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DORSET SOLDIERS CASTINGS PAINTED FIGURE collectors might like to know that painted figures and sets can also be produced from the castings lists. ABOUT DORSET SOLDIERS Dorset Soldier castings are approximately 54mm tall and cast in white metal. Please ask the exact height if you want figures to fit in with other soldiers in your collection. Castings are supplied straight from the mould and will need flash cleaning with a knife and file before painting. I can quote to clean and assemble figures for you, if you prefer this. As many of the figures are made to collectors’ own specifications, the style of figures varies from slight, traditional toys in the old ‘Britains’ format to detailed, chunky, near-models. I have tried to reflect this in the descriptions. Please contact me if you have an idea you wish to explore. Spare parts are available to repair broken old soldiers or convert figures in the lists. I can quote to repair your broken old soldiers. Painted figures can be produced from any figure in the lists or designed for you. Due to the lead content in the figures I do not supply figures to children under 14 years old. You may see figures reviewed in the modelling press which do not yet appear in the catalogue. Updates do not always keep up with production of new items. Please contact me for details if you want to know more about them. CONTACTING DORSET SOLDIERS By phone: 01305 823003. I am always pleased to hear from you and offer any help I can. If I am not immediately available then please leave a message on the answering machine and I will get back to you. Credit card orders can safely be left on the machine as I am the only person to hear them. By email: . Please send credit card details split into two emails. By website: . By post: Please use the enclosed order form or a letter if you prefer, and send to: Dorset Soldiers, 48 Fortuneswell, Portland, Dorset, DT5 1LZ, U.K. U U U U ORDERING YOUR FIGURES - please read these notes or the rest of the catalogue will not make sense. Figures are complete, traditional toy style unless otherwise stated. Please tell me if you would like any of the figures beheaded and drilled to take a different head. These extra parts are not included in the price of the figure. Where a figure is not complete (see abbreviations below) spare parts are in the J, K or WBC lists unless the figure description says otherwise. ABBREVIATIONS M Marching. B Old ‘Britains’ spares. CAV Cavalry figure. EFS Early foreign service helmet. FS Foreign service helmet. L Left arm. R Right arm. INF NA NH NLA NRA OFF Normally a foot figure in belted tunic and plain trousers. Description as infantry does not exclude other uses. No arms. No head. No left arm. No right arm. Officer. PRICE CODES Most foot figures are Price code b. Most heads and arms are Price code a. Other figure descriptions are followed by a Price code or price. Some list headings have extra information. a. 40p i. – q. £109.00 b. £3.30 j. £16.30 r. £12.20 c. £4.10 k. £9.00 s. £3.70 d. £18.60 l. £1.90 t. £11.50 e. £6.30 m. £27.00 u. £5.20 f. £7.20 n. £64.00 v. £23 g. £86 o. £45.00 w. h. £72 p. £90.00 JANUARY 2010 Casting List A The British Army at Home Bodies Price code b, unless otherwise stated. Arms from list K. Horses and riders in lists A to L are cast as one piece, with the horses hollowed out under the belly. 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 Line INF M. NRA. Line INF M. NLA. Guards OFF. M. NRA. Guardsman. M. NLA. Guardsman at attention with rifle. Line INF M. NA. Line INF at attention. NA. Line INF M. NA. wearing apron drilled to take Bass and Tenor Drums. 10 INF. NA. NH. at attention wearing apron drilled to take Bass and Tenor Drums. 11 Line INF. at ease. NRA. 12 Line INF. Bugler. M. 13 to 24 represent a marching Line Infantry Band. Castings include figure and instrument, except 15. 13 Drum Major. 14 Side Drum. 14a Adult side drummer. £2.25. 15 Bass Drummer. No drum. To complete, order K35 or K251. 16 Trumpet. 17 Trombone. 18 Euphonium. 19 Flute. 20 Clarinet. 21 Cymbals. 22 Bassoon. 23 Large Euphonium (Eb Bass) 24 Saxophone. 25 Kneeling figure, Artillery head. NA. 26 Kneeling man in side hat. 27 Wounded man (see H 63). 28 Nurse Walking. 29 Line INF Standard Bearer. M. New engraved colours plain, Union Jack or Regimental Standard. Please specify. Price code c. 30 Line INF Maxim Gunner (see H 64). 31 Line INF NA. to present arms. 32 Line INF OFF at ease, riding breeches and boots, NA. (Drilled to take binoculars). 33 Line INF in half boots standing to receive cavalry. 34 Line INF in half boots kneeling to receive cavalry. 35 Line INF in half boots charging. 36 Cyclist wearing Glengarry (see H 70). 37 INF cook serving food (see H 46). 38 Line INF standing with knife and fork. 39 Hatless man standing with knife, fork and plate. 40 Bandsman walking with plate. 41 Bandsman wearing side hat, seated, reading (see H49 & 50). 42 Line INF seated, eating (see H49 & 50). 43 Line INF Bandsman. NA. seated (see H 65 & 66). 44 Line INF in greatcoat. M. NLA. 45 Lancer. NA. on halted horse. Price code e. 46 Lancer. NA. on walking horse. Price code e. 47 Dragoon. NRA. on halted horse. Price code e. 48 State Coach Footman walking. B. 49 State Coach Attendant. NLA. B.(see K 135). 50 General OFF on walking horse. Price code e. 51 Lancer. NRA. on walking horse. Price code e. 52 Line INF OFF on walking horse. NRA. Price code e. 53 Hussar on trotting horse. NRA. Price code e. 54 Horse standing. Fur saddle cloth. Price code e. 55 CAV groom for A 54. 56 Line INF OFF M. NRA. 57 OFF Pillbox cap, walking with swagger cane. 58 NCO. Pillbox cap, standing with swagger cane. 59 Royal Horse Artillery at attention. NA. 60 Royal Horse Artillery at attention. NRA. 61 62 Scots Bodyguard Archer firing. Scots Bodyguard Archer Standing. NLA. (see K137 & 138). 63 Scots Bodyguard/Yeoman Warder OFF NRA. (see K139). 64 Lifeguard NRA. on horse at halt. Price code e. 65 Lifeguard Bandsman State Dress NA. on horse at halt. Price code e. 66-77 represent complete figures to make up a seated (peaked cap) military band. Seated figures include chairs (see H65). 66 Director of Music standing (see H104 - not included). 67 Bass Drummer standing (see H1O5 - not included). 68 Cornet, seated. 69 Trombone, seated. 70 Euphonium, seated. 71 Clarinet, seated. 72 French Horn, seated. 73 Large Euphonium (Eb Bass) seated. 74 Flute, seated. 75 Bassoon, seated. 76 Tenor Horn, seated. 77 Saxophone, seated. 78 Irish Guards Piper at attention. 79 Guard M. in Greatcoat. NA. 80 Flat Cap at attention (bandsman). NA. 81 Block of 4 Guardsmen at attention. Price code f 82 to 84 represent artillery men c. 1874 wearing pill box. (see H121) 82 Gunner with trail spike. 83 Gunner ramming. 84 NCO at attention. 85 Engineer c.1862 chiseling stone. 86 Gunner in khaki 1906 (see H120). 87 Seated bandsman flat cap, NA 88 Bandsman singing from book 89 Line Infantry at attention 90 Hillco Infantry stretcher bearer 91 Beefeater, NRA, B 92 Guards OFF, attention, with paper Queen‟s Colour Price code c 93 Line Infantry OFF, attention, with paper Dorset Regimental Colour. Price code c 94 Lancer charging. Copy of 1st version B. Needs K283 plus arm to complete. Price code e 95 to 107 transferred from list F 95 Woman's Royal Army Corps (WRAC) bandswoman standing. NA. (See H65). 96 WRAC Bandswoman seated. NA. (See H65 & 66) See also WBC 118 97 WRAC, M. Copy of „Cherilea‟ figure 98 ATS band WW2, NA, M. Based on 97 99 to 107 represent WW2 subjects in battledress wearing helmets, except 99 99 INF. in beret. M. NA. 100 Artilleryman with shell. 101 Artilleryman with long shell. 102 Artilleryman kneeling with long shell 103 Artilleryman arms spread 104 INF at ease NA. 105 INF, at ease with rifle 106 INF, M.NA 107 INF, charging NA 108 to 112 represent old Britains style Guards wearing half boots 108 Officer NA. Can be completed with K17 109 Standing firing 110 Kneeling firing 111 Standing to receive cavalry 112 Kneeling to receive cavalry 113 Crescent WW2 radio operators. 3 part set Price code k 114 Wounded man on stretcher 115 Line infantry, running, NRA, B 116 Lancer officer turned in the saddle kit, B Price code k 117a Musketeer, 1670 firing. Price code c 117b Musketeer, 1670 advancing. Price code c 118 Lancer NRA, on cantering horse kit, B. Price code k Trotting lancer can be created with F156 & J3 plus K142 Casting List B The British Army Overseas Bodies Price code b, unless otherwise stated. Arms from list K. Horses and riders in list B are cast as one piece, with the horses hollowed out under the belly. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 CAV. EFS. NRA. on trotting horse. Price code e. Camel walking. Price code f. Camel rider. FS. with carbine. Camel rider. FS. OFF. NRA. INF. FS. half boots. M. NRA. INF. FS. puttees. M. NRA. OFF. FS. puttees. M. NRA. OFF. FS. half boots. M. NRA. OFF. EFS. boots. M. NRA. OFF. Slouch hat, breeches & puttees. M. NRA. OFF. Wolseley helmet, breeches & boots. M.NRA. INF. FS. NA. at attention. INF. M. NA. Wolseley helmet, shorts and puttees. INF. FS. in puttees. M. NLA. INF. EFS. half boots. M. NLA. INF. EFS. running. NA. Seated man. FS. (see H 67). INF. puttees. EFS. charging. OFF. EFS. looking through binoculars. Boer War Yeoman. NRA. trotting horse (see K119). Price code e. 21 OFF. FS. NRA. on walking/trotting horse. Price code e. 22 to 26 represent the 24th Foot in the Zulu War. 22 OFF. with pistol (can be drilled to take flag K120). 23 Kneeling firing. 24 Standing firing. 25 Running rifle across waist. 26 Wounded Bugler. 27 Maxim Gunner in puttees. FS. (see H64). 28 INF. FS. standing to receive cavalry. 29 INF. FS. kneeling to receive cavalry. 30 Stretcher Bearer. EFS. half boots. M. 31 EFS. standing to receive cavalry. 32 EFS. kneeling to receive cavalry. 33-40 represent British Infantry in action in WW1. They have waist belt equipment, and so can be converted to earlier periods & foreign armies with suitable head changes. 33 OFF. with cane and pistol. 34 Standing firing. 35 Kneeling firing. 36 Lying firing. 37 Charging. 38 Maxim Gunner (see H 64). 39 Dead man, bare headed. 40 Stick Grenadier. 41 Flying Corps OFF. 42 Flying Corps Sergeant saluting. 43 Flying Corps Mechanic (see H 89). 44 Flying Corps Mechanic, washing plane. 45-48 represent a Gun Crew wearing shirt sleeves in action for the Sudan, Boer or WWl. Use with H4, II, 72 or 73 as appropriate 45 OFF. in side hat with pistol. 46 Bare headed gunner opening breach. 47 Bare headed gunner with shell. 48 Gunner with head bandaged, to take shell. 49 24th. Foot lying dead. 50 24th. Foot, bare headed. NRA. staggering, wounded. 51 OFF. FS. seated, wounded. 52 WW1 peaked cap, at ease. NA. 53 WW1 peaked cap, action pose. NA. 54 WW1 peaked cap, kneeling. NA. 55 OFF. EFS. L arm raised NRA. 56 FS kneeling NA. 57 FS signaller with flags. 58 FS figure in action pose, NA 59 to 65 Rourkes Drift Defenders 59 Chard with pistol and rifle 60 Bromhead pointing 61 Colour Sergeant Bourne 62 24th Bugle boy playing 63 24th charging 64 24th in shirt sleeves with sack 65 24th in shirt sleeves with box 66 to 67 transferred to Studio 112 range 68 to 70 Foreign Service figures to sit in lorries or boats 68 Rifle between legs, puttees 69 Rifle between legs, Wolseley helmet, WW1 70 As 69 but rifle by side 71 FS firing, B 72 Boer War figure, wearing Glengarry NA, advancing 73 Wagon driver/ machine gunner, WBC 33 head. 74 Light Infantry Bugler (KOYLI) Malaya, post WW2. Price code c 75 FS attention, NLA. Based on Britains artillery body 76 to 78 From Rourkes Drift 76 24th foot lying firing 77 Gunner Cantwell clubbing with rifle 78 Reverend Smith with pistol & Bible Casting List C The French Army Bodies Price code b, unless otherwise stated. Arms from list K. Horses and riders in list C are cast as one piece, with the horses hollowed out under the belly. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Turco/Zouave running. NA. Turco/Zouave. M. slope arms. Turco/Zouave. M. NRA. Turco/Zouave. OFF. running. NRA. Turco/Zouave charging. French Colonial INF. with pack, firing. French Colonial INF. with pack. M. NRA. French Colonial INF. with blanket roll. M. NRA. French Colonial INF. with blanket roll, standing to receive cavalry. 10 Senegalaise. M. slope arms. 11 Senegalaise. M. NRA. 12 Sailor in greatcoat. M. NRA. 13 to 25 represent a marching Infantry or Foreign Legion Band. Castings include figure and instrument. 13 Drum Major. 14 Side Drum. 15 Bass Drum. Price code c. 16 Trumpet. 17 Trombone. 18 Euphonium. 19 Jingling Johnny. Price code c. 20 Clarinet. 21 Cymbals. 22 Bassoon. 23 Saxophone. 24 Large Euphonium (Eb Bass). 25 French Horn. 26 St Cyr Cadet. OFF. M. NRA. 27 St Cyr Cadet. M. slope arms. 28 Chasseurs Alpins. OFF. M. NRA. 29 Chasseurs Alpins. M. NRA. 30 Chasseurs Alpins. M. slope arms. 31 INF. OFF. M. NRA. 32 INF. in greatcoat. M. slope arms. 33 Foreign Legion. M. slope arms. 34 Foreign Legion. M. NRA. 35 Arab/Spahi. NRA. on trotting horse. Price code e. 36 Arab/Spahi. NRA. on galloping horse. Price code e. 43 to 45 can convert to other French mounted figures with suitable head changes. 43 Chasseur a Cheval. NRA. on trotting horse. Price code e. 44 OFF. NRA. on cantering horse. Price code e. 45 St Cyr Cadet. NRA. on walking horse. Price code e. 46 Chasseur d'Afrique NRA.on trotting horse. Price code e. 47 Sakalave Madagascan. INF. M. NRA. 48 to 58 represent French Infantry in Action 1880 to WW1. Officers wear tunics, men wear greatcoats, (see J80, 51 & 74). 48 OFF. with flag and pistol. 49 OFF. looking through binoculars. List C continued 50 Man charging. 51 Standing to receive cavalry. 52 Kneeling to receive cavalry. 53 Standing firing. 54 Kneeling firing. 55 Lying firing. 56 Bugler. 57 Hotchkiss machine gunner. 58 Machine gun loader. 59 Senegalaise Spahi. NRA. trotting. Price code e. 60 Senegalaise Spahi. NRA. galloping. Price code e. 61 Zouave/Turco firing. 62 Mounted Spahi/Arab firing rifle on galloping horse. Price code e. 63 Artillery man on guard. 64 Artillery man bending. NLA. 65 Senegalaise. M. slope arms, full length jacket. 66 Senegalaise standing firing. 67 Senegalaise kneeling firing. 68 Senegalaise. M. NA. 69 Colonial Infantry. M. slope arms. 70 Colonial Infantry. M. NA. 71 Colonial Infantry standing firing. 72 Colonial Infantry kneeling firing. 73 Colonial Infantry kneeling. NA. and no pack. 74 Turcos/Zouaves. M. NA. 75 Turcos/Zouaves French Officer. M. NRA. 76 Turcos Native Officer. M. NRA. 77 Turcos/Zouaves attention at the slope. 78 Turcos/Zouaves attention. NA. 79 Turcos/Zouaves French Officer. NRA. attention. 80 Turcos/Zouaves Hotchkiss Gunner and Gun. 81 Turcos/Zouaves Hotchkiss Loader 82 Turcos/Zouaves Bass Drummer. Can be completed with K203 82a Turco/Zouaves side drummer 83 Legionnaire to ride mule (see H113). 84 Senegalaise kneeling to receive cavalry. 85 Senegalaise standing to receive cavalry. 86 Colonial INF. standing to receive cavalry. 87 Colonial INF. kneeling to receive cavalry. 88 Colonial INF. Farrier. M. NRA. 89 Colonial INF. attention. NA. 90 Turcos/Zouaves attention, slope arms, saluting. 91 Turcos/Zouaves Farrier. M. NRA. 92 French OFF. NRA on walking horse. Price code e. 93 Legionnaire slope arms, attention. 94 Legionnaire slope arms, attention, saluting. 95 Legionnaire. NA. attention. 96 Legionnaire. NA.M. 97-105 represent Fusiliers Marines (sailors) in Colonial Helmets. 97 M. slope arms. 98 To pull gun/limber. 99 Attention. NA. 100 Standing firing. 101 Kneeling firing. 102 Advancing. 103 Running NA. 104 Attention slope arms. 105 Attention slope arms, saluting. 106 Zouave to receive cav. 107 Line INF. NA. M. 108 Line INF. advancing fixed bayonet. 109 Line INF. dead. 110 Zouave dead. 111 Artillery man with open arms. 112 Artillery man with shell. 113 Dismounted CAV. wearing shako firing. 114 Dismounted CAV. wearing shako on guard. 115 Cuirassier NRA. on walking horse. Price code e. 116 - 120 represent Foreign Legion wearing greatcoats. (For officers see C48, 49 & 75). 116 Charging. 117 Standing firing. 118 Kneeling firing. 119 Lying firing. 120 Bugler. 121 Anamite (Vietnam Colonial troops) M. NA. A band of native musicians can be made using 121 with multiples of flute (K25), nouba (K201) and: 121a Large Gongs on pole. Price code b. To complete, order 2 x 121 & 2 x K39(R) & 2 x K49 121b plug in frame holding 5 gongs/drums. Price code b. To complete, order 1 x 121 & K39(L&R) 121c Thin plug in drum. Price code a. To complete, order 1 x 121 & K40(L&R) 122 Anamite M. Slope arms. 123 Colonial artillery lying. 124 Colonial artillery driver M. 125 Colonial artillery slung rifle. M. 126 'Train' slung rifle. M. 127 'Train' driver. M. 128 to 131: Anamites. See K218 to 220 128 Running, NA 129 M, NA 130 Advancing, NRA 131 Advancing, high port 132 to 135: French colonial Chinese troops 132 At ease 133 M, slope 134 M, NA 135 Mounted NRA, trot horse 136 Sakalave (Madagascan) at ease 137 Sakalave (Madagascan) casual pose 138 Camel-borne wounded, 2 per camel. Includes sun hood. Price code j. To complete, order B2 139 Hammock-borne wounded. Price code c. To complete, order 2 x G23 or 26 140 Seated colonial wounded, 2 per animal. Price code f. To complete, order B2 or H10 141 As 140 but Turco/Zouave 142 Home service stretcher bearer 143 Legionnaire to ride camel. To complete, order B2 144 INF in tunic, charging 145 Foreign Legion bandsman, attention NA. To complete, order WBC arms 146 to 152 are copies of old Britains Foreign Legion or French Infantry 146 Officer M, NRA. Can be completed with K308 147 Officer Kneeling, NA. Can be completed with K17 148 Machine gunner 149 Kneeling firing 150 Standing firing 151 Charging 152 M, NRA. Can be completed with K12 153 Kneeling gunner, NA 154 Officer, at ease B. Can be completed with K17 Casting List D The Indian Army Bodies Price code b, unless otherwise stated. Arms from list K unless otherwise stated. Horses and riders in list D are cast as one piece, with the horses hollowed out under the belly. 1 Sowar (cavalryman) NRA. on trotting horse. Price code e. 2 Sowar. NRA. on walking/trotting horse. Price code e. 3 OFF. NRA. on walking/trotting horse. Price code e. 4 Madras Sowar. NRA. on trotting horse. Price code e. 5 Sikh. NA. on walking horse. Price code e. 6 INF. M. NRA. 7 Punjabi Mussalman Piper 8 INF. kneeling. NH. NA. 10 INF. M. NH. NA. 11 Punjabi Mussalman present arms. 12 Dogra present arms. 13 Running INF. NA. 14 Erinpura Regiment. M. NRA. 15 Erinpura Regiment. M. NLA. 16 Dogra. M. NA. 17 Dogra Colour Bearer. M. Price code c. Plain colour or Union Jack, please specify which you require. 18 to 29 represent a Dogra Regiment band marching. Castings include figure and instrument, except 19. 18 Drum Major. 19 Bass Drummer. No drum. To complete, order K35 20 Side Drum. List D continued 21 Trumpet. 22 Euphonium. 23 Trombone. 24 Clarinet. 25 Flute. 26 Saxophone. 27 Large Euphonium (Eb Bass). 28 Cymbals 29 Bassoon 30 CAV. NRA. galloping on solid horse developed from Britians' figure. Price code e. 31 Ghurkha, puttees, M, NA 32 Ghurkha, plain trousers, M, NA 33 Sikh, M, NA 34 Dismounted Lancer attention 35 Sepoy at ease. Small stature 37 to 40: Ghurkha Pipe band in pillboxes and puttees, marching 37 Piper 38 Drum Major 39 Side drummer 40 Bass/ tenor drummer. No drum. To complete, order K35 or K36 41 to 44: Ghurkhas in pillboxes and puttees in action 41 Charging 42 Firing 43 Attacking with Kukri 44 M, slung rifle 45 Ghurkha slouch hat & puttees, M, NA. 46 to 49: Pakistan Artillery Pipe Band Marching 46 Drum Major 47 Piper 48 Side Drummer 49 Bass/ tenor drummer. No drum. To complete, order K35 or 36 50 Palanpur OFF, M, NRA. To complete, order WBC arms 51 Palanpur Sepoy, M, NA. To complete, order WBC arms 52 to 55: Rajputana Rifles band 52 M, NA. To complete, order WBC arms 53 Drum Major 54 Bass, side or tenor drummer. No drum. To complete, order K 35, 36 or 37 55 Side drummer 56 Indian Officer, casual pose 57 Ghurkha running with kukri 58 is a modern Ghurkha Pipe band 58a Drum Major 58b Bass drummer. £4.40 58c Tenor drummer. £3.15 58d Side drummer 58e Piper 59 Indian Infantry at attention. Price code c each 59a Grounded arms 59b Slope arms 59c Bugler 59d Officer Casting list E 14 15 16 16a 17 18 19 Highlander. EFS. kneeling to receive cavalry. Highlander. EFS. standing to receive cavalry. OFF. EFS. standing NRA. EFS. Piper. Highlander. WW1 .NA .M. Highlander bandsman. NA. at attention. Highlander in Glengarry, arms in the air (to hang washing out). 19a Bare headed highlander with kilt over arms. Washing line see H 54 20 Modern Lowland INF. in Glengarry. NLA. (see K9 or K134). 21 Lowland Colour Bearer. Price code c. Regimental colour or Union Jack, please specify which you require 22 Lowland Sergeant Major. 23 Highlander, Wolseley helmet, presenting arms. 24 Dead, bare headed Highlander. 25 Piper in Bonnet at attention. 26 Royal Scots (Bandsman). NA. M. 27 Side drummer, at ease, FS head 28 OFF, firing pistol, FS head (can hold flag K120) 29 to 35: Beefier design, using WBC33 head 29 Falling wounded 30 Charging 31 M, NLA. To complete, order WBC65. 32 RSM advancing pointing, NRA. To complete, order WBC66 33 OFF advancing 34 Standing firing 35 Kneeling firing 36 to 41 are copies of old Britains Scots wearing foreign service helmets 36 Officer standing, NA. Can be completed with K17 37 Officer kneeling, NA. Can be completed with K17 38 Kneeling firing 39 Standing firing 40 Lying firing 41 Charging 42 Highlander dancing 43 Crossed swords for 42. Price code a 44 Cameronian, attention with rifle 45 Cameronian running at trail, drill order. Price code c 46 Copies of Britains Highlanders in full dress. 46a Mounted Officer kit. Price code k 46b Charging 46c Piper 47 Cameronian / H.L.I. bandsman, NA, seated. Suitable arms & drums can be purchased from the WBC list. 48 Scot running, 1st version, no weapon, B. See K108 & 309 Casting List F British Colonial European and Miscellaneous All Naval figures from list F have been transferred to list Z, the British to list A, Gurkha to list D, hence the gaps in the list. Scots Bodies Price code b, unless otherwise stated. Arms from list K unless otherwise stated. Horses and riders in list F are cast as one piece, with the horses hollowed out under the belly. Bodies Price code b, unless otherwise stated. Arms from list K unless otherwise stated. 16 17 1 INF. doublet and trews. Royal Scots head. M. NLA. 2 OFF. doublet and trews. Royal Scots head. M. NRA. 3 to 7 represent a Highland Band in full dress, marching. Castings include figure and instrument, except 4. 3 Drum Major. 4 Bass Drummer. No drum. To complete, order K35 5 Side Drum. 6 Tenor Drum. 7 Piper. 8 Piper with Glengarry. 9 Highlander. M. NLA. 10 Highlander. M. NA. 11 Highlander. OFF. M. NRA. 12 Highlander at ease. NH. NA. 13 Highlander in plain doublet, no hat. M. NA. 18 19 20 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 34 35 37 38 Mountie. M. Spanish Royal Bodyguard (Albederos) NRA. at attention. Sudanese INF. standing firing. Sudanese INF. kneeling firing. West India Regiment. M. NA. Sudanese. M. NLA. Egyptian. M. NLA. Egyptian Camel Corps (see B2). Egyptian Cavalry. NRA. on cantering horse. Price code e. Sudanese. M. NRA. Egyptian. M. NRA. Nigeria Regiment. M. NRA. Ethiopian Guard at attention. (B). Evzone present arms. Egyptian standing to receive cavalry. Egyptian kneeling to receive cavalry. List F continued 40 Gold Coast Regiment, Campaign Dress, attention.NA. 41 Gold Coast Regiment, Full Dress. M. NA. 42 Sudanese. M. NRA. B. 43 Togoland Warrior. NRA. (see K165) .B. 44 Mountie (bandsman). NA. M. 46 Kings African Rifleman. M. NA. 47 Ethiopian (post WW1). M. slope arms (copy of Hill figure). 48 Ethiopian (post WW1), slung rifle (copy of Hill figure). 49 German Infantry (1880s) charging. 50 German Infantry (1880s) standing to receive CAV. 51 Bavarian Infantry (1880s) standing to receive CAV. 52 Russian Infantry charging. 53 Russian Infantry standing to receive cavalry. 54 German Guardsman in Mitrecap. (1880's) standing to receive cavalry. 55 Austrian (1890's) to receive cavalry. 56 Austrian (1890's) firing. 57 German (1880's) M. NRA. 58 German (1880's) OFF. running. 59 German (1880's) standing NRA. 60 German (1880's) gunner kneeling NA. 62 Turkish INF. 1900. M. NRA. 63 Turkish INF. 1900 standing firing. 64 Turkish INF. 1900 kneeling firing. 65 Turkish Artillery. NA. Attention. 66 Russian Artillery. NA. Action Pose. 67 Turkish. OFF. 68 German Jaeger. OFF. 69 German Jaeger standing firing. 70 German Jaeger kneeling firing. 71 Prussian dismounted CAV. on guard. 72 Prussian dismounted CAV. firing. 73 Austro-Hungarian INF. charging. 74 Austrian INF. Half boots to receive CAV. 75 Austrian INF. full dress to receive CAV. 76 Prussian colour bearer. Price code c. 77 Prussian cuirassier. NRA. on walking horse. Price code e. The following 3 wounded/dead figures are bare headed and could be used for almost any army. 78 Seated wounded. 79 Dead face down. 80 Dead face up. 81 Prussian side drummer. 82 Austro/Hungarian NA. running. 83 Prussian gunner with shell. 84 Prussian Hussar NRA. on trotting horse Price code e. 85 Prussian Uhlan NRA. on walking horse. Price code e. 88 'Toy town' soldier with popgun at attention. 93 to 95 German flying officers WW1 moved to Studio 112 range 96 Latvian INF, NRA (see K225) 97 Canadian INF in greatcoat, M, NLA 98 Canadian Artillery in winter uniform, shoulder arms, attention 99 Cape Mounted Rifles, shoulder arms, attention 100 New South Wales Cavalryman, M, NRA 101 West India Regiment, B 102 1930‟s Dutch Colonial INF, M, NRA. To complete, order WBC35. 103 Papua New Guinea Police, M, NA (order WBC arms) 104 Africa Corps in pith helmet, M, NRA. To complete, order WBC77. 106 German WW2, attention, NA 107 German WW2, action pose, NA 108 USA WW2, kneeling, NA 109 USA WW2, at ease, NA 110 Congo INF WW1 111 to 113 Garibaldini charging. See also P58 111 OFF, NA 112 Kepi 113 Hat 114 to 117 Neapolitan Infantry. See also P59 114 OFF, NRA 115 Standing firing 116 Standing to receive CAV 117 M, NA. To complete, order T16 arms 118a Austrian Artillery, NA, attention 118b 122 123 138 Austrian Artillery, NA, action pose Russian OFF. To complete, order K17 or 207 Belgian INF WW1, attention, NA Chad INF, attention, NA. To complete, order WBC arms. See WBC 131. 140 Mexican, NA, M. Order WBC arms 141 Mexican standing firing 142 Swede/South American in plumed helmet NA, M developed from B. 147 German, WW1 with carrier pigeon. Price code c 148 Dutch Cyclist 1940, NRA. Can be used to make a cycle band with H70, K35, WBC 36,71, 143c, 158, 159, 160 149 German Frei Corps volunteer 1848 150 & 151. Soviet ski troops WW2 150 Skiing. Price code c 151 Kneeling firing light machine gun 152 Irish Inf. 1922, Greatcoat, M,NA. Can be completed with WBC arms 153 Japanese charging, B 154 Japanese M, NRA 155 Cossack kit, NRA, B. Price code k 156 Japanese cavalry kit, NRA, B. Price code k 157 Russian INF, M, NRA, B 158 Papal Swiss Guard, NRA, B. See K 323 159 New Zealand INF, attention, NA 160 U.S. Infantry in the Philippines before WW1. Price code c each 160a M, slope arms 160b M, Officer 160c M, with flag 160d M, bugler 160e Advancing fixed bayonet 160f Firing 160g Officer advancing 160h Advancing with flag 160j Bugler advancing 161 Moros, Southern Philippine rebels. Price code c each 161a Standing firing 161b Rifle at waist 161c Standing with sword and shield 161d Charging with sword and shield 161e Charging with rifle 161f Charging with flag 161g Woman 161h Child 162 Swiss in Greatcoat, £3.85 each 162a Officer 162b Marching, slope arms 162c Bugler 163 Singapore Ghurkha policeman. Price code c 164 Israeli infantry 1948. Price code c each 164a Running with sten gun 164b Running pointing 164c Charging, fixed bayonet 164d Firing rifle 164e Firing pistol 164f Standing slung rifle Casting list G Opposition Forces and Native NonCombatants Bodies Price code b, unless otherwise stated. Arms from list K unless otherwise stated. Horses and riders in list G are cast as one piece, with the horses hollowed out under the belly. 1 2 3 4 5 5a 6 6a 6b 6c 6d Zulu King leaning on a staff (see H23, 24 & 25). Zulu woman kneeling with pot on head. Zulu Induna (OFF). Zulu kneeling with spear. Zulu advancing with spear. Zulu advancing with knobkerry. Zulu running with knobkerry. Zulu running throwing spear. Zulu standing firing. Zulu lying dead. Kneeling firing Zulu List G continued 6e Zulu in jacket, rifle and shield held aloft 6f Zulu in jacket, advancing with spear and shield 6g Zulu climbing roof 6h Dead Zulu lying on his back 7 Kneeling Dervish/Arab/Pathan/Chinese (see K124127). 8 Fuzzy Wuzzy (Hadendowa) advancing with sword & shield. 9 Pathan/Dervish/Arab advancing. NA. (See K14, 15,57,58,87,88, 196). 10 Arab in fez running with knife and spear. 11 Black Flag/Chinese/Civilian. M. NRA. 12 Black Flag/Chinese/Asian Civilian in turban. M. NA. 13 Boer. NRA. on galloping horse. Price code e. 14 Boer. NRA. turned in the saddle of standing horse. Price code e. 15 Boer Artilleryman standing to receive cavalry. 16 Boer kneeling firing. 17 Boer. M. NRA. 18 Dahomey Native charging with rifle. 19 Dahomey Amazon charging with machete and rifle. 20 to 26 are designed to carry loads from List H. 20 Native in loincloth. M. NA. 21 Native in skirt, right arm up. NLA. 22 Native in skirt, raised arms. 23 Native in skirt, right arm up, left arm down. 24 Native in skirt. NLA. spear in right hand. 25 Native in loincloth, left arm up. NRA. 26 Native in loincloth, left arm up, right arm down. 27 White hunter. M. NRA. 28 Arab. NRA. to ride camel (B 2). 29 Turbaned native driver with whip. M. 30 African driver with whip. 31 Zulu running stabbing upwards with spear. 32 Ethiopian with sword. 33 Ethiopian, no weapon, to take spear or jazail from List K. 34 Arab firing. 35 Arab charging. NRA. 36 Mounted Arab. NRA. 2 part kit. Price code k. 37 Afghan/Taliban at ease, NA 38 Hillco Ethiopian 39 Indian Mahout to sit on Elephant‟s neck 40 As 20 but in pants 41 to 44 are copies of old Britains Arabs, the two mounted figures being kits, and can be completed with K14,15, 243, or 303 41 Arab running NRA 42 Arab NRA, on galloping horse. Price code k 43 Arab NRA, on camel. Price code j 44 Arab M, NLA 45 Matabele woman (see H 185) Casting List H Artillery, support groups, vehicles and scenery Bodies Price code b, unless otherwise stated. Arms from list K unless otherwise stated. Horses and riders in list H are cast as one piece, with the horses hollowed out under the belly. 1 2 3 3a 4 5 6a 6b Walking horse in harness with mounted driver Ball-topped helmet. Price code e. Walking horse in harness with valise. Price code e. Limber kit consisting of: limber, 2 wheels and axle wire. Please specify RHA or RFA (with arm support) top. Price code j. Bullock drawn conversion of 3 (see H27 & H62). Price code j. RHA/RFA gun kit consisting of: gun carriage and two seats casting, barrel and two wheels. Price code j. Spare wheel for gun and limber. B. Price code l. Crew seated, ball topped helmet, hands in lap. Price code b. As 6a, but arms folded. Price code b. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26a 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Tracing frame for gun team assembly (as used on late „Britains‟ gun teams). Price code l. Wire for assembly of teams (alternative to H7,as used on early „Britains‟ gun teams Price code l. Gun Team consisting of: 3 x No 1 horse and driver, 3 x No 2 horse with valise, 1 x No 3 limber kit, 1 x No 4 gun kit, 4 x No 6 crew, 2 x No 7 tracing frames, plus wire. Assembly sheet on request. Price code g. Pack mule walking. Price code e. Mountain Gun Kit consisting of: 2 wheels, barrel, gun carriage including axle wire (can be carried on 3 mules). Price code j. 2 linked Ammunition Boxes (can be carried by one mule ) Price code l Spare Mountain Gun wheel. Price code l. Mountain Gun Team consisting of: 4 x No. 10 mules, 1 x No. 11 gun kit, 1 x No. 12 ammunition boxes, 6 x B6, 2 x K19, 4 x K21,1 x B21 Mounted Officer plus K4. (Figures other than B6 can be substituted on request). Price code h. G.S.Wagon kit consisting: 2 sides, base, seat/foot board, tail board, front axle and pole, assembly wire, screw, 2 front and 2 back wheels. Assembly sheet on request. Price code m. Spare back wagon wheel. Price code l. Spare front wagon wheel. Price code l. Wagon hood (cotton representing canvas) plus support wire. Price code c. G.S.Wagon kit complete, consisting of: 1 x No. 15 G.S.Wagon, 1 x No. 1 Horse with Driver, 1 x No. 2 Horse with Valise, 2 x No. 6 Crew. Assembly sheet on request. Price code o. Ambulance Wagon Kit consisting of: 1 x No. 15 GS Wagon Kit, 1 x No. 18 Hood, 2 x No. 1 Horse with Driver, 2 x No. 2 Horse with Valise, 2 x No. 6 Crew, 1 x No. 7 Tracing Frame. Assembly sheet on request. Price code n. Barrel. Price code l. Lady's bicycle. Price code b. Semi flat Zulu hut. Price code c. Semi flat rough wood fence. Price code b. Semi flat tree. Price code b. Water Barrel Cart. 4 part kit consisting of 2 part barrel/frame castings and 2 wheels. Can be drawn by horses, mules or bullocks. Price code d. „Fireman' conversion of 26 (see L 21 & set 811). Price code d. Bullock with yoke (see H3a and H 26). Price code e. Large crate with lid. Can be carried slung from pole by native bearers, or as a wagon load. Price code b. Without lid. Price code l Dog walking. Price code l. Cloth Union Jack on pole without base, for Colour Bearer, tent top or just standing. Price code l Box. Price code l. Ivory. Price code l. Grass Clump. Price code b. Gatling gun. 4 part kit consisting of: gun, trail and wheels. Price code j. Maltese cart consisting of shafted cart and wheels. Mule or horse drawn. Price code j. Pontoon boat. Price code d. Pontoon Wagon Kit consisting of: 8 castings for wagon body, front axle and pole, 4 wheels, wire and screw. Assembly sheet on request. Price code m. Boards to cross Pontoon boats. Price code j. Pontoon Wagon. Complete kit consisting of: 1 x No. 37 Wagon Kit, 1 x No. 36 Boat, 1 x No. 38 Boards, 2 x No. 1 Horse and Driver, 2 x No. 2 Horse with Valise, 1 x No. 7 Tracing Frame. Assembly sheet on request. Price code g. Maxim gun on Infantry Carriage. 4 part kit consisting of gun and shield, tubular carriage and 2 wheels. Price code j. Shafted limber for 40. Limber, wire and 2 wheels. Mule or Horse drawn. Price code j. Dead Leopard slung from pole (load for 2 natives). Price code b. Walking Mule, harness, but no saddle (to pull vehicles). Price code e. Metal Flag Pole and Base. Price code c. List H continued 45 Limbered wagon consisting of 2 square wagon bodies, axle wire & 4 x No. 16 wheels. Price code m. 46 Cook Wagon. As H45 with addition of a cooker top and chimney. Price code m. To complete H45 and H46, order H1 and H2, plus H47. 47 Link Wire for H45 and H46. Price code a. 48 Crate, part filled with boxes, and lid. Price code l. 49 Bench kit consisting of 2 leg castings, and wood top. Price code b. 50 Table kit consisting of 4 leg castings, and wood top. Price code c. 51 Stand of arms, of 3 rifles with fixed bayonets. Price code l. 52 Plate with food and cup. Price code a. 53 3 side drums piled. Price code l. 54 Washing line and poles. Price code f. 55 Tent kit consisting of green baize covered base, 5" x 3", pre-cut cotton tent, poles and ridge pole wire. Assembly sheet on request. Price code r. 56 Deciduous tree, semi flat. Price code b. 57 Semi flat bush. Price code l. 58 Small palm tree. Price code b. 59 Large palm tree. Price code c. 60 Camel saddle (to carry mountain gun and ammunition). Price code l 61 Bullock. Price code e. 62 2 cross bars and wire for H 27. Price code l 63 Stretcher (see A 27). Price code l. 64 Maxim gun and ammunition boxes. (See A 30, B27 &B 38). Price code c. 65 Music stand. Price code l. (See A43, F 12 & N28&N29). 66 Chair. Price code l. (See A43, F 12 & 13, N28 &13, 67 Chair with wire supports. (See Set 1817) Price code b. 68 Sack, filled. Price code b. 69 Sack, empty. Price code l. 70 Bicycle (see A36 & L37 etc.). Price code b. 71 75mm gun. The „75‟. Barrel, shield, trail seats/ axle, 2 wheels. Price code d. 72 WW1 13 Pounder gun. Barrel assembly, shield, trail axle, 2 wheels & trail axle spike. Price code d. 73 13 Pounder gun. As H4, with no seats. Price code j. 74 Wire for completion of gun and teams. Price code a 75 Motor cyclist in flat cap on motor cycle. Price code e. 76 Motor cycle side car for H75 including a peaked cap passenger (H75 will need drilling). Price code e. 78 Sports car kit consisting of body, 4 wheels with rubber tyres, peaked cap crew and chassis wire. Based on „Britains‟ vehicle. Assembly sheet on request. Price code m. An alternative civilian crew of man and woman is available on request. 79 Beetle lorry driver. B. Price code b. 80 Complete lorry driver. B. Price code b. 81 Lorry back and tail gate casting. B. Price code b. 82 Left square lorry door. B. Price code l. 83 Right square lorry door. B. Price code l. 84 Howitzer breach cover & centre.B. Price code l 85 Carden Lloyd driver. B. Price code b. 86 Carden Lloyd gunner. B. Price code b. 87 Carden Lloyd gun. B. Price code a. 88 Car/lorry wheel hub. B. Price code a. 89 Tyre. Black rubber. B. Price code a. 90 Complete cast wheel. B. Price code a. 91 Barbed wire section. Price code b. 92 Motor cycle. Driver with goggles. Price code e. 93 Machine gun side car for H92. Price code e. 94 Machine gunner for H93. Price code b. 95 „Britains‟ style gunner to complete H93 & H75. Price code b. 96 Naval limber. 3 part kit and wire. Price code j. (A naval landing party consists of 1 x H11, 1 x H96, 1 x F5 plus K20, 6x F24, plus string as pulling ropes). 97 Vickers machine gun. B. Price code l. 98 Seated horse artilleryman. B. Price code b. 99 Seated ambulance/G S wagon driver. B. Price code b. 100 12 Pounder Napoleon Gun. ACW. Price code d. 101 Barrel height adjuster for „Britains‟ AA gun. Price code a. 102 Barrel Height adjuster for „Britains‟ Naval gun. Price code a. 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 Tall Palm Tree. Price code e. Tall Music Stand (see A46). Price code l. Bass Drum to stand on ground (see A67). Price Code l. Tripod and Mirror. Price code l. Casualty in bed. 5 part kit. Price code e. Large Shell. Price code a. Large Shell Case. Price code a. Small Shell. Price code a. Small Shell Case. Price code a. Lying Camel. Price code f. Riding mule (see C83). Price code e. Hotchkiss gun (load for H10) Price code l. Spanish/French Ammunition Wagon (can be pulled by 2 x H43.) Price code m. Seat to fit „Britains‟ R.F.A. Gun Price code l. 4.7" Naval Gun based on Britain's first version gun. Price code m. For crew see Z2 with K22, Z3 with K64, Z6 & Z15. 4.7" Naval Gun - firing version. Price code o. Bullock drawn Naval Gun, consisting of: H117, H3 adapted for oxen, 6x H27, H62, 3x Z2 + Arms, 2x Z17, 3x G30 Price code q. 6 Pounder Garrison Gun 1906 (see A86). Price code j. Fortress Gun 1870's (see A82-84). Price code j. Dead Horse. Price code e. 5.5" Medium Gun. WW2 onwards. Price code m. For crew see A101 to 104. to 127 crew for ‘Britains’ Austin Champ Driver/crew, NA, for front seats Driver/crew, NA, for front seats, wearing shorts Steering wheel Price code a Rear seated crew, pair Price code f Deck gun on wood carriage: 8 part kit Price code j Cannon balls in frame. Price code l 2cm diameter cartwheel. Price code l British bi-plane: wood, metal & rubber kit Price code n Fokker triplane: wood, metal & rubber kit Price code h Tank: wood, metal & rubber kit Price code o Machine gun bullets hitting ground Price code l Small explosion Price code b Large explosion Price code e Belisha Beacon Give way sign Halt sign „75‟ Caisson kit: 10 parts including fuse setter with shells Price code m Hedge Price code c Gate Price code c Long ruined wall section Price code c Short ruined wall section Price code c Gatepost & ruined wall section Price code c Wall section Price code e 18th/early 19th Century pattern wagon or gun wheel Price code l Fir tree. Price code c French Napoleonic field gun. 8 part kit. Price code d Saddle, including wallets, blanket roll & sword in scabbard for „Britains‟ mazak horse. Price code l Wire cart. Wire reel mounted on a frame with two wheels. Can be pulled by two people. Price code j Telegraph apparatus to sit on a table. Table not provided. Price code l Hilco motorcycle. 3 part kit. Price code f Hilco military motorcyclist 4 pigeons (on sprue for ease of painting). Price code l Lion lying. For Cenotaph or Zoo. Price code c Sack truck. 3 part kit. Price code c Lorry driver in shorts and tin helmet As above, but to drive Britains Beetle lorry Canadian Artillery sledge. 7 parts plus limber and gun. Price code o Palm tree clump, B. Price code j 6.5” Palm tree. Price code j Britains limber kit WW1. 6 parts. Price code d Bottle, flagon and chalice on sprue. Price code a Bentwood chair. Price code l Typewriter. Price code l List H continued 167 Telephone. Price code a 168 Sprue with binoculars, spanner, hose end, wheel choc. Price code l 169 Pail. Price code a 170 Petrol can. Price code l 171 Blanket roll. Price code l 172 Storage box. Price code l 173 Small cart wheel, 30mm diameter. Price code l 174 Lamp post. Price code c 175 Semi flat rock pile. Price code l 176 Guinea fowl. Price code l 177a Seagull standing. Price code l 177b Seagull open wings. Price code l 178 Jeep kit. 9 parts. Price code m 179 Small wild animals. Price code l each 179a Hedgehog 179b Stoat 179c Badger 179d Squirrel 179e Beaver 180 Zoo animals. Price code l each unless otherwise marked 180a Penguin. See WBC 210 180b Bear cub 180c Eagle 181 Crate with milk bottles 182 Zoo turnstile 183 Copy of Britains mountain artillery set. 183a Officer wearing FS helmet riding trotting horse. Price code k 183b Firing gun and ammunition. A different mechanism from Britians. Do not point at anyone when loaded! Price code d 183c Gunnner wearing FS helmet, M. Price code b 183d Mule walking. Price code e 183e Complete set, Officer, gun, 6 gunners and 4 mules, price £65 184 Railway platform additions 184a Trunk, B. Price code b 184b Case, B. Price code l 184c Golf bag, B. Price code l 184d Sack truck kit, B. Price code c 184e Milk churn. Price code b 185 Animal being spit roasted over a fire. 4 part kit. Price code k 186 are spare parts for Britains G.S. wagon 186a Wagon pole assembly. Price code c 186b Footboard and seat. Price code c 186c Tailgate. Price code b 187 are spare parts for Britains car 187a Radiator. Price code l 187b Steering wheel. Price code a 187c Winscreen. Price code l 187d Peaked cap crew. Price code c Casting List J Heads Price code a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Lifeguard or Dragoon with flying plume. B. Lancer. OFF. B. Lancer, flying plume and cap line. B. Lancer, falling plume and cap line. B. Slouch hat. B. Flat or peaked cap. B. FS helmet with pugree. B. Line INF. helmet. B. Steel helmet. WWI & II. B. Guards Bearskin. B. Hussar Busby with flying cap line. B. Rifles. B. Indian head with kulla. KAR/Sudanese. B. Egyptian. Kepi, Belgian Cavalry. B. Kepi, French. INF. B. Kepi, French INF. OFF. B. French Cuirassier helmet. B. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Indian turban. B. Highland Light INF. or Cameronian shako. Kilmarnock Bonnet. B. Pillbox hat. Sidehat. Marine Helmet. Mountie hat. B. Scots Grey Bearskin. Fusilier Cap. B. Highland Bonnet. Glengarry. Japanese (or British OFF's Cap). B. Australian Slouch Hat with plume. Wolseley helmet. B. Household Cavalry Band Cap. B. Pickelhaub Helmet. B. German Steel Helmet. WW1 & 2. B. General or Senior Medical OFF's. cocked hat with falling plume. Staff OFF's. cocked hat with upright plume. Inniskillen Piper's Caubeen. Hussar at the halt with falling cap line. Sailor's Sennet Hat with bearded face. FS helmet with spike. Ball topped helmet (RFA). B. FS helmet with bearded face. Brimmed hat with African head. Brimmed hat with bearded face. Alpini Hat. Lifeguard or Dragoon with falling plume. Sikh with turbaned head. Dogra turbaned head. Matelot (French Sailor) head. Side or Forage Hat. Punjabi Mussalman turbaned head. Cook (Chef's cap). Naval OFF's. Cap with bearded face. Naval OFF's. cap. Plain head with no hat. Early type FS helmet (see J 86). Prussian Hussar cap. Jaeger or Postman's Hat. Austrian Field Service Hat. Plumed Shako. Cylindrical Shako with Pom Pom. Sennet Hat, no beard. Senegalaise fez. Turco Fez. Foreign Legion Kepi. American Civil War Kepi. Small Fez with hanging tassle. Dutch Hussar Busby. Spanish Dragoon Helmet. Spanish Kepi. Spanish Police Cap. French Alpine Beret. Polish Cap. Polish Mountain Hat. Russian Peakless Hat. Bush Hat turned up on right. Austrian Dragoon. B. French WWI helmet. B. French General. Gendarme Bicorn. Dragon with plume. Chasseur d'Afrique Fez. Chasseur d'Afrique Lance Cap. EFS (used on 24th Foot castings). FS King/General Helmet. Sikh turban with quoit. USA WWII. Pilot Head. Dragon Helmet with Falling Mane. B. Jaeger hat with plume. Beret. RAF band. Smooth EFS helmet. B. Irish Guards Caubeen. Zouave. B. Cowboy, small head. B. Cowboy. B. List J 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 – 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 continued Lifeguard "eyes right". B. ACW Campaign hat. Stetson ACW turned up on R. French Colonial Infantry Head. Pickelhaub Head 1880s. Bavarian Head 1880s. Russian Mitre cap. Russian fur cap. Turkish CAV cap. Turkish helmet WWI. German Artillery. Austrian Tirrailleur. Austrian Shako. 116 & 128 – 129: heads with Continental "thick” neck. German. Russian. Fez. French Kepi. Prussian helmet with plume. Prussian Guard helmet with eagle. Bavarian Cuirassier. Czech WW2 helmet Russian helmet, Crimea Chinese coolie hat Thai feathered helmet Cossack WW1 Balmoral West India Regt, B Ghurkha Hat Zouave, plug fitting, thick neck French OFF, plug fitting, thick neck Royal Marine, B Wolseley with collar, B Irish piper, B Highland Light Infantry, B Knight helmet with hawk on top Beret, B Pickelhaub with neck, B German helmet WW2 Chasseur head Carabinieri, B All Price code a Kilmarnock bonnet including jacket collar, B Boer, B Lifeguard 1820, B Swede/Argentine cadet, B Erinpura regiment Indian head WW1 German in helmet and gasmask Male African Female African Scots bonnet, B Danish INF Shako German WW1 Sailor, B Early Line INF helmet, B Bowler hat, B As J5 with collar Early Life Guard, B A.C.W. kepi, B Greek, B Russian INF, B Belgian kepi, B Slouch hat turned up on left Japanese with collar A.C.W. Kepi, clean shaven face Spanish 1st version B Spanish 2nd version B Peaked cap for band with collar B Peaked cap (narrow) with collar B Mountain Artillery 1st version FS, B Mountain Artillery 2nd version FS, B Australian, B Trilby Ladies boater Ladies hat with feather Ladies hat with ostrich feather Cossack, B Austrian cavalry undress cap Chinese Imperial infantry Mandarin hat Mutz, German undress cap 179 180 181 182 183 184 Adrian helmet with collar, B Matelot with collar, B British WW2 helmet with collar, B Fez, B Swiss kepi French plumed band kepi Casting List K Arms K List arms have holes in the shoulder in traditional toy soldier style, which fit over lugs on the body. Arms are Price code a, unless otherwise stated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Bugle bent arm. R. B. Bugle straight arm. R. B. Axe on shoulder. R. B. Sword upright at the carry. R. B. Sword outstretched. R. Lance. R. B. Rifle trail. R. B. Rifle at ease. R. B. Rifle slope with sling tight to rifle. L. B. Rifle slope with sling loose. L. B. Rifle slope no strap (USA troops). R. B. Rifle slope French INF. R. B. Rifle slope African Rifles. L. B. Gun at slope for Arab. L. B. Gun outstretched for Arab. R. B. Artillery Whip. R. B. Field glasses in 2 hands. B. Arm holding carbine. R. Shoulder Arms. R. Flag on shoulder. R. Arm, no weapon. L. or R. B. Please specify Ramrod. R. B. Trombone and arms. Euphonium and arms. B. Flute and arms. Trumpet and arms. Drum Major's Mace. R. B. Sword on Shoulder. R. Cavalry Trumpet. R. B. Pickaxe on Shoulder. R. B. Rifle Trail, no Sling. R. Slung Rifle. L. B. Cavalry Trumpet with Banner. R. B. Pair of Kettle Drums with Banner moulded on. Price code l Bass Drum. Price code l Tenor Drum. Side Drum. Conductor's Baton Arm. R. Kettle, Bass or Tenor Drum Stick. (You need 2, L & R). Each Price code a. Side Drum Stick. (You need 2, L&R). Each Price code a. Cymbal Arm. R. Cymbal Arm. L. Large Euphonium (Eb Bass) and arms. B. Bombardon and arms. Saxophone and arms. Bagpipes and arms. Clarinet and arms. Bassoon and arms. Bent left reign arm. Slung Lance. R. B. Sword in Scabbard (horse attachment). Carbine in Bucket (horse attachment). Rifle with spigot to fit into back of figure. Back pack and blanket roll. Slade Wallace valise, mess tin and blanket. 1882 pattern valise. Arab arm with sword. L. Arab arm with knife. R. Arm holding sword in scabbard. Spade on shoulder. R. Stretcher Arm. L. Stretcher Arm. R. List K continued 63 Arms holding rifle at present. 64 Arms holding shell. 65 Pointed finger, outstretched arm. R. 66 Outstretched arm holding pistol. R. 67 Arm holding drum sticks. 68 Swagger Cane under arm. L. 69 Spears in Bucket (horse attachment) 70 Zulu arm with knobkerry. R. 71 Zulu arm with throwing spear. R. 72 Zulu arm with rifle. R. 73 Zulu arm with stabbing spear. R. 74 Signal Flag arm. R. 75 Signal Flag arm. L. 76 Tripod for 77 or 78. 77 Signal Lamp. 78 Signal Mirror (see H106). 79 Arm holding pad. L. 80 Arm holding pencil. R. 81 Arm with sailors cap. R. 82 Arm with bucket. R. 83 Arm holding telescope. L. 84 Arm supporting telescope. R. 85 Arms holding rifle, advancing. 86 Boxer arm holding curved bladed pole weapon. R. 87 Boxer/Arab Scimitar Arm. R. 88 Plain Boxer/Arab arm. L. 89 Arm holding triangular flag. R. 90 Arm holding shield and spears. L. 91 Native Arm. L. 92 Bent Native arm to support load. L. 93 Bent Native arm to support load. R. 94 Native arm holding sword. R. 95 Native arm rifle slope. R. 96 French Horn and arms. 97 Arms holding Tenor Horn. 98 French Back Pack. 99 Arm holding binoculars. R. 100 Arms holding fanfare trumpet. 101 Epaulette arm with sword. 102 Epaulette arm to hold flag (K 103) when required. R. 103 French Flag with Right Arm. 104 Guidon and arm. R. B. 105 Furled Flag on arm. R. B. 106 As K10, but strap tight to rifle. B. 107 As K8, with bayonet. B. 108 „Plug handed‟ rifle. B. 109 Present arms with gun. L. 110 Present arms. R. 111 Bren gun and R arm. B. 112 Swagger Cane under R arm. 113 Waterloo Musket R shoulder arms. B. 114 R arm with epaulette. 115 Throat plume for horse. 116 Rifle attention. R. B. 117 Beefeater. R. B. 118 Firing rifle end. B. 119 Yeomanry rifle in bucket. R. (see B 20). 120 Flag. 121 Jazail. 122 Rifle. 123 Sword. 124-131 are Timpo medieval spares. 124 Lance. Price code l. 125 Sword. 126 Crossbow. 127 Medieval gun. 128 Lion pattern shield. 129 Diagonal pattern shield. 130 Cross pattern shield. 131 Fleur de lys/Lion pattern shield. 132 R. arm with loose whip. 133 R. arm with water bottle. 134 SA80 slope arm. L. 135 State Attendant arm, sword in Scabbard. L. 136 Swagger Cane in hand. R. B. 137 Left Arm with Bow. 138 Left Arm with bow at trail. 139 Right Arm with cane. 140 Carter's Whip arm. 141 As K9, offset bayonet. B. 142 Early Lance Arm charging. B. 143 Lance Arm upright. B. 144 Sword on shoulder. Gauntlet. 145-149 are ‘Britians’ type Right arms. 145 Red Indian Knife. 146 Red Indian Rifle. 147 Red Indian Tomahawk. 148 Cowboy Pistol. 149 Cowboy Rifle. 150 Large shell & arms. B. 151 Trail rifle with magazine. R. B. 152 Scout Flag arm. R. 153 Scout Drum & arms. 154 Scout Bugle arm. R. 155 Scout arm. L. 156 Scout axe arm. R. 157 Scout pole in hand. R. 158 Scout pole on shoulders. R. 159 Zulu club. R. B. 160 Zulu throwing spear. R. B. 161 Slope rifle, loose sling. B. 162 Timpo round shield. 163 Timpo wide visor. 164 Timpo narrow visor. 165 Bow arm (see F43) 166 Skier Rifle. B. 167 Evzone Sword outstretched. R. 168-178 are Sacul Knight Spares. 168 Knight's banner Arm. R. 169 Mace Arm. R. 170 Axe arm. R. 171 Sword Arm. R. 172 Sword in scabbard. 173 Billhook. 174 Halberd. 175 Spear. 176 Lance Arm. R. 177 „Lion‟ shield. 178 Diagonal Pattern shield. 179 to 183 are copies of plastic Timpo spares. 179 Sword. 180 Scimitar. 181 Roman sword. 182 Roman spear. 183 Musket. 184 Tricorn Hat. 185 Agincourt Knight Shield. B. 186 Attention Rifle (later version). B. 187 Danish Arms & Rifle. B. 188 Evzone at trail. 189 Italian L arm. B. 190 Rifle slope with sling tight to rifle for greatcoat figure. L. B. 191 Rifle slope with sling tight to rifle for Scots, no bayonet. L. B. 192 ACW musket. R. 193 Holster. 194 Arms holding ramrod. 195 Arms holding carbine. 196 Arms holding spear. 197 Snare Drum. 198 Side Drum and arms. 199 Pan Pipes and arms. 200 Bugle. 201 Nouba and arms. Gold coloured, clarinet-like. 202 Bongos and arms. 203 Turcos Bass Drum. Price code l. 204 Trumpet with Banner in playing position. R. 205 French Rifle with fanion slope arms. 206 French Rifle with fanion at attention. 207 Scout arm L. to grip. B. 208 Scout arm R. chopping with hatchet. 209 Arms holding sword across waist plug fitting. (See A32 or ask for any suitable armless figure to be drilled). 210 S.L.R. shoulder arms R. 211 Ramrod (copy of Timpo). 212 Bucket (copy of Timpo). 213 Arms to hold trail spike. 214 Arms holding cannon ball. 215 Right arm 'thumbing' breach. List K continued 216 Shovel. 217 Square shovel 218 Machete, R 219 Slung French rifle, R 220 Trail French rifle, R 221 Crimea musket firing 222 Crimea musket advancing 223 French epaulette arm, L 224 French epaulette arm with stick, R 225 French rifle attention, R 226 „Full‟ sleeve arm holding cane, R 227 Zulu shield 228 Pole arm pointed 229 Pole arm axe type 230 Pole arm curved axe type 231 Broom 232 Deep side drum 233 SA80 234 Wide bass drum 235 Egyptian spear 236 Egyptian sword 237 Sword outstretched INF, B 238 Sword outstretched CAV, B 239 Evzone rifle, B 240 Spontoon 241 Waterloo pack, B 242 Modern Canadian rifle 243 Scimitar, R, B 244 Umbrella arm, R, B 245 Hunt whip bent arm, R, B 246 Hunt whip straight arm, R, B 247 Axe 248 Pitch fork 249 Beefeater straight arm, R, B 250 Hanks? Slope arm 251 Modern bass drum Price code l 252 Modern tenor drum 253 Slope, L, B, no bayonet 254 Mace B, NA 255 Scabbard for OFF at present, L, B 256 Continental flag R, similar to Paris office issue by B Price code l 257 Block of 5 rifle ends for: French and INF to receive; Zouave, Japanese (etc) & Scots charging; plus scabbard end for cavalry, B Price code l 258 Kettle drum arms, B 259 Bassoon, B 260 Block: bayonet, scabbard & ammo pouch 261 Agincourt Knight lance, L, to take banner B. A piece of aluminium sheet for banner can be provided on request or see K307 262 Side drum with banner 263 Scots OFF, R, B 265 Rifle for Mounted, fixed arm Boer, B 266 Band „sword‟, B 267 Knobbed stick in R gloved hand 268 Fixed arm boy side drummer, R arm & stick, B 269 Scots L drum stick B 270 Horse tail 271 Oval base, 2 feet, B 272 Scots charging round base, B 273 Japanese (etc) round base, B 274 Side drum and right arm 275 – 279: Alternative arms for modern ‘Britains’ Mazak knights 275 Sword parry, R 276 Sword slice, R 277 Axe, R 278 Shield tight to body, L 279 Shield away from body, L 280 German Jingling Johnny. Price code l 281 as 280 but 3 tiered. Price code l 282 Tail, galloping horse, B 283 Replacement shoulder plug, B 284 Carbine with magazine, R, B 285 Scots M base, early square, B 286 Life Guard horse tail, B 287 Double tenor drum. Price code l 288 L Shield arm for S28. 289 R reign arm for S28 290 Feathers for Glengarry 3, B 291 Visor for Sacul knight 292 Legs and tail for one eared horse B, Price code l 293 Tubular early bass drum, Price code l 294 Spanish slope arm R, B 295 Mountie slope arm, L, B 296 Farmer‟s stick, R,B 297 Lee Enfield rifle, no arm 298 SLR, no arm 299 Cricketer L, B 300 Cricketer R, B 301 Early lance R, B 302 Long drum 303 Arab spear, R 304 Sledgehammer, no arm 305 Hussar plumes, 3 plus 1 officers on sprue 306 As K12 but with epaulette 307 Swallow tail flag for 261, B 308 Sword on shoulder with Epaulette, B 309 Early running Scot officer‟s sword, B 310 Italian rifle, R, B 311 Union flag. Price code l 312 Pipe ribbon B 313 B size carbine, B 314 Carbine „B‟ size, B 315 Mountie carbine, B 316 Indian CAV legs and tail, B. Price code l 317 Early B instruments and arms. Mace, Eb bass and bassoon already listed 317a Cornet 317b Trombone 317c Flute 317d Clarinet 317e Euphonium 317f Middle sized euphonium 317g French horn 317h Cymbals 318 Early carbine, B 319 Double bass, no arms attached. Price code b 320 U.S. Marine flag arm, R, B 321 Flag for 320 322 L & R locator operator arms, B. Price code a each 323 R arms for Papal Swiss Guard, F158 323a Halberd 323b Officers sword 323c Wavy bladed sword 323d Flag. Price code l 324 325 Furled flag on left arm 326 Hilco attention base 327 WW1 gunner base, B 328 Cart horse legs, B. Price code l 329 Standing horse legs, tail, scabbard end, B. Price code l 330 Walking horse legs, tail, scabbard & carbine bucket ends, B. Price code l 331 Cavalry scabbard and carbine bucket ends, B. Price code l 332 to 335 B cavalry spares. Horse leg/tail kits. Price code l 332 Galloping horse leg/tail kit 333 Walking horse leg/tail kit 334 Sword outstretched 335 Sword on shoulder 336 Pistol, no arm 337 Upright sword, curved arm B 338 Golfers R club arm 339 Arm holding cowboy hat, R 340 Flag on R shoulder, B 341 Artillery whip held upright, R, B 342 Pipe arm for old man, R, B 343 R arm for seated old woman, B 344 Carters whip, R, B 345 3 gun butts and 3 rifle ends plus bayonet 346 Railway porter R arm, B Casting List L Civilians and Civil Vehicles Bodies Price code b, unless otherwise stated. Arms from list K unless otherwise stated. 1 2 Policeman walking. Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Price code c. Named Plinth. Price code l 3 Town Crier. 4 Cart horse, walking (2 part kit). Price code f 5 Flat Bed Wagon Kit consisting of 9 parts and wire. Assembly sheet on request. Price code m. 6 Drayman/ wagon driver, seated. 7 „The Carter‟ consisting: 1 x No. 4, 1 x No. 5, 1 x No. 6, barrel, sack, box, 2 crates, chair. Assembly sheet on request. Price code o. 8 Brewer's Dray kit consisting of Dray kit of 12 parts and wire, 2 x No. 6, 1 x No. 4, 6 barrels, 1 barrel ladder. Assembly sheet on request. Price code n. Space figures now on space sheet. Please ask if you would like a copy 12 to 20 represent firemen to crew L94 12 Fire Officer seated. 13 Driver, seated. 14 Fireman looking left, seated. 15 Fireman looking right, seated. 16 Man to climb ladder. 17 Ladder. 18 Fireman with hose end standing. 19 Hose for 18. Price code a. 20 Fireman with axe advancing. 21 Fireman running (2 firemen pull H26a). 22 Lifeboatman with oar, looking out to sea. Price Code c. Plinth. Price code l 23 Man standing, hand in pocket, wearing cap. NRA. 24 Bowler hat (conversion for L 23) Price code a. 25 Right arm with pipe. Price code a. 26 Small boy shading eyes. 27 Old Woman. 28 Young Woman. 29 Girl standing. 30 Standing bandsman in peaked cap. (See H65 & 66) 31 Seated bandsman in peaked cap. (See H65 & H66) 32 Cat, seated. Price code l 33 Seated boy for seesaw. 34 Seated girl for seesaw. 35 Log for seesaw. Price code l 36 Plank for seesaw. Price code a. 37 Male cyclist (see H 70) 38 “Halls Distemper” man 39 “Halls Distemper” sign 39a Ladder for L38 40, 41 and 42 transferred to list X 43 Rupert Bear. 44 Bill Badger. 45 Willy Mouse. 46 Edward Trunk. 47 Tiger Lily. 48 Pong Ping. 49 Pong Ping's dragon. 50 Algy Pug. 51 Lady cyclist (see H 22). 52 Queen Victoria (designed by Rob Avery). Price code e 53 Policeman chasing. 54 Burglar running away. 55 Policeman cyclist (see H70). 56 AA/RAC man saluting. Copy of „Britains‟ figure. 57 Fat “Cadbury” boy. 58 Toy castle and flag (see Set 845). 59 Three soldiers for L58. Price code a. 60 Gun and Crew for L58. Price code a. 61 Part empty box of soldiers for L58, including paper label. Price code l 62 Boy with toy soldier kneeling. 63 Boy kneeling. 64 Boy marching with sword. 65 Lady harpist. 66 Artist. 67 Easel. 68 Photographer. 69 Scout. M. NA. (see K152-158) 70 Seated Scout. 71 Mouth Organist Scout. 72 Guitarist Scout. 73 Camp Fire. Price code l For other scouts, see L96 & L127-132. Other camp components can be found in List H 74 moved to list Z 75 Salvation Army Lady. NRA. 76 R arm for L75. Price code a. 77 R arm with tambourine. Price code a. 78 Girl Guide marching. 79 Girl Guide looking right. 80 Girl Guide, hair in bunches. 81 Girl Guide with pennant. 82 Girl Guide with pole. 83 Girl Guide with pole & pigtails. 84 Girl Guide marching holding L 85. 85 Furled stretcher for L 84. Price code l 86 Patient seated. 87 Girl Guide bandaging head. 88 Girl Guide bandaging finger. 89 Girl Guide kneeling, bandaging leg. 90 Girl Guide kneeling, holding bandage. 91 Guider. 92 Guide Flag. Price code c. 93 Salvation Army Man with "War Cry" 94 Fire Engine. 12 part kit and transfers (see L12 - 20) Assembly sheet on request. Price code u 95 transferred to List X 96 Scout master saluting. 97 Bandsman flat cap, open collar. M. NA (use WBC arms.) 98 Bandswoman flat cap, open collar. M. NA (use WBC arms.) 99 Woman to walk dog. 100 Dog. Price code l 101 Man in bowler hat walking. NRA. 102 Stick arm for 101. Price code a. 103 Dog leaping. Price code l 104 Fireman's head (see H75 & 76 and set 884). Price code a. 105 Toy Railway (see set 886). 2 boys, station, track, tunnel, engine, carriage and truck Price code j. 106 Tea Party (see set 885). 2 girls, cloth with crockery, teddy, cat, monkey and doll. Price code j. 107 Man in bowler hat, standing. 108 Woman, no hat, standing. 109 Cub Go Cart and 3 figures. Price code j. 110 Scout Signaller 111 Scout with Pad/Pencil 112 Scoutmaster Pointing 113 Scout Cyclist 114 Scout Cycle 115 Gig. Price code d. 116 Horse for Gig. Price code f. 117 Lady Driver. 118 Lady Passenger. 119 Groom, Seated. 120 Indian Native Groom, seated. 121 AA Motorcycle Combination. Price code k. 122 Fox running Price code l 123 Policeman WWII in tin helmet. 124 Thomas Hardy including bike and base. Casting. Price code k For Civilian, fire, police or sports car, see H78. For Civilian, fire or police motorcycle and side car, see H75 & H76. (Heads used on Set 827 are J90 and J124). 125 US Scouts saluting flag at sunset: Scout master & 3 scouts, flag & pole. Price code d 126 Sea scout rowing (see V6) 127 to 132 Scouts Marching 127 M, NRA 128 With pole 129 With pole at trail (can carry stretcher, see H63, A27 or B39) 130 Drummer 131 Bugler 132 With Axe List L continued 133 The beach: base of a beach section with rocks, stream & pool. 4 children, dog, sand castle and toy yacht. Price code m 134 Snowballs: Rupert and Porky Pig play snowballs with Ferdie and Freddy Fox around a snowman Price code j 135 Bears on holiday: Mr and Mrs Bear and Rupert in holiday clothes £8.40 136 Chinese Conjurer 137 Fireman pointing 138 Fireman to rescue L34 139 Vicar 140 Female Vicar 141 Girls Brigade band from believed the 1970s. All Price code c except 141b, Price code e 141a Drum Major 141b Bass drummer 141c Side Drummer 141d Trumpeter 141e Clarinettist 141f Bell lyre player 141g Cymbalist 142 Girls Brigade band from 2006. All Price code c except 142b, Price code e 142a Drum Major 142b Bass drummer 142c Side drummer 142d Trumpeter 142e Clarinettist 142f Xylophone player 142g Cymbalist 143 Female highland dancer. See L 149 144 Radio city „Rockette‟ 145 Scout kneeling NA. 146 Blue Birds of Coventry band. 146,147 and 148 Price code c each unless otherwise stated 146a Drum Major 146b Bass drummer. Price code e 146c Side drummer 146d Trumpeter 147 Stanmore Jewish Lads and Girls Brigade band 147a Drum Major 147b Bass drummer. Price code e 147c Side drummer 147d Flautist 148 Jewish Lads and Girls Brigade in jumpers. 148a Drum Major 148b Side drummer 148c Bass drummer. Price code e 148d Trumpeter 148e Bugler 148f Flautist 148g Xylophone player. Price code e 148h Bell lyre player 148j Cymbalist 148k Clarinettist 149 Male Highland dancer 150 Christ’s Hospital Band, M. Price code c each except bass drummer, Price code e 150a Drum Major 150b Bass drummer 150c Side drummer 150d Cornet 150e Trombone 150f Euphonium 150g Middle sized euphonium 150h Clarinet 150j Cymbals 150k French horn 150m Bassoon 150n Flute 151 Female Irish dancer 152 Greenhouse kit, B. 9 parts plus „glass‟, £15 153 Mower, B 154 Man for mower, B. Price code c 155 Typist (see H166-7). Price code c 156 Morestone Ice cream man and cycle. 6 part kit. Price code j 157 Morestone tandem and side car. 7 part kit. Price code j 158 Hilco Police Woman 159 Hilco Guide 160 Scout band, M. Price code b each, except bass drummer £4.40, Drum major £3.15, cymbals Price code c 160a Drum major 160b Bugler 160c Side drummer 160d Side drummer, sticks up 160e Bass drummer 160f Cymbals 160g Flute player 161 Scout master, M. Price code c 162 Hilco railway people. Can be used in any civilian setting 162a Seated woman 162b Seated man 162c Farmer‟s daughter seated. (How did she get in there?) 162d Man standing with bag and mac over arm 162e Woman walking with case 162f Boy in school uniform, standing 162g Girl in blue dress, standing 162h Girl sitting on luggage. Price code c 163 late Victorian ladies band. Price code c except bass and cello Price code e each. Other instruments available. 163a Conductress 163b Standing double bass player 163c Seated violin player 163d Seated viola player 163e Seated cello player 164 Papal litter bearer. Price code c 165 Mr Hefty. New Orleans jazz musician, swaying/marching, NA. Suitable instrument arms can be purchased from the WBC list. 166 Band of Angels. Price code e each 166a Conductor 166b Bells 166c Drum 166d Tambourine 166e Double piped trumpet 166f Rebec (primitive violin) 166g Mandolin 166h Pan pipes 166j Clarinet/ hautbois 166k Flute 166l Oboe 167 Dorset Youth Marching band, M, NA. Suitable arms & drums can be purchased from the WBC list. 168 Catherine Howard, wife of Henry VIII 169 Fordson tractor kit, B. Can be supplied with potato digger back wheels and metal front wheels but no tyres at present, or modern wheels and tyres from Hobbys. Please specify which you want. Price code m 170 Driver for 169, B. 171 Carabinieri in cloak, M. Price code c 172 Police / Security man in fluorescent jacket, attention 173 Alsatian dog sitting 174 Emily Bloomer. Dismounted cyclist to stand holding H22. Former Under Two Flags figure, the master kindly returned to me by Andrew & Mrs Cootes 175 Jockey, 60mm? B 176 Park bench, B 177 Orchestra or Jazz band of black musicians standing or seated. Other musicians are available if your favourite does not appear in the list. Price code c each except where marked 177a Conductor 177b Double bass standing. Price code e 177c Cello seated. Price code e 177d Violin seated 177e Viola seated 177f Trombone standing 177g Euphonium seated 177h Saxophone seated 177j Trumpet seated 177k Flute seated 177m Clarinet seated 177n Drummer with bass & snare drum. Price code e 178 A Norwegian school band with both marching girls and boys. Instrument list and prices are as L150 178a Boy 178b Girl List L continued 179 Seated figures to watch the Delhi Durbar. See J170 to 173 to create character variations 179a Lady 179b Man in topee 179c Indian 180 Wheel barrow, B. Price code c 181 Scout trek cart. Ladder in 4 pieces, B, base, 2 wheels and scout to pull. Price code d 182 Jaunting cart. 7 part kit. Price code d. See L116 and L179 183 Britains copy Railway luggage etc. 183a Sack truck. 3 part kit plus axle wire. Price code b 183b Trunk. 2 part kit. Price code l 183c Case. Price code a 183d Golf bag. Price code a 184 Taylor and Barratt children visiting the Zoo 184a Boy seated 184b Girl seated 184c Boy seated astride 184d Girl seated astride Casting List M Postal Items Price code b each, unless otherwise stated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Postman 1900, walking. Postbox 1900. Postman 1950's, with parcel. Postbox 1950's. Postman 1970's with letter. Postbox 1980's. Sir Thomas Witherings - King's Postmaster 1630. Mounted Postbox 1800. Price code e. Corinthian Pillar Box 1850s. Postman kneeling with sack 1850s. Royal Engineers Postman on „Mail Call‟ 1904. Airmail Box. Double Box. Telegraph Cyclist (See H 70). Postwoman 1916. K4 telephone kiosk with postbox and stamp machine (Resin cast). Price code k. „Lamp‟ Post Box. Modern Postwoman. 18th Century Letter Carrier. 1990's „Puzzled‟ Postman. Pedestal Rectangular Lamp Box. Postman on Motorcycle. Price code e. Rowland Hill. 1900 Postman running, dog attached to trousers! Liverpool Special Box. Postman standing attached to bicycle. Price code e. London Ornate Postbox. Cushion and Crown Postbox. Indian Post Orderly. Postman, Top Hat 1859. Edward VIII Post Box. Blossom Stevens, WW1 Postwoman Cyclist. To complete, order H22 Barnes Cross Box. First National Box. First National Box with Lamp Standard Price code f. Improved Standard Wall Box. Casting List N Morris and other Dancers All items on this List are Price code c unless otherwise stated. 1 to 8 represent White Horse Morris Dancers complete with separate sticks and handkerchiefs. Most dances require six dancers and a musician, and a fool in the ‘side’, or as an optional extra. 1 2 Hatless Hatless, bearded. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Hat, bearded. Hat with badges on it. Hat with flowers on it. Fool with bladder. Bowler hat. Melodionist in hat. Wessex dancer in breeches waving handkerchiefs. Melodionist, no hat or leg bells, suitable as a musician for most „sides‟. 11 Handsworth sword dancer with wire swords. (8 figures make a „side‟ forming a rough figure of 8). 12 Jersey dancer with handkerchiefs (same as White Horse most common Morris uniform). 13 Ravensbourne Morris dancer with sticks. 14 Boy Dancer. Price code b. 15 Girl Dancer. Price code b. 16 3 part maypole and ribbons. (A maypole set requires 4 boys, 4 girls, a maypole & a melodionist N 10). 17 Knockhundred Dancer. 18 Northwood Dancer. 19 to 24 are Horwich Morris - a set of 4 men and their 4 ‘mirror images’, and 5 musicians. 19 Right foot forward and arms. 20 Left foot forward and arms. 21 Accordionist. 22 Side Drummer. 23 Bass Drummer. 24 Euphonium Player. 25-28 are Ashdown Morris. Price code b. 25 Accordionist. 26 „Badger‟ (fool). 27 Balding dancer with stick. 28 Dancer/stick & hat. 29 Thaxted Morris Dancer 30 Fleet Morris (lady dancer) 31 Drum and tabor player. £3.85 Casting List P The Thoroughbred Collection All horses in this list up to P54, excluding P48 are two part kits, divided across the saddle. The fronts and rears of most of these horses are compatible, to create various movements from the halt to the gallop. All horses have a saddle with rolled cloak on front, unless designed for a specific rider where this would be inappropriate. Swords in scabbards (K51) and carbines in buckets (K52) should be purchased and attached separately where required. Please ask for holes to be drilled. The separate riders and ancillary figures are more detailed than the rest of the Dorset Castings range, with frogging, crossbelts etc moulded in and are used with Thoroughbred horses as the basis for our painted cavalry and horse-drawn sets. All horses on this List up to P54 are Price code f. All other figures are Price code b, unless otherwise stated. Arms and heads etc, where required, can be chosen from the J & K Lists. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Standing horse. Walking horse. Cantering horse. Galloping horse. Rider. EFS. NRA. Lancer. NA. Lancer. NRA. Hussar. NRA. Sudan/Boer War CAV. NRA. Indian CAV. NRA. Lancer Drummer. Drum horse. Pair of Kettle Drums. Price code l. FANY (First Aid Nursing Yeomanry) sidesaddle rider. Horse cantering for 14. Kneeling FANY. NRA. (see K 133). List P continued 17 Wounded Officer. 18 RHA (Royal Horse Artillery) OFF. 19 Horse for 18, galloping. 20 RHA Driver, whip in air. 21 Nearside galloping horse for gun team. 22 Offside galloping horse for gun team. 23 RHA gunner with carbine. 24 RHA Trumpeter. 25 Nearside walking horse for gun teams/ wagons. 26 Offside walking horse for gun teams/ wagons. 27 RHA driver, whip down. 28 Dismounted Hussar. NRA. at attention, (see P1). 29 Rider, peaked cap head. NRA. 30 German Cavalryman. NRA. 31 U.S. Cavalryman. NRA. 32 Nearside standing horse for gun team/wagons. 33 Offside standing horse for gun team/wagons. 34 Gunner. RHA. working gun. 35 Gunner. RHA. kneeling. 36 Lifeguard. NRA. (see K 144 & P 37) 37 Walking horse with fur saddle cloth. 38 Lifeguard Trumpeter, state dress. NA. (use WBC List arms) - mount on P37 or P39. (Can be used as 1900 period musician as he has a sword in scabbard.) 39 Horse variation on P37. 40 Lifeguard Drum Horse. 41 Drummer for P40 in state dress. 42 Pair of kettle drums for P40. Price code l. 43 Lifeguard Musician. NA. (use WBC list arms) – mount on P37 or 39. 44 Field Artillery Driver. NRA. 45 RHA Kings Troop galloping consisting of 1 x H3, 1 x H72, 2 x H7, 1 x H74, 3 x P20, 3x P21, 3 x P22. Assembly sheet on request. Price code p. The following gun teams can also be constructed from the P&H lists: Kings Troop - halt & walk; RHA - 1900, Sudan & Boer War, WW1 - British, French & American; RFA 1900 - halt & walk. Thoroughbred horses can also be substituted into the Dorset horse drawn Castings kits. 46 Turkish CAV. NRA. 47 Turkish CAV. NRA. WW1 48 Trotting horse with sword in scabbard. 49 Cossack Rider NRA. 50 Drum horse with fur saddle cloth. 51 Drum horse with pointed saddle cloth. 52 Hussar drummer (see P13) Price code b 53 Dragoon drummer (see P13) Price code b 54 to 56: to complete, order WBC arms 54 to 59 all Price code k 54 Hussar Bandsman, NA, on walking horse 55 Dragoon bandsman, NA, on walking horse 56 Indian bandsman, NA, on walking horse 57 Paraguayan Lancer, NRA, on halted horse 58 Garibaldi on halted horse 59 Neapolitan OFF on halted horse 60 Rider, NRA, ball topped FS helmet 61 Austrian Hussar 1914, NRA. Can be completed with R22,23,25 62 and 63 moved to list AA 64 As P37, halt 65 As P64, tail variation 66 Rearing horse and riders 66a Horse, no saddle. Price code f 66b Dragoon officer NRA 66c Cowgirl NRA, see K 339 66d Native American woman with pistol 67 Standing artillery/ wagon horse, collar harness. Price code f 68 French Hussar 1890’s 68a Hussar NRA 68b R shouldered sword 68c Horse at the halt 69 German Cuirassier 1890’s 69a Cuirassier 69b R shouldered sword 69c Trotting horse Casting List Q American Civil War All foot figures Price code b, unless otherwise stated. Order list K arms to complete where required. 1-7 represent figures from the 54th Mass. Regt. 1 Robert Gould Shaw, Union Officer Rider. 2 Trotting „Thoroughbred‟ style horse for 1. Price code f. 3 Colour Bearer advancing. Price code c. 4 Boy drummer, advancing. 5 Wounded man. 6 Standing firing man. 7 Charging man. 8-11 Gunners serve H100 in the ACW 8 Gunner in Slouch hat using ramrod. 9 Gunner in kepi with canon ball. 10 Gunner, bandaged head, steadying wheel. 11 Gunner in Kepi and shirt sleeves, thumbing breach. 12 Fifer in Kepi, marching. 13-16 represent an ACW gun team. Complete your team with H3, H100 & Q16. You will need 2 or 3 Q13s & Q14s for 4 or 6 horse teams. 13 Driver on nearside horse galloping. Price code k. 14 Offside horse galloping. Price code f 15 Crew of 3 on limber top. Price code e. 16 Wire to complete gun team. Price code a. 17 1870s 7th Cavalry mounted NRA. Price code k. 18 Confederate Colour Bearer. Price code c. 19 OFF. M. NRA. 20 INF. kneeling firing. 21 INF. M.NRA. 22 INF in stetson. M. NRA. 23 Soldier in slouch hat, blanket roll, half boots standing to receive cav. 24 Infantry wearing campaign hat and blanket roll firing Casting List R Napoleonic All figures on this list are Price code c, unless otherwise stated. Separate arms and heads Price code a. Landing boat see List V 86 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12a 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 French Napoleonic Infantry Grenadier OFF. M. French Napoleonic Infantry Grenadier drummer. M. French Napoleonic Infantry Grenadier shoulder arms. M. French Napoleonic Dragoon OFF. M. French Napoleonic Dragoon drummer. M. French Napoleonic Dragoon shoulder arms. M. French Napoleonic Infantry Officer French Napoleonic Infantry Drummer French Napoleonic Infantry Shoulder Arms. French Imperial Guard Grenadier Officer French Imperial Guard Grenadier Drummer. French Imperial Guard Grenadier Shoulder Arms. As 12 but with fixed bayonet British INF. (54th. Foot) standing firing. British INF. (54th. Foot) kneeling firing. British INF. (54th. Foot) Officer. Nelson. Rowing boat and crew: 4 sailors & oars, midshipman, Nelson and trunk. Price code p. French Hussar NRA. on trotting horse. Price code k. British Hussar NRA. on galloping horse. Price code k. Shako (Alternative head for 18). Busby (Alternative head for 19). Outstretched Hussar Sword Arm. R. Shouldered Hussar Sword Arm. R. Hussar Carbine Arm. R Hussar Trumpet Arm. R. French Grenadier Colour Bearer. Colour for 26. Price code l. Imperial Guard Grenadier Head. (Alternative for 26). Line Infantry Shako. (Alternative for 26). Marine OFF List R continued 31 Marine standing firing 32 Marine kneeling firing 33 Line INF drummer 34 Light INF head 35 Scots light INF head 36 Tarleton helmet 37 Prussian Guard OFF pointing 38 Prussian Guard firing 39 Prussian Guard advancing 40 George III or General on walking horse Price code k 41 French Grenadier Shako 42 Rifles OFF firing pistol 43 Rifles bugler 44 Rifleman firing 45 Rifleman to receive CAV 46 Scots, NA, attention, B Price code b. To complete, use K142, 113 & 21L, 5 & 59,187, 46,or 198 47 Nassau Regiment attention 48 French Line Grenadier firing 49 French Line Grenadier advancing 50 Light Infantry to climb ladder (see L17) 51 Marine head 52 Bell topped shako 53 Sailor rowing 54 Neapolitan Bandsman M. To complete, order WBC 108 arms & K234 55 Napoleonic Engineer bandsman. To complete, order WBC 108 arms & K234. 56 Bicorn hat 57 French Carbineer Musician NA, on walking horse. Price code k. To complete, order WBC 108 arms. Kettle drums adapted from P13 58 French Foot Artillery (see H149), casual stance with: 58a Ramrod 58b Cannon ball 58c Portfire 58d Pointing 59 French Staff bandsman. To complete use WBC 108 arms & K234 & 293 60 French Carbineer on galloping horse. Price code k: 60a Trooper or Officer, sword outstretched 60b Trumpeter 61 Italian bandsman 1800, NA, M. use WBC 143 and other instruments. 61a Hat fore and aft 61b Hat crosswise 62 Royal Horse Artillery Gunner, NA attention with: 62a Ramrod 62b Cannon ball 62c Portfire 62d Pointing 63 to 71 represent British infantry or guards wearing full dress Belgic Shako and some spare parts. Price code c each. Heads and arms Price code a 63 Officer NA 64 Telescope L 65 Pointed finger R 66 Spontoon including arms 67 Belgic shako head 68 Light infantry horn R 69 L arm to go with 68 70 Guardsman attention NA 71 Guardsman firing 72 British Dragoon on galloping horse 72a Sword outstretched 72b Trumpeter 72c Carbine 73 French inf. Drummer in bicorn, standing 74 Bicorn hat, worn fore and aft 75 Newfoundland fencible firing 76 to 79 represent the band of the 1st Cuirassiers of Napoleon’s army about 1805. Instrument can be selected from WBC 108 to complete 79. 76 Drummer in Mameluke dress 77 Pair of drums for 76. Price code l 78 Horse for 76. Price code f 79 Bandsman wearing bicorn, NA on walking horse. Price code k. Can be completed with WBC108 arms 80 Sailor‟s round hat head 81 USA artillery bandsman 1812 M, NA. Can be completed with WBC143 arms 82 USA infantry 1812 82a M, slope arms 82b Officer 82c Shako 83 French Inf. M. Designed by Alan Caton, this 6 part kit includes shako & bonnet de police heads. Price code e 84 U.S. infantry head, 1812 85 Stovepipe shako 86 U.S. Artillery head 1812 87 U.S. Top hat with plume, 1812 Casting list S Medieval Figures All figures Price code b, unless otherwise stated * Weapons, shields & arms, where required, in K list or below 1 Knight's horse. Price code e. 2 Knight.NRA. Rider for 1* 3 Duke of Cornwall. 4 Lady 5 Advancing Knight. NRA* 6 Bowman. 7 Kneeling Crossbowman. 8 Man at arms* 9 Peasant, open hands to carry load* 10 Peasant's wife, open hands to carry load* 11 Peasant's child, open hands to carry load* 12 Man at Arms, no weapon* 13 Fighting Knight with sword* 14 Jester turning cartwheels. 15 Herald. 16 Target. 17 Ballista/Mangonel: 8 part kit Price code m 18 Foot figure to fire ballista 19 Foot figure levering ballista S9 can also be animated to hold stone ammunition 20 Galloping horse Price code f 21 As S2 head variation 22 Nun 23 to 27: Peasants designed by Bill Williamson 23 Male, sack on shoulder 24 Male, leaning on spade 25 Young woman to feed poultry 26 Woman with basket 27 Old woman with basket 28 Agincourt Mounted knight kit with lance arm for Banner, L, B, and L rein arm. Other arm combinations available. Price code t 29 A headless peasant, left arm down, right arm up (*) To complete, order from alternative heads 29a-f 29a Bare head, bearded. Price code a 29b Hooded head Price code a 29c Kettle hat head Price code a 29d Basinet head Price code a 29e Ridged Bassinet 29f Helmet with eye slit 30 Running bowman/ soldier NH, NA. Can be completed with heads from S29 and: 30a L arm to hold arrow 30b R arm to hold bow or pole weapon. 31 Seated/wounded, peasant/soldier NH. Can be completed with heads from S29 and: 31a L bent arm, hole in hand for weapon or reins 31b R arm to take wire whip/ weapon 31c Base if in bent over wounded position 32 R sword arm for peasant 33 Cistercian monk 34 Agincourt mounted knight with mace, B. 5 part kit. Price code t 35 Earl of Warwick in armour 36 Bowman leaning on bow 37 Peasant / sailor with rope 38 Peasant / sailor with barrel on shoulder 39 are copies of the Agincourt foot knights from Britains 39a Knight with mace 39b Knight with sword 39c Knight with axe List S continued 39d Knight advancing with lance. Price code c 39e Knight charging with lance. Price code c 40 Peasant right arms, all Price code a, with; 40a Sword parrying 40b Axe 40c Mace 41 Agincourt knight with lance, rearing horse, B. 5 part kit. Price code t 42 Agincourt knight with sword, rearing horse, B. 5 part kit. Price code t 43 Agincourt knight with lance, rearing horse. 5 part kit. B. Price code t 44 Agincourt spare R arms. B. Shield see K 185 44a Couched lance 44b Upright lance 44c Pennon and arm complete. Price code l 44d Sword 45 Agincourt weapons only 45a Sword 45b Mace for mounted knight 45c Mace for foot knight 45d Axe 45e Horse base. Price code l 46a Closed helm with bird crest 46b Pig face visor, unknown designer 47 Kits designed by Graham Mollard of G.N.M. Miniatures 47a Bowman. 5 part kit including 2 heads. Price code c 47b King / man at arms. 6 part kit including 2 heads and 3 weapons. £4.55 each 47c Bare headed bowman, about to draw bow. 5 part kit. Price code c 47d Bare headed halberdier (could be standard bearer). 4 part kit. Price code c 47e Attacking knight with shield, sword/mace and K172. Price code c 47f Attacking knight, separate right arm. 8 part kit including basinet and bare head. Price code e 47g Crossbowman with pavaise shield. 3 part kit. Price code e 47g Standing Knight in armour with his lady. 7 part kit. Price code t 48 Heads and arms from Graham Mollard. Heads can be substituted for those offered with any kit but some work with milliput may be need to secure a good fit 48a Sword 48b Mace 48c Axe 48d Halberd 48e Shield 48f Head, Norman haircut 48g Head, long hair 48h Helmet with crown 48j Basinet 48k Basinet with visor 48l Kettle hat 48m Great helm 48n Helm with parrot ornament 48p Helm with goose 48q Helm with Saracen head 48r Helm with feathers 48s Helm with griffin head 48t Helm with horns 48u Helm to take:48v wings ornament 48w dragon ornament 48x R arm with ball & chain 48y Trailing helmet cloth to fit several helmets 49 Peasant M, NA. Can be completed with 29, 40, 50, and 51 parts from List S 50 Peasant L arm 51 Manacled arms 52 Copies or adaptations of 48/50mm knights and parts from various makers 52a Cherilea, 50mm tall. At ease with lance and shield 52b Doran knight, bareheaded with sword and shield 52c Doran knight, bareheaded with axe and shield 52d Doran knight, bareheaded no weapons 52e Doran (?) knight with plumed helmet, at ease, NRA 52f Shield in hand R 52g Bent arm R for spear to take standard/ spear/ bill 52h 52j 52k 52l 52m 52n 52p 52q Sword in scabbard Bare head Crown, no head Bill Lance Heyde Norman shield with R arm Crested helmet to fit bare heads Knight, no base, arms scabbard visor, for wounded, falling, or joined poses 52r Axe 52s Perforated visor 53 Quentin Deward parts originally by Timpo. See also K124 to 131, 161 to 164 53a Spear 53b Pole weapon 53c Sword 53d Sword with S shape guard 53e Sword, curved guard 54a 52mm knight to ride horse by Bill Kingsman. Leaning sideways, NRA or weapons 54b R straight arm pointing upwards for 54a to take weapon 54c L shield arm 55 Britains Tournament copies. Mounted Price code k. Flat tents of my own design were made to complement the figures. 55a Marshal, mounted 55b Knight with plume, mounted 55c Knight with dragon plume, mounted 55d Herald 55e Page 55f Semi flat tent. Price code e 56 Medieval man in long robe. Price code c 57 Medieval band using 56. Price code c each. See list L 166 for instrument variations. 58 Kneeling bowman. Conversion from 47a. 5 part kit. Price code c 59 Axe, point on top. Price code a 60 Mounted bowman firing. 3 part kit. Price code c. Horse not included but P32 looks suitable as a mount Casting list T Crimea All figures Price code c unless otherwise stated. All heads, arms Price code a. 1 Russian in greatcoat to receive CAV. Price code b 2 Russian in greatcoat standing firing. Price code b 3 British Guard in greatcoat advancing. Price code b 4 Guards OFF, with colour 5 Highlander firing 6 Highlander to receive CAV 7 Highland OFF 8 Sir Colin Campbell mounted Price code k 9 Moscow Guards Regt OFF 10 Moscow Guards Regt firing 11 Moscow Guards Regt to receive CAV 12, 13, 14: 17th Lancers on galloping horses: Price code k each 12 OFF 13 Trumpeter 14 Lancer 15 Line INF, attention: 15a Slope arms 15b Grounded arms 15c shoulder arms 15d Drum Major 15e Fifer 15f Side drummer 15g Bass drummer. Price code e Other musicians can be made up with instruments from WBC list 16: spare parts 16a L arm 16b R arm 16c Slope arm, L 16d Grounded arm, R 16e Shoulder arm, R List T continued 16f Undress cap 16g Albert Shako 16h Guards Bearskin 17 INF officer, attention: 17a Sword on shoulder 17b Sword outstretched For Officer in undress see W1 18 Line Infantry firing 19 Line Infantry advancing 20 Russian OFF in greatcoat Price code b See V50 for Landing Barge Z44 for sailors and landing parties 21, 22, 23: Hussars, 8th and 11th on cantering horses Price code k each 21 OFF 22 Trumpeter 23 Hussar, can use sword or carbine. Please specify which you require 24 Pelisse. Optional extra. Price code a 25 Russian gunner in greatcoat, NA. Price code b. To complete, order K194, 213, 214, 215 & 21L 26, 27: Light Dragoons on galloping horses 26 OFF or Trooper Price code k 27 Trumpeter Price code k 28 Line infantry kneeling firing 29 Line infantry kneeling to receive cavalry 30 Line infantry kneeling fixing bayonet 31 Trail arm 32 represents a Guards Fife and Drum Band marching. Price code b each except d & e 32a Side drummer boy 32b Boy fifer 32c Drum Major 32d Bass drummer. Price code e 32e Tenor drummer. Price code c 33 Line infantry firing, no pack 34 Line infantry charging, no pack 35 is a group of three Coldstream Guards drummer boys posing for a photograph in relaxed mode with two drums included in the castings. They have been transposed backwards from an 1875 photo. Price code b each 35a Drummer seated on drum 35b Drummer kneeling behind drum 35c Drummer seated cross legged leaning against drum of 35b Casting list U Spaghetti Soldiers Based on amalgamations of various out of production European models & parts. Weapons & packs can be glued or soldered into place, after bending arms into marching, advancing or other poses. Figures are generally 50 to 52mm tall. Other ‘Dorset Soldier’ items such as flags, guns and scenic items can be used with this range Bodies: Price code b ea, Weapons/packs: Price code a ea. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Prussian/ German/ British INF Montenegrin INF Egyptian/ Turkish INF French INF, NRA Rifle arm for 4 British INF, WW1, NRA Rifle arm for above Russian INF Indian INF Bersaglieri Prussian/ German Hussar Sword in scabbard (doubles as sword in hand) Sword in scabbard with sabretache French rifle Musket Small pack with blanket roll around edge Pack with mess tin Pack with kindling Guard, M Cavalryman in Prussian Helmet Semi flat horse for above Price code c 22 Austrian, M, 60mm tall 23 Austrian, M, hands by side 60mm 24 Stand of 6 rifles and Price code c French artillery gun teams and crews can be made using H3, 71 & 84 and a selection of the following figures 25 French INF, M, no gaiters 26 French Artillery seated 27 French Artillery driver 28 Standing horse for 27 Price code e 29 Standing horse, offside Price code e 30 Walking horse for 27 Price code e 31 Walking horse, offside Price code e 33 Link frame for artillery Price code c 34 French Colonial Artillery, seated 35 as 34 kneeling 36 as 34 with shell 37 as 34 walking 38 Roman, copy of Heyde figure 39 French INF In greatcoat, M 40 German cavalryman Casting list V Boat parts Crews transferred to list Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 15” wooden boat Price code o Railings for 1 Price code l 15” paddle boat Price code o Railings for 3 Price code l Wooden pinnace Price code o Wooden rowing boat, including 4 oars, tiller & seats Price code n Funnel top Price code l Naval flag Price code l Grating Price code b Hatch Price code e Porthole Price code a Ships wheel Price code b Telegraph Price code l Fire buckets Price code l Life belt Price code a Wood bench/life raft Price code f Capstan Price code f Step ladder Price code l Long step ladder Price code b Rear paddle wheel kit Price code j Side paddle wheel kit (pair) Price code m Sun shade for‟ard Price code b Sun shade aft Price code b Air vent Price code l Maxim gun, pole mounted Price code l as 25 with ammunition Price code l Gatling gun, pole mounted Price code l Bunting & mast for „Lollipop‟ Price code e Doors for „Dixie‟ Price code b Shutters for „Dixie‟ Price code l to 40 Naval crew for Venus/Isis to list Z transferred to list z Anchor Price code a „Venus‟ kit: V1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 6 x 11, 12, 13, 14, 2 x 15, 18, 2 x 24, 25, 26, 2 x 42, Z43a to l, L32, H20 £110 „Isis‟ kit: As Venus but H 128 & 129 not H120, & Z8 &9 with K194 & 214 not Z43f & g, plus V22 & 23. £119 Boarding Pinnace kit: V5, 7, 8, 11 x 2, 14, 15 x 2, Z43a, m, 8 + K195, 4 x 9 + K21L & 21R, K209, K61 + 62, grappling hook, K107 + 21L, & tiller, H128 & 129 £88 Admiral‟s barge kit: V5, 7, 8, 11 x 2, 14, 15 x 2, Z43a & m, 7, 8, 9 x 3, K61, 62, 228, 74, 75, 79, 80, 21L, 21R, tiller. £70 „Dixie‟ kit: V3, 4, 2 x 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 24 x 2, 2 x 42, 27, 29 x 2, 30 x 6, 9 figures from Z44, G30, H128, 129, + broom £126 „Lollipop‟ kit: V1, 2, 42 x 2, 7, 8, 6 x 11, 28, 24 x 2, 14, 15 x 2, 21, 17, 18, 12, 13, 16 x 3, 28 civilians & crew £188 List V continued 49 Landing boat kit: V6, 5 x Z18, A32 + WBC33, K17, B68 x 4, H31, 21, 68 £84 Cat, civilians, deck gun, 6 pdr gun can be found in other lists 50 Crimean Landing Barge kit: Wood barge with 2 Officers, 3 sailors, 5 seated Guards, 5 39th Foot, 6 sailors with oars, 2 barrels, 2 boxes, 2 sacks, flag, tiller, deck gun, 2 bollards £151 51 to 63 are in list Z 64 Union river Ironclad kit: includes gunport/ gunbarrel end castings flag and 2 crew Price code q 65 Ironclad as 64 with open gun ports and 7 crew 3 guns, 2 barrels and 2 lots of cannon balls £133 66 Pirate/ Navy sailing ship kit with 2 masts, crows nests, 4 ratlines, 5 sails & ropes, 2 hatches, 2 ladders, grid, bowspit, aft flag pole, swivel gun, 4 gun port castings, 4 windows, stern casting & lantern, tiller 3 flags figurehead & bow casting, 8 side rail/gate castings £200 Crew for 66 now Z45 82 Post 1940 Admiral‟s Barge Kit: includes wooden motor launch & rails, castings for Admiral, Naval Officer, Wren and 3 sailors, 2 lifebelts and flag Price code n 83 Hot climate version of 82 with everyone dressed in whites Price code h 84,85,87 now list Z 86 Napoleonic landing barge. As 50, but with British Naval and Royal Marine personnel £151 87 4” diameter paddle wheel casting. Up to 4 of these can be used with wooden plank paddles to create a rear wheel paddle steamer. Price code e each. A price for a complete assembly to fit your boat can be negotiated. 88 Gun mount for maxim or gatling gun. Price code l Casting list W Sikh Wars All figures Price code c, Heads Price code a, unless otherwise stated 1 2 British OFF advancing, undress uniform British INF campaign dress firing. Cap has neck flap in 2 & 3 3 British INF campaign dress advancing 4a INF undress cap with neck flap 4b INF undress cap 4c Officers undress cap 5 Sikh infantry advancing 6 Sikh infantry firing 7 Sikh infantry with sword and shield 8 Shield 9 Sikh infantry charging fixed bayonet 10 Sikh Infantry charging with sword and shield 11 Sikh turban 12 Sikh turban with flying tail 13 As 2, no neck flap 14 As 3, no neck flap 15 British Infantry M, slung musket. Other WBC arms can be used with this figure 16 British Infantry charging 16th Lancers see T12 to 14 17 Sikh artillery 17a With portfire 17b With ramrod 17c With cannon ball 17d Pointing A suitable gun would be H149 18 British field artillery 18a Officer 18b With cannon ball 18c Firing gun 18d With ramrod A suitable gun would be H100 To create Sikh lancers order P57, W12, K28, 29, 50 18 Mounted infantryman, NRA to ride horses from List P 19 Head with peaked cap with pom-pom 20 R arm with shot gun Casting list X Ancients Foot Price code c, Mounted Price code k, unless otherwise stated 1 Egyptian/ Nubian walking with sword 2 Egyptian/ Nubian walking with spear 5 to 11 represent Greek warriors from various periods, but many uniform features overlap over considerable periods of time and between different armies. Right arms included in the figure price are sword, recurved sabre, throwing spear, stabbing spear. Please specify your requirements 5 Arcadian c.364 BC, advancing, NRA 6 Macedonian c.382 BC, running, NRA 7 Samian c.490 BC, legs braced, NRA 8 Spartan, 2nd Messenian War 9 Cretan Archer c.382 BC 10 Thessalian cavalryman, NRA, on galloping horse, Alexandrian Wars 11 Cavalryman in classic helmet & armour, NRA, on galloping horse, Alexandrian Wars Romans, 1st to 2nd century. Transferred from list L. Price code b each 12 Senator in toga 13 Slave Girl 14 Soldier advancing with sword 15 Soldier at ease with spear German tribesmen 1st to 2nd century. 16 & 18 can take sword or spear. Please specify 16 Chief Price code b 17 Advancing with sword and shield Price code b 18 Charging Price code b 19 Bowman Price code b 20: A Dark Age Vignette 20a King Arthur mounted on a rearing horse 20b His dog Cabal about to leap Price code b 20c Saxon running from Cabal Price code b 20d Saxon parrying Arthur‟s sword Price code b 20e Saxon falling from a kick from Arthur‟s horse Price code b 21 Salome dancing. Price code b 22 Roman Officer, possibly Mark Anthony? Price code b 23 Classical Greek helmeted head 23 Standing Vikings resurrected from an old list 23a Viking with axe 23b Viking with sword in scabbard 23c Viking with winged helmet 24 Byzantine Infantryman, M, empty hand. See sword, spear, axe, banner from S list. Casting List Y All figures Price code c unless otherwise stated musicians, drummers and colour bearers can also be produced using arms from the WBC list and K251,252 1a 1b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Marine OFF 1830‟s, sword on shoulder Marine OFF 1830‟s, sword outstretched Marine 1830‟s attention, slope arms Marine 1830‟s attention, shoulder arms Marine 1830‟s attention, grounded arms Marine 1830‟s attention, side drummer Marine 1830‟s attention, fifer Marine 1830‟s, port arms Marine Bandsman 1830‟s M, NA Base drummer 1830‟s M. Price code e Marine 1830‟s M, slope arms Marine 1830‟s M, shoulder arms 1830 Cavalry Shako Price code a Casting list Z Naval figures from around the world, and Royal Marines To simplify the catalogue Naval and Marine figures from lists F, V and WBC now appear in list Z. Nelson, his ship’s boat, and the Napoleonic period Marines are still in list R, 1830’s Marines in list Y, and boats with crews in list V. Figures 1 to 20 need list K arms to complete them. They are slightly smaller than the rest of list Z. Later figures from 32 onwards will need WBC arms if separate arms are indicated. 33 to 42 have chunkier bases. All figures Price code b unless otherwise stated 1 2 3 4 Sailor in cap and half boots. M. NRA. Sailor in sennet hat and half boots. M. NRA. Sailor in sennet hat and half boots kneeling. NA. Sailor in sennet hat and half boots advancing fixed bayonet. 5 OFF. in half boots. M. NRA. 6 OFF. FS. looking through telescope. 7 Admiral walking. 8 Sailor in bell bottoms kneeling. NA. 9 Sailor in bell bottoms standing. NA. 10 OFF. present arms. NH. NA. 11 Sailor in cap and half boots, present arms 12 Turkish Sailor. M. 13 Sailor in sennet hat to pull gun/stretcher bearer 14 Royal Marine present arms 15 Sailor in sennet Hat, falling wounded 16 Turkish Sailor in fez. 17 Seated sailor. 18 Seated rowing sailor. 19 M Naval OFF full trousers 20 M sailor bell-bottoms 21 Drunken sailor holding on to lamppost £4.00 22 Sea Cadets: Boys in belts and gaiters, unless otherwise stated; Girls in jacket & skirts. 23 heads and arms can be used to adapt or complete figures in 22. Price code a each 22a Boy, attention, NA 22b Girl, attention, NA 22c Boy Officer, attention, NA 22d Girl, attention to take bass or tenor drum. To complete, order K35, 36 22e Boy, M, NA 22f Girl, M, NA 22g Girl dancing hornpipe in 19th Century „Sailor‟ costume. Can dance in diamond formations of 9 22h Boy, attention, bell bottoms 22j Boy, NA, M, in T shirt, to pull gun and limber (H11 & 96) 22k as 133, hat in hand 22l Boy, at ease, bell bottoms 22m Girl attention 22n Boy grounded arms 22p Boy, bell bottoms, M 22q Boy Marine, attention 22r Boy Marine, grounded arms 22s Boy Marine, M 22t to 22w: Final movement of sword exercise. Cadets in 19th Century ‘Sailor’ costume 22t Boy, swords overhead 22u Girl, as 22t 22v Boy, Indian clubs overhead 22w Girl, as 22v 22x Junior boy, M 22y Junior girl, M 22z Girl at ease 23a Shoulder arms, R 23b Slope arms, L 23c R arm 23d L arm 23e Drum Major, R 23f Drum Major, L 23g Bass drum stick, R 23h Bass drum stick, L 23j Side drum & arms 23k Cymbal, R 23m Cymbal, L 23n Bell Lyre & arms 23p Girl officer head 24: WRENs 24a WREN at attention 24b WREN adjusting stocking 24c WREN up to 1942 hat, attention 24d WREN Warrant Officer reprimanding 24c for hole in stocking 24e WREN Officer 25 Sailor in shorts at ease, separate arms. Can hold boathook, rope, rifle etc. Price code c 26 Sailor at ease in duffle coat and steel helmet, NA. To complete, order K17 or WBC arms 27 Sailor with semaphore flags 28 Submariner 29 Naval Officer NA, at ease. To complete, order WBC 139 or other suitable arms. 30 as 29 with anklets 31 Naval Warrant Officer, NA, attention. To complete, order WBC 140 and other suitable arms 32 German sailor M, NA. Designed primarily as a bandsman 33 to 36 represent a modern Royal Marine Band Marching. 33 Drum Major. Price code c 34 Side Drummer. Price code c 35 Bass/ tenor Drummer. To complete, order K251, 252. 36 Bandsman, NA. To complete order WBC instruments. 37 Marine, NA. To complete, order WBC22 or 31 and 32 38 Royal Naval Association Flag bearer with paper flag. Price code c 39 Sailor M, NA. Designed primarily as a bandsman 40 Sailor firing salute. Price code c 41 Modern Chinese sailor M. Designed primarily as a bandsman 42 As 41 with automatic rifle. Price code c 43 Naval crew for Venus/Isis 43a OFF with telescope 43b OFF with megaphone 43c Maxim gunner 43d Sailor opening ammunition 43e Steersman 43f 6 pdr gunner 43g Sailor with shells 43h Running (see K195) 43j Half sailor emerging from hatch 43l Sailor with rifle 44 represents sailors from the 1850s to 1880s and are appropriate for most Navies. Price code b each except 44h 44a OFF in straw hat with telescope 44b OFF with megaphone 44c Sailor steering 44d Sailor firing rifle 44e Advancing with grappling iron 44f Advancing with rifle 44g Advancing with cutlass 44h Gatling gunner with gun Price code c 44j Gatling loader 44k Sailor with ramrod 44l Kneeling with cannon balls 44m Powder monkey 44n Petty OFF with trail spike 45 can be used as crew for V 66: Sailors did not wear uniform before 1850 except for some Captain’s barges, though a certain uniformity could be seen in some ships crews with cloth purchased from the slop stores. Naval Officers did wear uniform. Most of the figures can therefore be used to crew your Naval vessel or Pirate ship See also L74, R30 to 32. 45a Captain Nelson with blunderbuss 45b Peg legged pirate with cutlass 45c Pirate with parrot and chest 45d Climbing ratlines/ wounded 45e Firing musket. £3.15 45f Kneeling with rammer 45g Gunner with portfire 45h Running with cutlass and knife 45j Steering with hook hand 45k Female Pirate charging 45l Half sailor emerging from hatch 45m Boatswain charging 45n Naval steersman List Z continued 45p Pirate playing concertina 45q Anne Bonny, pirate 46 Sailor looking through telescope, copy of Timpo figure 47 Rest on arms reversed, cap, NA. Can be completed with WBC157 48 Attention NA, cap 49 Present arms, sennet hat 50 As 47, but in sennet hat 51 Bahamas sailor NA, attention 52 Bahamas sailor NA, M 53 Stoker with wrench 54 RNAS female standard bearer, with paper standard. Price code c 55 RNAS, M 56 US sailor, hands in pockets 57 US sailor‟s kit bag 58 - 61 Sailors seated playing ‘Uckers’. Can be completed with H50 Table & 2 x H49 Benches. Paper board free on request 58 Bald with dice box 59 Cap on back of head 60 Stoker 61 T-shirt NA. Can be completed with WBC155 62 Japanese sailor in WW2 helmet, M, NA 63 Aircraft carrier deck crew 1950’s 63a Crewman running. Price code c 63b Fireman running. Price code c 63c CO2 mobile cylinder. Can be pulled by 2 x 63b. Price code k 63d Crewman signalling „go left‟ (to aircraft). Price code c 63d Crewman, head 64 Marine advancing 1740. Price code c 65 Sailor to line the rail. Price code c 66 Sailor cheering ship. Price code c 67a Sailor to pull funeral limber, R arm up 67b Sailor to pull funeral limber, L arm up 68a U.S.A. Sailor M, NA to make bands, colour parties 68b U.S.A. Sailor M, slope arms. Price code c See WBC 202 for marine 69a WW1 African sailor rowing. Price code c 69b WW1 African sailor seated with rifle. Price code c 70 Naval Officer M, NRA 71 Seated WREN. Price code c 72 Chinese Marine goose stepping. Price code c 73 WREN officer head 74 Naval Brigade WW1. Price code c each 74a Climbing ladder 74b Kneeling officer 74c Kneeling firing 74d Kneeling fixed bayonet 74e Standing firing 74f Standing fixed bayonet 74g Bugler 75 Copy of Timpo sailor with kitbag. Price code c 76 Sailor in greatcoat, NA, M Casting List WBC Designed originally to be compatible with what was then called the William Britains Collection, this range has expanded to encompass more detailed parade figures and especially bandsmen and women. Where appropriate, separate arms plug into holes in the bodies. All Figures on this list are Price code b, unless otherwise stated. All Heads & Arms are Price code a. All heads and arms are suitable for conversion of WBC figures: 5-21, 23, 60, 61 have wings. Other arms do not. 1 2 3 Irish Guards Piper. Scots Drum Major. Scots Bass, Tenor Drummer. To complete, order K35 or K36 4 Scots Side Drummer. 5 to 16 arms have ‘wings.’ 5 Trombone & Arms. 6 Cornet & Arms. 7 Flute & Arms. 8 Euphonium & Arms. 9 Eb Bass & Arms. 10 Clarinet & Arms. 11 Bassoon & Arms. 12 Cymbal.R. 13 Cymbal.L. 14 Saxophone & Arms. 15 French Horn & Arms. 16 Tenor Horn & Arms. 17 Sword at the carry. R. 18 Sword in Scabbard. L. 19 Arm to support flag. R. 20 State Trumpet arm. R. 21 Rein arm. L. 22 SA80 arm slope. L. 23 Side drum stick arm. R. 24 Guard bandsman. NA. (use WBC list arms). 25 Drum Major, State dress. 26 Guard Band Base Drummer, (use K35 to complete.) 27 Guard Side Drummer. NRA. (use WBC 23). 28 Modern INF khaki No 2 dress. NLA. (use WBC 22). 29 Kingsman No. 1 Dress Blues. NLA. (use WBC 22). 30 Scots Piper in Bonnet. 31 Rifle Slope with Bayonet. L. 32 R arm. 33 FS Helmet. 34 Piper in Glengarry. 35 Director of Music - Blues & Royals. NRA. 36 Baton Arm. R. 37 Scots Bandsman. M. NA. 38 Rifles bandsman. M. NA. 39 INF peaked cap, at attention. NA. 40 INF peaked cap, at attention. NLA. 41 L arm. 42 to53 arms do not have wings 42 Trombone and arms. 43 Cornet and arms. 44 Flute and arms. 45 Euphonium and arms. 46 Eb Bass and arms. 47 Clarinet and arms. 48 Bassoon and arms. 49 Cymbal. R. 50 Cymbal. L. 51 Saxophone and arms. 52 French Horn and arms. 53 Tenor Horn and arms. 54 Base for marching figure. Price code l 55 Rifle at trail. R. 56 Slouch hat (to convert plastic bearskin guards to Australians/Ghurkas). 57 Kukri. 58 Bersaglieri head. 59 Arm with pad L. 60 Bass drum stick arm L. 61 Bass drum stick arm R. 62 RAF Bandsman M. NA. 63 Guardsman, NA, M 64 Scots FS, NA, M 65 Scots slope arm, L 66 RSM pace stick, R 67 SA80 held across body, R 68 SLR shoulder arms, R 69 SA80 trail, R 70 Bombardon 71 Bass drum stick no epaulette, R 72 Bass drum stick no epaulette, L 73 Line infantry head 74 Martini rifle, slope, L 75 Martini rifle, attention, R 76 Pace stick under R arm 77 Slung Mauser rifle, R 78 Mace no epaulette, R 79 Scot 1970‟s, NRA, M (see 68) 80 Gurkha 2001, NRA, M (see 69) 81 Australian Scots piper, M 82 Australian Scot, NA, M 83 Queen Alexandra‟s Nurse, M 84 Australian WW2, NA, M 85 to 91 now in List Z 92 Drawn sword, Gauntlet, R 93 Spade on shoulder, gauntlet, R 94 Pick as 93 List WBC continued 95 Axe as 93 96 Sword outstretched, R 97 Bagpipes 98 Side drum stick, L 99 Side drum stick, R 100 Present Arms 101 Dutch Guards band, NA, M 102 Bersaglieri, running, NA 103 Arms with trumpet for 102 104 Gentleman Cadet Canada, NA, M 105 Gibraltar Regiment, NA, M 106 Gibraltar Regiment helmet 107 Pavlovski Regiment band, 1850‟s, NA, M. To complete, order a mixture of old (from WBC 143) and new instruments. Please ring for advice if required 108 Early instrument arms, epaulettes on shoulders 108a Serpent 108b Bassoon 108c Clarinet 108d Trumpet (R) 108e Arm (R) Hole in hand 108f Arm (L) 108g Mace, no arm, fits hole in 108e 108h Jingling Johnny, no arm, fits hole in 108e 108j Trombone, duck head 108k Cymbals 108m French horn 108n Side drum & arms 108p Bass drum stick, R 108q Bass drum stick, L (See K234) 108r Long drum, no arms. Adapt 108p & q by filing down ball ends 108s Flute 108t Ophiclied 108u Sax horn 108v Trombone 109 Side drum and arms, no „wings‟ 110 Gendarme, NA, M 111 Black Watch, desert uniform 2004, NA, M. See below 112 arms with rolled up sleeves to create a pipe band 112a Pipes 112b Bass/ tenor drum stick, L (See K 251, 252) 112c Bass/ tenor drum stick, R 112d Side drum and arms 112e Mace, R 112f Arm, L 113 Arab, NA, M 114 Manacled arms for 128 115 18th Century Guards side drummer, M 116 18th Century Guards Musician, NA, M. To complete, order WBC wing arms for Drum Major, Bass Drummer & Fifer & K251. Use 143 arms for band. 116a Fife case for 116. Price code a 117 Kuwait Infantry, M, NA 118 Women‟s Royal Army Corps, M, NA 119 Ethiopian Band 1960‟s, M, NA 120 Arab Legion, M, NA 121 Princess Patricia‟s Canadian Light Infantry, M, NA 122 Turkish Janissary Band, NA, M 123 arms for 122 123a Bandmaster, R 123b Bandmaster sword, L 123c Jingling Johnny, R. L: use 123b & remove sword 123d Bass drum, R 123e Bass drum includes, L Price code l 123f Timball (bongo) drums & arms 123g Trumpet 123h Hautbois (clarinet like instrument) 124 Lifeguard in State dress M, NA 125 Mug, R 126 Pistol, R 127 Norwegian M, NA 128 Brazilian Cadet M,NA 129 Somali camel corps, M, NA 130 Somali camel rider. To complete, order B2. 131 Chad Bandsman, M, NA 132 Iraqi Bandsman, M, NA from the Saddam Era 133 Columbian Soldier, M, NA. Uniform by Simon Bolivar 134 to 138, and 142 transferred to list Z 139 At ease arms 140 Pace stick under R arm 141 At ease rifle 143 as 108, but no epaulettes. Flute & L arm are already in the WBC list: 143a Serpent 143b Bassoon 143c Trumpet, R 143d R arm for 108g & h 143e Trombone, duck head 143f Cymbals 143g French horn 143h Ophiclied 143j Sax horn 143k Clarinet with wider bell mouth 144 Bent left arm 145 Drumsticks in R hand 146 Life guard, state dress, attention. Can be completed with WBC20 & WBC156 147 French National Guard Band, dismounted cavalry band, M. Price code c, except 147c Price code e 147a Trumpeter 147b Conductor 147c Bass drummer 147d Side drummer 147e Sousaphone player 147f French horn player 148 Pakistan Artillery bandsman, M, NA 149 Sri Lanka Hewisi band, M. Price £3.85 each, except flute £3.15 149a Conductor 149b Long drummer 149c Oval drummer 149d Tam-tam drummer 149e Flautist 150 Trinidad & Tobago Steel Band in khaki, moving with rhythm! Price £3.85 each, except bass drummer Price code e 150a Male, large steel drum 150b Male, medium steel drum 150c Male, small steel drum 150d Female, large steel drum 150e Female, medium steel drum 150f Female, small steel drum 150g Drum major 150h Bass drummer 150j Side drummer 151 Swiss Vatican Guard Band, M. Price code c, except bass drummer Price code e 151a Conductor 151b Bass drummer 151c Side drummer 151d Trombonist 151e Cornettist 151f Euphonium player 151g Eb bass player 151h French horn player 151j Clarinettist 151k Flautist 151l Oboe player 151m Cymbalist 152 R arm for 133 153 Saluting naval R arm 154 Parachute regiment head 155 Folded arms 156 L arm with wing 157 Rest on arms reversed, arms plus gun 158 Sousaphone, including R arm 159 L arm for 158 and 160 160 Bombardon, including R arm 161 Sennet hat 162 R hooked hand for stretchers, etc 163 L hooked hand for stretchers, etc 164 Taiwan Cadet M, NA 165 Taiwan Navy M, NA 166 Taiwan Navy M, slope arms. Price code c 167 North Korea M, NA 168 North Korea M, with weapon. Price code c 169 Glockenspiel 170 Hawaii Royal band M, NA List WBC continued 171 Nigeria Regiment 1962 M, NA. Can be completed with 112 b to f and 178 172 Charles Dickerson drum band M, NA 173 Polish Warsaw military district band M, NA 174 Carabinieri band M, NA. Can be completed with WBC 108 and 183 arms and K35 175 Junior Leaders Regiment band M, NA 176 Polish Pomeranian military district band M, NA. See 174 for arms 177 R.A.F. 1941 M, NA 178 Flute arms, rolled sleeves 179 Evzone band in full dress. Price code c each, except bass drummer Price code e 179a Drum Major 179b Cornet 179c Euphonium 179d Eb bass 179e Saxophone 179f Bass drummer 179g Trombone 179h Flute 179j Side drummer 179k Cymbals 179m Clarinet 179n Bassoon 180 Evzone in blue uniform. Can be completed with WBC instruments arms without wings, 42 to 53 etc. and K35 181 Arms with epaulettes and no cuff detail 181a Drum major‟s mace 181b L sword arm 181c Cornet 181d Euphonium 181e Eb bass 181f Saxophone 182 Arms for Mexican Mariachi band. See F140, WBC 43 182a Guitar 182b Oversize guitar. Price code l 182c Violin bow R 182d Violin L 182e Concertina 183 Cyprus police bandsman, circa 1960, M, NA 184 Utah Civil War Veterans Association, Ladies band M, NA 185 Monaco military band, M, NA 186 Blues and Royals bandsman M, NA 187 Khymer Rouge M, NA 188 Tonga Police bandsman M, NA 189 190 Hong Kong Policeman M, NA 191 Arms at ease, short sleeves 192 U.S.A. modern rifle, slope R 193 Evzone WW1 M, NA 194 Irish bandsman 1924 / Evzone Officer M, NA 195 Greek modern rifle rolled up sleeves, L 196 Chinese Airforce M, NA 197 Greek local bandsman M, NA. Uniform similar to 1900 period military uniform 198 Line INF M, NA 199 U.S. army jazz bandsman, NA, attention 200a U.S. army bandsman WW2, NA, attention 200b As 200a but seated 200c As 200a M, NA 201 Brussels Police band M, NA 202 Soldier / Marine WW2 battledress, attention, NA 203 Papua New Guinea police, M, slope arms, 1930s. Price code c 204 Papua New Guinea Police, M, slope arms, 1960s. Price code c 205 Greek infantry WW2, M, slung rifle. Price code c 206 Modern side drum and arms 207 Chile woman soldier M, NA 208 Modern Australian rifle, R 209 Thai guard, M, NA 210 Norwegian at attention. Price code c each except 210e price code e. See H180 210a Soldier saluting 210b Officer saluting 210c Drum Major 210d Drummer 210e Standard bearer 211 L arm with gauntlet 212 Bangladesh Soldier, M, NA 213 Bulgarian in no 2 dress, M, NA 214 Tasmanian Police Pipe Band. £3.15 each, bass drummer price code e. Male (M) & Female (F) musicians are in the band 214a Drum Major (M) 214b Bass drummer (F) 214c Piper (M) 214d Piper (F) 214e Side drummer (M) 214f Side drummer (F) 215 Greek modern rifle, L 216 Banjo and arms 217 Black U.S. infantry bandsman NA, attention, WW1. 218 Figures in ‘woolly pulley’ and beret, M, NA for Navy, Army or RAF, or as cadet officers. 218a Male 218b Female in skirt 219 Greek infantryman 1912, M, Slope arms. Price code c 220 Greek infantryman WW1, M Slung rifle. Price code c 221 Italian fireman WW2, NA, M. Arms can be purchased to complete as bandsman, marching slope arms, or officer 222 Evzone, full dress, M, NA. Price code c 223 Evzone Officer, M. Price code c 224 Scots Greys, band head. Price code a 225 Dismounted Portugese Guard cavalrymen M, NA 226 Burma Infantry, Navy, M, NA 227 Irish Guards piper, no cape, M 228 M figure, NH, NA 229 Germans and some other armies carry euphonia with the horn pointing left. 229a Germanic euphonium 229b Eb bass 230 American Civil War period instruments 230a Cornucopian (like a large trumpet or flugel horn) 230b Early bass(?) with the horn held over the shoulder Studio 112 Studio 112 figures are chunky 54mm figures Price code c, unless otherwise stated 1 to 4 represent groups of VC winners at Rourke’s Drift in the Zulu War 1 Schiess VC group: (A) Cpl. Schiess stabbing (B) Zulu falling back (C) Mr. Byrne‟s body Price code r 2 Jones VC group: (A) R. Jones (B) W. Jones, carrying (C) hospital casualty Price code r 3 Hook VC with wounded man Price code e 4 Allen VC group: (A) Cpl. Allen VC, (B) Hitch VC, (C) ammunition & (D) barricade man £12 5 Richthofen group for WW1 ground crew: (A) Baron von Richthofen with bottle & glass, (B) Bald OFF with glass, (C) OFF with glass fending off (L103) dog £12 6: Sudanese, attention, no arms (use WBC 74, 75, 32, 41, etc) 6a NCO with swagger cane 6b Bugler 6c Slope arms 6d Grounded arms 7 Scruffy Confederate advancing, port arms 8: 24th Foot, Zulu War, M, NA. Full equipment 8a Slope arms 8b Trail arms 8c Advancing, fixed bayonet 8d Pistol and sword in scabbard 8e Bugler 9 Gladiatrices. 2 female gladiators fighting in the arena £8.40 10 Texicans at the Alamo. Col. Travis draws the famous „line in the sand‟ in front of 3 volunteers Price code d 11 Hadendowa („Fuzzy Wuzzy‟) charging with sword or spear and shield 12 British Camel Corps 1884 12a Officer 12b Firing 12c To receive CAV 12d Bugler 12e kneeling firing 12f kneeling to receive CAV List Studio 112 continued 13 Camel Corps stretcher group. 2 bearers with wounded on stretcher. Price code r 14 British Infantry Sudan 1898 14a Officer 14b Firing 14c To receive CAV 14d Drummer 14e Kneeling firing 14f Kneeling to receive CAV 15 British Infantry stretcher group 1898. 2 bearers with wounded on stretcher. Price code r 16 FS helmet with neck flap. Price code a 17 Stretcher with wounded man. Price code c 18 24th Foot stretcher group, Zulu war. 2 bearers with wounded on stretcher. Price code r 19 The Sword Exercise. Sergeant Troy demonstrates the sword exercise to Bathsheba Everdene in Thomas Hardy‟s „Far from the Madding Crowd.‟ Price code t. A wooden base is available, price on application 20 V.C. Heroes. Lt. Chard, Lt. Bromhead and Sgt. Bourne. Price code r 21 24th foot Zulu War wearing waistbelt equipment, left foot forward a to e, kneeling f & g, attention h to k. Other arm variations possible 21a Firing 21b To receive cavalry or parrying 21c Bugler 21d At the trail 21e Officer with drawn sword 21f Kneeling to receive 21g Kneeling firing 21h Slope arms 21j Grounded arms 21k Officer 22 Mounted Infantryman with carbine. Can be completed with horse P1,2,3 or 4 and K51 & K52 23 Foreign service helmet with puggree 24 As 23 with spike 25 24th foot or other regiment, waist belt equipment, Zulu war 25a Kneeling to receive CAV 25b Kneeling firing 25c Standing to attention, slope arms 25d Standing to attention, grounded arms 25e Officer, standing to attention 26 Egyptian head 27 EFS helmet with spike 28 24th lying wounded 29 Medical corps stretcher bearer 30 Surgeon Reynolds kneeling 31 Italian infantry foreign service, 1880s. Kit includes helmet plumes for Bersaglieri and Alpini. Price £4.20 per kit 31a Standing firing 31b Advancing fixed bayonet 32 Bersaglieri about 1850. 32a Running rifleman 32b Running officer 33 Zulu War Staff group 33a Lord Chelmsford pointing 33b Longcast, his interpreter, looking through binoculars 33c Lt. Milne, R.N. 34 Stretcher with wounded. Variation to 17 without helmet on stretcher List AA English Civil War Foot figures £3.85 each, mounted Price code k each 1 Pikeman M wearing helmet, back and breastplate. 1a Push of pike 1b Slope 1c Drummer 1d Fifer 1e Trumpeter 1f Pike advancing 2 Musketeer 2a Firing 2b Advancing 3 Officer with: 3a Spontoon 3b Pistol 3c Sword 4 Pikeman in hat and buff coat. Variations as 1 5 Musketeer in Monmouth cap. Variations as 2 6 Gunners 6a Officer with portfire 6b Gunner with cannon ball 6c Gunner with ramrod 6d Gunner with bucket 7 Gun. 4 part kit. Price code d 8 E.C.W. Cavalier on trotting horse with: 8a Pistol 8b Sword 8c Trumpet 8d Trumpet with banner 9 E.C.W. Roundhead on trotting horse with: 9a Pistol 9b Sword 9c Trumpet 9d Trumpet with banner Banner variations can be created for any figure American War of Independence (AWI) Price code c each unless otherwise stated 1 to 5 represent French Infantrymen 1 French Infantry firing 2 French Infantry to receive cavalry 3 Drummer 4 Fifer 6 Flag bearer Del Dorset 60 mm figures Price code c unless otherwise stated DD1 Black Watch Highlander of Canada WW1, leaning on his rifle Space Castings listed on Space Sheet, please ask if of interest Dorset Extras ‘Dorset’ blue cardboard boxes (no labels). I can no longer supply red leatherette boxes, but do have red old „Britains‟ style infantry and cavalry boxes again. Please ask for current price. I also have boxes for boats, and can quote a current price if required. Postage at cost. 4"x4"x 2" £2.50 7"x4"x 3½" £3.25 10"x4" x 3½" £3.60 18"x4" x 3½" £4.15 7 ¾ x 5" x 1¼" with foam inserts to take four figures. £4.15 11" x 5" x 1¼" with foam inserts to take six figures. £4.15 15" x 5" x 1¼" with foam inserts to take eight figures. £4.30 10" x 10" x 1½ " with foam inserts to take 12 figures £4.50 10" x 10" x 2½ " with foam inserts to take up to 30 figures ( can be cut to suit your needs) £5.50 We use Milliput epoxy as a filler, and for making extra detail on figures (belts, pouches etc). Works like Plasticine, and doesn't shrink on drying. £2.60 per pack plus Postage and Packing at cost. Sable Brushes and Acrylic Matt Paint have proved useful to collectors who buy at the London show. Please contact me for a list if of interest. DORSET SOLDIERS COLOUR CATALOGUE Please send £7.95 or £10 (overseas) for a copy, or download free from the website