CMS IntelliCAD® 8.0


CMS IntelliCAD® 8.0
Hersteller: CAD Manufacturing Solutions, Inc.
CMS IntelliCAD® 8.0 Premium Plus Edition
CAD- / IntelliCAD- Software
Diesen CMS IntelliCAD® Artikel können Sie in unserem Onlineshop erwerben
CMS IntelliCAD® 8.0 - intelligent, leistungsfähig, bezahlbar und
voll ausgestattet - mit deutscher Bedieneroberfläche
CMS IntelliCAD® ist die intelligente, leistunsfähige und bezahlbare CADSoftware Lösung. Es verwendet eine bekannte und benutzerfreundliche
Bedieneroberfläche. CMS IntelliCAD® ist die intelligente Lösung und voll
ausgestattet für Ingenieure, Architekten, Berater und für alle, die CADZeichnungen als Datenformat einsetzen und diese mit ihren (Geschäfts-)
Partnern austauschen möchten.
Diese umfangreiche IntelliCAD-Software wurde nicht nur von vielen
Programmierern des IntelliCAD Technology Consortium (ITC) entwickelt
und erweitert, sondern auch durch CAD Manufacturing Solutions, Inc.
(CMS, Inc.).
CMS IntelliCAD® enthält eine vollständige Palette von 2D-und 3DAutoCAD-kompatiblen Zeichen-Werkzeugen und ist voll programmierbar
mit hunderten anderer Third Party Anwendungen. CMS IntelliCAD®
bietet konkurrenzlose Kompatibilität zu Autodesk, AutoCAD® und
anderen IntelliCAD-Lösungen. CMS IntelliCAD bietet ebenfalls volle DWG
Dateiformat (*.dwg) Unterstützung und seit neuestem auch für das
Microstation DGN Dateiformat (*.dgn)!
CMS IntelliCAD® 8.0 PE+
(Premium Plus Edition)
CMS IntelliCAD 8.0 PE+ edition - This is the latest release that includes not
only the same many features of the PE edition but also includes 3D ACIS Solids
support. NEW feature support: *.dwg v2014 file extension native compatibility.
CMS IntelliCAD® CAD Software - Extreme compatibility with Autodesk®
AutoCAD® Software
CMS IntelliCAD® is the intelligent, powerful and affordable full-featured CAD
Software and is fully programmable with hundreds of third party solutions.
CMS IntelliCAD also offers a full suite of 2D and 3D AutoCAD® software
compatible drawing tools! It is the smartest choice for engineers, architects
and consultants, or anyone who communicates using CAD drawings. It is
designed to give you unrivaled compatibility with Autodesk® AutoCAD®
software and is fully programmable with hundreds of third party solutions. CMS
IntelliCAD also offers DWG file extension native support! And now also with
Microstation DGN file support.
CMS IntelliCAD® 8 supports: Native DWG file support, DWG file support for
AutoCAD® software versions 2.5-2014, Support for AutoCAD® software
Commands and Programming toolkit
CMS IntelliCAD® 8 also provides a high degree of compatibility with the
AutoCAD® software command set, as well as LISP , ADS and built-in Microsoft
VBA 7.1 programming toolkit. That means you can get to work immediately
using your *.dwg files, drawing commands and applications you rely on.
CMS IntelliCAD® 8 offers smooth Microsoft Windows integration plus many
unique productivity features, including:
- Multitasking: you now have the ability to open multiple drawings at once
- IntelliCAD® Drawing Explorer™ that lets you review and exchange drawing
content with drag-and-drop ease
- Visual customization of menus and toolbars — no programming required!
- ActiveX integration: you can insert IntelliCAD® drawings (or just parts of
them) into a Microsoft Office or Open Office application file.
CMS IntelliCAD® 8.0 Edition Premium / Premium Plus
CMS IntelliCAD CMS IntelliCAD
8 PE
8 PE +
AutoCAD Compatibility
Native .dwg file support
.dwg file support for v2.5 up to 2014
Support for AutoCAD® software command Line
Open/Save - Supports *.dwg, *.dxf, *,dwf, *.dxb & *.dwt file
Export - Supports *.pdf, *.svg, *,dwf, *.bmp, *.emf, *.wmf, *.dwf &
*.stl file extensions
Import - Supports *.dwg, *.dxf, *.dxb, dwf, *.dwt, Microstation
*.dgn, Collada *.dae
Support for AutoCAD® software 3D surface commands
Optional ACIS Solid Modeling - V23 version
LISP support (including DCL)
Autodesk® Development System (ADS) support
Object IRX for custom entity creation
AutoCAD® software menu (mnu) and script (scr) files
TrueType™ font support
Raster Image Support (See full list of supported image file extensions)
Etoolbox Express Tools (download it here)
Work with Multiple Open Drawing
Explorer for managing layers, bloack, linetypes, and more
Microsoft ActiveX support, including in-place editing
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications - VBA 7.1 NEW!
Script Recorder
Graphical Block Preview
Visual Menu Customization
Right-mouse click to edit properties of multiple selected entries
Professioanl Photo-realistic 3D Rendering
Photorealistic 3-D Real time shading
Advanced Features
System Requirements free RAM/HD Space for Full Installation
100Mb/400Mb 100Mb/405Mb
Unrivaled Autodesk AutoCAD® software Compatibilit
CMS IntelliCAD® 8.x provides a high degree of compatibility with the
AutoCAD® software command set, as well as LISP and ADS. That means you
can get to work immediately using the AutoCAD® software files, commands
and applications you rely on.
AutoCAD® software & Native .dwg file Support - including version 2.52014
Like AutoCAD® software and AutoCAD LT® software, IntelliCAD® uses .dwg
file as its native file format. IntelliCAD® opens, edits, and saves any existing
.dwg file files saved in version 2.5 through 2014, without conversion or data
loss. That makes CMS IntelliCAD® 8.x more compatible with older versions of
AutoCAD® software than AutoCAD® software itself!
3-D Surface Commands
IntelliCAD®'s sophisticated 3-D capability allows creation of high-quality 3-D
models. You can display them as wireframes, with hidden lines removed, or
with surface shading.
IntelliCAD® 8 PE+ supports ACIS solid modeling. IntelliCAD® 6 PE preserves
and round trips any ACIS 3-D data it encounters in AutoCAD® softwarecreated drawing files.
Autodesk Development System (ADS) support
To run your custom Autodesk Development System (ADS) applications in
IntelliCAD, simply recompile them using the libraries included on the
IntelliCAD® CD-ROM. That's all it takes. Prominent third-party developers are
recompiling their popular ADS and C++ applications to run with IntelliCAD,
"IntelliCAD supports ADS very well. Several developers have reported being
able to port their applications successfully to IntelliCAD with just a simple
recompile." - Evan Yares, Byte Magazine, February 1998
ACIS 3D solid modeling only PE+ (only Premium Plus Edition)
CMS IntelliCAD® PE+ is able create, edit, import and export ACIS .sat 3D solid
files, ACIS v23 version . PE users can download and install and use CMS
IntelliCAD® Traceparts 1.0 for FREE. From CMS IntelliCAD® it's possible to
access more than 1 million part drawings in .dwg file, .dxf file and solid 3D
ACIS file format.
IntelliCAD® 8.x PE+ supports ACIS solid modeling. IntelliCAD® 8.x PE
preserves and round trips any ACIS 3-D data it encounters in AutoCAD®
software-created drawing files or SAT drawing files created in other 3D cad
Digitizer Support
Many drafting departments have established routines using digitizers within
their CAD workgroup. For CAD departments that utilize digitizers as input
devices, IntelliCAD® is now a viable option, providing advanced Windows
features and AutoCAD® software-compatibility at an affordable price.
IntelliCAD® supports both tablet mode for tracing and the use of tablet menus
for command input.
AutoLISP support (including .DCL)
IntelliCAD® preserves your investment in existing custom applications by
supporting the LISP programming language. You can run LISP applications that
reference any of the hundreds of AutoCAD® software commands with little or
no modification. What's more, IntelliCAD® reads DCL files that contain dialog
control language statements.
"I find IntelliCAD® to be a very impressive CAD engine. The
compatibility with our existing AutoCAD® software 12 DOS Drawings and LISP
created over the years is an absolute plus." - Richard Nichols, Fagan
Support for AutoCAD® software command line
IntelliCAD® supports hundreds of AutoCAD® software commands. Select
AutoCAD® software commands from the pull-down menus and toolbar icons,
or type AutoCAD® software command syntax at the optional command line
prompt - whichever best fits your work style.
"I'm an experienced AutoCAD® user... [I] tried dozens of the most
obscure AutoCAD® commands I know, and found only a very few that haven't
been implemented in IntelliCAD. - Evan Yares, Byte Magazine, February 1998
"Anyone using AutoCAD® can open this program up and immediately be
productive using their AutoCAD® skills. This is a very exciting product." Barry Bowen, Barry Bowen Associates, Memphis, TN
Exceptional Productivity
IntelliCAD® offers smooth Microsoft Windows integration plus many unique
productivity features.
Photorealistic 3-D Real time shading and Professional photorealistic
3D Rendering and lightinghotorealistic
IntelliCAD® lets you easily create 3-D designs using the 3-D drawing tools.
You can display hidden-line, shaded versions of your 3-D models or your
existing 3-D libraries with a click of a button. CMS IntelliCAD lets you easily
create 3-D designs using the 3-D drawing tools. You can display hidden-line,
shaded, or fully rendered versions of your 3-D models or your existing 3-D
libraries with a click of a button. You can choose professional-quality, preset
options for lighting, surface materials, and backgrounds. With IntelliCAD's
sophisticated raytracing capabilities, you can produce photorealistic 3-D
Video on CMS IntelliCAD® rendering features
Other rendering controls include:
A Material Property Editor that lets you set the transparency and a
reflectance type for the rendering. Choose from shiny plastic (the
default), dull plastic, shiny metal, dull metal, mirror and glass.
Material Editor
Lights editing lets you model four light types: Spot, Point, Distant or
Parallel, and Ambient.
Lighting Studio
An Image Background Editor lets you modify the background (those
parts of an image not covered by the rendering model). Choose from
constant (single color), graduated (blend of two colors), clouds, or an
imported image.
Background rendering
Microsoft ActiveX support including in-place editing
IntelliCAD® fully supports Microsoft ActiveX (Not yet supported on v7.x). You
can edit embedded ActiveX objects — including Visio Technical drawings,
Microsoft Word documents, and Microsoft Excel charts — contained in
IntelliCAD® drawings. You can also edit IntelliCAD® drawings in-place from
within any ActiveX-compatible program.
Drawing Explorer™ for managing layers, blocks, line types, and more
With IntelliCAD®'s Drawing Explorer™, you can browse the contents of your
drawings as easily as you browse files in the Windows Explorer. Open multiple
drawings in the Drawing Explorer™ and then view all of the layers, blocks,
linetypes, styles, views, and user coordinate systems currently in use. You can
even copy and paste elements between drawings, or switch to a thumbnail
view to preview blocks. This means you can easily make use of existing
designs and drawing setups.
"IntelliCAD® is much more intuitive than AutoCAD® software, with
better on-screen hinting and help." - Paul Nishman, NISH
Graphical Block Preview
IntelliCAD® provides the Drawing Explorer™, which lets you browse the
contents of drawings as easily as you browse files in the Windows Explorer.
Open multiple drawings in the Drawing Explorer and then view all of the layers,
blocks, linetypes, styles, views, and coordinate systems in use. Within the
Drawing Explorer, you can copy and paste between drawings, or switch to a
thumbnail view to preview blocks.
Work with multiple open drawings (MDI)
According to the AutoCAD® software Users Group International, the Multiple
Document Interface (MDI) is one of the most requested features for
AutoCAD® software. IntelliCAD® fully supports MDI. That means you can:
Review two or more drawings at once.
Easily copy objects from one drawing to another.
Copy elements, such as layers, linetypes, and text styles, from one
drawing to another using the Drawing Explorer.
Load and edit drawings that appear as xref (externally referenced)
Thanks to IntelliCAD®'s MDI support, you can set up your work environment
more efficiently by opening multiple drawings simultaneously in a single
drawing session.
Real Time Pan & Zoom
IntelliCAD® allows users to work with their drawings using Real Time Pan and
Zoom. This functionality makes viewing and navigating around your
.Autodesk® .dwg file™ format drawing files easier and more productive.
Right-mouse click to edit properties of multiple selected entities
With IntelliCAD®, you can modify the properties of more than one entity at a
time. For example, you might use IntelliCAD®'s "Entprop" command to select
all entities on a particular layer, then use the Layer text box to move those
entities to another layer. You could also change all the entities in one color to
another color.
" I really like how the cursor (or pick point) ignores the snap setting until
the command is executed. This makes it much easier for the object selection
with snap turned on." - James Dory, James Dory Design
Script Recorder
Like a macro in Word, a script mimics what you type, including command
names, options and coordinates. IntelliCAD® fully supports scripting. In fact, it
reads and writes the same script files (.SCR) that work in AutoCAD® software.
IntelliCAD®, however, provides several scripting enhancements that vastly
improve your productivity:
An automatic launch feature:
Double-click an SCR script file in Windows Explorer and you'll open
IntelliCAD® and run the script instantly.
A script recorder:
Use the script recorder to automatically capture your keystrokes and
mouse actions including menu picks, toolbar button selections, and
screen picks. To review the script, simply play it back.
A script append feature:
Use this feature to add new scripts to existing ones.
Enhanced scripting commands:
IntelliCAD®'s commands include Recscript, which begins the recording,
and Stopscript, which stops any script that's running.
Unlimited "Undo" & "Redo"
Go ahead and try out all your drawing ideas. IntelliCAD® lets you "Undo and
"Redo" an unlimited number of editing actions. (With AutoCAD® software, you
can "Undo" an unlimited number of actions, but you can only "Redo" one.)
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
CMS IntelliCAD® 8.0 PE & PE+ includes a full implementation of Microsoft
Visual Basic for Applications Edition (VBA), a development environment that
simplifies the creation and execution of custom applications.
Visual customization of menus and toolbar
Place the tools, commands, and shortcuts you need at your fingertips without
resorting to programming. Simply drag and drop tools to create custom
toolbars, or modify menus with a few clicks of your mouse.
IntelliCAD® also supports AutoCAD® software menus, fonts, scripts, and
symbol libraries, so you can easily transfer your custom AutoCAD® software
environment into IntelliCAD®.
IntelliCAD®: AutoCAD® software Menu (MNU) & Script (SCR) Files
IntelliCAD® supports AutoCAD® software menus (MNU), dialog boxes (DCL),
fonts (SHX), scripts (SCR), and symbol libraries, so you can easily transfer
custom AutoCAD® software environments into IntelliCAD® and continue
working in your favorite drafting environment.
Raster Image Display
IntelliCAD® lets you view and export WMF, EMF (Enhanced Metafile), and SLD
(slide) files. It also displays any BMP, GIF, JPG, TIF, PCX, and CALS Type 1
images that are embedded in .dwg file files using the raster technology
licensed from Adeko.
What's NEW in CMS IntelliCAD® 8.0 - Now available
New features available with the latest v8.0 build:
CMS IntelliCAD 8 is a major release with an update to the ODA Teigha 3.9.1
libraries and includes native 2014 .dwg file format support. New features
include layer states, layer filters with search, .cui custom menu files, quick
select, 3D orbit, additional grid capabilities, Collada (.dae) file import, MrSID
MG4 compressed raster image support, updated Microsoft VBA7.1
programming toolkit, and more.
This new version also includes performance enhancements and improvements
to the user interface, printing, text, dimensions, entity snapping and tracking,
and more.
In detail:
Working with Files
- Open, save, and work with .dwg files of version 2014.
- Work with image files in both IntelliCAD Professional and Standard
versions. Additionally, more raster image formats are supported in CMS
IntelliCAD Standard.
- Create custom rendering materials and mapping projection planes in
both CMS IntelliCAD PE+ (Premium Edition Plus) and PE (Premium
Edition) versions.
- Import Collada (.dae files).
- Improved support for DGN overlays, Civil3D, ADT, and mechanical object
- Attach MrSID MG4 compressed raster images.Working with Files
Performance Enhancements
- Increased cursor speed.
- Improved PDF export performance and reduced resulting file size.
- Improved Print Preview zoom performance.
Viewing Drawings
The grid can be drawn as lines or dots, can display beyond the drawing
extents, and can be adaptive, which includes automatic resizing and
subdivision based on the zoom level.
The Dynamic Viewpoint command was enhanced to include multiple ways of
selecting a point from which to view three-dimensional entities.
The 3D Orbit command allows you to orbit a drawing, that is, rotate the view.
Commands includes Constrained Orbit, Free Orbit, Continuous Orbit,
Constrained X Orbit, Constrained Y Orbit, and Constrained Z Orbit.
Manage layers with layer states.
Search for layers by name.
Filter layers.
Layer properties include Transparency and Viewport Freeze.
New Layer Tools menu and toolbar.
- Rendering interface redesigned and enhanced.
- Complete rendering features are now available in IntelliCAD Professional
and Standard versions.
IntelliCAD 8.0 uses Teigha version 3.9.1 from the Open Design Alliance.
IntelliCAD 8.0 uses VBA 7.1.
Script command execution uses the DDE API.
New LISP method (protect) to create protected LISP files.
New LISP method (acad_truecolordlg) supports true color selection. The
old method (acad_colordlg) will continue to call up only the index color
New SDS method sds_truecolordialog() supports true color selection. The
old method sds_colordialog() will continue to call up only the index color
New LISP method to convert RGB color string to an index integer
(rgbtoindex). This method has an SDS equivalent: sds_rgbtoindex().
New LISP method to convert RGB color string to an index integer
(sds_indextorbg). This method has an SDS equivalent: sds_indextorgb().
sds_rgbstrtocolorref changed from a string to a long.
More New Features
- CUI menu files supported.
- Many user interface enhancement features, including more efficient
menu and toolbar organization, slimming of toolbars to create more
drawing space, and more.
- Many improvements to paperspace, such as UCS icon changes, ease in
which modelspace viewports are created, and more.
- All color assignments for screen items, such as background color, icon
color, etc., can now be made by choosing Tools > Options > Display tab,
then clicking Color Scheme.
- New Quick Select command.
- Tip of the Day now displays as an event in the corner of the main window
when IntelliCAD starts.
- Improved grip editing for dynamic blocks.
- Image Attach command supports embedded world file data in MrSID
image files.
- New PRINTOPTIONS command for easy accessibility to Print Options.
- New XOPEN command to allow quick editing of attached xref files.
- New Draw Order options to quickly push back or bring forward
annotation and hatches.
- Enhanced CUSTOMIZE command eases menu and toolbar customization.
System Variables
All color-related system variables were changed to support RGB and index
What's NEW in CMS IntelliCAD® 7.2
New features available with the latest v7.2 build:
Built-in *.dwg 2013 file conversion. Open a *.dwg 2013 file functionality is now
available; Help menu now includes a check for updates function and a license
manager tool for license deactivation assistance.
CMS IntelliCAD 7.2 includes 600 fixes since the 7.1 release, IntelliCAD 7.2
additionally includes many new features: .NET application support, find and
replace text, import .dgn files, insert underlays, work with Collada (.dae) and
MrSID (.sid) files, and receive alerts in a new Notification Manager. New entity
snap features include: entity snap tracking, Parallel Snap, From Point,
Temporary Tracking Point, and Midpoint Between 2 Points.
CMS IntelliCAD 7.2 achieves new benchmarks in performance with support for
OpenGL that enhances dynamic pan, zoom, redraw, and rotation, especially for
large files, but also internal improvements for large drawing files, including
editing, dynamic dragging, gripping, display, and snaps.
Enhanced existing features include selecting by filter (including proxies),
managing layers at the command line, clipping layout viewports, and more.
CMS IntelliCAD 7.2 integrates the most currently available Open Design
Alliance Teigha® version 3.5.1.
Performance Enhancements
 Graphics device performance improved using OpenGL for graphics cards
that support it properly. This greatly improves dynamic pan, zoom,
redraw, and rota-tion, especially for large files.
 File size and print time reduced for PDF printing.
 Grip handling, trimming, and extending improved for splines and
polylines with very large segment counts (5,000+) due to improved
geometric functions for com-plex curves.
 Divide command performance improved.
 Dynamic display performance improved in large drawing files using new
ZOOMDETAIL and DRAGDETAIL system variables.
 Snapping for large drawing files improved.
 Dynamic dragging improved during entity creation and modification in
large drawing files.
 Memory consumption reduced for raster images.
Entity Snaps
 Use entity snap tracking.
 Use new entity snaps: Parallel Snap, From Point, Temporary Tracking
Point, and Midpoint Between 2 Points.
 Snap to the center of a polygon (closed polyline).
Working with Other Files
Import .dgn files.
Export Collada format files (.dae files).
Insert underlays from .pdf, .dgn, and .dwf files.
Attach MrSID format files (.sid files).
Specify files and paths for working with IntelliCAD using the new
Paths/Files tab interface in the Options dialog box.
 Clip layout viewports.
 Right-click a Layout tab includes From Template.
 IntelliCAD 7.2 uses Teigha for .dwg files version 3.5.1 from the Open
Design Alliance.
 New (starttransaction) and (endtransaction) LISP functions.
 New SDS functions for working with graphics planes:
sds_getviewplanedc, sds_releaseviewplanedc, and sds_cleanplane.
More New Features
 Purge unused drawing elements using the new Purge dialog box.
 Find and replace text.
 Use the Notification Manager located in the lower right of the IntelliCAD
window to view messages and alerts about drawings and running
 Use updated selection filters to better select entities by property, type,
proxy, and more.
 Manage layers using utilities at the command line: LAYCUR, LAYDEL,
New System Variables
What's NEW in CMS IntelliCAD® 7.1
CMS IntelliCAD 7.1 is a maintenance release that contains many improvements
since the IntelliCAD 7.0 release, while also including performance
enhancements throughout in areas such as printing, zooming, multiline text,
and .pdf file export. CMS IntelliCAD 7.1 also supports new features: attach
.dgn files, drag-and-drop layouts between drawings, invert image clips (raster
image support is available in Professional versions), and more.
CMS IntelliCAD 7.1 integrates Open Design Alliance Teigha® version 3.4.1
released earlier this year.
What's NEW in CMS IntelliCAD®7.0
– The latest IntelliCAD technology available TODAY
Interactive Graphic Elements
 Selection crossing/window shows transparent colorization.
 Selected entities appear in color during dragging.
 Point indicators to help in graphics creation (e.g., when drawing a 3point circle).
 Paperspace sheet color.
 Automatic creation of mview viewport on initial activation of Layout tab.
User Interface
• Pulldown menus include support for re-organized commands and the
display of icons.
• Several dialogs include 24-bit icons or have been re-written.
• New docking properties pane with the ability to pin or hide the window.
• IntelliCAD Drawing Explorer is enhanced with 24-bit icons, improved
layer handling with multi-select support, icons in the list control, and
improved usability.
• Improvements in handling blocks, views, dimensions, and text styles.
• Improvements to snap and selection.
• Multiple windows can be open with different views or layouts.
• Paperspace supports non-rectangular viewports.
Display Devices
• New support for choosing a display device directly from the status bar.
• Choose between DirectX, OpenGL, and the computer's default device.
• Three new system variables for managing display devices: GSCURRENT,
Graphics Display
Real-time hidden-line and shaded viewing.
Display gradient hatches.
Improved draw order and dragging in color.
Non-rectangular viewports.
Display proxies in blocks and xreferences.
Display ADT and Civil 3D objects.
DWF and DGN overlays.
• IntelliCAD 7 is now using DWGdirect as its internal database; the DRX
interface is available for developers to create custom entities.
• Support for Visual Studio Tools for Applications.
• SDS/ADS now supports UNICODE.
More New Features
• Direct integration with the DWGdirect libraries allows for faster ODA
• New Page Setup Manager.
• Enhanced Print dialog.
• Export STL files.
• LAYBYENT command allows you to select an entity to control layer
settings or VPLayer settings.
• REFEDIT command allows you to edit blocks even if they are in external
drawings (Xrefs).
• GSCURRENT allows you to change graphics display devices.
• Options dialog allows you to change languages on the fly.
• Dozens of new hatch patterns.
• New FEEDBACK command for users to send in feedback.
• Direct access to Developer Help from the Help menu.
• Direct access to the User Guide PDF from the Help menu.
• Support for visual styles.
• New 3D orbit command for easier dynamic rotation and 3D viewing.
• New dimension styles.
• Ability to display print styles in paper space
• Support for associative dimensions
• Support for relative paths for images and Xreferences.
Performance Enhancements
Opening and saving files.
Real-time rotating, hidden line, and shading.
Double buffer display.
Because DWGdirect is the database, more modern data structures are
used which are faster (maps and vectors verses arrays).
Demand loading features as DRX applications, including the Properties
pane, IntelliCAD Explorer, External Reference Manager, Image Manager,
solids creation/editing, mesh entity creation, and more.
The drawing database is persistent and this speeds access for saving,
printing, layout issues, etc.
Performance has been enhanced considerably when using real-time
zoom, real-time pan, opening and saving drawings.
Depending on the hardware configuration, running CMS IntelliCAD®plus
opening a 10Mb .dwg file will take about 10 seconds to load.
What was NEW in CMS IntelliCAD® 6.6 PRO
Now you can run it without installing it!
Toolbar and menu icons
The IntelliCAD user interface has been enhanced with new 24-bit icons for all
color toolbar icons and menus.
• 2d toolbar
• Dimensioning toolbar
• Layer toolbar
Use polar tracking
Polar tracking is a new tool used to help you draw with precision. When polar
tracking is turned on, guides display on the screen automatically at specified
polar angle increments.
Check the spelling of text
You can check the spelling of single-line text, multiline text, paragraph text,
attributes, attribute definitions, and dimension text. Additional features include
loading dictionaries from different sources, including various languages, and
adding your own words to a custom dictionary.
Copy multiple entities
Now it’s easier to copy multiple entities. IntelliCAD defaults to prompting for
additional copies of selected entities during the Copy command.
Work with additional image formats
The number of image formats available for drawings has been expanded. You
can include images in the following formats: ECW, JPG 2000, ERS, ALG, HDR,
DAT, DOQ, FST, NTF, ASC, IMG, DEM, DDF, DT0 and DT1, and HDF (including
MET, L1R, and L1G).
Layer toolbar
You can now use the Layer toolbar to specify layout-specific layer settings. The
Layer toolbar also displays more text, making it easier to use large layer lists.
Customize the status bar and menus using DIESEL
You can use DIESEL from the command line, in MNU menu files, and in LISP to
customize the status bar and menus. Use new and enhanced system variables
New or enhanced system variables include:
What was New in IntelliCAD 6.4
IntelliCAD 6.4 uses the latest advances in the ODA DWGdirect 2.2 libraries,
based on the industry standard OpenDWG, which is widely supported by
commercial software vendors, and the engineering community. IntelliCAD 6.4
utilizes the new ODA libraries to interpret the updated DWG 2007 file format.
IntelliCAD 6.4 will read, display, and write DWG 2007 files, which include 10
new entity types and over 80 new system variables.
Although the focus of v6.4 development has centered on DWG 2007
compatibility, other major enhancements can be found in this release:
A new color book editor provides the ability to effectively organize,
create, and edit color books.
Improved user interface for PDF export provides more flexible output
Dozens of new events and a new Application Preferences object were
added to the COM API.
A new Code Page Manager command allows you to convert drawings or
set your code page language preferences when opening drawings.
Multiple enhancements for raster image handling include:
o Improved user interface
o 4x increase in display performance for large images
o Lower memory footprint for large images
o Improved performance for drawings with a large number of image.
o Better support for monochrome images
o New COM API for creating and manipulating image entities
In addition to the new features and DWG 2007 support, hundreds of repairs
and minor improvements were added as well, including:
Setup now supports Microsoft Windows Vista™
Draworder enhancements for blocks and external references
Viewport enhancements, including locking viewports and assigning a UCS
for viewports
Snapping to model space entities from paper space; picking model space
entities from paper space for creating dimensions and other
dimensioning improvements
The Paste command allows you to specify an insertion point
Performance improvements with drawings containing large meshes
Improved performance and reduced screen flicker when using dynamic
zoom and pan.
The Tangent-Tangent-Tangent option is now available for circle creation
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Seit 2009 sind wir offizieller Vertriebspartner von CAD Manufacturing Solutions,
Inc. USA in Deutschland
Unsere Kontaktdaten:
Hornung GbR
Angela & Wolfgang Hornung
Heiglhofstr. 105
81377 München
Tel/Fax. 089/7140046
USt-IdNr: DE231668371
Alle in diesem Dokument genannten oder abgebildeten Produktbezeichnungen, registrierte Firmen- und Produktnamen,
sowie deren Logos, registrierte Warenzeichen und - Domains sind geschütztes Eigentum der jeweiligen Inhaber.
Stand: 24.08.2014