04-5 Picture thisDD_03_SU_Intro
04-5 Picture thisDD_03_SU_Intro
04-5 Picture thisDD_03_SU_Intro 07.05.14 12:42 Seite 4 PICTURE THIS! Ouch! I hope they’re insured! 1 3 4 6 5 2 7 10 Bernhard Förth 9 8 WHAT A DISASTER! Why do you need insurance? Our illustration shows a day when insurance might help relieve the pain and cost of a series of unfortunate events. 1. storm damage act of God dislodged roof tiles Sturmschaden höhere Gewalt Ziegelschaden [dIs)lQdZd (ru:f taI&lz] 2. flood damage [flVd] flooded area 3. homeowner file a claim Hochwasserschaden überflutete Fläche Hausbesitzer(in) einen Schaden [)faI&l E (kleIm] melden policyholder Versicherungs[(pQlEsi)hEUldE] nehmer(in) 4. loss (US claims) adjuster Schaden[lQs E(dZVstE] regulierer(in) assess the damage den Schaden begutachten 4 SKILL UP! 5. sandbag 6. uprooted tree 7. car driver whiplash (injury) [(wIplÄS ()IndZEri)] 8. pothole 9. fender bender [(fend&r bend&r] US ifml. 10. careless driver be at fault [Ät (fO:lt] rear-end sb. [(rIEr end] text (sb.) Sandsack entwurzelter Baum Autofahrer(in) Schleudertrauma Schlagloch (Unfall mit) Blechschaden unachtsame(r) Fahrer(in) Schuld sein jmdm. (hinten) auffahren (jmdm.) eine SMS schreiben ISSUE 27 04-5 Picture thisDD_03_SU_Intro 07.05.14 12:43 Seite 5 What’s he texting? Might be a bit late! Had a minor accident. Just a fender bender but looks like the other driver has a whiplash injury. Call you later. Your car car insurance Kfz-Versicherung fully comprehensive Vollkaskoversicherung insurance third-party (liability) cover Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherung third party, fire and theft Teilkaskoversicherung Important details courtesy car motor premium Ersatzwagen Autoversicherungsprämie Your home fire insurance Feuerversicherung home (US homeowner’s) Hausrat- und insurance Wohngebäudeversicherung household (US home) Hausratversicherung contents insurance Important details new-for-old policy wear and tear Neuwertversicherung Abnutzung, Verschleiß Dealing with the insurer blocked drain burst pipe [b§:st] legal protection [(li:g&l] pest infestation verstopfter Abfluss geplatzte Rohrleitung Rechtsschutz Schädlingsbefall [)pest Infe(steIS&n] water damage Wasserschaden Dealing with the insurer scrap value write-off [(raIt Qf] UK Karosserie Aufprall Stoßstange Zusammenstoß Beule, Delle Fahrerflucht Spritztour (in einem gestohlenen Auto) Schrottwert Totalschaden What the insurer wants burglar alarm system [(b§:glE] guard dog [(gA:d dQg] motion sensor Einbruchmelde-, Alarmanlage Wachhund Bewegungsmelder [(mEUS&n )sensE] security lighting Sicherheitsbeleuchtung What the insurer wants car alarm immobilizer secure garage steering lock tracking device Autoalarmanlage Wegfahrsperre geschlossene Garage Lenkradschloss Ortungssystem SKILL UP! In the UK, we talk about insurance “cover” (Versicherungsschutz). In the US, it’s “coverage”. ISSUE 27 SKILL UP! 5 iStock bodywork bump [bVmp] bumper [(bVmpE] crash dent hit and run joyriding ifml.