The 2013 Honomichl Top 50 Report
The 2013 Honomichl Top 50 Report
The 2013 Honomichl Top 50 Report By Jack Honomichl 26 marketing news | June 2013 Exclusive feature honomichltop50 The top-line numbers show slight industry growth, but an analysis of the underlying facts behind the market research industry in 2012 points to a weak, downward trend. Read on to see who’s making headway and who’s struggling, prompting movement in the Honomichl Top 50 rankings. Revenue Declines Growing Again 30 24 24 21 19 18 15 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 8 2007 2006 8 2005 2004 9 2003 More than $9.5 billion was spent within the U.S. for marketing/advertising/public opinion research services in 2012 through U.S.-based, for-profit research firms according to this, the 40th annual analysis of market research industry trends. Revenue inputs from 207 research firms form the database for this analysis: the Top 50 firms by revenue plus 157 research organizations that provide revenue information on a confidential basis to the Council of American Survey Research Organizations (CASRO). The 50 largest firms get line-item identity on the Top 50 list starting on page 35. Each was asked for calendar 2012 revenues sans nonresearch activities and work done outside the U.S. That then was compared with the comparable number for 2011 to get the growth/decline rate. If a firm made an acquisition or divestiture during the year, adjustments were made to get an apples-toapples comparison. Following the Top 50 list, you will find an extensive profile of each Top 50 firm, including ownership, top management, acquisition activity, service offerings and revenues from outside the U.S. In toto, the Top 50 firms had U.S.-only revenues of $8.7 billion, or 91% of the 207 firms’ total. In 2012, 24 of the 50 firms reported a revenue decline or an increase not large enough to cover inflation. The chart at right shows how that significant indicator of industry health has trended in recent years. Other input came from CASRO, which provided together, in aggregate, revenues of 157 member firms not included in the Top 50 list. Each firm, on average, had revenues of $5.4 million. Together these 157 firms had revenues of $847 million in 2012 (almost all within the U.S.), or 9% of the total. Top 50 firms reporting revenue declines or growing less than inflation June 2013 | marketing news 27 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature Down Year Jack Honomichl is founder of the Inside Research industry newsletter, a market research trade publication based in Barrington, Ill. The database of 207 firms had U.S. revenues of $9,539,700,000 in 2012, up 1.7% over 2011. But after adjustment for inflation (2.1%), the so-called “real growth” was -0.4%. Another benchmark is Gross Domestic Product, the estimated value of all goods and services produced in the U.S., as calculated by the U.S. federal government. As the chart below shows, on average, between 1988 and 2012, growth per year has run ahead of the GDP by 4.2%, a roundabout way of saying that its relative value was running ahead of the economy in general. But in 2012, research industry growth was down 0.5% compared with the GDP. You’d expect this trend to impact employment, and it did. The Top 50 firms in 2012 had 33,506 fulltime employees, down 3.7% from 2011. MR industry growth has run ahead of GDP Contributing Factors It would be easy to attribute this dip to a sluggish economy, but there are underlying factors that help to make it more understandable, such as government spending. The biggest spenders for research services in the U.S. are, by far, agencies of the federal government, which spent an estimated $6.3 billion in 2012, and over recent years, that has grown. But in 2012, the portion of that expenditure that is contracted to the private sector was down 18.3%. Three Top 50 firms are long-time suppliers to federal agencies: Westat, No. 4 on the list, gets 96% of its revenue from government agencies; Abt SRBI gets 83%; and ICF International gets 70%. You’ll note that Westat’s revenues were down 3.1% in 2012, the first time since Westat made an appearance on the Honomichl list that the company has reported a downer year. Some of that may have been attributable to governmental cutbacks. Other factors contributing to the industry’s performance include: Focus Group Usage Slows: The 15th Annual Focus Group Index, developed by Stamford, Conn.-based FocusVision Worldwide, reported that the number of focus groups conducted in the U.S. grew by 1.9% in 2012, compared with 4% in 2011 and 5.4% in 2010. It could be that the mining of social media websites has come to be preferred for “insights” regarding consumers’ whims and fades, in lieu of more expensive focus groups. Online Data Collection Increases: The wellestablished trend toward the use of online data collection for survey projects has revenue implications. It is presumed that online Industry Growth Higher Than GDP but Narrowing Top 50 Firms’ 8% “Real Growth” 7% After GDP 6% Adjustment 5% 4% 3% +4.1% 2% 1% 0% Year 28 marketing news | June 2013 2010 2005 2000 1995 1990 -1% honomichltop50 Exclusive feature data collection costs less than traditional data collection methodologies and therefore one can do the same amount of work for less— and this reduces some survey revenues. Online data collection may lead to revenue decline Syndicated Service Stability Provides Some Support: Total industry revenues in 2012 would have been down much more but for the “floor” established by those Top 50 firms that specialize in syndicated services under long-term contracts, such as Nielsen, IRI, Arbitron, J.D. Power & Associates, NPD Group, comScore, Rentrak and National Research Group. These eight firms, in total, saw 2012 revenues grow by 4.1%. The balance of 41 firms that specialize in custom, ad hoc projects saw revenues decrease by 0.7%. During hard times, it is relatively easy to cut back on ad hoc work but difficult to cut back on long-term contracts for syndicated services—especially if they provide input to corporate information systems. Syndicated services put brakes on revenue declines Election Year Bolsters Results: In U.S. presidential election years such as 2012, many ad hoc survey firms benefit, either directly or indirectly, from an infusion of hundreds of millions of dollars spent for political polling. The decline of the industry’s ad hoc survey segment would have been more but for this. Changes in List As usual, firms come and go from the Top 50 list, and 2012 was no exception. There were seven newcomers: Symphony Health Solutions, No. 15 on this year’s list, was formed in 2012 and includes AlphaDetail, No. 45 on last year’s list. Public Opinion Strategies, which has a strong private-sector business base, also is a major player in political polling and 2012 was a boom year. The other five—Perception Research Services, RDA Group, Leo J. Shapiro & Associates, LRA Worldwide and Kelton—experienced especially good growth in 2012 and they replaced firms that did not or that declined to participate for reasons of their own, or both. Revenue per Employee A by-product of this analysis is the ability to calculate revenue per employee. For Top 50 firms alone, this was $259,000 per full-time employee in 2012. You can see how this has trended over recent years in the chart on the previous page. However, the Top 50 data are heavily weighted towards large database companies with syndicated services. You’d expect the number for small, ad hoc survey firms to be different, and it is. Looking just at the 157 full-service CASRO firms not in the Top 50, their revenue per full-time employee was $257,718. Syndicated Services Support Industry 2012 Top 50 Firms’ Revenue Change All top 50 Firms +1.7% +4.1% 9 Syndicated Firms -0.7% 30 marketing news | June 2013 41 Remaining Firms honomichltop50 Industry Size Larger Than Top 50 $6.1B $9.5 B (207 Firms) (Estimated Additional) Exclusive feature These data demonstrate increased productivity in the research industry, and quantification of that is difficult because there are so many factors at work: employee morale and training, incentive programs, improving management, etc. But one important factor, certainly at play in the research industry, is more capable, easier to use and lessexpensive software, and there has been a profusion of that. Total Spend Total Industry Spend: 2012 =$15.6 While the 207 database firms in this year’s analysis had revenues of $9.5 billion, there is a lot more to research spend within the U.S. than that. Agencies of the U.S. federal government spend $6.3 billion, but we know that $735 million of that already is included in the 207 database firms, so let’s add a net of $5.6 billion to the $9.5 million, for a total of $15.1 billion. In addition, there are dozens of not-for-profit survey research centers, usually associated with universities, such as the University of Chicago’s NORC and the Survey Research Center at the University of Michigan. Their work, in toto, could easily add more than $100 million to our running total, but since some is paid for by agencies of the federal government, let’s just add $100 million to be conservative. That brings our running total up to $15.2 billion. Numerous large U.S. corporations do considerable research in-house, especially in the area of customer satisfaction measurement and new product development. This work could easily add $300 or $400 million to our estimate, but no one has a clue as to what that sum is. Adding $300 million is conservative and that takes us up to $15.5 billion. Numerous other marketing service firms—like advertising agencies and consultancies—have internal research departments to back up their project work and there is no knowledge of this sum, but it is safe to assume that it would add at least $100 million to our total, bringing it up to $15.6 billion. While the total spend on market research in the United States should be estimated, my analysis of 207 research revenues is one way to calculate, with some specificity, the trend vectors and to help explain why they happened. m Productivity Slows After U.S. Recession Revenue Per Top 50 Firm Full-Time Employee 2012 $259,000 2011 $241,000 2010 $258,000 2009 $263,000 2008 $257,000 2007 $239,000 2006 $215,000 2005 $219,000 2004 $199,000 Methodology Invitations to market research firms with estimated annual U.S. revenue of more than $10 million are sent in January of each year requesting revenue information for the prior calendar year, a company profile of activities and other company metrics. Top 50 rankings are based on U.S. revenue. The rate of growth from year to year has been adjusted to account for revenue gains or losses from acquisitions or divestitures. Verification of revenue is required of each private firm for ranking by a third party, generally its outside accounting firm. For further information, call Larry Gold at 847-526-0707 or Jack Honomichl at 847-382-3246. 32 marketing news | June 2013 Exclusive feature honomichltop50 Top 50 U.S. Market Research Organizations U.S. Rank 2012 2011 1 1 Organization Nielsen Holdings N.V. Headquarters Website U.S. Research Revenue ** ($ in millions) % Change From 2011 *** WW Research Revenue** ($ in millions) NonU.S.Research Revenue** ($ in millions) % Non-U.S. Revenue U.S. Full-Time Employees $2,651.0 4.0% $5,429.0 $2,778.0 51.2% 10,486 929.4 -4.8 3,338.6 2,409.2 72.2 3,930 590.0 -5.5 2,300.0 1,710.0 74.3 1,996 491.1 -3.1 495.9 4.8 1.0 2,019 New York 2 2 Kantar* London & Fairfield, Conn. 3 3 Ipsos New York 4 4 Westat Inc. Rockville, Md. 5 5 Information Resources Inc. (IRI) Chicago 478.7 2.9 763.8 285.1 37.3 1,325 6 6 Arbitron Inc. Columbia, Md. 444.1 6.7 449.9 5.8 1.3 982 330.9 0.5 1,946.9 1,616.0 83.0 1,131 271.3 -4.0 775.0 503.7 65.0 540 191.8 1.5 272.0 80.2 29.5 875 191.2 7.5 239.7 48.5 20.2 1,152 Nuremberg, Germany Norwalk, Conn. Port Washington, N.Y. 7 7 GfK USA 8 8 IMS Health Inc. 9 9 The NPD Group Inc. 10 10 ICF International Inc. Fairfax, Va. 11 11 comScore Inc. Reston, Va. 183.4 5.1 255.2 71.8 28.1 813 12 14 Abt SRBI Inc. 157.4 23.5 175.6 18.2 10.4 995 13 13 J.D. Power & Associates* Cambridge, Mass. Westlake Village, Calif. 156.1 9.5 234.4 78.3 33.4 494 14 12 Maritz Research Fenton, Mo. 154.0 -2.5 188.4 34.4 18.3 626 15 - Symphony Health Solutions Horsham, Penn. 153.5 2.7 - - 500 16 15 dunnhumbyUSA LLC Cincinnati 118.1 5.1 420.0 301.9 71.9 254 New York 85.3 -8.5 140.7 55.4 39.4 285 Los Angeles 72.9 -2.7 101.8 28.9 28.4 377 Lincoln, Neb. 67.7 14.0 74.2 6.5 8.8 350 Livonia, Mich. 62.6 -12.8 64.0 1.5 2.3 234 Communispace Corp. Boston 59.3 6.9 64.8 5.6 8.6 346 56.5 -13.4 95.9 39.4 41.1 301 51.0 6.3 78.4 27.4 35.0 69 50.5 -2.5 65.9 15.4 23.4 327 48.3 -4.9 54.4 6.1 11.2 214 45.9 194.2 46.0 0.1 0.2 40 43.3 11.6 49.5 6.2 12.5 152 38.0 -8.7 38.0 - 126 17 18 19 20 Harris 16 Interactive Inc. Lieberman Research 17 Worldwide National 20 Research Corp. Market Strategies 18 International 21 21 22 19 ORC International Princeton, N.J. Vision Critical Communications Inc. Market Force Information Inc. Vancouver, B.C. Louisville, Colo. Burke Inc. Cincinnati Public Opinion Strategies LLC Alexandria, Va. Farmington Hills, Mich. 23 25 24 23 25 24 26 - 27 28 Morpace Inc. 28 27 Directions Research Inc. Cincinnati - - June 2013 | marketing news 35 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature Top 50 U.S. Market Research Organizations U.S. Rank 2012 2011 29 38 30 - Organization 30 Phoenix Marketing International 32 35 YouGov 36 37 38 39 International 29 Communications Research Informa Research 36 Services Inc. Radius Global Market 31 Research Service Management 34 Group Inc. MarketVision 40 Research Inc. National Analysts 37 Worldwide Market Probe Inc. 40 41 41 43 KS&R Inc. 41 44 The Pert Group 43 - 44 42 45 - 46 47 48 RDA Group Inc. Gongos Research Inc. Leo J. Shapiro & Associates LLC 49 The Link Group Chadwick Martin 47 Bailey Inc. RTi Market Research 48 & Brand Strategy 49 - LRA Worldwide Inc. 50 - Kelton % Non-U.S. Revenue U.S. Full-Time Employees 28.3% 176 33.9 4.0 61.9 28.0 45.2 148 32.2 30.9 39.4 7.1 18.0 163 31.9 -2.7 37.4 5.5 14.7 109 31.9 2.2 91.9 60.0 65.3 119 0.5 1.6 177 Media, Pa. 30.8 -6.7 31.3 Calabasas, Calif. 29.2 8.6 29.2 New York 28.8 -8.6 30.2 1.4 4.6 86 Kansas City, Mo. 28.5 1.1 29.4 0.9 3.1 181 Cincinnati 26.0 13.0 26.0 - - 105 Philadelphia 23.2 -8.7 23.2 - - 82 Milwaukee 21.5 1.4 47.9 26.5 55.3 120 Syracuse, N.Y. 21.0 4.0 26.7 5.7 21.3 209 21.0 4.5 22.2 1.2 5.4 98 19.1 8.5 19.1 18.1 -10.8 20.2 Farmington, Conn. Bloomfield Hills, Mich. Auburn Hills, Mich. - - 2.1 - 110 10.4 107 15.6 10.6 15.6 Atlanta 15.5 -3.1 17.4 Boston 14.7 -12.5 14.7 13.9 -16.3 13.9 13.5 40.6 19.6 6.1 31.1 126 12.9 4.0 14.1 1.2 8.5 41 $8,693.2 1.7% $18,838.4 $10,298.9 54.7% 33,506 $846.5 1.5% $1,004.5 $158.0 15.7% 3,445 $9,539.7 1.7% $19,842.9 $10,456.9 52.7% 36,951 Stamford, Conn. Horsham, Penn. Culver City, Calif. All other (157 CASRO companies not included in the Top 50)**** - 195 Chicago Total Total (207 companies) NonU.S.Research Revenue** ($ in millions) $14.5 Teaneck, N.J. 32 WW Research Revenue** ($ in millions) $51.2 Perception Research Services Affinnova Inc. % Change From 2011 *** 44.0% Waltham, Mass. Rhinebeck, N.Y. Palo Alto, Calif. U.S. Research Revenue ** ($ in millions) $36.7 Portland, Ore. 38 35 Website Rentrak Corp. 31 34 Headquarters - 54 10.9 48 - - 67 - - 46 1.9 *Estimated by Top 50 authors. **U.S. and WW revenues may include nonresearch activities for some companies that are significantly higher, as well as revenues from other MR companies. See individual company profiles for details. ***Rate of growth from year to year has been adjusted so as not to include revenue gains or losses from acquisitions or divestitures. See company profiles for explanation. **** Total revenues of 157 survey research companies that provide financial information on a confidential basis to the Council of American Survey Research Organizations (CASRO). 36 marketing news | June 2013 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature 1 Nielsen Holdings N.V. David L. Calhoun, 56 Title CEO Education B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute 2012 U.S. Revenue $2,651.0 million* Change from 2011 +4.0%** Non–U.S. Revenue $2,778.0 million* From Outside U.S. 51.2%* U.S. Employees 10,486* *** Nielsen Holdings N.V., incorporated in the Netherlands and headquartered in New York, was founded in 1923 and sold to a consortium of six private equity firms in 2006. In January 2011, the firm was listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Nielsen is a global information and measurement company that provides a comprehensive understanding of consumers and consumer behavior. It delivers media and marketing information, analytics and industry expertise about what consumers buy and what consumers watch (consumer interaction with television, online and mobile) on a global and local basis. The firm’s information, insights and services help clients maintain and strengthen their market positions, and identify opportunities for profitable growth. Nielsen has a presence in approximately 100 countries, including many developing and emerging markets. Nielsen aligns its research business into two segments: Consumer Watch (media audience measurement and analytics) and Consumer Buy (consumer purchasing measurement and analytics). These segments are built on a foundation of data assets designed to yield insights for the company’s clients to measure, analyze and grow their businesses, and to enhance the return on investment of their advertising and marketing spending. Consumer Watch Nielsen’s Watch segment includes measurement and analytical services related to TV, online and mobile devices, and offers viewership data and analytics primarily to the media and advertising industries. Its media clients use the data to price their advertising inventory and maximize the value of their content, and its advertising clients use the data to plan and optimize their advertising spending and to better ensure that their ads reach the intended audiences. In the United States, Nielsen offers two principal TV ratings services: measurement of national TV audiences and 38 marketing news | June 2013 measurement of local TV audiences in all 210 designated local TV markets. Nielsen is a global provider of Internet media and market research, audience analytics and social media measurement of the behavior of online audiences for online publishers, Internet and media companies, marketers and retailers. It measures and analyzes consumer-generated media including opinions, advice, peer-to-peer discussions and shared personal experiences on more than 100 million blogs, social networks, user groups and chat boards. The firm offers consumer research and independent measurement for telecom and media companies in the mobile telecommunications industry, including mobile carriers and device manufacturers. In the United States, its metrics are an indicator of market share, customer satisfaction, device share, service quality, revenue share, content audience and other key performance measures. Consumer Buy Nielsen’s Buy segment provides retail transactional measurement data, consumer behavior information and analytics primarily to businesses in the consumer packaged goods industry. Its Buy clients use the information and insights in an effort to better manage their brands, uncover new sources of demand, launch and grow new products, improve their marketing mix and establish more effective customer relationships. This segment is organized into two areas: Information, which provides retail scanner and consumer-panel-based measurement, and Insights, which provides a broad range of analytics. The Information segment provides measurement data that is used for measuring sales and market share in the CPG industry by tracking sales transactions in retail outlets around the world. Its database of retail and consumer information, combined with its analytical capabilities, helps generate strategic insights for business decisions. The Insights segment uses consumer purchasing information as its foundation to provide a selection of consumer intelligence and analytical services. It draws insights from retail and consumer panel measurement data sets, online behavioral information and a variety of other data sets. Its analytical services are organized to follow clients’ business development processes. *Research only. U.S. research and nonresearch revenue in 2012 was $2.8 billion. **The growth rate includes the 2011 and 2012 revenue for the U.S. acquisitions of NeuroFocus Inc. in May 2011 and Marketing Analytics Inc. in August 2011, and excludes the revenue for the U.S. acquisitions of Perishables Group Inc. in January 2012 and Vizu Corp. in July 2012. ***Estimated. honomichltop50 Exclusive feature •Kantar Media ( offers a range of media insights and audience measurement services. It serves global advertisers, agencies and media companies by providing media and consumer research capabilities through its traditional, social and digital media monitoring offerings. 2 Kantar Eric Salama, 52 Title Chairman and CEO Education M.Sc., Birkbeck College, London 2012 U.S. Revenue $929.4 Million* Change from 2011 -4.8%* ** Non–U.S. Revenue $2,409.2 million* From Outside U.S. 72.2%* U.S. Employees 3,930 Kantar, based in London and Fairfield, Conn., was founded in 1993 and is the Consumer Insights division of WPP plc, a London-based public company. Kantar’s research businesses work across the spectrum of research and consultancy disciplines, offering business insights at each point of the consumer life cycle. The group now comprises the 12 research business units: Added Value, IMRB International, Kantar Health, Kantar Japan, Kantar Media, Kantar Operations, Kantar Retail, Kantar Worldpanel, Lightspeed Research, Millward Brown, TNS (TNS/ Research International in selected markets) and The Futures Co. Kantar’s worldwide services include the following in the United States: •Added Value ( focuses on brand development and marketing insight through its Brand Connections methodology, providing services in the areas of brand marketing, consumer insight, innovation and communications. Its services include cultural trend analysis; portfolio strategy; market segmentation; mindset mapping and brand portfolio management for identifying market opportunities; brand positioning; ethnography and ideation; copy testing; semiotic audits; and touch-point evaluation. •Kantar Health ( specializes in healthcare primary research and consulting. The group has seven practice areas: marketing insights; strategic planning; risk management, safety and surveillance; stakeholder effectiveness and brand marketing; health economics and patient outcomes; pricing and reimbursement; and forecasting and epidemiology. Kantar Health maintains panels of healthcare professionals and patients in the U.S. and Europe who participate in Internet research. 40 marketing news | June 2013 •Kantar Retail ( is focused on digitally delivered intelligence on retailers and extending shopper insights and consulting capabilities. Specialist areas include retailer insights and trends, organization development and virtual shopping insights. These areas are supported by products and services including Kantar Retail IQ, Shopcom, ShopperGenetics and ShopperScape, Kantar Retail PowerRanking and Richmix. •Kantar Worldpanel ( is a global provider of consumer panels that offer continuous measurement and analysis of consumer purchasing and usage behavior. The firm collects and analyzes data from samples of consumers using technology matched to the sophistication of local markets, including bar-code and POS scanners, Internet, SMS text messaging and diary. •Lightspeed Research ( provides market research services by building and maintaining online and mobile panels and associated services including survey design consultation, sample management, programming, hosting and data collection. They range from proprietary online access panels to specialty panels, custom panels and mobile surveys. Lightspeed also provides custom panel services to address specific client needs. •Millward Brown ( provides a full range of qualitative, quantitative and consulting services focusing on brands, marketing communications, media and marketing effectiveness. It works across a wide range of industries and categories, operating in areas such as brand strategy and experience; creative development and campaign evaluation; consumer needs and values; media planning and strategy; ROI, forecasting and investment management; brand valuation and analytics; and demand and activation. •TNS ( is a provider of both custom market research services and qualitative research services providing marketing knowledge and insights into consumers and markets. It has experience in most major sectors, particularly automotive, consumer, finance, technology, political and social. The firm’s practice areas are: stakeholder management, brand and communications, product development and innovation, retail and shopper, qualitative, and digital. Exclusive feature •The Futures Co. ( monitors what influences consumer values and attitudes to identify current and future trends, and offers trends and futures consulting, and future-facing qualitative and quantitative research. Its work covers the categories of brand, category, company, consumer and macro futures. *Estimated, research only. **The growth rate includes the 2011 and 2012 researchonly revenue for the U.S. acquisition of Global Market Insite Inc. in September 2011 and excludes researchonly revenue for the acquisition of Adgooroo in December 2012. honomichltop50 media, public affairs research and survey management. The firm’s researchers assess market potential, interpret market trends, develop and build brands, test advertising, study audience responses to various media and measure public opinion worldwide. Ipsos’ six areas of specialization are represented in North America by the following brands: •Ipsos ASI ( is a global provider specializing in advertising and brand communications. It offers a full range of advertising research services that employ measures predictive of in-market performance. All stages of the advertising development process are offered, from concept development to production, from final execution and into post-implementation performance. •Ipsos Loyalty ( provides customer experience, satisfaction and loyalty research globally. It measures, models and manages customer and employee relationships. 3 Ipsos Didier Truchot, 66 Title Chairman and CEO Education License, PantheonSorbonne University 2012 U.S. Revenue $590.0 million Change from 2011 -5.5%* Non–U.S. Revenue $1,710.0 million From Outside U.S. 74.3% U.S. Employees 1,996 Ipsos S.A., based in Paris, is a public company founded in 1975 and listed on the Paris Stock Exchange. Ipsos is a global market research firm, controlled and managed by research professionals. It provides services in six areas of specialization: advertising, customer loyalty, marketing, •Ipsos Marketing ( is organized around four global practices: innovation and forecasting (Ipsos InnoQuest), market understanding and measurement (Ipsos MarketQuest), healthcare (Ipsos Healthcare), and qualitative (Ipsos UU). It offers contractual models to better manage market research money, distributes insights in real time within clients’ organizations by leveraging technology and workshops, and integrates knowledge by combining various sources of insights. •Ipsos MediaCT ( covers the converging worlds of media, content, telecom and technology. Its experience includes audience measurement, content assessment, data analytics, consumer behavior, and help with monetization and innovation strategies. The staff combine research skills with a focus on business fundamentals to help maximize clients’ return on investment. June 2013 | marketing news 41 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature •Ipsos Public Affairs ( is a non-partisan, objective, survey-based research practice made up of seasoned professionals. It conducts strategic research initiatives for a number of American and international organizations, based not only on public opinion research, but also on elite stakeholder, corporate and media opinion research. •Ipsos is the media polling supplier to Reuters News, and the Hispanic polling partner of NBC Universal’s Telemundo Communications Group. In Canada, Ipsos is the pollster of record for Postmedia News/Global Television. •Ipsos Observer ( is the firm’s survey management, data collection and data delivery specialization serving researchers who have the means to analyze data in-house. From creating surveys to delivering data, its team of market research professionals manages projects across a broad range of online and offline research methodologies including online, telephone, face-to-face and mobile. Ipsos has 24 offices in the United States and in 85 countries worldwide. *The growth rate includes 2011 and 2012 revenue from the acquisition of Synovate in October 2011. 4 Westat Inc. James E. Smith, 63 Title President and CEO Education Ph.D., University of SOuthern California 2012 U.S. Revenue $491.1 million Change from 2011 -3.1%* Non–U.S. Revenue $4.8 Million From Outside U.S. 1.0% U.S. Employees 2,019 Westat Inc. in Rockville, Md., is an employee-owned company founded in 1963. Westat combines a reputation for high-quality surveys with a constant effort to innovate and build new capabilities. Its corporate capabilities include statistical design and analysis, research methodology, survey operations, scientific and clinical research, 42 marketing news | June 2013 program evaluation, systems development, and other survey and information services. The firm’s professional staff has significant experience in a broad range of subject and program areas, including health and medical studies, education, social services, transportation and environmental protection, among others. The firm’s clients are the agencies of the U.S. government, as well as businesses, foundations, and state and local governments. Its projects serve a broad range of needs: assessing students’ educational achievement, understanding health and environmental risks, gaining new knowledge of the causes and treatment of disease, providing public health communications, evaluating the performance of social programs, and supporting the development of policy and regulations in many areas of government. Westat also performs clinical trials work for the U.S. government and for pharmaceutical and biotechnology clients, both domestically and through its international operations. In addition, Westat continues to expand its methods research and information dissemination capabilities. The firm operates a behavioral research facility specializing in Web usability, along with cognitive research and focus group facilities. It also manages websites and call centers supporting federal agencies’ public information programs. Westat surveys are increasingly multimodal, often including in-person, telephone, Web, mail and mobile device modes. It operates telephone research centers across the United States, a national network of home-based telephone interviewers, and a nationwide staff of field data collectors for in-person and institutional data collection. To support these large, distributed operations, Westat maintains an extensive, secure, nationwide multimodal computer and communications management infrastructure. The firm distributes and provides user training and support for Blaise, a commercial, off-the-shelf software system for computer-assisted telephone interviewing and complex survey processing. Blaise was developed by Statistics Netherlands and is used internationally. In 2012, Westat supplemented its WesVar statistical processing software with the WesDaX module for online data analysis and tabulations, and other software for data and metadata dissemination and use. Westat’s telephone interviewing, field interviewing and data editing staff averaged about 1,200 during 2012. It also maintains research offices in Durham, N.C.; Atlanta; Houston; Philadelphia; and Cambridge, Mass.; and in five international locations. *The growth rate excludes the 2011 and 2012 revenue of GeoStats Services, acquired in November 2012. honomichltop50 Exclusive feature Industry Vertical Solutions: This business segment offers 5 Information Resources Inc. Andrew M. Appel, 47 Title President and CEO Education M.B.A., University of Chicago 2012 U.S. Revenue $478.7 million Change from 2011 +2.9%* Non–U.S. Revenue $285.1 Million From Outside U.S. 37.3% U.S. Employees 1,325 Information Resources Inc. (IRI), formerly SymphonyIRI Group Inc., based in Chicago, was founded in 1979 and became a public company in 1983. It was acquired in 2003 by Symphony Technology Group, and then in 2011 by New Mountain Capital LLC, a private company and majority shareholder. IRI is a worldwide provider of information, analytics, business intelligence and consulting services supported by technology platforms, experienced teams and information on markets, consumers and shoppers for transforming insight into impact. The firm offers the IRI Partner Ecosystem that leverages the skill sets of its retail tracking and panel staff to provide “one answer” to business issues for more than 25 clients with regional and global agreements. IRI operates under two interconnected business segments: IRI Market Measurement: Market Measurement provides CPG and retail markets tracking information and insights via access and visualization tools. This information is used to analyze shopper activity and create new products, as well as for packaging, pricing, promotion and merchandising strategies. •InfoScan Retail Tracking: The census-based InfoScan point-of-sale (POS) tracking service provides access to detailed information on sales, share, distribution, pricing and promotion across a wide variety of retail channels and accounts. In 2012, IRI began sharing Wal-Mart POS-based insights. •AllScan Convenience Store Tracking: The AllScan tracking service provides scanner-based POS data across the entire convenience channel, using data from more than 15,000 sample convenience stores. 44 marketing news | June 2013 vertical experience and customized products and services for multiple industry verticals, including healthcare and wellness, center store, confections, beer, wine, spirits, tobacco, bakery and dairy. These include: •Healthcare Insights: The firm’s Healthcare Solutions Group provides pharmaceutical, healthcare and CPG manufactures and retailers with consumer intelligence, targeting and analytic services for the healthcare marketplace. It offers a suite of retail tracking, consumer panel, and analytics-driven products and services under the RxPulse brand. •Beverage Alcohol and Tobacco Industry Insights: IRI provides insights through an integrated view of the beverage alcohol and tobacco industry. The retail tracking products and analytics are scaled to specifically meet the beverage alcohol and tobacco industry needs, providing manufacturers and distributors with retail sales trends, and purchase behavior and consumer insights in grocery, drug, mass merchandise, convenience, liquor and club stores. Solutions & Services Group Consumer & Shopper Marketing offers CPG and retailers a range of services focusing on delivering consumer and shopper insights, test marketing services, new media services, shopper segmentation and targeting, and shopper marketing services. These services are delivered on the IRI Liquid Data technology platform and supported by experienced teams. IRI’s Consumer & Shopper Marketing capabilities provide enhanced consumer and shopper insights include market structure and consulting, brand and retailer loyalty analyses, attitudinal segmentations and individual user profiles. In support of Wal-Mart’s customer-centric initiatives, IRI provides Web-based shopper insights and collaborative planning through the Customer Advantage platform. It delivers Wal-Martfocused shopper insights and supports Wal-Mart’s collaborative planning process by providing a dedicated shopper insights portal of customizable reports shared between Wal-Mart and its supplier partners. This contains multiple custom features, including Wal-Mart-defined shopping trips, geographies and customer segments, as well as custom report templates that support Wal-Mart’s planning process with its supplier community. The firm offers a series of new digital media services that integrates IRI’s Consumer Network (panel) purchase data, predictive modeling techniques and analytical experience with a number of online research and advertising capabilities through a series of partnerships to provide consumer insights, segmentation, targeting and campaign-specific, return-oninvestment (ROI) analysis capabilities for online advertisers. Exclusive feature IRI Advantage is a suite of business intelligence software services for trade management, merchandizing, shopper marketing and in-store execution powered by the Liquid Data technology platform. It is delivered by an Advantage Portfolio of business applications that include: •IRI Brand Advantage is a user-friendly online media planning and analytical application that is delivered over the Web. The application provides diagnostic reporting to compare alternative scenarios and determine the best media mix to drive business goals. •Consumer & Shopper Insights Advantage provides insights into shopper behavior combining content, such as built-in scorecards and best-practice analysis templates. •Customer Advantage, developed from a partnership between IRI and Wal-Mart, provides shopper insights that feed Wal-Mart’s joint business planning process. It delivers intuitive, user-friendly, customizable reports, which are shared between Wal-Mart and its supplier partners. The solution includes Wal-Mart-defined trip types, food shopper segments, product hierarchy and retail geographies. honomichltop50 •Market Advantage identifies emerging trends and growth drivers (e.g., health and wellness) before the competition and elevates their retailer partnerships from “category” captain to “aisle” or “department” champion. •Price & Trade Advantage gives insight on price sensitivities, gaps, thresholds, competitive implications and sales volume decomposition. IRI’s Analytics group provides a combination of predictive analytical techniques, proprietary rapid-modeling platforms, automated services and experienced analytics consulting talent. It focuses on the strategic and operational needs in sales and category management, marketing and brand management, strategy and demand planning. In 2012, IRI continued the expansion of its Consulting and Innovation Practice, delivering advisory services in sales and marketing for C-level management within the CPG and retail industries. The group focuses on four key practice areas: strategic pricing, growth and innovation, shopper marketing, and customer and channel management. IRI Consulting is composed of experienced consultants from top-tier strategy June 2013 | marketing news 45 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature consulting firms who have successfully completed hundreds of engagements focused on developing long-term strategic and collaborative relationships. IRI has 11 offices throughout the United States and in the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Greece, Italy and Spain. 6 Arbitron Sean R. Creamer, 48 Title President and CEO Education M.S., Georgetown University 2012 U.S. Revenue $444.1 million Change from 2011 +6.7%* Non–U.S. Revenue $5.8 Million From Outside U.S. 1.3% U.S. Employees 982 Arbitron Inc., based in Columbia, Md., was founded in 1949 and in 2001 became a public company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. In December 2012, Arbitron agreed to be acquired by Nielsen Holdings N.V. following U.S. government approvals. Arbitron is a leading media and marketing research firm primarily serving radio broadcasters, advertisers, advertising agencies, cable and broadcast TV, retailers, out-of-home media, online media, mobile media, telecommunications providers and print media. The firm has commercialized its Portable People Meter radio ratings service in 48 of the largest United States radio markets. It is gradually deploying the new PPM 360 device, which uses wireless cellular technology to transmit media exposure data directly from the meter to Arbitron. Arbitron has four main services: •Measuring local market and network radio in the U.S.: Arbitron provides syndicated radio ratings services in local markets in the U.S. to radio broadcasters, advertising agencies and advertisers. National services estimate the size and demographic composition of national radio audiences, and the size and composition of audiences of network radio programs and commercials. Broadcasters use the ratings data primarily to price and sell advertising time, and advertising agencies and advertisers use the ratings data when purchasing advertising time. 46 marketing news | June 2013 •Measuring media other than radio: In July 2011, Arbitron acquired Zokem Oy, a Finland-based mobile audience measurement company, which now operates as Arbitron Mobile. Arbitron also offers services estimating the media consumption and behavior of audiences to content distributed on multiple platforms, and offers services estimating the size and demographic composition of audiences of media other than radio, such as TV viewed outside the home. In 2012, together with comScore Inc., Arbitron announced an agreement with ESPN to develop a five-platform initiative across radio, television, PCs, smartphones and tablets to help ESPN understand how users consume ESPN content across all five platforms. •Providing qualitative information about consumers: Arbitron also provides qualitative information about consumers, including their lifestyles, shopping patterns, and use of media in local markets and across the U.S. These services are marketed to customers of syndicated radio ratings services who wish to demonstrate the value of their advertising propositions. The quantitative and qualitative audience and consumer information also is marketed to customers such as the advertising sales organizations of local cable TV companies, national cable and broadcast television networks, and out-of-home media sales organizations. •Providing software applications to access and analyze media audience and marketing information data: Arbitron software applications provide the ability to analyze this information for sales, management and programming purposes. Some software applications also allow access to data owned by third parties, provided the customers have a separate license to use such third-party data. In addition to its headquarters, Arbitron has five regional sales offices located in the metropolitan areas of New York, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas and Los Angeles; and operations offices in Dallas; Birmingham, Ala.; Espoo, Finland; and Kochi, India. The survey research, technology and data collection/production operations are located in the Columbia facilities. For more on Arbitron, comScore and ESPN’s cross-platform audience measurement initiative, turn to page 116. honomichltop50 Exclusive feature to see when and where is best to launch new products, assessing the market and brand readiness, and highlighting optimum consumer segments. 7 GfK Matthias Hartmann, 47 Title CEO of GfK SE Education B.A., University of Cooperative education, Stuttgart, Germany 2012 U.S. Revenue $330.9 million Change from 2011 +0.5%* Non–U.S. Revenue $1,616.0 Million From Outside U.S. 83% U.S. Employees 1,131 GfK USA comprises the U.S. operations of GfK SE, a public company based in Nuremberg, Germany, which was established in 1934 and is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. GfK is one of the world’s leading market research companies. In the United States, the firm offers access to several of the world’s largest databases combined with a full range of ad hoc research services. It provides services developed from a 360-degree view of client markets and tailored to the digital age. These services are delivered in the following practice areas and services: •Market insights and growth opportunities: GfK can continuously track and analyze the major trends within markets, consumer segments, retail, technology and products to identify what factors are becoming more or less influential, and how these might impact a client’s business. Then it adds a clear understanding of what factors are driving each trend, across all channels, and looks at the likely future demand and benchmarks current performance against competitors. The firm identifies the priority customer segments for each trend and combines the insight to develop a detailed, strategic plan. •Product design and optimization: By matching up the latest consumer and market trends, GfK identifies important white spaces and helps design ideas that are in line with market opportunities, and runs idea screening to filter the most favorable options. The firm examines clients’ product concepts, pricing and packaging to maximize their potential, then continuously tracks consumer retail activity in certain industry groups to identify what is currently successful, where and at what price. It also looks ahead 48 marketing news | June 2013 •Brand value optimization: GfK starts with the big trends on what brands and why, then analyzes key customer segments to reveal their different values and attitudes, and how these affect their brand choices. Benchmarking brand performance against competitors, GfK explores the details of consumer-to-brand relationship, competitive positioning and potential brand extension. It identifies how and to what extent products, channel experiences and promotions feed into brand value, and helps optimize each element. The firm runs ongoing evaluations of overall brand vitality, along with brand reputation among key consumer and customer segments. •Advertising and communication optimization: GfK identifies the right consumer segments for a client’s brand, products or services, and where the best growth opportunities lie. It evaluates the full retail landscape and projections on demand, and benchmarks current performance across all channels to understand what is working and what areas need support. Then GfK tests variations of advertising and communication across multiple channels, including POP, to identify what achieves the best result. It monitors the ongoing effectiveness of advertising and communications to help demonstrate ROI and react fast to market changes. •Channel and category optimization: GfK helps to optimize channel mix and categories—adjacencies, product assortment, shelf space, in-store communication and price planning—by exploring the areas of channel trends and mixes, shoppers’ path to purchase, and the in-store experience, online experience and mobile experience. •Price optimization: GfK analyzes global retail markets to identify what consumers are buying and at what price, providing wider insight into what is influencing their purchase decisions. It looks at how different prices affect the performance of a product and the full category to identify the optimal pricing for single products and product bundles. For consumer goods and technology markets, GfK uses daily tracking at the SKU level, across multiple channels, to confirm that new pricing is delivering the planned profitability and volume of sales. •Customer experience and loyalty management: The firm looks at the major consumer segments to identify a potential customer base, and whether products and Exclusive feature honomichltop50 services are in tune with key segments and their personal values. For each segment, GfK examines customer behavior across online, mobile and physical retail, adding a comprehensive review of the experience points that it has with products and services, across all channels. Then it provides ongoing tracking of customers’ current satisfaction. This includes insight on the key factors that drive their loyalty and early warning on customer churn to help retention strategy. *The growth rate includes the 2011 and 2012 revenue of Knowledge Networks Inc., acquired in January 2012. 8 IMS Health Inc. Ari Bousbib, 50 Title Chairman and Ceo Education M.B.A., Columbia University 2012 U.S. Revenue $271.3 million* Change from 2011 -4.0%* ** Non–U.S. Revenue $503.7 Million* From Outside U.S. 65.0%* U.S. Employees 540* IMS Health Inc. in Danbury, Conn., was founded in 1954 and was acquired by TPG Capital, the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and several other investors. IMS is a leading worldwide provider of information, technology and services for the healthcare industry around the world. The firm draws on its global technology infrastructure and combination of evidence, analytics and software platforms to June 2013 | marketing news 49 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature better understand the performance and value of medicines. Customers include pharmaceutical, medical device and consumer health manufacturers and distributors, providers, payers, government agencies, policymakers, researchers and the financial community. Operating in more than 100 countries, IMS has assembled data banks of healthcare information, covering prescription data, de-identified patient records, medical claims, electronic health records, transaction processing information, genomic data, and provider and consumer attitudes and behaviors— anonymized and linked through a patented encryption engine. This data bank has more than1.4 million healthcare products, 80% of all pharmaceutical sales worldwide, more than 300 million de-identified patient-level records, 8,000 payers and health plans, and 5 million physicians and providers and their organizational affiliations. With access to granular, de-identified patient information, provider/payer dynamics and health outcomes, IMS information, insights and services help to understand the performance and value of treatments, as well as the effectiveness of providers and health management strategies. IMS’s principal market research products include: •Pharmaceutical Audits measure the sale of pharmaceutical products to pharmacies, supplemented in some countries by data collected from dispensing physicians, retail chains and discount stores. •Consumer Health information provides detailed product movement, market share and pricing information for over-the-counter, personal care, patient care and nutritional products. •Oncology Analyzer audits collect longitudinal patient information regarding the diagnosis and treatment across all treatment modalities for major pharmaceutical markets. •IMS’s Syndicated Analytics combine relevant IMS data with analysis across more than 40 therapeutic areas, including insights for key indications, geographies, biotech, devices and pipeline innovations. IMS has eight offices in the United States and in 73 countries worldwide. *Research only, estimated. **The growth rate excludes the 2011 and 2012 researchonly revenue for the U.S. acquisition of SDI Health LLC in October 2011. 9 The NPD Group Inc. •Prescription Audits contain projected national estimates of the rate at which drugs move out of the pharmacy and into the hands of consumers. •Medical Audits are based on information collected from panels of practicing office-based physicians and contain projected national estimates of the number of consultations for each diagnosed disease with details of the therapy prescribed. Karen Shoenbart, 55 Title President and coo Education B.A., University of Massachusetts 2012 U.S. Revenue $191.8 million Change from 2011 +1.5%* ** •Hospital Audits contain data projected to national and regional estimates, and show the sale of pharmaceutical products to hospitals by therapeutic class. Non–U.S. Revenue $80.2 Million* From Outside U.S. 29.5%* U.S. Employees 875* •Promotional Audits contain national estimates of pharmaceutical promotional activities for individual branded products, including sales force promotion and journal and mail advertising based on information received from panels of physicians and from monitoring medical journals and direct mail. The NPD Group Inc. (NPD), based in Port Washington, N.Y., is a privately held corporation founded in 1966. NPD provides global information and advisory services to manufacturers, retailers and other businesses by tracking their markets, understanding consumers, addressing business needs and driving profitable growth. Information is available for the following industries: automotive, beauty, consumer electronics, entertainment, fashion, food/foodservice, home, luxury, mobile, office supplies, sports, technology, toys and video games. •MIDAS is an online, multinational, integrated analytics technology platform to assess and analyze global trends in multiple markets. It provides online access to pharmaceutical, medical, promotional and chemical data that IMS compiles. 50 marketing news | June 2013 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature NPD offers retail, consumer and distributor tracking. Retail tracking services were enhanced and new account level reports were introduced in 2012 following the addition of Wal-Mart and other retailers. Distributor tracking, currently offered for the technology industry, will be extended to the foodservice industry when NPD launches SupplyTrack in 2013. The firm continues to expand its portfolio of analytic services to address specific business needs, including category management, forecasting, price evaluation, market evaluation and testing. Its advisory services, NPD DisplaySearch, NPD Solarbuzz and NPD Connected Intelligence, are concentrated in the technology sector, providing global trend information, industry forecasts and reports developed by a global team of analysts. In addition to its core offerings in the U.S., in the Americas NPD offers services in Canada, Mexico and Brazil. NPD also offers tracking services and analytic solutions in 12 countries in Europe, and tracking services in five countries in AsiaPacific. In 2012, CREST foodservice tracking was launched in Russia and sports tracking was launched in Korea. Advisory services also are available in Asia through NPD DisplaySearch. In addition to the launch of SupplyTrack, NPD’s POS service based on foodservice distributors’ deliveries, NPD is planning for several more retail POS database launches. This includes mobile phones and an expanded mobile accessories service, which includes most carrier data, this spring and launches later in the year of tablets, diamonds and sports equipment. NPD has offices in 27 offices worldwide. *The growth rate includes 2011 and 2012 revenue from the acquisition of In-Stat in January 2011. •com Want to see how Jack Honomichl’s analysis of the marketing research industry in 2012 compares with 2011? Access last year’s Honomichl Top 50 Report at 10 ICF International Inc. Sudhakar Kesavan, 57 Title Chairman and Ceo Education M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2012 U.S. Revenue $191.2 million* Change from 2011 +7.5% Non–U.S. Revenue $48.5 Million* From Outside U.S. 20.2% U.S. Employees 1,152 ICF International Inc. (ICF), based in Fairfax, Va., was founded in 1966 and acquired Macro International in 2009. It was listed on the Nasdaq stock market in 2006. ICF provides survey research services to U.S. government agencies, as well as international organizations and multinational corporations. The firm serves the aviation, climate, community development, defense, education, energy, environment, families and communities, health, homeland security and transportation markets. The firm’s products and services are in seven areas of specialization: •International Research and Evaluation: ICF provides training and technical assistance to assist national governments, in-country organizations and international donor agencies with developing indicators and metrics, monitoring and collecting data, formulating policy and disseminating findings to target audiences. •Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research: The firm addresses the full life cycle of experimental and quasiexperimental research services, including methodology and study design, quantitative and qualitative data analysis, database and systems development, and reports and the publication of results. •Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Building: ICF provides services to help clients build program monitoring and evaluation capacity that include managing change and communicating developments to grantees or awardees, adjusting data collection systems or indicators to reflect program changes, producing report snapshots to show continued progress, and leveraging existing resources to expand capacity in monitoring and evaluation. 52 marketing news | June 2013 Exclusive feature •Performance Measurement: The firm’s life cycle approach supports U.S. federal agencies, nonprofits and commercial firms with performance measurement tools and techniques, including developing meaningful and measurable indicators, creating dashboards and balanced scorecards, setting targets and goals for continuous quality improvement programs, and designing and implementing Web-based data management and reporting systems. •Program Evaluation: ICF applies analytic methods and tools including randomized control trials, propensity score matching, quantitative analysis of designs, ethnographic studies and social network analysis. honomichltop50 of complex systems and analytic methods; and cost benefit analysis. •R&E Surveys and Analysis: The firm’s surveys incorporate emerging methodologies and generate defensible response rates. Services include questionnaire and manual development, quality control, FISMA-moderate data security capacity, software development, and the analysis and dissemination of findings. ICF has 38 full-service offices in the United States plus offices in Brazil, China, India, Russia and the United Kingdom. *Research only. •Quantitative Methods and Analysis: ICF provides a range of quantitative methods and analysis, including: Web, telephone, paper and mail, in-person and hybrid surveys; cell phone data collection; sampling and weighting; database development and data management; modeling June 2013 | marketing news 53 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature 11 comScore Inc. Gian M. Fulgoni, 65 Title Executive chairman and co-founder Education M.S., University of lancaster, United kingdom 2012 U.S. Revenue $183.4 million* Change from 2011 +5.1%* Non–U.S. Revenue $71.8 Million From Outside U.S. 28.1% U.S. Employees 813 ComScore Inc. (cS), based in Reston, Va., was founded in 1999 and was listed on the Nasdaq in June 2007. cS continuously measures the digital behavior of a global cross section of 2 million Internet users (including 1 million in the United States) who provide their browsing and transaction behavior, including online and offline purchasing. Its panelists also participate in survey research that captures their attitudes, lifestyles, product preferences and purchase intentions, which can be integrated with their observed online behavior. cS services fall into four primary segments of digital analytics: Audience Analytics comScore Media Metrix (CMM) provides digital audience measurement for advertising agencies, publishers, marketers and financial analysts. CMM reports details of online media usage, visitor demographics and online buying power for the home, work and university audiences across 100 local U.S. markets and around the world, including detailed reporting for 40 individual countries. Its syndicated measurement is based on the Unified Digital Measurement methodology, which combines both panel-based and site-census measurement. CMM offers tools for reach and frequency analysis, day-part planning, online and offline local market analysis, and emerging applications. Other services in the CMM suite include Video Metrix for measurement of online video viewing; Mobile Metrix, for measurement of mobile Web and app audiences; qSearch for measurement of search behavior; Ad Metrix, for measurement of online display advertising; Plan Metrix, which ties lifestyles and attitudes to online behavior: Segment Metrix, which describes the online behavior of various consumer segments (e.g., Prizm and PersonicX); and Search Planner, a search marketing intelligence tool. cS also introduced Media 54 marketing news | June 2013 Metrix Multi-Platform, an audience measurement tool that synthesizes Web, video and mobile users into a unified view of digital audiences. cS Marketing Solutions (CMS) combines the cS Internet user database with the experience of cS analysts to deliver insight into the online behavior of consumers for clients in the automotive, consumer packaged goods, entertainment, financial services, media, pharmaceutical, retail, technology, telecommunications and travel industries. CMS also integrates online behavior with offline purchase and product ownership data. cS matches its online database with offline buying databases (such as grocery store loyalty card databases) to create large “datamarts” that allow measurement of the impact that online marketing has on offline buying behavior. In conjunction with IRI’s Consumer Network panel, cS also has the capability to measure the impact of online marketing campaigns across retail channels. CMS offers a full range of custom and syndicated survey research services for a variety of industries, using the cS panel with offline and online applications. CMS survey services address business issues such as consumer segmentation, customer satisfaction, product and advertising evaluation, and brand performance tracking. It also integrates survey responses with online behavior passively captured for the same respondents. cS data and services support numerous applications, including market and competitive intelligence for any online category; benchmarking and opportunity gap/SWOT analysis; customer profiling and segmentation models; the integration and study of online behavioral data with offline purchase data; choice models based on pricing, taxes and promotions, among other factors; controlled measurement of the effectiveness of interactive marketing programs; and scoring of customer files for direct marketing programs using markers and propensities. Advertising Analytics cS offers several services under the Advertising Analytics umbrella, including advertising planning tools, campaign validation and effectiveness measurement, and ad creative copy testing. Products in comScore’s AdEffx suite include Brand Survey Lift, BSL Pulse, Action Lift, Offline Sales Lift and validated Campaign Essentials (vCE). This service provides understanding audiences and verification that a campaign actually reached its intended target, and quantifies the impact of digital advertising on attitudes and behaviors as well as on online and in-store sales. The suite of products for both digital and cross-media campaigns allows for in-flight optimization and overall improved campaign ROI. cS also offers its ad viewability measurement to determine whether display or video ads are actually delivered in-view to the end user. honomichltop50 Exclusive feature Mobile Operator Analytics cS uses both passive on-device measurement and surveys of mobile users, and works with handset manufacturers and network operators worldwide. Its Subscriber Analytix software, powered by XPLORE, utilizes digital subscriber data to identify opportunities to maximize ARPU, reduce churn and grow market share. SA enables better digital targeting, Quality of Service (QoS for voice and data services) insight, and network capacity management and planning. Digital Business Analytics cS Digital Analytix is a results-focused analytics platform that helps analysts and business executives understand and drive business outcomes by combining analytics and audience demographics. The DA platform stores data in its raw form, enabling the analysis and delivery of results in real time. cS has offices in six U.S. cities and in 16 countries worldwide. *The growth rate excludes 2011 and 2012 revenue from the acquisition of AdExpose in August 2011. Abt SRBI Inc. Kathleen L. Flanagan, 52 (pictured) Title president and Ceo of Abt associates Education M.S., University of Rochester Mark A. Schulman, 66 Title Ceo of Abt srbi, the survey subsidiary of abt associates Education Ph.d., rutgers university 2012 U.S. Revenue $157.4 million* Change from 2011 +23.5% Non–U.S. Revenue $18.2 Million* From Outside U.S. 10.4% U.S. Employees 995 Abt SRBI Inc. in New York is the survey research subsidiary of Abt Associates Inc. in Cambridge, Mass., an employee-owned company founded in 1965. marketing news | June 2013 •Marketing Insights Division focuses on integrated strategic research approaches, particularly in the CPG, restaurant and retail sectors. This includes Abt SRBI’s large-scale customer satisfaction surveys using innovative methods and technologies, including IVR. •Health Policy Division conducts large-scale, health-related surveys and tracking studies for many U.S. government agencies. They include epidemiological surveys, healthcare, military veterans, immigration, domestic violence and program evaluations. 12 56 Abt Associates is a global firm in research and program implementation in the fields of health, social and environmental policy, and international development. Known for its approach to solving complex challenges, the firm has program offices in nearly 40 countries. Abt SRBI ( is a full-service global research and consulting firm whose survey research capabilities range from sample design and instrument development, through data collection (telephone, in-person, IVR, Web) and data management, to analysis and market strategy. Abt SRBI has nine divisions and groups: •Analytic and Consulting Division has specialized practice groups in banking and finance, insurance, healthcare and media research. Its domestic and global B-to-B research is conducted here. •Public Policy and Public Affairs Division conducts largescale public policy and public opinion surveys for university researchers, foundations, research institutes and the media. This division is responsible for Abt SRBI’s public opinion polling for Time magazine and other media. •Transportation and Regional Planning Division provides passenger and customer research to leading public transit authorities, transportation planners and engineering firms. This includes household travel surveys, origin and destination studies, new product and service testing, pricing and passenger satisfaction research. •Utilities Division serves the electric utility industry. Studies include customer satisfaction and loyalty, marketing issues and the impact of industry deregulation. •Interviewing Services Division conducts telephone, mail, Internet, IVR and in-person interviewing for other marketing research firms. Abt SRBI has five centralized, fully supervised CATI facilities with nearly 450 stations. •Advanced Methods Group provides consulting support in areas such as complex sample design, nonresponse bias, cell Exclusive feature and dual-frame sample designs, weighting, imputation and geographic information systems. •Banking, Finance and Insurance Group works with financial institutions on client satisfaction, new product development, branding and positioning issues. The firm has offices in Cambridge, Mass.; Bethesda, Md.; Atlanta; Durham, N.C.; and New York *Research only. Total U.S research and nonresearch revenue in 2012 was $212.9 million. honomichltop50 ions and expectations of consumers who have owned the products and used the services being rated. JDPA is most often recognized for its work in the automotive industry, where its metrics have become the industry standard for measuring quality and customer satisfaction. A team of associates worldwide conducts quality and customer satisfaction research across industries including automotive, financial services, insurance, telecommunications, travel, healthcare, utilities and consumer electronics. The firm’s clients include many Fortune 500 companies in the United States and internationally. JDPA has seven U.S. offices and 15 offices worldwide. *Estimated. **The growth rate excludes 2011 and 2012 revenue from the sale of its automotive forecasting division in November 2011. 13 J.D. Power & Associates Finbarr O’Neill, 60 Title President Education J.D., Fordham University Law School 2012 U.S. Revenue $156.1 million* Change from 2011 +9.5%** Non–U.S. Revenue $78.3 Million* From Outside U.S. 33.4% U.S. Employees 494 J.D. Power & Associates (JDPA) in Westlake Village, Calif., was founded in 1968. In April 2005, it was acquired by The McGraw-Hill Cos. based in New York. JDPA is a global marketing information services company that conducts independent consumer surveys of product and service quality, customer satisfaction and buyer behavior. Services include industry-wide and client-commissioned research, B-to-B consulting and media research. Annual syndicated studies are based on survey responses from millions of consumers and business customers worldwide. The firm does not review, judge or test products and services for its syndicated studies; it relies on the opin- June 2013 | marketing news 57 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature 14 15 Maritz Research Symphony Health Solutions Michael Brereton, 52 Frank Lavelle, 63 Title President Title Ceo Education M.B.A., Bowling Green State University Education B.S., Pennsylvania State University 2012 U.S. Revenue $154.0 million 2012 U.S. Revenue $153.5 million Change from 2011 -2.5%* Change from 2011 +2.7%* Non–U.S. Revenue $34.4 Million* U.S. Employees 500 From Outside U.S. 18.3% U.S. Employees 626 Maritz Research, based in Fenton, Mo., was founded in 1973 and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Maritz Holdings Inc. Maritz Research provides services that improve performance by understanding the integrated dynamics between customers, employees and channel partners. The firm’s specialized divisions focus on the automotive, financial services, hospitality, technology and retail sectors. The firm designs, launches and operates customer experience intelligence programs related to the customer voice. Its approach allows better listening to and acting upon whatever customers say, wherever they say it. Customer voice is further understood through the integration of multiple voice-of-the-customer sources, tying insights to business outcomes and distilling findings to core messages that drive meaningful customer experience improvements. In 2013 and beyond, the company will continue to elevate its customer experience intelligence programs. The firm’s research findings are positioned to be acted on through other Maritz businesses. These businesses combine to offer synergy to develop loyalty and motivation programs that deliver brand-enhancing customer experiences. Maritz Research offices are located in Chicago; Detroit; Hamburg, Germany; High Wycombe, U.K.; Kansas City, Kan.; Kirksville, Mo.; Lorrach, Germany; Los Angeles; Minneapolis; Ontario, Canada; Shanghai; St. Louis; Toledo, Ohio; and Wiesbaden, Germany. *The growth rate includes 2011 and 2012 revenue from the acquisition of Evolve24 in January 2011. Maritz Holdings’ U.S. revenue in 2012 was $1.3 billion. 58 marketing news | June 2013 Symphony Health Solutions (SHS), based in Horsham, Penn., was formed in 2012 as a wholly owned unit of Symphony Technology Group LLC, a private equity firm. SHS provides information, analytics and technology services to the healthcare industry. It connects and integrates a broad set of primary and secondary health research, analytics and consulting experience to deliver knowledge products, leveraging the data available to transform businesses. The firm is a provider of healthcare market data, visualization tools, and custom analytics and services used to help life science companies improve commercial effectiveness. Its integrated data platform drives a portfolio of products and services designed to help pharmaceutical companies move to a more customer-centric focus, providing an understanding of how payers, patients and providers influence treatment, and dispensing behavior at all levels of geography. The firm also provides the custom analytics and professional services needed to convert data into answers for strategic business questions. ImpactRx, an SHS provider of mobile healthcare research and in measuring the impact of promotion on physicians’ attitudes and prescribing behavior, offers consultative and analytically based commercial effectiveness services to the healthcare industry. It is driven by longitudinal and normative data assets, an Internet-enabled network of more than 4,000 targeted physicians and research technology. SHS’s AlphaDetail focuses on healthcare custom market research, and partners with clients to shape global healthcare R&D and marketing decisions through market insight. Its research services deal with pharma and biotech business needs throughout the product pipeline, from early stage forecasting, to KOL identification and mapping, and in-market tracking and ATU studies. AlphaDetail’s global research experience, therapeutic knowledge, and honomichltop50 Exclusive feature consulting analytics integrated with ImpactRx and Source Health Analytics behavioral and attitudinal data enable SHS to deliver services for informed and effective decisions around marketing strategy, field and channel execution, and pre-launch and launch planning. SHS has offices in San Mateo, Calif., and Phoenix, Ariz., and one soon to open in London. *The growth rate includes 2011 and 2012 revenues from the acquisitions of ImpactRx in April 2011 and TargetRx in September 2011, and the acquisitions of AlphaDetail in March 2012 and Source Healthcare Analytics in May 2012. 16 dunnhumbyUSA Stuart Aitken, 41 Title Ceo Education M.S., University of Strathclyde, Glasgow 2012 U.S. Revenue $118.1 million* Change from 2011 +5.1%* Non-U.S. Revenue $301.9 Million* From outside U.S. 71.9%* U.S. Employees 254* dunnhumbyUSA, based in Cincinnati, was founded in 2003 by joint owners The Kroger Co. in Cincinnati and dunnhumby Ltd. in London, latter sole-owned by Tesco plc. in London. dunnhumbyUSA provides insights to improve customers’ experience and brand and retailer communications. It analyzes a combination of granular shopper data with other data sources at the household level to deliver a complete view of the customer and to uncover insights about those customers. The firm’s source of information is customer transaction data from retailers’ customer loyalty (frequent shopper) programs, POS sales and traditional market research methods, reflecting what shoppers actually do in terms of what, how and why they buy, targeting best customers and identifying the biggest opportunities for retailers and brands. dunnhumbyUSA uses an algorithm that identifies purchase patterns within and between a customer’s shopping trips to derive a set of attributes for each customer based upon the products he buys, the frequency of his shopping trips, and his 60 marketing news | June 2013 sensitivity to specific marketing levers (e.g., price, merchandising, coupons, assortment). This “Customer DNA” profile, determined by the collective set of individualized attributes, is the basis for all subsequent targeting, segmentation and analysis, with analytical insights delivered via software tools and custom insights. dunnhumbyUSA’s flagship service is its Web-based dunnhumby Shop that provides access to anonymized sales and customer insights used across sales, marketing and category teams. dunnhumby Shop, used by Kroger and its CPG partners, analyzes more than 3.7 billion shopping baskets of nearly 60 million households. These insights are used to understand the drivers of retailer, category and brand sales performance. Custom insights are generated using the same granular database of shopper data linked to other data sources, providing analytical services that deliver insights to custom business issues, from strategic to operational, across all product and retail disciplines, including category management, store location and operations, customer engagement, brand management and demand planning. Price and promotion software and analytics are provided through KSS Retail, which dunnhumby acquired in 2012. This includes science-based pricing intelligence, shopper insights, optimization and modeling solutions for the grocery, convenience, chain drug and general retail industries. dunnhumbyUSA partners with other media data and solution providers to deliver an integrated suite of media capabilities. These solutions enable clients to leverage shopper data with media exposure data to optimize the planning, execution, activation and measurement of media. This service allows advertisers to target customers who are most likely to purchase the advertised product, and delivers analyses to measure advertising ROI, understand the drivers of campaign effectiveness and optimize the impact of their media over time. Specific services include both multichannel and channel-specific offerings: •Personalized direct-to-consumer: With its retail and manufacturer partners, dunnhumbyUSA plans, executes and evaluates personalized, relevant coupon offers targeted to individual households and personal preferences. •Online advertising, display and video: The firm offers two services for online advertising: Improve online ad performance via better targeting and measuring the impact on sales, and understand the impact of online advertising on sales both online and offline by leveraging a panel of 135,000 households to measure lifts of online actions against in-store sales. •TV advertising: Leveraging a single-source database of 500,000 U.S. households, this service offers a direct link from TV viewership data to household-level, in-store shopper data. It provides an understanding into which honomichltop50 Exclusive feature TV shows and networks their brand buyers are viewing, enabling them to buy time on the right shows and determine the impact of creative, frequency, length and time of day by measuring the effectiveness in-store. •CRM solutions: dunnhumbyUSA works with manufacturers to evaluate and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their CRM programs across online and offline touch points. The linkage of CRM program behavior and in-store purchase behavior enables the firm to analyze behavior at an individual user level and provides a closed loop for strategy, activation and measurement. •Word of mouth: dunnhumbyUSA links purchase behavior to consumers in social media, allowing brands to target loyal customers to drive advocacy through social media and word-of-mouth campaigns, and then measure key retail metrics, including sales lift and ROI. In the U.S., the firm’s BzzAgent unit, a provider of word-of-mouth marketing, puts products in the hands of hundreds of thousands of consumers, and helps them share their opinions with friends and family via reviews, Facebook posts, photos and videos, blog posts and more. BzzAgent Pulse, built on combined word-of-mouth and in-store purchase data, tracks social-media presence on behalf of brands on Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere, tracks reviews and attributes sales lifts to WOM programs. It also tracks campaign impact by shopper segment, for example, identifying how much came from new buyers vs. existing ones. In 2012, dunnhumbyUSA partnered with Datalogix for targeting and measurement of digital display and video advertising campaigns; conducted and published a joint research initiative with Accenture and comScore, “Are Your CPG Brands Maximizing the Return of Your Digital Investment?”; conducted and published a study with TRA on “Measuring the Impact of In-Store Marketing Tactics With TV Advertising”; and published research with BzzAgent called “Social Advocacy Programs Utilizing Shopper Data.” In 2013, the firm’s plans include securing a partnership with Rentrak for measuring the effectiveness of TV advertising. dunnhumbyUSA has offices in Cincinnati, New York, Boston and Chicago. *Research only 62 marketing news | June 2013 17 Harris Interactive Inc. Al Angrisani, 63 Title President and ceo Education A.P.c., New York University 2012 U.S. Revenue $85.3 million Change from 2011 -8.5%* Non–U.S. Revenue $55.4 Million* From Outside U.S. 39.4% U.S. Employees 285 Harris Interactive Inc. (HI), based in New York, was founded in 1975 as Gordon S. Black Corp. and together with Louis Harris and Associates, which was founded in 1956, it became a public company in 1999, listed on the Nasdaq. HI is widely known for The Harris Poll, one of the world’s longest-running, independent opinion polls, and for pioneering innovative research methodologies. It uses a mix of media, tools and methodologies to turn relevant insights into actionable foresight for its clients. The firm offers services in the areas of market and customer insight, corporate brand and reputation strategy, and marketing, advertising, public relations and communications research. In addition, it has a portfolio of multi-client offerings that complement the firm’s custom services. HI serves clients in more than 196 countries and territories through its North American and European offices. The firm offers experience in a wide range of industries including healthcare, technology, public affairs, energy, telecommunications, financial services, insurance, media, retail, restaurant and consumer package goods. It works outside and beyond conventional methodologies, and embraces all information sources. HI has offices in four U.S. cities, and international offices in the United Kingdom, Canada, France and Germany. Exclusive feature honomichltop50 18 Lieberman Research Worldwide David Sackman, 55 Title President and ceo Education B.A., University of california at los angeles 2012 U.S. Revenue $72.9 million Change from 2011 -2.7%* Non–U.S. Revenue $28.9 Million* From Outside U.S. 28.4% U.S. Employees 377 Lieberman Research Worldwide (LRW), based in Los Angeles, is a privately held corporation founded in 1973. LRW is a full-service custom market research firm with experience across a wide range of industries, including entertainment, pharmaceutical technology, consumer packaged goods, healthcare, retail, food service, financial and business services, automotive and more. Through its main offices and affiliate network of more than 60 companies, the firm conducts research in more than 80 countries. LRW uses a research-based “So What?” consulting model to drive business impact. Its staff consists of senior executives from marketing, consulting, advertising, academia and marketing research. Its Marketing Science team is experienced in a variety of modeling techniques including conjoint, choice, latent class, maximum difference, Hierarchical Bayes and agent-based modeling, as well as market segmentation, price testing and optimization, demand forecasting and modeling, brand equity modeling and other custom techniques. Through its Pragmatic Brain Science Institute launched in 2012, LRW has June 2013 | marketing news 63 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature been able to take a more holistic and comprehensive approach to research that incorporates survey-based, scalable techniques that get at consumer emotions and non-conscious associations with implicit methodologies that have been established through extensive academic research. LRW emphasizes five core areas of research experience: •Strategy development featuring segmentation research: Strategy experience is LRW’s core strength. In segmentation research, the firm determines targets, optimizes marketing mix and develops strategies to maximize performance within target segments. It also deploys techniques and analytic processes to understand where value resides within brands, along with the implications for brand building. LRW uses both Fusion and Segmentation by Optimization for reaching unique segments and gaining a clearer understanding of needs. Blending the two segmentation approaches with trade-off analyses enables the firm to optimize product coverage and line demand for target segments. •Brand strategy and tracking: LRW continues to expand its brand practice with its LRW Brand Health Optimizer, an approach to brand measurement that integrates survey and non-survey data to understand and monitor the rational, emotional and non-conscious underpinnings of brand choice. A key component is the Relevant Clarity brand paradigm, which links brand equity directly to financial performance, helping to manage the contribution of brands to changes in sales and profitability. •Customer satisfaction diagnostic evaluation and tracking: LRW’s experience in analyzing consumer attitudes and behavior has enabled the firm to link customer satisfaction to financial performance. The firm’s approach helps to identify specific behaviors and actions that can be undertaken to improve financial results. It provides continuous improvement and feedback delivered directly to stakeholders via dashboards and other online analytical tools. •New product development: Using analytical techniques, LRW provides product optimization studies with actionable deliverables. The firm uses methodologies including ideation and evolution to generate approaches to new product development. •Advertising: ImpliCT is LRW’s approach to improve the effectiveness of advertising by evaluating the core centers of brain decision making through the use of traditional survey methods combined with facial recognition software, Rapid Choice Subconscious Association, WOM simulation, 64 marketing news | June 2013 VOICE-IT that includes linguistic coding, and delayed memory recall, allowing deep understanding of the emotional, non-conscious and rational reactions to advertising. In 2013, LRW will continue its R&D efforts to expand its Pragmatic Brain Science Institute. During its 8th-annual private Client Symposium, the firm plans to unveil a non-shopping virtual reality tool developed through an exclusive partnership with the premier provider of VR tools. In the United States, LRW’s data collection capabilities include Web hosting of 2,000-plus simultaneous surveys, 740-plus IVR ports across 15 servers at multiple locations, and three telephone centers with 400 CATI stations and the capability to conduct interviews in more than 67 languages. In addition to its Los Angeles headquarters, the company has offices in London; Shanghai; New York; Chicago; Charlotte, N.C.; and Huntington Beach, Calif. 19 National Research Corp. Michael D. Hays, 58 Title President and ceo Education B.S., university of nebraska 2012 U.S. Revenue $67.7 million Change from 2011 +14.0%* Non–U.S. Revenue $6.5 Million* From Outside U.S. 8.8%* U.S. Employees 350 National Research Corp. (NRC) in Lincoln, Neb., founded in 1981, has been a public company since October 1997 when it was listed on the Nasdaq. NRC offers performance measurement and improvement services to hospitals, healthcare systems, physicians, health plans, senior care organizations, home health agencies and other healthcare organizations. Its services address key client objectives to provide the ability to improve performance in the following areas: •Growth offerings: These services are marketed under the Healthcare Market Guide and Ticker brands. NRC’s growth offerings are subscription-based services that include measurement of community perception (Market Insights), brand tracking (BrandArc) and advertising honomichltop50 Exclusive feature testing (Advoice). Market Insights is the largest online U.S. healthcare survey, measuring the opinions and behaviors of 270,000 healthcare consumers in the top 250 metropolitan areas annually. •Retention offerings: These are marketed under the NRC Picker, My Innerview and NRC Picker Canada brands. They include patient and resident experience, physician engagement, and employee experience measurement and improvement tools. These services enable clients to comply with regulatory requirements and to improve their reimbursement under value-based purchasing models. Also, these applications are used to positively impact patient experience through the use of NRC’s prescriptive analytics to enable improvement planning and implementation of best practices. With a growing body of research linking employee and physician satisfaction levels to provider quality and patient experience, NRC’s offerings also measure satisfaction from those constituents and integrate that data into prescriptive analytics for improvement. •Engagement offerings: Historically, these services have been marketed under the Illuminate, Payer Solutions and OCS brands. They include NRC’s patient outreach and discharge call program (Illuminate), health risk assessments (Payer Solutions) and post-acute analytics (OCS). The services enable NRC’s clients to understand the health risks associated with populations of patients, analyze and address readmission risks, and efficiently reach out to patients to impact their behaviors outside of the healthcare provider settings. NRC’s health risk assessment services help to stratify and manage care for those who are most at risk, engage individuals, increase preventative care and manage wellness programs to improve patient experience and outcomes. NRC’s patient outreach and discharge call services are provided to healthcare organizations on a subscription basis. *Research only. Total U.S. research and nonresearch revenue in 2012 was $79.9 million. 66 marketing news | June 2013 20 Market Strategies International Rob Stone, 48 Title ceo Education Ph.D., Columbia University 2012 U.S. Revenue $62.6 million Change from 2011 -12.8% Non–U.S. Revenue $1.5 Million From Outside U.S. 2.3% U.S. Employees 234 Market Strategies International (MSI) in Livonia, Mich., was founded in 1989. In 2006, Veronis Suhler Stevenson acquired a majority stake. MSI is a market research consultancy that drives business decisions through traditional methodologies; social media, ethnographic and community research platforms; and the application of advanced analytics to behavioral, financial, attitudinal, demographic and firmographic information. The firm focuses on six industries, including telecommunications, technology, financial services and consumer goods. It researches and consults on all facets of the healthcare industry, from pharmaceutical and medical device companies to health insurers and providers. An energy practice includes 20 of the top 30 regulated energy utilities and a nationally based benchmarking service. MSI’s senior staff experience is based in the industries they serve, as marketers, communications practitioners, customer experience advocates, and market research and competitive intelligence experts. The firm’s client-facing consultants provide research-based conclusions and recommendations, drawing upon primary and secondary data, predictive modeling and their own industry experience. The traditional studies that MSI conducts include customer experience research to drive satisfaction and advocacy, communications research to design and track communications through traditional and new media channels, brand research to build equity from brand positioning and messaging, product development research from concept to launch, and segmentation research to select optimal targets for products and services. Its engagements rely on leading research methodologies and advanced analytics provided by its Marketing & Data Sciences Group. MSI has invested in its own research infrastructure, which includes four data collection centers in North America, supporting the research lifecycle from sample design, through Exclusive feature data collection and processing, to analysis. Its extranet portal becomes the data repository and analytical center for the firm to interact with clients to mine and report findings. In 2012, the firm launched Market Strategies Qualitative, an insights boutique that builds on its legacy as one of the United States’ largest providers of qualitative research. It has hired more than a dozen senior researchers from a variety of backgrounds, including brand consulting, advertising and behavioral sciences. In May 2013, MSI acquired Cogent Research, a market research and strategic consulting firm with a focus on wealth management and a suite of syndicated products that provide intelligence for executives in the asset management and investing sector. MSI also has invested heavily in quality processes and procedures. It is certified in SAS 70 and ISO 20252, the global standard for organizations conducting market, opinion and social research. In 2012, the firm conducted research in 75 countries. It is a partner and part owner of Link Analytics, a Big Data analytics firm that serves the same clients and industries as MSI. The firm has regional offices in Atlanta; Baltimore, Md.; Philadelphia; Little Rock, Ark.; Portland, Ore.; Ramsey, N.J; and Hong Kong. honomichltop50 21 Communispace Corp. Diane Hessan, 58 Title President and ceo Education M.B.A., Harvard Business school 2012 U.S. Revenue $59.3 million* Change from 2011 +6.9%* Non–U.S. Revenue $5.6 Million* From Outside U.S. 8.6%* U.S. Employees 346 Communispace Corp. (CC) in Boston, Mass., was founded in 1999 and acquired by the Diversified Agency Services division of Omnicom Group Inc. in February 2011. June 2013 | marketing news 67 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature Communispace Corp. creates online market research communities by providing technology together with consulting, management and insight reporting services. The firm’s offerings—from activity levels through reporting formats—let clients create the solution that best fits their business needs. CC has in-depth experience in managing custom communities for global companies across a variety of industries and applications. With community members coming from more than 96 countries, the firm knows the key cultural nuances and methods to make a global community successful, and is able to provide services in a suite of languages, including but not limited to English, Spanish, Mandarin, simplified Chinese, French, Portuguese, German and more. The firm employs a range of tools to enable real-time, immersive, brand-to-consumer interactions, including webcam chats, and has consulted on a wide range of ideation and co-creation projects. In 2012, CC’s Research and Innovation group developed and rolled out new methodologies for eliciting and understanding emotional drivers and responses, including EmotionCentric and Emotive Elicitation. It also expanded its suite of mobile interactions, conducting a wide range of mobile journaling, survey and ethnography projects. It piloted and rolled out its Prediction Markets for use in prioritizing, optimizing and predicting the success of new concepts, products, messages and offers. It also piloted and rolled out virtual shop-alongs and other mobile-based methods for media-rich, real-time interactions with consumers. CC wrote and released seven new studies and white papers in 2011, including topics such as conducting online communities in China, consumers’ trust in financial institutions, the accuracy of prediction markets, and mobile vs. online survey response quality. In 2013, CC will write a series exploring the differences and synergies between human-to-human approaches and Big Data. It will continue to develop and test the value of differentiating new methodologies and technologies, focusing on innovations that enable and demonstrate how people make meaning, create narratives and connect in small, immersive experiences (e.g., brand identity and affiliation work, mobile journaling/ethnography, virtual shop-alongs and webcam chats). In addition to its Boston headquarters, the firm has offices in Atlanta, Chicago, New York, San Francisco, London, Sydney and Shanghai. *Estimated. 68 marketing news | June 2013 22 ORC International Simon Kooyman, 56 Title ceo Education M.B.A., Vlerick University, Belgium 2012 U.S. Revenue $56.5 million Change from 2011 -13.4%* Non–U.S. Revenue $39.4 Million From Outside U.S. 41.1% U.S. Employees 301 ORC International (ORC), based in Princeton, N.J., (formerly Opinion Research Corp.) was founded in 1938 and was acquired by Lake Capital in July 2011. ORC is a global market research firm providing services in customer strategies, employee research, and business growth and innovation. Through its Integrated Intelligence framework, the firm offers the opportunity to select the right research methods, industry and research experts, products, services and technologies to fit specific needs and budgets. •Customer strategies: ORC works with organizations to help measure, interpret and act upon their customer feedback, believing that an in-depth understanding of customers can increase satisfaction rates and drive performance. •Employee research: The firm offers experience across every stage of the employee lifecycle. It helps understand how to attract, engage and retain employees to maximize organizational performance and profitability. •Innovation and growth: ORC delivers knowledge and objective, external perspectives needed to expand business and generate/ advance product development and innovation lifecycles. ORC offers research capabilities that include: •People: Research professionals offering industry knowledge and experience in financial services, consumer packaged goods, healthcare and pharmaceutical, industrial/manufacturing, technology/emerging markets and public sector research. An expert network includes 15,000 industry and subject matter specialists for technical insight. honomichltop50 Exclusive feature •Methods: The linkage of insight sources, including primary and secondary methodologies, social analytics, expert network and competitive intelligence. •Technology: Reporting tools, dashboard services and portals that support ease of access to information, together with data management services. •Insights: Services for key business issues concerning markets, customers and employees, insights from analytics to mine information databases, and focused reporting. ORC has been a partner of CNN since 2006 on the CNN/ ORC International poll and has partnered with NYSE Euronext on its Annual NYSE Euronext CEO Report for a sixth consecutive year. The firm has nine offices in the U.S. and in four countries internationally. *The growth rate includes 2011 and 2012 revenues from the acquisition of Marketing Research Services Inc. in December 2012. The firm also offers a suite of products to complement its Integrated Intelligence offering, including: •Innovation Monitor: New, customized research service aimed at boosting knowledge of the marketplace, competitors and trends. It is used for pre-ideation processes, next generation product development/innovation, competitive tracking, trend tracking and social media monitoring of brands. •Reputation Monitor: New service for the healthcare industry to help monitor, manage and enhance reputation online. •Proprietary Panels: Combines a platform with panel development experience to create an online panel for clients’ own use without the complication and investment of building it themselves. •Customer Equity Model: Provides insight into the needs and expectations of customers. It helps identify loyal customers and the drivers of their behavior to prioritize action in building customer equity. •Engage: Cost-effective, flexible employee engagement survey product for mid-size companies. •Strategic Intelligence Solutions/On-Demand Research: Research product to meet business information needs including industry monitoring, market sizing, competitive analysis, adjacency analysis, new product opportunities and more. •Social Buzz: Suite of products integrating social media and analysis tools with traditional research methodologies. •iPortal: Web-enabled customized portal and dashboard technology that consolidates multiple streams of information for ease of access and availability. •CARAVAN: Suite of omnibus surveys, shared cost, multiclient omnibus approach to survey research for quick answers at a fraction of the cost of an ad-hoc study. 70 marketing news | June 2013 23 Vision Critical Communications Inc. Scott Miller, 48 Title Group ceo Education B.A., Albion College 2012 U.S. Revenue $51.0 million Change from 2011 +6.3% Non–U.S. Revenue $27.4 Million From Outside U.S. 35.0% U.S. Employees 69 Vision Critical Communications Inc. (VC), based in Vancouver, B.C., is a privately held firm founded in 2000. VC is a leading provider of insight communities to Fortune 500 companies and global organizations, currently supporting more than 650 brands worldwide. It builds software and provides comprehensive services to engage groups of customers and stakeholders on a continuous basis for extracting and managing insight. The firm combines design, engineering and sector specialists to encourage meaningful, efficient and comprehensible dialogue in structured surveys or guided peer-to-peer discussions. Its product offerings include surveys, discussions, applications, customer experience management and online insight communities. VC deployed more than 14,000 surveys in 2012 that reached more than 50 million people. Its Sparq survey authoring software supports 26 languages. The cloud-based software that powers engagements is built around matching an accessible user interface with fully featured modules for survey authoring, community management, discussion forums and reporting. It also allows exploring cross-study reports, and tweaking weights and Exclusive feature setup filters to build tables and charts instantly, as well as tracking the participation of individuals and groups over time, monitoring panel health and sharing results with respondents. VC continues to invest heavily in R&D, new sales capacity and IT infrastructure to offer a perspective in almost every industry niche, from consumer goods, retail and technology to financial services, health, public affairs and media. In 2013, the firm completed its first acquisition, DiscoverText, a text analytics solution. It launched the Brand Equity Relationship Assessment (BERA) platform to bridge the gap between marketing and finance. More product launches are planned, together with continued global expansion. VC has 14 offices across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. honomichltop50 new product services; and making acquisitions. MF offers a suite of customer intelligence services that measure store-level operations and customer attitudes through mystery shopping, customer feedback, market audits and merchandising services, coupled with the analytics to drive targeted improvements. MF provides services throughout North America and Europe, and the rest of the world through partners. The firm has four centers of excellence: Norcross, Ga., providing mystery shopping services; Albany, N.Y., providing auditing research, theater and merchandising services; Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, providing customer satisfaction, contact center and social media outreach services; and Milton Keynes, U.K., providing European customer intelligence services. There are two additional offices in Paris and Madrid. •com 24 The Honomichl Top 50 Goes Digital Market Force Information Inc. To access a digital flipbook version of this issue, visit Karl Meier, 45 Title Founder and CEO Education B.A., Bowdoin College 2012 U.S. Revenue $50.5 million Change from 2011 -2.5% Non–U.S. Revenue $15.4 million From Outside U.S. 23.4% U.S. Employees 327 Market Force Information Inc. (MF), based in Louisville, Colo., is a privately held corporation founded in 2005. MF is a leading global customer intelligence services firm for businessto-consumer companies including major retailers, restaurants, grocery and convenience stores, financial institutions, entertainment studios and consumer packaged goods companies. It has more than 300 of the world’s largest B-to-C companies as clients. The firm is driving its growth with three basic strategies: growing organic sales with existing clients and garnering new accounts; developing and launching June 2013 | marketing news 71 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature 25 Burke Inc. Jeff Miller, 50 Title President and ceo Education M.B.A., University of Cincinnati 2012 U.S. Revenue $48.3 Million* Change from 2011 -4.9%* ** Non–U.S. Revenue $6.1 million* From Outside U.S. 11.2%* U.S. Employees 214 Burke Inc., based in Cincinnati, was founded in 1931 and has been an independent, employee-owned company since 1989. It became 100% ESOP in 2008. Burke is a full-service custom marketing research firm with experience in research design, execution, analysis and interpretation of results of complex studies. The firm’s high-quality standards, advanced analytical techniques and technology provide decision support to clients across all major industry sectors. Burke’s core competencies include customer loyalty, linkage and integration, and employee-related research. It provides best practices in marketing research and consumer insights through courses conducted by its educational group, the Burke Institute. The firm has experience in a broad range of industries, both domestic and international, and across many data collection methods, including online and mobile. All of Burke’s core competencies are supported by an active commitment to internal research and development programs. Burke’s primary areas of focus include: •Brand assessment: Burke’s portfolio of brand management products provides services for assessing the current health of brands and strategic direction for growing these assets. •Product and service development: Burke offers a holistic approach to product development with a range of services from market assessment and concept screening through product optimization and pricing. •Customer loyalty and employee engagement: The firm helps develop and deploy customer loyalty and relationship management systems that focus internal resources on customer requirements. Burke’s Digital Dashboard online reporting service provides secure, real-time access to survey 72 marketing news | June 2013 findings. It also offers a full set of tools to help advance and support employee engagement and retention management. •Linking data sources: Burke implements linkage programs to optimize organizational performance through quantitatively linking financial, customer, operational, employee and secondary data to make financially optimal decisions. •Market segmentation: The firm has experience collaborating with clients to define actionable market segments that inform strategic decision making. It adds value by combining reclassification techniques with product optimization modeling to help clients more effectively develop and market new products and services to targeted groups. •Shopper research: Burke offers a set of qualitative and quantitative shopper research services. The firm’s qualitative services include “shop-alongs,” in-store observations and in-home interviews. On the quantitative side, Burke offers shopper segmentation, retailer loyalty, shopper decision hierarchy, and general shopper habits and practices studies. •Research education: Burke Institute has trained more than 80,000 participants from 10,000 companies through more than 3,000 public and in-house customized marketing research seminars in 40 countries. Seminars cover research topics such as general marketing research, qualitative and online research, questionnaire design, customer loyalty, and analytical tools and techniques. 26 Public Opinion Strategies LLC Bill McInturff, 60 Title Co-founder and partner Education B.S., Boston university 2012 U.S. Revenue $45.9 million Change from 2011 +194.2% Non–U.S. Revenue $0.1 million From Outside U.S. 0.2% U.S. Employees 40 Public Opinion Strategies LLC (POS), based in Alexandria, Va., is a partnership of 13 founded in 1991. honomichltop50 Exclusive feature POS is a national political and public affairs research firm that has conducted more than 6 million interviews with voters and consumers in all 50 states and more than 24 foreign countries. Its qualitative experience comes from conducting more than 2,700 focus groups across the country. About half of POS’ research is dedicated to winning elections. Its political client base includes 15 U.S. senators, six governors, more than 75 members of Congress and numerous state legislative caucuses. The other half of its work is involved in public policy battles, working with industry coalitions, government entities and private companies. This work includes corporate image, community relations and crisis management research for local companies, Fortune 500 corporations and industry associations. POS employs a number of research techniques: •Quantitative research: Quantitative polling is the firm’s specialty. It owns a telephone center and has access to more than 500 CATI-enabled data collection stations. POS controls the entire research process in-house, from questionnaire and sampling design, to survey briefing, to data processing and analysis. This allows the firm total quality control over every project that it completes, and allows it to meet deadlines no matter how tight the timeframe. •Telephone surveys: POS’ use of telephone polling runs the gamut of research: nightly tracking surveys, monthly national omnibus surveys, single-issue surveys, benchmarks, brushfire surveys and business-to-business interviewing. With the rise of cellphone-only households, the firm blends samples of landline and cellphone records for its telephone research projects. •Internet surveys: The firm’s Internet surveys allow for both close-ended and open-ended questions. Respondents can be presented with and evaluate advertising concepts and messaging components. The firm has had success using Internet-based surveys for specialized audiences, including hard-to-reach audiences and organizations’ member bases, and for quantitative measurement of advertising concepts. •Qualitative research: POS’ qualitative research methodologies serve to provide color and nuance to its quantitative results, and also stand on their own as a valuable research tool. The firm has conducted thousands of focus groups in all parts of the country and internationally. It has years of experience in conducting various qualitative research methods, including traditional in-person focus groups, in-person triads, Internet focus groups, Perception Analyzer dial groups for testing advertisements, and executive one-onone in-depth interviews. 74 marketing news | June 2013 POS has offices in Redondo Beach, Calif., and Golden, Colo. 27 Morpace Inc. Francis J. Ward, 67 Title CEO Education B.A., Wayne State University 2012 U.S. Revenue $43.3 million Change from 2011 +11.6% Non–U.S. Revenue $6.2 Million From Outside U.S. 12.5% U.S. Employees 152 Morpace Inc., based in Farmington Hills, Mich., is a privately held corporation founded in 1941. Morpace is a full-service market research and strategic consulting organization that executes large-scale qualitative and quantitative research globally. The firm offers in-depth experience in five core industries: automotive, financial services, healthcare, retail/consumer goods and technology. Industry experts work closely with research professionals in three specialties: brand and communications; customer experience management including satisfaction, loyalty and retention; and market and product development. Morpace’s analytics and modeling and qualitative insights teams complement the efforts of the industry experts and areas of specialization through specialized approaches from choice modeling and text analysis to online qualitative and visual storytelling. The firm offers a full range of research tools and consulting services that help clients make more informed strategic decisions designed to help improve client performance. These include: •Morpace eCommunity, a qualitative/quantitative online community in which consumers share their opinions and experiences. •Morpace Dynamic Dashboards, in which highly visual results deliver key findings while allowing interactive deep dives. These dashboards offer a flexible appearance tailored to areas of responsibility. Exclusive feature •Mobile Ethnographies, which capture consumer behavior as it naturally occurs, via video, photos and written expressions at any location with no travel required. 28 Directions Research Inc. •Strategic Optimization of Complex Offerings (SOCO), a configurator-based research service designed to complement choice modeling by optimizing features or services. •Brand Barometer, which identifies a brand’s core equity and provides strategic, qualitative insight on how to move a brand forward. honomichltop50 Randy Brooks, 65 Title founder and president Education M.B.A., University of Cincinnati •Predictive Research Optimization Model (PROM), which strengthens the relationship between research findings and business decisions by allowing “What if?” scenarios. 2012 U.S. Revenue $38.0 million •Morpace Omnibus, which provides insights on issues among consumers and small-business owners. Directions Research Inc. (DR) in Cincinnati is a privately held company founded in 1988. Ownership is held by 28 members of DR’s senior staff. DR is a full-service custom research company that develops long-term client partnerships with experienced and dedicated client teams leading the design, analysis and presentation of results. Morpace has a large, highly skilled software development team that uses a combination of in-house-developed and off-the-shelf tools to provide customized services, including a customizable data collection system that manages online research in virtually any language. It provides development, tracking and reporting tools on a real-time basis. Morpace’s quality initiatives include ISO 9001:2008 certification, an internationally recognized quality management system. Many industry practices also have received recognition for their quality standards. The firm has offices in Los Angeles, London and Shanghai. Change from 2011 -8.7% U.S. Employees 126 June 2013 | marketing news 75 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature DR’s staff has a mix of client-side and supplier-side experience. The firm is structured to allow senior researchers to work with clients on a day-to-day basis, doing research, rather than handing it off. The firm supports all industry sectors but has concentrations in packaged goods, restaurants, retail, financial services, technology, consumer health and pharmaceuticals. It offers B-to-C and B-to-B services internationally, surveying consumers, professionals, restaurant employees, medical staff and other difficult-to-reach audiences worldwide using a broad selection of data collection methods. DR partners with industryleading experts who provide high-quality data and information at competitive prices. DR has a mix of innovative and proven approaches that it customizes to the research challenge. The firm’s core competencies include concept and product testing with success modeling; sensory testing; attitude, trial and usage; brand and product quality tracking; product, package and pricing optimization; retail messaging and positioning; market attitude, positioning and segmentation; brand equity and customer loyalty; complex experimental design and analysis; and custom database development and volume forecasting. The firm regularly invests in R&D projects designed to examine issues of interest to clients, prospective clients and the industry. In 2012, R&D efforts included three projects: a study of the correlation of multiple scale methods to marketing stimuli and purchase behavior; development of early ideation and marketing optimization approaches; and multiple projects integrating mobile, social media and primary research insights. DR has senior client services staff in close proximity to key accounts with offices in Chicago; Dallas; Minneapolis; Washington, D.C.; Pittsburgh; and Seattle. 29 Rentrak Corp. William L. Livek, 57 76 Title Ceo Education b.s., Southern Illinois university 2012 U.S. Revenue $36.7 million* Change from 2011 +44.0%** Non–U.S. Revenue $14.5 Million* From Outside U.S. 28.3% U.S. Employees 176 marketing news | June 2013 Rentrak Corp., based in Portland, Ore., was founded in 1977 and is a public company that was listed on the Nasdaq in 1986. Rentrak is a global provider of consumer viewership information, providing worldwide viewing behavior of movies and television. The firm provides audience measurement services to movie, TV and advertising professionals for targeting advertising across numerous platforms including box office, multiscreen TV and home video. Television •Rentrak’s TV Essentials services provide TV networks and advertising agencies with viewing information from more than 235 TV networks viewed on more than 22 million TVs nationwide. Its Advanced Demographics services help determine more accurate target audiences using TV viewing information paired with third-party consumer behavior information from sources like R.L. Polk, Experian, Epsilon and MasterCard. Exact Commercial Ratings is data metric to determine how specific national commercials perform within an ad pod. •StationView Essentials measures local viewing from more than 20 million TVs in all 210 local markets, including all satellite, telecom, cable and over-the-air viewing built from the ZIP code level up. •OnDemand Everywhere measures video on demand everywhere consumers watch, providing a better understanding of how to reach and connect with viewers across multiple platforms. Services include OnDemand Essentials, measuring more than 107 million TV sets in the U.S. and Canada across more than 40 cable, telecom and satellite providers including all operators offering VOD; VOD Monitor, which tracks and reports on the viewership of VOD content across cable, telecom and satellite systems from more than 120 million TVs; AdEssentials, which measures VOD advertising across a national footprint of operators; Mobile Essentials, which measures both VOD and live content accessed via any mobile device and over-the-air TV viewed on mobile devices; Internet TV Essentials, which measures ad-supported and subscription-based TV programming streamed online; and Digital Download Essentials, which provides reporting and auditing results for purchased and rented movie and TV content downloaded or streamed via the Internet. Theatrical •Box Office Essentials and International Box Office Essentials collect, process and report on how many people go to the movies and how much they spend in every theater in North America and across 36 countries in five continents. honomichltop50 Exclusive feature •PostTrak, an exit polling service, reports real-time U.S. box office audience demographics and the aspects of each title that trigger interest and attendance. 30 Home Video Perception Research Services •Studio Revenue Share Essentials gives content providers access to a source of inventory tracking, plus measurement of how both their home entertainment products and retailers are performing. •Home Video Essentials provides title-level, weekly home entertainment rental transactions throughout the U.S. and Canadian markets. •Retail Essentials delivers U.S. and Canadian home entertainment sell-through data for DVD and Blu-ray discs. •Video Game Ad Monitor is an interactive database of advertising circulars from major bricks-and-mortar and online retailers. •Rentailer Essentials, a Web-based ordering and product management service, monitors rental and sales activity, tracks ordering results and reviews product terms for one store or across multiple locations. In 2012, Rentrak created custom ratings for the Obama for America campaign, created with iTVX a combined service to report on branded entertainment usage in linear TV, and launched PostTrak, a theatrical unit in collaboration with Screen Engine. In 2013, Rentrak will launch Rentrak Connect, which will provide consumer exposure across linear TV, VOD, digital downloads, mobile and streaming media at the program level. Rentrak has offices Los Angeles, New York and Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, and throughout Europe, North America, South America and Australia. *Research only (AMI division). Total research and nonresearch revenue in 2012 was $95.2 million. **The growth rate excludes 2011 and 2012 U.S. revenue from the acquisition of Media Salvation in January 2011. Scott Young, 45 Title President Education M.B.A., Northwestern University 2012 U.S. Revenue $33.9 million Change from 2011 +.4.0% Non–U.S. Revenue $28.0 Million From Outside U.S. 45.2% U.S. Employees 148 Perception Research Services (PRS), based in Teaneck, N.J., is a private company founded in 1972. PRS specializes in retail research to understand shopping behavior, and to develop, validate and enhance packaging and shopper marketing efforts. The firm has pioneered the use of eye-tracking technology in consumer research, providing new services and technologies such as PRS Mobile Eye-Tracking, PRS Virtual Aisles and emotional measurement (via facial coding). PRS is the packaging research partner to many CPG companies, working with marketers and design agencies from development through the screening and validation of new packaging systems. Its services include: •Store-based studies with PRS Mobile Eye-Tracking (PRS Shopping Eyes) to uncover shopping behavior and assess current in-store marketing communications. •In-home ethnographic research (Structural Discovery) to identify opportunities and guide new product/packaging development. •Qualitative exploration and screening (PRS Retail Lab) to screen and refine packaging and POS/merchandising concepts. •Quantitative validation studies with PRS Eye-Tracking (PRS On-Shelf Evaluation) to pre-test and quantify new packaging, shelving and POS systems via central location and Web-based studies. Examples of recent PRS studies include: •An in-store study (across several countries and retail channels) to help a technology marketer optimize in-store marketing communication via packaging, POS and product displays. 78 marketing news | June 2013 Exclusive feature •A PRS Virtual Aisles study to pre-test the impact of three alternative aisle configurations on visibility, shop-ability and purchase patterns for personal care products. •A PRS qual/quant study to screen, assess and enhance alternative packaging and POS display options for a leading beverage brand. The firm has regional offices in New York, London, Geneva, Rome, Mexico City and Singapore. 31 Affinnova Inc. Waleed Al-Atraqchi, 49 Title President and ceo Education M.B.A., Tepper School of business, carnegie mellon university 2012 U.S. Revenue $32.2 million Change from 2011 +30.9% Non–U.S. Revenue $7.1 Million From Outside U.S. 18.0% U.S. Employees 163* honomichltop50 •Affinnova Studio is a Web application that that lets users create and provide input into each other’s concepts, eventually leading to more interesting, alternative product, messaging and design ideas that can be optimized with consumer feedback. •Affinnova’s optimization process asks consumers to evaluate the many different concepts created in Affinnova Studio using a “survival of the fittest” process. It applies an interactive, evolutionary algorithm to interpret consumer choices and quickly identify the top concepts. •Once top concepts have been identified, statistical models benchmark and predict how an idea will perform in the current marketplace against competing brands. This enables informed go/no go decisions, limiting financial risk and damage to brands. In 2012, Affinnova launched an optimization and benchmarking service specific for packaging design and integrated with Adobe Creative Suite software. This process uses evolutionary optimization to select a top design from a wide range of potential concepts. It also recreates a virtual shelf space enabling consumers to evaluate designs in a competitive context. Affinnova has a global footprint, with multiple offices in Europe, research across 41 countries and reach to more than 15 million consumers through a global network of panel partners. Affinnova Inc., based in Waltham, Mass., is a privately held company founded in 2000. Affinnova provides technology services to assist clients’ marketing innovation processes. It provides the means to explore the creative space of product messaging and design ideas, and uses predictive analytics and insights to identify what will perform best in-market. Affinnova’s optimization platform can be applied to product concepts and packaging, mobile applications, websites, brand positioning, advertising and retail store layouts. The firm is used by global Fortune 500 companies and serves CPG, life sciences, financial services, retail and consumer electronics, hospitality and technology, among other industries. Affinnova’s technology platform is composed of three main components: June 2013 | marketing news 79 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature 32 32 Phoenix Marketing International YouGov Allen R. Decotiis, 60 Doug Harrison, 52 Title Chairman and ceo Title Education Ph.D., Emory University President of YouGov America Education B.S., Cornell University 2012 U.S. Revenue $31.9 million 2012 U.S. Revenue $31.9 million Change from 2011 -2.7% Change from 2011 +2.2%* Non–U.S. Revenue $5.5 Million Non–U.S. Revenue $60.0 million From Outside U.S. 14.7% From Outside U.S. 65.3% U.S. Employees 109 U.S. Employees 119 Phoenix Marketing International (PMI) in Rhinebeck, N.Y., is a privately held company founded in 1999. PMI is a global, full-service marketing firm offering insight into customers and markets with its existing proprietary data coupled with custom research products using qualitative and quantitative techniques. The firm combines primary and syndicated marketing research expertise with database analytics and modeling proficiency. PMI has extensive research experience across the affluent, automotive, CPG, financial services, healthcare, media, multicultural, technology, and travel and leisure sectors. Coupled with its tools and latest research techniques, PMI provides salient insights into business issues. The firm’s research experience includes qualitative and quantitative research conducted throughout the Americas, Europe, Asia and emerging markets featuring communication and brand work involving concept development, customer satisfaction, brand and market measurement, service quality measurement and financial measurement. It conducts a large-scale syndicated tracking advertising/communication audit and performance evaluation system (AdPi and BrandPi Audits) for companies in industries such as automotive, financial services, healthcare and technology. Syndicated products include AdPi Express, Global Wealth Monitor, Automotive Concept X, Consumer Convergence 360, QuadPlay, Asian American Report, Virtual Mailbox, Hotel BASE and Hotel SCORES. PMI has offices in New York; Boston; San Francisco and El Dorado Hills, Calif.; Chicago; Philadelphia; Miami; Detroit; Raleigh-Durham; Branchburg, N.J.; Salisbury, Md.; and East Granby, Conn.; with EU offices in London and Madrid. 80 marketing news | June 2013 YouGov, based in Palo Alto, Calif., began operating in the United States in 2007 as a unit of YouGov plc, based in London, a public company listed on the London Stock Exchange. YouGov is a global market research company providing insights for brands, institutions, investors and media across the world, and delivering custom research and syndicated products built upon continuous streams of data. Its units and services in the United States include: •Custom Research: YouGov offers a full range of quantitative and qualitative research and consulting services addressing business questions related to market structure and composition, innovation and product development, product and service optimization, customer experience, branding and market effectiveness. The custom research practices deliver the insights to inform strategic and tactical decisions, and the frameworks to test future options with accuracy and confidence. The YouGov Definitive Insights unit delivers fact-based research focusing on tangible, financial-based implications and outcomes, and operating across a wide range of industry sectors. •BrandIndex: This service is a daily measure of brand perception, tracking thousands of brands across multiple sectors. Subscribers gain a real-time picture of their own brand’s health, as well as their competitors and whole sectors. It is available in 14 countries and surveys 5,000 people daily in the U.S., with more than 2.5 million interviews conducted worldwide every year. •Ominibus: The YouGov Omnibus is a multi-client, shared-cost approach for fast turnaround studies. honomichltop50 Exclusive feature •Public Affairs: The Washington, D.C.-based Public Affairs practice leverages online and traditional research methods to measure stakeholder opinion and sentiment on critical issues. •Scientific Research: This group provides full-service survey research for academics, health researchers, policy think tanks and unique corporate clients. Highly trained survey methodologists serve the challenging needs of clients who conduct survey research intended for peer-to-peer review. Survey research includes multi-wave panels, cross-national studies, surveys with complex experimentation and embedded media, and hard-to-reach target populations. •Investor Research: The Household Economic Activity Tracker (HEAT) delivers monthly indicators of consumer confidence and the ability of consumers to spend. It is available across all subsections of the U.S., the U.K. and the Chinese consumer population. YouGov InvestorView brings consumer insights to investors and strategic decision makers, anticipating the consumer behavior that drives revenue, profitability and the market. Besides its headquarters, YouGov has U.S. offices in New York; Washington, D.C.; Los Angeles; Lawrenceville, N.J.; Waterbury, Conn.; and Portland, Ore. Worldwide, the firm has 21 offices in 10 countries. The YouGov online panel currently engages nearly 2 million people in more than 30 countries. *The growth rate includes 2011 and 2012 revenue from the acquisition of Definitive Insights in April 2011. 82 marketing news | June 2013 34 International Communications Research Melissa J. Herrmann, 40 Title Executive Vice President Education M.A., Annenberg School Of Communications, University of Pennsylvania 2012 U.S. Revenue $30.8 million* Change from 2011 -6.7% Non–U.S. Revenue $0.5 Million* From Outside U.S. 1.6% U.S. Employees 177 International Communications Research (ICR/SSRS) in Media, Pa., was founded in 1983. Since 1986, it has been a subsidiary of Mount Laurel, N.J.-based AUS Inc., a privately held company. ICR/SSRS is a full-service market research firm specializing in designing customized services. Its in-house resources include four interviewing centers and a corporate staff of experienced researchers. The firm has experience in the CPG, pharmaceutical, telecommunications/technology, financial services/banking/ insurance, healthcare services, B-to-B, utilities/energy, media/entertainment and retailing markets. Its Social Science Research Solutions (SSRS) division is focused on public opinion polling, social science research and policy research in the areas of health, current events, education, religion, and sports and leisure. ICR/SSRS designs and executes custom research for market sizing and segmentation, concept and product tests, pricing, brand positioning, messaging, strategy and motivational research, advertising effectiveness, usage tracking, and customer loyalty and satisfaction. It is experienced in surveying low-incidence and multicultural populations. The firm is a provider of omnibus research services in the United States, including EXCEL, a twice-weekly sample Exclusive feature of 1,000 adults age 18 and older that includes interviewing with cellphone households; TeenEXCEL, a monthly study among 500 teens ages 12 to 17; Thinksmall business omnibus, a quarterly study among 500 decision makers at companies with fewer than 100 employees; and HispanicEXCEL, a monthly omnibus targeting a nationally representative sample of 1,000 Hispanics in the U.S. *Research only. Total U.S. revenue in 2012 was $34.5 million. 35 Informa Research Services Inc. Michael E. Adler, 49 Title President and managing director Education M.B.A., Marshall School of Business, university of southern california 2012 U.S. Revenue $29.2 million Change from 2011 +8.6% U.S. Employees 195 honomichltop50 and recognizing superior and consistent employee performance. Clients come from all financial sectors, including retail banks, credit unions, bank-owned and independent mortgage companies, insurance brokerages and mutual funds. The firm’s researchers are highly experienced in competitive intelligence, new product development and usability testing, customer satisfaction and loyalty research, brand/advertising awareness research and mystery shopping services for sales and service quality evaluation, legal and matched pair testing, compliance, discrimination and misleading sales practices testing. IRS is a leader in the use of market research to limit the risk associated with allegations of discrimination, UDAAP, predatory lending and misleading sales practices. The firm pioneered the use of mystery shopping and matched pair testing for this purpose, and developed the technique for post-application testing to detect discrimination and predatory lending. The firm also provides post-transaction interviewing and Web-based reporting tools to measure and report customer satisfaction and customer problems within hours of a recent customer experience. It maintains a Web panel of 160,000-plus “Informed Consumers” for mystery shopping, interviewing and online surveys. Informa Research Services Inc. (IRS), in Calabasas, Calif., was founded in 1983 as Meyer Interest Rate survey, acquired in 1993 by BISYS Group and then acquired again by London-based Informa plc in 2000. IRS is a market research firm specifically engaged in competitive intelligence, sales and service evaluation, regulatory compliance testing and lead generation services for the financial services industry in which it conducts daily competitive intelligence and market analysis. The firm helps financial institutions compete more effectively and improve employee sales and service. Its mysteryshop programs help increase deposits, new account growth, cross-sales and depth of accounts by motivating June 2013 | marketing news 83 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature OptionDeveloper to maximize the impact of a new concept. LineDeveloper selects the right pathway to line extensions. 36 Radius Global Market Research Chip Lister, 59 Title Managing director Education B.A., Temple University 2012 U.S. Revenue $28.8 million* Change from 2011 -8.6%** Non–U.S. Revenue $1.4 Million* From Outside U.S. 4.6% U.S. Employees 86 •Radius Satisfaction gains an understanding of how to build upon or improve customer loyalty. LoyaltyDeveloper helps prioritize what factors optimize loyalty, while LoyaltyCheck monitors progress at influencing consumers. •Radius Shopper Insights assesses subtle and complex influences upon the in-store purchase decision. EyeScan measures the impact of packaging on shelf and among competitors, while Virtual Environments simulates in-store elements through an innovative computer technology. The firm has offices in seven U.S. cities and an international presence in London with Radius EMEA. Radius Global Market Research in New York is a privately held corporation founded in 1960. Radius is a full-service custom marketing research firm that provides a number of approaches that address a range of development, marketing and communications issues. •Radius Brand assesses a brand to build higher profit margins. It provides understanding of a brand’s value and proposition with Equity Builder, then monitors and strengthens equity factors with Equity Check. 37 Service Management Group Inc. Andy Fromm, 45 •Radius Communication makes messaging as compelling as possible. Message Optimizer identifies the optimal positioning platform by maximizing both the emotional and rational aspects. AdvertisingCheck helps evaluate ongoing marketing and advertising programs. •Radius Competitive Assessment increases a brand’s perceived value among consumers. Opportunities and Barriers helps evaluate and improve competitive position, while MarketCheck provides an ongoing monitor of the landscape and competitive relationships. •Radius Market Strategy enhances a brand’s position in the competitive landscape. Configure provides insights into the structure of the market, while Segmenter identifies core targets. Predictor links survey and marketing data to increase sales. •Radius Price discovers how to leverage the right price point to achieve profitability and market success. PriceDeveloper identifies the optimal pricing strategy in a competitive context for both new and existing brands. •Radius Product leverages more accurate and cost-effective approaches to guide the decision-making process. It uses 84 marketing news | June 2013 Title President and Ceo Education B.A., Boston university 2012 U.S. Revenue $28.5 million Change from 2011 +1.1%* Non–U.S. Revenue $0.9 Million* From Outside U.S. 3.1% U.S. Employees 181 Service Management Group Inc. (SMG), based in Kansas City, Mo., is a privately held firm founded in 1991 as a unit of Barkley Evergreen and spun off as a separate company in 1999. SMG’s model focuses on experiences that drive loyalty and link to financial performance. The firm originally designed its research platform for multi-unit retail, restaurant and service-based companies. The platform enables researchers and clients to use its technology to produce insights that improve their business. The SMG customer experience platform is used by clients in 68 countries who speak 32 languages. SMG has created benchmark databases for the retail, restaurant and service-based industries segment that house millions of customer responses—allowing clients to compare their customer experience scores to others in their industries. honomichltop50 Exclusive feature The firm provides several services: •Customer experience measurement: SMG’s customer experience measurement service captures and analyzes the customer metrics that deliver financial results. This offering enables clients to continuously monitor service levels and satisfaction in each location. Data is collected primarily via Web and IVR surveys. Customer feedback is reported on a real-time performance dashboard that includes online analytics and service improvement tools. MarketVision Research Inc. Tyler McMullen, 43 Title President and Ceo •Employee engagement: SMG measures employee loyalty plus satisfaction and commitment. Employee surveys are used to reveal the strength of the relationships between the attitudes of employees and the key drivers of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Education M.b.a., university of virginia 2012 U.S. Revenue $26 million Change from 2011 +13.0% U.S. Employees 105 •Conversion, non-purchaser and lapsed customer studies: Using a variety of techniques such as customer intercepts, targeted panel studies and GPS location technologies to garner the best response, insights from these studies complement transactionbased research and identify opportunities to increase conversion. MarketVision Research Inc. (MVR), based in Cincinnati, is a private company founded in 1983. MVR is a full-service custom marketing research consultancy providing insights about markets, customers, brands and products. Research areas of focus include product and portfolio development, pricing, branding, segmentation and customer satisfaction. The firm offers a full suite of quantitative and qualitative research capabilities, and works across industry groups. MVR completes research in both consumer and business sectors. Major industries covered include consumer goods, retail, healthcare, pharmaceutical, financial services, agribusiness, travel and leisure, and durables. The firm invests in its research-on-research program, particularly in the area of advanced quantitative research design and analysis, which is frequently shared with the research community. It also leads a variety of qualitative research training and development programs for clients and individuals. MVR is focused on providing insight-driven deliverables as part of every research endeavor, which may include easy-to-use interactive simulators for “What if?” analyses and storytelling techniques to help bring research to life for client business partners. The firm’s capabilities include: •Optimization: MVR’s Marketing Sciences Group blends technical skills with creative approaches to deliver insights into clients’ businesses. It is especially skilled in discrete choice modeling and optimization, with application to areas such as product and services development, branding, packaging and pricing. •Brand research: SMG uses a targeted and qualified sample with the latest research techniques to analyze a brand’s competitive landscape, extending knowledge beyond the brand and its core customers to include top competitors, their customers and the key drivers that influence customer loyalty. •Social media analytics and engagement: The firm’s social media service searches millions of sources, like blogs, social networks, news sources, Twitter and forums, to find the insights behind the online chatter. •Text analytics: SMG’s text analytics service leverages natural language software to read text comments, categorize them and extract pertinent data that helps clients understand the customer experience. Text analytics output is displayed on an online text analytics dashboard so that clients can stay tuned in to what customers are saying. In 2012, SMG acquired Locately, a company providing consumer location analytics. Its visit-detection technology provides mobile-enabled customer intercept research. In the past year, SMG has conducted research and published several white papers covering various topics in the industry, including best practices for the use of mobile surveys and the Net Promoter Score. Its plans for 2013 include a continued focus on product development, global expansion and location-based research. SMG has offices in Kansas City, Mo.; Boston; London; and Tokyo. 86 38 marketing news | June 2013 •Innovation: MVR has a team of 15 moderators and qualitative research specialists, as well as an experienced client and project services team. Many are former client-side research directors. The group conducts much research around honomichltop50 Exclusive feature innovation, using qualitative research with consumers to fill in the gaps in the innovation process, and matching it with quantitative research. •Viewpoint Forum: The firm’s Internet panel and research platform have an average cooperation rate of 50% and recovery of 90% on home-use tests. Panelists are not permitted to sign themselves up to participate in the research; rather, MVR selects who is invited to participate and compensates all respondents. •Online Communities (MROCs): MVR provides online communities that are completely managed and developed in-house. The platform is mobile-enabled and clients are provided proactive research plans with timely deliverables. MVR has two platforms for data collection: •Viewpoint Forum: MVR’s Internet panel and research platform is where the firm selects who is invited to participate and compensates all respondents. •MarketVision/Gateway: These dedicated research facilities at the Universal Studios theme parks in Orlando and Los Angeles provide a national sample with access to hardto-reach groups such as families, adult men, teens and children. Respondents are engaged with iPads and other mobile devices. In 2012, MVR launched an enhanced MROC platform with engaging graphics and easier-to-access tasks for community members, all accessible via mobile anywhere in the world, and conducted research around storytelling and how this technique is effectively used in other industries. MVR has six client service offices, two qualitative research centers, a research call center and two in-person data collection centers. 39 National Analysts Worldwide Susan Schwartz McDonald, 63 Title President and Ceo Education Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School 2012 U.S. Revenue $23.2 million Change from 2011 -8.7% U.S. Employees 82 National Analysts Worldwide (NA) in Philadelphia was established as the world’s first market research unit in 1911 by Curtis Publishing Co. (publisher of The Saturday Evening Post and Ladies Home Journal). It became a separate corporate entity in 1943 and was reorganized as an employee-owned company in 2004. NA is a hybrid market research and consulting firm that addresses strategic business issues in specialized industry sectors, including healthcare, information technology, financial services, communications and B-to-B. Its depth of marketing experience in key verticals, combined with its inventive research capabilities and advanced analytics, supports a consultative approach to strategy development and implementation. •com Access the AMA’s Journal of Marketing Research For the latest high-level academic research on a range of marketing topics, visit June 2013 | marketing news 87 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature Types of projects routinely conducted by NA include market segmentation, opportunity assessment and demand forecasting, pricing, positioning and market entry strategy, innovation and transformation, brand health and life cycle management. Project leaders are supported by an in-house team of methodologists and a portfolio of modeling tools and software customized to address marketing problems and applications, including the Farsight suite forecast modeling services. NA’s innovation history includes the development of probability sampling, the early development and application of focus group methodology, and its work in consumer and business market segmentation. NA is widely known for building integrated forecasting and revenue models that reflect the interactions of multiple stakeholders and customers (in markets such as healthcare and B-to-B marketing). Specialized services that draw on research design capabilities include litigation and regulatory support, often involving expert testimony. 40 Market Probe Inc. T.R. Rao, 72 Title President and ceo Education ph.d., Michigan State University 2012 U.S. Revenue $21.5 million Change from 2011 +1.4%* Non–U.S. Revenue $26.5 Million From Outside U.S. 55.3% U.S. Employees 120 Market Probe Inc. (MP), based in Milwaukee, Wis., is a privately held company founded in 1976. MP is a full-service global marketing research and consulting firm specializing in stakeholder measurement and a wide array of custom research assignments. The firm is building long-term partnerships based on its team of professionals with research understanding, industry knowledge and technical experience to create a worldwide presence to serve multinational clients. Its voice-of-the-customer, brand and employee-satisfaction experience reaches businesses around the world. The firm has introduced several new research models and analytical tools in the last two years: • Text Analytics: New software, mapping tools and text mining offer more effective and timely services. MP uses this software to code comments more accurately and map comment groups by a dependent variable for clarity of presentations to management, and to quantify comment areas in terms of their impact on satisfaction, loyalty or advocacy. It has developed services to integrate survey comments and social media comments. • Diagnostic Psychographics: Two additional tools used for healthcare research may find wider applications in other sectors. Diagnostic psychographics is a segmentation tool focusing on the buyer’s cognitive style and belief structure. Case studies of this tool and its impact on behavioral data were developed in the healthcare sector but can be expanded to other sectors. 88 marketing news | June 2013 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature •Message Sensor: Using heat maps and Web methodology, large samples of potential customers can be sampled by MP as a cost-effective tool for applications in concept or advertising testing. MP has found this to be more reliable and cost-effective than other methods like eye tracking. Outcome measures are customer behavioral intentions in stages of the product of acquisition process leading to actual purchase. 41 KS&R Inc. Rita L. Reicher, 60 •Mobile Research: Mobile surveys are more cost-effective for focused, “push” surveys dealing with products, transactions and events, as well as for “pull” surveys commonly used in the retail sector. MP offers mobile surveys that can be formatted to fit different tablet devices. The technology helps integrate data collection and the reporting of results into a single stream. •Advocacy and Passion: While MP offers stand-alone customer advocacy and brand passion models for customer experience management and brand communications, the firm has developed new thinking regarding the relationship between these two and their combined multiplier impact on customer loyalty. It can bring this new thinking to enhance current tracking programs and relevant ROI analysis by measuring customer attitudes and behaviors. •Online Reporting Tool: The firm’s new reporting tool, Insight Manager, is the modular online reporting system for CEM engagements. IM allows managers to combine customer feedback with their internal metrics to provide actionable information. This reporting system provides respondent-level feedback as well as employee-level feedback, resulting in better customer recovery initiatives, targeted employer training and coaching for building customer loyalty. MP’s senior researchers have authored seven books on the topics of customer advocacy and customer satisfaction and loyalty, and numerous award-winning papers. MP operates CATI call centers in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, India, Dubai, Beijing and Singapore. The firm has formed several partnerships with field agencies throughout the world. There are full-service offices in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Belgium, UAE, India, Singapore, Hong Kong and China. *The growth rate includes 2011 and 2012 revenue from the acquisition of Richard Day Research Inc. in October 2011. 90 marketing news | June 2013 Title President and founding partner Education ph.d., Yale university 2012 U.S. Revenue $21.0 million Change from 2011 +4.0% Non–U.S. Revenue $5.7 Million From Outside U.S. 21.3% U.S. Employees 209 KS&R Inc. (Knowledge Systems & Research Inc.), based in Syracuse, N.Y., is a privately held company founded in 1983. KS&R provides a full range of integrated qualitative, quantitative and consulting services. It uses research designs, analytic techniques and technology to provide marketing knowledge, strategic insights and decision support services. The firm’s diverse client list includes industries such as technology, telecommunications, transportation and healthcare/ medical devices. Clients are served by a dedicated business team that specializes in that client’s industry. Team members include business strategists with client-side experience, qualitative specialists and experienced analytical professionals. All marketing research services and models are customdesigned. Specific capabilities include new service innovation and product development; market opportunity assessment (sizing and segmentation, attitudes and usage); brand strength and customer experience, including measurement; advertising testing and management; channel and partner strategy; pricing optimization and buyer behavior research. KS&R owns and operates INSITE, a global survey contact center offering a unified data collection platform through its partner network, and maintains centers of excellence in qualitative and quantitative research. In 2012, KS&R experienced significant gains in its medical devices and technology sectors, including research in vision care, veterinary products, and other healthrelated disciplines. Its enCOMPASS “listening” program was re-launched, using research to deepen existing sales relationships and forge new insights and knowledge. The firm has offices in New York; Atlanta; Memphis, Tenn.; and Frankfurt, Germany. Exclusive feature 41 The Pert Group Doug Guion, 39 Title President 2012 U.S. Revenue $21.0 million Change from 2011 +4.5% Non–U.S. Revenue $1.2 Million From Outside U.S. 5.4% U.S. Employees 98 The Pert Group (TPG), based in Farmington, Conn., is a privately held firm founded in 1978. TPG is a research-based consulting firm that integrates financial, attitudinal, market and behavioral information to bring clarity to business, brand and marketing decision making. honomichltop50 TPG facilitates growth strategies and improves business outcomes for local, national and international clients by helping them to innovate, differentiate, evaluated and create. Working with a variety of industries, the firm specializes in CPG, including food, beverage and HBA, restaurant, retail, animal care, finance, government, healthcare insurance and manufacturing. The firm works from ideation to activation, synthesizing qualitative and quantitative research, as well as behavioral, financial and market data to identify the critical patterns emerging from the wide range of information sources. Its services include: •Planning to harness the wealth of information that exists to draw insights, including secondary, company data, industry experts and social media, providing a customer-centric market response. •Qualitative to explore unmet needs, emotional connections and reactions to new ideas and concepts through IDIs, focus groups, ethnography and online qualitative, while also characterizing target populations and developing hypotheses that then would be quantified. June 2013 | marketing news 91 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature •Quantitative to measure equity and affinity of brands, products and services, and explore causality. •Activation to transform data into knowledge, action and measurable results. TPG helps clients create and activate strategies and tactics, engaging the organization and providing a road map for implementation. Along with its headquarters and London location, the firm has offices in Kansas City, Mo.; Pittsburgh; and Stamford, Conn. 43 RDA Group Inc. Donald Peitrowski, 51 Title President Education m.b.a., oakland university 2012 U.S. Revenue $19.1 million Change from 2011 +8.5% U.S. Employees 110 RDA Group Inc. (RDA), based in Bloomfield Hills, Mich., is a privately held corporation founded in 1969. RDA is a full-service market research and consulting company that provides strategic perspective regarding customer behaviors and attitudes to businesses in a broad range of industries including automotive, financial services, utilities, healthcare, insurance, advertising, recreational vehicle, temporary staffing, housing and food. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, RDA offers insight into customer satisfaction, product quality, customer loyalty, statistical modeling, product development, customer profiling, and custom research and consulting services. The firm employs cross-disciplinary knowledge to custom-design research that meets each client’s specific information needs. RDA uses its Quality Management System to conduct Internet, mail and telephone surveys, central location testing, focus group research, one-on-one interviews and intercept research. Research and industry experience is complemented by database integration, advanced statistical analysis and data mining. The firm addresses a variety of research needs including: •Customer satisfaction and loyalty: Designing tools for analyzing customer satisfaction to determine what drives satisfaction and loyalty. 92 marketing news | June 2013 •Product quality: Leveraging positive product attributes, as well as identifying those that hurt customer perceptions of quality. •Global research: Adapting research design, survey development, data collection, language and analytical insights to fit the local culture and conditions worldwide. RDA developed a global Internet CATI system, e-CATI, that allows for central management of research studies. •Statistical modeling and consulting: Integrating data from multiple sources, RDA’s statistical capabilities range from multivariate techniques to customized modeling and analysis. •Internet research: The firm conducts online research among businesses and consumers, as well as website usability testing. •Advanced product research: The firm gathers and interprets consumer opinion throughout the product development process, including the creation of customer profiles, product usage profiles, concept ideation, prototype evaluations and marketplace launches. •Qualitative research: Using focus groups, one-on-ones and executive interviews, online groups and telepanels, the firm uncovers information important to marketing endeavors. The firm operates a 105-seat call center and two focus group research rooms at their offices in Michigan. AMA’s Annual Marketing Conference Sept. 9-11, 2013, New Orleans Research, analytics, Big Data and other hot marketing topics will be discussed in-depth at the AMA’s Annual Marketing Conference. Presenters include: Mary Garrett , vice president of marketing and communications for IBM Global Sales and Distribution. Garrett will provide insights on how, with the optimal tools, talent and techniques, marketers can deliver the insights and relevance required to target the right message to the right person at the right time. Eric Rasmussen , vice president of consumer insights at Groupon. Rasmussen will discuss incremental marketing and will share research on how to effectively attract new customers. Learn more at honomichltop50 Exclusive feature 44 Gongos Research Inc. Camille Nicita, 43 Title President and ceo Education M.B.A., wayne state university 2012 U.S. Revenue $18.1 million* Change from 2011 -10.8% U.S. Employees 107 Gongos Inc. (GR), based in Auburn Hills, Mich., is a privately held company founded in 1991. Gongos is a full-service marketing research firm whose approach to consumer intelligence supports decision-making for Global 1000 companies. Fusing technology with custom research and insights curation, Gongos offers clients multiple levels of engagement to address their ongoing business challenges. Its newly launched data integration practice, O2 Integrated, harmonizes enterprise and research knowledge through consultative retainerships. The firm serves the consumer products, retail, financial services, transportation and technology sectors with its primary research and market intelligence. It has developed techniques to shape stories that can be readily socialized within client organizations. Gongos’ strategy focuses on identifying and addressing industry paradigm shifts. It uses online research communities to actualize their untapped potential through its i°Communities and metaCommunities platforms. The firm’s immersive approach was further advanced with the launch of the i°Communities mobile app for iOS and Android. It also is developing practices in modular mobile survey design and smartphone-enabled ethnography through SmartFly, and has tested the effect that mobile engagement has on consumer authenticity. The firm’s primary research division, Gongos Research, partners with corporate research and insights teams on initiatives spanning the entire product and marketing life cycle. Focuses include concept and product development, voice of the customer, price/feature optimization, emotional connections, shopper immersion, positioning and segmentation. Its holistic approaches incorporate both qualitative and quantitative techniques. In 2013, the company will deepen its global footprint through technology-enabled approaches while developing innovative ways to transform insights and empower its clients. FORMERLY BIG DATA BAYESIAN METHODS ANALYTICS The new partnership between marketers and insight hunters The universal recipe for handling inference problems 7 pillars for successful analytics implementation MARKETING RESEARCH SPRING 2013 AMERICAN MARKETING ASSOCIATION MARKETINGPOWER.COM HIRING the RESEARCHERS of TOMORROW Recruiting, developing and nurturing data scientists Marketing Insights, the AMA’s newly redesigned quarterly magazine, offers expert-written information on everything from survey methodologies to Big Data and analytics. Learn more at marketinginsights. 94 marketing news | June 2013 Exclusive feature 45 Leo J. Shapiro & Associates LLC Matthew Smith, 61 Title president Education B.A., University of Illinois at CHicago 2012 U.S. Revenue $15.6 million Change from 2011 +10.6%* U.S. Employees 54 Leo J. Shapiro & Associates LLC (LJS), based in Chicago, is a privately held company founded in 1953. LJS is a strategic research firm that combines market research with strategic insights and recommendations connecting back to the client’s core business issues. The firm brings a multidisciplinary team of professionals trained in business, strategy, marketing, and the social and behavioral sciences. Most of its professionals have more than 10 or 20 years of experience. LJS and its key staff have developed experience across a range of industries, butit focuses on three main practice areas: •Consumer packaged goods and retail services: Product innovation, brand differentiation and extension; merchandise and channel strategy; and customer development and loyalty. honomichltop50 LJS utilizes a range of research methodologies such as qualitative research, including focus groups, one-on-ones and projective methods; quantitative approaches, such as online, phone, IVR, mobile and hybrid multi-modal methods; and technology-enabled data collection, including social media analysis, and virtual product and store research. The firm conducts research predominantly in the United States but also works regularly in all of the developed and advanced developing regions of the world. Clients range in size from the largest global companies to early-stage startup firms. LJS has developed several research approaches and products that have been refined over time, including: •Natural Share Model: Draws on thousands of food store market research studies to provide guidance about what is achievable for a chain given its position with consumers. •Guided Deliberations: Employs jury research techniques to conduct structured but “unmoderated” focus group discussions. •Visual Laddering: Taps visual communication to help uncover emotional decision drivers. LJS reinvests a significant portion of its profits back into data collection and R&D efforts to help keep itself and its clients informed on key consumer trends. A primary piece of this work is the LJS National Poll, which has tracked consumer shopping attitudes and behaviors continuously since 1973. •Legal, financial and professional services: Evidentiary survey research, primarily for intellectual property and false advertising; litigation/jury strategy; B-to-B and C-suite-level research including CEOs, CFOs and CIOs of the largest global firms; private equity market and customer due diligence; and client development and retention modeling. •Pharmaceuticals: Decision dynamics of therapy stakeholders (patient, caregiver and physician); brand message and communication; emotional insights into decision drivers; clinical trial optimization; and REMS compliance. June 2013 | marketing news 95 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature 46 47 The Link Group Chadwick Martin Bailey Inc. Tom Pfeil, 45 Title Anne Bailey Berman, 65 Founder and managing partner Education m.b.a., university of texas at austin 2012 U.S. Revenue $15.5 million Change from 2011 -3.1% Non–U.S. Revenue $1.9 Million From Outside U.S. 10.9% U.S. Employees 48 The Link Group (TLG) in Atlanta is a privately held company founded in 1994. TLG’s marketing research model of client-centric service is based on two complementary approaches: better service and smarter research. Its better service approach is a single, end-to-end point of contact for an entire project with no hand-offs, no salespeople, no questionnaire writers, no report writers, etc. This allows a more fluid, flexible and responsive approach. Its smarter research approach is focused on custom-designing research to meet the objectives of each individual study, being respectful of research budgets and completing projects cost-effectively. Clients of TLG are typically Fortune 500 companies in the healthcare, technology, retail and consumer packaged goods industries. They have significant international experience, most frequently among developed economies and international markets in Europe, Asia-Pacific and South America. While the firm conducts all manner of qualitative and quantitative research, the fastest-growing component of its business is Onsite Insights ethnography. Its OI group conducts in-home interviews, onsite observations, out-ofthe-box experience research and other ethnographic approaches. TLG’s staff is divided between offices in Atlanta and Durham, N.C. Title President Education m.b.a., Boston University 2012 U.S. Revenue $14.7 million Change from 2011 -12.5% U.S. Employees 67 Chadwick Martin Bailey Inc. (CMB), based in Boston, is a privately held corporation founded in 1984. CMB is a global custom market research firm providing research, analytical techniques and methods, and a consultative approach to translate multiple data sources into informed insights and business insights. The firm uses market science in a forward-thinking, practical, flexible, problem-solving way, applied across each of its six practice areas: financial services, technology and telecom, travel and hospitality, retail/e-commerce, healthcare and insurance. CMB’s areas of specialization include: •Customer satisfaction and loyalty: Using multiple-method research tools and techniques to enhance, retain and cultivate relationships with key customers. •Brand tracking and customer experience measurement: Using a mix of quantitative and qualitative techniques to drive customer acquisition and market share by linking customer experience to the brand message. •Product and service development: Providing practical and innovative services that support the development, positioning and launch of new products and services. •Segmentation: Identifying high-potential growth opportunities and providing step-by-step direction to realize growth. •Social media research: Helping to understand the social media audiences that are most relevant to brands by measuring impact. Social media insights at CMB are part of each project to gather qualitative insights into all phases of a project. 96 marketing news | June 2013 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature In 2012, CMB introduced Pinpoint Suite, a software platform that integrates with existing customer experience measurement programs to allow action on real-time customer feedback. The firm has established the Pulse Research Program focused on key consumer and B-to-B topics. Past topics include overthe-top TV, customer satisfaction research, and mobile banking and shopping. The CMB Consumer Pulse and B2B Pulse studies have been featured in leading publications such as The New York Times, USA Today, MediaPost, Ad Age and Forbes magazine. CMB maintains a methodological center of excellence and provides client-centered strategic consulting from marketing experts. 48 RTi Market Research & Brand Strategy Dave Rothstein, 46 Title Ceo Education m.b.a., university of Rochester 2012 U.S. Revenue $13.9 million Change from 2011 -16.3% U.S. Employees 46 RTi Market Research & Brand Strategy (RTi), based in Stamford, Conn., is a privately held company that was founded in 1979. RTi is a global market research firm comprising seasoned research professionals who provide custom research services to a broad and diverse client base. The firm’s knowledgeable team of principals and staff provide marketing-focused research and brand strategy services. In addition to its offering of traditional research tools and methods, RTi relies on its internal marketing science function for continuous development of specialized products and analytics in support of increasingly complex business decisions. These include: •Product Component Optimization: RTi is experienced at leveraging choice-based techniques and modeling to provide in-depth and holistic understanding of how all product components (taste, packaging, label graphics, brand name, etc.) work together. •Portfolio Manager: This service is used to identify the best incremental volume items, the least-negative volume impact for de-lists and the best line-up if starting from scratch or re-launching. Its analytic model produces relative volume estimates for every possible line combination, which is a stronger directional indicator of potential sales and line profitability than a simple “reach” proportion. 98 marketing news | June 2013 Exclusive feature •Social Media Analysis and Tracking: RTi helps clients listen, analyze and track what’s being said about their brands through a program that was designed by researchers for researchers to collect and transform unstructured social media conversations into information for better business decisions. RTi’s series of Quick Courses and webinars provides education and professional development to corporate researchers in easy-to-digest, one-hour seminars. The firm has additional offices in Matawan, N.J., and Westerville, Ohio. honomichltop50 49 LRA Worldwide Inc. Rob Rush, 58 Title President and ceo Education b.s., Cornell university 2012 U.S. Revenue $13.5 million Change from 2011 +40.6% Non–U.S. Revenue $6.1 Million From Outside U.S. 31.1% U.S. Employees 126 LRA Worldwide Inc. (LRA), based in Horsham, Penn., is a privately held company that was founded in 1981. LRA is a full-services market research firm with offerings that are focused on helping to define and measure the current state of the customer experience, and then identify measures June 2013 | marketing news 99 honomichltop50 Exclusive feature to enhance or reinvent that experience to drive customer satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy, and positive customer outcomes and behaviors. The firm’s core business is in the hospitality industry, but it also works across multiple industry sectors, including timeshare/ vacation ownership; gaming; sports, entertainment and leisure; travel and transportation; healthcare/senior living; and food and beverage/restaurants. The firm’s offerings include qualitative/exploratory research (focus groups, IDIs); customer tracking survey research; customer relationship studies; employee engagement studies; conjoint/decision modeling studies; customer segmentation and personae development studies; touch point/“moment of truth”-focused surveys; modeling the emotional connection of customers to a company and its impact on behavior, spending and share of wallet; mystery shopping/quality assurance auditing; and the TrueView mystery shopping platform, using existing customers to gather field research. LRA’s 2013 plans include further development of its Emotional Connection Model and its linkage to customer spending and revenue growth, and the continued build-out of its “TrueView” mystery shopping/research approach, which leverages existing customers to provide mystery shopping data in industries that have been “difficult to shop,” traditionally. LRA also supports global projects via field offices in Toronto, Salzburg and Singapore. Kelton Tom Bernthal, 39 Title founder and ceo Education b.s., university of wisconsin-madison 2012 U.S. Revenue $12.9 million Change from 2011 +4.0% Non–U.S. Revenue $1.2 Million From Outside U.S. 8.5% U.S. Employees 41 marketing news | June 2013 •Quantitative research: Brand health, A&U, customer segmentation, consumer choice modeling, pricing models, line extension analysis, assortment analysis, messaging/ positioning testing, package testing, new product testing, and brand and ad testing •Design: Innovation, customer journey mapping, prototype optimization, visual merchandising, information design, concept ideation, path-to-purchase and new product development. •Communications: Information design, video documentary, language and message development and thought-leadership research. 50 100 Kelton, based in Culver City, Calif., is a privately held company that was founded in 2003. Kelton is a consumer-insights-based consultancy that combines research experience with problem-solving capabilities and storytelling. The firm creates brand relevance and resonance by taking a creative, thoughtful and rigorous approach to interpreting insights, developing strategies and designing solutions that deliver what consumers want. Its work spans more than 30 countries worldwide. The firm’s capabilities include qualitative consumer insights, market assessment, brand positioning, communication and advertising, customer understanding, issues management, public relations research and online communities. Kelton’s offerings include: •Qualitative research: Applied ethnographies, customer focus groups, in-depth interviews, in-situ observations, online smart communities, trend scanning, semiotic analysis, archetype studies and analysis, and digital research. •Strategic consulting: Brand landscape analysis, brand positioning, marketing strategy, agency briefing and new concepts. At the end of 2012, Kelton partnered with Purple Market Research in London to provide support and synergies internationally for U.S.-based clients. The firm also has several sister companies that support and augment its work, including The Omnibus Co., providing omnibus polling, and Jury Insights, a litigation consulting group. Kelton is headquartered in Culver City, Calif., and has offices in New York, Chicago, Minneapolis and San Francisco. m