no one covers tybee like the breeze


no one covers tybee like the breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Tybee Breeze
Tybee Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Tybee Breeze
Established 2002
There’s no need to travel all the way to the Big Easy when on March 4-5, 2011
TybeeFest presents the 3rd Annual Mardi Gras Tybee celebration!
Why Wear A Mask?
It is traditional to
wear a mask on
Mardi Gras Day.
Wear one instead
of a costume or
with a costume. For
one day you can be
anonymous. Masks
can express your
personality or your
alter ego.
Did you ever want
to be someone
else? You can live out a fantasy. How about
walking through a crowd of people and not
one person knowing who you are? That kind
of freedom is why people celebrate Mardi
Gras -- to let out their alter ego.
Masks and costumes are also used to
get attention from the float riders, so they will
hand out more stuff if they like your costume.
Couples often color coordinate or deliberately
contrast. Groups of friends can all wear the
same mask. Men dress as women and women
dress as men. It is a blast!
Masks are made out of feathers,
sequins, glitter, and even plaster. Sometimes
people wear a stick mask, or a zorro type
mask. The idea at Mardi Gras is to wear a
mask, any kind of mask or costume. It is part
of the fun and festivities that make Mardi
Gras such an unusual holiday.
Imagine walking through a true
masquerade ball of olden day. Men dressed in
their finest tuxedos and women in magnificent
ball gowns. Everyone dons a mask leaving
much to the imagination. Elaborate stick
masks entice others at the ball with only
seductive eyes and sensuous lips exposed.
The mystery behind a mask lives today for
one magical day, Mardi Gras.
colors of Mardi Gras. Normally they have a
small, plastic King Cake baby baked inside.
The person who gets the King Cake baby is
declared the King or Queen of the day and on
Tybee they win a prize. All over Tybee Island the King Cake
Party is a weekly tradition from January 6th
until the beginning of Lent, Ash Wednesday.
No Mardi Gras celebration is complete without
King Cake Parties. For a list of Official King
Cake parties, please visit:
Mardi Gras Tybee Schedule:
On Friday, March 4th make plans to attend the
3rd Annual Masquerade Ball at Fannie’s on
the Beach, where the 2011 Mardi Gras Tybee
King and Queen will be chosen by costume
contest. Live entertainment featuring: Dikki
Du and the Zydeco Krewe from 9-Midnight
and much more! Tickets are $20 in advance
or $25 at the door. Available online at: www.
On Saturday, March 5th enjoy the
Mardi Gras Street Party on Tybrisa Street from
noon to 7pm. Featuring live entertainment
from Bottles & Cans and Dikki Du and the
Zydeco Krewe from 2-6pm. Don’t miss the
Tybee Bazaar where a small array of shops
will have a fine selection of Mardi Gras items.
Join in the fun at the Mardi Gras Tybee
parade which will run down Butler Avenue at
1pm. Admission to the street party and parade
is free.
The Bands:
Bottles & Cans
“One of the most entertaining bands to watch
town, these
guys hardly
shift from
their spots
but it’s the
King Cake Parties Tybee Style
King cakes are as plain or as fancy as you
of intense
want, but they are almost all decorated with
Continued page 4
sugar in purple, green and gold, the official
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Tybee Breeze
concentration and seemingly effortless flippancy with which
they ply their rotgut, Tom Waits/Howlin’ Wolf-inspired
trash can blooze rawk swing that is mesmerizing. They get
down deep into their grab bag of original & obscure songs,
and don’t come up until they’ve had their way with them.”
-Connect Savannah
Dikki Du and the Zydeco Krewe
What a sound!!! Dikki and the
krewe stretch out songs and it
is great to dance to, as well as
to listen to. Hard driving and
relentless is the theme all night.
It’s just funky as can be. Intense
action coupled to melodic vocals
means Dikki Du is guaranteed to
entertain. You will enjoy their hard driving funky zydeco, and
love the dance steps performed by the band. Most people
don’t, but Dikki Du!
Where to purchase:
King Cakes are available at: Lighthouse Pizza, Publix and
Kroger or you can order online from:
Cajun Pecan House ~
Manny Randazzo’s King
Ambrosia Bakery ~
Decorations can be ordered online from:
About Tybeefest: Tybeefest is an all volunteer non-profit organization
dedicated to providing entertainment, events and festivals on Tybee
Island for the enjoyment of Tybee residents and visitors alike.
Tybee Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Tybee Breeze
Tybee Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Tybee Breeze
Tybee Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Keeping It Real
Yeah... I’m going to need you to send me any
birthdays, anniversaries, announcements,
etc. that you want in the Breeze. My external
hard-drive died a horrible death, and I lost some
Bernie Goode talks about city council happenings and
Intoxicants this month on page 17, and I’m going to agree with Bernie that
Tybrisa Street should revert back to it’s historical name, 16th street;
everyone calls it that anyway.
Tybee Church celebrated their one year anniversary, and I
will admit, when Sam told me what he planned to do over a year ago, I
was sceptical. He told me that he would be holding church in a bar and
smokers and flip flops were welcomed; a place where pirate’s worship
(oh, ok Sam)! I mean I get the flip flops and church thing, (after all,
your fancy flops are reserved for church) but in a bar, and smoking?
Well they don’t serve alcohol, you can get that later on when the bar
actually opens up for the day, and Sam says that most people wait until
the service is over to smoke. They have great entertainment every
week, different guest speakers, and it has turned out to be a huge
success, almost outgrowing their space, so congratulations and happy
anniversary Tybee Church! Check out their ad on page 24.
It’s carnival season, get ready by participating in all the fun
Mardi Gras events on Tybee!
Laissez les bon temps rouler (Let the good times roll)!
“Be Breezy... You’re on Tybee time!”
Cajun Crawfish
Pie Recipe
Yield: 6 Servings
1 Onion; diced
1 lb Crawfish tails; coarsely ch
1/4 cup Green onion; minced
1/4 cup Parsley; minced
2 Garlic; cloves
1 tbsp. Salt
1/2 Bell pepper; diced
1/2 cup Bread crumbs; seasoned
2 Celery stalks; diced
1/2 tsp. Red pepper
1/2 cup Butter
1 Egg
1/2 tsp. Pepper
1/4 cup Tomato sauce
1 cup Milk
1 10” pie plate (double crust)
Sauté onions, garlic, bell pepper and celery in butter
until limp. Add tomato sauce, crawfish and parsley. Cook
slowly for 10 minutes. Turn off heat. Add bread crumbs,
salt, pepper, egg and milk then mix well. Bake pie 35 to
40 minutes in 350 degree oven. If you don’t care for the
delicious mud bugs you may substitute shrimp.
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Tybee Breeze
Saint Michael’s Catholic
Church Bell Tower Project
Greetings my fellow Tybee Islanders!
On March 15, 1964, the parish of St. Michael’s
Church, its pastor Reverend Father Herbert
Wellmeier, and Most Reverend Bishop Thomas
J. McDonough dedicated a (then) newly erected
Bell Tower on Tybee Island which, until late 2007,
rang out at 12:00 Noon and 6:00 PM each day.
The sounding of the bell, named “Mary Star of the
Sea,” grew to be an integral part of each island
residents’ memory of life on Tybee; or “Savannah
Beach,” as is inscribed on the bell. The ringing
of the bell was specifically a call to brief prayer to
Mary in reverence to the Incarnation of our Lord
(known as the “Angelus”); however, to most on the
island it was remembered as a simple sounding of
goodwill and peace within the community (if not a
dinner bell for those spending the afternoon on the
beach). Unfortunately, in 2009, it became apparent
the weight of bell had become too much for the 45
year old wooden tower; requiring that the bell be
taken down and the tower dismantled.
The year 2010 proved to be a particularly tough
year for the parishioners and friends of St. Michael’s
church. We lost several of our most beloved
members to illness and, as most know, had to
close the school as enrollment dwindled with the
opening of Tybee resident eligibility to May Howard
Elementary School.
It’s becoming apparent;
however, God indeed had a plan! We needed only
be patient. As you read in last month’s “Breeze,”
the Tybee Island Charter School had asked to
use our school facilities; and after a quick meeting
with the members of the church, the St. Michael’s
Parish Council unanimously, and excitedly - I might
add, endorsed the Charter’s use of the property!
So, hopefully, we will be educating our children on
the island again! Honestly, I can think of no better
way to celebrate our island life, the life of family
members and friends who have gone before us,
and the prospect of a new school than to resume
ringing the bell!
In the coming months, St. Michael’s parishioners and
friends will begin a project to rebuild the structure;
replacing the old timber with a new masonry and
steel tower. The target date to resume ringing
“Mary, Star of the Sea” at noon (Monday through
Saturday) and 6:00pm (every day) is early this
spring… that is, with a little prayer and some good
If you are interested in helping with the funding
needed to replace the St. Michael’s Church (Tybee)
Bell Tower, we would very much like to add the
name and the anniversary date (Birth/Death/Other
Significant) of a departed family member or friend
to the Tybee Island St. Michael’s Bell Toll Registry.
It will be recognized within the church, and the
island community, that the ringing of the bell, on
that particular day each year, is in memory of your
beloved family member or friend.
Thank you and may God continue to bless the
Tybee Island community!
Andy Watson
Bell Tower Project Chairman
The below may be returned to the St, Michael’s
Church Office (on Lovell behind the church) or
mailed to: St. Michael’s Church, 802 Lovell Ave.,
Tybee Island, GA 31328
Pledge/Contribution: $______________________
Date: ______________ Check # _____________
Person to be remembered: __________________
Date of anniversary of birth/death/other: ________
Person (family) making pledge: _______________
Mailing address: __________________________
Tybee Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
go. Even though I have lived in other parts of this
great country over the years and enjoyed some
magnificent vistas, there was never a more beautiful
and comforting sight than emerging from the treelined drive through Wilmington Island and looking
out over the marshes toward Tybee. The fragrance
of low-tide (offensive to some) was the sweet smell
of home.
“If you’re lucky enough to live on Tybee you’re lucky
As we start off this new year let’s all take the time to
enjoy the smell of the marsh, listen
I included the above mantra in
to the roar of the ocean waves, the
my January 2011 - Tybee Breeze
sea birds, the channel buoys, get up
column and I was not just patronizing
to watch the sunrise and take the
our little spit of sand. I don’t claim
time to watch it settle into the horizon
authorship of the phrase, I think I
at evening. It’s very easy to ignore
may have first seen it painted on a
all of these sensory inputs, but they
sign in Newport, Key West, Block
are all resident in our subconscious
Island, Parris Island (well maybe
and add immeasurably to our sense
not), or some other special vacation
of place and well being.
Tommy Thompson a writer, photographer and real
Special is the operative word here, Tybee has been estate consultant lives on Tybee Island
special from its founding. I was recently reading
Tom Coffey’s book “Only in Savannah” and among Email:
his memories, he lovingly tells tales of Tybee back in
the early days when a trip to Tybee was an exciting
train ride pulled by a steam powered locomotive
with embers from the coal-fired boiler blowing in
the windows.
After fifty years in the news-gathering business, Tom
Coffey retired in 1989 as editor of the Savannah
Morning News and the Savannah Evening Press
and as you can imagine he had lots of stories about
the characters from the greater Savannah area,
none more colorful than those on Tybee.
This barrier island only about one mile wide and
three miles long has endured the ravages of storms,
felt the wrath of the mighty Atlantic Ocean, been
occupied by Yankee solders and even to this day
survives the attack of vacationers from near and far
every summer. But what makes Tybee special now
as in the old days are its people and by people I’m
talking about the permanent resident population.
Tybee’s people are very possessive of their island
and don’t take kindly to those that don’t respect its
natural beauty, ignore its speed limits and parking
meters or try to change it to be like where they
came from…!
Those of us lucky enough to live here share a
common bond with the sand, salt, murky waters,
sea birds, dolphins, turtles, feral cats and the everchanging parade of characters that come and
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Tybee Breeze
Oatland Offers Campfire winds through maritime forest, freshwater wetlands
Fun Without the Hassle! and salt marsh habitat with over 60 animals that
Bundle up the kids and have
some campfire fun without a
morning back ache! Oatland
Island Wildlife Center will have
“Family Campfire Night” on
Saturday, February 5, 2011
from 6:00-9:00 p.m. Enjoy
campfire favorites such as
making S’mores, storytelling, star-gazing, night
hiking, and a Nocturnal Natives program. Space
is limited so pre-register by calling (912) 395-1212.
Visit for more information.
Oatland Island Wildlife Center is a unique
facility operated by the Savannah-Chatham County
School system. It encompasses a total of 175 acres
with a 2 mile-long “Native Animal Nature Trail” that
Tybee Breeze
are indigenous to North America. Some of these
animals like the eastern timber wolf and Florida
panther are considered endangered species.
The Center is used primarily as a field trip site for
students and is also open daily to the public for selfguided walks, except holidays, from 10 until 4 p.m.
The Center is located 5 miles east of Savannah off
Islands Expressway at 711 Sandtown Rd.
Have family campfire fun without the
hassles! Oatland Island Wildlife Center will have
Family Campfire Night on February 5th from 6 to
9 p.m. Enjoy traditional campfire activities such
as hot chocolate and S’mores, Nocturnal Natives
talk and night hike, and storytelling! Visit www. for more information. Space is
limited! Pre-register by calling (912) 395-1212.
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
didn’t leave her lying, cheating husband anything
in her will? What surprised me was that anyone
would be surprised at that. Duh!
And let me ask you this: If somebody is going to
go back and edit Mark Twain’s works to take out an
offensive term, does that mean that Robert Frost’s
poems might be next? I mean one does mention
the term “queer.” And how about “All in the Family”?
Will Archie Bunker’s use of derogatory terms turn
into a bunch of “bleeps”? Will we no longer be able
It’s winter. It has been COLD. I’m tired of it. Maybe to speak of the era of the Gay 90’s? Can you say
by the time this issue of the Breeze
Fahrenheit 451? This is scary.
is on the stands for February, we’ll
have thawed out a bit.
And, by the way, newscasters and
economists out there, it’s not a “wellTo get away from the cold in
paying job” people are searching for.
December, we drove south to the
It’s a good-paying job so that they can
Keys and managed to be there for the
be well paid.
coldest days they had had in years.
I like the Florida Turnpike workers.
That’s about it for now. Gotta go
They have a sense of humor and are friendly and
wrap up in the electric blanket for a
helpful. (It’s sad when you find yourself surprised while.
that someone is nice to you, isn’t it?) We blew Judy O’Neill has written for the Breeze for the past eight
years. She was named “Best Local Columnist” at the
through one toll plaza because we got stuck in the
and 2006 Breezy Awards and “Best Local Real Estate
wrong lane. The toll lady at the next plaza said not
at the 2005 Awards. Judy and her husband John
to worry, we’d get a bill in the mail. And she said
have lived on Tybee since 1983 and own Tybee Island
it with a smile! But the most entertaining Florida
Realty. She can be reached for comment at
toll experience happened when an older toll guy
gave us our change and said, “And now, I’d like to
welcome you to Alaska!” Brrrrrrrr. I smiled for miles
after that one.
Travel is always fun. And no matter where we go,
when folks hear we’re from around Savannah, they
always want to know if we know Paula Deen. My
answer varies from a truthful “no” to a down right
lie of “Yes, of course!” Sometimes I’ll say I’m from
the Savannah area when asked so I don’t have
to go into a long explanation of where and what
our beloved Tybee is. Depends on who’s asking
and how friendly I’m feeling. This time, would you
believe, someone asked me if Savannah was near
Tybee! And then he went on to say he knew of
someplace called Fannies on the Beach. Small
world. Then I had to back track and tell the truth
about actually being from Tybee, not Savannah.
Stopping along the interstate to take a break is an
adventure. At one stop, the ladies room had two
toilets on opposite sides of a room, no dividers, no
doors, no curtains. What’s up with that? And then
there was the hotel we considered staying in along
the way. Burglar bars across the check-in desk
changed our minds on that one.
Ok, enough travel. I want to ask something: Why
were people surprised that Elizabeth Edwards
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Tybee Breeze
The Tybee YMCA is excited to be implementing
a new program for teenage girls. Each week the
teenage girls will participate in a customized workout
routine designed by certified fitness instructor Leah
aspects of working out and the different equipment
and types of classes available. This class will
incorporate a variety of exercises such as weight
training, spin, kickboxing, BOSU balls, circuits, abs,
stability balls, resistance bands and boot camp, to
name a few. The girls will be experiencing a new
With heart disease being the leading cause of death and different workout each week while making new
in the United States, and the United States being the friends in a healthy environment.
world leader in child and adolescent obesity, teens
need to have accurate information and guidance This class will be limited to teenage girls only and
in order to help them make conscious, educated will also touch on healthy eating habits and the
importance of good nutrition. Sparks will instruct
choices about their health habits.
and motivate the girls while teaching them proper
The program is designed to expose teens to different form and technique in a fun, positive environment.
types of exercises and help them to not only enjoy Those interested in participating please meet in the
it, but learn to incorporate exercise into their daily gymnasium lobby Thursday, February 4th at 5:15
lives. The teen girls will become familiar with various pm. This class will meet every Thursday from 5:156:00pm. All fitness and skill levels are welcome Don’t miss out!
Did you know that the YMCA has been strengthening
communities for over 160 Years?
The YMCA is the organization that….
- saw to and met the practical and spiritual
needs of young men flocking to London during the
Industrial Revolution
- has served the military and military families
in every U.S. conflict since the Civil War
- inspired the formation of the USO, Peace
Corps and Father’s Day
- is non-profit
- began values education at a time of social
- invented group swimming lessons,
basketball, volleyball and racquetball, and gave
them to the community
- Never turns anyone away due to financial
hardship through the Priceless Gifts Campaign
- is dedicated to the Tybee community!
Tybee Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Dear Readers,
Sorry I haven’t been able to
respond to all your notes and
emails this month.
Our cat
Freckles recently had kittens and
we’ve been dealing with our new family
members. What’s amazing is that husband
Fr e d
swore that Freckles was a boy when he brought him
(her) home a while back. We just thought Freckles
was a bit furry and overly plump. Imagine our
surprise when we came home one day and found
that Freckles Van Flanders is actually a girl kitty and
had presented us with four little Freckles offspring.
Being grandparents of these little fur balls is quite
the experience. We decided to keep all four and will
be naming them soon. Since Fred can’t tell a boy
kitty from a girl kitty, and neither can I, we will name
them according to looks and personality. So far,
we have Skitzo, Meow-meow, Itchy, and Where’d-ugo. We plan to change little Where’d-u-go’s name
as soon as we find her. Him? Til next month, keep
those cards and emails coming. Thanks!
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
News from
the Tybee
Island Post
Another holiday season is gone. Again, we had
a great season at the Tybee Post Office….. we
always do!
We appreciate all the great food you folks
share with us during the holidays every year.
There was such ‘good stuff’ brought to us over
several weeks.
Most of all, we appreciate the kindness
and friendship you show us on a daily basis. We
are so fortunate to work in a community like Tybee.
~ Don, David., Rocco, Lisa and Patti
Priority Flat Mail is booming in the postal service.
You’ve all seen the commercials on television.
It is a convenient and cost-effective way to mail
We’re noticing that our customers are
automatically reaching for the Flat Rate Boxes.
We keep them available in the window service
Our concern is that you may be using the
Flat Rate Boxes and paying a little higher postage
than you need to.
We have a variety of Priority mailing
supplies available that aren’t the FLAT RATE.
The primary benefit of the Flat Rate boxes
is the ability to mail ‘heavy” items that will fit in the
boxes for a set rate.
The best example I can give you is this If you’re mailing a ladies sweater, it will fit
in the medium flat rate box and the postage will be
$10.95. BUT, a ladies sweater will fit in a regular
priority box and the postage will probably be $5 to
$6, depending on where it’s going.
If you’re mailing a small laptop computer, it
will fit in the medium flat rate box and the postage
will be $10.95. If you were to mail it in a regular
priority box, the postage would be considerably
more – maybe as much as $20 or more, depending
on the weight and where it’s going.
The service is the same – the price is not.
We are happy to help you decide which is the
better packaging.
If you use the Flat Rate Box, you must pay
the rate for the size of that box.
Tybee Breeze
Welcome to February Tybee!
each of the four committees working with you.
Can you believe it is February already! Where does This time last year, the Better Hometown Program
the time go?
began Third Thursdays on Tybee. The free one hour,
family-friendly outdoor music series is planned to
As we prepare for another busy spring and summer, begin again in April. Musicians interested in playing
I thank those that took the time to attend the should submit a sample of their music and a bio
“Season Preparation” business meeting last month. prior to February 16. A panel of professionals with
Your input was extremely helpful as we discussed music backgrounds will review the submissions
parking, litter, bicycling, aesthetical improvements, for quality and diversity. More information can be
information for visitors, and safety for businesses found on the BHT webpage under EVENTS (http://
(Thank you Sergeant Heckman!). Please keep the
dialouge open with suggestions and questions for aspx). Residents, Merchants and Guests are
continued progress! Better Hometown will have all encouraged to take advantage of these minitheir annual visioning Workshop soon for residents concerts while enjoying the outdoors!
and businesses to review accomplishements and
provide ideas for additional work plan items for Tybee businesses proudly serve the locals as
well as Island visitors. When you buy local, you
help support your community, your neighbors and
your friends. The BHT Economic Restructuring
Committee has been working hard to bring residents
a special program. The Locals Appreciation Card
is now available to those with a 31328 address on
their driver’s license. Participating merchants are
offering specials / discounts to card holders. The list
of participating locations can be found on the Better
Hometown webpage and your card may be obtained
from me. Please feel free to contact members of
the Better Hometown Board of Directors or me with
suggestions, concerns, or to help.
Here’s to you and the nostalgia of Tybee Island!
Chantel - 912.786-4573 ext. 123 (
Tybee’s BHT Vision Statement (adopted 4-14-09):
To improve the quality of life for those that live, work and visit
Tybee Island through a healthy business corridor and enhance
the cultural experience while preserving the community’s
barrier island heritage. The Mission of the Tybee Island
Better Hometown Program is to: - facilitate efforts to revitalize,
redevelop and enhance the business corridor; - create a sense
of place and improve the quality of life for residents, business
owners and visitors using the Main Street Four Point Approach;
- encourage quality economic growth and development while
preserving Tybee Island’s unique architectural heritage; Proudly
working with you to support Businesses and to preserve the
Community! - support and encourage the arts as a cultural
endeavor and economic engine on the Island.
Tybee Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
May 1908 and More on Intoxicants
Last month I finally finished reporting on the mega
meeting of April 8, 1908 - four months worth of articles!
The next meeting of the Mayor and Councilmen of the
Town of Tybee was held less than a month later on
May 1st.
“The Committee on Streets and Lanes to
whom was referred the matter of opening 15th or 16th
Street also on covering walk on 8th Street reported
favorably on opening 15th Street and covering walk on
8th Street.” I’m going to guess that opening means the
street would continue to the beach. That would mean
that 16th Street, now Tybrisa Street (but in my opinion
needs to revert to its historical name) was “closed” as
it has remained to this day. I’m not sure what covering
the walk on 8th Street means but sounds like the Town
decided to put some kind of roof over the walkway,
probably associated with the Atlantic Club located
Next Council turned its attention – yet again – to
intoxication by passing a new ordinance “to prohibit the
keeping for the purpose of illegal sale [state prohibition
was now in place] within the corporate limits of the
town of Tybee all intoxicating liquors of every kind and
“The Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of
Tybee, in Council assembled, do hereby ordain, that
from and after the passage of this
ordinance, it shall be unlawful for
any person, firm or corporation to
keep within the corporate limits of
the Town of Tybee for the purpose
of illegal sale, any alcoholic,
spirituous, malt, or intoxicating
liquors, or intoxicating bitters, or
other drinks, which if drank to
excess, will produce intoxication,
and every situation of this
ordinance shall be punishable upon
conviction before the Mayor’s Court
of the Town of Tybee by a fine not
exceeding One Hundred dollars,
or imprisonment not exceeding
thirty days, either or both, in the
discretion of the Court.”
I had to look up “bitters”
which is used by the town fathers for
the first time in the above ordinance.
According to my dictionary, a
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
“bitter” is “a usually alcoholic solution of bitter and often
aromatic plant products used especially in preparing
mixed drinks or as a mild tonic.” The Brits have a more
succinct definition: “a very dry heavily hopped ale.”
Next was an ordinance requiring the Chief
of Police “before entering upon the performance of
his duties shall enter into bond in the sum of One
Thousand dollars – with good and sufficient security
payable to the Mayor and Councilmen of said Town
conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties
of such officer, and to account for all monies coming
into his hands as tax collector, ex officio of said Town,
or as Chief of Police thereof.”
Then came an ordinance “to provide for the
sale of licenses on Bath Houses, used other than at
private residences.” The fee was set at 25 cents for
“each bath house or bath room.” Thank heavens a 25cent fee did not apply to one’s use of a private bath
room; but I have not checked current ordinances!
A short meeting of Council was held 10 days
later, on May 11, 1908. Councilman J. M. Dixon, who
missed the swearing in meeting following the elections,
took the oath of office to serve two more years.
Next, “The following applicants for the sale
of non-intoxicants made with cereal, were granted
and the Clerk of Council instructed to issue licenses
upon the receipt of license fees as
per ordinance: Patrick Grogan –
Grogan House, Chatham Avenue;
R. McFadden, Sea Breeze Motel,
Main Street; and E. B. Islar – Ocean
View House, Main Street.” Dixon,
Blun, and Smart voted yes, and
Kehoe and Harty voted no. What
does it tell you when the license
fee for selling “non-intoxicants
made with cereal” was as high as
any license fee on Tybee ($100)
and two councilmen voted to
deny the applications? For me, it
further substantiates my suspicion
expressed in last month’s article
that Tybee suffered little during the
days of prohibition.
Bernie Goode has been writing for
the Breeze for four years. Readers
with questions or comments are
encouraged to write Bernie at
Tybee Breeze
into their world.
All this work has been done weeks in advance up
to this point. When you arrive to your
destination now it’s time to beat the local
Over the past few years I’ve had the
bushes for info. I’ll start by visiting some
opportunity to travel up and down the
of the local tackle shops around town.
Atlantic Coast and fish; most times it has
The key here is to go shopping, ask
been to tournament fish. Most trips last
what they recommend, tell them what
4 to 7 days, a very short window to as
you want to catch and spend a little
we say, get on the fish. So here a few
money; this opens the door for you to
tips for you on how to catch more fish
ask more specific questions, like where
when you are fishing unknown waters.
to catch fish! When they start getting
Doing your homework ahead
specific with info have your chart ready
of time will really pay off big when you
to whip out and take notes.
arrive to your destination. I always start
Next I’m going to check out the
with charts, ordering them weeks ahead
local boat ramps, Google earth has
of time in order to allow ample time to
already helped me a little, but I need to
study the lay of the water. Top Spot Charts
talk to some locals and find out what’s
has become the most popular fishing
and recreational map along the South Lynn and Paul with a nice Redfish safe and pick their brains. Some boat
ramps are located in bad neighborhoods
Atlantic seaboard and Gulf Coast region
or just in very remote locations where
for inshore tournament anglers. These
they are not patrolled regularly by local
are offered in both inshore and offshore
law enforcement. Bottom line on this
versions. They contain a services
subject is don’t leave valuables in your
(marinas) and boat ramp index. Most
truck at the ramp! Back to the brain
helpful is that local guides are solicited
picking, hands down I have scored more
for information on good fishing areas
valuable information at boat ramps than
on a variety of species of fish and from
any of the afore mentioned. Pull up
that info the fishing drops are marked,
with a nice fishing shirt and a couple
numbered and then indexed. Most offer
of stickers on your boat and everybody
GPS coordinates. Check the local bait
wants you to know that they know how
and tackle shops for more local versions
to fish. They want you to know where
of these types of charts, as some guides
they fish, they want you to know that the
put together their own. NOAA is the next
guy just putting his boat in don’t know
chart I turn to. Getting this chart assures
how to fish, and I just listen.
me that I have the latest most accurate
Now all you need to do is make
depths and soundings available. This
a plan based on the information you’ve
chart also shows bottom and shoreline
gathered. Sounds like a lot of work, and
characteristics in great detail. They are
it is, but it will pay off big on your next
big and easy to read.
vacation, when you get on the fish!
Next I get on the internet and R I P Paul “Flam” Hayslip,
search local fishing forums to get a feel your friends and family at The
Stay warm and I’ll see ya in the river,
Shed will miss you dearly.
as to what the locals are catching. I’ll also
Capt. Stan
look up guides in the area and inquire
about what’s biting. I’m always honest and up front about
About the Captain
my intentions and most guys will give you some good
Captain Stan Allen (alias Fred) owns and operates
general information at the very least. Yeah and every now
Marshland Inshore Fishing Adventures, a local guide
and then you run across one that wouldn’t give Field and
service that runs out of Chimney Creek Marina (The
Stream the size hook they use. The key here is to ask the
Crab Shack), on Tybee Island. Captain Stan has been
right questions and then shut up and listen; they don’t want a Tybee resident for over 27 years. Stan is a professional redfish
to hear what a great fisherman you are. You want them to angler for and a pro staff member
contact info: 912-786-5943 www.marshthink they are the great one and you just want a little insight at E-mail
Fishing Homework
Tybee Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
GA Seminars by the Sea
Porcelain Arts School
World Organization of Porcelain Painters
for the FOURTH YEAR!
February 19 – March 6, 2011
Although we may
spend only a few
days on “island,”
the energy and
excitement of our
school experience
will challenge us
to expand our
creative horizons
What is Soil Fertility?
By Lisa Callahan
Soil fertility refers to
the amount of nutrients
in the soil required
These chemicals are
nitrogen, phosphorus,
magnesium and other
as manganese, boron and selenium. The nutrients are
held by clays and organic matter in the soil, so the sandy
soils on Tybee are particularly low in nutrients. A complete
fertilizer will have 3 numbers, such as 10-10-10. The first
number refers to the percent of nitrogen, the second the
percent of phosphorus and the third for the percent of
potassium. A vegetable that is grown for its leaves, such
as lettuce and chard, require a higher portion of nitrogen,
and those grown for fertilized flowers (fruit) require higher
phosphorus. Phosphorus also encourages root growth.
The third number – potassium – encourages hearty stem
development, disease resistance and winter heartiness.
The N, P and
K percentages do
not add to 100%,
and a bag of fertilizer
ingredients and some
micronutrients. Careful
the key to productive
gardening. A garden
store will sell a test kit
to determine pH and
nitrogen, phosphorus
and potassium, N, P
and K. Once you have
tested your soil, you
can determine how
much fertilizer to use
to produce a fertile
growing plot. This information is available in your test kit. For
example, if you have a 50 pound bag of 10-10-10, the bag
contains 10% of each nutrient, or 5 pounds of each nutrient.
And remember that these fertilizers are water-soluble, so
adequate moisture is essential to distribute the nutrients.
Next month - Types of Fertilizers
Thinking of joining the Community Garden?
Contact Karen Kelly at
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
for many months to come.
We celebrate our fourth year on Tybee Island in
2011. Our commitment to this community has
resulted in the strengthening of our roots here on
Tybee. Stayce and Lannie Jarrell have supported
this concept from its infancy along with Mary Ann
Streets and the Tybee Arts Association. Both have
offered much needed guidance as our vision has
grown. From our original two session seminars
to three sessions for 2011, there will be oils and
watercolor classes complementing the traditional
porcelain art.
Newly added programs will allow GA Seminars
by the Sea School to share our experience with
a broader audience. Over 42 states and 6 foreign
countries will have participants for this year’s
Of course we will continue to offer our gallery show
in conjunction with the Tybee Arts Association on
Wednesday, March 2 at the Tybee Arts Gallery.
We are thrilled to share this porcelain and fine art
exhibit with Tybee locals and can’t wait to have
them join us for the free art exhibit.
Our website features
full color studies of the subjects taught. One of
our favorites is the high fire class that focuses on
innovative visual aesthetics of texture and surface
by creating multiple porcelain parts to use as
building blocks for mid to large scale figurative
Make plans to join us…or just stop by for your own
intense creative journey.
Suzanne Painter
Tybee Breeze
As we start the month of
February, I would like to urge
you to please do what you can
to support our local businesses
here on Tybee.
much has been done over the
past few years to ensure that
there are events and activities
in the off season months that
bring folks to Tybee, many of our
businesses still struggle around this
time of year. Please do what you can to
keep our dollars on Tybee especially at this time of year
when they need it the most.
The efforts at creating a Charter School are
moving forward. Carolyn is providing regular updates in
the Breeze so I don’t need to go into too many details
other than to say that we have a great team of individuals
working on this project.
Kudos to the Leadership Tybee organization for
their efforts to raise money for the Post Theatre. They
did an EXCELLENT job of not only raising a heck of a
lot of money and having fun in the process, but just as
importantly, of raising awareness of the need to get the
Theatre up and running. They united the entire community
behind this effort and are to be commended for their hard
work and creativity.
By the time the Breeze goes to print, we will have
held a public meeting to discuss the US Army Corps
of Engineers’ plans to place the spoil from the planned
deepening of the Savannah Harbor onto Tybee’ near
shore. Our Beach Task Force, our coastal engineer (Erik
Olsen) and our elected officials are all taking a very close
look at this proposal. We have been asked to make a
decision about this critical issue in a relatively short time
frame. The Corps has proposed this as a means of using
the dredge spoil to somehow benefit Tybee. The problem
is that there are a lot of unknown potential unintended
consequences. We are doing everything we can to make
a wise and informed decision about this issue. The
Corps has stated publically and privately that whether
the material is placed in Tybee’s near shore or in the site
they have used for years to dispose of this material (far
off shore) is a decision that Tybee will have the power
to make. I’ll keep you closely apprised of this important
issue via my Breeze articles.
While the following matter may be somewhat
trivial, I have been asked lots of questions about it so here
goes…You may have noticed 12th street on the beachside
of Butler was paved recently. You also may have noticed
that it now has a double yellow line down the middle. And
you may be wondering, as I was when I first saw it, why
on earth did it get double yellow lines? Answer: We apply
every year for “LARP” funds (Local Assistance for Road
Paving) from the Georgia Department of Transportation.
And every year, we get a few of our roads paved with
these funds. For whatever reason this year, the contractor
elected to paint the double yellow down this particular
street. This was odd in light of the fact that LARP funds
have paid for other paving projects on the beach side
of Butler. In any event, we received complaints from
some residents on 12th and we contacted the DOT who
agreed to paint over the yellow lines. I have also asked
DOT about the strange phenomenon on Butler in one
of the southbound lanes at Butler and 14th where there
has been for years an arrow pointing both south and
east saying “ONLY”. So one can “only” go left….or stay
straight. That one remains a mystery to me and if I ever
get a logical answer from the DOT, I’ll make sure to pass
it along.
We made yet another effort to get assurances
from the County to provide Tybee with additional EMS
services during the busy season. The County recently put
the contract from EMS services out to bid and we used
this as an opportunity to see if we could get increased
EMS coverage for Tybee. We received a response
indicating that we could do so…..provided that the City
of Tybee pay for the additional coverage. We will continue
to work on this. We recognize that governmental budgets
are tight, but public safety has got to be a priority. We
will not give up on our efforts with the County and will
continue to work to ensure that we provide enough funds
in our City’s budget to make sure all who live here and all
who visit here are safe.
I gave a State of the City address at the Post
Theatre in December. Several people have told me that
either they could not come that night or that they didn’t
see it when we replayed it on Channel 7. I will put a link to
the speech on the front page of the City’s website in case
you are interested.
Mayor’s Night In will be on February 8th from 6
PM until 8 PM. Please contact Vivian Woods at 786.4573
ext. 103 for an appointment. Or feel free to contact me
anytime via e-mail ( or my cell
(844.8427). Have a great February!
As always, feel free to contact me at 786-4573, ext. 108 or
via email at
See you around town!
Tybee Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Mexican Style Chicken Soup
I had frozen several quart containers of this
comforting, warm and slightly spicy soup
and at my 7 year old granddaughters
to get several
she ate the whole
container and wanted
more. No need to say much more!
Here is what to get:
4 Split chicken breasts, bone in, skin on
Good olive oil
Kosher salt, ground black pepper
2 cups chopped onions (2 onions)
1 cup chopped celery (2 stalks)
2 cups chopped carrots (4 carrots)
4 cloves garlic minced
2 1/2 quarts chicken stock (preferably homemade)
1 (28 oz. can whole tomatoes in puree, chopped
2 poblano peppers chopped (or pepper of choice)
1 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. ground coriander
1/4 to 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
6 - 6 in. fresh white corn tortillas
1 pkg. frozen white corn
Here is what to do:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Place chicken breasts
skin side up on a sheet pan. Rub with olive oil and sprinkle
generously with salt and pepper. Roast 35 to 40 minutes until
done. When chicken is cool enough to handle, discard skin
and shred the meat (I like to hold chicken with a fork and
shred with a spoon). Cover and set aside.
Meanwhile, heat 3 tbsp. olive oil in a large pot or
Dutch oven. Add the onions, celery and carrots and cook over
medium low heat for about 10 minutes or until onions are just
beginning to color. Add the garlic and cook for 30 seconds,
I like to add about a tbsp. of tomato paste. Add the chicken
stock, tomatoes, peppers, cumin, coriander, 1 tbsp. salt, 1 tsp.
pepper, and the cilantro. I add the juice of 1 lime.
Cut the tortillas in half, then crosswise into 1/2 inch
strips and add to the soup. Bring soup to a boil, then reduce
heat and simmer for 25 minutes. Don’t over simmer. Add
the shredded chicken and season to taste. Serve hot topped
with sliced avocado, a dollop of sour cream, grated cheddar
cheese, and broken tortilla chips. Don’t forget to add the corn
at the end of simmer.
Try adding some black beans and or chopped red
onion. This will make a great Super BOWL offering.
Hope you enjoy, Chef Espy
Sighs or Moans ~
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Tybee Breeze
Tybee Beautification residential
Christmas decorations
Sue & Gary Bentley
Jules & Dorothea Cantin
Bubba & Megan Edgerly
Betty Jo & Wayne Smeltzer
Steve & Mary Ann Smith
Frank & Karen Kelly
Shirley Sessions
John & Judy O’Neill
Mary Kay Andrews
Debbie Pagan
Phyllis & Rick George
Melissa Turner & Thomas Oliver
Julia Foster
Hooray! We finally got our curved steps installed
and are waiting on the handrails to be custom built.
I am getting tired of that word...”custom.” It really
means “more expensive.” It was exciting to see
the first stairs go up and now we have a “his” and
“hers” stairway. The privacy fence will be going
up soon and the bridal salon wall is painted and
the baths are tiled. Cabinets should be installed
before the February Breeze is out.
Our chandeliers are waiting to be picked up. We
A poinsettia and a serenade by Fran on the will finish the window install and interior painting
prior to hanging the light fixtures so that we don’t
accordion was a treat to all winners.
have to clean them after they are hung.
We have quite a few weddings on our schedule
now and appreciate everyone on Tybee being so
supportive. This project was a little larger than
Lannie and I had anticipated.
We are fortunate that it has gone so well thus far.
Give us a call and we will try to allow visitors to
tour the chapel when construction is complete and
it is deemed safe to do so by Anthony and Lannie.
See you at the chapel.
Stacye, Lannie and
Ray Anaya,
Event Director for Tybee Wedding Chapel
Tybee Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Medical Care and Tybee
It seems that Tybee’s medical care has for quite
some time managed to stay in the press either
directly or indirectly. I want to share my thoughts
on moving forward with the healthcare needs of our
island and continuing toward a greater good for the
people who call Tybee home, whether it be for a
weekend or a lifetime.
I don’t want to disappoint anyone, but I am
not weighing in on recent events on Tybee. What I
am going to do is continue to use this Bully Pulpit
to emphasize what I feel needs to happen to help
improve the health of all of us on Tybee.
First, we need a primary care provider on
the island with stable hours and the resources and
facilities necessary to care for ongoing primary care
issues. I am not that person. As
most of you probably already
know, I am a fellowship-trained
pediatric and adult neurologist.
I offer the services of The Tybee
Beach Doc to the island because my phone started
ringing constantly when I moved out here because
there was no one else to call. The Tybee Beach
Doc has been very successful in many ways (check
out our testimonials at,
but exists ONLY to provide house calls for urgent
care situations. This service in no way can take
the place of seeing a well-trained family or internal
medicine physician for routine primary care. If you
have an acute problem that does NOT necessitate
hospitalization, I can help you, any time day or night.
I am working on trying to get a full-time primary
care practitioner onto Tybee.
We have a fantastic dentist now in Dr.
Jessanna Smith at Tybee Teeth. She provides a
great service and truly cares about her patients. It
is a pleasure to work with her on the island. She
is a true professional. She is currently seeing
patients three days per week, but will most certainly
be expanding her service hours soon as demand
necessitates. I encourage everyone on Tybee to
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
reach out to her and support her practice. She’s the
real thing folks!
Islands Pharmacy does a fantastic job for
Tybee. I have repeatedly seen them go above and
beyond the call of duty to help get their customers,
my patients, the medications they need in a timely
manner and at a great price. I encourage Tybee
to support them as they are a vital business to this
I still maintain the need for an Emergency
Stabilization Unit on Tybee Island. I encourage
our citizens to demand this option for our island. It
is a necessity not a luxury! We need this now! I
said it last year and I’m saying it again now and I’ll
keep saying it until the need is filled. I just hope
it happens before someone dies
Our ambulance service is
changing as of February 1, 2011.
I trust that our coverage will not
suffer with the transition. I’m sure it will not.
Last but certainly not least we all need
to continue to make wise choices for a healthier
lifestyle. I know I sound like a broken record, but the
importance of weight control, quitting smoking and
drinking in moderation cannot be over-emphasized.
Also, eliminating the demand for illegal drugs on
Tybee needs to happen. A zero-tolerance policy
needs to be maintained by all Tybee citizens. Illegal
drugs and diverted prescription drugs ruin lives. We
don’t need that here. Let’s work together to make
that problem go away.
I hope you all are weathering the winter well
and I know that, like me, you can’t wait for warmer
air and longer days! In the meantime, call me if you
need me. I am at your service. It is an honor and a
privilege to do so.
Until next month, stay healthy and be safe!
The Beach Doc
Tybee Breeze
Burton 4-H Center
Tybee Island Activities
links to all of these businesses. You can also see
pictures and videos of Clover and keep track of her
Clover has started eating more live food this
month. Since it’s chilly outside, it’s a little hard to
catch her live food like blue crabs and cannonball
jellyfish. But, we were able to go and get her some
live mussels from the marsh. They were like candy
for her – she kept eating one after another! She
now weighs a little over 6500 grams (close to 14
pounds) and is 39 cm long. She’s right on track
for release in August. Remember we are having
an Open House March 12th from 12p-3p at the
February! 4H Center and you are all welcome to stop by and
At the point this meet Clover! She loves attention from anyone, so
article was written, she’ll be happy you’re there.
we were only two If you want to donate, go to and
our click on “Donate Now.” Make sure you choose
Cruise with Clover Burton 4H from the drop down menu and type
It’s “Clover” into the comment box so she gets your
amazing the support donation. Email us at if you
that we’ve seen, have any questions!
even so early on!
More businesses on Tybee are asking to have
our donation buckets to help out Clover and those
that are already out there are starting to fill. For
our donation buckets, Huc-a-poos is leading the
way with the most donations thus far. Thank you
to Huc-a-poos patrons for tossing your extra bills
and change in our direction! I haven’t gotten the
final count for online contributions yet, but I do
have it on good authority that the Johnson High
School Science club is donating $100 for Clover’s
transmitter. They have learned all about sea turtles
and were excited to contribute to her transmitter
so they could see where she cruising to after the
We’d like to thank
the businesses that
have already put out
donation buckets–
Latitude 32, Sundae
Hotel, Sea Kayak
Georgia, Lighthouse
Hogan’s Marina on
there are more to
come! Make sure
you go on Facebook
and search “Cruise
with Clover” to ‘like’
our page and see
Tybee Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Tybee Marine
Dec. – Jan.
Still Quiet: No called missions.
2/1 - This Ear’s It- Celebrating the Year of the Rabbit Hop on into Oatland Island and celebrate the Year of the
Rabbit. We will make a rabbit-themed craft and visit with
a cotton-tailed friend.
2/8 - Valentine Animal Friends - “Feel the love” as we
celebrate the love of animals and Valentine’s Day. We
New years brings a new slate of officers and the will read a book and deliver treats to some of Oatland’s
Banquet to install them. We did things a little differently animal friends.
this year, instead of catering it, we did a covered dish. 2/15 - Trees are Terrific! - Help Oatland celebrate Arbor
Like everyone else Day by learning about trees and how animals like
we are trying to live squirrels depend on them. We will sing songs, read a
within our budget. book, and make a craft. Be sure to bring your strollers
was as we will be taking a walk to look for squirrels along the
excellent and the trails.
fellowship was too.
skipper 2/22 - Ewes, Rams, and Lambs - Don’t be sheepish,
Keeran or rather, do and come to Oatland to visit our resident
hands the Gavel over sheep Cloud, Storm, and Dottie. See what they look
to Lex Bazemore and we begin a new year. George did like before getting their animal “hair cuts” at our Sheep
a great job as skipper and this banquet was another Shearing Day, Saturday March 12th.
“example” what a little leadership and some volunteers There are many more Toddler Tuesdays to come... we will
can do. George also had the pleasure of reading our let you know when the March, April, and May schedules
“statistics” for 2010 which were over 1060 man/ hours are finalized!
of community service and 3 rescued craft. Thanks
Interested in attending any of the Tuesday events? Call
George & Donna, well done.
National Officer Tom (912) 395-1500 to register. Each Tuesday offers 2 times,
Cooler was on hand to for your convenience - 10am and 11am. The program
swear in the elected, is approximately 45 minutes long. Cost is $3 per child
and seemed to enjoy his (adults are free), cash or check only. And whenever
duties immensely. Tom possible, please use small bills! See you Tuesday!
is a “colorful” character
and was recently made
an honorary member
of our squad. Tom calls
Coffee Bluff home.
Our next project is to
figure out a lift or elevator for our HQ. The way I’ve
felt since it got really cold ... this couldn’t happen soon
enough! Its tough getting old.
Tybee lost several of her “Gems” this month
and I believe I can speak for the whole Squad … That
our hearts and prayers are with the Pierce and Hayslip
families in their recent loss.
Joey Solomon Public Information Officer
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Tybee Breeze
welcome back to
Tybee the World
Porcelain Painters.
This year they will
be here as early as February 19. Suzanne Painter
has added on an oil painting class and water color
class beginning February 20. If you would like to
participate in any of these classes or her porcelain
school please contact us and we will provide the
information. Tybee Arts Association is working with
Oceanfront Cottage to welcome these Guests from
all over the world.
and our web site to remind everyone that you may
not use our residences as reception facilities and
please do not exceed occupancy.
This is the time of year that my husband,
Lannie, calls “silly season.” In sports that is when
athletes change teams or change towns. In our
business Owners decide that they want to rent their
home for the first time. We are excited about the
new homes that we were offered to manage. It is
always fun watching Owners take the time to furnish
their homes. Each of our Owners has individual
style and we can’t wait to see the finished results.
I did not like the cold weather in January
and look forward to a warm Spring. We miss the fun
that Lannie and I have on our jet skiis and boat. We
are ready to go to Little Tybee and jet ski through
the follies. We just keep thinking warm thoughts
and soon summer will be here.
We look forward to seeing you around
Tybee. Try to stay warm until March.
Stacye, Lannie and the Oceanfront Team
invites you to enjoy true Southern Hospitality in
one of our gorgeous homes while visiting our
wonderful and unique island. Oceanfront Cottage Rentals, LLC enjoyed
our very busy January with Guests from all over the
country making reservations. March and April look
better than last year. The customers who stayed
with us from the Gulf Coast last year are returning
to our wonderful island.
It seems that there is an unusually high
number of people trying to sneak weddings into
our residences. These are not authorized venues.
We have had to change our contract with Guests
Tybee Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
2011 FIRST
Bernie’s, Wind Rose, Rock House, Nikki’s and Sandbar
followed thereafter, although not necessarily in that order.
Things got a little hazy for me at Wind Rose.
At Wind Rose trophies were handed out for the
best pajama costume. That was a giggle as the top three
all stood up to model their jammies. Brian Keckeisen won
for best male costume (he was looking very dapper in his
flannel robe and old man slippers) and Michelle Lee (a
pinch hitter) came in and stole the show from the ladies
with a onsie that was sportin’ a butt flap!
By Alaina Loughridge
This fun p.j. pub crawl was the brainchild of Joel
and Katie Addis, creators of Rogue Wave Productions.
They were looking for something
On January 13th I had the best time
fun to do in the middle of January
ever! Dressed in my finest onsie
when we are all contemplating evil
(pink with teddy bears), furry black
thoughts due to weather, lack of
knee-high slippers, a blue beanie
income and general malaise that
and looking very much like the
threatens during this time on a yearly
Michelin Man, I set out in the cold
basis. Not only does an event like
night air to meet similarly dressed
this chase the doldrums away, but
Tybeenians for a night of debauchery
it helps out our local businesses as
and mayhem (my two most favorite
well. What was really cool too was
that Sea & Breeze offered a smoking
Arriving at Tybee Time, I was
deal to pajama clad pub crawlers so
greeted by my fellow neighbors and
no designated driver was required
cohorts in crime all dressed in their
and all could enjoy the festivities.
bedroom finest: Flannels, robes,
Photo by Felicia Valasek Rizzo
I am looking forward to the
onsies, and slippers. It was a great
next crawl. It was just a good time.
sight to see. Everyone was warm and comfortable and
ready to get their crawl on! After spending some quality time Dressed in your most comfortable clothes and hanging out
at Tybee Time, we all cruised the boulevard to Spanky’s, with your friends. A bonus to the p.j.s too is that you can
where Steve was truly delighted to see our happy faces. simply go home and pass out. No undressing required.
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Tybee Breeze
We’re getting so close we can almost taste it! That
wonderful time of year that brings warmer weather,
sunshine, beach time and best of all more visitors!
I think we all know what time of year we’re talking
about….Springtime of course!! Always a welcome
relief from the chilly, gloomy winter season, spring
puts a smile on our faces and we hope it does for
all of you too!
We dove in head first into 2011 during the month of
January and are looking forward to this year being
another banner year for Tybee tourism. January
has brought with it lots of planning, strategizing and
finalizing of our marketing and sales plans for Tybee
Island for the year. If you are interested in learning
more about the Tybee Island Tourism Council’s
2011 Marketing Plan please plan on attending
the Thursday February 10th City Council meeting
where Lindsay and Vicky will be presenting.
attending the luncheon. Thursday January 27th
Lindsay and Vicky attended Savannah Chatham
Day. This day gives business, civic and elected
leaders from all around Chatham County the
opportunity to meet with our state elected officials.
Going into February we will begin work on a
professionally produced Tybee video series
to be used for web, social media applications,
and television commercials. In addition to the
professionally produced videos we will also launch
a new Vacation Video contest where Tybee visitors
are welcome to submit their cherished home videos
for a chance to win a Tybee Island getaway!
The spring here on Tybee brings many events for
our visitors and residents to enjoy! The 3rd Annual
Mardi Gras Tybee celebration March 4th-5th, the
9th Annual Tybee Island Irish Heritage Parade on
March 12th and the 3rd Annual Tybee Wine Festival
The week of January 23rd Vicky and Lindsay April 15th-17th are all right around the corner. The
headed to Atlanta to represent
Tybee Island Tourism Council
Tybee Island at some of the year’s
will work with event organizers
most important events for our
to help market these events that
area and the tourism industry in
bring lots of overnight visitors to
Georgia. On January 25th Vicky
the island. If you ever need more
attended the 2011 Tourism Day
information about these events
at the Capitol in Atlanta. This is
and all things Tybee visit our
a day when industry leaders visit
with our legislators at the capitol
to emphasize the importance
Have a great Tybee day!
of the tourism industry here in
Vicky Buck,
Georgia. The theme for this year’s
Tourism Day was appropriately
Lindsay Fruchtl,
called “Tourism is Economic
Development.” On January 26th
Lindsay headed to the Atl. for an
View the beach on Tybee - on
Atlanta Media Luncheon hosted
the beach cam!
by Visit Savannah. Lindsay had
the opportunity to present story
ideas for Tybee for 2011 to media
Tybee Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Saturday of April. Throughout the sea turtle season,
May 1 – October 31, our volunteers participate in
light surveys. The light surveys are conducted
at night; volunteers are assigned a portion of the
beach to monitor and located light infractions. The
information is used to help the city and residents
become aware of how light affects nesting females
and hatching sea turtles. Volunteers may also be
Do you like walking needed to assist with educational events throughout
beach? the season.
Want to meet new
people? Interested As we began to prepare for the upcoming sea turtle
in helping out your season, I will be hosting a new volunteer orientation
community? Would on March 29, 2011 at the Tybee Island Marine
you like to learn Science Center. The orientation will start at 7:00. If
more about sea you are interested in becoming a volunteer with the
turtles that nest on Tybee Sea Turtle project please try to attend this
our beach? Then meeting. For more information you may contact me
volunteering for the Tybee Sea Turtle Project may at
be just what you are looking for!
For more information on sea turtles or the Tybee Island Sea
As a volunteer you can be involved with many Turtle Project please visit the Tybee Island Marine Science
Center! The center is located at 1510 Strand Avenue,
different aspects of the turtle project. You can
Island, GA 31328. If you wish to donate, please call
decide how much time and effort you wish to
or visit the website at www.
contribute. The main focus of the volunteers is the
If you are interested in volunteering with the Sea Turtle
conducting of dawn patrol beach walks. The walk Project, please contact the Center or send me an email at
starts at 6am beginning May 1 and ending on
August 31. Volunteers are able to choose which
day(s) they want to walk. On the dawn patrol walk,
trained volunteers are looking for fresh sea turtle
tracks that could lead to the finding of a sea turtle
nest. New volunteers will be trained by the Georgia
Department of Natural Resources and veteran
project volunteers. The dawn patrol walks cover the
entire length of the beach and may be split between
volunteers. However, the beach must be covered
daily in all types of weather. We start the walks at
6:00 to ensure that we are able to see tracks before
they are distorted by wind, tides and people.
Watching baby sea turtles make their way out of
their nest is an amazing sight! One of the most
fulfilling parts of volunteering with the turtle project
is nest sitting. This is when our volunteers take turns
sitting with a sea turtle nest during the hatching
window. We began nest sitting around day 50 of
the incubation period, usually starting about 8:30
in the evening. On Tybee, due to light pollution, the
emerging hatchlings can become disorientated and
head in the wrong direction away from the ocean.
Our volunteers are there to assist the babies,
making sure they make it to the water safely.
Volunteers with the Tybee Sea Turtle Project also
assist with our annual fundraiser, the Turtle Trot.
This is a 5K beach run that takes place on the last
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Tybee Breeze
On December 18, 2010, a small group of friends came
together for the 4th Annual Toure de’ Lights Bicycle ride
to admire the Tybee Christmas lights. We would like to
give thanks to all the Toure’s friends for their gifts and
a special thanks to Tim O’Neal, Tim’s Beach Gear for
his generous donation. This group of wonderful friends
donated $420 to be given to the Second Harvest Food
Bank. This year we introduced our first bike decorating
contest and had 32 entries that were judged by a
wonderful couple from New York who happened to be
enjoying dinner at AJ’s when we needed a judge. Our
judges chose Alan Burn, AJ’s, - First place; Second
place to Annie Guerette of Gastonia, NC; and Dorothy
Huffstetler, Gastonia in third place. All the bikes were
creatively decorated and the competition was ferocious.
Everyone had a fabulous time despite less than perfect
weather. Planning a terrific 2011 Toure de’ Lights look
15th at noon in
forward to seeing ya’ll there.
Cecil & Elizabeth Johnson
Toure de’ Lights Organizers
“Hawaiian Luau” was the
theme of The God Abouts
Senior Adult Ministry get
together on Tuesday, Jan
18th at noon at Chapel
by the Sea Baptist
Church, Tybee Island.
decorated Fellowship Hall
hosted 119 guests for a
wonderful covered dish
lunch with a tropical flare.
The entree, bread, and
beverages were provided
by the ministry with guests
providing the vegetables,
salads, and desserts.
Many of the attendees
dressed in colorful tropical
South Sea Island attire
despite the brisk January
air. Entertainment was
provided by the talented
husband and wife
Gospel music duo,
Robert and Shelby
Jenkins, known as
“Saved by Grace”
from Hardeeville, SC.
The next meeting of
The God Abouts will
be Tuesday, March
Hall of Chapel by
the Sea Baptist
Island. The theme
for the meeting
Show. Attendees
to wear their funniest, oldest, most unusual hats
or bonnets for judging. Prizes will be awarded.
The meal will be furnished by the ministry and
entertainment will be provided by The Belles and
Beaus. Everyone is invited.
Be a Friend...Make a Friend...Bring a Friend
For more info., contact Betty or Jurell Davis 897-2364.
Tybee Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Once again we started our year with a jump into
the Atlantic Ocean on New Year’s Day. The weather
was fantastic and helped make it a very memorable
“Polar Plunge.”
Since the plunge our weather has gotten
somewhat colder and things have moved inside for
a while.
“Super Bowl Sunday,” February 6th is a
very good way to stay out of the cold and have
an enjoyable evening. Our Sons of the American
Legion has once again raised the bar with their
Hello Auxiliary members and Breeze readers,
Again, I am here to discuss the dead
season and how to avoid the winter blues. The
“dead season” is the period between Super Bowl
and St. Patrick’s Day. The Legion Family is willing
to challenge that theory and has many activities for
you to enjoy.
Line dancing takes place each Wednesday
night at 7 and Lillian Brown is an excellent instructor.
Lillian, thank you for leading our class. Please come
out and participate. Everyone is welcome. You will
have fun and get some exercise at the same time.
Once each month we have a covered
dish dinner at the Legion. This is a great time of
fellowship and GOOD food. The February covered
dish dinner will be Sunday, February 20 at 6:00 with
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
preparation and planning for the big game.
This year they plan to have a new 110”
projection TV at center stage for the game along
with several smaller ones so we don’t miss a play.
The food will be great and we invite everyone
to come be with us for the game.
Horseshoes should be back in March for
those who like to throw shoes. We’re just waiting for
the weather to warm up a little.
Bingo as usual is on Friday’s at 8:00pm.
Cards go on sale at 7:15pm and the public is
We continue to look for new members. If
you’re interested in the Legion, Ladies Auxiliary
or Sons of the Legion call the Post (786-5356) for
The Legion and Auxiliary meet on the
second Monday of the month, with social hour (and
food) starting at 6:00pm and the meeting at 7:00pm.
The Sons of the Legion meet on the third Monday
at 7:00pm.
the meal served at 6:30. Please come out and share
your bounty. For those of you who participated in
January, I will try my best to have the hall more
Last year in the February Breeze, I reported
that a committee had been formed to plan and
publish a cookbook…and that we did. The cookbook
has been a great success for our organization.
Thank you to everyone that contributed receipts
and everyone that purchased or helped sell books.
We could not have been successful without you.
We still have some cookbooks available and they
can be purchased at the Post.
Come out and enjoy the “dead season” with
activities at the Legion. I will see you there!
Tybee Breeze
and Susie’s home. We enjoyed the amenities of the
island and the award winning breakfasts (you’ve got
to try the biscuits). Susie and Stuart are very gracious
hosts and we’re looking forward to our next visit.
Jeff and Nina, McDonough, GA
We had a great stay with Stuart and Susie. Rode bikes
all over the island. Best seat on the island is the wrap
around porch. Stuart prepares a great breakfast every
day and the price is right. See you next year.
Lauren and Andrew, Maple Park, IL
Thank you so much for the wonderful stay on Tybee
Island. The room was beautiful, breakfasts delicious!
We’ll never forget our story of the crazy naked man on
the beach!
Shawn and Charisse, Atlanta, GA
Warmer in February!!…
With the temperatures not getting above freezing at night
in January we are looking forward to a warmer February
and welcoming our guests that will be traveling to escape
the cold and snow in the north. Guests will be arriving
for the Critz Run, Valentine’s Day Romance and “Tie the
Knot” on Tybee. More importantly they will come to relax
on the porch, enjoy the sun, walks on the beach and
good food on Tybee. We look forward to their arrival.
We were here for our honeymoon in May and returned
to start 2011 off right with Stuart and Susie at the
Lighthouse Inn. We will be back for our anniversary.
Chad and Jill, Cleveland, TN Thank you all, Susie & Stuart,
Lighthouse Inn
912 786-0901
“Laughter on the 23rd floor”
Directed by Carol Ingham in the Jim Ingham Theatre
coming in April - auditions starting later this month.
My husband and I came on our honeymoon and have
really enjoyed our stay with you. We loved the house and
“Murder Mystery Party Night”
the room was so comfortable and inviting. Thank you for
A hilarious night of fun, food and murder! A Tybee Arts
helping to make this a great honeymoon. We would like
Association fund - raiser coming in May!
to come back to this area soon.
Haley and Clas, Danvjlle, VA
sign up NOW for our 3rd annual “Summer
theatre Camp for Kids”
Another hideaway discovered!!
Thanks for your
June 13th - 24th. Taking applications starting February
hospitality and friendship. See you again soon.
1 for young actors age 6-16.
Chip and Gina, Peachtree City, GA
Go to 2/1/2011 for details
Thank you, Susie and Stuart for a wonderful visit to
Tybee Island. We had a beautiful honeymoon.
Matt and Loretta, Macon, GA
Thank you so much for opening your home to us. We
enjoyed every minute of our stay and you will see us
again. Your home is beautiful and your breakfasts
were delightful. Thank you for everything.
Chad and Amanda, Oxford, Mississippi
“The Wizard of Oz”
July 15, 16, 17 and 22, 23, and 24th!
15th annual Tybee Festival of the Arts
Oct 15 and 16th!
Our website has been re-vamped, re- vised and reborn and will now be updated on a weekly basis... Be
sure to go to for details on all of our
upcoming events. Keep up to date and “in the know” on
What an amazing place!! We don’t remember the last
all the arts on Tybee
time we actually had A vacation that was THIS relaxing.
We felt welcome the minute we entered Stuart
Tybee Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
StarFish Scopes
18-Julie Hafer &
Kathy “Booty” Kaiser who will be 50!
Jan 4 - Lewis Schneider
Tommie Pierce
Sunrise - July 13, 1933
Sunset - January 8, 2011
Thank You! Thank You! Thank
You! The family of Leona A.
(“Tommie”) Pierce wishes to
express our most sincere
appreciation for all your
kind & loving expressions of
sympathy & the gifts of food
& fellowship during the time of
our loss. Tommie loved Tybee
& all of her extended family
dearly & we will all miss her hugs
& smiles for some time to come.
~ The Pierce Family
Joseph E. “Buddy”
Inglesby III
Sunrise - February 4, 1920
Sunset - January 19, 2011
Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)
Any satisfaction you had about not having a police record,
may soon be undone. Your prejudices may lead you astray
and leave you requiring four or five stitches.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
A friend will ask your advice. If you answer, you’ll be blamed.
Pretend you don’t know anything about it.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
You can’t go wrong this month - everything is set up for
brilliance. Wine! The only drink for those who are addicted
to beer but worried about the size of their gut.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
All your problems cannot be solved by putting them in one
basket full of eggs. Everything will go wrong this month.
Including this horoscope.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
You are easily replaced - don’t take your boots off. Your
selfish ways will not improve as you win a sizeable jackpot
in the lottery.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Beware of lightning! Either stay indoors, or leave your
aluminum foil hat behind. (I know, It’s hard, but I’ve learned
to live without mine, most of the time.)
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
You may be left to pick up the pieces of someone else’s
failures. It will bring fresh excitement and vigor to your
otherwise dull self.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Going “wild” does not necessarily mean that you have to
remove all your clothing. Deny everything.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Paul Dunn Hayslip Sr. Any spikes that you see in your power usage may be due
Sunrise - September 14, 1964
to unforeseen and deadly circumstances. It may be time to
Sunset - January 6, 2011
When I Leave You
When I leave you don’t weep
for me.
Pass the wine around & remember
how my laughing pleased you.
Look at one another, smiling, and don’t forget about
Sing the song that I loved best and dance one time
all together.
As for me, I’ll be off, running somewhere on the
beach, and I’ll fly to the top of the tree I always
meant to climb.
When you’re ready, I’ll be there, Waiting for you,
Take your time.
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
accept that you’re a failure and a loser.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Fault for your situation can be accredited to anyone you wish
- go nuts! A lot of your work will be undone as someone evil
and vicious sets about making your life less nice.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Your brain is overflowing with ideas, some of which are truly
brilliant and you must focus on making your dreams a reality.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)
Try not to be too impulsive. Remember, it’s unfair to expect
your friends and family to provide you with alibis.
Tybee Breeze
I build up castles.
I tear down mountains.
I make some men blind,
I help others to see.
What am I?
CLUE: Don’t think too hard on this one
Riddle & Answer
I can be cracked,
I can be made.
I can be told,
I can be played.
What am I?
Answer: A Joke
Tybee Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
1 Oatland island event, toddler? (8)
2 Historical 16th street was re-named? (7)
3 Lex Bazemore is the new MRS? (7)
3 Espy is brewing up some
Mexican Style Chicken
what? (4)
6 An aromatic plant product
used especially in preparing
mixed drinks or as a mild
tonic? (7)
7 Judy wanted to get away from
the cold and drove to the? (4)
8 Dear Fran’s cat? (8)
9 Capt. Stan wants you to do your
fishing what? (8)
10 Support local what? (8)
4 These painters are back for
their 4th year? (9)
5 Alaina’s pj’s for the pub
crawl were pink and had
what on them? (5,5)
10 The coolest guy on
Tybee? (3)
11 If you’re lucky
enough to live on
Tybee you’re lucky? (6)
12 Cruise for? (6)
14 This month is
what history
month? (5)
12 Georgia Kyle will be playing at Tybee
what in March? (6)
13 St. Michael’s church is restoring this tower? (4)
15 This parties are all over Tybee until Mardi Gras? (4,4)
Pirates puzzle Answer
January 2011
Rating Level - Hard
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Tybee Breeze
Tybee Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
By Julia Pearce
Greg arrived on Tybee and brought the cold weather
with them. They were warming up at The Quarter.
I have a secret…
Jane and Ellen, are
librarians and live on
Tybee (that’s no secret),
well one has heard
rumors of wedding bells
this year. Hint: Ellen is
already married.
Jim and Louise
celebrated 20+ wedding
anniversary. Louise wore
her wedding dress to
church. It still fits
perfectly, Jim wore
his wedding tie.
B r u c i e
Birders young and old visit during
75th Anniversary Conference
Society (Excellent event for
Tybee’s slow season). David
Allen Sibley is a national bird
expert who came to Tybee
by invitation of the Georgia
Ornithological Society (GOS),
a n d
t h e
event was hosted at the
Ocean Plaza Resort by
Harry Spirides. This was
a large event with Mayor
Jason welcoming the
diverse birding group.
See David Sibley holding
the book “The Low
Country” local artist and
birder Mallory Pearce?
Mayor Jason and Ocean
cleavage, she doesn’t care if
it’s winter-time (Dr. Finger
would be proud)!
Continued page 42
the Birders in Tybee
Style with food and
Local Capt.
Rene Heidt hosted
groups of birders
on her charter boat.
Do you have family
or friends in town?
Call Capt. Reneshe will give them a
lovely boat tour of
our beautiful island.
Here is David Sibley,
Mayor Jason and
Bob Sergent (GOS
President) at the reception
and dinner. Ocean Plaza was
fabulous, they had, great
food, ample meeting space, and
friendly helpful staff.
Speaking of birds,
Tybee Snowbirds Sandy and
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Tybee Breeze
Rob and Mac
showing some father
and son; we all must
stay warm the best
we can (nice to see
guys with healthy
Checkout Dee
and Joni... This is
before Joni went
Black hair!
Black hair!
no problem staying
warm during these
meet Ms. February.
Legion cookbook then you
are missing out. Nancy and
James LaFavor were also
seen hanging out at the
Sister love is
alive and well. Mayor
Sessions and sister
Sandy is an island
working poor people;
our numbers are
When he
walks, he strolls, just
watch him.
Councilwoman Wanda
Doyle and her daughter
Kelly were having a
mother/daughter evening;
they are two beautiful
holding court with
a.k.a. Tybee Country
Club, The place to
see and be seen. She
looks great.
wants everyone to
know that if you have
not purchased the collecting eyeglass for
mission Trip. Drop off eyeglass in basket at Tybee
Island City Hall.
Julia Pearce has written for the Tybee Breeze for six
years. She is a spiritualist & Key Reader. She performs
marriages, funerals & blessings (house, boat, office, car,
etc.) You can contact her directly at
Ms. Julia Spiritual consultations 912-414-0809.
Tybee Church (held at the Wind Rose 11am)
Benny’s an excellent
place. Benny’s, The
America, has Tess,
Benny here with his
good friend Keith, he
and Rose have changed
the corner of 16th
& Butler, and made
Tybee Breeze
Guest Speaker
John O’Neill
“Acts of Kindness”
the most devoted daughter
in America. Tess’s mom
recently died after a long
illness, so stop in and share
a hug with her… oh, and
everybody loves Chris.
Sun., Feb. 6th
King Cake
Parties all
over Tybee
This Month
Visit: for details!
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Tybee Breeze
Tybee Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Tybee Breeze
Tybee Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze
Tybee Breeze
Tybee Breeze
No One Covers Tybee Like The Breeze