SimpackNews - Simpack AG
SimpackNews - Simpack AG
SimpackNews 5. Jahrgang Dezember 2000 1.Ausgabe SIMPACK in America and Japan Intec and Altair signed a distribution agreement making Altair the exclusive distributor for the entire familiy of SIMPACK products in the US, Canada and Japan. This results in a further enhancement of the world-leading solver technology SIMPACK. Eve n t s Johannes Gerl INTEC GmbH Generating a turn over of more the whole range of the SIMPACK than sixty million dollars a year and product family in North-America employing more than 550 people, and Japan. SIMPACK User-Meeting 2000 in Konstanz Altair Engineering, Inc. is among Customers, in these countries, the world‘s leading providers of will now be able to benefit from engineering consulting services, direct support. This substantial including product development, extension of the market results in process and product information a further growth of the SIMPACK management, virtual prototyping, development which will benefit testing and training. all our customers. S u r ve y Sabine Engert INTEC GmbH Take part in our survey and win a Psion Palmtop! Within the framework of a very successful initial co-operation, Altair and Intec developed an interface between the solver technology SIMPACK and the mechanical sys- S o f t w a re Dr. Trautenberg INTEC GmbH MotionView - Simpack - Interface tem simulation pre- and post-pro cessor for standardised automotive engineering tasks. This interface was partially financed by five leading car manufacturers. As a logical consequence Intec and Altair exp anded the exist- S o f t w a re Dr. Stefan Dietz INTEC GmbH Fembs 6 and Load-X-Port ing partnership by a distribution agreement signed by James Scapa, President of Altair, and Alex Eichberger, Managing Director of Intec. Altair is the exclusive dealer for A. Eichberger (Intec) and J. Scapa (Altair) Eve n t s Johannes Gerl INTEC GmbH SIMPACK User-Meeting 2000 in Konstanz Am 4. und 5. April 2000 fand im Steigenberger-Inselhotel in Konstanz am Bodensee das 3. Simpack User-Meeting statt. INTEC brachte die SIMPACK-Community auf den neuesten Stand der Informationen: Eben erschienene SIMPACK-Module, zukünftige Programmversionen und die bevorstehende Umwandlung von INTEC zur Aktiengesellschaft waren die Highlights. Die SIMPACK-User gestalteten mit neunzehn Vorträgen den Großteil der Veranstaltung. Am Ende herrschten bei den über achtzig Teilnehmern zwei Eindrücke vor: die Freude an dem gelungenen User-Meeting und die Begeisterung über die Vorträge. INTEC - Neue Produkte und neue Märkte Dr. Lutz Mauer eröffnete das SIMPACK User-Meeting 2000 mit der Präsentation der Agenda und hieß alle Teilnehmer herzlich willkommen. Dr. Alex Eichberger präsentierte die Entwicklung von SIMPACK seit dem letzten User-Meeting im Herbst 1998. Die letzten beiden Jahre sei es gelungen, neben dem Ausbau von SIMPACK Wheel/Rail, SIMPACK Automotive+ in der Automobilindustrie zu etablieren. Die Zahl der Installationen von SIMPACK wächst immer noch um 50% stärker als der Gesamtmarkt auf dem CAE-Sektor. Dies ist umso erstaunlicher als die Aktivitäten sich bis dato fast ausschließlich auf Europa konzentrierten, wo SIMPACK-User durch ein internationales Support-Team in der Firmenzentrale in Weßling unterstützt werden. Durch die Anfang 2000 begonnene Kooperation mit dem amerikanischen Softwarehaus ALTAIR steht SIMPACK nunmehr auch der amerikanische und japanische Markt offen. Um dem Wachstum der Firma Rechnung zu tragen und um für weitere Entwicklungssprünge von SIMPACK die Grundlage zu schaffen, wird INTEC sich im kommenden Jahr in eine Aktiengesellschaft umwandeln. für SIMPACK entwickelt wurden. Diese sind das Interface zu I-deas (FE- und CAD-Paket) und das Interface zu AMESim und SIMPACK Optimisation. Load-X-Port, eine neue Schnittstelle zum Export von Lasten aus SIMPACK nach FE-Programmen wurde vom verantwortlichen Entwickler Dr. Stefan Dietz vorgestellt. Entwicklungsleiter Dr. Wolfgang Trautenberg schließlich kündigte die neue SIMPACK Zwischenversion 8.5 an und gab einen Ausblick auf die neue Major Release 9.0. SIMPACK - Hardware-in-the-Loop SIMPACK hat eine Funktionalität, mit der man beliebige Modelle in FORT RAN-Code exportieren kann. Hierdurch zeigt SIMPACK optimale Voraussetzungen für einen Code-Generator für den Mechanikteil von Hardware-inthe-Loop-Simulationen. Herr Neubeck vom FKFS gab in seinem Vortrag einen umfassenden Überblick der Potentiale, welche in diesem Bereich in SIMPACK stecken: beispielsweise die automatische Code-Konvertierung in C und der Anschluß von SIMPACK-Modellen an den MATLAB Realtime Workshop, welcher beim FKFS bereits mehrfach in Projekten für die Industrie durchgeführt wurde. Vertriebs- und Marketingleiter Johan- Partner-Software nes Gerl gab eine Übersicht von den Demnächst neu in SIMPACK verfügbar neuen Programmodulen, die zuletzt ist das Swift-Tyre Model von TNO. Page 2 New 1/20 ews 2000 Download der Vorträge vom SIMPACK User-Meeting 2000 : Swift benutzt zur Abbildung der Reib- sich aber dennoch ohne Neuprogram eigenschaften denselben Ansatz wie mierungen mit dem serienmäßigen MF-Tyre, also die Magic Formula nach Simpack Rad-Schiene-Kontaktmodell Prof. Pajeka. Die höherfrequente Rei- durchführen. fendynamik wird allerdings durch ein Pier Wiersma von NS Technisch On- Ringmodell abgebildet, welches über derzoek zeigte Simulationen, welche diskrete Federn und Dämpfer mit der begleitend zu Messungen an einer Nabe verbunden ist. Weiche durchgeführt wurden und sich ALTAIR, neuer Distributionspartner als „sehr nützlich zum Verständnis der für SIMPACK in den USA und in Ja- Meßergebnisse“ erwiesen. Vor allem pan, stellte das Interface MotionView die Planung weiterer Messungen ließ - Simpack vor, welches den ALTAIR- sich durch den Einsatz der Simulation eigenen Pre- und Post-Processor für effektiv gestalten. Automotive-Mehrkörpermodelle an Im Zentrum des Vortrages von Michael SIMPACK anbindet. Seibert von der Siemens Duewag Schie- Kontakt, Kometen und Skispringer Der späte Nachmittag des ersten Tages brachte einen ebenso unterhaltsamen wie seitens der verwendeten Simulationstechnologie beeindruckenden Ausklang. Dr. Hilchenbach vom MaxPlanck-Institut für Aeronomie zeigte SIMPACK-Modelle des Kometen-Landers Rosetta, welcher in zwanzig Jahren auf dem Kometen Wirtanen landen soll. Herr Lehner von der TU-München zeigte Bio-Mechanik-Modelle, welche zur Verbesserung von Skistiefeln und Skibindungen für konventionelle und für Curving-Skier verwendet wurden. Volker Quarz von der Technischen Universität Dresden lieferte einen Überblick über die Kontaktmodelle in SIMPACK, eingesetzt beispielsweise bei der Simulation einer keilgesicherten nenfahrzeuge GmbH stand ein Fahrwerk nach dem Halbdrehgestellprinzip, also ein Drehgestell, dessen zwei Rahmen für bessere Bogengängigkeit gelenkig miteinander verbunden sind. Er verglich das Halbdrehgestellfahrwerk mit einem konventionellen und einem Einzelrad-Doppelfahrwerk. Die Simulationsergebnisse stellten Verschleiß, Stabilität und Fahrkomfort der einzelnen Konzepte gegenüber. Karl Tillmetz und Dr. Bernd Kessler von Adtranz (CH) AG zogen schließlich alle Register eines modernen Simulationstools mit einem ausgereiften Wheel/Rail-Plugin. Durch den Import von FE-Modellen von Wagenkästen in SIMPACK wurde bereits bei einer Reihe von Fahrzeugen der Fahrkomfort deutlich verbessert. Diese Simulationen zusammen mit Know-How und Erfahrung in der Meßtechnik sind der Rohrladung bei Kurvenfahrt. entscheidende Schritt zum Digitalen SIMPACK Wheel/Rail der ein enormes Potential im Bereich Die Kundenvorträge zu SIMPACK Wheel/Rail zeigten die gesamte Bandbreite eines ausgereiften und leistungsstarken Produkts, das die Marktführerschaft beansprucht. Christoph Weidemann von der Bochumer Verein Verkehrstechnik GmbH ging die Simulation gummigefederter Eisenbahnräder an. Diese Simulation ordnet sich in den Forschungsbereich ein, läßt Page 3 Prototypen im Schienenfahrzeugbau, Kostensenkung bietet. SIMPACK Automotive+ SIMPACK Automotive+ ist während der letzten beiden Jahre mit inzwischen über fünfzig Installationen zu einem Standard-Werkzeug in der Automobilindustrie geworden. Entsprechend waren zum ersten Mal die Vorträge aus dem Automobilbereich in der Überzahl - viele davon mit Berichten über ausgesprochene High-End-Anwendungen. Den Auftakt machte Prof. Kovanda, von der Czech Technical University Prag. Ein konzeptioneller Vergleich zwischen den Fahrwerken eines Porsche Carrera und eines Honda Accord Coupé wurde an der TU Prag im Rahmen einer Studienarbeit durchgeführt, jeweils mit Gesamtfahrzeugmodellen mit elastokinematischen Achsführungen. Heinz Weinfurter vom Ingenieurbüro von SIMPACK in die Prozeßkette bei der Fahrzeugentwicklung, wie z.B. bei der Entwicklung von Fahrdynamikrege lungssystemen (ESP), der Wendekreisbe rechnung und der Lastkollektivermittlung für FE-Berechnungen. Lauri Ohra-Aho zeigte die SIMPACK-Aktivitäten bei der Ford AG. Angefangen mit den ersten Lizenzen von SIMPACK 1997 wird SIMPACK Automotive+ heute für Gesamtfahrzeugsimulationen, zum Teil mit elastischem Karosseriekörper, und als Verbund des SIMPACK Solvers mit ALTAIR’s MotionView zur Analyse von Radaufhängungen eingesetzt. Das nächste Usermeeting wird im November 2001 stattfinden. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie daran teilnehmen würden. Dr. Hirschberg, Steyr, simulierte mit SIMPACK Automotive+ Extremfahrmanöver von Sattelzügen der Firma MAN Nutzfahrzeuge. Die detaillierten Modelle von Zugmaschine und Aufliegern, unter anderem mit torsionselastischem Rahmen, brachten auch bei Fahrmanövern nahe an der Kippgrenze eine brilliante Übereinstimmung von Versuch und Simulation. Bei der MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG wird SIMPACK Automotive+ für zahlreiche Komponenten bishin zu Gesamtfahrzeugsimulationen mit elastischen, FEmodellierten Rahmen und Achskomponenten eingesetzt. Thomas Ille zeigte Teilmodelle von Antriebssträngen, Motoren mit Lagern, Aufhängungen und dem neuen Produkt Trucknology Generation bei Prüfstandsversuchen. Imre Boros von der DaimlerChrysler AG demonstrierte den Einsatz von SIMPACK in der Nutzfahrzeugbranche des Konzerns an Beispielen. Hier zeigte er die Lösung spezieller Problemstellungen wie Taumelschwingungen des Motorblocks, des Getriebeblocks und der Lenkungspendel mittels Simpack. Weiter sprach er von der Einbindung Page 4 Ne 1/2 ews 2000 Das Auditorium Dr. Lutz Mauer: Eröffnung Dr. Alex Eichberger: Neue Märkte Thomas Ille, MAN Nutzfahrzeuge Johannes Gerl: Neue Produkte Dr. Bernd Kessler, ADtranz Schweiz Dr. Stefan Dietz: Fembs 6 Imre Boros, DaimlerChrysler Nutzfahrzeuge Dr. Wolfgang Trautenberg: SIMPACK 8.5 und 9 Page 5 Pier Wiersma, NS Technisch Onderzoek S u r ve y Sabne SabineEngert Engert INTEC GmbH Create the Future of CAE Win a Psion 5mx Pro with Leather Case DLR, developer of the SIMPACK basic methods, is creating the future of computer aided engineering. Many new methods, algorithms and software solutions will be developed during the coming years. With this survey we would like to have your opinion about the future of our business. Return the questionnaire by 15th february 2001 and you could win a Psion S 5mx pro. This Psion Palmtop has the power to communicate via e-mail, internet, fax or SMS with your colleages and friends, to organize your business and private agenda, or to connect with your desktop PC. Your Simulation Environment 1 How long have you already been working with simulation tools? 1-3 years less than a year 2 4-5 years more than 5 years To what extent do you use the functionality of the following systems? MBS FEA CAD Computer Aided Control Engineering (CACE) Hardware in the Loop (HIL) Non User up to 25% of its capabilities up to 50% of its capabilities up to 75% of its capabilities use its full capabilities Going regularly over the systems capabilities 3 How satisfied are you with those tools? MBS FEA CAD Computer Aided Control Engineering (CACE) Hardware in the Loop (HIL) very satisfied satisfied less than satisfied not at all satisfied don`t know Page 6 New NewN 1/20 1/20 ws News 000 000s 4 As you know there can be specific problems with simulation packages. What is the major problem with the simulation package that you currently use? (several answers possible) It requires too much time the functionality is not sufficient it is too specialised There is no problem other, it is __________________ ___________________________ Integrating Your Tools 5 Which kind of product integration (two in one) would you be interested in? MBS+CAD FEA+CAD MBS+CACE MBS+FEA other, it is __________________ 6 Often two different modelling tools are used. You may have to enter the same modelling data twice, once in each mod- elling package. How much data has to be entered twice? (Please answer in %) % MBS+CAD % FEA+CAD % MBS+CACE % MBS+FEA The Future 7 Imagine your simulation tools in ten years. Will it be necessary to know more or less engineering theory than today for using your tool? I guess more 8 I guess less I don`t know If you received 50 000 Euro to improve the facilities available at your work, would you invest them in ... (Please fill in your order of preference 1 - 4: 1=being most important, 4=being less important) a different software a development project to improve your tool software training for yourself theoretical training for yourself ...the same tools as today, but with much better interfaces ...more specialised tools with more sophisticated interfaces ...don`t know 9 In ten years there will be ... general CAEtool that consists of all the others Page 7 10 Concerning the functionality of a CAE-tool my simulation tool should ... be easier to handle dispose of extended functionality contain more powerful solver technology don`t know other, it is ______________________ don`t know other, it is ____________________ 11 Concerning the handling of a CAE-tool I prefer to have... ‘one button’ solutions as much control over the software’s functionality as possible Let’s talk about SIMPACK 12 Which area of SIMPACK should be concentrated on, in terms of its future development? Usability Technology Graphical User Interface Libraries don`t know Other, it is _______________________________ 13 14 If there were to be other products from the SIMPACK team, I would be interested in Fluid Simulation (Hydraulics, Pneumatics, etc.) CACE Fatigue Analysis Hardware-in-the-loop extension the SIMPACK-solver as a plug-in for CAD systems Extended FEA-connection (Co-Simulation, non-linear FEA, integrated FEA-tool etc.) If we need further information concerning CAE or especially SIMPACK, could we call you by telephone? Yes, my telephone number is __________________________ name function company e-mail-address No Copy and fax by 15th february 2001 to INTEC GmbH +49-8153-9288-11 Page 8 Ne 1/2 ews 2000 N e w S o f t w a re Dr. Wolfgang Trautenberg INTEC GmbH Interface between SIMPACK and MotionView ALTAIR and INTEC have presented a Beta-version of the interface between the pre- and post-processor MotionView and the SIMPACK solver. This project has had the support of Alfa Romeo, BMW, Ford, Porsche and Volkswagen. The current functionality of the interface allows a MotionView model to be calculated using the SIMPACK time domain solver, as well as allowing plots and animations of the SIMPACK produced results. Project Partner The development of the interface has been backed by the Automotive Industry, who have highlighted what they would like featured in the interface. Current MotionView users of the preand post-processor see the possibility for their current simulation capabilities to be extended with the addition of the fastest and most reliable MBS solver on the market. The development of the interface has taken 3.5 man years. Funding has come from Alfa Romeo, BMW, Ford, Porsche and Volkswagen. MotionView MotionView is currently used almost exclusively for building up automotive models, whether it be single assemblies or complete vehicles. With the so-called Wizards, the models can be built up in the form of multilevel assemblies from ready made components such as suspensions, steering systems and power trains. To build up a completely new model however the model must be in ASCII format. Models prepared within MotionView by simulation en gineers, can than be easily modified Page 9 by the relevant vehicle specialists, within the MotionView environment. The vehicle specialists do not need to have a complete understanding of the program, but only a general overview of how it operates. You can use the model browser, alongside the 3D graphics, for the visualisation of the model structure, which is not too dissimilar to the file browser of an operating system. As in SIMPACK, it is possible within MotionView to display graphically the results of a simulation in the form of animations and plots. The animation is based upon the ALTAIR H3D file. This pure results file contains the time history of the simulation and the 3D description of the model. This allows the results files to be given to other users whilst keeping the exact details of the model set-up secret. This H3D file is a 3D animation file which is so compact - you can send it or publish it easily via internet. Further details about the interface are going to be discribed in one of the following SimpackNews. N e w S o f t w a re Dr. Stefan Dietz INTEC GmbH New Tools for MBS-FEA-Interfacing: FEMBS 6 and Load-X-Port An efficient and accurate implementation of flexible bodies is one of the major advantages of SIMPACK. With the new Version 6 of FEMBS and the new interface Load-X-Port, it is now possible to import flexible structures even more conveniently into SIMPACK and to export the loads, acting on a flexible body, from SIMPACK to FEA-codes. The easy-to-use interface of Load-X-Port provides all the data necessary for the FEA tools to calculate deflections and stresses. This can lead to enormous potential savings in terms of time and money within the development process. Flexible Bodies in SIMPACK Using FEMBS 6 The SIMPACK Interface used to import flexible bodies, FEMBS, is currently available as Version 6 for the FEA codes ABAQUS, ANSYS, I-deas, NASTRAN and MARC. Here - in contrast to other MBS tools - SIMPACK can take into consideration the geometric stiffening effects, allowing for the increased bending stiffness of the rotor blades while rotating. This method is as accurate as using a FEA tool but the calculation requires less computation time and much less user effort, than if the flexible body was subdivided into separate flexible bodies and later merged in a multi-body system software. The capabilitiy of the new Version 6 of FEMBS has now been expanded by a new feature. In SIMPACK, flexible bodies are connected to the multi-body system by force elements constraints and a joint. Sometimes these interconnections cause local deformations at the attachment points of the structure. Consider the deformations of a railway car body which is connected, at distinct points, to an electrical transformer. To treat such local deformations, it is either possible to use so-called static modes or to use a large number of normal modes. Generally, the normal mode approach is less efficient due to a large number of additional degrees of freedom corresponding to the normal modes. The static mode approach is frequently difficult to apply, because it is sometimes impossible to define an appropriate set of boundary conditions for the static mode calculations. This can be particularly problematic when looking at floating vehicle components such as flexible car bodies. In contrast, FEMBS now uses the frequency response mode approach. This applies to floating vehicle components and has bec ome the most appropriate solution approach for flexible bodies in SIMPACK. The deformed shape of an elastic part, due to external forces acting on the body, can now be taken into consideration much more easily. An additional calculation step is all that is required within FEMBS to yield the results, which means that it is not necessary to repeat the FE analysis. The set of additional frequency response modes can represent elastic body deformation for all parameters (stiffness, damping, etc.) of the interconnections. With a single set of modes the user may perform parameter variations, whilst obtaining accurate elastic behaviour. Therefore, the number of models exchanged between FEA-codes and Page 10 Ne 1/2 ews 2000 SIMPACK is decreased, as well as im- The result file is stored as an ASCII proving the handling quality of the file. Currently the user has the choice whole design process. between the formats of ANSYS and Calculation of Loads on Flexible Bodies in SIMPACK Having imported a flexible structure to SIMPACK, all the forces acting on the NASTRAN. Load-X-Port will be available for Life time calculation tools in the near future. New BEAM Available Soon body can be calculated in SIMPACK us- For simple, beam-like sectioned struc- ing the time integration module. tures with constant cross sectional are- As a first step, the user of FEMBS has to as, for instance stabiliser bars and shafts select nodes on the FEA–model which of drive trains, the SIMPACK pre-proces- should be transformed to markers in sor BEAM can provide the same input SIMPACK. All these markers are then for SIMPACK, as a FEA package creates available to apply external forces in the together with FEMBS. By 2001BEAM multi-body simulation, i.e. constraint will be able to consider three-dimen forces, spring and damper forces etc. sional frameworks. A graphical user Load-X-Port After the time integration has been performed, the forces acting on the interface directly integrated into SIMPACK will also be available. Benefits flexible structure are available for any SIMPACK offers the user high-end simu- attachment point and time step. How lation technology for the consideration ever, the external forces produced of flexible structures. All the additional by the springs, joints, etc. are not ne features make the handling of com- cessarily in equilibrium, i.e. an overall mon tasks by simulation experts much acceleration of the body would appear easier and allow a more integrated in the FEA-code. Therefore Load-X-Port design process. automatically adds the movement These abilities are essential for an of the body fixed reference frame cal accurate and efficient simulation of culated by SIMPACK to the load vector flexible parts such as stabilisers, leaf which is exported. The FEA-code then springs, sub frames, twist beam rear calculates and takes into account the axle suspension systems and car bodies corresponding inertia forces for a in automotive and railway design. quasi-static overall motion. Evaluating the result of the time integration, the user can decide which time steps should be written to the result file by Load-X-Port. The files serve as the input for the quasi-static time domain calculations in the FEA- codes, giving the stresses and deflections. A selection tool helps to quickly define either the number of time steps with a certain increment or the time interval in which to perform the calculations. Page 11 Staff Dr. Alex Eichberger INTEC GmbH Neue Verantwortlichkeiten bei INTEC Mit Beginn des Jahres 2000 wurden Director Product Dev el opm ent die SIMPACK-Entwicklungsaufga- führt er nun die Entwicklung von ben neu strukturiert. Der Schritt ist SIMPACK und der SIMPACK-Inter- im Erfolg der Software begründet, faces in die Zukunft. in der ständig wachsenden Zahl Johannes Gerl arbeitete von 1994 von Installationen und Entwick- an zunächst ein Jahr beim DLR lungsprojekten. und wirkte an der Entwicklung von Der SIMPACK-Entwicklungspartner SIMPACK Wheel/Rail beim Bench DLR konzentriert sich künftig auf marking der neuen Software mit. den Bereich der MKS-Methoden, Es folgten insgesamt fünf Jahre also Algorithmen, Numerik, Solver bei INTEC. Die ersten zwei Jahre und CAE-Interfacing. Der Ein- als Projektingenieur, zunächst im satz von SIMPACK für DLR-eigene Bereich Wheel/Rail, dann auch Forschungsprojekte in den Berei- im Bereich Automotive+. Die fol- chen Straßen- und Schienenfahr- genden beiden Jahren bei INTEC zeuge und Flugzeuge bleibt jedoch leitete er Engineering-Projekte erhalten und ist eine unserer an- und übernahm Aufgaben aus dem spruchsvollsten Testplattformen. Vertrieb, auch in Zusammenarbeit INTEC nimmt sich der eigentl i mit den SIMPACK-Partnern im Aus- chen Software-Entwicklung von land. Sein Engagement im SIMPACK SIMPACK an. In diesem Zuge leitet Marketing brachte die SIMPACK Dr. Wolfgang Trautenberg nun die News und den „Leonardo da Vinci- Entwicklungsabteilung bei INTEC Stil“ der Corporate Identity von und Johannes Gerl den Bereich SIMPACK hervor. Seine neue Stelle Vertrieb und Marketing. als Director Sales and Marketing Dr. Wolfgang Trautenberg begann umfaßt den nationalen und inter- seine mittlerweile zehnjährige Ak- nationalen Vertrieb von SIMPACK, tivität im SIMPACK-Umfeld mit der sowie das SIMPACK-Marketing. Johannes Gerl und Dr. Wolfgang Trautenberg Entwicklung der CAD-Interfaces ProSIM und CatSIM und war dann für das SIMPACK-GUI zuständig. Nach abgeschlossener Promotion verbrachte er das letzte Jahr zum Teil in den USA, um in Zusammenarbeit mit ALTAIR als INTEC-seitiger Projektleiter die MotionView-SIMPACK-Schnittstelle zu entwickeln (siehe Artikel in dieser SIMPACK News). In seinem neuen Job als Page 12 New News 1/20 ws 1/99 000 .... News .... News ..... News .... News .... News ..... News .... News .. IdeSIM available now Updates for Wheel/Rail The SIMPACK family of CAD inter- New plot features for the analysis of faces has a new member, IdeSIM, the geometrical contact conditions the interface between I-deas and are now available with SIMPACK SIMPACK. IdeSIM is completely Wheel/Rail. The new window in- integrated into the I-deas Graphic cludes a collection of the most im- User Interface (GUI) and enables the portant and often used modelling user to create and export SIMPACK parameters and charts, for instance, models without having to leave the the location of the corresponding I-deas environment. Therefore it is contact points on the wheel and possible to choose from a variety rail profiles are shown together of SIMPACK modelling elements with a description of typical con- and automatically extract mass tact parameters. properties, coordinate systems and With the release of SIMPACK 8, geometry of an I-deas assembly. Patch 6, the Wheel/Rail module With the exported IdeSIM models, can now simulate completely The models are organised as stand- the full range of SIMPACK’s solver elastic wheelsets and wheels. The ard substructures. A detailed de- power, interface technology and shaft as well as the wheel disk can scription will follow in the next post processing functionality is be imported by FEMBS from the SIMPACK news. available. IdeSIM ensures con- FEA-tool. sistent data storage in the CAD model, which means that it is even Patch 6 for SIMPACK 8 possible to open the exported The new program update includes model within SIMPACK without more than forty user requests, plus losing the dependencies defined a number of new features which in IdeSIM. The integrated interface include new plots, screen shots and ideally supports the concurrent movie generation as well as a new engineering approach in product air spring force element. - the two axle freight train wagons Hbbins, KLS442 and Lgjs578 and Tdgs930 - the flat wagon RS675 with Y25 bogies - the flat wagon RS680 with the bogies BA931, RS BA88 - the flat wagon RS686 with BA 65 bogies - the container wagon Sgns with B626(Y25) bogies - the container wagon Sggns694 with B626(Talbot) bogies design, by enabling the design and simulation engineers to easily Collaboration with ERRI share their model data between DLR, the European Rail Research I-deas and SIMPACK. With the use Institute ERRI and INTEC have of IdeSIM, the time to generate a signed an agreement to mutually SIMPACK simulation model is dras- market and maintain an extensive tically reduced, when compared to library of freight car models to be the conventional method of trans- used with SIMPACK Wheel/Rail. The ferring only the geometrical data library has been developed by DLR from a CAD to a MBS package. and ERRI in close collaboration with the UIC-members DB AG, NS and SNCF. These libraries have been validated extensively. The available vehicles will be: Page 13 Train Ensemble Three Wagon from the New ERRi Database .... News .... News ..... News .... News .... News ..... News .... News Aerodynamics in Automotive+ SIMPACK Engine ProSIM on ProUser2000 SIMPACK Automotive + is now INTEC is working on the develop- The well-known SIMPACK Pro/En- available with elements which can ment of a new SIMPACK Plug-In gineer interface ProSIM was pre- model aerodynamic forces. Air re- sented at this year’s Pro/Engineer sistance is defined as three forces Users Conference in Florida. (longitudinal, lateral, vertical) and ProSIM provides the full SIMPACK three torques (roll, pitch, yaw) modelling power under the user which act on a vehicle chassis. interface of Pro/Engineer (includ- The air resistance Force Elements ing flexible bod ies) and is able apply the resistance forces and to export complete models to torques as functions of air resist- SIMPACK, affi rming SIMPACK as a ance coefficients. These coefficients are defined by the Input Function against the side-slip angle. Ad ditionally a simple longitudinal force, air resistance model with a constant air resistance coefficient is offered. The complete set of elements needed to take into account air resistance are found within a SIM- for the simulation of engines and engine components. The Plug-In will have the following features: multi-cylinder engine models, a flexible lump valve spring model, taking into account the contact of windings, a cam contact model, a chain and belt model, different engine bearing models and high-end simulation tool. With SIMPACK as the “missing link”, the export of CAD data to CACE systems such as MATRIXx SystemBuilt and MATLAB/Simulink is possible, guaranteeing a continuous and integrated design process. A similar interface is also available for Catia and I-deas. parameterised drive train models. Co-operation with Politecnico New BEAM in Development Since the beginning of July 2000, and provides the graphical repre- The successor of the SIMPACK pre- sentation in terms of scaled arrows processor BEAM will be available in in the field of railway system dy with user defined scale factors. spring 2001. Major enhancements The forces are split between the will be a new graphical user inter- front and rear axles so that they face, integrated in SIMPACK and PACK Substructure. This substructure applies air resistance forces and torques on the vehicle chassis of special note the extension to three dimensional frameworks. This lifts BEAM to the level of a simple, beam element based FEA tool. Presently BEAM creates a SID-file for the description of the flexible body in SIMPACK, which includes geom etrical non-linearity and load stiffening effects. Possible apreplace the effects of air resistance plication examples include space torques. frames, stabiliser bars (modelled The aerodynamic forces have been as one body in SIMPACK) and as integrated in collaboration with mod elled previously shafts and BMW Technik GmbH. rotor blades. INTEC has been collaborating, Matlab/Simulink namics, with the Italian University Politecnico di Torino, Faculta di Ingeneria from Prof. Antonio Gugliotta. The first joint project will be the international research project Mechatronic Train. Workshop: SIMPACK Real-time To increase SIMPACK’s functionality in the real-time simulation domain, major enhancements of the SIMPACK Symbolic Code are to be brought about. A workshop on this field will be arranged to learn more about customers’ wishes and demands. Please contact INTEC for details. Page 14 Ne News 1/2 ews 1/99 2000 .... News .... News ..... News .... News .... News ..... News .... News .. New University and Research Licences Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Bauweisen- und Konstruktionsforschung, Stuttgart (Germany) Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, Madrid (Spain) Fachhochschule Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel, Fachbereich Maschinenbau (Germany) Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik, Berlin (Germany) Freie Universität Berlin, Universitätsklinikum Benjamin Franklin (Germany) Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Institut für Mechatronik (Austria) Northern Jiaotong University, Beijing (China) TU Braunschweig in Zusammenarbeit mit der DLR, Braunschweig (Germany) Università degli Studi di Perugia (Italy) Market Market Review Review Seven new Customers Using SIMPACK Wheel/Rail Another five companies have started to use SIMPACK Wheel/Rail or even changed from other commercial pro ducts to SIMPACK, helping to extend its market leadership in the railway domain and increasing the number of industrial installations to over sixty. University of Siegen, Siegen (Germany) New Commercial Licences ADtranz Schweiz, Winterthur (Switzerland) Advantech Hungary LTD, Budapest (Hungary) ALSTOM LHB GmbH, Salzgitter (Germany) BMW AG, Sparte Motorrad, München (Germany) Breda Costruzioni Ferroviarie S.p.A., Pistoia (Italy) Consultens Informationstechnik GmbH, München (Germany) DAF Trucks N.V., Eindhoven (Netherlands) SIMPACK has become more and more the Standard for Europe’s Truck Manufacturers Japan Railway East Co., Tokyo (Japan) Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH, Donauwörth und Ottobrunn (Germany) With the decision of DAF, together Fairchild Dornier GmbH, Oberpfaffenhofen (Germany) with MAN and DaimlerChrysler, the Logomotive GmbH, Nürnberg (Germany) third traditional European Truck Manu- NABI Rt., Budapest (Hungary) facturer is now using SIMPACK Auto- National Aero-Space Lab. Netherlands (NLR), Amsterdam (Netherlands) motive+, along with the truck suppliers Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart (Germany) Bosch, Trelleborg and Wabco. Siemens Krauss-Maffei Lokomotiven GmbH, München (Germany) SIMPACK on Air SIMPACK at Conferences and Exhibitions After benchmarking thoroughly the other available MBS software Eu- 20. - 22.02.2001 23.02.2001 08. - 09.03.2001 22. - 28.03.2001 06. - 07.06.2001 19. - 22.06.2001 28. - 29.06.2001 Page 15 4. Symposium Kraftfahrwesen und Verbrennungsmotoren, Stuttgart VDI Kurs Fahrzeugdynamik, Stuttgart Fahrwerk-Tech 2001, München Cebit, Hannover Automobile and Railway Vehicle Dynamics, Lyon CAT Engineering, Stuttgart VDI Tagung Nutzfahrzeuge, Neu-Ulm rocopter’s company wide virtual prototyping solution is SIMPACK - a trend-setting decision from a company whose products are probably the most demanding of all in terms of system dynamics. Co n t a c t SimpackNews 1996-2000 Auflage: 2200 U n i te d S t a te s Altair Engineering 1 7 5 7 M a p l e l aw n D r i ve Troy, M I 4 8 0 8 4 - 4 6 0 3 Te l. : + 1 - 2 4 8 - 6 1 4 - 2 4 0 0 Fa x : + 1 - 2 4 8 - 6 1 4 - 2 4 1 1 Japan INTEC GmbH Münchener Straße 20 D-82234 Weßling Tel.: +49-8153-9288-0 Fax.: +49-8153-9288-11 E-mail: HTTP: SIMPACK Version 5,6,7,8, FEMBS, LOADS, ProSIM, CatSIM, SIMAT, SIMAX (Intec GmbH, DLR) REGISTERED TRADEMARKS ABAQUS: Hibbit, Karlsson & Sorensen, Inc. A l t a i r E n gi n e e r i n g, L td. Ta c t N o. 4 , B l d g. 9 F 2 - 2 3 - 1 2 M i m a m i I k e b u k u ro To s h i m a - K u, To k yo J a p a n 1 7 1 - 0 0 2 2 Te l. : + 8 1 - 3 - 5 3 9 6 - 1 3 4 1 , Fa x : + 8 1 - 3 - 5 3 9 6 - 1 8 5 1 K o re a S V K o re a I n c. RM 101, 1360-1, SA-1DONG A N S A N , KYE N G K I - D O, 4 2 5 - 1 7 1 , KO R E A Te l. + 8 2 - 3 4 5 - 5 0 1 - 4 0 3 0 , Fa x . + 8 2 - 3 4 5 - 5 0 1 - 4 0 3 2 E - m a i l : s v k o re a @ u s e r s. u n i t e l. c o. k r Wo r l d w i d e INTEC GmbH Münchener Straße 20 D - 8 2 2 3 4 We ß l i n g Te l. + 4 9 - 8 1 5 3 - 9 2 8 8 - 0 , Fa x . + 4 9 - 8 1 5 3 - 9 2 8 8 - 1 1 E-mail: ANSYS: Swanson Analysis Systems, Inc. CATIA: Dassault Systems Co py, f i l l i n , f a x . NASTRAN: MSC.Software Corporation MATLAB: The MathWorks, Inc. MATRIXx: Integrated Systems, Inc. Name Co m p a ny Ad re s s MARC: MSC.Software Corporation Pro/ENGINEER: Parametric Technology Corporation Te l e p h o n e Applications Fa x E-mail