Feline and Canine Clinical Product Reference


Feline and Canine Clinical Product Reference
Feline and Canine
Clinical Product
Standard Process
Veterinary Formulas™
The following protocols are guidelines
for complementary support. Nutritional
supplementation must be tailored to the
individual patient. Length of treatment
periods are based on clinical response.
Products are listed in order of priority/
importance. For maximum effectiveness,
use all products listed in combination.
Complementary Support for Feline
Standard Dosing Schedule
Follow this schedule for all feline products unless otherwise indicated:
D Give one tablet every 24 hours for three days; then give one tablet every 12 hours for two to three months,
based on clinical response.
Tablets can be crushed, mixed with any food, or dosed directly.
After Antibiotics | To reestablish healthy digestion and intestinal flora
Dose for six weeks post-therapy.
Feline Enteric Support: supports normal digestive function
Feline Immune System Support: promotes normal immune system function
Feline Enteric Support: to normalize digestive function
Feline Immune System Support: promotes normal immune system function
Feline Whole Body Support: for general endocrine system health
Autoimmune Disease
Feline Immune System Support: promotes normal immune system function
Feline Whole Body Support: for general endocrine system health
Cardiac Disease
Feline Cardiac Support: to support optimal cardiac function
Feline Whole Body Support: for general endocrine system health
Canine Adrenal Support: supports the gland’s ability to rebuild and regenerate*
Feline Enteric Support: to normalize digestive function
Canine Adrenal Support: to help the adrenal glands respond normally to stress and metabolic demands*
Feline Hepatic Support: for liver support and detoxification
A low-carbohydrate diet is critical.
Feline Enteric Support: to normalize digestive function
Feline Immune System Support: promotes normal immune system function
Feline Enteric Support: to normalize digestive function
Feline Immune System Support: promotes normal immune system function
Feline Whole Body Support: for general endocrine system health
Feline Immune System Support: promotes normal immune system function
Feline Whole Body Support: for general endocrine system health
*Canine formulas are safe to give to felines and are recommended in some protocols.
Feline Hepatic Support: for liver support and detoxification
Feline Whole Body Support: for general endocrine system health
Canine Thyroid Support: provides general thyroid support*
Liver Disease
Feline Hepatic Support: for liver support and detoxification
Feline Renal Support: specifically supports the kidneys
Lower Urinary Tract Disease
Feline Renal Support: specifically supports the kidneys
Feline Immune System Support: promotes normal immune system function
Canine Adrenal Support: supports the glands ability to rebuild and regenerate*
Canine Musculoskeletal Support: supports joint function and health*
Feline Hepatic Support: for liver support and detoxification
Feline Enteric Support: supports normal digestive function
Canine Adrenal Support: supports the glands ability to rebuild and regenerate*
Renal Disease
Feline Renal Support: specifically supports the kidneys
Feline Whole Body Support: for general endocrine system health
Feline Hepatic Support: for liver support and detoxification
Ringworm Infection
Feline Immune System Support: promotes normal immune system function
Feline Whole Body Support: for general endocrine system health
Upper Respiratory Disease
Feline Immune System Support: promotes normal immune system function
Feline Whole Body Support: for general endocrine system health
Feline Immune System Support: promotes normal immune system function
Feline Whole Body Support: for general endocrine system health
Feline Enteric Support: to normalize digestive function
Feline Hepatic Support: for liver support and detoxification
Feline Whole Body Support: for general endocrine system health
Feline Immune System Support: promotes normal immune system health
Weight Loss
Feline Enteric Support: to normalize digestive function
Canine Adrenal Support: to help the adrenal glands respond normally to stress and metabolic demands*
Feline Whole Body Support: for general endocrine system health
*Canine formulas are safe to give to felines and are recommended in some protocols.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Complementary Support for Canine
Standard Dosing Schedule
For all canine products, give half of label dosage for three days; then give label dosage for two to three months.
After Antibiotics | To reestablish healthy digestion and intestinal flora
Dose for six weeks post-therapy.
Canine Enteric Support: supports normal digestive function
Canine Immune System Support: supports immune function
Allergic Dermatitis/Pruritis
Canine Enteric Support: supports digestive and immune function
Canine Immune System Support: supports immune function
Canine Dermal Support: supports intestinal lining, liver, and adrenal glands
Canine Hepatic Support: supports liver function and detoxification
Canine Musculoskeletal Support: broad-spectrum support for bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves,
and blood vessels
Canine Flex Support: targeted joint support
Canine Hepatic Support: supports liver function and detoxification
Behavior Issues | Including fly biting, excessive licking, aggression
Canine Enteric Support: supports digestive and immune function
Canine Adrenal Support: supports the glands’ ability to rebuild and regenerate
Canine Whole Body Support: for general endocrine system health
Cardiac Disease
Canine Cardiac Support: supports normal cardiac function
Canine Whole Body Support: for general endocrine system health
Canine Adrenal Support: supports the glands’ ability to rebuild and regenerate
Canine Renal Support: promotes normal urinary system function
Canine Immune System Support: supports immune function
Canine Enteric Support: restores digestive function
Canine Enteric Support: restores digestive function
Canine Enteric Support: restores digestive function
Canine Thyroid Support: provides general thyroid function support
Canine Whole Body Support: for general endocrine system health
Canine Hepatic Support: supports liver function and detoxification
Kidney Disease
Canine Renal Support: supports normal renal function
Canine Hepatic Support: supports general liver function
Canine Whole Body Support: for general endocrine system health
Liver Disease
Canine Hepatic Support: supports liver function and detoxification
Canine Renal Support: promotes kidney function
Canine Whole Body Support: for general endocrine system health
Canine Whole Body Support: for general endocrine system health
Canine Hepatic Support: supports liver function and detoxification
Canine Musculoskeletal Support: general support for bones, muscles, connective tissue, nerves, etc.
Urinary Incontinence
Canine Musculoskeletal Support: general support for bones, muscles, connective tissue, nerves, etc.
Canine Whole Body Support: for general endocrine system health
Canine Hepatic Support: supports general liver function and detoxification
Technical Support
©2014 Standard Process Inc. All rights reserved. 01/15
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.