Perspectives - Environmental Statement 2005
Perspectives - Environmental Statement 2005
Perspectives Environmental Statement 2005 Contents Foreword 3 Munich Airport International 4 Environmental policy 6 FMG’s environmental management system 8 Information and motivation 11 Dialogue with the public 12 Environmental initiatives at Munich Airport 14 Aircraft noise 15 Air quality 22 Road and rail traffic 26 Energy 28 The hydrogen project 31 Water management 32 Waste and materials management 38 Emergency management 40 Hazardous goods and materials 42 Planning and construction 44 Conservation 47 Environmental goals and initiatives 50 Environmental data for 2004 52 Glossary 54 Internet links 56 Environmental Statement 2005 1 Validation Environmental statement The next consolidated environmental statement will be submitted for validation by November 2008 at the latest. In the intervening years, an annual update of the environmental statement will be prepared for validation by the environmental auditor. Environmental auditor/organization Reiner Beer, Dr.-Ing. (Registration Number D-V-0007) INTECHNICA GmbH (Registration Number D-V-0248) Ostendstr. 181 90482 Nuremberg Germany Validation Having conducted a comprehensive review, I declare the environmental policy, the environmental management system, the methodology and results of the preparatory environmental review and environmental audit, and the environmental goals, environmental program and environmental statement of Flughafen München GmbH Nordallee 25 85356 Munich Germany to be valid under the terms of EU Regulation EC 761/2001. November 15, 2005 R. Beer, Dr.-Ing. Environmental auditor 2 Validation Foreword As a major piece of infrastructure and a rapidly growing job engine, Munich Airport is a crucial location factor for the whole of southern Germany’s economy. Thanks to the continuous increase in traffic since it moved to its current location in 1992, the airport soon succeeded both in acquiring a strong standing outside Germany’s borders and in joining the ranks of Europe’s leading aviation hubs within the space of just a few years. Part of Flughafen München GmbH’s (FMG) strategy is to manage the operation and onward development of the airport in such a way as to effectively curb the facility’s impact on the environment. The company has therefore introduced a modern, long-term environmental management system certified to DIN ISO 14001 and EMAS 761/2001. This management system has created the foundations for a comprehensive and all-encompassing approach to environmental policy: By continuously documenting the resources consumed and airport emissions, FMG is able to track the effects on the environment systematically, to set specific target figures, and, building on these, to roll out further initiatives to ease the burden on the environment. FMG publishes data on its environmental performance at regular intervals to ensure that its environmental policy is transparent. Openness and a willingness to engage in dialogue with the general public are crucial to operating an environmental policy that is both reliable and engenders trust. It is also important to involve company employees by keeping them informed about the latest advancements and initiatives in the area of environmental stewardship. In the future, just as in the past, FMG will continue to place considerable emphasis on conserving natural resources and on limiting the environmental impact of airport operations and expansion programs, including, of course, our current plans for the construction of a third runway. The additional capacity that this project will create is necessary in order to accommodate future growth in traffic at Munich Airport. In fact, completion of this runway in the near future is the only way to safeguard the airport’s continued development over the longer term into an international hub airport with a substantially enlarged offering of long-haul services. FMG is also continuing its involvement in two major environmental projects, Umweltpakt Bayern and Ökoprofit. By upholding its commitment to control noise, to protect air and water quality, and to engage in environmentally compatible energy and waste management, the company is creating the right conditions to sustain a balance between Munich Airport’s economic importance and ecological responsibility in the future. For FMG, an active and forward-looking environmental policy also needs to focus on advancing new technologies and innovative procedures – hence FMG’s involvement in the hydrogen project set up by a consortium of industrial companies in association with the Bavarian state government. Dr. Michael Kerkloh President and Chief Executive Officer Personnel Industrial Relations Director Walter Vill Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Peter Trautmann Chief Operating Officer Foreword 3 Munich Airport International We live today in an age of mobility: Business has become truly global; the everyday products we use come from all over the world; and for many holidaymakers, traveling by air to distant countries is something they take for granted. In fact, it’s hard to imagine what life today would be like without aircraft as a means of transportation. Airports are now much more than just multimodal hubs for different transport carriers or transshipment points for goods, they’ve advanced to become significant regional economic factors and major sources of employment in their own right. Yet the globalization of markets, humankind’s increasing mobility, and rising traffic volumes have their downsides: Building, operating and extending airport installations can have a sizeable impact on the stability and balance of ecosystems. Flughafen München GmbH (FMG), Munich Airport’s operating company, has striven consistently to limit its impact on the environment to the greatest extent possible and is committed to coordinating its plans for the future with stakeholders in the airport’s surrounding area. 4 Munich Airport International Setting high environmental standards Flughafen München GmbH’s mission is to create and provide the infrastructure needed to support air traffic operations. FMG coordinates the numerous organizations operating at the airport and other airport users. At the same time, the company and its group of subsidiaries independently provide a range of services and make facilities and installations available at the airport to all of the parties involved in aviation. In addition, Flughafen München GmbH is responsible for coordinating the entire gamut of environmental initiatives – everything from energy management to waste management – at Munich Airport. The company makes sure that the more than 430 outside companies, all of which are graded according to their environmental relevance, comply with the facility’s high environmental standards. Continued growth Aviation is expanding at a phenomenal rate at Munich Airport. In 2004, for instance, over 26.8 million passengers – 2.6 million more than a year earlier – passed through Bavaria’s air transport hub. This passenger volume put Munich Airport second – behind Frankfurt and ahead of Düsseldorf – in the rankings of Germany’s busiest commercial airports. At the international level, Munich currently ranks eighth among Europe’s top ten airports. The primary reason for Munich’s success at growing its traffic volume is the unified hub development strategy that Deutsche Lufthansa AG and Flughafen München GmbH are pursuing together. Thanks to an optimized offering of services, Munich is becoming increasingly popular among domestic and international travelers as a transfer airport, a trend evident in the steady rise in the airport’s number of transfer passengers. In 2004, the airport handled 370,534 takeoffs and landings in the commercial sector. The volume of flown air freight totaled 170,828 metric tons. Freight carried by truck brought the total freight transshipped in Munich up to almost 310,000 tons. During 2004, 110 airlines operated scheduled and package-tour services on a regular basis at Munich Airport, serving 23 domestic and 214 international destinations in a total of 65 countries. Passengers (millions) ICAO code: EDDM IATA airport code: MUC FMG employees (at December 31, 2004): 4,946 FMG Group employees: approx. 7,100 People employed at Munich Airport (2003): 23,320 Net sales in 2004: EUR628.4 million Runway system: Two parallel runways, 4,000 meters long and 60 meters wide, 2,300 meters apart and offset by 1,500 meters 26.81 24.19 23.13 23.65 23.16 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Aircraft movements 400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 Name: Munich Airport International Location: 28.5 km (15.5 nm) to the northeast of Munich, 448 m above sea level (MSL), 48° 21' 17" north, 11° 47' 15" east Traffic growth 28.00 27. 00 26.00 25.00 24.00 23.00 22.00 21.00 Flughafen München GmbH (FMG) shareholders: Free State of Bavaria (51 percent) Federal Republic of Germany (26 percent) City of Munich (23 percent) Workload (WLU*) in Mio. 302,412 321,756 330,888 343,027 370,534 2000 2001 2002 2003 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 28,59 25,64 24,94 24,63 2001 2002 24,42 2000 2003 2004 2004 * See glossary Munich Airport International 5 Environmental policy FMG’s environmental policy provides a mandatory set of guidelines for all of the company’s units and underscores the immense importance placed on sound environmental practices within the company: Our environmental policy: A) Preamble As an international aviation and intermodal transportation hub, Munich Airport has a range of tasks and duties to fulfill. Good environmental stewardship is ranked as highly important and must be accorded a prominent place in our corporate culture. 6 Environmental policy An end-to-end approach to environmental protection within the company As the operator of Munich Airport, FMG embraces its responsibility for protecting the environment. Environmental protection has become an important fundamental principle in our corporate policy. Our goal is to sustain in the long term an ecologically, economically and socially viable process of development, to ensure compliance with statutory requirements, and to continuously enhance our environmental performance. To achieve this goal, Flughafen München GmbH upholds the principles stated below: B) Our principles 1. Continuous improvement in our environmental performance In keeping with the principle of sustainability, we focus our environmental protection activities on continuously improving FMG’s environmental performance. We pay special attention to noise, air quality, energy, water and waste because, given the size and nature of our company, its environmental impact can extend beyond the bounds of the airport campus. We consider ourselves to be a forward-looking and innovative company in terms of environmental stewardship. Besides assessing and monitoring the environmental impact of existing processes, we analyze the possible effects of new processes and procedures before they are implemented. Our priority is to completely avoid adverse effects and risks to the environment. If these prove unavoidable, we look for ways to reduce the impact, to protect nature, and to conserve natural resources. To achieve this, we put state-of-the-art technologies to work insofar as they are economically viable. 2. Voluntary efforts beyond the scope of statutory requirements We comply with environmentally relevant legislation and requirements imposed by government bodies and fulfill other environmental obligations as a matter of course; we also take steps to extend the company’s environmental performance above and beyond such requirements. 3. Encouragement of an awareness and sense of environmental responsibility among our employees We seek to promote environmental awareness and an understanding of causes and effects among our employees. We recognize the importance of providing our workforce with detailed information and take steps to motivate our people to support and adopt environmentally sound practices, because comprehensive protection of the environment can only be achieved with the backing of the entire workforce. 4. Open communication with the airport’s local communities and business partners We seek a rich and active dialogue with stakeholders. We are in constant contact with the airport’s neighbors to ensure active and timely communication with local communities on environmental issues and concerns. Through close collaboration with customers and business partners, we aim to achieve higher environmental standards throughout the airport. We also publish information on Munich Airport’s environmental impact and performance at regular intervals. 5. Safeguarding ecological progress We work to ensure ecological progress by actively managing environmental affairs. Besides targeting improved environmental performance, our efforts include environmental oversight measures that ensure company practices are consistent with our environmental policy and objectives as well as initiatives designed to embed sound environmental management practices in company processes and procedures. Environmental policy 7 FMG’s environmental management system Environmental management centers on recording, evaluating and optimizing the environmental impact of a company’s activities. FMG’s environmental management system is based on the international standard ISO 14001 and the European Union’s Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). FMG’s environmental management system (EMS) consists of the following: Preparatory environmental review The purpose of this is to analyze the current status. As part of the rollout of the environmental management system, general and environment-specific data on the company were collected; environmentally specific statutory and regulatory requirements relevant for FMG were analyzed; compliance with these requirements was verified; and significant aspects – i.e., environmentally relevant processes – were identified. This served as a basis for assessing the direct impact (i.e., the impact within FMG’s scope of influence) and the indirect impact on the environment. This analysis is to be repeated at regular intervals. Depending on their environmental relevance, other companies located at the airport were also included in the review. 8 FMG’s environmental management system Environmental policy This represents a binding action guideline for all company units and employees and underscores the importance of environmental protection for FMG. Environmental program This encompasses objectives and initiatives focused on environmental protection, safeguards and performance improvements throughout all relevant FMG action areas. The program is reviewed at regular intervals to verify successful implementation. EMS structure and documentation Environment-specific procedures and workflows at FMG are controlled and documented through the environmental management system. An environmental manual has been published to help put this into practice; this manual is updated at regular intervals. Another instrument within the environmental management system is the environmental information system, which is used to evaluate key environmental metrics. Environmental audit This internal audit is an instrument for the systematic verification and assessment of all environmentally relevant activities and the EMS itself. It is conducted annually to track progress, identify shortcomings and ensure compliance with environmental requirements and statutory regulations. Review by executive management The purpose of the management review is to ascertain whether company environmental policy is being implemented, determine whether targets are being achieved, and gauge the effectiveness of the management system; it is conducted by executive management on an annual basis. Environmental statement This describes the EMS and documents the company’s environmental policy, goals and program. The environmental statement serves to inform the public at large about FMG’s activities and achievements in the area of environmental protection. The statement is updated annually and is validated by an environmental auditor. President and CEO Personnel Industrial Relations Director Central, support and business divisions Validation/certification of the EMS This is a process in which the information contained in the environmental statement and other elements in the eco audit process – namely environmental policy, the environmental program, and the deployment and effectiveness of FMG’s environmental management system – are all reviewed. This also encompasses an assessment by the environmental auditor of the suitability of the preparatory environmental review, the environmental audit, and other methods and procedures used by the company. Through the introduction and onward development of the environmental management system, the company will achieve greater efficiency, transparency and verifiability with regard to its environmental activities and planning. In addition, the goals and initiatives set for individual units will help to continuously improve environmental performance and processes. Chief Financial Officer Chief Operating Officer Central, support and business divisions Central, support and business divisions Corporate Development and Environment Environmental Strategy and Management Company officers Environmental officer Environmental management officer FMG’s environmental management system 9 Munich Airport’s environmental organizational structure At Flughafen München GmbH, environmental protection is integral to responsibilities and workflows at every level within the organization – from the CEO, who bears the responsibility for company plants and installations requiring official approval under pollution control legislation, all the way down to individual workers, who are responsible for their own actions and possible environmental consequences. Corporate management is tasked with ensuring compliance with the requirements established by the environmental management system. Among other things, it is responsible for environmental policy, ensuring the availability of sufficient human, technical and organizational resources to sustain the environmental management system, and the conduct of regular reviews to verify the effectiveness of the environmental management system. Environmental Strategy and Management is centrally responsible for all issues pertaining to environmental protection; it works in close collaboration with relevant units within FMG. In addition, the company has appointed an environmental officer. His remit includes the development of environmental strategies and action plans, the coordination of environmental activities, the implementation of environmental initiatives, and monitoring of compliance with official and statutory requirements. He is also generally responsible for setting up and extending the environmental information and management system. To ensure that the environmental management system continues to operate effectively over the long term, an environmental management officer has been appointed who has been tasked with ensuring the system’s functionality and effectiveness. The heads of corporate, business and service divisions are responsible for the implementation of the environmental management system in their respective units. FMG also has a number of other company officers responsible for specialized fields such as emission and noise control, hazardous materials, water quality protection, and water management and drainage installations. Their remit is to fulfill statutory and official oversight requirements within their respective areas of responsibility. Work in airport organizations Munich Airport is a member of key national and international airport organizations. Officers of Flughafen München GmbH represent the airport in German and European environmental working groups set up by the German Airports Association (ADV) and the Airports Council International (ACI). The work carried out by these groups ranges from the planning of residential developments in the vicinity of airports to the creation of systems of environmental indicators and the publication of recommendations regarding noise limits for aviation. Interlocking environmental and quality management systems Parallel to its environmental management system, FMG operates an ISO 9001-certified quality management system for technical and traffic operations. The environmental and quality management systems interlock so as to exploit synergy benefits and optimize the performance of both systems. Among other things, they share procedures and work guidelines. The FMG team responsible for setting up the environmental management system (left to right): Helmut Hofstetter, Dr. Josef Schwendner, Günther Schmitz, Rainer Hörl, Eva Schmidt, Jörn Peter (Arqum, Gesellschaft für Arbeitssicherheit-, Qualitäts- und Umweltmanagement), Matthias Linde, Egon Renz, Thomas Torsten-Meyer 10 FMG’s environmental management system Information and motivation A competent, dedicated and satisfied workforce is not just crucial to the success of the company but is also a prerequisite for successful environmental stewardship. For this reason, Flughafen München GmbH accords high priority to employee education and training. To advance and sustain employees’ motivation and qualifications in the area of environmental protection, FMG organizes information and training events on a range of environmental topics (the correct handling of hazardous materials, for example). New hires attend induction seminars lasting several days during which they are familiarized with environmental practices at the airport. The company also takes various steps to ensure that the workforce is provided with information on a continuous basis, above all through Flughafen Report, a monthly employee newspaper which regularly devotes column space to environmental topics. Another important information medium is the company intranet, which enables information updates to be distributed to the workforce rapidly. The idea pool: Soliciting constructive suggestions Successful companies build on a committed, well-qualified workforce with an entrepreneurial mindset that seeks actively to take the company forward. The goal of the idea pool is tap into potential for improvement and, thus, advance the optimization of processes. Optimum workflow can only be achieved by leveraging the whole of the workforce’s skills and by actively involving employees in the design of processes. Information and motivation 11 Dialogue with the public Flughafen München GmbH works hard to achieve a common understanding between the airport and its neighbors regarding the airport’s benefits for the region and vice versa by taking into account the interests of local communities in the airport’s development plans. FMG is convinced that the airport can only develop as a key Central European aviation hub if it has the backing of its neighbors. 12 Dialogue with the public Keeping the public informed on a regular basis One of Flughafen München GmbH’s principles therefore is to keep the general public informed and to sustain an open dialogue with the airport’s neighbors. In M Dialog, a bimonthly newspaper published for residents of the airport’s local area, passengers, and the general public, FMG addresses environmental and regional development issues and publishes quarterly reports on noise levels and concentrations of airborne pollutant measured in and around the airport. The company has also published a video film with detailed information on the operational and technical aspects of environmental protection at Munich Airport. Good relations with neighbors ”The regional relations office provides an important contact point where people can raise all kinds of issues. Our neigh- boring communities thoroughly appreciate having us to turn to. My work as FMG’s regional relations officer focuses on three main areas: Building and maintaining our base of contacts, lobbying for the creation of additional airport road and rail links, and promoting the development of the region’s infrastructure. When people on both sides of an issue On its web site, Flughafen München GmbH publishes not just current information for travelers and airport visitors but also regularly updated environmental data. This includes the average monthly noise readings taken at 16 measuring stations as well as monthly airborne pollutant levels. In addition, users can download environmental reports that include detailed information on air traffic, noise, air pollutants, and the weather. Information is also available on site: Interest in environmental initiatives and in opportunities to engage in discussions with the airport’s environmental experts is high, as is evident from the large number of special tours provided for members of aircraft noise commissions from airports in Germany and abroad, representatives of public authorities, student groups, and residents of local communities and their political representatives. are willing to take a step toward one another and are aware of their responsibilities, it’s good for neighborly relations.” Florian Fischer, FMG’s regional relations officer and head of Corporate Development and Environment A good scorecard in the region FMG’s policy of promoting close ties with the region and its commitment to reducing as far as possible the impact of airport operations are proving successful. A 2003 survey conducted by NFO Infratest Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH based on 1,580 interviews in 26 local communities revealed that 88 percent of those questioned enjoyed living in the airport’s region. Seventytwo percent rated the air quality either as good or very good; 82 percent were no less positive about the economic situation in their home region. Thirty-eight percent of those surveyed said they found aircraft noise a nuisance, while 33 percent cited road traffic noise as a primary annoyance. Four in five people, or 82 percent of the sample group, stated that they considered the construction of the airport to be an advantage for themselves and their local area. A similar representative survey is to be conducted in 2006. A trusted information platform The Airport Forum, set up in 2000 and chaired by Bavaria’s transport minister, Dr. Otto Wiesheu, has proved to be a valuable information platform, making an important contribution toward open communication in a spirit of trust between the airport and its local region. The Forum’s meetings, held on a regular basis, are attended by local councilors from the Erding and Freising districts, the mayors of nearby towns and communities, the spokesperson for the Erding/Freising chamber of industry and commerce, representatives of local trade and craft organizations, and Flughafen München GmbH executives. The regional relations office: Liaising between the airport and its locale Florian Fischer, FMG’s regional relations officer and the main contact for anyone wishing to level complaints or submit requests and suggestions to the airport operator, believes in fostering an open dialogue with local communities. He also actively seeks to engage community representatives and other stakeholders throughout the region in dialogue. Moosburg a.d.Isar Zolling Allershausen Hohenkammer Langenbach Langenpreising Kranzberg Marzling Berglern Wartenberg Freising Eitting Fahrenzhausen Fraunberg Neufahrn b.Freising Oberding Bockhorn Hallbergmoos Eching Erding Moosinning Walpertskirchen Up to 2,500 inhabitants 2,500–5,000 inhabitants 5,000–10,000 inhabitants 10,000–20,000 inhabitants More than 20,000 inhabitants Neuching Wörth Finsing Ottenhofen Dialogue with the public 13 Environmental initiatives at Munich Airport International An evaluation system has been created to classify direct and indirect environmental impacts; this is used to assess these impacts on an annual basis. Key areas of environmental performance at Munich Airport are described in detail in the sections that follow. The descriptions also include figures and details of specific environmental goals and initiatives. 14 Environmental initiatives at Munich Airport International Aircraft noise There’s no such thing as an instant solution when it comes to avoiding aircraft noise. Every commercial airport faces a unique set of circumstances determined by traffic volumes, arrival and departure routing, night flight regulations, local communities’ concerns, neighbors’ expectations, and numerous other factors. At the end of the day, though, it might be impossible to eliminate aviation noise entirely, but there are plenty of ways to reduce it. Two sources of noise Aircraft noise has two components: aerodynamic noise and engine noise. Aerodynamic noise is caused by the displacement of air flowing around the body of the aircraft, which forms vortices on the aircraft’s skin. Although this plays a comparatively minor role during takeoff, it accounts for roughly half of the total noise produced during landings. This is because anything that diminishes the plane’s aerodynamic efficiency during an approach – the flaps, slats and landing gear, for example – increases the noise level. Engine noise consists of a number of different sounds – the hot exhaust gases hitting the much colder outside air, the rotation of the fans, and the combustion of the kerosene inside the engine. Aircraft noise 15 Aircraft and engine technology: Lowering noise levels The first-generation jet engines in aviation, known as turbojet engines, were especially loud. Since the end of the 1960s, though, aero-engine makers have been building much quieter turbofan engines. These engines typically have a much greater diameter and a prominent fan at the front. Today, jet aircraft with turbofan engines have for the most part superseded their older turbojet counterparts in the skies over Germany. One of the latest developments in initiatives to build quieter engines is something called the chevron nozzle (see photo at left). What’s unique about this nozzle is that it has a sawtooth trailing edge. This sophisticated piece of engineering has been shown in tests to reduce engine noise by one decibel. It lowers noise by causing longitudinal vortices that help the hot and cold gases coming out of the engine to mix better. However, the chevron nozzle increases air resistance, causing the plane to consume 0.5 percent more fuel. Noise footprint: The area impacted by aircraft noise Technological advances in aviation engineering have had a considerable influence on the propagation of aircraft noise in the airport’s surrounding area. The graphic shows the 75dB(A) noise footprints for two different types of aircraft. The noise footprint is the area at whose edges a specific noise level – in this case, 75dB(A) – occurs when an aircraft takes off. The larger and lighter-colored of the two footprints shown here in the graphic belongs to an older Boeing 737-200 with turbojet engines but retrofitted with a so-called hush kit to reduce noise. The smaller, darker-colored footprint superimposed on it is from a modern Airbus 320. The difference in the sizes of footprint reflects how the noise produced by more recent, quieter aircraft impacts on a much smaller area around the airport. Comparison of noise footprints 2.5 km 1.5 km 0.5 km Runway 0 - 0.5 km - 1.5 km - 2.5 km -1 km 0 1 km 2 km 3 km 4 km 5 km 6 km Takeoff point ----------------------------> No. of km from takeoff point 75 dB(A) - Airbus 320 16 Aircraft noise 7 km 8 km 75 dB(A) - Boeing 737-200 HK 9 km 10 km 11 km 12 km 13 km 14 km 15 km 16 km Monitoring noise around the clock In compliance with Section 19a of Germany’s Aviation Act, Flughafen München GmbH operates installations that monitor aircraft noise levels. The most important element in FMG’s monitoring system are 16 measuring stations located around the airport within a radius of roughly 20 kilometers. These stations’ locations were selected jointly by FMG and the Aircraft Noise Commission. Each of these measuring stations has a sixmeter microphone mast, noise measuring equipment, and a station computer. The computer sends the noise data collected by the station to a central computer system at the airport. Readings of aircraft noise are collated with radar tracking of aircraft movements, making it possible to accurately identify individual aircraft responsible for noise incursions. Aircraft noise is assessed based on readings of noise peaks and continuous noise levels measured in dB(A). A noise peak describes the actual maximum sound pressure level caused by an individual noise event – a single aircraft flying past or over a given location, for example. Continuous noise levels are computed in those places where the duration as well as the intensity needs to be taken into account. Individual sound events that occur within a certain period of time are averaged out to obtain a continuous noise level for that period. The continuous noise level is therefore seen more as a measure of trends in the overall noise situation at an airport over the course of, say, a year. As the table shows, the number of particularly loud noise events – in excess of 85dB(A) – recorded by the measuring stations near the airport has dropped despite the increase in traffic. Continuous noise levels measured along the boundary defining the zone beyond which flight operations may not cause an equivalent continuous noise level of more than 62dB(A) have remained stable or even declined slightly. Numbers of noise events in excess of 85 dB(A) recorded at measuring stations near the airport Measuring station 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2004 Attaching 404 303 255 87 58 37 37 Hallbergmoos 747 500 379 141 110 23 34 – 468 227 142 190 270 264 1509 1037 977 585 501 368 463 Pulling Schwaig Continuous noise levels in dB(A) during the six busiest months (May to October) at measuring stations along the 62dB(A) boundary Measuring station 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2004 Brandstadel 54 53 52 51 53 52 54 Lageltshausen 53 52 52 52 52 49 50 Reisen 51 54 53 53 52 52 53 Viehlaßmoos 52 52 51 51 49 51 51 The noise readings help to provide a picture of trends in aircraft noise in the airport’s surrounding area. They make it possible to verify, for example, whether changes to flight procedures and aircraft routing have proven effective from a noise control standpoint. The noise readings, published for the local population at regular intervals, provide an objective set of data for recommendations by the Aircraft Noise Commission, and are used in the creation of the German transport ministry’s bonus list of particularly quiet aircraft. Aircraft noise 17 A backgrounder on arrival and departure routing Just like any other procedure to do with air traffic control, departure routes are set by DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH, Germany’s ATC operator. DFS generally tries to make sure that aircraft don’t fly over populated areas. Given the population density and structure throughout Germany, though, this is often only possible to limited degree. Once the experts at DFS have mapped out what they believe to be a viable new departure route, they present it to the Aircraft Noise Commission for discussion. DFS also presents alternatives it has considered, but explains, as appropriate, why these were rejected. The same procedure also applies when changes are made to existing departure routes. The commission’s tasks are laid out in Section 32b of Germany’s Aviation Act. Departure routes have to be officially sanctioned with a statutory order passed by the Federal Office of Aviation. Although modern navigation systems allow an aircraft’s position to be determined with exceptional precision, ground-based and on-board systems are only capable of operating to certain tolerances dictated by the limitations of the technology. As a result, a plane may deviate horizontally from the ideal line computed for a particular departure route. The exact path taken also depends on other factors, such as wind and the speed of the aircraft. This is why a corridor is defined along the ideal line of a departure. DFS computes the size of these corridors based on guidelines published by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in DOC 8168 (PANS OPS). broadcasts radio waves which are displayed in the cockpit for the pilot as an on-course indication. Essentially, the ILS defines the approach line and the glide path angle – at Munich, three degrees as is typical at international airports. For inbound flights (in contrast to outbound flights) there are no corridors as such. Depending on the traffic situation, the traffic volume, and the time of day, inbound planes are led onto the instrument landing system for their runway at a distance of between eight and 25 nautical miles (15–46 kilometers) for their final approach. Aircraft on approach runs into Munich Airport are guided individually into the respective instrument landing system (ILS) for their target runway by Munich’s approach air-traffic controllers. The ILS Additional information is available on the Internet at -> Aircraft noise and the environment The Aircraft Noise Commission: In search of compromise Maintaining good relations with local communities plays a crucial role in Munich Airport’s future development. Productive collaboration, however, is impossible without an ongoing dialogue. This is why representatives of local councils from around the airport region meet regularly with ministry officials, members of the aviation community, and other experts in the Aircraft Noise Commission to discuss airport-related issues of relevance for the local populace – issues like the optimization of flight paths. These meetings enable the Aircraft Noise Commission to prepare proposals for the airport’s supervisory authorities and, thus, make an important contribution toward balancing the airport’s and its neighbors’ interests. 18 Aircraft noise Once a plane is roughly ten nautical miles (around 19 kilometers) from the runway, the approach controller hands it off to a tower controller. The tower controller gives the inbound aircraft landing clearance. Martin Köppl, Media Relations Officer, DFS Munich Each year, the airport is required to submit a noise report to the aviation authorities and the Aircraft Noise Commission to prove that it has not exceeded its noise quota. This also ensures that the general public is kept informed about the number of night flights and the airport’s compliance with the night-flight regulations. Home base: intercontinental flights S L Home base: short and medium-haul flights S L 02:00 04:00 06:00 S L S L Home base: ferry flights Munich List Mail and DFS survey flights S L Training and practice flights S L 01:00 23:00 03:00 05:00 not permitted permitted Also permitted: - Takeoffs and landings necessary for emergency services, disaster relief and police operations - Landings for meteorological, technical or other air safety-related reasons - Flights granted special dispensations by Bavaria’s Ministry of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology or the Authority for Aviation Supervision to avoid substantial disruptions to air traffic or for other reasons of special interest Night flights 49 50 40 42 40 41 38 42 Other Mail 35 20 Munich List 10 Home base 0 2003 Delayed 2004 30 2002 In addition, night-flight operations are only permitted insofar as they do not exceed a set annual noise quota. The amount of noise is computed based on the number of inbound and outbound flights and on the type and size of the aircraft. The quieter the aircraft operated, the greater the number of flights permitted and vice versa. S L 2001 - a planned movement by a scheduled or charter aircraft (max. 28 a night) - a flight operated by a carrier who has a home base in Munich - a flight by an aircraft on the so-called Munich List that does not, on average, cause individual noise events of more than 75dB(A) at measuring stations in the vicinity of Munich Airport - a training flight. Delayed/early flights 2000 In the remaining night time hours (between 10:00pm and midnight and between 5:00am and 6:00am), only aircraft on the federal transport ministry’s so-called bonus list are allowed to operate. The only exceptions to this rule are delayed or early flights by planes with at least a Chapter 3 ICAO noise rating. In addition, aircraft movements are required to be one of the following: (max. 28 per night) 1999 In the main curfew period between midnight and 5:00am, only mail flights and ATC survey flights are permitted. Other exceptions to the curfew include medical emergency and aid flights, landings required for reasons of air safety, and flights for which special dispensations have been granted by Bavaria’s Ministry for Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology. There is a public interest that these aircraft movements be allowed to take place, so there is no restriction on when they can occur. 00:00 22:00 S L Scheduled aircraft movements 1998 Since March 2001, night traffic at Munich Airport (flights between 10:00pm and 6:00am) have been governed by amended regulations issued by the regional government of Upper Bavaria. Night flight restrictions Number of night flights in an average night Night flight curfew limits the number of aircraft movements Planned quota Since March 2001, night flights in the Munich List and home base categories have not been included in the planned quota of aircraft movements. Aircraft noise 19 Fee policy encourages use of quieter planes Advances in noise control and in aircraft engine technology are progressing more rapidly than changes can be made to international agreements governing admissible noise emissions for aircraft. Munich Airport has responded to this trend by adjusting its landing fee schedule. Aircraft types are assigned to noise categories, based on mean recorded noise levels during takeoff and landing operations. Jets in the quietest category are charged eight times less than jets in the noisiest category. At the same time, especially quiet aircraft on the so-called bonus list – published by the federal transport ministry and based on noise readings taken at German commercial airports – qualify for an additional reduction in weight-dependent landing fees. Munich Airport plans to further increase the degree of differentiation in its scale of noise-dependent landing fees. can be tested. With 20-centimeter-thick reinforced concrete walls, ten-centimeter-thick acoustic panels on the inside, and a special conical shape, the hush house dampens engine noise exceptionally well. During engine test runs, noise levels inside can peak at around 110 dB(A). The noise emissions at the nearest habitations are tracked constantly as part of a special noise monitoring program. By optimizing the positioning of aircraft in the hush house, the airport has succeeded in further reducing noise levels caused in neighboring developments by engine tests. Numbers of engine test runs 1200 1000 800 Engine testing in the airport’s hush house Test runs need to be performed on aircraft engines to check their performance after maintenance work has been completed. Often, time constraints mean that these tests can only be conducted at night. To meet this need, Flughafen München GmbH built a hush house, a specially designed building where engines 20 Aircraft noise 600 400 200 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Noise-optimized arrival and departure procedures In a research project supervised by the German Aerospace Center, air-traffic control operator DFS and Flughafen München GmbH are collaborating on finding ways to reduce the noise caused by aircraft takeoff and landing operations. Given that advances in further reducing engine noise anticipated for the years ahead will only help to improve the noise situation at airports in the longer term on account of the time it will take for these improvements to find their way into new production aircraft, the aim of this joint research project is to bring about short-term improvements. The project focuses on minimizing noise on departure routes by taking into account the average wind direction and its impact on noise propagation; on gauging the Noise control and construction planning: Deciding what can be built where Because the degree of protection against noise needed by the population has generally increased, Bavaria’s regional development program reclassified the noise control area around Munich Airport and issued revised construction regulations. The goal was to avoid, or at least minimize, noise nuisance, particularly in areas with a primarily residential or leisure purpose. The airport’s noise protection area is divided into three zones, A, B, and C. These zones are based on airport forecasts of the equivalent continuous noise levels caused by aircraft. These zones may be utilized as follows: potential for noise reduction in mapping flight paths to the course of autobahns; and on estimating the potential for noise reduction through weather dependent flight paths. FMG is contributing to the project by supplying data recorded by its noise monitoring installations. Additional information: Dr. Frank-Thomas Winter, Environmental Strategy and Management (FMG) - Zone A, > 65dB(A): Commercial real estate for use by businesses and public authorities which are either involved directly in airport operations or which themselves are responsible for high levels of noise. - Zone B, 62–65dB(A): Unrestricted use for commercial and industrial purposes. - Zone C, 58–62dB(A): Mapping and allocation of construction land for residential purposes in zoning and development plans to complement existing residential developments; sub-zone Ci, with noise levels of 60–62dB(A), is intended to fill gaps between development areas. Strategic goal Initiative Time frame Consolidation of the noise protection program Adjustment of anti-noise windows (see the section on planning and construction for additional information on noise protection) Completed Reduction of noise impact from engine tests Optimization of the positioning of aircraft in the hush house Completed Assessment of construction measures with a view to technical viability from a flow perspective Mid-2006 Incentives for airlines to operate quiet aircraft Introduction of a wider spread of noise-dependent landing fees End of 2007 Advancement of research into means of reducing aviation noise Work on the Federal Ministry of Education and Research’s Low-noise Arrival and Departure Routes project Thru end of 2006 Support for the German Aerospace Center’s Quiet Air Traffic II project Thru end of 2007 Optimization of departure procedures in association with airlines and air traffic control Ongoing Reduction of local aviation noise Aircraft noise 21 Air quality Airport operations create a range of airborne pollutants. The main pollutants are carbon dioxide, nitrogen monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons. The primary sources of pollutants at airports are aircraft and motor vehicles. About half of all automobile pollution comes from vehicles picking up or dropping off passengers. The rest is caused by service vehicles involved in airport operations and by airport employees’ and visitors’ cars. The airport’s own power generating facilities, aircraft air-conditioning systems, and refueling operations also play a role, but to a much lesser extent. Whereas air traffic causes around three-quarters of all carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions, motor vehicles are the main source of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. Air quality monitoring with stationary and mobile equipment Munich Airport monitors air quality constantly through a network of air pollutant measuring stations. The first of these stations was set up by Flughafen München GmbH in 1991 – one year before the new airport began operating – at the eastern end of the airport site. This location was chosen because the 22 Air quality prevailing winds are mostly westerly, causing the east side of the facility to be more heavily affected than the west. The measuring station is located on the airport’s perimeter because the primary purpose of monitoring pollutant levels is to protect local residents in neighboring towns and villages. The stations measure concentrations of sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, PM 10 (respirable particulate matter 10 microns or less in diameter), ozone and BTX hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene and xylene). All the measuring equipment is checked for accuracy in accordance with standards set by Germany’s environment ministry. Daily function checks, regular maintenance, and quality control tests on the equipment ensure a system availability in excess of 90 percent. Data collected by the station, is retrieved automatically several times a day. Other checks, too, are carried out as needed. A biomonitoring program, for example, tracks the accumulation of soot deposits in plants, and mobile measurements of pollutant levels are taken to determine whether aviation or motor traffic causes the greater number of air pollutants. Reducing aircraft engines’ pollutant emissions Aircraft carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions are very low because combustion in jet engines is a continuous process. In this sense they are superior to diesel and gasoline engines. The smoke emissions from earlier aircraft engine types are also a thing of the past. What remains problematic, however, are the nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, which are actually on the increase in modern engine types. The reason: Modern engines run hotter, and the combustion temperature is the very factor linked physically to the production of NOx. In principle, the higher the process temperature in an engine, the greater the engine’s thermodynamic efficiency, but with the same combustion chamber technology, the NOx emissions are higher, too. Given that kerosene consumption plays a sizeable role in operating costs, it is necessary to use engines that are more fuel efficient. We can therefore expect to see a trend toward higher combustion temperatures on account of the more favorable mileage and lower CO2 emissions as a result. Two measures are used to reduce NOx emissions: - an increase in overall engine efficiency - the introduction of low-emission combustion chambers The propulsion efficiency increases with the bypass ratio, meaning that it depends in the end on the diameter of the fan (the large set of blades visible at the front of the engine). Over the past 30 years, aero-engine makers have managed to increase bypass ratios considerably, with a resultant drop in fuel consumption of nearly 50 percent. Since even higher bypass ratios can still be achieved, a further 20 percent drop in fuel consumption is possible, which translates into a 20 percent reduction in emissions. However, this will require a reduction in the size of the core engine; this can be accomplished by increasing the process pressures and temperatures. The latest engines built for the Airbus A380, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner or the Airbus A350 follow this trend. Another means of substantially increasing the bypass ratio is to insert a step-down gear box between the core engine and the fan. However, in the case of large engines used in civil aviation, that is a feature we can only expect to see in future engine generations. One positive side-effect is that this kind of engine design will be noticeably quieter. There are two routes in the development of low NOx combustion chambers: A substantially improved fuel mix can avoid local temperature peaks in the flame tube, which leads to lower NOx emissions. This approach was pursued in the past in an aerospace research project in Germany, where it succeeded in lowering NOx by 30-40 percent in comparison with conventional engine combustion chambers. At the same time, through the transition to so-called lean combustion it is possible for the first time to lower NOx emissions much further. Previously, systems of this kind used multiple chambers which could be enabled automatically depending on the performance requirements. In a European collaborative research project, a CLEAN technology engine with a multiple-stage lean combustion chamber demonstrated that NOx emissions can be reduced by as much as 70 percent in comparison with the technology typically in use today. Engines with multistage chambers are already on the market today. However, because systems of this kind are more costly, heavier and more fault prone on account of their greater complexity, researchers are pursuing other lines of thinking in the development of new engines: Through a multi-stage fuel/air mixing process, lean operating conditions with extremely favorable NOx emissions can be achieved in extensive areas of the combustion chamber without substantially increasing the chamber’s complexity. Current advances, many in the context of major EU-sponsored technology programs, are helping to achieve an important strategic goal by the year 2020: a reduction of NOx emissions by 80 percent while at the same time lowering kerosene consumption and, thus, CO2 emissions by 20 percent. Dr. Stefan Hohmann, combustion specialist, MTU Aero Engines, Munich Readings show that limits are rarely exceeded Measuring station readings have shown that the air quality in the airport area is broadly similar to that found in other predominantly rural areas or on the periphery of cities. For the most part, only ozone levels exceeded set limits and target values. This occurred in the spring and summer, when levels were generally up on a large scale throughout Europe. The rise is largely attributable to pollutants from automobiles rather than to pollutants from aviation. Concentrations of sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen monoxide, benzene, and other BTX hydrocarbons have remained consistently low. Levels of nitrogen oxides and particulates are mostly in the low to medium range. The airport is planning to take detailed readings to identify the particulates’ component materials. Air quality 23 Contending with tougher limits on nitrogen dioxide Nitrogen dioxide is the most significant pollutant generated by airport operations, because its readings are closest to statutory limits, even without the airport’s influence on levels. Since the 1990s, nitrogen dioxide levels have become increasingly important – not on account of the extremely moderate increase in levels measured near the airport, but because statutory limits are being lowered annually in stages. When the airport moved to its current location in 1992, the limit was 80 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3), averaged out over the year; for 2005, though, the limit was set at 50µg/m3, with a further reduction to 40µg/m3 slated for 2010. FMG has responded by setting up two additional measuring stations for nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen monoxide on the airport’s southwest and northeast perimeters. Since the commissioning of the new airport facilities in 1992, annual average concentrations of nitrogen dioxide have been in the 22–30µg/m3 range – levels typical for a small or midsized town. The highest average level in a given month was 67µg/m3, and the highest level in a given half-hour was 222µg/m3, both recorded in January 1997. Concentrations of nitrogen dioxide typically fluctuate over the year, from season to season, with higher levels being recorded in the winter than in the summer. This is due to the prevalence of inverted weather patterns during the winter. Under these conditions, nitrogen dioxide-rich air masses at ground level – caused by the ubiquitous road traffic in Central Europe – mix less rapidly with cleaner air from higher altitudes than during the summer. When this occurs, as is often the case in January and February, nitrogen dioxide levels can rise sharply over an extensive area. Ozone levels reached new highs in a record-breaking summer The annual mean values for ozone are in the region of 40µg/m3. The highest ever monthly mean was 104µg/m3, recorded in August 2003, during the record-breaking summer. Previously, ozone levels had never even been close to that, with the second-highest monthly mean at just 79µg/m3. To date, the highest mean level over half an hour was 254µg/m3. High levels typically occur between April and August. Here, too, the duration and the intensity of sunlight play an important role. Nitrogen dioxide levels at Munich Airport 60 50 μg/m3 40 30 20 10 0 January February March Monthly mean in 2002 Monthly mean in 2003 How ozone develops in lower levels of the atmosphere In the lower levels of the atmosphere, ozone molecules have just a short life – anything from a few seconds to a few minutes. At these levels, different chemical reac- 24 Air quality April May June July August September October November December Monthly mean in 2004 Annual limit (Federal Pollution Control Act, 22nd Ordinance) tions take place during the day that constantly create and destroy ozone. High ozone levels usually occur when chemical and physical conditions in the atmosphere cause more ozone to be created than destroyed. Factors affecting the ozone content of air include the intensity of solar ultraviolet radiation and concentrations of nitrogen monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, hydrocarbons, and dust particles. Nitrogen dioxide, hydrocarbons, and UV rays are all needed to produce ozone, while nitrogen monoxide and dust help to destroy it. The comparatively low ozone levels in winter are due to the low UV radiation. Levels are commonly higher in rural areas than in urban areas because concentrations of nitrogen monoxide and dust are higher in cities. Volker Hergt, Environmental Strategy and Management, FMG’s emissions officer Keeping track of air pollutants Concentrations of air pollutants in the airport area are monitored on behalf of FMG by the company Müller-BBM. The readings obtained in recent years show that airport operations are only of secondary relevance, even in the case of levels record- ed directly at the airport: Current pollutant levels are still primarily attributable to factors present prior to the construction of the airport. It’s important to note, however, that increasingly rigorous statutory limits are being imposed for nitrogen dioxide, the most important component. Under these circumstances, and given the airport’s ambitious growth targets, it’s important to step up efforts to ensure that pollutant levels don’t rise in tandem with expansion in the aviation sector. In the spring and summer months, ozone concentrations change significantly over the course of the day. Levels are low in the early morning but rise as the day continues, peaking between 3:00pm and 4:00pm, and then dropping toward evening. These changes over the day are essentially due to shifts in sunshine intensity. Changes in levels of precursor pollutants – caused by rush-hour traffic, for example – also play a part. Possible courses of action in the case of aircraft, for example, include technological advances in engine design (a factor on which airports have no influence) and measures to further optimize aircraft taxiing operations. Ideally, efforts should also be made to limit further increases in vehicular traffic at the airport. Improving rail access to the airport would be an important step in the right direction here. Norbert Suritsch, Müller-BBM, Planegg/Munich have a propensity for accumulating certain airborne substances in their cells. Curly kale has proven to be an excellent indicator for analyzing local levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), a group of substances that includes naphthalene, pyrene, fluorine, and benzo(a)pyrene. Rye grass is useful when it comes to analyzing pollution with heavy metals. These tests showed that concentrations of pollutants were low, typical for the region, and had remained unchanged since before the airport began operating. Biomonitoring with curly kale and rye grass In 1991 and in 1993, tests using bioindicators were conducted to determine the impact of air pollutants from airport operations on soil and agricultural products. These tests involved exposing curly kale and rye grass to the air in the airport’s Strategic goal Initiative Time frame Optimization of information on the emissions situation based on findings regarding the impacts of individual emitter groups Development of LASPORT, a tool to compute the spread of air pollutants. This helps to achieve a better understanding of airport operations’ impacts on air quality, to distinguish them from levels attributable to prior, airport-independent factors, and to make meaningful forecasts. End of 2006 Positive impact on the air pollution situation Review of a number of measures, including pollutantdependent landing fees End of 2007 surrounding area for prolonged periods. These plant species Air quality 25 Road and rail traffic Public transport Easy ground access will play a crucial role in Munich Airport’s future growth. Further improvements to the road and rail infrastructure are important in order to enhance not just accessibility but also the interconnection of air and ground traffic. At present, rapid transit trains offer the only rail access to regional and mainline rail services, and rail connectivity is focused on the area to the west. In 2004, around 31 percent of originating passengers traveled to the airport on rapid transit rail services; 53 percent drove to the airport by car, of whom 6 percent used hire cars; 6 percent came by bus; and 10 percent arrived by taxi. Given the lack of satisfactory local public transport services to and from the airport, the majority of people who work there airport travel by car. FMG is taking steps to change this by encouraging employees to set up car pools. When preparing duty rosters for dispatchers, for example, the interests of people traveling into work with colleagues are taken into account. The main airport feeder road, the A92 Munich–Deggendorf autobahn, is also the airport’s primary link to the nationwide road network, connecting with the A9 Munich–Nuremberg autobahn and, via the A99 Munich East ring road, the A8 to Stuttgart and Salzburg. Work to widen the A92 to three lanes each way along the section between the Neufahrn autobahn intersection and the exit to the airport was completed in June 2003. The installation of a traffic management system has also helped to improve traffic flow and road safety on the A92. 26 Road and rail traffic Access to the airport from the regional road network in the west would be dramatically improved by completing the B388a trunk road, which would close the gap between Fischerhäuser and Hallbergmoos. This road has been tagged as an urgent project in the federal transportation development plan. A tangent highway, the FTO, connects the airport with the regional and national road networks to the east. The Bavarian state is pushing hard to achieve final completion of this road at the earliest possible date. Currently, rail services to Munich, the state capital, from Munich Airport are available on the S1 and S8 rapid transit rail lines, with departures every ten minutes. Travelers can catch onward mainline services operated by national rail carrier Deutsche Bahn at Munich Central Station, Munich East, and Pasing. To enhance the appeal of public transport and extend the airport’s role as an intermodal hub, efforts are currently underway to advance two key projects: the construction of a Transrapid maglev rail line and the completion of the rapid transit rail network’s circular in Erding. The Transrapid is to create a direct rail link with a journey time of ten minutes and services every ten minutes between Munich Airport and Munich Central Station. In effect, this will enable Munich Central to serve as the airport’s mainline train station. According to current planning, the Transrapid line is due to be commissioned in early 2010. Likewise due to be completed in 2010 is the Erding circular link, which will extend the airport’s rail connectivity to the east. Internal traffic FMG operates a number of specialty vehicle on campus, including snow clearing trucks, fire engines, cars and vans. Passengers are transported on the apron by buses powered by conventional diesel engines. New buses purchased are equipped with advanced particulate filters. Two of the apron buses run on hydrogen as part of a test to determine the everyday suitability of this new fuel and this special type of powertrain (see the section on the hydrogen project). When FMG procures new vehicles, it is careful to select the types of powertrains best suited to the specific duty requirements. Fuel consumption 1,000,000 900,000 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 2001 2003 2002 Super 6,500,000 6,000,000 5,500,000 5,000,000 4,500,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 2004 Liters of diesel Airlines, cleaning and refueling operators, and other companies at the airport have a large fleet of vehicles, some running on gasoline but mostly diesel-powered. There are also a number of vehicles with alternative drive systems, including electric motors. Computersimulation Liters of regular/super gasoline By contrast, passenger stairs and baggage conveyors used for handling operations on aircraft stands are mostly electric powered. Hybrid vehicles are used to transport baggage; these are fitted with diesel and electric powered drives, with the latter being used primarily when the vehicles are operated inside the baggage handling facilities to avoid subjecting workers to exhaust fumes. Diesel Regular Strategic goal Initiative Time frame Reduction of ramp service vehicle fuel consumption by 10 percent compared to 2005 Introduction of a speed limit of 30km/h for water and lavatory trucks to increase fuel economy and reduce wear. Completed Replacement of current freight tugs with a new, lighter generation of tugs to increase fuel economy. Ongoing New powertrain technology will be used when replacing hybrid tugs. The new vehicles will have electric drives powered by a battery that is constantly recharged by a diesel engine. This reduces idling losses because the vehicles only operate on electric power. Ongoing Employees are to be encouraged and instructed to reduce vehicle idle energy consumption. Telematics systems are to be used for data communication and vehicle tracking. End of 2006 Operation of diesel vehicles equipped with particulate filters New diesel-powered standard and production vehicles are to be equipped with the latest particulate filter systems. Ongoing Procurement of natural gaspowered vehicles Once a filling station to supply natural gas has been built, gas-powered vehicles will be purchased for certain types of airport duties. End of 2007 Computersimulation Road and rail traffic 27 Energy Munich Airport’s energy requirements – which are on scale comparable with a town with 40,000 inhabitants and an average spread of industry – are filled by a central plant that delivers not just power and heating energy but also the cooling energy required by the airport’s many air-conditioning systems in a combined generating process. This centralized system enables the airport to make optimum use of primary energy resources to produce energy economically and in an environmentally compatible way. A cogenerating plant covers the basic needs To make efficient use of energy, the airport operates a combined heat and power plant. Nine gas-powered combustion engines and connected generators produce a total output of 18.5 megawatts – sufficient to cover roughly half of the airport’s power needs. Heat recovered from the engines also fills the airport’s basic heating requirements. During the summer, the same heat is used to operate absorption cooling machines that supply the air-conditioning systems cooling the airport buildings. As a result, the airport’s on-site cogenerating facility achieves a primary energy conversion efficiency of more than 80 percent. Output from the cogenerating plant is sufficient to meet the basic power and heating requirements and maintain a supply of emergency power. Additional heating energy is sup- 28 Energy plied via a district heating line from a generating facility in the nearby town of Zolling and by a separate on-campus boiler plant, used to cover peaks in demand. Before the exhaust gases from the cogenerating plant’s combustion engines are released into the outside air, they pass through a two-stage catalyst consisting of an ammoniacal solution for selective catalytic reduction and an afterburner for thermal oxidization. This largely eliminates pollutant gases such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and unburned hydrocarbons from the exhaust gas, keeping emissions well below statutory limits. To reduce the power plant’s water consumption, the airport is planning to switch its water softening process over to reverse osmosis; this will make it possible to do away with the sulfuric acid tanks. Taking a lead in environment-compatible cooling The airport’s on-site cogeneration unit achieves its exceptional overall energy efficiency through a fine-tuned mix of individual components. For example, cooling energy is produced using a new breed of low-temperature absorption chiller, a 2,500 kilowatt unit that marks the first successful attempt to use this technology on an industrial scale. Using water as a coolant, the chiller is capable of exploiting a far greater amount of the waste heat from the cogenerating plant than would be possible with conventional cooling machines. This puts Munich Airport at the forefront of environmentally compatible cooling process technology. around 445,000 kWh (kilowatt hours) of power a year – roughly equivalent to the amount consumed by 155 households. Based on an estimated useful life of 30 years, the photovoltaic plant will reduce CO2 emissions by around 12,000 metric tons. Intelligent IT optimizes energy management CO2 trading underscores the airport’s environmental compatibility As of 2005, FMG’s on-site power generating installations are required to take part in an EU-wide emissions trading program. Due to the airport’s highly efficient, environment-friendly technology, FMG was allocated marginally more emission allowances than expected for the initial trading period through to 2007. This underscores the airport’s high level of environmental compatibility; also, the sale of these emission allowances Energy consumption 35 500 In addition, a building control center running computer-aided regulation programs tunes the energy consumption in line with current needs and external factors. For example, energy-saving programs ensure that outside air is used to cool buildings at night during the summer months or that lighting is switched on and off in line with the airport timetable. 450 Total energy consumption GWh/a A computer-aided building control center for efficient regulation 30 400 25 350 300 20 250 15 200 150 10 100 5 50 0 Setting standards in solar power generation On the roof of Terminal 2 is a photovoltaic generating plant, completed in 2003, which is capable of delivering an output of 457kWp (kilowatt peak). Operating parallel to the grid, the plant feeds the power it produces into FMG’s power supply system via 133 inverters. At the time it was completed, the solar plant – built as a collaborative project by BP Solar/Deutsche BP AG, the German Environmental Management Association, Deutsche Lufthansa AG, FMG, and private operating companies – was the world’s largest solar power installation at a commercial airport. The plant uses 2,856 separate solar modules, each containing polycrystalline silicon cells and capable of delivering an output of 160Wp (watt peak), mounted on the roof of Terminal 2 in seven rows. The plant is designed to generate Specific energy consumption kWh/WLU*/a Creating an environmentally and economically optimized energy supply system involves more than just deploying a perfectly coordinated set of installations. Optimized control systems, too, are a crucial part of the equation. Due to the large number of interdependencies involved in a complex energy supply system like FMG’s, the airport has installed a computerized energy management system to assist plant operators. The system operates predictively, computing its energy requirements on the basis of a range of key factors, including the weather and load profiles, as well as a continually optimized operating profile that takes into account a variety of peripheral factors, such as energy supply agreements and the availability of individual plants. 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 * See glossary. The airport's total energy consumption (including all non-FMG companies) increases the economic efficiency of our energy supply system. Energy 29 Energy flow chart for 2004 Strategic goal Initiative Time frame Reduction in the volume of water consumed by the cogenerating plant by 20 percent in comparison with 2006 Refitting of the cogenerating plant for reverse osmosis Early 2007 Removal of the sulfuric acid tanks used in the water softening process Refitting of the cogenerating plant for reverse osmosis Early 2007 Installation of a particulate filter in the cogenerating plant Installation of a particulate filter to reduce the amount of dust emitted by the cogenerating plant Mid-2007 Reduction in the amount of energy used for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning in the Central Area/T1 by 20 percent in comparison with 2005 Installation of CO2 sensors to improve ventilation efficiency in the Central Area End of 2005 Adjustment of the temperature in accordance with the DIN 1946 standard (reduction of cooling energy) by extending the zero energy band Ongoing Publication of guidelines on energy-efficient construction Authoring of guidelines on energy efficient construction End of 2006 30 Energy The hydrogen project Hydrogen – fuel of the future ARGEMUC – driving technology The world has just limited fossil energy resources. In the long term, humankind will need to find viable alternatives to fuels like gasoline and diesel oil that are in such widespread use today. Hydrogen is one energy source widely regarded around the world as having the potential to play a major role in tomorrow’s energy supply. One advantage of hydrogen is that it can be produced using a number of different regenerative processes, and it can be obtained using fossil resources during a transitional period. Switching to hydrogen will mark a fundamental and permanent change in our energy systems. Eleven leading companies united to form a consortium, ARGEMUC, to conduct a project to assess the feasibility of hydrogen as a fuel. Partly with funding from the Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Transport and Technology, these companies are developing, implementing and testing a range of hydrogen technologies at Munich Airport. In the automotive sector, hydrogen can be used as an energy source in combustion engines. In motor vehicles, hydrogen is stored either as a gas under extremely high pressure or in liquid form at an extremely low temperature (-256°C). Because the energy density of gaseous hydrogen is substantially lower, storing a comparable amount of energy requires fuel tanks with a much higher volume. In buses, this is not a problem because the roof structure offers sufficient space for tanks. In cars, though, chilled, liquid hydrogen has distinct advantages. Tomorrow’s mobility today: Hydrogen in Munich Hydrogen-powered buses have already covered more than 500,000 kilometers on Munich Airport’s apron. Since September 2005, the project has Hydrogen at Munich Airport: A glimpse of tomorrow In May 1999, Munich Airport opened the world’s first public hydrogen filling station, signaling the beginning of the hydrogen age. Gaseous hydrogen is produced on site by splitting water in a high-pressure electrolysis unit or by reforming natural gas. The gas is treated, compressed and then stored in high-pressure tanks that are used to fuel passenger buses powered by combustion engines and fuel cells. In addition, hydrogen is delivered to the airport in chilled, liquid form. This is stored in a heavily insulated tank from which cars are filled automatically by a robot refueling system. been widened to include two hydrogenpowered public transport buses operating between Hallbergmoos and the airport. One bus is fitted with a conventional combustion engine; its emissions are considerably lower than the limits set in the Euro 5 standard that has not yet come into force. The other has a fuel-cell drive which only emits steam. Both refuel exclusively at the airport’s hydrogen filling station. Bavaria’s trans- port ministry has provided EUR15 million to fund the trial operations, which are to continue until December 2006. Hydrogen is the future of mobility, and that future has already dawned at Munich Airport. Rainer Hörl, Head of Energy, Water and Waste Management The hydrogen project 31 Water management Rerouting streams into new beds Lowering the groundwater at the airport for safety reasons A large number of small streams and ditches traverse the Erdinger Moos area. They drain the agricultural land and stabilize the groundwater level. They follow the lie of the land for the most part, running from southwest to northeast. The airport facilities partially interrupt the natural direction of flow, so the streams had to be rerouted and managed. They are now either piped underground across the airport campus or diverted into open ditches running around the site and then fed back into their original courses on the north side, where they can continue to flow as before. Thanks to these initiatives, the impact on the character of the local landscape has been kept to a minimum. The construction of Munich Airport called for a more extensive reduction in the groundwater level than had already taken place through the building of ditches, because it was crucial to aviation safety that the runways’ and aprons’ foundations be kept frost-free. This meant ensuring that the groundwater was not able to rise to a level higher than one meter below the surface of the topsoil or paved areas. 32 Water management There were two goals which, at first glance, seemed difficult to reconcile: On the one hand, aviation safety called for frost-free foundations; on the other, intervention in the water balance needed to be kept to a minimum. The solution was to create a sophisticated system of open drainage ditches and underground drainage pipes. The yellow line (see the photo on the upper right on page 33) marks the area in which the groundwater was lowered. Monitoring water levels continuously To enable accurate monitoring of the impact of lowering the groundwater level and diverting watercourses, a large number of test points with automatic measuring systems were set up, of which roughly 200 are checked at regular intervals. If these show exceptionally high or low levels, readings are taken at other points, too. We also regularly conduct chemical analyses of groundwater samples from around 20 locations to check water quality. These checks enable us to ensure that groundwater quality is not being impaired by airport operations. Bodies of water are also tested to determine their biological quality. Restoring the water balance To the north of the airport, all of the groundwater rerouted through the ditches is returned to nature. Some is fed back into the original watercourses interrupted by the airport, ensuring that the natural volume of water continues to flow; and some is returned to the water table through a percolation system. This offsets the lowering of the groundwater level. Regular checks on water levels show that the overall groundwater balance has not been adversely affected. Deicing paved areas: Safety first During the winter months, the airport needs to keep its runways, taxiways, and ramp areas – some 4 million square meters in total – clear of ice and snow. It’s a task handled by a team of around 80 FMG employees plus 330 external workers, working in shifts. For the most part, they work with snow plows, blowers and sweepers. If the weather conditions call for it, they also deploy chemical deicing agents based on formates. Sprayer trucks spread these agents in concentrations of roughly 25 grams per square meter. Reinforced concrete channels running along the edges of the runways trap the runoff and carry it to a retention basin with a capacity of more than 200,000m3. From here, the deicing runoff is piped to the wastewater treatment facility at Eitting. Water management 33 Biodegradation: Putting soil bacteria to work Around the taxiways, deicing runoff is biologically degraded in an underground system pioneered at Munich Airport. Along the length of the slightly inclined taxiways, a 20-meter-wide band of sealing fabric was laid in the ground at a depth of one meter. Alternating banks of gravel and sand were added on top of this impervious layer to slow the flow of the runoff. This gives soil bacteria in the system sufficient time to turn the deicer into water and carbon dioxide. The water draining into the ground at the end of the fabric layer is harmless. Plans have been made to further optimize the system (see the strategic goals and initiatives for water management). The runways will also be grooved laterally to help reduce the quantities of deicer Minimizing the deployment of deicer We use a black ice warning system which lets us know in good time when we need to take action. Without compromising on traffic safety, we try to minimize the amount of deicer we deploy as far as possible. We don’t required in the winter. 34 Water management spread salt, we spray potassium formate, and if the weather turns exceptionally cold, we also use sodium formate. In a number of areas, we spread sand along with the deicer, which helps roughen the paving and keep the deicing fluid in place. We use about 25 grams of deicing agent per square meter during each deicing operation. We’re constantly on the lookout for new products that are effective yet environmentally compatible. From an environmental standpoint, formates are currently the best choice of deicer, and we will be making greater use of them in the future. Satellite navigation systems are fitted to our deicing vehicles to help us keep constant track of which deicers we’ve deployed, where, when, and in what quantities. We hope this will allow us to keep optimizing and reducing the quantities of agent we use. Helmut Vogt, Head of Aviation Premises and Facilities (FMG) Efficiency gains with a batch heating system Specially equipped vehicles are used to deice planes at Munich Airport. They spray deicing agent heated to around 80°C onto the aircraft’s skin (the wings, for example) to melt away any ice and snow. Until recently, the airport had to preheat its entire stock of Type 1 deicing agent (some 700m3) to around 70°C and constantly keep it warm in storage tanks from the end of September until the end of April, because the deicing vehicles’ onboard heating systems took too long to bring the deicer up to a usable temperature. The installation of new high-speed heating equipment in the deicing vehicles, a batch heating system, means we no longer have to maintain stocks of preheated deicer. The new system is able to heat up 500 liters of cold deicing fluid in around five minutes. To achieve this, a batch tank with a capacity of 500 liters was divided off from each vehicles’ main 6,000-liter tank. The contents of the small tank are primarily heated by a heat exchanger. During spraying operations, deicing fluid in the small tank is replenished from the large tank and is heated via the heat exchanger. This means that, after an initial ramp-up time of five minutes, continuous operation is possible, allowing the vehicles to spray up to 6,000 liters of heated deicer at once. The system hasn’t just reduced the amount of power needed to keep stocks of deicing agent warm by more than 60 percent, it has also helped lower the amount of diesel consumed by the deicing vehicles and therefore their CO2 emissions, because the vehicles’ engines needn’t run as long to heat the deicer. Hans-Joachim Püschner, EFM – Gesellschaft für Enteisen und Flugzeugschleppen am Flughafen München mbH EFM EFM: FMG’s deicing and towing operator Aircraft deicing: The importance of recycling deicer In November 1992, Deutsche Lufthansa AG and Flughafen München GmbH (FMG) set up a joint subsidiary, EFM – Gesellschaft für Enteisen und Flugzeugschleppen am Flughafen München mbH. Aircraft are deiced at Munich Airport at 12 specially equipped areas located at the heads of the runways. Here, mobile deicing crews, nicknamed “polar bears,” spray aircraft with a hot mixture of glycol and water. A system of channels surrounding the deicing areas traps the mixture of deicer and runoff and drains it into reinforced concrete underground tanks. From here it is taken by tank truck to a recycling plant in the airport’s northern operations area, where the mixture is filtered and then reconcentrated in an evaporation stage to remove excess water. Thanks to this plant, one of just two in the world, Munich Airport is able to re-use deicer at a rate of more than 50 percent. This new company amalgamated FMG’s and Lufthansa’s towing services and FMG’s deicing services at Munich’s old airport, Riem. Given the tough environmental regulations and the sizeable investment expense and complex workflows these services entailed, they could no longer be delivered as a “sideline” – hence the decision to farm them out to the subsidiary EFM. Certification for EFM’s environmental management system One of EFM’s key quality features is its responsible approach to the whole issue of the environment. To limit impacts to the greatest extent possible, EFM has made environmental protection an integral part of its quality management system. Specifically, this means that EFM takes environmental concerns fully into account in its day-to-day work and in new projects. EFM now has an official seal of approval to prove it: In July 2003, the company successfully obtained certification for its environmental management system to the DIN EN ISO 14001 standard. As part of its environmental management efforts, EFM has set itself a number of goals issuing from the general principle that the resources and supplies it needs to conduct its work are to be used sparingly so as to protect the environment. Water management 35 Total water consumption 45 Consumption in liters per WLU* Quality drinking water, straight out of the tap The drinking water at Munich Airport is supplied by a local utility company in nearby Moosrain, which pumps its supply from tertiary strata through several bore holes between 80 and 150 meters deep. Before the water is piped to consumers, it is treated to reduce its high iron and manganese content. In 2004, the utility company expanded its facilities, adding a new field of bore holes and a water treatment plant to prepare for meeting future demand. At the airport, water is carried in two separate pipe systems: one for drinking water, with narrowdiameter pipes that ensure a high rate of flow for hygiene reasons, and one for firefighting water, which has thicker pipes capable of delivering water in large quantities in the event of a fire. Together, the two systems have around 80 kilometers of pipes. 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 1,050,000 Wastewater treatment All of the airport’s wastewater is piped to the local Erdinger Moos wastewater operator’s treatment facility at Eitting, which also processes sewage from 12 local communities. As the airport uses as much as 40 percent of the available capacity, FMG covered 40 percent of the costs involved in upgrading the facility – around EUR45 million. The wastewater piped by the airport Total wastewater Quantity in m3 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 The airport’s total wastewater, including rainwater runoff to the plant for treatment consists of household sewage, deicing wastewater, and rainwater runoff. 36 950,000 900,000 850,000 800,000 750,000 * WLU see glossary; the airport’s total water consumption (including all nonFMG companies) 3,000,000 0 Consumption in m3 1,000,000 Water management Treating aircraft wash water Even jetliners need regular cleaning. Wastewater from aircraft washing – typically around 5,000 liters per jet – carries a payload of detergent residue, oil, kerosene and heavy metals. At Munich Airport, this water is fed from the three maintenance hangars through a network of drainage pipes to the airport’s own treatment plant for wash water. In an initial stage, the treatment process removes sludge and oil residues, which are then handled as hazardous waste. Subsequent physical and chemical processing reduces the water’s acidity, binds small dirt particles, and separates sludge residues. The sludge is thickened and pressed into dry filter cakes for disposal at a landfill site. The water, by this time extensively cleaned, is tested to see if it is safe and is then fed into the sewage system. Regular testing has shown that, thanks to these measures, residual pollutant levels are often well below the statutory limits for wastewater. Strategic goal Initiative Time frame Reduction of the impact on groundwater from deicing agents Cutting of lateral grooves in the runways to reduce the volume of deicer needed in winter as well as rubber deposits accumulating on runways Completion by end of 2006 Optimization of the deployment of deicer through improved technology and more extensive employee training Ongoing Development of a degradation accelerator to reduce deicer impact on the groundwater Winter 2005/2006 Development of a ground filter to implement a ground-based retention and absorption system for deicer Early 2006 Refitting of the plant for reverse osmosis Early 2007 Reduction in the volume of water consumed by the cogenerating plant by 20 percent in comparison with 2006 Water management 37 Industrial waste collected all over the airport campus and left over after the sorting process is handled by waste disposal organizations in the districts of Erding and Freising. When Waste and materials management Munich Airport’s waste management strategy builds on four pillars: waste avoidance, reduction, recycling, and disposal. Implementing this strategy airport-wide means collecting all waste materials on the airport campus and either recycling them or disposing of them. The airport operator has also introduced a fee schedule designed to create an incentive to avoid and reduce waste. Collecting and sorting reusable materials Reusable materials such as paper, glass, wood, plastics, and metal are collected where they accumulate – in administrative departments, technical departments, the passenger terminals, and the cargo and maintenance areas – in several waste separation systems and are then processed for recycling. Because FMG separates the various waste fractions rigorously, this material accounts for more than half of the overall volume collected by our waste management system. Different disposal methods for different types of waste 38 Waste and materials management cleaning aircraft, just separating and recycling newspapers is enough to reduce the waste volume by almost half. Food remains from in-flight meals and other waste have to be disposed of by incineration due to statutory disease-control requirements. Organic waste from the airport’s kitchens and restaurants is collected separately and sent to a pig farm to be used as feed. In the future, a biogas system and gas-powered engines will use this waste to generate electric power that will be fed into the mains grid. Garden waste such as grass cuttings from the care and maintenance of the airport grounds is composted. Although Munich Airport attempts to make the greatest possible use of environmentally compatible products, a certain amount of problem waste – for example, flue gas residues and boiler cleaning agents, both by-products of the power generation process – is nevertheless unavoidable. More than half of the problem waste is oil trapped by the numerous separators located on the airport campus. Waste of this kind is disposed of by GSB, a waste management operator specializing in prob- lematic materials. Motivational strategies Avoiding waste through smart procurement The majority of the waste and recyclable materials is not produced by Flughafen München GmbH but by the businesses located at the airport. Consequently, FMG keeps these companies informed on a regular basis about the airport’s waste management program, requires that they enter into binding agreements on waste separation, offers tips on environmentally sound conduct, and is ready with answers and advice when questions arise. To encourage these companies and their employees to avoid waste where they can, FMG has created an incentive by operating a variable fee schedule for waste handling. Waste requiring disposal, for example, always costs more than recyclable materials. That way, separating and sorting recyclables pays a dividend. Even during the procurement process, FMG takes steps to ensure that suppliers take their transport packaging with them again and, if possible, use recyclable or reusable containers. The company also has an internal procurement manual that underscores the importance of using environment-friendly products. In the future, FMG will be paying greater attention to the quantities of consumables used. The volume of paper is to be Total waste volume Tons 15,000 10,493 10,000 12,788 13,186 2000 2001 11,565 10,888 11,147 2002 2003 2004 5,000 Separating waste saves money 0 A waste disposal strategy has been implemented in Terminal 2 that is designed to encourage the separation of waste. Tenants can sort their waste into different fractions before delivering it or having it collected. Waste is weighed, and each customer is invoiced for the exact quantity. Those who separate their waste pay less because materials that are pre-sorted are less costly to process than mixed waste. 1999 Total volume of industrial waste disposed of and recycled by FMG reduced by 10 percent. This will be achieved by migrating more and more administrative processes over to electronic systems. Strategic goal Initiative Time frame Reduction of rubber deposits on runways Cutting of lateral grooves in the runways to help reduce rubber deposits Completion by end of 2006 Reduction in the volume of paper consumed by 10 percent in comparison with 2005 Deployment of workflow systems for a range of processes End of 2006 Expansion of the electronic ordering system End of 2006 Introduction of a new printer policy with the goal of saving paper: allocation of printing/paper costs to users; deployment of centrally located, combined printer, copier, fax and scanner systems with duplexers; no desktop printers except in special cases End of 2006 Waste and materials management 39 Emergency management The management of emergencies at Munich Airport is described in a detailed manual that divides possible incidents into three categories: aircraft emergencies, illegal intervention in air operations, and fires or environmental accidents. Depending on the type of incident, the airport fire service, medical service and, as appropriate, external organizations are involved to a greater or lesser degree. The prescribed firefighting drills are conducted at regular intervals in a specially built fire training area. This was designed in such a way that wastewater containing kerosene residues can be trapped and then processed in an on-site treatment plant at the airport. In the intermediate term, the airport plans to replace this training area with a gas-fueled training system so as to eliminate the kerosene payload from the wastewater. The fire service: Firefighting and more The airport fire service has 196 employees. At least 44 full-time firemen have to be on duty at the airport around the clock, seven days a week. Munich Airport’s fire service is officially recognized as an industrial fire service. This means that its remit extends well beyond “classic” firefighting and technical rescue operations. Fire crews’ skills and knowledge are kept constantly up-to-date through instruction programs and drills. Each year, they receive roughly 150 hours of theoretical and practical training. The topics covered include breathing apparatus, hazmat and radiation safety, emergency medical care, aerial work safety, aircraft types, operation of extinguishing, sprinkler and smoke extraction equipment, sport, and familiarization with the airport campus and its surrounding area. 40 Emergency management The right equipment for environmental accidents Having the right professional equipment available means being able to mount the optimum response if any kind environmental accident occurs. FMG’s equipment includes a range of protective suits and clothing, breathing apparatus, measuring equipment for operations involving radiation or hazardous materials, pumps and hoses for handling aggressive substances, containers for the temporary storage dangerous substances, sealants for leakages, binding agents for fuels, acids and alkalis, and equipment for dealing with oil spills and water damage. Munich Airport’s medical service has highly qualified paraStrategic goal Initiative Time frame Termination of fire training exercises involving kerosene to eliminate having to process wastewater containing kerosene residues Construction of a new gas-fueled fire training facility End of 2008 medics and a rapid response capability, ensuring it can provide optimum support in the event of an emergency at the airport. Emergency management 41 Hazardous goods and materials Hazardous materials: Emphasis on safety Safe transportation of hazardous goods The sheer complexity of the processes at airports means that potentially hazardous substances are unavoidable. In vehicle repair stations, for example, substances like cleaning agents, hydraulic fluids, antifreeze, paints and varnishes are commonplace. At Munich Airport, these are recorded in a catalog of hazardous substances maintained by the industrial health and safety office. Exactly defined procedures are in place to ensure that the most recent material safety data sheets are always available; this means that help can be provided quickly if an accident occurs. In the future, all our employees will have access to material safety data sheets on the intranet. Units throughout the company have regulations in place concerning statutory training requirements, and they provide training to workers every year. All hazardous goods transports are subject to the regulations laid out in Germany’s Hazardous Materials Ordinance (GGVSE). In-company hazardous goods transports – of materials like sludge from oil traps, for example – are handled by specialist companies that have been authorized under law to do so. These transports are subject to spot checks to ensure compliance with legal requirements and regulations. 42 Hazardous goods and materials Refueling installations are subject to stringent regulations All of the refueling installations at Munich Airport are subject to rigorous regulations. At present, compliance with these regulations is managed individually by company units and departments. A central catalog is being set up to ensure that a comprehensive overview of all these installations is available and to make it easier to check who is responsible for each one. No dangerous legacy waste The airport began operating at its current location in 1992, a greenfield site previously used mostly for agriculture. This means that there are no suspect areas on campus that could harbor legacy waste. Aircraft fuel: Everything under control Flughafen München GmbH has set up a fuel farm at the airport; this is operated and maintained by a company called Skytanking. The agreement between FMG and Skytanking transfers responsibility and thus liability for any dangers associated with owning and operating the fuel farm and the underfloor hydrant system at Munich Airport. In addition, environmentally relevant operations are documented in audits conducted as part of the airport’s environmental management system. designed to ensure that kerosene cannot leak into the ground at any point. The tanks are double-walled, so the outer wall will contain fuel in the event of a leak in the inner wall; they have double floors protected by a leak detection system; and they are fitted with floating roofs to prevent kerosene vapor from escaping. The fuel delivery system, which uses pipes that are specially coated inside and out, is tested daily using a fully automatic pressure measuring system. In addition, a highly sensitive electronic monitoring system triggers an alarm at the slightest indication of a possible leak. Designed by an FMG employee, this leak detection system, complete with wireless LAN support, has been granted a patent. The general aviation area at the airport has its own av gas refueling station with a capacity of up to 50m3 of fuel for small piston-engine aircraft. Munich Airport maintains sufficient stocks of kerosene to cover roughly a three to five days’ demand. The fuel farm’s five above-ground tanks can hold around 27,000 cubic meters – enough to refuel 200 Boeing 747 jumbo jets. Kerosene is delivered to the airport via a specially built pipeline and by rail. Fuel is pumped down underground pipes to filling points on the Strategic goal Initiative Time frame Publication of all material safety data sheets and operating instructions on the company intranet Creation of special software to retrieve data from the catalog of hazardous materials Early 2006 Creation of an installations catalog listing all hazardous material storage points and refueling systems A graphical IT system will be created for the installations catalog (for storing information on the locations of refueling systems and hazardous material storage points). This will speed up access to information on installations and the supervisors responsible for them. End of 2006 Removal of the sulfuric acid tanks used in the water softening process Refitting of the installation in the cogenerating plant for reverse osmosis Early 2007 apron known as fueling pits. The entire fuel supply system is Hazardous goods and materials 43 Planning and construction On July 26, 2005, FMG’s shareholders granted executive management provisional approval pending final authorization from Bavaria’s ministerial council and Munich city council to begin planning the expansion of the airport’s runway system and to initiate the requisite zoning procedure. Munich city council, at its plenary meeting on July 27, 2005, gave its approval; Bavaria’s ministerial council approved and endorsed the project at its meeting on August 2, 2005. 44 Planning and construction Expanding capacity to support future traffic growth The third runway: Assessing the impacts In the light of the anticipated growth in traffic and the fact that the capacity of the two runways (89 aircraft movements an hour in the summer of 2005) cannot be increased significantly, bottlenecks will likely start to develop as early as 2008. By 2010 at the latest, the already heavily burdened runway system will reach the absolute limits of its capacity. Given that the regional planning and zoning procedures and the actual construction work are expected to take at least five years to complete, it is high time that work on the project began. The construction of a third runway at Munich Airport will lead to an increase in aviation noise in the area close to the actual runway itself and along arrival and departure routes. In addition, the rise in the number of aircraft and passenger movements will be accompanied by an increase in road and rail traffic in the airport’s surrounding area. These and other effects of the project – on noise levels, air quality, water, the countryside and nature – have been detailed in a number of expert reports. However, planning will seek to limit these effects to the greatest extent possible. As part of the regional planning procedure, a study will be conducted to gauge whether the plans can be reconciled with other regional planning processes and can be harmonized and coordinated with other programs and initiatives. The anticipated effects of building a new runway will then be presented and assessed in a public zoning procedure that will include an environmental compatibility assessment. The requisite initiatives – above all, to protect the environment (e.g., through mitigation and compensatory measures) and to avoid subjecting local communities to aviation noise – will be established as binding requirements by the zoning authorities. Planning and construction 45 The Communities Council: Involving the region in expansion planning On July 27, 2005, the day after FMG’s shareholders announced their decision, a new platform was created for dialogue with the airport’s neighbors. At a meeting of the Airport Forum, attended by representatives of the airport’s region and Flugha- fen München GmbH’s management team, it was decided to form the Communities Council. Parallel to the statutory approval procedures and the extensive scope they offer airport neighbors for involvement, the new council provides district administrators and mayors, local businesses and citizens’ groups with the opportunity to find out about the current status of expansion plans and to voice their concerns and ideas in connection with the planned capacity increase. The new platform makes it possible to identify possible conflicts of interest in good time and to achieve consensus on workable solutions. FMG will take up the ideas and suggestions from the Communities Council and examine ways to put them into practice. The company is eager to find solutions that win the support of all stakeholders. The Communities Council is chaired by Edda Huther (photo), a former president of the Bavarian Constitutional Court and Munich’s Regional Appeal Court. Further expansion of Munich Airport will deliver numerous benefits, not just for the local region but also for the whole of Bavaria. For Lufthansa and other airlines, additional capacity is essential if they are to increase the number of routes they serve, especially in the intercontinental sector. The airport’s continued development will also provide a valuable economic A EUR62 million noise protection program was started when Munich Airport was built As part of the zoning procedure for Munich Airport, specific noise-control targets for the protection of local communities were set that exceeded existing statutory requirements governing compensation and entitlement to protection against noise. Local residents in designated protection zones qualify for noise protection if arriving and departing aircraft cause individual noise levels exceeding 55dB(A) in living rooms and bedrooms when the windows are closed. Flughafen München GmbH provides noise protection for living rooms and bedrooms in buildings throughout the overall protection zone (consisting of daytime and nighttime protection zones) at its stimulus, creating large numbers of new jobs. 46 Planning and construction own expense. During the course of the program, which accepted applications until May 1997, more than 21,000 antinoise windows and around 20,000 ventilators were installed. This initiative played a considerable role in limiting noise nuisance for the inhabitants of local communities in the airport’s vicinity. The compensation program for loss of residential quality in outdoor areas, too, has largely been completed. In total, Flughafen München GmbH has invested EUR62 million in noise protection. In addition, in early 2003, Flughafen München decided to launch a service program. Building owners were offered a one-time opportunity to have standard adjustments done to their anti-noise windows at the airport’s expense. Conservation The construction of Munich Airport has inevitably had a sizeable impact on local ecosystems. However, the marshland of Erdinger Moos had already been drained extensively much earlier, in 1930, and used intensively for agriculture, so it was by no means a pristine natural landscape. Even so, to limit the ecological impact to the greatest extent possible, Flughafen München GmbH undertook a range of mitigative and compensatory measures on the airport’s immediate periphery and its surrounding area. Hedgerows and woodland, areas of extensive grassland, and spawning areas were created and streams re-naturalized. In consultation with environmental agencies, FMG commissioned projects to landscape 18 kilometers of riverbank to create near-natural conditions, to plant 510,000 trees and more than a million shrubs indigenous to the region, and to create 2.5 hectares of new spawning grounds. More than half of the airport campus is green A good 60 percent of the airport campus, close on 1,000 hectares, consists of areas of parkland. Depending on their location, these areas serve different purposes. Grassy areas near the flight operations areas, for example, have to fulfill certain requirements: They need to be capable of bearing weight and to be inexpensive to maintain. The lines of trees along the main access roads ease orientation and guide traffic. More than 6,000 mature trees have been planted at the airport. Conservation 47 The airport’s boundary zone also contains a number of watercourses created as part of the airport’s water management program. These include the northern flood ditch, built to trap floodwater and channel it into the Isar river to the north of the airport. The ditch was designed to have a near-natural look, with a gently meandering streambed. The bends along its course provide wetland habitats for rare and protected plant, insect and bird species. Large areas of low-nutrient grass on the embankments and a manmade gravel berm offer ideal conditions for plant and animal communities that favor a dry habitat. Mitigative and compensatory areas in the airport’s green belt Mitigative environmental measures in the airport’s broader surrounding locality currently span an area measuring some 5,000 hectares. Actual compensatory areas measure around 355 hectares – equivalent to around 23 percent of the total area covered by the airport. The landscape framework plan drafted for the airport region proposed combining these compensatory areas to form a greenbelt around the airport. This greenbelt now forms a link between existing conservation and landscape preservation areas, including Isarauen, Viehlassmoos, Freisinger Buckel, Eittinger Weiher, Oberdinger Moos, Notzinger Moos, Schwaiger Moos, and Zengermoos, and facilitates the spread and proliferation of typical regional animal and plant life. A boundary zone between the airport and open country The airport’s boundary zone provides a transitional area between the airport campus and the open countryside. This is an environmental buffer zone, rich in plant and animal life, between the extensive monoculture of the airport campus and adjacent tracts of land devoted to agriculture. Around 90 hectares of woodland and 110 hectares of grass and meadowland were created here. The hedgerows and copses are populated with local species of trees and shrubs ideally suited to the area, including birch, willow, ash, poplar, and alder. To reduce the risk of bird strike, only a few of the varieties planted produce berries. The bands of trees and shrubs screen off the neighboring communities of Schwaig, Hallbergmoos, and Attaching, and protect the farmland from wind erosion. Detailed plans for landscape care Care of the greenery in the airport’s peripheral area is an important factor in the upkeep of the water management infrastructure and installations, noise breaks, field and maintenance 48 Conservation access tracks, and traffic safety. In the case of the compensatory areas in the airport’s extended local area, the primary focus is ecological. A number of local farmers have been contracted to care for and maintain these areas in accordance with detailed schedules. The frequency of meadow mowing and times when grass can be reaped, for example, are exactly defined. This approach creates a mosaic of mown, unmown, and fallow grassland, hollows, and fringe areas with plenty of space to which animal and plant life can retreat. Studies have shown that careful maintenance of copses, undergrowth, streams and ponds is becoming increasingly important for populations of valuable bird and insect varieties. Christl Holzer, Office/Commercial Area, Outlying Region and External Premises (FMG) This system of interconnected biotopes comprises corridors of meadowland with low-nutrition grass, succession areas, shrub land, wetland areas with reed beds and newly created amphibian spawning grounds, parcels of woodland, and areas of dense undergrowth. Extensive and carefully maintained buffer zones protect ponds and streams from pollutants – fertilizers and crop sprays – from intensive agriculture on neighboring land. Continued efforts to landscape and maintain these buffer zones in line with the countryside typical for the surrounding area will help to preserve and stabilize the remaining core sections of Erdinger Moos. The diversion of watercourses and the excavation of groundwater have created 70 ponds ranging in size from 200 to 500 square meters. These have become new feeding and breeding grounds, not just for amphibians but also for many mollusks, beetles, dragonflies, grasshoppers, and birds. An eco success story: Endangered species are back In recent years, FMG has worked closely with environmental agencies to survey the effectiveness of the compensatory areas that have been set up. The surveys have shown that the airport’s mitigative and compensatory initiatives have become a significant factor for the region in the protection of plant and animal species and their habitats. Guarding against bird strike but welcoming “harmless” species To reduce the risk of bird strike – collisions between aircraft and birds – Munich Airport has developed a differentiated yet environmentally sound scheme of biotope management. Careful selection of tree species planted in wooded areas, the planting of large areas of low-nutrition grass, and a raft of other measures have succeeded in reconciling the needs of conservation and aviation safety. FMG has deliberately chosen not to plant fruit-bearing tree or shrub varieties such as mountain ash, juniper, and chestnut oak that would attract birds. Special maintenance of the grassland inside the perimeter, which is high-mown no more than twice a year and is not treated with fertilizer, helps create poor feeding conditions for typical bird strike species, such as birds of prey, starlings, lapwings, and sea gulls. Careful management of the grassland has encouraged a shift in the range of species in favor of lighter, less dangerous songbirds. The field lark, declared Bird of the Year in 1997, has now advanced to become the unchallenged number one species at Munich Airport, with a population of up to 500 individuals. Studies in 2004 showed that amphibian populations – tree frogs, water frogs, grass frogs and common toads – have increased since 1998. The birdlife is extremely rich and varied and now includes a large number of threatened species. Curlew and snipe, two species in danger of dying out, have settled around the airport. The butterfly population, too, includes species on Bavaria’s red list. Preserving and developing varietally rich landscapes with a mix of mesic, wet and lownutrition areas, marsh meadows, ponds, and extended ditches is therefore exceptionally important. Conservation 49 Following an assessment of the impact of airport operations on the environment, the following program was developed to improve environmental performance: Environmental goals and initiatives Strategic goal Initiative Time frame Responsible Integration of subsidiaries Integration of selected subsidiaries into the environmental management system within three years of certification End of 2008 Environmental Protection Reduction of noise impact from engine tests Assessment of construction initiatives and technical viability in terms of flow Mid-2006 Environmental Protection Incentives for airlines to operate quiet aircraft Introduction of a wider spread of noise-dependent landing fees End of 2007 Environmental Protection Advancement of research into means of reducing aviation noise Work on the Federal Ministry of Education and Research’s Low-noise Arrival and Departure Routes project Thru end of 2006 Environmental Protection Support for the German Aerospace Center’s Quiet Air Traffic II project Thru end of 2007 Environmental Protection Reduction of local aviation noise Optimization of departure procedures in association with airlines and air traffic control Ongoing Environmental Protection Optimization of the information on emissions based on findings regarding the impacts of individual emitter groups Development of LASPORT, a tool to compute the spread of air pollutants. This helps to achieve a better understanding of airport operations’ impacts on air quality, to distinguish them from levels attributable to prior, airport-independent factors, and to make meaningful forecasts. End of 2006 Environmental Protection Positive impact on the air pollution situation Review of a number of measures, including pollutantdependent landing fees End of 2007 Environmental Protection Reduction of ramp service vehicle fuel consumption by 10 percent compared to 2005 Replacement of current freight tugs with a new, lighter generation of tugs to increase fuel economy. Ongoing Vehicle Fleet Management New powertrain technology will be used when replacing hybrid tugs. The new vehicles will have electric drives powered by a battery that is constantly recharged by a diesel engine. This reduces idling losses because the vehicles only operate on electric power. Ongoing Vehicle Fleet Management Reduction of idle energy consumption by informing and motivating employees. Telematics is used for data communication and vehicle location. End of 2006 Ground Handling Operation of diesel vehicles equipped with particulate filters New diesel-powered standard and production vehicles are to be equipped with the latest particulate filter systems. Ongoing Vehicle Fleet Management Procurement of natural-gas powered vehicles Once a filling station to supply natural gas has been built, gas-powered vehicles will be purchased for certain types of airport duties. End of 2007 Vehicle Fleet Management Reduction in the volume of water consumed by the cogenerating plant by 20 percent in comparison with 2006 Refitting of the cogenerating plant for reverse osmosis Early 2007 Energy Supply Removal of the sulfuric acid tanks used in the water softening process Refitting of the system in the cogenerating plant for reverse osmosis Early 2007 Energy Supply Installation of a particulate filter in the cogenerating plant Installation of a particulate filter to reduce the amount of dust emitted by the cogenerating plant Mid-2007 Energy Supply 50 Environmental goals and initiatives Strategic goal Initiative Time frame Responsible Reduction in the amount of energy used for heating, ventilation and airconditioning in the Central Area/T1 by 20 percent in comparison with 2005 Installation of CO2 sensors to improve ventilation efficiency in the Central Area End of 2005 Facility Management Adjustment of the temperature in accordance with the DIN 1946 standard (reduction of cooling energy) by extending the zero energy band Ongoing Facility Management Publication of guidelines on energyefficient construction Authoring of guidelines on energy efficient construction End of 2006 Planning and Construction Reduction of the impact on groundwater from deicing agents, reduction of rubber deposits on runways Cutting of lateral grooves in the runways to reduce the volume of deicer needed in winter as well as rubber deposits accumulating on runways Completion by end of 2006 Airport Operations Optimization of the deployment of deicer through improved technology and more extensive employee training Ongoing Winter Services Development of a degradation accelerator to reduce deicer impact on the groundwater Winter 2005/2006 Water Management Early 2006 Water Management Development of a ground filter to implement a groundbased retention and absorption system for deicer End of 2006 Reduction in the volume of paper consumed by 10 percent in comparison with 2005 Information Technology Deployment of workflow systems for a number of processes End of 2006 Procurement Expansion of the electronic ordering system End of 2006 Information Technology Introduction of a new printer policy with the goal of saving paper: allocation of printing/paper costs to users; deployment of centrally located, combined printer, copier, fax and scanner systems with duplexers; no desktop printers except in special cases End of 2008 Termination of fire training exercises involving kerosene to eliminate having to process wastewater containing kerosene residues Construction of a new gas-fueled fire training facility Publication of all material safety data sheets and operating instructions on the company intranet Creation of special software to retrieve data from the catalog of hazardous materials Creation of an installations catalog listing all hazardous material storage points and refueling systems A graphical IT system will be created for the installations catalog (for storing information on the locations of refueling systems and hazardous material storage points). This will speed up access to information on installations and the supervisors responsible for them. Fire Department Early 2006 Industrial Safety Management End of 2006 Technical Documentation Environmental goals and initiatives 51 Environmental Category data for Indicator 2004 Units 2004 figure Remarks Traffic and infrastructure data Traffic Aircraft movements Mov’ts 383,110 of which in commercial traffic Mov’ts 370,534 Passengers (all traffic) Pax 26,835,231 Passengers (commercial traffic) Pax 26,814,505 Freight carried by air t 170,828 Total air freight t 309,828 Air mail t 21,339 Workload units Infrastructure Areas WLU 28,587,945 Employees at airport no. approx. 23,000 FMG employees no. 4,946 FMG Group employees no. approx. 7,100 Non-paved sqm 9,504,015 Paved sqm 5,611,414 Built up sqm 625,890 Total sqm 15,741,319 Achering measuring station dB(A) 56 Annual values, Leq Attaching measuring station dB(A) 56 Annual values, Leq Eitting measuring station dB(A) 54 Annual values, Leq Hallbergmoos measuring station dB(A) 57 Annual values, Leq Pulling measuring station dB(A) 60 Annual values, Leq Schwaig measuring station dB(A) 59 Annual values, Leq NO measuring station at airport µg/m3 12 Annual mean values NO2 measuring station at airport µg/m3 33 Annual mean values Ozone µg/m3 37 Annual mean values Benzene µg/m3 1.1 Annual mean values at Dec 31, 2004 Environmental data Aircraft noise Air quality 52 Environmental data for 2004 Category Indicator Units 2004 figure Remarks Consumption data Energy Vehicle fuels Fresh and wastewater Waste Materials Gas MWh/GVC 359,525 Fuel oil MWh/GVC 19,709 District heating (outside supply) MWh 32,698 Power (outside supply) MWh 98,289 Total energy consumed MWh 510,221 Normal gasoline l 58,992 incl. FMG subsidiaries Super gasoline l 371,915 incl. FMG subsidiaries Diesel l 6,017,594 incl. FMG subsidiaries Drinking water input from mains m3 877,014 Wastewater output to treatment plant m3 2,193,364 Material utilization t 5,687 Industrial waste t 2,347 Aircraft waste t 3,113 Other special-treatment waste t 3,050 Waste requiring special monitoring t 306 Construction waste t 2,259 Aircraft deicing operations no. 9,999 Type 1 deicer m3 4,013 Type 4 deicer m3 1,198 t 2,752 Pavement deicer, fluid Environmental data for 2004 53 Glossary Aircraft noise law Germany enacted legislation on aircraft noise in March 1971. The law covers the scope and definition of noise abatement areas, means of determining noise nuisance, construction bans (and compensation), noise protection, and the refunding of expenses arising from the installation of noise protection in buildings. Notes on implementing the statutory requirements issuing from this law were published in 1975 – one describing how to collect noise data (DES) and one with instructions on how to define noise abatement areas at civil and military airports (AzB). The latter was last updated in 1984. Germany’s aircraft noise legislation is in the process of being amended. Anti-icing A preventive measure designed to protect aircraft from a build-up of ice. This involves applying a special deicer (type 4) to the plane. When snow is falling, the deicer prevents snow from accumulating on the aircraft for a period of around 45 minutes. Benzene A ring-shaped hydrocarbon that makes up approximately 2.5 percent of gasoline by volume. Benzene is toxic, affecting the nervous system, and is considered to be carcinogenic. BTX BTX stands for benzene, toluene and xylene, three organic substances that are classed as carcinogenic. Their levels are checked when air pollutant readings are taken. Continuous noise level Noise analysis not only takes into account the intensity but also the duration of noise, so the official practice in noise measuring and reporting is to recalculate noise as a continuous noise level for the same period. This figure is the equivalent continuous noise level, or LEQ4, which, in an aviation context, describes the burden of aircraft noise during a reference time frame. Decibel A unit of measure for noise, named after Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone. One decibel dB(A) is the smallest change in volume that a human can register. The dB(A) scale is logarithmic. Thus, an increase of 10 dB(A) corresponds to a doubling in the perceived noise level. Deicing The removal of snow and ice from aircraft with the aid of a heated mixture of glycol and water. DFS DFS, or Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH, is Germany’s air-traffic control operator and is responsible for guiding and coordinating the country’s air traffic. The organization is also responsible for planning, deploying and maintaining all of the technical equipment and radio navigation systems needed by air traffic. 54 Glossary DIN EN ISO 14001 A standard created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The standard establishes a foundation for certifiable environmental management systems. Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) A directive issued by the EU in 1993 according to which companies can voluntarily have the environmental management systems in place at their locations validated by an independent auditor. Details of participating companies’ environmental policy, their industrial environmental protection initiatives and activities, and their environmental performance must be published in publicly available environmental statements. The goal of EMAS is to achieve continuous improvements in industrial environmental protection. Equivalent continuous noise level (Leq) When noise is analyzed, not just the intensity but also the duration, the frequency of occurrence and the peak level are taken into account. With the equivalent continuous noise level – measured in decibels or dB(A) – the noise measured at a particular location for a specific period is converted into an equivalent continuous noise. Fuel dumping Fuel dumping (the practice of draining part of an aircraft’s fuel while it is airborne) is carried out as a safety precaution when civilian long-haul aircraft or military planes encounter an emergency situation shortly after takeoff and need to land again immediately. They do this because they are heavier than their maximum landing weight when their tanks are full. They can only land safely if they first reduce their weight, so they drain some of the kerosene they are carrying. Glycols Water-soluble fluids that are used as antifreeze. Diethylene glycol and propylene glycol are commonly used to deice aircraft. Greenhouse effect The earth’s atmosphere consists of nitrogen (78 percent), oxygen (21 percent), and water vapor and trace gases (1 percent). Carbon dioxide, methane and numerous other trace gases let short-wave sunlight pass through yet retain the heat radiating from the earth’s surface. The natural greenhouse effect causes the mean temperature to be about +15°C; without it, the mean temperature would be –18°C. Due to combustion processes, intensive agriculture and other influences, a growing number of greenhouse gases are finding their way into the atmosphere, amplifying the natural greenhouse effect. This is causing the danger of an increase in temperature and an attendant rise in sea level, as well as the risk of changes in climate processes with increasingly extreme weather and climate events. Hydrogen Hydrogen is the lightest chemical element and occurs only as H2. It is odorless and easily inflammable. Hydrogen is found most frequently in water (H2O). It is produced primarily through electrolysis. However, there are other processes for producing it from methane, with carbon dioxide (CO2) as a by-product. Jet A1 (kerosene) Jet A1 is the type of kerosene used in civil aviation. It is used to fuel modern jet and turboprop engines. Kerosene consists mostly of a number of different hydrocarbon compounds, but it also contains a number of additives designed to increase the safety of the fuel. The composition and the quality of kerosene is standardized internationally. In 2004, Lufthansa aircraft used 4.29 liters of kerosene per 100 passenger-kilometers. In general, the more modern an aircraft, the higher the load factor and the longer the distance covered nonstop, the lower the fuel consumption. When full to capacity on nonstop flights of more than 10,000 kilometers, today’s long-haul aircraft use roughly 3 liters per 100 passenger-kilometers. Noise footprint A noise footprint is the area on the ground in which an aircraft takeoff or landing causes a specific noise level. Older, noisier aircraft have a larger noise footprint than modern aircraft. Ozone A gas whose molecule consists of three oxygen atoms. Ozone (O3) is highly reactive, looking for a means to release one of the oxygen atoms and to turn into molecular oxygen (O2). The individual oxygen atoms (radicals) oxidize other substances, materials and surfaces (e.g., automobile tires, coloring agents, plants, and respiratory mucous membranes). For this reason and because ozone can also damage forests and contribute to the greenhouse effect, high levels in the troposphere are bad. In the stratosphere – at altitudes above 25 kilometers – ozone accumulates in the ozone layer, which protects the earth against extremely short-wave, high-energy solar radiation. Particulates Tiny graphite particles that are created by the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbon compounds and are carcinogenic. PCA A system that supplies preconditioned air to parked aircraft. Peak noise level The peak noise level (LASmax, based on the DIN 45643 standard, Part 1, Section 2) is the maximum sound pressure level produced by a noise event. Readings of peak noise levels are used to gauge the noise produced on an aviation route by different aircraft types. Sulfur dioxide Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is created by the combustion of fuels that contain sulfur. In the atmosphere, it is converted into sulfuric acid and sulfurous acid, which contribute to the formation of acid rain. Takeoff direction Ideally, aircraft should take off and land facing into the wind. The current takeoff or landing direction is generally referred to as the “runway in use.” At Munich Airport, the landing direction is either east or west. Toluene Toluene is a methyl benzene. It is used as an additive in motor vehicle fuels, is contained in exhaust emissions, and is less toxic than benzene. Troposphere This is the bottommost layer of the earth’s atmosphere and is located between sea level and an altitude of 10 kilometers. It is here that weather happens for the most part; in this layer, temperatures decrease with altitude. Vapor trails Aircraft flying at high altitudes often leave contrails or vapor trails in their wake. These form when exhaust gas and water particles from jet engines enter the atmosphere, where they act as a catalyst causing existing water to form ice crystals. Wake turbulence All aircraft leave a trail of wake turbulence created by two counter-rotating vortices at their wing tips. The vortices are caused by the difference in air pressure between the top and bottom of the wings and the resulting circulation of air at the tips. When landing gear is deployed, the intensity of the funnel-shaped turbulence is increased. The turbulence can be a danger to aircraft following too close behind. WLU Workload unit: 1 pax (passenger) or 100 kg of air cargo or mail. Xylene Xylene is a dimethyl benzene that commonly occurs in automobile emissions. It is less toxic than benzene. Reverse osmosis A physical process used in the treatment of potable water to remove salts. Stratosphere That part of the earth’s atmosphere at an altitude of 10-50 kilometers above sea level. The absorption of high-energy solar radiation by ozone causes the temperature to increase with altitude in this layer. Glossary 55 Internet links Munich Airport International Public authorities;env Aviation industry Research fluglaermprognose/welcome/laerm_welcome_ge.html Environmental information A film on environmental initiatives at the airport is available on DVD and VHS tape. 56 Internet links Publisher Flughafen München GmbH Corporate Communications Corporate Development and Environment Postfach 23 17 55 85326 Munich Germany Editors Matthias Linde, Eva Schmidt, Volker Hergt Environmental Strategy and Management Dr. Reingard Schöttl, Helene Hergt Internal Communications and Publications Design Judith Hofstetter Dr. Reingard Schöttl Internal Communications and Publications Photographs Peter Bock-Schroeder Alex Tino Friedel Dr. Werner Hennies Kayser-Threde GmbH Martin Ley Matthias Linde Stoiber Productions Herbert Stolz Contact > Contact > Subject: Environment Paper Inside pages printed on Recy-Satin recycled paper with at least 80 percent secondary fiber content. Printing Alfred Aumaier GmbH, Unterhaching November 2005