the Newsletter - Massachusetts High Technology Council


the Newsletter - Massachusetts High Technology Council
March 12, 2015
Council Hosts Governor Baker at 2015 Annual MeeQng
On February 25, the Council hosted its 2015 Annual Mee@ng, featuring a keynote address from Governor Charlie Baker and the launch of the Massachuse?s Technology, Talent and Economic Repor@ng System (MATTERS). Before one of the largest audiences of members and friends to a?end a Council Annual Mee@ng, the Governor highlighted the cri@cal role a thriving technology sector plays in the Commonwealth’s economic success. “If Mass. High Tech Council members are doing well, that's good news for Massachuse?s,” the Governor remarked. Baker reminisced about one of his earliest jobs, working at the Council nearly 40 years ago before Council President Christopher Anderson presented him with a Boston skyline snow globe as a memento of his first few months in his new job as Governor.
The High Tech Agenda keeps the High Tech Council's members and partners up to date on its pro-­‐growth advocacy concerning state and federal public policies and programs in support of its mission. The goal of the Massachuse?s High Technology Council is to help make Massachuse?s the world's most a?rac@ve place in which to live and work, and in which to create, operate, and grow high technology businesses. Read our Mission Statement at UPCOMING EVENTS
March 24 – 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
New England TechVets WebEx
Loca/on: Online Session
The Council and its program partner, Monster Worldwide, Inc. will be hos@ng periodic WebEx training sessions for interested members and their recrui@ng staff to provide an overview of the features and func@onality of To register and receive WebEx instruc@ons for the March 24th session, please click here. Anderson and Governor Baker took @me to acknowledge the contribu@ons of outgoing Council Chairman Pete Nicholas, Co-­‐Founder and Chairman of Boston Scien@fic, who was the driving force behind the development of MATTERS and the Council’s sponsorship of New England Tech Vets—a na@onal employer solu@on launched in 2014 that connects area employers with the largest database of US Veterans available. “Pete’s vision and determina@on have been a catalyst for posi@ve change for decades,” said Anderson. “During his two years as Council Chairman, Pete has reenergized the technology community in Massachuse?s around the Council’s compe@@veness mission.”
View video highlights from the Annual Mee@ng HERE
Contact Ron Trznadel for more informa@on about the New England Tech Vets program and how to become a New England Tech Vets “Charter Employer.” March 12, 2015
Council Elects New Chairman, Officers and Board Members
Council members elected Bill Achtmeyer, Parthenon Founder and Senior Managing Director of Parthenon-­‐EY as the new Chairman and Aron Ain, CEO of Kronos, as a Vice Chair. Achtmeyer and Ain join reelected Vice Chair Ellen Lord, President, Textron Systems; Chris Anderson, President, Mass. High Tech Council; Jim Boyer, Execu@ve Professor, D’Amore-­‐McKimm School of Business, Northeastern University; and Mike Kendall, Partner, Goodwin Procter as officers. Members also elected 8 new directors:
• Udit Batra, President & CEO, EMD Millipore Corp.
• John Corcoran, President, Trinity Partners LLC
• Ken Gabriel, President & CEO, The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc.
• Jonathan A. Kram, President, The Kram Group
April 7 – 8:00a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Council Board of Directors MeeQng
(Special Guest: Jay Ash, Secretary of Housing and Economic Development)
Loca/on: Council Offices
Secretary Ash, will join us for the first hour of the mee@ng. Council Directors should RSVP to
Julie Champion at their earliest convenience. Non-­‐directors wishing to a?end may contact Julie Champion as well. Space permibng, we will confirm by April 1 non-­‐directors’ ability to a?end.
• Gloria Larson, President, Bentley University
• Robert Maginn, Jr., Chairman & CEO, Jenzabar, Inc.
• Mark Stoever, Chief Opera@ng Officer, Monster Worldwide
• Robert Ward, President & CEO, Radius Health Inc.
CompeQQveness Data MATTERS
Annual Mee@ng a?endees were introduced to MATTERS with a demonstra@on of the web-­‐based data analy@cs tool designed to measure and evaluate Massachuse?s’ talent and business compe@@veness, while providing policy makers, advocates and technology leaders with dynamic, searchable data to inform public policy decisions. Developed in collabora@on with data science faculty and students from the Worcester Polytechnic Ins@tute, MATTERS’ data analy@cs technology consolidates key cost, economic and talent metrics along with independent na@onal rankings into a single source that is freely available to the public. MATTERS empowers users to measure the health of the technology environment in any state and allows easy and meaningful comparisons among a group of states, with a par@cular focus on Massachuse?s’ 14 “peer” states whose economies are similarly “tech-­‐centric.” A team of subject ma?er experts from Council members and partner organiza@ons contributed to the selec@on and aggrega@on of relevant metrics and data and will play a lead role in ongoing efforts to refine and expand MATTERS’ scope and impact. A growing and cri@cally important team of MATTERS’ sponsors is led by EMD Millipore, and the development team included important contribu@ons from Bentley University, Ernst & Young, KPMG, The MITRE Corpora@on, Monster Government Solu@ons, The New England Board of Higher Educa@on, and The U.S. Army Na@ck Soldier Systems Center. Remarking on MATTERS, Governor Baker stated “Maintaining Massachuse?s’ compe@@ve posi@on in the 21st century will require ongoing and incisive assessment of the health of our economic environment. Our administra@on is commi?ed to using data to iden@fy and advance pro-­‐growth economic policies and we are excited about using MATTERS as a primary tool in those efforts.” The Council looks forward to working with Governor Baker, legislators and our members to leverage MATTERS as a “go to” tool to inform policy debates and decisions in Massachuse?s and beyond. April 23 – 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. New England TechVets WebEx
Loca/on: Online Session
The Council and its program partner, Monster Worldwide, Inc. will be hos@ng periodic WebEx training sessions for interested members and their recrui@ng staff to provide an overview of the features and func@onality of To register and receive WebEx instruc@ons for the April 23rd session, please click here. Contact Ron Trznadel for more informa@on about the New England Tech Vets program and how to become a New England Tech Vets “Charter Employer.”
May 20 – 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Council Board of Directors MeeQng
Loca/on: Council Offices
March 12, 2015
Beacon Hill Update
Beacon Hill has been abuzz with ac@vity in recent months with a new governor and new legisla@ve leaders, and the Council is at the center of the developing state policy agenda. Council staff and members con@nue to engage with the Baker Administra@on cabinet and senior staff, and with key legisla@ve leaders. Council staff have met with Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Jay Ash and Secretary of Educa@on Jim Peyser and are scheduled to meet with Secretary of Administra@on and Finance Kristen Lepore, Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development Ronald Walker and Secretary of Veterans Affairs Francisico Urena later this month. We have iden@fied a number of policy priori@es shared by the Council, legislators and the Baker administra@on and are pleased to see the administra@on’s early commitment to data driven policy ini@a@ves. Council staff have shared our Preliminary Public Policy Agenda with policymakers, reinforcing that our priority ini@a@ves stem from MATTERS-­‐
based data and ongoing input from Council members.
Governor’s Budget Proposal Kicks-­‐Off Revenue and Spending Debates
On March 4, Governor Baker filed his proposed state budget, kicking off a mul@-­‐month process to develop a spending and revenue plan for FY 2016 which will commence on July 1. The Governor’s plan is based on his administra@on’s es@mate that the cost of maintaining state spending levels from FY 2015 will outstrip an@cipated revenues by $1.8 billion dollars, a gap that significantly exceeds prior es@mates of the budget deficit. Notably, the Governor elected not to fund the Mass. Life Sciences Center in the proposed budget. Administra@on officials have acknowledged they are considering merging the MLSC with other quasi-­‐public agencies, a concept the Council has supported as a way to be?er coordinate economic development strategies for the state’s technology sectors. As House and Senate leaders construct and propose their budget recommenda@ons over the next four months, significant changes to state spending, borrowing and tax policy are sure to be part of the discussion. The Council looks forward to impac@ng the debate on budget deficit responses that could impact our economic compe@@veness and is commi?ed to keeping our members informed of any relevant developments.
EducaQon Secretary Peyser Discusses Skills Gap with Council Members
State Secretary of Educa@on Jim Peyser met with Council members in a CEO Roundtable on March 4. Peyser shared his insights on funding K-­‐12 educa@on, assessing student performance and ensuring access to quality and innova@ve schools. Peyser highlighted the administra@on’s commitment to iden@fy the most impactul local prac@ces and programs and facilitate their adop@on as best prac@ces across the state. Much of the Roundtable discussion focused on efforts to assess and fill gaps between the state’s exis@ng and an@cipated workforce and the needs of key employers and industries, including the Baker administra@on’s newly-­‐announced “Workforce Skills Cabinet” which will be comprised of Secretary Peyser, Housing and Economic Development Secretary UPCOMING EVENTS
May 26 – 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
New England TechVets WebEx
Loca/on: Online Session
The Council and its program partner, Monster Worldwide, Inc. will be hos@ng periodic WebEx training sessions like this for interested members and their recrui@ng staff to provide an overview of the features and func@onality of To register and receive WebEx instruc@ons for the February 24 WebEx, please click here.
Please contact Ron Trznadel for more informa@on about the New England Tech Vets Program and how to become a New England Tech Vets “Charter Employer.”
MATTERS’ talent demand metrics show Massachuse]s is the 3d most difficult state in which to hire tech talent. Data from Council member and MATTERS sponsor Monster Government Solu@ons measures and benchmarks hiring difficulty faced by tech employers. Learn more at “MATTERS.”
Brandeis TuiQon
Corporate members of the Council [are] [may be] eligible for employee tui@on discounts at fellow member Brandeis University. Brandeis’ Rabb School of Graduate Professional Studies offers part-­‐@me, online master's degrees in several applied fields including Somware Engineering, Strategic Analy@cs, IT Management, Informa@on Security, Health & Medical Informa@cs, and Project & Program Management. Council members who are interested in providing tui@on discounts to their employees should contact Brandeis’ Cara Chatellier (, to discuss partnership opportuni@es.
March 12, 2015
Ash and Labor and Workforce Development Secretary Ron Walker. Council staff presented data from MATTERS, including talent supply and demand metrics, and has commi?ed to partnering with Secretary Peyser and the Workforce Skills Cabinet to share addi@onal data from MATTERS and leverage the exper@se of Council members.
Bentley President Larson Speaks to Council
In January, Bentley University President, and new Council board member, Gloria Larson joined Council members for a discussion of women’s leaders in business and technology. Through Larson’s leadership, Bentley has spearheaded the Corporate Challenge ini@a@ve which aims to increase the number of women in senior management and corporate governance roles at public companies and other business organiza@ons. Since the ini@a@ve’s October 2013 launch, more than 100 companies and organiza@ons have joined. Betsy Myers, founder of Bentley’s Center for Women and Business, spoke about the cultural, organiza@onal and demographic challenges that contribute to the underrepresenta@on of women in leadership roles. Larson reinforced the cri@cal role that a CEO-­‐level commitment plays for organiza@ons that are successful in developing women leaders.
The Council is proud to par@cipate in the Corporate Challenge and applauds the many Council members who are also doing so. We look forward to working with Bentley University and President Larson to advance this important ini@a@ve. Council Sponsors Bio-­‐IT World Conference and Expo MHTC is a Sponsoring Organiza@on of the Bio-­‐IT World Conference and Expo which supports high level interac@on and collabora@on of global Biotech leaders, promo@ng Massachuse?s as the hub for this important industry sector. Building on the success and popularity of last year's event, the 2015 Bio-­‐IT World Conference & Expo BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Analog Devices, Inc. Analogic Corpora@on
Bain Capital LLC
Bentley University
Boston Scien@fic Corpora@on
Canaccord Genuity Inc.
Carruth Capital LLC
Choate Hall & Stewart LLP
Con@nuum Managed Services LLC
Courion Corpora@on
Dassault Systèmes
Deloi?e & Touche LLP
Dunn Rush & Co. LLC
EMD Millipore Corpora@on
EnerNOC Inc.
Goodwin Procter LLP
Kronos Incorporated
Mercury Systems Inc. MKS Instruments Inc. ML Strategies LLC
Monster Worldwide Inc.
Northeastern University
Radius Health Inc.
Stratus Technologies Inc.
Textron Systems
The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Inc.
The Kram Group
The L.S. Starre? Company
The MITRE Corpora@on
Trinity Partners LLC
plans to convene more than 3,000 life sciences, pharmaceu@cal, clinical, healthcare, and IT professionals from more than 30 countries. The Expo provides the perfect venue to share informa@on and discuss enabling technologies that are driving biomedical research and the drug development process. Spanning three days, the mee@ng includes 12 parallel conference tracks and 17 pre-­‐conference workshops. See the Council Events sec@on of our website for more informa@on.
Reservoir Woods, 850 Winter Street | Waltham, MA 02451
P: (781) 890-­‐6482 | E:| | @MAHIGHTECH