IB Q3 2011
IB Q3 2011
PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL MEDIA PRIMA BERHAD FINANCIAL & BUSINESS REVIEW FOR THE 9-MONTH PERIOD ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2011 18 NOVEMBER 2011 1 TABLE OF CONTENT PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL SECTION 1 OVERVIEW SECTION 2 PERFORMANCE REVIEW SECTION 3 OUTLOOK & CONCLUSIONS 2 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 3 SECTION 1 : OVERVIEW MEDIA PRIMA BERHAD TODAY Television Broadcasting 100% Print Media Outdoor Media 98% Radio 100% PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL Content Creation 100% New Media 4 International Division 100% 70% (Ghana) 100% 100% NETWORK PORTALS 100% * Pending completion of disposal 80% 100% 95% FACT SHEET Share capital @ 30/09/11 Issued & paid-up share capital Extracts from Balance Sheet @ 30/09/11 S/holders funds Total assets Cash = RM1,063.6m = RM1,367.2m = RM2,357.5m = RM400.6m *Gama Film Company Ltd Group borrowings = RM520.7m PDS Ratings (RAM) = AAAbg (MTN), P1 (CP) ADEX SHARE BY MEDIA IN MALAYSIA PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL TV 50% TV 50% N/papers 41% N/papers 41% Radio 4% Outdoor 1% Others 4% Radio 4% Outdoor 1% Others 4% YTD Q3 2011 YTD Q3 2010 RM Million TV* Newspapers Radio Outdoor Others Total YTD Q3 2011 3,923 3,220 315 87 271 7,816 YTD Q3 2010 3,419 2,851 289 90 245 6,894 15 13 9 (3) 11 13 % Change * Include Pay-TV Source : AC Nielsen 5 MPB GROUP REVENUE BY PLATFORM Revenue Contribution Q3 2011 Outdoor 9% Radio 3% Print Circulation 18% Print Adex New Media 1% Outdoor 9% TVN 42% Print Circulation 6 Revenue Contribution Q3 2010 Radio 4% New Media 0% TVN 43% Print Circulation 22% Print Ad 24% TVN PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL Print Ad 22% Outdoor YTD Q3 2011 Radio New Media TVN Print Ad Print Circulation Outdoor YTD Q3 2010 Radio New Media PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 7 SECTION 2 : PERFORMANCE REVIEW PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 8 SECTION 2.1 : MEDIA PRIMA GROUP CONSOLIDATED RESULTS YTD Q3 2011 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL RM'000 YT D SEP YT D SEP 2011 2010 % GROSS REVENUE 1,427,198 1,357,285 5 NET REVENUE 1,193,329 1,135,372 5 ROYALTIES NET REVENUE AFTER ROYALTIES DIRECT COSTS CON T R I BU T I ON OTHER INCOME OVERHEADS EBI T D A BEFOR E EI FINANCE COSTS DEPRECIATION & AMORTISATION PR OFI T BEFOR E ASSOCI AT E (2,717) 1,190,612 (399,810) 7 9 0 ,8 0 2 18,262 (2,612) 1,132,760 (382,944) 7 4 9 ,8 1 6 15,197 (4) 5 (4) 5 20 (532,286) 2 7 6 ,7 7 8 (497,674) 2 6 7 ,3 3 9 (7) 4 (25,035) (73,090) (24,521) (75,650) (2) 3 SHARE OF ASSOCIATE'S RESULTS 1 7 8 ,6 5 3 2,172 1 6 7 ,1 6 8 5,207 7 (58) PR OFI T BEFOR E T AX BEFOR E EI 1 8 0 ,8 2 5 1 7 2 ,3 7 5 5 EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS (" EI" ) PR OFI T BEFOR E T AX TAXATION PR OFI T AFT ER T AX M I N OR I T Y I N T ER EST PAT AM I - CON T I N U I N G OPER AT I ON S N ET L OSSES FR OM SU BSI D I AR I ES H EL D FOR SAL E GAI N ON D I SPOSAL OF SU BSI D I AR Y ACQU I R ED EXCL U SI VEL Y FOR SAL E PAT AM I PAT AM I EXCL U D I N G EI - CON T I N U I N G OPER AT I ON S EBI T D A e xc l EI (c o n t in u in g o p e ra t io n ) % PAT AM I e xc l EI (c o n t in u in g o p e ra t io n ) % - 43,552 180,825 (46,358) 1 3 4 ,4 6 7 215,927 (55,464) 1 6 0 ,4 6 3 ( 1 ,7 6 4 ) ( 6 ,3 6 9 ) 1 3 2 ,7 0 3 (1 5 3 ) 54 1 5 4 ,0 9 4 (100) (16) 16 (16) 72 (14) - (100) - 100 1 3 2 ,6 0 4 1 5 4 ,0 9 4 (14) 1 3 2 ,7 0 3 1 1 0 ,5 4 2 20 23% 11% 24% 10% 9 SUMMARY OF CONSOLIDATED RESULTS PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL GROSS REVENUE REVENUE PBT BY 18% 7% EBITDA before EI PBT PATAMI 7% 27% • YTD Q3 2011 revenue grew by 5% againts YTD Q3 2010. 2011 recorded a strong 1H 2011 performance on the back of continuing economic recovery in 2010 but tapers down in the 3rd quarter 2011 with the recent economic crisis in the US & Europe • Q3 2011 saw the Group’s revenue dropped amid the economic uncertainty in the month of September 2011. However, the increased ad spend during the Raya festival offset the drop in September’s sales. • EBITDA improved by 4% against YTD Q3 2010 in line with the increased contribution and cost savings. • Direct cost increased by 4% compared to YTD Q3 2010 which is mainly the result of TV Networks’ investment in better local syndicated contents to improve ratings as well as Print’s higher newsprint costs. • Outdoor Media’s direct cost increased by 18% against YTD Q3 2010 mainly due to increase in site rental as result of revision and renewals/extensions of key concession contracts as well as two (2) new airport concessions acquired at the end of 2010. • Other Income increased by 20% against YTD Q3 2010 due to higher interest income and tax refund received by Print media for a subsidiary which has been struck off. • Overheads increased by 7% mainly due to higher staff costs 10 SUMMARY OF CONSOLIDATED RESULTS PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL GROSS REVENUE • PBT before EI increased by 5% against YTD Q3 2010 in line with the higher revenue • Depreciation and Amortisation decreased by 3% compared to YTD Q3 2010 which had included the amortisation of publishing rights that were fully amortised by December 2010. • Share of associate’s profit represents the Group’s share of the results in MNI. 2010 EI relates to negative goodwill from acquisition of 11.8% interest in NSTP amounting to RM53.3 million, gain on disposal of a land amounting to RM5.4 mil and reversal of assets impairment of RM17.2 mil. These are offset against ESOS expenses of RM32.4 mil. • The Group recorded PATAMI of RM132.6 million against YTD Q3 2010 of RM154.1 mil. • Excluding the EI and net losses from Subsidiaries held for sale, the Group achieved PATAMI from continuing operations of RM132.7 mil, 20% higher than RM110.5 mil in YTD Q3 2010. • PATAMI (ex EI) margin stood at 11% surpassing YTD Q3 2010 of 10% • The disposal of TV3N was completed on 5 September 2011 realising a net gain of RM54k PBT BEFORE EI PBT BY 18% 7% GROSS REVENUE PBT PATAMI BY 18% PATAMI 7% 27% (excluding EI) PATAMI PATAMI 27% 11 RESULTS QUARTER-BY-QUARTER R M'000 GROSS REVENUE NET REVENUE AFTER ROYALTIES DIRECT COSTS CON T R I BU T I ON Contribution % OTHER INCOME PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL * 12 QU AR T ER 2 EN D ED QU AR T ER 3 EN D ED QU AR T ER 3 EN D ED 30 JU N E 2011 30 SEPT 2011 30 SEPT 2010 (B - A) (B - C) A B C % % 502,672 498,271 496,107 (1) 0 420,703 (144,345) 276,358 416,529 (130,287) 286,242 415,748 (126,900) 288,848 (1) 10 4 0 (3) (1) 66% 69% 69% 63 >100 5,628 (191,615) (188,915) (185,923) 1 (2) 9 0 ,3 7 1 21% 1 0 6 ,4 9 0 26% 1 0 6 ,4 7 1 26% 18 0 (7,898) (22,282) (8,725) (25,732) (8,322) (25,037) (10) (15) (5) (3) SHARE OF ASSOCIATE'S RESULTS 60,191 357 72,033 683 73,112 612 20 91 (1) 12 PR OFI T BEFOR E T AX BEFOR E EI 60,548 72,716 73,724 20 (1) 20,612 NA (100) 94,336 (20,655) 20 (21) (23) 10 20 (27) (11) 60 20 (26) 100 100 20 (26) OVERHEADS EBI T D A BEFOR E EI EBITDA before EI Margin % FINANCE COSTS DEPRECIATION & AMORTISATION PR OFI T BEFOR E ASSOCI AT ES EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS (" EI" ) PR OFI T BEFOR E T AX TAXATION PR OFI T AFT ER T AX MI N OR I T Y I N T ER EST PAT AMI - CON T I N U I N G OPER AT I ON S GAIN ON DISPOSAL OF SUBSIDIARY ACQUIRED EXCLUSIVELY FOR SALE PAT AMI PAT AMI exc luding EI Margin % 60,548 (15,454) 4 5 ,0 9 4 (655) 4 4 ,4 3 9 4 4 ,4 3 9 11% 9,163 72,716 (18,672) 5 4 ,0 4 4 (726) 5 3 ,3 1 8 54 5 3 ,3 7 2 13% 3,546 7 3 ,6 8 1 (1,812) 7 1 ,8 6 9 7 1 ,8 6 9 12% PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL MPB GROUP RESULTS – BY MEDIA GROUP TVN RM'000 G ross Revenue YTD Q3 2011 YTD Q3 2010 Growth % Net Revenue (af t er royalt ies) YTD Q3 2011 YTD Q3 2010 Growth % EBI TDA Bef ore EI YTD Q3 2011 YTD Q3 2010 Growth % Depreciat ion & I nt erest Expenses YTD Q3 2011 YTD Q3 2010 Growth % PBT / (LBT) Bef ore Associat e Bef ore EI - Cont inuing Operat ions YTD Q3 2011 YTD Q3 2010 Growth % Radio RM'000 Out door Media RM'000 Print Media RM'000 New Media RM'000 Ot hers RM'000 Consol Adjust ment RM'000 13 Tot al Act ual RM'000 627,260 589,330 6 49,737 52,748 (6) 116,787 105,217 11 622,325 582,758 7 8,427 7,210 17 21,923 32,934 (33) (19,261) 1,427,198 (12,912) 1,357,285 (49) 5 500,960 473,272 6 41,206 43,348 (5) 108,254 99,037 9 523,381 487,124 7 7,879 6,293 25 21,923 32,934 (33) (12,991) 1,190,612 (9,248) 1,132,760 (40) 5 160,910 150,241 7 20,517 20,299 1 35,735 36,278 (1) 102,220 100,995 1 (6,683) (5,383) (24) 54,544 (10,077) >100 1,373 1,447 5 6,909 6,857 (1) 38,357 36,128 (6) 809 1,102 27 23,789 24,342 2 19,144 18,852 2 28,826 29,421 (2) 63,863 64,867 (2) (7,492) (6,485) (16) 30,755 (34,419) >100 31,065 28,481 (9) 129,845 121,760 7 (90,465) (25,014) (>100) 276,778 267,339 4 (4,177) 1,814 >100 98,125 100,171 2 (86,288) (26,828) (>100) 178,653 167,168 7 SUMMARY OF YTD Q3 2011 RESULTS BY MEDIA GROUP PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL Radio Networks TV Networks Print Media • Revenue grew 6% • Revenue dropped by 6% • Revenue grew by 7% • EBITDA grew by 7% whilst PBT grew by 7% • FlyFM & OneFM achieved revenue growth of 4% & 16% respectively whilst HotFM declined by 13% • EBITDA grew by 1% whilst PBT dropped by 2% • EBITDA & PBT grew by 1% & 2% respectively Outdoor Media • Revenue grew by 11% • EBITDA & PBT declined by 1% and 2% respectively Ghana • The disposal of TV3N was completed in September 2011 realising a net gain of RM54 thousand Note: The above excludes EI & Associates results New Media • Revenue grew by 17% • LBITDA & LBT both higher than YTD Q3 2010 to accommodate Tonton’s gestation period. 14 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 15 SECTION 2.2 : TV NETWORKS SEGMENTATION OF OUR TV STATIONS STATION PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL TARGET VIEWERS POSITIONING ADVERTISING FOCUS Mass Market skewed towards Malay audience, with progressive mindsets Channel synonymous with family, real-life, entertainment and news content leaning towards cultural proximity "Inspirasi Hidupku" Fast moving consumer goods ("FMCG") products, communications, services, transportation Malaysian Urban Households; 25-45 years old; Kids & Chinese Television as an escapade – “My Feel Good Channel” Brands targeting the Malaysian Urban middle to high class; image products and lifestyle Young Malaysian Urban, Chinese; 15-24 years old Tastemaker, energetic and differentiation in content – “We are different” Brands targeting the Young Urban; sports, energy drink, fashion, and Chinese viewers; health and wealth related Mass Market skewed towards young semi-urban and rural Malays Young semi-urban Malays skewed content with a mixture of drama, real-life and current affairs - "Dekat Di Hati" FMCG products, non traditional advertisers, government 16 TV NETWORKS YTD Q3 2011 RESULTS PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL YTD Q3 YTD Q3 RM '000 2011 2010 % GR OS S R E VE N U E 6 2 7 ,2 6 0 5 8 9 ,3 3 0 6 500,960 473,272 6 D IR E CT COS TS (160,903) (146,406) (10) CON TR IB U TION 340,057 326,866 4 5,087 6,400 N E T R E VE N U E ( AFTE R R OYAL TIE S ) OTH E R IN COM E (21) Hum an resources (77,354) (74,926) Occupancy (16,311) (16,666) 2 Satellite/Telecom m Fees (15,074) (19,237) 22 Other Overheads (45,178) (46,762) 3 (30,317) (25,434) (19) (184,234) (183,025) PWS overheads OVE R H E AD S E B ITD A B E FOR E E I E x c e p ti o n a l i te m ( E I) E B ITD A a fte r E I Interest & Depreciation P R OFIT B E FOR E TAX Taxation 1 6 0 ,9 1 0 - 1 5 0 ,2 4 1 ( 1 3 ,8 3 7 ) 1 6 0 ,9 1 0 (31,065) 1 2 9 ,8 4 5 (32,070) 1 3 6 ,4 0 4 (28,481) 1 0 7 ,9 2 3 (32,857) (3) (1) 7 100 18 (9) 20 2 P R OFIT AFTE R TAX 9 7 ,7 7 5 7 5 ,0 6 6 30 P AT E X CL U D IN G E I 9 7 ,7 7 5 8 8 ,9 0 3 10 PAT excluding EI Margin % 19% 19% EBITDA excluding EI Margin% 32% 32% 17 TV VIEWERSHIP SHARE (FTA & PAY TV) Station Total 4+ Viewers Jan - Sept Jan - Sept 2011 2010 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 18 Urban 15 to 29 (English Chinese 4+ Viewers Literate) Viewers Malay 15+ Viewers Jan - Sept Jan - Sept Jan - Sept Jan - Sept Jan - Sept Jan - Sept 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 28% 28% 3% 3% 18% 19% 38% 38% 6% 5% 20% 19% 7% 7% 2% 2% 6% 5% 23% 21% 9% 8% 2% 2% 8% 8% 1% 1% 4% 4% 10% 9% 48% 46% 47% 44% 38% 38% 52% 51% 5% 6% 1% 1% 3% 3% 8% 9% 8% 11% 4% 4% 6% 8% 10% 13% 39% 37% 48% 51% 53% 51% 30% 27% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Improved overall ratings despite stiff competition and introduction of new channels by paid-TV operators. TOP 10 CHANNELS WATCHED (FTA & PAY TV) PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL STN TOTAL 4+ Q1-Q3 2011 STN Q1-Q3 2010 STN CHINESE 4+ Q1-Q3 2011 STN Q1-Q3 2010 STN MALAY 15+ Q1-Q3 2011 STN 19 Q1-Q3 2010 1 TV3 28 TV3 28 8TV 24 8TV 21 TV3 38 TV3 39 2 TV2 8 TV2 10 ntv7 20 ntv7 19 TV2 10 TV2 13 3 TV9 8 TV9 8 HUAHEE 9 HUAHEE 8 TV9 10 TV9 9 4 8TV 6 TV1 6 WLT 6 WLT 7 TV1 8 TV1 8 5 ntv7 6 8TV 5 AEC 5 AEC 5 PRIMA 5 PRIMA 5 6 TV1 5 ntv7 5 TV2 4 XHE 4 RIA 5 RIA 5 7 SUN-TV 4 SUN-TV 4 XHE 3 TV2 4 CERIA 2 CERIA 2 8 PRIMA 3 PRIMA 3 TV3 3 OTH. A. 3 ntv7 2 ntv7 2 9 RIA 3 RIA 3 TVBC 2 TV3 3 OASIS 2 8TV 1 10 CERIA 2 CERIA 2 OTH. A. 1 TVBS 2 8TV 2 OASIS 1 MPB channels remain the leader among All Viewers and Chinese Source: Nielsen Audience Measurement PERFORMANCE REVIEW : VIEWERSHIP No. Programme PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL Genre Channel 000s TVR Share (%) 1 ANUGERAH JUARA LAGU (L) MUSICAL/ENTERTAINMENT TV3 4,186 21.3 64.1 2 ANUGERAH BINTANG POPULAR BH (L) MUSICAL/ENTERTAINMENT TV3 4,027 20.5 60.9 3 MENTOR AKHIR (L) MUSICAL/ENTERTAINMENT TV3 3,775 19.2 60.5 4 MENTOR MUSICAL/ENTERTAINMENT TV3 3,028 15.4 46.3 5 JUVANA DRAMA/SERIES TV3 2,777 14.1 41.5 6 BERITA TERKINI 2300 NEWS TV3 2,634 13.4 45.4 7 PERL. PRI. KEL. PIALA DUNIA 2014 (L) SPORTS TV1 2,574 13.1 34.5 8 BULETIN UTAMA NEWS TV3 2,458 12.5 43.4 9 MENTOR RAYA MUSICAL/ENTERTAINMENT TV3 2,430 12.1 40.7 DRAMA/SERIES TV3 2,389 12.1 36.2 DOCUMENTARIES/MAGAZINES TV3 2,355 11.9 37.2 MOVIES TV3 2,313 11.8 38.3 10 LESTARY 11 999 (L) 12 CNY BLOCKBUSTER 13 AKSI DRAMA/SERIES TV3 2,297 11.6 36.9 14 SERAM DRAMA/SERIES TV3 2,158 10.9 33.0 15 STANZA CINTA DRAMA/SERIES TV3 2,157 10.9 35.7 16 NEW YEAR MOVIE SPECIAL MOVIES TV3 2,105 10.7 33.4 17 PERLAWANAN AKHIR PIALA FA (L) SPORTS TV1 2,009 10.2 30.3 18 EDISI KHAS COMEDIES/SITCOMS TV3 2,001 10.1 32.3 19 BERITA TERKINI 2340 NEWS TV3 1,986 10.1 44.5 20 CEREKARAMA MOVIES TV3 1,960 9.9 35.2 Source Nielsen Audience Measurement | Universe: 19,723,615 | January – September 2011 Remain top programmes among all genres except for “Sports” 20 VIEWERS: OUR PROGRAMMES VS ASTRO’S PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL MEDIA PRIMA Programme 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MPB/Astro multiple ASTRO (r) 000s 4,186 ANUGERAH BINTANG POPULAR BH(L) 4,027 MENTOR AKHIR(L) 3,775 MENTOR 3,028 JUVANA 2,777 BULETIN UTAMA 2,458 MENTOR RAYA 2,430 LESTARY 2,389 999 (L) 2,355 CNY B.B 2,313 29,738 ANUGERAH JUARA LAGU (L) TVR Share 21 Programme 21.3 64.1 1 KONSERT AK.AKADEMI FANTASIA(L) 20.5 60.9 2 GELANGGANG AKHIR RAJA LAWAK(L) 19.2 60.5 15.4 46.3 14.1 41.5 12.5 43.4 12.1 40.7 12.1 36.2 11.9 37.2 11.8 38.3 (r) 000s 3 MAHARAJA LAWAK(L) 4 KONSERT AKADEMI FANTASIA(L) 5 (L) BOLASEPAK: FRIENDLY + QUAL 6 GELANGGANG RAJA LAWAK(L) 7 (L) MAHARAJA LAWAK 8 ONG BAK 3 9 TIRAI AKADEMI FANTASIA(L) 10 (L) MAN U V CHELSEA 18/09/11 Our Top 10 programmes Vs Astro‟s Top 10 programmes 1,257 1,225 908 816 744 731 680 653 626 615 8,255 TVR Share 6.4 22.2 6.2 18.7 4.6 15.5 4.1 13.3 3.8 12.4 3.7 11.5 3.5 11.4 3.3 10.9 3.2 10.8 3.1 17.5 3.33 3.29 4.16 3.71 3.73 3.36 3.57 3.66 3.76 3.76 3.60 TV ADEX SHARE BY STATION : 30 SEPTEMBER 2011 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL TOTAL RM‘000 2011 Non discounted gross revenue -% - RM'000 Growth % Discount factor -% - RM'000 Gross Revenue - RM'000 -% Growth % 2010 Non discounted gross revenue -% - RM'000 Discount factor -% - RM'000 Gross Revenue - RM'000 -% 22 43 951,644 15 17 386,945 9 15 337,555 1 12 265,178 (5) 87 1,941,322 8 58 (555,385) 76 (293,898) 75 (253,212) 80 (211,567) 68 (1,314,061) 396,259 54 6 93,047 13 14 84,343 11 5 40 829,711 17 356,186 16 334,765 55 (455,670) 77 (274,886) 76 (254,544) 374,041 54 * Based on estimates. 81,300 12 80,221 12 53,611 7 (0) 3 64,015 15 60 * (38,408) 10 213,378 4 60 * (128,026) 0 0 0 100 2,218,715 8 0 67 0 (1,480,496) 627,260 85 6 25,607 3 15 85,352 12 4 0 0 0 738,219 100 6 14 279,638 87 1,800,300 3 55,825 10 205,966 0 0 100 2,062,091 81 (225,870) 67 (1,210,970) 53,768 8 589,330 85 60 * (33,497) 22,328 3 60 * (123,577) 82,389 12 0 66 0 (1,368,044) 0 0 694,047 100 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 23 SECTION 2.3 : PRINT PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL PRODUCT POSITIONING & SEGMENTATION NEWSPAPER TARGET VIEWERS POSITIONING ADVERTISING FOCUS New Malays, young age 20-39 years old, dynamic and progressive Malaysian Malay Daily Young people who are looking for entertainment, shopping news and lifestyle features FMCG products, communications, services, transportation From all walks of life, working class to students, housewives, business people and decision makers Malay Daily People who have an open mind and are drawn to new and interesting products and services Influential newspaper addressed to government and corporate sectors, the intelligentsia, young professional and students English Daily Authoritative newspaper that is responsible for the well-being and progress of the nation in all fields. “The Newspaper of The Nation” 24 FMCG products, government, services Targeting the Malaysian Urban middle to high class; image products and lifestyle CLEAR SEGMENTATION STRATEGY Giving advertisers and readers what they want to capture greater share of readership and advertising revenue NSTP GROUP CONSOLIDATED RESULTSPRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL RM'000 YTD Q3 2011 YTD Q3 2010 25 % Gross Revenue 622,325 582,758 7 Net Revenue 523,381 487,124 7 (170,379) (167,106) (2) 353,002 320,018 10 8,037 4,425 82 Direct cost Other operating income Overheads (258,819) (223,448) (16) 102,220 (37,224) 100,995 (34,858) 1 (7) Finance cost (1,133) (1,270) Profit before EI and Associates Exceptional items 63,863 - 64,867 7,807 2,172 5,207 (58) 66,035 77,881 (15) (14,854) (16,856) 12 51,181 61,025 (16) EBITDA Depreciation Share of results of associates Profit before taxation Taxation Profit after taxation EBITDA Margin PATAMI Margin 20% 10% 21% 13% 11 (2) (100) NSTP GROUP REVENUE CONTRIBUTION PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 90 80 76 73 79 78 70 60 50 % 40 27 30 24 22 21 20 10 0 2008 2009 2010 English Malay 3rd Quarter '11 26 READERSHIP TREND BY LANGUAGE Readers ('000) ENGLISH New Straits Times New Sunday Times BAHASA Berita Harian Berita Minggu Harian Metro Metro Ahad Q4 2008 Q4 2010 Q4 2009 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL Q2 2011 308 263 236 218 236 235 214 202 1,213 1,389 2,205 2,142 1,160 1,207 2,645 2,687 1,020 1,132 3,113 3,434 1,093 1,233 3,654 3,872 Malay newspapers will continue to be the main driver to revenue growth. (Source: Nielsen Media Research – Q42008-Q22011) („000) 7,000 6,000 5,000 English 4,000 Malay Chinese 3,000 Tamil 2,000 1,000 2006 27 2007 2008 (Source: Nielsen Media Research ) 2009 2010 PRINT – ADEX MARKET SHARE BY LANGUAGE PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 50 46 44 45 42 40 38 40 36 35 36 32 30 31 29 30 26 % 25 22 26 22 20 15 10 5 0 2007 2008 English 2009 Chinese/Others 2010 3rd Quarter '11 Malay Source: Nielsen Media Research In line with growing readership, Malay language continue to grow its adex market share. 28 NSTP ADVERTISING REVENUE TREND FOR 3Q 2011 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 17% 320 19% 310 300 290 (5%) RM Million 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 210 200 3rd Quarter 2009 2010 2011 29 NSTP CIRCULATION REVENUE TREND FOR 3Q 2011 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 9% 230 (4%) 220 RM Million 2% 210 200 190 180 3rd Quarter 2009 2010 2011 30 AUDITED CIRCULATION COPIES July'10 to ENGLISH Dec'10 New Straits Times 101,000 New Sunday Times 121,000 BAHASA Berita Harian Berita Minggu Harian Metro Metro Ahad (Source: Audit Bureau of Circulation) 150,000 217,000 404,000 452,000 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL Jan'10 to July'09 to July'08 to June'10 June'10 June'09 107,513 109,341 120,770 127,591 129,554 141,986 166,400 231,925 398,161 457,331 160,597 231,231 378,354 431,418 183,187 275,143 338,552 386,795 31 0 509 445 2003 2011 2010 2009 625 570 525 630 730 701 650 630 574 721 850 900 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 466 2002 2001 542 100 2000 200 546 300 1999 1998 1997 475 632 729 942 1000 1996 1995 1994 450 400 1993 495 500 1992 589 700 1991 1990 1989 702 800 1988 531 600 1987 USD/MT NSTP NEWSPRINT PRICE TREND PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 32 1100 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 33 SECTION 2.4 : RADIO NETWORKS RADIO NETWORKS FINANCIAL RESULTS PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL RM'000 YTD Q3 2011 YTD Q3 2010 % GROSS REVENUE 49,373 52,748 (6) NET REVENUE (AFTER ROYALTIES) 41,206 43,348 (5) DIRECT COSTS (142) (171) 17 CONTRIBUTION 41,064 43,177 (5) OTHER INCOME 872 558 56 (21,419) (23,435) 9 EBITDA 20,517 20,299 1 DEPRECIATION (1,373) (1,447) 5 PROFIT BEFORE TAX BEFORE EI 19,144 18,852 2 OVERHEADS EXCEPTIONAL ITEM (EI) - (793) 100 TAXATION (2,837) (3,650) 22 PROFIT AFTER TAXATION 16,307 14,409 13 EBITDA excluding EI Margin % 50% 47% PATAMI excluding EI Margin % 40% 35% 34 HOT FM RATINGS PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL #2 Overall Malay, overtaking Era FM #1 Source: Nielsen RAM Wave 2, 2011 35 Age 15 - 34 yrs Malay Source: Nielsen Radio Audience Measurement FLY FM RATINGS PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL #2 Source: Nielsen RAM Wave 2, 2011 36 Overall English Source: Nielsen Radio Audience Measurement ONE FM RATINGS PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL #2 Source: Nielsen RAM Wave 2, 2011 37 Overall Chinese Age 15-24 Source: Nielsen Radio Audience Measurement PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 38 SECTION 2.5 : OUTDOOR FINANCIAL RESULTS – OUTDOOR DIVISION PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL % RM'000 YTD Q3 2011 YTD Q3 2010 CHANGE GROSS REVENUE 116,787 105,217 11 NET REVENUE 108,254 99,037 9 DIRECT COSTS (59,814) (50,879) (18) CONTRIBUTION 48,440 48,158 1 OTHER INCOME 549 496 OVERHEADS EBITDA FINANCE CHARGES 11 (13,254) (12,376) (7) 35,735 36,278 (1) - (9) 100 DEPRECIATION (6,909) (6,848) (1) PROFIT BEFORE TAX 28,826 29,421 (2) - (1,311) (100) TAXATION (7,163) (7,373) 3 PROFIT AFTER TAX 21,663 20,737 4 EXCEPTIONAL ITEM (EI) EBITDA EX EI % 33% 37% PATAMI EX EI % 20% 22% 39 MARKET SHARE RETAINS AT 43% Entity PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL As at Sept 2011 2010 % % BIG TREE & KURNIA 43 43 Meru Utama 16 10 Seni Jaya 7 8 Spectrum 5 7 Ganad 5 6 Gelombang Jaya 2 6 Others 22 20 Total 100 100 No. 1 Outdoor Group 40 OUR COVERAGE PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL Jelutong Expressway KOTA KINABALU International Airport Banjaran Berjaya Complex SPRINT Highway KUCHING International New Pantai Expressway Airport Besraya Highway The Outdoor Division holds several exclusive outdoor media rights in:i. Expressways; ii. Transit lines; ii. Retail malls; iii. Airports; and iv. Key city and town sites. The only Outdoor company with presence all over Malaysia. More than 8,000 sites throughout Malaysia. 41 DIGITAL ROLL OUT – SURIA KLCC PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 42 & CONFIDENTIAL DIGITAL ROLL OUT – KUCHING INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE AIRPORT 43 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 44 SECTION 2.6 : NEW MEDIA NEW MEDIA MEDIA RESULTS RESULTS NEW PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL OPERATIONAL RESULTS: Average Unique Average Video ONLINE PAGEAverage VIEWS, VISITORS & VIDEO VIEWS Page Views Visitors Views YTD Q3 2011 (Omniture) YTD Q3 2011 (Omniture) YTD Q3 2011 (Omniture) 2,542,310 336,906 178,283 296,733 54,431 - 257,313 48,271 - 225,316 39,786 - 526,831 106,882 - 5,719,625 438,437 1,763,356 Microsites - - 755,252 TOTAL 9,568,128 1,024,713 2,696,891 Sites TV3 8TV ntv7 TV9 GUA TONTON 45 ALT MEDIA WEBSITE PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL Top 10 Malaysian Sites JUNE 2011 Site SEPTEMBER 2011 Rank Total Unique Visitors (000) Rank Total Unique Visitors (000) 1 2,485 1 2,611 4 1,744 2 2,089 Maybank Group 2 1,639 3 1,796 Star Publication 3 1,477 4 1,422 Tune Group 7 1,129 5 1,362 Maxis Group 5 1,160 6 1,328 LOWYAT.NET 6 1,146 7 1,078 Utusan Group - - 8 995 CARI.COM.MY 9 956 9 983 CIMB Group 10 888 10 970 MUDAH.MY MPB Group Our unique visitors in September 2011 increased by 20% with a number 2 rank increase among Malaysian sites to TOP 3 46 POPULAR PROGRAMS Total Video Views by Month('000) Total Tonton PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL Berita TV3 Microsite 47 ntv7 News 4,465 3,656 3,185 2,851 2,984 1,748 1,244 837 1,244 837 Jan'11 Feb'11 1,698 1,105 March '11 April'11 2,648 1,315 1,105 1,172 337 239 2,382 1,032 167 May'11 June'11 2,425 1,759 758 122 2,095 250 July'11 590 170 Aug'11 1,444 475 135 41 501 122 Sep'11 1 Oct to 23 Oct'11 Top 10 Programs on TonTon in Q3 2011 (No of Video Views) 496,368 362,545 Kasih Alia Nora Elena *As of 23 October 2011 359,014 Annissa 336,866 Stanza Cinta 309,117 Ramadan Terakhir 305,955 Marimar 280,317 236,798 Tahajjud Cinta Juvana 214,727 181,460 Princess Hours Ana Lu'Lu 47 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL ON-LINE : PORTALS, CATCH-UP TV & MOBILE LIVE TV 48 48 TONTON GOES MOBILE PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL AVAILABLE NOW iPhone iOS4 & above Blackberry 6 & above iPad iOS4 & above Android 2.2 & above 49 NEW FEATURES ON PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL Tonton Goes Social Chat Live Comments Related Content & Resume Video Related Content Resume Video Twitter Stream 50 NEWSPAPERS ON IPAD PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL Harian Metro on iPad NST on iPad 51 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 52 SECTION 2.7 : CORPORATE AND OTHER BUSINESSES CORPORATE & OTHER BUSINESSES – YTD Q3 2011 vs YTD Q3 2010 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL MPB R M'000 G ross R evenue 2011 2010 Growth % Net R evenue (af t er royalt ies) 2011 2010 Growth % E B I TD A B ef ore E I 2011 2010 Growth % D epreciat ion & I nt erest E xpenses 2011 2010 Growth % PB T / (LB T) B ef ore A ssociat e B ef ore E I 2011 2010 Growth % TV 3N R M'000 GB R M'000 Ot hers R M'000 Consol A djust ment R M'000 53 Tot al A ct ual R M'000 N/A # 15,314 NA 18,791 14,531 29 3,132 3,090 1 (19,261) (12,912) 49 2,662 20,023 (87) N/A # 15,314 NA 18,791 14,531 29 3,132 3,090 1 (12,991) (9,248) (40) 8,932 23,687 (62) (2,123) (584) (>100) (90,465) (25,014) (>100) (35,921) (35,091) (2) 43 229 (81) (4,177) 1,814 >100 (2,166) (813) (>100) (86,288) (26,828) (>100) 51,824 (5,471) >100 # 139 NA 23,746 22,852 (4) # 1,262 NA 28,078 (28,323) >100 # (1,123) NA # TV3N is no longer consolidated and has been disposed in August 2011. 4,843 (4,161) >100 NA 4,843 (4,161) >100 19,612 26,157 25 (55,533) (61,248) 9 SUMMARY OF RESULTS : CORPORATE & OTHER BUSINESSES PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL Others • Recorded PBT compared to LBT in YTD Q3 2010 mainly due to higher dividend income received in YTD Q3 2011 • PWS‟s Grand Brilliance garnered revenue of RM11.8 million mainly from the success of Khurafat which achieved 2nd highest national cinema collection of RM8 million and Nur Kasih with total collection of RM5 million. • „Others‟ segment recorded higher LBT compared to YTD Q3 2010 due to higher losses incurred by Talent Unit. 54 DIVIDEND PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 55 • MPB has a Dividend Pay-Out Policy of 25% - 75% of PATAMI which enables us to provide stable and sustainable dividends to our shareholders while maintaining an efficient capital structure and ensuring sufficiency of funding for future growth. • Dividends to be paid minimum twice a year, subject to availability of cash flow and funds requirement • In 2011, MPB declared an interim dividend of 3 sen in during the 1st half 2011. Subsequently for Q3 2011, MPB announced that our Board has declared a second interim dividend of 3 sen per share and special dividend of 5 sen share to be paid at a date yet to be determined. • Total dividends declared for the current financial period, stands at 11.0 sen, summarized as below: Announcement Date Payment Date Type Amount Per Share 18-Nov-11 TBD Second Interim Single Tier Dividend 3.0 sen 18-Nov-11 TBD Special Single-Tier Dividend 5.0 sen 24-Aug-11 14-Oct-11 First Interim Single Tier Dividend 3.0 sen PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 56 SECTION 3 : OUTLOOK & CONCLUSION CONCLUSION PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 57 A combination of continuing improvement in economic climate during the 1H 2011 and effective cost management contributed to the improvement in the Group’s results. The Group recorded EBITDA (before EI) of RM276.8 million and PATAMI (before EI) from continuing operations of RM132.7 million. Despite the slower sales due to the economic slowdown coupled with the transition period of the new rate card used, TV Networks’ revenue grew by 6% against YTD Q3 2010. Improved overall viewership share despite stiff competition and introduction of new channels by paid-TV operators provide opportunity for improvement in future revenues when market stabilizes. NSTP’s Advertising Revenue grew by 17% against YTD Q3 2010 at the back of continued success of Harian Metro that showed Ad revenue growth of 17%. However, its circulation revenue decreased by 4% against YTD Q3 2010. Continuous improvement in Malay readership is the main driver for growth in advertising revenue. Stiff competition and lower take up of slots from advertisers resulted in the decrease in revenue for Radio Networks. However, the Group’s flagship radio station, Hot FM showed improvement in terms of listenership leaping into No.2 position among all stations and maintain its No.1 position for age 35 years and below. Outdoor continues to post solid financial and operational performance by registering a growth of 11% against YTD Q3 2010 representing a stable platform with renewals as well as new big ticket customers. In light of the proposed disposal, Ghana’s operation has been reclassified to “subsidiaries held for sale”. It registered an operational loss of RM0.1 million and gain on disposal of RM54k. COMMITMENT TOWARDS GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 58 MPB BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Board has ten (10) members of which three (3) are Executive Directors and seven (7) are NonExecutive Directors. 30% 50% 20% Independent Non-Executive Non-Independent Non-Executive Executive • The Independent Non-Executive Directors make up 50% of the Board membership. • Size of the Board is optimum given the scope and size of the Group. • Size of the Board is sufficient to provide for effective decision-making with a substantial degree of independence from management. • All of the Group’s operating companies have separate and independent boards. • This practice started since inception (2003). OUTLOOK FY 2011 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL MPB GROUP 1st and largest integrated media group in Malaysia & ASEAN. Strong presence across its media platforms - each entity is a leader in its respective media platform. Positive GDP growth an engine to Adex growth – Adex growth usually outgrows GDP growth Opportunities for integration - Cross promotions within MPB media platforms TV NETWORKS Premium content Reaching viewers using all available mediums Investment in quality programming and branding Increase investment in local content Drive towards Malaysian content (not only Malay content) for regional and international markets. Improved ratings will allow improvement in future revenues PRINT MEDIA Distant No. 1, and No. 2 in terms of readership in a growing Bahasa market Bahasa papers – major & growing contributor to NSTP RADIO NETWORKS Hot FM – No.2 among all stations and No. 1 across its key demographics One FM – Profitable within 18 months in a lucrative Chinese market OUTDOOR MEDIA 43% market share New - Digital rollout and airport concessions NEW MEDIA The way forward - Opportunity to merge online expertise with strong offline brands Monetise our online portals & online subscription business Tonton- World-Class Video Portal Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) – MPB to be a main content provider – in line with efforts in making our content available on multiple platforms Well accepted within the newspaper business (e-Media) 59 MOVING FORWARD PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL Committed to maintaining industry leadership position and earnings through continued investment and quality programming, content and branding. Going forward, further investments will be made to strengthen the programme line-up for the TV Networks. Content cost is expected to still be within the Group’s expectations. However, will continue to exercise prudent financial and risk management and stepping up cost management efforts. Reposition print to maintain its relevance, i.e. NSTP re-launched and revamped its English paper, NST in November Continue efforts in realising value of investments in NSTP and Kurnia. Improving the revenue generating capacity Improving the operating efficiencies and synergy within the Group’s stable of media assets. Will continue to look at investment opportunities (earnings accretive and media related) to enhance business activities and earnings potential. The management is cautiously optimistic that with the strategies put in place, the Group should be able to sustain its financial performance. However, the Group is cognisant of the continued soft outlook of the economy and challenges facing the Group. Management is committed to counter such challenges by executing the appropriate measures where possible 60 AN INTEGRATED MEDIA GROUP PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 61 TV NEWSPAPER LARGEST reach in terms of newspaper circulation and readership in Peninsular Malaysia LARGEST reach in terms of TV viewership RADIO #2nd LARGEST reach in terms of combined radio channel listeners’ numbers NSTP’S OUTDOOR NEW MEDIA One of the LARGEST share of advertising revenue in the outdoor media industry Media avenue reaching out to INTERNET based viewership Content Creation <----------------- Boasts the Widest Multimedia Distribution Offering on a Single Integrated Platform -----------> PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL THANK YOU For information www.mediaprima.com.my Inquiries, Suggestions and Comments investor@mediaprima.com.my 62
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