- Mile Hi R/C Flying Club


- Mile Hi R/C Flying Club
June 2016
AMA Charter 695
AMA Gold Leader Club
VOLume 61
Mile HI R/C Flying Club
Issue 6
In This “Tailspinners”
Club Meeting Minutes
Pluckrose/Robinson and Dave Longan - New Stands
District IX Meeting At Warbirds Over Denver
Lamar Steen IMAC Challenge at MAS New Date
Thank You John
Vintage Club Pictures
See Page 18
Lamar Steen - Skybolt
Sky Tiger and Skybolt
My Old Sky Tiger and Skybolt
Ray - Back At Work / Plus 737-800 Video
Mark’s B-29
Olen’s Fokker Dr.1
RC Tail Dragger Landings
The Fairey Fantome a Golden Age Bipe
Warbird - A Detailing How To
Large RC Jets and an Incredible Fw 190
RC Helicopter Fun
My Piper Arrow Progress, Walt
Next Month - A Piper Tri-Pacer Project
Next Club Meeting
Saturday - June 18th at 09:00
At the Flying Field
Next Board Meeting
MEETING AT Flying Field
Saturday, 14 May 2016 09:00am
1) Pledge of Allegiance/Meeting Call to Order – Jim Holt, President
2) Quorum – Requires 6 members present (10% of voting members)
a) 7 member attendance
3) Approve Previous Meeting's Minutes – As sent via email
4) Approve Treasurer’s Report – Roy Olsen, Treasurer
a) Inflows:
b) Outflows:
c) Ending balance:
5) Approve Investment Report – Gary Brady, Investment Officer N/A
a) Money market balance:
b) Securities balance:
c) Investment total:
June 4th
6) Membership Report – Pat Cobain, Vice President – N/A
a) Introduction of new members:
b) Current membership:
7) Contest/Events Committee Report:
a) Upcoming Events: Pluckrose/Robinson, IMAC
i) Food, volunteers
(1) Still no volunteers responding to Wayne’s email. However, Gary Brady, Rich
Dix, Jim Holt and Roy Olsen have given verbal conformation on helping out.
b) Event recaps:
8) Field Maintenance Report:
a) Runway striping - Nick Condos will re-stripe runways when weather gets better
9) Safety Report: Steve Briola
a) Fire extinguisher box under shelter has broken cover.
10) Unfinished Business:
11) New Business:
a) Large airplane starter stands – Dave Longan has metal stakes and PVC piping to make 2
i) Stands will consist of two stakes in the ground with PVC over them roughly waist high.
The stands will be on either side of main taxiway (center field) at the cross section of
the pit area and taxi way.
ii) Planning on putting stands in on Friday May 21st.
b) Trimmer – Motion was passed to purchase a new trimmer up to $200.
c) Locks – locks for the main gate and box under shelter are not functioning properly ….
Multiple past combinations will open the locks and they are not locking properly. New locks
will be purchased.
d) Bench – Upon loosing the bench in front of the large shelter due to winter weather, we will
use existing benches for the time being. We will bring up building a new one if so desired in
the future.
12) Next Board Meeting – .TBD
13) Schedule Next Club Meeting – Saturday June 18th at flying field 9:00am.
14) Drawings:
a) Colpar: Jim Holt won!!!
15) Program/Meeting Adjournment.
AMA District IX will be having the annual infor mative an d update meeting
to all AMA members in District IX and pilots attending the Warbirds Over Denver event, on
June 11, 2016 at 3:30 PM, in the shade area at the event. AMA District IX VP, Jim Tiller, will
update all attending on the latest information from AMA on our hobby and latest update on the
FAA regulations. Discussion on the AMA UAS4STEM Quad-copter competition for 2016 / 2017 will also be
discussed and ways local RC club can assist forming and supporting teams with schools, CAP
and other youth groups. A number of the AMA District IX AVP's will also be attending the event to meet members and
to provide support to AMA members in their local areas.
AMA will be giving away a new Spektrum DX8 Transmitter at the meeting. A flyer for the
event is attached. Thank you.
Rick McCaskill - - - AMA District IX AVP 303-682-0440
I am happy to report that the snowed out
Lamar Steen IMAC Challenge has
rescheduled to July 9-10, 2016
We look forward to seeing you all at Fischer Field in Brighton on July 9.
Look for a listing at the IMAC site soon.
Thank You John For Your Friendship And For
All That You Have Done For Us, The Mile HI
Club Members, For So Many Years. Know
That You Will Be Missed By All Of Us!
Left - Rich (Red) James was teaching me to fly
RC before Alex became my instructor. I recall,
as what I then perceived to be the demise of
my newly built Carl Goldberg Senior Falcon. I
let the plane get out too far and I lost
orientation. Red grabbed the transmitter and
landed the then dead stick plane on a knoll
way east of the N/S runway at the our field.
Rich James 1984
Alex & Mark 1991
Gerry Bachard 1984
Phil Kenny 1992
Left - George all decked out for one of
our Polar Flies. For a few years in a row,
you would dress up in a non conforming
outfit and join in the flying festivities on
January 1st. One of the members, I don’t
recall who, even showed up wearing a
tuxedo and top hat. He also brought his
daughter with him and she was dressed in
a sleeveless formal gown. On top of that,
the daughter brought her violin and stood
next to the club member as he flew his
plane and played her violin as an
accompaniment to some smooth flying.
Left - Bob and I after the 2nd flight of my
Super Skybolt. This Skybolt was my 1st 60
size plane. I put an OS 1.20 W/Pump for
power. I recall that I almost let the plane
fly away from me on the maiden climb
out. Like a deer in the headlights, the
plane got smaller and smaller in a hurry! I
cut the throttle and turned right to bring
it back. Close call. I flew the plane at 1/4
throttle for a number of flights before I
got comfortable with it. “Go where you
point it” is what it is! Today, I find that
the 57” WS is too small for my vision. Go
to pages 6 & 7 for a closer look see. Walt
Great Memory For Me
The day that I took this
picture at Jim Dunn’s shop, I
had gotten together with him
to have breakfast and a look
see at a few of his RC airplane
projects that he had going.
Walking into the restaurant,
Jim was greeted by all seated
there as if he was Norm
walking into Cheers! Jim sure
could make me LOL with his
“gift of the gab”!
On page 15 below, is one
other picture of this
beautifully finished
P-38.$ $
Lamar Steen
Aileron Spade see
the web site for more
information regarding
Super Skybolt
The Super Skybolt pictured here is a lot of
fun! I built it from a full kit that was
produced by Great Planes. The kit version
is no longer available but a great looking
ARF version is. This Skybolt was covered
using Monokote over Monokote and the
plane is currently powered by an Saito
100. It has a wing span of 57” and weighs
10 lbs. Considering the extra drag inherent
with bi-planes, surprisingly this plane
handles extremely sporty. Although the
plane isn’t an exact replica of the full
scale, Great Planes did a very nice job
emulating the plane’s beautiful lines,
especially the hefty tail. The model is fully
aerobatic and tracks well both on takeoff
rolls as well as in the air. While the plane
has good slow flight
characteristics, like
the full scale ... see
the numbers below
right, it does not
have good dead stick
characteristics, the
word brick comes to
A little history; the
Skybolt came into
existence because of
a man named LaMar
Steen. Mr. Steen
taught at Manual
High School here in
Denver. It was there that
the Skybolt was born as
a result of his shop
projects which taught
students the art of
welding, metal work,
and other facets of
aircraft construction.
See the attached web
site for more details.
Just “Plane” Fun
ʻ2012 Mile HI Air Field
A Few Construction Photos
A tedious kit to build, the
57” WS is a little small in
the air for me ... (old guy)
extremely sporty and
likes 3 point landings.
MHRC Newsletter Editor
This repeat article is one that I wrote and put
in our October 2014 club newsletter. Walt
SPAN - 24 ft
LENGTH - 21ft
Weight - 1080 lbs
CRUISE - 130 mph
STALL - 65 mph
Pictured is my Skybolt from Page 4
Covering Compound Curved Surface with Monokote
My First Low Wing
Walt - March 1987
The top picture shows me getting ready to fly my 1st low wing
plane. It was a Carl Goldberg Sky Tiger. The Sky Tiger was
offered in just a 40 size when introduced. George (Kerr) had a
Sky Tiger as well and we used to fly them together occasionally.
Both George and I noticed that during a straight and level pass,
that both his and my plane would have a consistent slight
sideways tail wag. It didn’t seem to effect the handling of the
plane at all. Great fun to fly and try out a few aerobatics. The
plane pictured behind me in the top picture was also a nice 40
size low wing. It was my Carl Goldberg Skylark 56. I remember
that I covered my Skylark to emulate the box top look.
Monokote Metallic Blue, White and Metallic Red Stripes. The
red and blue designs on the wing tops were decals that came
with the kit. Walt
High Wing to Low Wing
When I started flying RC airplanes the state
of the art was the SIG 3 Channel Kadet. My
second plane was a four channel Eagle 63,
next was my first low wing which was the
Sky Tiger below and next I moved into a 60
size “hot rod” which was the Super Skybolt.
Skylark 56
Ray Back At Work
Ray and his 1st officer Jed just completed sim
training on the Boeing 737 NG (Next Generation)
aircraft. Jed, is a new-hire first officer.
Pictured below - Jed flew the F-15 Eagle in the
USAF and just retired as a Lt. Col. Ray is looking
forward to flying the 900 ER (Extended Range)...
see pics next page
Two Interesting Web Sites
Photo right - is of a Lakenheath, England
based Eagle on a low-level route. This is
Jed's old squadron, and his previous flying
Boeing 737- 800 Amazing
Take-Off HD Cockpit View
L-R Bob, Mark and Olen around 1996 at the Wings Museum. Bob was heading up the
Modeling Expo even back then. Mark brought his newly finished B-29 to this Expo and it
was quite a hit. Olen was the club President. Sadly, Olen passed away two years ago. You
might recall, Olen was considered a “Master Builder” within our hobby. What ever
happened to Mark’s B-29? See a few pictures next page ... ALSO - see Olen’s restored Dr.1
on page 16
Markʼs B-29 before final painting - See the next page
4 Ercoupe Videos
This and The Next Page
Here it is ... in Marks home. Mark allowed the Wings Museum to keep the
plane on display for a few years and then due to remodeling at the
museum, Mark had to remove the plane permanently. Marvin and I helped
Mark dismantle the plane, put it in a few vehicles and in procession style,
bring it to Markʼs house. Mark built an electric lift to raise and lower the
plane as needed. Walt
Olen sent me these pictures of his Fokker Dr.I a few years ago. This beautiful plane
had been damaged and Olen restored it. Olen told me that he used house paint as
a finish!
TailDragger Landings - 3 Point and Wheel
Below - Some of Jim Dunnʼs beautiful airbrush work! The
plane below was Randy Mills in the early 80ʼs. The P-38
belonged to an RC pilot at Chatfield. Jim Fiberglassed and
painted both of these planes.
Fairey Fantôme - DATA SHEET
Fairey Fantome 1/4.8 Scale
Jerry Bates
Easy Add-on Details for your Warbird
Giant RC Airplanes
Incredibly Realistic Fw 190
RC Heli Fun Fly 2013 Lots of RC Helicopters
Below: Video Is
A Gathering of Mustangs
Thanks For Sending These Gary!
Walt, you may or may not want to use this footage in the next news letter. Amazing what these men went
through. Thanks, Gary
Thanks for sending Gary.
This is incredible actual footage during the 80-minute attack on the U.S.S.Laffey. About the best naval
footage ever shot by a Navy cameraman. The camera was in the gun turret under attack. It's
Amazing!The U.S.S. Laffey, "the ship that would not die", was hit by 6 Kamikazes and 4 bombs, but
remained afloat after an 80 minute battle that included 22 Kamikaze attacks. Click on the link below.
A Little Progress On My Piper Arrow
Very Top Picture - I have a
Wing Tip Blocks and Leading Edge Work
Hi guys. Lets talk building! If you are in no hurry and you enjoy building things,
than “kit building” is for you. I have a few built-in work tables that I mainly use for
building doll houses but I find that most of my airplane building takes place on a
few inexpensive hollow core door panels that each measure 36”X 80” X 1 3/8”
thick. These door blanks are simply supported by plastic saw horses. Works
great! I have built other planes in the interim but I always enjoy coming back to
this one. I hate to set a goal as to when I will finish building this plane because
doing that would make it WORK instead of FUN. Time will tell. There are a lot of
pieces in this Piper Arrow kit but it is all enjoyable work / play for me. The Top Flite
people provide excellent instruction manuals along with full size work prints with
their kits. As a result, building a model airplane is an enjoyable straight forward
process. What could go wrong you ask ... I have found that making a gluing
mistake here and there, which I managed to do occasionally, is not a problem.
There are a few ways to fix mistakes in order to get yourself back on track. One of
those ways is to use your Monokote heat gun to soften the Tite Bond Yellow as
well as Epoxy glue. The mis-glued parts come apart easily using this method. I
don’t plan on getting too detailed with this Arrow but I do
have a cockpit kit for it. Being that it is such a light weight
piece, I plan to build, paint and install it. I am building
another dollhouse at this time as well so I split my time
between it and the plane. What is next ... the plan is to
razor plane and sand the leading edges so that all looks
good. The center wing section was built last year and
now I will add its leading edge. I will get back to you guys
next month with a few more pictures. Walt
HI RC Club Editor
hobby size band saw and it is
the perfect tool for cutting balsa
that requires shaping.
The Other Picture - just above
shows dry fitting some of the
parts, including one of the “two
piece” leading edge sticks.
Just “Plane” Fun
Next Month