Relatório Preliminar relativo ao Produto 2


Relatório Preliminar relativo ao Produto 2
 DG EMPREGO, ASSUNTOS SOCIAIS E INCLUSÃO Relatório Preliminar relativo ao Produto 2 Referências das Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes, incluindo normas aplicáveis ao transporte vertical de pessoas e materiais (elevadores de obra) Luís Alves Dias ( Relatório elaborado no âmbito da Assistência Técnica ao Projecto “Apoio aos Diálogos Sectoriais UE‐Brasil. Fase II” ‐ Ação “Intercâmbio em Saúde e Segurança no Trabalho” 11 Março 2013 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção Página intencionalmente em branco ii Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção Índice 1. Introdução ............................................................................................................................... 1 2. Directivas Europeias ................................................................................................................ 2 2.1. Directivas gerais aplicáveis a diversos sectores de actividade económica .................... 3 2.2. Directivas específicas do sector da construção no âmbito da SST .............................. 12 3. Normas Técnicas Europeias .................................................................................................. 13 3.1. Normas técnicas gerais aplicáveis a diversos sectores de actividade económica ....... 15 3.2. Normas técnicas específicas do sector da construção ................................................ 16 4. Normas aplicáveis ao transporte vertical de pessoas e materiais (elevadores de obra) ..... 17 5. Considerações finais .............................................................................................................. 23 Anexos: Conteúdo Nº Pág. a) Lista não exaustiva de Directivas Europeias relacionadas com a SST 4 b) Lista não exaustiva de Normas Técnicas Europeias relacionadas com a SST 42 c) Directiva‐quadro 89/391/CEE sobre segurança e saúde no trabalho 10 Este documento contém 92 páginas, incluindo anexos. iii Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção Abreviaturas: C167 ‐ Convenção 167 da OIT sobre segurança e saúde na construção CP ‐ Comunicação Prévia EN ‐ Norma Técnica Europeia publicada pelo CEN (Comité Europeu de Normalização) EPC ‐ Equipamentos de Proteção Colectiva EPI ‐ Equipamentos de Proteção Individual MTE ‐ Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego NBR ‐ Norma Técnica Brasileira publicada pela ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas) NR18 ‐ Norma Regulamentadora N.º 18 sobre “Condições e Meio Ambiente de Trabalho na Indústria da Construção do Brasil OIT ‐ Organização Internacional do Trabalho PCMAT ‐ Programa de Condições e Meio Ambiente de Trabalho na Indústria da Construção (Brasil) PSSe ‐ Plano de Segurança e Saúde para a fase de execução da obra PSSm ‐ Plano de Segurança e Saúde para a fase de pós‐construção (manutenção) da obra SG‐SST ‐ Sistema de Gestão da Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho GSST ‐ Gestão da Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho PGP ‐ Princípios Gerais de Prevenção SST ‐ Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho UE ‐ União Europeia iv Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção 1. Introdução O presente documento corresponde ao relatório relativo ao Produto 2 a que se refere a alínea b) do ponto 3 da cláusula 3ª do Contrato, relativo às referências das Directivas Europeias mais relevantes aplicáveis à gestão da segurança e saúde no trabalho da construção e lista de normas técnicas europeias mais directamente relacionadas com o sector da construção, incluindo as normas aplicáveis ao transporte vertical de pessoas e materiais (elevadores de obra) com referência aos principais pontos‐chave na perspectiva do controlo em obra. Na secção 2 do presente documento apresentam‐se referências das Directivas Europeias mais relevantes aplicáveis à gestão da segurança e saúde no trabalho (SST) da construção. Esta secção subdivide‐se em duas subsecções, 2.1 e 2.2, relativas, respectivamente, a Directivas Europeias gerais aplicáveis a diversos sectores de actividade económica, incluindo o sector da construção, e a Directivas específicas aplicáveis ao sector da construção. No anexo a) do presente documento, inclui‐se ainda uma lista não exaustiva de um conjunto mais alargado de Directivas Europeias relacionadas com a temática da SST. Na secção 3 do presente documento apresentam‐se referências das Normas Técnicas Europeias (EN) mais directamente relacionadas com a SST no sector da construção. Esta secção subdivide‐se também em duas subsecções, 3.1 e 3.2, relativas, respectivamente, a Normas Técnicas gerais aplicáveis a diversos sectores de actividade económica, incluindo o sector da construção e Normas Técnicas Europeias específicas do sector da construção. No anexo b) do presente documento, inclui‐se ainda uma lista não exaustiva de um conjunto mais alargado de Normas Técnicas Europeias relacionadas com a temática da SST. A secção 4 do presente documento refere‐se às normas aplicáveis ao transporte vertical de pessoas e materiais (elevadores de obra) com referência aos principais pontos‐chave na perspectiva do controlo em obra. Por último, na secção 5 apresentam‐se as principais considerações finais do presente documento, salientando‐se os aspectos mais relevantes da informação contida neste relatório. 1 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção 2. Directivas Europeias A Resolução do Conselho Europeu 85/C136/01 de 5 de Maio de 1985 sobre uma nova abordagem para a harmonização técnica e normalização, complementada posteriormente pela Resolução 90/C10/01 de 21 de Dezembro de 1989 sobre a abordagem global em matéria de avaliação de conformidade, constituíram marcos inovadores na União Europeia para eliminar as barreiras à livre circulação de produtos. Ambas possuem como objectivo fundamental limitar a intervenção pública ao essencial, deixando à indústria a opção de escolher a forma de cumprir com as suas obrigações. Com base nestes objectivos, a União Europeia (UE) iniciou um processo de desenvolvimento de instrumentos legislativos que prevalecem sobre as leis nacionais dos Estados‐membros com carácter obrigatório. Estes instrumentos são: Regulamentos, Directivas e Decisões. Para além destes, a UE emite ainda outros instrumentos não vinculativos, como recomendações e opiniões. Os Regulamentos são instrumentos legislativos de aplicação directa em todos os Estados‐membros e possuem a mesma força jurídica que as leis nacionais, não necessitando de qualquer ação dos governos nacionais para os implementar. É o caso, por exemplo, do Regulamento 349/2011 da Comissão, de 11 de Abril de 2011, relativo às estatísticas sobre acidentes de trabalho. As Directivas são dirigidas às autoridades nacionais que têm obrigatoriamente de tomar uma ação para introduzir, na medida do necessário e nos prazos estabelecidos em cada Directiva, as suas disposições no direito nacional de um ou mais Estados‐membros ou todos eles, quer através da criação de nova legislação, quer adaptando a legislação existente. Funcionam de forma semelhante às Convenções da Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT), cujas disposições também têm de ser introduzidas na legislação nacional dos Estados‐membros da OIT que as ratificam, como é o caso, por exemplo da C167 sobre segurança e saúde na construção. As Decisões são dirigidas a autoridades ou indivíduos específicos de um ou mais Estados‐membros que devem tomar uma acção para fazer ou deixar de fazer alguma coisa. De entre os três instrumentos legislativos mencionados, as Directivas constituem a forma mais utilizada na UE. Estabelecem resultados finais que devem ser alcançados pelos Estados‐membros visados, deixando às respectivas autoridades nacionais a decisão sobre a forma de atender os objectivos definidos. Destinam‐se a harmonizar as leis entre os Estados‐membros tendo em vista o funcionamento do Mercado Único Europeu (e.g. normas de segurança de produtos). A legislação Europeia sobre SST em geral, e na construção em particular, apoia‐se em Directivas apresentando‐se na subsecção 2.1 uma breve caracterização das Directivas gerais mais relevantes aplicáveis a todos os sectores de actividade económica, incluindo o sector da construção. Na subsecção 2.2 apresenta‐se também uma breve caracterização da única Directiva específica para o sector da construção no âmbito da SST (obras de construção civil e de engenharia civil). No anexo a) do presente documento apresenta‐se uma lista não exaustiva de um conjunto alargado de Directivas Europeias organizadas por temáticas do âmbito da SST. Em resumo, enquanto os Regulamentos e as Decisões da UE são de aplicação directa aos Estados‐Membros visados não necessitando de adaptação da legislação nacional, a implementação das Directivas da UE carecem de transposição para a legislação nacional consubstanciada na adaptação para a realidade e prática corrente de cada Estado‐Membro. 2 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção 2.1. Directivas gerais aplicáveis a diversos sectores de actividade económica No quadro a seguir apresenta‐se um resumo das Directivas Europeias organizadas por grupos numerados com vista a facilitar a consulta da lista geral de Directivas incluída no anexo a) do presente documento. Importa referir que algumas das Directivas da lista apresentada nesse anexo são alterações ou mesmo substituições integrais de outras Directivas existentes. Lista não exaustiva de grupos de Directivas Europeias relacionadas com a SST
Directiva‐quadro de segurança e saúde no trabalho
Agentes Químicos Período publicação
Nr. Directivas
(1991 ‐ 2006)
Amianto (1983 ‐ 2003)
Atmosferas Explosivas
(1993 ‐ 2002)
Equipamentos de protecção individual (utilização) 8
Equipamentos de trabalho (utilização) (1989)
(1989 ‐ 2006)
Estaleiros Temporários ou Móveis (1992)
Locais de trabalho (1989)
Movimentação manual de cargas (1990)
Movimentação mecânica de cargas (1995 ‐ 2000)
Proibição de certos agentes específicos e/ou de certas actividades (1983 ‐ 2000)
Radiações ionizantes (1976 ‐ 1996)
Riscos eléctricos (1973 ‐ 1994)
Ruído (2003)
Sinalização de segurança (1977 ‐ 1992)
Valores limite de exposição profissional (1991 ‐ 2006)
Vibrações (2002)
Número total de Directivas Europeias relacionadas com a SST:
Da análise deste quadro verifica‐se que o período de publicação das Directivas Europeias relacionadas com a SST situa‐se em torno da década de 1990, tendo a mais antiga sido publicada em 1973 e as mais recentes em 2006. Estas observações permitem deduzir haver estabilidade legislativa Europeia, situação que se considera fundamental para o desenvolvimento do mercado de produtos e equipamentos relacionados com a SST. Em muitos países, uma das causas que tem vindo a ser apontada por muitos profissionais da construção para justificar o reduzido nível de cumprimento da legislação sobre SST, tem sido precisamente o elevado número de alterações da legislação que dificulta o seu acompanhamento e consequente cumprimento de forma integral. Em alguns países o número de alterações introduzidas na legislação é de tal ordem elevado que se torna difícil o seu acompanhamento, criando por vezes reacções de descredibilização por parte do mercado. Importa pois assegurar uma estabilidade legislativa que evite tais situações, através de novos modelos de produção da legislação baseada no desempenho em detrimento do modelo tradicional de legislação predominantemente prescritiva que não favorece a desejada estabilidade. O sector da construção na UE tem vindo a seguir esse novo modelo de produção legislativa baseada no desempenho que tem vindo a estender‐se à área da SST. O número de Directivas Europeias da área da SST dos grupos considerados na lista apresentada no anexo acima mencionado, situa‐se em torno de 55, a maioria das quais são de aplicação transversal à generalidade dos sectores de actividade económica. 3 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção De entre as Directivas de aplicação transversal, para o sector da construção objecto do presente documento, destacam‐se em particular as seguintes 8 Directivas Europeias: - Directiva 89/391/CEE do Conselho, de 12 de Junho de 1989 (adiante designada por “Directiva‐quadro de SST”), relativa à aplicação de medidas destinadas a promover a melhoria da segurança e da saúde dos trabalhadores no trabalho; - Directiva 89/655/CEE do Conselho, de 30 de Novembro de 1989 (adiante designada por “Directiva Equipamentos de Trabalho”), relativa às prescrições mínimas de segurança e de saúde para a utilização pelos trabalhadores de equipamentos de trabalho no trabalho (segunda Directiva especial, na acepção do nº 1 do artigo 16º da Directiva 89/391/CEE), com as alterações introduzidas pela Directiva 95/63/CE do Conselho, de 5 de Dezembro de 1995 e pela Directiva 2001/45/CE de 27 de Junho de 2001; - Directiva 89/656/CEE do Conselho, de 30 de Novembro de 1989 (adiante designada por “Directiva Utilização de EPI”), relativa às prescrições mínimas de segurança e de saúde para a utilização pelos trabalhadores de equipamentos de protecção individual no trabalho (terceira Directiva especial, na acepção do nº 1 do artigo 16º da Directiva 89/391/CEE); - Directiva 89/686/CEE do Conselho, de 21 de Dezembro de 1989 (adiante designada por “Directiva Mercado de EPI”), relativa à aproximação das legislações dos Estados‐membros respeitantes aos equipamentos de protecção individual, com as alterações introduzidas pela Directiva 93/68/CEE de 22 de Julho de 1993 e pela Directiva 93/95/CEE de 29 de Outubro de 1993; - Directiva 92/58/CEE do Conselho, de 24 de Junho de 1992 (adiante designada por “Directiva Sinalização de SST”), relativa às prescrições mínimas para a sinalização de segurança e/ou de saúde no trabalho (nona directiva especial na acepção do nº 1 do artigo 16º da Directiva 89/391/CEE); - Directiva 2002/44/CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 25 de Junho de 2002 (adiante designada por “Directiva Vibrações”), relativa às prescrições mínimas de segurança e saúde respeitantes à exposição dos trabalhadores aos riscos devidos aos agentes físicos (vibrações) (décima sexta directiva especial na acepção do n.º 1 do artigo 16º da Directiva 89/391/CEE); - Directiva 2003/10/CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 6 de Fevereiro de 2003 (adiante designada por “Directiva Ruído”), relativa às prescrições mínimas de segurança e de saúde em matéria de exposição dos trabalhadores aos riscos devidos aos agentes físicos (ruído) (décima sétima directiva especial na acepção do n.º 1 do artigo 16º da Directiva 89/391/CEE); - Directiva 2006/42/CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 17 de Maio de 2006 (adiante designada por “Directiva Máquinas”), relativa às máquinas (revogando a Directiva 98/37/CEE relativa também às máquinas). Apresenta‐se a seguir uma breve caracterização das Directivas Europeias acima mencionadas, relevando‐se os aspectos com maior aplicação ao sector da construção. 4 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção a) Directiva 89/391/CEE ‐ Directiva‐quadro de SST Esta Directiva que se apresenta no anexo c) do presente documento é a mais importante do âmbito da SST com aplicação transversal à generalidade dos sectores da actividade económica, privados ou públicos, estabelecendo, entre outros aspectos, as obrigações das entidades patronais e dos trabalhadores. Foi publicada em 1989 e desde então não sofreu alterações na parte substantiva das suas disposições (excepto no que se refere ao formato dos relatórios a emitir pelas autoridades nacionais dos Estados‐membros da UE), revelando um elevado nível de estabilidade legislativa. A Directiva‐quadro de SST estabelece níveis mínimos de segurança e saúde dos trabalhadores, introduzindo a obrigação de implementar medidas de prevenção nos processos de produção das Organizações (privadas ou públicas) e realçando a importância da integração da SST na gestão global dessas Organizações. Os Estados‐Membros têm todavia a opção de estabelecer níveis de SST mais exigentes, que contribua para promover uma cultura de prevenção por parte de todos os actores. Entre as várias disposições desta Directiva, sublinha‐se o reconhecimento da necessidade de estabelecer Directivas especiais para atender domínios que, pela sua natureza e características, justificam um tratamento específico, como é o caso dos estaleiros/canteiros temporários ou móveis no sector da construção. Esta Directiva estabelece um conjunto de nove Princípios Gerais de Prevenção (PGP) aplicáveis em diversas situações, designadamente quanto à obrigação da entidade patronal em assegurar a segurança e a saúde dos trabalhadores em todos os aspectos relacionados com o trabalho. Estes PGP assumem uma importância particular para o sector da construção no âmbito da Directiva especial aplicável a este sector referida na subsecção 2.2 do presente documento. Os nove PGP são: (1) Evitar os riscos; (2) Avaliar os riscos que não possam ser evitados; (3) Combater os riscos na origem; (4) Adaptar o trabalho ao homem, especialmente no que se refere à concepção dos postos de trabalho, bem como à escolha dos equipamentos de trabalho e dos métodos de trabalho e de produção, tendo em vista, nomeadamente, atenuar o trabalho monótono e o trabalho cadenciado, e reduzir os efeitos destes sobre a saúde; (5) Ter em conta o estádio de evolução da técnica; (6) Substituir o que é perigoso pelo que é isento de perigo ou menos perigoso; (7) Planificar a prevenção com um sistema coerente que integre a técnica, a organização do trabalho, as condições de trabalho, as relações sociais e a influência dos factores ambientais no trabalho; (8) Dar prioridade às medidas de protecção colectiva em relação às medidas de protecção individual; (9) Dar instruções adequadas aos trabalhadores. Conhecer, interpretar e aplicar estes PGP nas diversas fases do processo de construção, designadamente na elaboração de projectos e execução de obras, constituem desafios para os principais profissionais da construção e, em particular, dos profissionais da segurança e saúde neste sector de actividade. Esta Directiva‐quadro estabelece ainda outras obrigações das entidades patronais, mas também dos trabalhadores. Neste último caso, importa sublinhar a obrigação de cada trabalhador, na medida das suas possibilidades, de cuidar da sua segurança e saúde, bem como da segurança e saúde das outras pessoas afectadas pelas suas acções ou omissões no trabalho, de acordo com a sua formação e as instruções dadas pela sua entidade patronal. 5 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção b) Directiva 89/655/CEE ‐ Directiva Equipamentos de Trabalho Esta Directiva estabelece as prescrições mínimas de segurança e de saúde para a utilização pelos trabalhadores de qualquer máquina, aparelho, ferramenta ou instalação utilizado no trabalho. Estabelece ainda que a entidade patronal deve tomar as medidas necessárias para que os trabalhadores que utilizam os equipamentos de trabalho recebam: (i) formação adequada, designadamente sobre riscos decorrentes dessa utilização; (ii) informação adequada para a utilização desses equipamentos, através de folhetos de informação sobre SST contendo instruções e condições para a sua utilização de forma segura, incluindo situações anormais previsíveis. Por outro lado, a entidade patronal deve também tomar as medidas para que os equipamentos de trabalho sejam submetidos a verificações iniciais (após a instalação e antes de entrarem ao serviço) e após cada montagem em locais diferentes. Essas verificações deverão ser feitas por pessoas competentes, conceito que importa especificar, designadamente, a qualificação dessas pessoas para cada tipo de equipamento de trabalho. A Directiva inclui anexos com prescrições mínimas aplicáveis a equipamentos de trabalho específicos, designadamente: (i) equipamentos de trabalho móveis (automotores ou não); (ii) equipamentos de trabalho destinados à elevação de cargas; (iii) equipamentos de trabalho disponibilizados para trabalhos temporários em altura. Em particular, para estes últimos trabalhos temporários em altura (cobertos no Brasil pela Norma Regulamentadora NR35), refere‐se que a escolha do tipo mais apropriado de meio de acesso aos postos de trabalho temporários em altura deverá ser feita em função da: (i) frequência de circulação; (ii) altura a atingir; e (iii) duração da utilização. O meio de acesso escolhido deve permitir a evacuação em caso de perigo iminente, devendo em qualquer caso dar‐se prioridade às medidas de protecção colectiva em relação às medidas de protecção individual, em aplicação de um dos princípios gerais de prevenção (princípio número 8) referido na Directiva‐quadro de SST atrás apresentada. São ainda apresentadas no âmbito destes trabalhos temporários em altura, disposições específicas relativas à utilização de: (i) escadas; (ii) andaimes (exigindo‐se, entre outros aspectos, a elaboração por uma pessoa competente de um plano de montagem, de utilização e de desmontagem); (iii) técnicas de acesso e de posicionamento por meio de cordas, exigindo‐se, por exemplo, que os sistemas sejam constituídos por duas cordas (corda de trabalho e corda de socorro). c) Directiva 89/656/CEE ‐ Directiva Utilização de EPI Esta Directiva respeita à utilização de equipamentos de protecção individual (EPI), definidos como qualquer equipamento destinado a ser usado ou detido pelo trabalhador para sua protecção contra um ou mais riscos susceptíveis de ameaçar a sua segurança ou saúde no trabalho, bem como qualquer complemento ou acessório destinado a esse objectivo. Estabelece‐se que os EPI devem ser utilizados quando os riscos existentes não puderem ser evitados ou suficientemente limitados por meios técnicos de protecção colectiva ou por medidas, métodos ou processos de organização do trabalho. 6 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção Esta Directiva estabelece um conjunto de obrigações da entidade patronal de que se destacam: (i) os EPI devem ser fornecidos gratuitamente, garantindo o seu bom funcionamento e estado de higiene satisfatório através da manutenção, reparações e substituições necessárias; (ii) proceder a uma apreciação do EPI, compreendendo uma análise e avaliação dos riscos que não podem ser evitados por outros meios e a definição das características necessárias para que os EPI obviem aos riscos identificados; (iii) informar previamente o trabalhador dos riscos contra os quais o equipamento de protecção individual o protege; (iv) assegurar a formação dos trabalhadores e fornecer‐lhes folhetos de instruções sobre a utilização dos EPI. Por outro lado, aos trabalhadores compete‐lhes por força da Directiva‐quadro atrás apresentada, Utilizar correctamente o equipamento de protecção individual posto à sua disposição e, após a sua utilização, arrumá‐lo no lugar que lhe corresponde. A Directiva inclui ainda três anexos relativos a: (i) Esquema indicativo para o inventário dos riscos com vista à utilização de protecção individual, relacionando os riscos com a parte do corpo a proteger; (ii) lista indicativa e não exaustiva dos equipamentos de protecção individual, de acordo com a parte do corpo a proteger; (iii) lista indicativa e não exaustiva das actividades e sectores de actividade para os quais podem ser necessários EPI. Nos quadros a seguir referem‐se exemplos de riscos a ter em conta com vista a avaliar a necessidade de utilização de EPI e exemplos de EPI em função da parte do corpo a proteger. Exemplos de riscos com vista a avaliar a necessidade de utilização de EPI FÍSICOS: Mecânicos (e.g. quedas, vibrações), térmicos (calor, frio), eléctricos, radiações e ruído. QUÍMICOS: Aerossóis (poeiras, fumos), líquidos (imersões, projecções) e gases. BIOLÓGICOS: Bactérias patogénicas, fungos. Exemplos de EPI em função da parte do corpo a proteger CABEÇA: Capacetes de protecção, Coberturas de protecção da cabeça. OUVIDOS: Tampões para os ouvidos; Capacetes envolventes; Protectores auriculares; Protectores contra o ruído. OLHOS E ROSTO: Óculos com aros; Óculos isolantes; Escudos faciais; Máscaras e capacetes para soldadura. VIAS RESPIRATÓRIAS: Dispositivos filtrantes; Dispositivos isolantes com aprovisionamento de ar. MÃOS E BRAÇOS: Luvas contra agressões mecânicas ou químicas; Luvas para electricistas e antitérmicas. PELE: Cremes de protecção. TRONCO E ABDÓMEN: Coletes, casacos e aventais de protecção contra agressões mecânicas ou químicas. PÉS E PERNAS: Botas de segurança; Sapatos com biqueira de protecção; Sapatos com sola anticalor; Sapatos e botas de protecção contra o calor, o frio ou vibrações; Sapatos e botas de protecção antiestáticos e/ou isolantes.
CORPO INTEIRO: Arneses; Vestuário de trabalho/fato‐macaco; Vestuário de protecção contra agressões mecânicas ou químicas; Vestuário de protecção contra calor ou frio; Vestuário fluorescente de sinalização/alta visibilidade. 7 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção d) Directiva 89/686/CEE ‐ Directiva Mercado de EPI A presente Directiva estabelece as condições para a colocação no mercado dos equipamentos de protecção individual (EPI) referidos na alínea anterior, com base num conjunto de exigências essenciais de segurança e saúde que estes EPI deverão satisfazer na sua concepção e fabrico. Essas exigências compreendem, de acordo com o anexo II da referida Directiva: (i) exigências aplicáveis a todos os EPI; (ii) exigências suplementares comuns a vários tipos de EPI; (iii) exigências suplementares específicas dos riscos a prevenir. O primeiro grupo de exigências (aplicáveis a todos os EPI) inclui: princípios de concepção (e.g. ergonomia e níveis e classes de protecção); inocuidade dos EPI (e.g. ausência de riscos, materiais constitutivos); factores de conforto e eficácia (e.g. adaptação à morfologia do utilizador, leveza); e manual de informações do fabricante (e.g. instruções de utilização, armazenamento, manutenção, etc.). As exigências suplementares comuns a vários tipos de EPI (segundo grupo) dependem, como a designação indica, do tipo de EPI, designadamente: EPI que têm sistemas de regulação; EPI que envolvem as partes do corpo a proteger (e.g. devem ser arejados); EPI da cara, olhos ou vias respiratórias (e.g. não devem restringir a visão); EPI sujeitos a envelhecimento (e.g. devem conter a data de fabrico e, sempre que possível, a data limite de validade ou a vida útil); EPI susceptíveis de ficarem presos e serem arrastados durante a utilização (e.g. devem possuir um limite de resistência à tração); EPI destinados a utilização em atmosferas explosiva (e.g. não podem originar faíscas de origem eléctrica susceptíveis de inflamar uma mistura explosiva; EPI que possam ser ligados a um dispositivo complementar externo (e.g. órgão de ligação apropriado ao dispositivo externo). Por último, as exigências suplementares específicas dos riscos a prevenir (terceiro grupo), incluem: protecção contra os choques mecânicos (e. g. queda de pessoas por escorregamento ou quedas de altura, vibrações mecânicas); protecção contra a compressão (estática) de uma parte do corpo (e.g. devem atenuar os efeitos da compressão); protecção contra as agressões físicas (e.g. cortes, incisões); prevenção do afogamento (e.g. coletes de salvação); protecção contra o ruído (e.g. devem poder atenuar o efeito do ruído de modo a que os níveis sonoros não excedam os valores limite de exposição diária definidos). Definem‐se ainda outras exigências quanto a protecções contra o calor, o frio, os choques eléctricos, entre outras. Para além destas exigências essenciais de segurança e saúde que os EPI devem satisfazer, esta Directiva estabelece também os processos de certificação que o fabricante deve implementar antes de colocar os EPI no mercado. Para tal, o fabricante deve reunir a documentação necessária para obter a conformidade dos EPI com as exigências essenciais atrás referidas, compreendendo: um dossier técnico de fabrico (desenhos de conjunto e de pormenor do EPI, incluindo, se necessário, notas de cálculo e resultados de ensaios, e uma lista das exigências essenciais de segurança e saúde, normas harmonizadas ou outras especificações técnicas utilizadas na concepção do modelo de EPI); descrição dos meios de controlo e de ensaio utilizados na fábrica; e um exemplar do manual de informações do EPI. A Directiva estabelece ainda que o fabricante pode escolher um dos seguintes procedimentos de controlo de fabrico: (i) sistema de garantia de qualidade “CE” do produto final; ou (ii) sistema de garantia de qualidade “CE” da produção com acompanhamento. No final deste processo, o fabricante emite a declaração de conformidade “CE” da produção e apõe a marcação “CE” no EPI. 8 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção e) Directiva 92/58/CEE ‐ Directiva Sinalização de SST Esta Directiva fixa prescrições mínimas para a sinalização de segurança e/ou de saúde no trabalho por intermédio de, consoante o caso, uma placa, uma cor, um sinal luminoso ou acústico, uma comunicação verbal ou um sinal gestual. Compete à entidade patronal prever a existência de sinalização de segurança e/ou de saúde no trabalho, sempre que os riscos não possam ser evitados ou suficientemente minorados com meios técnicos de protecção colectiva ou com medidas, métodos ou processos de organização do trabalho. Essa sinalização de segurança deverá obedecer a um conjunto de prescrições mínimas estabelecidas nos 9 anexos que fazem parte integrante dessa Directiva. Essas prescrições mínimas compreendem: (i) prescrições gerais relativas à sinalização de SST (e.g. formas de sinalização, intermutabilidade e complementaridade das sinalizações, cores da sinalização, eficácia da sinalização); (ii) prescrições gerais relativas às placas de sinalização (definição das placas a utilizar, e.g., sinais de proibição, sinais de aviso, sinais de obrigação, sinais de emergência, sinais de relativos ao material de combate a incêndios); (iii) prescrições relativas a sinalização de recipientes e tubagens; (iv) prescrições relativas à identificação e à localização do equipamento de combate a incêndios; (v) prescrições relativas à sinalização de obstáculos e locais perigosos e à marcação das vias de circulação; (vi) prescrições relativas aos sinais luminosos; (vii) prescrições relativas aos sinais acústicos; (viii) prescrições relativas à comunicação verbal; (ix) prescrições relativas aos sinais gestuais. A aplicação prática desta Directiva assenta, em geral, na utilização da sinalização oferecida no mercado, carecendo de uma definição mais orientadora sobre aspectos relativos ao fabrico dos sinais (incluindo, dimensões). Seria também desejável considerar a inscrição, por processo de gravação nos sinais, de informação mínima que permitisse a sua rastreabilidade (fabricante, legislação utilizada, ano de fabrico, etc.), incluindo uma declaração de conformidade a emitir pelos fabricantes, em processo similar aos EPI atrás referidos. O controlo do mercado de sinais de SST poderia ser efectuado a montante da distribuição desses sinais (designadamente, junto dos fabricantes, distribuidores, fornecedores) e criando‐se mecanismos para a verificação sistemática da adequabilidade da implementação dos sinais nos diferentes locais de trabalho. f) Directiva 2002/44/CE ‐ Directiva Vibrações Esta Directiva estabelece as prescrições mínimas em matéria de protecção dos trabalhadores contra os riscos para a sua segurança e saúde resultantes ou susceptíveis de resultar da exposição a vibrações mecânicas. Essas prescrições abrangem os seguintes dois tipos de vibrações mecânicas: (i) vibrações mecânicas transmitidas ao sistema mão‐braço; e (ii) vibrações mecânicas transmitidas a todo o organismo. As primeiras implicam riscos relativos a perturbações vasculares, lesões osteoarticulares, ou perturbações neurológicas ou musculares e, as segundas, riscos relativos a patologia da região lombar e lesões da coluna vertebral. Em ambos os casos, estabelecem‐se valores‐limite de exposição a vibrações mecânicas e valores de exposição que desencadeiam a acção que se apresentam no quadro a seguir. 9 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção Valores de exposição a vibrações mecânicas Vibrações transmitidas Vibrações transmitidas ao sistema mão‐braço a todo o organismo (*) Valor‐limite de exposição diária 5,00 m/s2
1,15 m/s2 Valor de exposição diária que desencadeia a acção
2,50 m/s2
0,50 m/s2 (*) Os Estados‐membros podem optar por estabelecer valores de dose, respectivamente, 21 m/s1,75 e 9,1 m/s1,75. Nos termos da Directiva‐quadro (89/391/CEE) atrás referida, compete à entidade patronal avaliar os riscos relativos às vibrações mecânicas procedendo, sempre que necessário, à medição dos níveis a que os trabalhadores estão expostos com base nos procedimentos referidos em anexo a essa Directiva. Os riscos resultantes da exposição a vibrações mecânicas devem ser eliminados na fonte ou reduzidos ao mínimo. Referem‐se ainda diversas disposições para evitar ou reduzir a exposição dos trabalhadores a vibrações mecânicas, designadamente: métodos de trabalho alternativos; escolha de equipamento de trabalho que produza o mínimo de vibrações; instalação de equipamento auxiliar (e.g. assentos que amorteçam eficazmente as vibrações transmitidas a todo o organismo e pegas que reduzam as vibrações transmitidas ao sistema mão‐braço); limitação da duração e da intensidade da exposição; horário de trabalho apropriado, com períodos de repouso adequados. g) Directiva 2003/10/CE ‐ Directiva Ruído Esta Directiva estabelece prescrições mínimas de protecção dos trabalhadores contra os riscos para a sua segurança e a saúde, decorrentes ou que possam decorrer, da exposição ao ruído e, especialmente, contra riscos para a audição. Estabelecem‐se também valores de exposição sonora diária e pressão acústica de pico que se apresentam no quadro a seguir. Valores de exposição sonora diária (LEX,8h )
e pressão acústica de pico (Ppeak) LEX,8h Ppeak Valores‐limite de exposição 87 db(A)
200 Pa ou 140 dB(C)
Valores de exposição superior que desencadeiam a acção
85 db(A)
140 Pa ou 137 dB(C)
Valores de exposição inferior que desencadeiam a acção
80 db(A)
112 Pa ou 135 dB(C)
Os valores de exposição inferiores que desencadeiam a acção determinam que a entidade patronal deve colocar protectores auriculares individuais à disposição dos trabalhadores. Os valores de exposição superiores obrigam ao uso de protectores auriculares individuais. A exposição dos trabalhadores não poderá exceder os valores‐limite de exposição. Nos termos da Directiva‐Quadro de SST (89/391/CEE) atrás referida, compete à entidade patronal avaliar os riscos relativos ao ruído procedendo, sempre que necessário, à medição dos níveis a que os trabalhadores estão expostos. Os riscos resultantes da exposição ao ruído devem ser eliminados na fonte ou reduzidos ao mínimo. Referem‐se ainda diversas disposições para evitar ou reduzir a exposição dos trabalhadores ao ruído através de medidas similares às apresentadas acima para a exposição a vibrações mecânicas, mas visando a eliminação ou redução do ruído. 10 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção h) Directiva 2006/42/CE ‐ Directiva Máquinas A presente Directiva constitui uma revisão da Directiva 98/37/CEE de 22 de Junho de 1998 que abrangia o mesmo domínio, isto é, as máquinas. O elevado número de acidentes provocados pela utilização das máquinas em muitos países, relevam a importância desta Directiva em todos os sectores de actividade económica. Pretende‐se garantir que a segurança seja integrada no processo de concepção e fabrico das máquinas. Para isso, a Directiva estabelece um conjunto de disposições que deverão ser cumpridas para uma máquina ser colocada no mercado e/ou entrar em serviço a fim de não comprometer a segurança e saúde das pessoas, designadamente trabalhadores, quanto aos riscos decorrentes da utilização das máquinas. A Directiva aplica‐se, designadamente, aos seguintes produtos: (i) máquinas; (ii) equipamento intermutável; (iii) componentes de segurança; (iv) acessórios de elevação; (v) correntes, cabos e correias; (vi) dispositivos amovíveis de transmissão mecânica; e (vii) quase‐máquinas. Para cada um destes produtos são explicitadas as respectivas definições, sendo que a designação de “máquina” pretende significar qualquer dos referidos produtos para efeitos de aplicação da Directiva. Esta Directiva estabelece, designadamente: (i) requisitos essenciais de segurança e saúde para as máquinas; (ii) conteúdo das declarações CE de conformidade; (iii) modelo de marcação CE; (iii) procedimentos de avaliação da conformidade das máquinas (controlo interno do fabrico da máquina, exame CE de tipo e/ou garantia de qualidade total, dependendo da máquina estar ou não incluída na lista contida no anexo IV da Directiva), incluindo o conteúdo do processo técnico. Os requisitos essenciais de segurança e saúde para as máquinas incluem, designadamente: (i) requisitos relativos à concepção e ao fabrico de máquinas; (ii) requisitos complementares para determinadas categorias de máquinas (e.g. máquinas portáteis mantidas em posição e/ou guiadas à mão, aparelhos de fixação e outras máquinas de impacto, máquinas para madeira), incluindo o manual de instruções; (iii) requisitos complementares para limitar os perigos associados à mobilidade das máquinas (e.g. postos de trabalho, sistemas de comando, protecção contra perigos de natureza mecânica – capotamento e tombamento, protecção contra outros perigos – incêndio, emissões de substâncias perigosas, informações – sinalização, sinais, avisos e marcação); (iv) requisitos complementares para limitar os perigos associados a operações de elevação (e.g. estabilidade, caminhos de rolamento, resistência mecânica, roldanas, tambores, rolos, cabos e correntes, acessórios de elevação); (v) requisitos complementares para máquinas utilizadas em trabalhos subterrâneos (e.g. estabilidade, dispositivos de comando, interrupção da deslocação, incêndio, emissões de gases de escape); (vi) requisitos complementares para máquinas que impliquem perigo específico devido a operações de elevação de pessoas (e.g. resistência mecânica, riscos para as pessoas que se encontrem no habitáculo ou sobre o mesmo, máquinas que servem pisos fixos). Em suma, o principal objectivo desta Directiva consiste em limitar a colocação no mercado e/ou a entrada em serviço das máquinas que cumpram as disposições dessa Directiva, com base no princípio da presunção da conformidade da máquina conferida pela aposição da “Marcação CE” e a emissão de uma “Declaração CE de conformidade” pelo fabricante da máquina. 11 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção 2.2. Directivas específicas do sector da construção no âmbito da SST A Directiva Europeia especificamente destinada ao sector da construção é a Directiva 92/57/CEE do Conselho, de 24 de Junho de 1992 (designada por “Directiva Estaleiros/Canteiros”), relativa às prescrições mínimas de segurança e de saúde a aplicar nos estaleiros temporários ou móveis (oitava directiva especial na acepção do nº 1 do artigo 16º da Directiva 89/391/CEE). Esta Directiva introduziu: (i) o novo conceito de coordenação de segurança e saúde baseado numa nova cadeia de responsabilidades (incluindo o dono da obra ou proprietário e os projectistas, para além dos construtores que ampliam as suas responsabilidades que já tinham em matéria de SST); (ii) novos documentos de prevenção de riscos ocupacionais na construção (a comunicação prévia, o plano de segurança e saúde para a fase de execução e outro documento relativo à segurança e saúde para a fase de exploração/manutenção); e (iii) novos intervenientes em matéria de segurança e saúde (os coordenadores de segurança e saúde para a fase de concepção/projecto e para a fase de execução). Esta nova abordagem para a implementação e melhoria da segurança e saúde no sector da construção abrange as fases de concepção, execução física dos trabalhos e a exploração/manutenção (nas intervenções posteriores à conclusão da obra), representando um desafio para todos os intervenientes no processo de construção. Isto é, a Directiva Estaleiros/Canteiros cobre a SST dos trabalhadores durante todo o ciclo de vida das obras. Uma análise mais detalhada das disposições desta Directiva será apresentada posteriormente no âmbito do Produto 4 do presente projecto de cooperação entre a UE e o MTE do Brasil. Importa ainda referir que em 1989, foi publicada uma outra Directiva específica para o sector da construção mas aplicável aos produtos de incorporação permanente nas obras. Refere‐se à Directiva 89/106/CEE do Conselho de 21 de Dezembro de 1988 relativa à aproximação das disposições legislativas, regulamentares e administrativas dos Estados‐Membros no que respeita aos produtos de construção. Porém, essa Directiva foi revogada pelo Regulamento 305/2011 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho de 9 de Março de 2011, relativo aos produtos de construção para incorporação permanente nas obras de construção civil (isto é, obras de edifícios) e de engenharia civil (isto é, obras de infra‐estruturas, como estradas, pontes, viadutos, etc., área que no Brasil é designada, em geral, por obras de construção pesada). Este Regulamento especifica 7 requisitos básicos das obras de construção, incluindo a necessidade de assegurar a segurança e saúde dos trabalhadores quando estes utilizam esses produtos de construção de incorporação permanente. Trata‐se assim de um regulamento que, embora não se enquadre no âmbito da gestão da segurança e saúde na construção, merece referência por incluir também preocupações no âmbito da segurança e saúde dos trabalhadores da construção, designadamente, quando estes manipulam materiais que podem afectar a sua segurança e/ou saúde nos locais de trabalho. 12 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção 3. Normas Técnicas Europeias A legislação Europeia (consubstanciada em Regulamentos, Directivas e Decisões) estabelece, em geral, prescrições mínimas e exigências essenciais para os produtos, deixando para outros organismos (em geral, privados) para elaborarem normas técnicas (com estatuto não obrigatório) que especificam a forma (ou formas) como devem ser cumpridas essas exigências legislativas. Esta abordagem insere‐se no conceito geral de produção de legislação baseada no desempenho que tem vindo a ser adoptada desde há vários anos por organismos internacionais e por governos de diversos países do mundo na produção da legislação. Essa abordagem (baseada no desempenho, em contraponto à abordagem prescritiva) pretende ter em conta o progresso técnico dos produtos em acelerada evolução no tempo e tendencialmente mais seguros e adequados, contribuindo para a redução do esforço humano e o aumento da produtividade no trabalho. À legislação requer‐se que seja estável no tempo, facilitando o seu cumprimento por parte dos operadores económicos, sem impedir a aplicação de métodos e processos de cumprimento que acompanhem a evolução técnica. Por isso, a abordagem baseada no desempenho tem vindo cada vez mais a ganhar expressão sobre a abordagem clássica prescritiva. Uma legislação em constante mutação e detalhada dificulta o seu cumprimento. Considera‐se por isso que a estabilidade da legislação é um indicador importante do nível de cumprimento em cada país ou região por parte dos operadores económicos e, em particular, em matéria de segurança e saúde no trabalho da construção (veja‐se a este propósito a subsecção 2.1 do presente documento). Na União Europeia a elaboração de normas técnicas está cometida ao CEN (Comité Europeu de Normalização) e ao CENELEC (Comité Europeu de Normalização Electrotécnica), reconhecidos como os organismos competentes para adoptar normas harmonizadas em conformidade com as orientações gerais da UE ratificadas em 1984. Na UE estas normas são referenciadas por “EN” seguidas por um número (e.g. EN #####) e elaboradas em três idiomas oficiais (Inglês, Francês e Alemão). Quando o CEN/CENELEC adopta uma norma internacional ISO (Organização Internacional de Normalização) à designação inicial precede a referência “EN” (e.g. EN ISO #####). As EN são revistas em geral cada 5 anos. Uma norma técnica é um documento (ou especificação técnica) que estabelece requisitos e/ou recomendações para um determinado produto (tangível ou intangível) ou descreve um determinado método ou procedimento (e.g. método de medição ou ensaio, incluindo o estabelecimento de terminologia comum num determinado sector). As normas facilitam o comércio internacional, garantindo a compatibilidade e interoperabilidade dos produtos, beneficiando as empresas e consumidores em termos de redução de custos, melhoria do desempenho e de segurança. São desenvolvidas e definidas através de um processo de partilha de conhecimento e de consenso entre os especialistas técnicos nomeados pelas partes interessadas. Sempre que uma norma EN é estabelecida, todos os 33 países membros do CEN/CENELEC têm a obrigação de a adoptar como norma nacional e retirar qualquer outra norma existente a nível nacional que entre em conflito com a nova EN. É da responsabilidade do membro do CEN num dado país a tradução da norma para o idioma nacional. 13 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção Porém, as normas técnicas são voluntárias, o que significa que não há nenhuma obrigação legal automática para as aplicar. No entanto, as leis ou regulamentos podem fazer referência a essas normas (como exemplo de boa prática), podendo ainda tornar o seu cumprimento obrigatório. As normas técnicas Europeias são estabelecidas por comités técnicos (TC‐Technical Committees), organizados por áreas temáticas que reúnem especialistas técnicos nomeados pelos países membros do CEN/CENELEC. Dos actuais 424 comités técnicos criados pelo CEN, foram seleccionados 34 que, a critério do autor do presente documento, se relacionam direta ou indirectamente com a SST, conforme se apresenta no quadro a seguir. Lista não exaustiva de grupos de Normas Técnicas Europeias relacionadas com a SST
Comité técnico
Período de publicação
Nr. normas
TC 10 ‐ Elevadores e escadas rolantes
(1995 ‐ 2013)
TC 53 ‐ Equipamento de trabalhos temporários
(1996 ‐ 2012)
TC 79 ‐ Dispositivos de proteção respiratória
(1994 ‐ 2009)
TC 85 ‐ Equipamento de proteção dos olhos
(1994 ‐ 2012)
TC 93 ‐ Escadas
(2003 ‐ 2012)
TC 98 ‐ Plataformas elevatórias
(2008 ‐ 2013)
TC 114 ‐ Segurança de máquinas
(2001 ‐ 2012)
TC 121 ‐ Soldadura
(1991 ‐ 2013)
TC 122 ‐ Ergonomia
(1993 ‐ 2012)
TC 137 ‐ Avaliação da exposição a agentes químicos e biológicos no local de trabalho
(1993 ‐ 2012)
TC 142 ‐ Máquinas para trabalhos em madeira ‐ Segurança
(2001 ‐ 2013)
TC 143 ‐ Máquinas‐ferramenta ‐ Segurança
(2001 ‐ 2012)
TC 147 ‐ Gruas ‐ Segurança
(2004 ‐ 2013)
TC 151 ‐ Equipamentos de construção e máquinas de material de construção ‐ Segurança
(1998 ‐ 2013)
TC 158 ‐ Proteção da cabeça
(1997 ‐ 2013)
TC 159 ‐ Protectores auriculares
(2001 ‐ 2008)
TC 160 ‐ Protecção contra as quedas de altura incluindo cintos de trabalho
(1992 ‐ 2013)
TC 161 ‐ Protectores das pernas e pés
(2004 ‐ 2012)
TC 162 ‐ Roupa de protecção incluindo proteção dos braços e mãos e coletes salva‐vidas
(1992 ‐ 2013)
TC 168 ‐ Correntes, cordas, correias, eslingas e acessórios ‐ Segurança
(2000 ‐ 2011)
TC 169 ‐ Luz e iluminação
(1999 ‐ 2013)
TC 183 ‐ Gestão de resíduos
(2006 ‐ 2012)
TC 185 ‐ Elementos de fixação
(1991 ‐ 2013)
TC 191 ‐ Sistemas de combate a incêndio fixos
(1994 ‐ 2012)
TC 192 ‐ Equipamento de serviço ao fogo e ao resgate
(2002 ‐ 2013)
TC 231 ‐ Vibração mecânica e choque
(1992 ‐ 2013)
TC 232 ‐ Compressores, bombas de vácuo e seus sistemas
(2008 ‐ 2010)
TC 255 ‐ Ferramentas não eléctricas manuais ‐ Segurança
(2008 ‐ 2012)
TC 292 ‐ Caracterização de resíduos
(2001 ‐ 2013)
TC 305 ‐ Atmosferas potencialmente explosivas ‐ Prevenção e protecção contra explosão
(2002 ‐ 2012)
TC 319 ‐ Manutenção
(2006 ‐ 2011)
TC 321 ‐ Explosivos para uso civil
(2002 ‐ 2006)
TC 351 ‐ Produtos de Construção ‐ Avaliação da emissão de substâncias perigosas
(2009 ‐ 2012)
I17 ‐ Máquinas em geral (incluindo a segurança)
Número total de normas selecionadas:
Neste quadro refere‐se a descrição da área de intervenção de cada um desses TC seleccionados, incluindo os respectivos período de publicação e número de normas técnicas elaboradas e em elaboração. No conjunto, esses TC publicaram mais de 2000 normas técnicas que estão em vigor na UE, sendo que algumas são revisões de normas anteriores. Ao contrário das Directivas Europeias (ver subsecção 2.1) que requerem estabilidade legislativa, nas Normas Técnicas Europeias prevalecem períodos de publicação recentes (note‐se a forte tendência dos anos 2012 e 2013 no limite superior desses períodos de publicação na maioria dos TC). Tal revela a preocupação do CEN para actualizar as normas técnicas acompanhando o progresso técnico dos produtos que o mundo tem conhecido nos últimos anos. 14 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção Importa distinguir os seguintes dois grupos de normas técnicas: (i) normas técnicas abrangidas por uma Directiva Europeia; e (ii) normas técnicas desenvolvidas sem referência a uma Directiva Europeia. No primeiro grupo incluem‐se, por exemplo, as normas técnicas relativas aos equipamentos de protecção individual (abrangidas pela Directiva 89/686/CEE), e às máquinas (abrangidas pela Directiva 2006/42/CE), sendo que, em ambos os casos, estas normas culminam com a Marcação CE nesses produtos e são citadas no JOUE (Jornal Oficial da União Europeia). Estas normas destinam‐se a facilitar a prova de presunção de conformidade com as exigências essenciais estabelecidas nas respectivas Directivas. No segundo grupo incluem‐se todas as outras normas técnicas, isto é, não visam a marcação CE e também não são citadas no JOUE. Constituem essencialmente requisitos e/ou recomendações de boa prática, podendo todavia ser utilizadas também para uma lei ou regulamento as tornar obrigatórias. Incluem‐se neste grupo, por exemplo, diversas normas no âmbito dos equipamentos de protecção colectiva (e.g. guarda‐corpos, andaimes, redes de segurança). Importa salientar que a maioria dos requisitos das normas técnicas aplicáveis a produtos (e.g. EPI, máquinas, etc.) destina‐se aos seus fabricantes que deverão emitir certificados de conformidade CE e apor a Marcação CE nos respectivos produtos (isto é, estatuto de presunção de conformidade do produto), de acordo com as exigências específicas de cada norma técnica, nos termos atrás referidos. Porém, estas normas incluem também requisitos que interessam aos utilizadores desses produtos, designadamente no que respeita aos processos de montagem e desmontagem, quando aplicável (que, em muitos casos, devem ser efectuadas por pessoal qualificado para o efeito), às marcações que devem exibir e às instruções de utilização e de manutenção estabelecidas pelos fabricantes. Às obras de construção, enquanto utilizadores desses produtos, interessa sobretudo assegurar e controlar a adequação desses certificados e dessas marcações, e ainda cumprir com as instruções de uso e de manutenção nos períodos estabelecidos pelos fabricantes. 3.1. Normas técnicas gerais aplicáveis a diversos sectores de actividade económica A lista de normas técnicas mais relevantes relacionadas com a SST (elaboradas pelos comités técnicos seleccionados) é apresentada no anexo b) do presente documento na versão Inglesa (na ausência de versão em Português dessa lista). A tradução de uma norma para o idioma nacional é, em geral, um processo demorado e não simples, devido aos numerosos e diferentes termos técnicos utilizados por cada país (por vezes, o mesmo termo possui significado diferente noutro país). Os catálogos nacionais sobre normas EN apenas incluem as normas produzidas no próprio país e as que são traduzidas para o idioma nacional. Neste último caso, a designação da norma é obtida precedendo a referência da EN das letras que referenciam a norma nacional (por exemplo, em Portugal, NP EN ##### ou, se a norma tem procedência na ISO e já foi adoptada pelo CEN, a referência é NP EN ISO #####). 15 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção 3.2. Normas técnicas específicas do sector da construção A lista de normas técnicas apresentada na subsecção 3.1 anterior aplica‐se a diversos sectores de actividade económica, mas também ao sector da construção. Porém, dessa lista apresentada no anexo b), assumem particular relevância e com aplicação específica ao sector da construção as normas técnicas sombreadas que se resumem no quadro a seguir. Comité Técnico (TC ‐ Technical Committee) Normas EN mais relevantes para o sector da construção
TC 10 ‐ Elevadores e escadas rolantes EN 12158 (elevadores de obra para materiais); EN 12159 (elevadores de obra para pessoas e materiais) TC 53 ‐ Equipamento de trabalhos temporários EN 1065 (prumos telescópicos de aço); EN 1263 (redes de segurança); EN 12810 e EN 12811 (andaimes); EN 13371 (escoramentos de valas); EN 13374 (guarda‐corpos); EN 13377 (vigas de madeira prefabricadas para fôrmas); EN 14643 (escoramentos para suporte de terrenos); EN 16031 (prumos telescópicos de alumínio) TC 93 ‐ Escadas EN 131 (escadas)
TC 98 ‐ Plataformas elevatórias EN 280 (plataformas elevatórias)
TC 142 ‐ Máquinas para trabalhos madeira
EN 1870 (serras circulares)
TC 147 ‐ Gruas EN 13000 (gruas móveis); EN 14439 (gruas‐torre) TC 151 ‐ Equipamentos de construção e EN 12418 (máquinas para corte de alvenaria); máquinas de material de construção EN 12649 (máquinas para compactação de concreto); EN 474 (máquinas para movimento de terras) TC 160 ‐ Protecção contra as quedas de altura incluindo cintos de trabalho EN 354 (talabartes); EN 355 (absorvedores de energia); EN 361 (arneses/cintos de corpo inteiro); EN 795 (dispositivos de ancoragem) TC 168 ‐ Correntes, cordas, correias, EN 12385 (cabos de aço); eslingas e acessórios EN 1492 (eslingas têxteis); EN 1677 (eslingas de aço); EN 818 (correntes) Importa salientar que, em geral, as normas técnicas citadas no Jornal Oficial da União Europeia (JOUE) são as que respeitam aos Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI) e às Máquinas, conferindo direito à Marcação CE e declaração CE de conformidade, isto é, assentam no princípio da presunção de conformidade. As normas técnicas referidas no quadro‐resumo acima encontram‐se nesse grupo, com excepção das normas elaboradas pelo comité técnico TC 53 (equipamentos de trabalhos temporários). Esta excepção justifica‐se por não existir ainda uma Directiva Europeia abrangendo os equipamentos de protecção colectiva (EPC, como por exemplo, guarda‐corpos, redes de segurança, andaimes, etc.). Assim, estes EPC não podem conter a Marcação CE. 16 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção 4. Normas aplicáveis ao transporte vertical de pessoas e materiais (elevadores de obra) Os elevadores de obra (builders hoists) podem ser classificados, quanto à sua utilização, em: (i) elevadores para transporte de materiais; e (ii) elevadores para transporte de pessoas e materiais. Na União Europeia, os primeiros estão especificados na norma EN 12158 (Builders hoists for goods) e os segundos na norma EN 12159 (Builders hoists for persons and materials with vertically guided cages). Em ambos os casos, estas normas estão abrangidas pela Directiva Máquinas (2006/42/CE), aplicando‐se assim a estes elevadores de obra o princípio da presunção de conformidade, isto é, só podem ser colocados no mercado e postos em serviço se tiverem aposta a “Marcação CE” e possuírem “Declaração CE de Conformidade” emitida pelo fabricante. Por outro lado, conforme referido na secção 3 do presente documento, a maioria dos requisitos das normas referidas destina‐se aos fabricantes que os devem cumprir na concepção e fabrico destes equipamentos visando a presunção de conformidade. Porém, no presente documento assume‐se a óptica do utilizador do equipamento (e não a do fabricante), isto é, assume‐se a perspectiva de uma obra que necessita de um elevador e que tem de cumprir com os procedimentos previstos pelo fabricante em matéria de instruções de uso e de manutenção. Quanto ao sistema de suspensão, os elevadores de obra podem ser classificados em dois tipos: (i) elevadores de pinhão e cremalheira (rack and pinion drive), adiante designados por “elevadores de cremalheira”; e (ii) elevadores guiados por cabo de aço (wire rope suspension), adiante designados por “elevadores de cabo”. Essas normas prevêem ainda um terceiro tipo de sistema de suspensão designado por macaco hidráulico (hydraulic jack), desconhecendo‐se a sua utilização na prática corrente e, por isso, este sistema não é aqui considerado. Um elevador de cremalheira (pessoas e/ou materiais) consiste num veículo (gaiola/cabina ou plataforma) que se eleva ou baixa por meio de um ou mais pinhões rotativos que engrenam numa cremalheira contínua, e em paralelo, com um ou mais mastros de suporte estrutural. Nestes elevadores, o mastro de apoio (ou mastros) atua como guia do veículo e pode ser colocado na posição vertical livre até uma altura limitada, acima da qual são necessárias ligações ancoradas em intervalos regulares ao edifício ou estrutura para apoio do mastro (ou mastros). As portas da gaiola e de saída nos pisos devem estar interligados na abertura. O elevador pode ser controlado desde a gaiola/cabina ou de qualquer dos pisos de saída. Nos elevadores de cremalheira para utilização por pessoas, o veículo deverá ser obrigatoriamente constituído por uma gaiola/cabina totalmente fechada para protecção das pessoas. O número máximo de pessoas é determinado considerando 0,2 m2 (área de piso da gaiola/cabina) por pessoa e o peso por pessoa de 80 kg. Nos elevadores para transporte exclusivamente de materiais, o veículo pode ser constituído por uma plataforma com protecção lateral para retenção dos materiais, não sendo permitidas pessoas excepto quando a plataforma está estacionada para apenas carga e/ou descarga. Em qualquer dos casos, deve respeitar‐se a carga nominal máxima permitida de acordo com o manual de instruções do fabricante do elevador (em geral da ordem dos 3‐4 kN/m2). 17 D
Directivas e No
ormas Técnicaas Europeias m
mais relevantess relacionadas com o Sector r da Construção Na figgura a seguirr apresentam
m‐se dois exeemplos de e
elevadores de
e cremalheirra para transsporte de peessoas e matteriais (EN 12
2159) e para transporte d
de apenas m
materiais (EN 12158). Os elevadores dee cabo (pesso
oas e/ou maateriais) são semelhantes aos anterioores, sendo que o veícu
ulo (gaiola/caabina ou plataforma) é eelevado e baaixado por m
meio de caboos de aço (m
mínimo de dois cabos in
es um do ooutro por razões de se
egurança). O
O mecanism
mo de nestes elevaddores é um tambor de en
nrolamento ddos cabos de
e aço. accionamento maais comum n
Do m
mesmo mod
do que nos elevadoress de cremalheira, neste
es elevadorees de cabo para transsporte de peessoas, o veíículo deveráá também se
er obrigatoriamente connstituído porr uma gaiolaa/cabina tottalmente fecchada, a quaal é guiada por um motor, quer naa subida, qu
uer na descida que é asssim devidam
mente controolada. Na Un
nião Europeia este tipo dde elevadore
es por cabo não são muito utilizadoss para o trannsporte de pe
essoas. Nestes ele
evadores po
or cabo, taal como no
os de cremalheira, o mastro de apoio ( ou mastros)) atua do na como guiaa do veículo e pode ser colocad
posição vertical livre atté uma alturra limitada, acima da qual são necessárias ligaçõess, ancorada
as em intervalos regulares ao
o edifício o u estrutura,, para mastro (ou m
mastros). As pportas da ga
aiola e apoio do m
de saída nos pisos devem d
estarr interligado
os na abertura. As A unidades de acciona mento estão
o, em geral, locaalizadas na base do el evador (nívvel do solo), emb
bora possam
m ser localizaadas noutro
o local que permiita uma bo
oa visibilidadde sobre to
odo o percurso do veículo (ga
aiola/cabina ou plataform
ma). Na figura ao lado ap
presenta‐se um exemp
plo de elevador de cabo para p
transpporte apena
as de materiais (EN 12158). 18 D
Directivas e No
ormas Técnicaas Europeias m
mais relevantess relacionadas com o Sector r da Construção Em q
qualquer doss casos, os elevadores e
dde obra (cre
emalheira ou
u cabo) deveem dispor de d um Manu
ual de Instrruções no idioma do ppaís do utilizador/usuárrio, com tooda a inform
mação pertin
nente para a colocação
o em serviçço e funcionamento. Devem D
aindaa conter divversas marcações consu
ubstanciadas na aposiçãoo de rótulos ffixados em lo
ocais aproprriados do ele
evador e seu
us elemento
os, designadamente os que se apre
esentam a seguir s
que iinclui o conteúdo mínim
mo exigido. Placca do Fabriccante
Rótulo n
na cabina d
do elevador
Logotipo do Fabricante
(altura mín
ínima dos caracteres 25 mm))
Carga nom
minal Dessignação tipo Número Série Ano construção
N.º max. p
Carga nominal Ve
elocidade nominall Altura elevaçãão
Distribuir aa carga unifformemente
< Dados sobrre cabos de aço, ccaso aplicável >
nome >
< e
endereço >
Róótulo de infoormação bássica ao usuáário
Logotipo do Fabricante
Logotipo do Fabricante
• Alttura do mastro:
• Saaliência superior do mastro:
N.º certificado de exame de tipo
• Juntas do mastro apparafusadas (diâm
metro e qualidade ddo paarafuso, torque dee aperto):
M...x…; …; …
… Nm
• Foonte de alimentaçãão:
• Opperação em posiçãão livre:
• Distâncias de seguraança: ‐ À volta do elevador:
‐ Acima da ccabina:
• Esboço das ancorageens do mastro, coom distâncias entree as ancoragens:
• Poosição da cabina foora de serviço:
• Obbservar as instruçõões de operação:
Rótulo no disp
positivo de exce
esso de velocid
V Hz
Ano construção m
• Infformação relativa a instalações quando o contrapesoo está acima de espaço aceessível:
(ver anexo, se applicável
< nome >
<< endereço >
Rótulo n
no motor de accionamento
Logotipo do Fabricante
(ver anexo …)
Na base, sem
m carga
Número Série Velocidade de disp
Designação do tipo
Ano construção Número Série Potência e frequên
kW Hz
< nome >
<< endereço >
Rótulo na b
base (invólu
ucro da cabiina)
Acesso ao interior do
o invólucro d
da cabina restrito apenas a pessoaas autorizzadas e com
19 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção Na perspectiva do controlo em obra (utilizador/usuário), e não do controlo do fabricante conforme atrás se referiu, a utilização de elevadores de obra passa por garantir a verificação de um conjunto de pontos‐chave, designadamente: a) marcação CE e declaração de conformidade CE; b) montagem do elevador de obra por pessoa competente (em geral, pessoal do fabricante, representante ou distribuidor do equipamento); c) designação de um operador treinado e competente para conduzir o elevador durante o tempo que este for utilizado na obra e, consoante o caso, de um substituto quando aquele operador não está ao serviço na obra; d) recepção do elevador da obra após a sua montagem e a realização de todos os testes de operacionalidade (incluindo, a demonstração de colocação em serviço e funcionamento integral do elevador, designadamente, dos dispositivos de segurança); e) recepção da documentação que obrigatoriamente deve acompanhar o equipamento no idioma do país da obra (e.g. manual de instruções, listas de verificação de pré‐uso devidamente preenchidas e assinadas pelo montador do elevador, informação relativa a manutenções, listas de verificação que devam ser implementadas pelo operador do elevador, em geral, diária e semanalmente); f) informação sobre as situações e períodos de tempo em que o operador deva requerer a presença do montador do elevador, designadamente, para a realização de inspecções que devam ser efectuadas por pessoa qualificada, em particular, as inspecções profundas (thorough inspections) que devem ser realizadas com a periodicidade definida no Manual de Instruções. Por outro lado, especial atenção deve merecer o controlo da velocidade do vento com o auxílio de anemómetros montados nos locais apropriados, para interrupção do trabalho sempre que essa velocidade ultrapasse os valores definidos no Manual de Instruções. Esses valores da velocidade do vento são definidos nas normas EN 12158 e EN 12159 para as seguintes situações: (i) vento máximo na montagem e desmontagem do elevador, isto é, a velocidade do vento a partir da qual as operações de montagem ou desmontagem não devem prosseguir; (ii) vento máximo de serviço, isto é, velocidade do vento a partir da qual o elevador deve deixar de operar; e (iii) vento máximo fora de serviço, isto é, velocidade do vento para a qual o elevador foi dimensionado quando se encontra em posição de repouso. Este último caso (vento máximo fora de serviço), assume particular importância na selecção do elevador adequado para uma dada obra em função da sua localização territorial, isto é, da região do país onde se localiza a obra e também da altura acima do solo e da orografia e rugosidade do terreno. A norma Brasileira NBR 6123 (Forças devidas ao vento em edificações) fornece informação para ajudar nessa selecção do elevador adequado para uma dada obra a partir das isopletas da velocidade básica do vento. O nível de pressão sonora na base do elevador, expresso em dB(A), também deve ser controlado através da medição a uma distância de um metro a contar da parte exterior do invólucro da base do elevador e a uma altura de 1,60 metros da base de apoio. O valor máximo deve ser definido pelo fabricante [por exemplo, 80 dB(A)], tendo em conta a Directiva relativa ao ruído, referida na subsecção 2.1 – a) do presente documento. 20 D
Directivas e No
ormas Técnicaas Europeias m
mais relevantess relacionadas com o Sector r da Construção Apressentam‐se a a seguir os valores míínimos de cálculo c
dos elevadores de obra que os fabriccantes devem
m seguir de acordo com
m as normas acima referidas, os quaais determina
am os valores máximoss a considerar durante a sua utiliização em obra o
que im
mporta conttrolar. Apressenta‐se aind
da o mapa das isopletas da velocidad
de básica do vento no Brrasil. ento no Brasiil (NBR 6123)) Isopletas da velocidade básica do ve
21 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção Tendo em conta o que atrás se referiu, resumem‐se no quadro a seguir os principais pontos‐
chave do controlo de elevadores em obra, os quais poderão e deverão ser complementados por outras verificações de acordo com as condições de localização e características da envolvente do elevador em cada canteiro de obra. Pontos‐chave do controlo de elevadores de obra na perspectiva do usuário (obra) C Localização do elevador no canteiro de obra: ______________________________________________ NC
Tipo de elevador:  Pinhão e cremalheira;  Cabo de aço;  Outro ___________________________ Marcação CE e declaração de conformidade CE Manual de Instruções no idioma do país da obra (usuário) Placa do fabricante do elevador Rótulo de identificação em cada secção do mastro Rótulo com informação básica ao usuário Rótulo na cabina Rótulo na base (invólucro da cabina) Rótulo no dispositivo de excesso de velocidade Rótulo no motor de accionamento Marcação de elementos de controlo Nível de pressão sonora a um metro do invólucro da base e 1,60 de altura da base de apoio Nota Técnica de cálculo e documento de responsabilidade do projectista das fundações do elevador Estabilidade da base de apoio do elevador Registo da montagem do elevador por pessoa competente Registo de recepção do elevador após montagem e realização de todos os testes de operacionalidade Operador treinado e competente para operar o elevador Listas de verificação de pré‐uso devidamente preenchidas e assinadas pelo montador do elevador Informação sobre situações e períodos de tempo que requerem a presença do montador do elevador Anemómetro de controlo da velocidade do vento e informação sobre a velocidade máxima em serviço e fora de serviço Registo das verificações diárias efectuadas pelo operador Registo das verificações semanais efectuadas pelo operador Registo de todas as manutenções efectuadas de acordo com o manual de instruções Avaliação geral do elevador após qualquer interrupção prolongada no uso do elevador Avaliação geral do elevador após qualquer mudança das condições de uso (e.g. diferentes cargas) Avaliação geral do elevador após qualquer acidente ou incidente, devido a disfunção do elevador ou na sequência de condições atmosféricas adversas … C = Conforme; NC = Não conforme 22 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção 5. Considerações finais No presente documento apresentou‐se uma lista de referências das Directivas Europeias no âmbito da segurança e saúde no trabalho aplicáveis aos diversos sectores de actividade económica e consequentemente também aplicáveis ao sector da construção em que se insere este projecto de cooperação entre a União Europeia e o Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego do Brasil. Dessa lista, extraíram‐se algumas Directivas que se consideram mais relevantes, para as quais se apresentou uma breve descrição do seu conteúdo. Na figura a seguir apresenta‐se um resumo dessas Directivas que mereceram especial atenção. Directiva 89/391/CEE (Directiva‐quadro de SST) Directiva 89/655/CEE Directiva 92/58/CEE
Directiva 2002/44/CE (Equipamentos de trabalho) (Sinalização de SST) (Vibrações) Directiva 89/656/CEE Directiva 92/57/CEE
Directiva 2003/10/CE (Utilização de EPI) (SST na Construção) (Ruído) A Directiva 92/57/CEE, relativa à segurança e saúde nos estaleiros/canteiros temporários ou móveis, apresentada nessa figura a sombreado, é a que maior interesse possui para o sector da construção. Porém, neste documento apresenta‐se apenas uma breve descrição, tendo em conta que a sua caracterização e aplicação a este sector de forma mais desenvolvida constitui o objecto principal do Produto 4 do projecto de cooperação acima mencionado entre a UE e o MTE‐Brasil. Por outro lado, tendo por base algumas das Directivas atrás referidas, diversas normas técnicas foram e continuam a ser desenvolvidas pelo Comité Europeu de Normalização (CEN). Essas normas são designadas por Normas Europeias “EN”, tendo sido apresentada uma lista de referências dessas normas relacionadas directa ou indirectamente com a segurança e saúde no trabalho e aplicáveis aos diversos sectores de actividade económica, incluindo um subconjunto de normas EN mais relevantes para o sector da construção. Essas normas destinam‐se, em geral, aos fabricantes dos equipamentos de protecção individual (EPI) e das máquinas, facilitando a colocação no mercado desses produtos com base no conceito de presunção da conformidade. Na figura a seguir apresenta‐se a relação entre as Directivas e as normas técnicas EN. Colocação no mercado de EPI e Máquinas Directiva 89/686/CEE (EPI) Normas Técnicas EN (EPI) Presunção da conformidade  Marcação CE; e  Declaração de conformidade CE
Directiva 2006/42/CEE (Máquinas) Normas Técnicas EN (Máquinas) Por último, apresentaram‐se em particular as normas EN aplicáveis aos elevadores de obra, incluindo uma descrição das principais características na perspectiva do usuário (isto é, da obra). 23 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção 24 Página intencionalmente em branco DG EMPREGO, ASSUNTOS SOCIAIS E INCLUSÃO ANEXOS 11 Março 2013 Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção Página intencionalmente em branco Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção a) Anexo Lista não exaustiva de Directivas Europeias relacionadas com a SST Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção Página intencionalmente em branco Directivas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Lista não exaustiva de grupos de Directivas Europeias relacionadas com a SST
Período publicação
Nr. Directivas
Directiva‐quadro de segurança e saúde no trabalho
Agentes Químicos (1991 ‐ 2006)
Amianto (1983 ‐ 2003)
Atmosferas Explosivas
(1993 ‐ 2002)
Equipamentos de protecção individual (utilização) (1989)
Equipamentos de trabalho (utilização) (1989 ‐ 2006)
Estaleiros Temporários ou Móveis (1992)
Locais de trabalho (1989)
Movimentação manual de cargas (1990)
Movimentação mecânica de cargas (1995 ‐ 2000)
Proibição de certos agentes específicos e/ou de certas actividades (1983 ‐ 2000)
Radiações ionizantes (1976 ‐ 1996)
Riscos eléctricos (1973 ‐ 1994)
Ruído (2003)
Sinalização de segurança (1977 ‐ 1992)
Valores limite de exposição profissional (1991 ‐ 2006)
Vibrações (2002)
Número total de Directivas Europeias relacionadas com a SST:
Lista não exaustiva de Directivas Europeias relacionadas com a SST
Directiva‐quadro de segurança e saúde no trabalho
Directiva 89/391/CEE do Conselho, de 12 de Junho de 1989, relativa à aplicação de medidas destinadas a promover a melhoria da segurança e da saúde dos trabalhadores no trabalho
Agentes Químicos Directiva 2006/15/CE, de 07 de Fevereiro, que estabelece uma segunda lista de valores limite de exposição profissional indicativos para execução da Directiva 98/24/CE do Conselho e que altera as Directivas 91/322/CEE e 2000/39/CE
Directiva 2000/39/CE, de 08 de Junho, relativa ao estabelecimento de uma primeira lista de valores limite de exposição profissional indicativos para execução da Directiva 98/24/CE do Conselho relativa à protecção da segurança e da saúde dos trabalhadores contra os riscos ligados à exposição a agentes químicos no trabalho
Directiva 98/24/CE, de 07 de Abril, relativa à protecção da segurança e da saúde dos trabalhadores contra os riscos ligados à exposição a agentes químicos no trabalho
Directiva 91/322/CEE, de 29 de Maio, relativa ao estabelecimento de valores limite com carácter indicativo por meio da aplicação da Directiva 80/1107/CEE do Conselho relativa à protecção dos trabalhadores contra os riscos ligados à exposição a agentes químicos, físicos e biológicos durante o trabalho
Amianto Directiva 2003/18/CE, de 27 de Março, que altera a Directiva 83/477/CEE do Conselho relativa à protecção sanitária dos trabalhadores contra os riscos de exposição ao amianto durante o trabalho
Directiva 91/382/CEE, de 25 de Junho, que altera a Directiva 83/477/CEE, relativa à protecção sanitária dos trabalhadores expostos ao amianto durante o trabalho
Directiva 83/477/CE, de 19 de Setembro, relativa à aproximação das disposições legislativas, regulamentares e administrativas dos Estados‐
Membros quanto à protecção sanitária dos trabalhadores expostos ao amianto durante o trabalho
Atmosferas Explosivas
Directiva 2002/80/CE, de 03 de Outubro, que adapta ao progresso técnico a Directiva 70/220/CEE do Conselho relativa às medidas a tomar contra a poluição do ar pelas emissões provenientes dos veículos a motor
Directiva 2001/27/CE, de 10 de Abril, que adapta ao progresso técnico a Directiva 88/77/CEE do Conselho relativa à aproximação das legislações dos Estados‐Membros respeitantes às medidas a tomar contra a emissão de gases e partículas poluentes provenientes dos motores de ignição por compressão utilizados em veículos e a emissão de gases poluentes provenientes dos motores de ignição comandada alimentados a gás natural ou a gás de petróleo liquefeito utilizados em veículos
Directiva 2001/02/CE, de 04 de Janeiro, que adapta ao progresso técnico a Directiva 1999/36/CE do Conselho relativa aos equipamentos sob pressão transportáveis
Directiva 99/92/CE, de 16 de Dezembro, relativa às prescrições mínimas destinadas a promover a melhoria da protecção da segurança e da saúde dos trabalhadores susceptíveis de serem expostos a riscos derivados de atmosferas explosivas
Directiva 99/36/CE, de 29 de Abril, relativa aos equipamentos sob pressão transportáveis
Directiva 98/69/CE, de 13 de Outubro, relativa às medidas a tomar contra a poluição do ar pelas emissões provenientes dos veículos a motor e que altera a Directiva 70/220/CEE do Conselho
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 1
Directivas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Directiva 98/77/CE, de 02 de Outubro, que adapta ao progresso técnico a Directiva 70/220/CEE do Conselho relativa à aproximação das legislações dos Estados‐membros respeitantes às medidas a tomar contra a poluição do ar pelas emissões provenientes dos veículos a motor
Directiva 93/15/CE, de 01 de Abril, relativa à harmonização das disposições respeitantes à colocação no mercado e ao controlo dos explosivos para utilização civil
Equipamentos de protecção individual (utilização) Directiva 89/686/CE, de 21 de Dezembro, relativa à aproximação das legislações dos Estados‐Membros respeitantes aos equipamentos de protecção individual
Directiva 89/656/CE, de 30 de Novembro, relativa às prescrições mínimas de segurança e de saúde para a utilização pelos trabalhadores de equipamentos de protecção individual no trabalho
Equipamentos de trabalho (utilização) Directiva 2006/42/CE, de 17 de Maio, relativa às máquinas e que altera a Directiva 95/16/CE (reformulação)
Directiva 2001/45/CE, de 27 de Junho, que altera a Directiva 89/655/CEE do Conselho relativa às prescrições mínimas de segurança e de saúde para a utilização pelos trabalhadores de equipamentos de trabalho
Directiva 98/37/CE, de 22 de Junho, relativa à aproximação das legislações dos Estados‐membros respeitantes às máquinas (revogada)
Directiva 95/63/CE, de 05 de Dezembro, que altera a Directiva 89/655/CEE relativa às prescrições mínimas de segurança e de saúde para a utilização pelos trabalhadores de equipamentos de trabalho no trabalho
Directiva 95/16/CE, de 29 de Junho, relativa à aproximação das legislações dos Estados‐Membros respeitantes aos ascensores
Directiva 89/655/CEE, de 30 de Novembro, relativa às prescrições mínimas de segurança e de saúde para a utilização pelos trabalhadores de equipamentos de trabalho no trabalho
Estaleiros Temporários ou Móveis 9
Directiva 92/57/CEE, de 24 de Junho, relativa às prescrições mínimas de segurança e de saúde a aplicar nos estaleiros temporários ou móveis
Locais de trabalho Directiva 89/654/CEE, de 30 de Novembro, relativa às prescrições mínimas de segurança e de saúde para os locais de trabalho (não se aplica aos estaleiros temporários ou móveis)
Movimentação manual de cargas Directiva 90/269/CEE, de 29 de Maio, relativa às prescrições mínimas de segurança e de saúde respeitantes à movimentação manual de cargas que comportem riscos, nomeadamente dorso‐lombares, para os trabalhadores
Movimentação mecânica de cargas Directiva 2000/09/CE, de 20 de Março, relativa às instalações por cabo para transporte de pessoas
Directiva 95/16/CE, de 29 de Junho, relativa à aproximação das legislações dos Estados‐Membros respeitantes aos ascensores
Proibição de certos agentes específicos e/ou de certas actividades Directiva 2000/39/CE, de 08 de Junho, relativa ao estabelecimento de uma primeira lista de valores limite de exposição profissional indicativos para execução da Directiva 98/24/CE do Conselho relativa à protecção da segurança e da saúde dos trabalhadores contra os riscos ligados à exposição a agentes químicos no trabalho
Directiva n.º 98/24/CE de 07 de Abril, relativa à protecção da segurança e da saúde dos trabalhadores contra os riscos ligados exposição a agentes químicos no trabalho
Directiva 91/382/CE, de 25 de Junho, relativa à protecção sanitária dos trabalhadores expostos ao amianto durante o trabalho
Directiva 91/322/CE, de 29 de Maio, relativa ao estabelecimento de valores limite com carácter indicativo por meio da aplicação da Directiva 80/1107/CEE do Conselho relativa à protecção dos trabalhadores contra os riscos ligados à exposição a agentes químicos, físicos e biológicos durante o trabalho
Directiva 90/394/CE, de 28 de Junho, relativa à protecção dos trabalhadores contra riscos ligados à exposição a agentes cancerígenos durante o trabalho
Directiva 90/394/CE, de 28 de Junho, relativa à protecção dos trabalhadores contra riscos ligados à exposição a agentes cancerígenos durante o trabalho
Directiva 89/654/CE, de 30 de Novembro, relativa às prescrições mínimas de segurança e de saúde para os locais de trabalho
Directiva 88/364/CE, de 09 de Junho, relativa à protecção dos trabalhadores pela proibição de certos agentes específicos e/ou de certas actividades
Directiva 83/477/CE, de 19 de Setembro, relativa à aproximação das disposições legislativas, regulamentares e administrativas dos Estados‐
Membros quanto à protecção sanitária dos trabalhadores expostos ao amianto durante o trabalho
Radiações ionizantes Directiva 96/29/ EURATOM, de 13 de Maio, que fixa as normas de segurança de base relativas à protecção sanitária da população e dos trabalhadores contra os perigos resultantes das radiações ionizantes
Directiva 90/641/EURATOM, de 04 de Dezembro, relativa à protecção dos trabalhadores externos sujeitos ao risco de radiações ionizantes durante a intervenção numa zona controlada
Directiva 89/618/EURATOM, de 27 de Novembro, relativa à informação da população sobre as medidas de protecção sanitária aplicáveis e sobre o comportamento a adoptar em caso de emergência radiológica
Directiva 84/467/EURATOM, de 03 de Setembro, que altera a Directiva 80/836/Euratom no que respeita às normas de base relativas à protecção da saúde da população e dos trabalhadores contra os perigos resultantes das radiações ionizantes
Directiva 84/466/EURATOM, de 15 de Julho, que determina as medidas fundamentais relativas à protecção contra radiações das pessoas submetidas a exames e tratamentos médicos
Directiva 80/836/EURATOM, de 15 de Julho, que altera as directivas que fixam as normas de base relativas à protecção sanitária da população e dos trabalhadores contra os perigos resultantes das radiações ionizantes
Directiva 79/343/EURATOM, de 27 de Março, que altera a Directiva 76/579/Euratom que estabelece as normas de segurança básicas revistas para a protecção sanitária da população e dos trabalhadores contra os perigos resultantes das radiações ionizantes
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 2
Directivas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Directiva 76/579/EURATOM, de 01 de Junho, que estabelece as normas de segurança básicas revistas para a protecção sanitária da população e dos trabalhadores contra os perigos resultantes das radiações ionizantes (texto não disponível para consulta)
Riscos eléctricos Directiva 94/9/CE, de 23 de Março, relativa à aproximação das legislações dos Estados‐membros sobre aparelhos e sistemas de protecção destinados a ser utilizados em atmosferas potencialmente explosivas
Directiva 73/23/CE, de 19 de Fevereiro, relativa à harmonização das legislações dos Estados‐Membros no domínio do material eléctrico destinado a ser utilizado dentro de certos limites de tensão
Ruído Directiva 2003/10/CE, de 06 de Fevereiro, relativa às prescrições mínimas de segurança e de saúde em matéria de exposição dos trabalhadores aos riscos devidos aos agentes físicos (ruído)v
Sinalização de segurança 19
Directiva 92/58/CEE, de 24 de Junho, relativa às prescrições mínimas para a sinalização de segurança e/ou de saúde no trabalho
Directiva 79/640/CEE, de 21 de Junho, que altera os anexos da Directiva 77/576/CEE do Conselho relativa à aproximação das disposições legislativas, regulamentares e administrativas dos Estados‐Membros respeitantes à sinalização de segurança nos locais de trabalho
Directiva 77/576/CEE, de 25 de Julho, relativa à aproximação das disposições legislativas, regulamentares e administrativas dos Estados‐
Membros respeitantes à sinalização de segurança nos locais de trabalho
Valores limite de exposição profissional Directiva 2006/15/CE, de 07 de Fevereiro, que estabelece uma segunda lista de valores limite de exposição profissional indicativos para execução da Directiva 98/24/CE do Conselho e que altera as Directivas 91/322/CEE e 2000/39/CE
Directiva 2000/39/CE, de 08 de Junho, relativa ao estabelecimento de uma primeira lista de valores limite de exposição profissional indicativos para execução da Directiva 98/24/CE do Conselho relativa à protecção da segurança e da saúde dos trabalhadores contra os riscos ligados à exposição a agentes químicos no trabalho
Directiva 91/322/CE, de 29 de Maio, relativa ao estabelecimento de valores limite com carácter indicativo por meio da aplicação da Directiva 80/1107/CEE do Conselho relativa à protecção dos trabalhadores contra os riscos ligados à exposição a agentes químicos, físicos e biológicos durante o trabalho
Vibrações Directiva 2002/44/CE, de 25 de Junho, relativa às prescrições mínimas de segurança e saúde respeitantes à exposição dos trabalhadores aos riscos devidos aos agentes físicos (vibrações)
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 3
Página intencionalmente em branco
Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção b) Anexo Lista não exaustiva de Normas Técnicas Europeias relacionadas com a SST Directiva‐quadro 89/391/CEE sobre segurança e saúde no trabalho Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção Página intencionalmente em branco Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Lista não exaustiva de grupos de Normas Técnicas Europeias relacionadas com a SST
Comité técnico
Período de publicação
Nr. normas
TC 10 ‐ Elevadores e escadas rolantes
(1995 ‐ 2013)
TC 53 ‐ Equipamento de trabalhos temporários
(1996 ‐ 2012)
TC 79 ‐ Dispositivos de proteção respiratória
(1994 ‐ 2009)
TC 85 ‐ Equipamento de proteção dos olhos
(1994 ‐ 2012)
TC 93 ‐ Escadas
(2003 ‐ 2012)
TC 98 ‐ Plataformas elevatórias
(2008 ‐ 2013)
TC 114 ‐ Segurança de máquinas
(2001 ‐ 2012)
TC 121 ‐ Soldadura
(1991 ‐ 2013)
TC 122 ‐ Ergonomia
(1993 ‐ 2012)
TC 137 ‐ Avaliação da exposição a agentes químicos e biológicos no local de trabalho
(1993 ‐ 2012)
TC 142 ‐ Máquinas para trabalhos em madeira ‐ Segurança
(2001 ‐ 2013)
TC 143 ‐ Máquinas‐ferramenta ‐ Segurança
(2001 ‐ 2012)
TC 147 ‐ Gruas ‐ Segurança
(2004 ‐ 2013)
TC 151 ‐ Equipamentos de construção e máquinas de material de construção ‐ Segurança
(1998 ‐ 2013)
TC 158 ‐ Proteção da cabeça
(1997 ‐ 2013)
TC 159 ‐ Protectores auriculares
(2001 ‐ 2008)
TC 160 ‐ Protecção contra as quedas de altura incluindo cintos de trabalho
(1992 ‐ 2013)
TC 161 ‐ Protectores das pernas e pés
(2004 ‐ 2012)
TC 162 ‐ Roupa de protecção incluindo proteção dos braços e mãos e coletes salva‐vidas
(1992 ‐ 2013)
TC 168 ‐ Correntes, cordas, correias, eslingas e acessórios ‐ Segurança
(2000 ‐ 2011)
TC 169 ‐ Luz e iluminação
(1999 ‐ 2013)
TC 183 ‐ Gestão de resíduos
(2006 ‐ 2012)
TC 185 ‐ Elementos de fixação
(1991 ‐ 2013)
TC 191 ‐ Sistemas de combate a incêndio fixos
(1994 ‐ 2012)
TC 192 ‐ Equipamento de serviço ao fogo e ao resgate
(2002 ‐ 2013)
TC 231 ‐ Vibração mecânica e choque
(1992 ‐ 2013)
TC 232 ‐ Compressores, bombas de vácuo e seus sistemas
(2008 ‐ 2010)
TC 255 ‐ Ferramentas não eléctricas manuais ‐ Segurança
(2008 ‐ 2012)
TC 292 ‐ Caracterização de resíduos
(2001 ‐ 2013)
TC 305 ‐ Atmosferas potencialmente explosivas ‐ Prevenção e protecção contra explosão
(2002 ‐ 2012)
TC 319 ‐ Manutenção
(2006 ‐ 2011)
TC 321 ‐ Explosivos para uso civil
(2002 ‐ 2006)
TC 351 ‐ Produtos de Construção ‐ Avaliação da emissão de substâncias perigosas
(2009 ‐ 2012)
I17 ‐ Máquinas em geral (incluindo a segurança)
Número total de normas selecionadas:
Lista não exaustiva de Normas Técnicas Europeias relacionadas com a SST
Referência da norma
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
TC 10 ‐ Elevadores e escadas rolantes
CEN/TR 115‐3:2009
CEN/TR 81‐10:2008
CEN/TS 81‐11:2011
CEN/TS 81‐76:2011
CEN/TS 81‐82:2008
CEN/TS 81‐83:2009
EN 115‐1:2008+A1:2010
EN 115‐2:2010
EN 12015
Safety of escalators and moving walks ‐ Part 3: Correlation between EN 115:1995 and its amendments and EN 115‐1:2008
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Basics and interpretrations ‐ Part 10: System of the EN 81 series of standards
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Basics and interpretations ‐ Part 11: Interpretations related to EN 81 family of standards
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Particular applications for passengers and goods passenger lifts ‐ Part 76: Evacuation of disabled persons using lifts
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Existing lifts ‐ Part 82: Improvement of the accessibility of existing lifts for persons including persons with disability
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Existing lifts ‐ Part 83: Rules for the improvement of the resistance against vandalism
Safety of escalators and moving walks ‐ Part 1: Construction and installation
Safety of escalators and moving walks ‐ Part 2: Rules for the improvement of safety of existing escalators and moving walks
Electromagnetic compatibility ‐ Product family standard for lifts, escalators ans moving walks ‐ Emission
Electromagnetic compatibility ‐ Product family standard for lifts, escalators and moving walks ‐ Emission
Electromagnetic compatibility ‐ Product family standard for lifts, escalators and moving walks ‐ Immunity
2006/42/EC (C 136, 2010‐05‐26)
2006/42/EC (No); 98/37/EC (No)
Yes (2004/108/EC)
EN 12158‐1:2000+A1:2010
Builders' hoists for goods ‐ Part 1: Hoists with accessible platforms
EN 12158‐2:2000+A1:2010
Builders' hoists for goods ‐ Part 2: Inclined hoists with non‐accessible load carrying devices
EN 12159:2012
EN 13015:2001+A1:2008
Builders hoists for persons and materials with vertically guided cages
Maintenance for lifts and escalators ‐ Rules for maintenance instructions
92/31/EEC (Expected); 89/336/EEC; 2004/108/EC
Yes (2004/108/EC, 95/16/EC, 2006/42/EC)
95/16/EC (C 273, 2008‐10‐28); 2004/108/EC (C 280, 2008‐11‐04); 98/37/EC (C 22, 2009‐01‐28); 2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 110, 2011‐04‐08)
98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 110, 2011‐04‐08)
2006/42/EC (Expected)
95/16/EC; 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
EN 627:1995
Specification for data logging and monitoring of lifts, escalators and passenger conveyors
95/16/EC (No); 89/392/EEC; 98/37/EC
EN 12015:2004
EN 12016
EN 12016:2004+A1:2008
Electromagnetic compatibility ‐ Product family standard for lifts, escalators and moving walks ‐ Immunity
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 1
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN 81‐1:1998+A3:2009
EN 81‐2:1998+A3:2009
EN 81‐20
EN 81‐21:2009+A1:2012
EN 81‐22
EN 81‐28:2003
EN 81‐3:2000+A1:2008
EN 81‐3:2000+A1:2008/AC:2009
EN 81‐31:2010
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Part 1: Electric lifts
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Part 2: Hydraulic lifts
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Lifts for the transport of persons and goods ‐ Part 20: Passenger and goods passenger lifts
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Lifts for the transport of persons and goods ‐ Part 21: New passenger and goods passenger lifts in existing building
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Lifts for the transport of persons and goods ‐ Part 22: Passenger and goods passenger lifts with inclined travel path
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Lifts for the transport of persons and goods ‐ Part 28: Remote alarm on passenger and goods passenger lifts
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
Yes (95/16/EC)
Yes (95/16/EC)
98/37/EC (C 22, 2009‐01‐28); 2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 110, Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Part 3: Electric and hydraulic service lifts
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Lifts for the transport of goods only ‐ Part 31: 98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 284, Accessible goods only lifts
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Part 3: Electric and hydraulic service lifts
EN 81‐41:2010
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Special lifts for the transport of persons and 98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 110, goods ‐ Part 41: Vertical lifting platforms intended for use by persons with impaired mobility
98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Special lifts for the transport of persons and goods ‐ Part 43: Lifts for cranes
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Examinations and tests ‐ Part 50: Design rules, calculations, examinations and tests of lift components
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Examination and tests ‐ Part 58: Landing doors fire resistance test
Yes (95/16/EC)
EN 81‐70:2003
Safety rules for the construction and installations of lifts ‐ Particular applications for passenger and good passengers lifts ‐ Part 70: Accessibility to lifts for persons including persons with disability
95/16/EC (C 192, 2005‐08‐06)
EN 81‐70:2003/A1:2004
Safety rules for the construction and installations of lifts ‐ Particular applications for passenger and good passengers lifts ‐ Part 70: Accessibility to lifts for persons including persons with disability
95/16/EC (C 192, 2005‐08‐06)
EN 81‐58:2003
EN 81‐71:2005+A1:2006
EN 81‐72 rev
EN 81‐72:2003
EN 81‐73:2005
EN 81‐77
EN 81‐80:2003
EN 81‐82
EN ISO 14798:2013
EN ISO 25745‐1:2012
EN ISO 25745‐2
EN ISO 25745‐3
FprCEN/TS 115‐4
95/16/EC (C 192, 2005‐08‐06)
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Special lifts for the transport of persons and 98/37/EC (C 74, 2009‐03‐28); goods ‐ Part 40: Stairlifts and inclined lifting platforms intended for persons with impaired mobility
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
EN 81‐50
95/16/EC (Expected)
EN 81‐40:2008
EN 81‐43:2009
95/16/EC (C 52, 2010‐03‐02)
95/16/EC (C 52, 2010‐03‐02)
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Particular applications to passenger lifts and goods passenger lifts ‐ Part 71: Vandal resistant lifts
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Particular applications for passenger and goods passenger lifts ‐ Part 72: Firefighters lifts
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Particular applications for passenger and goods passenger lifts ‐ Part 72: Firefighters lifts
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Particular applications for passenger and goods passenger lifts ‐ Part 73: Behaviour of lifts in the event of fire
Safety rules for the construction and installations of lifts ‐ Particular applications for passenger and good passengers lifts ‐ Part 77: Lifts subject to seismic conditions
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Existing lifts ‐ Part 80: Rules for the improvement of safety of existing passenger and goods passenger lifts
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts ‐ Existing lifts ‐ Part 82: Rules for the improvement of the accessibility of existing lifts for persons including persons with disability
Lifts (elevators), escalators and moving walks ‐ Risk assessment and reduction methodology (ISO 14798:2009)
Energy performance of lifts, escalators and moving walks ‐ Part 1: Energy measurement and verification (ISO 25745‐1:2012)
Energy performance of lifts, escalators and moving walks ‐ Part 2 : Energy calculation and classification for lifts (elevators)
Energy performance of lifts, escalators and moving walks ‐ Part 3 : Energy calculation and classification for escalators and moving walks"
Safety of escalators and moving walks ‐ Part 4: Interpretations related to EN 115 family of standards
95/16/EC (C 192, 2005‐08‐06)
95/16/EC (C 77, 2011‐03‐11)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
95/16/EC (C 192, 2005‐08‐06)
95/16/EC (C 77, 2011‐03‐11)
Yes (95/16/EC)
TC 53 ‐ Equipamento de trabalhos temporários
CEN/TR 15563:2007
EN 1263‐1
EN 1263‐1:2002
EN 1263‐2
EN 1263‐2:2002
EN 12810‐1:2003
Temporary works equipment ‐ Recommendations for achieving health and safety
Mobile access and working towers made of prefabricated elements ‐ Materials, dimensions, design loads, safety and performance requirements
Adjustable telescopic steel props ‐ Product specifications, design and assessment by calculation and tests
Safety nets ‐ Part 1: Safety requirements, test methods
Safety nets ‐ Part 1: Safety requirements, test methods
Safety nets ‐ Part 2: Safety requirements for the positioning limits
Safety nets ‐ Part 2: Safety requirements for the positioning limits
Façade scaffolds made of prefabricated components ‐ Part 1: Products specifications
EN 12810‐2:2003
Façade scaffolds made of prefabricated components ‐ Part 2: Particular methods of structural design
EN 1004:2004
EN 1065:1998
EN 12811‐1:2003
Temporary works equipment ‐ Part 1: Scaffolds ‐ Performance requirements and general design
EN 12811‐2:2004
EN 12811‐3:2002
EN 12811‐3:2002/AC:2004
Temporary works equipment ‐ Part 2: Information on materials
Temporary works equipment ‐ Part 3: Load testing
Temporary works equipment ‐ Part 3: Load testing
Temporary works equipment ‐ Part 4: Protection fans for scaffolds ‐ Performance requirements and product design
Falsework ‐ Performance requirements and general design
Temporary works equipment ‐ Load bearing towers of prefabricated components ‐ Particular methods of structural design
EN 12811‐4
EN 12812:2008
EN 12813:2004
EN 1298:1996
Mobile access and working towers ‐ Rules and guidelines for the preparation of an instruction manual
EN 13331‐1:2002
EN 13331‐2:2002
EN 13374
EN 13374:2004
EN 13377:2002
Trench lining systems ‐ Part 1: Product specifications
Trench lining systems ‐ Part 2: Assessment by calculation or test
Temporary edge systems ‐ Product specification ‐ Test methods
Temporary edge protection systems ‐ Product specification, test methods
Prefabricated timber formwork beams ‐ Requirements, classification and assessment
EN 14653‐1:2005
EN 14653‐2:2005
EN 16031:2012
Manually operated hydraulic shoring systems for groundwork support ‐ Part 1: Product specifications
Manually operated hydraulic shoring systems for groundwork support ‐ Part 2: Assessment by calculation or test
Adjustable telescopic aluminium props ‐ Product specifications, design and assessment by calculation and tests
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 2
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN 16508
EN 74‐1:2005
EN 74‐2:2008
EN 74‐3:2007
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
Temporary works equipment ‐ Encapsulation constructions ‐ Performance requirements and general design
Couplers, spigot pins and baseplates for use in falsework and scaffolds ‐ Part 1: Couplers for tubes ‐ Requirements and test procedures
Couplers, spigot pins and baseplates for use in falsework and scaffolds ‐ Part 2: Special couplers ‐ Requirements and test procedures
Couplers, spigot pins and baseplates for use in falsework and scaffolds ‐ Part 3: Plain base plates and spigot pins ‐ Requirements and test procedures
TC 79 ‐ Dispositivos de proteção respiratória
EN 1146:2005
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Self‐contained open‐circuit compressed air breathing apparatus incorporating a hood for escape ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
EN 12021
EN 12021:1998
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Compressed gases for breathing apparatus
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Compressed air for breathing apparatus
EN 12083:1998
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Filters with breathing hoses, (Non‐mask mounted filters) ‐ Particle filters, gas filters, and combined filters ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
EN 12083:1998/AC:2000
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Filters with breathing hoses, (Non‐mask mounted filters) ‐ Particle filters, gas filters, and combined filters ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
EN 12941:1998
EN 12941:1998/A1:2003
EN 12941:1998/A2:2008
EN 12942:1998
EN 12942:1998/A1:2002
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Powered filtering devices incorporating a helmet or a hood ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Powered filtering devices incorporating a helmet or a hood ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Powered filtering devices incorporating a helmet or a hood ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Power assisted filtering devices incorporating full face masks, half masks or quarter masks ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Power assisted filtering devices incorporating full face masks, half masks or quarter masks ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
2008/68/EC (No); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐
Yes (89/686/EEC)
89/686/EEC (No)
93/95/EEC (C 185, 2000‐07‐04); 96/58/EC (C 185, 2000‐07‐04); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
EN 13274‐2:2001
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Power assisted filtering devices incorporating full face masks, half masks or quarter masks ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Definitions of terms and pictograms
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Methods of test ‐ Part 1: Determination of inward leakage and total inward leakage
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Methods of test ‐ Part 2: Practical performance tests
EN 13274‐3:2001
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Methods of test ‐ Part 3: Determination of breathing resistance
EN 13274‐4:2001
EN 13274‐5:2001
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Methods of test ‐ Part 4: Flame tests
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Methods of test ‐ Part 5: Climatic conditions
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Methods of test ‐ Part 6: Determination of carbon dioxide content of 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
the inhalation air
EN 12942:1998/A2:2008
EN 132:1998
EN 13274‐1:2001
EN 13274‐6:2001
EN 13274‐7:2008
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Methods of test ‐ Part 7: Determination of particle filter penetration
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 22, 2009‐01‐28)
EN 143:2000
EN 143:2000/A1:2006
EN 143:2000/AC:2005
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Respiratory protective devices ‐ Methods of test ‐ Part 8: Determination of dolomite dust clogging
(Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Classification
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Nomenclature of components
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Respiratory protective devices ‐ List of equivalent terms
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
2008/68/EC (No); 96/98/EC (No); Respiratory protective devices ‐ Full face masks ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Full face masks ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); Respiratory protective devices ‐ Self‐contained open‐circuit compressed air breathing apparatus with 97/23/EC (No); 96/98/EC (No); full face mask ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
2008/68/EC (No); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Self‐contained breathing apparatus for escape ‐ Requirements, Yes (89/686/EEC)
testing, marking
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Respiratory protective devices ‐ Self‐contained closed‐circuit breathing apparatus for escape ‐ (Expected); 2008/68/EC (No); 93/95/EEC Requirements, testing, marking
(Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Fresh air hose breathing apparatus for use with full face mask, half 96/98/EC (No); 2008/68/EC (No); mask or mouthpiece assembly ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Respiratory equipment ‐ Open‐circuit self‐contained diving apparatus for use with compressed Nitrox (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); and oxygen ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/95/EEC (C 338, 1998‐11‐06); Respiratory protective devices ‐ Half masks and quarter masks ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
96/58/EC (C 306, 2005‐12‐02); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (C 247, Respiratory protective devices ‐ Half masks and quarter masks ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
2005‐10‐06); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐
Yes (89/686/EEC,; 96/58/EC,; Respiratory equipment ‐ Self‐contained re‐breathing diving apparatus
93/95/EEC,; 93/68/EEC)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Respiratory equipment ‐ Self‐contained re‐breathing diving apparatus
(Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Respiratory protective devices ‐ Mouthpiece assemblies ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
(Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Particle filters ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Particle filters ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Particle filters ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
EN 14387:2004+A1:2008
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Gas filter(s) and combined filter(s) ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
EN 144‐1 rev
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Gas cylinder valves ‐ Part 1: Thread connections for insert connector
No (‐)
EN 144‐1:2000
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Gas cylinder valves ‐ Part 1: Thread connections for insert connector
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
EN 13274‐8:2002
EN 133:2001
EN 134:1998
EN 135:1998
EN 136:1998
EN 136:1998/AC:2003
EN 137:2006
EN 13794 rev
EN 13794:2002
EN 138:1994
EN 13949:2003
EN 140:1998
EN 140:1998/AC:1999
EN 14143
EN 14143:2003
EN 142:2002
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 3
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Gas cylinder valves ‐ Part 1: Thread connections for insert connector
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
EN 144‐1:2000/A2:2005
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Gas cylinder valves ‐ Part 1: Thread connections for insert connector
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
EN 144‐2:1998
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Gas cylinder valves ‐ Part 2: Outlet connections
EN 144‐1:2000/A1:2003
EN 144‐3:2003
EN 144‐3:2003/AC:2003
EN 14435:2004
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Respiratory protective devices ‐ Gas cylinder valves ‐ Part 3: Outlet connections for diving gases Nitrox (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); and oxygen
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Gas cylinder valves ‐ Part 3: Outlet connections for diving gases Nitrox 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
and oxygen
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Respiratory protective devices ‐ Self‐contained open‐circuit compressed air breathing apparatus with (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); half mask designed to be used with positive pressure only ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
EN 145:1997
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Self‐contained closed‐circuit breathing apparatus compressed oxygen 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
or compressed oxygen‐nitrogen type ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
EN 145:1997/A1:2000
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Self‐contained closed‐circuit breathing apparatus compressed oxygen 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
or compressed oxygen‐nitrogen type ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
EN 14529:2005
EN 14593‐1:2005
EN 14593‐2:2005
EN 14593‐2:2005/AC:2005
EN 14594:2005
EN 14594:2005/AC:2005
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Self‐contained open‐circuit compressed air breathing apparatus with 93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC half mask designed to include a positive pressure lung governed demand valve for escape purposes (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); only
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Respiratory protective devices ‐ Compressed air line breathing apparatus with demand valve ‐ Part 1: (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); Apparatus with a full face mask ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC Respiratory protective devices ‐ Compressed air line breathing apparatus with demand valve ‐ Part 2: (Expected); 96/58/EC (C 306, 2005‐12‐
Apparatus with a half mask at positive pressure ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
02); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Respiratory protective devices ‐ Compressed air line breathing apparatus with demand valve ‐ Part 2: (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); Apparatus with a half mask at positive pressure ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Respiratory protective devices ‐ Continuous flow compressed air line breathing apparatus ‐ (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); Requirements, testing, marking
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Respiratory protective devices ‐ Continuous flow compressed air line breathing apparatus ‐ (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); Requirements, testing, marking
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
EN 148‐1:1999
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Threads for facepieces ‐ Part 1: Standard thread connection
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
EN 148‐2:1999
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Threads for facepieces ‐ Part 2: Centre thread connection
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
EN 148‐3:1999
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Threads for facepieces ‐ Part 3: Tread connection M 45 x 3
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
EN 149:2001+A1:2009
EN 15333‐1:2008
EN 15333‐1:2008/AC:2009
EN 15333‐2:2009
EN 1827:1999+A1:2009
EN 250
EN 250:2000
EN 250:2000/A1:2006
EN 269:1994
EN 402:2003
EN 403:2004
EN 404:2005
EN 405:2001+A1:2009
EN 529:2005
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Filtering half masks to protect against particles ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
Respiratory equipment ‐ Open‐circuit umbilical supplied compressed gas diving apparatus ‐ Part 1: Demand apparatus
Respiratory equipment ‐ Open‐circuit umbilical supplied compressed gas diving apparatus ‐ Part 1: Demand apparatus
Respiratory equipment ‐ Open‐circuit umbilical supplied compressed gas diving apparatus ‐ Part 2: Free flow apparatus
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Half masks without inhalation valves and with separable filters to protect against gases or gases and particles or particles only ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
89/686/EEC (C 22, 2009‐01‐28)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
Respiratory equipment ‐ Open‐circuit self‐contained compressed air diving apparatus ‐ Requirements, Yes (89/665/EEC)
testing, marking
96/58/EC (C 159, 2000‐06‐08); Respiratory equipment ‐ Open‐circuit self‐contained compressed air diving apparatus ‐ Requirements, 93/95/EEC (C 306, 2005‐12‐02); testing, marking
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Respiratory equipment ‐ Open‐circuit self‐contained compressed air diving apparatus ‐ Requirements, 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
testing, marking
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Powered fresh air hose breathing apparatus incorporating a hood ‐ 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Requirements, testing, marking
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Respiratory protective devices ‐ Lung governed demand self‐contained open‐circuit compressed air (Expected); 2008/68/EC (No); 93/95/EEC breathing apparatus with full face mask or mouthpiece assembly for escape ‐ Requirements, testing, (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Respiratory protective devices for self‐rescue ‐ Filtering devices with hood for escape from fire ‐ (Expected); 2008/68/EC (No); 96/58/EC Requirements, testing, marking
(Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Respiratory protective devices for self‐rescue ‐ Filter self‐rescuer from carbon monoxide with (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); mouthpiece assembly
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Valved filtering half masks to protect against gases or gases and 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
particles ‐ Requirements, testing, marking
Respiratory protective devices ‐ Recommendations for selection, use, care and maintenance ‐ 89/686/EEC (No); 93/68/EEC (No); Guidance document
93/95/EEC (No); 96/58/EC (No)
TC 85 ‐ Equipamento de proteção dos olhos
CR 13464:1999
Guide to selection, use and maintenance of occupational eye and face protectors
EN 12254:2010
Screens for laser working places ‐ Safety requirements and testing
EN 12254:2010/AC:2011
EN 13178:2000
Screens for laser working places ‐ Safety requirements and testing
Personal eye‐protection ‐ Eye protectors for snowmobile users
EN 14458:2004
Personal eye‐equipment ‐ Faceshields and visors for use with firefighters' and high performance industrial safety helmets used by firefighters, ambulance and emergency services
EN 166:2001
Personal eye‐protection ‐ Specifications
EN 167:2001
EN 168:2001
Personal eye‐protection ‐ Optical test methods
Personal eye‐protection ‐ Non‐optical test methods
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 4
89/686/EEC (No)
98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 136, 2010‐05‐26)
2006/42/EC (Expected)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
2008/68/EC (No); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
EN 172:1994/A2:2001
EN 1731:2006
EN 174:2001
93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC Personal eye‐protection ‐ Filters for welding and related techniques ‐ Transmittance requirements and (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); recommended use
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Personal eye‐protection ‐ Ultraviolet filters ‐ Transmittance requirements and recommended use
(Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Personal eye‐protection ‐ Infrared filters ‐ Transmittance requirements and recommended use
(Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Personal eye protection ‐ Sunglare filters for industrial use
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
96/58/EC (C 185, 2000‐07‐04); Personal eye‐protection ‐ Sunglare filters for industrial use
93/95/EEC (C 306, 2005‐12‐02); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Personal eye protection ‐ Sunglare filters for industrial use
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Personal eye protection ‐ Mesh eye and face protectors
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
Personal eye‐protection ‐ Ski goggles for downhill skiing
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
EN 175:1997
Personal protection ‐ Equipment for eye and face protection during welding and allied processes
EN 169:2002
EN 170:2002
EN 171:2002
EN 172:1994
EN 172:1994/A1:2000
EN 1836:2005+A1:2007
EN 1938:2010
EN 207:2009
EN 207:2009/AC:2011
EN 208:2009
EN 379:2003+A1:2009
EN ISO 12311
EN ISO 12312‐1
EN ISO 12312‐2
EN ISO 16321
EN ISO 4007:2012
Personal eye‐equipment ‐ Sunglasses and sunglare filters for general use and filters for direct observation of the sun
Personal eye protection ‐ Goggles for motorcycle and moped users
Personal eye‐protection equipment ‐ Filters and eye‐protectors against laser radiation (laser eye‐
Personal eye‐protection equipment ‐ Filters and eye‐protectors against laser radiation (laser eye‐
Personal eye‐protection ‐ Eye‐protectors for adjustment work on lasers and laser systems (laser adjustment eye‐protectors)
Personal eye‐protection ‐ Automatic welding filters
Personal protective equipment ‐ Test methods for sunglasses and related equipment (ISO/DIS 12311:2011)
Eye and face protection ‐ Sunglasses and related eyewear ‐ Part 1: Sunglasses for general use (ISO/DIS 12312‐1:2009)
Eye and face protection ‐ Sunglasses and related eyewear ‐ Part 2: Eye protectors for direct observation of the sun
Occupational eye and face protection ‐ requirements
Personal protective equipment ‐ Eye and face protection ‐ Vocabulary (ISO 4007:2012)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
89/686/EEC (Expected)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
Yes (89/686/EEC)
Yes (89/686/EEC)
Yes (89/686/EEC)
Yes (89/686/EEC)
89/686/EEC (No)
TC 93 ‐ Escadas
EN 131‐1:2007+A1:2011
Ladders ‐ Part 1: Terms, types, functional sizes
2001/95/EC (Expected); 92/59/EEC (No)
EN 131‐2:2010/prA2
EN 131‐2:2010+A1:2012
EN 131‐3:2007
EN 131‐4:2007
EN 131‐6
EN 131‐7
EN 14183:2003
EN 14975:2006+A1:2010
Ladders ‐ Part 2: Requirements, testing, marking
Ladders ‐ Part 2: Requirements, testing, marking
Ladders ‐ Part 3: User Instructions
Ladders ‐ Part 4: Single or multiple hinge‐joint ladders
Ladders ‐ Part 6: Telescopic ladders
Ladders ‐ Part 7: Mobile ladders with platform
Step stools
Loft ladders ‐ Requirements, marking and testing
Durabilty testing of standing ladders
No (92/59/EEC)
2001/95/EC (No)
2001/95/EC (Expected)
2001/95/EC (Expected)
No (92/59/EEC)
No (92/59/EEC)
No (92/59/EEC)
TC 98 ‐ Plataformas elevatórias
EN 1398:2009
Dock levellers ‐ Safety requirements
98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
EN 14010:2003+A1:2009
Safety of machinery ‐ Equipment for power driven parking of motor vehicles ‐ Safety and EMC requirements for design, manufacturing, erection and commissioning stages
89/336/EEC (Expected); 98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 309, 2009‐12‐
18); 2004/108/EC (C 71, 2010‐03‐19)
EN 1493:2010
Vehicle lifts
EN 1494:2000+A1:2008
Mobile or movable jacks and associated lifting equipment
EN 1495:1997+A2:2009
Lifting platforms ‐ Mast climbing work platforms
EN 1495:1997+A2:2009/AC:2010 Lifting platforms ‐ Mast climbing work platforms
EN 1570‐1:2011
EN 1756‐1:2001+A1:2008
EN 1756‐2:2004+A1:2009
EN 1808 rev
EN 1808:1999+A1:2010
EN 280:2001+A2:2009
EN 280:2013
Safety requirements for lifting tables ‐ Part 1: Lifting tables serving up to two fixed landings
Tail lifts ‐ Platform lifts for mounting on wheeled vehicles ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 1: Tail lifts for goods
Tail lifts ‐ Platform lifts for mounting on wheeled vehicles ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 2: Tail lifts for passengers
Suspended access equipment ‐ Design calculations, stability criteria and construction ‐ Examinations and tests
Safety requirements on Suspended Access Equipment ‐ Design calculations, stability criteria, construction ‐ Tests
Mobile elevating work platforms ‐ Design calculations ‐ Stability criteria ‐ Construction ‐ Safety ‐ Examinations and tests
Mobile elevating work platforms ‐ Design calculations ‐ Stability criteria ‐ Construction ‐ Safety ‐ Examinations and tests
98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 110, 2011‐04‐08)
98/37/EC (C 74, 2009‐03‐28); 2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
89/392/EEC (Expected); 98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 309, 2009‐12‐
2006/42/EC (C 136, 2010‐05‐26)
98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 61, 2012‐02‐29)
98/37/EC (C 22, 2009‐01‐28); 2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 309, 2009‐12‐18)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 284, 2010‐10‐20)
98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 309, 2009‐12‐18)
Yes (2006/42/EC, 98/37/EC)
TC 114 ‐ Segurança de máquinas
CEN/TR 14715:2004
Safety of machinery ‐ Ionizing radiation emited by machinery ‐ Guidance for the application of technical standards in the design of machinery in order to comply with legislative requirements
EN 1037:1995+A1:2008
Safety of machinery ‐ Prevention of unexpected start‐up
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
EN 1088:1995+A2:2008
Safety of machinery ‐ Interlocking devices associated with guards ‐ Principles for design and selection
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
EN 1093‐1:2008
EN 1093‐11:2001+A1:2008
EN 1093‐2:2006+A1:2008
Safety of machinery ‐ Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances ‐ Part 1: Selection of test methods
Safety of machinery ‐ Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances ‐ Part 11: Decontamination index
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
Safety of machinery ‐ Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances ‐ Part 2: Tracer gas 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
method for the measurement of the emission rate of a given pollutant
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 5
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN 1093‐3:2006+A1:2008
EN 1093‐4:1996+A1:2008
EN 1093‐6:1998+A1:2008
EN 1093‐7:1998+A1:2008
EN 1093‐8:1998+A1:2008
EN 1093‐9:1998+A1:2008
EN 12198‐1:2000+A1:2008
EN 12198‐2:2002+A1:2008
EN 12198‐3:2002+A1:2008
EN 13478:2001+A1:2008
EN 1760‐1:1997+A1:2009
EN 1760‐2:2001+A1:2009
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
Safety of machinery ‐ Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances ‐ Part 3: Test bench 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
method for the measurement of the emission rate of a given pollutant
Safety of machinery ‐ Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances ‐ Part 4: Capture efficiency of an exhaust system ‐ Tracer method
Safety of machinery ‐ Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances ‐ Part 6: Separation efficiency by mass, unducted outlet
Safety of machinery ‐ Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances ‐ Part 7: Separation efficiency by mass, ducted outlet
Safety of machinery ‐ Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances ‐ Part 8: Pollutant concentration parameter, test bench method
Safety of machinery ‐ Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances ‐ Part 9: Pollutant concentration parameter, room method
Safety of machinery ‐ Assessment and reduction of risks arising from radiation emitted by machinery ‐ Part 1: General principles
Safety of machinery ‐ Assessment and reduction of risks arising from radiation emitted by machinery ‐ Part 2: Radiation emission measurement procedure
Safety of machinery ‐ Assessment and reduction of risks arising from radiation emitted by machinery ‐ Part 3: Reduction of radiation by attenuation or screening
Safety of machinery ‐ Fire prevention and protection
Safety of machinery ‐ Pressure sensitive protective devices ‐ Part 1: General principles for the design and testing of pressure sensitive mats and pressure sensitive floors
Safety of machinery ‐ Pressure sensitive protective devices ‐ Part 2: General principles for the design and testing of pressure sensitive edges and pressure sensitive bars
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
EN 1760‐3:2004+A1:2009
Safety of machinery ‐ Pressure sensitive protective devices ‐ Part 3: General principles for the design and testing of pressure sensitive bumpers, plates, wires and similar devices
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
EN 349:1993+A1:2008
Safety of machinery ‐ Minimum gaps to avoid crushing of parts of the human body
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
Safety of machinery ‐ Two‐hand control devices ‐ Functional aspects ‐ Principles for design
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
EN 574:1996+A1:2008
EN 626‐1:1994+A1:2008
EN 626‐2:1996+A1:2008
EN 953:1997+A1:2009
EN ISO 11161:2007
EN ISO 11161:2007/A1:2010
EN ISO 12100:2010
EN ISO 13849‐1:2008
EN ISO 13849‐1:2008/AC:2009
EN ISO 13849‐1:2008/prA1
Safety of machinery ‐ Reduction of risks to health from hazardous substances emitted by machinery ‐ 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
Part 1: Principles and specifications for machinery manufacturers
Safety of machinery ‐ Reduction of risk to health from hazardous substances emitted by machinery ‐ 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
Part 2: Methodology leading to verification procedures
Safety of machinery ‐ Guards ‐ General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
movable guards
Safety of machinery ‐ Integrated manufacturing systems ‐ Basic requirements (ISO 11161:2007)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
Safety of machinery ‐ Integrated manufacturing systems ‐ Basic requirements ‐ Amendment 1 (ISO 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
11161:2007/Amd 1:2010)
Safety of machinery ‐ General principles for design ‐ Risk assessment and risk reduction (ISO 2006/42/EC
Safety of machinery ‐ Safety‐related parts of control systems ‐ Part 1: General principles for design (ISO 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
Safety of machinery ‐ Safety‐related parts of control systems ‐ Part 1: General principles for design (ISO 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
13849‐1:2006/Cor 1:2009)
Safety of machinery ‐ Safety‐related parts of control systems ‐ Part 1: General principles for design
Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN ISO 13849‐2:2012
Safety of machinery ‐ Safety‐related parts of control systems ‐ Part 2: Validation (ISO 13849‐2:2012)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
EN ISO 13850 rev
EN ISO 13850:2008
Safety of machinery ‐ Emergency stop ‐ Principles for design
Safety of machinery ‐ Emergency stop ‐ Principles for design (ISO 13850:2006)
Safety of machinery ‐ Positioning of safeguards with respect to the approach speeds of parts of the human body (ISO 13855:2010)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
EN ISO 13855:2010
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
EN ISO 13856‐1
Safety of machinery ‐ Pressure‐sensitive protective devices ‐ Part 1: General principles for design and testing of pressure‐sensitive mats and pressure‐sensitive floors (ISO/FDIS 13856‐1:2012)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN ISO 13856‐2
Safety of machinery ‐ Pressure‐sensitive protective devices ‐ Part 2: General principles for design and testing of pressure‐sensitive edges and pressure‐sensitive bars (ISO/FDIS 13856‐2:2012)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN ISO 13856‐3
Safety of machinery ‐ Pressure‐sensitive protective devices ‐ Part 3: General principles for the design and testing of pressure‐sensitive bumpers, plates, wires and similar devices (ISO/DIS 13856‐3:2012)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN ISO 13857:2008
EN ISO 14119
EN ISO 14120
EN ISO 14122‐1 rev
EN ISO 14122‐1:2001
EN ISO 14122‐1:2001/A1:2010
EN ISO 14122‐2 rev
EN ISO 14122‐2:2001
EN ISO 14122‐2:2001/A1:2010
EN ISO 14122‐3 rev
EN ISO 14122‐3:2001
EN ISO 14122‐3:2001/A1:2010
EN ISO 14122‐4 rev
EN ISO 14122‐4:2004
EN ISO 14122‐4:2004/A1:2010
Safety of machinery ‐ Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper and lower limbs (ISO 13857:2008)
Safety of machinery ‐ Interlocking devices associated with guards ‐ Principles for design and selection (ISO/DIS 14119:2011)
Safety of machinery ‐ Guards ‐ General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards
Safety of machinery ‐ Permanent means of access to machinery ‐ Part 1: Choice of fixed means of access between two levels
Safety of machinery ‐ Permanent means of access to machinery ‐ Part 1: Choice of fixed means of access between two levels (ISO 14122‐1:2001)
Safety of machinery ‐ Permanent means of access to machinery ‐ Part 1: Choice of fixed means of access between two levels ‐ Amendment 1 (ISO 14122‐1:2001/Amd 1:2010)
Safety of machinery ‐ Permanent means of access to machinery ‐ Part 2: Working platforms and walkways
Safety of machinery ‐ Permanent means of access to machinery ‐ Part 2: Working platforms and walkways (ISO 14122‐2:2001)
Safety of machinery ‐ Permanent means of access to machinery ‐ Part 2: Working platforms and walkways ‐ Amendment 1 (ISO 14122‐2:2001/Amd 1:2010)
Safety of machinery ‐ Permanent means of access to machinery ‐ Part 3: Stairs, stepladders and guard‐
Safety of machinery ‐ Permanent means of access to machinery ‐ Part 3: Stairs, stepladders and guard‐
rails (ISO 14122‐3:2001)
Safety of machinery ‐ Permanent means of access to machinery ‐ Part 3: Stairs, stepladders and guard‐
rails ‐ Amendment 1 (ISO 14122‐3:2001/Amd 1:2010)
Safety of machinery ‐ Permanent means of access to machinery ‐ Part 4: Fixed ladders
Safety of machinery ‐ Permanent means of access to machinery ‐ Part 4: Fixed ladders (ISO 14122‐
Safety of machinery ‐ Permanent means of access to machinery ‐ Part 4: Fixed ladders ‐ Amendment 1 (ISO 14122‐4:2004/Amd 1:2010)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
Yes (2006/42/EC)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
Safety of machinery ‐ Hygiene requirements for the design of machinery (ISO 14159:2002)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
EN ISO 19353
Safety of machinery ‐ Fire prevention and protection
Safety of machinery ‐ Lubricants with incidental product contact ‐ Hygiene requirements (ISO 21469:2006)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 6
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
EN ISO 14159:2008
EN ISO 21469:2006
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN ISO 4413:2010
EN ISO 4414:2010
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
Hydraulic fluid power ‐ General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components (ISO 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
Pneumatic fluid power ‐ General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components (ISO 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
TC 121 ‐ Soldadura
CEN ISO/TR 15608:2005
CEN ISO/TR 17641‐3:2005
Welding ‐ Guidelines for a metallic materials grouping system (ISO/TR 15608:2005)
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Hot cracking tests for weldments ‐ Arc welding processes ‐ Part 3: Externally loaded tests (ISO/TR 17641‐3:2005)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
CEN ISO/TR 17844:2004
Welding ‐ Comparison of standardised methods for the avoidance of cold cracks (ISO/TR 17844:2004)
CEN ISO/TR 20172:2009
CEN ISO/TR 20173:2009
CEN ISO/TR 20174:2005
Welding ‐ Grouping systems for materials ‐ European materials (ISO/TR 20172:2009)
Welding ‐ Grouping systems for materials ‐ American materials (ISO/TR 20173:2009)
Welding ‐ Grouping systems for materials ‐ Japanese materials (ISO/TR 20174:2005)
Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 6: Guidelines on implementing ISO 97/23/EC (No)
3834 (ISO/TR 3834‐6:2007)
Health and safety in welding and allied processes ‐ Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases ‐ Part 6: Procedure for quantitative determination of fume and gases from resistance spot welding (ISO/TS 15011‐6:2012)
CEN ISO/TR 3834‐6:2007
CEN ISO/TS 15011‐6:2012
CEN ISO/TS 15011‐
Health and safety in welding and allied processes ‐ Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases ‐ Part 6: Procedure for quantitative determination of fume and gases from resistance spot welding ‐ Technical Corrigendum 1 (ISO/TS 15011‐6:2012/Cor 1:2012)
CEN ISO/TS 17845:2004
Welding and allied processes ‐ Designation system for imperfections (ISO/TS 17845:2004)
97/23/EC (No)
CEN/TR 14599:2005
Terms and definitions for welding purposes in relation with EN 1792
97/23/EC (No)
CEN/TR 14633:2003
Welding ‐ Working positions ‐ Comparison of current international, European and US designations
97/23/EC (No)
CEN/TR 15135:2005
CEN/TR 15235:2005
Gas welding equipment ‐ Measurement of noise emitted by blowpipe for welding, cutting, heating, brazing and soldering ‐ Measurement method
Welding ‐ Design and non‐destructive testing of welds
Welding ‐ Methods for assessing imperfections in metallic structures
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
CEN/TR 15481:2006
Welding of reinforcing steel ‐ Tack weldability ‐ Test methods and performance requirements
CEN/TR 15068:2009
CR 12361:1996
CR 12361:1996/AC:1997
CR 13259:1998
EN 1011‐1:2009
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Etchants for macroscopic and microscopic examination
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Etchants for macroscopic and microscopic examination
Gas welding equipment ‐ Industrial manual and machine oxygen‐fuel gases blowpipes for flame heating and allied processes
Welding ‐ Recommendations for welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 1: General guidance for arc welding
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
EN 1011‐2:2001
Welding ‐ Recommendations for welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 2: Arc welding of ferritic steels
97/23/EC (No)
EN 1011‐2:2001/A1:2003
Welding ‐ Recommendations for welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 2: Arc welding of ferritic steels
97/23/EC (No)
EN 1011‐3:2000
Welding ‐ Recommendations for welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 3: Arc welding of stainless steels
97/23/EC (No)
EN 1011‐3:2000/A1:2003
Welding ‐ Recommendations for welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 3: Arc welding of stainless steels
97/23/EC (No)
EN 1011‐4:2000
EN 1011‐4:2000/A1:2003
Welding ‐ Recommendations for welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 4: Arc welding of aluminium and aluminium alloys
Welding ‐ Recommendations for welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 4: Arc welding of aluminium and aluminium alloys
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
EN 1011‐5:2003
Welding ‐ Recommendations for welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 5: Welding of clad steel
EN 1011‐6:2005
Welding ‐ Recommendation for welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 6: Laser beam welding
EN 1011‐7:2004
Welding ‐ Recommendations for welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 7: Electron beam welding
EN 1045:1997
Brazing ‐ Fluxes for brazing ‐ Classification and technical delivery conditions
97/23/EC (No)
Welding consumables ‐ Quality requirements for manufacture, supply and distribution of consumables 97/23/EC (No)
for welding and allied processes
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Part 1: Evaluation of welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their 97/23/EC (No)
alloys by radiography ‐ Acceptance levels
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Part 2: Evaluation of welded joints in aluminium and its alloys by 97/23/EC (No)
radiography ‐ Acceptance levels
EN 12074:2000
EN 12517‐1:2006
EN 12517‐2:2008
EN 12536:2000
97/23/EC (No)
Welding consumables ‐ Rods for gas welding of non alloy and creep‐resisting steels ‐ Classification
97/23/EC (No)
Gas welding equipment ‐ Specification for hose assemblies for equipment for welding, cutting and allied processes
Imperfections in oxyfuel flame cuts, laser beams cuts and plasma cuts ‐ Terminology
Brazing ‐ Destructive tests of brazed joints
Brazing ‐ Destructive tests of brazed joints
Brazing ‐ Non‐destructive examination of brazed joints
Brazing ‐ Non‐destructive examination of brazed joints
Brazing ‐ Procedure approval
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Fracture test
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (C 202, 2001‐07‐18)
97/23/EC (No)
EN 1321:1996
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Macroscopic and microscopic examination of welds
97/23/EC (No)
EN 1326:1996
EN 1327:1996
Gas welding equipment ‐ Small kits for gas brazing and welding
Gas welding equipment ‐ Thermoplastic hoses for welding and allied processes
Welding consumables ‐ General product standard for filler metals and fluxes for fusion welding of metallic materials
Gas welding equipment ‐ Terminology ‐ Terms used for gas welding equipment
EN 1256:2006
EN 12584:1999
EN 12797:2000
EN 12797:2000/A1:2003
EN 12799:2000
EN 12799:2000/A1:2003
EN 13134:2000
EN 1320:1996
EN 13479:2004
EN 13622:2002
EN 1418:1997
Welding personnel ‐ Approval testing of welding operators for fusion welding and resistance weld setters for fully mechanized and automatic welding of metallic materials
EN 14324:2004
Brazing ‐ Guidance on the application of brazed joints
EN 14532‐1:2004
Welding consumables ‐ Test methods and quality requirements ‐ Part 1: Primary methods and conformity assessment of consumables for steel, nickel and nickel alloys
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 7
97/23/EC (No); 89/106/EEC
97/23/EC (No)
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN 14532‐2:2004
EN 14532‐3:2004
EN 14610:2004
EN 14700
EN 14700:2005
EN 14717:2005
EN 15617:2009
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
Welding consumables ‐ Test methods and quality requirements ‐ Part 2: Supplementary methods and 97/23/EC (No)
conformity assessment of consumables for steel, nickel and nickel alloys
Welding consumables ‐ Test methods and quality requirements ‐ Part 3: Conformity assessment of wire electrodes, wires and rods for welding of aluminium alloys
Welding and allied processes ‐ Definitions of metal welding processes
Welding consumables ‐ Welding consumables for hard‐facing
Welding consumables ‐ Welding consumables for hard‐facing
Welding and allied processes ‐ Environmental check list
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Time‐of‐flight diffraction technique (TOFD) ‐ Acceptance levels
EN 1708‐1:2010
Health and safety in welding and allied processes ‐ Transparent welding curtains, strips and screens for arc welding processes
Welding ‐ Basic welded joint details in steel ‐ Part 1: Pressurized components
EN 1708‐2:2000
Welding ‐ Basic weld joint details in steel ‐ Part 2: Non internal pressurized components
EN 1708‐3:2012
Welding ‐ Basic weld joint details in steel ‐ Part 3: Clad, buttered and lined pressurized components
EN 1711:2000
Non‐destructive examination of welds ‐ Eddy current examination of welds by complex plane analysis
97/23/EC (No)
EN 1711:2000/A1:2003
Non‐destructive examination of welds ‐ Eddy current examination of welds by complex plane analysis
97/23/EC (No)
EN 1792:2003
EN 20693:1991
EN 20865:1991
EN 21089:1991
Welding ‐ Multilingual list of terms for welding and related processes
Dimensions of seam welding wheel blanks (ISO 693:1982)
Slots in plates for projection welding machines (ISO 865:1981)
Electrode taper fits for spot welding equipment ‐ Dimensions (ISO 1089:1980)
Covered electrodes ‐ Determination of the efficiency, metal recovery and deposition coefficient (ISO 2401:1972)
Covered electrodes ‐ Determination of the efficiency, metal recovery and deposition coefficient (ISO 2401:1972)
97/23/EC (No)
EN 22553:1994
Welded, brazed and soldered joints ‐ Symbolic representation on drawings (ISO 2553:1992)
87/404/EEC (No); 97/23/EC (No)
EN 25184:1994
EN 25822:1991
EN 25827:1992
EN 27286:1991
EN 27931:1992
EN 28167:1992
EN 28430‐1:1992
Straight resistance spot welding electrodes (ISO 5184:1979)
Spot welding equipment ‐ Taper plug gauges and taper ring gauges (ISO 5822:1988)
Spot welding ‐ Electrode back‐ups and clamps (ISO 5827:1983)
Graphical symbols for resistance welding equipment (ISO 7286:1986)
Insulation caps and bushes for resistance welding equipment (ISO 7931:1985)
Projections for resistance welding (8167:1989)
Acceptance tests for oxygen cutting machines ‐ Reproducible accuracy ‐ Operational characteristics (ISO 8206:1991)
Resistance spot welding ‐ Electrode holders ‐ Part 1: Taper fixing 1:10 (ISO 8430‐1:1988)
EN 28430‐2:1992
Resistance spot welding ‐ Electrode holders ‐ Part 2: Morse taper fixing (ISO 8430‐2:1988)
EN 1598:2011
EN 22401:1994
EN 22401:1994/AC:1994
EN 28206:1992
EN 28430‐3:1992
EN 287‐1:2011
EN 29090:1992
EN 29313:1992
EN 29454‐1:1993
EN 29455‐1:1993
EN 29455‐11:1993
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
Resistance spot welding ‐ Electrode holders ‐ Part 3: Parallel shank fixing for end thrust (ISO 8430‐
Qualification test of welders ‐ Fusion welding ‐ Part 1: Steels
2009/105/EC; 97/23/EC
Gas tightness of equipment for gas welding and allied processes (ISO 9090:1989)
Resistance spot welding equipment ‐ Cooling tubes (ISO 9313:1989)
Soft soldering fluxes ‐ Classification and requirements ‐ Part 1: Classification, labelling and packaging 97/23/EC (No)
(ISO 9454‐1:1990)
Soft soldering fluxes ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 1: Determination of non‐volatile matter, gravimetric method 97/23/EC (No)
(ISO 9455‐1:1990)
Soft soldering fluxes ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 11: Solubility of flux residues (ISO 9455‐11:1991)
97/23/EC (No)
EN 29455‐5:1993
Soft soldering fluxes ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 14: Assessment of tackiness of flux residues (ISO 9455‐
Soft soldering fluxes ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 5: Copper mirror test (ISO 9455‐5:1992)
97/23/EC (No)
EN 29455‐8:1993
Soft soldering fluxes ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 8: Determination of zinc content (ISO 9455‐8:1991)
97/23/EC (No)
EN 560:2005
Gas welding equipment ‐ Hose connections for equipment for welding, cutting and allied processes
EN 560:2005/AC:2007
Gas welding equipment ‐ Hose connections for equipment for welding, cutting and allied processes
EN 561:2002
Gas welding equipment ‐ Quick‐action coupling with shut‐off valves for welding, cutting and allied processes
EN 730‐1:2002
Gas welding equipment ‐ Safety devices ‐ Part 1: Incorporating a flame (flashback) arrestor
EN 730‐2:2002
Gas welding equipment ‐ Safety devices ‐ Part 2: Not incorporating a flame (flashback) arrestor
EN 29455‐14:1993
EN ISO 10042:2005
EN ISO 10042:2005/AC:2006
EN ISO 10447
EN ISO 10447:2007
EN ISO 10564:1997
EN ISO 10675‐1
EN ISO 10675‐2
EN ISO 1071:2003
EN ISO 10863:2011
Welding ‐ Arc‐welded joints in aluminium and its alloys ‐ Quality levels for imperfections (ISO 10042:2005)
Welding ‐ Arc‐welded joints in aluminium and its alloys ‐ Quality levels for imperfections (ISO 10042:2005/Cor.1:2006)
Resistance welding ‐ Peel and chisel testing of resistance spot and projection welds (ISO/DIS 10447:2013)
97/23/EC (No)
87/404/EEC (No); 2009/105/EC (No); 97/23/EC (No)
87/404/EEC (No); 97/23/EC (No); 2009/105/EC (No)
Resistance welding ‐ Peel and chisel testing of resistance spot and projection welds (ISO 10447:2006)
Soldering and brazing materials ‐ Methods for the sampling of soft solders for analysis (ISO 10564:1993)
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Acceptance levels for radiographic testing ‐ Part 1: Steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (ISO 10675‐1:2008)
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Acceptance levels for radiographic testing ‐ Part 2: Aluminium and its alloys (ISO 10675‐2:2010)
Welding consumables ‐ Covered electrodes, wires, rods and tubular cored electrodes for fusion welding of cast iron ‐ Classification (ISO 1071:2003)
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Ultrasonic testing ‐ Use of time‐of‐flight diffraction technique (TOFD) (ISO 10863:2011)
EN ISO 10882‐1:2011
Health and safety in welding and allied processes ‐ Sampling of airborne particles and gases in the operator's breathing zone ‐ Part 1: Sampling of airborne particles (ISO 10882‐1:2011)
EN ISO 10882‐2:2000
Health and safety in welding and allied processes ‐ Sampling of airborne particles and gases in the operator's breathing zone ‐ Part 2: Sampling of gases (ISO 10882‐2:2000)
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 8
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN ISO 11666:2010
EN ISO 12153:2012
EN ISO 12224‐1:1998
EN ISO 12224‐2:1999
EN ISO 12224‐3:2003
EN ISO 12932
EN ISO 12996
EN ISO 13585:2012
EN ISO 13588:2012
EN ISO 13916:1996
EN ISO 13918:2008
EN ISO 13919‐1:1996
EN ISO 13919‐2:2001
EN ISO 13919‐2:2001/A1:2003
EN ISO 13920:1996
EN ISO 14113 rev
EN ISO 14113:2008
EN ISO 14114 rev
EN ISO 14114:1999
EN ISO 14171:2010
EN ISO 14172:2008
EN ISO 14174:2012
EN ISO 14175:2008
EN ISO 14270:2001
EN ISO 14271:2011
EN ISO 14271:2011/AC:2012
EN ISO 14272
EN ISO 14272:2001
EN ISO 14273
EN ISO 14273:2001
Specimen dimensions and procedure for cross tension testing resistance spot and embossed projection welds (ISO/DIS 14272:2013)
Specimen dimensions and procedure for cross tension testing resistance spot and embossed projection welds (ISO 14272:2000)
Specimen dimensions and procedure for shear testing resistance spot, seam and embossed projection welds (ISO/DIS 14273:2013)
Specimen dimensions and procedure for shear testing resistance spot, seam and embossed projection welds (ISO 14273:2000)
EN ISO 14323:2006
Resistance spot welding and projection welds ‐ Destructive testing of welds ‐ Specimen dimensions and procedure for impact shear test and cross‐tension testing (ISO 14323:2006)
EN ISO 14327:2004
EN ISO 14329:2003
EN ISO 14341:2011
EN ISO 14343:2009
EN ISO 14344:2010
EN ISO 14372:2011
EN ISO 14373
EN ISO 14373:2007
EN ISO 14554‐1 rev
EN ISO 14554‐1:2000
EN ISO 14554‐2 rev
EN ISO 14554‐2:2000
EN ISO 14555 rev
EN ISO 14555:2006
EN ISO 14731:2006
Resistance welding ‐ Vickers hardness testing (low‐force and microhardness) of resistance spot, projection, and seam welds ‐ Technical Corrigendum 1 (ISO 14271:2011/Cor 1:2012)
Resistance spot welding and projection welds ‐ Destructive testing of welds ‐ Specimen dimensions and procedure for impact shear test and cross‐tension testing (ISO/DIS 14323:2013)
EN ISO 14329 rev
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Ultrasonic testing ‐ Acceptance levels (ISO 11666:2010)
Welding consumables ‐ Tubular cored electrodes for gas shielded and non‐gas shielded metal arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys ‐ Classification (ISO 12153:2011)
Solder wire, solid and flux cored ‐ Specification and test methods ‐ Part 1: Classification and 97/23/EC (No)
performance requirements (ISO 12224‐1:1997)
Flux cored solder wire ‐ Specification and test methods ‐ Part 2: Determination of flux content (ISO 97/23/EC (No)
Solder wire, solid and flux cored ‐ Specifications and tests methods ‐ Part 3: Wetting balance test 97/23/EC (No)
method for flux cored solder wire efficacy (ISO 12224‐3:2003)
Welding ‐ Laser‐arc hybrid welding of steels, nickel and nickel alloys ‐ Quality levels for imperfections (ISO/FDIS 12932:2012)
Mechanical joining ‐ Destructive testing of joints ‐ Specimen dimensions and test procedure for tensile shear testing of single joints (ISO/DIS 12996:2011)
Brazing ‐ Qualification test of brazers and brazing operators (ISO 13585:2012)
97/23/EC (C 233, 2012‐08‐03)
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Ultrasonic testing ‐ Use of automated phased array technology (ISO 13588:2012)
Welding ‐ Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and 97/23/EC (No)
preheat maintenance temperature (ISO 13916:1996)
Welding ‐ Studs and ceramic ferrules for arc stud welding (ISO 13918:2008)
Welding ‐ Electrons and laser beam welded joints ‐ Guidance on quality levels for imperfections ‐ Part 97/23/EC (No)
1: Steel (ISO 13919‐1:1996)
Welding ‐ Electron and laser beam welded joints ‐ Guidance on quality levels for imperfections ‐ Part 2: 97/23/EC (No)
Aluminium and its weldable alloys (ISO 13919‐2:2001)
Welding ‐ Electron and laser beam welded joints ‐ Guidance on quality levels for imperfections ‐ Part 2: 97/23/EC (No)
Aluminium and its weldable alloys (ISO 13919‐2:2003)
Welding ‐ General tolerances for welded constructions ‐ Dimensions for lengths and angles ‐ Shape 97/23/EC (No)
and position (ISO 13920:1996)
Gas welding equipment ‐ Rubber and plastics hose and hose assemblies for use with industrial gases up to 450 bar (45 MPa)
Gas welding equipment ‐ Rubber and plastics hose and hose assemblies for use with industrial gases up to 450 bar (45 MPa) (ISO 14113:2007)
Gas welding equipment ‐ Acetylene manifold systems for welding, cutting and allied processes ‐ General requirements (ISO/DIS 14114:2012)
Gas welding equipment ‐ Acetylene manifold systems for welding, cutting and allied processes ‐ General requirements (ISO 14114:1999)
Welding consumables ‐ Solid wire electrodes, tubular cored electrodes and electrode/flux combinations for submerged arc welding of non alloy and fine grain steels ‐ Classification (ISO 14171:2010)
Welding consumables ‐ Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys ‐ Classification (ISO 14172:2008)
Welding consumables ‐ Fluxes for submerged arc welding and electroslag welding ‐ Classification (ISO 14174:2012)
Welding consumables ‐ Gases and gas mixtures for fusion welding and allied processes (ISO 14175:2008)
Specimen dimensions and procedure for mechanized peel testing resistance spot, seam and embossed projection welds (ISO 14270:2000)
Resistance welding ‐ Vickers hardness testing (low‐force and microhardness) of resistance spot, projection, and seam welds (ISO 14271:2011)
EN ISO 14323
EN ISO 14324:2003
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
Resistance spot welding ‐ Destructive tests of welds ‐ Method for the fatigue testing of spot welded joints (ISO/FDIS 14324:2003)
Resistance welding ‐ Procedures for determining the weldability lobe for resistance spot, projection and seam welding (ISO 14327:2004)
Resistance welding ‐ Destructive tests of welds ‐ Failure types and geometric measurements for resistance spot, seam and projection welds
Resistance welding ‐ Destructive tests of welds ‐ Failure types and geometric measurements for resistance spot, seam and projection welds (ISO 14329:2003)
Welding consumables ‐ Wire electrodes and weld deposits for gas shielded metal arc welding of non alloy and fine grain steels ‐ Classification (ISO 14341:2010)
Welding consumables ‐ Wire electrodes, strip electrodes, wires and rods for arc welding of stainless and heat resisting steels ‐ Classification (ISO 14343:2009)
Welding consumables ‐ Procurement of filler materials and fluxes (ISO 14344:2010)
Welding consumables ‐ Determination of moisture resistance of manual metal arc welding electrodes by measurement of diffusible hydrogen (ISO 14372:2011)
Resistance welding ‐ Procedure for spot welding of uncoated and coated low carbon steels (ISO/DIS 14373:2013)
Resistance welding ‐ Procedure for spot welding of uncoated and coated low carbon steels (ISO 97/23/EC (No)
Quality requirements for welding ‐ Resistance welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 1: Comprehensive Yes (97/23/EC)
quality requirements
Quality requirements for welding ‐ Resistance welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 1: Comprehensive 97/23/EC (No)
quality requirements (ISO 14544‐1:2000)
Quality requirements for welding ‐ Resistance welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 2: Elementary quality No (97/23/EC)
Quality requirements for welding ‐ Resistance welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 2: Elementary quality 97/23/EC (No)
requirements (ISO 14554‐2:2000)
Welding ‐ Arc stud welding of metallic materials (ISO/DIS 14555:2012)
Welding ‐ Arc stud welding of metallic materials (ISO 14555:2006)
Welding coordination ‐ Tasks and responsibilities (ISO 14731:2006)
97/23/EC (No)
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 9
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN ISO 14732 rev
EN ISO 14744‐1:2008
EN ISO 14744‐2:2000
EN ISO 14744‐3:2000
EN ISO 14744‐4:2000
EN ISO 14744‐5:2000
EN ISO 14744‐6:2000
EN ISO 15011‐1:2009
EN ISO 15011‐2:2009
Health and safety in welding and allied processes ‐ Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases ‐ Part 2: Determination of the emission rates of carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) during arc welding, cutting and gouging (ISO 15011‐2:2009)
EN ISO 15011‐3:2009
Health and safety in welding and allied processes ‐ Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases ‐ Part 3: Determination of ozone emission rate during arc welding (ISO 15011‐3:2009)
EN ISO 15011‐4:2006
Health and safety in welding and allied processes ‐ Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases ‐ Part 4: Fume data sheets (ISO 15011‐4:2006)
EN ISO 15011‐4:2006/A1:2008
Health and safety in welding and allied processes ‐ Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases ‐ Part 4: Fume data sheets ‐ Amendment 1 (ISO 15011‐4:2006/Amd 1:2008)
EN ISO 15011‐5:2011
Health and safety in welding and allied processes ‐ Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases ‐ Part 5: Identification of thermal‐degradation products generated when welding or cutting through products composed wholly or partly of organic materials using pyrolysis‐gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (ISO 15011‐5:2011)
EN ISO 15012‐1
Health and safety in welding and allied processes ‐ Equipment for capture and separation of welding fume ‐ Part 1: Requirements for testing and marking of separation efficiency (ISO/FDIS 15012‐1:2012)
EN ISO 15012‐1:2004
Health and safety in welding and allied processes ‐ Requirements testing and marking of equipment for air filtration ‐ Part 1: Testing of the separation efficiency for welding fume (ISO 15012‐1:2004)
EN ISO 15012‐2:2008
EN ISO 15012‐4
EN ISO 15607:2003
EN ISO 15609‐1:2004
EN ISO 15609‐2:2001
EN ISO 15609‐2:2001/A1:2003
EN ISO 15609‐3:2004
EN ISO 15609‐4:2009
EN ISO 15609‐5:2011
EN ISO 15609‐6
EN ISO 15610:2003
EN ISO 15611:2003
EN ISO 15612:2004
EN ISO 15613:2004
EN ISO 15614‐1:2004
EN ISO 15614‐1:2004/A1:2008
EN ISO 15614‐1:2004/A2:2012
EN ISO 15614‐10:2005
EN ISO 15614‐11:2002
EN ISO 15614‐12:2004
EN ISO 15614‐13:2012
EN ISO 15614‐14
EN ISO 15614‐2:2005
EN ISO 15614‐2:2005/AC:2009
EN ISO 15614‐3:2008
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
Welding personnel ‐ Qualification testing of welding operators and weld setters for mechanized and automatic welding of metallic materials (ISO/FDIS 14732:2012)
Welding ‐ Acceptance inspection of electron beam welding machines ‐ Part 1: Principles and acceptance conditions (ISO 14744‐1:2008)
Welding ‐ Acceptance inspection of electron beam welding machines ‐ Part 2: Measurement of accelerating voltage characteristics (ISO 14744‐2:2000)
Welding ‐ Acceptance inspection of electron beam welding machines ‐ Part 3: Measurement of beam current characteristics (ISO 14744‐3:2000)
Welding ‐ Acceptance inspection of electron beam welding machines ‐ Part 4: Measurement of welding speed (ISO 14744‐4:2000)
Welding ‐ Acceptance inspection of electron beam welding machines ‐ Part 5: Measurement of run‐out accuracy (ISO 14744‐5:2000)
Welding ‐ Acceptance inspection of electron beam welding machines ‐ Part 6: Measurement of stability of spot position (ISO 14744‐6:2000)
Health and safety in welding and allied processes ‐ Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases ‐ Part 1: Determination of fume emission rate during arc welding and collection of fume for analysis (ISO 15011‐1:2009)
Health and safety in welding and allied processes ‐ Requirements, testing and marking of equipment for air filtration ‐ Part 2: Determination of the minimum air volume flow rate of captor hoods and nozzles (ISO 15012‐2:2008)
Health and safety in welding and allied processes – Requirements, testing and marking of equipment for air filtration – Part 4: Design requirements
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ General rules (ISO 15607:2003)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure specification ‐ Part 1: Arc welding (ISO 15609‐1:2004)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure specification ‐ Part 2: Gas welding (ISO 15609‐2:2001)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure specification ‐ Part 2: Gas welding (ISO 15609‐2:2003)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedures specification ‐ Part 3: Electron beam welding (ISO 15609‐3:2004)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure specification ‐ Part 4: Laser beam welding (ISO 15609‐4:2009)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure specification ‐ Part 5: Resistance welding (ISO 15609‐5:2011, Corrected version 2011‐12‐01)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure specification ‐ Part 6: Laser‐arc hybrid welding (ISO/FDIS 15609‐6:2012)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Qualification based on tested welding consumables (ISO 15610:2003)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Qualification based on previous welding experience (ISO 15611:2003)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Qualification by adoption of a standard welding procedure (ISO 15612:2004)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Qualification based on pre‐production welding test (ISO 15613:2004)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
2009/105/EC (No); 97/23/EC (No); 87/404/EEC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (C 118, 2011‐04‐15)
87/404/EEC (Expected); 2009/105/EC (C Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure test ‐ 229, 2010‐08‐25); 97/23/EC (C 118, 2011‐
Part 1: Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys (ISO 15614‐1:2004)
04‐15); 97/23/EC (C 118, 2011‐04‐15)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure test ‐ Part 1: Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys ‐ Amendment 1 (ISO 15614‐1:2004/Amd 1:2008)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure test ‐ Part 1: Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys ‐ Amendment 2 (ISO 15614‐1:2004/Amd 2:2012)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure test ‐ Part 10: Hyperbaric dry welding (ISO 15614‐10:2005)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure test ‐ Part 11: Electron and laser beam welding (ISO 15614‐11:2002)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure test ‐ Part 12: Spot, seam and projection welding (ISO 15614‐12:2004)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure test ‐ Part 13: Upset (resistance butt) and flash welding (ISO 15614‐13:2012)
97/23/EC (C 111, 2008‐05‐06); 87/404/EEC (C 137, 2008‐07‐08); 2009/105/EC (C 229, 2010‐08‐25)
2009/105/EC (Expected); 97/23/EC
97/23/EC (C 118, 2011‐04‐15)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure test ‐ Part 14: Laser‐arc hybrid welding of steels, nickel and nickel alloys (ISO/FDIS 15614‐14:2012)
87/404/EEC (Expected); 2009/105/EC (C Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure test ‐ 229, 2010‐08‐25); 97/23/EC (C 118, 2011‐
Part 2: Arc welding of aluminium and its alloys (ISO 15614‐2:2005)
87/404/EEC (Expected); 97/23/EC (C 226, Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure test ‐ 2009‐09‐19); 2009/105/EC (C 229, 2010‐
Part 2: Arc welding of aluminium and its alloys (ISO 15614‐2:2005/Cor 2:2009)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure test ‐ 97/23/EC (No)
Part 3: Fusion welding of non‐alloyed and low‐alloyed cast irons (ISO 15614‐3:2008)
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 10
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
EN ISO 15614‐4:2005
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure test ‐ 97/23/EC (C 118, 2011‐04‐15)
Part 4: Finishing welding of aluminium castings (ISO 15614‐4:2005)
EN ISO 15614‐4:2005/AC:2007
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure test ‐ 97/23/EC (C 118, 2011‐04‐15)
Part 4: Finishing welding of aluminium castings (ISO 15614‐4:2005/Cor 1:2007)
EN ISO 15614‐5:2004
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure test ‐ 97/23/EC (C 118, 2011‐04‐15)
Part 5: Arc welding of titanium, zirconium and their alloys (ISO 15614‐5:2004)
EN ISO 15614‐6:2006
EN ISO 15614‐7 rev
EN ISO 15614‐7:2007
EN ISO 15614‐8 rev
EN ISO 15614‐8:2002
EN ISO 15615 rev
EN ISO 15615:2002
EN ISO 15616‐1:2003
EN ISO 15616‐2:2003
EN ISO 15616‐3:2003
EN ISO 15618‐1 rev
EN ISO 15618‐1:2001
EN ISO 15618‐2 rev
EN ISO 15618‐2:2001
EN ISO 15620:2000
EN ISO 15626
EN ISO 15653:2010
EN ISO 15792‐1:2008
EN ISO 15792‐1:2008/A1:2011
EN ISO 15792‐2:2008
EN ISO 15792‐3:2011
EN ISO 16432:2007
EN ISO 16433:2007
EN ISO 16834:2012
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure test ‐ Part 6: Arc and gas welding of copper and its alloys (ISO 15614‐6:2006)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure test ‐ Part 7: Overlay welding
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure test ‐ Part 7: Overlay welding (ISO 15614‐7:2007)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure test ‐ Part 8: Welding of tubes to tube‐plate joints
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials ‐ Welding procedure test ‐ Part 8: Welding of tubes to tube‐plate joints (ISO 15614‐8:2002)
Gas welding equipment ‐ Acetylene manifold systems for welding, cutting and allied processes ‐ Safety requirements in high‐pressure devices (ISO/FDIS 15615:2012)
Gas welding equipment ‐ Acetylene manifold systems for welding, cutting and allied processes ‐ Safety requirements in high‐pressure devices (ISO 15615:2002)
Acceptance tests for CO2‐laser beam machines for high quality welding and cutting ‐ Part 1: General principles, acceptance conditions (ISO 15616‐1:2003)
Acceptance tests for CO2‐laser beam machines for high quality welding and cutting ‐ Part 2: Measurement of static and dynamic accuracy (ISO 15616‐2:2003)
97/23/EC (C 118, 2011‐04‐15)
Yes (97/23/EC)
Yes (97/23/EC)
Acceptance tests for CO2‐laser beam machines for high quality welding and cutting ‐ Part 3: Calibration of instruments for measurement of gas flow and pressure (ISO 15616‐3:2003)
Qualification testing of welders for underwater welding ‐ Part 1: Diver‐welders for hyperbaric wet welding
Qualification testing of welders for under‐water welding ‐ Part 1: Diver‐welders for hyperbaric wet welding (ISO 15618‐1:2001)
Qualification testing of welders for underwater welding ‐ Part 2: Diver‐welders and welding operators for hyperbaric dry welding
Qualification testing of welders for under‐water welding ‐ Part 2: Diver‐welders and welding operators for hyperbaric dry welding (ISO 15618‐2:2001)
Welding ‐ Friction welding of metallic materials (ISO 15620:2000)
97/23/EC (C 118, 2011‐04‐15)
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Time‐of‐flight diffraction technique (TOFD) ‐ Acceptance levels (ISO 15626:2011)
Metallic materials ‐ Method of test for the determination of quasistatic fracture toughness of welds 97/23/EC (No)
(ISO 15653:2010)
Welding consumables ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 1: Test methods for all‐weld metal test specimens in steel, nickel and nickel alloys (ISO 15792‐1:2000)
Welding consumables ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 1: Test methods for all‐weld metal test specimens in steel, nickel and nickel alloys (ISO 15792‐1:2000/Amd 1:2011)
Welding consumables ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 2: Preparation of single‐run and two‐run technique test specimens in steel (ISO 15792‐2:2000)
EN ISO 17634:2006
Welding consumables ‐ Tubular cored electrodes for gas shielded metal arc welding of creep‐resisting 97/23/EC (No)
steels ‐ Classification (ISO 17634:2004)
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ General rules for metallic materials (ISO 17635:2010)
EN ISO 17637:2011
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Visual testing of fusion‐welded joints (ISO 17637:2003)
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Magnetic particle testing (ISO 17638:2003)
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Macroscopic and microscopic examination of welds (ISO 17639:2003)
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Ultrasonic testing ‐ Techniques, testing levels, and assessment (ISO 17640:2010)
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Hot cracking tests for weldments ‐ Arc welding processes ‐ Part 1: General (ISO 17641‐1:2004)
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Hot cracking tests for weldments ‐ Arc welding processes ‐ Part 2: Self‐restraint tests (ISO 17641‐2:2005)
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Cold cracking tests for weldments ‐ Arc welding processes ‐ Part 1: General (ISO 17642‐1:2004)
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Cold cracking tests for weldments ‐ Arc welding processes ‐ Part 2: Self‐restraint tests (ISO 17642‐2:2005)
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Cold cracking tests for weldments ‐ Arc welding processes ‐ Part 3: Externally loaded tests (ISO 17642‐3:2005)
EN ISO 17641‐1:2004
EN ISO 17641‐2:2005
EN ISO 17642‐1:2004
EN ISO 17642‐2:2005
EN ISO 17642‐3:2005
EN ISO 17643
EN ISO 17652‐1:2003
EN ISO 17652‐2:2003
EN ISO 17652‐3:2003
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Radiographic testing ‐ Part 1: X‐ and gamma‐ray techniques with film (ISO 17636‐1:2013)
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Radiographic testing ‐ Part 2: X‐ and gamma‐ray techniques with digital detectors (ISO 17636‐2:2013)
EN ISO 17638:2009
EN ISO 17640:2010
Resistance welding ‐ Procedure for projection welding of uncoated and coated low carbon steels using embossed projection(s) (ISO 16432:2006)
Resistance welding ‐ Procedure for seam welding of uncoated and coated low carbon steels (ISO 16433:2006)
Welding consumables ‐ Wire electrodes, wires, rods and deposits for gas shielded arc welding of high strength steels ‐ Classification (ISO 16834:2012)
Welding consumables ‐ Tubular cored electrodes and rods for gas shielded and non‐gas shielded metal 97/23/EC (No)
arc welding of stainless and heat‐resisting steels ‐ Classification (ISO 17633:2010)
EN ISO 17639
Welding consumables ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 3: Classification testing of positional capacity and root penetration of welding consumables in a fillet weld (ISO 15792‐3:2011)
EN ISO 17633:2010
EN ISO 17636‐2:2013
97/23/EC (C 118, 2011‐04‐15)
Welding consumables ‐ Tubular cored electrodes for gas shielded and non‐gas shielded metal arc welding of non‐alloy and fine grain steels ‐ Classification (ISO 17632:2004)
EN ISO 17636‐1:2013
97/23/EC (C 46, 2009‐02‐25)
EN ISO 17632:2008
EN ISO 17635:2010
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Eddy current testing of welds by complex‐plane analysis
Welding ‐ Test for shop primers in relation to welding and allied processes ‐ Part 1: General requirements (ISO 17652‐1:2003)
Welding ‐ Test for shop primers in relation to welding and allied processes ‐ Part 2: Welding properties of shop primers (ISO 17652‐2:2003)
Welding ‐ Test for shop primers in relation to welding and allied processes ‐ Part 3: Thermal cutting (ISO 17652‐3:2003)
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 11
87/404/EEC (No); 2009/105/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
EN ISO 17659:2004
Welding ‐ Test for shop primers in relation to welding and allied processes ‐ Part 4: Emission of fumes and gases (ISO 17652‐4:2003)
Resistance welding ‐ Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Torsion test of resistance spot welds (ISO 17653:2012)
Resistance welding ‐ Destructive tests of welds ‐ Pressure test of resistance seam welds (ISO 17654:2011)
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Method for taking samples for delta ferrite 97/23/EC (No)
measurement (ISO 17655:2003)
Resistance welding ‐ Welding current measurement for resistance welding ‐ Part 1: Guidelines for measurement (ISO 17657‐1:2005)
Resistance welding ‐ Welding current measurement for resistance welding ‐ Part 2: Welding current meter with current sensing coil (ISO 17657‐2:2005)
Resistance welding ‐ Welding current measurement for resistance welding ‐ Part 3: Current sensing coil (ISO 17657‐3:2005)
Resistance welding ‐ Welding current measurement for resistance welding ‐ Part 4: Calibration system (ISO 17657‐4:2005)
Resistance welding ‐ Welding current measurement for resistance welding ‐ Part 5: Verification of welding current measuring system (ISO 17657‐5:2005)
Welding ‐ Multilingual terms for welded joints with illustrations (ISO 17659:2002)
97/23/EC (No)
EN ISO 17660‐1:2006
Welding ‐ Welding of reinforcing steel ‐ Part 1: Load‐bearing welded joints (ISO 17660‐1:2006)
EN ISO 17660‐2:2006
Welding ‐ Welding of reinforcing steel ‐ Part 2: Non load‐bearing welded joints (ISO 17660‐2:2006)
EN ISO 17652‐4:2003
EN ISO 17653:2012
EN ISO 17654:2011
EN ISO 17655:2003
EN ISO 17657‐1:2007
EN ISO 17657‐2:2007
EN ISO 17657‐3:2007
EN ISO 17657‐4:2007
EN ISO 17657‐5:2007
EN ISO 17672:2010
Welding ‐ Calibration, verification and validation of equipment used for welding, including ancillary activities (ISO 17662:2005)
Welding ‐ Quality requirements for heat treatment in connection with welding and allied processes (ISO 17663:2009)
Brazing ‐ Filler metals (ISO 17672:2010)
EN ISO 17677‐1:2009
Resistance welding ‐ Vocabulary ‐ Part 1: Spot, projection and seam welding (ISO 17677‐1:2009)
EN ISO 17677‐2
Resistance welding ‐ Vocabulary ‐ Part 2: Flash and butt welding
Welding consumables ‐ Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of copper and copper alloys ‐ Classification
Safety of thermal cutting machines
Numerical welding simulation ‐ Execution and documentation
Welding consumables ‐ Wire electrodes, wires and rods for welding of aluminium and aluminium 97/23/EC (No)
alloys ‐ Classification (ISO 18273:2004)
EN ISO 17662:2005
EN ISO 17663:2009
EN ISO 17777
EN ISO 17916
EN ISO 18166
EN ISO 18273:2004
EN ISO 18274:2010
EN ISO 18275:2012
EN ISO 18276:2006
EN ISO 18278‐1 rev
EN ISO 18278‐1:2004
EN ISO 18278‐2 rev
EN ISO 18278‐2:2004
EN ISO 18279:2003
EN ISO 18592:2009
EN ISO 18594:2007
EN ISO 18595:2007
EN ISO 21952:2012
EN ISO 22825:2012
EN ISO 22827‐1:2005
EN ISO 22827‐2:2005
Welding consumables ‐ Solid wire electrodes, solid strip electrodes, solid wires and solid rods for fusion welding of nickel and nickel alloys ‐ Classification (ISO 18274:2010)
Resistance welding ‐ Transformer‐rectifier for welding guns with integrated transformers ‐ Transformer‐rectifier units operating at 1000 Hz frequency (ISO 22829:2007)
EN ISO 23277
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Penetrant testing of welds ‐ Acceptance levels (ISO/DIS 23277:2013)
EN ISO 23277:2009
EN ISO 23278
EN ISO 23278:2009
EN ISO 23279:2010
EN ISO 24034:2010
EN ISO 24373:2009
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Penetrant testing of welds ‐ Acceptance levels (ISO 23277:2006)
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Magnetic particle testing of welds ‐ Acceptance levels (ISO/DIS 23278:2013)
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Magnetic particle testing of welds ‐ Acceptance levels (ISO 23278:2006)
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Ultrasonic testing ‐ Characterization of indications in welds (ISO 23279:2010)
Welding consumables ‐ Solid wire electrodes, solid wires and rods for fusion welding of titanium and titanium alloys ‐ Classification (ISO/FDIS 24034:2010)
Welding consumables ‐ Solid wires and rods for fusion welding of copper and copper alloys ‐ Classification (ISO 24373:2008)
EN ISO 24598:2012
Welding consumables ‐ Solid wire electrodes, tubular cored electrodes and electrode‐flux combinations for submerged arc welding of creep‐resisting steels ‐ Classification (ISO 24598:2012)
EN ISO 2503:2009
Gas welding equipment ‐ Pressure regulators and pressure regulators with flow‐metering devices for gas cylinders used in welding, cutting and allied processes up to 300 bar (30 MPa) (ISO 2503:2009)
EN ISO 2503:2009/prA1
Gas welding equipment ‐ Pressure regulators and pressure regulators with flow‐metering devices for gas cylinders used in welding, cutting and allied processes up to 300 bar (30 MPa)
EN ISO 25239‐1:2011
EN ISO 25239‐2:2011
Friction stir welding ‐ Aluminium ‐ Part 1: Vocabulary (ISO 25239‐1:2011)
Friction stir welding ‐ Aluminium ‐ Part 2: Design of weld joints (ISO 25239‐2:2011)
EN ISO 25239‐3:2011
Friction stir welding ‐ Aluminium ‐ Part 3: Qualification of welding operators (ISO 25239‐3:2011)
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 12
97/23/EC (No)
Welding consumables ‐ Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of high‐strength steels ‐ 97/23/EC (No)
Classification (ISO 18275:2011)
Welding consumables ‐ Tubular cored electrodes for gas‐shielded and non‐gas‐shielded metal arc welding of high‐strength steels ‐ Classification (ISO 18276:2005)
Resistance welding ‐ Weldability ‐ Part 1: Assessment of weldability for resistance spot, seam and projection welding of metallic materials
Resistance welding ‐ Weldability ‐ Part 1: Assessment of weldability for resistance spot, seam and projection welding of metallic materials (ISO 18278‐1:2004)
Resistance welding ‐ Weldability ‐ Part 2: Alternative procedures for the assessment of sheet steels for spot welding
Resistance welding ‐ Weldability ‐ Part 2: Alternative procedures for the assessment of sheet steels for spot welding (ISO 18278‐2:2004)
Brazing ‐ Imperfections in brazed joints (ISO 18279:2003)
97/23/EC (No)
Resistance welding ‐ Destructive testing of welds ‐ Method for the fatigue testing of multi‐spot‐welded specimens (ISO 18592:2009)
Resistance spot‐, projection‐ and seam‐welding ‐ Method for determining the transition resistance on aluminium and steel material (ISO 18594:2007)
Resistance welding ‐ Spot welding of aluminium and aluminium alloys ‐ Weldability, welding and testing (ISO 18595:2007)
Welding consumables ‐ Wire electrodes, wires, rods and deposits for gas shielded arc welding of creep‐
resisting steels ‐ Classification (ISO 21952:2012)
Non‐destructive testing of welds ‐ Ultrasonic testing ‐ Testing of welds in austenitic steels and nickel‐
based alloys (ISO 22825:2012)
Acceptance tests for Nd:YAG laser beam welding machines ‐ Machines with optical fibre delivery ‐ Part 1: Laser assembly (ISO 22827‐1:2005)
Acceptance tests for Nd:YAG laser beam welding machines ‐ Machines with optical fibre delivery ‐ Part 2: Moving mechanism (ISO 22827‐2:2005)
EN ISO 22829:2008
97/23/EC (No)
No (‐)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN ISO 25239‐4:2011
Friction stir welding ‐ Aluminium ‐ Part 4: Specification and qualification of welding procedures (ISO 25239‐4:2011)
EN ISO 25239‐5:2011
Friction stir welding ‐ Aluminium ‐ Part 5: Quality and inspection requirements (ISO 25239‐5:2011)
EN ISO 2553
EN ISO 2560:2009
EN ISO 25980
EN ISO 26304:2011
Welding and allied processes ‐ Symbolic representation on drawings ‐ Welded, brazed and soldered No (2009/105/EC,; 87/404/EEC,; joints (ISO/DIS 2553:2012)
Welding consumables ‐ Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of non‐alloy and fine grain 87/404/EEC (No); 2009/105/EC (No); steels ‐ Classification (ISO 2560:2009)
97/23/EC (No) Health and safety in welding and allied processes ‐ Transparent welding curtains, strips and screens for arc welding processes (ISO/DIS 25980:2012)
EN ISO 3677 rev
EN ISO 3677:1995
EN ISO 3690:2012
Welding and allied processes ‐ Determination of hydrogen content in arc weld metal (ISO 3690:2012)
EN ISO 3821:2010
Gas welding equipment ‐ Rubber hoses for welding, cutting and allied processes (ISO 3821:2008)
EN ISO 3580:2011
EN ISO 3581:2012
EN ISO 3834‐1:2005
EN ISO 3834‐2:2005
EN ISO 3834‐3:2005
EN ISO 3834‐4:2005
EN ISO 3834‐5:2005
EN ISO 3834‐5:2005/AC:2008
EN ISO 4063:2010
EN ISO 4136:2012
EN ISO 5171:2010
EN ISO 5172:2006
EN ISO 5172:2006/A1:2012
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Bend tests (ISO 5173:2009)
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Bend tests ‐ Amendment 1 (ISO 5173:2009/Amd 1:2011)
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Longitudinal tensile test on weld metal in fusion welded joints (ISO 5178:2001)
Resistance welding ‐ Materials for electrodes and ancillary equipment (ISO 5182:2008)
Resistance welding equipment ‐ Electrode adaptors, male taper 1:10 ‐ Part 1: Conical fixing, taper 1:10 (ISO 5183‐1:1998)
Resistance spot welding ‐ Electrode adaptors, male taper 1:10 ‐ Part 2: Parallel shank fixing for end‐
thrust electrodes (ISO 5183‐2:2000)
Welding consumables ‐ Technical delivery conditions for filler materials and fluxes ‐ Type of product, dimensions, tolerances and markings (ISO 544:2011)
Welding ‐ Fusion‐welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam welding excluded) ‐ Quality levels for imperfections (ISO/DIS 5817:2012)
Welding ‐ Fusion‐welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam welding excluded) ‐ Quality levels for imperfections (ISO 5817:2003, corrected version:2005, including Technical Corrigendum 1:2006)
Resistance welding ‐ Spot welding electrode caps (ISO 5821:2009)
Resistance welding equipment ‐ Transformers ‐ General specifications applicable to all transformers (ISO/DIS 5826:2012)
Resistance welding equipment ‐ Transformers ‐ General specifications applicable to all transformers (ISO 5826:1999)
Resistance welding equipment ‐ Secondary connecting cables with terminals connected to water‐
cooled lugs ‐ Dimensions and characteristics (ISO 5828:2001)
Welding consumables ‐ Rods, wires and deposits for tungsten inert gas welding of non‐alloy and fine‐
grain steels ‐ Classification (ISO 636:2004)
Welding and allied processes ‐ Classification of geometric imperfections in metallic materials ‐ Part 1: Fusion welding (ISO 6520‐1:2007)
Welding and allied processes ‐ Classification of geometric imperfections in metallic materials ‐ Part 2: Welding with pressure (ISO/FDIS 6520‐2:2012)
Welding and allied processes ‐ Classification of geometric imperfections in metallic materials ‐ Part 2: Welding with pressure (ISO 6520‐2:2001)
Resistance welding ‐ Resistance welding equipment ‐ Mechanical and electrical requirements (ISO/DIS 669:2013)
EN ISO 5183‐1:2000
EN ISO 5183‐2:2001
EN ISO 544:2011
EN ISO 5817
EN ISO 5817:2007
EN ISO 5821:2009
EN ISO 5826 rev
EN ISO 5826:2003
EN ISO 5828:2001
EN ISO 636:2008
EN ISO 6520‐1:2007
EN ISO 6520‐2
EN ISO 6520‐2:2001
EN ISO 669
EN ISO 6847 rev
Welding consumables ‐ Deposition of a weld metal pad for chemical analysis (ISO/FDIS 6847:2012)
EN ISO 6847:2001
Welding consumables ‐ Deposition of a weld metal pad for chemical analysis (ISO 6847:2000)
EN ISO 6848:2004
Arc welding and cutting ‐ Nonconsumable tungsten electrodes ‐ Classification (ISO 6848:2004)
EN ISO 6947:2011
EN ISO 7287:2002
Welding and allied processes ‐ Welding positions (ISO 6947:2011)
Graphical symbols for thermal cutting equipment (ISO 7287:2002)
Gas welding equipment ‐ Pressure regulators for manifold systems used in welding, cutting and allied processes up to 30 MPa (300 bar) (ISO 7291:2010)
Gas welding equipment ‐ Pressure regulators for manifold systems used in welding, cutting and allied processes up to 30 MPa (300 bar)
EN ISO 7291:2010
EN ISO 7291:2010/prA1
Yes (97/23/EC)
97/23/EC (No)
Gas welding equipment ‐ Pressure gauges used in welding, cutting and allied processes (ISO 5171:2009)
Gas welding equipment ‐ Blowpipes for gas welding, heating and cutting ‐ Specifications and tests (ISO 5172:2006)
Gas welding equipment ‐ Blowpipes for gas welding, heating and cutting ‐ Specifications and tests ‐ Amendment 1 (ISO 5172:2006/Amd 1:2012)
Gas welding equipment ‐ Blowpipes for gas welding, heating and cutting ‐ Specifications and tests
EN ISO 5178:2011
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Transverse tensile test (ISO 4136:2012)
EN ISO 5172:2006/prA2
EN ISO 5182:2009
Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 1: Criteria for the selection of the appropriate level of quality requirements (ISO 3834‐1:2005)
Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements (ISO 3834‐2:2005)
Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 3: Standard quality requirements (ISO 3834‐3:2005)
Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 4: Elementary quality requirements (ISO 3834‐4:2005)
Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 5: Documents with which it is necessary to conform to claim conformity to the quality requirements of ISO 3834‐2, ISO 3834‐3 or ISO 3834‐4 (ISO 3834‐5:2005)
Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials ‐ Part 5: Documents with which it is necessary to conform to claim conformity to the quality requirements of ISO 3834‐2, ISO 3834‐3 or ISO 3834‐4 (ISO 3834‐5:2005/Cor 1:2007)
Welding and allied processes ‐ Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers (ISO 4063:2009, 97/23/EC (No)
Corrected version 2010‐03‐01)
EN ISO 5173:2010
EN ISO 5173:2010/A1:2011
Welding consumables ‐ Solid wire electrodes, tubular cored electrodes and electrode‐flux combinations for submerged arc welding of high strength steels ‐ Classification (ISO 26304:2011)
Resistance welding ‐ Method for the evaluation of the spot weldability of coated and uncoated weld bonded sheet materials
Welding consumables ‐ Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of creep‐resisting steels ‐ Classification (ISO 3580:2010)
Welding consumables ‐ Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of stainless and heat‐
resisting steels ‐ Classification (ISO 3581:2003+Cor 1:2008+Amd 1:2011)
Filler metal for soft soldering, brazing and braze welding ‐ Designation
Filler metal for soft soldering, brazing and braze welding ‐ Designation (ISO 3677:1992)
EN ISO 27508
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 13
97/23/EC (No); 89/106/EEC (No)
97/23/EC (No); 2009/105/EC (No); 87/404/EEC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
No (97/23/EC)
97/23/EC (No)
87/404/EEC (No); 89/106/EEC (No); 97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN ISO 8166:2003
EN ISO 8205‐1:2002
EN ISO 8205‐2:2002
EN ISO 8205‐3:2012
EN ISO 8249:2000
EN ISO 9012:2011
EN ISO 9312 rev
EN ISO 9312:1994
Resistance welding equipment ‐ Insulated pins for use in electrode back‐ups (ISO 9312:1990)
EN ISO 9453 rev
EN ISO 9453:2006
Soft solder alloys ‐ Chemical compositions and forms
Soft solder alloys ‐ Chemical compositions and forms (ISO 9453:2006)
EN ISO 9013:2002
EN ISO 9013:2002/A1:2003
EN ISO 9015‐1:2011
EN ISO 9015‐2:2011
EN ISO 9016:2012
EN ISO 9017
EN ISO 9018:2003
EN ISO 9454‐1 rev
EN ISO 9454‐2:2000
EN ISO 9455‐10:2012
Soft soldering fluxes ‐ Classification and requirements ‐ Part 1: Classification, labelling and packaging
Soft soldering fluxes ‐ Classification and requirements ‐ Part 2: Performance requirements (ISO 9454‐
Soft soldering fluxes ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 10: Flux efficacy test, solder spread method (ISO 9455‐
EN ISO 9455‐13:1999
Soft soldering fluxes ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 13: Determination of flux spattering (ISO 9455‐13:1996)
EN ISO 9455‐15:1999
Soft soldering fluxes ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 15: Copper corrosion test (ISO 9455‐15:1996)
Soft soldering fluxes ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 16: Flux efficacy test, wetting balance method (ISO/FDIS 9455‐16:2012)
Soft soldering fluxes ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 16: Flux efficacy tests, wetting balance method (ISO 9455‐
Soft soldering fluxes ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 17: Surface insulation resistance comb test and electrochemical migration test of flux residues
Soft soldering fluxes ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 17: Surface insulation resistance comb test and electrochemical migration test of flux residues (ISO 9455‐17:2002)
Soft soldering fluxes ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 2: Determination of non‐volatile matter, ebulliometric method (ISO 9455‐2:1993)
Soft soldering fluxes ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 3: Determination of acid value, potentiometric and visual titration methods (ISO 9455‐3:1992)
Soft soldering fluxes ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 5: Copper mirror test (ISO/DIS 9455‐5:2012)
Soft soldering fluxes ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 6: Determination and detection of halide (excluding fluoride) content (ISO 9455‐6:1995)
EN ISO 9455‐16 rev
EN ISO 9455‐16:2001
EN ISO 9455‐17 rev
EN ISO 9455‐17:2006
EN ISO 9455‐2:1995
EN ISO 9455‐3:1994
EN ISO 9455‐5 rev
EN ISO 9455‐6:1997
EN ISO 9455‐9:1995
EN ISO 9539:2010
EN ISO 9539:2010/prA1
Soft soldering fluxes ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 9: Determination of ammonia content (ISO 9455‐9:1993)
No (97/23/EC)
Qualification testing of welders ‐ Fusion welding ‐ Part 1: Steels (ISO 9606‐1:2012 including Cor 1:2012)
EN ISO 9606‐2:2004
Qualification test of welders ‐ Fusion welding ‐ Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium alloys (ISO 9606‐
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
No (97/23/EC)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
No (97/23/EC)
97/23/EC (No)
89/106/EEC (No); 97/23/EC
Approval testing of welders ‐ Fusion welding ‐ Part 3: Copper and copper alloys (ISO 9606‐3:1999)
97/23/EC (C 210, 2000‐07‐22)
Approval testing of welders ‐ Fusion welding ‐ Part 4: Nickel and nickel alloys (ISO 9606‐4:1999)
97/23/EC (C 210, 2000‐07‐22)
EN ISO 9606‐5:2000
Approval testing of welders ‐ Fusion welding ‐ Part 5: Titanium and titanium alloys, zirconium and zirconium alloys (ISO 9606‐5:2000)
97/23/EC (C 348, 2000‐12‐05)
EN ISO 9692‐1 rev
Welding and allied processes ‐ Recommendations for joint preparation ‐ Part 1: Manual metal‐arc welding, gas‐shielded metal‐arc welding, gas welding, TIG welding and beam welding of steels
EN ISO 9692‐2:1998
EN ISO 9692‐3 rev
EN ISO 9692‐3:2001
EN ISO 9692‐3:2001/A1:2003
EN ISO 9692‐4:2003
FprCEN ISO/TR 15608
FprCEN/TR 13259
Welding and allied processes ‐ Recommendations for joint preparation ‐ Part 3: Metal inert gas welding and tungsten inert gas welding of aluminium and its alloys (ISO 9692‐3:2000)
Welding and allied processes ‐ Recommendations for joint preparation ‐ Part 3: Metal inert gas welding and tungsten inert gas welding of aluminium and its alloys
Welding and allied processes ‐ Recommendations for joint preparation ‐ Part 4: Clad steels (ISO 9692‐
Welding ‐ Guidelines for a metallic materials grouping system (ISO/DTR 15608:2012)
Gas welding equipment ‐ Industrial manual and machine oxygen‐fuel gases blowpipes for flame heating, flame brazing and allied processes
TC 122 ‐ Ergonomia
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 14
97/23/EC (No)
EN ISO 9606‐3:1999
EN ISO 9692‐2:1998/AC:1999
97/23/EC (No)
EN ISO 9606‐4:1999
Welding and allied processes ‐ Recommendations for joint preparation ‐ Part 1: Manual metal‐arc welding, gas‐shielded metal‐arc welding, gas welding, TIG welding and beam welding of steels (ISO 9692‐1:2003)
Welding and allied processes ‐ Joint preparation ‐ Part 2: Submerged arc welding of steels (ISO 9692‐
Welding and allied processes ‐ Joint preparation ‐ Part 2: Submerged arc welding of steels (ISO 9692‐
Welding and allied processes ‐ Recommendations for joint preparation ‐ Part 3: Metal inert gas welding and tungsten inert gas welding of aluminium and its alloys
97/23/EC (No)
Gas welding equipment ‐ Materials for equipment used in gas welding, cutting and allied processes (ISO 9539:2010)
Gas welding equipment ‐ Materials for equipment used in gas welding, cutting and allied processes ‐ Amendment 1 (ISO 9539:2010/DAM 1:2012)
EN ISO 9606‐1
EN ISO 9692‐1:2003
Gas welding equipment ‐ Air‐aspirated hand blowpipes ‐ Specifications and tests (ISO 9012:2008)
Thermal cutting ‐ Classification of thermal cuts ‐ Geometrical product specification and quality tolerances
Thermal cutting ‐ Classification of thermal cuts ‐ Geometrical product specification and quality tolerances (ISO 9013:2002)
Thermal cutting ‐ Classification of thermal cuts ‐ Geometrical product specification and quality tolerances (ISO 9013:2003)
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Hardness testing ‐ Part 1: Hardness test on arc welded joints (ISO 9015‐1:2001)
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Hardness testing ‐ Part 2: Microhardness testing of welded joints (ISO 9015‐2:2003)
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Impact tests ‐ Test specimen location, notch orientation and examination (ISO 9016:2012)
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Fracture test (ISO 9017:2001)
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials ‐ Tensile test on cruciform and lapped joints (ISO 9018:2003)
Resistance welding equipment ‐‐ Insulated pins for use in electrode back‐ups
EN ISO 9013 rev
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
Resistance welding ‐ Procedure for the evaluation of the life of spot welding electrodes using constant machine settings (ISO 8166:2003)
Water‐cooled secondary connection cables for resistance welding ‐ Part 1: Dimensions and requirements for double‐conductor connection cables (ISO 8205‐1:2002)
Water‐cooled secondary connection cables for resistance welding ‐ Part 2: Dimensions and requirements for single‐conductor connection cables (ISO 8205‐2:2002)
Water‐cooled secondary connection cables for resistance welding ‐ Part 3: Test requirements (ISO 8205‐3:2012)
Welding ‐ Determination of Ferrite Number (FN) in austenitic and duplex ferritic‐austenitic Cr‐Ni 97/23/EC (No)
stainless steel weld metals (ISO 8249:2000)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
CEN ISO/TR 22411:2011
CEN ISO/TR 7250‐2:2011
CEN ISO/TR 7250‐2:2011/FprA1
CEN ISO/TR 9241‐100:2011
CEN/TR 614‐3:2010
EN 1005‐1:2001+A1:2008
EN 1005‐2:2003+A1:2008
EN 1005‐3:2002+A1:2008
EN 1005‐4:2005+A1:2008
EN 1005‐5:2007
Basic human body measurements for technological design ‐ Part 2: Statistical summaries of body measurements from individual ISO populations (ISO/TR 7250‐2:2010)
Basic human body measurements for technological design ‐ Part 2: Statistical summaries of body measurements from national populations (ISO/TR 7250‐2:2010/FAmd 1:2012)
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 100: Introduction to standards related to software ergonomics (ISO/TR 9241‐100:2010)
Safety of machinery ‐ Part 3: Ergonomic principles for the design of mobile machinery
Safety of machinery ‐ Human physical performance ‐ Part 1: Terms and definitions
Safety of machinery ‐ Human physical performance ‐ Part 2: Manual handling of machinery and component parts of machinery
Safety of machinery ‐ Human physical performance ‐ Part 3: Recommended force limits for machinery operation
Safety of machinery ‐ Human physical performance ‐ Part 4: Evaluation of working postures and movements in relation to machinery
Safety of machinery ‐ Human physical performance ‐ Part 5: Risk assessment for repetitive handling at high frequency
Safety of machinery ‐ Guidance for the application of ergonomics standards in the design of machinery
EN 13921:2007
Personal protective equipment ‐ Ergonomic principles
EN 547‐1:1996+A1:2008
EN 547‐2:1996+A1:2008
EN 547‐3:1996+A1:2008
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC (No)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
Hot environments ‐ Estimation of the heat stress on working man, based on the WBGT‐index (wet bulb globe temperature) (ISO 7243:1989)
Safety of machinery ‐ Human body measurements ‐ Part 1: Principles for determining the dimensions 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC required for openings for whole body access into machinery
Safety of machinery ‐ Human body measurements ‐ Part 2: Principles for determining the dimensions 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC required for access openings
Safety of machinery ‐ Human body measurements ‐ Part 3: Anthropometric data
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 614‐1:2006+A1:2009
Safety of machinery ‐ Ergonomic design principles ‐ Part 1: Terminology and general principles
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 614‐2:2000+A1:2008
Safety of machinery ‐ Ergonomic design principles ‐ Part 2: Interactions between the design of machinery and work tasks
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 842:1996+A1:2008
Safety of machinery ‐ Visual danger signals ‐ General requirements, design and testing
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 894‐1:1997+A1:2008
Safety of machinery ‐ Ergonomics requirements for the design of displays and control actuators ‐ Part 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 1: General principles for human interactions with displays and control actuators
EN 894‐2:1997+A1:2008
EN 894‐3:2000+A1:2008
EN 894‐4:2010
EN 981:1996+A1:2008
EN ISO 10075‐1:2000
EN ISO 10075‐2:2000
Safety of machinery ‐ Ergonomics requirements for the design of displays and control actuators ‐ Part 2: Displays
Safety of machinery ‐ Ergonomics requirements for the design of displays and control actuators ‐ Part 3: Control actuators
Safety of machinery ‐ Ergonomics requirements for the design of displays and control actuators ‐ Part 4: Location and arrangement of displays and control actuators
Safety of machinery ‐ System of auditory and visual danger and information signals
Ergonomic principles related to mental work‐load ‐ Part 1: General terms and definitions (ISO 10075:1991)
EN ISO 11064‐3:1999
EN ISO 11064‐3:1999/AC:2002
Ergonomic design of control centres ‐ Part 3: Control room layout (ISO 11064‐3:1999/Cor.1:2002)
EN ISO 10551:2001
EN ISO 11064‐1:2000
EN ISO 11064‐2:2000
EN ISO 11064‐4
EN ISO 11064‐4:2004
EN ISO 11064‐5:2008
EN ISO 11064‐6:2005
EN ISO 11064‐7:2006
EN ISO 11079:2007
EN ISO 11399:2000
EN ISO 12894:2001
EN ISO 13731:2001
EN ISO 13732‐1:2008
EN ISO 13732‐3:2008
EN ISO 14505‐2:2006
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Ergonomics of the thermal environment ‐ Determination and interpretation of cold stress when using required clothing insulation (IREQ) and local cooling effects (ISO 11079:2007)
Ergonomics of the thermal environment ‐ Principles and application of relevant International Standards (ISO 11399:1995)
Ergonomics of the thermal environment ‐ Medical supervision of individuals exposed to extreme hot or cold environments (ISO 12894:2001)
Ergonomics of the thermal environment ‐ Vocabulary and symbols (ISO 13731:2001)
Ergonomics of the thermal environment ‐ Methods for the assessment of human responses to contact 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC with surfaces ‐ Part 1: Hot surfaces (ISO 13732‐1:2006)
Ergonomics of the thermal environment ‐ Methods for the assessment of human responses to contact 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC with surfaces ‐ Part 3: Cold surfaces (ISO 13732‐3:2005)
Ergonomics of the thermal environment ‐ Evaluation of thermal environments in vehicles ‐ Part 2: Determination of equivalent temperature (ISO 14505‐2:2006)
Ergonomics of the thermal environment ‐ Evaluation of thermal environments in vehicles ‐ Part 2: Determination of equivalent temperature (ISO 14505‐2:2006/Cor 1:2007)
EN ISO 14505‐3:2006
Ergonomics of the thermal environment ‐ Evaluation of the thermal environment in vehicles ‐ Part 3: Evaluation of thermal comfort using human subjects (ISO 14505‐3:2006)
EN ISO 14915‐1:2002
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Ergonomic design of control centres ‐ Part 4: Layout and dimensions of workstations (ISO/DIS 11064‐
Ergonomic design of control centres ‐ Part 4: Layout and dimensions of workstations (ISO 11064‐
Ergonomic design of control centres ‐ Part 5: Displays and controls (ISO 11064‐5:2008)
Ergonomic design of control centres ‐ Part 6: Environmental requirements for control centres (ISO 11064‐6:2005)
Ergonomic design of control centres ‐ Part 7: Principles for the evaluation of control centres (ISO 11064‐7:2006)
EN ISO 14505‐2:2006/AC:2009
EN ISO 14738:2008
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Ergonomic principles related to mental workload ‐ Part 2: Design principles (ISO 10075‐2:1996)
Ergonomic principles related to mental workload ‐ Part 3: Principles and requirements concerning methods for measuring and assessing mental workload (ISO 10075‐3:2004)
Ergonomics of the thermal environment ‐ Assessment of the influence of the thermal environment using subjective judgement scales (ISO 10551:1995)
Ergonomic design of control centres ‐ Part 1: Principles for the design of control centres (ISO 11064‐
Ergonomic design of control centres ‐ Part 2: Principles for the arrangement of control suites (ISO 11064‐2:2000)
Ergonomic design of control centres ‐ Part 3: Control room layout (ISO 11064‐3:1999)
EN ISO 10075‐3:2004
Ergonomics data and guidelines for the application of ISO/IEC Guide 71 to products and services to address the needs of older persons and persons with disabilities (ISO/TR 22411:2008)
EN 13861:2011
EN 27243:1993
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
Safety of machinery ‐ Anthropometric requirements for the design of workstations at machinery (ISO 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 14738:2002, including Cor 1:2003 and Cor 2:2005)
Software ergonomics for multimedia user interfaces ‐ Part 1: Design principles and framework (ISO 14915‐1:2002)
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 15
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN ISO 14915‐2:2003
EN ISO 14915‐3:2002
EN ISO 15265:2004
EN ISO 15535:2012
EN ISO 15536‐1:2008
EN ISO 15536‐2:2007
EN ISO 15537:2004
EN ISO 15743:2008
EN ISO 20685:2010
EN ISO 24500:2010
EN ISO 24501:2010
EN ISO 24502:2010
Ergonomics ‐ Accessible design ‐ Sound pressure levels of auditory signals for consumer products (ISO 24501:2010)
Ergonomics ‐ Accessible design ‐ Specification of age‐related luminance contrast for coloured light (ISO 24502:2010)
EN ISO 24503:2011
Ergonomics ‐ Accessible design ‐ Tactile dots and bars on consumer products (ISO 24503:2011)
Ergonomics ‐ General approach, principles and concepts (ISO 26800:2011)
Ergonomics of the physical environment ‐ Assessment of environments by means of an environmental survey involving physical measurements of the environment and subjective responses of people (ISO 28802:2012)
Ergonomics of the physical environment ‐ Application of international standards to people with special requirements (ISO 28803:2012)
Ergonomic principles in the design of work systems (ISO 6385:2004)
Basic human body measurements for technological design ‐ Part 1: Body measurement definitions and landmarks (ISO 7250‐1:2008)
Ergonomics of the thermal environment ‐ Instruments for measuring physical quantities (ISO 7726:1998)
Ergonomics of the thermal environment ‐ Analytical determination and interpretation of thermal comfort using calculation of the PMV and PPD indices and local thermal comfort criteria (ISO 7730:2005)
EN ISO 28803:2012
EN ISO 6385:2004
EN ISO 7250‐1:2010
EN ISO 7726:2001
EN ISO 7730:2005
EN ISO 7731:2008
Ergonomics ‐ Danger signals for public and work areas ‐ Auditory danger signals (ISO 7731:2003)
EN ISO 7933:2004
Ergonomics of the thermal environment ‐ Analytical determination and interpretation of heat stress using calculation of the predicted heat strain (ISO 7933:2004)
EN ISO 8996:2004
Ergonomics of the thermal environment ‐ Determination of metabolic rate (ISO 8996:2004)
EN ISO 9241‐110:2006
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 110: Dialogue principles (ISO 9241‐110:2006)
EN ISO 9241‐129:2010
EN ISO 9241‐143:2012
EN ISO 9241‐151:2008
EN ISO 9241‐154
EN ISO 9241‐171:2008
EN ISO 9241‐20:2009
EN ISO 9241‐210:2010
EN ISO 9241‐300:2008
EN ISO 9241‐302:2008
EN ISO 9241‐303:2011
EN ISO 9241‐304:2008
EN ISO 9241‐305:2008
EN ISO 9241‐306:2008
EN ISO 9241‐307:2008
EN ISO 9241‐391
EN ISO 9241‐400:2007
EN ISO 9241‐410:2008
EN ISO 9241‐410:2008/A1:2012
EN ISO 9241‐420:2011
EN ISO 9241‐910:2011
EN ISO 9886:2004
EN ISO 9920:2009
EN ISO 9921:2003
FprCEN ISO/TR 9241‐1
prCEN ISO/TR 12296
Ergonomics ‐ Accessible design ‐ Auditory signals for consumer products (ISO 24500:2010)
EN ISO 26800:2011
EN ISO 28802:2012
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
Software ergonomics for multimedia user interfaces ‐ Part 2: Multimedia navigation and control (ISO 14915‐2:2003)
Software ergonomics for multimedia user interfaces ‐ Part 3: Media selection and combination (ISO 14915‐3:2002)
Ergonomics of the thermal environment ‐ Risk assessment strategy for the prevention of stress or discomfort in thermal working conditions (ISO 15265:2004)
General requirements for establishing anthropometric databases (ISO 15535:2012)
Ergonomics ‐ Computer manikins and body templates ‐ Part 1: General requirements (ISO 15536‐
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 1:2005)
Ergonomics ‐ Computer manikins and body templates ‐ Part 2: Verification of functions and validation of dimensions for computer manikin systems (ISO 15536‐2:2007)
Principles for selecting and using test persons for testing anthropometric aspects of industrial products and designs (ISO 15537:2004)
Ergonomics of the thermal environment ‐ Cold workplaces ‐ Risk assessment and management (ISO 15743:2008)
3‐D scanning methodologies for internationally compatible anthropometric databases (ISO 20685:2010)
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 129: Guidance on software individualization (ISO 9241‐
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 143: Forms (ISO 9241‐143:2012)
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 151: Guidance on World Wide Web user interfaces (ISO 9241‐151:2008)
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 154: Interactive voice response (IVR) applications (ISO/FDIS 9241‐154:2012)
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 171: Guidance on software accessibility (ISO 9241‐
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2013‐03
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 20: Accessibility guidelines for information/communication technology (ICT) equipment and services (ISO 9241‐20:2008)
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 210: Human‐centred design for interactive systems (ISO 9241‐210:2010)
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 300: Introduction to electronic visual display requirements (ISO 9241‐300:2008)
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 302: Terminology for electronic visual displays (ISO 9241‐302:2008)
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 303: Requirements for electronic visual displays (ISO 9241‐303:2011)
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 304: User performance test methods for electronic visual displays (ISO 9241‐304:2008)
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 305: Optical laboratory test methods for electronic visual displays (ISO 9241‐305:2008)
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 306: Field assessment methods for electronic visual displays (ISO 9241‐306:2008)
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 307: Analysis and compliance test methods for electronic visual displays (ISO 9241‐307:2008)
Ergonomics of Human System Interaction ‐ Part 391: Requirements, analysis and compliance test methods for the reduction of photosensitive seizures (ISO/DIS 9241‐391:2012)
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 400: Principles and requirements for physical input devices (ISO 9241‐400:2007)
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 410: Design criteria for physical input devices (ISO 9241‐410:2008)
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 410: Design criteria for physical input devices (ISO 9241‐410:2008/AMD 1:2012)
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 420: Selection of physical input devices (ISO 9241‐
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 910: Framework for tactile and haptic interaction (ISO 9241‐910:2011)
Ergonomics ‐ Evaluation of thermal strain by physiological measurements (ISO 9886:2004)
Ergonomics of the thermal environment ‐ Estimation of thermal insulation and water vapour resistance of a clothing ensemble (ISO 9920:2007, Corrected version 2008‐11‐01)
Ergonomics ‐ Assessment of speech communication (ISO 9921:2003)
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 1: Introduction to the ISO 9241 series
Ergonomics ‐ Manual handling of people in the healthcare sector
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 16
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
prCEN ISO/TR 9241‐331
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
Ergonomics of human‐system interaction ‐ Part 331: Optical characteristics of autostereoscopic displays
TC 137 ‐ Avaliação da exposição a agentes químicos e biológicos no local de trabalho
CEN/TR 15230:2005
Workplace atmospheres ‐ Guidance for sampling of inhalable, thoracic and respirable aerosol fractions
CEN/TR 15278:2006
Workplace exposure ‐ Strategy for the evaluation of dermal exposure
CEN/TR 15547:2007
Workplace atmospheres ‐ Calculation of the health‐related aerosol fraction concentration from the concentration measured by a sampler with known performance characteristics
CEN/TR 16013‐1:2010
Workplace exposure ‐ Guide for the use of direct‐reading instruments for aerosol monitoring ‐ Part 1: Choice of monitor for specific applications
CEN/TR 16013‐2:2010
Workplace exposure ‐ Guide for the use of direct‐reading instruments for aerosol monitoring ‐ Part 2: Evaluation of airborne particle concentrations using Optical Particle Counters
CEN/TR 16013‐3:2012
CEN/TS 15279:2006
CR 13841:2000
EN 1076:2009
EN 1231:1996
EN 1232:1997
EN 12919:1999
EN 13098:2000
EN 13205:2001
EN 13205‐1
Workplace exposure ‐ Guide for the use of direct‐reading instruments for aerosol monitoring ‐ Part 3: Evaluation of airborne particle concentrations using photometers
Workplace exposure ‐ Measurement of dermal exposure ‐ Principles and methods
Workplace atmospheres ‐ Scientific basis to describe the influence of the reference period on the presentation of exposure data
Workplace exposure ‐ Procedures for measuring gases and vapours using pumped samplers ‐ Requirements and test methods
Workplace atmospheres ‐ Short term detector tube measurement systems ‐ Requirements and test methods
Workplace atmospheres ‐ Pumps for personal sampling of chemical agents ‐ Requirements and test methods
Workplace atmospheres ‐ Pumps for the sampling of chemical agents with a volume flow rate of over 5 l/min ‐ Requirements and test methods
Workplace atmosphere ‐ Guidelines for measurement of airborne micro‐organisms and endotoxin
Workplace atmospheres ‐ Assessment of performance of instruments for measurement of airborne particle concentrations
Workplace exposure ‐ Assessment of sampler performance for measurement of airborne particle concentrations ‐ Part 1: General requirements
EN 13205‐2
Workplace exposure ‐ Assessment of sampler performance for measurement of airborne particle concentrations ‐ Part 2: Laboratory performance test based on determination of sampling efficiency
EN 13205‐4
Workplace exposure ‐ Assessment of sampler performance for measurement of airborne particle concentrations ‐ Part 4: Laboratory performance test based on comparison of concentrations
EN 13205‐5
EN 13205‐6
EN 13890:2009
EN 13936
EN 14031:2003
EN 14042:2003
Workplace exposure ‐ Assessment of sampler performance for measurement of airborne particle concentrations ‐ Part 5: Aerosol sampler performance test and sampler comparison carried out at workplaces
Workplace exposure ‐ Assessment of sampler performance for measurement of airborne particle concentrations ‐ Part 6: Transport and handling tests
Workplace exposure ‐ Procedures for measuring metals and metalloids in airborne particles ‐ Requirements and test methods
Workplace exposure ‐ Procedures for measuring a chemical agent present as a mixture of airborne particles and vapour ‐ Requirements and test methods
Workplace atmospheres ‐ Determination of airborne endotoxins
Workplace atmospheres ‐ Guide for the application and use of procedures for the assessment of exposure to chemical and biological agents
EN 14530:2004
Workplace atmospheres ‐ Determination of diesel particulate matter ‐ General requirements
EN 14583:2004
Workplace atmospheres ‐ Volumetric bioaerosol sampling devices ‐ Requirements and test methods
EN 15051:2006
EN 15051‐1 rev
EN 15051‐2
Workplace atmospheres ‐ Measurement of the dustiness of bulk materials ‐ Requirements and reference test methods
Workplace exposure ‐ Measurement of dustiness of bulk materials ‐ Part 1: Requirements and choice of test methods
Workplace exposure ‐ Measurement of the dustiness of bulk materials ‐ Part 2: Rotating drum method
EN 1540:2011
Workplace exposure ‐ Measurement of the dustiness of bulk materials ‐ Part 3: Continuous drop method
Workplace exposure ‐ Terminology
EN 481:1993
Workplace atmospheres ‐ Size fraction definitions for measurement of airborne particles
EN 15051‐3
EN 482:2012
EN 689:1995
EN 838:2010
EN ISO 13137
EN ISO 13138:2012
EN ISO 28439:2011
FprCEN/TR 13205‐3
Workplace exposure ‐ General requirements for the performance of procedures for the measurement of chemical agents
Workplace atmospheres ‐ Guidance for the assessment of exposure by inhalation to chemical agents for comparison with limit values and measurement strategy
Workplace exposure ‐ Procedures for measuring gases and vapours using diffusive samplers ‐ Requirements and test methods
Workplace atmospheres ‐ Pumps for personal sampling of chemical and biological agents ‐ No (‐)
Requirements and test methods (ISO/DIS 13137:2012)
Air quality ‐ Sampling conventions for airborne particle deposition in the human respiratory system (ISO 13138:2012)
Workplace atmospheres ‐ Characterization of ultrafine aerosols/nanoaerosols ‐ Determination of the size distribution and number concentration using differential electrical mobility analysing systems (ISO 28439:2011)
Workplace exposure ‐ Assessment of sampler performance for measurement of airborne particle No (‐)
concentrations ‐ Part 3: Analysis of sampling efficiency data
TC 142 ‐ Máquinas para trabalhos em madeira ‐ Segurança
EN 1218‐1:1999+A1:2009
EN 1218‐2:2004+A1:2009
EN 1218‐3:2001+A1:2009
EN 1218‐4:2004+A2:2009
EN 1218‐5:2004+A1:2009
EN 12750:2001+A1:2009
EN 12750:2013
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Tenoning machines ‐ Part 1: Single end tenoning machines with 2006/42/EC (C 309, 2009‐12‐18)
sliding table
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Tenoning machines ‐ Part 2: Double end tenoning and/or profiling 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC machines fed by chain or chains
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Tenoning machines ‐ Part 3: Hand fed tenoning machines with 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC sliding table for cutting structural timbers
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Tenoning machines ‐ Part 4: Edge banding machines fed by chain(s) 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Tenoning machines ‐ Part 5: One side profiling machines with fixed 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC table and feed rollers or feed chain
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Four‐sided moulding machines
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Four sided moulding machines
Yes (2006/42/EC)
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 17
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
EN 1807:1999+A1:2009
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Chips and dust extraction systems with fixed installations ‐ Safety related performances and safety requirements
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Chip and dust extraction systems with fixed installation ‐ Safety related performances and safety requirements
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Band sawing machines
EN 1807‐1
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Band sawing machines ‐ Part 1: Table band saws and band re‐saws
Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN 1807‐2
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Band sawing machines ‐ Part 2: Log sawing machines
Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN 12779 rev
EN 12779:2004+A1:2009
No (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 1: Circular saw benches (with and 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC without sliding table), dimension saws and building site saws
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 10: Single blade automatic and semi‐
Yes (2006/42/EC)
automatic up‐cutting cross‐cut sawing machines
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 10: Single blade automatic and semi‐
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC automatic up‐cutting cross‐cut sawing machines
EN 1870‐11 rev
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 11: Semi‐automatic and automatic Yes (2006/42/EC)
horizontal cross‐cut sawing machines with one saw unit (radial arm saws)
EN 1870‐11:2003+A1:2009
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 11: Semi‐automatic and automatic 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC horizontal cross‐cut sawing machines with one saw unit (radial arm saws)
EN 1870‐1:2007+A1:2009
EN 1870‐10
EN 1870‐10:2003+A1:2009
EN 1870‐12 rev
EN 1870‐12:2003+A1:2009
EN 1870‐13:2007+A2:2012
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 12: Pendulum cross‐cut sawing machines
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 12: Pendulum cross‐cut sawing machines
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 13: Horizontal beam panel sawing machines
Yes (2006/42/EC)
2006/42/EC (C 159, 2012‐06‐05)
EN 1870‐14:2007+A2:2012
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 14: Vertical panel sawing machines 2006/42/EC (C 159, 2012‐06‐05)
EN 1870‐15:2012
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 15: Multi‐blade cross‐cut sawing machines with integrated feed of the workpiece and manual loading and/or unloading
EN 1870‐16:2012
EN 1870‐17:2012
EN 1870‐18
EN 1870‐19
EN 1870‐3
EN 1870‐3:2001+A1:2009
EN 1870‐4:2012
EN 1870‐5:2002+A2:2012
EN 1870‐6 rev
EN 1870‐6:2002+A1:2009
EN 1870‐7:2012
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 16: Double mitre sawing machines for V cutting
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 17: Manual horizontal cutting cross‐
cut sawing machines with one saw unit (radial arm saws)
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 18: Dimension saws
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 19: Circular saw benches (with and without sliding table) and building site saws
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 3:Down cutting cross‐cut saws and dual purpose down cutting cross‐cut saws/circular saw benches
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 3: Down cutting cross‐cut saws and dual purpose down cutting cross‐cut saws/circular saw benches
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 4: Multiblade rip sawing machines with manual loading and/or unloading
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 5: Circular sawbenches/up‐cutting cross‐cut sawing machines
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 6: Circular sawing machines for fire wood
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 6: Circular sawing machines for firewood and dual purpose circular sawing machines for firewood/circular saw benches, with manual loading and/or unloading
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 7: Single blade log sawing machines with integrated feed table and manual loading and/or unloading
2006/42/EC (Expected)
2006/42/EC (Expected)
2006/42/EC (Expected)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2006/42/EC (C 159, 2012‐06‐05)
2006/42/EC (C 350, 2012‐11‐15)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
2006/42/EC (Expected)
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 8: Single blade edging circular rip sawing machines with power driven saw unit and manual loading and/or unloading
2006/42/EC (Expected)
EN 1870‐9:2012
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Circular sawing machines ‐ Part 9: Double blade circular sawing machines for cross‐cutting with integrated feed and with manual loading and/or unloading
2006/42/EC (C 350, 2012‐11‐15)
EN 847‐2 rev
EN 847‐2:2001
EN 847‐2:2001/AC:2003
EN 847‐3 rev
EN 847‐3:2004
EN 848‐1:2007+A2:2012
EN 848‐2:2007+A2:2012
EN 848‐3:2012
EN 859:2007+A2:2012
EN 860:2007+A2:2012
EN 861:2007+A2:2012
EN 940:2009+A1:2012
EN ISO 18217
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 1870‐8:2012
EN 691‐1:2012
EN 847‐1 rev
EN 847‐1:2005+A1:2007
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Part 1: Common requirements
2006/42/EC (No)
Tools for woodworking ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 1: Milling tools, circular saw blades
Tools for woodworking ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 1: Milling tools, circular saw blades
Tools for woodworking ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 2: Requirements for the shank of shank mounted milling
Tools for woodworking ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 2: Requirements for the shank of shank mounted 98/37/EC (No)
milling tools
Tools for woodworking ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 2: Requirements for the shank of shank mounted milling tools
Tools for woodworking ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 3: Clamping devices
Tools for woodworking ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 3: Clamping devices
98/37/EC (No)
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ One side moulding machines with rotating tool ‐ Part 1: Single 2006/42/EC (C 350, 2012‐11‐15)
spindle vertical moulding machines
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ One side moulding machines with rotating tool ‐ Part 2: Single 2006/42/EC (C 350, 2012‐11‐15)
spindle hand fed/integrated fed routing machines
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ One side moulding machines with rotating tool ‐ Part 3: Numerically 2006/42/EC (Expected)
controlled (NC) boring and routing machines
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Hand fed surface planing machines
2006/42/EC (C 256, 2012‐08‐24)
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ One side thickness planing machines
2006/42/EC (C 256, 2012‐08‐24)
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Surface planing and thicknessing machines
2006/42/EC (C 256, 2012‐08‐24)
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Combined woodworking machines
2006/42/EC (C 159, 2012‐06‐05)
Safety of woodworking machines ‐ Edge‐banding machines fed chain(s)
No (2006/42/EC)
TC 143 ‐ Máquinas‐ferramenta ‐ Segurança
EN 12413:2007+A1:2011
EN 12417:2001+A2:2009
EN 12417:2001+A2:2009/AC:2010
EN 12622:2009
EN 12622:2009/FprA1
EN 12717:2001+A1:2009
EN 12957:2001+A1:2009
EN 13128:2001+A2:2009
EN 13128:2001+A2:2009/AC:2010
EN 13218:2002+A1:2008
Safety requirements for bonded abrasive products
Machine tools ‐ Safety ‐ Machining centres
Machine tools ‐ Safety ‐ Machining centres
Safety of machine tools ‐ Hydraulic press brakes
Safety of machine tools ‐ Hydraulic press brakes ‐ Complementary element
Safety of machine tools ‐ Drilling machines
Machine tools ‐ Safety ‐ Electro discharge machines
Safety of machine tools ‐ Milling machines (including boring machines)
Safety of machine tools ‐ Milling machines (including boring machines)
Machine tools ‐ Safety ‐ Stationary grinding machines
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 18
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2006/42/EC (C 136, 2010‐05‐26)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2013‐10
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN 13218:2002+A1:2008/AC:2010
EN 13236:2010
EN 13736:2003+A1:2009
EN 13743:2009
EN 13898:2003+A1:2009
EN 13898:2003+A1:2009/AC:2010
EN 13985:2003+A1:2009
EN 14070:2003+A1:2009
EN 14070:2003+A1:2009/AC:2010
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
Machine tools ‐ Safety ‐ Stationary grinding machines
Safety requirements for superabrasive products
Safety of machine tools ‐ Pneumatic presses
Safety requirements for coated abrasive products
Machine tools ‐ Safety ‐ Sawing machines for cold metal
Machine tools ‐ Safety ‐ Sawing machines for cold metal
Machine tools ‐ Safety ‐ Guillotine shears
Safety of machine tools ‐ Transfer and special‐purpose machines
Safety of machine tools ‐ Transfer and special‐purpose machines
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Data_Pub
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 1550:1997+A1:2008
Machine‐tools safety ‐ Safety requirements for the design and construction of work holding chucks
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 692:2005+A1:2009
EN 693:2001+A2:2011
EN ISO 15641:2001
EN ISO 16089
EN ISO 16093
EN ISO 23125:2010
EN ISO 23125:2010/A1:2012
EN ISO 28881 rev
Machine tools ‐ Mechanical presses ‐ Safety
Machine tools ‐ Safety ‐ Hydraulic presses
Milling cutters for high speed machining ‐ Safety requirements (ISO 15641:2001)
Machine tools ‐ Safety ‐ Stationary grinding machines
Machine tools ‐ Safety ‐ Sawing machines for cold metal
Machine tools ‐ Safety ‐ Turning machines (ISO 23125:2010)
Machine tools ‐ Safety ‐ Turning machines ‐ Amendment 1 (ISO 23125:2010/Amd 1:2012)
Machine tools ‐ Safety ‐ Electro discharge machines (ISO/FDIS 28881:2012)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2006/42/EC (C 338, 2011‐11‐18)
98/37/EC (No)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2006/42/EC (C 256, 2012‐08‐24)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN ISO 6103 rev
Bonded abrasive products ‐ Permissible unbalances of grinding wheels as delivered ‐ Static testing
No (2006/42/EC)
EN ISO 6103:2005
Bonded abrasive products ‐ Permissible unbalances of grinding wheels as delivered ‐ Static testing (ISO 98/37/EC (No)
TC 147 ‐ Gruas ‐ Segurança
Cranes ‐ General design ‐ Part 3‐2: Limit states and proof of competence of wire ropes in reeving systems
CEN/TS 13001‐3‐5:2010
Cranes ‐ General design ‐ Part 3‐5: Limit states and proof of competence of forged hooks
EN 12077‐2:1998+A1:2008
Cranes safety ‐ Requirements for health and safety ‐ Part 2: Limiting and indicating devices
EN 12644‐1:2001+A1:2008
Cranes ‐ Information for use and testing ‐ Part 1: Instructions
EN 12644‐2:2000+A1:2008
Cranes ‐ Information for use and testing ‐ Part 2: Marking
EN 12999:2011+A1:2012
Cranes ‐ Loader cranes
EN 13000:2010
Cranes ‐ Mobile cranes
EN 13000:2010/AC:2010
Cranes ‐ Mobile cranes
EN 13000:2010/prA1
Cranes ‐ Mobile cranes
EN 13001‐1:2004+A1:2009
Cranes ‐ General design ‐ Part 1: General principles and requirements
EN 13001‐1:2004+A1:2009/AC:200 Cranes ‐ General design ‐ Part 1: General principles and requirements
EN 13001‐2
Crane safety ‐ General design ‐ Part 2: Load actions
EN 13001‐2:2011
Crane safety ‐ General design ‐ Part 2: Load actions
EN 13001‐2:2011/AC:2012
Crane safety ‐ General design ‐ Part 2: Load actions
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2006/42/EC (C 256, 2012‐08‐24)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2006/42/EC (C 110, 2011‐04‐08)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 13001‐3‐1:2012
Cranes ‐ General Design ‐ Part 3‐1: Limit States and proof competence of steel structure
2006/42/EC (C 159, 2012‐06‐05)
EN 13001‐3‐1:2012/FprA1
Cranes ‐ General Design ‐ Part 3‐1: Limit States and proof competence of steel structure
Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN 13001‐3‐2
Cranes ‐ General design ‐ Part 3‐2: Limit states and proof of competence of wire ropes in reeving systems
Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN 13001‐3‐3
Cranes ‐ General design ‐ Part 3‐3: Limit states and proof of competence of wheel/rail contacts
Yes (2006/42/EC)
Yes (2006/42/EC, 98/37/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Yes (94/9/EC, 2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC (C 336, 2005‐12‐31)
98/37/EC (Expected)
CEN/TS 13001‐3‐2:2008
EN 13135:2013
Cranes ‐ Safety ‐ Design ‐ Requirements for equipment
EN 13135‐1:2003+A1:2010
Cranes ‐ Equipment ‐ Part 1: Electrotechnical equipment
EN 13135‐2:2004+A1:2010
Cranes ‐ Equipment ‐ Part 2: Non‐electrotechnical equipment
EN 13155 rev
Cranes ‐ Non‐fixed load lifting attachments
EN 13155:2003+A2:2009
Cranes ‐ Safety ‐ Non‐fixed load lifting attachments
EN 13157:2004+A1:2009
Cranes ‐ Safety ‐ Hand powered cranes
EN 13557:2003+A2:2008
Cranes ‐ Controls and control stations
EN 13586:2004+A1:2008
Cranes ‐ Access
EN 13852‐1
Cranes ‐ Offshore cranes ‐ Part 1: General purpose offshore cranes
EN 13852‐1:2004
Cranes ‐ Offshore cranes ‐ Part 1: General ‐ purpose offshore cranes
EN 13852‐1:2004/AC:2007
Cranes ‐ Offshore cranes ‐ Part 1: General ‐ purpose offshore cranes
EN 13852‐2:2004
Cranes ‐ Offshore cranes ‐ Part 2: Floating cranes
EN 14238:2004+A1:2009
Cranes ‐ Manually controlled load manipulating devices
EN 14439 rev
Cranes ‐ Tower cranes
EN 14439:2006+A2:2009
Cranes ‐ Safety ‐ Tower cranes
EN 14492‐1:2006+A1:2009
Cranes ‐ Power driven winches and hoists ‐ Part 1: Power driven winches
EN 14492‐1:2006+A1:2009/AC:201 Cranes ‐ Power driven winches and hoists ‐ Part 1: Power driven winches
EN 14492‐2:2006+A1:2009
Cranes ‐ Power driven winches and hoists ‐ Part 2: Power driven hoists
EN 14492‐2:2006+A1:2009/AC:201 Cranes ‐ Power driven winches and hoists ‐ Part 2: Power driven hoists
EN 14502‐1:2010
Cranes ‐ Equipment for the lifting of persons ‐ Part 1: Suspended baskets
EN 14502‐2:2005+A1:2008
Cranes ‐ Equipment for the lifting of persons ‐ Part 2: Elevating control stations
EN 14985:2012
Cranes ‐ Slewing jib cranes
EN 15011:2011
Cranes ‐ Bridge and gantry cranes
EN 15011:2011/prA1
Cranes ‐ Bridge and gantry cranes
EN 15056:2006+A1:2009
Cranes ‐ Requirements for container handling spreaders
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC No (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC; 94/9/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC; 94/9/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC; 94/9/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC; 94/9/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2006/42/EC (C 214, 2011‐07‐20)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2013‐12
TC 151 ‐ Equipamentos de construção e máquinas de material de construção ‐ Segurança
CEN/TS 13778:2004
CEN/TS 15730:2008
Mobile demolition machinery ‐ Safety requirements
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Guidelines for assessment of exposure to whole‐body vibration of ride‐on machines ‐ Use of harmonized data measured by international institutes, organizations and manufacturers (ISO/TR 25398:2006)
EN 12001:2012
Conveying, spraying and placing machines for concrete and mortar ‐ Safety requirements
2006/42/EC (C 350, 2012‐11‐15)
EN 12110
EN 12110:2002+A1:2008
Tunnelling machines ‐ Air locks ‐ Safety requirements
Tunnelling machines ‐ Air locks ‐ Safety requirements
Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2013‐07
EN 12111
Tunnelling machines ‐ Road headers, continuous miners and impact rippers ‐ Safety requirements
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2013‐07
EN 12111:2002+A1:2009
Tunnelling machines ‐ Road headers, continuous miners and impact rippers ‐ Safety requirements
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 19
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN 12151:2007
EN 12336:2005+A1:2008
EN 12348:2000+A1:2009
EN 12418:2000+A1:2009
EN 12629‐1:2000+A1:2010
EN 12629‐2:2002+A1:2010
EN 12629‐3:2002+A1:2010
EN 12629‐4:2001+A1:2010
EN 12629‐5‐1:2003+A1:2010
EN 12629‐5‐2:2003+A1:2010
EN 12629‐5‐3:2003+A1:2010
EN 12629‐5‐4:2003+A1:2010
Machinery and plants for the preparation of concrete and mortar ‐ Safety requirements
Tunnelling machines ‐ Shield machines, thrust boring machines, auger boring machines, lining erection equipment ‐ Safety requirements
Core drilling machines on stand ‐ Safety
Masonry and stone cutting‐off machines for job site ‐ Safety
Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium‐silicate ‐ Safety ‐ Part 1: Common requirements
Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium‐silicate ‐ Safety ‐ Part 2: Block making machines
Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium‐silicate ‐ Safety ‐ Part 3: Slide and turntable machines
Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium‐silicate ‐ Safety ‐ Part 4:Concrete roof tile making machines
Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium‐silicate ‐ Safety ‐ Part 5‐1: Pipe making machines manufacturing in the vertical axis
Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium‐silicate ‐ Safety ‐ Part 5‐2: Pipe making machines manufacturing in the horizontal axis
Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium‐silicate ‐ Safety ‐ Part 5‐3: Pipe prestressing machines
Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium‐silicate ‐ Safety ‐ Part 5‐4: Concrete pipe coating machines
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
98/37/EC (Expected)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2006/42/EC (C 110, 2011‐04‐08)
2006/42/EC (C 110, 2011‐04‐08)
2006/42/EC (C 110, 2011‐04‐08)
2006/42/EC (C 110, 2011‐04‐08)
2006/42/EC (C 110, 2011‐04‐08)
2006/42/EC (C 110, 2011‐04‐08)
2006/42/EC (C 110, 2011‐04‐08)
2006/42/EC (C 110, 2011‐04‐08)
EN 12629‐6:2004+A1:2010
Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium‐silicate ‐ Safety ‐ 2006/42/EC (C 110, 2011‐04‐08)
Part 6: Stationary and mobile equipment for the manufacture of precast reinforced products
EN 12629‐7:2004+A1:2010
Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium‐silicate ‐ Safety ‐ 2006/42/EC (C 110, 2011‐04‐08)
Part 7: Stationary and mobile equipment for long line manufacture of prestressed products
EN 12629‐8:2002+A1:2010
Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium‐silicate ‐ Safety ‐ Part 8: Machines and equipment for the manufacture of constructional products from calcium‐silicate 2006/42/EC (C 110, 2011‐04‐08)
(and concrete)
EN 12643 rev
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Rubber‐tyred machines ‐ Steering requirements (ISO 5010:1992 modified)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN 12643:1997+A1:2008
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Rubber‐tyred machines ‐ Steering requirements (ISO 5010:1992 modified)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 12649:2008+A1:2011
EN 13019:2001+A1:2008
EN 13020 rev
EN 13020:2004+A1:2010
EN 13021:2003+A1:2008
Concrete compactors and smoothing machines ‐ Safety
Machines for road surface cleaning ‐ Safety requirements
Road surface treatment machines ‐ Safety requirements
Road surface treatment machines ‐ Safety requirements
Winter service machines ‐ Safety requirements
2006/42/EC (C 338, 2011‐11‐18)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 13035‐1:2008
Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass ‐ Safety requirements 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC ‐ Part 1: Storage, handling and transportation equipment inside the factory
EN 13035‐11:2006+A1:2010
Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass ‐ Safety requirements 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC ‐ Part 11: Drilling machines
EN 13035‐2:2008
Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass ‐ Safety requirements 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC ‐ Part 2: Storage, handling and transportation equipment outside the factory
Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass ‐ Safety requirements 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC ‐ Part 3: Cutting machines
Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass ‐ Safety requirements EN 13035‐3:2003+A1:2009/AC:201
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC ‐ Part 3: Cutting machines
Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass ‐ Safety requirements EN 13035‐4:2003+A1:2009
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC ‐ Part 4: Tilting tables
Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass ‐ Safety requirements 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 13035‐5:2006+A1:2009
‐ Part 5: Machines and installations for stacking and de‐stacking
Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass ‐ Safety requirements EN 13035‐6:2006+A1:2009
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC ‐ Part 6: Machines for break‐out
Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass ‐ Safety requirements EN 13035‐7:2006+A1:2009
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC ‐ Part 7: Cutting machines for laminated glass
Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass ‐ Safety requirements EN 13035‐9:2006+A1:2010
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC ‐ Part 9: Washing installations
Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of hollow glass ‐ Safety EN 13042‐1:2007+A1:2009
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC requirements ‐ Part 1: Gob feeder
Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of hollow glass ‐ Safety EN 13042‐2:2004+A1:2009
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC requirements ‐ Part 2: Handling machines for feeding
Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of hollow glass ‐ Safety EN 13042‐3:2007+A1:2009
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC requirements ‐ Part 3: IS machines
Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of hollow glass ‐ Safety EN 13042‐5:2003+A1:2009
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC requirements ‐ Part 5: Presses
EN 13102:2005+A1:2008
Ceramic machines ‐ Safety ‐ Loading and unloading of fine clay tiles
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 13035‐3:2003+A1:2009
EN 13309:2010
Construction machinery ‐ Electromagnetic compatibility of machines with internal power supply
89/336/EEC (Expected); 2004/108/EC
EN 13367:2005+A1:2008
EN 13367:2005+A1:2008/AC:2009
EN 13524:2003+A1:2009
EN 13524:2003+A1:2009/FprA2
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN 13862:2001+A1:2009
EN 15027:2007+A1:2009
EN 15059:2009
EN 15059:2009/prA1
Ceramic machines ‐ Safety ‐ Transfer platforms and cars
Ceramic machines ‐ Safety ‐ Transfer platforms and cars
Highway maintenance machines ‐ Safety requirements
Highway maintenance machines ‐ Safety requirements
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Tip‐over protection structure (TOPS) for compact excavators ‐ Laboratory tests and performance requirements (ISO 12117:1997 modified)
Floor cutting‐off machines ‐ Safety
Transportable wall saw and wire saw equipment for job site ‐ Safety
Snow grooming equipment ‐ Safety requirements
Snow grooming equipment ‐ Safety requirements
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN 15162:2008
Machines and plants for mining and tooling of natural stone ‐ Safety requirements for gang saws
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 13531:2001+A1:2008
EN 15163 rev
EN 15163:2008
EN 15164:2008
EN 15571
EN 15572
EN 15573:2008
Machines and installations for the exploitation and processing of natural stone ‐ Safety ‐ Requirements Yes (2006/42/EC)
for diamond wire saws
Machines and installations for the exploitation and processing of natural stone ‐ Safety ‐ Requirements 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC for diamond wire saws
Machines and plants for mining and tooling of natural stone ‐ Safety ‐ Requirements for chain‐ and 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC belt‐slotting machines
Machines and plants for mining and tooling of natural stone – Safety – Requirements for surface Yes (2006/42/EC)
finishing machines
Machines and plants for mining and tooling of natural stone ‐ Safety ‐ Requirements for edge finishing Yes (2006/42/EC)
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Design requirements for circulation on the road
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 20
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2014‐12
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN 16191
EN 16228‐1 rev
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
Tunnelling machinery ‐ Safety requirements
Drilling and foundation equipment ‐ Safety ‐ Part 1: Common requirements
Drilling and foundation equipment ‐ Safety ‐ Part 2: Mobile drill rigs for civil and geotechnical engineering, quarrying and mining
Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2013‐07
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2013‐07
EN 16228‐3 rev
Drilling and foundation equipment ‐ Safety ‐ Part 3: Horizontal directional drilling equipment (HDD)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 0001‐01
EN 16228‐4 rev
EN 16228‐5 rev
Drilling and foundation equipment ‐ Safety ‐ Part 4: Foundation equipment
Drilling and foundation equipment ‐ Safety ‐ Part 5: Diaphragm walling equipment
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 0001‐01
EN 16228‐6 rev
Drilling and foundation equipment ‐ Safety ‐ Part 6: Jetting, grouting and injection equipment
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2013‐07
EN 16228‐7
Drilling and foundation equipment ‐ Safety ‐ Part 7: Interchangeable auxiliary equipment
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2013‐07
Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN 474‐1:2006+A1:2009
EN 474‐1:2006+A1:2009/FprA2
EN 474‐1:2006+A1:2009/FprA3
EN 474‐1:2006+A3:2013
EN 474‐12:2006+A1:2008
EN 474‐2:2006+A1:2008
EN 474‐3:2006+A1:2009
EN 474‐4:2006+A2:2012
EN 474‐5:2006+A2:2012
EN 474‐5:2006+A2:2012/FprA3
EN 474‐6:2006+A1:2009
EN 474‐7:2006+A1:2009
EN 474‐8:2006+A1:2009
EN 474‐9:2006+A1:2009
EN 474‐10:2006+A1:2009
Machines and plants for mining and tooling of natural stone ‐ Safety ‐ Requirements for bridge type sawing/milling machines included numerical control (NC/CNC) versions
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 1: General requirements
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 1: General requirements
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 1: General requirements
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 1: General requirements
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 12: Requirements for cable excavators
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 2: Requirements for tractor‐dozers
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 3: Requirements for loaders
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 4: Requirements for backhoe loaders
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 5: Requirements for hydraulic excavators
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 5: Requirements for hydraulic excavators
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 6: Requirements for dumpers
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 7: Requirements for scrapers
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 8: Requirements for graders
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 9: Requirements for pipelayers
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 10: Requirements for trenchers
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Yes (2006/42/EC)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2006/42/EC (C 87, 2012‐03‐23)
2006/42/EC (C 87, 2012‐03‐23)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 474‐11:2006+A1:2008
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 11: Requirements for earth and landfill compactors
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 500‐1:2006+A1:2009
Mobile road construction machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 1: Common requirements
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 500‐2:2006+A1:2008
Mobile road construction machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 2: Specific requirements for road‐milling machines 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 500‐3:2006+A1:2008
Mobile road construction machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 3: Specific requirements for soil‐stabilising machines and recycling machines
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 500‐4:2011
Mobile road construction machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 4: Specific requirements for compaction machines
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 16228‐2 rev
EN 16564
EN 500‐6:2006+A1:2008
Mobile road construction machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 6: Specific requirements for paver‐finishers
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 536
Road construction machines ‐ Mixing plants for road construction materials ‐ Safety requirements
Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN 536:1999
EN 791:1995+A1:2009
98/37/EC (C 336, 2005‐12‐31)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN ISO 20500‐1
Road construction machines ‐ Asphalt mixing plants ‐ Safety requirements
Drill rigs ‐ Safety
Safety of unshielded tunnel boring machines and rodless shaft boring machines for rock ‐ Safety requirements
Piling equipment ‐ Safety requirements
Building construction machinery and equipment ‐ Portable, hand‐held, internal combustion engine driven cut‐off machines ‐ Safety requirements (ISO 19432:2012)
Mobile road construction machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 1: Common requirements
Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN ISO 20500‐2
Mobile road construction machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 2: Specific requirements for road‐milling machines Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN ISO 20500‐3
Mobile road construction machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 3: Specific requirements for soil‐stabilising machines and recycling machines
Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN ISO 20500‐4
Mobile road construction machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 4: Specific requirements for compaction machines
Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN ISO 20500‐6
Mobile road construction machinery ‐ Safety ‐ Part 6: Specific requirements for paver‐finishers
Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN ISO 2860:2008
EN ISO 2867:2011
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Minimum access dimensions (ISO 2860:1992)
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Access systems (ISO 2867:2011)
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Laboratory evaluations of protective structures ‐ Specifications for deflection‐limiting volume (ISO/FDIS 3164:2012)
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Laboratory evaluations of protective structures ‐ Specifications for deflection‐limiting volume (ISO 3164:1995)
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Physical dimensions of operators and minimum operator space envelope (ISO 3411:2007)
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Falling‐object protective structures ‐ Laboratory tests and performance requirements (ISO 3449:2005)
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Wheeled or high‐speed rubber‐tracked machines ‐ Performance requirements and test procedures for brake systems (ISO 3450:2011)
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Guards ‐ Definitions and requirements (ISO 3457:2003)
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Roll‐over protective structures ‐ Laboratory tests and performance requirements (ISO 3471:2008)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 815:1996+A2:2008
EN 996:1995+A3:2009
EN ISO 19432:2012
EN ISO 3164 rev
EN ISO 3164:2008
EN ISO 3411:2007
EN ISO 3449:2008
EN ISO 3450:2011
EN ISO 3457:2008
EN ISO 3471:2008
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2006/42/EC (C 350, 2012‐11‐15)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Operator's field of view ‐ Test method and performance criteria
Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN ISO 5353:1998
Earth‐moving machinery, and tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry ‐ Seat index point (ISO 5353:1995)
98/37/EC (No)
EN ISO 6165:2012
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Basic types ‐ Identification and terms and definitions (ISO 6165:2012)
EN ISO 7096 rev
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Zones of comfort and reach for controls (ISO 6682:1986, including Amd 1:1989)
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Seat belts and seat belt anchorages ‐ Performance requirements and tests (ISO 6683:2005)
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Laboratory evaluation of operator seat vibration
EN ISO 7096:2008
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Laboratory evaluation of operator seat vibration (ISO 7096:2000)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN ISO 7096:2008/AC:2009
Earth‐moving machinery ‐ Laboratory evaluation of operator seat vibration (ISO 7096:2000)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN ISO 6683:2008
TC 158 ‐ Proteção da cabeça
CEN/TR 16148:2011
Head and neck impact, burn and noise injury criteria ‐ A Guide for CEN helmet standards committees
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 21
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN ISO 5006
EN ISO 6682:2008
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Yes (2006/42/EC)
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
CEN/TR 16149:2011
Guidance Document for drafting CEN/TC 158 Standards
EN 1077:2007
Helmets for alpine skiers and snowboarders
EN 1078:2012+A1:2012
EN 1080:1997
Helmets for pedal cyclists and for users of skateboards and roller skates
Impact protection helmets for young children
EN 1080:1997/A1:2002
Impact protection helmets for young children
EN 1080:1997/A2:2005
EN 1080:2013
Impact protection helmets for young children
Impact protection helmets for young children
93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
89/686/EEC (C 395, 2012‐12‐20)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Yes (89/686/EEC)
EN 12492:2012
Mountaineering equipment ‐ Helmets for mountaineers ‐ Safety requirements and test methods
89/686/EEC (C 395, 2012‐12‐20)
EN 13087‐1:2000
EN 13087‐1:2000/A1:2001
EN 13087‐10:2012
EN 13087‐2:2012
EN 13087‐3:2000
EN 13087‐3:2000/A1:2001
EN 13087‐4:2012
EN 13087‐5:2012
EN 13087‐6:2012
EN 13087‐7:2000
EN 13087‐7:2000/A1:2001
EN 13087‐8:2000
EN 13087‐8:2000/A1:2005
EN 13484:2012
EN 13781:2012
EN 1384:2012
EN 1385:2012
EN 14052:2012+A1:2012
EN 16471
EN 16473
EN 397:2012+A1:2012
Protective helmets ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 1: Conditions and conditioning
Protective helmets ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 1: Conditions and conditioning
Protective helmets ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 10: Resistance to radiant heat
Protective helmets ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 2: Shock absorption
Protective helmets ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 3: Resistance to penetration
Protective helmets ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 3: Resistance to penetration
Protective helmets ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 4: Retention system effectiveness
Protective helmets ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 5: Retention system strength
Protective helmets ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 6: Field of vision
Protective helmets ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 7: Flame resistance
Protective helmets ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 7: Flame resistance
Protective helmets ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 8: Electrical properties
Protective helmets ‐ Test methods ‐ Part 8: Electrical properties
Helmets for users of luges
Protective helmets for drivers and passengers of snowmobiles and bobsleighs
Helmets for equestrian activities
Helmets for canoeing and white water sports
High performance industrial helmets
Firefighters helmets ‐ Helmets for wildland fire fighting
Firefighters helmets ‐ Helmets for technical rescue
Industrial safety helmets
EN 443:2008
Helmets for fire fighting in buildings and other structures
EN 812:2012
Industrial bump caps
EN 960:2006
Headforms for use in the testing of protective helmets
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 395, 2012‐12‐20)
89/686/EEC (C 395, 2012‐12‐20)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 395, 2012‐12‐20)
89/686/EEC (C 395, 2012‐12‐20)
89/686/EEC (C 395, 2012‐12‐20)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 395, 2012‐12‐20)
89/686/EEC (C 395, 2012‐12‐20)
89/686/EEC (C 395, 2012‐12‐20)
89/686/EEC (C 395, 2012‐12‐20)
89/686/EEC (C 395, 2012‐12‐20)
Yes (89/686/EEC)
Yes (89/686/EEC)
89/686/EEC (C 395, 2012‐12‐20)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 96/98/EC (No); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 22, 2009‐01‐
89/686/EEC (C 395, 2012‐12‐20)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09); 89/686/EEC (C 395, 2012‐12‐20)
Yes (96/58/EC,; 93/95/EEC,; 93/68/EEC,; 89/686/EEC)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19); EN 966:2012+A1:2012
Helmets for airborne sports
EN ISO 10256 rev
Head and face protection for use in ice hockey
EN ISO 10256:2003
Head and face protection for use in ice hockey (ISO 10256:2003)
TC 159 ‐ Protectores auriculares
93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19); 96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19); 96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19); EN 13819‐1:2002
Hearing protectors ‐ Testing ‐ Part 1: Physical test methods
EN 13819‐2:2002
Hearing protectors ‐ Testing ‐ Part 2: Acoustic test methods
EN 352‐1:2002
Hearing protectors ‐ General requirements ‐ Part 1: Ear‐Muffs
EN 352‐2:2002
Hearing protectors ‐ General requirements ‐ Part 2: Ear‐plugs
EN 352‐3:2002
Hearing protectors ‐ General requirements ‐ Part 3: Ear‐muffs attached to an industrial safety helmet
EN 352‐4:2001
Hearing protectors ‐ Safety requirements and testing ‐ Part 4: Level‐dependent ear‐muffs
EN 352‐4:2001/A1:2005
Hearing protectors ‐ Safety requirements and testing ‐ Part 4: Level‐dependent ear‐muffs
EN 352‐5:2002
Hearing protectors ‐ Safety requirements and testing ‐ Part 5: Active noise reduction ear‐muffs
EN 352‐5:2002/A1:2005
Hearing protectors ‐ Safety requirements and testing ‐ Part 5: Active noise reduction ear‐muffs
EN 352‐6:2002
Hearing protectors ‐ Safety requirements and testing ‐ Part 6: Ear‐muffs with electrical audio input
EN 352‐7:2002
Hearing protectors ‐ Safety requirements and testing ‐ Part 7: Level‐dependent ear‐plugs
EN 352‐8:2008
Hearing protectors ‐ Safety requirements and testing ‐ Part 8: Entertainment audio ear‐muffs
EN 458 rev
Hearing protectors ‐ Recommendations for selection, use, care and maintenance ‐ Guidance document No (89/686/EEC)
EN 458:2004
93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Hearing protectors ‐ Recommendations for selection, use, care and maintenance ‐ Guidance document (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19); 96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 22, 2009‐01‐28); TC 160 ‐ Protecção contra as quedas de altura incluindo cintos de trabalho
CEN/TS 16415:2013
Personal fall protection equipment ‐ Anchor devices ‐ Recommendations for anchor devices for use by 89/686/EEC (No)
more than one person simultaneously
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 22
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN 12841:2006
EN 1496:2006
EN 1497:2007
EN 1498:2006
Personal fall protection equipment ‐ Rope access systems ‐ Rope adjustment devices
Personal fall protection equipment ‐ Rescue lifting devices
Personal fall protection equipment ‐ Rescue harnesses
Personal fall protection equipment ‐ Rescue loops
EN 1868:1997
Personal protective equipment against falls from a height ‐ List of equivalent terms
EN 1891:1998
Personal protective equipment for the prevention of falls from a height ‐ Low stretch kernmantel ropes
EN 341:2011
EN 353‐1 rev
EN 353‐1:2002
EN 353‐2:2002
EN 354:2010
EN 355:2002
EN 358:1999
EN 360:2002
EN 361:2002
EN 362:2004
EN 363:2008
EN 364:1992
EN 364:1992/AC:1993
EN 365:2004
EN 365:2004/AC:2006
EN 795:2012
EN 813:2008
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
93/95/EEC (C 317, 1997‐10‐18); 96/58/EC (C 306, 2005‐12‐02); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/95/EEC (C 338, 1998‐11‐06); 96/58/EC (C 306, 2005‐12‐02); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Personal fall protection equipment ‐ Descender devices for rescue
Personal fall protection equipment ‐ Guided type fall arresters including an anchor line ‐ Part 1: Guided Yes (89/686/EEC)
type fall arresters including a rigid anchor line
89/686/EEC (No); 96/58/EC (Expected); Personal protective equipment against falls from a height ‐ Part 1: Guided type fall arresters including 93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC a rigid anchor line
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Personal protective equipment against falls from a height ‐ Part 2: Guided type fall arresters including (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); a flexible anchor line
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19) 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Personal fall protection equipment ‐ Lanyards
(Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09) 93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC Personal protective equipment against falls from a height ‐ Energy absorbers
(Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Personal protective equipment for work positioning and prevention of falls from a height ‐ Belts for 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
work positioning and restraint and work positioning lanyards
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Personal protective equipment against falls from a height ‐ Retractable type fall arresters
(Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Personal protective equipment against falls from a height ‐ Full body harnesses
(Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19) 93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Personal protective equipment against falls from a height ‐ Connectors
(Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Personal fall protection equipment ‐ Personal fall protection systems
89/686/EEC (C 22, 2009‐01‐28)
Personal protective equipment against falls from a height ‐ Test methods
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Personal protective equipment against falls from a height ‐ Test methods
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Personal protective equipment against falls from a height ‐ General requirements for instructions for (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); use, maintenance, periodic examination, repair, marking and packaging
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19) 96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Personal protective equipment against falls from a height ‐ General requirements for instructions for (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); use, maintenance, periodic examination, repair, marking and packaging
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09) Personal fall protection equipment ‐ Anchor devices
89/686/EEC (Expected)
93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Personal fall protection equipment ‐ Sit harnesses
(Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 22, 2009‐01‐28)
TC 161 ‐ Protectores das pernas e pés
CEN ISO/TR 18690:2012
Guidance for the selection, use and maintenance of safety and occupational footwear and other personal protective equipment offering foot and leg protection (ISO/TR 18690:2012)
EN 12568:2010
Foot and leg protectors ‐ Requirements and test methods for toecaps and penetration resistant inserts
EN 13634:2010
Protective footwear for motorcycle riders ‐ Requirements and test methods
EN 13832‐1:2006
Footwear protecting against chemicals ‐ Part 1: Terminology and test methods
EN 13832‐2:2006
Footwear protecting against chemicals ‐ Part 2: Requirements for footwear resistant to chemicals under laboratory conditions
EN 13832‐3:2006
Footwear protecting against chemicals ‐ Part 3: Requirements for footwear highly resistant to chemicals under laboratory conditions
EN 15090:2012
Footwear for firefighters
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09) 96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 395, 2012‐12‐20)
EN ISO 13287:2012
Personal protective equipment ‐ Footwear ‐ Test method for slip resistance (ISO 13287:2012)
89/686/EEC (Expected)
EN ISO 17249 rev
Safety footwear with resistance to chain saw cutting (ISO/DIS 17249:2012)
EN ISO 17249:2004
Safety footwear with resistance to chain saw cutting ‐ (ISO 17249:2004)
EN ISO 17249:2004/A1:2007
Safety footwear with resistance to chain saw cutting ‐ Amendment 1 (ISO 17249:2004/Amd 1:2007)
EN ISO 20344:2011
Personal protective equipment ‐ Test methods for footwear (ISO 20344:2011)
EN ISO 20345:2011
Personal protective equipment ‐ Safety footwear (ISO 20345:2011)
EN ISO 20346 rev
Personal protective equipment ‐ Protective footwear (ISO/DIS 20346:2012)
EN ISO 20346:2004
Personal protective equipment ‐ Protective footwear (ISO 20346:2004)
EN ISO 20346:2004/A1:2007
Personal protective equipment ‐ Protective footwear ‐ Amendment 1 (ISO 20346:2004/Amd 1:2007)
EN ISO 20346:2004/AC:2007
Personal protective equipment ‐ Protective footwear (ISO 20346:2004/Cor.2:2006)
Yes (89/686/EEC)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 45, 2012‐02‐16)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 45, 2012‐02‐16)
Yes (89/686/EEC,; 96/58/EC,; 93/95/EEC,; 93/68/EEC,; 2008/68/EC)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19) 2008/68/EC (No); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09) Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 23
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 395, 2012‐12‐20)
EN ISO 20347:2012
Personal protective equipment ‐ Occupational footwear (ISO 20347:2012)
EN ISO 20349
Personal protective equipment ‐ Footwear protecting against thermal risks and molten metal splashes Yes (89/686/EEC)
as found in foundries and welding ‐ Requirements and test method
EN ISO 20349:2010
Personal protective equipment ‐ Footwear protecting against thermal risks and molten metal splashes 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
as found in foundries and welding ‐ Requirements and test method (ISO 20349:2010)
TC 162 ‐ Roupa de protecção incluindo proteção dos braços e mãos e coletes salva‐vidas
CEN ISO/TR 11610:2004
Protective clothing ‐ Vocabulary (ISO/TR 11610:2004)
CEN/TR 14560:2003
Guidance for selection, use, care and maintenance of protective clothing against heat and flame
CEN/TR 15321:2006
Guidelines on the selection, use, care and maintenance of protective clothing
Protective clothing ‐ Guidelines for selection, use, care and maintenance of chemical protective clothing
Protective clothing ‐ Hand, arm, leg, genital and neck protectors for use in ice hockey ‐ Protectors for players other than goalkeepers ‐ Requirements and test methods
CEN/TR 15419:2006
CEN/TS 15256:2005
EN 1073‐1 rev
EN 1073‐1:1998
EN 1073‐2:2002
EN 1082‐1:1996
EN 1082‐2:2000
EN 1082‐3:2000
EN 1149‐1:2006
EN 1149‐2:1997
EN 1149‐3:2004
EN 1149‐5:2008
Protective clothing against radioactive contamination ‐ Part 1: Requirements and test methods for ventilated protective clothing against particulate radioactive contamination
89/686/EEC (No); 96/58/EC (No); 93/68/EEC (No); 93/95/EEC (No)
89/686/EEC (No); 93/68/EEC (No); 93/95/EEC (No); 96/58/EC (No)
Yes (89/686/EEC)
96/58/EC (C 338, 1998‐11‐06); 93/95/EEC (C 338, 1998‐11‐06); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Protective clothing against radioactive contamination ‐ Part 2: Requirements and test methods for non‐
(Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); ventilated protective clothing against particulate radioactive contamination
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Protective clothing ‐ Gloves and arm guards protecting against cuts and stabs by hand knives ‐ Part 1: 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Chain mail gloves and arm guards
Protective clothing ‐ Gloves and arm guards protecting against cuts and stabs by hand knives ‐ Part 2: 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Gloves and arm guards made of material other than chain mail
Protective clothing ‐ Gloves and arm guards protecting against cuts and stabs by hand knives ‐ Part 3: 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Impact cut test for fabric, leather and other materials
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/68/EEC Protective clothing ‐ Electrostatic properties ‐ Part 1: Test method for measurement of surface (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); resistivity
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09) Protective clothing ‐ Electrostatic properties ‐ Part 2: Test method for measurement of the electrical 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
resistance through a material (vertical resistance)
93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC Protective clothing ‐ Electrostatic properties ‐ Part 3: Test methods for measurement of charge decay (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19) Protective clothing against radioactive contamination ‐ Part 1: Requirements and test methods for ventilated protective clothing against particulate radioactivate contamination
Protective clothing ‐ Electrostatic properties ‐ Part 5: Material performance and design requirements
89/686/EEC (C 22, 2009‐01‐28)
EN 1150:1999
Protective clothing ‐ Visibility clothing for non‐professional use ‐ Test methods and requirements
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
EN 12477:2001
EN 12477:2001/A1:2005
Protective gloves for welders
Protective gloves for welders
Protective clothing against liquid chemicals ‐ Performance requirements for chemical protective clothing offering limited protective performance against liquid chemicals (Type 6 and Type PB [6] equipment)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Protective clothing ‐ Shin guards for association football players ‐ Requirements and test methods
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
EN 13034:2005+A1:2009
EN 13061:2009
EN 13138‐1
EN 13138‐1:2008
EN 13138‐2
EN 13138‐2:2007
EN 13138‐3
EN 13138‐3:2007
EN 13158:2009
EN 13277‐1:2000
EN 13277‐2:2000
EN 13277‐3 rev
EN 13277‐3:2000
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
Buoyant aids for swimming instruction ‐ Part 1: Safety requirements and test methods for buoyant aids Yes (89/686/EEC)
to be worn
Buoyant aids for swimming instruction ‐ Part 1: Safety requirements and test methods for buoyant aids 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
to be worn
Buoyant aids for swimming instruction ‐ Part 2: Safety requirements and test methods for buoyant aids No (‐)
to be held
Buoyant aids for swimming instruction ‐ Part 2: Safety requirements and test methods for buoyant aids 2001/95/EC (Expected)
to be held
Buoyant aids for swimming instruction ‐ Part 3: Safety requirements and test methods for swim seats No (‐)
to be worn
Buoyant aids for swimming instruction ‐ Part 3: Safety requirements and test methods for swim seats 89/686/EEC (No)
to be worn
Protective clothing ‐ Protective jackets, body and shoulder protectors for equestrian use: For horse riders and those working with horses, and for horse drivers ‐ Requirements and test methods
Protective equipment for martial arts ‐ Part 1: General requirements and test methods
Protective equipment for martial arts ‐ Part 2: Additional requirements and test methods for instep protectors, shin protectors and forearm protectors
Protective equipment for martial arts ‐ Part 3: Additional requirements and test methods for trunk protectors
Protective equipment for martial arts ‐ Part 3: Additional requirements and test methods for trunk protectors
Yes (89/686/EEC)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
EN 13277‐4:2001/A1:2007
Protective equipment for martial arts ‐ Part 4: Additional requirements and test methods for head protectors
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
EN 13277‐5:2002
Protective equipment for martial arts ‐ Part 5: Additional requirements and test methods for genital protectors and abdominal protectors
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Protective equipment for martial arts ‐ Part 6: Additional requirements and test methods for breast protectors for females
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19); EN 13567:2002+A1:2007
EN 13594
Protective equipment for martial arts ‐ Part 7: Additional requirements and test methods for hand and 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
foot protectors
Visibility accessories for non‐professional use ‐ Test methods and requirements
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Protective clothing ‐ Hand, arm, chest, abdomen, leg, foot and genital protectors for field hockey goal (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); keepers, and shin protectors for field players ‐ Requirements and test methods
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Protective clothing ‐ Hand, arm, chest, abdomen, leg, genital and face protectors for fencers ‐ (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); Requirements and test methods
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09) Protective gloves for professional motorcycle riders ‐ Requirements and test methods
Yes (89/686/EEC)
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 24
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09) Protective equipment for martial arts ‐ Part 4: Additional requirements and test methods for head protectors
EN 13546:2002+A1:2007
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
EN 13277‐4:2001
EN 13356:2001
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
EN 13277‐3:2000/A1:2007
EN 13277‐7:2009
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
Protective equipment for martial arts ‐ Part 3: Additional requirements and test methods for trunk protectors
EN 13277‐6:2003
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN 13594:2002
EN 13595‐1:2002
EN 13595‐2:2002
EN 13595‐3:2002
EN 13595‐4:2002
EN 13911:2004
EN 14021:2003
EN 14058:2004
EN 14120:2003+A1:2007
EN 14126:2003
EN 14126:2003/AC:2004
EN 14225‐1:2005
EN 14225‐2:2005
EN 14225‐3:2005
EN 14225‐4:2005
EN 14325:2004
EN 14328:2005
EN 14360:2004
EN 14404:2004+A1:2010
EN 14605:2005+A1:2009
EN 14786:2006
EN 1486:2007
EN 15613:2008
EN 15614:2007
EN 16027:2011
EN 1621‐1:2012
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Protective gloves for professional motorcycle riders ‐ Requirements and test methods
(Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC Protective clothing for professional motorcycle riders ‐ Jackets, trousers and one piece or divided suits ‐
(Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); Part 1: General requirements
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Protective clothing for professional motorcycle riders ‐ Jackets, trousers and one‐piece or divided suits ‐
(Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); Part 2: Test method for determination of impact abrasion resistance
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Protective clothing for professional motorcycle riders ‐ Jackets, trousers and one‐piece or divided suits ‐
(Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); Part 3: Test method for determination of burst strength
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Protective clothing for professional motorcycle riders ‐ Jackets, trousers and one‐piece or divided suits ‐
(Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); Part 4: Test method for determination of impact cut resistance
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Protective clothing for firefighters ‐ Requirements and test methods for fire hoods for firefighters
(Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Stone shields for off‐road motorcycling suited to protect riders against stones and debris ‐ (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); Requirements and test methods
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Protective clothing ‐ Garments for protection against cool environments
(Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Protective clothing ‐ Wrist, palm, knee and elbow protectors for users of roller sports equipment ‐ (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); Requirements and test methods
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Protective clothing ‐ Performance requirements and tests methods for protective clothing against (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); infective agents
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Protective clothing ‐ Performance requirements and tests methods for protective clothing against 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
infective agents
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Diving suits ‐ Part 1: Wet suits ‐ Requirements and test methods
(Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19) 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Diving suits ‐ Part 2: Dry suits ‐ Requirements and test methods
(Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Diving suits ‐ Part 3: Actively heated or cooled suits (systems) ‐ Requirements and test methods
(Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Diving suits ‐ Part 4: One atmosphere suits (ADS) ‐ Human factors requirements and test methods
(Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Protective clothing against chemicals ‐ Test methods and performance classification of chemical (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); protective clothing materials, seams, joins and assemblages
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Protective clothing ‐ Gloves and armguards protecting against cuts by powered knives ‐ Requirements (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); and test methods
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Protective clothing against rain ‐ Test method for ready made garments ‐ Impact from above with high (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); energy droplets
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Personal protective equipment ‐ Knee protectors for work in the kneeling position
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
Protective clothing against liquid chemicals ‐ performance requirements for clothing with liquid‐tight 93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Type 3) or spray‐tight (Type 4) connections, including items providing protection to parts of the body (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); only (Types PB [3] and PB [4])
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Protective clothing ‐ Determination of resistance to penetration by sprayed liquid chemicals, (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); emulsions and dispersions ‐ Atomizer test
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
Protective clothing for fire‐fighters ‐ Test methods and requirements for reflective clothing for 96/98/EC (No); 89/686/EEC (C 63, 2008‐
specialised fire‐fighting
Knee and elbow protectors for indoor sports ‐ Safety requirements and test methods
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Protective clothing for firefighters ‐ Laboratory test methods and performance requirements for (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); wildland clothing
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
Protective clothing ‐ Gloves with protective effect for association football goal keepers
89/686/EEC (C 45, 2012‐02‐16)
Motorcyclists' protective clothing against mechanical impact ‐ Part 1: Motorcyclists' limb joint impact 89/686/EEC (Expected)
protectors ‐ Requirements and test methods
EN 16350
EN 16448‐1
Motorcyclists' protective clothing against mechanical impact ‐ Part 2: Motorcyclists' back protectors ‐ Yes (89/686/EEC)
Requirements and test methods
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Motorcyclists' protective clothing against mechanical impact ‐ Part 2: Motorcyclists' back protectors ‐ (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); Requirements and test methods
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
96/58/EC (No); 93/95/EEC (No); Motorcyclists' protective clothing against mechanical impact ‐ Part 2: Motorcyclists' back protectors ‐ 93/68/EEC (No); 89/686/EEC (C 205, Requirements and test methods
Motorcyclists' protective clothing against mechanical impact ‐ Part 4: Motorcyclists' inflatable 89/686/EEC (Expected)
protectors ‐ Requirements and test methods
Protective gloves for electrostatical risks
Yes (89/686/EEC)
Protective Clothing ‐ Body Armour ‐ Part 1: General requirements
Yes (89/686/EEC)
EN 16448‐2
Protective Clothing ‐ Body Armour ‐ Part 2: Bullet resistance, requirements and test methods
EN 1621‐2
EN 1621‐2:2003
EN 1621‐2:2003/AC:2006
EN 1621‐4:2013
EN 16448‐3
EN 16523‐1
EN 16574
EN 340:2003
EN 342:2004
Yes (89/686/EEC)
Protective Clothing ‐ Body Armour ‐ Part 3: Knife and Spike Resistance, Requirements and test Yes (89/686/EEC)
Determination of material resistance to permeation by chemicals ‐ Part 1: Permeation by liquid Yes (89/686/EEC)
chemical under conditions of continuous contact
Protective clothing ‐ Protection against liquid chemicals ‐ Performance requirements for chemical protective clothing with liquid‐tight connections between different parts of the clothing for emergency Yes (89/686/EEC)
teams (Type 3 ET Equipment)
2008/68/EC (No); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Protective clothing ‐ General requirements
(Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Protective clothing ‐ Ensembles and garments for protection against cold
(Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 25
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN 342:2004/AC:2008
Protective clothing ‐ Ensembles and garments for protection against cold
EN 343:2003+A1:2007
Protective clothing ‐ Protection against rain
EN 343:2003+A1:2007/AC:2009
Protective clothing ‐ Protection against rain
EN 348:1992
EN 348:1992/AC:1993
EN 367:1992
EN 367:1992/AC:1992
Protective clothing ‐ Test method: Determination of behaviour of materials on impact of small splashes of molten metal
Protective clothing ‐ Test method: Determination of behaviour of materials on impact of small splashes of molten metal
Protective clothing ‐ Protection against heat and fire ‐ Method of determining heat transmission on exposure to flame
Protective clothing ‐ Protection against heat and fire ‐ Method of determining heat transmission on exposure to flame
EN 374‐1:2003
Protective gloves against chemicals and micro‐organisms ‐ Part 1: Terminology and performance requirements
EN 374‐2:2003
Protective gloves against chemicals and micro‐organisms ‐ Part 2: Determination of resistance to penetration
EN 374‐3:2003
Protective gloves against chemicals and micro‐organisms ‐ Part 3: Determination of resistance to permeation by chemicals
EN 374‐3:2003/AC:2006
Protective gloves against chemicals and micro‐organisms ‐ Part 3: Determination of resistance to permeation by chemicals
EN 374‐4
EN 381‐1:1993
EN 381‐10:2002
EN 381‐11:2002
Protective gloves against chemicals and micro‐organisms ‐ Part 4: Determination of resistance to degradation by chemicals
Protective clothing for users of hand‐held chainsaws ‐ Part 1: Test rig for testing resistance to cutting by a chainsaw
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
89/656/EEC (No); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 2008/68/EC (No); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 2008/68/EC (No); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 2008/68/EC (No); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
Yes (89/686/EEC)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Protective clothing for users of hand‐held chainsaws ‐ Part 10: Test method for upper body protectors (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Protective clothing for users of hand‐held chainsaws ‐ Part 11: Requirements for upper body (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); protectors
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
EN 381‐2:1995
Protective clothing for users of hand‐held chain saws ‐ Part 2: Test methods for leg protectors
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
EN 381‐3:1996
Protective clothing for users of hand‐held chain‐saws ‐ Part 3: Test methods for footwear
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
EN 381‐4:1999
Protective clothing for users of hand‐held chainsaws ‐ Part 4: Test methods for chainsaw protective gloves
96/58/EC (C 76, 2000‐03‐16); 93/95/EEC (C 76, 2000‐03‐16); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
EN 381‐5:1995
Protective clothing for users of hand‐held chain saws ‐ Part 5: Requirements for leg protectors
EN 381‐7:1999
Protective clothing for users of hand‐held chainsaws ‐ Part 7: Requirements for chainsaw protective gloves
EN 381‐8:1997
Protective clothing for users of hand‐held chain saws ‐ Part 8: Test methods for chain saw protective gaiters
EN 381‐9:1997
Protective clothing for users of hand‐held chain saws ‐ Part 9: Requirements for chain saw protective gaiters
EN 388:2003
Protective gloves against mechanical risks
EN 407:2004
Protective gloves against thermal risks (heat and/or fire)
EN 420:2003+A1:2009
EN 421:2010
Protective gloves ‐ General requirements and test methods
Protective gloves against ionizing radiation and radioactive contamination
EN 464:1994
Protective clothing ‐ Protection against liquid and gaseous chemicals, including aerosols and solid particles ‐ Test method: Determination of leak‐tightness of gas‐tight suits (Internal pressure test)
EN 469
Protective clothing for firefighters ‐ Performance requirements for protective clothing for firefighting
EN 469:2005
Protective clothing for firefighters ‐ Performance requirements for protective clothing for firefighting
EN 469:2005/A1:2006
Protective clothing for firefighters ‐ Performance requirements for protective clothing for firefighting
EN 469:2005/AC:2006
Protective clothing for firefighters ‐ Performance requirements for protective clothing for firefighting
EN 471:2003+A1:2007
High‐visibility warning clothing for professional use ‐ Test methods and requirements
EN 510:1993
Specification for protective clothing for use where there is a risk of entanglement with moving parts
EN 511:2006
Protective gloves against cold
EN 530:2010
Abrasion resistance of protective clothing material ‐ Test methods
EN 659:2003+A1:2008
Protective gloves for firefighters
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 26
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
96/58/EC (C 76, 2000‐03‐16); 93/95/EEC (C 306, 2005‐12‐02); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
96/58/EC (C 317, 1997‐10‐18); 93/95/EEC (C 306, 2005‐12‐02); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
96/58/EC (C 317, 1997‐10‐18); 93/95/EEC (C 306, 2005‐12‐02); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Yes (89/686/EEC)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/98/EC (No); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/98/EC (No); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/98/EC (No); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 2008/68/EC (No); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 63, 2008‐03‐
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN 659:2003+A1:2008/AC:2009
EN 702:1994
EN 863:1995
EN 943‐1 rev
EN 943‐1:2002
EN 943‐1:2002/AC:2005
EN 943‐2
Protective gloves for firefighters
Protective clothing ‐ Protection against heat and flame ‐ Test method: Determination of the contact heat transmission through protective clothing or its materials
Protective clothing ‐ Mechanical properties ‐ Test method: Puncture resistance
Protective clothing against liquid and gaseous chemicals, including liquid aerosols and solid particles ‐ Part 1: Performance requirements for ventilated and non‐ventilated "gas‐tight" (Type 1) and "non‐gas‐
tight" (Type 2) chemical protective suits
Protective clothing against liquid and gaseous chemicals, including liquid aerosols and solid particles ‐ Part 1: Performance requirements for ventilated and non‐ventilated 'gas‐tight' (Type 1) and 'non‐gas‐
tight' (Type 2) chemical protective suits
EN ISO 11611:2007
Protective clothing for use in welding and allied processes (ISO 11611:2007)
EN ISO 11612:2008
EN ISO 12127‐1
EN ISO 12127‐2:2007
EN ISO 12401:2009
EN ISO 12402‐1:2005
EN ISO 12402‐10:2006
EN ISO 12402‐2:2006
EN ISO 12402‐2:2006/A1:2010
EN ISO 12402‐3:2006
EN ISO 12402‐3:2006/A1:2010
EN ISO 12402‐4:2006
EN ISO 12402‐4:2006/A1:2010
EN ISO 12402‐5:2006
EN ISO 12402‐5:2006/A1:2010
EN ISO 12402‐5:2006/AC:2006
EN ISO 12402‐6:2006
EN ISO 12402‐6:2006/A1:2010
EN ISO 12402‐7:2006
EN ISO 12402‐7:2006/A1:2011
EN ISO 12402‐8:2006
EN ISO 12402‐8:2006/A1:2011
EN ISO 12402‐9:2006
EN ISO 12402‐9:2006/A1:2011
EN ISO 13688
EN ISO 13982‐1:2004
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
96/98/EC (No); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
Yes (89/686/EEC)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 63, 2008‐03‐08)
Protective clothing ‐ Clothing to protect against heat and flame ‐ Minimum performance requirements Yes (89/686/EEC)
(ISO/DIS 11612:2011)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/98/EC (No); 96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Protective clothing ‐ Clothing to protect against heat and flame (ISO 11612:2008)
(Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐
Clothing for protection against heat and flame ‐ Determination of contact heat transmission through Yes (89/686/EEC)
protective clothing or constituent materials ‐ Part 1: Contact heat produced by heating cylinder (ISO/DIS 12127‐1:2011)
Clothing for protection against heat and flame ‐ Determination of contact heat transmission through 93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); protective clothing or constituent materials ‐ Part 2: Test method using contact heat produced by 89/686/EEC (C 63, 2008‐03‐08)
dropping small cylinders (ISO 12127‐2:2007)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Small craft ‐ Deck safety harness and safety line ‐ Safety requirements and test methods (ISO (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 12401:2009)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
Personal flotation devices ‐ Part 1: Lifejackets for seagoing ships ‐ Safety requirements (ISO 12402‐
Personal flotation devices ‐ Part 10: Selection and application of personal flotation devices and other 96/98/EC (No); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐
relevant devices (ISO 12402‐10:2006)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/68/EEC Personal flotation devices ‐ Part 2: Lifejackets, performance level 275 ‐ Safety requirements (ISO 12402‐
(Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 2:2006)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Personal flotation devices ‐ Part 2: Lifejackets, performance level 275 ‐ Safety requirements ‐ (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); Amendment 1 (ISO 12402‐2:2006/Amd 1:2010)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/68/EEC Personal flotation devices ‐ Part 3: Lifejackets, performance level 150 ‐ Safety requirements (ISO 12402‐
(Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 3:2006)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Personal flotation devices ‐ Part 3: Lifejackets, performance level 150 ‐ Safety requirements ‐ (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); Amendment 1 (ISO 12402‐3:2006/Amd 1:2010)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Personal flotation devices ‐ Part 4: Lifejackets, performance level 100 ‐ Safety requirements (ISO 12402‐
(Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 4:2006)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Personal flotation devices ‐ Part 4: Lifejackets, performance level 100 ‐ Safety requirements ‐ (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); Amendment 1 (ISO 12402‐4:2006/Amd 1:2010)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/68/EEC Personal flotation devices ‐ Part 5: Buoyancy aids (level 50) ‐ Safety requirements (ISO 12402‐5:2006) (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Personal flotation devices ‐ Part 5: Buoyancy aids (level 50) ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Amendment 1 (ISO (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 12402‐5:2006/Amd 1:2010)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/68/EEC Personal flotation devices ‐ Part 5: Buoyancy aids (level 50) ‐ Safety requirements (ISO 12402‐
(Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 5:2006/Cor.1:2006)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Personal flotation devices ‐ Part 6: Special purpose lifejackets and buoyancy aids ‐ Safety requirements (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); and additional test methods (ISO 12402‐6:2006)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Personal flotation devices ‐ Part 6: Special purpose lifejackets and buoyancy aids ‐ Safety requirements (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); and additional test methods ‐ Amendment 1 (ISO 12402‐6:2006/Amd 1:2010)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
Personal flotation devices ‐ Part 7: Materials and components ‐ Safety requirements and test methods 89/686/EEC (No); 93/68/EEC (No); (ISO 12402‐7:2006)
96/58/EC (No); 93/95/EEC (No)
Personal flotation devices ‐ Part 7: Materials and components ‐ Safety requirements and test methods ‐ 89/686/EEC (No); 93/68/EEC (No); Amendment 1 (ISO 12402‐7:2006/Amd 1:2011)
93/95/EEC (No); 96/58/EC (No)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/68/EEC Personal flotation devices ‐ Part 8: Accessories ‐ Safety requirements and test methods (ISO 12402‐
(Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 8:2006)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Personal flotation devices ‐ Part 8: Accessories ‐ Safety requirements and test methods ‐ Amendment 1 (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); (ISO 12402‐8:2006/Amd 1:2011)
89/686/EEC (C 329, 2011‐11‐11)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Personal flotation devices ‐ Part 9: Test methods (ISO 12402‐9:2006)
(Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Personal flotation devices ‐ Part 9: Test methods ‐ Amendment 1 (ISO 12402‐9:2006/Amd 1:2011)
(Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 329, 2011‐11‐11)
Protective clothing ‐ General requirements (ISO/FDIS 13688:2013)
Yes (89/686/EEC)
Protective clothing for use against solid particulates ‐ Part 1: Performance requirements for chemical 93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC protective clothing providing protection to the full body against airborne solid particulates (type 5 (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); clothing) (ISO 13982‐1:2004)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 27
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Protective clothing against solid, liquid and gaseous chemicals, including liquid and solid aerosols ‐ Part Yes (89/686/EEC)
2: Performance requirements for gas‐tight (Type 1) chemical protective suits for emergency teams (ET)
EN ISO 10862:2009
EN ISO 11611
EN ISO 11612
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Protective clothing against solid, liquid and gaseous chemicals, including liquid and solid aerosols ‐ Part Yes (89/686/EEC)
1: Performance requirements for ventilated and non‐ventilated "gas‐tight" (Type 1) suits
Protective clothing against liquid and gaseous chemicals, including liquid aerosols and solid particles ‐ Part 2: Performance requirements for "gas‐tight" (Type 1) chemical protective suits for emergency teams (ET)
Small craft ‐ Quick release system for trapeze harness (ISO 10862:2009)
Protective clothing for use in welding and allied processes (ISO/DIS 11611:2011)
EN 943‐2:2002
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN ISO 13982‐1:2004/A1:2010
EN ISO 13982‐2:2004
EN ISO 13995:2000
EN ISO 13997:1999
EN ISO 13997:1999/AC:2000
EN ISO 13998:2003
EN ISO 14116
EN ISO 14116:2008
EN ISO 14116:2008/AC:2009
EN ISO 14460:1999
EN ISO 14460:1999/A1:2002
EN ISO 14460:1999/AC:1999
EN ISO 14877:2002
EN ISO 15025 rev
EN ISO 15025:2002
EN ISO 15027‐1:2012
EN ISO 15027‐2:2012
EN ISO 15027‐3:2012
EN ISO 15831:2004
Protective clothing for use against solid particulates ‐ Part 1: Performance requirements for chemical protective clothing providing protection to the full body against airborne solid particulates (type 5 clothing) ‐ Amendment 1 (ISO 13982‐1:2004/Amd 1:2010)
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC Protective clothing for use against solid particulates ‐ Part 2: Test method of determination of inward (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); leakage of aerosols of fine particles into suits (ISO 13982‐2:2004)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Protective clothing ‐ Mechanical properties ‐ Test method for the determination of the resistance to 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
puncture and dynamic tearing of materials (ISO 13995:2000)
93/95/EEC (C 185, 2000‐07‐04); Protective clothing ‐ Mechanical properties ‐ Determination of resistance to cutting by sharp objects 96/58/EC (C 185, 2000‐07‐04); (ISO 13997:1999)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Protective clothing ‐ Mechanical properties ‐ Determination of resistance to cutting by sharp objects 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
(ISO 13997:1999)
93/95/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Protective clothing ‐ Aprons, trousers and vests protecting against cuts and stabs by hand knives (ISO (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 13998:2003)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Protective clothing ‐ Protection against heat and flame ‐ Limited flame spread materials, material Yes (89/686/EEC)
assemblies and clothing (ISO/DIS 14116:2011)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Protective clothing ‐ Protection against heat and flame ‐ Limited flame spread materials, material (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); assemblies and clothing (ISO 14116:2008)
89/686/EEC (C 22, 2009‐01‐28)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Protective clothing ‐ Protection against heat and flame ‐ Limited flame spread materials, material (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); assemblies and clothing ‐ Technical Corrigendum 1 (ISO 14116:2008/Cor 1:2009)
89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
96/58/EC (C 76, 2000‐03‐16); 93/95/EEC Protective clothing for automobile racing drivers ‐ Protection against heat and flame ‐ Performance (C 306, 2005‐12‐02); 89/686/EEC (C 91, requirements and test methods (ISO 14460:1999)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Protective clothing for automobile racing drivers ‐ Protection against heat and flame ‐ Performance (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); requirements and test methods ‐ Amendment 1: Modified flexion test (ISO 14460:1999/Amd 1:2002)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Protective clothing for automobile racing drivers ‐ Protection against heat and flame ‐ Performance 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
requirements and test methods (ISO 14460:1999)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Protective clothing for abrasive blasting operations using granular abrasives (ISO 14877:2002)
(Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Protective clothing ‐ Protection against heat and flame ‐ Method of test for limited flame spread
Protective clothing ‐ Test methods for clothing providing protection against chemicals ‐ Part 3: Determination of resistance to penetration by a jet of liquid (jet test) (ISO 17491‐3:2008)
96/98/EC (No); 89/686/EEC (C 22, 2009‐
EN ISO 17491‐4:2008
Protective clothing ‐ Test methods for clothing providing protection against chemicals ‐ Part 4: Determination of resistance to penetration by a spray of liquid (spray test) (ISO 17491‐4:2008)
89/686/EEC (C 22, 2009‐01‐28)
EN ISO 6529:2001
EN ISO 6530:2005
EN ISO 6942:2002
EN ISO 9151
EN ISO 9185:2007
96/58/EC (Expected); 96/98/EC (No); Protective clothing ‐ Protection against heat and flame ‐ Method of test for limited flame spread (ISO 93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC 15025:2000)
(Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐
89/686/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Immersion suits ‐ Part 1: Constant wear suits, requirements including safety (ISO 15027‐1:2012)
(Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected)
89/686/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC Immersion suits ‐ Part 2: Abandonment suits, requirements including safety (ISO 15027‐2:2012)
(Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected)
89/686/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC Immersion suits ‐ Part 3: Test methods (ISO 15027‐3:2012)
(Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 93/95/EEC Clothing ‐ Physiological effects ‐ Measurement of thermal insulation by means of a thermal manikin (Expected); 96/58/EC (Expected); (ISO 15831:2004)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
EN ISO 17491‐3:2008
EN ISO 20471rev
High visibility clothing ‐ Test methods and requirements (ISO/FDIS 20471:2012)
Yes (89/686/EEC)
Protective clothing ‐ Protection against chemicals ‐ Determination of resistance of protective clothing 96/98/EC (No); 89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐
materials to permeation by liquids and gases (ISO 6529:2001)
93/68/EEC (Expected); 96/58/EC Protective clothing ‐ Protection against liquid chemicals ‐ Test method for resistance of materials to (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); penetration by liquids (ISO 6530:2005)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/68/EEC Protective clothing ‐ Protection against heat and fire ‐ Method of test: Evaluation of materials and (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); material assemblies when exposed to a source of radiant heat (ISO 6942:2002)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
Protective clothing against heat and flame ‐ Determination of heat transmission on exposure to flame Yes (89/686/EEC)
Protective clothing ‐ Assessment of resistance of materials to molten metal splash (ISO 9185:2007)
96/58/EC (Expected); 93/95/EEC (Expected); 93/68/EEC (Expected); 89/686/EEC (C 205, 2011‐07‐09)
TC 168 ‐ Correntes, cordas, correias, eslingas e acessórios ‐ Segurança
EN 12195‐1:2010
Load restraining on road vehicles ‐ Safety ‐ Part 1: Calculation of securing forces
EN 12195‐2:2000
Load restraint assemblies on road vehicles ‐ Safety ‐ Part 2: Web lashing made from man‐made fibres
EN 12195‐3:2001
EN 12195‐4:2003
Load restraint assemblies on road vehicles ‐ Safety ‐ Part 3: Lashing chains
Load restraint assemblies on road vehicles ‐ Safety ‐ Part 4: Lashing steel wire ropes
EN 12385‐1:2002+A1:2008
Steel wire ropes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 1: General requirements
EN 12385‐10:2003+A1:2008
Steel wire ropes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 10: Spiral ropes for general structural applications
EN 12385‐2:2002+A1:2008
Steel wire ropes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 2: Definitions, designation and classification
EN 12385‐3:2004+A1:2008
Steel wire ropes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 3: Information for use and maintenance
EN 12385‐4:2002+A1:2008
Steel wire ropes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 4: Stranded ropes for general lifting applications
EN 12385‐5:2002
EN 12385‐5:2002/AC:2005
EN 12385‐6:2004
EN 12385‐7:2002
Steel wire ropes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 5: Stranded ropes for lifts
Steel wire ropes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 5: Stranded ropes for lifts
Steel wire ropes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 6: Stranded ropes for mine shafts
Steel wire ropes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 7: Locked coil ropes for mine shafts
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 28
98/37/EC (C 74, 2009‐03‐28); 2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (Expected); 95/16/EC (C 273, 2008‐10‐28); 2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐
98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
95/16/EC (C 192, 2005‐08‐06)
95/16/EC (C 239, 2007‐10‐11)
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN 12385‐8:2002
EN 12385‐9:2002
EN 13411‐1:2002+A1:2008
EN 13411‐2:2001+A1:2008
EN 13411‐3:2004+A1:2008
EN 13411‐4:2011
EN 13411‐5:2003+A1:2008
EN 13411‐6:2004+A1:2008
EN 13411‐7:2006+A1:2008
EN 13411‐8:2011
EN 13414‐1:2003+A2:2008
EN 13414‐2:2003+A2:2008
EN 13414‐3:2003+A1:2008
EN 13889:2003+A1:2008
EN 1492‐1:2000+A1:2008
EN 1492‐2:2000+A1:2008
EN 1492‐4:2004+A1:2008
EN 1677‐1:2000+A1:2008
EN 1677‐2:2000+A1:2008
EN 1677‐3:2001+A1:2008
EN 1677‐4:2000+A1:2008
EN 1677‐5:2001+A1:2008
EN 1677‐6:2001+A1:2008
EN 818‐1:1996+A1:2008
EN 818‐2:1996+A1:2008
EN 818‐3:1999+A1:2008
EN 818‐4:1996+A1:2008
EN 818‐5:1999+A1:2008
EN 818‐6:2000+A1:2008
EN 818‐7:2002+A1:2008
EN ISO 16841
EN ISO 3266:2010
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
Steel wire ropes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 8: Stranded hauling and carrying‐hauling ropes for cableway 2000/9/EC (C 230, 2005‐09‐20)
installations designed to carry persons
Steel wire ropes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 9: Locked coil carrying ropes for cableway installations designed to carry 2000/9/EC (C 230, 2005‐09‐20)
98/37/EC (C 74, 2009‐03‐28); Terminations for steel wire ropes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 1: Thimbles for steel wire rope slings
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (C 74, 2009‐03‐28); Terminations for steel wire ropes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 2: Splicing of eyes for wire rope slings
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (C 74, 2009‐03‐28); Terminations for steel wire ropes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 3: Ferrules and ferrule‐securing
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 214, Terminations for steel wire ropes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 4: Metal and resin socketing
98/37/EC (C 74, 2009‐03‐28); Terminations for steel wire ropes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 5: U‐bolt wire rope grips
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (C 74, 2009‐03‐28); Terminations for steel wire ropes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 6: Asymmetric wedge socket
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (C 74, 2009‐03‐28); Terminations for steel wire ropes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 7: Symmetric wedge socket
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08); 95/16/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 338, Terminations for steel wire ropes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 8: Swage terminals and swaging
98/37/EC (C 74, 2009‐03‐28); Steel wire rope slings ‐ Safety ‐ Part 1: Slings for general lifting service
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
Steel wire rope slings ‐ Safety ‐ Part 2: Specification for information for use and maintenance to be 98/37/EC (C 74, 2009‐03‐28); provided by the manufacturer
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (C 74, 2009‐03‐28); Steel wire rope slings ‐ Safety ‐ Part 3: Grommets and cable‐laid slings
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (C 74, 2009‐03‐28); Forged steel shackles for general lifting purposes ‐ Dee shackles and bow shackles ‐ Grade 6 ‐ Safety
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
Textile slings ‐ Safety ‐ Part 1: Flat woven webbing slings made of man‐made fibres for general purpose 98/37/EC (C 74, 2009‐03‐28); use
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (C 74, 2009‐03‐28); Textile slings ‐ Safety ‐ Part 2: Roundslings made of man‐made fibres for general purpose use
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
Textile slings ‐ Safety ‐ Part 4: Lifting slings for general service made from natural and man‐made fibre 98/37/EC (C 74, 2009‐03‐28); ropes
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (C 74, 2009‐03‐28); Components for slings ‐ Safety ‐ Part 1: Forged steel components, Grade 8
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (C 22, 2009‐01‐28); Components for slings ‐ Safety ‐ Part 2: Forged steel lifting hooks with latch, Grade 8
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (C 22, 2009‐01‐28); Components for slings ‐ Safety ‐ Part 3: Forged steel self‐locking hooks ‐ Grade 8
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (C 74, 2009‐03‐28); Components for slings ‐ Safety ‐ Part 4: Links, Grade 8
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (C 74, 2009‐03‐28); Components for slings ‐ Safety ‐ Part 5: Forged steel lifting hooks with latch ‐ Grade 4
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (C 74, 2009‐03‐28); Components for slings ‐ Safety ‐ Part 6: Links ‐ Grade 4
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (C 22, 2009‐01‐28); Short link chain for lifting purposes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 1: General conditions of acceptance
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (C 22, 2009‐01‐28); Short link chain for lifting purposes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 2: Medium tolerance chain for chain slings ‐ Grade 8
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (C 22, 2009‐01‐28); Short link chain for lifting purposes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 3: Medium tolerance chain for chain slings ‐ Grade 4
2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
Short link chain for lifting purposes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 4: Chain slings ‐ Grade 8
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
Short link chain for lifting purposes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 5: Chain slings ‐ Grade 4
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
Short link chain for lifting purposes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 6: Chain slings ‐ Specification for information for use 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
and maintenance to be provided by the manufacturer
Short link chain for lifting purposes ‐ Safety ‐ Part 7: Fine tolerance hoist chain, Grade T (Types T, DAT 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
and DT)
Steel wire ropes ‐ Pulling eyes for rope installation ‐ Types and minimum requirements (ISO/DIS 16841:2012)
Forged steel eyebolts grade 4 for general lifting purposes (ISO 3266:2010)
2006/42/EC Data_Pub
TC 169 ‐ Luz e iluminação
CEN/TR 13201‐1:2004
CR 14380:2003
EN 12193:2007
EN 12464‐1:2011
EN 12464‐2:2007
EN 12665:2011
EN 13032‐1:2004+A1:2012
EN 13032‐2:2004
EN 13032‐2:2004/AC:2007
EN 13032‐3:2007
EN 13032‐4
EN 13201‐2 rev
EN 13201‐2:2003
EN 13201‐3 rev
EN 13201‐3:2003
EN 13201‐3:2003/AC:2007
EN 13201‐4 rev
EN 13201‐4:2003
EN 13201‐5
EN 14255‐1:2005
EN 14255‐2:2005
EN 14255‐3:2008
Road lighting ‐ Part 1: Selection of lighting classes
Lighting applications ‐ Tunnel lighting
Light and lighting ‐ Sports lighting
Light and lighting ‐ Lighting of work places ‐ Part 1: Indoor work places
Light and lighting ‐ Lighting of work places ‐ Part 2: Outdoor work places
Light and lighting ‐ Basic terms and criteria for specifying lighting requirements
2008/57/EC (Expected)
Light and lighting ‐ Measurement and presentation of photometric data of lamps and luminaires ‐ Part 1: Measurement and file format
Light and lighting ‐ Measurement and presentation of photometric data of lamps and luminaires ‐ Part 2: Presentation of data for indoor and outdoor work places
Light and lighting ‐ Measurement and presentation of photometric data of lamps and luminaires ‐ Part 2: Presentation of data for indoor and outdoor work places
Light and lighting ‐ Measurement and presentation of photometric data of lamps and luminaires ‐ Part 3: Presentation of data for emergency lighting of work places
Light and lighting ‐ Measurement and presentation of photometric data of lamps and luminaires ‐ Part 4: LED light sources and luminaires
Road lighting ‐ Part 2: Performance requirements
Road lighting ‐ Part 2: Performance requirements
Road lighting ‐ Part 3: Calculation of performance
Road lighting ‐ Part 3: Calculation of performance
Road lighting ‐ Part 3: Calculation of performance
Road lighting ‐ Part 4: Methods of measuring lighting performance
Road lighting ‐ Part 4: Methods of measuring lighting performance
Road lighting ‐ Part 5: Energy efficiency requirements
Measurement and assessment of personal exposures to incoherent optical radiation ‐ Part 1: Ultraviolet radiation emitted by artificial sources in the workplace
Measurement and assessment of personal exposures to incoherent optical radiation ‐ Part 2: Visible and infrared radiation emitted by artificial sources in the workplace
Measurement and assessment of personal exposures to incoherent optical radiation ‐ Part 3: UV‐
Radiation emitted by the sun
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 29
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN 14255‐4:2006
Measurement and assessment of personal exposures to incoherent optical radiation ‐ Part 4: Terminology and quantities used in UV‐, visible and IR‐exposure measurements
EN 15193:2007
EN 15193:2007/AC:2010
EN 16237:2013
EN 16268:2013
EN 16276:2013
Energy performance of buildings ‐ Energy requirements for lighting
Energy performance of buildings ‐ Energy requirements for lighting
Classification of non‐electrical sources of incoherent optical radiation
Perfomance of reflecting surfaces for luminaires
Evacuation Lighting in Road Tunnels
EN 1837:1999+A1:2009
Safety of machinery ‐ Integral lighting of machines
EN 1838
EN 1838:1999
prCEN/TR 13201‐1 rev
Lighting applications ‐ Emergency lighting
Lighting applications ‐ Emergency lighting
Road lighting ‐ Part 1: Selection of lighting classes
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 309, 2009‐12‐18)
TC 183 ‐ Gestão de resíduos
EN 12574‐1 rev
Stationary waste containers ‐ Part 1: Containers with a capacity up to 10 000 l with flat or dome lid(s), for trunnion, double trunnion or pocket lifting device ‐ Dimensions and design
EN 12574‐1:2006
Stationary waste containers ‐ Part 1: Containers with a capacity up to 10 000 l with flat or dome lid(s), for trunnion, double trunnion or pocket lifting device ‐ Dimensions and design
EN 12574‐2 rev
EN 12574‐2:2006
EN 12574‐3 rev
EN 12574‐3:2006
EN 12574‐4
EN 13071‐1:2008
EN 13071‐1:2008/AC:2010
EN 13071‐2:2008
EN 13071‐2:2008/AC:2010
EN 13071‐2:2008/prA1
EN 13071‐3:2011
EN 14803:2006
EN 1501‐1:2011
EN 1501‐2:2005+A1:2009
EN 1501‐3:2008
EN 1501‐4:2007
EN 1501‐5:2011
EN 15132:2006
EN 16194:2012
EN 16403
EN 840‐1:2012
Stationary waste containers ‐ Part 2: Performance requirements and test methods
Stationary waste containers ‐ Part 2: Performance requirements and test methods
Stationary waste containers ‐ Part 3: Safety and health requirements
Stationary waste containers ‐ Part 3: Safety and health requirements
Stationary waste containers ‐ Part 4: Waste‐Mechatronics
Stationary waste containers up to 5 000 l, top lifted and bottom emptied ‐ Part 1: General requirements
Stationary waste containers up to 5 000 l, top lifted and bottom emptied ‐ Part 1: General requirements
Stationary waste containers up to 5 000 l, top lifted and bottom emptied ‐ Part 2: Additional requirements for underground or partly underground systems
Stationary waste containers up to 5 000 l, top lifted and bottom emptied ‐ Part 2: Additional requirements for underground or partly underground systems
Stationary waste containers up to 5_000_l, top lifted and bottom emptied ‐ Part 2: Additional requirements for underground or partly underground systems
Stationary waste containers up to 5 000 l, top lifted and bottom emptied ‐ Part 3: Recommended lifting connections
Identification and/or determination of the quantity of waste
Refuse collection vehicles ‐ General requirements and safety requirements ‐ Part 1: Rear loaded refuse 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC collection vehicles
Refuse collection vehicles and associated lifting devices ‐ General requirements and safety 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC requirements ‐ Part 2: Side loaded refuse collection vehicles
Refuse collection vehicles and their associated lifting devices ‐ General requirements and safety 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC requirements ‐ Part 3: Front loaded refuse collection vehicles
Refuse collection vehicles and their associated lifting devices ‐ General requirements and safety 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC requirements ‐ Part 4: Noise test code for refuse collection vehicles
Refuse collection vehicles ‐ General requirements and safety requirements ‐ Part 5: Lifting devices for 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC refuse collection vehicles
Container shells for mobile waste containers with a capacity up to 1 700 l ‐ Performance requirements and test methods
Mobile non‐sewer‐connected toilet cabins ‐ Requirements of services and products relating to the deployment of cabins and sanitary products
Waste management ‐ Waste visual elements
Mobile waste and recycling containers ‐ Part 1: Containers with 2 wheels with a capacity up to 400 l for comb lifting devices ‐ Dimensions and design
EN 840‐2:2012
Mobile waste and recycling containers ‐ Part 2: Containers with 4 wheels with a capacity up to 1 300 l with flat lid(s), for trunnion and/or comb lifting devices ‐ Dimensions and design
EN 840‐3:2012
Mobile waste and recycling containers ‐ Part 3: Containers with 4 wheels with a capacity up to 1 300 l with dome lid(s), for trunnion and/or comb lifting devices ‐ Dimensions and design
EN 840‐4:2012
Mobile waste and recycling containers ‐ Part 4: Containers with 4 wheels with a capacity up to 1 700 l with flat lid(s), for wide trunnion or BG‐ and/or wide comb lifting devices ‐ Dimensions and design
EN 840‐5:2012
Mobile waste and recycling containers ‐ Part 5: Performance requirements and test methods
EN 840‐6:2012
Mobile waste and recycling containers ‐ Part 6: Safety and health requirements
Electric‐electronic interface between chassis‐cab and bodywork of refuse collection vehicles
Levels of performance and acceptance for street cleaning and municipal waste management services ‐ Part 1: General requirements
TC 185 ‐ Elementos de fixação
EN 14218 rev
EN 14218:2003
Hexagon nuts with flange, style 2 ‐ Fine pitch thread (ISO 10663:2012, modified)
Hexagon nuts with flange ‐ Fine pitch thread (ISO 10663:1999, modified)
EN 14219:2003
Hexagon bolts with flange with metric fine pitch thread ‐ Small series (ISO 15072:1999, modified)
EN 14219:2003/AC:2007
Hexagon bolts with flange with metric fine pitch thread ‐ Small series (ISO 15072:1999, modified)
EN 14399‐1 rev
High‐strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading ‐ Part 1: General requirements
Yes (89/106/EEC)
EN 14399‐1:2005
High‐strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading ‐ Part 1: General requirements
89/106/EEC EN 14399‐10:2009
High‐strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading ‐ Part 10: System HRC ‐ Bolt and nut assemblies with calibrated preload
89/106/EEC EN 14399‐2 rev
High‐strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading ‐ Part 2: Suitability test for preloading
No (97/23/EC)
EN 14399‐2:2005
High‐strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading ‐ Part 2: Suitability test for preloading
97/23/EC (No)
EN 14399‐3 rev
High‐strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading ‐ Part 3: System HR ‐ Hexagon bolt and nut No (89/106/EEC,; 97/23/EC)
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 30
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN 14399‐5 rev
EN 14399‐5:2005
EN 14399‐5:2005/AC:2006
High‐strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading ‐ Part 3: System HR ‐ Hexagon bolt and nut assemblies
High‐strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading ‐ Part 4: System HV ‐ Hexagon bolt and nut assemblies
High‐strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading ‐ Part 4: System HV ‐ Hexagon bolt and nut assemblies
High‐strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading ‐ Part 5: Plain washers
High‐strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading ‐ Part 5: Plain washers
High‐strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading ‐ Part 5: Plain washers
EN 14399‐6 rev
EN 14399‐3:2005
EN 14399‐4 rev
EN 14399‐4:2005
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
97/23/EC (No)
No (97/23/EC,; 89/106/EEC)
97/23/EC (No)
No (97/23/EC)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
High‐strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading ‐ Part 6: Plain chamfered washers
No (97/23/EC)
EN 14399‐6:2005
High‐strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading ‐ Part 6: Plain chamfered washers
97/23/EC (No)
EN 14399‐6:2005/AC:2006
High‐strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading ‐ Part 6: Plain chamfered washers
97/23/EC (No)
EN 14399‐7:2007
EN 14399‐8:2007
EN 14399‐9:2009
EN 14831:2005
EN 15048‐1:2007
EN 15048‐2:2007
EN 1661 rev
EN 1661:1997
EN 1661:1997/AC:1998
EN 1662:1997
EN 1662:1997/AC:2007
EN 1663 rev
EN 1663:1997
High‐strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading ‐ Part 7: System HR ‐ Countersunk head bolt and nut assemblies
High‐strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading ‐ Part 8: System HV ‐ Hexagon fit bolt and nut assemblies
High‐strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading ‐ Part 9: System HR or HV ‐ Direct tension indicators for bolt and nut assemblies
Fasteners ‐ Tightening performance ‐ Torque/Angle simplified test method
Non‐preloaded structural bolting assemblies ‐ Part 1: General requirements
Non‐preloaded structural bolting assemblies ‐ Part 2: Suitability test
Hexagon nuts with flange, style 2 ‐ Coarse thread (ISO 4161:2012, modified)
Hexagon nuts with flange (ISO/DIS 4161:1996, modified)
Hexagon nuts with flange (ISO/DIS 4161:1996, modified)
Hexagon bolts with flange ‐ Small series (ISO/DIS 15071:1996, modified)
Hexagon bolts with flange ‐ Small series (ISO/DIS 15071:1996, modified)
Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange (with non‐metallic insert), style 2 ‐ Product grades A and B (ISO 7043:2012, modified)
EN ISO 10664:2005
EN ISO 10666:1999
Drilling screws with tapping screw thread ‐ Mechanical and functional properties (ISO 10666:1999)
EN 1664:1997
EN 1665:1997
EN 1665:1997/AC:2007
EN 1666 rev
EN 1666:1997
EN 1667 rev
EN 1667:1997
EN 20273:1991
EN 20898‐7:1995
EN 22339:1992
EN 22340:1992
EN 22341:1992
EN 24015:1991
EN 26157‐1:1991
EN 26157‐3:1991
EN 27434:1992
EN 27435:1992
EN 27436:1992
EN 27721:1991
EN 28736:1992
EN 28737:1992
EN 28738:1992
EN 28749:1992
EN 28839:1991
EN ISO 10484:2004
EN ISO 10485 rev
EN ISO 10485:2004
EN ISO 10510:2011
EN ISO 10511:2012
EN ISO 10512:2012
EN ISO 10513:2012
EN ISO 10642:2004
EN ISO 10642:2004/A1:2012
EN ISO 10644:2009
EN ISO 10669:1999
EN ISO 10673:2009
EN ISO 10683
EN ISO 10683:2000
EN ISO 10684:2004
EN ISO 10684:2004/AC:2009
EN ISO 1207:2011
89/106/EEC 89/106/EEC 2014‐10
Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange (with non‐metallic insert) (ISO 7043:1997, modified)
Prevailing torque type all‐metal hexagon nuts with flange, style 2 ‐ Product grades A and B (ISO 7044:2012, modified)
Prevailing torque type all‐metal hexagon nuts with flange (ISO 7044:1997, modified)
Hexagon bolts with flange ‐ Heavy series
Hexagon bolts with flange ‐ Heavy series
Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange (with non‐metallic insert) with metric fine pitch thread, style 2 ‐ Product grades A and B (ISO 12125:2012, modified)
Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange (with non‐metallic insert) with metric fine pitch thread (ISO 12125:1997, modified)
Prevailing torque type all‐metal hexagon nuts with flange with metric fine pitch thread, style 2 ‐ Product grades A and B (ISO 12126:2012, modified)
Prevailing torque type all‐metal hexagon nuts with flange metric fine pitch thread (ISO 12126:1997, modified)
Fasteners ‐ Clearance holes for bolts and screws (ISO 273:1979)
Mechanical properties of fasteners ‐ Part 7: Torsional test and minimum torques for bolts and screws with nominal diameters 1 mm to 10 mm (ISO 898‐7:1992)
Taper pins, unhardened (ISO 2339:1986)
Clevis pins without head (ISO 2340:1986)
Clevis pins with head (ISO 2341:1986)
Hexagon head bolts ‐ Product grade B ‐ Reduced shank (Shank diameter = pitch diameter) (ISO 4015:1979)
Fasteners ‐ Surface discontinuities ‐ Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs for general requirements (ISO 6157‐
Fasteners ‐ Surface discontinuities ‐ Part 3: Bolts, screws and studs for special requirements (ISO 6157‐
Slotted set screws with cone point (ISO 7434:1983)
Slotted set screws with long dog point (ISO 7435:1983)
Slotted set screws with cup point (ISO 7436:1983)
Countersunk head screws ‐ Head configuration and gauging (ISO 7721:1983)
Taper pins with internal thread, unhardened (ISO 8736:1986)
Taper pins with external thread, unhardened (ISO 8737:1986)
Plain washers for clevis pins ‐ Product grade A (ISO 8738:1986)
Pins and grooved pins ‐ Shear test (ISO 8749:1986)
Mechanical properties of fasteners ‐ Bolts, screws, studs and nuts made of non‐ferrous metals (ISO 8839:1986)
Widening test on nuts (ISO 10484:1997)
Cone proof load test on nuts
Cone proof load test on nuts (ISO 10485:1991)
Tapping screw and washer assemblies with plain washers (ISO 10510:2011)
Prevailing torque type hexagon thin nuts (with non‐metallic insert) (ISO 10511:2012)
Prevailing torque type hexagon regular nuts (with non‐metallic insert) with metric fine pitch thread ‐ Property classes 6, 8 and 10 (ISO 10512:2012)
Prevailing torque type all‐metal hexagon high nuts with metric fine pitch thread ‐ Property classes 8, 10 and 12 (ISO 10513:2012)
Hexagon socket countersunk head screws (ISO 10642:2004)
Hexagon socket countersunk head screws (ISO 10642:2004/Amd 1:2012)
Screw and washer assemblies made of steel with plain washers ‐ Washer hardness classes 200 HV and 300 HV (ISO 10644:2009)
Hexalobular internal driving feature for bolts and screws (ISO 10664:2005)
EN 1664 rev
89/106/EEC 89/106/EEC 2014‐10
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
Plain washers for tapping screw and washer assemblies ‐ Normal and large series ‐ Product grade A (ISO 10669:1999)
Plain washers for screw and washer assemblies ‐ Small, normal and large series ‐ Product grade A (ISO 10673:2009)
Fasteners ‐ Non‐electrolytically applied zinc flake coatings (ISO/DIS 10683:2011)
Fasteners ‐ Non‐electrolytically applied zinc flake coatings (ISO 10683:2000)
97/23/EC (No)
Fasteners ‐ Hot dip galvanized coatings (ISO 10684:2004)
Fasteners ‐ Hot dip galvanized coatings (ISO 10684:2004/Cor 1:2008)
97/23/EC (No)
Slotted cheese head screws ‐ Product grade A (ISO 1207:2011)
97/23/EC (No)
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 31
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN ISO 1234:1997
EN ISO 12474:2010
EN ISO 13337:2009
EN ISO 14579:2011
EN ISO 14580:2011
EN ISO 14581
EN ISO 14582
EN ISO 14583:2011
EN ISO 14584:2011
EN ISO 14585:2011
EN ISO 14586:2011
EN ISO 14587:2011
EN ISO 14588:2000
EN ISO 14589:2000
EN ISO 1478:1999
EN ISO 1479:2011
EN ISO 1481:2011
EN ISO 1482:2011
EN ISO 1483:2011
EN ISO 15480:1999
EN ISO 15481:1999
Split pins (ISO 1234:1997)
Hexagon socket head cap screws with metric fine pitch thread (ISO 12474:2010)
Spring‐type straight pins ‐ Slotted, light duty (ISO 13337:2009)
Hexalobular socket head cap screws (ISO 14579:2011)
Hexalobular socket cheese head screws (ISO 14580:2011)
Fasteners ‐ Hexalobular socket countersunk flat head screws (ISO/DIS 14581:2012)
Hexalobular socket countersunk head screws, high head (ISO/DIS 14582:2012)
Hexalobular socket pan head screws (ISO 14583:2011)
Hexalobular socket raised countersunk head screws (ISO 14584:2011)
Hexalobular socket pan head tapping screws (ISO 14585:2011)
Hexalobular socket countersunk head tapping screws (ISO 14586:2011)
Hexalobular socket raised countersunk (oval) head tapping screws (ISO 14587:2011)
Blind rivets ‐ Terminology and definitions (ISO 14588:2000)
Blind rivets ‐ Mechanical testing (ISO 14589:2000)
Tapping screws thread (ISO 1478:1999)
Hexagon head tapping screws (ISO 1479:2011)
Slotted pan head tapping screws (ISO 1481:2011)
Slotted countersunk (flat) head tapping screws (ISO 1482:2011)
Slotted raised countersunk (oval) head tapping screws (ISO 1483:2011)
Countersinks for countersunk head screws with head configuration in accordance with ISO 7721 (ISO 15065:2005)
Fasteners ‐ Preloading test for the detection of hydrogen embrittlement ‐ Parallel bearing surface method (ISO 15330:1999)
Hexagon washer head drilling screws with tapping screw thread (ISO 15480:1999)
Cross recessed pan head drilling screws with tapping screw thread (ISO 15481:1999)
EN ISO 15482:1999
Cross recessed countersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw thread (ISO 15482:1999)
EN ISO 15483:1999
Cross recessed raised countersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw thread (ISO 15483:1999)
EN ISO 15065:2005
EN ISO 15330:1999
EN ISO 1580:2011
Slotted pan head screws ‐ Product grade A (ISO 1580:2011)
EN ISO 15973:2000
Closed end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head ‐ AIA/St (ISO 15973:2000)
EN ISO 15974:2000
Closed end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and countersunk head ‐ AIA/St (ISO 15974:2000)
EN ISO 15975:2002
Closed end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protrudiing head ‐ AI/AIA (ISO 15975:2002)
EN ISO 15976:2002
Closed end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protrudiing head ‐ St/St (ISO 15976:2002)
EN ISO 15977:2002
Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head ‐ AIA/St (ISO 15977:2002)
EN ISO 15978:2002
Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and countersunk head ‐ AIA/St (ISO 15978:2002)
EN ISO 15979:2002
Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head ‐ St/St (ISO 15979:2002)
EN ISO 15980:2002
Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and countersunk head ‐ St/St (ISO 15980:2002)
EN ISO 15981:2002
Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head ‐ AIA/AIA (ISO 15981:2002)
EN ISO 15982:2002
Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and countersunk head ‐ AIA/AIA (ISO 15982:2002)
EN ISO 15983:2002
Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head ‐ A2/A2 (ISO 15983:2002)
EN ISO 15984:2002
Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and countersunk head ‐ A2/A2 (ISO 15984:2002)
EN ISO 16047:2005
EN ISO 16047:2005/A1:2012
EN ISO 16048:2003
EN ISO 16426:2002
Fasteners ‐ Torque/clamp force testing (ISO 16047:2005)
Fasteners ‐ Torque/clamp force testing (ISO 16047:2005/Amd 1:2012)
Passivation of corrosion‐resistant stainless‐steel fasteners (ISO 16048:2003)
Fasteners ‐ Quality assurance system (ISO 16426:2002)
Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head ‐ Cu/St or Cu/Br or Cu/SSt (ISO 16582:2002)
Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and countersunk head ‐ Cu/St or Cu/Br or Cu/SSt (ISO 16583:2002)
Open end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and protruding head ‐ NiCu/St or NiCu/SSt (ISO 16584:2002)
EN ISO 16582:2002
EN ISO 16583:2002
EN ISO 16584:2002
EN ISO 16585:2002
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
No (‐)
No (‐)
97/23/EC (No)
Closed end blind rivets Closed end blind rivets with pull mandrel and protruding head ‐ A2/SSt (ISO 16585:2002)with pull mandrel and protruding head ‐ A2/SSt (ISO 16585:2002)
Fasteners ‐ Terminology ‐ Part 2: Vocabulary and definitions for coatings (ISO/DIS 1891‐2:2012)
EN ISO 2009:2011
EN ISO 2010:2011
EN ISO 21670 rev
EN ISO 21670:2003
Slotted countersunk flat head screws ‐ Product grade A (ISO 2009:2011)
Slotted raised countersunk head screws ‐ Product grade A (ISO 2010:2011)
Hexagon weld nuts with flange
Hexagon weld nuts with flange (ISO 21670:2003)
EN ISO 225:2010
Fasteners ‐ Bolts, screws, studs and nuts ‐ Symbols and descriptions of dimensions (ISO 225:2010)
EN ISO 2320:2008
Prevailing torque type steel nuts ‐ Mechanical and performance properties (ISO 2320:2008)
EN ISO 2338:1997
EN ISO 2342:2003
EN ISO 23429:2004
EN ISO 2702:2011
EN ISO 3269:2000
Parallel pins, of unhardened steel and austenitic stainless steel (ISO 2338:1997)
Slotted headless screws with shank (ISO 2342:2003)
Gauging of hexagon sockets (ISO 23429:2004)
Heat‐treated steel tapping screws ‐ Mechanical properties (ISO 2702:2011)
97/23/EC (No)
Fasteners ‐ Acceptance inspection (ISO 3269:2000)
97/23/EC (No)
Mechanical properties of corrosion‐resistant stainless steel fasteners ‐ Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs 97/23/EC (No)
(ISO 3506‐1:2009)
EN ISO 3506‐1:2009/prA1
Mechanical properties of corrosion‐resistant stainless steel fasteners ‐ Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs
EN ISO 3506‐2:2009
Mechanical properties of corrosion‐resistant stainless steel fasteners ‐ Part 2: Nuts (ISO 3506‐2:2009)
EN ISO 3506‐2:2009/prA1
Mechanical properties of corrosion‐resistant stainless steel fasteners ‐ Part 2: Nuts
Mechanical properties of corrosion‐resistant stainless steel fasteners ‐ Part 3: Set screws and similar fasteners not under tensile stress (ISO 3506‐3:2009)
Mechanical properties of corrosion‐resistant stainless steel fasteners ‐ Part 4: Tapping screws (ISO 3506‐4:2009)
EN ISO 3506‐3:2009
EN ISO 3506‐4:2009
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
EN ISO 1891‐2
EN ISO 3506‐1:2009
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 32
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN ISO 4014:2011
EN ISO 4016:2011
EN ISO 4017 rev
EN ISO 4017:2011
EN ISO 4018:2011
EN ISO 4026:2003
EN ISO 4027:2003
EN ISO 4028:2003
EN ISO 4029:2003
EN ISO 4032:2012
EN ISO 4033:2012
EN ISO 4034:2012
EN ISO 4035:2012
EN ISO 4036:2012
EN ISO 4042:1999
EN ISO 4753:2011
EN ISO 4757:1994
EN ISO 4759‐1:2000
EN ISO 4759‐3:2000
EN ISO 4762:2004
EN ISO 4766:2011
EN ISO 6157‐2:2004
EN ISO 7040:2012
Hexagon head bolts ‐ Product grades A and B (ISO 4014:2011)
Hexagon head bolts ‐ Product grade C (ISO 4016:2011)
Hexagon head screws ‐ Product grades A and B
Hexagon head screws ‐ Product grades A and B (ISO 4017:2011)
Hexagon head screws ‐ Product grade C (ISO 4018:2011)
Hexagon socket set screws with flat point (ISO 4026:2003)
Hexagon socket set screws with cone point (ISO 4027:2003)
Hexagon socket set screws with dog point (ISO 4028:2003)
Hexagon socket set screws with cup point (ISO 4029:2003)
Hexagon regular nuts (style 1) ‐ Product grades A and B (ISO 4032:2012)
Hexagon high nuts (style 2) ‐ Product grades A and B (ISO 4033:2012)
Hexagon regular nuts (style 1) ‐ Product grade C (ISO 4034:2012)
Hexagon thin nuts chamfered (style 0) ‐ Product grades A and B (ISO 4035:2012)
Hexagon thin nuts unchamfered (style 0) ‐ Product grade B (ISO 4036:2012)
Fasteners ‐ Electroplated coatings (ISO 4042:1999)
Fasteners ‐ Ends of parts with external ISO metric thread (ISO 4753:2011)
Cross recesses for screws (ISO 4757:1983)
Tolerances for fasteners ‐ Part 1: Bolts, screws, studs and nuts ‐ Product grades A, B and C (ISO 4759‐
Tolerances for fasteners ‐ Part 3: Plain washers for bolts, screws and nuts ‐ Products grades A and C (ISO 4759‐3:2000)
Hexagon socket head cap screws (ISO 4762:2004)
Slotted set screws with flat point (ISO 4766:2011)
Fasteners ‐ Surface discontinuities ‐ Part 2: Nuts (ISO 6157‐2:1995)
Prevailing torque type hexagon regular nuts (with non‐metallic insert) ‐‐ Property classes 5, 8 and 10 (ISO 7040:2012)
EN ISO 7042:2012
Prevailing torque type all‐metal hexagon high nuts ‐ Property classes 5, 8, 10 and 12 (ISO 7042:2012)
EN ISO 7045:2011
Pan head screws with type H or type Z cross recess ‐ Product grade A (ISO 7045:2011)
Countersunk flat head screws (common head style) with type H or type Z cross recess ‐ Product grade A ‐ Part 1: Steel screws of property class 4.8 (ISO 7046‐1:2011)
Countersunk flat head screws (common head style) with type H or type Z cross recess ‐ Product grade A ‐ Part 2: Steel screws of property class 8.8, stainless steel screws and non‐ferrous metal screws (ISO 7046‐2:2011)
Raised countersunk head screws (common head style) with type H or type Z cross recess ‐ Product grade A (ISO 7047:2011)
Cross‐recessed cheese head screws (ISO 7048:2011)
Cross‐recessed pan head tapping screws (ISO/FDIS 7049:2011)
Cross‐recessed countersunk (flat) head tapping screws (ISO 7050:2011)
Cross‐recessed raised countersunk (oval) head tapping screws (ISO 7051:2011)
Hexagon washer head tapping screws (ISO 7053:2011)
Plain washers ‐ Normal series ‐ Product grade A (ISO 7089:2000)
Plain washers, chamfered ‐ Normal series ‐ Product grade A (ISO 7090:2000)
Plain washers ‐ Normal series ‐ Product grade C (ISO 7091:2000)
Plain washers ‐ Small series ‐ Product grade A (ISO 7092:2000)
Plain washers ‐ Large series ‐ Part 1: Product grade A (ISO 7093‐1:2000)
Plain washers ‐ Large series ‐ Part 2: Product grade C (ISO 7093‐2:2000)
Plain washers ‐ Extra large series ‐ Product grade C (ISO 7094:2000)
Plain washers ‐ Extra large series ‐ Product grade C (ISO 7094:2000/Cor.1:2000)
Button head screws ‐ Part 1: Hexagon socket button head screws (ISO 7380‐1:2011)
EN ISO 7046‐1:2011
EN ISO 7046‐2:2011
EN ISO 7047:2011
EN ISO 7048:2011
EN ISO 7049:2011
EN ISO 7050:2011
EN ISO 7051:2011
EN ISO 7053:2011
EN ISO 7089:2000
EN ISO 7090:2000
EN ISO 7091:2000
EN ISO 7092:2000
EN ISO 7093‐1:2000
EN ISO 7093‐2:2000
EN ISO 7094:2000
EN ISO 7094:2000/AC:2002
EN ISO 7380‐1:2011
EN ISO 7380‐2:2011
Button head screws ‐ Part 2: Hexagon socket button head screws with collar (ISO 7380‐2:2011)
EN ISO 7719:2012
Prevailing torque type all‐metal hexagon regular nuts ‐ Property classes 5, 8 and 10 (ISO 7719:2012)
EN ISO 7721‐2:1994
Countersunk flat head screws ‐ Part 2: Penetration depth of cross recesses (ISO 7721‐2:1990)
EN ISO 8673:2012
Hexagon regular nuts (style 1) with metric fine pitch thread ‐ Product grades A and B (ISO 8673:2012)
EN ISO 8674:2012
Hexagon high nuts (style 2) with metric fine pitch thread ‐ Product grades A and B (ISO 8674:2012)
EN ISO 8675:2012
Hexagon thin nuts chamfered (style 0) with metric fine pitch thread ‐ Product grades A and B (ISO 8675:2012)
EN ISO 8676:2011
Hexagon head screws with metric fine pitch thread ‐ Product grades A and B (ISO 8676:2011)
EN ISO 8733:1997
Parallel pins with internal thread, of unhardened steel or austenitic stainless steel (ISO 8733:1997)
EN ISO 8734:1997
Parallel pins, or hardened steel or martensitic stainless steel (Dowel pins) (ISO 8734:1997)
EN ISO 8735:1997
Parallel pins with internal thread, of hardened steel or martensitic stainless steel (ISO 8735:1997)
EN ISO 8739:1997
EN ISO 8740:1997
EN ISO 8741:1997
EN ISO 8742:1997
EN ISO 8743:1997
EN ISO 8744:1997
EN ISO 8745:1997
EN ISO 8746:1997
EN ISO 8747:1997
EN ISO 8748:2007
EN ISO 8750:2007
EN ISO 8751:2007
EN ISO 8752:2009
Grooved pins ‐ Full‐length parallel grooved, with pilot (ISO 8739:1997)
Grooved pins ‐ Full‐length parallel grooved, with chamfer (ISO 8740:1997)
Grooved pins ‐ Half‐length reverse taper grooved (ISO 8741:1997)
Grooved pins ‐ One‐third‐length centre grooved (ISO 8742:1997)
Grooved pins ‐ Half‐length centre grooved (ISO 8743:1997)
Grooved pins ‐ Full‐length taper grooved (ISO 8744:1997)
Grooved pins ‐ Half‐length taper grooved (ISO 8745:1997)
Grooved pins with round head (ISO 8746:1997)
Grooved pins with countersunk head (ISO 8747:1997)
Spring‐type straight pins ‐ Coiled, heavy duty (ISO 8748:2007)
Spring‐type straight pins ‐ Coiled, standard duty (ISO 8750:2007)
Spring‐type straight pins ‐ Coiled, light duty (ISO 8751:2007)
Spring‐type straight pins ‐ Slotted, heavy duty (ISO 8752:2009)
EN ISO 8765:2011
Hexagon head bolts with metric fine pitch thread ‐ Product grades A and B (ISO 8765:2011)
EN ISO 887:2000
Plain washers for metric bolts, screws and nuts for general purposes ‐ General plan (ISO 887:2000)
EN ISO 887:2000/AC:2006
Plain washers for metric bolts, screws and nuts for general purposes ‐ General plan (ISO 887:2000)
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 33
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
97/23/EC (No)
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN ISO 898‐1:2013
EN ISO 898‐2:2012
EN ISO 898‐5:2012
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel ‐ Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs with specified property classes ‐ Coarse thread and fine pitch thread (ISO 898‐1:2013)
Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel ‐ Part 2: Nuts with specified 87/404/EEC (No); 2009/105/EC (No)
property classes ‐ Coarse thread and fine pitch thread (ISO 898‐2:2012)
Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel ‐ Part 5: Set screws and similar 97/23/EC (No)
threaded fasteners with specified hardness classes ‐ Coarse thread and fine pitch thread (ISO 898‐
TC 191 ‐ Sistemas de combate a incêndio fixos
CEN/TR 12101‐4:2009
CEN/TR 12101‐5:2005
CEN/TR 15276‐1:2009
CEN/TR 15276‐2:2009
Smoke and heat control systems ‐ Part 4: Installed SHEVS systems for smoke and heat ventilation
Smoke and heat control systems ‐ Part 5: Guidelines on functional recommendations and calculation methods for smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Condensed aerosol extinguishing systems ‐ Part 1: Requirements and test methods for components
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Condensed aerosol extinguishing systems ‐ Part 2: Design, installation and maintenance
CEN/TS 14816:2008
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Water spray systems ‐ Design, installation and maintenance
CEN/TS 14972:2011
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Watermist systems ‐ Design and installation
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 1: Requirements and test Yes (305/2011)
methods for electrical automatic control and delay devices
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 1: Requirements and test 89/106/EEC
methods for electrical automatic control and delay devices
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 10: Requirements and test No (305/2011)
methods for pressure gauges and pressure switches
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 10: Requirements and test 89/106/EEC
methods for pressure gauges and pressure switches
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 11: Requirements and test Yes (305/2011)
methods for mechanical weighing devices
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 11: Requirements and test 89/106/EEC
methods for mechanical weighing devices
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 12: Requirements and test 89/106/EEC
methods for pneumatic alarm devices
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 13: Requirements and test 89/106/EEC
methods for check valves and non‐return valves
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 13: Requirements and test 89/106/EEC
methods for check valves and non‐return valves
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 16: Requirements and test 89/106/EEC
methods for odorizing devices for CO2 low pressure systems
EN 12094‐1 rev
EN 12094‐1:2003
EN 12094‐10 rev
EN 12094‐10:2003
EN 12094‐11 rev
EN 12094‐11:2003
EN 12094‐12:2003
EN 12094‐13:2001
EN 12094‐13:2001/AC:2002
EN 12094‐16:2003
EN 12094‐2 rev
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 2: Requirements and test Yes (305/2011)
methods for non‐electrical automatic control and delay devices
EN 12094‐2:2003
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 2: Requirements and test 89/106/EEC
methods for non‐electrical automatic control and delay devices
EN 12094‐3 rev
EN 12094‐3:2003
EN 12094‐4:2004
EN 12094‐5:2006
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 3: Requirements and test Yes (305/2011)
methods for manual triggering and stop devices
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 3: Requirements and test 89/106/EEC
methods for manual triggering and stop devices
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 4: Requirements and test 89/106/EEC
methods for container valve assemblies and their actuators
EN 12101‐1:2005
EN 12101‐1:2005/A1:2006
EN 12101‐10 rev
EN 12101‐10:2005
EN 12101‐10:2005/AC:2007
EN 12101‐2 rev
EN 12101‐2:2003
Smoke and heat control systems ‐ Part 2: Specification for natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators 89/106/EEC
EN 12094‐7
EN 12094‐7:2000
EN 12094‐7:2000/A1:2005
EN 12094‐8:2006
EN 12094‐9 rev
EN 12094‐9:2003
EN 12101‐3
EN 12101‐3:2002
EN 12101‐3:2002/AC:2005
EN 12101‐6:2005
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 5: Requirements and test 89/106/EEC
methods for high and low pressure selector valves and their actuators
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 6: Requirements and test methods for non‐electrical disable devices
Fixed fire fighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 7: Requirements and test methods for nozzles for CO2 systems
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 7: Requirements and test methods for nozzles for CO2 systems
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 7: Requirements and test methods for nozzles for CO2 systems
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 8: Requirements and test methods for connectors
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 9: Requirements and test methods for special fire detectors
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 9: Requirements and test methods for special fire detectors
Smoke and heat control systems ‐ Part 1: Specification for smoke barriers
Smoke and heat control systems ‐ Part 1: Specification for smoke barriers
Smoke and heat control systems ‐ Part 10: Power supplies
Smoke and heat control systems ‐ Part 10: Power supplies
Smoke and heat control systems ‐ Part 10: Power supplies
Smoke and heat control systems ‐ Part 2: Natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators
EN 12094‐6:2006
No (89/106/EEC)
No (305/2011)
No (305/2011)
Yes (89/106/EEC,; 2006/42/EC)
Smoke and heat control systems ‐ Part 6: Specification for pressure differential systems ‐ Kits
EN 12101‐6:2005/AC:2006
Smoke and heat control systems ‐ Part 6: Specification for pressure differential systems ‐ Kits
EN 12101‐7:2011
EN 12101‐8:2011
EN 12101‐9
Smoke and heat control systems ‐ Part 7: Smoke duct sections
Smoke and heat control systems ‐ Part 8: Smoke control dampers
Smoke and heat control systems ‐ Part 9: Control panels
No (305/2011)
EN 12259‐1:1999 + A1:2001
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for sprinkler and water spray systems ‐ Part 1: Sprinklers
EN 12259‐1:1999 + A1:2001/A2:20 Fixed firefighting systems components for sprinkler and waterspray systems ‐ Part 1: Sprinklers
EN 12259‐1:1999 + A1:2001/A3:20 Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for sprinkler and water spray systems ‐ Part 1: Sprinklers
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 34
Smoke and heat control systems ‐ Part 3: Specification for powered smoke and heat control ventilators Yes (89/106/EEC)
Smoke and heat control systems ‐ Part 3: Specification for powered smoke and heat exhaust ventilators
Smoke and heat control systems ‐ Part 3: Specification for powered smoke and heat exhaust ventilators
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN 12259‐12
EN 12259‐14
EN 12259‐2 rev
EN 12259‐2:1999
EN 12259‐2:1999/A1:2001
EN 12259‐2:1999/A2:2005
EN 12259‐2:1999/AC:2002
EN 12259‐3:2000
EN 12259‐3:2000/A1:2001
EN 12259‐3:2000/A2:2005
EN 12259‐4:2000
EN 12259‐4:2000/A1:2001
EN 12259‐5:2002
EN 12259‐9
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for sprinkler and water spray systems ‐ Part 12: Sprinkler Yes (305/2011)
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for sprinkler and water spray systems ‐ Part 14: Sprinklers for residential applications
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for sprinkler and water spray systems ‐ Part 2: Wet alarm No (305/2011)
valve assemblies
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for sprinkler and water spray systems ‐ Part 2: Wet alarm 89/106/EEC
valve assemblies
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for sprinkler and water spray systems ‐ Part 2: Wet alarm 89/106/EEC
valve assemblies
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for sprinkler and water spray systems ‐ Part 2: Wet alarm 89/106/EEC
valve assemblies
Fixed firefighting sytems ‐ Components for sprinkler and water spray systems ‐ Part 2: Wet alarm valve 89/106/EEC
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for automatic sprinkler and water spray systems ‐ Part 3: Dry 89/106/EEC
alarm valve assemblies
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for sprinkler and water spray systems ‐ Part 3: Dry alarm valve 89/106/EEC
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for sprinkler and water spray systems ‐ Part 3: Dry alarm valve 89/106/EEC
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for sprinkler and water spray systems ‐ Part 4: Water motor 89/106/EEC
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for sprinkler and water spray systems ‐ Part 4: Water motor 89/106/EEC
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for sprinkler and water spray systems ‐ Part 5: Water flow 89/106/EEC
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Components for sprinkler and water spray systems ‐ Part 9: Deluge valve Yes (305/2011)
EN 12416‐1:2001+A2:2007
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Powder systems ‐ Part 1: Requirements and test methods for components
EN 12416‐2:2001+A1:2007
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Powder systems ‐ Part 2: Design, construction and maintenance
EN 12845:2004+A2:2009
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Automatic sprinkler systems ‐ Design, installation and maintenance
EN 13565‐1:2003+A1:2007
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Foam systems ‐ Part 1: Requirements and test methods for components
EN 13565‐2:2009
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Foam systems ‐ Part 2: Design, construction and maintenance
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Foam systems ‐ Part 2: Design, construction and maintenance
EN 13565‐2:2009/AC:2010
EN 15004‐1 rev
EN 15004‐1:2008
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 1: Design, installation and maintenance (ISO 14520‐1:2006, modified)
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 1: Design, installation and maintenance (ISO 14520‐1:2006, modified)
No (89/106/EEC)
EN 15004‐10 rev
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 10: Physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for IG‐541 extinguishant (ISO 14520‐15:2005, modified)
EN 15004‐10:2008
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 10: Physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for IG‐541 extinguishant (ISO 14520‐15:2005, modified)
EN 15004‐2 rev
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 2: Physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for FK‐5‐1‐12 extinguishant (ISO 14520‐5:2006, modified)
EN 15004‐2:2008
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 2: Physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for FK‐5‐1‐12 extinguishant (ISO 14520‐5:2006, modified)
EN 15004‐3 rev
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 3: Physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for HCFC Blend A extinguishant (ISO 14520‐6:2006, modified)
EN 15004‐3:2008
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 3: Physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for HCFC Blend A extinguishant (ISO 14520‐6:2006, modified)
EN 15004‐4 rev
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 4: Physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for HFC 125 extinguishant (ISO 14520‐8:2006, modified)
EN 15004‐4:2008
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 4: Physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for HFC 125 extinguishant (ISO 14520‐8:2006, modified)
EN 15004‐5 rev
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 5: Physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for HFC 227ea extinguishant (ISO 14520‐9:2006, modified)
EN 15004‐5:2008
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 5: Physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for HFC 227ea extinguishant (ISO 14520‐9:2006, modified)
EN 15004‐6 rev
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 6: Physical properties and system design of No (305/2011)
gas extinguishing systems for HFC 23 extinguishant (ISO 14520‐10:2005, modified)
EN 15004‐6:2008
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 6: Physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for HFC 23 extinguishant (ISO 14520‐10:2005, modified)
EN 15004‐7 rev
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 7: Physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for IG‐01 extinguishant (ISO 14520‐12:2005, modified)
EN 15004‐7:2008
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 7: Physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for IG‐01 extinguishant (ISO 14520‐12:2005, modified)
EN 15004‐8 rev
Fixed firefighting system ‐ Gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 8: Physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for IG‐100 extinguishant (ISO 14520‐13:2005, modified)
EN 15004‐8:2008
Fixed firefighting system ‐ Gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 8: Physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for IG‐100 extinguishant (ISO 14520‐13:2005, modified)
EN 15004‐9 rev
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 9: Physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for IG‐55 extinguishant (ISO 14520‐14:2005, modified)
EN 15004‐9:2008
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Gas extinguishing systems ‐ Part 9: Physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for IG‐55 extinguishant (ISO 14520‐14:2005, modified)
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 35
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN 1568‐1:2008
EN 1568‐1:2008/AC:2010
EN 1568‐2:2008
EN 1568‐2:2008/AC:2010
EN 1568‐3:2008
EN 1568‐3:2008/AC:2010
EN 1568‐4:2008
EN 1568‐4:2008/AC:2010
EN 27201‐1:1994
EN 27201‐2:1994
Fire extinguishing media ‐ Foam concentrates ‐ Part 1: Specification for medium expansion foam concentrates for surface application to water‐immiscible liquids
Fire extinguishing media ‐ Foam concentrates ‐ Part 1: Specification for medium expansion foam concentrates for surface application to water‐immiscible liquids
Fire extinguishing media ‐ Foam concentrates ‐ Part 2: Specification for high expansion foam concentrates for surface application to water‐immiscible liquids
Fire extinguishing media ‐ Foam concentrates ‐ Part 2: Specification for high expansion foam concentrates for surface application to water‐immiscible liquids
Fire extinguishing media ‐ Foam concentrates ‐ Part 3: Specification for low expansion foam concentrates for surface application to water‐immiscible liquids
Fire extinguishing media ‐ Foam concentrates ‐ Part 3: Specification for low expansion foam concentrates for surface application to water‐immiscible liquids
Fire extinguishing media ‐ Foam concentrates ‐ Part 4: Specification for low expansion foam concentrates for surface application to water‐miscible liquids
Fire extinguishing media ‐ Foam concentrates ‐ Part 4: Specification for low expansion foam concentrates for surface application to water‐miscible liquids
Fire protection ‐ Fire extinguishing media ‐ Halogenated hydrocarbons ‐ Part 1: Specifications for halon 1211 and halon 1301 (ISO 7201‐1:1989)
Fire protection ‐ Fire extinguishing media ‐ Halogenated hydrocarbons ‐ Part 2: Code of practice for safe handling and transfer procedures (ISO 7201‐2:1991)
EN 615:2009
Fire protection ‐ Fire extinguishing media ‐ Specifications for powders (other than class D powders)
EN 671‐1:2012
EN 671‐2:2012
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Hose systems ‐ Part 1: Hose reels with semi‐rigid hose
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Hose systems ‐ Part 2: Hose systems with lay‐flat hose
Fixed firefighting systems ‐ Hose systems ‐ Part 3: Maintenance of hose reels with semi‐rigid hose and hose systems with lay‐flat hose
Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting ‐ Fire extinguishing media ‐ Carbon dioxide (ISO 5923:2012)
EN 671‐3:2009
EN ISO 5923:2012
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
89/106/EEC (No)
89/106/EEC (No)
89/106/EEC (No)
89/106/EEC (No)
89/106/EEC (No)
89/106/EEC (No)
89/106/EEC (No)
89/106/EEC (No)
89/106/EEC (No)
89/106/EEC (No)
89/106/EEC (Expected)
89/106/EEC (Expected)
89/106/EEC (No)
89/106/EEC (No)
TC 192 ‐ Equipamento de serviço ao fogo e ao resgate
CEN/TR 16099:2010
Fire service equipment ‐ Summary of water pressures specified in published CEN/TC 192 standards
CEN/TS 15989:2010
Firefighting vehicles and equipment ‐ Symbols for operator controls and other displays
EN 1028‐1:2002+A1:2008
EN 1028‐2:2002+A1:2008
EN 1147:2010
EN 13204:2004+A1:2012
EN 13731:2007
EN 14043
EN 14043:2005+A1:2009
EN 14044
EN 14044:2005+A1:2009
EN 14339:2005
EN 14384:2005
EN 14466:2005+A1:2008
EN 14540
EN 14540:2004+A1:2007
EN 14710‐1:2005+A2:2008
EN 14710‐2:2005+A2:2008
EN 15182‐1:2007+A1:2009
EN 15182‐2:2007+A1:2009
EN 15182‐3:2007+A1:2009
EN 15182‐4:2007+A1:2009
EN 15767‐1:2009
EN 15767‐2:2009
EN 15767‐3:2010
EN 15889:2011
EN 16327
Fire‐fighting pumps ‐ Fire‐fighting centrifugal pumps with primer ‐ Part 1: Classification ‐ General and safety requirements
Fire‐fighting pumps ‐ Fire‐fighting centrifugal pumps with primer ‐ Part 2: Verification of general and safety requirements
Portable ladders for fire service use
Double acting hydraulic rescue tools for fire and rescue service use ‐ Safety and performance requirements
Lifting bag systems for fire and rescue service use ‐ Safety and performance requirements
High rise aerial appliances for fire service use ‐ Turntable ladders with combined movements ‐ Safety and performance requirements and test methods
High rise aerial appliances for fire service use ‐ Turntable ladders with combined movements ‐ Safety and performance requirements and test methods
High rise aerial appliances for fire service use ‐ Turntable ladders with sequential movements ‐ Safety and performance requirements and test methods
High rise aerial appliances for fire service use ‐ Turntable ladders with sequential movements ‐ Safety and performance requirements and test methods
Underground fire hydrants
Pillar fire hydrants
Fire‐fighting pumps ‐ Portable pumps ‐ Safety and performance requirements, tests
Fire‐fighting hoses ‐ Non‐percolating layflat hoses for fixed systems
Fire‐fighting hoses ‐ Non‐percolating layflat hoses for fixed systems
Fire‐fighting pumps ‐ Fire‐fighting centrifugal pumps without primer ‐ Part 1: Classification, general and safety requirements
Fire‐fighting pumps ‐ Fire‐fighting centrifugal pumps without primer ‐ Part 2: Verification of general and safety requirements
Hand‐held branchpipes for fire service use ‐ Part 1: Common requirements
Hand‐held branchpipes for fire service use ‐ Part 2: Combination branchpipes PN 16
Hand‐held branchpipes for fire service use ‐ Part 3: Smooth bore jet and/or one fixed spray jet angle branchpipes PN 16
Hand‐held branchpipes for fire service use ‐ Part 4: High pressure branchpipes PN 40
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2006/42/EC
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Yes (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 89/106/EEC; 2006/42/EC
89/106/EEC; 2006/42/EC
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC No (‐)
89/106/EEC; 2006/42/EC
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents supplied by fire fighting pumps ‐ Portable monitors ‐ Part 1: General requirements for portable monitor assemblies
Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents supplied by fire fighting pumps ‐ Portable monitors ‐ Part 2: Water nozzles
Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents supplied by fire fighting pumps ‐ Portable monitors ‐ Part 3: Foam devices
Fire‐fighting hoses ‐ Test methods
Fire‐fighting ‐ Positive pressure foam proportioning systems (PPFPS) and compressed air foam systems (CAFS)
EN 1777:2010
Hydraulic platforms (HPs) for fire fighting and rescue services ‐ Safety requirements and testing
EN 1846‐1:2011
Firefighting and rescue service vehicles ‐ Part 1: Nomenclature and designation
EN 1846‐2:2009
Firefighting and rescue service vehicles ‐ Part 2: Common requirements ‐ Safety and performance
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC EN 1846‐2:2009/FprA1
Firefighting and rescue service vehicles ‐ Part 2: Common requirements ‐ Safety and performance
Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN 1846‐2:2009+A1:2013
Firefighting and rescue service vehicles ‐ Part 2: Common requirements ‐ Safety and performance
Yes (2006/42/EC)
Yes (2006/42/EC)
EN 1846‐3
EN 1846‐3:2002+A1:2008
EN 1947
Firefighting and rescue service vehicles ‐ Part 3: Permanently installed equipment ‐ Safety and performance
Firefighting and rescue service vehicles ‐ Part 3: Permanently installed equipment ‐ Safety and performance
Fire‐fighting hoses ‐ Semi‐rigid delivery hoses and hose assemblies for pumps and vehicles
EN 1947:2002+A1:2007
Fire‐fighting hoses ‐ Semi‐rigid delivery hoses and hose assemblies for pumps and vehicles
EN 694
EN 694:2001+A1:2007
Fire‐fighting hoses ‐ Semi‐rigid hoses for fixed systems
Fire‐fighting hoses ‐ Semi‐rigid hoses for fixed systems
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 36
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC 2014‐07
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN ISO 14557:2002
Fire‐fighting hoses ‐ Rubber and plastics suction hoses and hose assemblies (ISO 14557:2002)
EN ISO 14557:2002/A1:2007
Fire‐fighting hoses ‐ Rubber and plastics suction hoses and hose assemblies ‐ Amendment 1 (ISO 14557:2002/Amd 1:2007)
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
TC 231 ‐ Vibração mecânica e choque
CEN ISO/TS 15694:2004
Mechanical vibration and shock ‐ Measurement and evaluation of single shocks transmitted from hand‐
held and hand‐guided machines to the hand‐arm system (ISO/TS 15694:2004)
Hand‐held portable power tools ‐ Measurement of vibrations at the handle ‐ Part 11: Fastener driving 98/37/EC (No)
tools (ISO 8662‐11:1999 + Amd. 1:2001)
Hand‐held portable power tools ‐ Measurement of vibrations at the handle ‐ Part 11: Fastener driving CEN ISO/TS 8662‐11:2004/AC:2004
98/37/EC (No)
tools (ISO 8662‐11:1999 + Amd. 1:2001)
Whole‐body vibration ‐ Guidelines for vibration hazards reduction ‐ Part 1: Engineering methods by CEN/TR 15172‐1:2005
design of machinery
Whole‐body vibration ‐ Guidelines for vibration hazards reduction ‐ Part 2: Management measures at CEN/TR 15172‐2:2005
the workplace
CEN ISO/TS 8662‐11:2004
CEN/TR 15350:2006
Mechanical vibration ‐ Guideline for the assessment of exposure to hand‐transmitted vibration using available information including that provided by manufacturers of machinery
CR 12349:1996
Mechanical vibration and shock ‐ Hand‐transmitted vibration ‐ Influence of coupling forces at the hand‐
machine interface on exposure evaluation
Hand‐arm vibration ‐ Guidelines for vibration hazards reduction ‐ Part 1: Engineering methods by design of machinery
Hand‐arm vibration ‐ Guidelines for vibration hazards reduction ‐ Part 2: Management measures at the workplace
Mechanical vibration ‐ Guide to the health effects of vibration on the human body
EN 1032:2003+A1:2008
Mechanical vibration ‐ Testing of mobile machinery in order to determine the vibration emission value 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
EN 12096:1997
Mechanical vibration ‐ Declaration and verification of vibration emission values
EN 12786:1999
Safety of machinery ‐ Guidance for the drafting of the vibration clauses of safety standards
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
Safety of machinery ‐ Requirements for the drafting of the vibration clauses of safety standards
Yes (89/686/EEC)
CEN/TR 16391:2012
CR 1030‐1:1995
CR 1030‐2:1995
EN 12786:2013
EN 1299:1997+A1:2008
EN 13490:2001+A1:2008
EN 14253:2003+A1:2007
EN 28662‐1:1992
EN 30326‐1:1994
EN 30326‐1:1994/A1:2007
EN 30326‐1:1994/A2:2011
Mechanical vibration and shock ‐ Vibration isolation of machines ‐ Information for the application of source isolation
Mechanical vibration ‐ Industrial trucks ‐ Laboratory evaluation and specification of operator seat vibration
Mechanical vibration ‐ Measurement and calculation of occupational exposure to whole‐body vibration with reference to health ‐ Practical guidance
Hand‐held portable power tools ‐ Measurement of vibrations at the handle ‐ Part 1: General (ISO 8662‐
Mechanical vibration ‐ Laboratory method for evaluating vehicle seat vibration ‐ Part 1: Basic requirements (ISO 10326‐1:1992)
Mechanical vibration ‐ Laboratory method for evaluating vehicle seat vibration ‐ Part 1: Basic requirements ‐ Amendment 1 (ISO 10326‐1:1992/Amd 1:2007)
Mechanical vibration ‐ Laboratory method for evaluating vehicle seat vibration ‐ Part 1: Basic requirements ‐ Amendment 2 (ISO 10326‐1:1992/Amd 2:2011)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
89/392/EEC (C 377, 1994‐12‐31); 98/37/EC (C 336, 2005‐12‐31)
89/392/EEC (C 42, 1996‐02‐14); 98/37/EC (C 336, 2005‐12‐31); 2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
2006/42/EC (C 61, 2012‐02‐29)
EN ISO 10819
Mechanical vibration and shock ‐ Hand‐arm vibration ‐ Method for the measurement and evaluation of the vibration transmissibility of gloves at the palm of the hand (ISO/DIS 10819:2011)
Yes (89/686/EEC)
EN ISO 10819:1996
Mechanical vibration and shock ‐ Hand‐arm vibration ‐ Method for the measurement and evaluation of the vibration transmissibility of gloves at the palm of the hand (ISO 10819:1996)
89/686/EEC (C 91, 2006‐04‐19)
EN ISO 13090‐1:1998
Mechanical vibration and shock ‐ Guidance on safety aspects of tests and experiments with people ‐ Part 1: Exposure to whole‐body mechanical vibration and repeated shock (ISO 13090‐1:1998)
EN ISO 13753:2008
Mechanical vibration and shock ‐ Hand‐arm vibration ‐ Method for measuring the vibration transmissibility of resilient materials when loaded by the hand‐arm system (ISO 13753:1998)
98/37/EC (C 22, 2009‐01‐28); 2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
EN ISO 20643:2008
Mechanical vibration ‐ Hand‐held and hand‐guided machinery ‐ Principles for evaluation of vibration emission (ISO 20643:2005)
98/37/EC (C 22, 2009‐01‐28); 2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐09‐08)
EN ISO 20643:2008/A1:2012
Mechanical vibration ‐ Hand‐held and hand‐guided machinery ‐ Principles for evaluation of vibration emission ‐ Amendment 1: Accelerometer positions (ISO 20643:2005/Amd 1:2012)
98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 350, 2012‐11‐15)
EN ISO 28927‐1:2009
EN ISO 28927‐1:2009/prA1
EN ISO 28927‐10:2011
EN ISO 28927‐11:2011
EN ISO 28927‐12:2012
EN ISO 28927‐2:2009
EN ISO 28927‐2:2009/prA1
EN ISO 28927‐3:2009
EN ISO 28927‐4:2010
EN ISO 28927‐5:2009
EN ISO 28927‐5:2009/prA1
EN ISO 28927‐6:2009
EN ISO 28927‐7:2009
EN ISO 28927‐8:2009
EN ISO 28927‐8:2009/prA1
Hand‐held portable power tools ‐ Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission ‐ Part 1: Angle and 98/37/EC (Expected); 2006/42/EC (C 136, vertical grinders (ISO 28927‐1:2009)
Hand‐held portable power tools ‐ Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission ‐ Part 1: Angle and 2006/42/EC
vertical grinders
Hand‐held portable power tools ‐ Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission ‐ Part 10: 2006/42/EC (C 338, 2011‐11‐18)
Percussive drills, hammers and breakers (ISO 28927‐10:2011)
Hand‐held portable power tools ‐ Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission ‐ Part 11: Stone 2006/42/EC (C 214, 2011‐07‐20)
hammers (ISO 28927‐11:2011)
Hand‐held portable power tools ‐ Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission ‐ Part 12: Die 2006/42/EC (Expected)
grinders (ISO 28927‐12:2012)
Hand‐held portable power tools ‐ Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission ‐ Part 2: 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
Wrenches, nutrunners and screwdrivers (ISO 28927‐2:2009)
Hand‐held portable power tools ‐ Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission ‐ Part 2: 2006/42/EC
Wrenches, nutrunners and screwdrivers
Hand‐held portable power tools ‐ Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission ‐ Part 3: Polishers 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
and rotary, orbital and random orbital sanders (ISO 28927‐3:2009)
Hand‐held portable power tools ‐ Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission ‐ Part 4: Straight 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
grinders (ISO 28927‐4:2010)
Hand‐held portable power tools ‐ Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission ‐ Part 5: Drills and 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
impact drills (ISO 28927‐5:2009)
Hand‐held portable power tools ‐ Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission ‐ Part 5: Drills and 2006/42/EC
impact drills
Hand‐held portable power tools ‐ Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission ‐ Part 6: Rammers 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
(ISO 28927‐6:2009)
Hand‐held portable power tools ‐ Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission ‐ Part 7: Nibblers 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
and shears (ISO 28927‐7:2009)
Hand‐held portable power tools ‐ Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission ‐ Part 8: Saws, polishing and filing machines with reciprocating action and saws with oscillating or rotating action (ISO 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
Hand‐held portable power tools ‐ Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission ‐ Part 8: Saws, Yes (89/686/EEC)
polishing and filing machines with reciprocating action and small saws with oscillating or rotating action
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 37
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN ISO 28927‐9:2009
EN ISO 5349‐1:2001
EN ISO 5349‐2:2001
EN ISO 5349‐2:2001/prA1
EN ISO 8041:2005
EN ISO 8041:2005/AC:2008
FprCEN/TR 15350
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
Hand‐held portable power tools ‐ Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission ‐ Part 9: Scaling 98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
hammers and needle scalers (ISO 28927‐9:2009)
Mechanical vibration ‐ Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to hand‐transmitted vibration 98/37/EC (No)
‐ Part 1: General requirements (ISO 5349‐1:2001)
Mechanical vibration ‐ Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to hand‐transmitted vibration 98/37/EC (No)
‐ Part 2: Practical guidance for measurement at the workplace (ISO 5349‐2:2001)
Mechanical vibration ‐ Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to hand‐transmitted vibration 2006/42/EC
‐ Part 2: Practical guidance for measurement at the workplace
Human response to vibration ‐ Measuring instrumentation (ISO 8041:2005)
Human response to vibration ‐ Measuring instrumentation (ISO 8041:2005/Cor 1:2007)
Mechanical vibration ‐ Guideline for the assessment of exposure to hand‐transmitted vibration using available information including that provided by manufacturers of machinery
No (2006/42/EC)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
Yes (2006/42/EC)
TC 232 ‐ Compressores, bombas de vácuo e seus sistemas
EN 1012‐1:2010
EN 1012‐2:1996+A1:2009
EN 1012‐3
EN ISO 2151:2008
Compressors and vacuum pumps ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 1: Air compressors
Compressors and vacuum pumps ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 2: Vacuum pumps
Compressors and vaccum pumps ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 3: Process compressors
Acoustics ‐ Noise test code for compressors and vacuum pumps ‐ Engineering method (Grade 2) (ISO 2151:2004)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
TC 255 ‐ Ferramentas não eléctricas manuais ‐ Segurança
EN 12549:1999+A1:2008
EN 792‐13:2000+A1:2008
EN ISO 11148‐1:2011
EN ISO 11148‐10:2011
EN ISO 11148‐11:2011
EN ISO 11148‐12:2012
EN ISO 11148‐13
EN ISO 11148‐2:2011
EN ISO 11148‐3:2012
EN ISO 11148‐4:2012
EN ISO 11148‐5:2011
EN ISO 11148‐6:2012
Acoustics ‐ Noise test code for fastener driving tools ‐ Engineering method
Hand‐held non‐electric power tools ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 13: Fastener driving tools
Hand‐held non‐electric power tools ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 1: Assembly power tools for non‐
threaded mechanical fasteners (ISO 11148‐1:2011)
Hand‐held non‐electric power tools ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 10: Compression power tools (ISO 11148‐10:2011)
Hand‐held non‐electric power tools ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 11: Nibblers and shears (ISO 11148‐
Hand‐held non‐electric power tools ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 12: Circular, oscillating and reciprocating saws (ISO 11148‐12:2012)
Hand‐held non‐electric power tools ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 13: Fastener driving tools (ISO/NP 11148‐13:2007)
Hand‐held non‐electric power tools ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 2: Cutting‐off and crimping power tools (ISO/FDIS 11148‐2:2011)
Hand‐held non‐electric power tools ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 3: Drills and tappers (ISO 11148‐
Hand‐held non‐electric power tools ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 4: Non‐rotary percussive power tools (ISO 11148‐4:2012)
Hand‐held non‐electric power tools ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 5: Rotary percussive drills (ISO 11148‐
Hand‐held non‐electric power tools ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 6: Assembly power tools for threaded fasteners (ISO 11148‐6:2012)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
EN ISO 11148‐7:2012
Hand‐held non‐electric power tools ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 7: Grinders (ISO 11148‐7:2012)
EN ISO 11148‐8:2011
Hand‐held non‐electric power tools ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 8: Sanders and polishers (ISO 11148‐
EN ISO 11148‐9:2011
Hand‐held non‐electric power tools ‐ Safety requirements ‐ Part 9: Die grinders (ISO 11148‐9:2011)
EN ISO 15744:2008
Hand‐held non‐electric power tools ‐ Noise measurement code ‐ Engineering method (grade 2) (ISO 15744:2002)
98/37/EC; 2006/42/EC
TC 292 ‐ Caracterização de resíduos
CEN/TR 14589:2003
Characterization of waste ‐ State of the art document ‐ Chromium VI specification in solid matrices
CEN/TR 15018:2005
Characterization of waste ‐ Digestion of waste samples using alkali‐fusion techniques
CEN/TR 15310‐1:2006
Characterization of waste ‐ Sampling of waste materials ‐ Part 1: Guidance on selection and application 99/31/EC (No)
of criteria for sampling under various conditions
CEN/TR 15310‐2:2006
Characterization of waste ‐ Sampling of waste materials ‐ Part 2: Guidance on sampling techniques
CEN/TR 15310‐3:2006
CEN/TR 15310‐4:2006
CEN/TR 15310‐5:2006
CEN/TR 16110:2010
CEN/TR 16130:2011
CEN/TR 16176:2011
CEN/TR 16184:2011
CEN/TR 16363:2012
CEN/TR 16365:2012
CEN/TR 16376:2012
CEN/TS 14405:2004
CEN/TS 14429:2005
CEN/TS 14997:2006
99/31/EC (No)
Characterization of waste ‐ Sampling of waste materials ‐ Part 3: Guidance on procedures for sub‐
99/31/EC (No)
sampling in the field
Characterization of waste ‐ Sampling of waste materials ‐ Part 4: Guidance on procedures for sample 99/31/EC (No)
packaging, storage, preservation, transport and delivery
Characterization of waste ‐ Sampling of waste materials ‐ Part 5: Guidance on the process of defining 99/31/EC (No)
the sampling plan
Characterization of waste ‐ Guidance on the use of ecotoxicity tests applied to waste
Characterization of waste ‐ On‐site verification
Characterization of waste ‐ Screening methods for elemental composition by X‐ray fluorescence 2000/76/EC (No); 99/31/EC (No)
spectrometry for on‐site verification
Characterization of Waste ‐ State‐of‐the‐art document ‐ Analysis of eluates
Characterization of waste ‐ Kinetic testing for assessing acid generation potential of sulfidic waste from extractive industries
Characterization of waste ‐ Sampling of waste from extractive industries
Characterization of waste ‐ Overall guidance document for characterization of waste from the extractive industries
Characterization of waste ‐ Leaching behaviour tests ‐ Up‐flow percolation test (under specified 99/31/EC (No)
Characterization of waste ‐ Leaching behaviour tests ‐ Influence of pH on leaching with initial acid/base 99/31/EC (No)
Characterization of waste ‐ Leaching behaviour tests ‐ Influence of pH on leaching with continuous pH‐
99/31/EC (No)
CEN/TS 15364:2006
Characterization of waste ‐ Leaching behaviour tests ‐ Acid and base neutralization capacity test
CEN/TS 15862:2012
Characterisation of waste ‐ Compliance leaching test ‐ One stage batch leaching test for monoliths at fixed liquid to surface area ratio (L/A) for test portions with fixed minimum dimensions
CEN/TS 15863:2012
Characterisation of waste ‐ Leaching behaviour test for basic characterisation ‐ Dynamic monolithic leaching test with periodic leachant renewal, under fixed test conditions
CEN/TS 15864:2012
Characterisation of waste ‐ Leaching behaviour test for basic characterisation ‐ Dynamic monolithic leaching test with continuous leachant renewal under conditions relevant for specified scenario(s)
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 38
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
CEN/TS 16229:2011
Characterization of waste ‐ Sampling and analysis of weak acid dissociable cyanide discharged into tailings ponds
EN 12457‐1:2002
Characterisation of waste ‐ Leaching ‐ Compliance test for leaching of granular waste materials and sludges ‐ Part 1: One stage batch test at a liquid to solid ratio of 2 l/kg for materials with high solid content and with particle size below 4 mm (without or with size reduction)
EN 12457‐2:2002
Characterisation of waste ‐ Leaching ‐ Compliance test for leaching of granular waste materials and sludges ‐ Part 2: One stage batch test at a liquid to solid ratio of 10 l/kg for materials with particle size 99/31/EC (No)
below 4 mm (without or with size reduction)
EN 12457‐3:2002
Characterisation of waste ‐ Leaching ‐ Compliance test for leaching of granular waste materials and sludges ‐ Part 3: Two stage batch test at a liquid to solid ratio of 2 l/kg and 8 l/kg for materials with high solid content and with particle size below 4 mm (without or with size reduction)
EN 12457‐4:2002
EN 12920:2006+A1:2008
EN 13137:2001
EN 13656:2002
EN 13657:2002
Characterization of waste ‐ Terminology ‐ Part 1: Material related terms and definitions
EN 13965‐2:2010
Characterization of waste ‐ Terminology ‐ Part 2: Management related terms and definitions
EN 14345:2004
EN 14346:2006
99/31/EC (No)
99/31/EC (No)
Characterisation of waste ‐ Leaching ‐ Compliance test for leaching of granular waste materials and sludges ‐ Part 4: One stage batch test at a liquid to solid ratio of 10 l/kg for materials with particle size 99/31/EC (No)
below 10 mm (without or with size reduction)
Characterization of waste ‐ Methodology for the determination of the leaching behaviour of waste under specified conditions
Characterization of waste ‐ Determination of total organic carbon (TOC) in waste, sludges and sediments
Characterization of waste ‐ Microwave assisted digestion with hydrofluoric (HF), nitric (HNO3) and 99/31/EC (No)
hydrochloric (HCl) acid mixture for subsequent determination of elements
Characterization of waste ‐ Digestion for subsequent determination of aqua regia soluble portion of 99/31/EC (No)
EN 13965‐1:2004
EN 14039:2004
Characterization of waste ‐ Determination of hydrocarbon content in the range of C10 to C40 by gas chromatography
Characterization of waste ‐ Determination of hydrocarbon content by gravimetry
Characterization of waste ‐ Calculation of dry matter by determination of dry residue or water content 99/31/EC (No)
EN 15002:2006
New work item 'Characterization of waste ‐ Leaching behaviour test ‐ Up‐flow percolation test (under No (99/31/EC)
specified conditions)'
Characterization of waste ‐ Leaching behaviour tests ‐ Influence of pH on leaching with initial acid/base No (99/31/EC)
Characterization of waste ‐ Halogen and sulfur content ‐ Oxygen combustion in closed systems and determination methods
Characterization of waste ‐ Preparation of waste samples for ecotoxicity tests
Characterization of waste ‐ Preparation of waste samples for ecotoxicity tests
Characterization of waste ‐ Sampling of waste materials ‐ Framework for the preparation and 99/31/EC (No)
application of a Sampling Plan
Characterization of waste ‐ Leaching behaviour test ‐ Influence of pH on leaching with continuous pH No (99/31/EC)
Characterization of waste ‐ Preparation of test portions from the laboratory sample
99/31/EC (No)
EN 15169:2007
Characterization of waste ‐ Determination of loss on ignition in waste, sludge and sediments
EN 15192:2006
Characterisation of waste and soil ‐ Determination of Chromium(VI) in solid material by alkaline digestion and ion chromatography with spectrophotometric detection
EN 15216:2007
Characterization of waste ‐ Determination of total dissolved solids (TDS) in water and eluates
EN 15308:2008
Characterization of waste ‐ Determination of selected polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in solid waste by using capillary gas chromatography with electron capture or mass spectrometric detection
EN 15309:2007
Characterization of waste and soil ‐ Determination of elemental composition by X‐ray fluorescence
99/31/EC (No)
EN 15527:2008
Characterization of waste ‐ Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in waste using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS)
86/278/EEC (No)
EN 15863
Characterization of waste ‐ Leaching behaviour test for basic characterization ‐ Dynamic monolithic leaching test with periodic leachant renewal, under fixed test conditions
No (99/31/EC)
EN 14405
EN 14429
EN 14582:2007
EN 14735:2005
EN 14735:2005/AC:2006
EN 14899:2005
EN 14997
EN 15875:2011
EN 15875:2011/AC:2012
Characterization of waste ‐ Guidance on selection and application of screening methods
EN 16192:2011
Characterization of waste ‐ Analysis of eluates
EN 16377
Characterization of waste ‐ Determination of Brominated Flame Retardants (BFR) in Solid Waste
EN 16424
FprCEN/TS 16023
Characterization of waste ‐ Static test for determination of acid potential and neutralisation potential 2006/21/EC (No)
of sulfidic waste
Characterization of waste ‐ Static test for determination of acid potential and neutralisation potential 2006/21/EC (No)
of sulfidic waste
EN 16123:2013
EN 16457
75/442/EEC (No)
Characterization of waste ‐ Screening methods for the element composition by portable X‐ray fluorescence intruments
Characterization of waste ‐ Framework for the preparation and application of a testing programme ‐ Objectives, planning and report
Characterization of waste ‐ Determination of gross calorific value and calculation of net calorific value
Characterization of waste ‐ Framework for the preparation and application of a testing programme ‐ Application of EN ISO/IEC 17025
Characterization of waste ‐ Leaching behaviour test ‐ Determination of the reducing character and the reducing capacity
TC 305 ‐ Atmosferas potencialmente explosivas ‐ Prevenção e protecção contra explosão
CEN/TR 15281:2006
Guidance on Inerting for the Prevention of Explosions
EN 1127‐1:2011
Explosive atmospheres ‐ Explosion prevention and protection ‐ Part 1: Basic concepts and methodology
EN 1127‐2 rev
Explosive atmospheres ‐ Explosion prevention and protection ‐ Part 2: Basic concepts and methodology for mining
Yes (2006/42/EC,; 94/9/EC)
Explosive atmospheres ‐ Explosion prevention and protection ‐ Part 2: Basic concepts and methodology for mining
98/37/EC (Expected); 94/9/EC (C 20, 2009‐01‐27); 2006/42/EC (C 214, 2009‐
Potentially explosive atmospheres ‐ Terms and definitions for equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
Non‐electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres ‐ Part 1: Basic method and requirements
Non‐electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres ‐ Part 2: Protection by flow restricting enclosure 'fr'
EN 1127‐2:2002+A1:2008
EN 13237:2012
EN 13463‐1:2009
EN 13463‐2:2004
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 39
2008/68/EC (No); 2006/42/EC (C 338, 2011‐11‐18); 94/9/EC (C 338, 2011‐11‐
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN 13463‐3:2005
EN 13463‐5:2011
EN 13463‐6:2005
EN 13463‐8:2003
EN 13821:2002
EN 14034‐1:2004+A1:2011
EN 14034‐2:2006+A1:2011
EN 14034‐3:2006+A1:2011
EN 14034‐4:2004+A1:2011
EN 14373:2005
EN 14460:2006
EN 14491:2012
EN 14522:2005
EN 14591‐1:2004
EN 14591‐1:2004/AC:2006
EN 14591‐2:2007
EN 14591‐2:2007/AC:2008
EN 14591‐4:2007
EN 14591‐4:2007/AC:2008
EN 14756:2006
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
Determination of the limiting oxygen concentration (LOC) for flammable gases and vapours
EN 14797:2006
Explosion venting devices
Explosion prevention and protection in underground mines ‐ Equipment and protective systems for EN 14983:2007
firedamp drainage
EN 14986:2007
Design of fans working in potentially explosive atmospheres
EN 14994:2007
Gas explosion venting protective systems
EN 15089:2009
Explosion isolation systems
EN 15188:2007
Determination of the spontaneous ignition behaviour of dust accumulations
Methodology for the risk assessment of non‐electrical equipment and components for intended use in EN 15198:2007
potentially explosive atmospheres
Methodology for functional safety assessment of protective systems for potentially explosive EN 15233:2007
EN 15794:2009
Determination of explosion points of flammable liquids
Determination of maximum explosion pressure and the maximum rate of pressure rise of gases and EN 15967:2011
EN 16009:2011
Flameless explosion venting devices
EN 16020:2011
Explosion diverters
EN 16447
Explosion isolation flap valves
Equipment and components intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in underground EN 1710:2005+A1:2008
Equipment and components intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in underground EN 1710:2005+A1:2008/AC:2010
2006/42/EC; 94/9/EC
Yes (94/9/EC)
98/37/EC; 94/9/EC; 2006/42/EC
2008/68/EC (No); 94/9/EC (C 361, 2012‐
Yes (94/9/EC)
EN 1839:2012
Determination of explosion limits of gases and vapours
Flame arresters ‐ Performance requirements, test methods and limits for use
Flame arresters ‐ Performance requirements, test methods and limits for use (ISO 16852:2008, 94/9/EC including Cor 1:2008 and Cor 2:2009)
Explosive atmospheres ‐ Part 34: Application of quality systems for equipment manufacture (ISO/IEC 94/9/EC 80079‐34:2011)
Explosive atmospheres ‐ Part 36: Non‐electrical equipment for use in explosive atmospheres ‐ Basic Yes (94/9/EC)
methods and requirements (ISO/IEC/DIS 80079‐36:2012)
Explosive atmospheres ‐ Part 37: Non‐electrical equipment for use in explosive atmospheres ‐ Non‐
electrical type of protection constructional safety 'c', control of ignition sources 'b', liquid immersion 'k' Yes (94/9/EC)
(ISOIEC/DIS 80079‐37:2012)
Explosive atmospheres ‐ Part 38: Equipment and components in explosive atmospheres in Yes (94/9/EC)
underground mines (ISO/IEC/DIS 80079‐38:2012)
EN ISO/IEC 80079‐34:2011
EN ISO/IEC 80079‐36
EN ISO/IEC 80079‐37
EN ISO/IEC 80079‐38
EN ISO 16852 rev
EN ISO 16852:2010
Non‐electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres ‐ Part 3: Protection by 94/9/EC
flameproof enclosure 'd'
Non‐electrical equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres ‐ Part 5: Protection by 94/9/EC
constructional safety 'c'
Non‐electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres ‐ Part 6: Protection by control 94/9/EC
of ignition source 'b'
Non‐electrical equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres ‐ Part 8: Protection by liquid 94/9/EC
immersion 'k'
Potentially explosive atmospheres ‐ Explosion prevention and protection ‐ Determination of minimum 94/9/EC
ignition energy of dust/air mixtures
Determination of explosion characteristics of dust clouds ‐ Part 1: Determination of the maximum 94/9/EC
explosion pressure pmax of dust clouds
Determination of explosion characteristics of dust clouds ‐ Part 2: Determination of the maximum rate 94/9/EC
of explosion pressure rise (dp/dt)max of dust clouds
Determination of explosion characteristics of dust clouds ‐ Part 3: Determination of the lower 94/9/EC
explosion limit LEL of dust clouds
Determination of explosion characteristics of dust clouds ‐ Part 4: Determination of the limiting oxygen 94/9/EC
concentration LOC of dust clouds
Explosion suppression systems
Explosion resistant equipment
Dust explosion venting protective systems
Determination of the auto ignition temperature of gases and vapours
Explosion prevention and protection in underground mines ‐ Protective systems ‐ Part 1: 2‐bar 94/9/EC
explosion proof ventilation structure
Explosion prevention and protection in underground mines ‐ Protective systems ‐ Part 1: 2‐bar 94/9/EC
explosion proof ventilation structure
Explosion prevention and protection in underground mines ‐ Protective systems ‐ Part 2: Passive water 94/9/EC
trough barriers
Explosion prevention and protection in underground mines ‐ Protective systems ‐ Part 2: Passive water 94/9/EC
trough barriers
Explosion prevention and protection in underground mines ‐ Protective systems ‐ Part 4: Automatic 94/9/EC
extinguishing systems for road headers
Explosion prevention and protection in underground mines ‐ Protective systems ‐ Part 4: Automatic 94/9/EC
extinguishing systems for road headers
TC 319 ‐ Manutenção
CEN/TR 15628:2007
EN 13269:2006
EN 13306:2010
EN 13460:2009
EN 15331:2011
EN 15341:2007
EN 15628
Maintenance ‐ Qualification of Maintenance personnel
Maintenance ‐ Guideline on preparation of maintenance contracts
Maintenance ‐ Maintenance terminology
Maintenance ‐ Documentation for maintenance
Criteria for design, management and control of maintenance services for buildings
Maintenance ‐ Maintenance Key Performance Indicators
Maintenance ‐ Qualification of maintenance personnel
Maintenance within physical asset management
No (‐)
TC 321 ‐ Explosivos para uso civil
CEN/TS 13763‐27:2003
EN 13630‐1:2003
EN 13630‐10:2005
EN 13630‐11:2002
EN 13630‐12:2002
EN 13630‐2:2002
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 27: Definitions, methods and requirements for electronic initiation systems
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonating cords and safety fuses ‐ Part 1: Requirements
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonating cords and safety fuses ‐ Part 10: Determination of initiating capability of detonating cords
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonating cords and safety fuses ‐ Part 11: Determination of velocity of detonation of detonating cords
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonating cords and safety fuses ‐ Part 12: Determination of burning duration of safety fuses
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonating cords and safety fuses ‐ Part 2: Determination of thermal stability of detonating cords and safety fuses
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 40
93/15/EEC (No)
93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC 2014‐10
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN 13630‐3:2002
EN 13630‐4:2002
EN 13630‐5:2003
EN 13630‐6:2002
EN 13630‐7:2002
EN 13630‐8:2002
EN 13630‐9:2004
EN 13631‐1:2005
EN 13631‐10:2003
EN 13631‐11:2003
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonating cords and safety fuses ‐ Part 3: Determination of sensitiveness to friction of the core of detonating cords
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonating cords and safety fuses ‐ Part 4: Determination of sensitiveness to impact of detonating cords
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonating cords and safety fuses ‐ Part 5: Determination of resistance to abrasion of detonating cords
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonating cords and safety fuses ‐ Part 6: Determination of resistance to tension of detonating cords
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonating cords and safety fuses ‐ Part 7: Determination of reliability of initiation of detonating cords
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonating cords and safety fuses ‐ Part 8: Determination of resistance to water of detonating cords and safety fuses
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonating cords and safety fuses ‐ Part 9: Determination of transmission of detonation from detonating cord to detonating cord
Explosives for civil uses ‐ High explosives ‐ Part 1: Requirements
Explosives for civil uses ‐ High explosives ‐ Part 10: Method for the verification of the means of initiation
Explosives for civil uses ‐ High explosives ‐ Part 11: Determination of transmission of detonation
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC EN 13631‐13:2003
Explosives for civil uses ‐ High explosives ‐ Part 12: Specifications of boosters with different initiating capability
Explosives for civil uses ‐ High explosives ‐ Part 13: Determination of density
EN 13631‐14:2003
Explosives for civil uses ‐ High explosives ‐ Part 14: Determination of velocity of detonation
93/15/EEC EN 13631‐15:2005
Explosives for civil uses ‐ High explosives ‐ Part 15: Calculation of thermodynamic properties
93/15/EEC EN 13631‐16:2004
Explosives for civil uses ‐ High explosives ‐ Part 16: Detection and measurement of toxic gases
93/15/EEC EN 13631‐2:2002
Explosives for civil uses ‐ High explosives ‐ Part 2: Determination of thermal stability of explosives
EN 13631‐12:2004
EN 13631‐3:2004
EN 13631‐4:2002
Explosives for civil uses ‐ High explosives ‐ Part 3: Determination of sensitiveness to friction of explosives
Explosives for civil uses ‐ High explosives ‐ Part 4: Determination of sensitiveness to impact of explosives
93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC EN 13631‐5:2002
Explosives for civil uses ‐ High explosives ‐ Part 5: Determination of resistance to water
93/15/EEC EN 13631‐6:2002
Explosives for civil uses ‐ High explosives ‐ Part 6: Determination of resistance to hydrostatic pressure
93/15/EEC EN 13631‐7:2003
EN 13763‐1:2004
EN 13763‐11:2003
EN 13763‐12:2003
EN 13763‐13:2004
EN 13763‐15:2004
EN 13763‐16:2003
EN 13763‐17:2003
EN 13763‐18:2003
EN 13763‐19:2003
EN 13763‐2:2002
EN 13763‐20:2003
EN 13763‐21:2003
EN 13763‐22:2003
EN 13763‐23:2002
EN 13763‐24:2002
EN 13763‐25:2004
Explosives for civil uses ‐ High explosives ‐ Part 7: Determination of safety and reliability at extreme temperatures
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 1: Requirements
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 11: Determination of resistance to damage by dropping of detonators and relays
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 12:Determination of resistance to hydrostatic pressure
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 13: Determination of resistance of electric detonators to electrostatic discharge
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 15: Determination of equivalent initiating capability
93/15/EEC Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 2: Determination of thermal stability
EN 13763‐8:2003
EN 13763‐9:2003
EN 13857‐1:2003
EN 13857‐3:2002
EN 13938‐1:2004
EN 13938‐1:2004/AC:2006
EN 13938‐2:2004
EN 13938‐3:2003
93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 20: Determination of total electrical resistance of 93/15/EEC electric detonators
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 21: Determination of flash‐over voltage of 93/15/EEC electric detonators
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 22: Determination of capacitance, insulation 93/15/EEC resistance and insulation breakdown of leading wires
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 23: Determination of the shock‐wave velocity of 93/15/EEC shock tube
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 24: Determination of the electrical non‐
93/15/EEC conductivity of shock tube
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 25: Determination of transfer capability of 93/15/EEC surface connectors, relays and coupling accessories
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 3: Determination of sensitiveness to impact
EN 13763‐6:2003
93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC EN 13763‐3:2002
EN 13763‐7:2003
93/15/EEC Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 17: Determination of no‐fire current of electric detonators
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 18: Determination of series firing current of electric detonators
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 19: Determination of firing impulse of electric detonators
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 26: Definitions, methods, and requirements for devices and accessories for reliable and safe function of detonators and relays
EN 13763‐5:2003
93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 16: Determination of delay accuracy
EN 13763‐26:2004
EN 13763‐4:2003
93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 4: Determination of resistance to abrasion of 93/15/EEC leading wires and shock tubes
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 5: Determination of resistance to cutting damage 93/15/EEC of leading wires and shock tubes
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 6: Determination of resistance to cracking in low 93/15/EEC temperatures of leading wires
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 7: Determination of the mechanical strength of 93/15/EEC leading wires, shock tubes, connections, crimps and closures
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 8: Determination of the resistance to vibration of 93/15/EEC plain detonators
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Detonators and relays ‐ Part 9: Determination of resistance to bending of 93/15/EEC detonators
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Part 1: Terminology
93/15/EEC Explosives for civil uses ‐ Part 3: Information to be provided by the manufacturer or his authorised 93/15/EEC representative to the user
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Propellants and rocket propellants ‐ Part 1: Requirements
93/15/EEC Explosives for civil uses ‐ Propellants and rocket propellants ‐ Part 1: Requirements
93/15/EEC Explosives for civil uses ‐ Propellants and rocket propellants ‐ Part 2: Determination of resistance to 93/15/EEC electrostatic energy
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Propellants and rocket propellants ‐ Part 3: Determination of deflagration to 93/15/EEC detonation transition
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 41
Normas Técnicas Europeias no âmbito da SST mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção
Referência da norma
EN 13938‐4:2003
EN 13938‐5:2004
EN 13938‐6:2004
EN 13938‐7:2004
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Propellants and rocket propellants ‐ Part 4: Determination of burning rate under ambient conditions
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Propellants and rocket propellants ‐ Part 5: Determination of voids and fissures
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Propellants and rocket propellants ‐ Part 6: Solid rocket propellants ‐ Guide for the determination of integrity of inhibitor coatings
Explosives for civil uses ‐ Propellants and rocket propellants ‐ Part 7: Determination of properties of black powder
Directiva (Citação no JOUE)
93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC 93/15/EEC (No)
93/15/EEC TC 351 ‐ Produtos de Construção ‐ Avaliação da emissão de substâncias perigosas
CEN/TC 351/WG 1 N 162
CEN/TC 351/WG 1 N 177
CEN/TC 351/WG 1 N 178
CEN/TR 15855:2009
CEN/TR 15858:2009
CEN/TR 16045:2010
CEN/TR 16098:2010
CEN/TR 16220:2011
CEN/TR 16410:2012
FprCEN/TR 16496
FprCEN/TS 16516
Generic horizontal up‐flow percolation test for determination of the release of substances from 89/106/EEC (No)
granular construction products
Guidance standard for CEN Product TCs for selection of leaching tests appropriate for their product(s) ‐ 89/106/EEC (No)
General principles
Generic horizontal dynamic surface leaching test (DSLT) for determination of surface dependent release of substances from monolithic or plate‐like or sheet‐like construction products
89/106/EEC (No)
Construction products ‐ Assessment of release of dangerous substances ‐ Barriers to trade
89/106/EEC (No)
Construction products ‐ Assessment of the release of regulated dangerous substances from 89/106/EEC (No)
construction products based on the WT, WFT/FT procedures
Construction Products ‐ Assessment of release of dangerous substances ‐ Content of regulated 89/106/EEC (No)
dangerous substances ‐ Selection of analytical methods
Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances ‐ Concept of horizontal testing 89/106/EEC (No)
procedures in support of requirements under the CPD
Construction products ‐ Assessment of release of dangerous substances ‐ Complement to sampling
89/106/EEC (No)
Construction products ‐ Assessment of release of dangerous substances ‐ Barriers to use ‐ Extension to 89/106/EEC (No)
CEN/TR 15855 Barriers to trade
Construction Products ‐ Assessment of release of dangerous substances ‐ Use of harmonised 89/106/EEC (No)
horizontal assessment methods
Construction products ‐ Assessment of release of dangerous substances ‐ Determination of emissions 89/106/EEC (No)
into indoor air
Construction products ‐ Assessment of release of dangerous substances ‐ Terminology
Construction products ‐ Assessment of release of dangerous substances ‐ Guidance on evaluation of conformity
Construction products ‐ Assessment of release of dangerous substances ‐ Determination of the activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K using gamma‐ray spectrometry
Construction products ‐ Assessment of release of dangerous substances ‐ Digestion of construction products by aqua regia
Construction products ‐ Assessment of release of dangerous substances ‐ Analysis of inorganic substances in digests and eluates ‐ Part 1: Analysis by Inductive Coupled Plasma ‐ Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP‐OES)
Construction products ‐ Assessment of release of dangerous substances ‐ Analysis of inorganic substances in digests and eluates ‐ Part 2: Analysis by Inductive Coupled Plasma ‐ Mass Spectrometry (ICP‐MS)
I17 ‐ Máquinas em geral (incluindo a segurança)
CEN Guide 414:2004
Safety of machinery ‐ Rules for the drafting and presentation of safety standards
Luis Alves Dias; Pág. 42
Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção c) Anexo Directiva‐quadro 89/391/CEE sobre segurança e saúde no trabalho Directivas e Normas Técnicas Europeias mais relevantes relacionadas com o Sector da Construção Página intencionalmente em branco (N.ºs 3 e 4 deste Artigo substituídos pelo Art.º 17ºA da
Directiva 2007/30/CE de 20 de Junho de 2007, em anexo)
Jornal Oficial da União Europeia
L 165/23
Nos termos do n.o 2 do artigo 138.o do Tratado, a
Comissão consultou os parceiros sociais a nível comuniDIRECTIVA
tário sobre
a possível
de uma
acção comunitária nesta matéria.
E DO CONSELHO de 20 de Junho de 2007
A parte geral deve ser complementada por capítulos específicos relativos à aplicação dos aspectos particulares de cada
directiva, incluindo indicadores específicos, quando disponíveis.
Após a referida consulta, a Comissão entendeu que a
Comunidade deveria intervir e consultou novamente os
parceiros sociais a nível comunitário sobre o conteúdo da
proposta prevista, nos termos do n.o 3 do artigo 138.o
do Tratado.
A Comissão submete a estrutura do relatório, acompanhada pelo questionário acima referido especificando o conteúdo do mesmo, aos Estados-Membros pelo menos seis meses antes do termo do período abrangido pelo relatório. O
relatório deve ser enviado à Comissão no prazo de 12 meses
a contar do termo do período de cinco anos a que se refere.
Após esta segunda fase de consultas, os parceiros sociais
não comunicaram à Comissão a sua vontade de dar início ao processo que poderia conduzir à celebração de um
acordo, conforme previsto no n.o 4 do artigo 138.o do
Com base nestes relatórios, a Comissão avalia a aplicação das directivas em questão em termos de relevância, resultados da investigação e novos conhecimentos científicos
nos diferentes domínios. No prazo de 36 meses a contar
do termo do referido período de cinco anos, a Comissão
informa o Parlamento Europeu, o Conselho, o Comité Económico e Social Europeu e o Comité Consultivo para a Segurança e a Saúde no Local de Trabalho dos resultados desta
avaliação e, se necessário, de qualquer iniciativa destinada a
melhorar o funcionamento do quadro normativo.
Os Estados-Membros deverão tomar as medidas necessárias para transpor as alterações introduzidas pela presente
directiva, que poderão, se for caso disso e tendo em
conta a natureza específica da presente directiva, assumir
a forma de medidas administrativas,
O primeiro relatório abrange o período de 2007 a
2012, inclusive.».
Artigo 2.o
Alterações às Directivas 83/477/CEE, 91/383/CEE,
92/29/CEE e 94/33/CE
Alteração da Directiva 89/391/CEE
Na Directiva 89/391/CEE é inserido o seguinte artigo:
Na Directiva 83/477/CEE é inserido o seguinte artigo:
«Artigo 17.o-A
«Artigo 17.o-A
Relatórios de aplicação
Relatório de aplicação
1. De cinco em cinco anos, os Estados-Membros apresentam à Comissão um relatório único sobre a aplicação prática
da presente directiva, bem como das directivas especiais na
acepção do n.o 1 do artigo 16.o, dando conta da posição dos
parceiros sociais. O relatório deve avaliar os vários aspectos
relacionados com a aplicação prática das diferentes directivas
e, quando tal seja apropriado e esteja disponível, fornecer
dados discriminados por género.
De cinco em cinco anos, os Estados-Membros apresentam à
Comissão um relatório sobre a aplicação prática da presente
directiva, sob a forma de um capítulo específico do relatório
único previsto nos n.os 1, 2 e 3 do artigo 17.o-A da Directiva
89/391/CEE, que servirá de base à avaliação a efectuar pela
Comissão, nos termos do n.o 4 do mesmo artigo 17.o-A».
2. A estrutura do relatório, juntamente com um questionário que especifique o seu conteúdo, deve ser definida pela
Comissão, em cooperação com o Comité Consultivo para a
Segurança e a Saúde no Local de Trabalho.
O relatório inclui uma parte geral relativa às disposições da
presente directiva relacionadas com os princípios e aspectos
comuns aplicáveis a todas as directivas a que o n.o 1 se
Na Directiva 91/383/CEE é inserido o seguinte artigo:
«Artigo 10.o-A
Relatório de aplicação
De cinco em cinco anos, os Estados-Membros apresentam à
Comissão um relatório sobre a aplicação prática da presente
directiva, sob a forma de um capítulo específico do relatório
único previsto nos n.os 1, 2 e 3 do artigo 17.o-A da Directiva
89/391/CEE, que servirá de base à avaliação a efectuar pela
Comissão, nos termos do n.o 4 do mesmo artigo 17.o-A».
Página intencionalmente em branco