Prototype of Vehicle Security Alert System on Proton Iswara 1.3


Prototype of Vehicle Security Alert System on Proton Iswara 1.3
N. A. Ali et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing Vol.2 Issue. 9, September- 2013, pg. 160-166
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International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing
A Monthly Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology
ISSN 2320–088X
IJCSMC, Vol. 2, Issue. 9, September 2013, pg.160 – 166
Prototype of Vehicle Security Alert
System on Proton Iswara 1.3
N. A. Ali1, A. S. Ja’afar2, A. Salleh3, M. A. M. Razali4, M.Z.A.A Aziz5, N. M. Z. Hashim6
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Faculty of Electronics & Computer Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka,
Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia.; 2; 3; 4;
5; 6
Abstract— Year by year, car stolen cases is increasing rapidly here in anywhere in the world. Statistics
released by the Polis Di Raja Malaysia (PDRM) revealed that 5,920 Proton cars were stolen between January
and October last year. Police believe the high demand for spare parts in the black market is the main reason
for the large number of local cars being stolen. Recently, as the car stolen cases rising up, news about stolen
laptop from a parked car is also increasing. The proposed system will be a turning point as to reduce all the
car stolen cases. This system is implemented by the usage of Global System for Mobile Communications
(GSM) communication, specifically by using the Short Messaging System (SMS) to the user’s mobile phone
as an alarm. The system works when there is any sensor of car alarm system is been activated, and sends
notification immediately to user mobile phone by suing SMS message. In conclusion, this project was
successfully implemented as far as individual part and combined projects is concerned. It is recommended
that the system to be improved in future by adding a built-in G-Shock sensor that has five (5) level settings
and can record multiple impact points. The SMS reply from the user to turn OFF the system should be
embedded in the system.
Keywords— Alert System; Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM); Modem; PIC16F877A; Short
Messaging System (SMS)
Vehicle Security Alert System is a security system that is designed to protect and alert the user on certain
happenings that need prompt attention to the car [1], [2].Vehicle Security Alert System is a vehicle safety
system is required at present as the crimes involving the theft of the car or the car breaks rampant today[3]. This
system involves the real connection with the conventional alarm system connected to the Programmable
Interface Controllers (PIC) and GSM Modem. When the negative situations occur, the car security alarm will
activate and if the car door had been opened, a signal will be send to the PIC. Later the PIC will process the data
and will transmit the signal to the GSM modem. Here the GSM modem will send a notification SMS to phone
the owner of the vehicle immediately [4].
The proposed system is applied for transferring of GSM communication by sending a SMS message to the
user’s mobile phone. The system is used for car protection in combination with the vehicle security system. In
general, the project is fully hardware configuration and categorized into two parts: electronic and
telecommunication part. This project is design by using a transmitter, which transmit signals to another device
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N. A. Ali et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing Vol.2 Issue. 9, September- 2013, pg. 160-166
with a controlling system which defined as PIC microcontroller[5], [6], [7], [8], [9]. The alarm will arm and it
will sample its voltage then transmits it to PIC microcontroller [10]. The Micro C Compiler programming can
be used to monitor and transmit controlling signals to the modem by connecting a serial communication port
RS232 with GSM modem and the hardware [11]. AT command is used to control the function of the modem.
This project is hoped to be helpful in terms of a system to cars’ owner in order to keep an eye on their car from
any harm.
Car stolen cases are increasing rapidly here in Malaysia. Besides that, nowadays, the news about stolen bags
or laptop from the car also is increasing. The project will be related to Short Message Service (SMS) message as
methods to send the notification the user [12].
Several important aspects of alert system problem should be acknowledged and need an in-depth research in
order to understand the problems that are the rapid rise of cases of the car being burgled by the unauthorized
users. These situations are excessively happen when the users park their car at dangerous place or unauthorized
parking. Secondly, when the car’s user is far from their car, the user could not hear or know the condition of
their car if the is alarming activated. Hence, the usage of SMS is the important methods in this proposed project.
As the target for the whole project, SMS alarm alert system will be designed with the capable to help user
handling and managing the safety of their car. Second objective is to develop a Vehicle Security Alert System
by using PIC microcontroller that is connected to the GSM module with RS232 connector [13], [14], [15], [16],
Figure 1 shows the overall block diagram of the proposed Vehicle Security Alert System.
Figure 1: Block Diagram of the System
The system starts working when there is an Intruder or Unauthorized User breaks the car. Then, the
conventional car alarm system will arm the whole system. When the car door had been opened, sample voltage
12V will step down to 5V using voltage regulator and transmits a signal to PIC microcontroller. PIC
microcontroller will send the message to MAX232. After that, the message will enter MAX232 which allows
transmission in GSM Modem through RS232 connector and converts the voltage level. The message enters
GSM Modem and the user will receive notifications.
Figure 2: How the system works?
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N. A. Ali et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing Vol.2 Issue. 9, September- 2013, pg. 160-166
2.1. Hardware Development
Firstly, the configuration of the HyperTerminal of the GSM Modem is set. The interfacing technique for
data acquisition and how to send messages to the person by using GSM Modem are been reviewed. Then, the
circuit is developed by using switches/sensors, PIC Micro C controller Board with MAX232, RS232 serial
connector and GSM Modem. Figure 3 below shows PIC Microcontroller Board with MAX232 interfacing with
Cross Cable RS232 and connected to GSM modem. RS232 male type connector is used. Universal
Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) is provided in PIC Microcontroller Board for the communication
purpose to microcontroller or computer. It can be used to communicate between the computer PIC
Microcontroller Board with Computer/Laptop or PIC Microcontroller Board with Micro controller.
Figure 3: PIC Microcontroller Board withMAX232
Connected to GSM Modem
Figure 4: PIC Microcontroller Board Connection
2.2. Software Development
As the control system is a standalone device, microcontroller is used to control the entire task that to be
performed by the device. To notify the microcontroller a specific operation should be taken to accomplish
certain task, a particular program is used organize and manage overall performance of the microcontroller. In
fact there are numerous of compliers are available to produce and design a program for the micro controller. In
this project, Micro C compiler was chosen as the software development environment in order to design a
program that is suit with the project needs.
Figure 5: Basic Flowchart of Software
Development [18], [19], [20]
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N. A. Ali et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing Vol.2 Issue. 9, September- 2013, pg. 160-166
The schematic of the overall system is shown below in Figure 7. For PIC16F877A, Pin RA0 is defined as
input from Car Speaker Alarm, RA1 as input from Car Door, and pin RC6 and RC7 as the input for the UART
that connects to MAX232 [21].
Figure 6: Schematic of PIC Circuit Connection
Figure 7: Voltage Regulator Circuit
Figure 8: Overall System Flow
When there is an intruder detected by the system, the alarm will be armed. The car speaker alarm will sound
when the door is opened. A sample voltage 12V from speaker alarm and dome light is step down by using
voltage regulator circuit to 5V. Later it will be transmitted to PIC16F877A. The message will enter MAX232
which allows a transmission in GSM Modem through RS232 connector and converts the voltage level. The
microcontroller will receive the instruction and then send the message to the GSM Modem. The message enters
the GSM Modem by using RS232 connector and the user will receive notifications through SMS within a few
3.1. Project Testing
a. Insert SIM card to GSM modem at the slot provided
Figure 9: SIM card slot at GSM Modem
Hardware Assembling
Firstly, GSM Modem is connected to MAX232 by using RS232 cable. Then, the GSM modem is switched
ON and let it ready for a while. In order to know whether the GSM Modem is ready or not, the GSM Modem
number cab be called by other numbers. If there is any ringing tone, then it is indicator that shows GSM Modem
is ready to be used. To start testing the circuit, the GSM Modem is connected to the supply voltage as shown in
Figure 10.
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N. A. Ali et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing Vol.2 Issue. 9, September- 2013, pg. 160-166
Figure 10: Assemble all hardware
Figure 11: Connection from Fuse Car to Supply
Voltage for PIC Circuit and GSM Modem
Circuit Checking
After been connected the power supply, the green LED light at the PIC Microcontroller board will turn ON
and Red LED light at GSM Modem is turning ON as in Figure 12 & 13. Hence, from there the circuit and GSM
Modem are ready to be used.
Figure 12: Red LED light is on GSM Modem
Figure 13: Green LED light is ON PIC
Microcontroller Board
After PIC Microcontroller Board and GSM Modem is turned ON, system will send a SMS message to the
user, as a notifications that system is active and Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) also display “SYSTEM
Figure 14: SMS Notifications
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Figure 15: LCD Display
N. A. Ali et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing Vol.2 Issue. 9, September- 2013, pg. 160-166
System Functional
i. First Input
If there is an unauthorized user tries to steal or break the car, the car security alarm will automatically sound
and the sample voltage 12V from speaker alarm will send to voltage regulator to step down the voltage. After
that the sample voltage 5V will sent to input PIC (Port A).
Figure 16: Car Alarm Speaker
ii. Second Input
When the car door is opened, the sample voltage from dome light 12V will sent to voltage regulator circuit
to step down the voltage. After that 5 V sample voltage from voltage regulator will send to input PIC (Port A1).
Figure17: Car Door Opened
When the PIC received both input from speaker alarm and dome light, then PIC will send signal to
MAX232. From here the MAX232 will transmit signal to GSM Modem with cross cable and the car user will
receive SMS alert notifications immediately after that. The LCD display Alarm through a SMS notification is
shown in Figure 18 and 19.
Figure 18: SMS Notification
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Figure 19: LCD Display
N. A. Ali et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing Vol.2 Issue. 9, September- 2013, pg. 160-166
In conclusion, this project was successfully implemented as far as individual part and combined projects is
concerned. The vast experience and fresh knowledge obtained is worth for entire hard work offered. In the
future, Vehicle Security Alert System is suitable to implement to real vehicle such as Multi Purpose Vehicle
(MPV), vans and car. By this system, the can use it to ensure the safety of their cars. Furthermore, this system is
cheaper and simpler compared to other similar product in the market. Several recommendations that can be
made for the future work improvement of this project in term of efficiency and functionalities are car camera
with outside and inside view plus GPS Tracking should be embedded in this system. The SMS reply from the
user to turn OFF the system should be programmed in the system as it will make easier to the user, in other
words they may turn off the security system and car speaker alarm by using SMS.
We are grateful to Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) for their kind help for supplying the
electronic components and giving their laboratory facility to complete this study.
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