Bugan Platform Produces First Oil


Bugan Platform Produces First Oil
Bugan Platform
Produces First Oil
A Brunei Shell Petroleum Co Sdn Bhd publication
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Brunei Shell Petroleum Co Sdn Bhd
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Brunei Darussalam
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BSP – Brunei Shell Petroleum Co Sdn Bhd
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From the BSP MD’s desk
Dear Colleagues
As we head towards the end of 2009, it
continues to be a busy time for
everyone. Let me update you on the
major events of this exciting month.
Firstly, His Royal Highness Prince
Haji ‘Abdul ‘Azim honoured us with a
visit to BSP, which is part of an
ongoing work programme to major
ministries and agencies in the country.
On safety, BSP hosted the Brunei Tell-A-Friend meeting with our
partners representing more than 40 external organisations taking part.
I urge you to continue spreading the road safety message to your
family and friends. We still have a lot more work to do to achieve our
goal of making Brunei’s roads the safest in the world.
I am very pleased to announce that the Bugan offshore field produced
first oil in early November. This is a very proud moment for us all, as
we delivered this project without any Lost Time Injuries and ahead of
schedule. We have also successfully completed the East Asset
shutdown campaign, which was an extensive activity as we restore our
ageing facilities.
In terms of efficiency, our Business Improvement (BI) 500 work has
seen 505 registered projects to date, with over 1500 staff members
involved in eliminating waste. Well done and please keep looking for
ways to be more efficient in our daily work.
Finally, we have just launched the Operations Academy where our
Darat team will help develop new trainees achieve the technical and
leadership capabilities needed for asset and operations positions.
Keep up the good work and my thanks to you all.
Grahaeme Henderson
Managing Director, BSP
From the BSP MD’s Desk
new meets old
bsp hosts brunei
tell-a-friend meeting
with partners
east asset unit 2009
shutdown campaign
empowered teams put essa
into action
scot api channel
cleaning activities
Reduce costs and make
business more efficient
bsp contributes teaching
equipment to technical
dignitaries tour bsp in
bsp conductS financial
management workshop
for smes
launching of operations
SAFETY HIghlights
BSP Hosts Brunei Tell-A-Friend
Meeting With Partners
runei Shell Petroleum
(BSP) held a Brunei
Tell-A-Friend Road
Safety Workshop
recently with the aim of
sharing ideas and practical support
in starting the nationwide road safety
campaign with representatives from
the government and private sector
The meeting aimed to recognise the
commitments that have been made
to improving road safety in the
country. Companies were
encouraged to ensure an
More than 40 organisations and government
departments are no participating in the campaign
04 Salam December 2009
understanding around the Tell-AFriend concept, which is taking
personal responsibility to comply
with, and share key road safety
messages; obeying speed limit,
avoiding using mobiles while
driving, wearing safety belts, using
helmets while biking, and using
pedestrian crossings, with family and
To help bring the road safety message
to Brunei’s wider population, BSP
has developed Tell-A-Friend
materials for other organisations to
run their own version of the
campaign. More than 40
organisations, including banks,
insurance companies, car retailers,
small businesses and government
departments have now signed up
and are rolling out this campaign.
The Brunei Tell-A-Friend partner
organizations are expected to meet
again in four months time to
monitor and review the overall
efforts at implementing the
The long-term vision for Brunei TellA-Friend is to reduce fatalities and
make Brunei’s roads the safest in the
A BSP representative explaining the
objectives of the road safety campaign
world. Over 40 government
departments and private
organisations attended the focal
point meeting including Belait
Assistant District Officer Haji Abdul
Hamid bin Dato Paduka Haji
Abdullah, Deputy Director of Royal
Brunei Police Traffic Control and
Investigation, Superintendent Haji
Mohd Hadini bin Osman and
Deputy Director of Land Transport
& Secretary for National Road Safety
Council, Awang Bakar bin Haji
Ibrahim. The meeting was also
attended by representatives from
many sectors of the business
community including the financial
sector, car dealers, communications
and oil industry.
The meeting included group
syndicate exercises and a video
presentation featuring the Brunei
Tell-A-Friend road safety campaign,
launched nationwide this year by His
Majesty the Sultan and Yang DiPertuan of Brunei Darussalam
during his working visit to BSP head
office in conjunction with the
company’s 80th anniversary.
BSP has been working for the last
three years on road safety together
with the Government of Brunei and
the Royal Brunei Police Force using
TV and newspaper awareness
campaigns, interactive community
events and enforcement activities
related to road traffic. In addition,
BSP has worked with more than 200
schools across Brunei to make road
safety part of the educational extra
curricula activities.
The Tell-A-Friend programme was
initiated and piloted in BSP covering
over 3500 staff and 8,000
contractors. The results of the work
to date have been remarkable.
Seatbelt compliance by BSP staff and
contractors has increased from 40%
in 2005 to almost 100% in 2009.
Anecdotal evidence from the Royal
Brunei Police Force estimates that
public seatbelt compliance has
increased from 10% to 70%.
Managing Director of BSP,
Grahaeme Henderson, said that
previous road safety programmes in
Brunei have improved awareness and
enforcement of road rules. To make
further progress, it was vital for
campaigns to go a step further by
being more directly relevant to each
“We are asking people to do more
than comply with the rules,” he said.
“We also want them to tell their
family and friends to do the same.
Someone knows the person who isn’t
wearing a seatbelt, the person
speeding, or the person using a
mobile phone when driving.”
“By leveraging the influence families
and friends, we make our road safety
messages more personal and
therefore more powerful. Working
together, we are really making a
major difference to driving habits
nationally to prevent road tragedies,”
Grahaeme said.
December 2009 Salam 05
BSP’s Bugan
First Oil
runei Shell Petroleum achieved another significant
milestone when the first oil of its Bugan offshore field was
successfully delivered in the early hours of 10 November
2009. The ultra-modern Bugan platform is equipped
with advanced SMART technology, which enables
offshore operations to be controlled and monitored remotely in real
Grahaeme Henderson, BSP’s Managing Director, praised the team of
BSP staff and contractors who delivered the Bugan project. “This is a
world-class achievement of engineering and project delivery. We are
immensely proud of the safety performance and, despite some massive
challenges during the project, our team in Brunei never once looked
back. To have delivered first oil is very special and it is a proud day for
everyone in BSP.”
The project is a remarkable achievement in many ways. There was not
one Lost Time Injury through 24 months of the project duration from
start of execution. The project was delivered sixteen months ahead of
schedule and with the cost 20% below previous Champion West
project. This was made possible by using a standardised platform
design and equipment.
In line with its commitment to Bruneianisation, the project has
featured a number of local elements. Firstly, the Bugan project team
largely comprises Bruneian staff. Secondly, the jacket and topsides
including the control room were entirely “made in Brunei” in Kuala
Belait. The project maximised the use of Bruneian contractors
throughout the supply chain, from design, equipment supply,
fabrication and installation. More than 33 local businesses played a
key role in delivering this landmark project.
The Bugan offshore
field successfully
delivered its first oil on
10 November 2009
06 Salam
December 2009
December 2009 Salam 07
Empowered Teams
Put ESSA Into Action
runei Shell Petroleum’s
BI 500 initiative has
triggered hundreds of
business improvements
within the company.
In early 2008 Brunei Shell Petroleum
(BSP) Managing Director Grahaeme
Henderson had the vision of 500
teams from everywhere across the
company continuously working on
business improvement (BI) activities.
With this the BI 500 initiative was
The principles of elimination,
simplification, standardisation, and
automation (ESSA) form the basic
objectives of every team, with Lean
methodology and tools used to
identify waste, simplify processes and
sustain improvements through
standardised work and automation
where appropriate.
After one year in operation:• 505 Business Improvement
activities (BIs) have been
• 263 BIs are in progress
• 242 BIs have been closed
and approved
• 380 individuals have led, or
are leading, teams to
implement improvements
• 1140 individuals have been
involved as supporting team
• 15 BIs have been recognised
for innovation and
• 50 Team Leads and Team
Members have received
recognition awards
08 Salam
December 2009
One of the 50 Team Leads and Team Members that have received recognition awards
over the past year
Projects completed span all aspects of
BSP’s activities from improving the
efficiency of Drilling worth multi
millions of dollars, standardization of
internal processes to eliminate
mistakes and reducing sign-offs by
delegating accountability.
“Everything we do to improve the
business is important to BSP now
and into the future”, explains
Jonathan Martin, BSP Business
Improvement Manager.
“Importantly, it is not an
opportunity register for
improvement ideas to be logged then
delivered by others. Teams identify
the opportunity then drive the
improvement through to
implementation and completion.”
One of the most successful BI 500
activities has been the
standardisation of OCTG’s (casings
and tubulars used in Drilling).
A review of Direct Charge materials
inventory highlighted a large
quantity of unused nonstandard tubulars. Analysing historic
consumption and future use lead to
the selection of a new standard range
of general stock OCTG’s. The new
stock holding achieves an 80 - 90%
fit with current / future well designs
delivering a reduction in stock
investment of US$2.7 M per year
Jonathan Martin summarises: “The
BI 500 program is the
demonstration of ESSA and Lean
thinking in action - empowered
teams eliminating waste.”
For more information on Brunei
Shell Petroleum’s BI 500 program,
contact Jonathan Martin, BSP’s
Business Improvement Manager.
Reduce Costs And Make
Business More Efficient
Managing Director Grahaeme Henderson speaking to staff on ways to reduce cost and improve efficiency during the MD Staff Cascade
he leadership team recently gave a performance
update on key aspects of the business in the
third MD Staff Cascade of the year. Staff were
encouraged to look for ways to reduce costs and
make the business more efficient.
In safety, the company is doing well with a TRCF of 0.4, but
there are a total of 9 high potential near misses. Hajah
Rosmawaty Haji Abdul Mumin, Asset Director, said, “Each
of us can do better to unburden our front-line guys.” She
urged everyone to take personal responsibility for themselves
and colleagues on the job and outside of work.
On safe production, BSP is behind the targets set at the
beginning of the year. There is a need to cut down on
inefficiencies and wastage in the company. The key to success
is for everyone to use the BI500 opportunity, for which 300
projects have been completed and 256 in progress.
Further, the leadership team stressed on the importance of
adhering to the Business Principles and company processes to safeguard the business and reputation as an organisation,
with honesty and integrity as its core values. Shell People
Survey results this year showed a further improvement.
Although BSP still lags behind the rest of Shell, in the last 5
years the overall results have closed the gap by 12%, from
being 17% behind Shell in 2004 to being just 5% now.
December 2009 Salam 09
BSP Welcomes His Royal
Highness Prince Haji ‘Abdul
His Royal Highness Prince Abdul Azim is briefed on the Brunei Tell-A-Friend Road Safety campaign during a Business Overview and Safety
runei Shell Petroleum recently welcomed His Royal
Highness Prince Abdul Azim for a working visit to
the Head Office in Seria.
The tour is part on the ongoing work visit by His
Royal Highness to major ministries and agencies in
the country.
His Royal Highness Prince Haji ‘Abdul ‘Azim’s arrival at the BSP
Helipad was greeted by Grahaeme Henderson, BSP Managing
Director BSP and Haji Zainal Abidin bin Haji Mohd Ali, BSP
Deputy Managing Director.
Grahaeme gave the BSP Business Overview and Safety
presentation proceeded by a question and answer session at the
Boardroom. His Royal Highness Prince Haji ‘Abdul ‘Azim was
then ushered to the Management Foyer for a poster tour on
Technology, Safety and Brunei “Tell-A-Friend” road safety
10 Salam
December 2009
The road safety campaign itself was launched by His Majesty the
Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam during BSP’s
80th Anniversary celebration in September. It emphasises five
principles of driving safely, namely wearing seat belts, observing
speed limits, not using mobile phones while driving, using safety
helmets while cycling and using pedestrian crossings.
The royal visitor was then invited to visit the Production
Optimisation Collaboration Centre (POCC) and Wawasan 3D
Visionarium that highlights BSP’s high-tech production methods
and systems integral to operations. His Royal Highness Prince
Haji ‘Abdul ‘Azim was briefed by departmental heads and
accompanied by the Managing Director throughout the visit.
His Royal Highness Prince Haji ‘Abdul ‘Azim also toured the 80th
Year Anniversary Exhibition and walekd through the Time
Tunnel which displays classic and past photographs of the
company’s oil and gas breakthroughs before concluding the visit.
Dignitaries Tour BSP In
Familiarisation Programme
n efforts to strengthen rapport and enhance good
relationships with the private sector, Brunei Shell
Petroleum (BSP) held a familiarisation programme for a
delegation comprising of dignitaries to Brunei Darussalam
and representatives from various private sectors at several
BSP locations.
Commenting on the visit, BSP Managing Director, Grahaeme
Henderson said, “The oil and gas sector is a dynamic industry and
BSP is committed to leading the way in finding more efficient
techniques to produce hydrocarbon to ensure the energy
demands of our customers and the country are met. Our visitors
will get to see the complexities of the various operations first-hand
and meet with our various experts on the field.”
Over 40 delegates from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade,
representatives from various embassies and high commissions
including Malaysia, UK, China, USA, Kuwait, the banking
sector, transportation sector and private media were present.
The delegation arrived at the BSP Head Office, Seria where they
were led on a tour of the Atrium, Production Optimisation
Collaboration Centre (POCC), 3D-Wawasan and the
Coordination Control Centre (PCC) before heading to ‘49’, BSP
Managing Director, Grahaeme Henderson’s residence for a
presentation on Brunei Tell-A-Friend Road Safety campaign.
The delegation proceeded to the Marine Construction Yard in
Kuala Belait and the T201, an onshore drilling rig in Seria. The
visitors departed to Seria Crude Oil Terminal for a briefing and
tour of the Control Room and SCOT area before heading back to
Bandar Seri Begawan.
US Ambassador, His Excellency William E Todd remarked on his
tour of the facilities, “It’s very enlightening, it’s really interesting to
see the long partnership between Shell and the Brunei
government. I learned a lot about the technology like the SMART
wells and snake-wells and, especially the environmental work
Shell has done.”
The delegation were led on a tour of the Production Optimisation
Collaboration Centre and briefed on its day to day operations
December 2009 Salam 11
Launching Of Operations
Academy At Tank Group 27
he new Operations Academy @ Tank Group 27
(TG27) program was officially launched in a
ceremony in early November with the guest of
honour, Asset Director, Hajah Rosmawatty Abdul
Mumin, welcoming the new trainees in attendance
to the start of their upcoming learning and development period
at TG27.
The Operations Academy is BSP’s commitment to nurture and
develop high calibre local talents to acquire professional and
specialised skills to support the operations in BSP as well as the
oil and gas industry. The Operations Academy will also help
address the human resources challenge that the industry is facing
in terms of recruiting technical professionals.
To support learning, TG27 has been identified as a “training
platform” due to a number of favourable factors. First, the safe
operations of the plant are in a lower risk profile than other areas.
Second, there are light and heavy crude oils produced, adding
some complexity to the work involved. Third, the ease of access
to the site and support facilities and last but not least, the desire in
Darat Operations (DOP) to be a part of this.
Hajah Rosmawatty set the scene and described her vision to
Asset Director, Hajah Rosmawatty Abdul
Mumin, welcoming the new trainees to the
Operations Academy at Tank Group 27
12 Salam
December 2009
reinvigorate Operations as a proud and, invigorating and
challenging place to be. She acknowledged the good training
practices happening in other assets and stated, “With this as a
pillar of the Operations Academy and supporting OPAL, we can
increase the desirability and prominence of a career or assignment
in Production Engineering”. She noted, “This will also enable the
development of the technical and leadership capability in these
skillpools for asset and operations positions. Therefore, this will
pave the way for more career development opportunities
including job progression and professional recognition”.
Hajah Rosmawatty continued, “We are supporting this with
Line trainer positions in each asset. The Head of Brunei Asia
Pacific Shell Learning Hub has ceded up to 5 positions into this
and Head of Production and Maintenance Excellence (OPM)
and OPM/7 - Head of Operations, as Dean of the Operations
Academy, are actively pursuing good technical staff to fill these
Hajah Rosmawatty also thanked and appreciated Darat Asset
Manager (DM) and his team in DOP for providing this
opportunity for the trainees and for multiplying a business need
for DOP into an opportunity for BSP.
New Meets Old:
A Close Encounter Across 80 Years Of
Brunei Shell Petroleum History
By Saney Abdul Halim, MPN; Pedro Milano, DOP/3 and John Church, DPE/5
SNF Phase 2 E25 site: 3 x producer wells
very now and then we have
the opportunity to do
something which is more
than just part of our day to
day jobs, more than just
another piece of technical work, more
than just welding a couple of bits of
pipe together to allow some oil to flow.
Every now and then we get a chance to
do something that reminds us that we
don’t create history, we just pass
through it. And if we get to produce a
few extra barrels as part of the bargain all to the good!
The Seria North Flank project has been
busy drilling and completing fish-hook
wells for the last 18 months. Recently
the project finished a batch of three
wells at E25 on the coast just opposite
the Seria Crude Oil Terminal (SCOT).
In order to get the wells onstream as
quickly as possible, a plan was hatched
to put some surface flowlines in place
using reinforced thermally treated
plastic flowlines (RTP). These are
connected to permanent flowlines that
belong to some of the older Seria wells
that only produce a few barrels a day –
in effect “borrowing” their
The three new fish-hook wells (S-882,
S-883 and S-884) have been
connected to the flowlines from
existing old beam-pump wells. One of
the wells which has had its flowline
borrowed is S-10. Yes – the tenth well
drilled into the Seria field. This well
was drilled in September 1930,
destroyed twice during the Second
World War, and has seen almost the
entire 80 year history of Brunei Shell
Petroleum. It still produces about 20
barrels per day – as do the other two
old wells.
We have borrowed their flowlines for
the early production from the new
Seria North Flank fish-hooks. Current
test production from the three new
wells is about 5000 barrels per day,
making it a good swap (temporarily).
It is expected that the permanent tie-in
of the new wells will be completed by
the end of the year, at which point we
will reconnect S-10 and the other two
old wells to continue their long
production from the Seria Field.
The success of the Seria North Flank
development has opened the door to
lots of other opportunities under the
shallow marine surf zone. When
execution of the current project
finishes in mid 2010, a new series of
exploration and development
opportunities will be started up near
the Anduki area. There is plenty of
existing infrastructure in this area too.
So lots of opportunities to be creative
about how to make the most of our
legacy and history.
S-10 drilled in 1930
December 2009 Salam 13
BSP highlights
Even Better:
The East Asset Unit 2009
Shutdown Campaign
By Ak Nor Hafiz Qawi Pg Hj Ismail, OPM/74
ven Better – a fitting tag line for the East Asset Unit 2009 Shutdown Campaign. The ongoing project, which
started in mid-August, follows the success of the Spring CPCB07 0901 Campaign earlier this year and Summer
CPCA07 0901 Campaign, which was completed by the end of October.
Newly restored assets ensures better
productivity and guaranteed safe operations
14 Salam
December 2009
The key objective for these
campaigns is to restore asset
integrity - to restore or improve
facilities or equipment into fully
operational or fit-for-purpose
function to generate better
productivity and guaranteed safe
operations. It is critical to achieve a
successful shutdown campaign
starting from scope definition all
the way to scopes execution and
finally to its closeout to review
opportunities on future
The level of improvement in the
shutdown management has been
getting better from operations level
up to the management level,
currently led by Leo De Laet.
Despite executing the Summer
CPCA07 09 01 Shutdown
Campaign during Ramadhan or
the fasting month, and the preadapting process from CPEMA to
SIMOPS plus the longer campaign
duration of 56 days, there was
excellent teamwork and
enthusiasm from the diverse EAST
team members. This includes
members from EOP/21 and
EOP/1 offshore team and other
key departments like SCO lead by
Senior Offshore Campaign
Engineer, Haji Cahar Cali, and
SKSWood contractors.
The level of activities has
statistically grown from time to
time. The total number of scopes
executed has doubled from last year
to this year’s summer campaign.
For CPCA07 0901 campaign
alone this year, almost 1122 PM
WONs and 49 PS projects were
planned execution with an
addition of about 60 Site
Instructions injected to the
planned scope. This shows the
determination of East Asset unit to
complete the utmost number of
scopes in the given campaign
window. This will continue until it
reaches its optimum cap level of
executable number of scopes within
a given time frame.
This year’s campaign not only
improved campaign management
but also extended its reach into
developing the company’s young
and enthusiastic graduates. For
example, Nurul Mai Faizawaty was
assigned to co-ordinate and execute
the summer campaign in while two
HDTS graduates, Ak Nor Hafiz
Qawi and Haji Norhisham, took
charge of essential roles such as
Offshore EOP/21 Shutdown Focal
Point throughout the campaign
process this year.
From ‘The Best One Yet’ in 2008 to
‘Even Better’ in 2009, the
Campaign Management strives to
continue the journey of
improvement and greater success
by raising its stakes to 3000 WONs
in the 2010 campaign and with the
contribution and the unity of the
Integrated and Multi-disciplined
Campaign Team.
The East Asset Unit Campaign team celebrating an ‘even
better’ year of operations and campaign management
December 2009 Salam 15
SCOT API Channel
Cleaning Activities
By Mohammad Zulkarnaen bin
Haji Zunaidi, POP/111 SCOT Operations
roduced water effluent
treatment is one of Seria Crude
Oil Terminal’s (SCOT)
treatment operation
responsibilities. In August
2009, the channels of the Annular Plate
Interceptor (API) were closed for cleaning
The API channels were built as a secondary
treatment facility for produced water prior
to be discharged to the sea. The API
channels consist of 8 channels with a
skimmer at the end of each channel. The
effluent water from the Effluent Water
Treatment Plant (WEMCO units) flows to
the API channels before being discharged
via a Produced Water Holding Basin
(PWHB) through a pipeline 8 km to the
The operations team, led by Haji Syamaizar
Mat Daud, POP/11X and assisted by
Mohammad Zulkarnaen Haji Zunaidi,
POP/111, coordinated the API channels
cleaning activities based on the business
improvement initiative to improve the
performance of Oil In Water (OIW) in
SCOT, led by Hajah Mahayon M. Taha.
Prior to the cleaning activities, proper
planning and execution is thoroughly
discussed with clear understanding on the
roles and responsibilities for the team made
clear up front. The cleaning project started
on 25 August 2009, where all materials and
appropriate equipment were prepared and
inspected. During the HSE briefing on
site, all personnel involved are reminded
and should understand and comply to the
12 Life Saving Rules so that during
cleaning activities, there is ‘NO HARM
Cleaning activities started by isolation and
pumping out of effluent water from the
API channels. De-sludging activities are
commenced after the pumping out of
effluent water. Work is completed after
cleaning and scraping of the channels,
whereby after that the channels are then
inspected to ensure they were thoroughly
cleaned and to check the integrity of the
16 Salam
December 2009
All cleaning activities were completed on
time and ahead of schedule
All cleaning activities were completed and
hand-over back to SCOT operations on 3
October 2009, ahead of schedule. The
channel cleaning activities will be included
as an annual maintenance activity and part
of Operations First Line Maintenance
(OFLM). SCOT has faced problems in
controlling the OIW of the discharge
effluent water which has consistently
exceed SCOT (15ppm) and BSP corporate
(30ppm) limits, and this cleaning activity is
part of a business driver for SCOT to
improve the OIW performance and
maintain the HSE environmental
standards of ISO 14001. The next
maintenance activity will be the cleaning of
the PWHB channels in late October 2009.
BSP Contributes Teaching
Equipment To Technical College
n its continuous support of the Brunei Government’s
efforts to enhance human resource development, Brunei
Shell Petroleum (BSP) contributed teaching equipment to
the Jefri Bolkiah College of Engineering (JBCE), Kuala
The guest of honour at the handover ceremony was Director of
Technical Education, Ministry of Education, Pg Suhaimi bin Pg
Haji Bakar. Present at the event were senior officials from the
Department of Technical Education, principal, teachers and
representatives from BSP.
The company has worked closely with the Government in its bid
to support and strengthen local capability, Head Learning and
Development, Jim Carthy highlighted in his remarks. “On one
hand the Brunei Asia Pacific Shell Learning Hub (BAPSLH) has
supported the development of the local Bruneian community, by
way of advice, teaching staff familiarisation visit and donating
equipment that will enhance the learning process. On the other
hand JBCE has developed young Bruneian talent who are able to
apply to BSP for key jobs that play a part in securing the future of
Brunei’s oil and gas industry.”
The head of BAPSLH handed the equipment to Cikgu Alias bin
Haji Abu Bakar, the acting principal of JBCE. BSP contributed
$150,000 worth of teaching equipment to the school - a HP113
compact centrifugal pump test set, an engine test set bed and a
multi turbine test set for its plant engineering section. Six
students received certificates for Skills Development programme
and two students were awarded certificates for completing the
CSWIP 3.0 Visual Welding Inspector – Level 1 course.
The ceremony was followed by a tour to the plant engineering
workshop where visitors saw first hand the learning environment
that prepares JBCE students for their future career in the
technical disciplines.
Cikgu Alias Haji Abu Bakar said in his speech that BSP and
JBCE has a long-standing relationship that dates back to the
1980s where the college has “trained most of Brunei Shell’s
employees through engineering courses”. He also said such
courses has “certainly provided many benefits in producing more
local workforce with skills, quality and dedication in supporting
the nation’s hopes and aspirations.”
BSP contributed $150,000 worth of
teaching equipment to the college
December 2009 Salam 17
bsp highlights
BSP Conducts Financial
Management Workshop
For SMEs
n continuous efforts to develop the long-term
sustainability of small and medium local companies
in the oil and gas industry, Brunei Shell Petroleum
(BSP), with the support of Baiduri Bank, conducted a
Financial Management workshop at the Oil & Gas
Discovery Centre.
The one-day programme, organised through BSP’s Local
Business Development Coaching Scheme Initiative (CSi), was
on the topic of Financial Management focusing on managing
financial resources effectively and maintaining good
relationship with financial stakeholders
Facilitated by a specialist trainer from Singapore, courtesy of
Baiduri Bank, it was part of the bank’s contribution towards
supporting BSP’s Coaching Scheme Initiative (CSi). 35
participants from various companies attended the
The Coaching Scheme Initiative (CSi) is part of BSP’s
commitment in developing local businesses and it acts as a
platform for sharing and obtaining best practises to help
develop the capability, competence and competitiveness of
small local businesses.
Besides Baiduri Bank, this scheme is also supported by the
Mashhor Group of companies, Syarikat Kejeruteraan
Sistematik Sdn Bhd, SKS Wood and Petrokon Utama Sdn
Bhd as part of their individual organization’s commitment and
contribution towards local business development and
ultimately, the economic aspirations of Brunei Darussalam.
CSi partners provide qualified coaches to share their
The coaching scheme initiative acts as a platform for sharing and obtaining best practises to help develop the capability, competence and
competitiveness of small local business
18 Salam
December 2009
December 2009 Salam 19
Long Service (NOVember 2009)
Alihasan Bin Sambio DOP111
Zaini Bin Naim TSW4113
Zulaili Bin Bujang SAV1113
Bakri Bin Dullah DOP111
Jamai Bin Jali EOP111
Leong Soon Kong N SEN21
Suhaili Bin Ja’apar EOP1251
Hj Zaini Bin Hj Dullah EME14
Hj Abdul Latif B Hj Abd Rahman POP122
Hj Ahamady B Hj Mohd Yussof STL333
Mohd Azmi Bin Abdullah TSW4113
Idrus Bin Hj Mohamad TSW4113
Hj Ishak Bin Hj Jalil EOP111
Kamis Bin Md Yussof/Yusof POP111
Mahari Bin Hj Ahmad WOP121
Haji Mohd Ayob Bin Abdullah SCO215
Mohd Kamis Bin Mohd Napi SCO541
Mohammad Bin Sion DOP113
Rosli Bin Puli TSW4113
Pg Shahminan B Pg Hj Mahari ISC51
Suhaimy Bin Muhammad WOP132
Teo Seng Tuan OPM421
A Rose Ahmadsafri H Md Ramlee FAC231
Awg Salleh Bin Hj Abd Latip ERE4
Hjh Salina Bte Hj Razali MPN1
Hjh Siti Rafidah Bte Hj Buang HRS112
Sufri Bin Lumba SCM5221
Voon Oi Mee SEN5
Engel D C OPC
Jeffery Bin Abd Latiff BMR10
Latip Bin Haji Mokti HSE1121
Mohd Yaakub Bin Taib EOP141
Mohammad Zamri Bin Sapar HSE1124
Shahrol Wardi Bin Hj Ibrahim BMO111
Siti Sarina Hj Abdul Rasit IAM0
Verkaik J W MPQ
Yousree Bin Mohammed SMR33
Zuriayati Binti Hj Yunos WEN0
Chang Wei Wah ISM14
Long Service (december 2009)
Buang Bin Mohd Tahir WOP132
Chan Vui Nam EME53
Hj Hipny Bin Hj Munir STL2121
Ang Sik Liong OPM6
Bestwick J HSE413
Lydia Bte Abdullah @Mook PPA202
Yong Nyuk Lang WOP321
Zaini Bin Hj Awg Chuchu ISM2
Hj Zainal Abidin B H Md Ali HD
Hj Sibidi Bin Ali WBS6
Zainudin Bin Mohd Salleh EME535
Pg Junaidi B Pg Hj Zaini HSE1124
Lo Mee Chin HML7
Hj Md Husaini H Abd Hamid PHA
Othman Bin Mohammad Yussuf TSW32
Dk Rosinah Bte Pg Bakar DPE30
Rostinah Bte Hj Awg Ladis BMF21
Dy Siti Aisah Abd Jalil IPS54
Hj Yahya Bin Haji Yusop STL13
Pg Abd Razak B Pg Hj Damit XGR
Hamdiah Bte Hj Dullah TSW5122
Dyg Hjh Masnani Hj Abdul Latif HML14
Ak Mustafa B Pg Hj Tajudin BMO112
Napiah Bin Hj Nasir ISC524
Noryah Bte Ibrahim HML12
Siti Wana Bte Hj Abd Gapar TSM21
Abreu Bermudez M A TSM12
Emi Suryani Bte Hj Abu Bakar HML11
Fauziah Bt Hj Bujang HML12
Gonzalez M IWM2
Juliana Bte Jusif HML82
Junaidah Bte Majad HML84
Siti Jauyah Hj Junaidi HML11
Hjh Suryani Bte Hj Seruji HML6
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