Newsletter - Davison Area Senior Center
Newsletter - Davison Area Senior Center
Volume 36 • Issue 9 • September 2016 Davison News & Views Remember~ CLOSED ~ Monday, September 5th ************************* BUNCO is back this month! Book Club is back this month! Saturday Yoga is back starting 9/17/16! Davison Area Senior Center 10135 Lapeer Rd. Davison 810.658.1566 The Mission of the Davison Area Senior Center is to provide, with the help of its staff and volunteers, information and a range of services, activities and volunteer opportunities which promote personal growth, health, friendship and independence for those 50 years and older in the Genesee County. Staff Index Page 3…………………………….Kathy’s Connection Page 4...…….………………..………..Coming Events Page 5………………...…………….…Coming Events Page 6……………………..….……Food for Thought Page 6…………………………………………..Classes Page 7……………………………….....Red Hat Group Page 7…………………………..Games & Recreations Page 8 & 13………..……………….Monthly Calendar Page 9-12……………………….……...Advertisements Page 14………………………………Health & Fitness Page 15………..……………….………….Information Page 16………………………………..Center Services Page 17-18…………………………...………….Travel Page 18 & 19………………………….…..Information Page 20………..……………………..Newsletter Form Kathy Davis, Executive Director Joie Hitchcock, Assistant Director June Vert, Morning Office Assistant Brenda Baucus, Afternoon Office Assistant Authority Board Joan Snyder, City of Davison Rep., Chairperson Karen Miller, Davison Twp. Rep., Treasurer Maxine Koch, City of Davison Rep. Wanda Brown-Konieczka, Davison Twp. Rep. Dona Jenks, Davison Twp. Rep. Advisory Board Beth Brancheau, Chairperson Tom Hilgendorf, Vice Chairperson Esther Bendall, Secretary Mary Cicalo, Director Stanley Cohoon, Director Dan Johnson, Director Dorothy LaFave, Director Joan Teise, Director Debby Wilson, Director Office Hours Monday—Friday 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Hours of Operation Weekdays: 9:00 a.m.—9:00 p.m. Evenings as Scheduled We would like to thank the businesses that are helping support our Newsletter by advertising in our booklet please call on these businesses when looking for products and services and mention to them that you saw their advertisement & please thank them for their support! Memorial Donations Flowers, although pretty for a short time, are gone far too soon. A memorial donation instead of flowers is a way to remember a friend or family member who has been a part of the Senior Center. This will benefit the Center for a long time. Rental The Davison Area Senior Activity Center Can be rented for certain activities. Please call the Center for more information at 810.658.1566 Davison Area Senior Activity Center Funding Sources Include ~ Genesee County and the Genesee County Board of Commissioners, City of Davison, Davison Township, Contributions, Memorial Donations & Fundraisers. We appreciate all who have made a difference. This Newsletter is fully or partially funded by The Genesee County Senior Millage Funds. Your tax dollars at work! 2 Davison Area Senior Center •News & Views •September 2016 Kathy’s Connection~ Hello Friends, What a wonderful turn out we had for the informational meeting put on by our Medicare / Medicaid Assistance Program coordinators on Friday, August 12th. Call the office soon if you need to see one of our counselors at 810.658.1566. Some supplemental plans are changing! On Thursday, October 6th from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. you will have the opportunity to talk to a nurse from Heart to Heart. This will be a round table format discussion. Our hopes are that you will ask questions that you sometimes don’t have the chance to ask while you are at your doctor visit. PLEASE RSVP 810.658.1566, so that we know how many refreshments to prepare. The Generation Band, Stone Country Band and the Sunday Bash groups all perform here every month. That is a total of five dances in a month. The perfect opportunity to come and listen, dance or just sit and enjoy good music and socialize. These are all live bands. It is not expensive and it is a great way to listen to the music YOU enjoy. We had a very nice Hand Chime Choir taught here. Unfortunately, our volunteer instructor is no longer able to help us. If you are able to read music and would enjoy spending time with a lovely group of people, we would appreciate your help. This group meets weekly on Tuesdays at 1 p.m. We have everything you will need. Please call the office if you are interested at 810.658.1566. Thank you everyone who makes the Davison Area Senior Center such an inviting place to come. Our volunteers are one of the best assets we have. We could not do it without your donations, time and positive ideas. Thank you, Kathy 810.658.1566 • 810.658.8044 Fax • 3 Coming Events Nature Identification Program Starts Friday, September 2nd @11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. At Davison Area Senior Center RSVP @ 810.658.1566 A FREE 6 week program on Fridays to teach you all about Nature! Generation Band Dance @ The Davison Area Senior Center Wednesdays, Active Living Hands on workshop with demonstrations and a visit to your local grocery store! To Register, call: Davison Area Senior 810.658.1566 September 7, 14, & 21 6:30—9:30 p.m. $5.00 cover charge at the door! Open Microphone! Classic Country, Classic Rock… Stone Country Dance Sunday, September 11, 2016 @ 1:00-5:00 p.m. $5.00 pp at the door! Includes Dancing & Fun! Come on out for an afternoon of good company, good music & a fun time! HEALTHY EATING FOR SUCCESSFUL LIVING Diabetes PATH Tuesdays @ 12:30-3:00 p.m. At the Davison Area Senior Center Healthy Eating is a workshop for people who want to feel and look better by making small changes to the foods they eat and the exercise they do! Workshops meet once a week for six weeks Starting Friday, September 2— October 7, 2016 1:00 p.m.—3:30 p.m. Starting September 13, 2016 6 week workshop RSVP 810.658.1566 PATH is designed to provide skills and tools to help people living with Type 2 diabetes and their support system live a healthier life. It is a fun, interactive 6 week workshop led by certified leaders. FREE ~ Ask a Lawyer—Lori Tallman, PLC Practices Law in Wills & Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Probate, Real Estate, Family Law, General Civil, Landlord/Tenant, Traffic & Criminal Living with Alzheimer’s for early-stage caregivers An early stage education program by the Alzheimer’s association In the early stage of Alzheimer’s disease, families face new questions as they adjust. What does the diagnosis mean? What kinds of plans need to be made? What resources are available to help? Join us for this 3-part series to hear practical answers to the questions that arise in the early stage. Hear from those directly affected and learn what you can do to cope with the changes that come with an early-stage diagnosis. Monday, September 12, 2016 @ 10:00—11:00 a.m. @ Davison Area Senior Center RSVP 810.658.1566 4 Davison Area Senior Center 2nd Wednesday of the month September 14, 2016 ~ 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. with Fred & Yvonne Saturday, September 17, 2016 6:30-10:30 p.m. Line Dance, Couples Dance & Clogging — $8.00 pp at the door •News & Views •September 2016 Coming Events Book Club Meeting Davison Area Senior Center Fundraiser And Book Presentation by Judge John and Karen Conover Friday, September 23, 4-6pm September 20th, 2016 @ 11:00 A.M. Going over all the books that were read over the summer ! Come check it out! A portion of all book sales will be donated to the Davison Area Senior Center. Wandering & Safety Wednesday, September 21st, 2016 @ 10:00 a.m. ~ FREE An opportunity to listen, ask questions and find help when faced with some of the most common behavioral challenges of Alzheimer’s disease. The Workshop will cover the following topics: ♦ Definition of wandering ♦ Reasons wandering may occur ♦ Prevention strategies ♦ Tips on how to intervene when someone is wandering Please RSVP if interested in coming 810.658.1566 Who is Judge Conover? Judge John Conover recently retired after serving for twenty-two years as Davison’s District Court Judge. His jurisdiction, ranging from small rural communities to the high crime areas of Genesee County, has given him first-hand involvement from farm animal disputes to child torture and murder cases. Because of his wonderful sense of humor, quick wit and wisdom in dispensing tough but fair rulings, he became a muchloved judge, speaker, and community activist. Now he has added “author” to that list with his recently published book, “Off Balance.” What is your book, “Off Balance”, about? 5WPFC[$CUJ 5WPFC[$CUJ 8CTKGV[/WUKE$[ 8CTKGV[/WUKE$[ ,KO$GVV[*GFTKEJ ,KO$GVV[*GFTKEJ 5WPFC[5GRVGODGT 5WPFC[5GRVGODGT —RO RO RO RRCVVJG&QQT RRCVVJG&QQT +PENWFGU.KIJV.WPEJ5PCEMU$GXGTCIGU +PENWFGU.KIJV.WPEJ5PCEMU$GXGTCIGU /WUKEHQT[QWTNKUVGPKPIFCPEKPI GPLQ[OGPV GPLQ[OGPV ;QWFQP’ ;QWFQP VPGGFCVKEMGVKPCFXCPEG VPGGFCVKEMGVKPCFXCPEG (QTOQTGKPHQTOCVKQPECNN (QTOQTGKPHQTOCVKQPECNN ,KO$GVV[*GFTKEJCV ,KO$GVV[*GFTKEJCV RSVP 810.658.1566 Hand Chimes Choir Class on Tuesdays @ 1:00 p.m. Coming programs… Our instructor for hand chimes can no longer teach. We are looking for someone to teach this class. This class is postponed until further notice! Thanks, Staff Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program Watch the newsletter for when & what time! 810.658.1566 Off Balance is a collection of about 175 funny anecdotal stories that happened in Judge Conover’s courtroom, and a few from his 20 previous years as a lawyer. These are all true stories and , as such, many are wrapped around a poignant event that is unhappy. However, there is always an off-balance twist that brings out the hilarious. If you really analyze what makes people laugh (the TV show “Funniest Home Videos” comes to mind), humor is almost always based on an underlying sad story. As human beings, we are blessed with an ability to laugh at ourselves, and even Judge Conover is often the target of the humor in Off Balance. • 810.658.8044 Fax • 5 Food For Thought ~ “The Lunch Bunch” Daily Lunch 12:00 Noon each weekday GCCARD luncheon program. Call the Center one day in advance by 1:00 p.m. to sign-up for lunch. The suggested donation is $2.00 for anyone 60 years and over that lives in Genesee County. The cost for under 60 or anyone that lives outside of Genesee County is $3.00 Birthday Lunch Day Monday, September 12, 2016 @ 12:00 Noon We honor anyone celebrating a birthday with Birthday Cake donated from Davison Bakery and a flower provided by Rayola Florist of Davison. Also, Lorraine Provost from Pro-Hearing Center, Inc. has graciously offered to pay for the lunches of our guests who are celebrating their birthday with us during our Birthday Lunch get together. When you call in to make your reservation, make sure to let us know it is your birthday month! Commodity Supplemental Food Friday, September 16, 2016 9:00—11:00 a.m. ONLY This senior food program follows the federal income guideline of a Family of 1= $1,276 & a Family of 2 + $1,726. Available to people 60 years or older. You must fill out an application and prove your income and get the approval before receiving it. Ask the front office for the applications. TeFAP Commodity Program Given out quarterly—4 Times a year March, June, September & December This is an additional food program with income eligibility guidelines for 60 years of age and older with a household size of 1 = $1,962 a month and a household size of 2 = $2,655 a month Home Delivered Meals GCCARD provides a hot lunch and a cold snack to homebound seniors 60 years and older who are unable to cook and have no one to prepare meals. Call 810.239.7671 to schedule it. é d Æ ∏ d Æ ≤ µ ¥ ∑ ¶ ≥ d ≠ ͑¶ d æ ¥ ∫ d ∏ ® ¶ ≥ d Æ ≥ ¥ d ≠ ™ d ∏ æ ∏ ™ ≤ d ´ ¥ ∑ d ™ ¶ ® ≠ d ¶ ® ƪ Æ æ d æ ¥ ∫ d ¶ ™ ≥ © r r r ú ™ d ≥ ™ ™ © d ¥ d¨ ƪ ™ d ≠ ™ d ® ¥ ∫ ≥ æ d ¶ ≥ d ¶ ® ® ∫ ∑ ¶ ™ d ® ¥ ∫ ≥ d ´ ¥ ∑ d ∏ ∫ ß ≤ Æ Æ≥ ¨ d ¥ ∫ ∑ d ∑ ™ µ ¥ ∑ ∏ d ¥ d ∑ ™ ® ™ ƪ ™ d ´ ∫ ≥ © Æ≥ ¨ r d 6 Davison Area Senior Center Classes Card Making & Scrapbooking Thursday, 1:00 p.m. Come join in, enjoy the company, help each other, & bring your own supplies Colorama Coloring Class—FREE Monday, 10:00 a.m. Adult coloring books have recently gained popularity for their stress-relieving abilities. All supplies are provided. Come recharge yourself! Davison Decorative Art Guild Tuesday & Thursday, 9:00 a.m. Beginner to Intermediate & Advanced Registration is required—Call Toni @ 810.742.5510 Painting is Fun—FREE Painting Help Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. Painting watercolor, acrylic or oil. Polymer Clay Class Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. Instruction on bake-able claymaking jewelry and treasures. Drop-ins are welcome! Sit & Stitch Wednesday, 12:30 p.m. Socialize while sharing ideas, patterns, skills and currant projects. Don’t sit home alone, join this great group to work on your project or learn a new one while meeting new friends. Wood Carving Monday, 9:00 a.m. This group of knowledge carvers share their talents with anyone wishing to learn the art of carving. Nurse Chat ~ FREE 1st Thursday of every other month October 6, 2016 @ 1:30—2:30 p.m. Stop by and meet the nurse from Heart to Heart and enjoy a round table discussion on a variety of topics. Bring your questions and suggest topics. •News & Views •September 2016 Red Hat ~ Bowling Leagues Wednesday & Friday, 12:30 p.m. We have two fun Senior Bowling Leagues that meet at Rollaway Lanes. For more information call 810.653.2011 Red Hatting at the Center— We have Red Hat Groups at our Center having fun each month. Red Hatters are a “Fun Only” group that plans events and outings for their members. Events~ Red Hat Mad Hatters ~ Fall Happening! Wednesday, September 14 @ 12:00 p.m. @ Apollo Restaurant. Hostess: Ruth Br atton, Carol Klein & Barb Larmor. For information on this group contact Kay Beebe Bridge Tuesday, 11:30 am—Teaching Bridge Tuesday & Wednesday, 12:00 p.m. ***********Bunco **Back from Summer Break! 2nd Tuesday of Month *Come have FUN! September—May (No April) Play starts at 7:00-9:00 p.m. Ramblin’ Rose ~ More information coming later. Please call or text Toni Toth@810.869.5322. Chess & Checkers Friday, 11:30 a.m. Cribbage Wednesday, 12:30 p.m. Art a la Carte Is a series of informative programs focusing on the arts. It is offered free of charge on Wednesdays @ 12:15 pm. Visitors are encouraged to bring lunch; coffee, tea and cookies are provided. The Flint Institute of Arts-1120 E. Kearsley St., Flint, MI 810.234.1695 or September 7 ~ Art of Mexico: Ancient & Modern Traditions September 14 ~ Ghosts of Machu Picchu September 21 ~ Food for the Ancestors September 28 ~ 500 Nations: Mexico Double Deck Pinochle Monday, 12:30 p.m. Friday, 12:30 p.m. Euchre Monday & Thursday, 12:30 p.m. Friday, 7:00 p.m. Hand & Foot Monday, 12:30 p.m. Karaoke Monday, 1:00—3:30 p.m. Help us earn $1,000 through direct your dollars! Save your VG’s receipts! We are raising money to purchase items for the senior center through Direct Your Dollars. Every time you shop at your local VG’s store, save your receipts—and encourage your friends & family to do the same. Once we have collected $150,000 in receipts from VG’s, we can turn those slips of paper into a $1,000 check. To reach our goal of $150,000 in collecting eligible receipts. Just drop them off to the front office here at the senior center. Please make sure you drop off the original receipt—that’s how we earn our $1,000 check. Through the Direct Your Dollars program, we can turn your VG’s receipts into cash for our senior center! 810.658.1566 Games & Recreation Mah Jong Monday, 1:15-5:30 p.m. (American) Wednesday, 1:15-5:30 p.m. (Chinese) Friday, 1:15-5:30 p.m. (American & Chinese) Mexican Train Dominoes Monday, 10:00 a.m. Poker Monday & Wednesday, 5:00 p.m. Quiddlers Card Game Tuesday, 1:00 p.m. • 810.658.8044 Fax • 7 8 Davison Area Senior Center •News & Views •September 2016 12:00 Duplicate Bridge 1:00 Shuffleboard 1:00 Quiddlers 4:00 Line Dance 6:00 Tai Chi/Qi Gong 7:00 Lions Club Meeting 12:00 Pot Roast 5 8:30 Pickle Ball 9:00 Decorative Art Guild 9:00 Veterans Services 9:30 Davison Alumni 11:30 Teaching Bridge Tuesday 7 6 9:00 Polymer Clay 9:00 Massage Therapist 10:00 Women’s Pool 10:00 Painting Class 10:00 Wednesday Exercise 11:15 Chair Yoga 12:00 Pork Loin Chop 12:00 Bridge 12:30 Cribbage 12:30 Sit & Stitch 1:00 Ping Pong 1:15 Mah Jon 3:00 Advisory Board Meeting 5:00 Poker 5:30 Tai-Chi 6:30 Generation Band Dance Wednesday 12:30 Euchre 1:00 Card Making & Scrapbooking 1:00 Shuffleboard 4:30 Beginning Pickle Ball 5:30 Pickle Ball 5:30 T.O.P.S. 12:00 Western Crumb Beef Steak Friday 2 9:00 Pool Table 9:45 Video Exercise 10:30 Ping Pong 11:00 Nature ID Program 11:30 Chess & Checkers 12:00 Lemon Grilled Pollock 12:30 Double Deck Pinochle 1:00 Healthy Eating Class 1:15 Mah Jong 1:30 Qi Gong 7:00 Euchre 9:00-11:00 Food Surplus Pick-up 12:30 Double Deck Pinochle 1:00 Healthy Eating Class 1:15 Mah Jong 1:30 Qi Gong 7:00 Euchre 12:00 Vegetable Lasagna 9:00 Pool Table 9:45 Video Exercise 10:30 Ping Pong 11:00 Nature ID Program 11:30 Chess & Checkers 12:30 Double Deck Pinochle 1:00 Healthy Eating Class 1:15 Mah Jong 1:30 Qi Gong 7:00 Euchre 9 16 12:00 Buttermilk Breaded Chicken 11:30 Chess & Checkers 11:00 Nature Identification Program 1 9:00 Pool Table 9:45 Video Exercise 10:30 Ping Pong 8:00 Yoga 8 9:00 Pool Table 9:00 Beginner Line Dancing 9:00 Davison Decorative Art Guild 9:30 Line Dancing 10:00 Alzheimer’s Association Support Group 11:30 Zumba Gold Toning 12:30 Euchre 1:00 Card Making & Scrapbooking 1:00 Shuffleboard 4:30 Beginning Pickle Ball 5:30 Pickle Ball 5:30 T.O.P.S. 12:00 Stuffed Cabbage 8:00 Yoga 9:00 Pool Table 9:00 Beginner Line Dancing 9:00 Davison Decorative Art Guild 9:30 Line Dancing 11:30 Zumba Gold Toning Thursday 8:30 Pickle Ball 13 9:00 Polymer Clay 14 8:00 Yoga 15 9:00 Decorative Art Guild 9:00 Massage Therapist 9:00 Pool Table 9:30 Davison Alumni 10:00 Women’s Pool 9:00 Beginner Line Dancing 11:30 Teaching Bridge 10:00 Painting Class 9:00 Davison Decorative Art Guild 12:00 Baked Veal Steak 10:00 Wednesday Exercise 9:30 Line Dancing 12:00 Duplicate Bridge 11:00 Ask A Lawyer 11:30 Zumba Gold Toning 12:00 Ranch Fried Chicken Breast 12:30 Diabetes PATH Class 11:15 Chair Yoga 12:30 Euchre 12:00 Hickory Smoked Ham 1:00 Shuffleboard 1:00 Card Making & Scrapbooking 12:00 Bridge 1:00 Quiddlers 1:00 Shuffleboard 12:00 Pork Steak w/Sweet & Sour Sauce 4:00 Line Dance 12:30 Cribbage 12:30 Double Deck Pinochle 4:30 Beginning Pickle Ball 12:30 Sit & Stitch 6:00 Tai Chi/Qi Gong 12:30 Euchre 5:30 Pickle Ball 1:00 Ping Pong 7:00 Bunco 12:30 Hand & Foot 1:15 Mah Jong Closed Labor Day! WEBSITE E-MAIL Monday 12 11 9:00 Pool Table 1: 00 9:00 Wood Carving 9:30 Zumba Gold pm 9:45 Video Exercise 10:00 Colorama Coloring Class 10:00 Mexican Train 10:00 Alzheimers Presentation 10:30 Ping Pong 11:30 Pro-Hearing Center 4 Sun. 6:30 pm 17 8:00 a.m. Yoga 10 8:00 am NO Yoga 3 8:00 a.m. NO Yoga Sat. 810.658.1566 • 810.658.8044 Fax • 13 Karaoke Am. Mah Jong Blood Pressure Clogging Poker Tai Chi/Qi Gong Sweet Adeline's 25 9:00 Pool Table 26 9:00 Wood Carving 4:00 9:30 Zumba Gold pm 9:45 Video Exercise 10:00 Colorama Coloring Class 10:00 Mexican Train 10:30 Ping Pong 12:00 Chargrilled Chicken Fillet 12:30 Double Deck Pinochle 12:30 Euchre 12:30 Hand & Foot 1:00 Karaoke 1:15 Am. Mah Jong 2:30 Blood Pressure 3:30 Clogging 5:00 Poker 5:30 Tai Chi/Qi Gong 7:00 Sweet Adeline's 18 9:00 Pool Table 19 9:00 Wood Carving 9:30 Zumba Gold 9:45 Video Exercise 10:00 Colorama Coloring Class 10:00 Mexican Train 10:30 Ping Pong 12:00 Oven Fried Chicken 12:30 Double Deck Pinochle 12:30 Euchre 12:30 Hand & Foot 1:00 Karaoke 1:15 Am. Mah Jong 2:30 Blood Pressure 3:00 Authority Board Meeting 3:30 Clogging 5:00 Poker 5:30 Tai Chi/Qi Gong 7:00 Sweet Adeline's 1:00 1:15 2:30 3:30 5:00 5:30 7:00 7:00 Evening Star Quilters 27 9:00 Polymer Clay 28 9:00 Massage Therapist 10:00 Women’s Pool 10:00 Painting Class 12:00 Sliced Turkey Breast w/Gravy 10:00 Wednesday Exercise 12:00 Duplicate Bridge 10:45 Blood Pressure-Swartz 12:30 Diabetes PATH Class 11:15 Chair Yoga 1:00 Shuffleboard 12:00 Crispy Beef Steaks 1:00 Quiddlers 12:00 Bridge 2:00 Grief Support 12:30 Cribbage 4:00 Line Dance 12:30 Sit & Stitch 6:00 Tai Chi/Qi Gong 1:00 Ping Pong 1:15 Mah Jong 5:00 Poker 5:30 Tai-Chi 8:30 Pickle Ball 9:00 Decorative Art Guild 9:30 Davison Alumni 11:30 Teaching Bridge 6:30 Generation Band Dance 8:30 Pickle Ball 20 9:00 Polymer Clay 21 9:00 Decorative Art Guild 9:00 Massage Therapist 9:30 Davison Alumni 10:00 Women’s Pool 11:00 Book Club Meeting 10:00 Painting Class 11:30 Teaching Bridge 10:00 Wednesday Exercise 10:00 Wandering & Safety Class 12:00 Meatloaf w/Gravy 11:15 Chair Yoga 12:00 Duplicate Bridge 12:00 White Chicken Chili 12:30 Diabetes PATH Class 12:00 Bridge 1:00 Shuffleboard 12:30 Cribbage 1:00 Quiddlers 12:30 Sit & Stitch 2:00 Grief Support 1:00 Ping Pong 4:00 Line Dance 1:15 Mah Jong 6:00 Tai Chi/Qi Gong 5:00 Poker 5:30 Tai-Chi 6:30 Generation Band Dance 5:00 Poker 5:30 Tai-Chi 12:30 Euchre 1:00 Card Making & Scrapbooking 1:00 Shuffleboard 4:30 Beginning Pickle Ball 5:30 Pickle Ball 5:30 T.O.P.S. 12:00 Chicken & Dumplings 8:00 Yoga 29 9:00 Pool Table 9:00 Beginner Line Dancing 9:00 Davison Decorative Art Guild 9:30 Line Dancing 11:30 Zumba Gold Toning 30 12:30 Double Deck Pinochle 1:00 Healthy Eating Class 1:15 Mah Jong 1:30 Qi Gong 7:00 Euchre 12:00 Braised Beef Strips W/Noodles 9:00 Pool Table 9:45 Video Exercise 10:30 Ping Pong 11:00 Nature ID Program 11:30 Chess & Checkers 9:00 Pool Table 23 9:45 Video Exercise 10:30 Ping Pong 11:00 Nature ID Program 11:30 Chess & Checkers 12:00 Artisan Macaroni & Cheese 12:00 Breaded Turkey Cutlet 12:30 Double Deck Pinochle 12:30 Euchre 1:00 Healthy Eating Class 1:00 Card Making & Scrapbooking 1:15 Mah Jong 1:00 Shuffleboard 1:30 Qi Gong 4:30 Beginning Pickle Ball 4:00 Judge John & Karen Conover Book Presentation 5:30 Pickle Ball 7:00 Euchre 5:30 T.O.P.S. 8:00 Yoga 22 9:00 Pool Table 9:00 Beginner Line Dancing 9:00 Davison Decorative Art Guild 9:30 Line Dancing 11:30 Zumba Gold Toning 5:30 T.O.P.S. 8:00 a.m. Yoga 24 Health & Fitness Clogging Monday, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Cost: $1.00 per person Benny Dafonte helping you learn clogging. It’s all fun and great exercise! Come on in and see what it is all about! Line Dancing Intermediate-Tuesday, 4:00 p.m.-$4.00 pp Beginner-Thursday, 9:00 a.m.—$1.50 pp Intermediate-Thursday, 9:30 a.m.—$3.00 pp T.O.P.S.—Take Off Pounds Sensibly! Thursday, 5:30 p.m.—Weigh-in 6:00 p.m.—Meeting Real People Lose Weight with TOPS TOPS is a nonprofit weight loss support and wellness education organization. TOPS provides you with the tools, information, support and accountability you need to be successful in your weight loss journey. Contact: Sandi Wilson 810.603.7054 Video Exercise—FREE Monday & Friday, 9:45-10:45 a.m. Pickle-ball ~ We do have an outdoor court in the far parking lot marked off with orange cones. Regular Play -Tuesday, 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Beginning-Thursday, 4:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Regular Play-Thursday, 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Wednesday Exercise Class Wednesday, 10:00—10:45 a.m. Strengthening & stretching $1.00 pp each class Ping Pong Monday, 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. Friday, 10:30 a.m. Chair Yoga Wednesday, 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. $5.00 per person each time workout with Cheri Schultz Pool Table Monday & Thursday, 9:00 a.m. (Men’s Pool) Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. (Women’s Pool) Room available when not scheduled Yoga Thursday, 8:00—9:15 a.m. $9.00 per hour 1 hour session workout with Lois Schneider with a 10-minute deep relaxation Shuffleboard Tuesday & Thursday, 1:00 p.m. Saturday Yoga—Starting Back 9/17/16 Saturday, 8:00—9:15 a.m. Except the 2nd Saturday of the month! $10.00 per hour 1 hour session workout with Lois Schneider with a 10-minute deep relaxation Tai Chi / Qi Gong Exercise—FREE Friday, 1:30 p.m. Improves balance & coordination Massage Therapist ~ Emily Maurer, CMT Here at the Center doing 1 hour massages on Wednesdays 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Must call and make an appointment with the front office @ 810.658.1566 Cost per hour ~ $30.00—60 yrs. and older $35.00—Under 60 years Zumba Gold Toning Monday, 9:30—10:30 a.m. Zumba Gold Thursday, 11:30—12:30 p.m. Drop-in, Fee $5.00 per class Zumba Gold takes the Zumba formula and modifies the moves and pacing to suit the needs of the active, older participant. YARN DONATIONS ACCEPTED her e at the Davison Ar ea Senior Center! Thanks! 14 Davison Area Senior Center •News & Views DAVISON AREA SENIOR CENTER IS A NON SMOKING, BOTH FACILITY AND GROUNDS. SMOKING IN VEHICLES IS ACCEPTABLE •September 2016 Supplies Wish List Information Our Center uses many supplies on a daily basis. At this time we welcome donations of 8-1/2” x 11” Copy Paper , Individual Wrapped Candy, Kleenex, Hand Soap, Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Decaf Coffee Pennies for Projects We are collecting pennies at the Center! Everybody has pennies laying around, we are asking for you to donate them to the Center. The donation jar is on the front office counter, just drop them in! We will use the money for a new items we need around the Senior Center. Please feel free to donate pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters & bills. Thanks! to all the people that have donated so far! Need A New Watch Battery 1st Monday of every month Starting at 10:00 a.m. Bonnie Weber is here at the Center changing watch batteries for $ 1.00 each ٻہۊٻۋڼۈڿڼۊڭٻۍۊۄۉۀڮ ٻێۀھۍېۊێۀڭ ێۀھۍېۊێۀڭ ٻ ٻۉۊۄۏڼۏۉۀێۀۍګ ۉۊۄۏڼۏۉۀێۀۍګ ٻ ٻۏڼٻێۆڼڪٻۀۃگٻځٻێېۋۈڼڞٻۃۏۇڼۀڣٻۀۏڼۂۀۉۊۏڮ ٻېۊ۔ٻۀۏڼھېڿۀٻۊۏٻۋېٻۂۉۄۈڼۀۏٻۀۍڼٻڿۇۀۄہڿۊۊڲ ٻۇۇۄےٻێھۄۋۊگٻٻټێۉۊۄۏۋۊٻۀۍڼھٻۍۊۄۉۀێٻۏېۊڽڼ ٻ۔ۏېڟٻۀۏڼۑۄۍګٻڅٻۀۍڼھۀۈۊڣٻڿۀۇۇۄۆڮٻٻڕۀڿېۇھۉۄ ٻۂۉۄۑۄڧٻڿۀۏێۄێێڜٻڅٻۀھۄۋێۊڣٻڅٻۀۍڼھۀۈۊڣ ٻڅٻێۀھۄۑۍۀڮٻۀۏۄۋێۀڭٻڅٻۀۍڼڞٻ۔ۍۊۈۀڨ ٻۂۉۄێۍېکٻڿۀۇۇۄۆڮٻڅٻۂۉۄۑۄڧٻۏۉۀڿۉۀۋۀڿۉڤ ٻڅٻۀۍڼڞٻۈۍۀگڈۂۉۊڧٻڅٻێۀھۄۑۍۀڮٻۉۊۄۏڼۏۄۇۄڽڼۃۀڭ ٻۀۍڼھٻۀۃۏٻۊۏٻێۀۈۊھٻۏۄٻۉۀۃڲٻٻټۀۍڼڞٻ۔ڼڟٻۏۇېڿڜ ٻۀۍڼٻێۉۊۄێۄھۀڿٻۏێۀڽٻۀۃۏٻڇۀۉۊٻڿۀۑۊۇٻۍېۊ۔ٻہۊ ۉۊڟٻٻډێۉۊۄێۄھۀڿٻڿۀۈۍۊہۉۄಥٻۉۊٻۏېۊٻێێۄۈٻۏ ٻۀۍڼھۃۏۇڼۀۃٻۈۊۍہٻۉۍڼۀۇٻۊۏٻۀھۉڼۃھٻۍېۊ۔ ٻټێۇڼۉۊۄێێۀہۊۍۋ ٻڑڌڋڍٻڇڌڌٻۍۀڽۊۏھڪٻڇ۔ڼڿێۀېگ ٻڑڌڋڍٻڇڌڌٻۍۀڽۊۏھڪٻڇ۔ڼڿێۀېگ ٻڑٻۈۊۊڭٻۉۄٻډۈډڼٻڋڋڕڌڌٻڛ ڑٻۈۊۊڭٻۉۄٻډۈډڼٻڋڋڕڌڌٻڛ ٻ ٻۍۀۏۉۀڞٻۍۊۄۉۀڮٻڼۀۍڜٻۉۊێۄۑڼڟٻڛ ۍۀۏۉۀڞٻۍۊۄۉۀڮٻڼۀۍڜٻۉۊێۄۑڼڟٻڛ ٻ ٻڑڑڐڌډړڐڑډڋڌړٻڛٻګڱڮڭ ڑڑڐڌډړڐڑډڋڌړٻڛٻګڱڮڭ ٻ (No Water Resistant Watches) Evening Star Quilt Guild Meets the last Wednesday of each month @ 6:30 p.m. here at the Davison Area Senior Center. If you have an interest in sewing, quilting, or would just enjoy an evening out, please give this group a try! They usually have a program or speaker that centers around quilts! For more information contact Leslie at 734.765.1506 The Davison Duck Race is September 3rd at Jack Abernathy Park with the ducks being released promptly at 1:00 p.m. Race fans are welcome to come and cheer on their duck. Tickets are $5.00 and are offered at different locations around Davison! 15 Davison Area Senior Center 3DLQ0DQDJHPHQW 3UHVHQWDWLRQ 3UHVHQWDWLRQ 3DUW6HULHV 3DUW6HULHV 7KXUVGD\ 7KXUVGD\SP SP 2FWREHUWK 2FWREHUWK 1RYHPEHUWK'HFHPEHUWK 1RYHPEHUWK'HFHPEHUWK )5(( )5(( 'U-HUU\0F&ODQH'U5\DQ1HZFRPEH ZLOOEHKHUHWRWHDFK\RXDERXWWKH HIIHFWVRIGUXJVDVRSSRVHGWRQDWXUDO SDLQUHOLHI/HDUQWKLVDQGRWKHUQDWXUDO WRROVWKDWFDQUHOLHYHSDLQDQGUHVWRUH JRRGKHDOWK •News & Views 5693DW 5693DW •September 2016 Center Services Alzheimer’s Support Group—FREE Thursday, September 8, 2016 10:00-12:00 p.m. ~ Room #4 The Alzheimer’s Support Group is open to anyone caring for a family member or a friend with Alzheimer’s Disease or some form of dementia. For more information contact Sue Purdy at 810.603.1974 Legal Services—FREE Legal Services of Eastern Michigan offers legal assistance to senior citizens in Genesee County. Call 810.234.2621 for an appointment here at the Center. MMAP ~ The Michigan Medicar e/ Medicaid Assistance Program is a free service that can help you make health insurance decisions. MMAP’s mission is to educate, counsel, and empower Medicare beneficiaries and those who serve them so that they can make informed health decisions. 810.658.1566 or MMAP, INC @ 1.800.803.7174 for assistance all year round. Open Enrollment will be October 15th thru December 2nd, 2016. Blood Pressure Checks—FREE Monday, 2:30 p.m. ~ Lobby Walk-in blood pressure clinic is offered by volunteer nurses! Blood Pressure Checks—FREE 4th Wednesday of the month 10:45 a.m.—11:30 a.m. ~ Lobby Walk-in blood pressure checks are offered by Swartz Ambulance Paramedics MiCafe We will still process requests for the Food Assistance Program, for those who qualify, and redeterminations from DHS to continue your benefits. Call the Center for an appointment with Karen at 810.658.1566 Grief Support—FREE– Starting September 20th Tuesday, 2:00—4:00 p.m. ~ Room #4 If interested call 810.496.8625 and leave a message Hearing Aid Assistance—FREE 2nd Monday of the Month @ 11:30 a.m. ~ Room #4 Cleaning & check-up for your hearing aids by Lorraine Provost from ProHearing Center Genesee County Department of Veterans Services Tuesday, September 6, 2016 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ~ FREE A representative here at the Center to help with Veteran claims and Veterans benefit issues. The VA pension program can help wartime veterans pay for those high medical expenses if the veteran qualifies. KISS—Keeping Independent Seniors Safe-FREE A program for seniors 62 and older For more information contact: Evelyn Harris 810.249.6530 or Toll Free 855.561.5477 Weekdays—8:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Host Agency: Valley Ar ea Agency on Aging Please call the Center for an appointment at 810.658.1566. Loan Closet We have donated equipment available to borrow—Bath Seats, Canes, Crutches, Toilet Seats, Walkers, Wheelchairs. We ask for a $25.00 CASH deposit and you will receive your $25.00 back upon returning items. Transportation—Monday—Friday only! We have a van available to bring you to and from the Center or around the Davison Area. Last ride scheduled at 3:00 p.m. You must call the day before to schedule a ride by 1:00 p.m. Cost: $2.50 each way. The van is NOT handicap accessible. Requirements for the transportation services ~ Must be 60 yrs. of age or older, Must be able to board the bus independently, Must complete a Senior Center Participation Form, Must reside in the Davison School District, Must pay total fee of 810.658.1566 A Bit of Sunshine… If you know someone whose spirits would be lifted by receiving a card or note, please stop by or call the front desk and tell us their name. • 810.658.8044 Fax • 16 Traveling Program Continued ~ ARK Encounter Tour includes Modern motor coach transportation, 1 night @ Hampton Inn, 1 Breakfast, 1 Dinner, Creation Museum, The Ark Encounter, Tax & Tip on Included Meals. The Davison Area Senior Center acts only as an agent for the independent suppliers that provide hotel accommodations, transportation, sightseeing activities, or other services connected with these tours. All such services are subject to the terms and conditions of those suppliers. Davison Area Senior Center, its employees, agents, directors, and representatives are not responsible for any injury, damages, expenses, or losses of any kind sustained by any person as a result of participation in these tours. Parade Company Studio & Pewabic Pottery Tour with Route 23 Wednesday, October 26, 2016 $74.00 pp Trip includes round trip motor coach transportation to Detroit Michigan, Lunch at Sindbad’s Restaurant, Guided Tour of the Parade Company Studio, Guided Tour of Pewabic Pottery. Departs at 8:30 a.m. Cancellation Policy Cancellation of any trip if subject to a refund—will have a $5.00 cancellation fee from the Davison Area Senior Center. Cancellation on the day of the trips or NO SHOWS… No Refunds...No Exceptions! Trip flyers may be picked up at the Davison Senior Center. Overnight prices are based on double occupancy. Trip reservations are not guaranteed until payment is received. To avoid waiting lists or finding out that a trip has been cancelled, sign up early. Travel programs have registration deadlines! At deadline time, the trip will be cancelled if we do not have enough committed travelers or you may have to drive to a different pick-up spot! FireKeepers Casino with Route 23 Tuesday, November 15, 2016 $30.00 pp Trip includes: Round trip motor coach transportation to Battle Creek, Michigan, 4 hours of gaming at Firekeepers Casino with $20 on player’s club card & $5 in food. Depart at 9:00 a.m. Please arrive 15-20 minutes before departure time for all trips & Please park your vehicles in our trip parking lot, the bus will pick you up over there! Genitti’s Dinner Theatre & Marvins Marvelous Mechanical Museum with Route 23 Thursday, November 17, 2016 $84.00 pp Trip includes: Round trip motor coach transportation to Northville, Michigan, a 7 course Italian luncheon, interactive comedy show after your meal, stop at Marvin’s Marvelous Mechanical Museum. Departs at 10:00 a.m. Note: All person traveling to Canada must have a passport or an enhanced driver’s license. All casino packages are subject to change without notice. Proper identification & Social Security Card are required to collect prizes over the amount of $1,199. TRIPS Motor City Casino with Route 23 Tuesday, September 13, 2016 $25.00 pp Trip includes: Round trip motor coach transportation to Detroit, 5 hours gaming with $30.00 on player’s club credit. Departs at 9:00 a.m. Greektown Casino with Route 23 Tuesday, December 13, 2106 $25.00 pp Trip includes: Round trip motor coach transportation to Detroit, 5 hours of gaming at Greektown Casino with $20 on player’s club card. Departs @ 9:00 a.m. ARK Encounter—Life-sized Reconstruction of Noah's Ark with Shoreline Tours October 22-23, 2016 $339.00 pp/dbl North America’s Newest World Class Attraction! Be among the first to experience the full-sized replica of Noah’s Ark, located in Northern Kentucky. 810.658.1566 Florida Vacation with Shoreline Tours January 11-21, 2017 $2,299.00 pp/dbl ***Early Booking Bonus ~ SAVE $100 per person if booked by October 1, 2016! • 810.658.8044 Fax • 17 Travel Program ~ Continued ~ Florida Vacation 7 Nights at Outrigger Beach Resort in Fort Myers. Stroll along the sugary white sand beach, take a dip in the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, watch a colorful sunset, enjoy a pina colada at the Tiki Bar and “cheeseburger in paradise” at The Café. Tour includes: Modern motor coach transportation, 11 Nights lodging, 11 Breakfasts—1 Lunch—2 Dinners, Ringling Circus Museum & Museum of Art, Everglades Airboat Swamp Tour, Broadway Palm Dinner Theater, Gulf of Mexico Lunch Cruise, Flea masters Flea market, Henry B. Plant Tour, Inside CNN Studio Tour, Luggage Handling, Tax & Tip on included meals. Optional Tours: Edison & F ord Estate—Cost $20 per person, Big M Casino Cruise & Lunch—Cost $30 per person. Deposit $100 to confirm reservation with balance due November 11, 2016. Southwest Explorer with Shoreline February 22-28, 2017 $1,899.00 pp/dbl Featuring: The Incredible Grand Canyon Skywalk plus Death Valley National Park & Las Vegas! Tour includes: Round trip air—Detroit/Las Vegas, Round trip airport transportation from your center, 1st Class touring motor coach, Shoreline tour director, 4 Nights—Laughlin, Nevada, 2 Nights—Las Vegas, 5 Breakfast, 1 Lunch, 3 Dinner, Hoover Dam, Boat Cruise on Lake Mead, Grand Canyon Skywalk, Celebration dinner cruise, Red Rock Canyon State Park, Sightseeing Tour of Las Vegas, Day Tour to Death Valley National Park, Luggage handling including airport baggage fees, Tax & tips on included meals. Deposit $250 due upon registration with balance due by December 15, 2016. New Orleans with Diamond Tours October 7-15, 2017………………..$750.00 pp/dbl 8 nights lodging including 4 consecutive nights in the New Orleans area, motor coach transportation, 14 meals: 8 breakfast & 6 dinners, Guided Tour of a Louisiana Plantation, Relaxing Riverboat Cruise on the Mississippi River, Gaming at fabulous Harrah’s Casino, Visit to the National World War II Museum, Guided Tour of New Orleans. $75 due at registration, final payment due 7-31-17. 18 Davison Area Senior Center Information Whaley Children’s Center Needs Drive We have a box in our lobby for the collection! The children need your help! By donating one of the following items listed below you can help transform lives and create futures…Please Help! ♦ Shampoo ♦ Body Wash ♦ Conditioner ♦ Lotion ♦ Toothpaste ♦ Sunscreen ♦ Bug Spray ♦ Nair ♦ Hair Care Supplies ♦ Deodorant ♦ Feminine Products ♦ Ethnic Hair Care ♦ Body Wash The End of Alzheimer’s Starts with You Walk to End Alzheimer’s Genesee County Creasey Bicentennial Park September 17, 2016 Registration 9:00 a.m. Ceremony 10:00 a.m. Walk 10:30 a.m. Alzheimer’s is an epidemic devastating our families, our finances and our future. The disease is all around us-but the power to stop it is within us. Join us for the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s—the world's largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research. Each year more than 490,000 people of all ages and abilities come together in over 600 communities to reclaim the future for millions. For more information—989-859.5307 or •News & Views •September 2016 Information... We Need Helpers for Commodities Day! Volunteers Needed for the AARP Tax -Aide Program The 3rd Friday of the month is our Commodities day here at the Center we are in need of volunteers to help load the boxes of food into the vehicles of the seniors. If you are interested please call the front office after 1:00 pm ask for Brenda to be put on the list to be called each month. The income tax assistance program facilitated by the AARP Foundation is looking for new volunteers. We assist tax payers with income tax preparation at many of the Senior Centers throughout Genesee County including here at Davison from February through April each year. If you are good with numbers and interested in helping people, this can be a very rewarding opportunity to volunteer and give back to the community. We Need Volunteers! We are in need of subs for Meet & Greet volunteers. You would be out at the front desk greeting people as they come into the Center and assisting them with the My Senior Center Scan System. TIME SLOTS: 9:00 am—1:00 pm Or 1:00 pm—4:00 pm We would add you to the sub list and any time our regular volunteer Meet & Greet person could not make it, you would receive a call to see if you would be available. If interested please call the office after 1:00 pm ask for Brenda @ 810.658.1566 You can find out more about the program by visiting our website at taxaide. In addition, if you let the folks know at the front desk that you might be interested, one of our current volunteers will be more than happy to talk with you about the program and to answer any questions you might have. Thanks! Bob Burns—AARP Tax Aide Program We are looking for volunteers to drive our Centers Van, to take our seniors places. If interested please call Brenda after 1:00 p.m. at 810.658.1566 Flu Shots Walgreens of Davison will be here giving flu shots! Tuesday, October 11, 2016 @ 12:30—2:30 p.m. No appointment needed! The Davison Farmers Market in Davison, MI is your source for local fresh produce, baked goods and so much more! Located on the corner of Irish Rd. and Court St. in Davison, the market is home to over 70 vendors! from all over Michigan. Open Year Round 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday Movies at the Beach Lake Callis Recreation Complex in Davison Every Friday Night @ Dusk Cost—Included with Park Entrance Fee All ages Welcome September 2—Star Wars: The Force Awakens September 10—Corn Fest September 24—Swap Meet & Car Show 810.658.1566 • 810.658.8044 Fax • 19 September Davison Area Senior Center PRE-SORT FIRST-CLASS 10135 Lapeer Rd. Davison, MI 48423 U.S. Postage PAID Davison, MI Permit No. 20 Phone: 810.658.1566 Fax: 810.658.8044 We’re on the Web! If you want to suggest a new program, class or event stop by and put it in our suggestion box right outside the front office! We will do our best to see if we can get it here at the Senior Center! Thanks, Staff FUNDRAISING FOR THE DAVISON AREA SENIOR CENTER POP CAN & BOTTLE DEPOSIT FUNDRAISER If you feel it is a hassle to return your pop cans or bottles for deposit, let us do it for you and you will help the Center earn some money! Just bring in your cans & bottles give them to the front office and the rest is up to us! We will return them for the cash and purchase items for the Center! Thanks... 2016 Newsletter Form DAVISON AREA SENIOR CENTER 10135 LAPEER RD. 810.658.1566 DAVISON MI 48423 FULL NAME:_____________________________________________________BIRTHDATE:____________________________ SPOUSES FULL NAME:____________________________________________BIRTHDATE:____________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY:___________________________________________________________STATE:____________________ZIP:____________ COUNTY:__________________________________TOWNSHIP:____________________________________________________ TELEPHONE:______________________________________CELL PHONE:___________________________________________ SPOUSE CELL PHONE:_______________________________
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Newsletter - Davison Area Senior Center
Lorraine Provost from Pro-Hearing Center, Inc. has