Hotel Spec Online
Hotel Spec Online
ARCHITECT & DESIGNER SERIES HOTEL SPEC H O T E L S P E C I F I C AT I O N I N T E R N AT I O N A L MEDIA INFORMATION THE INTERNATIONAL RESOURCE GUIDE FOR HOTEL DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT & ARCHITECTURE THE INTERNATIONAL RESOURCE GUIDE FOR HOTEL DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT • C reated for hotel designers, architects, procurement specialists and hotel executives, HOTEL SPEC is established as the leading international resource for anyone involved in the specifying furnishings and equipment for hotels and resorts. 2 HOTEL SPEC MEDIA PACK HOTEL SPECIFICATION INTERNATIONAL • HOTEL SPEC is the leading resource guide for hotel design, architecture, refurbishment and development worldwide. ARCHITECT & DESIGNER & ARCHITECTURE SERIES HOTEL SPEC H O T E L S P E C I F I C AT I O N I N T E R N AT I O N A L 2014 Premier Suppliers Supplement WHO’S WHO IN HOTEL GROUPS F WHO’S WHO IN HOTEL DESIGN F FF&E SUPPLIERS GUIDE WHO’S WHO IN HOTEL GROUPS F WHO’S WHO IN HOTEL DESIGN F FF&E SUPPLIERS GUIDE THE INTERNATIONAL RESOURCE GUIDE FOR HOTEL DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT & ARCHITECTURE Hotel Spec is a multi-platform resource guide, providing a vast amount of detailed information about all aspects of hotel design and architecture; from manufacturers and suppliers of furnishings and equipment to hotel designers, hotel groups, development companies and procurement specialists. • • Hotel Spec Annual Resource Guide Print and Digital Editions • Hotel Spec Premier Suppliers Quarterly Magazine Supplement • Hotel Spec Weekly Newsletter These elements combine to create the world’s most comprehensive resource guide to suppliers, manufacturers and service providers to the hotel sector, providing a vital resource for hotel designers and hotel specifiers and creating the ideal advertising environment for any company wanting to influence hospitality specifiers. Click here to view the digital editon of Hotel Spec 2014 ABOUT US 3 HOTEL SPEC MEDIA PACK aspx?eid=8a85ef70-6246-4b3687a2-94850c46ccae DESIGNERS & ARCHITECTS o in who’s wh sign hotel de pitality Hos Areen ens, Eyot Gard . riors in hotel inte rience of supply expe gn and ng had vast to desi placed g markets, havi ents. hard developin in such environm are as riors that out how we working ting inte find rts in creabeautiful. To and to budget, expe time We are as they are ect, on working deliver your proj can help in touch. get please n tel desig o in ho s tel group o in ho who’s wh 23 W6 9TR : London severinde of the Board W: bent & Chairman rin 2 8089 UK nder Seve : Principal Severin : (0)20 822 8 3475 r Alexa .c projects India T: +44 Bent Ole & CEO: Olivie d in Singapore) ronhotels (0)20 874 .com Current l, Bangalore, tes, President Director (base W: akke F: +44 Tajikistan work: 50% and): @areen Associa Swissôte Dushanbe, A in Thail Managing Soh K.S.A (based n, Design E: contact Leonor, Ms Grace dent & CEO nho Sherato l, Makkah, K.S. rs), Makkah, in Barry worldwide Suite 300USA s: Sara no Presi ood riors ciate W: aree Blvd, Yoshi jivin : 3,871 Vice al Floo sôte Asso Phala merhotel inte n: Kenji Novotel s worldwide 461,698 rew Linw of Inc 0 Santa Monicarnia, CA 90025, Design Kerschbauly ing Swis t Hotel (Roy : Kwanchai Manager Japa Singapore; rienrce ’s ign: And 1078 USA Califo Total hotel s worldwide n; outstand expeege Guillane Fairmon and supphad & Kro of Des dle East vast 90211, General Offices: Japa d Angeles, 7050 gn CA hlanD am : 3,031 Los Hea ering truly Total room desi rnia, 474 , Gill to Voted ‘Mid el Awards ects: DeutsC worldwide rnia having Regional els been deliv s. Hills, Califo T: +1 310 rooms Bac, ken K.S.A ed proj placed g markets Trav hotels 11 ents. Sausalito, Califo s & hot Beverly 271 1206 Thailand om h Total aChat Hauptstrasse Germany ronmcts Complet kah Palace, 2011’ World hite n we havee than 30 year E: info@ lopin Way, hard resort a and envi Arc Gmb Aree as y te im, T: +1 310 atelierkatayon.c deve nship Mak At l ess re ler avi such 2352 Mari pan Hal Unte for mor that are n: Naghin absolu r C, DB Plaz Kong gn proc reality Raffles Luxury Hote kah, K.S.A. Hockenhe 49 0 we W: barry Robert Barry E: katy@ der:wor Katyking el Com Hamburg PC York, Bert rchitekten 5, USAinteriors or Desig projects 20 D-68766 ing s hot into out how get, President: 457 - Interi of the desi lity Mak CA 9496 ting hitect 616 Towe y Bay, Hong 101 W: atelie tor and Foun 289 3860 mTo find (0)62 05 InnenaEickesmuhle 34ladbach 25hour llee 5, D-20 Principal anding slate designs g hotels as Lead 1Retaj Hotel, x l. Direc Hospita +1 415 utifu T: +49 Rice Arc Floor, New rts inT: crea to bud Walle Discover 2987 0682 enn Syrop net Design An der Moncheng rale@acha time and s Gillam, p underst bea ly tran t designin m Barry 18th Street, 9th JoanneAre Uberseea 2 are expe info@ E: zent a FL, 33133, USA We, Epso multi- 201 uteworld. m on Our dee to seamless T: +85 theyE:are en, Jame Road 074 587 D-41238 ect, m 18 West 1, USA m ctonic Germany i, y@absol ty ens confiden OS & E for bgarproj rd Back Ashley working as -0 W: acha lm Kotter : 25 (in Germany, W: Miam Atkins your Gard (0)40 808 E: cind Lunt to: Grove, are as Germany 66 9463 de and our abili Arquite NY 1001 944 1929 com Aventue, 9TR. T: +49 deliver Princh.ipals: Howa (0)21 23 Eyo CEO: Wilhe s worldwide Top Pho room, London that we the FF & E Woodcote 5BW, UK er m act@25ho W: abso & CEO: Bryan T: +49 n@bert-haller. 2900 Oak 372 1812 W6 lena, USA m T: +1 212 ricearchitects. com can help in touc KT18 Board: means big E: cont Loren KroegOffice: St.He Total hotel Hungary) 726140 m Surrey, the London@arquitectonic Chairman mir Sucevan otte Rose Melso supplying E: desig ann T: +1 305 and se get cts E: info@ ricearchitects. (0)1372 the A very 9 rman of W: 25ho toph Hoffm Ardi Goldman any) tberg we are projects. Regional Austria T: +44 plea com rin 2 808 ia, FAIA; knows COO: Vladi lopment: Charl and: Mike Hall Archite ial Co. W: bert- Bert Haller : n E: twesUK 1700 W: barry 822 Bresc and) nder Seve : rin itectonica. : CEO: Chris e Developer 4 (all in Germ tes with 5 hotels e Commerc E: info@ Clive Westerma (0)20Fortue, Suite Barrios Photo gn team purpose r Alexa Brand Deve Director, Thail 6 (all in Thail : Principal: W: arquT: +44 pore) UK n: projectsBakre,erIndia Bernardo 0 8748 347no, AIA ge Aven Associa aCtIon venor Hous Road Real Estat s worldwide 280 ging kervillStreet, Suite 200 9, USA CEO: Olivie d in Singa ced desi collaborated nd the Bottom area, London W: atkin Interior Desig wide: ign h Oran FL 32801, USA co; UAE; gsCurrent FAIA Mana rien : , Bas (0)2 Principals: +44 Lucki galo r, world (base hotel Mexi Sout Gros el Des s Gillin ; ng wide 171 istan .com of t tor 2321 : Zayed UAE 808 Total total Gail 15th y, AIA havi China ly expe : Samueen r arou F: Spea York)@ar Tajik Direc Head Wrighsôtel, Ban 189be,do, s world Eating Florida, Bevis Point, Park Road nia, VA and): Total hotel s worldwide i, 101 S Sheikh Laurinda ntage of Offices: Designer: re: Tom (Newtact les): John Conle A os, in Thail Our high inside out, hotel operato our resolute Orlan .com Total room ond, Virgi 1010 Tower, 66435, Duba Dir con om Senior of Architectu ; UAESwis Soh 926 3000 kah, K.S.Barri hotels Regional cts as a perce Cardinal alitynger (based n, Dushan Total room Richm Office E: 407 A or om spitBerra s 343 (Los Ange Ional i, UAE answorth UK askervill.c & CEO Court T: +1K.S. tivity. Mak nhoYves ess is Sheraton Ltd an PO Box 4 3289211 up, InC s: China Director industry ly every maj ) FCSD Hotel proje Rickm rs),Bake sident rbarrios.c Makkah, bI nat aree T: +1 804 erross@b Office Dir 1RE, r, AIA; Carlo (Paris): ): Peter Brann er, AIA; 1 W: nce Yoshino 3h Gro tage Business1, USA jivin BA (Hons our succ ery and crea ket al Floo kuw W: bake hheis LinwoodRegional Office insosôtel,on l (Roy e Oling T: +97 abu Dha46806, Abu Dhab total work: 10% Herts WD3 7432 8130 Butlin, hai Phala Japan: Kenji pore; E: choc practical The key to Dir d'Age (Hong Kong en ipals: Tim ta, AIA; Mont Simaan, IIDA ingRobSwis ls@action AndChurew (0)20 George 6716 Heri oga, TN 3742 roy ntage of ger keen mar tand : Raym Fiuza Way, Lond t Hote Princ ign:ond lity, deliv ge Sev E: hote Debare Fitz PO Box 2 4447228 T: +44 Acos Diana outs ghai) e al Mana s: Japan; Singa Des Office Dir (Shan Eastd ’s W: bask Bob Clark, PE heiser Ross; ington Chairman: cts as a perce 0 York Fairmon rd (base world. ent to qua s with our are realised trulyett 1 AIA; Ray: Chattano 499 0497 Ledfodle wn, IIDA; rt dK ‘Mid Dir d ofPaulo): Wash e, 36-4 ard dent: , Cambrid tes, Inc ue, Cambridg Hoch .com E: paul@ eringAuk W: actio Manager: Alain T: +97 skill Office Hea onal Office Hotel proje m Hous n, AIA; Carole Vote Mike Houseleman ectsia McCo (Sao Lisa Haywice: 10 Awards Presi aining ue Chuybeen deliv T: +1 423 3hgrouphotels A -Robe commitm bine these that projects projMarc rvisor: setts Aven USA Hajeri W: bevis Paul Bevis, Associa General K.S.ta); llero in Atlan y; ld Trav E: info@ .com s. Cotta UK Principals: AIA; Mark Larso AP; Office Dir (Lima): Enriq have dce, work: 75% .comed ailand med Al in pract of total .com Desai 9200 still rem y well ign a om info@ (base Massachu , MA 02138, com tors: asing Supe ida e; year N1 9AB, nsonplet weDavid Zabathan Dir ring Pala E: Wor 30 7843 3000 Moha st otels Tate, Chad1’Byerl 4137 LEED oyees Com n Otaib Des adnh oup.c Direc Franc We AIA; 1050 Purch a); yrobi antav 80 ; Al Saif ila): kah Don ensu Office whil AIA, f W: empl Hiren and (0)20 ouph AIA ntage setts USA r: of er, ited Tyler, e Tampl 201 H.E. e, Parav (Man : 14 At Aree ly, ess fitzro es Mak ler T: +91 iry@brigadegr in Hote l; China especiall d Khala T: +44 proc W: 3hgr utive Office Bob Dollinger Leonard, A. ta, Tampa, Brazimor Number cts as a perce Massachu 492 7000 Ragesh s worldwide 2,570 ey s:for C2 Lim tes, LLC CT 06824, USA Brent Farm ey, AIA; Bruce Hood Office Dir Office ; UAE Chairman: man: Ahme Hotels gn n@aukett knowledg and efficient ul. We are ity Raffl K.S. Bert Halrchitekten : s: Atlan E:: enqu en Embl Luxury AIA; Dougkah, aret realbinso E: londo ttfitz royro projects Chief Execof Operations: Rothenberg rds, AIA; Philippines Hotel proje Steph T: +1 617 Total hotel s worldwide Mark Linds ff, AIA; Marg Regional of the desi Maknal Office Vice Chair ities: Al Diar 16 s AssociaRoad, Fairfield, ; Peru; gns into Leading taj Hotel,Regio an@ W: briga quickly cially successf Brad Richa InnenaEickesmuhle 34ladbach tor,lsUAE: as Kuzyk Jason W: auke Ident n desi anding Director Mullin work: 90% wide: E: joltm om Total room lIty Jeff DeHo , Architects: Hong Kong Brand hoteors: Anne 201Hoba 95 Reef 259 2555 om : 10 ginggDirec Director: 1Rert n son, AIA; kten s world cisco Berlintr.9, D-14059 Berli An der Moncheng Incerst e lessly translatet desi : 2,630+ p und Inc Managnin ing Day Wingold, Project s worldwide commer hospIta Interi multi-re: Colin deeet, W: c7a.c Gary C. John Bostkelm Associates ey, AIA Archite 719 Berli Total hotel s worldwide T: +1 203 2limited.c Ourstre anns Brown rf Architects BAMO, Street, San7,Fran napolis ner: Bryan antIs Leisu s ltD AIA; seam USA confiden Director&ofE for D-41238 ice: 180 d; Tiern to ervill o@c BHPS trasse 71, D-10 Total hotel USA Smith t, India t,tySom Principals:D Mansfield, Arrow Stree Danc Robert , Interior Desig -0 4, as Total room o aDv IanCe, llC , Suite 2A OSof Hotels and oyees in pract any; Polanto: AP; holDInGaoNan Road E: studi 9410 500 Third are nn, Craig son Germany 66 9463 de Dierdo Illinois Stree and Dir our abili , MA 0214 Marsili a, Pase Fasanens land 307 0 Group AIA, LEED Germ all Timothy 212 Elm rnia, CA 9880 London of empl (0)21 Germany Associate , settsthat we Top Pho room,Califo 0, USA FF & E W: c2lim Christina Roma : Diana Jona h High els La Finc Matthew Imrich, ct@blamp T: +49 n@bert-haller. 626 NorthIN 46204, USA (0)30 308 7 Days GuangzhouDaDg 510290, Number Czech Republic; UAE 979 Germany 887141-0 Greenfield means big Steven T Lawton, AIA Massachu aC hot Empressarial Edificio 17 615 Nort boro, TN 3713 lying the T: +49 CID, IIDA or Designer: practice: 77 E: conta 623 5555 blic; A very Partners: Associatein practice: 10 30 T: +1 415 Naylor Stefanie AIA, LEED of total in s 1 E: desig Indiana, 635 5030 y Interi Offices: 10F, 705 u, Guangdon k Reputhe gs T: +49 bhps-architekte Design are stree Douglas Principals: T: +1 617 . Parque Deportivo, (Madrid) la Babe E: info@ Senior of employees China Murfrees 904 6133 ell, W: blam Director: Clive Godfrey Heap wearrow Senior of employees Sulphur Sprin ia; Slova ass a percentage E: info@ W: bert- Bert Haller T: +1 317 g, Russ projects elor, FAIA, Alarcon Guangzho E: mail@ Heine, cts Associate AP; Adam Mitch E: info@ stree to ior Principal: Pame Jue, team know W: bost- r: Tassilo Bost Number Office: Beijin ntage of total del Club tes Managing Andrew Bain, Keith Cerfontyne T: +1 615 with elo de Number Office: White ntage of total ann Dierdorf s Batch Principal: E: info@ ted 5858 nal om Pho LonW:don ton, Gerry Greene Owne design Hotel proje UK W: bhps : Jorg-Herm Inc tors: 3 Pozu l China approx nal a perce perce John M art, AIA AIA, LEED Sollogub W: arrow and CEO: Jame Associa us Korn, under/Sen Design: bora info@ Moul a r: CEO/ Regio Bott as 8922 Direc UAE; ign hy 2822 ced or 10% E: Regio as Stew : bdm cts Marc 20 ign the , Co-fo co; ign tects BC colla sh B Goka l cts rien AP; Interi : Amre Aiad r, W: , Des n nd rior Des ng1,area Mexiak total tive Office Archi Des staff: David Henry, Dorot smeier,China; Maci T: +86 USA AP; Peter ciate: Joslin practice: 64 President Hotel proje 700 Head of having workrator arouInte ly expe l Hotel proje upscale hotel of Spain W: vista and COO: Rame Kelly J Harve Steve Design in s IlskenOffices: daysinn.c Bevis Point, Park Road InteriorAvenue, Vancouve AIA, LEED Asso 9029 Beate Chief Execu highCole, Associate ael Blampied CAEati 916 260 Booth, AP; id, Spain BOX West Senior of employees ntage of total LEED AP E: ir@7 e out, nal emann,as a percentage Our John work: 38% resolute York Avenue Toma Senior 5th cts - Bul om work: 50% Venic.e, President Vice President: & Suites T: +34 an Michael Office: Madr RegioLeng Cardinal insid hotel opeAveisnue t: Mich oure Blvd, LEED hite AIA, LEED AIA, Wu ber perce cts New , or ner He a Suite Viola ultan ign ng 7day , da Arc stry 1608 Num Principals: as an answorth UK Fifth utive nal proje maj W: GM ing, 350 (HonsUSA tivity Cons Vista Inn ess626 Venic crea8116 Nice, cts y Cana indu Boqu Exec ) FCSD & Tanbow Boulevard Regio Cornelison Kevin Hotel W: ac-h Antonio Catal: 93 Rickm BSA ell Allen Floor om as Des g r: Eric Haibi 1RE, cture & ly everge Tremtoblay,ourAIA succ Identities: wide: 20 V6J 1N8, 738 2990 BBG-BB Hotel proje BA 8, Patricia and 10%Llin 300 ign Floor, New York Chairman: cial Office Nanyan Zhen 310 401 Cagley ik, AIA; angeles.c USA Brand 0 NY, 1011 h Rain State Buildge total work:ey Herts WD3 7432 8130 President: s worldwide 9530 Butlin Flajntical world market Stockwm Street, 4th 5, USA Bilk Geor key AIA, LEED APdeliveryT: +1 keen hitects 33410, jo Archite t, 6th : Blvd, Suite avenuelos (0)20 T: +1 604 boxinteriordesi m Empire man:, New work: 10% JamespracPollack;The hotels Geor York,percentage of BNO Des Sev FLen hotel 8, USA Chief FinanDirector: Alex Inn wide: 1,36 5960 Sout Arc les ll wide PGA lity, Stree Ban 9410 er Folso ) Total info@ ge ens, g Bois, T: +44 Total 8911 ny world E: CA Ange a our Sprui Ross; ange ld. Floor qua world ised , e s 501 3601 brid s Chair as Den wor ipal: David to Westley s with avenare uelosreal DeRosa, E: info@ teriordesign.cos, Cynthia Penn 25th da, NV AP; Scott cisco cts 7667 75 Sprin 2, USA ue, Los CEO and ities: 7 Days 461 (all in China 300 ard CamBeach Gard , Inc Avenue, Cambridg proje888 Total room E: paul@ Total room ea g Design s, Neva House Princ mitmorent W: : skill .com d 0088 60 San Fran 281 4720 Ident Palm AIA; Design: lus Aven 6, USA hotels +1 212 Camillin 253tes Lisa Haywice: 10 W: boxin H Jay Brook T:Hotel Assoc com NY 1001 343 9709 ocia Brand England Las Vega 240 9013 ipals: Andr projects practeice: total worldwide : 46,293 bbg-bbgm 8, USA : 75% remanainin ntage of total W: bevis Paul Bevis, Israel h Street, Yahu 1311 Ange CA 90029200 +1 561 Princstill , New 212 ipals: tor of Interi oyees up T: +1 415 orth@bsaarchit T:Ass achu bineinthes that pract 702 work hotels ; yllinasetts info@ FAIA; ICa of yand +1 wide in or Princ E: Direc .com +1 ign North Gro T: 0213 Ltd om Manh .com rnia, Mass ores com tors: bilke Total ton total 8 T: y well afr ring Beer, empl perce l ntage aCC 41373826 degroup.c , MA s world ya Des bbgm esign Direc of employees ntage of Califo+91 80666 Weof as ae,perceensu bld@ m Leve on@cagle whilst Ashleespe t, Brigh E: jashw E:1050 Offices -Neuve ch Hach ciall setts cts as ited Tyler, AIA; ers: David W: bbg-Lim Number ctsledg e Dessign W: bnod Designer: Unit E 323 iry@briga m yllina Total room E: kwils Sean Tanner orth, a 1 Mecure nd Stree 4 Dere USA iently, UK Circle Bilkey bilkeachu Number cts as a perce 4, AIA T:T:+1enqu , 6, USA areHotel proje C2ding Partntes , LLC Hedg W: bsaa John Ashw W:Mass la Mare om s, 492rt7000 know AIA France 00 Prah Braesid 0682 ecock, et Hood rds, AIA; Foun Hotel proje Principal Noriega-Ortiz an Dejkanovic New Engla ex BN1 4GH, te Lake 617Robe Nelson Ross W: cagle Lee Cagley; els omr Llina and effic is, IL 6015 ul. We work: 95% Israel (0)3 5393535 eld, CT CZ-110 Gorman,, Fairfi 2 rue de Evry Cedex, 80 Hotel proje m degroup.c E:E::info@ T: +1dent: 00 : Osca Principals: son, David practice: 40 Louis Presi sdale): as, Steve s AssGocia 4840 Coyothe Hills, Illino 2 987 hot e Nam 15, Peter work: 20% dentsc7a.c Xin Benjamin ners: Drag East Suss 73 6897 W:banjo quickly ciallyrssuccessf UK Brad Richa in : 90% Principals: in Scott Partner: om Presian@ T: +97 tle 3 Berlin Tim AndreMullin W: E: joltm F-91021 69 36 80 (0)12 Desig Ouyang ): gingRoad Mike Pattinof employees ntage of total 4BQ, Vice (based lin t,D-14 95 Reef Lake in 263 2626 n son,):AIA; l Floor059 om do JohnKong old, work kten Mana Senovazn blic Senior Leroy-Tullie (0)1 T: +44 camillindenny.c Partne oKO 259 er2555 founders: t Ber ing Dayhitects on, W1T & mer n ue, Suite 2400, Seat icio Salce Stree 203Partn Avr Hong in Hong Kong Joint W: afric Lev Leviev : 15 (10 in Israe nia) W: c7a.c esidedesig tr.9, 2, USA y Repu T: +33 Bos Number cts as a perce Bryan Wing Archite 719 Berli Maur DC: t, Lond d in C. beth T: +1ging USA T: +1 312 Arupcom annsNY Brown rf Arc napolis Pelisson Mana d AIA; Calliso Maxime E: info@ Liam Denn Eliza 1001 Czech 255 737 200 North (baseGary y Stree 1531 io Stree Aven esigner: kelmCity, o@cel2limi - Washington, Smith jamin@bra .com IndiaPlano BHPS trasse 71, D-10 tners (base 210 1-2343, t,way, in Roma Princeripals: Chairman: s worldwide llin, yn Mick DancYork Hotel proje W: acco and CEO: Gilles COO Accor Partn 0 Manstorfield, om E: studi E: cben 13 Fitzro tastud any, 3 Kathr is Park o.ukom 1420 Fifth n, WA 9810 W: cami Mark Cami ow Par nn, Craig son Dierdo thy DDirec LEED AP; T: +42 3 and any rup.c Partner AIA Marsili sidedesign Fasanens Ban Illinonce ied.c (0)20 7636 7024307 0 New Timoging Total hotel ia, 1 in Germ 2,650+ on, UK ging ited.c re@a Germ212 Jona work: 30% Director l6/Studio6 Mana 343 308 York lamp : r AIA, al, Hong Kong nfield, USA tina Roma : Diana W: c2lim W: brae Cary Benjamin T: +44 ct@b Bogdan cts Matthew 77 Independe : Mana Imrich, Washingto 623 4646 Directors: Office: Lond USA 626 North (0)30 Chrisano, cts rry Street W: 987h s worldwide 5, 4, 4620 Germany 887141-0 Mote men Potte 3100 5W, New T:T:+1+49 Gree signer: on, AIA ers:Giord nes 10 ciateBiski; -Pau ipal: Steve IN 1 in Russ s worldwide conta le Poirot Centr ice: r re nic hite 206 7507 : ign grou r m nal Grae CEO E: hotel nie hite ice: na, Lawt Suite Nadia Partn er-Jo avrok Asso 30 Princ E: TX +1 0313 hotel T Leisu pract t, itekte n Arc Naylo e: Dome Olivie T: Regio 5030 in pract Arc ne Stree pied. Indias, lasOffice ipals: Stefa Ltd Gaym s Des inMarie Total .com cts gs T: +49 bhps-arch Desigers: oyees s and eyherHeaps Texa 6358904 E:E:info@ info@bostblam Dougnal Total room 212 966 Buro 4 / 508 Queensbe3051, Australia loyees China s AIA, LEEDon tel Regio America: l: Robert & Eastern Europ HotelClive els 317256 Princ SenionrPartnof empl W:W:arup ur Sprin erie, ford, AIA; Direcl tor: +1972 riorell, Desig nHughe E: info@ Archite t, Suite 3000, USA 33 Gree 3, USA T: +1 Chika g, Farm Sofite Central VIC , AIA; Lond ntyne - Globa 116 Paris oir Godfr E: mail@ Heine, res-ho T:T:+1 InteMitch bost-grou lo Bost W:W:avrok Bain, sun hot bank berK Cran : White Sulph tinaof Hart, total Associate Box Adam bdmastud Studio com y, AIA; e: Beijin ntage of total Manatorging CEO Brayto s ourne, Lanes, Numory ann Direc r: Tassi na O'Neal, Inc Campoupitoulas Stree ern, info@bant Tarraorfnt Greg Andrer:ewGreg n: Keith Cerfo W: callis William F Garstm Paul Lace ipals: Adam a.h.m.I. ue Kleber, F-75 NY 1001 ogdanow. ntage M Dierd LA 7013 Francisco Office a perce LEED AP; de, AIA ; Green Chris perce W: bhps : Jorg-Herm tors:Lead afrICanAvenue, Rose South Africa E:E:info@ Kristi r: John Princ nalAIA AIA,ck nski North Melb 9326 7924 n: Bryan Bla us Korn, Desig b@b CEO/Owne ean, Direcess COO NorthFlaxman s as a Ragozin Sollogub Regio as ers: ki, IIDA, LEED Stewart, 64 Turzy anow, AIA Busin Harris, , bdmastud Studio rd Street, San 307 Tcho ns, Louisiana, Partn ; d Para Botswana; Petitj Principals:Holt, AIA; Willia (0)3 of Desig re: Aiad E: larry Interior W:bant Design r, BC 70 aven Peter Serge John is tivetorOffice Architects smeier, Marc Maciak USA W: : Joslin 54 Bath burg 2196 William ice: hotel Desigctsn Jaku T: +61 bows 9bAP;Gran : Amrealia; pied any; India Larry Bogd hawrior ue, Vancouve Headtor:of Michael r Services: & Direc Hotelorproje s: Austr Ilsken n, Beate Direc ciate 639 Howa CA 94105, New Orlea 598 4440 l: UK ciate 3471in pract of total Inte Interi upscale Robin L Leigh Denn Brads Architectu Bull W: bogd & Founder: ChiefipalExecu tsuki, AIA Office France 47 55 02 02 1JX,r Asso r Asso Tomas k ark; Germ rlands; Princ 50%Amy Greg Johannes 442 0488 rnia, BOX 504 E: info@ ael Blam N4Senio u Interior cts eman 8292oyees terio , :IIDA; J Waka tor (London): n, AIA Yor Senional 5th Aven cts Ltd Lewes COO Acco r Services Brazi empl 9 wner +1 1 Denm ntage ue work s ; 8100 Regio Mich Califo of T: Leng Nethe .net.a ASID jtcam t: ipal 11 ice: Gary Kohs (0)20 ; Co-O West hite l +33 , am, Aven hite 291 perce New China itius; The Bowe Direc T: Viola po@ ultan Princ Arcnt nsun +44ber ctsblack , Suite AIA AIA; evard 1608om Arc Danie Tan, AIA& Monk as a boxin W: buro Bronwyn Stock practice: 17 in pract T:Num T: +27 d; Qatar Tan,ner Consda; COO Acco Melantonio FilhoEurope, Africa re Design Canada e, Southerh Cana T: +1 415 E: jtcam BBGMBuilding, 350 Fifth8, USA in om Gustin ley BSAe Tarra ell Allen Floor iries@ Managing (New York): Tom Cassidy, AIA on o@africa Partner: of employees ntage of total BoulSheeleigh, n; Maur pines; PolanNew York n Axi o, Jr, AIA Julia Hous Athen enquproje E: thed 2990 Llinas V6J 1N8,am738 Principal: of employees E:Hotel Mark R ice: 230 ign Floor E: pacr ansunhotels.c S A Munyeza , pore; South AIA Cagers:Sout Oswaldo e, Southern ica: Yann Caille Italy; JapaDes Philip t, 4th USA E: info@ ges Daha W: jtcam John T Camp AIA;bow boxinterio vnik h li,Rain State York, NY 1011 herh Partn 6JN, Principal (Dallas): David Design, Callis 604 BN8 Number cts as a perce berg : 10% rdesi Stockw 5 cts BilkeyPGA Blvd, Suite 300FL 33410, USA r: Boothe, Sout 6th a; Singa and; Streects hite black Predo pract 5, cisco W: ahm & CEO: Geor Marc Fily ice: T: +1Suss of Zealand; Number W:work BNO ex , 8, USA 5960m Kama oyees in pract Arcmhite COO Franc Latin Amer Michael Issen and W: afric utive Office N Mangwiro ) l San Fran 69 m k Penner ia;t,Serbi New Ltd boxinterio W: bhds Principal: Jay on, UK): Art Chen Principal: Marian ens, g Stree Thail Bahra in Arc of total 8911sdale Principal and Director W4 1HW Hotel proje Floor, New 7667 , CAt, 9410 501 Folso rd 3601 East, empl da, NV; Scott BAR c: r: East Stree tal Lega h Gard Den oyeesny nia; RussUSA ; Spain; President of Operations: ar, AIA E: info@ Director: illin 75 Sprin truction 300ber of s, Neva Design London Middle r Asia Pacifi Chief Exec cial Office 20 (all in Africa ociates Managing(base Cynthia 888 (0)1273 rdesi 5, USA Francisco9410 Roma 2, Korea d in Lond in practice: 45 s: China Num tion: Chan Principal : Zivko Penz practice: 800 House work: 95% c 31 +44 SanHowa Palm Beac 253 0088 : archi ber of emplas a percentage 543 1 212 boxinterio T:W: Brooks, k Cam m n and Cons Butlin n Anne's Grove, 281 4720 ; South343 9709 Director & Administra in ign Ass ton Num NY 1001 Vietnam nal Office 9013 axiomJay England Las Vega COO Acco er.cototal Chief Finan s worldwide 2,900 415CA cts Africa Director of employees UK hy Regio Hotel Spe (Shanghai)of employees Rowe USA yandtann mail@ , New bsaa ipals: H Gro Hotel Desig: Philippe Adam up , : T: +1rnia, T: +1 561 Califo on Des 140, Hous 702n,240 ntage of E:Princ nfo@bbg- .com UAE; USA;.com 21 Quee on, Finance Elodie Estac 12 293 5700 Hotel T: +1y;212 Ltdproje total archi Hollisign bilke ton | T: +1ingto , Andrew EVP for Total hotel s worldwide Beer, FAIA; ers LtdUK l 8 North 415 orth@ Turke Number Office: Lond com bbgm : Bordel g Drive, Suite esign Wash as a perce m Number , 2980 on@cagle E: bld@ y ntage of T:E:+1jashw E Leve Street, Brigh rd Purchasing e: W: axiom Richa conline. er UK Design Designer: s worldwide 2,220 W: bbg- Partners: David l Place ner: 9HH, work W: bnod Desig Unit: 100% projects rchitrch.c e is E: kwils orth, Group Total room nd (0)20 8987 Regional cts as a perce : bsaabara 675 Berin 77057, USA Morr dioUK West Marietta Hotel esideteDes 6, USA offic yand s Circl : Paul Sean Tann s hotelspe pItalIty k, AIA rtizon, W3 novic, W: bilke Robert Bilke Llinas, ipal ted ga-O l 30, Ange E:W:info@ Partn om Ashw Ross Stu4GH, Braers: T: +44 butlin-design.c FAIA; Lond TX Total hotel s worldwide Founding Gorman, AIA Princocia New Englaog a LakeTavistock) : 70% Lee Cagley; rch.cJohn W: cagle r Ass Ge hos Suite 2115 Hedgecoc is, IL 6015 ): Australia Pacific: Leve NSW 2000, Road, Dragan Dejka Beard, Hotel proje Coyo Texas, Tunn work baraipals: uk ckd ex BN16897er,00887Atlan ice: 40 Studio minnNorie President: dents: Osca W:Princ in Illino 789 9681 ta Rob 4840 Crouse; E: info@ Bla son,rdDavidLinda Lynto pract Total room Peter G Partner: Louis d in Scottsdale Benja aImbrID ay Road, 75007, USA East Suss Arts73Cent & Spa Principals: Design ners: 0794 140 (base ng Xin 2, om , AIA; the dHills,Tavistock, UK PattinRicha t Road tle0 Accor Asia-Street, Sydney, 9888 elona work: 50% T: +1 713delon@bn-des of total Plow (0)12 io T-10 oyees in ntage Desig8354 glund r Mikeipals: Vice Presi Salcedo ): Ouya Princ s:2626 e Partn Resort 80 Lakeerin Office , Seat els W: butlin 4 Barc emplAIA; King Group Lavelle Rd 1011 sley n t 61, Sukhumvi2400 ): Managing Partner (base T: +44 NW,cami +44r(0)20Leroyasso -Tulliciate Studllindenny.c 4100 Midwn, Texas, TX y Nodle T:Senio kok w.hksin ntry icio Ben ber ofbers, perceHaegter; ade 123 Pitt T: +61 (2)92 nal312 263 Cham a hot 51-53, 0801 E: mbor Hong Kongin Hong Kong USA aChris tine Low t esidedesig Nanc y 82, ging Bang ww in 8, Suite Num as Maur tine@ liso om +1 Guy me DC: AIA; umvi d Cou Regio abb Brig es re, lon, USA T: ollto Chris up info@ n, Stree ue, @bra cts Denn gor ana, Mana Mickel d 3031 Cal chris Director: E: win, in, 43, Sukh Aven (base Carr E:Maxi ingto The Brigade Cent Karnataka, India proje Liam jamin y Gro 57 tners Australia o Hill Good W: bn-d Maria T Borde practice: 8 das Naco 952 0200 llindenny.c Mark Koes Y Lee, AIA; gia, GA Fifth Nua, Watt98101-23 Hotel Partner Director (base ParRIBA Jeff ntit .com, Wisma Selan E: cben Calle Berl in Geor ang Camillin, UK office: ica: Avenida iros, Sao Kathryn Partner - Wash 1420ton W: cami ow nfa, WA Antoni 001 716 8626 Managingdan 30%l, AIA; AIA; John V ling, AIA Hulkul T: +1 972 s Ide sidedesignBlock Klong Milic min D Jalan Amp Partners: of employees ntage of total Brazil .comon, ington, 4646 Axi work:Israe ManagingPotter tors: Marko590 David +1 877 No.2 0 NorthBenja142eier, tt San W: brae e Cary Schil 2330 alore 560 T:Direc Bogtect: Ali Mahi Spain italit Hong Kong Managing Giordano, AIA Biski; and Svetlana 5W, New York : Lond Wash Latin Amer05425-905 Pinhe t -620 ber perce info@ r al, cts rrio Archi Gary 363 a Bang iry Krugm studi 623 hous cts 8 Thail E: tect: 90 me 6305 Office Num as 93 Stree 3818 ipal: Acco AIA; le Centr er, Pent Johnson Grae Archi ysiaign Paula cts info@nal rryice: ridgehosp Suite Nadia 2 381 Princ +1 206 E:Regio PO Box ur, Mala (0)11 JW Ma Arcmb,hite 7815, Enqu Domenic T: +34 26 Office: rt t,Leath Arcorhite ley.c in pract 966 0313 Interi Marie-Pau dog-studi der: cts Stree T:T:+66 callis W: aimb and CEO: Daver: Robert Burg Hotel proje Queensbe Partners: Belga Unidas, Brazil T: +55 Burn oMcCo : , Australia ghes Des s Ltd on Dredging, nHu Regional Lump Susa +1ia212 508 oyees ley@bensm ners:neRobe Patric info@ W: black and Arc Founhite t, Suite 300 USA Design K Cranford, AIA; 33 Gree W: abba s worldwide Kuala io 4of/empl Desig 0 yto USA T: Mars E:E:bens ley.c e, VIC 3051 ociates Interior President ating Office s, Lond om F Garst, AIA; work: 85% 3,aite, Cuce Paulo SP, e office: Studber Stree ice: 100, 15 ipalpo r, ASID comhall Bridge r, y, AIA; Hart, 4181 cisco 5045 Num Bra to ourn hotel rts rant Lane Citron callis 1001 4 Box ulas 7013 now. Princ Cam Lace n m ea tina Ass 70+ Gregory AIA North Oper W: 2163 ley Melb r NY Total LA Fran ice: ce: Vince Greta b@b e Robe upito ogda Andr ; Paulice: Chris W: bensipals:BillWillia Auge in pract Bens Williainmpract lke7924 Chief , UK +603dios xisidentit , AIA North Black d Parade, Gree t, San T:Stu in pract of anow Singapor Pacific: 250 Raffles City Towe8888 9326 oyeesiana, rement: .com Carol 307ynTchoof empl Partners: VP of Finan lopment: Lynn s IIDA, LEED Petitjean, Principal: Holt, AIA; (0)3Wa E: larry re@ard Streem 5, USA ns, Louis nes Bogdtotal Procu , oyees is hotels , BA1 2HA Princ 08 Suite Senior employees Larry inquiHowa Design Jakubowski, Studuios on T: +61 9b Gran UK Bar E:639 Accor Asia- 02/03/04 rs Ltd , AIAIndonesia Leigh Denn ber ofanow percentage Num NewberOrlea 598 4440 tne aboDe n Square, Bath VP of Deve Phoenix Inn t in the USA) Interior berL of empltsuki Robin W: bogd CA 9410 +65 (2)64 Chuen Amy Num Bali, 3471 as a der: and aburo uth Road, Lond Num & Foun axisirnia, Senior E: info@ N4 1JX, 401 W4 2HN, UK W:Califo ities: J Waka & Par Road, #31- 179101, T: Office: tor (London): n, AIA .uk wnercts Foo Fatt s Yee swor 303480 8100 : 50 (mos T: +1 504ied ASID, IIDA; AIA jtcam 4 Quee ice: 9 Garynal (0)20 8292 boxinterio g Co-Oproje l Kohs 17 Hotel BoweInc Direc yn Stock p CEO: 291 Lim Soon Regio London , London, Brand Ident s worldwide 10,000+ mppo@Road AIA; Tan, (0)1225 W: Wand black T: +44 401 Grou : Tom ign Singapore er: Danie oyees in pract of total Bla leigh,AIA Mun Keon tor: .uk Bronw 409in practice: : 85% m, : T: +1o415 E: jtcamkley AIA ith Road Gustin Julia Monk, iries@ York)Des Managing (New T: +44 210AIA on Partn Direcbhds ipal:UK work R Shee 100 Cassidy, oyees 3870o, Jr, Total hotel s worldwide n Ah Yong practice: Princ2JP, office: Hammersm E: enqu C. ntage 9181 office@a SW8 USA Studi ipalSeverin 3 1751 ra, Suite Camp info@Dir: empl 2aW:Brac Callis ber of emplasL.L. perce t David e, AIA UK 8747 T 10, a E: .com of n, head Partners: Kamali, AIA; Mark practice: 230 vnik s): Princ (0)20 room in Num 255 cisco Ventu E: 5 Ben 8-00 ber Booth els.c John n Suite (0)20 alker total tudio oyees Jay Desig , de cts +44 in Total W: black Marian Predo practice: T:Num ehot +44ipal: nsword ipalVia(Dalla proje08, T:Princ AZ of8525 Accor UK: UK e Road Ltd on W4 1HW 8687 W: bhds ntage of Art Chen barnes-wign els ness Centre Bahram of employees ; Scottsdale, in 1, USA tes Desig PrincE. of empl na,tor Ate Direc Hotellier Principal: W: abod Andrew Brow Halliday AIA berging Arizo a perce on, UK): 7474 Scottsdal AZ 8525 n hot Director: of employees ntage of total E: info@ es-w Num alker.comWalk 800 ipal ,and er e, Lond Penzar, W6 8SJ, cts asd in Lond practice: 45 Manaproje Number Offices: China lin Des Princsdale 4400 workN: 95%e, Arizona, ign Associa c 31 7060 Scot ber Founder: Director: Nick 6 (all in UK) akkero Basepoint Busitlea, Swindon 's Grov s, : Zivko practice: al (base (0)20 8237 barn a perce in But Luke in Spe 488 ton gmai Num tor as W: l nal Hotel ghai) ation Anne total +44 tor: : tsdal n oyees 480 cts T: Direc: 60%of empl Des 140, Hous Regio Hote sign@ +1 Scot n Direc T:(Shan e: Managing s worldwide employees on3826 n, USA ntage of ny Barne Unit 65, d Drive, Wes 21 Quee of rinde on, UK of totalon 4001 Intern Hotel proje Desig del539 work Suite | seve ts: Antho Number Office: Lond +1 602 Washingto cts as a perce USA offic America: 75007, USA bentber r08.c, om T:Bor ntaget, Lond E:Num Total hotel g Drive conline. UK ultan s 8987 2980 o.ukice: 4 Rivermea SN5 6EX, UK atelie ann nal igners work: 100% Cons Berin a perce hotels ouz (0)20 RegioDes info@ Hotel proje Accor NorthCarrollton, TX in pract of total E:675 om7, USA Armin Widm hotelspe cts as yshire Stree Barne 7705 Studio West Marietta T: +44 s r08.c oyeesign.c Wiltshire 4 8559100 B3 nawas d Haff Anne d, FAIA; s, TX ons, Atria, butlin-des atelie Hotelioproje 9681tect: ign.c om work: 70% 3, 51 Derb Parkway, 360 9000 (0)84 se; ckdogArts Center, 887Atlan abou Avenue Oule W:Texa o.ukntage Studio 789 Archi ta ber of emplasign.c ure, a perce E: info@ io, All Seas Stud 713cipal Michaud T: +44 eting@akkero Num nda Crou AIA; 5 2, cts UK Paul-des work: 50% Design umvit Road10110 Bla T: +1r/Prin T: +1 972 ities: Adag 1, Grand Mercl 6, upuk lle Rd Owne BP 361 El Mechtel Tunisia glund, proje-des 8111 r cipal:@bn practice: total W: butlin delon King Plow Studio T-10 E2 6HQ, ule Ident Hotel 7729 E: mark r/Prin Mote hris Haeg Lave Bensleyumvit 61, Sukh adeigner NW, of y Nodle E: mbor oyees in ntage Brand Nanc Owne Bangkok Complex s-Belvedere, Etap, Form MGallery, ter; Brig re, 82, +44 (0)20 Street GA 30318, USA T:The , India ber ofesign percelon, ice: 8 57 Sukh Nua, Wattana, de Cent ark Koes V Y Lee, AIA; ct@b3des om W: bn-d Club Med,Ibis, Mercure, l, Studio 6, Suite Num as Ta Borde .ukKarnataka 1002 Tuni71 781 335 Maria conta in pract of total Georgia, 716 8626 ul Briga E:Hulk y ers: cts nawas.c Klongton 6 signe560 001 Partnproje HotelF1, Pullman, Sofite AIA; John Schilling, AIA Hotel employees b3dealore Mark Bithre T: +21 arketing@abou T: +1 877 W:Bang 20-3of0% as a percentage n Thailand 381 6305 Num: ber Director: Novotel, AIA; Gary practice: 90 work cts 2 E: info@ E: dir.m Karim El Harra n Design in T: +66 Hotel proje Katayo Blvd 204 loyees ley@bens W: black and Founder: W: abou of Finance: Elyes lier tes : 85% rtson E: bens 13 Ate work : 10 ocia ipal tor Robe wide ice: Princ Auger, ASID Direc r Ass ice: 70+ s world W: bens Bill Bensley in pract 201 North Walke ios in pract Carolyn of employees Total hotel k Principal: of employees Ltd esia ber co.u rs Half Stud , London line. Indon Num ber line. tne UK con Bali, Road Num con Office: hotelspe dsworth ied & Par on W4 2HN, hotelspe Regional ign Inc l Spec | Blampkley Road, Lond l Spec | P, UK erin Des 3870 30 Hote Suite 210 10, USA 1751409 om 64 Hote 2a Brac (0)203 Ventura, Bent E.Sev (0)20 8747 s-walker.c Via de na, AZ 85258-00 T: +44 8687 , Arizo er Scotsdale 488 7060 barnes-w tor: Luke Walk s, T: +1 480 rindesign@ sign Direc : Anthony Barne seve E: bent onsultants s ice: 4 in pract Anne Barneof employees ntage of total Number cts as a perce proje Hotel who’s wh HOTEL SUPPLIERS n tel desig o in ho who’s wh HOTEL GROUPS s tel group o in ho who’s wh od o wo oo g A | conline. hotelspe c 65 Hotel Spe Who’s Who in Hotel Design Who’s Who in Hotel Groups Hotel Suppliers Resource Guide The most detailed listing of well over 500 leading interior design and architectural practices specialising in hotel design and refurbishment. This section is a show case for the best that the market has to offer. The importance of this sector to designers is reflected by the number of practices that choose to enhance their entries with advertising. Over 600 hotel and hospitality companies are listed with details of key contacts in design and development responsible for appointing design and architectural firms as well as those who control and influence the purchasing of FF& E. The most comprehensive resource guide to manufacturers and suppliers of hotel furniture and equipment. Providing details of companies covering areas such as; Procurement & Purchasing, Furniture, Lighting, Bathroom Fittings and Equipment, Fine & Applied Art, Soft Furnishing, Wallcoverings, Surfaces to name but a few. The list is vast. Each entry provides information on the practice including; headquarters, senior executives, regional offices, design philosophy and current and recent projects. The majority of the world’s hotel design companies are listed here with responsibility for most of the world’s hotel design and hospitality projects. 4 HO E SPEC MED A PACK This section contains information on new openings and development programs and details of the individual brands that are operated by these major groups. To compile this information we are reliant on the cooperation of these key organisations which illustrate the importance that these global players place on Hotel Spec. Companies are grouped by discipline, country and listed alphabetically each section is illustrated with features and case studies that provide hospitality specifiers with a guide to the best products and services available in the market. www ho e specon ne com ADVERTISING HOTEL DESIGNERS & ARCHITECTS As the world’s only international multi-platform hotel design resource HOTEL SPEC is perfect for all companies wanting to advertise their products and services to hotel specifiers and buyers. 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