trading and investing - Business Spotlight Online
trading and investing - Business Spotlight Online
Bernhard Förth PICTURE THIS! 11 12 10 9 7 6 8 2 4 3 5 1 TRADING AND INVESTING Multiple screens in the trading room Billionaires don’t work — they have their assets work for them. In this illustration, we focus on the words and expressions you need when talking about investing in the stock market. 1. trading floor Börsenparkett electronic tradingelektronischer Wertpapierhandel floor trading Parkett,- Präsenzhandel open outcry offener Zuruf trading room Börsensaal 2. traderWertpapierhändler(in) gesticulate gestikulieren [dZe(stIkjUleIt] high-frequency trading Hochfrequenzhandel (market) order Auftrag aus der Reihe tanzen rogue trader [rEUg] de(r) Händler(in) 3.stockbroker Börsenmakler(in) commission Provision 4 SKILL UP! 4. client Kunde/Kundin 5.currency Währung exchange rate Wechselkurs foreign exchange Devisen (forex, FX) value Kurswert auction market [(O:kS&n] Auktionsmarkt markets close: the ~ die Börse schließt; auch: Börsenschluss markets open: the ~ die Börse öffnet; auch: Börsenöffnung primary market Markt für Neuemissio [(praImEri] nen, Primärmarkt 7. crash Zusammenbruch boom Hochkonjunktur ISSUE 36 A typical stockbroker’s day “I get to work at about 7 a.m. and start calling clients. I ask how they’re doing and how they think the market will go. At 8 a.m., the orders start coming in. A client might call and say: ‘I want to buy options for February at 3.5.’ This goes on until the markets close.” Investing and investors asset Vermögenswert asset-stripping Anlagenausschlachtung billionaire Milliardär(in) erstklassig; erstklassiges blue chip Wertpapier capital Kapital Risikokapital venture capital Spekulant(in) carpetbagger UK disposable incomeverfügbares Einkommen Dividende dividend Eigen-; Stammkapital equity [(ekwEti] financial derivative Finanzderivat [di(rIvEtIv] Geld-, Kapitalgeber(in) financier [faI(nÄnsiE] futuresTerminwaren (Aktien-)Besitz holding interest Zins(en) invest sth. etw. investieren disinvest sth.etw. desinvestieren investment Kapitalanlage; Investition Kapitalanleger(in), investor Investor(in) Verhältnis von Fremdleverage [(li:vErIdZ] zu Eigenkapital mutual fund US (offener) Investmentfonds portfolio Wertpapierbestand principal Kapital Privatier rentier [(rQntieI] Ertrag, Rendite return shareholder Aktionär(in) speculation Spekulation spekulativ speculative stakeholder Interessengruppe(n) stake Anteil Make your money grow ISSUE 36 Did you know? The trading floor is sometimes also referred to as the pit and represents the area where traders complete the buying and selling of assets using the open outcry method, which involves shouting and using hand signals. However, most trading floors have disappeared, as electronic trading has taken over. The most famous trading floor is the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange), which combines an auction market and electronic trading. iStock 8. listed companybörsennotiertes Unternehmen Geschäft insider dealingInsidergeschäft(e), -handel option Option, Vorkaufsrecht 10. stock exchange Börse Effektenbörse (auf dem bourse [bUEs] europäischen Festland) commodity exchange Warenbörse stock market Aktienmarkt, -börse 11. share index Aktienindex (US stock index) 12. information ticker Börsentelegraf, -ticker SKILL UP! 5