- Wildlife Baldus


- Wildlife Baldus
Tanzania Wildlife Discussion Paper No. 44
R.D. Baldus (Ed.)
Rolf D. Baldus, Ludwig Siege and Neil Stronach
Wildlife Division
GTZ Wildlife Programme in Tanzania
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit
Dar es Salaam 2005
The Selous Game Reserve and its neighbourhood are the focus of considerable conservation and
development efforts. The reserve itself is one of the largest protected wilderness areas in the world and offers
only limited access for wildlife viewing and controlled hunting tourism. Declared a World Heritage Site under
the World Heritage Convention, the reserve is surrounded by large areas of sparsely settled bush with some
subsistence cultivation. These peripheral lands are increasingly the subject of efforts to reconcile the
conflicting interests of subsistence cultivators and the wildlife alongside which they live.
The level of interest in the Selous and its recent development made it useful to compile a list of all literature
that relates to the Selous Game Reserve and its environs and to update it. Considering the nature of the
area’s recent history, it is not surprising that much of the literature is in the form of unpublished Government
typescript reports and memos, or unpublished papers by other agencies.
There is also a variety of literature stretching back to the nineteenth century, which relates to the area now
covered by Selous Game Reserve and its bufferzones. We have included books, articles in scientific and
other journals and magazines, grey literature and important typescripts, but no newspaper articles.
The main objective of compiling this bibliography is to remove the necessity of laborious literature searches.
The bibliography may also be of interest to the more serious tourist and nature lover. We have tried to check
as many works as possible ourselves, in order to make sure that they are, in fact, of relevance to the Selous
Game Reserve. We are aware of the fact that not all bibliographical data are totally complete. This was,
however, unavoidable, as not every title was accessible in the original. As this list is certainly incomplete, the
authors would be pleased to learn of any omissions or additions.
For this 2005 revision I have updated and extended the first and second bibliographies, which were published
as SCP Discussion Paper No. 17 in 1994 and as Tanzania Wildlife Discussion Paper No. 28 in 2001. All new
entries are marked after the author’s name with *. I thank Philbert M. Ngoti for typing the additions.
This bibliography can be accessed through www.wildlife-programme.gtz.de/wildlife
Dr. Rolf D. Baldus
Alpers, E.A.
(1975) Ivory and Slaves in East Africa. Heinemann, London
Amin, M., Willets, D. and
Marshall, P.
(1984) Journey through Tanzania. Camerapix Publishers, Nairobi
Anderson, L.
(2004) The Forgotten Front. Tempus Publishing
Andulege, B.N.
(1993) The Recreational Value of Wildlife Viewing: A Case Study of the
Northern Sector, Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania. M.Sc. Thesis. Norwegian
Centre for International Agricultural Development. Agricultural University of
(1912 – 1914) Maps of Game Reserves Muhoro, Lindi, Mahenge. G/910,
National Archives of Tanzania. Dar es Salaam
(1994) Proposed Dam Threatens Selous Wildlife. African Wildlife Update. 2, 1
and 8
(1988) Verlorenes Paradies. Afrika-Post. 9,30
Arbeitsgruppe Oekotourismus
(1995) Oekotourismus als Instrument des Naturschutzes? Forschungsberichte
des Bundesministeriums fuer Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und
Entwicklung (BMZ) Nr. 116. Koeln
Arning, W.
(no Year) Vier Jahre Weltkrieg in Deutsch-Ostafrika. Jaenecke. Hannover
Ashley, C., Mdoe, N. and
Reynolds, L.*
(2002) Rethinking wildlife for livelihoods and diversification in Rural Tanzania: A
case study from Northern Selous. The Overseas Development Group.
LADDER Working Paper No. 15. ODI and UEA Norwich
Atlas of Tanzania
(1967) Government of Tanzania, Surveys and Mapping Divison, Dar es Salaam
Baker, N.E.
(1995) Tanzania Waterbird Count. Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania.
Dar es Salaam
Baldus, R.D.
(1989) Village Participation in Wildlife Management – Introduction of
Communal Wildlife Management in the Mgeta River Buffer Zone North of the
Selous Game Reserve. SCP Discussion Paper No. 4, Dar es Salaam
Baldus, R.D.
(1990) Wildzaehlung auf afrikanisch. Wild und Hund, 24, 18
Baldus, R.D.
(1990) Selous Game Reserve. A Guide to the Northern Sector. Selous
Conservation Programme, Dar es Salaam
Baldus, R.D.
(1991) Wild muss sich lohnen. Auslandskurier, No. 7-8, 48-49
Baldus, R.D.
(1992) Die Rettung des Selous Game Reserve. Wild und Hund, 19, 54-57
Baldus, R.D.
(1993) Die Bewaffnung des tansanischen Game Departments. Deutsches
Waffen-Journal, 3, 434-441
Baldus, R.D.
(1994) Antelopes and the Selous Conservation Programme. Gnusletter.
IUCN/Antelope Specialists Group. 13 (1&2), 16-17
Baldus, R. D.
(1994) Saving many by killing a few. African Hunting Gazette, 2, 43 – 46
Baldus, R.D.
(1994) Some Notes on the Selous Conservation Programme, Tanzania (1988 –
1993). Gnusletter. IUCN/Antelope Specialists Group. 1 and 2, 16 – 17
Baldus, R.D.
( 1999) Mystery Resolved: Eastern Tanzanian Sable Antelopes are Roosevelt!
Tanzania Wildlife/Kakakuona, 13, 5
Baldus, R.D.
(2000) Mehr Eigentum, mehr Verantwortung, mehr Tierschutz. Afrika Post, 6,
Baldus, R.D.
(2000) Wildlife Conservation between 1885 and 1914. Tanzania
Wildlife/Kakakuona. 17, 8–11
Baldus, R.D.
(2000) Was haben Elefanten mit Oekonomie und Selbsthilfeorganisationen zu
tun? In: Kirk, M. et al (Hrsg.), Genossenschaften und Kooperation in einer sich
wandelnden Welt. Lit Verlag, Muenster, 497-511
Baldus, R.D.*
(2001) Wildlife Conservation in Tanganyika under German Colonial Rule.
Internationales Afrika Forum. 37(1). 73 – 78
Baldus, R.D.*
(2003) African Wildlife: Must it Be Subsidized? A Contribution to the Discussion
on Sustainable Financing of Protected Areas. Internationales Afrika Forum.
4/2003, 387 - 392
Baldus, R.D.*
(2003) Was Tieren und Menschen Hilft. Wildschutz und Nationalparks in
Tansania – der deutsche Beitrag. Afrika-Post. 5, 5 -10
Baldus, R.D.*
(2004) An Expedition to find the Grave of the Explorer and Cartographer Keith
Johnston (1884 – 1879) in the Selous Game Reserve. Kakakuona 32, 48 – 50
Baldus, R.D.*
(2004) Lion Conservation in Tanzania Leads to Serious Human-Lion Conflicts.
With a Case Study of a Man-Eating Lion Killing 35 People. Tanzania Wildlife
Discussion Paper No. 41. GTZ. Dar es Salaam
Baldus, R.D.*
(2004) Lion Conservation in Tanzania Leads to Human – Lion Conflicts.
Kakakuona 34, Part 1, 8 – 15
Baldus, R.D.*
(2004) Lion Conservation in Tanzania Leads to Human-Lion Conflicts.
Kakakuona 35, Part 2, 8 – 14
Baldus, R.D.*
(2004) One Community in Tanzania Harvests Problem Crocodiles. Crocodile
Specialists Group Newsletter. 23(3), 1
Baldus, R.D.*
(2004) Tansania: Größtes Wildreservat Afrikas von Diamantensuchern
bedroht. Die Regierung von Tansania hat 13 Lizenzen für die Suche nach
Edelsteinen im Selous Wildreservat erteilt. Afrika-Post. 4+ 5, 21
Baldus, R.D.*
(2004) Artenschutzkonferenz in Bangkok. Nachhaltige Nutzung kann bedrohten
Wildarten in Afrika helfen. Afrika-Post. 4+ 5, 22
Baldus, R.D.*
(2004) The Lion in Tanzania. Hatari Time International, No. 19
Baldus, R.D.*
(2005) Tod am Rufijifluss. Visier. 1,134 – 143
Baldus, R.D.*
(2005) Der Löwe in Tanzania. Hatari Times, 23, 50 – 53
Baldus, R.D.*
(2005) Der Geist aus der Finsternis. Wild und Hund, 3, 48 – 53
Baldus, R.D.*
(2005) A Man-eating Lion (Panthera leo) from Tanzania with a Toothache.
European Journal of Wildlife Research (in print)
Baldus, R.D.*
(2005) Mineral Prospecting in the Selous Game Reserve and the Dangers to
Rhino Conservation. Pachyderm 38, 101 – 105
Baldus, R.D. (Ed)*
(2006) The Wild Heart of Africa. 110 Years of Selous Game Reserve. Dar es
Salaam (in print)
Baldus, R.D. and Bigurube, G.
(1992) Reinterpreting Selous Aerial Counts. Gnusletter, IUCN/Antelope
Specialists Group, 1 and 2, 22-23
Baldus, R.D. and Bigurube, G.
(1992) Report to the Director of Wildlife about the Need to Annex the
Magombera Forest to the Selous Game Reserve. Selous Conservation
Programme, Dar es Salaam. Typescript, 28 pages
Baldus, R.D. and Bigurube, G.
(1993) Community Wildlife Management in Tanzania. Development and
Cooperation, 4, 27
Baldus, R.D. and Cauldwell,
(2004) Tourist Hunting and its Role in Development of Wildlife Management
Areas in Tanzania. GTZ. Dar es Salaam
Baldus, R.D. and Cauldwell,
(2005) Tourist Hunting and its Role in Development of Wildlife Management
Areas in Tanzania. Game and Wildlife Science. 21, 2005
Baldus, R.D. and Hahn, R.*
(2004) Selous – Niassa Wildlife Corridor Research Project. Kakakuona 33, 26 31
Baldus, R.D. and Hahn, R.*
(2005) Towards Transboundary Cooperation. The Selous-Niassa Corridor in
Tanzania. GTZ. Dar es Salaam
Baldus, R. D. and Siege, L. and
Stronach, N. *
(2005) Bibliography on Selous Game Reserve. Revised 2005. Tanzania
Wildlife Discussion Paper No. 44. GTZ. Dar es Salaam
Baldus, R.D. and Hahn, R.*
(2006) Connecting World’s Largest Elephant Ranges: The Selous - Niassa
Corridor. In : Ali, S.H. Ed. Peace Parks: Conservation and Conflict Resolution.
Baldus, R.D. and Ngoti, P.M.*
(2004) Mining in the Selous Game Reserve May Endanger a World Heritage
Site. The Arc Journal. Tanzania Forest Conservation Group. 17, 9
Baldus, R.D. and Siege, L.
(1999) Selous. Africa’s Largest & Wildest Game Reserve (Travel Guide). East
African Movies. Dar es Salaam
Baldus, R.D. und Siege, L
(2000) Wildnutzung, in: Naturschutz in Entwicklungslaendern. Neue Ansaetze
fuer den Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt. GTZ, Bundesamt fuer Naturschutz
und Internationale Naturschutzakademie Insel Vilm. Max Caspary Verlag,
Baldus, R.D. and Siege, L. (Eds.)
(2001) Community Based Wildlife Conservation in Tanzania. Tanzania Wildlife
Discussion Paper No. 29. Dar Es Salaam
Baldus, R.D. and Siege, L.(Eds)*
(2002) Bibliography on Selous Game Reserve. Tanzania Wildlife Discussion
Paper No. 28. GTZ. Dar es Salaam
Baldus, R.D. and Siege, L.*
(2002) Selous Game Reserve. The Travel Guide. East African Movies, Dar es
Baldus, R.D. and Siege, L.*
(2005) Pori la Akiba la Selous, GTZ and Wildlife Division, Dar es Salaam
Baldus, R.D. and Stronach N.
(1994) Bibliography on Selous Game Reserve. SCP Discussion Paper No. 17.
Dar es Salaam
Baldus, R.D., Hahn, R., Kibonde,
B. and Siege, L.*
(2003) 15 Jahre Naturschutz im Selous. AFZ – Der Wald, 21, 1089 – 1092
Baldus, R.D., Hahn, D.,
Mpanduji, D.G. and Siege, L.*
(2003) The Selous – Niassa Wildlife Corridor. Tanzania Wildlife Discussion
Paper No. 34. GTZ. Dar es Salaam
Baldus, R.D., Kaggi, D.Th. and
Ngoti, P.M.*
(2004) Community Based Conservation (CBC): Where are we now? Where are
we going? Miombo 27. 3,7,10
Baldus, R.D., Kaggi, D.Th. and
Ngoti, P.M.*
Baldus, R.D., Bigurube, G.,
Kaggi, D., Krischke, H. and
Ndunguru, I.F.
(2004) Community Based Conservation (CBC): Where are now? Where are we
going? Kakakuona 35, 20 – 22
(1991) Community Wildlife Management Around the Selous Game Reserve.
SCP Discussion Paper No. 12, Dar es Salaam
Baldus, R.D., Kibonde, B. and
Siege, L.*
(2003) Seeking Conservation Partnerships in the Selous Game Reserve,
Tanzania. Parks 13 (1) 50 – 61
Baldus, R.D., Krischke, H.,
Lyamuya, V. and Ndunguru, I.F.
(1994) People and Wildlife. Experiences from Tanzania. SCP Discussion
Paper No. 16, Dar es Salaam
Baldus, R.D., Siege, L. and
Jafferji J.*
(2005) Selous Game Reserve. Gallery Travel Guide, Gallery Publications,
Baldus, R.D., Siege, L. and
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(2001) Bibliography on Selous Game Reserve. Tanzania Wildlife Discussion
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Bantje, H., Mrisho F. and
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Barker de la Bere, R.
(1937) The Rufiji River. Tanganyika Notes and Records, 4, 15-16
Barker de la Bere, R.
(1947) Some Rivers of Southern Tanganyika. Tanganyika Notes and Records,
24, 66
Barker de la Bere, R.
(1956) Rufiji. Robert Hale, London
Barker de la Bere, R.*
(no year) Jungle Hermit. Tanganyika Standard. Dar Es Salaam
Barker de la Bere, R*
(1963) New Road through Selous Game Sanctuary, Tanganyika. African
Wildlife 17(4) 333 – 336
Bateman, H.
(1918) Report on Coal Areas South of the Uluguru Mountains. Unpublished
Report of the Geological Survey of Tanganyika, HB/1
Beardall, W.*
(1881) Exploration of the Rufiji River under the orders of the Sultan of Zanzibar.
Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly Record of
Geography. London. XI. 641- 656
Becker, F. and Beez, J.*
(2005) Der Maji – Maji Krieg in Deutsch-Ostafrika 1905 – 1907. Christoph Links
Verlag. Berlin
Behr, H.F.v.
(1893) Die Voelker zwischen Rufiji und Rovuma. Mitteilungen von
Forschungsreisenden und Gelehrten aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten.
Berlin. 69-87
Bell, R., Gamassa, D. and
Waweru, F.
(1992) WWF Project 3173. Conservation and Management of the Selous
Game Reserve. Report of the Mid-Term Evaluation. Gland
Bell, R.M.
(1950) The Maji-Maji Rebellion in the Liwale District. Tanganyika Notes and
Records, 28, 338-357
Bengtsson, G.
(1989) Afrikas Sista Vildmark. Svensk Jakt, 10, 1068-1071
Bigurube, G.
(1992) Selous Game Reserve and Village Communities around it. Paper for the
Ivth IUCN World Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas. Caracas,
Bigurube, G. and Baldus, R.D.
(1990) The Selous Conservation Programme: Joint Efforts to Protect the
Selous Game Reserve. Kakakuona, 1, 16-18
Blanc, J.J., Barnes, R.F.W.,
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J., Dublin, H.T., Hart., J.A. and
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and Southern Africa. Pachyderm 38, 19 - 28
Blunt, D.E.
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Booth, V. and Games, I.
(1996) Financial Potential of Selous Game Reserve and its Bufferzones. SCP
Discussion Paper No. 21. Dar es Salaam
Borner, M. and Severre, E.
(1986) Rhino and Elephant Poaching Trends in the Selous Game Reserve.
Pachyderm 6, 3-4
Bornhardt, W. et al.*
(1900) Zur Oberflaechengestaltung und Geologie Deutsch-Ostafrikas.
Deutsch-Ost-Afrika VII, 595 S. Dietrich Reimer, Berlin
(1932) Memorandum to the Game Department. Typescript
Boshe, J.I.
(1984) Demographic Characteristics of the Warthog Population of the Eastern
Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology 22, 43-47
Boyd, W.
(1982) An Ice Cream War. Hamish Hamilton, London
Bridges, R.C.
(1963) The British Exploration of East Africa, 1788-1885. Ph.D. Thesis,
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Bridges, R.C.
(1963) The Royal Geographic Society and the African Exploration Fund 187680. Geographical Journal CXXXIX, 25-35
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Centre Scientific Report 1990-1992, 60-68
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(2000) Inside the Selous. Tanzania Wildlife/Kakakuona, 17, 42 – 43
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(1997) Cooperative Hunting and Group Size: Assumptions and Currencies.
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List of Tanzania Wildlife Discussion Papers
1. Baldus, R. D. (1987) Wildlife Conservation and Wildlife Management in Africa (Reader).
2. Sommerlatte, M. (1988) A Wildlife Management Plan for Communal Areas Surrounding the
Selous Game Reserve.
3. Lerise, F. and Schüler, U. (1998) Conflicts between Wildlife and People.
4. Baldus, R. D. (1989) Village Participation in Wildlife Management.
5. Mitzlaff, V. U. (1989) The Situation of Women in Settlements Bordering the Selous Game
6. Ndunguru, F. I. (1989) Big Animals and Big Problems.
7. Rohs, W. (1989) Konzept einer ökologisch verträglichen Tourismusentwicklung im Norden des
Selous Game Reserve-Tanzania.
8. (No author). (1990) Draft Management Plan for the Selous Game Reserve.
9. Rohs, W. (1991) The Environmental Impact of Tourism in the Northern Selous
Game Reserve (Translation by R. D. Baldus).
10. Lerise, F., Mwamfupe,D., Schüler. (No year) Sustainable Management of
Natural Resources in the Liwale Buffer Zone.
11. Hyera, J.M.K. (1990) Veterinary and Virological Aspects Associated with Driving Cattle on
Foot via a Stock Route Through the Selous Game Reserve.
12. Baldus, R. D., Bigurube, G., Krischke, H., and Ndunguru, I. (1991) Community Wildlife
Management around the Selous Game Reserve.
13. (No author). (1992) Preliminary Management Plan Selous Game Reserve.
14. Hayata, R. and Kachera, I. (1992) Natural Resource Management by Self-Help Promotion.
15. Stronach, N. (1993) Checklist of the Birds of Selous Game Reserve.
16. Baldus, R. D., Krischke, H., Lyamuya, V., and Ndunguru, I. (1994) People and Wildlife
Experience From Tanzania.
17. Baldus, R. D. and Stronach, N. (1994) Bibliography on Selous Game Reserve.
18. Kilindo, J., Ligogi, M., Magona, S., Mfaume, M., Stronach, N. (1994) A List of Vernacular
of Wild Animals of Selous Game Reserve.
19. Stronach, N. and Siege, L. (1995) The Elephants of the Selous Game Reserve and their
20.Hoffman, R. H. (1995) Land Use Conflicts and Habitat Conservation Magombera Forest
Tanzania (Red Colobus Monkey).
21. Booth, W. and Games, I. (1996) Financial Potential of the Selous Game Reserve and its Buffer
22. Gillingham, S. (1997) Do all Peasants Farmers Look Alike? The Socio-economic Context for
Community Wildlife Management around The Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania.
23. Gillingham, S. (1998) Conservation Attitudes of Villagers Living Next to the Selous Game
24. Masunzu, C. (1998) Assessment of Crop Damage and Application of Non-Lethal Deterrents for
Crop-Protection East of Selous Game Reserve.
25.Hofman, R. H., Pitra, C. and Lieckfeldt D. (1999) Phylogenetische Differenzierung von
Subpopulationen der Rappanantilope (Hippotragus Niger) in Ostrafrika.
26. Winnegge, R. (1999) An Assessment of the Water Resources in the Saadani Game Reserve
Tanzania and Proposals for their Development.
27. Siege, L. (2000) From Decline to Recovery. The Elephants of the Selous.
28. Baldus, R. D., Siege, L., Stronach, N. (2001) Bibliography on Selous Game Reserve.
29. Baldus, R. D., Hahn, R., Kaggi, D., Kaihula, S., Mahundi, C. C., Murphee, M., Roettcher,
K., Siege, L. and Zacharia, M. (2001) Experiences with Community Based Wildlife Conservation
in Tanzania.
30. Baldus, R. D., Broska, D., Roettcher, K. (2001) Saadani: An Introduction to Tanzania’s Future
13th National Park.
31. Booth, V., Majamba, H., Nangale, G. (2002) Procedures for Communities to Enter into Joint
Ventures in WMAs.
32. Junge, H. (2002) Decentralisation and Community-Based Natural Resource Management in
33. Bloesch, U. and Klötzli, F. (2002) The Vegetation of the Saadani National Park and Possible
Conservation and Management Strategies.
34. Baldus, R. D., Hahn, D., Mpanduji, G.D. and Siege, L. (2003) The Selous-Niassa Wildlife
35. Stronach, N. (2003) Checklist of Birds of Selous Game Reserve.
36. Gastorn, G. K. (2003) The Legal Environment for Tourist Investments on Village Land outside
Wildlife Management Areas.
37. Bloesch, U. and Klötzli, K. (2004) Coastal Forests in Saadani National Park – Conservation
Values and Management Strategies.
38. Ngoti, P. M. and Baldus R. D. (2004) HIV/AIDS and the Wildlife Sector in Tanzania.
39. Ngowe, N. M. (2004) The Role of Local Communities in Wildlife Management: A Case
Study of the Serengeti Regional Conservation Project.
40. Baldus, R.D. (2004) Bibliography of Saadani National Park.
41. Baldus, R. D. (2004) Lion Conservation in Tanzania Leads to Serious Human – Lion Conflict.
With A Case Study of Man Eating Lions.
42. Treydte, A. (2004) Ecosystem Studies on the former Mkwaja Ranch and the Saadani National
Park between 2001 and 2005.
43. Shilunga, R. (2005) Proposal for a Management Plan: Liparamba Game Reserve/Mbinga
44. Baldus, R.D., Siege, L. and Stronach, N. (2005) Bibliography on Selous Game Reserve.
Revised 2005.
45. Rustagi, D. (2005) What the Kidunda Dam will Destroy: Ecological and Socio-economic Value
of Gonabis, Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania. With a Foreword by Rolf D. Baldus
All available Discussion Papers can be downloaded from: