposit wasted materials into the containers. 7. Notify the Vendor when containers are ready for pickup and disposal. C. Recycling may consist, but not necessarily include nor be limited to, any and all non-hazardous demolition and construction waste and debris to be disposed of and not to be reused, or considered of value to the Contractor and retained in the Contractor’s possession. D. Salvage/Recycle Goals: Owner's goal is to have General Contractor salvage and recycle as much nonhazardous demolition and construction waste as possible. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Waste Management Conference: Conduct meeting between Vendor and Contractor at Project site to review methods and procedures related to waste management including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Review and discuss waste management including responsibilities of Vendor and the Contractor. 2. Review and finalize procedures for materials separation and verify availability of containers and bins needed to avoid delays. 3. Review procedures for periodic waste collection and transportation to recycling and disposal facilities. 4. Review waste management requirements as may be necessary for each trade or subcontractor at the work site. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PLAN IMPLEMENTATION A. 3.2 Train workers, subcontractors, and suppliers on proper waste management procedures, as appropriate for the Work occurring at Project site. Notify workers and subcontractors of waste management plan to be carried out. DISPOSAL OF WASTE NOT COLLECTED BY VENDOR A. Except for items or materials to be removed by the Vendor, remove waste materials from Project site and legally dispose of them in a landfill or incinerator acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. B. Except as otherwise specified, do not allow waste materials that are to be disposed of accumulate on-site. C. Remove and transport debris in a manner that will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces and areas. D. Burning: Do not burn waste materials on or off Wal-Mart site. END OF SECTION 01742-2 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500 05/24/11 UniSpec II 052909 SECTION 01770 - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. 1.2 Section Includes 1. Closeout Procedures 2. Final Closeout Submittals 3. Closeout Document Book 4. Record Letters of Conformance 5. Letters of Certification 6. Project Record Documents 7. Operations and Maintenance Data 8. Warranties and Bonds CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES A. Comply with closeout submittal requirements defined within individual Sections. Submittals procedures described herein shall apply unless otherwise described in individual Sections. B. When Contractor considers Work to be Substantially Complete, submit written certification to Wal-Mart's Construction Manager as follows. 1. Contract Documents have been reviewed. 2. Work has been inspected. 3. Work is complete in accordance with Contract Documents. 4. Work is ready for inspection. 1.3 FINAL CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. 1.4 Before final application for payment will be approved, final closeout submittals shall be received and approved by Wal-Mart. If Contractor fails to provide a fully completed Closeout Document Book within 90 days after Substantial Completion of the Work, then Contractor agrees to pay Owner the sum of $250.00 per day, as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, until the fully completed Closeout Document Book is received by WalMart Contract Administration. FINAL CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Wal-Mart will be obligated for only one half of the monthly rent due until final closeout submittals have been received and approved. If Contractor fails to provide a fully completed Closeout Document Book within 90 days after Substantial Completion of the Work, then Contractor agrees to pay Owner the sum of $250.00 per day, as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, until the fully completed Closeout Document Book is received by Owner. 01770-1 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 05/23/11 1.5 CLOSEOUT DOCUMENT BOOK A. 1.6 Bind closeout documents in a "Closeout Document Book" consisting of a black, three-ring binder. Include only one set of Documents. Documents included in Closeout Document Book shall consist only of the items in the following numbered list, separated and identified with a corresponding numbered tab for each numbered item listed. Note that all closeout documents are not necessarily included in the Closeout Document Book. Each document shall be an original document (not a copy) unless otherwise permitted in the listing below. If any item is not applicable, include a “Not Applicable” sheet after the numbered tab. The Contract Document Book shall not be compiled based only on the brief description of each item in the following list. It is compulsory that the individual sections and references be examined to comprehend the full description of the specific item to be included. Include the following: 1. Contractor’s Statement of Warranty. (Reference Document 00800) (Ref form included at end of this section.) 2. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy. 3. List of Subcontractors: Final list of Subcontractors used complete with telephone numbers, addresses, and after hours telephone numbers. (Reference Document 00700) 4. Signed and notarized lien waivers from Contractor and all Subcontractors on the Wal-Mart form (Affidavit of Total Release and Certification of all Bills Paid) (Ref form included at end of this Section.) The form shall have no modifications or changes made thereon. 5. Copies of Performance and Payment Bond. (Ref Document 00800). 6. Consent of Surety to Final Payment: From Bonding Co. (Ref Document 00800) 7. Substantial Completion Punch List: Building, Civil, HVAC/refrigeration punch lists showing items completed and approved by Wal-Mart. (Ref Document 00800) 8. Maintenance Data Sheet. (Ref. form at the end of this Section). 9. Verification of transmittal to Store Manager of all Project Record Documents specified hereinafter and Operations and Maintenance Manuals. This shall be in the form of a Letter of Transmittal with a statement signed by the Store Manager verifying that the O & M manuals have been placed in the Electrical Distribution Center (EDC) by the Contractor and the placement witnessed by the Store Manager. 10. Copy of signed Notice of Termination of NPDES Construction General Permit with proof of submittal to appropriate agency. This is only applicable for those permits issued to the General Contractor. (Section 02370 erosion) RECORD LETTERS OF CONFORMANCE A. 1.7 Submit Record Letters of Conformance as a Closeout Submittal. By submitting Record Letter of Conformance, the Contractor declares that the product identified by manufacturer's name and model number is the product specified and is suitable for the intended use as defined within the Contract Documents and has been provided and placed in operational condition in accordance with the manufacturer's published instructions and the Contract Documents. 1. Submit completed Record Letter of Conformance for each product selected as indicated within each Section. 2. Fill-in required information on form and sign in ink by person authorized to sign on behalf of the Contractor. 3. No modifications shall be made to the form. 4. Record Letters of Conformance, when required, are located at the end of the respective Section. LETTERS OF CERTIFICATIONS A. Certify manufacturer's or installer's qualifications, conformance with tests or specified criteria, or other factors as required in individual specification sections. B. Submit supporting reference data, affidavits, and certifications as required. C. Number of Copies Required: Two. 1.8 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS: A. Maintain on site, one set of the following record documents. Record actual revisions to the Work. 01770-2 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 05/23/11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Contract Drawings. (Building and Civil) Specifications. Addenda. Change Orders and other Modifications to the Contract. Reviewed shop drawings, product data, and samples. B. Maintain Record Documents separate from documents used for construction. C. As-built Record Documents and Shop Drawings: Record as-builts shall be maintained and submitted for the primary purpose of recording the locations for concealed interior and exterior underground utilities as specified in the individual specifications. Legibly record actual measured horizontal and vertical locations of interior and exterior underground utilities and appurtenances, referenced to permanent surface improvements. D. Record required as-built information concurrent with construction progress. Do not permanently conceal work until required information has been recorded. E. At Project completion, the Contractor shall place the Record Documents (including Building and Civil Record Drawings, Specifications, Addenda, and Change Orders) enclosed in a plastic pipe tube (fixed cap at one end and a threaded-cap on the other end) for storage in the Electrical Room unless otherwise specified to be located in another location in the individual sections. Placement shall be in the presence of and witnessed by the Store Manager. 1.9 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. 1.10 A. Operation and Maintenance data shall include a suitably bound set of descriptive literature, maintenance and operation data, and parts lists for each item of equipment provided under this Contract that will require maintenance or special operating procedures, including drawings, instructions, or manuals supplied with equipment furnished by others and installed under this Contract. Submittal of O&M data shall be in the form of the bound set of O&M data and placement by the Contractor in the Electrical Distribution Center (EDC) room within the building unless otherwise specified to be located in another location in the individual sections. Do not include O&M data in the Closeout Document Book or submit to Wal-Mart Contract Administration. Placement of documents shall be witnessed by the Store Manager and shall be at least 14 days prior to final inspection. WARRANTIES AND BONDS Prior to Final Application for Payment, submit required warranties and bonds in Closeout Document Book. 1. Assemble documents from Subcontractors, suppliers, and manufacturers. 2. For equipment put into use with Owner's acceptance during construction, submit within ten days after first operation, listing date of acceptance as start of warranty period. 3. For items of Work delayed materially beyond Date of Substantial Completion, provide updated submittal within ten days after acceptance, listing date of acceptance as start of warranty period. END OF SECTION 01770-3 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 05/23/11 WAL-MART STORES, INC. MAINTENANCE DATA SHEET Complete all Sections Prior To Final Payment Location: Store/Club No.: Size: Possession Date: TYPE OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Walls: Roof (circle one): SBS BUR TPO Roofing Mfg. Roof (circle one): Metal Other (explain) Warranty Information. (years) SBS BUR TPO Metal Other (explain) Warranty Information. (years) Roofing Mfg. STORE/CLUB TYPE (Check Those That Apply) Free Standing New Store Take-over Store Strip Center Relocation Stockroom Add'n. Mall Remodel Expansion Back L. Side Company Name Location Business Phone Front R. Side Emerg. Phone Developer: Gen. Contractor: Subcontractors: Electrical: Plumbing: Fire Protection: Roofing: Ht/Vent/Cool: EMS: Refrigeration: Paving: Painting: Storefront: Earthwork: Site Utility: 01770-4 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 05/23/11 Striping: Fencing: Concrete Ext.: Concrete Int.: Masonry: Struct. Steel: Overhead Doors: Auto. Doors: Flooring: Landscaping: Irrigation: HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT GAS FIRED [ ] ELECTRIC HEAT [ ] Quantity Manufacturer Model No. Heat/Cool (BTU's) Cool Only (BTU's) MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Quantity Manufacturer Catalog/ Model No. Volts/Watts Parking Lot Lighting: Lighting Poles: Light Fixtures: Ballasts: Lamps: Ceiling Light Fixtures: High Bay: Ballasts: Lamps: Pendant Mount: Ballasts: Lamps: Fluorescent Mount: 01770-5 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 05/23/11 Ballasts: Lamps: PRODUCTS Manufacturer Model/Serial # Color/Style (If Applicable) Door Closers: Panic Hardware: Auto. Doors: Ceiling Panels: Floor Tile: Rubber: VCT: PVC: Ceramic: R.R. Partition: EMS: Refrigeration: Domestic Water Booster Pump: Fire Pump: Jockey Pump: Exit Lights: Emergency Lights: Note: Include all information requested, including Owner Provided Parts. DNA: Does Not Apply END OF MAINTENANCE DATA SHEET 01770-6 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 05/23/11 AFFIDAVIT OF TOTAL RELEASE AND CERTIFICATION OF ALL BILLS PAID THE UNDERSIGNED hereby certifies that he (or she) has examined and is authorized and empowered to execute this Affidavit as the owner, partner, or officer as the case may be, of the contractor named below ("the Contractor") employed in connection with the construction project ("the Project") mentioned below. In consideration for the full and final payment to the Contractor for all services in connection with the Project, the Contractor hereby releases and waives all liens and claims to liens which the Contractor may have on or affecting the Project or Project property as a result of the Contractor's contract(s) for the Project or for performing labor and/or furnishing materials that are in any way connected with any construction of any building(s) or improvement(s) for the Project whether on the Project property or elsewhere. The Contractor further certifies and warrants that all subcontractors of labor and/or materials supplied to, for, through or at the direct or indirect request of the Contractor and/or subcontractor have been paid. 1. (Print or type the firm or individual name of the Contractor) 2. (Print or type the Contractor's address) 3. Print or type the name of the person signing for the Contractor) 4. (Print or type the position of the person signing for the Contractor) 5. Description of the Project (use an additional page, if necessary): 6. Date that the project was totally completed: . The undersigned certifies that the foregoing information is true and correct and acknowledges that the owner of the Project has placed a material reliance on such information in directing final payment to the Contractor. EXECUTED this day of , 20 . (To be signed by the person shown in Item 3 above) Subscribed and sworn before me this day of , 20 . Notary Public: My Commission Expires: END OF AFFIDAVIT 01770-7 Wal-Mart #397-07 McAllen, Texas 02/04/10 [CONTRACTOR’S LETTERHEAD] CONTRACTOR’S STATEMENT OF WARRANTY DATE: PROJECT: LOCATION: OWNER: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 702 SW 8th Street Bentonville, AR 72712 CONTRACT: Construction Agreement Between Owner and Contractor, dated______________20____. General Contractor hereby: (1) warrants that the Work for Project complies with Paragraph 3.5.1 of the General Conditions (as modified by the Supplementary Conditions, if applicable); (2) acknowledges that its warranty obligations under such Paragraph 3.5.1. extends one year beyond the actual date of Substantial Completion of the Project; and (3) affirms, and acknowledges the enforceability of, all other warranties made by Contractor in the Contract. Terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings given to them in the above referenced Contract. The undersigned Contractor hereby makes the certifications set forth herein to Wal-Mart as of the _______day of _____________________, 20______. Witness: Contractor: _______________________ _______________________________________ By: _____________________________ Print Name: _____________________________ Name: __________________________ Title: ___________________________ STATE OF______________________________ COUNTY OF ___________________________ On this the ______________ day of _______________________________________, 20_______ before me, a Notary Public, within and for the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared, to me well know (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence), who stated upon oath that (s)he had executed the foregoing instrument for the consideration set forth therein. ____________________________________________ Notary Public My commission expires: ________________________ 01770-8 Wal-Mart #397-07 McAllen, Texas 02/04/10 UniSpec – Civil (Master Site Specifications) .SECTION 02220 052510 (02 4100) - SITE DEMOLITION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Demolition of structures, paving, and utilities. 2. Filling voids created as a result of removals or demolition. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01742 - Construction and Demolition Waste Management and Disposal. 2. Section 02230 - Site Clearing: Clearing of trees and other plant vegetation 3. Section 02300 - Earthwork: Placement of fill material 4. Section 02370 - Erosion And Sedimentation Control (Including SWPPP): Erosion protection during demolition operations. 1.2 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to applicable State and local codes for demolition of structures, safety of adjacent structures, dust control, runoff control, and pollution prevention. B. Obtain required permits and licenses from appropriate authorities. Pay associated fees including disposal charges. C. Notify affected utility companies before starting work and comply with their requirements. D. Do not close or obstruct public or private roadways, sidewalks, or fire hydrants without appropriate permits or written authorization. E. If hazardous, contaminated materials, or other environmental related conditions are discovered, stop work immediately and notify the Wal-Mart Construction Manager for action to be taken. Do not resume work until specifically authorized by the Construction Manager. F. Test soils around buried tanks for contamination. Coordinate notification for mobilization to site and required observation of tank removal with Wal-Mart Civil Engineering Consultant. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. 1.4 Project Record Documents: Accurately record actual locations of capped utilities and subsurface obstructions that will remain after demolition. Submit record as part of closeout submittals. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Structures to be demolished will be discontinued in use and vacated prior to start of work. B. Owner assumes no responsibility for condition of structures to be demolished. C. Conditions existing at time of inspection for bidding purposes will be maintained by Owner as reasonably practical. Variations within structures may occur by Owner's removal and salvage operations prior to start of demolition work. 02220-1 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 D. Unless otherwise indicated in Contract Documents or specified by the Owner, items of salvageable value to Contractor shall be removed from site and structures. Storage or sale of removed items on site will not be permitted and shall not interfere with other work specified. E. Explosives shall not be brought to site or used without written consent of authorities having jurisdiction. Such written consent will not relieve Contractor of total responsibility for injury to persons or for damage to property due to blasting operations. Performance of required blasting shall comply with governing regulations. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 FILL MATERIALS A. Fill material shall be aggregate fill materials as specified in Section 02300. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Provide, erect, and maintain erosion control devices, temporary barriers, and security devices at locations indicated on Construction Drawings. B. Protect existing landscaping materials, appurtenances, and structures, which are not to be demolished. Repair damage to existing items to remain caused by demolition operations. C. Prevent movement or settlement of adjacent structures. Provide bracing and shoring as necessary. D. Mark location of utilities. Protect and maintain in safe and operable condition utilities that are to remain. Prevent interruption of existing utility service to occupied or used facilities, except when authorized in writing by authorities having jurisdiction. Provide temporary services during interruptions to existing utilities as acceptable to governing authorities and Owner. E. Notify adjacent property owners of work that may affect their property, potential noise, utility outages, or other disruptions. Obtain written permission from adjacent property owners when demolition equipment will traverse, infringe upon, or limit access to their property. Coordinate notice with Owner. 3.2 3.3 GENERAL DEMOLITION REQUIREMENTS A. Conduct demolition to minimize interference with adjacent structures or pavements to remain. B. Cease operations immediately if adjacent structures appear to be in danger. Notify authority having jurisdiction. Do not resume operations until directed by authority. C. Conduct operations with minimum of interference to public or private access. Maintain ingress and egress at all times. D. Sprinkle work with water to minimize dust. Provide hoses and water connections for this purpose. E. Comply with governing regulations pertaining to environmental protection. F. Clean adjacent structures and improvements of dust, dirt, and debris caused by demolition operations. Return adjacent areas to condition existing prior to start of work. DEMOLITION 02220-2 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 A. Demolish site improvements designated to be removed as shown on the drawings. Site improvements shall include but not be limited to structures, retaining walls, foundations, pavements, curbs and gutters, drainage structures, utilities, signage or landscaping. B. Disconnect and cap or remove utilities to be abandoned as shown on the drawings. C. Fill or remove underground tanks, piping, and appurtenances as shown. D. Demolish buildings completely and remove from site using methods as required to complete work within limitations of governing regulations. Small structures may be removed intact when acceptable to Owner and authorities having jurisdiction. E. Locate demolition equipment and remove materials to prevent excessive loading to supporting walls, floors, or framing. F. Demolish concrete and masonry in small sections. Break up concrete slabs-on-grade that are 2-feet or more below proposed subgrade to permit moisture drainage. Remove slabs-on-grade and below grade construction within 2feet of proposed subgrade. 3.4 FILLING BASEMENTS AND VOIDS A. Completely fill below grade areas and voids resulting from demolition or removal of structures, underground fuel storage tanks, wells, cisterns, etc., using aggregate fill materials consisting of stone, gravel, or sand free from debris, trash, frozen materials, roots, and other organic matter. B. Areas to be filled shall be free of standing water, frost, frozen or unsuitable material, trash, and debris prior to fill placement. C. Place fill materials in accordance with Section 02300 unless subsequent excavation for new work is required. D. Grade surface to match adjacent grades and to provide flow of surface drainage after fill placement and compaction. 3.5 DISPOSAL OF DEMOLISHED MATERIALS A. Remove from site debris, rubbish, and other materials resulting from demolition operations. Leave areas of work in clean condition. B. No burning of any material, debris, or trash on-site or off-site will be allowed except when allowed by appropriate governing authority and Owner. If allowed as stated above, burning shall be performed in manner prescribed by governing authority. Attend burning materials until fires have burned out and have been completely extinguished. C. Transport materials removed from demolished structures with appropriate vehicles and dispose off-site to areas that are approved for disposal by governing authorities and appropriate property owners. END OF SECTION 02220-3 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 UniSpec II 052510 SECTION 02300 (31 2000) - EARTHWORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Excavation, filling, and backfilling for structures, pavement, and outparcels. 2. Trenching and backfilling for utilities. 3. Dewatering. 4. Boring under crossings. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 02318 - Rock Excavation. 2. Section 02340 - Soil Stabilization. 3. Section 02370 - Erosion Control and Sedimentation. Temporary and permanent erosion control. 4. Section 02375 - Stone Protection. Rip-rap stone for slope protection. 5. Division 3 - Subbase requirements for granular subbase below building slabs. 1.2 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Publications are referenced within the text by the basic designation only. B. ASTM International (ASTM) 1. ASTM D422 - Particle Size Analysis of Soil. 2. ASTM D698 - Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 kN.m/m3)). 3. ASTM D1557 - Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3 (2,700 Kn.m/m3)). 4. 5. 6. 7. ASTM D2487 - Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System). ASTM D2488 - Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedures). ASTM D4318 - Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils. ASTM D6938 – In-Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). C. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) 1. AASHTO T 88 - Particle Size Analysis of Soils. D. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT): 1. Standard Specifications for Construction and Materials. E. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code. F. American Water Works Association (AWWA) 1. AWWA C200 - Standard for Steel Water Pipe - 6 In. (150 mm) and Larger. 2. AWWA C206 - Field Welding Of Steel Water Pipe. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. A Construction Testing Laboratory (CTL) selected and paid for by the Owner, will be retained to perform construction testing on site. 02300-1 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 1.4 DEFINITIONS A. Satisfactory Materials: ASTM D2487 soil classification groups GW, GP, GM, SW, SP, SM, ML, CL, or a combination of these group symbols. 1. Fill material shall further conform to the plasticity index and liquid limits (PI and LL) specified in Paragraph FILLING hereinafter. 2. Satisfactory materials shall be free of rock or gravel larger than allowed for fill or backfill material as specified hereinafter or as shown on the drawings. 3. Satisfactory materials shall contain no debris, waste, frozen materials, vegetation, and other deleterious matter. 4. Unless specifically stated otherwise in "Foundation Subsurface Preparation" on the Drawings, the following table stipulates maximum allowable values for plasticity index (PI) and liquid limit (LL) of satisfactory materials to be used as fill in specified areas: Location PI LL Areas outside the building pad including outparcels (Below upper two feet) (Upper two feet, except for depth to receive topsoil) 20 15 50 40 (References to depth are to proposed subgrade elevations) B. Unsatisfactory Materials: Materials which do not comply with the requirements for satisfactory materials are unsatisfactory. 1. Unsatisfactory materials also include man-made fills; trash; refuse; backfills from previous construction; and material classified as satisfactory materials which contains root and other organic matter or frozen material. The CTL shall be notified of any contaminated materials. 2. Unsatisfactory materials also include satisfactory materials not maintained within 2 percent of optimum moisture content at time of compaction. C. Rock: Rock shall be as defined in Section 02318. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Submit 30-pound sample of each type of off-site fill material that is to be used at the site in airtight containers to the independent testing laboratory or submit gradation and certification of aggregate material that is to be used at the site to the independent testing laboratory for review. B. Submit name of each material supplier and specific type and source of each material. Change in source throughout project requires approval of Owner. C. Submit Dewatering Plans upon request by Owner. D. Shop drawings or details pertaining to excavating and filling are not required unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or if contrary procedures to Construction Documents are proposed. E. Shop drawings or details pertaining to site utilities are not required unless required by regulatory authorities or unless uses of materials, methods, equipment, or procedures that are contrary to The Drawings or Specifications are proposed. Do not perform work until Owner has accepted required shop drawings. F. Contact utility companies and determine if additional easements will be required to complete project. Provide written confirmation of the status of all easements to Owner at time of Preconstruction Conference or no later than 90 days prior to project possession date. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 02300-2 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 2.1 SOIL AND ROCK MATERIALS A. Fill and Backfill. Satisfactory materials excavated from the site. B. Imported Fill Material: Satisfactory material provided from offsite borrow areas when sufficient satisfactory materials are not available from required excavations. C. Trench Backfill: ASTM D2321 unless otherwise specified or shown on the drawings. D. Building Subbase Material: Subbase for building and appurtenances slabs on ground is specified in Section 03300 or 03312 as applicable. E. Bedding: Aggregate Type as indicated on the plans or naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D2940; except with 100 percent passing a 1-inch sieve and not more than 8 percent passing a No.200 sieve. F. Drainage Fill: Washed, narrowly graded mixture of crushed stone, or crushed or uncrushed gravel; ASTM D448; coarse-aggregate grading Size 57; with 100 percent passing a 1-1/2- inch sieve and 0 to 5 percent passing a No.8 sieve. G. Filter Material: Narrowly graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, or crushed stone and natural sand; ASTM D448; coarse-aggregate grading Size 67; with 100 percent passing a 1-inch sieve and 0 to 5 percent passing a No.4 sieve. H. Topsoil: Topsoil shall consist of stripping material excavated from the site. Topsoil shall consist of organic surficial soil found in depth of not more than 6-inches. Topsoil shall be as further defined in Section 02900 – Planting. 2.2 APPURTENANT MATERIALS A. Stabilization fabrics and geogrids: As specified in Section 02340. B. Filter and drainage fabrics: As specified in Section 02340. C. Steel Casing Pipe: Comply with AWWA C200 minimum grade B, size, and wall thickness as indicated on The Drawings. D. Trench Utility Locator Tape: Heavy duty 6" wide underground warning tape. Tape shall be made from polyethylene material, 3.5 mils thick, with a minimum tensile strength of 1,750 psi. Place the tape at one-half the minimum depth of cover for the utility line or a maximum of 3 feet, which ever is the less, but never above the top of subgrade. Color of tape shall be determined by as follows: 1. Natural Gas or Propane – Yellow. 2. Electric – Red. 3. Telephone – Orange. 4. Water – Blue. 5. Sanitary Sewer – Green. 2.3 EQUIPMENT A. 2.4 Transport off-site materials to project using well-maintained and operating vehicles. Once on site, transporting vehicles shall stay on designated haul roads and shall at no time endanger improvements by rutting, overloading, or pumping. SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL 02300-3 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 A. Laboratory testing of materials proposed for use in the project shall be by the Wal-Mart Construction Testing Laboratory at no cost to Contractor. The Contractor shall provide samples of material obtained off-site. B. Perform California Bearing Ratio (CBR) or Limerock Bearing Ratio (LBR) tests in outparcels and areas to receive pavement for each type of material that is imported from off-site. CBR or LBR value shall be equal to or above pavement design subgrade CBR or LBR value indicated on Construction Drawings. C. Following tests shall be performed on each type of on-site or imported soil material used as compacted fill: 1. Moisture and Density Relationship: ASTM D698 or ASTM D1557. 2. Mechanical Analysis: AASHTO T88 or ASTM D422. 3. Plasticity Index: ASTM D4318. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Identify required lines, levels, contours, datum, elevations, and grades necessary for construction as shown on the drawings. B. Notify utility companies to remove or relocate public utilities that are in conflict with proposed improvements. C. Protect plant life, lawns, fences, existing structures, sidewalks, paving, and curbs, unless otherwise noted on the drawings from excavating equipment and vehicular traffic. D. Protect benchmarks, property corners, and other survey monuments from damage or displacement. If marker needs to be removed it shall be referenced by licensed land surveyor and replaced, as necessary, by same. E. Remove from site, material encountered in grading operations that, in opinion of Owner or the Owner’s Construction Testing Laboratory (CTL) is unsatisfactory material or undesirable for backfilling, subgrade, or foundation purposes. Dispose of in manner satisfactory to Owner and local governing agencies. Backfill areas with layers of satisfactory material and compact as specified herein. F. Prior to placing fill in low areas, such as previously existing creeks, ponds, or lakes, perform following procedures: 1. Drain water out by gravity with ditch having flow line lower than lowest elevation in low area. If drainage cannot be performed by gravity ditch, use adequate pump to obtain the same results. 2. After drainage of low area is complete, remove muck, mud, debris, and other unsatisfactory material by using acceptable equipment and methods that will keep natural soils underlying low area dry and undisturbed. 3. All muck, mud, and other materials removed from low areas shall be dried on-site by spreading in thin layers for observation by the CTL. Material shall be inspected and, if found to be satisfactory for use as fill material, shall be incorporated into lowest elevation of site filling operation, but not under building subgrade or within 5'-0" of perimeter of building subgrade, paving or outparcell subgrade. If, after observation by the CTL, material is found to be unsatisfactory, it shall be removed from site. G. Locate and identify utilities that have previously been installed and protect from damage. H. Locate and identify existing utilities that are to remain and protect from damage. I. Maintain in operating condition existing utilities, previously installed utilities, and drainage systems encountered in utility installation. Repair surface or subsurface improvements shown on the Drawings. J. Verify location, size, elevation, and other pertinent data required making connections to existing utilities and drainage systems as indicated on the Drawings. 02300-4 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 K. 3.2 Over excavate and properly prepare areas of subgrade that are not capable of supporting proposed systems. Stabilize these areas by using acceptable geotextile fabrics or aggregate material placed and compacted as specified in Section 02340. DEWATERING A. General: 1. Dewatering activities shall conform to applicable provisions in 02370. 2. Provide dewatering systems as required for excavations. 3. Design and provide dewatering system using accepted and professional methods consistent with current industry practice to eliminate water entering the excavation under hydrostatic head from the bottom or sides. Design system to prevent differential hydrostatic head, which would result in floating out soil particles in a manner, termed as a “quick” or “boiling” condition. System shall not be dependent solely upon sumps or pumping water from within the excavation where differential head would result in a quick condition, which would continue to worsen the integrity of the excavation’s stability. 4. Provide dewatering system of sufficient size and capacity to prevent ground and surface water flow into the excavation and to allow Work to be installed in a dry condition. 5. Control, by acceptable means, all water regardless of source. Contractor shall be responsible for disposal of the water. 6. Control groundwater in a manner that preserves strength of foundation soils, does not cause instability or raveling of excavation slopes, and does not result in damage to existing structures. Where necessary, lower water level in advance of excavation utilizing wells, wellpoints, jet educators, or similar positive methods. The water level as measured by piezometers shall be maintained a minimum of 3 feet below prevailing excavation level. 7. Commence dewatering prior to any appearance of water in excavation and continue until Work is complete to the extent that no damage results from hydrostatic pressure, flotation, or other causes. 8. Open pumping with sumps and ditches will be allowed provided it does not result in boils, loss of fines, softening of the ground, or instability of slopes. 9. Install wells or wellpoints, if required, with suitable screens and filters so that continuous pumping of fines does not occur. Arrange discharge to facilitate collection of samples by the Owner. During normal pumping and upon development of wells, levels of fine sand or silt in the discharge water shall not exceed 5 ppm. Install sand tester on discharge of each pump during testing to verify that levels are not exceeded. 10. Control grading around excavations to prevent surface water from flowing into excavation areas. 11. No additional payment will be made for any supplemental measures to control seepage, groundwater, or artesian head. B. Design: 1. Designate and obtain the services of a qualified dewatering specialist to provide dewatering plan as may be necessary to complete the Work. 2. Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of the drawings, design data, and operational records required. 3. Contractor shall be responsible for the design, installation, operation, maintenance, and any failure of any component of the system. C. Damages: 1. Contractor shall be responsible for and shall repair any damage to work in place, other contractor’s equipment, utilities, residences, highways, roads, railroads, private and municipal well systems, adjacent structures, natural resources, habitat, existing wells, and the excavation. Contractor responsibility shall also include, damage to the bottom due to heave and including but not limited to, removal and pumping out of the excavated area that may result from Contractor’s negligence, inadequate or improper design and operation of the dewatering system, and any mechanical or electrical failure of the dewatering system. 2. Remove subgrade materials rendered unsatisfactory by excessive wetting and replace with approved backfill material at no additional cost to the Owner. D. Maintaining Excavation in Dewatering Condition: 02300-5 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 1. 2. 3. 4. Dewatering shall be a continuous operation. Interruptions due to power outages or any other reason will not be permitted. Continuously maintain excavation in a dry condition with positive dewatering methods during preparation of subgrade, installation of pipe, and construction of structures until the critical period of construction or backfill is completed to prevent damage of subgrade support, piping, structure, side slopes, or adjacent facilities from flotation or other hydrostatic pressure imbalance. Provide standby equipment on site, installed, wired, and available for immediate operation if required to maintain dewatering on a continuous basis in the event any part of the system becomes inadequate or fails. If dewatering requirements are not satisfied due to inadequacy or failure of dewatering system, perform such work as may be required to restore damaged structures and foundation soils at no additional cost to Owner. System maintenance shall include but not be limited to 24-hour supervision by personnel skilled in the operation, maintenance, and replacement of system components and any other work required to maintain excavation in dewatered condition. E. System Removal: Upon completion of the work, remove dewatering equipment from the site, including related temporary electrical service. F. Wells shall be removed or cut off a minimum of 3 feet below final ground surface, capped, and abandoned in accordance with regulations by agencies having jurisdiction. 3.3 TOPSOIL EXCAVATION A. Cut heavy growths of grass from areas before stripping and remove cuttings with remainder of cleared vegetative material. B. Strip topsoil to a depth of not less than 6 inches from areas that are to be filled, excavated, landscaped, or re-graded to such depth that it prevents intermingling with underlying subsoil or questionable material. C. Stockpile topsoil in storage piles in areas shown on The Drawings or where directed by Owner. Construct storage piles to freely drain surface water. Cover storage piles as required to prevent windblown dust. Dispose of unsuitable topsoil as specified for waste material, unless otherwise specified by Owner. Remove excess topsoil from site unless specifically noted otherwise on the Drawings. 3.4 GENERAL EXCAVATION A. Classification of Excavation: The Contractor shall assure himself by site investigation or other necessary means that he is familiar with the type, quantity, quality, and character of excavation work to be performed. Excavation shall be considered unclassified excavation, except as indicated in the Contract Documents. B. When performing grading operations during periods of wet weather, provide adequate dewatering, drainage and ground water management to control moisture of soils. C. Shore, brace, and drain excavations as necessary to maintain excavation as safe, secure, and free of water at all times. D. Excavate building areas to line and grade as shown on the Drawings being careful not to over excavate beyond elevations needed for building subgrades. E. Place satisfactory excavated material into project fill areas. F. Unsatisfactory excavated material shall be disposed of in manner and location that is acceptable to Owner and local governing agencies. G. Perform excavation using capable, well-maintained equipment and methods acceptable to Owner and local governing agencies. 02300-6 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 3.5 ROCK EXCAVATION A. 3.6 Rock excavation is specified in Section 02318. TRENCHING EXCAVATION FOR UTILITIES A. Contact local utility companies before excavation begins. Dig trench at proper width and depth for laying pipe, conduit, or cable. Cut trench banks vertical, if possible, and remove stones from bottom of trench as necessary to avoid point-bearing. Over-excavate wet or unstable soil, if encountered, from trench bottom as necessary to provide suitable base for continuous and uniform bedding. Replace over-excavation with satisfactory material and dispose of unsatisfactory material. B. Trench excavation sidewalls shall be sloped, shored, sheeted, braced, or otherwise supported by means of sufficient strength to protect workmen in accordance with applicable rules and regulations established for construction by the Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and by local ordinances. Lateral travel distance to exit ladder or steps shall not be greater than 25 feet in trenches 4 feet or deeper. C. Perform trench excavation as indicated on the Drawings for specified depths. During excavation, stockpile materials suitable for backfilling in orderly manner far enough from bank of trench to avoid overloading, slides, or cave-ins. D. Remove excavated materials not required or not satisfactory as backfill or embankments and waste off-site or at on-site locations approved by the Owner and in accordance with governing regulations. Dispose of structures discovered during excavation as specified in Section 02220. E. Prevent surface water from flowing into trenches or other excavations by temporary grading or other methods, as required. Remove accumulated water in trenches and other excavations as specified. F. Open cut excavation with trenching machine or backhoe. Where machines other than ladder or wheel-type trenching machines are used, do not use clods for backfill. G. Accurately grade trench bottom to provide uniform bearing and support for each section of pipe on bedding material at every point along entire length except where necessary to excavate for bell holes, proper sealing of pipe joints, or other required connections. Dig bell holes and depressions for joints after trench bottom has been graded. Dig no deeper, longer, or wider than needed to make joint connection properly. H. Trench width below top of pipe shall not be less than 12 inches nor more than 18 inches wider than outside surface of pipe or conduit that is to be installed to designated elevations and grades. Other trench width for pipe, conduit, or cable shall be least practical width that will allow for proper compaction of trench backfill. I. Trench depth requirements measured from finished grade or paved surface shall meet the following requirements or applicable codes and ordinances, whichever is more stringent: 1. Water Mains: 30 inches to top of pipe barrel or 6 inches below frost line, established by local building official, whichever is deeper. 2. Sanitary Sewer: Elevations and grades as indicated on the drawings and as specified in Section 02535. 3. Storm Sewer: Elevations and grades as indicated on the Drawings. 4. Electrical Conduits: 24 inches minimum to top of conduit or as required by NEC 300-5, NEC 710-36 codes, or local utility company requirements, whichever is deeper. 5. TV Conduits: 18 inches minimum to top of conduit or as required by local utility company, whichever is deeper. 6. Telephone Conduits: 18 inches minimum to top of conduit, or as required by local utility company, whichever is deeper. 7. Gas Mains and Service: 30 inches minimum to top of pipe, or as required by local utility company, whichever is deeper. 02300-7 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 3.7 SUBGRADE PREPARATION A. Scarification and Compaction: Areas exposed by excavation or stripping and on which subgrade preparations are to be performed shall be scarified to minimum depth of 8 inches and compacted as specified hereinafter. B. Proofrolling: Subgrades shall be proofrolled to detect areas of insufficient compaction and soft pocket, or areas of excess yielding. Proofrolling shall be accomplished by making minimum of 2 complete passes with fully-loaded tandem-axle dump truck with a minimum weight of 20 tons, or approved equal, in each of 2 perpendicular directions while under the supervision and direction of the Construction Testing Laboratory. Limit vehicle speed to 3 mph. Areas of failure such as soft spots, unsatisfactory soils, and areas of excessive pumping or rutting, as determined by the CTL, shall be excavated and recompacted as specified herein. Continual failure areas shall be stabilized in accordance with Section 02340 at no additional cost to Owner. Subgrade exposed longer than 48 hours or on which precipitation has occurred shall be re-proofrolled. 3.8 FILLING A. Fill areas to contours and elevations shown on the Drawings with materials deemed satisfactory. B. Place fills in continuous lifts specified herein. C. Fill within proposed building subgrade, paving subgrade, and outparcel subgrades shall not contain rock or stone greater than 6 inches in any dimension. D. Unless otherwise specified for rock fill, rock or stone less than 6-inches in largest dimension may be used in fill below structures, paving, outparcels, and graded areas, up to 24 inches below surface of proposed subgrade or finish grade of graded areas when mixed with satisfactory material. Rock or stone less than 2 inches in largest dimension may be used in fill within the upper 24 inches of proposed subgrade or finish grade of graded areas when mixed with satisfactory material. E. Fill materials used in preparation of subgrade shall be placed in lifts or layers not to exceed 8 inches loose measure and compacted as specified hereinafter. F. Material imported from off-site shall have CBR or LBR value equal to or above pavement design subgrade CBR or LBR value indicated on The Drawings. G. Building area subgrade pad shall be that portion of site directly beneath and 5 feet beyond building and appurtenances, including limits of future building expansion areas as shown on the Drawings. H. Prepare building area subgrade pad in strict accordance with "Foundation Subsurface Preparation" as shown on the Drawings. The Foundation Subsurface Preparation provisions shall take precedence over the provisions of this section whenever duplication or conflict occurs. 3.9 ROCK FILL A. Rock fill shall include on-site excavated material classified as rock excavation as specified in Section 02318. Rock fill may be utilized in fill up to 48 inches below top of subgrade or finish grade of graded areas outside the proposed building, paving, and outparcell subgrade areas unless otherwise permitted in higher elevations by the CTL. Rock fill shall consist of rock having a maximum dimension not greater than 12 inches in any dimension. Rock fill shall be placed in successive horizontal layers of loose material having a thickness of approximately the maximum size of the larger rock in the lift, but not greater than 12 inches. Each layer of material shall be spread uniformly, completely saturated, and compacted. Shot rock shall not be dumped into place, but shall be distributed in horizontal lifts by blading and dozing in such a manner as to ensure proper placement into final position in the embankment. Voids shall be filled with finer material including shot rock fines and limited soil fines during the spreading operation. Successive layers shall not be placed until all voids of the current lift are filled and the lift is compacted. Each successive layer of material shall adequately bond to the material on which it is placed. Compaction shall be accomplished with vibratory compactors, heavy rubber-tired rollers, or steel-wheeled rollers. 02300-8 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 Compaction shall be by uniform passes of compaction equipment in sufficient number of passes, but not less than two passes, such that no further consolidation is evident as determined by the CTL. 3.10 PIPE BEDDING A. Excavate trenches for pipe or conduit to 4 inches below bottom of pipe and to the width as specified herein. Place 4 inches of bedding material, compact in bottom of trench, and shape to conform to lower portion of pipe barrel. B. Place geotextile fabric as specified on the Drawings and in accordance with Section 02340. 3.11 TRENCH BACKFILLING A. Materials used for trench backfill shall comply with requirements as specified herein. B. Backfill and compact in accordance with fill and compaction requirements in ASTM D2321 unless otherwise shown on the drawings. C. Do not backfill trenches until required tests are performed and utility systems comply with and are accepted by applicable governing authorities. D. Backfill trenches to contours and elevations shown on the Drawings. E. Do not backfill over porous, wet, frozen, or spongy subgrade surfaces. 3.12 BORINGS AND CASINGS UNDER ROADS, HIGHWAYS, AND RAILROAD CROSSINGS A. When indicated by the Drawings, street, road, highway, or railroad crossings for utility mains installed by jacking and boring method shall be in accordance with area specifications and governing authorities. B. Excavation of approach pits and trenches within right-of-way of street, road, highway, or railroad shall be of sufficient distance from paving or railroad tracks to permit traffic to pass without interference. Tamp backfill for approach pits and trenches within right-of-way in layers not greater than 6-inches thick for entire length and depth of trench or pit. Compact backfill to 98 percent of maximum density in accordance with ASTM D698, (or 95 percent of maximum density, in accordance with ASTM D1557) obtained at optimum moisture as determined by AASHTO T180. Mechanical tampers may be used after cover of 6 inches has been obtained over top of barrel of pipe. C. Accomplish boring operation using commercial type boring rig. Bore hole to proper alignment and grade. Bore hole shall be within 2 inches of same diameter as largest outside joint diameter of pipe installed. Install pipe in hole immediately after bore has been made and in no instance shall hole be left unattended while open. D. In event subsurface operations result in failure or damage to pavement or railroad tracks within 1 year of construction, make necessary repairs to pavement or railroad tracks. If paving cracks on either side of pipe line or is otherwise disturbed or broken due to construction operations, repair or replace disturbed or broken area. E. Clean, prime, and line interior and exterior of casing pipe with two coats of asphalt coating in accordance with and governing authorities. F. Butt weld steel casing. Welds shall be full penetration single butt-welds in accordance with AWWA C206. G. Install casing and utility pipe with end seals, vent pipe, and other special equipment in accordance with area specifications and governing authorities. 3.13 A. COMPACTION Compact as follows: 02300-9 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 Percent of Maximum Laboratory Density ASTM D698 Location Subgrade & Fill below Structures, Pavement and Outparcels Subgrade & Fill in All other Areas 98 95 B. Maintain moisture content of not less than 1 percent below and not more than 3 percent above optimum moisture content of fill materials to attain required compaction density. C. Exercise proper caution when compacting immediately over top of pipes or conduits. Water jetting or flooding is not permitted as method of compaction. D. Corrective Measures for Non-Complying Compaction: Remove and recompact deficient areas until proper compaction is obtained. Continual failure areas shall be stabilized in accordance with Section 02340 at no additional cost to Owner. 3.14 MAINTENANCE OF SUBGRADE A. Verify finished subgrades to ensure proper elevation and conditions for construction above subgrade. B. Protect subgrade from excessive wheel loading during construction, including concrete trucks, dump trucks, and other construction equipment. C. Remove areas of finished subgrade found to have insufficient compaction density to depth necessary and replace in manner that will comply with compaction requirements by use of material with CBR or LBR equal to or better than that specified on the drawings. Surface of subgrade after compaction shall be firm, uniform, smooth, stable, and true to grade and cross-section. D. Construct temporary ditches and perform such grading as necessary to maintain positive drainage away from subgrade at all times. 3.15 A. 3.16 BORROW AND SPOIL SITES Comply with NPDES and local erosion control permitting requirements for any and all on-site and off-site, disturbed spoil and borrow areas. Upon completion of spoil or borrow operations, clean up spoil or borrow areas in a neat and reasonable manner to the satisfaction of Owner or off-site property owner, if applicable. FINISH GRADING A. Check grading of building subgrades by string line from grade stakes (blue tops) set at not more than 50-foot centers. Allowable tolerance shall be plus or minus 0.10 feet from plan grade. Provide engineering and field staking as necessary for verification of lines, grades, and elevations. B. Grade areas where finish grade elevations or contours are indicated on the Drawings, other than paved areas, outparcels, and buildings, including excavated areas, filled and transition areas, and landscaped areas. Graded areas shall be uniform and smooth, free from rock, debris, or irregular surface changes. Ground surfaces shall vary uniformly between indicated elevations. Grade finished ditches to allow for proper drainage without ponding and in manner that will minimize erosion potential. For topsoil, sodding, and seeding requirements refer to Section 02900. C. Correct settled and eroded areas within 1 year after date of completion at no additional expense to Owner. Bring grades to proper elevation. 3.17 QUALITY CONTROL TESTING AND INSPECTION 02300-10 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 A. Responsibilities: Unless otherwise specified, the quality control testing and inspection specified below will be conducted by the Owner’s Construction Testing Laboratory (CTL) at no cost to the Contractor in accordance with Section 01458. The Contractor shall perform additional quality control testing and inspections as considered necessary. B. Field testing, frequency, and methods may vary as determined by and between the Owner and the CTL. C. Work shall be preformed by a Special Inspector – Technical I unless specified otherwise. Report of testing and inspection results shall be made upon the completion of testing. D. Classification of Materials: Perform test for classification of materials used and encountered during construction in accordance with ASTM D2488 and ASTM D2487. E. Laboratory Testing Of Materials: Perform laboratory testing of materials (Proctor, Sieve Analysis, Atterberg Limits, Consolidation Test, etc.) as specified. F. Proofrolling: Document and explain proofrolling inspection procedures and results in the laboratory inspection report. G. Field Density Tests. 1. Building Subgrade Areas, Including 5'-0" Outside of Exterior Building Lines: In cut areas, not less than 1 compaction test for every 2,500 sq. ft. In fill areas, same rate of testing for each 8-inch lift, measured loose. 2. Paving Areas and other Areas of Construction Exclusive of Building Subgrade: In cut areas, not less than 1 compaction test for every 10,000 sq. ft. In fill areas, same rate of testing for each 8-inch lift, measured loose. 3. Outparcels: In cut areas, not less than 1 compaction test for every 2,500 sq. ft. In fill areas, same rate of testing for each 8-inch lift, measured loose. 4. Utility Trench Backfill: Intervals not exceeding 200-feet of trench for first and every other 8-inch lift of compacted trench backfill. 5. Test Method: In-place nuclear density, ASTM D6938. 6. Density tests on top of building or paving subgrade shall be performed within 48 hours prior to placement of overlying materials. If inclement weather occurs after testing, retest prior to placement of overlying materials. H. Observation and Inspection: 1. Observe all subgrades/excavation bases below footings and slabs and verify design bearing capacity is achieved as required. Work shall be preformed by a Special Inspector – Technical II. 2. Observe and document presence of groundwater within excavations. END OF SECTION 02300-11 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 UniSpec – Civil (Master Site Specifications) 090109 SECTION 02340 (31 3200) - SOIL STABILIZATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Excavation, treatment, and backfilling of subgrade for lime, cement, fly ash, or bridge lift stabilization. 2. Geotextile fabric and geogrid for stabilization of subgrade. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 02300 - Earthwork 1.2 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Publications are referenced within the text by the basic designation only. B. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. ASTM C150 - Portland Cement. 2. ASTM C618 - Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete. 3. ASTM C977 - Quicklime and Hydrated Lime for Soil Stabilization. 4. ASTM D1633 - Compressive Strength of Molded Soil-Cement Cylinders. C. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): 1. AASHTO M216 - Lime for Soil Stabilization. D. National Lime Association (NLA): 1. NLA Bulletin 326 - Lime Stabilization Construction Manual. E. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT): 1. Standard Specifications for Construction and Materials. 1.3 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. 1.4 Do not install mixed materials in wind in excess of 10 mph or when temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. SUBMITTALS A. Submit 30-pound sample of each material to be used at the site in airtight containers to the Construction Testing Laboratory (CTL) or submit gradation and certification of material that is to be used to the CTL for review. B. Submit name of each materials supplier and specific type and source of each material. Obtain approval of Owner prior to change in source. C. Submit mix designs, materials mix ratio, and laboratory test data to the Civil Engineering Consultant of Record 4 weeks prior to beginning stabilization activities. Certify materials and mix ratios will achieve the specified requirements as indicated in the Construction Documents or as specified by state and local agencies for soil stabilization if not stated in the Construction Documents. D. Submit approved mix designs, materials mix ratio, and laboratory test data to the CTL prior to commencing stabilization activities. 02340-1 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work in accordance with state and local standards in conjunction with requirements specified herein. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. 2.2 Provide products from one of the following manufacturers as specified in the Materials paragraph below: 1. TenCate Geosynthetics North America (Mirafi), Pendergrass, GA., (706) 693-2226, 2. Hanes Geo Components (WEBTEC), Winston Salem, NC. (336) 747-1600, 3. Tensar International Corp., Atlanta, GA. (888) 828-5126, 4. Thrace-LINQ Inc., Summerville, SC (843) 873-5800, 5. DuPont (Typar). Summerville, SC (843) 832-6860, 6. Synteen Technical Fabrics, Lancaster, SC (800) 796-8336, MATERIALS A. Soil Treatment Materials: 1. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C977 or AASHTO M216. 2. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I. 3. Fly Ash: ASTM C618. B. Aggregate: 1. Coarse Aggregate: Crushed carbonate, crushed gravel, crushed air-cooled slag, granulated slag, a mixture of crushed and granulated slag, or other types of suitable material meeting the following gradation requirements: 2. Sieve Size Percent Passing 2 inches 100 1 inch 70-100 3/4 inch 50-90 No. 4 30-60 No. 30 7-30 No. 200 0-5 Fine Aggregate: Sand – Natural river or bank sand; washed; free of silt, clay, loam, friable or soluble materials, and organic matter meeting the following gradation requirements: Sieve Size No. 4 No. 50 No. 200 Percent Passing 90-100 7-40 0-5 C. Subsoil: Existing to be reused. D. Bridge Lift Material: Surge stone, granular fill, or shot rock fill. 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. Curing Seal: Asphalt Emulsion Primer. B. Geotextile Fabric for Stabilization: Provide one of the following: 1. Mirafi HP 370 or HP 570, by TenCate. 2. SF40 or SF65, by DuPont. 3. GTF-200 or 300, by Thrace-LINQ. 02340-2 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 4. C. TerraTex HD, by Hanes. Geogrid for Stabilization: Provide one of the following: 1. Biaxial Geogrid Type 1 (formerly BX 1100), by Tensar. 2. Biaxial Geogrid Type 2 (formerly BX 1200), by Tensar. 3. Mirafi BXG 11, by TenCate. 4. Mirafi BXG 12, by TenCate. 5. SF 11, by Synteen. 6. SF 12, by Synteen PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Obtain approval of mix design before proceeding with placement. B. Start stabilization only when weather and soil conditions are favorable for successful application of proposed material. C. Proofroll subgrade to identify areas in need of stabilization. 3.2 EQUIPMENT A. 3.3 Perform operations using suitable, well maintained equipment capable of excavating subsoil, mixing and placing materials, wetting, consolidating, and compacting of material. EXCAVATION A. Excavate subsoil to depth sufficient to accommodate soil stabilization. B. Remove lumped subsoil, boulders, and rock that interfere with achieving uniform subsoil conditions. C. Do not excavate within normal 45 degree bearing splay of any foundation. D. Notify Construction Manager of unexpected subsurface conditions. Discontinue affected work in area until notified to resume work. E. Correct areas over-excavated in accordance with Section 02300. F. Remove excess excavated material from site. 3.4 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC AND/OR GEOGRID A. Place geotextile fabric and/or geogrid over subsoil surface, lap edges and ends in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations in those areas that are shown on Construction Drawings or in those areas that need additional stabilization prior to placement of base course. Bridge lift sections may require the use of geotextile fabric and/or geogrid for stabilization prior to placement of fill. B. Place geotextile fabric and/or geogrid in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.5 SOIL TREATMENT AND BACKFILLING A. Lime Stabilized Subgrade: Where indicated on Construction Drawings or as required after continual failure, treat prepared subgrade with hydrated lime in accordance with state highway department specifications. 02340-3 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 B. Cement Stabilized Subgrade: Where indicated on Construction Drawings or as required after continual failure, treat prepared subgrade with portland cement in accordance with state highway department specifications. C. Fly Ash Stabilized Subgrade: Where indicated on Construction Drawings or as required after continual failure, treat prepared subgrade with fly ash in accordance with state highway department specifications. D. Bridge Lifts: Where indicated on Construction Drawings or as required after continual failure, treat prepared subgrade by application of a bridge lift. Bridging over existing soils shall be acceptable only when approved in writing by the Owner. Place geotextile fabric or geogrid over existing soils to be bridged. The geotextile fabric or geogrid selected shall be appropriate for the bridge lift material being placed. Place bridge lift over geotextile fabric or geogrid. Surge stone and shot rock will be approved by the Owner’s representative on a submittal basis. The Owner and the Owner’s representative shall have sole discretion as to the acceptability of all submittals. E. Backfill and compaction of treated subsoil shall be in accordance with Sections 02300. F. Maintain optimum moisture of mixed materials to attain required stabilization and compaction. G. Finish subgrade surface in accordance with Section 02300. H. Remove surplus mix materials from site. 3.6 CURING A. Immediately following compaction of mix, seal top surface with curing seal. B. Do not permit traffic for 72 hours after sealing top surface. 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Responsibilities: Unless otherwise specified, the quality control tests and inspections specified below will be conducted by the Owner’s Construction Testing Laboratory (CTL) at no cost to the Contractor in accordance with Section 01458. The Contractor shall perform additional testing or inspection as considered necessary by the Contractor for assurance of quality control. B. Unconfined compression tests on lime, fly ash, or portland cement treated mixture shall be conducted by the CTL in accordance with ASTM D1633. Mold three specimens for each mix design submitted by the Contractor to verify mix design meets the specified requirements. Cure each specimen at a constant moisture content and temperature for 28 days. Test for unconfined compressive strength and compare to the specified design strength. Perform test minimum of three weeks prior to proposed stabilization activities. C. Field Density: Field in-place density shall be determined as specified in Section 02300. D. If tests indicate work does not meet specified requirements, Contractor shall remove and replace work. Corrected areas shall be retested by the CTL. END OF SECTION 02340-4 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 UniSpec II – Civil (Master Site Specifications) 08262009 SECTION 02370 – < 0.85 ACRES* – EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL (INCLUDING SWPPP) PART 1 – GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes 1. Installation of temporary and permanent erosion and sedimentation control systems. 2. Installation of temporary and permanent slope protection systems. 3. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). B. Related Sections 1. Section 02300 – Earthwork 2. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 3. Construction Drawings (“Site Maps”) 4. Construction Storm Water Details 5. Section 8, Environmental Compliance, of the Special Conditions 1.2 A. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS Protect adjacent properties, any identified endangered or threatened species and/or critical habitat, any identified cultural or historic resources, and receiving water resources from erosion and sediment damage until final stabilization is achieved. All storm water controls and systems must be installed & functioning as designed and free of accumulated sediment and debris before final project approval. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Seed, sod, and ground covers for the establishment of vegetation. B. All erosion control products sediment control devices or materials for non-storm water BMPs as specified herein and on the Construction Drawings. C. Rolled erosion control products according to Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC) standard specifications. D. Temporary mulches such as loose straw, wood cellulose, or agricultural silage. E. Temporary and permanent outfall structures as specified on the drawings. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Review the drawings and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. B. Revise SWPPP as necessary to address potential pollution from site identified after issuance of the SWPPP at no additional cost to owner. 3.2 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL AND SLOPE PROTECTION IMPLEMENTATION A. Place erosion and sediment control systems in accordance with the drawings and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan or as may be dictated by site conditions in order to maintain the intent of the specifications and permits. B. The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and Site Maps shall be corrected or modified as site conditions change. Contractor must obtain approval from Owner’s Engineer prior to modifying or substituting Best Management 02370-1 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 Practices. Changes during construction shall be noted in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and posted on the drawings (Site Maps). C. Owner has authority to limit surface area of erodible earth material exposed by clearing and grubbing, excavation, borrow and embankment operations and to direct Contractor to provide immediate permanent or temporary pollution control measures. D. Maintain erosion and sedimentation control systems as dictated by site conditions, indicated in the construction documents, or as directed by governing authorities or Owner to control sediment until final stabilization. Contractor shall respond to maintenance or additional work ordered by Owner or governing authorities immediately, but in no case, within not more than 48 hours at no additional cost to the Owner. E. Contractor shall incorporate permanent erosion control features, paving, permanent slope stabilization, and vegetation into project at earliest practical time to minimize need for temporary controls. F. Permanently seed and mulch cut and fill slopes as construction proceeds to extent considered desirable and practical. G. Disturbed areas that will not be graded or actively worked for a period of 7 days or more, shall be temporarily stabilized as work progresses with vegetation or other acceptable means in accordance with Section 02900 unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents. In the event it is not practical to seed areas, slopes must be stabilized with mulch and tackifier, bonded fiber matrix, netting, blankets or other means to reduce the erosive potential of the area. END OF SECTION 02370-2 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITH LOD < 0.85 ACRES AT Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, Texas - Pavement Rehabilitation Prepared for: Wal-Mart Stores East, LP Sam M. Walton Development Complex 2001 SE 10th Street, Mail Stop 5570 Bentonville, AR 72716-5570 Prepared by: Dunaway Associates, LP 550 Bailey Avenue, Suite 400 Fort Worth, TX 76107 Phone: 817-335-1121 Fax: 817-429-1370 TX Reg. #1114 DALP #B000152.001 June 15, 2011 This 02370 specification has been sealed by a licensed Professional Engineer as part of the project construction package. 02370-3 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 SECTION 02370 – EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL (INCLUDING SWPPP) TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Specification 02370 – Erosion and Sedimentation Control (Including SWPPP) ................................................... 1 SWPPP Cover ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................... 4 I. SUMMARY OF PERMIT AND PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS ............................................................. 6 A. General Permit Information....................................................................................................................... 6 B. Agency Information for Storm Water Pre-Construction Meeting ............................................................. 6 C. Public Posting (Including SWPPP Information Sign) ............................................................................... 6 D. Retention of Records ................................................................................................................................. 6 E. Contractor/Sub-Contractor List ................................................................................................................. 6 F. Contractor/Sub-Contractor Certification Form .......................................................................................... 6 G. SWPPP Updates and Amendments ........................................................................................................... 7 H. Discharge of Petroleum Products or Hazardous Substances ..................................................................... 7 I. Notice of Termination ................................................................................................................................. 7 J. General Contractors Responsibility ............................................................................................................ 7 K. Log of Construction Activity .................................................................................................................... 7 L. Agency Storm Water Inspections .............................................................................................................. 8 M. BMP Field Manual ................................................................................................................................... 8 II. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 8 A. Purpose ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 B. Scope ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................................... 9 IV. SITE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................. 10 A. Site Location ........................................................................................................................................... 10 B. Site Topography ...................................................................................................................................... 10 C. Rainfall Information ................................................................................................................................ 10 D. Site Soils.................................................................................................................................................. 10 E. Total Site Area, Area to be Disturbed, and Runoff Coefficient ............................................................... 10 F. Receiving Surface Waters ........................................................................................................................ 10 G. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan................................................................................................. 10 H. Environmental Permits – Other than TPDES, Storm Water and/or Erosion & Sediment Control .......... 11 I. Threatened and Endangered Species......................................................................................................... 11 J. Historic Properties .................................................................................................................................... 11 V. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES AND CONTROLS ............................. 11 A. Erosion and Sediment Controls ............................................................................................................... 11 1. Minimization of Disturbed Areas...................................................................................................... 11 2. Soil Stabilization ............................................................................................................................... 11 3. Structural Controls ............................................................................................................................ 12 B. Other Pollutant Controls .......................................................................................................................... 14 1. Dust Control ...................................................................................................................................... 14 2. Dewatering ........................................................................................................................................ 14 3. Solid Waste Disposal ........................................................................................................................ 14 4. Sanitary Facilities .............................................................................................................................. 14 5. Non-Storm Water Discharges ........................................................................................................... 15 6. Concrete Waste from Concrete Ready-Mix Trucks .......................................................................... 15 7. Masons’ Area .................................................................................................................................... 15 8. Fuel Tanks......................................................................................................................................... 15 9. Hazardous Material Management and Spill Reporting Plan ............................................................. 16 10. Long-Term Pollutant Controls ........................................................................................................ 17 02370-4 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 Section ...................................................................................................................................................... Page C. “Best Management Practices” (BMPs) .................................................................................................... 17 D. Material Storage, Borrow, or Disposal Areas Outside of Permitted Limits of Disturbance .................... 17 VI. LOCAL PLANS .......................................................................................................................................... 18 VII. INSPECTIONS AND SYSTEM MAINTENANCE................................................................................ 18 A. Construction Exit and Track Out............................................................................................................. 18 B. Erosion Control Devices.......................................................................................................................... 18 C. Sediment Control Devices ....................................................................................................................... 19 D. Material Storage Areas ............................................................................................................................ 19 E. Vegetation ................................................................................................................................................ 19 F. Discharge Points ...................................................................................................................................... 19 G. Off-Site or Special Project Areas ............................................................................................................ 19 H. Sediment Releases ................................................................................................................................... 19 APPENDICES TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................................... 21 02370-5 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 I. SUMMARY OF PERMIT AND PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) includes, but is not limited to, Specification Section 02370 (which includes the SWPPP) with appendices, the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan(s) included in the Construction Drawings with the Detail Sheet, General Permit, all records of inspections and activities which are created during the course of the project, and other documents as may be included by reference to this SWPPP. Changes, modifications, revisions, additions, or deletions shall become part of this SWPPP as they occur. The General Contractor and all subcontractors involved with a construction activity that disturbs site soil or who implement a pollutant control measure identified in the SWPPP must comply with the following requirements of the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) General Permit (“General Permit”) and any local governing agency having jurisdiction concerning TPDES, storm water, erosion and sedimentation control: A. General Permit Information A Notice of Intent was not required since disturbed area was less than 1 acre. A copy of the State’s General Permit is listed in Appendix N. 1. Permit Information: No permit is required since disturbed area is less than 1 acre. A project location/vicinity map is located in Appendix C. 2. Permit Expiration: A copy of the General Permit is located in Appendix N. 3. Governing Agency: While no permit as required on this project the following agency or agencies have governing authority for storm water-related regulations and permits. City of Cleburne Building Permits and Inspections 10 North Robinson Cleburne, TX 76033 Phone: (817) 556-8801 Fax: (817) 556-8848 B. Agency Information for Storm Water Pre-Construction Meeting A Pre-Construction Meeting is not required for this project. C. Public Posting (Including SWPPP Information Sign) A Construction Site Notice is found in Appendix E and must be posted near the construction exit in a prominent place for public viewing until the site has been fully stabilized. D. Retention of Records A complete copy of the SWPPP, including copies of all inspection reports, plan revisions, etc., must be retained at the project site at all times during the duration of the project and kept in the permanent project records of the General Contractor for at least five years following completion of the project. E. Contractor/Sub-Contractor List The General Contractor must provide names and addresses of all subcontractors working on this project who will be involved with the major construction activities that disturb site soil or otherwise affect BMP implementation. This information must be kept in the SWPPP Binder. See the General Contractor SWPPP Binder “Jobsite Storm Water Document Guidelines”. F. Contractor/Sub-Contractor Certification Form The General Contractor and all contractors and/or subcontractors that will implement, maintain and/or impact the pollution control measures in the SWPPP and/or are involved in ground-disturbing activities on the site must sign a copy of the Contractor certification included in Appendix F. An authorized representative from each company on the construction project must sign this form certifying that company representatives understand the General Permit requirements relating to storm water discharges. This 02370-6 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 information must be kept in the SWPPP Binder. See the General Contractor SWPPP Binder “Jobsite Storm Water Document Guidelines”. G. SWPPP Updates and Amendments The General Contractor must update the SWPPP and Site Maps daily to reflect the progress of construction activities and general changes to the project site. SWPPP contact and contractor information and the record of site stabilization activities log must be maintained by the General Contractor throughout the project. BMPs that do not impact the hydraulic design of the site may be modified or added by the General Contractor, and site maps updated accordingly, as needs arise. Examples of BMPs that do not typically impact the hydraulic design of the site include silt fence, silt dike, wattles, construction exit and various forms of temporary and permanent erosion controls (blankets, nets, seed, sod, etc.). Examples of BMPs that commonly impact hydraulic design include storm water basins, diversions, check dams, inlet protection or any product, process or system that changes the storm water flow path or storm water storage capacity of the site or is located in an area of concentrated flow. The General Contractor must submit a request for information (RFI) to the CEC and obtain written CEC approval before modifying or adding sediment controls that may impact the hydraulic design of the site. Substitution of any erosion or sediment control BMPs beyond those specified in the SWPPP must first be approved in writing by the CEC. Substitutions are typically only approved if specified materials are not available or there is a valid reason the specified BMP will not work. Amending the SWPPP does not mean that it has to be reprinted. It is acceptable to add addenda, sketches, new sections, details, and/or revised drawings that are initialed and dated. H. Discharge of Petroleum Products or Hazardous Substances Discharge of petroleum products or other hazardous substances into storm water or the storm water (storm sewer) system is subject to reporting and clean up requirements. See Section V.B.9. of this SWPPP for state and local information on reporting spills. Refer to the General Permit for additional information. A copy of the spill form is located in Appendix H and the General Permit is located in Appendix N. I. Notice of Termination A Notice of Termination was not required for this project because the disturbed area is less than 1 acre. J. General Contractors Responsibility This SWPPP intends to control water-borne, air-borne and liquid pollutant discharges by some combination of interception, sedimentation, filtration, and containment. The General Contractor and subcontractors implementing this SWPPP must remain alert to the need to periodically refine the update the SWPPP in order to accomplish the intended goals. The General Contractor is ultimately responsible for all site conditions and permit compliance. K. Log of Construction Activity A record of dates must be maintained when: major ground-disturbing activities including earthwork or grubbing occur; construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portion of the site; stabilization measures are initiated or completed; and BMPs are installed or permanently removed. This log must be maintained until the project is completed. A Record of Stabilization and Construction Activity Dates (Stabilization) log for documenting such activities is included in Appendix J. The General Contractor shall complete, at a minimum, 1-page of Stabilization log entries for each month of active construction. Controls must be in place down gradient of any ground-disturbing activities prior to the commencement of up gradient construction activities and noted on the Site Maps and the Stabilization log. Site Map and Stabilization log comments and entries must compliment one another with greater detail provided in the Stabilization log as needed. 02370-7 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 L. Agency Storm Water Inspections A project Superintendent must walk the site with the regulatory inspector and document any deficiencies noted during the inspection. Deficiencies of any type, field or documentation-related, identified during the regulatory inspection must be reported to the Construction Manager immediately and resolved within 48hours unless State regulations require a shorter time period. The Superintendent must call the Construction Manager to report the agency inspection immediately, but no later than 1-hour after the inspector has left the jobsite. All storm water or erosion and sediment (E&S) agency visits to the jobsite, whether an official inspection occurred or not, must be reported to the Construction Manager. Any agency inspector, including OSHA and utility inspectors, that comment on storm water BMPs (inlet protection, track out, etc.) must be reported to the Construction Manager. A log of all inspections by Federal, State, or local storm water or other environmental agencies shall be kept in the General Contractor SWPPP Binder. The log form can be found in Appendix K and must include the date and time of the visit and whether a report was issued or will be issued as a result of the inspection. All inspection reports issued by an agency must be faxed or e-mailed to the Construction Manager immediately, but no later than 24-hours of receipt. M. II. BMP Field Manual The General Contractor shall copy the site-specific BMP Field Manual details found in Appendix L of this specification and distribute details in the form of an organized and bound manual to all earth-disturbing subcontractors and subcontractors that affect BMPs. Contractors and subcontractors shall initial the Contractor / Subcontractor Certification forms to verify receipt of the BMP Field Manual. INTRODUCTION This SWPPP has been prepared for major activities associated with the construction of: Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation This SWPPP must be implemented at the start of construction. Construction phase pollutant sources anticipated at the site are disturbed (bare) soil, vehicle fuels and lubricants, chemicals and coatings associated with site or building construction and pavement installation, constructiongenerated litter and debris, and building materials. Without adequate control there is a potential for each type of pollutant to be transported by storm water. Project construction will consist primarily of concrete pavement removal and replacement at the existing Walmart Returns Distribution Center. The existing Distribution Center consists of a 381,898 square foot building, a 97,000 square foot building, and a 476,400 square foot building.. The Distribution Center is located on an approximately 103 acre site. The total disturbed area for this project site is 0.80 acres. There is no off-site area being disturbed as a part of this project. A. Purpose A major goal of pollution prevention efforts during project construction is to control soil and pollutants that originate on the site and prevent them from flowing to surface waters. The purpose of this SWPPP is to provide guidelines for achieving that goal. A successful pollution prevention program also relies upon careful inspection and adjustments during the construction process in order to enhance its effectiveness. B. Scope This SWPPP must be implemented before construction begins on the site. It primarily addresses the impact of storm rainfall and runoff on areas of the ground surface disturbed during the construction process. In addition, there are recommendations for controlling other sources of pollution that could accompany the major construction activities. Applicability of this SWPPP will terminate when disturbed areas are stabilized, permanent erosion and sedimentation controls are installed, temporary erosion and sedimentation controls are removed, construction activities covered herein have ceased, and the project is completed. Forms which are necessary for implementing the SWPPP are included herein. 02370-8 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 The General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activities prohibits most non-storm water discharges during the construction phase. Allowable non-storm water discharges that occur during construction on this project, which are generally covered by the General Permit, include: 1. Discharges from fire-fighting activities; 2. Fire hydrant flushings1; 3. Waters used to wash vehicles where detergents are not used; 4. Water used to control dust in accordance with Subpart 3.4.G; 5. Potable water including uncontaminated water line flushings; 6. Routine external building wash down that does not use detergents; 7. Pavement wash waters where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred (unless all spilled material has been removed) and where detergents are not used; 8. Uncontaminated air conditioning or compressor condensate; 9. Uncontaminated ground water or spring water; 10. Foundation or footing drains where flows are not contaminated with process materials such as solvents; 11. Uncontaminated excavation dewatering; 12. Landscape irrigation (with certain limitations). Contractor shall consult State specific General Permit to determine specific allowable discharges that are applicable to this specific project. Best Management Practices (BMPs) must be implemented for the above allowable foreseeable discharges for the duration of the project. Each non-storm water discharge should be noted in the SWPPP and have proper erosion and sedimentation controls in place with the possible exception of discharges from fire fighting activities. The techniques described in this SWPPP focus on providing control of pollutant discharges with practical approaches that utilize readily available expertise, material, and equipment. The Owner referred to in this SWPPP is Wal-Mart Stores East, LP. The General Contractor shall construct the site development improvements while working under contract with the Owner. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Described below are the major construction activities that are the subject of this SWPPP. Also included in the sequence are BMP installation activities that must take place prior to construction activities. NOTE: Down slope protective measures must always be in place before soil is disturbed. Activities are presented in the order (sequence) they are expected to be completed. All activities and timeframes (beginning and ending dates) shall be noted on the Site Map and the “Record of Stabilization and Construction Activity Dates” form found in Appendix J of this SWPPP. The sequence of construction is as follows: NOTE: Upon implementation and installation of the following areas: trailer, parking, lay down, porta-potty, wheel wash, concrete washout, mason's area, fuel and material storage containers, solid waste containers, etc., immediately denote them on the Site Maps and note any changes in location as they occur throughout the construction process. In addition, note any off-site areas where fill is imported from or soil is exported to on the Site Maps. Erosion Control Sequencing 1. Install SWPPP Information Sign. 2. Install silt dike on pavement as construction progress allows. Silt dike must be in place prior to subgrade disturbing activities. 3. Replace pavement areas as shown on the plans. (Note: Pavement that has been removed should be replaced immediately following its demolition. 4. Complete paving and stabilize any vegetated areas disturbed due to the construction activities (if applicable). 5. Remove SWPPP Information Sign. 02370-9 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 Note: The general contractor may complete construction-related activities concurrently only if preceding BMP's have been completely installed. BMP-related steps in the above sequence are italicized for clarity. The actual schedule for implementing pollutant control measures will be determined by project construction progress and recorded by the General Contractor on the Soil Erosion/Sedimentation Control Operation Time Schedule on the Erosion and Sedimentation Control plans (Site Maps). Down slope protective measures must always be in place before soil is disturbed. IV. SITE DESCRIPTION Included as parts of this SWPPP are the project Construction Drawings – Proposed Pavement Rehabilitation for Walmart Returns Distribution Center #6064. Refer to the Construction Drawings for detailed site information. A. Site Location Address: 3470 Windmill Road, Cleburne, Texas 76033 Latitude: 32°24'23.00"N (32.406389°) Longitude: 97°25'38"W (-97.427222°) Adjacent surrounding properties: There are commercial / industrial facilities on the west, southwest, and east sides of the distribution center. The remainder of the surrounding properties on the north, northeast, and south sides of the site are undeveloped land possibly used for agricultural uses. A vicinity map is included in Appendix C. B. Site Topography Lowest elevation on project site: 850' Highest elevation on project site: 867' Percent slope variation: Slopes throughout the site are generally and 1% to 1.5%. Topography changes: The pavement will be removed and replaced to match existing grades. There will be no major changes to the existing topography. Vegetation: All existing vegetative areas removed from this site during construction will be replaced with impervious area or re-vegetated upon the completion of grading activities. C. Rainfall Information General Contractor shall maintain a rain gauge and daily rainfall records at the site, or use a reference site for a record of daily amount of precipitation. D. Site Soils Soil type and texture: According to the USDA Soil Survey, the onsite soils generally consist of clay and clay loam. Average depth of topsoil: Since the scope of the projects is within paved areas, the topsoil depth was not determined. Average depth to groundwater: The average depth of groundwater was not determined for this project; however, it should be anticipated that groundwater will fluctuate with seasonal rainfall. This information is an estimate and shall not be used for construction costs or estimating. E. Total Site Area, Area to be Disturbed, and Runoff Coefficient The Walmart project site contains 103 acres. The area to be disturbed on this project is 0.80 acres. F. Receiving Surface Waters Receiving waters: Discharge from this site flows into Buffalo Creek. Distance to named receiving waters: Buffalo Creek is located approximately 0.70 miles to the east. Receiving water quality: Buffalo Creek is not listed on the TCEQ 303(d) list of impaired waters. Off-site run-on: Off-site run-on is not a concern at this site. 100-year floodplain: According to the FEMA flood map #48251C0125F, the site is not located within a floodplain. G. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan Refer to the Erosion Control Plan and Erosion Control Detail sheets, sheets 2 and 3 in the construction set. 02370-10 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 V. H. Environmental Permits – Other than TPDES, Storm Water and/or Erosion & Sediment Control No other environmental permits were required for this project. Wetlands: Because this site is currently operating as a Distribution Center, it is not expected that any wetlands exist on the site that will be impacted by this project. I. Threatened and Endangered Species Because this site is currently operating as a Distribution Center, it is not expected that any threatened or endangered species exist on this site that will be impacted by this project. J. Historic Properties Because this site is currently operating as a Distribution Center, it is not expected that any historically significant properties exist on the site that will be impacted by this project. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES AND CONTROLS A variety of storm water pollutant controls are recommended for this project. Some controls are intended to function temporarily and will be used as needed for pollutant control during the construction period. These include temporary sediment barriers and permanent storm retention ponds (which can also function as temporary sediment basins). Permanent stabilization will be accomplished in all disturbed areas by covering the soil with pavement, building foundation, vegetation, or other forms of soil stabilization. A. Erosion and Sediment Controls 1. Minimization of Disturbed Areas Note to General Contractor: Owner has authority to limit surface area of erodible earth material exposed by clearing and grubbing, excavation, borrow and embankment operations and to direct General Contractor to provide immediate permanent or temporary pollution control measures 2. Soil Stabilization The purpose of soil stabilization is to prevent soil from eroding and leaving the site. In the natural condition, soil is stabilized by native vegetation. The primary technique to be used at this project for stabilizing site soils will be to provide a protective cover of grass, pavement, or building structure. a.) Temporary Seeding or Stabilization – All denuded areas that will be inactive for 7 days or more, must be stabilized temporarily with the use of fast-germinating annual grass/grain varieties appropriate for site soil and climate conditions, straw/hay mulch, wood cellulose fibers, tackifiers, netting and/or blankets. Stockpiles and diversion ditches/berms must be stabilized to prevent erosion and dust issues. Note to General Contractor: Temporary stabilization is not achieved simply through seeding. In order for an area or stockpile to be sufficiently stabilized via temporary vegetation, seed must germinate, grow and provide adequate vegetative density. b.) Permanent Seeding, Sodding or Mulching – All areas at final grade must be seeded or sodded within 7 days after completion of work in that area. Seed immediately after final grade is achieved and soils are prepared to take advantage of soil moisture and seed germination. At the completion of ground-disturbing activities the entire site must have permanent vegetative cover, meeting vegetative density requirements, or mulch per landscape plan, in all areas not covered by hardscape (pavement, buildings, etc.). All disturbed areas within a public road right-of-way are to receive sod unless noted otherwise on the construction plans. Except for small (<100 sq.ft.) level spots, seeded areas should be protected with mulch, tackifier or a rolled erosion control product. Mulch must be crimped by disc or other machinery. 02370-11 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 All areas to be seeded must meet topsoil depth, pH and organic content requirements as specified in the Section 02900 Specification – Planting. Consideration is given to climate conditions, soil type and native vegetation when designing the final landscaping plan. Note: Crushed/decomposed granite or other nonvegetative cover may be an acceptable final cover in arid climates. To minimize the potential for erosion and maximize seed germination & growth, the General Contractor must evaluate the short and long-term local forecast prior to applying permanent seed or sod. Final site stabilization is achieved when perennial vegetative cover provides permanent stabilization with a density greater than 70 percent over the entire area to be stabilized by vegetative cover. This area is exclusive of areas that are covered with rock (crushed granite, gravel, etc.) or landscape mulch, paved or have a building or other permanent structure on them. 3. Structural Controls Storm water runoff for this project will be handled by the use of structural controls such as silt dikes on pavement. Locations for and details of structural controls can be found on the sheet titled Erosion Control Site Map of the Site Development Plans for Distribution Center. In case there are questions regarding storm water runoff, the contractor shall refer to the General TPDES Permit for requirements. a) Sedimentation Basins – Temporary sedimentation basins are depressions constructed downslope of construction activity and located such that storm water runoff from upland areas of less than 100 acres are diverted through the basin. Sediment basins shall be constructed as directed by the SWPPP and shall be constructed as part of the initial Phase I BMPs whenever practical. An overflow pipe is incorporated at the outlet to discharge flow from the basin. Temporary and/or permanent discharge devices for use in sedimentation basins shall be constructed with fill placement to endure these devices are properly placed and the surrounding backfill is adequately tied to the basin levee. All materials in the levee, including bedding materials for the discharge devices, shall be low permeability, cohesive soil. Soil exhibiting high shrink/swell potential or containing greater than 5% organics shall not be used. A marker signifying the need for cleanout of each basin must be provided at the elevation shown on the Erosion Control Details provided in the Site Development Plans for this project. This control is not specified at this time b) Sedimentation Traps – Temporary sedimentation traps are depressions constructed down slope of construction activity and located such that storm water runoff from upland areas of less than 5 acres are diverted through the trap. Sedimentation traps shall be constructed as indicated by the SWPPP and shall be constructed as part of the initial BMPs whenever practical. An overflow weir is incorporated at the outlet to discharge flow from the trap. Sedimentation traps shall be phased with the earthwork activity where practical. Sedimentation traps are designed for holding. One sedimentation trap is utilized on this site adjacent to the stone construction exit. This sediment trap is designed to hold sediment generated at the construction exit. This control is not specified at this time c) Silt Fence – Silt fence is a synthetic permeable woven or non-woven geotextile fabric incorporating metal support stakes at intervals sufficient to support the fence (5-feet maximum distance between posts), water, and sediment retained by the fence. The fence is designed to retain sediment-laden storm water and allow settlement of suspended soils before the storm water flows through the fabric and discharges off-site. Silt fence shall be located on the contour to capture overland, low-velocity sheet flows and is installed with a wire fence backing for additional support. 02370-12 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 Silt fences shown on this site are to be used to prevent silt from leaving the construction site. If contractor uses silt fence in areas other than what are indicated on Construction Drawings, drainage area is limited to ½ acre per 100 ft. of fence of wire-reinforced silt fence for slopes less than 2 percent. Install silt fence at a fairly level grade along the contour with the ends curved uphill to provide sufficient upstream storage volume for the anticipated runoff. Silt fence shall be placed 5 feet beyond the toe of the slope. This control is not specified at this time d) e) Construction Exit – All site access must be confined to the construction exit(s) specified by the Construction Mananger. It may be necessary to install a wheel wash system. If this is done, a sediment trap control must be installed to treat the wash water before it discharges from the site. Storm Sewer Inlet Protection – Curb and grated inlets are protected from the intrusion of sediment through a variety of measures as shown on the details included in the Construction drawings. The primary mechanism is to place controls in the path of flow sufficient to slow the sediment-laden water to allow settlement of suspended soils before discharging into the storm sewer. It is possible that as construction progresses from storm sewer installation through to paving that the inlet protection devices will change. Note to General Contractor: All inlet protection devices create ponding of storm water that can result in flooding or by-pass conditions. This control is not specified at this time f) Check Dams – Defined channels subject to concentrated flows in larger quantities and higher velocities may be protected with rock or other manufactured device (Geo-ridge for example) that can be used as a check dam. The dams impound sediment-laden water and allow for settlement of suspended soil before the storm water flows over and through the device. At a minimum, dams shall be placed along the water course at linear intervals in which the elevation of the bottom of the upper most check dam is at the same elevation as the top of the check dam immediately below it. This will allow the most ponding capacity and will not increase the velocity of the water flowing along the channel. Location and spacing of check dams are shown on the Site Maps. Check dams are composed of crushed stone or rip rap or of other manufactured devices. See the detail sheet within the Construction Drawings for the types of dams to be used on this site. This control is not specified at this time g) Diversion Ditch/Berm – Diversion ditches (swales) and berms (dikes) are constructed as shown on the Site Maps at locations within the construction site to intercept overland flow and direct or divert flow to a sediment basin or other point where discharge can be controlled. Ditches are excavated in the surface soils with the spoils from the excavation typically placed along the downstream edge of the ditch to provide additional capacity. Berms are built up on the surface soils and compacted to create a stable diversion. This control is not specified at this time h) Silt Dike on Pavement - Silt dikes on pavement are placed at locations indicated on the Site Maps to capture any sediment being carried by overland flow across pavement downstream of an area being disturbed. These devices are to be installed directly on the pavement and shall have continuous and firm contact with pavement surface. Adhesive shall be used to secure the device to the pavement as indicated on the detail in the Construction Drawings. Devices must be in place prior to disturbance of upstream areas. 02370-13 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 B. Other Pollutant Controls This section includes the controls of pollutants other than sediment and additional requirements of the General Permit. 1. Dust Control Construction traffic must enter and exit the site at the stabilized construction exit. The purpose is to trap dust and mud that would otherwise be carried off-site by construction traffic. Large areas of soil that are denuded of vegetation and have no protection from particles being picked up and carried by wind should be protected with a temporary cover or kept under control with water or other soil adhering products to limit wind transported particles exiting the site perimeter. Water trucks or other dust control agents will be used as needed during construction to minimize dust generated on the site. Tackifiers may be used to hold soil in place and prevent dust. Manufacturer recommendations for application locations and rates must be used for dust control applications. Dust control must be provided by the General Contractor to a degree that is in compliance with applicable local and state dust control regulations. 2. Dewatering Verify discharges from dewatering activities are allowed non-storm water discharges under the General Permit. Obtain a dewatering permit according to state and local regulations, if discharges from dewatering activities are not allowed under the General Permit. Discharges from dewatering operations must be directed through an appropriate pollution prevention/treatment measure, such as a pump discharge filter bag, sediment trap or sediment basin prior to being discharged from the site or into a water body of the State. Under no circumstances are discharges from dewatering operations to be discharged directly into streams, rivers, lakes or other areas off-site. Likewise, discharges into storm sewer systems that do not drain to a suitable on-site treatment facility, such as a basin, are also prohibited. Discharges from dewatering operations must also be conducted in a manner sufficient to prevent erosion from the discharge runoff. Use best management practices when dewatering. Place intake hose on a flotation or similar device and do not pump directly from the bottom of the basin, trench, etc. Always pump through a sediment control BMP and dewater within the permitted limits of disturbance to ensure discharge criteria are achieved. Do not discharge on a slope greater than three percent or within 20’ of a surface water body. Dewatering should not occur during or immediately after precipitation events, but exceptions will be evaluated on case by case basis. 3. Solid Waste Disposal No solid materials, including building materials, are allowed to be discharged from the site with storm water. All solid waste, including disposable materials incidental to the major construction activities, must be collected and placed in containers. The containers will be emptied as necessary by a contract trash disposal service and hauled away from the site. Covers for the containers will be provided as necessary to meet state and local requirements. Construct covers as practicable, or required, to prevent storm water contact and pollutant discharges from solid waste receptacles. The location of solid waste receptacles shall be shown on the Site Maps. Substances that have the potential for polluting surface and/or groundwater must be controlled by whatever means necessary in order to ensure that they do not discharge from the site. As an example, special care must be exercised during equipment fueling and servicing operations. If a spill occurs, it must be contained and disposed of so that it will not flow from the site or enter groundwater, even if this requires removal, treatment, and disposal of soil. In this regard, potentially polluting substances should be handled in a manner consistent with the impact they represent. 4. Sanitary Facilities All personnel involved with construction activities must comply with state and local sanitary or septic system regulations. Temporary sanitary facilities will be provided at the site throughout the construction phase. They must be utilized by all construction personnel and will be serviced by a commercial operator. The location of sanitary facilities shall be shown on the Site Maps. Portable toilets must be securely anchored and are not allowed within 30’ of inlets or permitted limit of disturbance or within 50’ of a water of the State. Any secondary containment for portable toilets required by State or local regulations shall be provided by the Contractor. 02370-14 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 5. Non-Storm Water Discharges Non-storm water components of site discharges must be clean water. Water used for construction which discharges from the site must originate from a public water supply or private well approved by the State Health Department. Water used for construction that does not originate from an approved public supply must not discharge from the site. It can be retained in the ponds until it infiltrates and evaporates. Other non-storm water discharges would include ground water. Only uncontaminated ground water can be discharged from the site, as allowed by and in accordance with applicable local ground water dewatering permits/regulations. When non-storm water is discharged from the site, it must be done in a manner such that it does not cause erosion of the soil during discharge. Process water such as power washing and concrete cutting must be collected for treatment and disposal. It is not to be flushed into the site storm drain system. If any dewatering permit is required then it will be the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain. 6. Concrete Waste from Concrete Ready-Mix Trucks Discharge of excess or waste concrete and/or wash water from concrete trucks will be allowed on the construction site, but only in specifically designated lined and diked areas prepared to prevent contact between the concrete and/or wash water and storm water that will be discharged from the site. Alternatively, waste concrete can be placed into forms to make rip rap or other useful concrete products. The cured residue from the concrete washout diked areas shall be disposed in accordance with applicable state and federal regulations. This jobsite superintendent is responsible for assuring that these procedures are followed. The location of concrete washout areas shall be shown on the Site Maps. Follow all applicable environmental regulations for concrete wash out pits. 7. Masons’ Area Contractor shall identify masons’ area on the site and indicate location on the Site Map. To the extent practical, all masonry tools, material, including sand and sacked cement or mortar materials, and equipment shall be located within the area identified. Runoff control, such as berms or diversion ditches, silt fence, straw wattles, or other means of containment shall be provided to prevent the migration of storm water pollutants in runoff from the masons’ area. Receptacles for debris and trash disposal shall also be provided. 8. Fuel Tanks Temporary on-site fuel tanks for construction vehicles shall meet all state and federal regulations. Tanks shall have approved spill containment with the capacity required by the applicable regulations. From NFPA 30: All tanks shall be provided with secondary containment (i.e. containment external to and separate from primary containment). Secondary containment shall be constructed of materials of sufficient thickness, density, and composition so as not to be structurally weakened as a result of contact with the fuel stored and capable of containing discharged fuel for a period of time equal to or longer than the maximum anticipated time sufficient to allow recovery of discharged fuel. It shall be capable of containing 110% of the volume of the primary tank if a single tank is used, or in the case of multiple tanks, 150% of the largest tank or 10% of the aggregate, whichever is larger. The tanks shall be in sound condition free of rust or other damage which might compromise containment. Fuel storage areas will meet all EPA, OSHA and other regulatory requirements for signage, fire extinguisher, etc. Hoses, valves, fittings, caps, filler nozzles, and associated hardware shall be maintained in proper working condition at all times. The location of fuel tanks shall be shown on the Site Maps and shall be located to minimize exposure to weather and surface water drainage features. A Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan must be developed if aboveground oil storage capacity at the construction site exceeds amount specified by state. Containers with a storage capacity of 55-gallons or less are not included when calculating site storage capacity. The General Contractor shall work with the CEC to develop and implement a SPCC Plan in accordance with the Oil Pollution Prevention regulation at Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 112, (40 CFR 112). 02370-15 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 9. Hazardous Material Management and Spill Reporting Plan Any hazardous or potentially hazardous material that is brought onto the construction site will be handled properly in order to reduce the potential for storm water pollution. All materials used on this construction site will be properly stored, handled, dispensed and disposed of following all applicable label directions. Flammable and combustible liquids will be stored and handled according to 29 CFR 1926.152. Only approved containers and portable tanks shall be used for storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) information will be kept on site for any and all applicable materials. In the event of an accidental spill, immediate action will be undertaken by the General Contractor to contain and remove the spilled material. All hazardous materials will be disposed of by the Contractor in the manner specified by federal, state and local regulations and by the manufacturer of such products. As soon as possible, the spill will be reported to the appropriate agencies. As required under the provisions of the Clean Water Act, any spill or discharge entering waters of the United States will be properly reported. The General Contractor will prepare a written record of any spill and associated clean-up activities of petroleum products or hazardous materials in excess of 1 gallon or reportable quantities, which ever is less. The General Contractor will provide notice to Construction Manager immediately upon identification of a reportable spill. A spill report form is located in Appendix H. Any spills of petroleum products or hazardous materials in excess of Reportable Quantities as defined by EPA or the state or local agency regulations, shall be immediately reported to the EPA National Response Center (1-800-424-8802) and appropriate State agency as listed in the General Permit. In order to minimize the potential for a spill of petroleum product or hazardous materials to come in contact with storm water, the following steps will be implemented: a) All materials with hazardous properties (such as pesticides, petroleum products, fertilizers, detergents, construction chemicals, acids, paints, paint solvents, additives for soil stabilization, concrete, curing compounds and additives, etc.) will be stored in a secure location, under cover, when not in use. b) The minimum practical quantity of all such materials will be kept on the job site and scheduled for delivery as close to time of use as practical. c) A spill control and containment kit (containing for example, absorbent material such as kitty litter or sawdust, acid neutralizing agent, brooms, dust pans, mops, rags, gloves, goggles, plastic and metal trash containers, etc.) will be provided on the construction site and location(s) shown on Site Maps. d) All of the product in a container will be used before the container is disposed of. All such containers will be triple rinsed, with water prior to disposal. The rinse water used in these containers will be disposed of in a manner in compliance with state and federal regulations and will not be allowed to mix with storm water discharges. e) All products will be stored in and used from the original container with the original product label. f) All products will be used in strict compliance with instructions on the product label. g) The disposal of excess or used products will be in strict compliance with instructions on the products label. 02370-16 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 10. C. Long-Term Pollutant Controls Storm water pollutant control measures installed during construction, that will also provide storm water management benefits after construction, include vegetation if vegetated areas are disturbed by the construction activities. “Best Management Practices” (BMPs) Owner has authority to limit surface area of erodible earth material exposed by clearing and grubbing, excavation, borrow and embankment operations and to direct the General Contractor to provide immediate permanent or temporary pollution control measures. During the construction phase, the General Contractor shall implement the following measures: D. 1) Materials resulting from the clearing and grubbing or excavation operations shall be stockpiled up slope from adequate sedimentation controls. Ensure that materials removed to an off-site location shall be protected with appropriate controls and properly permitted and otherwise comply with applicable laws, all in accordance with this SWPPP, including Section V.D. below. 2) The General Contractor shall designate areas on the Site Maps for equipment cleaning, maintenance, and repair. The General Contractor and subcontractors shall utilize such designated areas. Cleaning, maintenance, and repair areas shall be protected by a temporary perimeter berm, shall not occur within 150 feet of any waterway, water body or wetland, and in areas located as far as practical from storm sewer inlets. 3) Use of detergents for large scale washing is prohibited (i.e. vehicles, buildings, pavement surfaces, etc.). 4) Chemicals. Paints, solvents, fertilizers, and other toxic materials must be stored in waterproof containers. Except during application, the containers, the contents must be kept in trucks or within storage facilities. Runoff containing such material must be collected, removed from the site, treated, and disposed of at an approved solid waste and chemical disposal facility. 5) Clearing and grubbing shall be held to a minimum necessary for grading and equipment operations. Construction must follow the sequencing specified on the plans and in the SWPPP to minimize the exposure time of graded or denuded areas. Material Storage, Borrow, or Disposal Areas Outside of Permitted Limits of Disturbance This section describes roles and responsibilities of Walmart General Contractors in verifying and documenting that activities associated with site construction at material storage, borrow, or disposal areas outside of the Permitted Limits of Disturbance have obtained proper coverage under the TPDES program. Definitions Applicable to this Section Site - The location(s) described in this SWPPP and on the associated Site Maps at which Walmart or a Walmart contractor has operational control. Operational Control - Control over construction plans and specifications, including the ability to make modifications to those plans and specifications, or day-to-day operational control of those activities at the Site which are necessary to ensure compliance with the SWPPP. Off-site – Any area outside the Limits of Disturbance as shown on the Site Maps in the SWPPP. This is not necessarily the same as the property ownership boundary. Permitted Limits of Disturbance - Any area of the Site for which the operator(s) are authorized to disturb the ground surface or conduct construction-related activities (i.e. areas shown inside the Limits of Disturbance on the Site Maps in the SWPPP). Material – Rock, soil, or other construction materials obtained as part of an earth disturbing activity. 02370-17 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 Responsibilities of the General Contractor When any material storage, borrow, or disposal will take place during construction outside of Permitted Limits of Disturbance the General Contractor must: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. VI. Verify that any proposed material storage, borrow, or disposal areas have obtained proper coverage under the TPDES program. This shall include obtaining copies of signed and submitted TPDES Notices of Intent or applications, Storm Water Discharge Authorizations, or other documentation necessary to verify compliance with the TPDES program (e.g., documentation from local qualified programs, MS4s, Soil Conservation District permits, etc.) Prior to any Storage, Borrow, or Disposal activities properly execute the Material Storage, Borrow, or Disposal Manifest and related Contract for each area. Blank copies of the appropriate forms are provided in Appendix M. Copies of the Material Storage, Borrow, or Disposal Manifest and related Contract for Removal and Acceptance of Soil shall be provided to the Construction Manager upon execution. The Soil Removal and Acceptance Manifest shall not be amended or changed without prior approval from the Construction Manager. The General Contractor shall complete and keep current the Off-Site Material box on the project site map and update the map and site stabilization log to indicate locations where, and dates when, storage, borrow, or disposal occur on the Walmart Site. All documentation obtained as described in this section shall be retained in the SWPPP binder at the site and in accordance with the Retention of Records as described in Part I.D of Section 02370. LOCAL PLANS In addition to this SWPPP, construction activities associated with this project must comply with any guidelines set forth by local regulatory agencies. The General Contractor shall maintain documents evidencing such compliance on the jobsite. VII. INSPECTIONS AND SYSTEM MAINTENANCE Between the time this SWPPP is implemented and the completion of the project, all disturbed areas and pollutant controls must be inspected daily. The purpose of site inspections is to assess performance of pollutant controls. The inspections will be conducted by the General Contractor’s Site Superintendent. Based on these inspections, the General Contractor will decide whether it is necessary to modify this SWPPP, add or relocate controls, or revise or implement additional Best management Practices in order to prevent pollutants from leaving the site via storm water runoff. The General Contractor has the duty to cause pollutant control measures to be repaired, modified, supplemented, or take additional steps as necessary in order to achieve effective pollutant control. Note: If a BMP is covered by snow, mark the BMP as not applicable and document the reason the BMP can not be inspected on the daily report. Examples of specific items to evaluate during site inspections are listed below. This list is not intended to be comprehensive. During each inspection, the inspector must evaluate overall pollutant control system performance as well as particular details of individual system components. Additional factors should be considered as appropriate to the circumstances. A. Construction Exit and Track Out Locations where vehicles enter and exit the site must be inspected for evidence of off-site sediment tracking. A stabilized construction exit shall be established where vehicles enter and exit the site. Due to the nature of this project, a stone construction exit is not required. Contractor shall implement procedure and facilities, as needed, to prevent tracking sediment onto roadways or parking lot. Any sediment deposited on the roadway shall be swept as necessary throughout the day or at the end of every day and disposed of in an appropriate manner. Sediment shall NOT be washed into storm sewer systems. Note to General Contractor: Track out is a sediment release (sediment from the construction site was allowed beyond the permitted limits of disturbance). All sediment releases must be reported to the Construction Manager. See Item H below for additional information. B. Erosion Control Devices Rolled erosion control products (nets, blankets, turf reinforcement mats) and marginally vegetated areas (areas not meeting required vegetative densities for final stabilization) must be inspected daily. Rilling, rutting and other signs of erosion indicate the erosion control device is not functioning properly and additional erosion control devices are warranted. 02370-18 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 C. Sediment Control Devices Sediment barriers, traps and basins must be inspected and they must be cleaned out at such time as their original capacity has been reduced by 50 percent. All material excavated from behind sediment barriers or in traps and basins shall be incorporated into on-site soils or spread out on an upland portion of the site and stabilized. To minimize the potential for sediment releases from the project site perimeter control devices shall be inspected with consideration given to changing up-gradient conditions. D. Material Storage Areas Material storage areas should be located to minimize exposure to weather. Inspections shall evaluate disturbed areas and areas used for storing materials that are exposed to rainfall for evidence of, or the potential for, pollutants entering the drainage system or discharging from the site. If necessary, the materials must be covered or original covers must be repaired or supplemented. Also, protective berms must be constructed, if needed, in order to contain runoff from material storage areas. All state and local regulations pertaining to material storage areas will be adhered to. E. Vegetation Consideration must be given to anticipated climate and seasonal conditions when specifying and planting seed. Seed shall be free of weedy species and appropriate for site soils and regional climate. Seed and mulch per the construction drawings and the 02900 Planting specification immediately after topsoil is applied and final grade is reached. Grassed areas shall be inspected to confirm that a healthy stand of grass is maintained. The site has achieved final stabilization once all areas are covered with building foundation or pavement, or have a stand of grass with a minimum of 70 percent density or greater of natural background cover over the entire vegetated area. Vegetated areas must be watered, fertilized, and reseeded as needed to achieve this requirement. The vegetative density must be maintained through project completion to be considered stabilized. Areas protected by erosion control blankets are not permanently stabilized until the requirement for final vegetative density is achieved. Rip-rap, mulch, gravel, decomposed granite or other equivalent permanent stabilization measures may be employed in lieu of vegetation based on site-specific conditions and governing authority approval. F. Discharge Points All discharge points must be inspected to determine whether erosion and sediment control measures are effective in preventing discharge of sediment from the site or impacts to receiving waters. G. Off-Site or Special Project Areas There are no special projects, beyond the Walmart permitted limits of disturbance, requiring inspection and maintenance associated with this construction project. H. Sediment Releases The Construction Manager must be notified each and every time sediment is allowed beyond permitted limits of disturbance. This includes sediment that escapes or is allowed to leave via designed discharge points. Storm water that leaves the permitted limits of disturbance and is discolored contains soil particles (sediment) and must be treated as a sediment release. When calling the Construction Manager to report a sediment release the General Contract should leave the following information: 1. Store Number & Sequence 2. Store City & State 3. Caller (full name & firm) 4. Caller Telephone Number 5. Sediment Release Date 6. Was a rain event associated with release (Yes or No)? 6b. If yes, what was duration of rain event & total amount of rain received? 6c. If no, what caused the sediment release? 7. Where on the jobsite did the release occur? 8. Did the sediment release occur beyond the permitted limits of disturbance (Yes or No)? If yes, 8b. What BMPs failed to allow the sediment release to occur? 02370-19 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 8c. Did sediment enter a water body or wetland? 8d. Did sediment enter a storm water inlet? 8e. Did sediment enter an adjacent street or property? 8f. Estimate, in cubic yards, how much sediment left the site: 8g. Has all off-site sediment been cleaned up (Yes or No)? If no, when will sediment clean up be completed? 8h. Is there a requirement to notify the governing agency of this release (Yes or No)? 9. How have BMPs been modified / improved to prevent future sediment releases? Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the General Contractor to assure the adequacy of site pollutant discharge controls. Actual physical site conditions or contractor practices could make it necessary to install more structural controls than are shown on the plans. For example, localized concentrations of runoff could make it necessary to install additional sediment barriers. Assessing the need for additional controls and implementing them or adjusting existing controls will be a continuing aspect of this SWPPP until the site achieves final stabilization. Any modifications, additions or deletions of sediment control devices that may alter the hydraulic design of the site or are located in areas of potential high flow (basins, traps, check dams, diversions. etc.) must be approved by the CEC through the request for information process (RFI). 02370-20 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 APPENDIX A CONTACT LIST APPENDIX B GENERAL CONTRACTOR SWPPP CERTIFICATION APPENDIX C VICINITY MAP APPENDIX D NOTICE OF INTENT (NOI) APPENDIX E CONSTRUCTION SITE NOTICE APPENDIX F CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION; APPENDIX G SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT APPENDIX H SPILL REPORT FORM APPENDIX I NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT) APPENDIX J RECORD OF STABILIZATION AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DATES APPENDIX K LOG OF FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL STORM WATER OR OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTIONS APPENDIX L BMP FIELD MANUAL APPENDIX M OFF-SITE MATERIAL CERTIFICATION STATEMENT APPENDIX N GENERAL PERMIT 02370-21 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 APPENDIX A CONTACT LIST To be located behind SWPPP Binder Tab 1 02370-22 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 CONTACT LIST Contacts for: DC #6064, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Walmart’s Senior Director of Storm Water Compliance: Date: ____________________ Mark S. Goldsmith, CPESC Phone: (479) 204-3314 Responsible for coordinating oversight of storm water compliance by Walmart and it’s Responsible Contractors at each site. Walmart’s Construction Manager: Name: Phone: Responsible for conducting monthly inspections, conducting the final site inspection after verifying final stabilization and overseeing compliance with all applicable permits, the Clean Water Act, and the site SWPPP. Responsible Contractor’s Compliance Officer: Name: Company: Phone: Responsible for the supervision or completion of construction at a site and able to adequately identify and implement storm water sediment and erosion control practices and effectively instruct employees and contractors in the implementation of such practices. Project Superintendent: Name: Company: Phone (office): Phone (mobile): Project Superintendent: Name: Company: Phone (office): Phone (mobile): Responsible for overseeing activities and work at a site; has the authority to direct employees and contractors to undertake actions to comply with all applicable permits, the Clean Water Act, and the site’s SWPPP. Note to General Contractors: Date this form each time contact information is added or updated. Do not erase information from this form. If information is incorrect or outdated, line through incorrect / outdated information and write in correct / new information. If contact information changes more than once create a new updated Contact List, date, and place on top of old Contact List in the SWPPP Binder. Confidential Business Information 02370-23 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 APPENDIX B GENERAL CONTRACTOR SWPPP CERTIFICATION To be located behind SWPPP Binder Tab 7 NOTES to General Contractor: The General Contractor must certify this SWPPP by signing the GC SWPPP certification letter located in this Appendix. Signed General Contractor SWPPP certifications must be kept in the jobsite SWPPP Binder behind Tab 7B. Signed SWPPP certifications can not be modified or revised in the field. 02370-24 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 [General Contractor’s SWPPP Certification – reproduce the following on company letterhead] Date: RE: DC #6064, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Address: 3470 Windmill Road Cleburne, Texas 76033 CERTIFICATION OF THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN FOR STORM WATER DISCHARGES FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage this system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Sincerely, Signature Printed Name Title Company 02370-25 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 APPENDIX C VICINITY MAP 02370-26 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 APPENDIX D NOTICE OF INTENT A Notice of Intent is not required for this project since the disturbed area is less than 1 acre. To be located behind SWPPP Binder Tab 2 and/or 3 NOTE to General Contractor: Place a note behind Tab 2a in the SWPPP Binder indicating ‘not required’ since Walmart did not obtain a State or EPA storm water permit. 02370-27 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 TCEQ Office Use Only Permit No.: TXR15 Notice of Intent (NOI) for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity under TPDES General Permit (TXR150000) RN: CN: Ref No: Sign up now for ePermits NOI at Get Instant Permit Coverage and only pay a $225 application fee. Reset Form If filing a paper NOI you can pay the application fee on line? Go to IMPORTANT: •Use the INSTRUCTIONS to fill out each question in this form. •Use the attached CUSTOMER CHECKLIST to make certain all you filled out all required information. •Incomplete applications WILL delay approval or result in automatic Denial. Renewal of General Permit Is this NOI to renew an ACTIVE permit? Yes - What is your permit number? Permit No. TXR15 No - a permit number will be issued. Application Fee if mailing a paper NOI: You must pay the $325 Application Fee to TCEQ for the application to be considered complete. Payment and NOI must be mailed to separate addresses. See instructions for correct mailing addresses. Provide your payment information below, for us to verify payment of the application fee: Mailed: Check/Money Order No.: Company Name on checking account: EPAY: Voucher No.: Is the Payment Voucher copy attached? Yes A. OPERATOR (applicant) 1. If the applicant is currently a customer with TCEQ, what is the Customer Number (CN) issued to this entity? (Search Central Registry) CN 2. What is the Legal Name of the entity (applicant) applying for this permit? (The legal name must be spelled exactly as filed with the Texas Secretary of State, County, or in the legal document forming the entity.) 3. What is the name and title of the person signing the application? (The person must be an official meeting signatory requirements in TAC 305.43(a).) Name: Job Title: 4. What is the Operator’s (applicant) mailing address as recognized by the US Postal Service? (verify at Address: Suite No./Bldg. No./Mail Code: City: State: Country Mailing Information (if outside USA). ZIP Code: Country Code: 5. Phone No.: ( ) Extension: 6. Fax No.: ) E-mail Address: ( Postal Code: 7. Indicate the type of Customer: Individual Corporation State Government Other Government TCEQ-20022 (03/05/2008) Sole Proprietorship-D.B.A. Federal Government County Government Other (describe): Limited Partnership General Partnership City Government Page 1 8. Independent Operator: Yes 9. Number of Employees: 0-20; No (If governmental entity, subsidiary, or part of a larger corporation, check “No”.) 21-100; 101-250; 251-500; or 501 or higher 10. Customer Business Tax and Filing Numbers (This item is not applicable to Individuals, Government, GP or Sole Proprietor.) REQUIRED for Corporations and Limited Partnerships ( Verify the entity’s status and filing no. with TX SOS at 512/463-5555 ) State Franchise Tax ID Number: Federal Tax ID: TX SOS Charter (filing) Number: DUNS Number (if known): B. APPLICATION CONTACT If TCEQ needs additional information regarding this application, who should be contacted? 1. Name: 2. Phone No.: ( Title: Company: ) Extension: 3. Fax No.: E-mail Address: C. REGULATED ENTITY (RE) INFORMATION ON PROJECT OR SITE 1. TCEQ Issued RE Reference Number (RN): RN (Search Central Registry) 2. Name of Project or Site (the name as known by the community where this facility/project is located): (example: phase and name of subdivision or name of project that’s unique to the site) 3. Does the site have a physical address? If Yes, complete Section A for a physical address. If No, complete Section B for site location information. Section A: Enter the physical address for the site. (verify it with or other delivery source) Street Number: Street Name: City: ZIP Code: Section B: Enter the site location information. If no physical address (Street Number & Street Name), provide a written location access description to the site: (Ex.: phase 1 of Woodland subdivision located 2 miles west from intersection of Hwy 290 & IH35 accessible on Hwy 290 South) City where the site is located or nearest city to site: ZIP Code where site is located: 4. Identify the county where the site is located: 5. Latitude: Longitude: 6. What is the primary business of this entity? In your own words, briefly describe the primary business of the Regulated Entity: (Do not repeat the SIC and NAICS code) 7. What is the mailing address for the regulated entity? Is the RE mailing address the same as the Operator? Street Number: Yes, address is the same as Operator No, provide the address Street Name: City: State: ZIP Code: D. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 1. Is the site located on Indian Country Lands? No Yes – If Yes, do not submit this NOI. Contact EPA, Region VI If the site is on Indian country lands, you must obtain authorization through EPA, Region VI. 2. What is the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code (see instructions for common codes): Primary: TCEQ-20022 (03/05/2008) (Search Secondary: Page 2 3(a) What is the total number of acres disturbed? 3(b) Is the project site part of a larger common plan of development or sale? Yes No If Yes, the total number of acres disturbed can be less than 5 acres. If No, the total number of acres disturbed must be 5 or more. If the total number of acres disturbed is less than 5 then the project site does not qualify for coverage through this Notice of Intent. Coverage will be denied. See the requirements in the general permit for small construction sites. 4. Discharge Information (all information MUST be provided or the permit will be denied) 4(a) What is the name of the water body(s) to receive the storm water runoff or potential runoff from the site? 4(b) What is the segment number(s) of the classified water body(s) that the discharge or potential discharge will eventually reach? 4(c) Are any of the surface water bodies receiving discharges from the construction site on the latest EPA-approved CWA 303(d) list of impaired waters? Yes No If Yes, provide the name of the impaired water body(s). 4(d) Is the discharge into an MS4? Yes No If Yes, what is the name of the MS4 Operator? Note: The general permit requires you to send a copy of the NOI to the MS4 Operator. 4(e) Is the discharge or potential discharge within the Recharge Zone, Contributing Zone, or Contributing Zone within the Transition Zone of the Edwards Aquifer? Yes No If the answer is Yes, please note that a copy of the agency approved Plan required by the Edwards Aquifer Rule (30 TAC Chapter 213) must be included or referenced in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. E. CERTIFICATION Check AYes@ to the certifications below. Failure to certify to all items will result in denial. Yes I certify that I have obtained a copy and understand the terms and conditions of the general permit (TXR150000). I certify that the full legal name of the entity (Operator) applying for this permit has been provided and is legally authorized to do business in Texas. Yes I understand that a Notice of Termination (NOT) must be submitted when this authorization is no longer needed. Yes I certify that a storm water pollution prevention plan has been developed and will be implemented prior to construction, and that is compliant with any applicable local sediment and erosion control plans, as required in the general permit TXR150000. Operator Certification: Yes I, Typed or printed name (Required & must be legible) Title (Required & legible) certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. I further certify that I am authorized under 30 Texas Administrative Code '305.44 to sign and submit this document, and can provide documentation in proof of such authorization upon request. Date: ______________________________________ Signature: (Use blue ink) TCEQ-20022 (03/05/2008) Page 3 Did you complete everything? Use this checklist to be sure! Are you ready to mail your form to TCEQ? Go to the General Information Section of the Instructions for mailing addresses. / Customer GP Notice of Intent Checklist TXR150000 This checklist is for use by the operator to ensure a complete application. Missing information may result in denial of coverage under the g permit. (See NOI Process description in the Instructions) Application Fee of $325.00 was mailed separately to TCEQ=s Cashiers=s Office (separate from the NOI) or the EPAY payment voucher is attached. OPERATOR INFORMATION - Confirm each item is complete: / Customer Number (CN) issued by TCEQ Central Registry Legal Name as filed to do business in Texas (Call TX SOS 512/463-5555) Name and Title of person signing the application. This person must meet signatory requirements in 30 TAC Section 305.43 Operator Mailing Address is complete & verifiable with USPS. Phone Numbers/E-mail Address Type of Operator (Entity Type) Independent Operator Number of Employees For Corporations or Limited Partnerships – Tax ID and SOS Filing numbers are REQUIRED Application Contact person we can call for questions about this application. REGULATED ENTITY (RE) INFORMATION ON PROJECT OR SITE - Confirm each item is complete: / Regulated Entity Reference Number (RN) (if site is already regulated by TCEQ) Site/Project Name/Regulated Entity Site/Project (RE) Physical Address Please do not use a rural route or post office box for a site location Or if no physical address, the location information that includes description, zip code and city is listed. Latitude and Longitude TCEQ USGS Topographic Map Viewer or TerraServer-USA Business description Site Mailing Address (checked same as operator or complete & verifiable with USPS. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS - Confirm each item is complete: / Indian Country Lands –the facility is not on Indian Country Lands Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code Acres Disturbed is provided and qualifies for coverage through a NOI. Common plan of development or for sale? Discharge Information: receiving water body segment number(s) is REQUIRED water body on the latest EPA-Approved Clean Water Act 303(d) list of impaired waters MS4 Operator Edwards Aquifer Rule CERTIFICATION Certification statements have been checked indicating “Yes” Signature meets 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) '305.44 and is original and has been provided for the Operator. TCEQ-20022 Checklist (03/05/2008) Page 1 Notice of Intent (NOI) for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity under TPDES General Permit (TXR150000) General Information and Instructions GENERAL INFORMATION Where to Send the Notice of Intent (NOI) and other related forms: BY REGULAR U.S. MAIL Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Storm Water Processing Center (MC228) P.O. Box 13087 Austin, TX 78711-3087 TCEQ Contact list: BY OVERNIGHT/EXPRESS MAIL Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Storm Water Processing Center (MC228) 12100 Park 35 Circle Austin, TX 78753 Application Processing Questions relating to the status and form requirements: Technical Questions relating to the general permit: Environmental Law Division: Records Management for obtaining copies of forms submitted to TCEQ: Information Services for obtaining reports from program data bases (as available): Financial Administration=s Cashier=s office: Notice of Intent Process: 512/239-3700, 512/245-0130 or 512/239-4671 or 512/239-0600 512/239-0900 512/239-DATA (3282) 512/239-0357 or 512/239-0187 When your NOI is received by the program, the form will be processed as follows: 1. Administrative Review: Each item on the form will be reviewed for a complete response. In addition, the operator=s legal name must be verified with Texas Secretary of State as valid and active (if applicable). The address(s) on the form must be verified with the US Postal service as an address receiving regular mail delivery. Never give an overnight/express mailing address. 2. Notice of Deficiency: If an item is incomplete or not verifiable as indicated above, a notice of deficiency (NOD) will be mailed to the operator. The operator will have 30 days to respond to the NOD. The response will be reviewed for completeness. 3. Acknowledgment of Coverage: An Acknowledgment Certificate will be mailed to the operator. This certificate acknowledges coverage under the general permit. -orDenial of Coverage: If the application is too incomplete to process, or the operator fails to respond to the NOD or the response is inadequate, coverage under the general permit may be denied. If coverage is denied, the operator will be notified. General Permit (Your Permit) If filing the NOI through ePermits online application, coverage under the general permit begins the day the NOI is submitted to TCEQ through epermits. Sign up now for on line NOI at If mailing a paper NOI, coverage under the general permit begins seven (7) days after a completed NOI is postmarked for delivery to the TCEQ. You should have a copy of your general permit when submitting your application. You may view and print your permit for which you are seeking coverage, on the TCEQ web site General Permit Forms The Notice of Intent (NOI), Notice of Termination (NOT), and Notice of Change (NOC) #20391 with instructions are available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format on the TCEQ web site Sign up now for on line Notice of Termination application at Change in Operator An authorization under the general permit is not transferable. If the operator or owner of the regulated entity changes, the present permittee must submit a Notice of Termination and the new operator must submit a Notice of Intent. The NOT and NOI must be submitted not later than 10 days prior to the change in Operator status. TCEQ-20022 Instructions (03/05/2008) Page 1 TCEQ Central Registry Core Data Form The Core Data Form has been incorporated into this form. Do not send a core data form to TCEQ. After final acknowledgment of coverage under the general permit, the program will assign a Customer Number (CN) and Regulated Entity Number (RN). For Construction Permits, a new RN will be assigned for each Notice of Intent filed with TCEQ, since construction project sites can overlap with other Customers. The RN assigned to your construction project will not be assigned to any other TCEQ authorization. You can find the information on the Central Registry web site at You can search by the Regulated Entity (RN), Customer Number (CN) or Name (Permittee), or by your permit number under the search field labeled AAdditional ID@. Capitalize all letters in the permit number. The Customer (Permittee) is responsible for providing consistent information to the TCEQ, and for updating all CN and RN data for all authorizations as changes occur. For General Permits, a Notice of Change form must be submitted to the program area. Application Fees: $225.00 application fee if submitting the NOI through ePermits. $325.00 application fee if submitting a paper NOI for processing. The application fee is required to be paid at the time the NOI is submitted. Failure to submit payment at the time the application is filed will cause delays in acknowledgment or denial of coverage under the general permit. $ Mailed Payments: DO NOT mail your check with the original Notice of Intent application. Use the attached Application Fee payment submittal form is mailing the payment. Do not include a copy of the NOI. BY REGULAR U.S. MAIL Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Financial Administration Division Cashier=s Office, MC-214 P.O. Box 13088 Austin, TX 78711-3088 BY OVERNIGHT/EXPRESS MAIL Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Financial Administration Division Cashier=s Office, MC-214 12100 Park 35 Circle Austin, TX 78753 $ ePAY Electronic Payment: Go to Select Water Quality, then select the fee category “GENERAL PERMIT CONSTRUCTION STORM WATER DISCHARGE NOI APPLICATION”. You must include a copy of the payment voucher with your NOI. Your NOI will not be considered complete without the payment voucher. The Annual Water Quality Fee has been consolidated into the Application Fee effective March 5, 2008. An annual fee will not be assessed and billed to operators on 9/1/2008. This does not relieve the operator of fees due for prior fiscal year assessments. The operator will continue to receive an invoice for payment of any past due annual fee. A 5% penalty will be assessed if the payment is received by TCEQ after the due date. Annual fee assessments cannot be waived as long as the authorization under the general permit was active on September 1 of the FY billed. TCEQ-20022 Instructions (03/05/2008) Page 2 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING OUT THE NOI FORM A. OPERATOR (As defined in the general permit.) 1. TCEQ Issued Customer Number (CN) TCEQ=s Central Registry will assign each customer a number that begins with ACN,@ followed by nine digits. This is not a permit number, registration number, or license number. $ If this customer has not been assigned a Customer Reference Number, leave the space for the Customer Reference Number blank. $ If this customer has already been assigned this number, enter the operator=s Customer Reference Number in the space provided. 2. Legal Name Provide the legal name of the facility operator, as authorized to do business in Texas. The name must be provided exactly as filed with the Texas Secretary of State (SOS), or on other legal documents forming the entity, that is filed in the county where doing business. You may contact the SOS at 512/463-5555, or go to for more information related to filing in Texas. If filed in the county where doing business, provide a copy of the legal documents showing the legal name. 3. Name and Title of person signing the Notice of Intent application form. Signature meets 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) '305.44 4. Operator Mailing Address Provide a complete mailing address for receiving mail from the TCEQ. The address must be verifiable with the US Postal Service at, for regular mail delivery (not overnight express mail). If you find that the address is not verifiable using the USPS web search, please indicate the address is used by the USPS for regular mail delivery. 5. Phone Number This number should correspond to this customer=s mailing address given earlier. Enter the area code and phone number here. Leave AExtension@ blank if this customer=s phone system lacks this feature. 6. Fax Number and E-mail Address This number and E-mail address should correspond to operator=s mailing address provided earlier. (Optional Information) 7. Type of Entity Check only one box that identifies the type of entity. Use the descriptions below to identify the appropriate entity type: Individual is a customer who has not established a business, but conducts an activity that needs to be regulated by the TCEQ. Sole ProprietorshipC D.B.A. is a customer that is owned by only one person and has not been incorporated. This business may: $ be under the person=s name $ have its own name (Adoing business as,@ or d.b.a.) $ have any number of employees Partnership is a customer that is established as a partnership as defined by the Texas Secretary of State=s Office. Corporation the customer meets all of these conditions: $ is a legally incorporated entity under the laws of any state or country $ is recognized as a corporation by the Texas Secretary of State $ has proper operating authority to operate in Texas. Government- Federal, state, county, or city government (as appropriate) the customer is either an agency of one of these levels of government or the governmental body itself. Other is Estate, Trust, etc. the customer does not fit one of the above descriptions. Enter a short description of the type of customer in the blank provided. 8. Independent Operator Check ANo@ if this customer is a subsidiary, part of a larger company, or is a governmental entity. Otherwise, check AYes.@ 9. Number of Employees Check one box to show the number of employees for this customer=s entire company, at all locations. This is not necessarily the number of employees at the site named in the NOI. 10. State Franchise Tax ID Number Corporations and limited liability companies that operate in Texas are issued a franchise tax identification number. If this customer is a corporation or limited liability company, enter this number here. Federal Tax ID All businesses, except for some small sole proprietors, individuals, or general partnerships should have a federal taxpayer identification number (TIN). Enter this number here. Use no prefixes, dashes, or hyphens. Sole proprietors, individuals, or general partnerships do not need to provide a federal tax ID. TX SOS Charter (filing) Number Corporations and Limited Partnerships required to register with the Texas Secretary of State are issued a charter or filing number. You may obtain further information by calling SOS at 512/463-5555 TCEQ-20022 Instructions (03/05/2008) Page 3 DUNS Number Most businesses have a DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) number issued by Dun and Bradstreet Corp. If this customer has one, enter it here. B. Application Contact Provide the name, title and communication information of the person that TCEQ can contact for additional information regarding this application. If the application is missing information and there is no contact person to call, the application may be denied. C. REGULATED ENTITY (RE) INFORMATION ON PROJECT OR SITE 1. Regulated Entity Reference Number (RN) This is a number issued by TCEQ=s Central Registry to sites (a location where a regulated activity occurs) regulated by TCEQ. This is not a permit number, registration number, or license number. $ If this Regulated Entity has not been assigned a Regulated Entity Number, leave this space blank. $ If this customer has been assigned this number, enter the operator=s Regulated Entity Number. 2. Site/Project Name/Regulated Entity If the site is already regulated by TCEQ, use the same name as on the existing Regulated Entity Reference Number (RN). If new, provide the name of the site as known by the public in the area where the site is located. The name you provide on this application will be used in the TCEQ Central Registry as the Regulated Entity. 3. Site/Project (RE) Physical Address Section A: Enter the complete physical address of where the site is located. This must be a street number and street name for a complete physical address. This address must be validated through US Postal Service or your local police (911 service) as a valid address. Please confirm this to be a complete and valid address. In some rural areas, new addresses are being assigned to replace rural route addresses. Please do not use a rural route or post office box for a site location. Section B: If a site does not have an actual physical address that includes a street number and street name, then provide a complete written location access description, and the zip code and city where the site is located. For example: AThe site is located 2 miles west from intersection of Hwy 290 & IH35, located on the southwest corner of the Hwy 290 South bound lane.@ This includes authorizations for construction projects such as highways and subdivision. 4. Identify the County where the site is located. If the site covers more than one county, provide the county that is most affected by the authorized activity and list the additional county(s) as secondary. 5. Latitude and Longitude Enter the latitude and longitude of the site in either degrees, minutes, and seconds or decimal form. For help obtaining the latitude and longitude, go to: TCEQ USGS Topographic Map Viewer or TerraServer-USA 6. Description of Activity Regulated In your own words, briefly describe the primary business being conducted at the site. (A description specific to what you are doing that requires this authorization - Do not repeat the SIC Code(s).) SITE MAILING ADDRESS Provide a complete mailing address to be used by TCEQ for receiving mail at the site. In most cases, the address is the same as the operator. If so, simply place a check mark in the box. If you provide a different address, please verify the address with USPS as instructed above for the operator address. D. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 1. Indian Country Lands If your site is located on Indian Country Lands, the TCEQ does not have authority to process your application. You must obtain authorization through EPA, Region VI, Dallas. Do not submit this form to TCEQ. Indian Country means (1) all land within the limits of any American Indian reservation under the jurisdiction of the U.S. government, notwithstanding the issuance of any patent, and including rights-of-way running throughout the reservation; (2) all dependent Indian communities within the borders of the United States whether within the original or subsequently acquired territory thereof, and whether within or outside the limits of a State; and (3) all Indian allotments, the Indian titles which have not been extinguished, including rights-of-way running through the same. Indian Tribe means any Indian Tribe, band, nation, or community recognized by the Secretary of the Interior and exercising substantial governmental duties and powers. 2. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code Provide the SIC code that best describes the construction activity being conducted at the site. Common SIC Codes related to construction activities include: 1521 Construction of Single Family Homes; 1522 Construction of Residential Bldgs. Other than Single Family Homes; 1541 Construction of Industrial Bldgs. and Warehouses; 1542 Construction of Non-residential Bldgs. other than Industrial Bldgs. and Warehouses; 1611 Highway & Street Construction, except Highway Construction; 1622 Bridge, Tunnel, & Elevated Highway Construction; 1623 Water, Sewer, Pipeline & Communications, and Power Line Construction. For help with SIC codes, go to: TCEQ-20022 Instructions (03/05/2008) Page 4 3. Estimated Area of Land Disturbed 3(a). Provide the approximate number of acres that the construction site will disturb. 3(b). Indicate is the site is part of a common plan of development or for sale. Construction activities that disturb less than one acre, unless they are part of a larger common plan that disturbs more than one acre, do not require permit coverage. Construction activities that disturb between one and five acre, unless they are part of a common plan that disturbs five acres or more acres, do not require submission of an NOI. Therefore, the estimated area of land disturbed should not be less than five, unless the project is part of a larger common plan that disturbs five or more acres. ADisturb@ means any clearing, grading, excavating, or other similar activities. If you have any questions about this item, please call the storm water technical staff at (512)239-4671. 4. Discharge Information 4 (a). The storm water may be discharged directly to a receiving stream or through a MS4* from your site. It eventually reaches a receiving water body such as a local stream or lake, possibly via a drainage ditch. You must provide the name of the water body that receives the discharge from the site (a local stream or lake). 4 (b). The classified segment number(s) is REQUIRED to get coverage. Go to the link to find the segment number of the classified water body where storm water will flow . Call Water Quality Assessments at 512/239-4671 for further assistance. Another source for segments is: 4 (c). If any surface water body(s) receiving discharges from the construction site are on the latest EPA-approved CWA § 303(d) list of impaired waters, provide the name(s) of the water body(s). EPA approved CWA 303d list of impaired waters can be found at: Texas Water Quality Inventory and 303(d) List - Texas Commission on Environmental Quality - 4 (d). Identify the MS4* Operator name if the storm water discharge is into an MS4. *MS4 is an acronym for Municipal separate storm sewer system. MS4 is defined as a separate storm sewer system owned or operated by a state, city, town, county, district, association, or other public body (created by or pursuant to state law) having jurisdiction over disposal of sewage, industrial wastes, storm water, or other wastes, including special districts under state law such as a sewer district, flood control or drainage district, or similar entity, or an Indian tribe or an authorized Indian tribal organization, that discharges to water in the state. For assistance, you may call the technical staff of the Water Quality Assessment & Standards Section at 512/239-4671. 4 (e). Edwards Aquifer Rule See maps on the TCEQ website to determine if the site is located within the Recharge Zone, Contributing Zone, or Contributing Zone within the Transition Zone of the Edwards Aquifer at If the discharge or potential discharge is within the Recharge Zone, Contributing Zone, or Contributing Zone within the Transition Zone of the Edwards Aquifer, a site specific authorization approved by the Executive Director under the Edwards Aquifer Protection Program (30 TAC Chapter 213) is required before construction can begin. The general permit requires the approved Contributing Zone Plan or Water Pollution Abatement Plan to be included as a part of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. The certification must be answered “Yes” for coverage under the general permit. E. CERTIFICATIONS Failure to indicate AYes@ to ALL of the certification items may result in denial of coverage under the general permit. The certification must bear an original signature of a person meeting the signatory requirements specified under 30 Texas Administrative Code '305.44 IF YOU ARE A CORPORATION: The regulation that controls who may sign an NOI or similar form is 30 Texas Administrative Code §305.44(a)(1) (see below). According to this code provision, any corporate representative may sign an NOI or similar form so long as the authority to sign such a document has been delegated to that person in accordance with corporate procedures. By signing the NOI or similar form, you are certifying that such authority has been delegated to you. The TCEQ may request documentation evidencing such authority. IF YOU ARE A MUNICIPALITY OR OTHER GOVERNMENT ENTITY: The regulation that controls who may sign an NOI or similar form is 30 Texas Administrative Code §305.44(a)(3) (see below). According to this code provision, only a ranking elected official or principal executive officer may sign an NOI or similar form. Persons such as the City Mayor or County Commissioner will be considered ranking elected officials. In order to identify the principal executive officer of your government entity, it may be beneficial to consult your city charter, county or city ordinances, or the Texas statute(s) under which your government entity was formed. An NOI or TCEQ-20022 Instructions (03/05/2008) Page 5 similar document that is signed by a government official who is not a ranking elected official or principal executive officer does not conform to §305.44(a)(3). The signatory requirement may not be delegated to a government representative other than those identified in the regulation. By signing the NOI or similar form, you are certifying that you are either a ranking elected official or principal executive officer as required by the administrative code. Documentation demonstrating your position as a ranking elected official or principal executive officer may be requested by the TCEQ. If you have any questions or need additional information concerning the signatory requirements discussed above, please contact the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s Environmental Law Division at 512/239-0600. 30 Texas Administrative Code §305.44. Signatories to Applications. (a) All applications shall be signed as follows. (1) For a corporation, the application shall be signed by a responsible corporate officer. For purposes of this paragraph, a responsible corporate officer means a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy or decision-making functions for the corporation; or the manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities employing more than 250 persons or having gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding $25 million (in second-quarter 1980 dollars), if authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures. Corporate procedures governing authority to sign permit or post-closure order applications may provide for assignment or delegation to applicable corporate positions rather than to specific individuals. (2) For a partnership or sole proprietorship, the application shall be signed by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively. (3) For a municipality, state, federal, or other public agency, the application shall be signed by either a principal executive officer or a ranking elected official. For purposes of this paragraph, a principal executive officer of a federal agency includes the chief executive officer of the agency, or a senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency (e.g., regional administrator of the EPA). TCEQ-20022 Instructions (03/05/2008) Page 6 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality General Permit Payment Submittal Form $325 for a paper Construction NOI Application Fee Use this form to submit your Application Fee only if you are mailing your payment. $Complete items 1 through 5 below: $Staple your check in the space provided at the bottom of this document. $Do not mail this form with your NOI form. $Do not mail this form to the same address as your NOI. Mail this form and your check to: BY REGULAR U.S. MAIL BY OVERNIGHT/EXPRESS MAIL Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Financial Administration Division Cashier=s Office, MC-214 P.O. Box 13088 Austin, TX 78711-3088 Fee Code: GPA 1. Check / Money Order No: 2. Amount of Check/Money Order: 3. Date of Check or Money Order: 4. Name on Check or Money Order: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Financial Administration Division Cashier=s Office, MC-214 12100 Park 35 Circle Austin, TX 78753 General Permit: TXR150000 5. NOI INFORMATION If the check is for more than one NOI, list each Project/Site (RE) Name and Physical Address exactly as provided on the NOI. DO NOT SUBMIT A COPY OF THE NOI WITH THIS FORM AS IT COULD CAUSE DUPLICATE PERMIT ENTRIES. See Attached List of Sites (If more space is needed, you may attach a list.) Project/Site (RE) Name: Project/Site (RE) Physical Address: Staple Check In This Space TCEQ-20134 (3/05/2008) Page 1 APPENDIX E CONSTRUCTION SITE NOTICE To be located on the SWPPP Information Sign NOTES to General Contractor: The Construction Site Notice must be posted on the SWPPP Information Sign located near the construction exit along with a reference to where the SWPPP is located on the jobsite. 02370-28 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 CONSTRUCTION SITE NOTICE FOR THE NPDES GENERAL PERMIT Contractor Firm: Contractor Address: Contact Name & Number: _________________________________ Name ___________________ Phone Number _________________________________ Name ___________________ Phone Number (both Site Superintendents) Project Description: Distribution Center #6064-500 3470 Windmill Road Cleburne, TX 76033 Building Area: 955,300 (total) Disturbed Acreage: 0.80 acres 02370-29 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 APPENDIX F CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION To be located behind SWPPP Binder Tab 10b 02370-30 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION DC #6064, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation The General Contractor and all contractors and/or subcontractors that will implement and maintain the pollution control measures in the SWPPP and/or are involved in ground-disturbing activities on the site must be identified below. An authorized representative from each company on the construction project must sign this form certifying that company representatives understand the General Permit authorizing storm water discharges during construction. These certifications must be maintained in the SWPPP file. Contractor/Subcontractor Employee Name Trade Company Name Business Phone Number Business Address City, State Zip CERTIFICATION: “I certify that I understand the term and conditions of the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) General Permit that authorizes the storm water discharges associated with industrial activity from the construction site identified as pert of this certification. The SWPPP and General Permit have been made available to me to review and I agree to stay in compliance with the permit.” Signature Date Initial here if you received a copy of storm water compliance Guidance material appropriate for the conditions at the site and watched the Walmart storm water video. Printed Name Title (Must be an Officer of company if form is a permit requirement. See Note below.) All employees of contractors and subcontractors have the responsibility of notifying the General Contractor's Superintendent of any Storm Water BMP deficiencies or damage. The above listed contractor is responsible for the following BMPs: (check all that apply) Best Management Practice Construction Exit Silt Fence Check Dams Inlet Protection Erosion Control Vegetation Best Management Practice Diversions Sediment Traps Sediment Basins Dust Control Concrete Wash-out Fuel Storage/Containment Best Management Practice Solid Waste Sanitary Waste Hazardous Waste Management Record Keeping SWPPP modifications Note: This form may or may not be a requirement of the state this construction project is occurring in; however, it is a requirement of Walmart for all our construction projects. If the certification statement above begins with "I certify under penalty of law..." then it is a state permit requirement and must be signed by an officer of the company or their delegated authority. If the certification statement above begins with "I certify that I understand..." then any company representative may sign the form. 02370-31 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 APPENDIX G SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT (Available through the Evoco Storm Water Management Tool) 02370-32 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 Supplemental Report available through the Evoco Storm Water Management Tool Note: Supplemental Report is Only used to Document Storm Water-related Agency Inspections or any agency representative that comments on storm water or erosion & sediment controls while on site 02370-33 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 APPENDIX H SPILL REPORT FORM To be located behind SWPPP Binder Tab 14 NOTES to General Contractor: 1) Contact the appropriate regulatory agency if the spill exceeds the applicable reportable quantity. 2) Complete this form in full for each spill that exceeds 1-gallon or exceeds the reportable quantity for the Governing Agency and submit to the Construction Manager. 3) Call the Construction Mananger *see below 4) Transfer spill information to the Daily report and resolve as appropriate. It is recommended to take photos to document spill clean-up measures and save the photos on-site. *When calling the Construction Manager to report a spill the General Contractor should leave the following information: 1. Store Number & Sequence 2. Store City & State 3. Caller (full name & firm) 4. Caller Telephone Number 5. Spill Date 6. Type of material spilled 7. Amount spilled 7b. Was the amount above the applicable reportable quantity (Yes or No)? 7c. If yes, has the governing agency been notified of the spill (Yes or No)? 7d. If yes, what agency was notified (agency name and how notified): 8. Location of the spill on the jobsite 9. Did the spill impact surface water, leave the site, or enter an inlet (Yes or No)? 9b. If yes, elaborate on impacts to surface water, off-site area &/or inlet: 10. Has spilled material and contaminated media (soil, pavement, etc.) been removed and/or cleaned (Yes or No)? 10b. If no, what additional measures need to be completed to remediate the spill? 11. Was the spill noted as a deficiency on the Daily report & resolved (or will be resolved) within 48 hours (Yes or No)? 11b. If no, add to Daily report as a deficiency & resolve. 12. Has the Spill Report Form been completed and submitted to the Construction Manager (Yes or No)? 12b. If no, complete and submit the Spill Report Form. 02370-34 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 Spill Report Form Project #, Location, Type: DC #6064-500, Cleburne, Texas - Pavement Rehabilitation Spill Reported by: Date/Time Spill: Date/Time Spill reported to Walmart: Date/Time Spill Report Form faxed to Walmart: Describe spill location and events leading to spill: Material spilled: Source of spill: Amount spilled: Amount spilled to waterway: Containment or clean up action: Approximate depth of soil excavation: List Injuries or Personal Contamination: Action to be taken to prevent future spills: Modifications to the SWPPP, including required sampling, necessary due to this spill: Agencies notified of the spill: I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Contractor Superintendent Date IMMEDIATELY COMPLETE AND FAX THIS FORM TO CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. IMMEDIATELY CALL THE CONSTRUCTION MANANGER IF THE SPILL EXCEEDS 1-GALLON or EXCEEDS THE REPORTABLE QUANTITY FOR THE GOVERNING AGENCY. SEE SECTION V, PART B.9. OF THE SWPPP TO DETERMINE THE REPORTABLE QUANTITY FOR GOVERNING AGENCY. 02370-35 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 APPENDIX I NOTICE OF TERMINATION A Notice of Termination is not required for this project since the disturbed area is less than 1 acre. To be located behind SWPPP Binder Tab 18 NOTE to General Contractor: Place a note in Tab 18 that states ‘No Notice of Termination will be submitted since disturbed area was less than 1 acre.’ 02370-36 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 TCEQ Office Use Only Permit No.: RN: CN: Notice of Termination (NOT) for Authorizations under TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Reset Form Sign up now for on line NOT at Get your NOT Confirmation letter immediately after submitting the on line NOT form. What is the permit number to be terminated? Processing will be delayed without the permit number. TXR15 A. OPERATOR (applicant) 1. What is the Customer Number (CN) issued to this entity? CN 2. What is the full Legal Name of the current permittee? This must be the current permittee of the permit to be terminated. 3. What is the applicant’s mailing address as recognized by the US Postal Service? Address: Suite No./Bldg. No./Mail Code: City: State: ZIP Code: Country Mailing Information (if outside USA). Country Code: 4. Phone No.: ( ) Extension: 5. Fax No.: ( ) E-mail Address: Postal Code: B. REGULATED ENTITY (RE) INFORMATION ON PROJECT OR SITE 1. What is the TCEQ Issued RE Reference Number (RN)? RN 2. Name of Project or Site as currently permitted): (example: phase and name of subdivision or name of project that’s unique to the site) 3. Physical Address of Project or Site as currently permitted: (enter in spaces below) Street Number: Street Name: City: ZIP Code: County (Counties if >1): 4. If no physical address (Street Number & Street Name), provide the written location access description to the site: C. REASON FOR TERMINATION Check the reason for termination: Final stabilization has been achieved on all portions of the site that are the responsibility of the Operator and all silt fences and other temporary erosion controls have either been removed, or scheduled for removal as defined in the SWP3. Another permitted Operator has assumed control over all areas of the site that have not been finally stabilized, and temporary erosion controls that have been defined in the SWP3 have been transferred to the new Operator. The activity is now authorized under an alternate TPDES permit. The activity never began at this site that is regulated under the general permit. D. CERTIFICATION I, Typed or printed name Title certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. I further certify that I am authorized under 30 Texas Administrative Code '305.44 to sign and submit this document, and can provide documentation in proof of such authorization upon request. Signature: Date: ______________________________________ (Use blue ink) TCEQ-20023 (02/06/2007) Page 1 Notice of Termination (NOT) for Authorizations under TPDES General Permit TXR150000 General Information and Instructions GENERAL INFORMATION Where to Send the Notice of Intent (NOI): BY REGULAR U.S. MAIL Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Storm Water Processing Center (MC228) P.O. Box 13087 Austin, TX 78711-3087 TCEQ Contact list: BY OVERNIGHT/EXPRESS MAIL Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Storm Water Processing Center (MC228) 12100 Park 35 Circle Austin, TX 78753 Application Processing Questions relating to the status and form requirements: Technical Questions relating to the general permit: Environmental Law Division: Records Management for obtaining copies of forms submitted to TCEQ: Information Services for obtaining reports from program data bases (as available): Financial Administration=s Cashier=s office: Notice of Termination Process: 512/239-4671 512/239-4671 512/239-0600 512/239-0900 512/239-DATA (3282) 512/239-0357 or 512/239-0187 A Notice of Termination is effective on the date postmarked for delivery to TCEQ. When your NOT is received by the program, the form will be processed as follows: 1. Administrative Review: The form will be reviewed to confirm the following: • the permit number is provided • the permit is active and has been approved • the entity terminating the permit is the current permittee • the site information matches the original permit record • the form has the required original signature with title and date 2. Notice of Deficiency: If an item is incomplete or not verifiable as indicated above, a phone call will be made to the applicant to clear the deficiency. A letter will not be sent to the permittee if unable to process the form. 3. Confirmation of Termination: A Notice of Termination Confirmation letter will be mailed to the operator. General Permit (Your Permit) Coverage under the general permit begins 48 hours after a completed NOI is postmarked for delivery to the TCEQ. You should have a copy of your general permit when submitting your application. You may view and print your permit for which you are seeking coverage, on the TCEQ web site General Permit Forms The Notice of Intent (NOI), Notice of Termination (NOT), and Notice of Change (NOC) with instructions are available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format on the TCEQ web site Change in Operator An authorization under the general permit is not transferable. If the operator or owner of the regulated entity changes, the present permittee must submit a Notice of Termination and the new operator must submit a Notice of Intent. The NOT and NOI must be submitted not later than 10 days prior to the change in Operator status. TCEQ Central Registry Core Data Form The Core Data Form has been incorporated into this form. Do not send a core data form to TCEQ. After final acknowledgment of coverage under the general permit, the program will assign a Customer Number (CN) and Regulated Entity Number (RN). For Construction Permits, a new RN will be assigned for each Notice of Intent filed with TCEQ, since construction project sites can overlap with other Customers. The RN assigned to your construction project will not be assigned to any other TCEQ authorization. You can find the information on the Central Registry web site at You can search by the Regulated Entity (RN), Customer Number (CN) or Name (Permittee), or by your permit number under the search field labeled AAdditional ID@. Capitalize all letters in the permit number. TCEQ-20023 Instructions (02/06/2007) Page 1 The Customer (Permittee) is responsible for providing consistent information to the TCEQ, and for updating all CN and RN data for all authorzations as changes occur. For General Permits, a Notice of Change form must be submitted to the program area. Annual Water Quality Fee: This fee is assessed to operators with an active authorization under the general permit on September 1 of each year. The operator will receive an invoice for payment of the annual fee in November of each year. The payment will be due 30 days from the invoice date. A 5% penalty will be assessed if the payment is received by TCEQ after the due date. Annual fee assessments cannot be waived as long as the authorization under the general permit is active on September 1. It=s important for the operator to submit a Notice of Termination (NOT) when coverage under the general permit is no longer required. A NOT is effective on the postmarked date of mailing the form to TCEQ. It is recommended that the NOT be mailed using a method that documents the date mailed and received by TCEQ. $ Mailed Payments: You must return your payment with the billing coupon provided with the billing statement. $ ePAY Electronic Payment: Go to You must enter your account number provided at the top portion of your billing statement. Payment methods include Mastercard, Visa, and electronic check payment (ACH). A transaction over $500 can only be made by ACH. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING OUT THE NOT FORM A. OPERATOR (current permittee.) 1. TCEQ Issued Customer Number (CN) 2. Legal Name of Operator The operator must be the same entity as previously submitted on the original Notice of Intent for the permit number provided. 3. Operator Mailing Address Provide a complete mailing address for receiving mail from the TCEQ. Update the address if different than previously submitted in the Notice of Intent or Notice of Change. 4. Phone Number, Fax Number, and E-mail Address Provide updated contact information. B. REGULATED ENTITY (RE) INFORMATION ON PROJECT OR SITE 1. Regulated Entity Reference Number (RN) 2. Site/Project Name/Regulated Entity Provide the name of the site as previously submitted in the Notice of Intent for the permit number provided. 3. Site/Project (RE) Physical Address Provide the physical address or location access description as previously submitted for the permit number provided. C. REASON FOR TERMINATION Indicate the reason for terminating the permit by checking one of the options. If the reason is not listed then provide an attachment that explains the reason for termination. Please read your general permit carefully to determine when to terminate your permit. Permits will not be reactivated after submitting a termination form. The termination is effective on the date postmarked for delivery to TCEQ. D. CERTIFICATIONS The certification must bear an original signature of a person meeting the signatory requirements specified under 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §305.44. IF YOU ARE A CORPORATION: The regulation that controls who may sign an NOI or similar form is 30 Texas Administrative Code §305.44(a)(1) (see below). According to this code provision, any corporate representative may sign an NOI or similar form so long as the authority to sign such a document has been delegated to that person in accordance with corporate procedures. By signing the NOI or similar form, you are certifying that such authority has been delegated to you. The TCEQ may request documentation evidencing such authority. IF YOU ARE A MUNICIPALITY OR OTHER GOVERNMENT ENTITY: The regulation that controls who may sign an NOI or similar form is 30 Texas Administrative Code §305.44(a)(3) (see below). According to this code provision, only a ranking elected official or principal executive officer may sign an NOI or similar form. Persons such as the City Mayor or County Commissioner will be considered ranking elected officials. In order to identify the principal executive officer of your government entity, it may be beneficial to consult your city charter, county or city ordinances, or the Texas statute(s) under which your government entity was formed. An NOI or similar document that is signed by a government official who is not a ranking elected official or principal executive officer does not conform to TCEQ-20023 Instructions (02/06/2007) Page 2 §305.44(a)(3). The signatory requirement may not be delegated to a government representative other than those identified in the regulation. By signing the NOI or similar form, you are certifying that you are either a ranking elected official or principal executive officer as required by the administrative code. Documentation demonstrating your position as a ranking elected official or principal executive officer may be requested by the TCEQ. If you have any questions or need additional information concerning the signatory requirements discussed above, please contact the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s Environmental Law Division at 512/239-0600. 30 Texas Administrative Code §305.44. Signatories to Applications. (a) All applications shall be signed as follows. (1) For a corporation, the application shall be signed by a responsible corporate officer. For purposes of this paragraph, a responsible corporate officer means a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy or decision-making functions for the corporation; or the manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities employing more than 250 persons or having gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding $25 million (in second-quarter 1980 dollars), if authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures. Corporate procedures governing authority to sign permit or post-closure order applications may provide for assignment or delegation to applicable corporate positions rather than to specific individuals. (2) For a partnership or sole proprietorship, the application shall be signed by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively. (3) For a municipality, state, federal, or other public agency, the application shall be signed by either a principal executive officer or a ranking elected official. For purposes of this paragraph, a principal executive officer of a federal agency includes the chief executive officer of the agency, or a senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency (e.g., regional administrator of the EPA). TCEQ-20023 Instructions (02/06/2007) Page 3 APPENDIX J RECORD OF STABILIZATION AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DATES To be located behind SWPPP Binder Tab 15 NOTE to General Contractor: The General Contractor shall complete at least 1-pg of stabilization and grading activities for each month of active construction. 02370-37 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 SITE STABILIZATION and CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DATES A record of dates when BMPs are installed or removed, stabilization measures are initiated, major grading activities occur, and construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portion of the site shall be maintained until final site stabilization is achieved and the Notice of Termination (NOT) is filed. This form must be updated continuously throughout the project until the NOT is filed. NOTE: The General Contractor shall complete at least 1-pg of stabilization and grading activities for each month of active construction. Activities noted in this log must reflect information provided on Site Maps. MAJOR STABILIZATION AND GRADING ACTIVITIES Description of Activity:_______________________________________________________________________________ Contractor performing Activity: _______________________ Begin (date): _____________ End(date):________________ Location:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of Activity:_______________________________________________________________________________ Contractor performing Activity: _______________________ Begin (date): _____________ End(date):________________ Location:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of Activity:_______________________________________________________________________________ Contractor performing Activity: _______________________ Begin (date): _____________ End(date):________________ Location:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of Activity:_______________________________________________________________________________ Contractor performing Activity: _______________________ Begin (date): _____________ End(date):________________ Location:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of Activity:_______________________________________________________________________________ Contractor performing Activity: _______________________ Begin (date): _____________ End(date):________________ Location:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of Activity:_______________________________________________________________________________ Contractor performing Activity: _______________________ Begin (date): _____________ End(date):________________ Location:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of Activity:_______________________________________________________________________________ Contractor performing Activity: _______________________ Begin (date): _____________ End(date):________________ Location:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of Activity:_______________________________________________________________________________ Contractor performing Activity: _______________________ Begin (date): _____________ End(date):________________ Location:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of Activity:_______________________________________________________________________________ Contractor performing Activity: _______________________ Begin (date): _____________ End(date):________________ Location:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of Activity:_______________________________________________________________________________ Contractor performing Activity: _______________________ Begin (date): _____________ End(date):________________ Location:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of Activity:_______________________________________________________________________________ Contractor performing Activity: _______________________ Begin (date): _____________ End(date):________________ Location:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of Activity:_______________________________________________________________________________ Contractor performing Activity: _______________________ Begin (date): _____________ End(date):________________ Location:___________________________________________________________________________________________ 02370-38 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 APPENDIX K FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL STORM WATER OR OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR SITE VISIT LOG To be located behind SWPPP Binder Tab 16 NOTES to General Contractor: Upon completion of a storm water or erosion & sediment control agency inspection or site visit the General Contractor shall: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Call the Construction Manager *see below Complete and submit a Supplement report Transfer all noted deficiencies to the Daily report and resolve as appropriate Complete the inspector site visit log Submit agency inspection reports if/when received to the Construction Manager Walmart encourages the General Contractor to take photos of any area or item that is photographed by the inspector. The General Contractor is not required to complete the above noted steps if the agency inspection is not storm water related (i.e., OSHA, Fire Marshal, etc.); however, if any agency representative comments on storm water-related BMPs while on-site the above noted steps must be followed. *When calling the Construction Manager to report an agency inspection the General Contractor should leave the following information: 1. Store Number & Sequence 2. Store City & State 3. Caller (full name & firm) 4. Caller Telephone Number 5. Inspection Date 6. Name of Agency & Agency Representative (Inspector) 7. Was the inspection storm water / erosion-related (Yes or No)? 7b. If no, what was inspected? Note: If the inspection was not storm water-related remaining questions can be skipped. 8. Deficiencies or items requested for improvement (add additional lines as needed): 1) 2) 9. Did the inspector provide a report while on site (Yes or No)? 10b. If yes, submit the report to the Construction Manager. 10c. If no, submit a report, if received, to the Construction Manager. 11. Was a Notice of Violation or similar warning issued or verbally referenced by the Inspector (Yes or No)? 11b. If yes, what specifically did the Inspector find in violation? 12. Is an inspection response due (Yes or No)? 12b. If yes, when is the response due date? 13. Did the Inspector reference a follow-up inspection (Yes or No)? 13b. If yes, when is the follow-up inspection? 14. Was the Agency Inspection Log in the SWPPP Binder updated (Yes or No)? 14b. If no, update the Inspection Log. 02370-39 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 Federal, State, or Local Storm Water or other Environmental Inspector Site Visit Log Inspectors Name: Agency: Contractors Representative Present: Others Present: Comments: Time and Date: Report Prepared: Yes No Yes No Yes No Date/Time Inspection Reported to Walmart: Date/Time Inspection Report faxed to Walmart (n/a if not applicable): Inspectors Name: Agency: Contractors Representative Present: Others Present: Comments: Time and Date: Report Prepared: Date/Time Inspection Reported to Walmart: Date/Time Inspection Report faxed to Walmart (n/a if not applicable): Inspectors Name: Agency: Contractors Representative Present: Others Present: Comments: Time and Date: Report Prepared: Date/Time Inspection Reported to Walmart: Date/Time Inspection Report faxed to Walmart (n/a if not applicable): The Construction Manager must be contacted at the conclusion of any storm water-related agency inspection. Caller must provide as a minimum the date, inspection beginning and completion times, inspecting agency, agency inspector name, all contractor representative names, and a brief summary of any comments, observations or deficiencies noted during the inspection. See Special Conditions 8.M. for additional information. IMMEDIATELY COMPLETE AND SUBMIT A SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT AT THE CONCLUSION OF ANY AGENCY INSPECTION. 02370-40 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 APPENDIX L BMP FIELD MANUAL The General Contractor shall copy the site-specific BMP Field Manual details found in this Appendix and distribute details in the form of an organized and bound manual to all subcontractors as needed throughout the duration of the project. The General Contractor and subcontractors shall initial Contractor / Subcontractor Certification forms, where appropriate, indicating receipt of the BMP Field Manual. 02370-41 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 Walmart Storm Water BMP Field Manual This BMP Field Manual includes guides and details of the applicable Walmart storm water Best Management Practices (BMPs) and/or those BMPs as required by the regulatory agency that are specified in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for the project. Project-specific BMP may be selected by the Civil Engineering Consultant (CEC) based on manufacturer’s design and specification. The field guide pertaining to its application/use, control type, installation, inspection, maintenance and removal/disposal/reuse/recycle shall be provided herein. As stated in the CEC SWPPP Guidelines, a copy of the BMP Field Manual shall be included in the appropriate appendix of the 02370 Specification. This page shall appear as the first page of the BMP Field Manual. CEC shall obtain the relevant Walmart BMP field guides and details from the for each BMP specified on the Detail Sheet; and present them as such that each BMP field guide is followed by its associated detail, in the alphabetical order. General Contractor will be responsible for making bound copies of the BMP Field Manual to be distributed to contractors and subcontractors that will implement and maintain the pollution control measures in the SWPPP and/or are involved in ground disturbing activities throughout the construction period. The BMP Field Manual cover and back must be weather resistant. Binder should allow insertion of additional BMPs as needed. (Note: To ensure field copies are legible, BMPs information must be reproducible in black and white.) If a new BMP (other than those specified) is proposed to be utilized, it must be reviewed and approved by the CEC. A field guide for the BMP shall be prepared in accordance with the Walmart’s BMP field guide format, and included in the BMP Field Manual together with the associated detail. Note: All BMPs must be installed or constructed within the permitted limits of disturbance. Removal and disposal of BMPs must conform to all applicable health, safety, security and environmental laws and regulations. All areas disturbed during BMPs removal shall be permanently stabilized. In addition, BMPs removal and/or disposal shall not incur additional cost to a project and/or cause further delay of Notice of Termination filing upon final stabilization. 02370-42 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Erosion Protection Blanket for Channel Protection – This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To protect drainage channel against erosion due to flowing water Type Temporary or permanent erosion control Installation To be installed on evenly prepared surface To be installed while construction activities are occurring and/or after construction activities have been completed To be installed where vegetation is difficult to establish due to significant flows Inspection Are there any tears or other damages? Is water flowing under the Erosion Protection Blanket and causing erosion? Was the Erosion Protection Blanket installed correctly? Was seed applied before Erosion Protection Blanket installation? Does the Erosion Protection Blanket have sufficient number of staples? Was Erosion Protection Blanket secured in a trench or by other approved method? Maintenance Repair and replacement of material Repair of eroded ground Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Most Erosion Protection Blanket may remain and degrade over time 02370-43 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Erosion Control Blanket for Slope Protection – This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To protect exposed soil surfaces against erosion due to rainfall or flowing water Type Temporary or permanent erosion control Installation To be installed on evenly prepared surface To be installed while construction activities are occurring and/or after construction activities have been completed To be installed where vegetation is difficult to establish Should not be used where weeds are growing Inspection Are there any tears or other damages? Is water flowing under the ECB and causing erosion? Was the ECB installed correctly? Was seed applied before ECB installation? Does the ECB have sufficient number of staples? Was the top of the ECB secured in a trench or by other approved method? Maintenance Repair and replacement of material Repair of eroded ground Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Most Erosion Control Blanket may remain and degrade over time 02370-44 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Rock Check Dam - This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To act as temporary containment structure to capture sediment and reduce runoff velocities in drainage channels Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed in drainage ditch To be installed while construction activities are occurring Inspection Is the correct rock type used? Is channel erosion occurring between check dams? Is the spacing correct? Will water flow around the rock? Is there a depression in the check dam for overflow? Will water flow over the rock? Maintenance Repair of eroded ground Removal of sediment Repair or replacement of structure Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Must be removed after construction activities are completed Rock may be reused for other applications 02370-45 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Construction Exit - The construction exit will use the existing paved exit, thus a temporary stabilized exit is not required. Application/Use To control sediment and prevent track-out Type Temporary structural control Installation To be constructed at construction site exit To be constructed prior to beginning of construction activities Inspection Is the correct rock type used? Is rock being carried out into the adjacent street? Is there a depression for runoff? Does rock need to be replaced? Maintenance Replacement of rock Removal of sediment on adjacent street Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Remove or dispose of rock after construction activities are completed Rock may be reused onsite for other applications 02370-46 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Temporary Diversion Dike – This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To act as a barrier to divert sheet flow from one location to another location via an earth dike Type Temporary or permanent erosion control Installation To be constructed diagonal to contour To be constructed while construction activities are occurring Inspection Is the earth dike stabilized? Is dike erosion occurring? Is standing water observed along the dike? Will runoff overtop the earth dike? Maintenance Repair and reconstruct earth dike Removal of sediment Repair of eroded earth dike Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Bulldozed/flatten after construction activities are completed Dike may remain as permanent runoff control measure as specified per construction plans 02370-47 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Diversion - This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To divert sheet flow from one location to another location via a channel and an earth dike Type Temporary or permanent erosion control Installation To be constructed along and/or diagonal to contour To be constructed while construction activities are occurring Inspection Is the channel and earth dike stabilized? Is channel/dike erosion occurring? Is channel constructed to drain? Will runoff overtop the earth dike? Maintenance Repair and reconstruct channel and/or earth dike Removal of sediment Repair of eroded channel/dike Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Bulldozed/flatten after construction activities are completed Channel and dike may remain as permanent runoff control measure as specified per construction plans 02370-48 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Fiber Flocculent Tube – This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To act as a temporary barrier to cause waters to pond and drain, therefore, filter and settle out sediment from runoff Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed as perimeter control for sheet flow To be installed in concentrated flow path To be installed on slopes To protect water bodies To be installed before construction activities begin and while construction activities are occurring Inspection Does the staples and stakes installation follow the manufacturer’s patterns? Is the tube supported by wood stakes on the downstream side? Does water flow under the tube? Is the tube torn? Maintenance Repair and replacement of material Removal of sediment Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Must be removed after construction activities are completed 02370-49 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Filtrexx Soxx Sediment Control Application/Use To act as a temporary barrier to cause waters to pond and drain, therefore, filter and settle out sediment from runoff Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed as perimeter control for sheet flow To be installed in concentrated flow path To be installed before construction activities begin and while construction activities are occurring Inspection Do the staples and stakes installation follow the manufacturer’s patterns? Is the tube supported by wood stakes on the downstream side? Does water flow under the tube? Is the tube torn? Maintenance Repair and replacement of material Removal of sediment Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Must be removed after construction activities are completed 02370-50 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 1.1 Section 1: Erosion & Sediment Control – Construction Activities SWPPP Cut Sheet: Filtrexx® Sediment Control Sediment & Perimeter Control Technology PURPOSE & DESCRIPTION Filtrexx® Sediment control is a three-dimensional tubular sediment control and storm water runoff filtration device typically used for perimeter control of sediment and other soluble pollutants (such as phosphorus and petroleum hydrocarbons), on and around construction activities. 3. APPLICATION 4. Filtrexx® Sediment control is to be installed down slope of any disturbed area requiring erosion and sediment control and filtration of soluble pollutants from runoff. Sediment control is effective when installed perpendicular to sheet or low concentrated flow. Acceptable applications include: • Site perimeters • Above and below disturbed areas subject to sheet runoff, interrill and rill erosion • Above and below exposed and erodable slopes • Around area drains or inlets located in a ‘sump’ • On compacted soils where trenching of silt fence is difficult or impossible • Around sensitive trees where trenching of silt fence is not beneficial for tree survival or may unnecessarily disturb established vegetation. • On frozen ground where trenching of silt fence is impossible. • On paved surfaces where trenching of silt fence is impossible. 5. 6. 7. 8. INSTALLATION 1. Sediment control used for perimeter control of sediment and soluble pollutants in storm runoff shall meet Filtrexx® Soxxtm Material Specifications and use Certified Filtrexx® FilterMediatm. 2. Contractor is required to be Filtrexx® Certifiedtm as determined by Filtrexx® International, LLC 9. (440-926-2607 or visit website at www.filtrexx. com). Certification shall be considered current if appropriate identification is shown during time of bid or at time of application (current listing can be found at Look for the Filtrexx® Certifiedtm Seal. Sediment control will be placed at locations indicated on plans as directed by the Engineer. Sediment control should be installed parallel to the base of the slope or other disturbed area. In extreme conditions (i.e., 2:1 slopes), a second Sediment control shall be constructed at the top of the slope. Effective Soxx™ height in the field should be as follows: 8” Diameter Sediment control = 6.5” high, 12” Diameter Sediment control = 9.5” high, 18” Diameter SiltSoxx™ = 14.5” high, 24” Diameter Sediment control = 19” high. Stakes shall be installed through the middle of the Sediment control on 10 ft (3m) centers, using 2 in (50mm) by 2 in (50mm) by 3 ft (1m) hard wood stakes. In the event staking is not possible, i.e., when Sediment control is used on pavement, heavy concrete blocks shall be used behind the Sediment control to help stabilize during rainfall/runoff events. Staking depth for sand and silt loam soils shall be 12 in (300mm), and 8 in (200mm) for clay soils. Loose compost may be backfilled along the upslope side of the Sediment control, filling the seam between the soil surface and the device, improving filtration and sediment retention. If the Sediment control is to be left as a permanent filter or part of the natural landscape, it may be seeded at time of installation for establishment of permanent vegetation. The Engineer will specify seed requirements. Construction Activities | Section 1: Erosion & Sediment Control | 323 10. Filtrexx® Sediment control is not to be used in perennial, ephemeral, or intermittent streams. See design drawing schematic for correct Filtrexx® Sediment control installation (Figure 1.1). INSPECTION and MAINTENANCE Routine inspection should be conducted within 24 hrs of a runoff event or as designated by the regulating authority. Sediment control should be regularly inspected to make sure they maintain their shape and are producing adequate hydraulic flowthrough. If ponding becomes excessive, additional Sediment control may be required to reduce effective slope length or sediment removal may be necessary. Sediment control shall be inspected until area above has been permanently stabilized and construction activity has ceased 1. The Contractor shall maintain the Sediment control in a functional condition at all times and it shall be routinely inspected. 2. If the Sediment control has been damaged, it shall be repaired, or replaced if beyond repair. 3. The Contractor shall remove sediment at the base of the upslope side of the Sediment control when accumulation has reached 1/2 of the effective height of the Sediment control, or as directed by the Engineer. Alternatively, a new Sediment control can be placed on top of and slightly behind the original one creating more sediment storage capacity without soil disturbance. 4. Sediment control shall be maintained until disturbed area above the device has been permanently stabilized and construction activity has ceased. 5. The FilterMediatm will be dispersed on site once disturbed area has been permanently stabilized, construction activity has ceased, or as determined by the Engineer. 6. For long-term sediment and pollution control applications, Sediment control can be seeded at the time of installation to create a vegetative filtering system for prolonged and increased filtration of sediment and soluble pollutants (contained vegetative filter strip). The appropriate seed mix shall be determined by the Engineer. Maximum Slope Length Above Sediment Control in Feet (meters)* 8 in (200 mm) Sediment control 12 in (300 mm) Sediment control 18 in (450 mm) Sediment control 24 in (600mm) Sediment control 32 in (800mm) Sediment control 6.5 in (160 mm)** 9.5 in (240 mm) ** 14.5 in (360 mm) ** 19 in (480 mm) ** 26 in (650 mm) ** 2 (or less) 600 (180) 750 (225) 1000 (300) 1300 (400) 1650 (500) 5 400 (120) 500 (150) 550 (165) 650 (200) 750 (225) 10 200 (60) 250 (75) 300 (90) 400 (120) 500 (150) 15 140 (40) 170 (50) 200 (60) 325 (100) 450 (140) 20 100 (30) 125 (38) 140 (42) 260 (80) 400 (120) 25 80 (24) 100 (30) 110 (33) 200 (60) 275 (85) 30 60 (18) 75 (23) 90 (27) 130 (40) 200 (60) 35 60 (18) 75 (23) 80 (24) 115 (35) 150 (45) 40 60 (18) 75 (23) 80 (24) 100 (30) 125 (38) 45 40 (12) 50 (15) 60 (18) 80 (24) 100 (30) 50 40 (12) 50 (15) 55 (17) 65 (20) 75 (23) Slope Percent * Based on a failure point of 36 in (0.9 m) super silt fence (wire reinforced) at 1000 ft (303 m) of slope, watershed width equivalent to receiving length of sediment control device, 1 in/ 24 hr (25 mm/24 hr) rain event. ** Effective height of Sediment control after installation and with constant head from runoff as determined by Ohio State University. 324 | Filtrexx Low Impact Design Manual | Version 8.0 SWPPP Cut Sheet -1.1. Filtrexx® Sediment Control Construction Activities | Section 1: Erosion & Sediment Control | 325 BMP: Block and Aggregate Inlet Sediment Device - This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To act as a temporary barrier to cause waters to pond and drain, therefore, settle out sediment from runoff Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed around median drains To be installed while construction activities are occurring and only where sump conditions exist Inspection Is correct rock used? Is wire mesh used? Does water flow through the rock? Should the rock be replaced? Maintenance Replacement of rock Removal of sediment Repair or replacement of wire mesh Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Must be removed after construction activities are completed Rock may be reused for other applications Wire may be reused/recycle 02370-51 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Rock Pipe Inlet Protection - This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To act as a temporary barrier to cause waters to pond and drain, therefore, settle out sediment from runoff at storm pipe inlets Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed while construction activities are occurring To be installed at storm pipe inlets Inspection Are the correct rock types used? Does water flow through the rock? Should the rock be replaced? Maintenance Replacement of rock Removal of sediment Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Must be removed after construction activities are completed Rock may be reused for other applications 02370-52 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Gravel and Wire Mesh Inlet Sediment Filter - This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To filter and settle out sediment from runoff Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed before construction activities begin or while construction activities are occurring To be installed at area inlet where sump condition exists Inspection Is correct rock used? Is wire mesh used? Does water flow through the rock? Should the rock be replaced? Maintenance Replacement of rock Removal of sediment Repair or replacement of wire mesh Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Must be removed after construction activities are completed Rock may be reused for other applications Wire may be reused/recycle 02370-53 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Excavated Inlet Sediment Trap – This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To collect runoff in an excavated sump to cause waters to pond and drain, therefore, settle out sediment from runoff Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed while construction activities are occurring To be installed where overflow capability is desirable Inspection Is correct rock used? Is fabric used? Does water flow through the rock? Should the rock and/or fabric be replaced? Maintenance Replacement of rock and/or fabric Removal of sediment Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Must be removed after construction activities are completed Rock may be reused for other applications Fabric may be reused/recycle 02370-54 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Gravel Curb Inlet Sediment Filter - This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To act as a temporary barrier to cause waters to pond and drain, therefore, settle out sediment from runoff prior to entering curb inlet Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed in front of curb inlets To be installed while construction activities are occurring, after inlet box has been constructed Inspection Is the correct rock type used? Is wire mesh used? Does water flow through the rock? Maintenance Repair and replacement of materials (rock, wire mesh or fabric) Removal of sediment Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Removed after construction activities are completed Materials (rock, wire mesh or fabric) may be reused 02370-55 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Silt Fence Inlet Protection - This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To act as a temporary barrier to cause waters to pond and drain, therefore, settle out sediment from runoff Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed before construction activities begin and/or while construction activities are occurring Inspection Are wood stakes on the downstream side of the silt fence? Does water flow under the fabric? Has water or soil “flattened” the structure? Is the fabric torn? Is the fabric secured in the ground? Is the fabric attached to the posts? Will water flow around the fence? Has wind destroyed the fence? Maintenance Repair and replacement of material Removal of sediment Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Must be removed after construction activities are completed 02370-56 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Domed Inlet Protection (Prefabricated) – This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To filter out sediment from runoff prior to entering inlet boxes Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed at inlet boxes To be installed while construction activities are occurring Inspection Is HDPE frame thickness 0.25” minimum used? Is the correct fabric used? Is the fabric torn? Will water and sediment bypass the fabric? Maintenance Removal of sediment Repair or replacement of fabric cover Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Must be removed after construction activities are completed HDPE frame and fabric cover may be reused 02370-57 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Silt Dike (for Drop Inlet) – This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To act as a temporary barrier to cause waters to pond and drain, therefore, settle out sediment from runoff Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed on smooth surfaces To be installed before construction activities begin and/or while construction activities are occurring Inspection Is the structure installed per specifications? Does water flows between the structures? Will water flow around the structure? Does water flow under the structure? Is it properly stapled? Maintenance Repair and replacement structures Removal of sediment Repair of eroded ground Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Removed after construction activities are completed Structures may be reused/recycled 02370-58 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: J-Hook Curb Trap – This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To act as a temporary barrier to cause waters to pond and drain, therefore, settle out sediment from runoff along curb and pavement Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed while construction activities are occurring To be installed outside vehicular traffic area Inspection Is approved barrier type being used? Will runoff bypass barriers? Maintenance Replacement of barriers Removal of sediment Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Must be removed after construction activities are completed Barriers may be reused 02370-59 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Filter Sacks for Grated Inlets – This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To filter out sediment in grated inlet Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed inside grated inlets To be installed before construction activities begin or while construction activities are occurring Inspection Is the filter sack secured to prevent from dropping into the inlet? Is the correct geotextile sack used? Is the geotextile sack torn? Maintenance Removal of sediment Repair or replacement of filter sacks Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Must be removed after construction activities are completed 02370-60 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Temporary Block and Aggregate Flume Sediment Filter - This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To act as a temporary barrier to cause waters to pond and drain, therefore, settle out sediment from runoff Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed at curb opening/flume To be installed while construction activities are occurring Inspection Is the correct rock used? Is wire mesh used? Does water flow through the rock? Should the rock be replaced? Maintenance Replacement of rock Removal of sediment Repair or replacement of wire mesh Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Must be removed after construction activities are completed Rock may be reused for other applications Wire may be reused/recycle 02370-61 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Grouted Rip-Rap Pad – This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To protect drainage path against erosion due to flowing water, through energy dissipation Type Temporary or permanent structural control Installation To be constructed at concentrated discharge areas which require flow energy dissipation to prevent and/or alleviate erosion Inspection Is the correct stone used? Is the rip-rap pad grouted? Is cavity or void observed under the rip-rap pad? Are pad dimensions correct? Maintenance Removal of sediment collected on the rip-rap pad Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Remove or dispose of temporary rip-rap pad after construction activities are completed Stones may be reused onsite for other applications Permanent rip-rap pad shall remain in place for erosion control as specified per construction plans 02370-62 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Sediment Basin with Pipe Outlet - This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use Pipe outlet controls release of contained water Basin contains runoff waters and allows deposition of large-diameter suspended particles (Note: NOT clay particles) from contributory areas of less than 100-ac Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed on construction site To be installed at low point of drainage basin(s) To be installed before site grading and/or while construction activities are occurring Inspection Are the dimensions of the basin correct per plans and specifications? Is the rock filled with sediment? Is the right-size rock used at perforated riser pipe? Is the perforated riser pipe wrapped with the right filter fabric? Is the top of the riser pipe below the spillway and open? Does water drain through the rock? How much sediment is accumulated in the basin? Are slopes of basin and/or embankment stabilized? Is pipe outfall discharge area stabilized? Maintenance Removal of sediment Replacement of rock 02370-63 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Silt Dike Check Dam – This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To act as temporary containment structure to capture sediment and reduce runoff velocities in drainage channels Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed in drainage ditch To be installed on Turf Reinforcement Mat (TRM) To be installed on smooth surfaces To be installed while construction activities are occurring Inspection Is the structure installed per specifications? Is channel erosion occurring between check dams? Is the spacing correct? Is there a depression in the check dam for overflow? Does water flows between the structures? Will water flow around the structure? Does water flow under the structure? Is it properly anchored and/or stapled? Maintenance Repair and replacement structures Removal of sediment Repair of eroded ground 02370-64 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Silt Dike (for Continuous Barrier) – This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To act as a temporary barrier and containment structure while construction activities occur Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed on smooth surfaces To be installed before construction activities begin and/or while construction activities are occurring Inspection Is the structure installed per specifications? Does water flows between the structures? Will water flow around the structure? Does water flow under the structure? Is it properly stapled? Maintenance Repair and replacement of structures Removal of sediment Repair of eroded ground Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Removed after construction activities are completed Structures may be reused/recycled 02370-65 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Silt Dike (for Diversion Dikes) – This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To divert waters from one location to another location via silt dike barriers and channels Type Temporary erosion control Installation To be installed on smooth surfaces To be installed before construction activities begin and/or while construction activities are occurring Inspection Is the structure installed per specifications? Does water flows between the structures? Will water flow around the structure? Does water flow under the structure? Is it properly stapled? Maintenance Repair and replacement of silt dikes Removal of sediment Repair of eroded ground Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Removed after construction activities are completed Structures may be reused/recycled 02370-66 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Silt Dike (on Existing Pavement) Application/Use To act as a temporary barrier and containment structure while construction activities occur Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed directly on pavement surface To be installed before construction activities begin and/or while construction activities are occurring Inspection Is the structure installed per specifications? Does water flows between the structures? Will water flow around the structure? Does water flow under the structure? Is it properly glued down? Maintenance Repair and replacement of structures Removal of sediment Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Removed after construction activities are completed Structures may be reused/recycled 02370-67 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 Walmart Detail BMP: Silt Fence with Wire Support - This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To capture sediment from sheet flow Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed as perimeter control for sheet flow To be installed adjacent to toe of slopes To protect water bodies To be installed before construction activities begin and while construction activities are occurring Inspection Is silt fence installed at concentrated flow area? Are metal posts on the downstream side of the silt fence? Is the fabric supported by wire on downstream side of silt fence? Does water flow under the fabric? Has water or soil “flattened” the structure? Is the fabric torn? Is the fabric secured in the ground? Is the fabric attached to the posts? Will water flow around the fence? Has wind destroyed the fence? Is silt fence constructed with J-hooks? 02370-68 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Silt Fence Installation with Slicing Method – This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To capture sediment from sheet flow Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed as perimeter control for sheet flow To be installed adjacent to toe of slopes To protect water bodies To be installed before construction activities begin and while construction activities are occurring Inspection Is silt fence installed by slicing method? Is silt fence installed at concentrated flow area? Are metal posts on the downstream side of the silt fence? Is silt fence constructed with J-hooks? Does water flow under the fabric? Has water or soil “flattened” the structure? Is the fabric torn? Is the fabric secured in the ground? Is the fabric attached to the posts? Will water flow around the fence? Has wind destroyed the fence? Maintenance Repair and replacement of material Removal of sediment Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Must be removed after construction activities are completed Fabric may be removed by cutting at finished grade and surrounding area must be permanently stabilized 02370-69 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Skimmer (Sediment Basin) – This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To drain a sediment basin by removing surface layer water with negligible suspended particles Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed before construction activities begin or while construction activities are occurring To be installed where low discharge is desired At site with a lot of suspended fines (</= 0.045mm) Inspection Is the skimmer installed per specifications? Is the trash screen clogged? Is skimmer discharging clear water? Maintenance Removal of trash from orifice Repair of unit Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Removed after construction activities are completed Unit may be reused 02370-70 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Sediment Basin with Stone Outlet – This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use Stone outlet filters out sediment Basin contains runoff waters and allows deposition of large-diameter suspended particles (Note: NOT clay particles) from contributory areas of less than 100-ac Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed on construction site To be installed at low point of drainage basin(s) To be installed before site grading and/or while construction activities are occurring Inspection Are the dimensions of the basin correct per plans and specifications? Does a low area in the stone outlet exist? Is the right-size rock used? Is geotextile filter fabric installed per specifications? Does water drain through the rock? How much sediment is accumulated in the basin? Are slopes of basin and/or embankment stabilized? Is area immediately downstream of the stone outlet stabilized? Maintenance Removal of sediment Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Sediment basin may remain as permanent structure for runoff control as specified per construction plans Stone may be reused 02370-71 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: SWPPP Information Sign Application/Use To display applicable NOI(s), Construction Site Notice, Stormwater Discharge Permit(s) and other documents as required for regulatory compliance; and show location of SWPPP Type Temporary sign Installation To be installed near the construction site entrance To be installed before construction activities begin Inspection Is the sign easily accessible/viewable by the general public? Will the sign cause safety hazard? Are all documents posted clearly readable? Is the sign structurally stable? Is the sign encroaching the right-of-way or easement of other(s)? Maintenance Repair and replacement of sign Replacement of document(s) Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Must be removed after construction activities are completed 02370-72 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 Walmart Detail BMP: Temporary Sediment Trap - This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use Trap contains runoff waters and allows deposition of large-diameter suspended particles (Note: NOT clay particles) from contributory areas of less than 5-ac Type Temporary structural control Installation To be installed before site grading and/or while construction activities are occurring To be installed on construction site Inspection Are the dimensions of the basin correct per plans and specifications? Does a low area in the stone outlet exist? Are the correct rock types used? Does water drain through the rock? How much sediment is accumulated in the trap? Are slopes of trap and/or embankment stabilized? Is area immediately downstream of the stone outlet stabilized? Maintenance Removal of sediment Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle Trap are must be re-graded per construction plans Rock from stone outlet may be reused for other applications 02370-73 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Temporary Slope Drain – This Control is not specified at this time Application/Use To protect slope surfaces against erosion Type Temporary erosion control Installation To be installed on cut/fill slopes To be installed while construction activities are occurring Inspection Is water flowing around the slope drain? Is the pipe secured to the slope? Is there protection at end of slope drain? Is the pipe size correct? Is the slope drain spacing correct? Are there areas where the diversion berm has been breached? Maintenance Repair breached sections of diversion berm Replacement of pipe-end-discharge protection Repair or replacement of slope drain Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle May remain as permanent erosion control on slope surfaces as specified on construction plans Drainpipe may be reused/recycle 02370-74 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 BMP: Concrete Washout Application/Use Washout of concrete trucks, pumps, and other equipment associated with cement used on site. Type Portable Installation Single unit with ramps or may be used without placed in staging and washout area. Installed per manufacturer's recommendations. Inspection Inspect wastewater level Inspect quantity of accumulated pollutant. Maintenance Clean out the container when 3/4 full. Request vacuum cleanout as necessary Ensure proper housekeeping measures are employed when washing out equipment. Removal/Disposal/Reuse/Recycle A vacuum service must be used to clean out concrete washout Washwater must be disposed of or treated and recycled in accordance with federal, state, or local regulatory guidelines. 02370-75 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 PORTABLE CONCRETE WASHOUT CONTAINER CONCRETE WASHOUT SYSTEMS PO Box 2604 Carmichael, CA. 95609 Phone: 1.877.292.7468 Fax: 1.916.244.0403 Patent Pending DESCRIPTION A portable, self-contained and watertight container affixed with ramps that controls, captures and contains caustic concrete wastewater and washout material. PURPOSE & OBJECTIVE Allows trade personnel to easily washout concrete trucks, pumps and other equipment associated with cement on site and allows easy off site recycling of the same concrete materials and wastewater. APPLICATION Construction projects where concrete, stucco, mortar, grout and cement are used as a construction material or where cementitious wastewater is created. MAINTENANCE Inspect and clean out when ¾ full, not allowing the container to overflow. Inspect wastewater level and request a vacuum if needed. Inspect subcontractors to ensure that proper housekeeping measures are employed when washing out equipment. SPECIFICATIONS The container must be portable and temporary, watertight, equipped with ramps and have a holding capacity to accept washout from approximately 350 yards of poured concrete. A vacuum service must accompany washout container and be used by site superintendent as needed. A rampless container may be used in conjunction with a ramped container or by itself if a concrete pump is not needed. The washwater must be disposed of or treated and recycled in an evironmentally safe maanner and in accordance with federal, state or local regulatory guidelines. TARGETED POLLUTANTS Caustic wastewater (high pH level near 12 units) Suspended solids Assorted Metals; Chromium VI, Nickel, Sulfate, Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium Compounds APPENDIX M MATERIAL CERTIFICATION STATEMENT The General Contractor shall coordinate completion of the following forms, as applicable, found in this Appendix: 1) Soil Removal Statement, 2) Soil Borrow Statement, 3) Material Storage, Borrow or Disposal Manifest Submit Statement(s) and Manifest(s) to the Construction Manager for all occurrences where soil, dirt, rock, fill, or other materials are: 1) Imported from another site to the Walmart construction site, or 2) Exported from the Walmart construction site for placement in areas off of the Walmart construction site. The General Contractor shall also complete and keep current the Off-site Material information box on the project Site Maps. 02370-76 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 Soil Removal Statement Walmart Project #: 6064-500 Location: Cleburne, TX General Contractor: Storm Water Contact (name & phone #): FORM INSTRUCTIONS: 1. COMPLETE SECTION ONE BY SIGNING ONE OF THE CERTIFICATIONS: A, B, OR C. IF SIGNING CERTIFICATION “C”, THEN ALSO PROVIDE A MATERIAL STORAGE, BORROW, OR DISPOSAL MANIFEST AND A MATERIAL STORAGE, BORROW, OR DISPOSAL AGREEMENT. 2. COMPLETE SECTION TWO SECTION 1. A. I certify soil (topsoil, subsurface soils, etc.) will not be removed from the Walmart limits of disturbance. Contractor Superintendent Date OR B. At this time, I am unsure whether soil (topsoil, subsurface soils, etc.) may be removed from the Walmart limits of disturbance. I certify that if soil will be removed, I will (i) submit a revised Clean Soil Removal Certification to Walmart; and (ii) will provide the documents listed at certification “C” below. Contractor Superintendent Date OR C. I certify that soil (topsoil, subsurface soils, etc.) will be removed from the Walmart limits of disturbance. For each location and company that will accept soil, I am providing a MATERIAL STORAGE, BORROW, OR DISPOSAL MANIFEST AND A MATERIAL STORAGE, BORROW, OR DISPOSAL AGREEMENT, which are signed by a representative of the company that accepts the soil. Contractor Superintendent Date IMMEDIATELY UPDATE and FAX THIS FORM TO THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AT LEAST 48-HOURS PRIOR TO HAULING SOIL TO THE PROJECT SITE or TRANSPORTING SOIL FROM THE PROJECT SITE. 02370-77 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 Clean Soil Borrow (Acceptance) Statement Walmart Project #: 6064-500 Location: Cleburne, TX General Contractor: Storm Water Contact (name & phone #): FORM INSTRUCTIONS: 1. COMPLETE SECTION ONE BY SIGNING ONE OF THE CERTIFICATIONS: A, B, OR C. IF SIGNING CERTIFICATION “C”, THEN ALSO PROVIDE A MATERIAL STORAGE, BORROW, OR DISPOSAL MANIFEST AND A MATERIAL STORAGE, BORROW, OR DISPOSAL AGREEMENT. 2. COMPLETE SECTION TWO. SECTION 1. A. I certify that no soil or fill (topsoil, subsurface soils, etc.) from outside the Walmart limits of disturbance will be accepted at or the Walmart project. Contractor Superintendent Date OR B. At this time, I am unsure whether any soil or fill (topsoil, subsurface soils, etc.) from outside the Walmart limits of disturbance will be accepted at or the Walmart project. I certify that if soil from outside the Walmart limits of disturbance will be accepted, I will (i) submit a revised Clean Soil Borrow (Acceptance) Statement to Walmart; and (ii) provide a Material Storage, Borrow, or Disposal Manifest and a Material Storage, Borrow, or Disposal Agreement form for each company and or location that provides soil from outside the Walmart limits of disturbance. Contractor Superintendent Date OR C. I certify that clean soil (topsoil, subsurface soils, etc.) from outside the Walmart limits of disturbance will be accepted at or the Walmart project. For each company and or location that provides soil from outside the Walmart limits of disturbance, I am providing a Material Storage, Borrow, or Disposal Manifest and a Material Storage, Borrow, or Disposal Agreement form signed by a representative of the company that provides the soil. Contractor Superintendent Date IMMEDIATELY UPDATE and FAX THIS FORM TO THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AT LEAST 48-HOURS PRIOR TO HAULING SOIL TO THE PROJECT SITE or TRANSPORTING SOIL FROM THE PROJECT SITE. 02370-78 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 MATERIAL STORAGE, BORROW, OR DISPOSAL MANIFEST TO OR FROM SITES OUTSIDE OF WALMART’S PERMITTED LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE ATTACHMENT 1 TO APPENDIX N Walmart Project #: 6064-500 Location: Cleburne, TX General Contractor: Storm Water Contact (name & phone #): MATERIAL STORAGE, BORROW, OR DISPOSAL AREA INFORMATION NAME OF FACILITY MATERIAL IS BEING TRANSFERRED TO OR FROM ADDRESS FACILITY CONTACT NAME AND TITLE MAILING ADDRESS PHONE GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF STORAGE, BORROW, OR DISPOSAL (E.G., TOP SOIL / CLAY/ SAND / ROCK) 1) WHO WILL RESPONSIBLE FOR TRANSPORTING THE MATERIAL? PROVIDE CONTACT INFORMATION _______________________________________________________________________________ 2) DATES OF STORAGE, BORROW, OR DISPOSAL START DATE ________________ END DATE ________________ 3) MATERIAL PROVIDED TO SITE - TOTAL QUANTITY ESTIMATE (CU-YD) ______________________ OR MATERIAL ACCEPTED FROM SITE - TOTAL QUANTITY ESTIMATE (CU-AD) ______________________ 4) THE STORAGE, BORROW, OR DISPOSAL SITE IS: ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION SITE? INDUSTRIAL FACILITY (E.G., MINING)? UNDER ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION? OTHER (DESCRIBE) _____________________________________________ 5) AREA OF THE STORAGE, BORROW, OR DISPOSAL SITE? (AC) TOTAL _________________ DISTURBED _________________ 02370-79 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 APPENDIX N GENERAL PERMIT 02370-80 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 Summary of Texas General Storm Water Permit (TPDES 150000) The Texas General Permit (TPDES General Permit No. TXR150000) sets forth the requirements limitations and requirements which a construction site must follow in order to be permitted to discharge storm water associated with the construction activity. This renewed permit was issued on February 15, 2008 and went into effect on March 5, 2008. The general permit will expire again on March 5, 2013 The General Permit reviews the following key items: Key Definitions Permit Applicability and Coverage – Who is required to and may obtain coverage under the permit Limitations to allowed Permit Coverage Procedures for obtaining coverage o NOI Required for sites with > 5 Acres of Disturbed Area, along with SWPPP o Site Notice Required for site with 1-5 Acres Disturbed, along with SWPPP o Site with < 1 Acre Disturbed, Coverage not required, SWPPP not required o Sites which are part of larger common development require coverage o Both Owner and its General Contractor must submit an NOI and obtain permit coverage as an operator when NOI submittal is required o NOIs and NOTs may be submitted in paper to the TCEQ or may be submitted online for immediate coverage using the TCEQ STEERS website. o Governing agency is the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ) TCEQ Cindy Hooper Storm Water Processing Center (MC228) P.O. Box 13087 Austin, TX 78711-3087 512-239-4671 Requirements for Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) o Must be certified by operators o Must be available at site at all times for review o Sets forth general requirement that must be included: Project Description Description of BMP being utilized Description of Permanent Storm Water Controls Other required Controls and BMPs Documentation of compliance with approved state and local plans, if applicable Maintenance Requirements Inspections of Controls Allowable Non-storm water discharges: o Discharges from fire-fighting activities; o Uncontaminated fire hydrant flushings1; o Waters used to wash vehicles where detergents and soaps are not used and where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred, and where the purpose is to remove mud, dirt, or dust; o Uncontaminated water used to control dust; o Potable water including uncontaminated water line flushings, excluding discharges of hyperchlorinated water (unless the water is first dechlorinated); o Routine external building wash down that does not use detergents and soaps and where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred, and where the purpose is to remove mud, dirt, or dust; o Pavement wash waters where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred (unless all spilled material has been removed) and where detergents and soaps are not used and where the purpose is to remove mud, dirt, or dust; o Uncontaminated air conditioning condensate; 02370-81 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 Uncontaminated ground water or spring water, including foundation or footing drains where flows are not contaminated with industrial materials such as solvents; o Lawn watering and similar irrigation drainage. Requirements for Concrete Batch Plants Best Management Practices (BMPs) Requirements Required Site Notices and other related documents Requirements for Site Inspections o Must be done by qualified individual, knowledgeable of the general permit, familiar with the site, and knowledgeable of the SWPPP for the site o Must be conducted at least once every 14 calendar days and within24 of the end of a storm event of 0.5 inches or greater. o Option is available to inspect once every 7 colander days, regardless of rainfall o In some sites under winter conditions (snow, ice, etc.) or in arid and semi-arid conditions, inspections may be able to be reduced to once every month and within 24 hours of a 0.5 inch storm event. o Log of inspections must be kept with SWPPP booklet o NOTE: This is meant to only be an overview of what is found in the General Permit. Contractor is required to read and understand all items described and detailed in the General Permit. Items listed here are addressed in more detail throughout the SWPPP prepared for this site. 02370-82 Sam's Club #6064-500, Cleburne, TX - Pavement Rehabilitation Date: 06/15/2011 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 TPDES GENERAL PERMIT NUMBER TXR150000 RELATING TO STORM WATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES Table of Contents Part I. Flow Chart and Definitions...................................................................................Page 3 Part II. Permit Applicability and Coverage.....................................................................Page 10 Part III. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans ............................................................Page 25 Part IV. Storm Water Runoff from Concrete Batch Plants .............................................Page 37 Part V. Concrete Truck Wash Out Requirements ...........................................................Page 42 Part VI. Retention of Records ..........................................................................................Page 42 Part VII. Standard Permit Conditions ................................................................................Page 43 Part VIII. Fees ...........................................................................................................Page 44 Appendix A. Automatic Authorization - Periods of Low Erosion Potential by County....Page 45 Appendix B. Erosivity Index (EI) Zones in Texas.............................................................Page 46 Appendix C. Isoerodent Map .............................................................................................Page 47 Appendix D. Erosivity Indices for EI Zones in Texas .......................................................Page 48 Attachment 1. Small Construction Site Notice: Low Potential for Erosion.........................Page 49 Attachment 2. Small Construction Site Notice.....................................................................Page 50 Attachment 3. Large Construction Site Notice: "Secondary Operator" Notice ...................Page 51 Attachment 4. Large Construction Site Notice: "Primary Operator" Notice .......................Page 52 Page 2 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Part I. Flow Chart and Definitions Section A. Flow Chart to Determine Whether Coverage is Required Page 3 Construction General Permit Section B. TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Definitions Arid Areas - Areas with an average annual rainfall of 0 to 10 inches. Best Management Practices (BMPs) - Schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, structural controls, local ordinances, and other management practices to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants. BMPs also include treatment requirements, operating procedures, and practices to control construction site runoff, spills or leaks, waste disposal, or drainage from raw material storage areas. Commencement of Construction - The initial disturbance of soils associated with clearing, grading, or excavation activities, as well as other construction-related activities (e.g., stockpiling of fill material, demolition) Common Plan of Development - A construction activity that is completed in separate stages, separate phases, or in combination with other construction activities. A common plan of development (also known as a “common plan of development or sale”) is identified by the documentation for the construction project that identifies the scope of the project, and may include plats, blueprints, marketing plans, contracts, building permits, a public notice or hearing, zoning requests, or other similar documentation and activities. A common plan of development does not necessarily include all construction projects within the jurisdiction of a public entity (e.g., a city or university). Construction of roads or buildings in different parts of the jurisdiction would be considered separate “common plans,” with only the interconnected parts of a project being considered part of a “common plan” (e.g., a building and its associated parking lot and driveways, airport runway and associated taxiways, a building complex, etc.). Where discrete construction projects occur within a larger common plan of development or sale but are located ¼ mile or more apart, and the area between the projects is not being disturbed, each individual project can be treated as a separate plan of development or sale, provided that any interconnecting road, pipeline or utility project that is part of the same “common plan” is not included in the area to be disturbed. Discharge – For the purposes of this permit, the drainage, release, or disposal of pollutants in storm water and certain non-storm water from areas where soil disturbing activities (e.g., clearing, grading, excavation, stockpiling of fill material, and demolition), construction materials or equipment storage or maintenance (e.g., fill piles, borrow area, concrete truck washout, fueling), or other industrial storm water directly related to the construction process (e.g., concrete or asphalt batch plants) are located. Edwards Aquifer - As defined under Texas Administrative Code § 213.3 of this title (relating to the Edwards Aquifer), that portion of an arcuate belt of porous, water-bearing, predominantly carbonate rocks known as the Edwards and Associated Limestones in the Balcones Fault Zone trending from west to east to northeast in Kinney, Uvalde, Medina, Bexar, Comal, Hays, Travis, and Williamson Counties; and composed of the Salmon Peak Limestone, McKnight Formation, West Nueces Formation, Devil’s River Limestone, Person Formation, Kainer Formation, Edwards Formation, and Georgetown Formation. The permeable aquifer units generally overlie the less-permeable Glen Rose Formation to the south, overlie the lesspermeable Comanche Peak and Walnut Formations north of the Colorado River, and underlie the lesspermeable Del Rio Clay regionally. Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone - Generally, that area where the stratigraphic units constituting the Edwards Aquifer crop out, including the outcrops of other geologic formations in proximity to the Edwards Aquifer, where caves, sinkholes, faults, fractures, or other permeable features would create a potential for recharge of surface waters into the Edwards Aquifer. The recharge zone is identified as that area designated as such on official maps located in the offices of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Page 4 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 appropriate regional office. The Edwards Aquifer Map Viewer, located at, can be used to determine where the recharge zone is located. Edwards Aquifer Contributing Zone - The area or watershed where runoff from precipitation flows downgradient to the recharge zone of the Edwards Aquifer. The contributing zone is located upstream (upgradient) and generally north and northwest of the recharge zone for the following counties: all areas within Kinney County, except the area within the watershed draining to Segment 2304 of the Rio Grande Basin; all areas within Uvalde, Medina, Bexar, and Comal Counties; all areas within Hays and Travis Counties, except the area within the watersheds draining to the Colorado River above a point 1.3 miles upstream from Tom Miller Dam, Lake Austin at the confluence of Barrow Brook Cove, Segment 1403 of the Colorado River Basin; and all areas within Williamson County, except the area within the watersheds draining to the Lampasas River above the dam at Stillhouse Hollow reservoir, Segment 1216 of the Brazos River Basin. The contributing zone is illustrated on the Edwards Aquifer map viewer at Facility or Activity – For the purpose of this permit, a construction site or construction support activity that is regulated under this general permit, including all contiguous land and fixtures (e.g., ponds and materials stockpiles), structures, or appurtances used at a construction site or industrial site described by this general permit. Final Stabilization - A construction site status where any of the following conditions are met: (a) All soil disturbing activities at the site have been completed and a uniform (i.e., evenly distributed, without large bare areas) perennial vegetative cover with a density of at least 70% of the native background vegetative cover for the area has been established on all unpaved areas and areas not covered by permanent structures, or equivalent permanent stabilization measures (such as the use of riprap, gabions, or geotextiles) have been employed. (b) For individual lots in a residential construction site by either: (c) (1) the homebuilder completing final stabilization as specified in condition (a) above; or (2) the homebuilder establishing temporary stabilization for an individual lot prior to the time of transfer of the ownership of the home to the buyer and after informing the homeowner of the need for, and benefits of, final stabilization. If temporary stabilization is not feasible, then the homebuilder may fulfill this requirement by retaining perimeter controls or other best management practices, and informing the homeowner of the need for removal of temporary controls and the establishment of final stabilization. For construction activities on land used for agricultural purposes (e.g. pipelines across crop or range land), final stabilization may be accomplished by returning the disturbed land to its preconstruction agricultural use. Areas disturbed that were not previously used for agricultural activities, such as buffer strips immediately adjacent to surface water and areas that are not being returned to their preconstruction agricultural use must meet the final stabilization conditions of condition (a) above. Page 5 Construction General Permit (d) TPDES General Permit TXR150000 In arid, semi-arid, and drought-stricken areas only, all soil disturbing activities at the site have been completed and both of the following criteria have been met: (1) Temporary erosion control measures (e.g., degradable rolled erosion control product) are selected, designed, and installed along with an appropriate seed base to provide erosion control for at least three years without active maintenance by the operator, and (2) The temporary erosion control measures are selected, designed, and installed to achieve 70 percent vegetative coverage within three years. Hyperchlorination of Waterlines – Treatment of potable water lines or tanks with chlorine for disinfection purposes, typically following repair or partial replacement of the waterline or tank, and subsequently flushing the contents. Indian Country Land – (from 40 CFR 122.2) (1) all land within the limits of any Indian reservation under the jurisdiction of the United States government, notwithstanding the issuance of any patent, and, including rights-of-way running through the reservation; (2) all dependent Indian communities with the borders of the United States whether within the originally or subsequently acquired territory thereof, and whether within or without the limits of a state; and (3) all Indian allotments, the Indian titles to which have not been extinguished, including rights-of-way running through the same. Indian Tribe - (from 40 CFR 122.2) any Indian Tribe, band, group, or community recognized by the Secretary of the Interior and exercising governmental authority over a Federal Indian Reservation. Large Construction Activity - Construction activities including clearing, grading, and excavating that result in land disturbance of equal to or greater than five (5) acres of land. Large construction activity also includes the disturbance of less than five (5) acres of total land area that is part of a larger common plan of development or sale if the larger common plan will ultimately disturb equal to or greater than five (5) acres of land. Large construction activity does not include routine maintenance that is performed to maintain the original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, or original purpose of the site (e.g., the routine grading of existing dirt roads, asphalt overlays of existing roads, the routine clearing of existing right-of-ways, and similar maintenance activities.) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) - A separate storm sewer system owned or operated by the United States, a state, city, town, county, district, association, or other public body (created by or pursuant to state law) having jurisdiction over the disposal of sewage, industrial wastes, storm water, or other wastes, including special districts under state law such as a sewer district, flood control or drainage district, or similar entity, or an Indian tribe or an authorized Indian tribal organization, that discharges to surface water in the state. Notice of Change (NOC) – Written notification to the executive director from a discharger authorized under this permit, providing changes to information that was previously provided to the agency in a notice of intent form. Notice of Intent (NOI) - A written submission to the executive director from an applicant requesting coverage under this general permit. Page 6 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Notice of Termination (NOT) - A written submission to the executive director from a discharger authorized under a general permit requesting termination of coverage. Operator - The person or persons associated with a large or small construction activity that is either a primary or secondary operator as defined below: Primary Operator – the person or persons associated with a large or small construction activity that meets either of the following two criteria: (a) the person or persons have operational control over construction plans and specifications, including the ability to make modifications to those plans and specifications; or (b) the person or persons have day-to-day operational control of those activities at a construction site that are necessary to ensure compliance with a storm water pollution prevention plan (SWP3) for the site or other permit conditions (e.g., they are authorized to direct workers at a site to carry out activities required by the SWP3 or comply with other permit conditions). Secondary Operator – The person whose operational control is limited to the employment of other operators or to the ability to approve or disapprove changes to plans and specifications. A secondary operator is also defined as a primary operator and must comply with the permit requirements for primary operators if there are no other operators at the construction site. Outfall - For the purpose of this permit, a point source at the point where storm water runoff associated with construction activity discharges to surface water in the state and does not include open conveyances connecting two municipal separate storm sewers, or pipes, tunnels, or other conveyances that connect segments of the same stream or other water of the U.S. and are used to convey waters of the U.S. Permittee - An operator authorized under this general permit. The authorization may be gained through submission of a notice of intent, by waiver, or by meeting the requirements for automatic coverage to discharge storm water runoff and certain non-storm water discharges. Point Source – (from 40 CFR §122.2) Any discernible, confined, and discrete conveyance, including but not limited to, any pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, well, discrete fissure, container, rolling stock concentrated animal feeding operation, landfill leachate collection system, vessel or other floating craft from which pollutants are, or may be, discharged. This term does not include return flows from irrigated agriculture or agricultural storm water runoff. Pollutant - Dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, sewage, garbage, sewage sludge, filter backwash, munitions, chemical wastes, biological materials, radioactive materials, heat, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock, sand, cellar dirt, and industrial, municipal, and agricultural waste discharged into any surface water in the state. The term "pollutant" does not include tail water or runoff water from irrigation or rainwater runoff from cultivated or uncultivated rangeland, pastureland, and farmland. For the purpose of this permit, the term “pollutant” includes sediment. Pollution - (from Texas Water Code §26.001(14)) The alteration of the physical, thermal, chemical, or biological quality of, or the contamination of, any surface water in the state that renders the water harmful, detrimental, or injurious to humans, animal life, vegetation, or property or to public health, safety, or welfare, or impairs the usefulness or the public enjoyment of the water for any lawful or reasonable purpose. Page 7 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Rainfall Erosivity Factor (R factor) - the total annual erosive potential that is due to climatic effects, and is part of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). Semiarid Areas - areas with an average annual rainfall of 10 to 20 inches Separate Storm Sewer System - A conveyance or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains), designed or used for collecting or conveying storm water; that is not a combined sewer, and that is not part of a publicly owned treatment works (POTW). Small Construction Activity - Construction activities including clearing, grading, and excavating that result in land disturbance of equal to or greater than one (1) acre and less than five (5) acres of land. Small construction activity also includes the disturbance of less than one (1) acre of total land area that is part of a larger common plan of development or sale if the larger common plan will ultimately disturb equal to or greater than one (1) and less than five (5) acres of land. Small construction activity does not include routine maintenance that is performed to maintain the original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, or original purpose of the site (e.g., the routine grading of existing dirt roads, asphalt overlays of existing roads, the routine clearing of existing right-of-ways, and similar maintenance activities.) Storm Water (or Storm Water Runoff) - Rainfall runoff, snow melt runoff, and surface runoff and drainage. Storm Water Associated with Construction Activity - Storm water runoff from a construction activity where soil disturbing activities (including clearing, grading, excavating) result in the disturbance of one (1) or more acres of total land area, or are part of a larger common plan of development or sale that will result in disturbance of one (1) or more acres of total land area. Structural Control (or Practice) - A pollution prevention practice that requires the construction of a device, or the use of a device, to capture or prevent pollution in storm water runoff. Structural controls and practices may include but are not limited to: silt fences, earthen dikes, drainage swales, sediment traps, check dams, subsurface drains, storm drain inlet protection, rock outlet protection, reinforced soil retaining systems, gabions, and temporary or permanent sediment basins. Surface Water in the State - Lakes, bays, ponds, impounding reservoirs, springs, rivers, streams, creeks, estuaries, wetlands, marshes, inlets, canals, the Gulf of Mexico inside the territorial limits of the state (from the mean high water mark (MHWM) out 10.36 miles into the Gulf), and all other bodies of surface water, natural or artificial, inland or coastal, fresh or salt, navigable or nonnavigable, and including the beds and banks of all water-courses and bodies of surface water, that are wholly or partially inside or bordering the state or subject to the jurisdiction of the state; except that waters in treatment systems which are authorized by state or federal law, regulation, or permit, and which are created for the purpose of waste treatment are not considered to be water in the state. Temporary Stabilization - A condition where exposed soils or disturbed areas are provided a protective cover or other structural control to prevent the migration of pollutants. Temporary stabilization may include temporary seeding, geotextiles, mulches, and other techniques to reduce or eliminate erosion until either permanent stabilization can be achieved or until further construction activities take place. Waters of the United States - (from 40 CFR, Part122, Section 2) Waters of the United States or waters of the U.S. means: Page 8 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 (a) all waters which are currently used, were used in the past, or may be susceptible to use in interstate or foreign commerce, including all waters which are subject to the ebb and flow of the tide; (b) all interstate waters, including interstate wetlands; (c) all other waters such as intrastate lakes, rivers, streams (including intermittent streams), mudflats, sandflats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, or natural ponds that the use, degradation, or destruction of which would affect or could affect interstate or foreign commerce including any such waters: (1) which are or could be used by interstate or foreign travelers for recreational or other purposes; (2) from which fish or shellfish are or could be taken and sold in interstate or foreign commerce; or (3) which are used or could be used for industrial purposes by industries in interstate commerce; (d) all impoundments of waters otherwise defined as waters of the United States under this definition; (e) tributaries of waters identified in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this definition; (f) the territorial sea; and (g) wetlands adjacent to waters (other than waters that are themselves wetlands) identified in paragraphs (a) through (f) of this definition. Waste treatment systems, including treatment ponds or lagoons designed to meet the requirements of CWA (other than cooling ponds as defined in 40 CFR '423.11(m) which also meet the criteria of this definition) are not waters of the United States. This exclusion applies only to manmade bodies of water which neither were originally created in waters of the United States (such as disposal area in wetlands) nor resulted from the impoundment of waters of the United States. Waters of the United States do not include prior converted cropland. Notwithstanding the determination of an area=s status as prior converted cropland by any other federal agency, for the purposes of the Clean Water Act, the final authority regarding Clean Water Act jurisdiction remains with EPA. Part II. Permit Applicability and Coverage Section A. 1. Discharges Eligible for Authorization Storm Water Associated with Construction Activity Discharges of storm water runoff from small and large construction activities may be authorized under this general permit. Page 9 Construction General Permit 2. TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Construction Support Activities Examples of construction support activities include, but are not limited to, concrete batch plants, rock crushers, asphalt batch plants, equipment staging areas, material storage yards, material borrow areas, and excavated material disposal areas. Discharges of storm water runoff from construction support activities may be authorized under this general permit, provided that the following conditions are met: 3. (a) the activities are located within one (1)-mile from the boundary of the permitted construction site and directly support the construction activity; (b) a storm water pollution prevention plan is developed according to the provisions of this general permit and includes appropriate controls and measures to reduce erosion and discharge of pollutants in storm water runoff from the construction support activities; and (c) the construction support activities either do not operate beyond the completion date of the construction activity or are authorized under separate TPDES authorization. Separate TPDES authorization may include the TPDES Multi Sector General Permit, TXR050000 (related to storm water discharges associated with industrial activity), separate authorization under this general permit if applicable, coverage under an alternative general permit if available, or authorization under an individual water quality permit. Non-Storm Water Discharges The following non-storm water discharges from sites authorized under this general permit are also eligible for authorization under this general permit: (a) discharges from fire fighting activities (fire fighting activities do not include washing of trucks, run-off water from training activities, test water from fire suppression systems, and similar activities); (b) uncontaminated fire hydrant flushings (excluding discharges of hyperchlorinated water, unless the water is first dechlorinated and discharges are not expected to adversely affect aquatic life), which include flushings from systems that utilize potable water, surface water, or groundwater that does not contain additional pollutants (uncontaminated fire hydrant flushings do not include systems utilizing reclaimed wastewater as a source water); (c) water from the routine external washing of vehicles, the external portion of buildings or structures, and pavement, where detergents and soaps are not used and where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred (unless spilled materials have been removed; and if local state, or federal regulations are applicable, the materials are removed according to those regulations), and where the purpose is to remove mud, dirt, or dust; (d) uncontaminated water used to control dust; Page 10 Construction General Permit 4. TPDES General Permit TXR150000 (e) potable water sources including waterline flushings (excluding discharges of hyperchlorinated water, unless the water is first dechlorinated and discharges are not expected to adversely affect aquatic life); (f) uncontaminated air conditioning condensate; (g) uncontaminated ground water or spring water, including foundation or footing drains where flows are not contaminated with industrial materials such as solvents; and (h) lawn watering and similar irrigation drainage. Other Permitted Discharges Any discharge authorized under a separate NPDES, TPDES, or TCEQ permit may be combined with discharges authorized by this general permit, provided those discharges comply with the associated permit. Section B. Concrete Truck Wash Out The washout of concrete trucks associated with off-site production facilities may be conducted at regulated construction sites in accordance with the requirements of Part V of this general permit. Section C. 1. Limitations on Permit Coverage Post Construction Discharges. Discharges that occur after construction activities have been completed, and after the construction site and any supporting activity site have undergone final stabilization, are not eligible for coverage under this general permit. Discharges originating from the sites are not authorized under this general permit following the submission of the notice of termination (NOT) for the construction activity. 2. Prohibition of Non-Storm Water Discharges Except as otherwise provided in Part II.A. of this general permit, only discharges that are composed entirely of storm water associated with construction activity may be authorized under this general permit. 3. Compliance With Water Quality Standards Discharges to surface water in the state that would cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards or that would fail to protect and maintain existing designated uses are not eligible for coverage under this general permit. The executive director may require an application for an individual permit or alternative general permit (see Parts II.H.2. and 3.) to authorize discharges to surface water in the state from any activity that is determined to cause a violation of water quality standards or is found to cause, or contribute to, the loss of a designated use. The executive director may also require an application for an individual permit considering factors described in Part II.H.2. of this general permit. Page 11 Construction General Permit 4. TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Discharges to Water Quality-Impaired Receiving Waters. New sources or new discharges of the constituents of concern to impaired waters are not authorized by this permit unless otherwise allowable under 30 TAC Chapter 305 and applicable state law. Impaired waters are those that do not meet applicable water quality standards and are listed on the EPA approved Clean Water Act Section 303(d) list. Constituents of concern are those for which the water body is listed as impaired. Discharges of the constituents of concern to impaired water bodies for which there is a total maximum daily load (TMDL) are not eligible for this permit unless they are consistent with the approved TMDL. Permittees must incorporate the limitations, conditions, and requirements applicable to their discharges, including monitoring frequency and reporting required by TCEQ rules, into their storm water pollution prevention plan in order to be eligible for coverage under this general permit. 5. Discharges to the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Discharges cannot be authorized by this general permit where prohibited by 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 213 (relating to Edwards Aquifer). In addition, commencement of construction (i.e., the initial disturbance of soils associated with clearing, grading, or excavating activities, as well as other construction-related activities such as stockpiling of fill material and demolition) at a site regulated under 30 TAC Chapter 213, may not begin until the appropriate Edwards Aquifer Protection Plan has been approved by the TCEQ’s Edwards Aquifer Protection Program. (a) For new discharges located within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone, or within that area upstream from the recharge zone and defined as the Contributing Zone, operators must meet all applicable requirements of, and operate according to, 30 TAC Chapter 213 (Edwards Aquifer Rule) in addition to the provisions and requirements of this general permit. (b) For existing discharges located within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone, the requirements of the agency-approved Water Pollution Abatement Plan under the Edwards Aquifer Rules are in addition to the requirements of this general permit. BMPs and maintenance schedules for structural storm water controls, for example, may be required as a provision of the rule. All applicable requirements of the Edwards Aquifer Rule for reductions of suspended solids in storm water runoff are in addition to the requirements in this general permit for this pollutant. For discharges from large construction activities located on the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone or the Edwards Aquifer contributing zone, applicants must submit a copy of the NOI to the appropriate TCEQ regional office. For discharges from small construction activities located on the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone or the Edwards Aquifer contributing zone, and for discharges from large construction activities by operators not required to submit an NOI under this general permit, applicants must submit a copy of the construction site notice to the appropriate TCEQ regional office where required by the Edwards Aquifer Rules at 30 TAC Chapter 213: Counties: Contact: Page 12 Construction General Permit 6. TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Comal, Bexar, Medina, Uvalde, and Kinney TCEQ Water Program Manager San Antonio Regional Office 14250 Judson Rd. San Antonio, Texas (210) 490-3096 Williamson, Travis, and Hays TCEQ Water Program Manager Austin Regional Office 2800 South IH 35, Suite 100 Austin, Texas 78704-5712 (512) 339-2929 Discharges to Specific Watersheds and Water Quality Areas Discharges otherwise eligible for coverage cannot be authorized by this general permit where prohibited by 30 TAC Chapter 311 (relating to Watershed Protection) for water quality areas and watersheds. 7. Protection of Streams and Watersheds by Other Governmental Entities This general permit does not limit the authority or ability of federal, other state, or local governmental entities from placing additional or more stringent requirements on construction activities or discharges from construction activities. For example, this permit does not limit the authority of a home-rule municipality provided by Texas Local Government Code §401.002. 8. Indian Country Lands Storm water runoff from construction activities occurring on Indian Country lands are not under the authority of the TCEQ and are not eligible for coverage under this general permit. If discharges of storm water require authorization under federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) regulations, authority for these discharges must be obtained from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 9. Oil and Gas Production Storm water runoff from construction activities associated with the exploration, development, or production of oil or gas or geothermal resources, including transportation of crude oil or natural gas by pipeline, are not under the authority of the TCEQ and are not eligible for coverage under this general permit. If discharges of storm water require authorization under federal NPDES regulations, authority for these discharges must be obtained from the EPA. 10. Storm Water Discharges from Agricultural Activities Page 13 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Storm water discharges from agricultural activities that are not point source discharges of storm water are not subject to TPDES permit requirements. These activities may include clearing and cultivating ground for crops, construction of fences to contain livestock, construction of stock ponds, and other similar agricultural activities. Discharges of storm water runoff associated with the construction of facilities that are subject to TPDES regulations, such as the construction of confined animal feeding operations, would be point sources regulated under this general permit. 11. Other Nothing in Part II of the general permit is intended to negate any person’s ability to assert the force majeure (act of God, war, strike, riot, or other catastrophe) defenses found in 30 TAC ' 70.7. Section D. 1. 2. Section E. Deadlines for Obtaining Authorization to Discharge Large Construction Activities (a) New Construction - Discharges from sites where the commencement of construction occurs on or after the effective date of this general permit must be authorized, either under this general permit or a separate TPDES permit, prior to the commencement of those construction activities. (b) Ongoing Construction - Operators of large construction activities continuing to operate after the effective date of this permit, and authorized under TPDES general permit TXR150000 (issued March 5, 2003), must submit an NOI to renew authorization under this general permit within 90 days of the effective date of this general permit. During this interim period, as a requirement of this TPDES permit, the operator must continue to meet the conditions and requirements of the previous TPDES permit. Small Construction Activities (a) New Construction - Discharges from sites where the commencement of construction occurs on or after the effective date of this general permit must be authorized, either under this general permit or a separate TPDES permit, prior to the commencement of those construction activities. (b) Ongoing Construction - Discharges from ongoing small construction activities that commenced prior to the effective date of this general permit, and that would not meet the conditions to qualify for termination of this permit as described in Part II.E. of this general permit, must meet the requirements to be authorized, either under this general permit or a separate TPDES permit, within 90 days of the effective date of this general permit. During this interim period, as a requirement of this TPDES permit, the operator must continue to meet the conditions and requirements of the previous TPDES permit. Obtaining Authorization to Discharge Page 14 Construction General Permit 1. TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Automatic Authorization for Small Construction Activities With Low Potential for Erosion: If all of the following conditions are met, then a small construction activity is determined to occur during periods of low potential for erosion, and a site operator may be automatically authorized under this general permit without being required to develop a storm water pollution prevention plan or submit a notice of intent (NOI): (a) the construction activity occurs in a county listed in Appendix A; (b) the construction activity is initiated and completed, including either final or temporary stabilization of all disturbed areas, within the time frame identified in Appendix A for the location of the construction site; (c) all temporary stabilization is adequately maintained to effectively reduce or prohibit erosion, permanent stabilization activities have been initiated, and a condition of final stabilization is completed no later than 30 days following the end date of the time frame identified in Appendix A for the location of the construction site; (d) the permittee signs a completed construction site notice (Attachment 1 of this general permit), including the certification statement; (e) a signed copy of the construction site notice is posted at the construction site in a location where it is readily available for viewing by the general public, local, state, and federal authorities prior to commencing construction activities, and maintained in that location until completion of the construction activity; (f) a copy of the signed and certified construction site notice is provided to the operator of any municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) receiving the discharge at least two days prior to commencement of construction activities; (g) any supporting concrete batch plant or asphalt batch plant is separately authorized for discharges of storm water runoff or other non-storm water discharges under an individual TPDES permit, another TPDES general permit, or under an individual TCEQ permit where storm water and non-storm water is disposed of by evaporation or irrigation (discharges are adjacent to water in the state); and (h) any non-storm water discharges are either authorized under a separate permit or authorization, or are not considered to be a wastewater. Part II.G. of this general permit describes how an operator may apply for and obtain a waiver from permitting, for certain small construction activities that occur during a period with a low potential for erosion, where automatic authorization under this section is not available. 2. Automatic Authorization For All Other Small Construction Activities: Operators of small construction activities not described in Part II.E.1. above may be automatically authorized under this general permit, and operators of these sites shall not be required to submit an NOI, provided that they meet all of the following conditions: Page 15 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 (a) develop a SWP3 according to the provisions of this general permit, that covers either the entire site or all portions of the site for which the applicant is the operator, and implement that plan prior to commencing construction activities; (b) sign and certify a completed construction site notice (Attachment 2 of this general permit), post the notice at the construction site in a location where it is safely and readily available for viewing by the general public, local, state, and federal authorities, prior to commencing construction, and maintain the notice in that location until completion of the construction activity (for linear construction activities, e.g. pipeline or highway, the site notice must be placed in a publicly accessible location near where construction is actively underway; notice for these linear sites may be relocated, as necessary, along the length of the project, and the notice must be safely and readily available for viewing by the general public; local, state, and federal authorities); and (c) provide a copy of the signed and certified construction site notice to the operator of any municipal separate storm sewer system receiving the discharge at least two days prior to commencement of construction activities. Operators of small construction activities as defined in Part I of this general permit shall not submit an NOI for coverage unless otherwise required by the executive director. As described in Part I (Definitions) of this general permit, large construction activities include those that will disturb less than five (5) acres of land, but that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale that will ultimately disturb five (5) or more acres of land, and must meet the requirements of Part II.E.3. below. 3. Authorization for Large Construction Activities: Operators of large construction activities that qualify for coverage under this general permit must meet all of the following conditions: (a) develop a SWP3 according to the provisions of this general permit that covers either the entire site or all portions of the site for which the applicant is the operator, and implement that plan prior to commencing construction activities; (b) primary operators must submit a Notice of Intent (NOI), using a form provided by the executive director, at least seven (7) days prior to commencing construction activities, or if utilizing electronic submittal, prior to commencing construction activities. If an additional primary operator is added after the initial NOI is submitted, the new primary operator must submit an NOI at least seven (7) days before assuming operational control, or if utilizing electronic NOI submittal, prior to assuming operational control. If the primary operator changes after the initial NOI is submitted, the new primary operator must submit a paper NOI or an electronic NOI at least ten (10) days before assuming operational control; (c) all primary operators must also post a copy of the signed NOI at the construction site in a location where it is readily available for viewing by the general public, local, Page 16 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 state, and federal authorities prior to commencing construction activities, and must maintain the NOI in that location until completion of the construction activity; 4. (d) all operators of large construction activities must post a site notice in accordance with Part III.D.2. of this permit. The site notice must be located where it is safely and readily available for viewing by the general public, local, state, and federal authorities prior to commencing construction, and must be maintained in that location until completion of the construction activity (for linear construction activities, e.g. pipeline or highway, the site notice must be placed in a publicly accessible location near where construction is actively underway; notice for these linear sites may be relocated, as necessary, along the length of the project, and the notice must be safely and readily available for viewing by the general public; local, state, and federal authorities); and (e) all primary operators must provide a copy of the signed NOI to the operator of any municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) receiving the discharge and to any secondary operator, at least seven (7) days prior to commencing construction activities, and must list in the SWP3 the names and addresses of all MS4 operators receiving a copy. (f) All persons meeting the definition of “secondary operator” in Part I of this permit are hereby notified that they are regulated under this general permit, but are not required to submit an NOI, provided that another operator(s) at the site has submitted an NOI, or is required to submit an NOI and the secondary operator has provided notification to the operator(s) of the need to obtain coverage (with records of notification available upon request). Any secondary operator notified under this provision may alternatively submit an NOI under this general permit, may seek coverage under an alternative TPDES individual permit, or may seek coverage under an alternative TPDES general permit if available. Waivers for Small Construction Activities: Part II.G. describes how operators of certain small construction activities may obtain a waiver from coverage. 5. Effective Date of Coverage (a) Operators of small construction activities as described in either Part II.E.1. or II.E.2. above are authorized immediately following compliance with the applicable conditions of Part II.E.1. or II.E.2. Secondary operators of large construction activities as described in Part II.E.3. above are authorized immediately following compliance with the applicable conditions in Part II.E.3. For activities located in areas regulated by 30 TAC Chapter 213, related to the Edwards Aquifer, this authorization to discharge is separate from the requirements of the operator’s responsibilities under that rule. Construction may not commence for sites regulated under 30 TAC Chapter 213 until all applicable requirements of that rule are met. (b) Primary operators of large construction activities as described in Part II.E.3. above are provisionally authorized seven (7) days from the date that a completed NOI is Page 17 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 postmarked for delivery to the TCEQ, unless otherwise notified by the executive director. If electronic submission of the NOI is provided, and unless otherwise notified by the executive director, primary operators are authorized immediately following confirmation of receipt of the NOI by the TCEQ. Authorization is nonprovisional when the executive director finds the NOI is administratively complete and an authorization number is issued for the activity. For activities located in areas regulated by 30 TAC Chapter 213, related to the Edwards Aquifer, this authorization to discharge is separate from the requirements of the operator’s responsibilities under that rule. Construction may not commence for sites regulated under 30 TAC Chapter 213 until all applicable requirements of that rule are met. (c) 6. Operators are not prohibited from submitting late NOIs or posting late notices to obtain authorization under this general permit. The TCEQ reserves the right to take appropriate enforcement actions for any unpermitted activities that may have occurred between the time construction commenced and authorization was obtained. Notice of Change (NOC) If relevant information provided in the NOI changes, an NOC must be submitted at least 14 days before the change occurs, if possible. Where 14-day advance notice is not possible, the operator must submit an NOC within 14 days of discovery of the change. If the operator becomes aware that it failed to submit any relevant facts or submitted incorrect information in an NOI, the correct information must be provided to the executive director in an NOC within 14 days after discovery. The NOC shall be submitted on a form provided by the executive director, or by letter if an NOC form is not available. A copy of the NOC must also be provided to the operator of any MS4 receiving the discharge, and a list must be included in the SWP3 that includes the names and addresses of all MS4 operators receiving a copy. Information that may be included on an NOC includes, but is not limited to, the following: the description of the construction project, an increase in the number of acres disturbed (for increases of one or more acres), or the operator name. A transfer of operational control from one operator to another, including a transfer of the ownership of a company, may not be included in an NOC. A transfer of ownership of a company includes changes to the structure of a company, such as changing from a partnership to a corporation or changing corporation types, so that the filing number (or charter number) that is on record with the Texas Secretary of State must be changed. An NOC is not required for notifying TCEQ of a decrease in the number of acres disturbed. This information must be included in the storm water pollution prevention plan (SWP3) and retained on site. 7. Signatory Requirement for NOI Forms, Notice of Termination (NOT) Forms, NOC Letters, and Construction Site Notices NOI forms, NOT forms, NOC letters, and Construction Site Notices that require a signature must be signed according to 30 TAC ' 305.44 (relating to Signatories for Applications). 8. Contents of the NOI Page 18 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 The NOI form shall require, at a minimum, the following information: Section F. 1. (a) the TPDES CGP authorization number for existing authorizations under this general permit, where the operator submits an NOI to renew coverage within 90 days of the effective date of this general permit; (b) the name, address, and telephone number of the operator filing the NOI for permit coverage; (c) the name (or other identifier), address, county, and latitude/longitude of the construction project or site; (d) the number of acres that will be disturbed by the applicant; (e) confirmation that the project or site will not be located on Indian Country lands; (f) confirmation that a SWP3 has been developed, that it will be implemented prior to construction, and that it is compliant with any applicable local sediment and erosion control plans; (g) name of the receiving water(s); (h) the classified segment number for each classified segment that receives discharges from the regulated construction activity (if the discharge is not directly to a classified segment, then the classified segment number of the first classified segment that those discharges reach); and (i) the name of all surface waters receiving discharges from the regulated construction activity that are on the latest EPA-approved CWA § 303(d) list of impaired waters. Terminating Coverage Notice of Termination (NOT) Required Each operator that has submitted an NOI for authorization under this general permit must apply to terminate that authorization following the conditions described in this section of the general permit. Authorization must be terminated by submitting a Notice of Termination (NOT) on a form supplied by the executive director. Authorization to discharge under this general permit terminates at midnight on the day the NOT is postmarked for delivery to the TCEQ. If electronic submission of the NOT is provided, authorization to discharge under this permit terminates immediately following confirmation of receipt of the NOT by the TCEQ. Compliance with the conditions and requirements of this permit is required until an NOT is submitted. The NOT must be submitted to TCEQ, and a copy of the NOT provided to the operator of any MS4 receiving the discharge (with a list in the SWP3 of the names and addresses of all MS4 operators receiving a copy), within 30 days after any of the following conditions are met: Page 19 Construction General Permit 2. TPDES General Permit TXR150000 (a) final stabilization has been achieved on all portions of the site that are the responsibility of the permittee; (b) a transfer of operational control has occurred (See Section II.F.4. below); or (c) the operator has obtained alternative authorization under an individual TPDES permit or alternative TPDES general permit. Minimum Contents of the NOT The NOT form shall require, at a minimum, the following information: 3. (a) if authorization was granted following submission of an NOI, the permittee’s sitespecific TPDES authorization number for the construction site; (b) an indication of whether the construction activity is completed or if the permittee is simply no longer an operator at the site; (c) the name, address, and telephone number of the permittee submitting the NOT; (d) the name (or other identifier), address, county, and latitude/longitude of the construction project or site; and (e) a signed certification that either all storm water discharges requiring authorization under this general permit will no longer occur, or that the applicant to terminate coverage is no longer the operator of the facility or construction site, and that all temporary structural erosion controls have either been removed, will be removed on a schedule defined in the SWP3, or have been transferred to a new operator if the new operator has applied for permit coverage. Erosion controls that are designed to remain in place for an indefinite period, such as mulches and fiber mats, are not required to be removed or scheduled for removal. Termination of Coverage for Small Construction Sites and for Secondary Operators at Large Construction Sites Each operator that has obtained automatic authorization and has not been required to submit an NOI must remove the site notice upon meeting any of the conditions listed below, complete the applicable portion of the site notice related to removal of the site notice, and submit a copy of the completed site notice to the operator of any MS4 receiving the discharge (or provide alternative notification as allowed by the MS4 operator, with documentation of such notification included in the SWP3), within 30 days of meeting any of the following conditions: (a) final stabilization has been achieved on all portions of the site that are the responsibility of the permittee; (b) a transfer of operational control has occurred (See Section II.F.4. below); or Page 20 Construction General Permit (c) TPDES General Permit TXR150000 the operator has obtained alternative authorization under an individual or general TPDES permit. Authorization to discharge under this general permit terminates immediately upon removal of the applicable site notice. Compliance with the conditions and requirements of this permit is required until the site notice is removed. 4. Transfer of Operational Control Coverage under this general permit is not transferable. A transfer of operational control includes changes to the structure of a company, such as changing from a partnership to a corporation, or changing to a different corporation type such that a different filing (or charter) number is established with the Texas Secretary of State. When the primary operator of a large construction activity changes or operational control is transferred, the original operator must submit a Notice of Termination (NOT) within ten (10) days prior to the date that responsibility for operations terminates, and the new operator must submit an NOI at least ten (10) days prior to the transfer of operational control, in accordance with condition (a) or (b) below. A copy of the NOT must be provided to the operator of any MS4 receiving the discharge in accordance with Section II.F.1. above. Operators of regulated construction activities who are not required to submit an NOI must remove the original site notice, and the new operator must post the required site notice prior to the transfer of operational control, in accordance with condition (a) or (b) below. A copy of the completed site notice must be provided to the operator of any MS4 receiving the discharge, in accordance with Section II.F.3. above. A transfer of operational control occurs when either of the following criteria is met: (a) Another operator has assumed control over all areas of the site that have not been finally stabilized; and all silt fences and other temporary erosion controls have either been removed, scheduled for removal as defined in the SWP3, or transferred to a new operator, provided that the permitted operator has attempted to notify the new operator in writing of the requirement to obtain permit coverage. Record of this notification (or attempt at notification) shall be retained by the operator in accordance with Part VI of this permit. Erosion controls that are designed to remain in place for an indefinite period, such as mulches and fiber mats, are not required to be removed or scheduled for removal. (b) A homebuilder has purchased one or more lots from an operator who obtained coverage under this general permit for a common plan of development or sale. The homebuilder is considered a new operator and shall comply with the requirements listed above, including the development of a SWP3 if necessary. Under these circumstances, the homebuilder is only responsible for compliance with the general permit requirements as they apply to lot(s) it has operational control over, and the original operator remains responsible for common controls or discharges, and must amend its SWP3 to remove the lot(s) transferred to the homebuilder. Page 21 Construction General Permit Section G. TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Waivers from Coverage The executive director may waive the otherwise applicable requirements of this general permit for storm water discharges from small construction activities under the terms and conditions described in this section. 1. Waiver Applicability and Coverage Operators of small construction activities may apply for and receive a waiver from the requirements to obtain authorization under this general permit, where all of the following conditions are met. This waiver from coverage does not apply to non-storm water discharges. The operator must insure that any non-storm water discharges are either authorized under a separate permit or authorization, or are not considered to be a wastewater. 2. (a) the calculated rainfall erosivity (R) factor for the entire period of the construction project is less than five (5); (b) the operator submits to the TCEQ a signed waiver certification form, supplied by the executive director, certifying that the construction activity will commence and be completed within a period when the value of the calculated rainfall erosivity R factor is less than five (5); and (c) the waiver certification form is postmarked for delivery to the TCEQ at least two (2) days before construction activity begins. Steps to Obtaining a Waiver The construction site operator may calculate the R factor to request a waiver using the following steps: (a) Estimate the construction start date and the construction end date. The construction end date is the date that final stabilization will be achieved. (b) Find the appropriate Erosivity Index (EI) zone in Appendix B of this permit. (c) Find the EI percentage for the project period by adding the results for each period of the project using the table provided in Appendix D of this permit, in EPA Fact Sheet 2.1, or in USDA Handbook 703, by subtracting the start value from the end value to find the percent EI for the site. (d) Refer to the Isoerodent Map (Appendix C of this permit) and interpolate the annual isoerodent value for the proposed construction location. (e) Multiply the percent value obtained in Step (c) above by the annual isoerodent value obtained in Step (d). This is the R factor for the proposed project. If the value is less than 5, then a waiver may be obtained. If the value is five (5) or more, then a waiver may not be obtained, and the operator must obtain coverage under Part II.E.2. of this permit. Page 22 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Alternatively, the operator may calculate a site-specific R factor utilizing the following online calculator:, or using another available resource. The waiver certification form is not required to be posted at the small construction site. 3. Effective Date of Waiver Operators of small construction activities are provisionally waived from the otherwise applicable requirements of this general permit two (2) days from the date that a completed waiver certification form is postmarked for delivery to TCEQ. 4. Activities Extending Beyond the Waiver Period If a construction activity extends beyond the approved waiver period due to circumstances beyond the control of the operator, the operator must either: Section H. 1. (a) recalculate the rainfall erosivity (R) factor using the original start date and a new projected ending date, and if the R factor is still under five (5), submit a new waiver certification form at least two (2) days before the end of the original waiver period; or (b) obtain authorization under this general permit according to the requirements delineated in either Part II.E.2. or Part II.E.3. at least two (2) days before the end of the approved waiver period. Alternative TPDES Permit Coverage Individual Permit Alternative Any discharge eligible for coverage under this general permit may alternatively be authorized under an individual TPDES permit according to 30 TAC Chapter 305 (relating to Consolidated Permits). Applications for individual permit coverage should be submitted at least three hundred and thirty (330) days prior to commencement of construction activities to ensure timely issuance. 2. Individual Permit Required The executive director may suspend an authorization or deny an NOI in accordance with the procedures set forth in 30 TAC Chapter 205 (relating to General Permits for Waste Discharges), including the requirement that the executive director provide written notice to the permittee. The executive director may require an operator of a construction site, otherwise eligible for authorization under this general permit, to apply for an individual TPDES permit in the following circumstances: (a) the conditions of an approved total maximum daily load (TMDL) limitation or TMDL implementation plan on the receiving stream; Page 23 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 (b) the activity being determined to cause a violation of water quality standards or being found to cause, or contribute to, the loss of a designated use of surface water in the state: and (c) any other consideration defined in 30 TAC Chapter 205 (relating to General Permits for Waste Discharges) including 30 TAC '205.4(c)(3)(D), which allows the commission to deny authorization under the general permit and require an individual permit if a discharger Ahas been determined by the executive director to have been out of compliance with any rule, order, or permit of the commission, including nonpayment of fees assessed by the executive director.@ Additionally, the executive director may cancel, revoke, or suspend authorization to discharge under this general permit based on a finding of historical and significant noncompliance with the provisions of this general permit, relating to 30 TAC §60.3 (Use of Compliance History). Denial of authorization to discharge under this general permit or suspension of a permittee’s authorization under this general permit shall be done according to commission rules in 30 TAC, Chapter 205 (relating to General Permits for Waste Discharges). 3. Section I. Any discharge eligible for authorization under this general permit may alternatively be authorized under a separate general permit according to 30 TAC Chapter 205 (relating to General Permits for Waste Discharges), if applicable. Permit Expiration 1. This general permit is issued for a term not to exceed five (5) years. All active discharge authorizations expire on the date provided on page one (1) of this permit. Following public notice and comment, as provided by 30 TAC '205.3 (relating to Public Notice, Public Meetings, and Public Comment), the commission may amend, revoke, cancel, or renew this general permit. 2. If the executive director publishes a notice of the intent to renew or amend this general permit before the expiration date, the permit will remain in effect for existing, authorized discharges until the commission takes final action on the permit. Upon issuance of a renewed or amended permit, permittees may be required to submit an NOI within 90 days following the effective date of the renewed or amended permit, unless that permit provides for an alternative method for obtaining authorization. 3. If the commission does not propose to reissue this general permit within 90 days before the expiration date, permittees shall apply for authorization under an individual permit or an alternative general permit. If the application for an individual permit is submitted before the expiration date, authorization under this expiring general permit remains in effect until the issuance or denial of an individual permit. No new NOIs will be accepted nor new authorizations honored under the general permit after the expiration date. Part III. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWP3) Storm water pollution prevention plans must be prepared to address discharges authorized under Parts II.E.2. and II.E.3. that will reach Waters of the United States, including discharges to MS4s and privately owned Page 24 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 separate storm sewer systems that drain to Waters of the United States, to identify and address potential sources of pollution that are reasonably expected to affect the quality of discharges from the construction site, including off-site material storage areas, overburden and stockpiles of dirt, borrow areas, equipment staging areas, vehicle repair areas, fueling areas, etc., used solely by the permitted project. The SWP3 must describe the implementation of practices that will be used to minimize to the extent practicable the discharge of pollutants in storm water associated with construction activity and non-storm water discharges described in Part II.A.3., in compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit. Individual operators at a site may develop separate SWP3s that cover only their portion of the project, provided reference is made to the other operators at the site. Where there is more than one SWP3 for a site, permittees must coordinate to ensure that BMPs and controls are consistent and do not negate or impair the effectiveness of each other. Regardless of whether a single comprehensive SWP3 is developed or separate SWP3s are developed for each operator, it is the responsibility of each operator to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of this general permit in the areas of the construction site where that operator has control over construction plans and specifications or day-to-day operations. Section A. Shared SWP3 Development For more effective coordination of BMPs and opportunities for cost sharing, a cooperative effort by the different operators at a site is encouraged. Operators must independently obtain authorization, but may work together to prepare and implement a single, comprehensive SWP3 for the entire construction site. 1. The SWP3 must clearly list the name and, for large construction activities, the general permit authorization numbers, for each operator that participates in the shared SWP3. Until the TCEQ responds to receipt of the NOI with a general permit authorization number, the SWP3 must specify the date that the NOI was submitted to TCEQ by each operator. Each operator participating in the shared plan must also sign the SWP3. 2. The SWP3 must clearly indicate which operator is responsible for satisfying each shared requirement of the SWP3. If the responsibility for satisfying a requirement is not described in the plan, then each permittee is entirely responsible for meeting the requirement within the boundaries of the construction site where they perform construction activities. The SWP3 must clearly describe responsibilities for meeting each requirement in shared or common areas. Section B. 1. Responsibilities of Operators Secondary Operators and Primary Operators with Control Over Construction Plans and Specifications All secondary operators and primary operators with control over construction plans and specifications must: (a) ensure the project specifications allow or provide that adequate BMPs are developed to meet the requirements of Part III of this general permit; (b) ensure that the SWP3 indicates the areas of the project where they have control over project specifications, including the ability to make modifications in specifications; Page 25 Construction General Permit 2. TPDES General Permit TXR150000 (c) ensure all other operators affected by modifications in project specifications are notified in a timely manner so that those operators may modify their best management practices as necessary to remain compliant with the conditions of this general permit; and (d) ensure that the SWP3 for portions of the project where they are operators indicates the name and site-specific TPDES authorization numbers for permittees with the day-to-day operational control over those activities necessary to ensure compliance with the SWP3 and other permit conditions. If the party with day-to-day operational control has not been authorized or has abandoned the site, the person with control over project specifications is considered to be the responsible party until the authority is transferred to another party and the SWP3 is updated. Primary Operators with Day-to-Day Operational Control Primary Operators with day-to-day operational control of those activities at a project that are necessary to ensure compliance with an SWP3 and other permit conditions must ensure that the SWP3 accomplishes the following requirements: Section C. (a) meets the requirements of this general permit for those portions of the project where they are operators; (b) identifies the parties responsible for implementation of best management practices (BMPs) described in the SWP3; (c) indicates areas of the project where they have operational control over day-to-day activities; and (d) includes, for areas where they have operational control over day-to-day activities, the name and site-specific TPDES authorization number of the parties with control over project specifications, including the ability to make modifications in specifications. Deadlines for SWP3 Preparation, Implementation, and Compliance The SWP3 must be prepared prior to obtaining authorization under this general permit, and implemented prior to commencing construction activities that result in soil disturbance. The SWP3 must be prepared so that it provides for compliance with the terms and conditions of this general permit. Section D. 1. Plan Review and Making Plans Available The SWP3 must be retained on-site at the construction site or, if the site is inactive or does not have an on-site location to store the plan, a notice must be posted describing the location of the SWP3. The SWP3 must be made readily available at the time of an on-site inspection to: the executive director; a federal, state, or local agency approving sediment and erosion plans, grading plans, or storm water management plans; local government officials; and the operator of a municipal separate storm sewer receiving discharges from the site. Page 26 Construction General Permit 2. 3. Section E. TPDES General Permit TXR150000 In addition to the requirement to post the NOI, a primary operator of a large construction activity must post the site notice provided in Attachment 4 of this permit near the main entrance of the construction site. An operator of a small construction activity seeking authorization under this general permit and a secondary operator of a large construction activity must post the site notice required in Part II.E.1., 2., or 3. of this permit in order to obtain authorization (see Attachments 1, 2, and 3). If the construction project is a linear construction project (e.g. pipeline or highway), the notices must be placed in a publicly accessible location near where construction is actively underway. Notices for these linear sites may be relocated, as necessary, along the length of the project. The notices must be readily available for viewing by the general public; local, state, and federal authorities; and contain the following information: (a) the site-specific TPDES authorization number for the project if assigned; (b) the operator name, contact name, and contact phone number; (c) a brief description of the project; and (d) the location of the SWP3. This permit does not provide the general public with any right to trespass on a construction site for any reason, including inspection of a site; nor does this permit require that permittees allow members of the general public access to a construction site. Revisions and Updates to SWP3s The permittee must revise or update the SWP3 whenever the following occurs: 1. a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance that has a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants and that has not been previously addressed in the SWP3; 2. changing site conditions based on updated plans and specifications, new operators, new areas of responsibility, and changes in BMPs; or 3. results of inspections or investigations by site operators, operators of a municipal separate storm sewer system receiving the discharge, authorized TCEQ personnel, or a federal, state or local agency approving sediment and erosion plans indicate the SWP3 is proving ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants in discharges authorized under this general permit. Section F. Contents of SWP3 The SWP3 must include, at a minimum, the information described in this section. 1. A site or project description, which includes the following information: (a) a description of the nature of the construction activity; (b) a list of potential pollutants and their sources; Page 27 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 (c) a description of the intended schedule or sequence of activities that will disturb soils for major portions of the site; (d) the total number of acres of the entire property and the total number of acres where construction activities will occur, including off-site material storage areas, overburden and stockpiles of dirt, and borrow areas that are authorized under the permittee’s NOI; (e) data describing the soil or the quality of any discharge from the site; (f) a map showing the general location of the site (e.g. a portion of a city or county map); (g) a detailed site map (or maps) indicating the following: (i) drainage patterns and approximate slopes anticipated after major grading activities; (ii) areas where soil disturbance will occur; (iii) locations of all major structural controls either planned or in place; (iv) locations where temporary or permanent stabilization practices are expected to be used; (v) locations of construction support activities, including off-site activities, that are authorized under the permittee’s NOI, including material, waste, borrow, fill, or equipment storage areas; (vi) surface waters (including wetlands) either at, adjacent, or in close proximity to the site; (vii) locations where storm water discharges from the site directly to a surface water body or a municipal separate storm sewer system; and (viii) vehicle wash areas. Where the amount of information required to be included on the map would result in a single map being difficult to read and interpret, the operator shall develop a series of maps that collectively include the required information. (h) the location and description of support activities authorized under the permittee’s NOI, including asphalt plants, concrete plants, and other activities providing support to the construction site that is authorized under this general permit; (i) the name of receiving waters at or near the site that may be disturbed or that may receive discharges from disturbed areas of the project; Page 28 Construction General Permit 2. TPDES General Permit TXR150000 (j) a copy of this TPDES general permit, and (k) the notice of intent (NOI) and acknowledgement certificate for primary operators of large construction sites, and the site notice for small construction sites and for secondary operators of large construction sites. A description of the best management practices (BMPs) that will be used to minimize pollution in runoff. The description must identify the general timing or sequence for implementation. At a minimum, the description must include the following components: (a) (b) General Requirements (i) Erosion and sediment controls must be designed to retain sediment on-site to the extent practicable with consideration for local topography, soil type, and rainfall. (ii) Control measures must be properly selected, installed, and maintained according to the manufacturer=s or designer=s specifications. (iii) Controls must be developed to minimize the offsite transport of litter, construction debris, and construction materials. Erosion Control and Stabilization Practices The SWP3 must include a description of temporary and permanent erosion control and stabilization practices for the site, including a schedule of when the practices will be implemented. Site plans should ensure that existing vegetation is preserved where it is possible. (i) Erosion control and stabilization practices may include but are not limited to: establishment of temporary or permanent vegetation, mulching, geotextiles, sod stabilization, vegetative buffer strips, protection of existing trees and vegetation, slope texturing, temporary velocity dissipation devices, flow diversion mechanisms, and other similar measures. (ii) The following records must be maintained and either attached to or referenced in the SWP3, and made readily available upon request to the parties listed in Part III.D.1 of this general permit: (A) the dates when major grading activities occur; (B) the dates when construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portion of the site; and (C) the dates when stabilization measures are initiated. Page 29 Construction General Permit (iii) (iv) (c) TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Erosion control and stabilization measures must be initiated as soon as practicable in portions of the site where construction activities have temporarily ceased. Stabilization measures that provide a protective cover must be initiated as soon as practicable in portions of the site where construction activities have permanently ceased. Except as provided in (A) through (D) below, these measures must be initiated no more than 14 days after the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarily or permanently ceased: (A) Where the initiation of stabilization measures by the 14th day after construction activity temporarily or permanently ceased is precluded by snow cover or frozen ground conditions, stabilization measures must be initiated as soon as practicable. (B) Where construction activity on a portion of the site has temporarily ceased, and earth disturbing activities will be resumed within 21 days, temporary erosion control and stabilization measures are not required on that portion of site. (C) In arid areas, semiarid areas, and areas experiencing droughts where the initiation of stabilization measures by the 14th day after construction activity has temporarily or permanently ceased or is precluded by arid conditions, erosion control and stabilization measures must be initiated as soon as practicable. Where vegetative controls are not feasible due to arid conditions, the operator shall install non-vegetative erosion controls. If non-vegetative controls are not feasible, the operator shall install temporary sediment controls as required in Paragraph (D) below. (D) In areas where temporary stabilization measures are infeasible, the operator may alternatively utilize temporary perimeter controls. The operator must document in the SWP3 the reason why stabilization measures are not feasible, and must demonstrate that the perimeter controls will retain sediment on site to the extent practicable. The operator must continue to inspect the BMPs at the frequency established in Section III.F.7.(a) for unstabilized sites. Final stabilization must be achieved prior to termination of permit coverage. Sediment Control Practices The SWP3 must include a description of any sediment control practices used to remove eroded soils from storm water runoff, including the general timing or sequence for implementation of controls. (i) Sites With Drainage Areas of Ten or More Acres (A) Sedimentation Basin(s) Page 30 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 (B) (ii) (1) A sedimentation basin is required, where feasible, for a common drainage location that serves an area with ten (10) or more acres disturbed at one time. A sedimentation basin may be temporary or permanent, and must provide sufficient storage to contain a calculated volume of runoff from a 2year, 24-hour storm from each disturbed acre drained. When calculating the volume of runoff from a 2-year, 24-hour storm event, it is not required to include the flows from offsite areas and flow from onsite areas that are either undisturbed or have already undergone permanent stabilization, if these flows are diverted around both the disturbed areas of the site and the sediment basin. Capacity calculations shall be included in the SWP3. (2) Where rainfall data is not available or a calculation cannot be performed, the sedimentation basin must provide at least 3,600 cubic feet of storage per acre drained until final stabilization of the site. (3) If a sedimentation basin is not feasible, then the permittee shall provide equivalent control measures until final stabilization of the site. In determining whether installing a sediment basin is feasible, the permittee may consider factors such as site soils, slope, available area, public safety, precipitation patterns, site geometry, site vegetation, infiltration capacity, geotechnical factors, depth to groundwater, and other similar considerations. The permittee shall document the reason that the sediment basins are not feasible, and shall utilize equivalent control measures, which may include a series of smaller sediment basins. Perimeter Controls: At a minimum, silt fences, vegetative buffer strips, or equivalent sediment controls are required for all down slope boundaries of the construction area, and for those side slope boundaries deemed appropriate as dictated by individual site conditions. Controls for Sites With Drainage Areas Less than Ten Acres: (A) Sediment traps and sediment basins may be used to control solids in storm water runoff for drainage locations serving less than ten (10) acres. At a minimum, silt fences, vegetative buffer strips, or equivalent sediment controls are required for all down slope boundaries of the construction area, and for those side slope boundaries deemed appropriate as dictated by individual site conditions. (B) Alternatively, a sediment basin that provides storage for a calculated volume of runoff from a 2-year, 24-hour storm from each disturbed Page 31 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 acre drained may be utilized. Where rainfall data is not available or a calculation cannot be performed, a temporary or permanent sediment basin providing 3,600 cubic feet of storage per acre drained may be provided. If a calculation is performed, then the calculation shall be included in the SWP3. 3. A Description of Permanent Storm Water Controls A description of any measures that will be installed during the construction process to control pollutants in storm water discharges that may occur after construction operations have been completed must be included in the SWP3. Permittees are only responsible for the installation and maintenance of storm water management measures prior to final stabilization of the site or prior to submission of an NOT. 4. 5. Other Required Controls and BMPs (a) Permittees shall minimize, to the extent practicable, the off-site vehicle tracking of sediments and the generation of dust. The SWP3 shall include a description of controls utilized to accomplish this requirement. (b) The SWP3 must include a description of construction and waste materials expected to be stored on-site and a description of controls to minimize pollutants from these materials. (c) The SWP3 must include a description of potential pollutant sources from areas other than construction (such as storm water discharges from dedicated asphalt plants and dedicated concrete batch plants), and a description of controls and measures that will be implemented at those sites to minimize pollutant discharges. (d) Permittees shall place velocity dissipation devices at discharge locations and along the length of any outfall channel (i.e., runoff conveyance) to provide a non-erosive flow velocity from the structure to a water course, so that the natural physical and biological characteristics and functions are maintained and protected. (e) Permittees shall design and utilize appropriate controls to minimize the offsite transport of suspended sediments and other pollutants if it is necessary to pump or channel standing water from the site. Documentation of Compliance with Approved State and Local Plans (a) Permittees must ensure that the SWP3 is consistent with requirements specified in applicable sediment and erosion site plans or site permits, or storm water management site plans or site permits approved by federal, state, or local officials. (b) SWP3s must be updated as necessary to remain consistent with any changes applicable to protecting surface water resources in sediment erosion site plans or site permits, or storm water management site plans or site permits approved by state or local official for which the permittee receives written notice. Page 32 Construction General Permit (c) 6. 7. TPDES General Permit TXR150000 If the permittee is required to prepare a separate management plan, including but not limited to a Water Pollution Abatement Plan or Contributing Zone Plan in accordance with 30 TAC Chapter 213 (related to the Edwards Aquifer), then a copy of that plan must be either included in the SWP3 or made readily available upon request to authorized personnel of the TCEQ. The permittee shall maintain a copy of the approval letter for the plan in its SWP3. Maintenance Requirements (a) All protective measures identified in the SWP3 must be maintained in effective operating condition. If, through inspections or other means, the permittee determines that BMPs are not operating effectively, then the permittee shall perform maintenance as necessary to maintain the continued effectiveness of storm water controls, and prior to the next rain event if feasible. If maintenance prior to the next anticipated storm event is impracticable, the reason shall be documented in the SWP3 and maintenance must be scheduled and accomplished as soon as practicable. Erosion and sediment controls that have been intentionally disabled, run-over, removed, or otherwise rendered ineffective must be replaced or corrected immediately upon discovery. (b) If periodic inspections or other information indicates a control has been used incorrectly, is performing inadequately, or is damaged, then the operator must replace or modify the control as soon as practicable after making the discovery. (c) Sediment must be removed from sediment traps and sedimentation ponds no later than the time that design capacity has been reduced by 50%. For perimeter controls such as silt fences, berms, etc., the trapped sediment must be removed before it reaches 50% of the above-ground height. (d) If sediment escapes the site, accumulations must be removed at a frequency that minimizes off-site impacts, and prior to the next rain event, if feasible. If the permittee does not own or operate the off-site conveyance, then the permittee must to work with the owner or operator of the property to remove the sediment. Inspections of Controls (a) Personnel provided by the permittee must inspect disturbed areas of the construction site that have not been finally stabilized, areas used for storage of materials that are exposed to precipitation, discharge locations, and structural controls for evidence of, or the potential for, pollutants entering the drainage system. Personnel conducting these inspections must be knowledgeable of this general permit, familiar with the construction site, and knowledgeable of the SWP3 for the site. Sediment and erosion control measures identified in the SWP3 must be inspected to ensure that they are operating correctly. Locations where vehicles enter or exit the site must be inspected for evidence of off-site sediment tracking. Inspections must be conducted at least once every 14 calendar days and within 24 hours of the end of a storm event of 0.5 inches or greater. Page 33 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Where sites have been finally or temporarily stabilized or where runoff is unlikely due to winter conditions (e.g. site is covered with snow, ice, or frozen ground exists), inspections must be conducted at least once every month. In arid or semi-arid areas, inspections must be conducted at least once every month and within 24 hours after the end of a storm event of 0.5 inches or greater. As an alternative to the above-described inspection schedule of once every 14 calendar days and within 24 hours of a storm event of 0.5 inches or greater, the SWP3 may be developed to require that these inspections will occur at least once every seven (7) calendar days. If this alternative schedule is developed, then the inspection must occur on a specifically defined day, regardless of whether or not there has been a rainfall event since the previous inspection. The inspections may occur on either schedule provided that the SWP3 reflects the current schedule and that any changes to the schedule are conducted in accordance with the following provisions: the schedule may be changed a maximum of one time each month, the schedule change must be implemented at the beginning of a calendar month, and the reason for the schedule change must be documented in the SWP3 (e.g., end of “dry” season and beginning of “wet” season). (b) Utility line installation, pipeline construction, and other examples of long, narrow, linear construction activities may provide inspection personnel with limited access to the areas described in Part III.F.8.(a) above. Inspection of these areas could require that vehicles compromise temporarily or even permanently stabilized areas, cause additional disturbance of soils, and increase the potential for erosion. In these circumstances, controls must be inspected at least once every 14 calendar days and within 24 hours of the end of a storm event of 0.5 inches, but representative inspections may be performed. For representative inspections, personnel must inspect controls along the construction site for 0.25 mile above and below each access point where a roadway, undisturbed right-of-way, or other similar feature intersects the construction site and allows access to the areas described in Part III.F.8.(a) above. The conditions of the controls along each inspected 0.25 mile portion may be considered as representative of the condition of controls along that reach extending from the end of the 0.25 mile portion to either the end of the next 0.25 mile inspected portion, or to the end of the project, whichever occurs first. As an alternative to the above-described inspection schedule of once every 14 calendar days and within 24 hours of a storm event of 0.5 inches or greater, the SWP3 may be developed to require that these inspections will occur at least once every seven (7) calendar days. If this alternative schedule is developed, the inspection must occur on a specifically defined day, regardless of whether or not there has been a rainfall event since the previous inspection. The inspections may occur on either schedule provided that the SWP3 reflects the current schedule and that any changes to the schedule are conducted in accordance with the following provisions: the schedule may be changed a maximum of one time each month, the schedule change must be implemented at the beginning of a calendar month, and the reason for the schedule change must be documented in the SWP3 (e.g., end of “dry” season and beginning of “wet” season). Page 34 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 (c) In the event of flooding or other uncontrollable situations which prohibit access to the inspection sites, inspections must be conducted as soon as access is practicable. (d) The SWP3 must be modified based on the results of inspections, as necessary, to better control pollutants in runoff. Revisions to the SWP3 must be completed within seven (7) calendar days following the inspection. If existing BMPs are modified or if additional BMPs are necessary, an implementation schedule must be described in the SWP3 and wherever possible those changes implemented before the next storm event. If implementation before the next anticipated storm event is impracticable, these changes must be implemented as soon as practicable. (e) A report summarizing the scope of the inspection, the date(s) of the inspection, and major observations relating to the implementation of the SWP3 must be made and retained as part of the SWP3. Major observations should include: The locations of discharges of sediment or other pollutants from the site; locations of BMPs that need to be maintained; locations of BMPs that failed to operate as designed or proved inadequate for a particular location; and locations where additional BMPs are needed. Actions taken as a result of inspections must be described within, and retained as a part of, the SWP3. Reports must identify any incidents of non-compliance. Where a report does not identify any incidents of non-compliance, the report must contain a certification that the facility or site is in compliance with the SWP3 and this permit. The report must be signed by the person and in the manner required by 30 TAC ' 305.128 (relating to Signatories to Reports). The names and qualifications of personnel making the inspections for the permittee may be documented once in the SWP3 rather than being included in each report. 8. The SWP3 must identify and ensure the implementation of appropriate pollution prevention measures for all eligible non-storm water components of the discharge, as listed in Part II.A.3. of this permit. 9. The SWP3 must include the information required in Part III.B. of this general permit. Part IV. Storm Water Runoff from Concrete Batch Plants Discharges of storm water runoff from concrete batch plants at regulated construction sites may be authorized under the provisions of this general permit provided that the following requirements are met for concrete batch plant(s) authorized under this permit. If discharges of storm water runoff from concrete batch plants are not covered under this general permit, then discharges must be authorized under an alternative general permit or individual permit. This permit does not authorize the discharge or land disposal of any wastewater from concrete batch plants at regulated construction sites. Authorization for these wastes must be obtained under an individual permit or an alternative general permit. Section A. 1. Benchmark Sampling Requirements Operators of concrete batch plants authorized under this general permit must sample the storm water runoff from the concrete batch plants according to the requirements of this Page 35 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 section of this general permit, and must conduct evaluations on the effectiveness of the SWP3 based on the following benchmark monitoring values: Benchmark Parameter Oil and Grease Total Suspended Solids pH Total Iron Benchmark Value 15 mg/L 100 mg/L Sampling Frequency 1/quarter (*1)(*2) 1/quarter (*1)(*2) Sample Type Grab (*3) Grab (*3) 6.0 - 9.0 Standard Units 1.3 mg/L 1/quarter (*1)(*2) Grab (*3) 1/quarter(*1)(*2) Grab (*3) (*1) When discharge occurs. Sampling is required within the first 30 minutes of discharge. If it is not practicable to take the sample, or to complete the sampling, within the first 30 minutes, sampling must be completed within the first hour of discharge. If sampling is not completed within the first 30 minutes of discharge, the reason must be documented and attached to all required reports and records of the sampling activity. (*2) Sampling must be conducted at least once during each of the following periods. The first sample must be collected during the first full quarter that a storm water discharge occurs from a concrete batch plant authorized under this general permit. January through March April through June July through September October through December For projects lasting less than one full quarter, a minimum of one sample shall be collected, provided that a storm water discharge occurred at least once following submission of the NOI or following the date that automatic authorization was obtained under Section II.E.2., and prior to terminating coverage. (*3) 2. A grab sample shall be collected from the storm water discharge resulting from a storm event that is at least 0.1 inches of measured precipitation that occurs at least 72 hours from the previously measurable storm event. The sample shall be collected downstream of the concrete batch plant, and where the discharge exits any BMPs utilized to handle the runoff from the batch plant, prior to commingling with any other water authorized under this general permit. The permittee must compare the results of sample analyses to the benchmark values above, and must include this comparison in the overall assessment of the SWP3’s effectiveness. Analytical results that exceed a benchmark value are not a violation of this permit, as these values are not numeric effluent limitations. Results of analyses are indicators that modifications of the SWP3 should be assessed and may be necessary to protect water quality. The operator must investigate the cause for each exceedance and must document the results of this investigation in the SWP3 by the end of the quarter following the sampling event. Page 36 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 The operator’s investigation must identify the following: (a) any additional potential sources of pollution, such as spills that might have occurred, (b) necessary revisions to good housekeeping measures that are part of the SWP3, (c) additional BMPs, including a schedule to install or implement the BMPs, and (d) other parts of the SWP3 that may require revisions in order to meet the goal of the benchmark values. Background concentrations of specific pollutants may also be considered during the investigation. If the operator is able to relate the cause of the exceedance to background concentrations, then subsequent exceedances of benchmark values for that pollutant may be resolved by referencing earlier findings in the SWP3. Background concentrations may be identified by laboratory analyses of samples of storm water runon to the permitted facility, by laboratory analyses of samples of storm water run-off from adjacent non-industrial areas, or by identifying the pollutant is a naturally occurring material in soils at the site. Section B. Best Management Practices (BMPs) and SWP3 Requirements Minimum Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) Requirements – The following are required in addition to other SWP3 requirements listed in this general permit (including, but not limited to Part III.F.7. of this permit): 1. Description of Potential Pollutant Sources - The SWP3 must provide a description of potential sources (activities and materials) that may reasonably be expected to affect the quality of storm water discharges associated with concrete batch plants authorized under this permit. The SWP3 must describe practices that that will be used to reduce the pollutants in these discharges to assure compliance with this general permit, including the protection of water quality, and must ensure the implementation of these practices. The following must be developed, at a minimum, in support of developing this description: (a) Drainage – The site map must include the following information: (1) the location of all outfalls for storm water discharges associated with concrete batch plants that are authorized under this permit; (2) a depiction of the drainage area and the direction of flow to the outfall(s); (3) structural controls used within the drainage area(s); (4) the locations of the following areas associated with concrete batch plants that are exposed to precipitation: vehicle and equipment maintenance activities (including fueling, repair, and storage areas for vehicles and equipment scheduled for maintenance); areas used for the treatment, storage, or disposal Page 37 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 of wastes; liquid storage tanks; material processing and storage areas; and loading and unloading areas; and (5) 2. the locations of the following: any bag house or other dust control device(s); recycle/sedimentation pond, clarifier or other device used for the treatment of facility wastewater (including the areas that drain to the treatment device); areas with significant materials; and areas where major spills or leaks have occurred. (b) Inventory of Exposed Materials – A list of materials handled at the concrete batch plant that may be exposed to storm water and that have a potential to affect the quality of storm water discharges associated with concrete batch plants that are authorized under this general permit. (c) Spills and Leaks - A list of significant spills and leaks of toxic or hazardous pollutants that occurred in areas exposed to storm water and that drain to storm water outfalls associated with concrete batch plants authorized under this general permit must be developed, maintained, and updated. (d) Sampling Data - A summary of existing storm water discharge sampling data must be maintained, if available. Measures and Controls - The SWP3 must include a description of management controls to regulate pollutants identified in the SWP3’s “Description of Potential Pollutant Sources” from Part IV.B.1.(a) of this permit, and a schedule for implementation of the measures and controls. This must include, at a minimum: (a) (b) Good Housekeeping - Good housekeeping measures must be developed and implemented in the area(s) associated with concrete batch plants. (1) Operators must prevent or minimize the discharge of spilled cement, aggregate (including sand or gravel), settled dust, or other significant materials from paved portions of the site that are exposed to storm water. Measures used to minimize the presence of these materials may include regular sweeping or other equivalent practices. These practices must be conducted at a frequency that is determined based on consideration of the amount of industrial activity occurring in the area and frequency of precipitation, and shall occur at least once per week when cement or aggregate is being handled or otherwise processed in the area. (2) Operators must prevent the exposure of fine granular solids, such as cement, to storm water. Where practicable, these materials must be stored in enclosed silos, hoppers or buildings, in covered areas, or under covering. Spill Prevention and Response Procedures - Areas where potential spills that can contribute pollutants to storm water runoff, and the drainage areas from these locations, must be identified in the SWP3. Where appropriate, the SWP3 must specify material handling procedures, storage requirements, and use of equipment. Page 38 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Procedures for cleaning up spills must be identified in the SWP3 and made available to the appropriate personnel. 3. (c) Inspections - Qualified facility personnel (i.e., a person or persons with knowledge of this general permit, the concrete batch plant, and the SWP3 related to the concrete batch plant(s) for the site) must be identified to inspect designated equipment and areas of the facility specified in the SWP3. The inspection frequency must be specified in the SWP3 based upon a consideration of the level of concrete production at the facility, but must be a minimum of once per month while the facility is in operation. The inspection must take place while the facility is in operation and must, at a minimum, include all areas that are exposed to storm water at the site, including material handling areas, above ground storage tanks, hoppers or silos, dust collection/containment systems, truck wash down and equipment cleaning areas. Follow-up procedures must be used to ensure that appropriate actions are taken in response to the inspections. Records of inspections must be maintained and be made readily available for inspection upon request. (d) Employee Training - An employee training program must be developed to educate personnel responsible for implementing any component of the SWP3, or personnel otherwise responsible for storm water pollution prevention, with the provisions of the SWP3. The frequency of training must be documented in the SWP3, and at a minimum, must consist of one training prior to the initiation of operation of the concrete batch plant. (e) Record Keeping and Internal Reporting Procedures - A description of spills and similar incidents, plus additional information that is obtained regarding the quality and quantity of storm water discharges, must be included in the SWP3. Inspection and maintenance activities must be documented and records of those inspection and maintenance activities must be incorporated in the SWP3. (f) Management of Runoff - The SWP3 shall contain a narrative consideration for reducing the volume of runoff from concrete batch plants by diverting runoff or otherwise managing runoff, including use of infiltration, detention ponds, retention ponds, or reusing of runoff. Comprehensive Compliance Evaluation – At least once per year, one or more qualified personnel (i.e., a person or persons with knowledge of this general permit, the concrete batch plant, and the SWP3 related to the concrete batch plant(s) for the site) shall conduct a compliance evaluation of the plant. The evaluation must include the following. (a) Visual examination of all areas draining storm water associated with regulated concrete batch plants for evidence of, or the potential for, pollutants entering the drainage system. These include but are not limited to: cleaning areas, material handling areas, above ground storage tanks, hoppers or silos, dust collection/containment systems, and truck wash down and equipment cleaning areas. Measures implemented to reduce pollutants in runoff (including structural controls and implementation of management practices) must be evaluated to determine if they are effective and if they are implemented in accordance with the terms of this permit Page 39 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 and with the permittee’s SWP3. The operator shall conduct a visual inspection of equipment needed to implement the SWP3, such as spill response equipment. Section C. (b) Based on the results of the evaluation, the following must be revised as appropriate within two weeks of the evaluation: the description of potential pollutant sources identified in the SWP3 (as required in Part IV.B.1., “Description of Potential Pollutant Sources”); and pollution prevention measures and controls identified in the SWP3 (as required in Part IV.B.2., “Measures and Controls”). The revisions may include a schedule for implementing the necessary changes. (c) The permittee shall prepare and include in the SWP3 a report summarizing the scope of the evaluation, the personnel making the evaluation, the date(s) of the evaluation, major observations relating to the implementation of the SWP3, and actions taken in response to the findings of the evaluation. The report must identify any incidents of noncompliance. Where the report does not identify incidences of noncompliance, the report must contain a statement that the evaluation did not identify any incidence(s), and the report must be signed according to 30 TAC Section 305.128, relating to Signatories to Reports. (d) The Comprehensive Compliance Evaluation may substitute for one of the required inspections delineated in Part IV.B.2.(c) of this general permit. Prohibition of Wastewater Discharges Wastewater discharges associated with concrete production including wastewater disposal by land application are not authorized under this general permit. These wastewater discharges must be authorized under an alternative TCEQ water quality permit or otherwise disposed of in an authorized manner. Discharges of concrete truck washout at construction sites may be authorized if conducted in accordance with the requirements of Part V of this general permit. Part V. Concrete Truck Wash Out Requirements This general permit authorizes the wash out of concrete trucks at construction sites regulated under Sections II.E.1., 2., and 3. of this general permit, provided the following requirements are met. Authorization is limited to the land disposal of wash out water from concrete trucks that are associated with off-site production facilities. Wash out water associated with on-site concrete production facilities must be authorized under a separate TCEQ general permit or individual permit. 1. Direct discharge of concrete truck wash out water to surface water in the state, including discharge to storm sewers, is prohibited by this general permit. 2. Concrete truck wash out water shall be discharged to areas at the construction site where structural controls have been established to prevent direct discharge to surface waters, or to areas that have a minimal slope that allow infiltration and filtering of wash out water to prevent direct discharge to surface waters. Structural controls may consist of temporary berms, temporary shallow pits, temporary storage tanks with slow rate release, or other reasonable measures to prevent runoff from the construction site. 3. Wash out of concrete trucks during rainfall events shall be minimized. The direct discharge Page 40 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 of concrete truck wash out water is prohibited at all times, and the operator shall insure that its BMPs are sufficient to prevent the discharge of concrete truck washout as the result of rain. 4. The discharge of wash out water shall not cause or contribute to groundwater contamination. 5. If a SWP3 is required to be implemented, the SWP3 shall include concrete wash out areas on the associated map. Part VI. Retention of Records The permittee must retain the following records for a minimum period of three (3) years from the date that a NOT is submitted as required by Part II.E.3. For activities in which an NOT is not required, records shall be retained for a minimum period of three (3) years from the date that the operator terminates coverage under Section II.F.3. of this permit. Records include: 1. A copy of the SWP3; 2. All reports and actions required by this permit, including a copy of the construction site notice; 3. All data used to complete the NOI, if an NOI is required for coverage under this general permit; and 4. All records of submittal of forms submitted to the operator of any MS4 receiving the discharge and to the secondary operator of a large construction site, if applicable. Part VII. Standard Permit Conditions 1. The permittee has a duty to comply with all permit conditions. Failure to comply with any permit condition is a violation of the permit and statutes under which it was issued, and is grounds for enforcement action, for terminating coverage under this general permit, or for requiring a discharger to apply for and obtain an individual TPDES permit. 2. Authorization under this general permit may be suspended or revoked for cause. Filing a notice of planned changes or anticipated non-compliance by the permittee does not stay any permit condition. The permittee must furnish to the executive director, upon request and within a reasonable time, any information necessary for the executive director to determine whether cause exists for revoking, suspending, or terminating authorization under this permit. Additionally, the permittee must provide to the executive director, upon request, copies of all records that the permittee is required to maintain as a condition of this general permit. 3. It is not a defense for a discharger in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity to maintain compliance with the permit conditions. 4. Inspection and entry shall be allowed under Texas Water Code Chapters 26-28, Texas Health and Safety Code ''361.032-361.033 and 361.037, and 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) '122.41(i). The statement in Texas Water Code '26.014 that commission entry of a facility shall occur according to an establishment's rules and regulations concerning safety, internal security, and Page 41 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 fire protection is not grounds for denial or restriction of entry to any part of the facility or site, but merely describes the commission's duty to observe appropriate rules and regulations during an inspection. 5. The discharger is subject to administrative, civil, and criminal penalties, as applicable, under Texas Water Code ''26.136, 26.212, and 26.213 for violations including but not limited to the following: a. negligently or knowingly violating the federal Clean Water Act (CWA), ''301, 302, 306, 307, 308, 318, or 405, or any condition or limitation implementing any sections in a permit issued under CWA, '402, or any requirement imposed in a pretreatment program approved under CWA, ''402(a)(3) or 402(b)(8); b. knowingly making any false statement, representation, or certification in any record or other document submitted or required to be maintained under a permit, including monitoring reports or reports of compliance or noncompliance. 6. All reports and other information requested by the executive director must be signed by the person and in the manner required by 30 TAC '305.128 (relating to Signatories to Reports). 7. Authorization under this general permit does not convey property or water rights of any sort and does not grant any exclusive privilege. Part VIII. Fees 1. A fee of must be submitted along with the NOI: a. b. $325 if submitting a paper NOI, or $225 if submitting a NOI electronically. 2. Fees are due upon submission of the NOI. An NOI will not be declared administratively complete unless the associated fee has been paid in full. 3. No separate annual fees will be assessed. The Water Quality Annual fee has been incorporated into the NOI fees as described above. Page 42 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Appendix A: Automatic Authorization Periods of Low Erosion Potential by County – Eligible Date Ranges Andrews: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Archer: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Armstrong: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Bailey: Nov. 1 - Apr. 30, or Nov. 15 - May 14 Baylor: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Borden: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Brewster: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Briscoe: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Brown: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Callahan: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Carson: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Castro: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Childress: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Cochran: Nov. 1 - Apr. 30, or Nov. 15 - May 14 Coke: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Coleman: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Collingsworth: Jan. 1 - Mar. 30, or Dec. 1 - Feb. 28 Concho: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Cottle: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Crane: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Crockett: Nov. 15 - Jan. 14, or Feb. 1 - Mar. 30 Crosby: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Culberson: Nov. 1 - May 14 Dallam: Nov. 1 - Apr. 14, or Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Dawson: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Deaf Smith: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Dickens: Nov. 15 - Jan. 14, or Feb. 1 - Mar. 30 Dimmit: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Donley: Jan. 1 - Mar. 30, or Dec. 1 - Feb. 28 Eastland: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Ector: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Edwards: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 El Paso: Jan. 1 - Jul. 14, or May 15 - Jul. 31, or Jun. 1 - Aug. 14, or Jun. 15 - Sept. 14, or Jul. 1 - Oct. 14, or Jul. 15 - Oct. 31, or Aug. 1 - Apr. 30, or Aug. 15 - May 14, or Sept. 1 - May 30, or Oct. 1 - Jun. 14, or Nov. 1 - Jun. 30, or Nov. 15 - Jul. 14 Fisher: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Floyd: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Foard: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Gaines: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Garza: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Glasscock: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Hale: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Hall: Feb. 1 - Mar. 30 Hansford: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Hardeman: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Hartley: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Haskell: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Hockley: Nov. 1 - Apr. 14, or Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Howard: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Hudspeth: Nov. 1 - May 14 Hutchinson: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Irion: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Jeff Davis: Nov. 1 - Apr. 30 or Nov. 15 - May 14 Jones: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Kent: Nov. 15 - Jan. 14 or Feb. 1 - Mar. 30 Kerr: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Kimble: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 King: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Kinney: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Knox: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Lamb: Nov. 1 - Apr. 14, or Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Loving: Nov. 1 - Apr. 30, or Nov. 15 - May 14 Lubbock: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Lynn: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Martin: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Mason: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Maverick: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 McCulloch: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Menard: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Midland: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Mitchell: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Moore: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Motley: Nov. 15 - Jan. 14, or Feb. 1 - Mar. 30 Nolan: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Oldham: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Parmer: Nov. 1 - Apr. 14, or Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Pecos: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Potter: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Presidio: Nov. 1 - Apr. 30, or Nov. 15 - May 14 Randall: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Reagan: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Real: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Reeves: Nov. 1 - Apr. 30, or Nov. 15 - May 14 Runnels: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Schleicher: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Scurry: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Shackelford: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Sherman: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Stephens: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Sterling: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Stonewall: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Sutton: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Swisher: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Taylor: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Terrell: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Terry: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Throckmorton: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Tom Green: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Upton: Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Uvalde: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Val Verde: Nov. 15 - Jan. 14, or Feb. 1 - Mar. 30 Ward: Nov. 1 - Apr. 14, or Nov. 15 - Apr. 30 Wichita: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Wilbarger: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Winkler: Nov. 1 - Apr. 30, or Nov. 15 - May 14 Yoakum: Nov. 1 - Apr. 30, or Nov. 15 - May 14 Young: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Wheeler: Jan. 1 - Mar. 30, or Dec. 1 - Feb. 28 Zavala: Dec. 15 - Feb. 14 Page 43 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Appendix B: Erosivity Index (EI) Zones in Texas Adapted from Chapter 2 of USDA Agriculture Handbook 703: “Predicting Soil Erosion by Water: A Guide to Conservation Planning With the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE),” U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service Page 44 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Appendix C: Isoerodent Map . Adapted from Chapter 2 of USDA Agriculture Handbook 703: “Predicting Soil Erosion by Water: A Guide to Conservation Planning With the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE),” U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service Page 45 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Appendix D: Erosivity Indices for EI Zones in Texas Periods: 1/1 EI#: 5/15 6/1 6/15 7/1 7/15 8/1 8/15 9/1 9/15 89 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 7 12 18 27 38 48 55 62 69 76 83 90 94 97 98 99 90 0 1 2 3 4 6 8 13 21 29 37 46 54 60 65 69 74 81 87 92 95 97 98 99 91 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 6 16 29 39 46 53 60 67 74 81 88 95 99 99 100 100 92 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 6 16 29 39 46 53 60 67 74 81 88 95 99 99 100 100 93 0 1 1 2 3 4 6 8 13 25 40 49 56 62 67 72 76 80 85 91 97 98 99 99 94 0 1 2 4 6 8 10 15 21 29 38 47 53 57 61 65 70 76 83 88 91 94 96 98 95 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 14 18 27 35 41 46 51 57 62 68 73 79 84 89 93 96 98 96 0 2 4 6 9 12 17 23 30 37 43 49 54 58 62 66 70 74 78 82 86 90 94 97 97 0 1 3 5 7 10 14 20 28 37 48 56 61 64 68 72 77 81 86 89 92 95 98 99 106 0 3 6 9 13 17 21 27 33 38 44 49 55 61 67 71 75 78 81 84 86 90 94 97 * 1/15 2/1 2/15 3/1 3/15 4/1 4/15 5/1 10/1 10/15 11/1 11/15 12/1 12/15 Each period begins on the date listed in the table above and lasts until the day before the following period. The final period begins on December 15 and ends on December 31. Table adapted from Chapter 2 of USDA Agriculture Handbook 703: “Predicting Soil Erosion by Water: A Guide to Conservation Planning With the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE),” U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service Page 46 100 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Attachment 1 SMALL CONSTRUCTION SITE NOTICE: LOW POTENTIAL FOR EROSION FOR THE Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Storm Water Program TPDES GENERAL PERMIT TXR150000 The following information is posted in compliance with Part II.E.1. of the TCEQ General Permit Number TXR150000 for discharges of storm water runoff from small construction sites automatically authorized based on low rainfall erosivity. Additional information regarding the TCEQ storm water permit program may be found on the internet at: Operator Name: Contact Name and Phone Number: Project Description: (Physical address or description of the site=s location, estimated start date and projected end date, or date that disturbed soils will be stabilized) For Small Construction Sites Authorized Under Part II.E.1., the following certification must be completed: (Typed or Printed Name Person Completing This Certification) certify under I penalty of law that I have read and understand the eligibility requirements for claiming an automatic authorization based on low rainfall erosivity under Part II.E.1. of TPDES General Permit TXR150000 and agree to comply with the terms of this permit. Construction activities at this site shall occur within a time period listed in Appendix A of the TPDES general permit for this and ending on . I understand that if construction activities continue county, that period beginning on past this period, all storm water runoff must be authorized under a separate provision of the general permit. A copy of this signed notice is supplied to the operator of the MS4 if discharges enter an MS4. I am aware there are significant penalties for providing false information or for conducting unauthorized discharges, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Signature and Title Date ______________________ _________________Date Notice Removed MS4 operator notified per Part II.F.3. Attachment 2 Page 47 Construction General Permit SMALL TPDES General Permit TXR150000 CONSTRUCTION SITE NOTICE FOR THE Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Storm Water Program TPDES GENERAL PERMIT TXR150000 The following information is posted in compliance with Part II.E.2. of the TCEQ General Permit Number TXR150000 for discharges of storm water runoff from small construction sites. Additional information regarding the TCEQ storm water permit program may be found on the internet at: Operator Name: Contact Name and Phone Number: Project Description: Physical address or description of the site=s location, estimated start date and projected end date, or date that disturbed soils will be stabilized Location of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan: For Small Construction Activities Authorized Under Part II.E.2. (Obtaining Authorization to Discharge) the following certification must be completed: I (Typed or Printed Name Person Completing This Certification) certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand the eligibility requirements for claiming an authorization under Part II.D.2. of TPDES General Permit TXR150000 and agree to comply with the terms of this permit. A storm water pollution prevention plan has been developed and will be implemented prior to construction, according to permit requirements. A copy of this signed notice is supplied to the operator of the MS4 if discharges enter an MS4. I am aware there are significant penalties for providing false information or for conducting unauthorized discharges, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Signature and Title Date ___________________ _________________Date Notice Removed MS4 operator notified per Part II.F.3. Page 48 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Attachment 3 LARGE CONSTRUCTION SITE NOTICE FOR THE Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Storm Water Program TPDES GENERAL PERMIT TXR150000 “SECONDARY OPERATOR” NOTICE This notice applies to secondary operators of construction sites operating under Part II.E.3. of the TPDES General Permit Number TXR150000 for discharges of storm water runoff from construction sites equal to or greater than five acres, including the larger common plan of development. The information on this notice is required in Part III.E.2. of the general permit. Additional information regarding the TCEQ storm water permit program may be found on the internet at: Site-Specific TPDES Authorization Number: Operator Name: Contact Name and Phone Number: Project Description: Physical address or description of the site=s location, and estimated start date and projected end date, or date that disturbed soils will be stabilized. Location of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3): For Large Construction Activities Authorized Under Part II.E.3. (Obtaining Authorization to Discharge) the following certification must be completed: I (Typed or Printed Name Person Completing This Certification) certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand the eligibility requirements for claiming an authorization under Part II.E.2. of TPDES General Permit TXR150000 and agree to comply with the terms of this permit. A storm water pollution prevention plan has been developed and will be implemented prior to construction, according to permit requirements. A copy of this signed notice is supplied to the operator of the MS4 if discharges enter an MS4. I am aware there are significant penalties for providing false information or for conducting unauthorized discharges, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Signature and Title Date ___________________ _________________Date Notice Removed MS4 operator notified per Part II.F.3. Page 49 Construction General Permit TPDES General Permit TXR150000 Attachment 4 LARGE CONSTRUCTION SITE NOTICE FOR THE Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Storm Water Program TPDES GENERAL PERMIT TXR150000 “PRIMARY OPERATOR” NOTICE This notice applies to construction sites operating under Part II.E.3. of the TPDES General Permit Number TXR150000 for discharges of storm water runoff from construction sites equal to or greater than five acres, including the larger common plan of development. The information on this notice is required in Part III.E.2. of the general permit. This notice shall be posted along with a copy of the signed Notice of Intent (NOI), as applicable. Additional information regarding the TCEQ storm water permit program may be found on the internet at: Site-Specific TPDES Authorization Number: Operator Name: Contact Name and Phone Number: Project Description: Physical address or description of the site=s location, and estimated start date and projected end date, or date that disturbed soils will be stabilized. Location of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan: Page 50 UniSpec – Civil (Master Site Specifications ) 092809 SECTION 02715 (32 1100) - BASE COURSE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Aggregate base for asphaltic concrete including sand/shell base and hot-mix sand asphalt base. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01458 - Testing Laboratory Services. Testing by Owner’s Construction Testing Laboratory. 2. Section 02300 – Earthwork: Excavation, Backfill, and Compaction for Pavement subgrade. 1.2 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Publications are referenced within the text by the basic designation only. B. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. ASTM D698 – Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12 400 ft-lbs/ft³ (600 kN-m/m³)). 2. ASTM D1557 – Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbs/ft³ (2,700 kN-m/m³)). 3. ASTM D6938 – In-Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). C. Asphalt Institute. D. Texas Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.4 A Construction Testing Laboratory (CTL) selected and paid for by the Owner, will be retained to perform construction testing on site at no cost to the Contractor. SUBMITTALS A. Submit materials certificate to the Owner’s Civil Engineering Consultant and the Owner’s Construction Testing Laboratory, signed by materials producer and Contractor, certifying that materials comply with, or exceed, requirements specified herein or on the Construction Drawings. B. Submit certification of base course materials and placement as specified in Parts 2 and 3 hereinafter. 1.5 WEATHER LIMITATIONS A. Do not place aggregate when base surface temperature is less than 40 degrees F, nor when air temperature is below 45 degrees F. Do not place aggregate when surface is wet or frozen. Do not place aggregate when weather conditions are unfavorable otherwise. 02715-1 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 BASE COURSE MATERIAL A. Aggregate Base Course: Aggregate base course shall consist of a well graded, durable aggregate uniformly moistened and mechanically stabilized by compaction. Base course may consist of a granular base (crushed slag, stone, or gravel, etc), sand/shell base material, or a hot-mix sand asphalt base. B. Base course shall be as shown on the drawings, or when not shown, shall be as specified herein. C. Aggregate base material requirements from State or other local highway agency specifications may be use for aggregate base course for roads, streets, or similar use pavements if the following conditions are met: 1. Percentage of material by weight passing the No. 200 sieve will not exceed 10. 2. Portion of the material passing the No. 40 sieve must have a liquid limit not greater than 25 and a plasticity index not greater than 5. D. Aggregate shall consist of clean, sound, durable particles of crushed stone, crushed slag, crushed gravel, angular sand, or other approved material. Aggregate shall be free of lumps of clay, organic matter, and other objectionable materials or coatings. The portion retained on the No. 4 sieve shall be known as coarse aggregate; that portion passing the No. 4 sieve shall be known as fine aggregate. 1. Coarse aggregates shall be angular particles of uniform density. 2. Fine aggregates shall be angular particles of uniform density. Fine aggregate shall consist of screenings, angular sand, crushed recycled concrete fines, or other finely divided mineral matter processed or naturally combined with the coarse aggregate. E. Gradation: The specified gradation requirements shall apply to the completed base course. The aggregates shall have a maximum size of 2 inches and shall be continuously well graded within the following limits: GRADATION OF AGGREGATES Percentage by Weight Passing Square-Mesh Sieve Sieve Designation 2 inch 1-1/2 inch 1 inch 1/2 inch No. 4 No. 10 No. 40 No. 200 No. 1 100 70-100 45-80 30-60 20-50 15-40 5-25 0-10 No. 2 ---100 60-100 30-65 20-50 15-40 5-25 0-10 No. 3 ------100 40-70 20-50 15-40 5-25 0-10 NOTE: Particles having diameters less than 0.0008 inch shall not be in excess of 3 percent by weight of the total sample tested. F. Hot-mix Sand Asphalt Bases: Asphalt Institute Type VI, VII, or VIII Mixes for Hot-mix Sand Asphalt Bases. Hot-Mix base shall be used only under asphaltic concrete surfaces. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION 02715-2 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 A. 3.2 Contractor shall verify to the Owner in writing that the subgrade has been inspected, tested, and gradients and elevations are correct, dry, and properly prepared in accordance with Section 02300. CONSTRUCTION A. Perform base course construction in accordance with the applicable State standard specifications or as shown or specified. B. Perform base course construction in a manner that will drain the surface properly and prevent runoff from adjacent areas from draining onto base course construction. C. Compact base material to not less than 98 percent of optimum density as determined by ASTM D698 or 95 percent of optimum density, as determined by ASTM D1557 unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. D. Construct to thickness indicated on Construction Drawings. The minimum base thickness as shown on drawings shall be achieved throughout all pavement areas. 1. Granular Base: Apply in lifts or layers not exceeding 8-inches, measured loose. 2. Sand/Shell Base: Apply in lifts or layers not exceeding 4-inches, measured loose. 3. Hot-mix Sand Asphalt Bases: Apply in lifts or layers not exceeding 3-inches, measured loose. 3.3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Responsibilities: Unless otherwise specified, the quality control tests and inspections specified below will be conducted by the Owner’s Construction Testing Laboratory (CTL) at no cost to the Contractor in accordance with Section 01458. The Contractor shall perform additional testing or inspection as considered necessary by the Contractor for assurance of quality control. Field testing, frequency, and methods may vary as determined by and between the Owner and CTL. B. Field tests for in-place materials will be performed in accordance with the following: 1. Density: Nuclear Method, ASTM D6938. One test in each lift for each 20,000 sq. ft. of in-place base material area. 2. Base Material Thickness: One test for each 20,000 sq. ft. of in-place base material area. All areas tested for thickness shall meet or exceed the base thickness shown on the drawings. 3. Verify Contractor’s measurements of base course elevation C. Prepare and distribute test reports as specified in Section 01458. D. Contractors Responsibilities: 1. Measure base course tolerances no more than 25 ft on center with a rod and level or stringline. 2. Certify in writing to the Owner that base course placement is in accordance with Contract Document requirements prior to subsequent work thereon. END OF SECTION 02715-3 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 UniSpec – Civil (Master Site Specifications) 122209 SECTION 02751 (32 1313) - CONCRETE PAVING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Preparation and placement of Portland cement concrete parking areas. 2. Preparation and placement of Portland cement concrete roads and entrances. 3. Aggregate base below slab. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01330 - Submittal Procedures: 2. Section 01458 - Testing Laboratory Services. Procedures for inspection, testing, and documentation by Owner furnished testing laboratory. 3. Section 02300 - Earthwork: Excavation, backfill, compaction for subgrades. 4. Section 02765 - Pavement Markings. 5. Section 03310 - Structural Concrete and Exterior Concrete Slabs: Truckwell slab, compactor and compressor equipment pads, drive-thru pharmacy driveway, and Automotive Center apron. 1.2 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Publications are referenced within the text by the basic designation only. B. American Concrete Institute (ACI): 1. ACI 117 - Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials and Commentary. 2. ACI 301 - Structural Concrete. 3. ACI 305.1- Hot Weather Concreting. 4. ACI 306.1- Cold Weather Concreting. 5. ACI 308.1 - Curing Concrete. 6. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete and Commentary. C. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): 1. ASTM A 36 - Structural Steel. 2. ASTM A185 - Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement. 3. ASTM A615 - Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel for Concrete Reinforcement. 4. ASTM C31 - Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field. 5. ASTM C33 - Concrete Aggregates. 6. ASTM C 39 - Comprehensive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens. 7. ASTM C42 - Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete. 8. ASTM C94 - Ready-Mixed Concrete. 9. ASTM C138 - Unit Weight, Yield, and Air Content (Gravemetric) of Concrete. 10. ASTM C143 - Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete. 11. ASTM C150 - Portland Cement. 12. ASTM C172 - Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete. 13. ASTM C231 - Air-Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method. 14. ASTM C260 - Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete. 15. ASTM C309 - Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete. 16. ASTM C403 - Time of Setting of Concrete Mixtures by Penetration Resistance 17. ASTM C618 - Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete. 18. ASTM C920 - Elastomeric Joint Sealants. 19. ASTM C989 - Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag for Use in Concrete and Mortars. 20. ASTM C1064 - Temperature of Freshly Mixed Portland Concrete Cement. 21. ASTM C1218 - Water-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and Concrete. 02751-1 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. ASTM C1602 - Mixing Water used in the Production of Hydraulic Cement Concrete. ASTM D98 - Calcium Chloride ASTM D 698 - Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 5.5 lb (2.49 Kg) Hammerand 12-in (305 mm) Drop. ASTM D994 - Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete (Bituminous). ASTM D1241 - Materials for Soil-Aggregate Subbase, Base and Surface Courses ASTM D1751 - Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types). ASTM D1752: Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction. ASTM D2628 - Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint Seals for Concrete Pavements. ASTM D3575: Standard Test Methods for Flexible Cellular Materials Made From Olefin Polymers. D. Federal Specifications (FS): 1. FS HH-F-341 - Fillers, Expansion Joint: Bituminous (Asphalt & Tar) E. International Code Council, Inc.: 1. International Building Code (IBC). F. State Highway Department Standard Specifications. G. National Ready-Mixed Concrete Association: 1. NRMCA Inspection Standards 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submittal Procedures: Unless otherwise specified herein, submit in accordance with procedures specified in Section 01330. B. Obtain CEC approval for Mix Design and Pavement Joint and Placement Plan prior to commencement of work. C. Submit submittal items required within this section in a single submittal. Do not submit submittals of this section together with submittals in section 03310 or any other section. Identify submittals explicitly in accordance with Procedures paragraphs in Section 01330. D. Sieve Analysis for Aggregate Base: Submit current sieve analysis report, sampled and tested within the last 60 days of submittal date, for aggregate base and choker material. E. Concrete Batch Plant Certifications: Submit name and address of the concrete supplier’s batch plant and plant certification(s) by National Ready-Mix Concrete Association and/or State Department of Transportation. F. Mix Design: Fill out and submit attached Concrete Mix Design Submittal Form. Submit three copies of each proposed mix design in accordance with ACI 301, Sections 3.9 "Proportioning on the basis of previous field experience or trial mixture", or 3.10 "Proportioning based on empirical data". Submit separate mix design for concrete to be placed by pumping in addition to the mix design for concrete to be placed directly from the truck chute. Submit mix design to the Civil Engineering Consultant of Record, the Wal-Mart Construction Testing Laboratory, and the Wal-Mart Assigned Concrete Sub-Consultant. Include all applicable information shown on the Mix Design Submittal Form including the following: 1. Proportions of cementitious materials, fine and coarse aggregate, and water. 2. Water-cementitious material ratio, 28-day compressive design strength, slump, and air content. 3. Type of cement, fly ash, slag and aggregate. 4. Individual aggregate gradations. 5. Type and dosage of admixtures. 6. Special requirements for pumping. 7. Range of ambient temperature and humidity for which design is valid. 8. Special characteristics of mix which require precautions in mixing, placing, or finishing techniques to achieve finished product specified. 9. Materials and methods for curing concrete. 02751-2 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 G. Attachments to Concrete Mix Design: Submit the following as attachments to be included with the Concrete Mix Design: 1. Cementitious materials mill test reports for the following: a. Portland cement b. Fly ash c. Slag 2. Designation, type, quality, and source (natural or manufactured) of coarse and fine aggregate materials. 3. Sieve Analysis Reports: Provide separate sieve analysis of percentages passing for coarse and fine aggregate. Show values for each sieve size shown on the mix design form. Do not leave any line blank. Sieve analysis sampling and testing for each aggregate source shall be conducted within 60 days of concrete submittal date. 4. Aggregate Supplier Statement: a. Stating if aggregate is possibly alkali-reactive based on tests or past service. b. Stating if aggregate can possibly cause pop-outs, “D” cracking, or other disruptions due to moisture gain, freezing, or other mechanisms, based on tests or past service. 5. Product data for the following concrete materials admixtures: a. Water reducing b. Set retarding c. Set accelerating d. Data indicating chloride ion content information for each admixture 6. Concrete compressive strength data as required by ACI 318. 7. Concrete supplier approval of mix design. 8. Chloride-Ion Content: Measured water-soluble chloride-ion content (percent by weight of cementitious materials) in accordance with ASTM C1218. 9. Time of Initial Setting: Initial setting time in accordance with ASTM C403. H. Product Data: Submit certified laboratory test data or manufacturer’s certificates and data for the items listed below certifying that materials are in conformance requirements specified herein. Submit to the Civil Engineering Consultant of Record and the Construction Testing Laboratory for review and approval and within 7 calendar days after receipt of Notice-to-Proceed. In addition, for projects with all-concrete parking lots, submit to the Wal-Mart Assigned Concrete Sub-Consultant. 1. Portland cement concrete mix design(s) 2. Type and source of Portland cement, fly ash, and slag 3. Aggregate gradations 4. Joint back-up material 5. Soft preformed joint filler 6. Pavement joint sealant 7. Dowel bars 8. Tie bars 9. Reinforcing steel bars 10. Welded wire fabric 11. Air entraining admixtures 12. Water-reducing, set-retarding, and set-accelerating admixtures (if used) I. Pavement Joint and Placement Plan: For projects with all-concrete parking lots, provide a placement plan identifying the items listed below. In addition to submission to CEC, submit to Wal-Mart Assigned Concrete SubConsultant. 1. Concrete truck access location. 2. Extent of placements including width, length, slab placement area and volume. 3. Locations of construction joints. 4. Location of sawn contraction joints if different from those shown on the civil drawings. J. Pre-Slab Installation Meeting: 1. Provide record of notification of pre-slab meeting including company name, persons contacted, and date and method of contact. 2. Provide meeting minutes to all participants and Wal-Mart Construction Manager including sign-in sheet. K. Delivery Tickets: 02751-3 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Copies of delivery tickets for each load of concrete delivered to site. Indicate information required by ASTM C 94 on each ticket including additional information required for slabs. Information on ticket shall include quantities of material batched including the amount of free water in the aggregate and the quantity of water that can be added at the site without exceeding the maximum water cementitious ratio of the approved mix design. Aggregate moisture corrections shall be based on ASTM definitions of aggregate moisture content and absorption. Mix identification number on ticket shall match number on submitted and approved mix design. Submit copies to Wal-Mart Testing Laboratory with each concrete delivery. L. Installation Certification: Submit certification in writing that final placement is in accordance with specification requirements. M. Statement of Approval of Concrete Supplier: Submit statement with information specified in Quality Assurance paragraph below. 1.4 TESTING A. Wal-Mart Construction Testing Laboratory (CTL) will perform concrete testing and inspection specified in Part 3 and elsewhere in this section as specified at no cost to the Contractor in accordance with Section 01458 - Testing Laboratory Services. B. CTL is neither authorized to change any specified requirement nor to approve any portion of the work. C. Failure to detect defective material or Work will neither prevent rejection when defects are discovered later nor will it obligate Owner to make final acceptance. D. Responsibilities and Duties of Contractor Relative to Owner Testing: 1. Notify Owner’s agency in advance of concrete placement to allow sufficient time to prepare for required testing. 2. Assist Owner’s agency in securing field specimens. 3. Provide and maintain for sole use of CTL, facilities for safe storage and proper curing of concrete test cylinders at project site as required by ASTM C31 and acceptable to Wal-Mart Testing Laboratory. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Concrete Truck Inspection: 1. Conform to ASTM C94, NRMCA, and Department of Transportation standards in state where project is located. 2. Perform inspections immediately before starting concreting operations. 3. Record acceptable truck numbers. 4. Record the identification numbers of those trucks found to be acceptable on the basis of inspections. 5. Do not bring on site for concreting operations, any truck whose identification numbers are not recorded as acceptable. Notify Wal-Mart Testing Lab if non-conforming trucks are used to deliver concrete for slabs and pavements. B. Tolerances: 1. Conform to most stringent requirements of ACI 117 and ACI 301 except as specified herein. 2. Conform to ACI 117 thickness tolerances for slabs-on-ground. C. Concrete Supplier Approval: 1. The concrete supplier shall be fully approved and acceptable by the concrete subcontractor as the producer of concrete for which the subcontractor is to place and finish. Prepare Statement of Approval of Concrete Supplier stating project name, name of concrete supplier, along with the statement of approval and the signatures of the Contractor and concrete pavement subcontractor. D. Workmanship: 02751-4 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. E. 1.6 1.7 When directed by the Owner, remove and replace or repair concrete and related Work which does not conform to specified requirements including strength, tolerances and finishes. Bear cost of corrections or delays to other work affected by, or resulting from, corrections to concrete Work. If results of compressive strength tests reveal deficiencies in concrete, meet requirements of ACI 318 and ACI 301. Establish and maintain required lines and elevations. Check surface areas at intervals necessary to eliminate ponding areas. Pre-installation Meeting: Convene a pre-installation meeting at the site at least two weeks prior to commencing work of this Section. Require attendance of parties directly affecting work of this Section, including, but not limited to, the Owner's representative, CTL’s representative and inspector, Contractor, concrete sub-contractor and job foreman, concrete supplier, and base fine grading contractor. 1. Contact Wal-Mart Construction Manager Thirty days prior to pre-installation conference to confirm schedule. 2. Record discussions of meeting and decisions and agreements (or disagreements) reached, and furnish copy of record to each party attending. Review foreseeable methods and procedures related to paving work, including the following: 3. CTL’s testing and inspection procedures. 4. Concrete finishes and finishing. 5. Cold- and hot-weather concreting procedures. 6. Curing procedures. 7. Concrete design mixture and examine procedures for ensuring quality of concrete materials. 8. Proposed sources of concrete materials, including capabilities and location of plant that will manufacture concrete. 9. Tour, inspect and discuss condition of subgrade, drainage structures, and other preparatory work. 10. Requirements for protecting concrete work, including restriction of traffic during installation period and for remainder of construction period. 11. Review and finalize construction schedule and verify availability of materials. 12. Concrete paving requirements (drawings, specifications and other contract documents). 13. Required submittals, both completed and yet to be completed. 14. Weather and forecasted weather conditions, and procedures for coping with unfavorable conditions. 15. Safety precautions relating to placement of concrete. 16. Changes to the contract documents from recommendations or discussions at the Pre-Construction meeting shall be approved in writing by the Wal-Mart Construction Manager prior to implementation. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Concreting in Hot, Dry, or Windy Weather: 1. Employ precautions to avoid cracking when the concrete rate of evaporation exceeds 0.1 pounds per square foot per hour or when any combination of concrete materials and weather conditions are favorable for the formation of plastic shrinkage cracks. 2. Maintain an accurate reading thermometer at the job site to check temperature of concrete. 3. Reject concrete if more than one slump adjustment, as defined in ASTM C 94, is required. 4. Do not place concrete when forms, subgrade, aggregate base, or reinforcing bars are more than 120 F or the temperature differential between the forms, aggregate base, or reinforcing bars and concrete will create conditions favorable for settlement cracks or thermal cracking. B. Concreting in Cold Weather: 1. Conform to ACI 306.1 when temperature and other environmental conditions are as noted therein. 2. Subgrade shall be thawed to depth of 12 inches immediately before placing concrete. 3. Measure and record concrete temperature during protection period in each placement at regular time intervals, but not less than 3 times per 24 hour period. 4. Do not place slabs on subgrade or base that is more than 20 F cooler than concrete. Warm subgrade or base to decrease temperature differential to 20 F or less PROJECT CONDITIONS 02751-5 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 A. Maintain access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic as required for other construction activities (and Wal-Mart customers at expansion projects). Utilize temporary striping, flagmen, barricades, warning signs, and warning lights as required. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Forms: Steel, wood, or other suitable material of size and strength to resist movement during concrete placement and to retain horizontal and vertical alignment until removal. Use straight forms, free of distortion and defects. Use flexible spring steel forms or laminated boards to form radius bends as required. Coat forms with nonstaining type of coating that will not discolor or deface surface of concrete. B. Aggregate Base and Choker Materials: 1. Aggregate Base Material: a. Gradation: Conform to gradation shown on the Civil Drawings. b. Equivalent Gradation: Equivalent gradations may be used upon approval of the Civil Engineer of Record. Submit proposed equivalent gradation to the Architect for approval within 30 days after the award of contract. Equivalent gradation shall be one of the following. 1) Any state DOT approved road base material meeting the following gradation: Std. Sieve Size No. 1-1/2 No. 4 No. 200 % Passing 100 15-55 5-12 2) 2. Material conforming to the General Requirements and of the Gradation “A”, ”C”, or “D” requirements (with the modified allowance of 5% to 12% passing the No. 200 sieve) as defined by ASTM D1241 Aggregate Choker Material: Clean granular fill with less than 3% clay and/or friable particles. Use one of the following gradations: a. ASTM 448 No. 10 with 6% to 12% passing No. 200 sieve. b. Material meeting the following gradation: Std. Sieve Size No. 4 No. 8 No. 16 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 C. D. E. % Passing 85-100 75-95 55-75 22-45 10-30 6-12 Reinforcement: 1. Welded Wire Mesh: Welded plain cold-drawn steel wire fabric, ASTM A185. Furnish in flat sheets. 2. Reinforcing Bars: Deformed steel bars, ASTM A615, Grade 60. 3. Joint Dowel Bars: ASTM A615, grade 40 minimum, smooth round plain steel bars, or ASTM A36, smooth round or square plain steel bars, cut bars true to length with ends square and free of burrs. Epoxy coat per State Highway Department Standard Specifications. Cementitious Materials: 1. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I, Use only one brand throughout project. 2. Fly Ash: ASTM C 618, Class C or F. Use only one type and source throughout project. 3. Slag: ASTM C989, Grade 100 or 120. Use only one type and source throughout project. Pavement Joint Materials: 1. Joint Back-up Material: Polyethylene foam, 100% closed cell 2. Soft Preformed Joint Filler: Flexible closed-cell non-extruding synthetic foam expansion joint strips. a. Ceramar Flexibe Foam Expansion Joint, by W.R. Meadows. 02751-6 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 3. b. Deck-O-Foam Expansion Joint Filler, by W.R. Meadows c. Expansion Joint Filler, by BASF Building Systems (Degussa) (Formerly Sonneborn Sonolastic). Sealant: a. Dow 888, by Dow Corning. b. 301 NS by Pecora. c. Spectrum 800 or 900 by Tremco. F. Concrete Aggregate: 1. Conform to ASTM C33. 2. Aggregate shall contain no coal or lignite in concrete that will not be covered by soil. 3. Fine Aggregate: a. Conform to fine aggregate grading requirements as defined in section 6.1 of ASTM C 33 unless approved by the Civil Engineer. b. If manufactured sand is used, blend with minimum 25% natural sand unless otherwise approved by Civil Engineer. 4. Coarse Aggregate: a. Nominal maximum coarse aggregate size shall be 1 inch for slabs 5-1/2 inch thick. b. The nominal maximum size of an aggregate is the smallest sieve size through which the major portion of the aggregate must pass, with a minimal amount retained on the maximum sieve size. Maximum 4% shall be retained on the nominal maximum size sieve. 5. Adjust proportions of combined coarse, intermediate, and fine aggregates to provide the following particle size distribution characteristics, unless otherwise approved: a. Coarseness Factor of 60 to 75%. 1) The Coarseness Factor (CF) is the percent of combined aggregate retained on the #8 sieve that is also retained on the 3/8” sieve. 2) The Coarseness Factor is calculated as follows: CF = Aggregate retained on 3/8” sieve / Aggregate retained on #8 sieve. b. Adjusted Workability Factor 1) The Workability Factor (WF) is the percent of combined aggregate that passes the #8 sieve. 2) The Adjusted Workability Factor (Adj-WF) is calculated as follows: Adj-WF = WF+[(Cementitous Material -564 lbs)/37.6] 3) The range of accepted Adj-WF for a given CF is as follows: Adj-WF = [(11.25 - .15 CF) + 33] ± 2.5 4) Combined percent retained on any given sieve size shall not exceed 24%. 6. Gradation requirement of ASTM C33 may be waived in order to meet ranges specified. G. Water: ASTM C 1602. H. Air Entrainment: ASTM C260. 1. Air-Mix or AEA-92, by Euclid. 2. MB-VR MB-AE 90, or Micro-Air, BASF. 3. Daravair or Darex Series, by W.R. Grace. 4. Equivalent approved products. I. Evaporation Retardant: Water-based polymer, sprayable. 1. Euco-Bar, by Euclid 2. Confilm, by BASF Admixtures (Master Builders) 3. Aquafilm, by Dayton Superior. J. Liquid Membrane Curing and Sealing Compound: ASTM C 1315, Type I, Class A or B, 25% minimum solids content, clear non-yellowing with no styrene-butadiene. 1. Water Based, VOC less than 350 g/l: a. Super Aqua Cure, by Euclid Chemical Corp. b. Kure 1315 by BASF. K. Dissipating Curing Compound (For use below 40F): ASTM C 309 Type 1, Class A or B. 1. Solvent base, VOC less than 350 g/l: Cetri Vex EnvioCure 100 by Vexcon. 02751-7 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 2.2 CONCRETE MIX A. Design mix shall produce normal weight concrete consisting of Portland cement, supplementary cementitious materials, aggregates, admixtures, and water to produce specified requirements. B. Geographical Weather Exposure Classification: Reference IBC Figure 1904.2.2. Uncertainty of classification due to a project location near a border of a classification shall be referred to Wal-Mart Construction Manager for clarification. C. Compressive Strength at 28 days, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings: 1. Negligible exposure classification: 3,500 psi with a maximum water-cementitiuos ratio of 0.53. 2. Moderate exposure classification: 4,000 psi with a maximum water-cementitiuos ratio of 0.48. 3. Severe exposure classification: 4,500 psi with a maximum water-cementitiuos ratio of 0.45. D. Slump Range: 2”-4” for hand placed concrete, 1-1/4” to 3” for machine placed (slipform) concrete. E. Air Entrainment as shown below: Nominal Maximum Size Aggregate (Inch) 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2 Average Air Content (%) Negligible exposure 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 Moderate exposure 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.5 Severe exposure 7.5 7.0 6.0 6.0 5.5 F. Supplementary Cementitous Materials (SCM): 1. Concrete mix shall contain SCM at the amounts specified unless other amounts are approved by the Civil Engineer. Either fly ash or ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) may be used for the SCM but shall not be used together to form a ternary mix. Use of fly ash or GGBFS in the concrete mix is mandatory. 2. Fly Ash: Substitute fly ash for Portland cement at 15% of the total cementitious content. a. If used to mitigate potential aggregate reactivity, only Type F fly ash may be used and shall have the following maximum properties: 1.5% available alkali and 8.0% CaO. When a maximum of 25% replacement is used, up to 10.0% CaO is permitted. 3. Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS): Substitute GGBFS for Portland cement at 20% of the total cementitious content. a. If required to mitigate potential sulfate exposure or aggregate reactivity, up to 50% substitution of Portland cement is allowed. 4. Maintain air-entrainment at specified levels. G. Calcium Chloride: 1. Calcium chloride (Type L) may be used in solution form as part of the mixing water to accelerate concrete setting and early-strength development. 2. Amount of calcium chloride added shall not be more than necessary to produce the desired results and shall not exceed 2% by weight of cement. 3. The dosage range for the calcium chloride for the entire project shall not vary by more than 1%. Range is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum dosages of calcium chloride for the entire project. 4. Calcium chloride shall not be used in the following applications unless approved by the Civil Engineer: a. concrete containing embedded dissimilar metals or aluminum b. slabs supported on permanent galvanized steel forms c. concrete exposed to deicing chemicals d. prestressed or post-tension concrete 02751-8 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 5. 6. 7. 2.3 e. concrete containing aggregates with potentially deleterious reactivity and concrete exposed to soil f. concrete exposed to soil or water containing sulfates. Use calcium chloride in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation. Chloride-ion Concentration: Maximum water-soluble chloride-ion concentrations in hardened concrete at ages from 28 to 42 days contributed from the ingredients including water, aggregates, cementitious materials, and admixtures shall not exceed the following limits unless approved by the Civil Engineer: Type of Member Maximum water-soluble chloride ion (Cl-) content in concrete (percent by weight of cement) Prestressed concrete 0.06 Reinforced concrete exposed to chloride in service 0.15 Reinforced concrete that will be dry or protected from moisture in service 1.00 Other reinforced concrete construction 0.30 When using calcium chloride or other admixtures containing chlorides, measure water-soluble chloride-ion content (percent by weight of cement) per ASTM C 1218. Sample shall be from concrete representing the submitted mix design and maximum chloride dosage anticipated for the project. MIXING A. Mix concrete and deliver in accordance with ASTM C 94. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Proofroll prepared base material surface to check for unstable areas in accordance with Section 02300 including documentation and re-proof rolling as required. Paving work shall begin only after unsuitable areas have been corrected and are ready to receive paving. B. Remove loose material from compacted base material surface to produce firm, smooth surface immediately before placing concrete. 3.2 AGGREGATE BASE PLACEMENT A. Unless otherwise specified on the Drawings, place aggregate base as specified herein. B. Aggregate Base: 1. Install aggregate base where shown on Drawings. 2. Compact to final thickness shown in layers not exceeding 6 inches with minimum of 2 passes per layer with vibratory compactor. 3. Compact fill to 98% of aggregate’s Standard Proctor as determined by Method D of ASTM D698. 4. Leave base up to 2 inches low until just prior to concrete placement. C. Aggregate Base Fine Grading: 1. Compact to final thickness shown with 2 passes minimum vibratory compactor to produce smooth, flat, dense surface. 2. Do not allow excess moisture in or on base at time of placing concrete. 3. Level off aggregate base top surface with a maximum 3/4" thick aggregate choker material to achieve the following: a. To reduce surface friction and to meet specified fine grade tolerances specified below. b. To level areas exposed to rain, traffic, or excavations for buried utilities. c. At areas where aggregate base material does not have sufficient fine particles to produce a surface that is free of exposed aggregate or surface voids greater than 3/8” in size at time of slab installation. 4. Wal-Mart Construction Testing Laboratory shall verify adequate fines at surface immediately prior to concrete slab placement. 5. Provide dry, smooth, flat, dense surface 02751-9 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 6. D. 3.3 Proof-roll 48 hrs maximum prior to concrete placement. Depression under a fully loaded ready mix truck shall not exceed 1/2 inch. Pavement Aggregate Base Fine Grade Tolerance: +0 inch, -3/4 inch with transition no greater than 3/4 inch vertically to 8 inches horizontally. INSTALLATION A. Form Construction 1. Set forms to required grades and lines, rigidly braced and secured. 2. Install sufficient quantity of forms to allow continuance of work and so that forms remain in place minimum of 24 hours after concrete placement. 3. Check completed formwork for grade and alignment to following tolerances: a. Top of forms not more than 1/8-inch in 10'-0". b. Vertical face on longitudinal axis, not more than 1/4-inch in 10'-0". 4. Clean forms after each use and coat with form release agent as often as required to ensure separation from concrete without damage. B. Reinforcement: Fasten reinforcing bars or welded wire fabric (if required) accurately and securely in place with suitable supports and ties. Remove from reinforcement all dirt, oil, loose mill scale, rust, and other substances that will prevent proper bonding of the concrete to the reinforcement. C. Concrete Placement 1. Mix and place concrete when the air temperature in the shade and away from artificial heat is a minimum of 35 degrees F and rising. Hot and cold weather concreting shall be in accordance with ACI 305.1 (hot weather) and 306.1 (cold weather). 2. Do not place concrete until base material and forms have been checked for alignment and grade. Concrete shall not be placed around manholes or other structures until they are at required finish elevation and alignment. 3. Place concrete using methods that prevent segregation of mix. Consolidate concrete along face of forms and adjacent to transverse joints with internal vibrator. Keep vibrator away from joint assemblies, reinforcement, or side forms. Consolidate with care to prevent dislocation of reinforcing, dowels, and joint devices. 4. Deposit and spread concrete in continuous operation between transverse joints, as far as possible. If interrupted for more than 1/2 hour, place construction joint. D. Contraction and Construction Joints: Construct contraction and construction joints straight with face perpendicular to concrete surface. Construct transverse joints perpendicular to centerline, unless otherwise detailed. 1. Contraction Joints: Provide joints at spacing of 12'-0" on centers, maximum each way. Construct control joints for depth equal to at least 1/4 of the concrete thickness, as follows: a. Form tooled joints in fresh concrete by grooving top with recommended tool and finishing edge with jointer. b. Sawed Contraction Joints: 1) Use saws, blades, skid plates, and accessories by Soff-Cut International, Inc. or approved equal. 2) Start cutting sawed joints as soon as concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent raveling or dislodging of aggregates. This will typically be from 1 hour in hot weather to 4 hours in cold weather after completing finishing of slab in that joint location. 3) Provide at least two “Soff-Cut” saws on site with blades capable of achieving the required depth of saw cut. 4) Extend sawed joint to the slab boundaries and abutments, including columns, drains, and other penetrations in the path of a defined joint. Implement methods and timing of the saw cut beyond the limits of the Soff-Cut saw reach to provide a consistent depth of cut with minimal raveling of joint edges. 2. Construction Joints: Place construction joints at end of placements and at locations where placement operations are stopped for period of more than 1/2 hour. Construct joints in accordance with details shown. E. Isolation and Fixed Object Joints: Construct joint at locations and in accordance with details shown. 02751-10 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 F. 3.4 Pavement Joint Materials: Place joint fillers, back-up material, and sealants at locations shown and in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. 1. Soft Preformed Joint Fillers: Extend preformed joint fillers full-width and depth of joint, and not less than 1/2-inch or more than 1-inch below finished surface. Furnish preformed joint fillers in 1-piece lengths for full width being placed, wherever possible. Where more than 1 length is required, lace or clip preformed joint filler sections together in a single plane. CONCRETE FINISHING A. After initial striking off and consolidating of concrete paving, smooth surface using either magnesium straight edge, wood, or magnesium channel float. B. Round edges of slabs and formed joints to 1/2-inch radius with edging tool. Eliminate tool marks on concrete surface. C. After completion of straightedge / floating and when excess moisture or surface sheen has disappeared, uniformly finish surface to provide a coarse, nonslip finish by scoring surface with stiff-bristled broom perpendicular to flow of traffic so as to produce regular corrugations not over 1/16 of an inch deep.Initial nonslip finishing shall be approved by the Wal-Mart Construction Manager. D. Do not remove forms for 24 hours after concrete has been placed. After form removal, clean ends of joints and point up minor honeycombed areas. Remove and replace areas or sections with major defects, as directed by Owner. 3.5 CURING AND PROTECTION A. Protect and cure finished concrete paving using curing compound. Cure for a period not less than 7 days. B. Use solvent based curing compound when compound is applied below 40 F. 3.6 CLEANING AND ADJUSTING A. Sweep concrete pavement and wash free of stains, discolorations, dirt, and other foreign material just prior to final inspection. B. Protect concrete from damage until acceptance of work. Exclude traffic from pavement for at least 14 days after placement. When construction traffic is permitted, maintain pavement as clean as possible by removing surface stains and spillage of materials. 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field quality control tests specified herein will be conducted by the Owner’s Construction Testing Laboratory at no cost to the Contractor in accordance with Section 01458. The Contractor shall perform additional testing as considered necessary by the Contractor for assurance of quality control. Retesting required as a result of failed initial tests shall be at the Contractor’s expense. B. Field testing, frequency, and methods may vary as determined by and between the Owner and the Owner’s Testing Laboratory. C. Review the Contractor's proposed materials and mix design for conformance with specifications. D. Perform testing in accordance with ACI 301 and testing standards listed herein. E. Strength Tests: 1. Secure composite samples in accordance with ASTM C172. Sample at regularly spaced intervals from middle portion of the batch. Sampling time shall not exceed 15 minutes. 2. Mold and cure specimens in accordance with ASTM C31. 02751-11 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 a. 3. 4. A minimum of four concrete test cylinders shall be taken for every 100 cubic yards or less of each class of concrete placed each day and not less than once for each 5000 square feet of paved area. b. During the initial 24 hours (plus or minus 8 hours) after molding, the temperature immediately adjacent to the specimens shall be maintained in the range of 60 to 80 degrees F. Control loss of moisture from the specimens by shielding from the direct rays of the sun and from radiant heating devices. c. Specimens transported prior to 48 hours after molding shall not be demolded, but shall continue initial curing at 60 to 80 degrees F until time for transporting. d. Specimens transported after 48 hours age shall be demolded in 24 hours (plus or minus 8 hours). Curing shall then be continued but in saturated limewater at 73.4 degrees (plus or minus 3 degrees F) until the time of transporting. e. Wet cure cylinders under controlled temperature until testing. Test cylinders in accordance with ASTM C39. a. Size of specimen test cylinder shall be 6" x 12" or 4” x 8”. b. Date test cylinders and number consecutively. Give each cylinder of each set an identifying letter (i.e. A, B, C, D). Prepare a sketch of the site plan for each test set identifying location of placed concrete. c. Test one cylinder (A) at 7 days for information.. d. Test two cylinders (B and C) at 28 days and the average of the breaks shall constitute the compressive strength of the concrete sample. e. Retain fourth cylinder (D) for further testing if needed, but do not retain cylinder more than 90 days. Evaluation and Acceptance: a. Strength level of concrete will be considered satisfactory if the average of all sets of three consecutive strength tests equal or exceed specified strength and no individual strength test (average of two cylinders) results are below specified compressive strength by more than 500 psi. b. Complete concrete work will not be accepted unless requirements of ACI 301, have been met, including dimensional tolerances, appearance, and strength of structure. c. Where average strength of cylinders, as shown by tests is not satisfactory, Wal-Mart reserves the right to require Contractor to provide improved curing conditions of temperature and moisture to secure required strength. If average strength of laboratory control cylinders should fall so low as to cause portions of structure to be in question by Wal-Mart, follow core procedure set forth in ASTM C42. If results of core test indicate, in opinion of Wal-Mart, that strength of structure is inadequate, provide without additional cost to Wal-Mart, replacement, load testing, or strengthening as may be ordered by Wal-Mart. If core tests are so ordered and results of such tests disclose that strength of structure is as required, cost of test will be paid by Wal-Mart. F. Slump Test: Conduct slump test for each cylinder set taken in accordance with ASTM C143. Make additional slump tests for every other load from a stationary mixer or truck to test consistency. Sampling shall be in accordance with ASTM C172. G. Air Content: Conduct air content test for each cylinder set for concrete in accordance with ASTM C 231, ASTM C 173, or ASTM C 138. Indicate test method on report. Make test at same time as slump test. 1. Perform air content test for first and second truck for each class of concrete placed each day. If either test fails, perform air test on every truck until two consecutive air tests comply with the requirements of the project specifications. H. Unit Weight: ASTM C 138. I. Temperature Test: Conduct temperature test for each cylinder set taken in accordance with ASTM C1064. Test hourly when air temperature is 40 F and below or 80 F and above. Determine temperature of concrete sample and ambient air for each strength test. J. In addition to required information noted previously in this Section, record the following information on concrete compression reports: 1. Test cylinder number and letter. 2. Specific foundations or structures covered by this test. 3. Proportions of concrete mix or mix identification. 4. Maximum size coarse aggregate. 02751-12 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Specified compressive strength. Tested compressive strength. Slump, air-content. Concrete plastic unit weight. Concrete Temperature. Elapsed time from batching at plant to discharge from delivery truck at project. Date and time concrete was placed. Ambient temperature, wind speed, and relative humidity during concrete placement. Name of technician securing samples. Curing conditions for concrete strength test specimens (field and laboratory). Date strength specimens transported to laboratory. Age of strength specimens when tested. Type of fracture during test. K. At the start of each day's mixing, report any significant deviations from approved mix design including temperature, moisture and condition of aggregate. L. Review each delivery ticket of concrete. Report type of concrete delivered, amount of water added and time at which cement and aggregate were loaded into truck, and time at which concrete was discharged from truck M. In Place Pavement Testing: Randomly core pavement in low traffic volume areas at minimum rate of 1 core per 20,000 sq. ft of pavement, with minimum of 3 cores . Sample and test cores in accordance with ASTM C42. Core will be tested for thickness and quality of aggregate distribution. Core holes shall be patched by the Contractor immediately with Portland cement concrete and shall be finished to provide level surface as specified herein. N. Additional Tests: Additional in-place tests shall be conducted as directed by the Wal-Mart Construction Manager when specified concrete strengths and other characteristics have not been attained in the structures. END OF SECTION 02751-13 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 WAL-MART STORES CONCRETE MIX DESIGN SUBMITTAL FORM (Section 02751 – Concrete Pavement) DISCOUNT STORE SUPERCENTER Date NEIGHBORHOOD MARKET SAM’S CLUB STORE INFORMATION STORE # ADDRESS CITY, ST GENERAL CONTRACTOR COMPANY JOBSITE PHONE A. CONCRETE INFORMATION Supplier Mix Design # Design Strength (f’c) psi LEAVE BLANK FOR STAMP OF APPROVAL BY CONCRETE SUPPLIER AND ENGINEER OF RECORD Water / Cementitious Ratio Total Air Content Total Est. Volume of Concrete % CY Mix Developed From: Trial Mix Test Data (attach test data) Field Experience Density Wet pcf Dry pcf Slump “ ( ± 1” ) WITHOUT WR Admixture “ ( ± 1” ) WITH WR Admixture B. ADMIXTURE INFORMATION ASTM Designation Product (Manufacturer/Brand) Dosage (ounces) oz / cy oz / cwt Water Reducing Accelerating Retarding Air-Entraining C. MIX DESIGN 02751-14 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 Mix Proportions (per cubic yard) Identification Weight Density (Type, size, source, etc.) (pounds) (SSD) Volume (cubic feet) % Aggregate Absorption Cement Fly Ash Slag Coarse Aggregate #1 #2 #3 Fine Aggregate #1 #2 Water Air Content TOTALS Coarse & Fine Aggregate Gradation Information Sieve Size 1-1/2" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" #4 #8 # 16 # 30 # 50 # 100 # 200 % of Vol Coarse Agg. # 1 % Passing Each Sieve (All Sieve Sizes must be entered) Coarse Coarse Fine Agg. # 2 Agg. # 3 Agg. # 1 Combined % Retained Fine Agg. # 2 Combined % Passing Cumulative Individual Aggregate Ratios Coarseness Factor = Workability Factor = Adj-Workability Factor = Allowable Adj-WF= Combined % cumulative retained 3/8” sieve Combined % cumulative retained #8 sieve = Combined % passing #8 sieve = WF + [(Cementitious Material - 564) ÷ 37.6] = Adj-WF = [(11.25 - .15 CF) + 33] ± 2.5 = Low High 02751-15 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 D. ATTACHMENTS: Include the following with this Mix Design Report. Portland Cement mill test reports Fly ash mill test reports Slag mill test reports Designation, type, quality, and source (natural or manufactured) of coarse and fine aggregate materials Separate aggregate gradation reports including all required sieve sizes All gradation sieve report tests dated within 60 days of this report Report for each coarse and fine aggregate material in mix Statement if possible reactivity of aggregate, based on tests or past service Statement if possible aggregate pop-outs or their disruptions, based on tests or past service Product data for the following admixtures: Chloride ion data and related calculations Water reducing, set retarding, set accelerating, etc. Measured water-soluble chloride ion content in concrete (percent by weight of cement). Concrete compressive strength data used for standard deviation calculations E. CONCRETE SUPPLIER INFORMATION Company Name Tel. # ( ) Cell # ( ) ( ) Address City, ST Zip Technical Contact e-mail Sales Contact Cell # PRIMARY PLANT SECONDARY PLANT Plant Location: Miles from Site: Travel Time to Site: NRMCA Certified: YES NO YES NO State DOT Certified: YES NO YES NO 02751-16 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 Batch Mixing Type: DRY CENTRAL MIX DRY CENTRAL MIX 02751-17 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 UniSpec – Civil (Master Site Specifications) 052711 SECTION 02765 (32 1723) - PAVEMENT MARKINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. 1.2 Section Includes: 1. Painting and marking of pavements, curbs, guard posts, and light pole bases. REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Publications are referenced within the text by the basic designation only. B. American Association of State Highway and Transportation (AASHTO): 1. AASHTO M247 - Glass Beads Used in Traffic Paints 2. AASHTO M248 - Ready-Mixed White and Yellow Traffic Paints C. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. ASTM D4414 - Standard Practice for Measurement of Wet Film Thickness by Notched Gauges. D. Federal Specifications (FS): 1. FS A-A-2886 - Paint, Traffic, Solvent Based (supersedes FS TT-P-85 and FS TT-P-115, Type I) 2. FS TT-B-1325 - Beads (Glass Spheres) Retro-Reflective 3. FS TT-P-1952 - Paint, Traffic And Airfield Marking, Waterborne 1.3 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. 1.4 Maintain access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic as required for other construction activities. Utilize flagmen, barricades, warning signs, and warning lights as required. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use trained and experienced personnel in applying the products and operating the equipment required for properly performed work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Paint shall be waterborne or solvent borne, colors as shown or specified herein. Pavement marking paints shall comply with applicable state and local laws enacted to ensure compliance with Federal Clean Air Standards. Paint materials shall conform to the restrictions of the local Air Pollution Control District. B. Waterborne Paint: Paints shall conform to FS TT-P-1952. C. Solvent Borne Paint: Paint shall conform to FS A-A-2886 or AASHTO M248. Paint shall be non-bleeding, quick-drying, and alkyd petroleum base paint suitable for traffic-bearing surface and be mixed in accordance with manufacture's instructions before application for colors White, Yellow, Blue, and Red. D. Glass Beads: AASHTO M 247, Type 1 or FS TT-B-1325, Type 1, Gradation A. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION 02765-1 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 A. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Sweep and clean surface to eliminate loose material and dust. B. Where existing pavement markings are indicated on Construction Drawings to be removed or would interfere with adhesion of new paint, a motorized abrasive device shall be used to remove the markings. Equipment employed shall not damage existing paving or create surfaces hazardous to vehicle or pedestrian traffic. Within public rights-of-way, appropriate governing authority shall approve method of marking removal. C. New pavement surfaces shall be allowed to cure for not less than 30 days before application of marking materials. 3.3 APPLICATION A. Apply two coats of same color of paint as specified below, at manufacturer's recommended rate, without addition of thinner, with maximum of 100 square feet per gallon or as required to provide a minimum wet film thickness of 15 mils and dry film thickness of 7 ½ mils per coat. Paint shall be applied for a total dry film thickness of 15 mils. Apply with mechanical equipment to produce uniform straight edges. At sidewalk curbs and crosswalks, use straightedge to ensure uniform, clean, and straight stripe. B. Install pavement markings according to manufacturer's recommended procedures for the specified material. C. Following items shall be painted with colors noted below: 1. Pedestrian Crosswalks: White 2. Exterior Sidewalk Curbs, Light Pole Bases, and Guard posts: Yellow 3. Fire Lanes: Red or per local code 4. Lane Striping where separating traffic moving in opposite directions: Yellow 5. Lane Striping where separating traffic moving in the same direction: White 6. ADA Symbols: Blue or per local code 7. ADA parking space markings as shown on the drawings. 8. Parking Stall Striping: Yellow, unless otherwise noted on Construction Drawings 9. Associate Parking Area: White, unless otherwise noted on Construction Drawings D. Apply glass beads at pedestrian crosswalk striping and at lane striping and arrows at driveways connecting to public streets. Broadcast glass beads uniformly into wet markings at a rate of 6 lb/gal. 3.4 3.5 Examine the work area and correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Responsibilities: Unless otherwise specified, the quality control tests and inspections specified below will be conducted by the Owner’s Construction Testing Laboratory (CTL) at no cost to the Contractor in accordance with Section 01458. The Contractor shall perform additional testing or inspection as considered necessary by the Contractor for assurance of quality control. Field testing, frequency, and methods may vary as determined by and between the Owner and CTL. B. Inspection: After the paint has thoroughly dried, visually inspect the entire application and touch up as required to provide clean, straight lines and surfaces throughout. C. Testing: Testing of wet film thickness shall be performed a minimum of two times on each parking row (including striped islands) and pedestrian cross walks, and a minimum of one test on each lane/alignment striping. At least one test shall be performed after refilling paint striping machine, changing operators of striping machine, and changing paint types, brands, etc. This shall be performed in addition to the testing stated above. These tests shall be performed on each coat applied. Testing shall be performed in accordance with ASTM D4414. CLEANING 02765-2 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11 A. Waste materials shall be removed at the end of each workday. Upon completion of the work, all containers and debris shall be removed from the site. Paint spots upon adjacent surfaces shall be carefully removed by approved procedures that will not damage the surfaces and the entire job left clean and acceptable. END OF SECTION 02765-3 Walmart Distribution Center #6064-500, Cleburne, TX 04/15/11