BSP joins in Hari Raya festivities


BSP joins in Hari Raya festivities
BSP joins in
Hari Raya festivities
A monthly magazine highlighting the activities of BSP, BLNG, BST and BSM
From the BSP MD’s desk
Dear Colleagues
The overall performance in Brunei Shell
continues to improve. Well done!
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On safety, our number one priority, we
remain better than the target. However, we
need to continue to intensify our personal
involvement to achieve our goal of zero
accidents, particularly through the areas of
compliance, intervention and attitude.
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Brunei Shell Petroleum Co Sdn Bhd
Jalan Utara
Seria KB3534
Brunei Darussalam
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Indi Consulting
Wing On Printing Sdn Bhd
Mohd Zufri Mohd Bakhtiar
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BSP – Brunei Shell Petroleum Co Sdn Bhd
BLNG – Brunei LNG Sdn Bhd
BSM – Brunei Shell Marketing Co Sdn Bhd
BST – Brunei Shell Tankers Sdn Bhd
For production, through much hard work from our teams, we have
managed to remain on target for the year at 170,000 barrels of oil/day
and 185 gas cargoes.
A decisive factor in the strong gains, in both oil production and gas
sales, was lower unscheduled deferment levels, through business
Please contribute your ideas and energies in the next phase of our
business improvement journey, which is BI 500, so that together we
can significantly raise our performance to a higher level.
I am also pleased to share with you that our major projects are
progressing ahead of schedule, including Seria North Flank, Bugan,
Mampak and the East Main Oil Line replacement.
We hosted an offshore visit by Pehin Major General (rtd) Dato Seri
Haji Mohamad, the Minister of Energy at the Prime Minister’s Office,
and Pehin Dato Lim Jock Seng, the Chairman of BSP and Second
Minister of Foreign Affairs & Trade. We also welcomed Malcolm
Brinded, Shell’s Executive Director for EP.
I was deeply honoured to participate in the working visit by His
Majesty to the Health Promotion Centre, which is was funded by
Royal Dutch Shell. I also had the privilege earlier of attending His
Majesty’s Hari Raya open house at the Istana, and visiting the houses
of many friends and colleagues. In addition, we also joined in the
events held in conjunction with Prince Charles’s visit to Brunei, which
revolved around the environment and our significant involvement
with the Heart of Borneo.
Grahaeme Henderson
Managing Director, BSP
BSP wins Shell Global
Environmental Award
SP has won the prestigious Chief
Executive’s HSSE Awards 2008 for our
work on improving environmental
performance, and making a significant
impact at the local and national level.
BSP’s achievement is hugely significant. It is the first
time that BSP has won this award, which was achieved
against very tough competition. A total of 245
nominations from Shell companies worldwide were
submitted and only 7 awards, including BSP’s, were
presented. Further, BSP is the only company out of 3 in
EP, the only one in EPA, and the sole winner for
environmental work amongst all Shell companies.
The BSP leadership team accepting the HSSE award
from Jeroen van de Veer via videoconference
04 SALAM October 2008
Winning the Chief Executive’s HSSE award for our
environmental work is recognition for BSP and Brunei.
The Shell Chief Executive, Jeroen van der Veer said that
BSP is an inspiring example for other companies.
“This superb success has been achieved with the
outstanding effort of each and every staff member in
BSP, who have all championed the cause of looking after
our environment.” said Grahaeme Henderson,
Managing Director of BSP.
“Well done, and thank you all for your support in
helping to make BSP a global leader in environmental
TSM contractor achieves
50 months LTI-free
By Ahmed Tabook (TSM/121)
eomatic Services (TSM) contractor Astrata Sdn. Bhd
has achieved 50 months LTI Free since it started
operations in 2004. This is a commendable
achievement by the survey crew, contractor
management, who were also strongly supported by
the TSM team.
In recognition of their outstanding HSE performance, the Head of
Geomatic Services (TSM), Mark Tuttle, presented a plaque to the
Astrata management team to mark their outstanding achievement,
in a gathering held at the BSP Headquarters. A total of 184,877 LTI
free man-hours were recorded.
In his speech, Mark commented that Goal Zero is possible, with the
team demonstrating that we still can achieve our targets and work
demands while working safely. “I would like to stress out that the
success behind this important achievement was made by simply
following the rules and procedures, no cutting corners, and most
importantly care. The adoption of care in our daily operations is a
commitment by all operational staff”, said Mark.
Head of Geomatic Services, Mark Tuttle, with TSM contractor staff
from Astrata Sdn. Bhd.
AMRTUR achieves safety milestone
mrtur achieved a
significant safety
milestone when its
Wellhead Integrity
Maintenance Team,
working under the guidance of BSP’s
Well Engineering & Well Services
department (TSW), successfully
achieved three years of operation
without a recordable case.
To mark this progress, Amrtur
Corporation management and staff
organized a Safety Presentation
Ceremony at its Sungai Bera Facility
recently. The guest of honour was
David Purvis, Technical Director of
Brunei Shell Petroleum. Also present
were representatives from BSP’s TSW
team, including Omar Hj Yusof, the
contract holder.
At the ceremony, David Purvis,
presented a commemorative safety
plaque to Lt Col (R) Hj Mahmod Hj
Yakop, Managing Director of Amrtur
Speaking at the ceremony, David
congratulated Amrtur management
and staff for their remarkable
achievement and thanked everyone for
their excellent safety contribution,
adding that:
“This shows that Goal Zero can be
achieved with everyone’s
Amrtur is currently providing the
wellhead integrity maintenance
services for all wells in BSP.
Group photo of the BSP TSW team with the Amrtur
management and staff at Amrturʼs Sungai Bera Facility
October 2008 SALAM 05
Prince Charles HoB Tree Planting
Managing Director of BSP, Grahaeme Henderson, greets His
Royal Highness Prince Charles before viewing BSPʼs exhibition
His Royal Highness Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Crown
Prince and Senior Minister at the Prime Ministerʼs Office, plants
the 1,000th tree sapling
Their Royal Highnesses consented to listen to a briefing on the
forest reserve as well as habitat and forest ecological site by the
Forestry Director Awang Haji Saidin bin Salleh.
His Royal Highness The Crown Prince and His Royal Highness
Prince Charles were then ushered to view the joint exhibition
from Brunei Shell Petroleum, Brunei LNG, Forestry
Department of MIPR, Department of Environment, Parks and
Recreation under the Ministry of Development, HSBC,
Standard Chartered Bank, The British High Commission to
Brunei Darussalam and the World Wildlife Fund.
Their Royal Highnesses were then brought to the re-plantation
site by students from various schools to closely observe the
planting activities and get insights into their involvement in the
Million Trees project.
His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and His Royal Highness
Prince Charles then proceeded to plant the 1,000th and 1,001th
Tulong trees at the designated re-planting site.
“I hope the tree I’ve planted will survive,” said the Prince of
Wales. The 1,000 trees reforestation project was an initiative by
the International School of Brunei (ISB), in support of HoB. It
has received full support from the Forestry Department to aid the
natural recovery process as a result of forest fires during the dry
season in the area.
The planting of the 1000th and 1001st sapling was a significant
milestone in supporting Brunei’s effort in recognising the HOB
are for the environment was extended to the
country level when in July 2007, Brunei Shell
Petroleum partnered with the Government of
Brunei on the groundbreaking, tri-country Heart
of Borneo (HoB) biodiversity conservation
initiative. The HoB aims to preserve 220,000 square kilometres
of rainforest across Borneo.
Taking off from this official pact, Brunei Darussalam has carried
out a series of activities to implement the environmental
conservation initiatives.
The most recent was the planting of the 1,000th and 1,001th
Tulong trees (Agathis borneensis) saplings at Badas Forest
Reserve area in Belait District in October by His Royal Highness
Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Crown Prince and Senior
Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office and His Royal Highness
Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales respectively.
Also in attendance was Her Royal Highness Duchess of
The participation of these royalties demonstrated Brunei is
committed to help restore the forest continuity across Borneo.
The tree-planting ceremony facilitated by Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and Trade (MOFAT) and Ministry of Industry and
Primary Resources (MIPR) as part of the activities lined up for
the initiative and for a two-day official visit by His Royal
Highness Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales to Brunei.
Upon arrival, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince received
Their Royal Highnesses.
06 SALAM October 2008
Royal Dutch Shell joins BSP
in supporting Heart of Borneo
Her Royal Highness Paduka Seri Pengiran Anak Isteri Pengiran Anak Sarah binti Pengiran Salleh
Ab Rahaman receiving the sponsorship from Grahaeme Henderson on behalf of Royal Dutch Shell
Group for the development of the Heart of Borneo Centre in Brunei
s part of its ongoing efforts to protect the
environment, Brunei Shell Petroleum, together
with Royal Dutch Shell, have pledged additional
support for the Heart of Borneo environmental
conservation initiative in Brunei.
While Brunei Shell Petroleum has been a lead partner of the
Heart of Borneo project right from its inception by the Ministry
of Industry and Primary Resources, the Royal Dutch Shell group
has complemented BSP’s involvement by generously donating
B$0.5 million over a 2-year period for the development of the
Heart of Borneo Centre in Brunei.
A sponsorship presentation ceremony was held recently to mark
Royal Dutch Shell’s contribution and BSP’s continuing support
for this landmark environmental initiative. Her Royal Highness
Paduka Seri Pengiran Anak Isteri Pengiran Anak Sarah binti
Pengiran Salleh Ab Rahaman today consented to grace the
ceremony, which was held at The Empire Hotel and Country
Club in Jerudong.
Her Royal Highness Paduka Seri Pengiran Anak Isteri Pengiran
Anak Sarah received the sponsorship from BSP’s Managing
Director Grahaeme Henderson and later presented them to Yang
Mulia Dato Paduka Haji Hamdillah Haji Abdul Wahab, Acting
Minister of Industry and Primary Resources also Chairman of
Brunei’s Heart of Borneo National Council.
Grahaeme, in his speech at the function said, “Brunei Shell
Petroleum has played a pivotal role in Brunei’s Heart of Borneo
project. We are proud to have been the initiating partner, with
the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources, when the Heart
of Borneo project was still on the drawing board.”
“Brunei Shell Petroleum’s contribution towards the Heart of
Borneo started with the funding of the Project Implementation
Framework phase. We also extended technical assistance through
mapping and satellite interpretation, together with the
secondment of one of our geologists to work with the teams from
MIPR and the World Wildlife Fund.”
October 2008 SALAM 07
Empowering BSP staff to deliver
improvements - ‘BI500’
uilding on the success of the Business Improvement
Must Wins and the Lean “elimination of waste”
projects ongoing, a complementary improvement
programme “BI 500” was launched company wide
in October.
“BI 500” is the latest strategic thrust in the ongoing successful
journey to transform BSP into a consistantly Top Quartile
performing company; “the safest and most efficient energy
company in the world”.
• BI Programme to ensure mass delivery of
improvements across the business
• Registers TQ, Lean and Local improvements
• Complementary to BIMW
• Replicates Pakat and Industry best practice
• Visibility will promote blueprint culture
• Inclusive - open to all staff
BI 500 will encourage, recognize and celebrate continuous
improvement efforts by staff throughout the business. Grahaeme
Henderson, BSP’s Managing Director explains, “In our drive to
safely produce at the highest level and keep costs down, the key is
to do more with what we have. That means we must become
super efficient everywhere in the organisation. Our greatest asset,
our people, are mobilising to deliver these improvements
throughout the business. Their efforts will be recognized in “BI
“BI 500” is a simple, online system for staff at all levels across BSP
to openly demonstrate and, importantly, be recognized for where
they are proudly contributing to delivering bottom line and
efficiency improvements.
It has been set up as an easy system for departments, teams of
work mates and individuals to register large or small
improvement projects (remember – small changes mean big
difference!), which are being delivered by them. Importantly, it is
not an opportunity register for improvement ideas to be delivered
by others!
October 2008
• Real time recognition and reward tool
• Simple online portal and administration
“BI 500” replicates for BSP business improvement, the success of
Pakat in engaging the whole workforce to drive and embed a
world class safety culture in BSP and mirrors industry best
practise in generating systemic and continuous improvement.
“ BI 500 is a unique opportunity for our staff to personally take
action to increase their efficiency, remove frustrations and waste
in their daily working lives. They can be empowered to say to
themselves ‘I can make my work safer, or more efficient’ or “I can
save money’ or ‘ I can get more oil and gas production” and most
importantly get the satisfaction of delivering those improvements
themselves” noted Hj Zainal Abidin Mohd-Ali, Deputy
Managing / HR Director.
Improvement by EAST asset
in TQ mid-year review
By Hadini Zainal-Abidin (OPM/71)
roduction reliability and unscheduled Deferment in the East Asset has shown improvement in 2008. These were some of the
findings from OPM/53’s EAST Top Quartile Mid-Year Review team, led by Hj Mohaimin (EOP/1) and Yusrin Ramlee
The objective of the session held from 25 August to 5 September 2008 was to look back at current performance and identify
improvement areas. Recommendations to close the gaps were addressed and measures were set to enable East to achieve Top
Quartile (TQ) status for this year.
To reach TQ, East’s success will be judged by full year average performance or that in the final six months for Direct Unit operating Cost
(DUOC) and Production Reliability (PR) % of Oil and Gas. TQ target for PR% is 95% and DUOC is 1.7 USD/BOE
Some key findings of the review were:
• Production reliability is currently 96.8% against the end-of-year target of 95%. This is currently an improvement on the
93.9% 2007 Production Reliability.
• Unscheduled deferment is 3.1% against the end-of-year target of 5%. This is also currently an improvement when
compared to 5.6% in 2007. In fact, East achieved the best in class performance of <3.5% Unscheduled Deferment in 5 out
of the 7 months.
• Direct Unit Operation Cost is currently 1.85 USD/bbl against the end-of-year target of 1.7 USD/bbl. The DUOC for
2007 was 1.65 USD/bbl.
The TQ Mid-Year Review is also a means of coaching and building capability in the Assets and within OPM. The TQ team has made full
use of the lessons learnt from previous TQ After Action Reviews. One such improvement was to have a TQ refresher session prior to the
workshop so that everyone in the team has a grasp of what TQ is and the Methodology used.
These TQ sessions are held twice a year for each Asset and are essential in order to review the Asset’s performance.
The East Asset team showed improvement
in 2008 from the mid-year TQ review
October 2008 SALAM 09
Blessing Ceremony for
SSB Hospital Ambulance
blessing ceremony for the new ambulance
acquired by the Suri Seri Begawan (SSB)
Hospital in Kuala Belait was held recently at
the Main entrance of the ‘R’ block of the SSB
Purchased through a cash contribution made available by
Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sdn Bhd (BSP) to the
SSB Hospital last year, the ambulance will further help the
hospital in its efforts to deliver excellent medical care to the
Belait district community, including employees and
families of BSP.
Present at the blessing ceremony was Haji Rosli bin
Mustafa, Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of
Health and doctors, nurses and staff of SSB Hospital.
Representing BSP at the event was Haji Zainal Abidin bin
Haji Mohd Ali, its Deputy Managing Director.
Haji Rosli bin Mustafa, Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry
of Health, given a guided tour of the new ambulance
enior leaders from the four
joint venture companies,
were invited to Istana Nurul
Iman, along with senior
officials from the government, state
dignitaries and ambassadors, on the
first day of Hari Raya, which was
celebrated on 2 October 2008.
Grahaeme Henderson, Managing
Director of BSP and Haji Zainal
Abidin Haji Md Ali, BSP’s Deputy
Managing Director attended the event
on behalf of BSP, where His Majesty
the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of
Brunei Darussalam and members of
the royal family consented to receive
Hari Raya greetings.
the HariofRaya festivities, other
Haji Zainal Abidin bin Haji Mohd Ali, Deputy Managing
company leaders also held open house
BSP, blesses the new SSB hospital ambulance
10 SALAM October 2008
events at their respective residences.
Haji Zainal held his traditional Hari
Raya open at his residence whereas
BLNG’s Managing Director, Haji
Salleh Bostaman Haji Zainal Abidin
also held a similar event at his house.
Meanwhile, Hajah Rosmawatty Haji
Abdul Mumin, BSP’s Asset Director,
and Marcel Luijten, BSP’s Finance
Director also opened their homes to
colleague and friends.
BSP Donates To Orphaned
Children of Staff
runei Shell Petroleum (BSP) came forward to
extend assistance to the family members of staff
who passed away while in service. 45 orphaned
children received hampers, cash and savings
accounts at a handover ceremony at the Oil and
Gas Discovery Centre, Seria in September.
The company collected $3,229 from BSP Safety Pledges
from staff and $8,000 prize money from the float
procession held in conjunction with His Majesty’s 62nd
birthday in the capital. In addition, BSP doubled the
amount to a total of $22, 458.
On hand to present the donations was guest of honour Awg
Haji Kamaludin bin Haji Bungsu, West Asset Manager,
BSP. Each child received $522 where they were awarded
Hari Raya hampers and cash worth $200 with the
remainder in a savings account.
Also in attendance were Haji Mohd Soffian Haji Umar,
Head of Health, Safety and Environment and Hajah Masni
Haji Munir, Corporate External Affairs Adviser.
Haji Kamaludin said in his speech, “This contribution
reflects BSP’s social responsibility commitment towards the
community. Charitable events like this also creates
opportunities for BSP staff to perform good deeds for the
The ceremony concluded with the reading of Doa Selamat.
BSP has also scheduled religious talks and hosted the
Haji Mohd Soffian Haji Umar, Head of Health, Safety and
Enironment, giving away a hamper to one of the ophaned children
breaking of fast at various mosques in Belait throughout the
month of Ramadhan to promote goodwill and further
strengthen ties among staff and community.
Haji Kamaludin bin Haji Bungsu, West Asset Manager, presenting
cash donations to the orphaned children of BSP staff
October 2008 SALAM 11
Senior leaders join in
Hari Raya festivities
Haji Zainal Abidin Haji Md Ali with guests at his open house event
enior leaders from the four joint venture
companies, BSP, BLNG, BST and BSM, were
invited to Istana Nurul Iman, along with senior
officials from the government, state dignitaries
and ambassadors, on the first day of Hari Raya,
which was celebrated on 2 October 2008.
Marcel Luitjen, BSPʼs Finance Director along with BSP staff at his
familyʼs Hari Raya open house
Grahaeme Henderson, Managing Director of BSP and
Haji Zainal Abidin Haji Md Ali, BSP’s Deputy Managing
Director attended the event on behalf of BSP, where His
Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei
Darussalam and members of the royal family consented to
receive Hari Raya greetings.
Grahaeme and Annmarie Henderson with the Deputy Minister of Communications,
Dato Paduka Haji Yusoff Haji Abd Hamid and spouse, at Istana Nurul Iman
12 SALAM October 2008
Haji Zainal Abidin Haji Md Ali and other guests at Haji Salleh
Bostaman Haji Zainal Abidinʼs Hari Raya open house
During the Hari Raya festivities,
other company leaders also held
open house events at their
respective residences. Haji Zainal
held his traditional Hari Raya open
at his residence whereas BLNG’s
Managing Director, Haji Salleh
Bostaman Haji Zainal Abidin also
held a similar event at his house.
Meanwhile, Hajah Rosmawatty
Haji Abdul Mumin, BSP’s Asset
Director, and Marcel Luijten,
BSP’s Finance Director also opened
their homes to colleague and
BLNG Managing Director Haji Salleh Bostaman Haji Zainal
Abidin with West Asset Manager Haji Kamaludin Haji Bungsu
Haji Zainal Abidin Haji Md Ali and family with Grahaeme and Annmarie Henderson
Hajah Rosmawatty and fellow colleagues during her open house
at her residence
October 2008 SALAM 13
BSP conducts Brunei’s first offshore
Controlled Source Electro-Magnetic
(CSEM) Survey
runei Shell Petroleum has commissioned the first
Controlled Source Electro-Magnetic (CSEM)
survey to be used in the offshore waters of Brunei
The 3D CSEM survey will be conducted over a
deep-water prospect about 60 km northwest of the Champion
field survey some time between October and November 2008.
The work is being conducted by Electro-Magnetic
GeoServices (EMGS), using the vessel Siem Sasha. A single
streamer cable will be towed up to 1.5 km behind the vessel
and about 30m above the seabed. The streamer assembly
consists of an electromagnetic source array made up of
electrodes, transformers and a tailfin.
The CSEM vessel will also deploy a number of receivers onto
the seafloor to detect and record the electromagnetic energy.
The electro-magnetic signals from the source electrodes are
transmitted through the sub-surface and the potential
hydrocarbons. The returning EM energy is picked up and
recorded by the receivers on the seafloor. The receivers are later
retrieved and the data downloaded on the CSEM vessel for
Reciever being deployed into the sea
While deploying and retrieving the receivers, the vessel will be
nearly stationary and controlled by dynamic positioning.
While towing the transmitter, the Siem Sasha will follow predetermined straight-line courses and will be unable to turn
CSEM surveying is a new, non-intrusive, cost-effective
technology being used by the petroleum industry to identify
the presence and extent of sub-surface hydrocarbons in order
to optimise drilling locations.
The Siem Sasha vessel used to conduct the Controlled Source ElectroMagnetic survey in the offshore waters of Brunei Darussalam
14 SALAM October 2008
People In Focus Quiz Winners
total of 1369 staff ‘took the opportunity’ to
participate in the ‘People In Focus’ HR
awareness and information session held last
quarter at various onshore and offshore
locations throughout BSP.
Staff who visited the exhibition booths also participated in
a quiz held in conjunction with the event. Three lucky
quiz winners who were each presented with a $100
shopping voucher by Haji Zainal Abidin Haji Md Ali,
Deputy Managing Director cum Human Resources
Director of BSP.
The lucky winners of this year’s People In Focus are:
Pg Haji Azmi Razak FAC/233
Kasmah Mat Jair XGR/10
Monica Lai IWM/21
Staff members participating in the quiz during the People In Focus
roadshows, which highlighted company HR services
WPE Health Challenge Programme
uilding upon WPE’s Weight Management
Programme in 2007 and part of the West Asset’s
Healthy Lifestyle Programme (HLP), the West
Petroleum Engineering (WPE) department’s initiated
a Health Challenge Programme earlier this year from
3rd March to 4th August 2008.
A total of 35 WPE staff participated in the six month Health
Challenge Programme, aiming to monitor, maintain and improve
the general health status of departmental staff by practicing a
healthy lifestyle in daily life. Weekly and monthly HLP activities
were regularly held throughout the programme along with health
screenings consisting of blood tests and the taking of baseline, mid
and final parameters, including height, weight, BMI, body fat
percentage, abdominal circumference, blood pressure, pulse and
exercise duration.
The results of the Heath Challenge Programme are based on the
overall blood result parameters taken pre and post programme. In
addition, individual exercise factors are also taken into account to
choose winner for each category (most improved, maintainers and
Most improved
Anuar Jinal WPE/10
Paul Connell WPE/11
Hj Salleh Apong WPE/31
Derrick Melanson WPE/31
Lim Hock Kiong WPE/11
Eddy Wibowo WPE/31
Damien Oʼrourke (WPE/21)
having his parameters recorded
Hj Md Fadhlullah Hj Omarali WPE/11
Juan Carlos Oropeza WPE/11
Norhafizah Hj Zaini WPE/41
October 2008 SALAM 15
Completion & Well Intervention
(C & WI) VCE Workshop
n the journey to achieving outstanding performance, the
TSW/4 group is continuously seeking for improvement
in all its activities. Building on the success of last year’s
event, the group has once again conducted a Value
Challenge workshop, held at the Panaga Club’s Pelangi
Room from 14 – 15 October 2008. The workshop included a
forum where the group and its contractors, Asset Owners, and
other service departments reviewed 2008’s successes, examined
issues and blockers, discussing and agreeing on the opportunities
and ways forward for further improvement in 2009.
According to Ibrahim Abd Gani, the Head of TSW/4, there are
now 25 Wireline crews attending to the increasing wireline
activities, compared to only 14 Wireline crews at the beginning
of the year. To support the increased number of crews, TSW/4
has also purchased and rented additional Wireline units and
tools. Wireline has also started to embark on 24-hour operations.
The application of new technology in its Coiled Tubing (CT)
Operation has enabled the group to efficiently perform well
intervention campaigns. In summary, Ibrahim said that this team
has significantly contributed to production gains (where until
end of September 2008, the estimated annualized gains stands at
9,138 bopd)
number of floating resources to support the overall well
intervention activities. These feedbacks were culled from the
interactive poster sessions and syndicate exercises.
A syndicate session
As per the previous year, the captured values against ideas/
opportunities identified during the workshop were shared among
the participants. Furthermore, appropriate actions as identified
will be implemented as part of the 2009 work program. Progress
of the actions will be regularly tracked.
In summary, the workshop was a success as evidenced by the
good turn up and the very positive feedback from a majority of
the participants. YC Yong, the EPE/3 - Head of East Production
Technology said the workshop was excellent and further
suggested that it be conducted in August next time to give ample
time to work on ideas for coming year plan.
Ibrahim Abd Gani (TSW/4) addressed the participants
During the workshop, a number of critical blockers were
discussed. Significant attention was given to inefficiency due to
Wireline crews having to take daily trips to the scattered work
locations using the crew boats. Karim Shaikh, the WPE/3 - Head
of West Production Technology stressed that in the West the
matter is worse as significant time is wasted traveling between
locations due to the large spread of the facilities
Other issues that gathered varying opinions were the insufficient
16 SALAM October 2008
TSW/4 group is contributing significant production gains to the
‘Tell-A-Friend’ road safety
campaign launch at Astrata
strata Company Sdn Bhd, a BSP contractor,
launched the ‘Tell A Friend’ road safety campaign
for its employees recently. In addition to
management and staff of the company,
representatives from BSP’s Geomatic Services
department (TSM) were also present at the event.
The guest of honour was BSP’s Head of Services Road Safety,
Haji Mahmud Idris, who presented campaign pamphlets to
Astata’s Quay Manager, Ahmad Youhanez Haji Mohd Noor.
In his welcoming speech, Ahmad Youhanez stated Astrata’s
support for BSP’s road safety programmes, stressing, “Half of the
population in the country owns a car and drives, therefore our
company wishes to provide its support and cooperation through
the road safety campaign in order to reduce or prevent road
“That is the crucial reason why we are participating in this
programmed, and it will be carried out by the company’s officials
and staff to convey the message of road safety to our friends,
relatives and our loved ones to create safety awareness while
driving,” he added.
Ahmad Youhanez further stated that the company will be
preparing a road safety survey form to be submitted to every
employee in the company and a monthly report will be handed
back to headquarters. This is to ensure that the execution of the
campaign is carried out seriously and effectively.
Relying on the power of word-of-mouth and one-to-one
engagement, the ‘Tell-A-Friend’ campaign aims at reinforcing
the five principles of safe driving, namely, wearing seat belts,
observing speed limits, not using mobile phones while driving,
using safety helmets while cycling, and using pedestrian
The Astrata team at the launching of their ʻTell-A-Friendʼ road safety campaign
with Astrataʼs Quay Manager and BSPʼs Head of Services Road Safety
October 2008 SALAM 17
BLNG Hari Raya Open House
Draws the Crowds
ore than 1000 people turned up for the Hari
Raya Open House organized by Brunei LNG
Sendirian Berhad (BLNG at the Liang
Lumut Recreation Club (LLRC).
Held for the first time on such a big scale for
the community and employees of Brunei LNG and Refinery
and their family members, the theme of this year’s Raya Open
House was “Keluarga BLNG Berhari Raya Bersama Komuniti”.
An annual tradition, the objective of the event was to strengthen
the existing long-term relationship between Brunei BLNG, the
Liang Lumut Community and BLNG’s stakeholders, as well as
to give an opportunity for family members to meet with the
Several interesting activities were held in conjunction with the
event. Guests were entertained by local recording artistes, Faiz,
Fakhrul Radzi, Fairuzneezan and Sri Nazrina, who performed
songs and also had photo sessions with fans. They also had the
opportunity to take part in lucky draws.
Through the Hari Raya Open House, the local business
community also got the opportunity to provide food and
catering services and logistical arrangements.
The LLRC is a flagship community development initiative of
BLNG. Opened for operation in July 2004, it is used as a venue
by the local community for various social and recreational
Managing Director of Brunei LNG, Haji Salleh Bostaman Haji
Zainal Abidin (far right) hosting the event
Friends and colleagues at the Hari Raya Open House
A great turnout by the
community at the BLNG hari
Raya Open House
18 SALAM October 2008
Family members with their children in attendance
Refinery attains safety achievement
of 25 years without LTI
runei Shell Refinery achieved a major milestone
recently when it recorded 25 years operation
without a single Lost-Time Incident (LTI) since it
first started operation in 1983.
Speaking at a ‘doa kesyukuran’ ceremony held to
mark this achievement, Managing Director of Brunei LNG,
Haji Salleh Bostaman Haji Zainal Abidin said, “It is this level of
Health Safety and Environment (HSE) commitment that has
put the Seria Refinery firmly in the pole position as having one
of the world’s best HSE performance record”.
“Besides achieving this world-class safety record, recently the
Refinery had also clocked 12 consecutive years without any
Total Recordable Case (TRC). This is truly a remarkable safety
performance since this TRC indicator records all reportable
cases including cases requiring first aid attention,” Haji Salleh
Haji Salleh reminded Refinery staff however that “such an
achievement is not an end, but rather a benchmark for us to
remain vigilant and continuously maintain safe operation for
the next coming years.”
The Refinery started its CDU operations (Crude Distillation
Unit) in 1983 with the initial capacity to process 10,000 barrels
per-day of offshore light crude oil, which was used to produce
middle-distillates such as Gas oil (Diesel) and Jet-A1 (Aviation
fuel). In 2003, it was upgraded to produce 12,000 barrels per day,
and also supplies all the three grades of motor gasoline (Premium
97, Super 92 and Regular 85) used in the country.
Operated and led by Bruneians, Brunei Shell Refinery is both
ISO9001 and ISO14001 certified.
A total of 25 years withhout LTI was recorded by the Refinery staff
Group photo of the Refinery team with the Managing Director of
Brunei LNG, Haji Salleh Bostaman Haji Zainal Abidin (center)
October 2008 SALAM 19
East 2009 CPCB Scoped
Document Signing
SP’s East Asset and SKS Wood marked a
significant milestone with the formal signing of
the East 2009 CPCB Scope Definition document
on 24 October 2008.
The East 2009 CPCB Scope Definition
document outlines all the high priority (Must Do)
maintenance and project activities to be executed within the
CPCB campaign window. Just as important is the fact that the
scope outlined in the document was directly derived from
SAP. Due to the challenges posed with regards to managing
both maintenance and project work, information use to reside
disparately in its respective silo.
The East 2009 CPCB Scope Defintion document outlines all the high
priority (Must Do) maintenance and project activities to be carried
out within the CPCB campaign window
20 SALAM October 2008
Now, with no small effort of the EOP and EEN community,
all the necessary campaign related information for CPCB has
been fully captured in SAP. As a result of this, meaningful cost
reports and tracking can be achieved via SAP.
SKS Wood were equally pleased and impressed with the
document as it facilitates their own efforts by committing on
paper a full view of the scope expected of them.
This document, the first of its kind to be developed within
BSP, is an initiative closely linked to the IAP initiative. The
IAP initiative is currently being piloted in East for eventual
roll-out to all the other asset units in Brunei Shell Petroleum.
BSP signs GFA agreement
with Honeywell
Hajah Rosmawatty Haji Abdul Mumin signs the agreement on behalf
of BSP for the procurement of Honeywell products and services
he Global Framework Agreement (GFA)
between Honeywell and BSP is the first
Main Automation Contractor (MAC) GFA
implemented in BSP, which will follow a
string of other MAC GFA’s to be
implemented within the next year.
The Honeywell MAC GFA is an all-encompassing
agreement between the two parties, which will provide all
Honeywell products, related services as well as a transparent
means of communication to the whole Operating Unit.
Signing the agreement on behalf of BSP was Asset Director,
Hajah Rosmawatty Haji Abdul Mumin.
This entails a migration of the way work is carried out on
the mentioned discipline from several reactive agreements
for different assets to one integrated agreement for all assets
improving efficiency and value. The GFA provides BSP
with preferential treatment and rates with the leverage Shell
holds worldwide. This agreement is localized and tied in
with Falah-Tek Sdn Bhd; the local representative of
With the implementation of this agreement, there is added
value for the wider community. Honeywell has committed
themselves to develop Falah-Tek Sdn Bhd and their
employees to carry out work in BSP by means of training,
exposure and transfer of knowledge. As part of BSP’s
aspiration of Local Business Development, BSP has also
committed to support Falah-Tek Sdn Bhd in their
development. This will see Falah-Tek moving from an
entity that supports Honeywell in the services provided to
BSP to an entity that will provide Honeywell services to
October 2008 SALAM 21
Brunei Marine Cadet Officers
receive certificates
The Bruneian Marine Cadet Officers from the 2005 intake pictured with the Guests of
honour during the certificate presentation ceremony
runei Shell Tankers Sdn
Bhd (BST) and Brunei Gas
Carriers Sdn Bhd (BGC)
awarded Bruneian Marine
Cadet Officers from the
2005 intake certificates recently at a
ceremony held at the Riverview Hotel.
The ceremony was held to acknowledge
the achievements of ten Marine Cadet
Officers who have successfully
completed an intensive three-year
training course at the Warsash
Maritime Academy in the United
The qualifying Marine Cadet Officers
received their certificates from the
guest of honour for the ceremony, Yang
Mulia Haji Ismail bin Pehin Orang
Kaya Pekerma Setia Dato Paduka Haji
Hashim, the Deputy Permanent
Secretary of the Energy Division at the
Prime Minister’s Office.
Also present during the occasion was
the Managing Director of BST, Marcel
Luijten, representatives from the oil
and gas sector, and local maritime
training establishments, along with
parents as well as family members of
the Marine Cadet Officers.
The ten new Marine Cadet Officers
will continue to strengthen BGC’s and
BST’s ongoing Bruneianisation
programme, aimed at developing
Bruneian nationals for a professional
career in the sea.
Speaking at the function, Acting
Managing Director of BGC, Haji
Ibrahim bin Haji Mohd Yassin stated
that the achievement of Marine Cadet
Officers and the companies’
Bruneianisation effort is in line with
the vision of the Government of His
Majesty the Sultan and Yang-Di
Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam to
establish a local maritime industry in
Negara Brunei Darussalam, staffed by
trained, professional Bruneians.
Bruneian wins ‘Best Engineering
Cadet’ award
Bruneian Marine Cadet Officer, Awang Amirul Fadli bin Haji Amir Abas,
was awarded the “Best Engineering Cadet of the Year” by Warsash
Maritime Academy (Warsash) of Southampton, the United Kingdom.
Amirul Fadli is one of the ten Bruneian Marine Cadet Officers who
graduated from the Warsash Maritime Academy earlier this year under a
training programme sponsored by Brunei Shell Tankers Sdn Bhd (BST) and Brunei Gas
Carriers Sdn Bhd (BGC).
This would be the first time a Bruneian has received this particular award.
Speaking of the award, Amirul Fadli stated that he was extremely grateful to receive such
an honour. He expressed his appreciation to his parents for their support and also
thanked his colleagues with whom he has been working with for the past three years.
Amirul Fadli added that the maritime industry is booming and that there are plenty of
opportunities for anyone interested in a career in the industry.
22 SALAM October 2008
Yang Mulia Haji Ismail bin Pehin Orang
Kaya Pekerma Setia Dato Paduka Haji
Hashim, presenting the award to Awang
Amirul Fadli bin Haji Amir Abas
BSM initiates three-in-one staff
and charity event
runei Shell Marketing (BSM) initiated a three- in
one- event comprising a motivational talk for its
staff, presentation of donation to orphans and a
breaking of fast for the children, staff and families
during the Ramadhan fasting month in September.
About 250 people comprising BSM staff and families, children
and their guardians participated in the event. Joining in the
gathering as guest of honour was the Managing Director of BSM
Haji Mohd Said Bin Ahmad and his spouse, Dk Hajah Siti
Zabaidah Bte Pg Haji Mohamed.
Managing Director of BSM, Haji Mohd Said bin Ahmad presents
a donation to one of the orphans at the event
Attendees enjoying their time at the gathering
Around 250 people comprising of BSM staff and their families
attended the event
BSM staff get tips on investing
n Investment talk for BSM staff was held
recently,with 20 staff members from different
departments attending the session.
The main objective of the talk, which was
presented by Ida Nazrena Haji Bujang, the
Personal Wealth Manager BICB Capital, was to give BSM
staff tips on investment, including cash management and
risk management. The presentation also covered financial
planning, retirement fund planning and education fund
A number of staff also volunteered themselves to have their
retirement planning calculated by the BICB
BICB representative, Ida Nazrena Haji Bujang, talks to BSM staff
on investing for their future
October 2008 SALAM 23
Wee Thiam Yew
De Cruz
Chin Khiun Kong
Latip Bin Muhamad
Dahlan Bin Deli
Aliuddin B Hj Mohd Daud
Two Tick Hiang
Siti Rahmat Bte Hj Kamarudin
H Salleh Bostaman B H Z Abidin
Hj Mohd Alinor Md Morshidi
Hjh Zaliaha Bte Haji Talip
Sahfri Bin Damit
Rizal Bin Hj Mohammad Yusof
Phua Swee Lim
Pabillore Arnold Magallanes
Omar Bin Hj Sulaiman
Dk Noorhasidah Ph Nordin
Negiro Bin Aboi
Mook Chik Keong
Hj Mohd Jaafar B Hj Awg Bakar
Mohd Idzwan B Hj Zunaidi
Mariah Bte Hj Eadi
Yazid Imran Bin Omar
Shukree Bin Jafar
Dk Hjh Rosmah Pg Hj Md Yassin
Nassaruddin Bin Haji Gapor
Musa Bin Manggai
Md Azri Yamin Bin Hj Md Yakup
Mansor Bin Haji Morshidi
Kamarul Ihsham Bin H Sulaiman
Hussaidon Bin Hj Hussain
Haslin Bin Abdul Ghani
Haji Hamdani Bin Haji Osman
Hj Arine Bin Haji Budin
Hj Affendy Bin Hj Sabli
Adris Bin Abdul Gani
Abdul Rahman Bin Ahmad
Masyati Bte Hj Md Salleh
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