St. Catherine of Alexandria Temecula
St. Catherine of Alexandria Temecula
St. Catherine of Alexandria A Christian Community in the Roman Catholic Tradition 41875 “C” Street - Temecula, CA 92592 - (951) 676-4403 - Fax (951) 695-6659 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2008 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We, as a Christian Faith Community of St. Catherine of Alexandria, are committed to bringing the hope and Word of the Gospel to our family, friends and the surrounding community. As the family of God, we strive to nurture our youth, celebrate our diversity and reach out to our neighbors through love, kindness and understanding, thereby promoting the teachings of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Declaracion de La Mision Nosotros como Comunidad Cristiana de fe de Sta. Catalina de Alejandria, nos comprometemos a llevar la esperanza y la palabra del Evangelio a nuestras familias, amistades, y a toda la comunidad que nos rodea. Como la familia de Dios, procuramos apoyar a nuestros jovenes, celebrar nuestra diversidad esforzarnos por alcanzar a nuestros vecinos con amor, bondad y entendimiento, promoviendo de tal modo las ensenanzas de nuestro Senor, Jesucristo. PARISH DIRECTORY SACRAMENTAL LIFE MINISTRIES PARISH INFORMATION Pastoral Council: Paul Watkins……………..676-4403 Finance Council: Jeff Irwin ………………....676-4403 Pastoral Care Administrator: Ann Lawlor...…………....695-6657 Baptisms:………………….676-4403 Infant Baptism Information: Julie Sprengelmeyer…………...970-8050 Youth and Adults – see RCIA above Confirmation – Adults Anthony Karganilla……. 506-6653 Confirmation Teens………..………….. 693-2145 Holy Communion Ministry to the Sick……...676-4403 Julie Ferguson……... ..302-0267 Resurrection Ministry: (to the dying and their families) Frank Dagonese……….. 676-9766 Marriage:………………….676-4403 Marriage Encounter: Business Administrator: Emmy Lontoc.……….. 695-6658 Parish Secretary: Susan Whiting.………….676-4403 Parish Council: . . . . . . . 676-4403 Bulletin Editor - Virginia Hermreck.… 699-9145 Parish Librarian - Terry Antuzzi…………676-7318 Parish Directory Website Editor - John Lawson…... 733-6233 Nick Ventrone…..302-5917 MINISTERIOS EN ESPANOL Directora de Educacion Religiosa, Formacion de Fe y Liturgia Maria Barth.…………….587-0023 FAITH FORMATION Little Church (pre-school) Mary Ann Zamastil ……...699-9852 Grades 1-5 Coordinator: Letha Heylmun…………...695-6656 Youth Ministry: Bill Fackelman….………...…693-2145 Office hours - Mon. Wed. & Sunday - 3:00pm - 8:00pm Mary Hitzeman…..…….694-8614 Office hours - Tues. Wed. & Thursday - 10:00am - 4:00pm Grades 6-8 Junior High School Grades 9-12 High School - Confirmation ADULT FAITH MINISTRIES Rite of Christian Initiation: Adults (RCIA) - Ann Lawlor...695-6657 Children/Youth: - Letha Heylmun……….…..695-6656 Convalidations (Marriage blessed “Validated” by the Church) Parish Office………….… 676-4403 Retrouvaille Program: (For troubled marriages) Dcn Bob & Fran Philips…. 693-2146 Vocations Director: Frank Dagonese………...676-9766 Funerals…………………...676-4403 CHRISTIAN LIFE MINISTRIES Chamorro Ministry: Andy Santos……...894-7295 Filipino Ministry: Ronnie Mallari…………… .302-8461 Knights of Columbus: Vito Foggetti………………541-0750 Pro Life Ministry: Rose Andrews…………...760-6414 Women’s Guild: Re-Membering Church: (For returning Catholics) Polly Sanchez………325-5636 Journey of Faith (Adult Formation) Every Thursday at 7:30 pm - Room 102 - Fr. Wagner OUTREACH PROGRAMS Konrad Aniol………….. 674-8423 Birth Choice (Crisis Pregnancy Help)….699-9808 Boys & Cub Scouts: Ken Radosevich………... 302-6070 Frank Dagonese……….. 676-9766 Small Faith Communities: Manny & Leng Gonzales…………... 676-1219 Fellowship Catholic Christian Women Anna Graciano………....461-1399 St. Vincent DePaul Society: Http:// Help / Food Pantry…..951-587-6752 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Altar Servers: SUPPORT GROUPS Armando Montano...…...…...694-0223 Don Hitzeman……………......699-0900 Alcoholics Anonymous:…695-1535 Grief Support…………...672-1666 Counseling: Caritas Intake Desk…...1-909 - 763-4970 Gam-Anon:………...1-866-239-2911 Gamblers Anonymous: 1-866-239-2911 Narcotics Anonymous: Jeff………………………. 652-5326 Women’s Emotional Serenity Support Group Nancy…………….951-676-9192 Overeaters Anonymous Linda…………………….951-461-1013 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Ed Beaudet……………......834-7310 Greeters: Henry & Gloria Soriano……...302-7240 Lectors: Tito Alvarez - 619-325-9812 - Music: 5:00 pm Vigil – Linda Christianson...677-7957 7:00 pm Vigil –Deacon Jose Ibarra..375-6534 8:00 am – Nancy Marshall……302-1407 10:00 am – Colleen Cherpin… 676-6183 12:00 noon - Andy & J.R. Santos……...894-7295 6:00 pm – Lori Ascani………. 698-3288 Ushers: Joe Cherpin……….….676-6183 PAGE 2 WELCOME ANOINTING OF THE SICK We extend our hands and hearts to you in Christian hospitality, and thank God that you are with us, whether you are long-time, or newly arrived parishioners. If you have not registered, please pick-up a Registration Form (at the back of the church), fill it out and either place it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office. If you have a serious illness, are facing hospitalization and/or surgery, you should arrange to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. You may remember “Last Rites” but the correct name is Anointing of the Sick, which is not limited to the dying and which should be celebrated before the sick person is unconscious, comatose or in the last stages of death. The Anointing is offered each weekday morning upon request, during the 7:25 AM Mass. If you or family members are unable to attend Mass, Fr. John will come to the home on Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. Arrangements must be made by the prior Monday afternoon to allow time for proper preparation. Please call the Parish Office: 676-4403 PARISH MEMBERSHIP: Registration and regular use of envelopes are essential to the proper administration of a Parish and are necessary in order to become a properly identified member of a Parish Family. “The Sacrament of Penance”, can be celebrated during our monthly Reconciliation Prayer Service which is at 7:00 pm on the first Wednesday of each month.” It is imperative to be present for the entire service for the participation in the service is the penance. The next service will be November 5, 2008 This Sacrament is also offered by appointment only: (676-4403) MARRIAGE PREPARATION PROCESS Canon Law stipulates that weddings are to take place in the Parish where either the bride, the groom, or their parents reside. The bridal couple is responsible for making the necessary arrangements since we are unable to do so with extended family members. There is a minimum 6 month marriage preparation process required by the Diocese of San Bernardino and the wedding date will be finalized only after we have received the required documents. For further information, A Guideline and Policy Booklet for Weddings is available at our Parish Office. Sacrificial giving A normal Sacrificial Giving program is a 10% contribution to a charitable organization or church. St. Catherine’s program asks for 4% of your income, 2% for our general parish support and 1% for maintenance and repairs, both through the use of our weekly Offertory envelopes. Another 1% goes to our ongoing faith formation programs through the Diocesan Development Fund Drive (envelopes and statements sent by the Diocese). For example, if you make $500.00 a week, your total contribution at 4 % would be $20.00 a week. Another way to give back to God a part of the blessings He has given to each of us is to mention St. Catherine’s in your will. Please give prayerful thought to supporting St. Catherine’s in this way. PAGE 3 Please Pray for the ill and hospitalized members of our Parish, their families & caregivers. Brian Manning Joseph Vitulli Stephanie Luna Tony Mascitti Angie & Juluis Caserza Danny Alvarado Mary Smith Jeanne Bienvenue Angela Cardenas Les Guilles Jesus S. Loves Roland Reyes Rheena Fernandez Carla Sargent Mark & Barbara Crownover Neil Alegre James Ayers Cecil Tan Maria Tandy Barbara Jacobinus Darlene Marada Jean Ugarte Elias Garcia Lyn Marie Armbruster-Chester Matthew Travers John Di Paolo Barbie Angelica Castro Fiddie O. Gagan Richard Correa Irene Bevell Joyce Finch Renato Saquing H.D. Daniel Trietsch Brian Fox Carmella Argente Rico Toscano Neil Ramkissoon Mary Connor Bonnie Rizzuto Jimmy Funiesta Joaquin Mendez Norberto Cacpal Linda Sheldon Lorraube Oawers Bob Schafer Javier Andres Rodriguez Vincent Baquera Millie Marcum David Martinez Maria Lulu Gonzalaz Carmen Hartman Olivia West Adela Rivera Justo Sogala Emma Scudder Juliana Cacpal Roma & Ernie Bodnar Yannin Gutierrez Marcus Molino Kim O’Brien Francisca Soto Rico Toscano Veronica Bailey Rodolfo Osorio Ofrlia Molina Denise Perry Tom Kantowicz Joshua Certeza Maria Louisa Lapena Eleanor Kreuter Dennis Cline Gloria Jacobson Jake Robinson Chistopher Riggin Carmen Espinoza Yoli Tungol Lynn Ventrone Priscille Hansen Lenita Barrett Sandy Silvia De La Riva Bill Cooper Barbara Proctor Marie Ullman Adele Harrer Stephen Dalton Stella Nazareno Cesario Char Valencia Ed & Marie Filardo Macel Reyes Toni Bout Jeannette Aboud Amelia Macasied Clarisa Welte Trish Miklas Peter Di Stefano Gemma Vitug Leng Gonzales “Please remember our Elderly and Homebound as well” IN NEED OF PRAYER Call Irene Roney at 304-2474 - Prayer Chain Coordinator. * Please call 699-9145 when your illness has subsided. October 27th through November 2nd Mon. Oct. 27 Tues. Oct. 28 Wed. Oct. 29 Thur. Oct. 30 Fri. Oct. 31 Sat. Nov.1 Sun. Nov. 2 7:25am 7:25am 7:25am 7:25am 7:25am 5:00pm 7:00pm 8:00am 10:00am 12:00am 2:00pm 6:00pm Romeo J. Espina + Elmer Staiert Dennis Michael Malkowski + Jesse Roth + Alejandro de Guzman, Jr. + Michael & Mary Gibbons + Special Intentions of Parishioners Alejandro de Guzman, Jr. + Robert & Theresa Miller + Mr. & Mrs. Charles Breen + Aaron Luis Linaris + Dennis Peed + (+ Symbolizes Mass for the deceased ) PAGE 4 Small Faith Communities Ministry The “Small Faith Communities” Ministry invites all parishioners to participate in a faith sharing process and to join their meetings on the week of the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed starting October 27 through November 2. The goal of this process is to assist us to deepen our relationship with Christ by reflecting, sharing on and responding to the Sunday readings. The Scripture’s message for this week is: “The Lord is my Shepherd, there is nothing I shall want.” “The cares of daily life can distract”, says Jesus. Therefore, let us remember: Christ, the Good Shepherd, died for us while we were still sinners. He is the resurrection and the life. If we have died with Him, we shall also live with Him. By dying with Him and living with Him, life for us has not ended; but has been transformed. The many experiences we have had in life give us hope and confidence that we can share with others to bring hope and confidence, to bear and encourage, to bless and lift up others in faith. Please call the facilitator of the group that best suits your schedule in the list below: DIVINE MERCY - after 7:25 mass, weekdays - Regina Applegate-587-0982 ROSARY PRAYER GROUP - Mondays, 3:00 p.m. (except holidays & holiday weekends) Mary Boostrom -302-7648 SMALL FAITH COMMUNITY - Precious Blood group - 3rd Mondays - 4:30 p.m. Art & Jo Beese - 699-0962 SMALL FAITH COMMUNITY - St. Michael – 1st & 3rd Mon -7:30 pm Ben Rodriguez - 541-1308/ Theresa Rodriguez – 795-8742 SMALL FAITH COMMUNITY -Tues, 7:00 pm confirmation group Anthony Karganilla - 506-6653/Mickey Schafer - 676-4403 PEQUENAS COMUNIDADES de FE - Grupo de San Antonio -Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. Antonio Medina - 695-7516 SMALL FAITH COMMUNITY - St. Catherine group - Wednesdays, 9:30 am – Elsa Rubino -699-3762 SMALL FAITH COMMUNITY - The Disciples -Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. - Wilma Lollock - 676-0370 SMALL FAITH COMMUNITY - St. Joseph group - 2nd Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. Marjorie Gilroy - 676-5531 SMALL FAITH COMMUNITY - Angels in Action group –Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. - Betty McDermott - 698-5896 SMALL FAITH COMMUNITY - St. James Group – 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. John & Linda Espino – 461-4805 SMALL FAITH COMMUNITY - Catechists Group - John Fackelman - 3rd Thursday - 951-551-4718 VIVAMOS El EVANGELIO - Fridays, 7:00 p.m. - Iglesia - Miriam Solano - 640-8816 SMALL FAITH COMMUNITY - St. Peter Group - 2nd & 4th Fridays, 7:00 pm Manny & Leng Gonzales - 676-1219 THE LORD OF PARDON - Jesus of Nazareth - First Fri. & every other Friday, 7:30 pm – June/Techie Bitanga - 303-8503 SMALL FAITH COMMUNITY YOUTH GROUP - 2nd & 4th Sat - 2:30pm Tom & Anne Wiker 760-429-5584 - Youth Center PARENTS PRAYER GROUP - Sun 4:00 p.m., during Youth Confirmation Preparation - Don & Mary Hitzeman - 699-0900 For inquiries/information please contact: Manny/Leng Gonzales - 676-1219 MASS & HEALING SERVICE - ST. CATHERINE’S NOVEMBER 14, 2008 - 7:00 PM CELEBRANT - FATHER PAT CROWLEY Since 1972 his healing services have moved Christians into a deeper faith experience in the healing love of Jesus Christ. For more information call - George Montano - 699-8576 PAGE 5 Children’s Christmas Choir “Candy Cane Singers” Rehearsals have begun! Andy Santos and her son JR will direct this Children’s Choir and we are very grateful. Of course, help is needed. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Andy at: CHRISTMAS AROUND THE WORLD A child’s Christmas Play “Try Outs” have begun. All children 5 years old and up are welcome to be a part in this fun faith filled story of our Lord’s birth. We have many speaking roles and plenty of non speaking roles. All are WELCOME. Older youth are needed for narrator roles . Please consider being a Part of His Story for Christmas this year! For more information: ADULT CONFIRMATION CLASSES Confirmation is the sacrament through which the Holy Spirit comes to us in a special way to bind us more closely to the Church, makes us more Christ-like, and strengthens us to conserve, defend, live up to, and share our faith as witnesses and apostles of Christ. Any adult parishioner wishing to complete the initiation process in the Catholic Church by celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation is invited to attend the Adult Confirmation Classes beginning on November 11, 2008 and every Tuesday from 7:00 to 9:00 pm until June 9, 2009 Class registration will be held in Room #102 at the New Building on October 28th from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Please bring a recently issued Baptismal Certificate to register. If married, marriage must be considered “valid” in the Catholic Church. For more information please call: Anthony V. Karganilla - 951-506-6653 Please Call Andy Santos - 894-7295 THE FILIPINO MINISTRY Invites you to join the Christmas Caroling practice at 1:30 pm every Sunday here at St. Catherine’s. For more details please contact: Ronie Mallari at 951-302-8461 Priesthood Sunday October 26th Priesthood Sunday is a time to think of ways to thank your priests especially by praying for them. The following vocations prayer can be said by families together every day for more vocations to the priesthood, religious life, diaconate and lay ministry. For more information and ideas visit Priesthood Sunday USA at: Loving God, You are the Creator of the universe. You have gifted us with life and called us through our Baptism to be a light to the world. Help us to brighten our world by sharing our gifts in the service of others and respecting all creation. We ask this in the name Of Jesus. Amen MISSION MECCA: COMPASSION AND POVERTY “Suppose a brother or sister is without clothing and daily food. If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” We are praying for your Food and Clothing donations for the parishioners of Our Lady of Gaudalupe Sanctuary in Mecca, CA. Your items, or gift certificates can be dropped off on Sunday nights between 4:00 and 6:00 pm and Mondays between 6:00 and 7:30 pm. All of our Youth Ministry program students will be putting Food baskets together as a service project the last week of every month and receive community service hours. We will be taking these donations every week up until November 16, 2008. Our confirmation 2 students along with their sponsors will be delivering these baskets on November 22, 2008 as a part of their retreat weekend. Please donate non-perishable food items or gift certificates from Albertson’s. Also, gift certificates from Walmart. If you have any questions, call Bill Fackelman at 693-2145. We are also praying that our other ministries within our parish will consider doing the same. We would love to rent a truck to deliver these items to the parishioners of Our Lady of Guadalupe Sanctuary in Mecca, CA. God Bless! PAGE 6 DIOCESE OF SAN BERNARDINO ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA Small Faith Communities Ministry OFFICE OF THE BISHOP While we as the Church, cannot explicitly endorse or disapprove certain candidates running for office, we CAN and MUST make statements to reject or support certain propositions, (Prop. 4, 6, and 8), especially those that are in contradiction to our moral standards as Catholics. For the Catholic Bishops of California full statement and more information visit: Group Leaders / Facilitators’ Meeting November 14, 2008 - DiLeo Hall - 6:30 p.m. The Role of the Small Faith Communities in our parish – Fr. John Wagner – Pastor, St. Catherine of Alexandria Leadership in each small faith Group – Truong Do, Seminarian Catholic Bishops Support Proposition 8 to Restore the Definition of Marriage in California - Support Proposition 4 for Parental Notification Prior to Minor’s Abortion - and Oppose Proposition 6 for “Restorative Justice” Reasons Status Report of each SFC Group – Group leaders Distribution of New SFC Advent materials Parish directions for the SFC for 2009 Ann Lawlor- Parish Pastoral Care Administrator Worldwide Marriage Encounter Do you want to rediscover the person you fell in love with? Then a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend can provide the atmosphere for that. The next weekend is November 14 - 16, 2008 in Ontario. For more nformation call Chris and JoAnne Mier 951 231-7220 Ministry with Youth would like to thank the KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS for the tip money raised from the Octoberfest Dinner. The money will be used to purchase laundry baskets that we will fill with the donated food for the families in Mecca. THANK YOU!!!! PAGE 7 Âb ÄÉäx Éy ZÉw ztà{xÜ âá ? à{tà ãx Åtç á{tÜx à{x z|yàá ãx tÜx z|äxÇÊ For inquiries/information, please contact: Manny/Leng Gonzales – (951) 676-1219 PRAYER FOR DEPLOYED MILITARY A message from Bishop Gerald R. Barnes on the economy: As a faith community let us pray for all who serve our country in these troubled times. We pray especially for those connected to our parish who have been deployed: Lt. David W. Queen, USN Marty Belda Roehl Guerrero Cesario Valencia Jr. Capt. John Peter Toman, USAF, (Okinawa) Capt. Andre Toman, USAF, (Iraq) Jearmy Stormes (Iraq) CW02 James A. Martin USMC (Iraq) Sgt. Nelson Ortiz (Iraq) Petty Officer Johnathon D. Buckles (Iraq) HMCS Romeo P. Insigne (Iraq) Tim Williams (Persian Gulf) Lt. Richard O’Kane - USN - (Iraq) Ryan Adkins - (Iraq) Major Damian Bess (Iraq) Jerel Bersalona (Afghanistan) O.S. Chief John Rawls (USN) PFC Andrew Soria, US Army (Afghanistan) Lt. Commander Frank Fuentes 111 USN Iraq HMC Emmanuel G. Bernal Senior Chief Matthew Schaffer, Persian Gulf Chief Wilfredo C. Panis (Iraq) MGySgt. Roosevelt A. Adrianza, USMC (Iraq) A Prayer During Economic Distress Compassionate and Loving God many of us, your children, are living in great anxiety and fear, and so we come to you. May the power of your love give us the strength to be faithful to the gospel of hope. May we not despair. May we not turn to ways that are disrespectful to your great love for us. Hear our prayer for our parents, children, spouses, family and friends. Grant your world economic solutions that are based on justice and that bring relief to your flock. Protect our land and its people in this time of anguish. Forgive us our sins and plant in our hearts a firm purpose to love ourselves and our neighbor, to protect others, and to live peacefully and in harmony with everyone. We pray for those who are suffering distress, the dispossessed, the jobless, the homeless, and the elderly. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen CHARITY OUR FIRST PRIORTY Knights Of Columbus Annual Fund Raising Drive (for) The Columbian Foundation Helping to Improve the Quality of Life for people with Mental or Intellectual Disabilities Almighty God, be their constant companion and strength in every adversity. May they experience your presence, love and comfort. If you would like to send in a name of a family member or friend to be put on our Military Prayer List and in our bulletin every week please call the church office at(951-676-4403) or email - bulletin editor. OPEN YOUR EARS Those who close their ears to the needy will themselves cry and not be heard. A responsibility of the COMMUNITY AT LARGE We urge you to become a contributor in the Knights of Columbus Annual Fund Raising Drive benefiting People with intellectual disabilities. Your donation is tax deductible and is qualified under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and Section 23701 of the comparable California statutes. A written receipt will be sent upon request. Please Make Checks Payable to: The Columbian Foundation And mail to: K of C, Temecula Valley Council 9964, P. O. Box 1939, Temecula, CA 92593 For more information call: Mark Perry - 951-760-8943 —Old Hebrew proverb PAGE 8 October 12th Offerings “Where your treasure is, there your heart will also be.” LUKE 12:34 Envelopes Offertory Collection Offertory Plate DDF Blessed Teresa of Calcutta TOTAL 825 11,655.36 3,934.50 3,423.50 45.00 $19,058.36 Diocesan Development Fund TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — You shall not oppress an alien, for you yourselves were once aliens in Egypt (Exodus 22:20-26). Psalm — I love you, Lord, my strength (Psalm 18). Second Reading — You became imitators of the Lord, so that you became a model for all believers (1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10). Gospel — You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:34-40). Assessment for 2008 – $78,700.00 As of 10– 12 - 08 Received - $221,233.62 READINGS FOR THE WEEK We have met our DDF GOAL. All proceeds will come back to us. They will not be subject to Diocesan assessment. On the first Sunday of each month, a second collection is taken up for the Diocesan Development Fund (DDF) which comes back to us for our parish ministries and maintenance. Stewardship BLESSED TERESA OF CALCUTTA Pledge for 4 years - 5/2007 - 5/2011 As of 10 - 12 - 08 Goal - $400,000.00 - Received - $70,244.72 On the third Sunday of each month, a second collection will be taken for this new parish in French Valley. We are joining St. Vincent’s in Sun City and St. Martha’s in Murrieta to provide $400,000.00 each over the next four years. October 27 - November 2 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Eph 4:32 — 5:8; Lk 13:10-17 Eph 2:19-22; Lk 6:12-16 Eph 6:1-9; Lk 13:22-30 Eph 6:10-20; Lk 13:31-35 Phil 1:1-11; Lk 14:1-6 Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Sunday: Wis 3:1-9; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CORNER SEPTEMBER FOOD PANTRY REPORT Knight of Columbus members will be available to provide information and answer questions you may have regarding the Knight of Columbus. St. Vincent de Paul Conference of St. Catherine’s provided food and help for 972 people who live in Temecula during the month of September. Due to the economic downturn, we are seeing an increase of needy families in our area. At this time, our Food Pantry is running short of spaghetti sauce, canned vegetables, canned fruit and cereal. These items can be dropped off in the bin at the front of church or if you prefer you can pick up the yellow St. Vincent de Paul envelope at the front of church and give a donation for food. Thank you for continuing to donate food and monies to families who need help. We urge you, men of our Parish, to take a few moments of your valuable time and use this opportunity to learn more about membership in the world’s largest Catholic family Fraternal Organization. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CAR DONATION PROGRAM MEMBERSHIP DRIVE The Parish Knights of Columbus will be hosting a membership recruitment drive this weekend, October 25th and 26th before and after all Masses. For more information call Vito Foggetti Grand Knight - 951-541-0750 PAGE 9 Donate your car to St. Vincent de Paul before the end of the year and get a tax write-off. Call Dee at (951)699-3554. ¿QUE ES EL ALCOLISMO? La Escuela de Adultos de Temecula Valley esta ofreciendo registracion continuo para clases de aprender el ingles. Las clases son de niveles multiples y son completamento gratis! Una persona que sufre de una enfermedad Llamada alcoholismo. Una persona alcohólica no puede beber en una forma moderada no se puede controlar, ¡incluso cuando la salud, el trabajo y la familia se ven afectados.! La mayoría de los alcohólicos son personas "típicas" Gente casada, con hijos empleo y responsabilidades. No son vagabundos de la calle. El alcoholismo es el problema de salud mas grande del Mundo. Asita cada Martes y jueves de 5 - 7 de la noche COBRA VIDAS Temecula Valley Adult School 31340 Rancho Vista Road Temecula, CA 92592 Phone - 951-506-7996 School Office hours: Monday - Thursday 2:00pm - 8:00pm Friday - 12:30pm - 6:30pm ¡Aproximadamente la mitad de Las muertes en el trafico se relacionan con el alcohol.! CUESTA DINERO Millones de dólares se gastan cada ano debido a enfermedades del alcohol. PERJUDICA A LAS FAMILIAS La estabilidad, la unidad y la seguridad de las familias se destruyen, la perdida de ingresos y el respeto propio conducen al divorcio, a la delincuencia, el crimen, y hasta el suicidio. Es difícil admitir que un ser querido tiene ese problema, incluso la misma persona se niega admitir que tiene la enfermedad del alcoholismo, Una actuación pronta puede salvar a una familia antes de que sea demasiado tarde. DIOCESIS DE SAN BERNARDINO ALCOHOLICOS ANONIMOS ¿Crees tener problemas con tu forma de beber? Has tratado de dejar de beber y no lo has logrado. Ven tu Iglesia te invita ha este grupo de apoyo, y a Conocer mas acerca del problema del alcoholismo. El grupo de AA se reune tres veces por semana Lunes, Miercoles y Viernes a las 7:00 p.m. en el salon # L-3 Para mas informacion llama a Favian al (951) 7199050 JOVEN Jesús te invita, al grupo juvenil a conocerle más para que Tu amor por el aumente. Como dicen por ahí, nadie ama a quien no conoce. Yo te invito que vengas a conocerle y a compartir con otros jóvenes estos momentos de convivencia y amistad. ESCUCHA EL LLAMADO DEL JESÚS EL TE ESTA BUSCANDO OFICINA DEL OBISPO Nosotros como iglesia, explícitamente no podemos aprobar o desaprobar a ningún candidato participando para una oficina política. Es nuestro deber exponer nuestro desacuerdo APOLLAR O RECHASAR ciertas Proposiciones, (prop. 4, 6, y 8), especialmente las que están en desacuerdo o en contra de nuestros principios morales como católicos. Para tener mas información de parte de nuestros Obispos de California, la declaración completa puede ir a la pagina de Internet RETIRO DE INICIACION El grupo de Oración Vivamos el Evangelio les invita a un Retiro de Iniciación en esta parroquia, el sábado 15 y domingo 16 de noviembre Comenzando a las 8:00 am. Para mas información llamen a Miriam Solano al 694-4378 PAGE 10 • Los Obispos Católicos Apoyan la proposición # 8 para restaurar la definición del matrimonio en California • Apoyan la proposición # 4 que notificara a los padres de una menor antes de un aborto • Los Obispos se Oponen a la propo sición # 6 para restaurar la justicia BIENVENIDA LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Extendemos nuestras manos y el corazón, al ofrecerte hospitalidad en esta parroquia. Le damos gracias a Dios por ser parte de ella, ya sea que has estado con nosotros por mucho tiempo o eres nuevo te invitamos a que te registres como miembro de esta comunidad católica. Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Ef 4:32 — 5:8; Lc 13:10-17 Ef 2:19-22; Lc 6:12-16 Ef 6:1-9; Lc 13:22-30 Ef 6:10-20; Lc 13:31-35 Fil 1:1-11; Lc 14:1-6 Apo 7:2-4, 9-14; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Sab 3:1-9; Rom 5:5-11 o 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40 QUERIDOS MIEMBROS No olviden usar sus sobres, los cuales los identifica como parte activa de esta familia. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN VIVAMOS EL EVANGELIO LES INVITA A SUS NOCHES DE ORACIÓN Y ALABANZA TODOS LOS VIERNES A LAS 7:00 p.m. EN LA IGLESIA PARA MAS INFORMACION LLAME A Miriam Solano 694-4378 o Maria Barth 587-0023 LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Dios escucha el llanto de los oprimidos (Éxodo 22:20-26). Salmo — Te amo, oh Señor, mi fuerza (Salmo 18(17)). Segunda lectura — El pueblo de Dios es conocido por su conversión y amor de Dios (1Tesalonicenses 1:5c10). Evangelio — La ley principal es la ley del amor (Mateo 22:34-40). UNCION PARA LOS ENFERMOS BAUTIZOS Para bautizar a su nino/a, es necesario vivir en los limites de la Parroquia de Santa Catalina, y ser miembro de la iglesia. Es necesario que hable con varios meses de anticipación porque el cupo es limitado. Si tiene una enfermedad seria, va ser hospitalizado/a o se va someterse a una sirugia, usted debe de recibir el Sacramento de la uncion de los enfermos, se ofrece todos los dias de la semana en la misa de las 7:25 am. Llame para hacer una cita. Si por alguna razon no puede venir a la Iglesia, a recibir la uncion podemos ir a su casa. Y tambien le podemos llevar la comunion. (951) 587-0023. PROCESO PARA PREPARACIÓN MATRIMONIAL La Ley Canónica, requiere que la boda se celebre en la Parroquia donde reside la novia o el novio, o sus padres. Solamente la pareja puede hacer los arreglos necesarios, no la familia. La Diócesis de San Bernardino requiere un mínimo de seis meses de preparación para el proceso de los documentos. La fecha de la boda sera fijada al cumplir los requisitos. Para mas información puede recoger un manual que contiene las guía y la póliza de las bodas. SERVICIO DE CONSEJERIA (CARITAS COUNSELING) MOVIMIENTO FAMILIAR CRISTIANO Es un movimiento que agrupa a las familias cristianas que unen sus esfuerzos para promover los valores humanos y cristianos de la familia. Ayuda a desarrollar la comunicación entre conyugues, la cual fortalece su matrimonio. Les da la oportunidad de dialogar entre padres e hijos y promover mayor unión familiar. PARA MAS INFORMACIÓN LLAME A DIANA PEDRAL AL 695-3657 O AL 587-0023. SACRAMENTO DE LA RECONCILIACIÓN (Confesión) CARIDADES CATOLICAS Les ofrese consejeria matrimonial y familiar en esta parroquia si necesitan, favor de llamar para hacer una cita (909) 370-1293 Ext. 212 Se celebra mensualmente, en un servicio de oración los primeros miércoles del mes, 7:00pm p.m. PAGE 11 PAGE 12 AD PAGES PAGE 13 Page 14 ADD PAGES PAGE 15 SUNDAY, October 26, 2008 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time MONDAY, October 27 Spanish Alcoholics Anonymous - 7:00 - 9:00pm - L - 3 Rosary Prayer Group – 3:00 pm – Church (Come pray the Rosary weekly) TUESDAY, October 28 Adult Confirmation Registration - 6:30 - 8:00pm - Room 102 Narcotics Anonymous 7:30 - 9:00pm - Rm 202 Gam-Anon - 7:30 - 9:00 pm - L - 2 Catholic Inquiry/RCIA – Call Mickey – 676-2894 English Second Language classes - 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm - Rm - 103 WEDNESDAY, October 29 S F C Bible Study - 9:30 am -11:00 am - Rm - L-2 Al-Anon - 7:00 - 8:30pm - L - 4 Nar-Anon-Library -10:00 am -11:00 am Spanish Alcoholics Anonymous - 7:00 - 9:00pm - L - 3 Overeaters Anonymous 7:00 - 9:00pm - L - 1 THURSDAY, October 30 Al-Anon-10:30 am-12:00 pm - L - 4 Gamblers Anonymous - 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm - Rm L– 1 English Second Language classes - 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm - Rm - 103 FRIDAY, October 31 Alcoholics Anonymous – 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm - Library Spanish Alcoholics Anonymous - 7:00 - 9:00pm - L - 3 SATURDAY, November 1 Gamblers Anonymous—9:00 - 11:00 am - L - 1 Overeaters Anonymous - 10:00 am - 11:30 am - L– 3 Mass Schedule Monday through Friday: 7:25 AM Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM (English) 7:00 PM (Spanish) Sundays: 8:00 - 10:00 - 12:00 NOON 2:00 PM (Spanish) 6:00 PM Upcoming events - Mark Your Calendars Nov. 14th - Healing Mass - Fr. Crowley - see page 5 Impaired Hearing Devices Available Upon Request - See Usher Rev. John Wagner, Pastor Supply Priests: Msgr. Don Weber Rev. Anthony Di Leo Seminarian: Truong Do Deacons: John Barth - Jose Ibarra Jim Kincaid - Dennis Malkowski Robert Phillips Saint Catherine of Alexandria Office Hours - 9:00am - 4:00pm - Monday - Friday - 951-676-4403 PAGE 16