Frankfurt Book Fair - Plano Nacional de Leitura


Frankfurt Book Fair - Plano Nacional de Leitura
Book Fair
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Discovering Portugal
is worth the effort
A new generation
of spiritual writers
Paulinas Editora – Rights
Rua Francisco Salgado Zenha, 11 | 2685-332 Prior Velho | Portugal
International Rights
Contact: Rina Risitano
Tel 00 351 219 405 646 | |
A new generation
of spiritual writers
José Tolentino Mendonça
The poet Fernando Pessoaused to say that
writer and biblical scholar, fine poet, engaging speaker,
popular opinion leader and a dedicated priest, is one
Portugal is the frontier where the earth comes to an end and the sea
of the most original voices in the Portugal of today. He
begins, and so it can only be a very inspiring place. In fact, Portugal has
has specialised in biblical studies and has explored
a manifold vocation: it is linked to the culture of the Continent but also to
both rigorously and creatively the themes and texts of
the vast world of the Atlantic; it represents the European tradition while at
the Christian canon while, at the same time, conducting
the same time being open to Africa, to Brazil and to the Far East. Portugal
a meaningful dialogue with people facing searching
is the meeting place of peoples, ideas, old and new forms of navigation.
questions at the present time. The relationship between
It was the fatherland of missionaries in all four corners of the globe, and
Christianity and Culture has been one of the key themes in
continues today to be full of surprises. It is worth one’s while to discover
all his writings. That because Tolentino has a positive look
towards both scientific research and theological studies,
each acting in full autonomy, but not in opposition: rather,
The Paulinas Editora publishing house is proud to offer a range of authors
representing a new generation of writers of spiritual books. José Tolentino
Mendonça, who is a scripture scholar and a poet, well known as an
author in Portugal and internationally, where his books are increasingly in
demand. Gabriel Magalhães comes from the world of literature and writes
about spiritual subjects with freshness, novelty and humour. He is the
Portuguese-language Chesterton. José Frazão Correia, outstanding in his
originality, has the ability to turn theology into a concrete way of thinking
“a space of fermentation and confront” in view of the
spiritual and human development of every person and
society as a whole. He spent the academic year 2011-12
as a Straus Fellow in New York University, where he was
a member of a team studying the theme of “Religion
and Public Space”. He is Vice-Rector of the Catholic
University of Portugal and Consultor of the Pontifical
Council for Culture in the Vatican. In addition to his books
and articles, his poetic works are judged by many to be
capable to light up life. Carlos Maria Antunes is a monk whose intensity of
among the most striking of all those being written today.
his outlook is unforgettable. Alexandre Palma is an up-and-coming author
He writes a weekly article published in the Portuguese
in Portuguese and European theology: his book on the Trinity is highly
newspaper Espresso while his books are not only very
recommended. João Duque is one of the most prominent theological
popular in Portugal but are increasingly being translated
writers in Portugal today, and what he writes is both sharp and original.
into other languages in both Europe and beyond.
International Rights
Contact: Rina Risitano •
Gabriel Magalhães
José Frazão Correia
of Portuguese nationality, moves between Portugal and
is a Portuguese Jesuit ordained in 2004. He studied
Spain, having lived in such different areas as Oporto and
theology in Lisbon, Paris and finally in Rome, where he
the Basque Country, Lisbon and Salamanca, Orense
concluded his doctorate in Fundamental Theology at the
and Covilhã. He is currently Professor of Literature at
Pontifical Gregorian University, under the tuition of Elmar
the University of Beira Interior and regularly writes in the
Salman, whose thinking remains for Frazão a leading
Catalonia’s leading newspaper La Vanguardia.
source. Recently, he was elected Provincial Superior
Already known for his scientific publications, Magalhães
of the Jesuit Fathers in Portugal and, compatibly with
made his debut as a fiction writer in 2009 with the novel
the responsibilities of this assignment, he continues to
Não Tenhas Medo do Escuro [Do not Be Afraid of the
lecture Systematic and Fundamental Theology at the
Dark], that won him the Revelation Award in the fiction
Catholic University of Portugal.
category of the Portuguese Society of Writers. Other
However, Frazão remains a theologian of profound
works of fiction followed, revealing the author’s originality,
human, pastoral sensitivity. During a recent interview, he
freshness of thought and novelty of language.
stated that it was the mission that led him to theology,
Lately, he has been engaging in spiritual writings, which
but never as an academic activity. He continues, “By
he considers a key part of his work in the field of culture.
the intelligence of faith, I seek above all the wisdom
It is worth mentioning Espelho Meu [My Mirror: the daily
that teaches about life, the one that makes us live.
reading of the Gospel can change our lives], 2013, already
I find myself in theology somewhere in the between of
translated into Italian and Catalan languages, and the
academy and Christian community; like a boatman, who
recent O Mapa do Tesouro – Para chegar à verdade de
makes crossings between margins. I know there are
nós mesmos [The Treasure Map - To get to our true self],
risks. But it is right in this territory of transit that I find
2015, both published by Paulinas Editora.
myself spontaneously at easy”.
This is the theological-mystic approach we perceive in
José Frazão’s speeches, in his writings, his spiritual
direction and, indeed, in himself.
International Rights
Contact: Rina Risitano •
Carlos Maria Antunes
Alexandre Palma
can be considered as a rising mystic voice of modern
is one of the emerging young shoots in the theological
times. After being for some years a parish priest and
and cultural panorama of today’s Portugal. Born in 1978,
leader of the Student Youth Movement in Portugal,
he is a priest of the Patriarchate of Lisbon, professor of
Carlos Maria Antunes decided to retire in a Cistercian
theology at the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP) and,
Abbey in Galicia, Spain, and become a monk. It is from
among other tasks, member of the seminarian formation
these two fundamental aspects of his life, only apparently
team of the diocese.
contrasting, that it stems a unifying spiritual environment
charged with silence and solitude as the sole path to
universitarian of the UCP, where he was awarded as Best
ourselves and to God, whatever our state of life.
student of Theology of the same Faculty in 2005.
He is a sought after preacher of Spiritual Retreats and an
After his BA in Theology and MA degree in Systematic
experienced spiritual director. As a writer, Carlos Maria
Theology, Palma was awarded in 2013 with a Ph doctorate
Antunes emerges as a solid outstanding far-sighted
degree by the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome –
spiritual author, with an original voice of his own, that
following his dissertation on The Experience of the Trinity
nurtures great surprise and inner experience to each one
and the Trinity in Experience. Models of configuration.
of his readers.
In spite of his scientific background and skills, Alexandre
Palma is a charming speaker, an approachable and
inspiring spiritual writer with a promising future. Paulinas
Editora is indeed proud to have him among its range of
International Rights
Contact: Rina Risitano •
Spiritual writing by author
José Tolentino Mendonça
João Duque
is one of the most affirmed and knowledgeable theologian of contemporary Portugal. Besides being a
Full Professor of theology at the Portuguese Catholic
University in Braga and highly awarded academic scholar,
João Duque is very active in the areas of Humanities
with an emphasis in Theology, Philosophy, Ethics and
Religion, Social Sciences linking with Education and
Human Sciences related with arts.
But João Duque is not just an academic wizard. He is
engaging speaker with pastoral experiences such as
community animation. He manages an extraordinary
vast activity as writer, journalist and essayist. In addition,
Duque is active also in artistic-cultural tasks in production,
publishing, ecumenical work both at home and abroad.
from JTM
A Construction of Jesus
The surprise of a portrait
Among the many episodes the Gospels narrate, that
of the sinner woman who ventures a hostile environment
only to touch Jesus (Lk 7, 36 - 50), turned out to become
the object of my biblical studies for years; indeed, not only
of my studies, but of my emotions, imagination, affection
and faith as well. The acquaintance with this text has
radically changed my way of looking at Jesus and with
that, I can truly say it, also my life was changed.
I must have heard this episode hundreds of times, but what
turned me, captivated and mesmerized, towards it was a
commentary by Shūsaku Endō, in his book A Life of Jesus.
What Endō advocates is that the story of the vicissitudes
of the sinful intruder, who dares no matter what just to
touch that guest, is the central moment of Luke’s Gospel,
the most effective one for the transmission of Jesus than
many others, including the stories of miracles, because
it gives an astonishingly real image of who Jesus is.
I confess. I had a jolt of amazement.
The truth is that until that moment, had I been asked
an opinion about Luke 7, 36-50, I would have said that,
yes, it is an interesting passage, singular in its thematic
and, thinking of the woman’s tears, emotionally intense.
Now however, I would say that this is the dominant
key-passage. The very one to work on the meaning of that
Jesus I believe in today. What secrets were hidden to my
eyes? (The Author)
New Release, October 2015
Worldwide Rights
International Rights
Contact: Rina Risitano •
A Mystique of the Instant
Time and Promise
«The senses of our body open us to God’s presence
in the instant, they are the main inputs and
outputs of our humanity and of our faith.»
The theologian Karl Rahner made a well-known statement
that reads like this: “The Christians of the future will be either
mystics or they will not be Christians at all!” Very true! But,
in the first instance, it is necessary to agree upon what we
mean when we talk about “mystique”, or being a mystic. A
quite widespread interpretation sees it as an elitist practice
consisting in withdrawing oneself out of the world to reenter the space within. The biblical narrative, however,
departs purposely from all spiritualistic interpretations.
The Bible advocates a unifying understanding of life,
leaving no doubt about the need to involve the whole
bodily senses in the expressions of faith. The senses of
our body open us to God’s presence in the instant, the
here and now of the world. They are the main inputs and
outputs of our humanity and of our faith.
The Mystique of the Instant sends us into the interior of
an authentic existence, teaching us to be truly present: to
see, to hear, to touch, to taste, to inebriate ourselves with
the perfume of the ever new instant.
International Rights
Released, October 2014
Sold: Brazil, Italy
Worldwide Rights
Endless Reading
Bible and Interpretation
Our reading of the Bible, affirms the author, must
be a process, an endless journey. In fact, to
understand the Bible is to understand ourselves.
With this conviction and the skills of a biblical
scholar, theologian and poet, Tolentino offers those
tools that can enable us deepen into the richness
of the Holy Scriptures. He highlights a number
of elements in line with the biblical traditions: the
poetic qualities, its metaphorical language, the
ability to narrate the human person and the world,
to foster silence, to lead us to the contemplation of
the mystery, to encounter with God.
Released, November 2014
Sold: Brazil
Worldwide Rights
The Hippopotamus of God
«When the questions we carry are more
worthy than the hasty answers we may
In the Book of Job there is a passage (40, 15-41)
that has to do with a hippo. There we see Job
protesting against the Evil that inexplicably strikes
on his life, and his protest encompasses even God
since – after all – he does not spare the righteous
one from tribulations. Thus, God decides to talk
to Job. A startling dialogue develops a dispute
that cannot be more bewildering. God confronts
Job for his unfair behaviour and restricted view:
he only thinks about his own sufferings and the
“whys” from which, helplessly, he fences himself.
God challenges Job to look onward and even
beyond, to look, for example, to the marvel of a…
hippopotamus and to understand that, if Evil is an
enigma that mutes us, Good is an even greater
mystery that should fill us with wonder.
Within this framework, the author depicts with
biblical wisdom real life situations, when we too,
like Job, are invited to widen our vision.
Released, October 2014 (international edition)
Sold: Vatican/Italy
Worldwide Rights
Contact: Rina Risitano •
No Journey will be too Long
Our Father who art on Earth
The Hidden Treasure
A path for a Theology of Friendship
The Our Father opened
to believers & non-believers
For an Art of the Inner Quest
«With a friend at your side no road is too
José Tolentino Mendonça unfolds the theme of
friendship like a journey that, chapter after
chapter, brings together culture and spirituality,
anthropology and Bible, artistic expressions and
mystical traditions, all converging towards a new
vision of friendship and faith.
«This book combines a profound sense of the richness
of friendship with its discretion, its quiet acceptance
of limits... and brings to light the gentle respectfulness
of God’s love for us, which lifts us up into the equality
of the Triune love.» (Timothy Radcliffe)
Released, October 2012
Sold: Czech Republic, English World, France,
Italy, Mexico Latin America and Spain.
Worldwide Rights
The book springs from the author’s conviction and
mature faith that Jesus is “master of humanity”,
that the human mirrors the divine, that men and
women are images of God, that everything that is
human concerns God.
«José Tolentino Mendonça faces a brave and difficult
challenge: that of addressing believers, but also those
who do not believe, in the words of the Our Father, the
Christian prayer par excellence, the prayer described
by Tertullian as an ‘epitome of the whole gospel’.»
(Enzo Bianchi)
Released, September 2011
Sold: Australia, Brazil, Czech Republic,
Croatia, UK, Ireland, Italy, French World,
Germany, North America, Mexico Latin America
and Spain.
Worldwide Rights
«Together with the gift of faith, God also gave to
José Tolentino Mendonça, the ability to sing it...
to interweave faith and poetry with incisive words
and freshness of style». (Cardinal Ravasi, in Foreword).
The fundamental dimensions of our existence are hidden
realties, which demand a research and a personal, silent
journey that every person must undertake. A journey
paced on life’s realities which revel themselves always in
an ever new enigmatic and disconcerting shape. The way
in which God appears into our life is always paradoxical
and unique, always different from person to person. I like
to speak of the experience of faith as a hidden treasure –
the author states – because also experience is a dimension
of love itself and of our own very conscience.
As cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi writes in the book foreword:
“Together with the gift of faith, God also gave to José
Tolentino Mendonça, the ability to sing it… to interweave
faith and poetry with incisive words and freshness of style”.
Released, February 2011
Sold: Brazil, English speaking countries,
Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Perú,
Mexico Latin America and Spain.
Worldwide Rights
International Rights
Contact: Rina Risitano •
Gabriel Magalhães
The Treasure Map
To get to our true self
from Linhas
de Rumo collection
In a Western society made up of so many people lost
from themselves, The Treasure Map emerges as a road
map for each one of us to reach on the precious truth of
him/herself. This pathway is made mainly through the
learning of divine love: a tenderness that we must know
how to identify in the fabric of our daily life. Because there
exist in the cosmos a sweetness of God to which we must
say ‘yes’!
The itinerary proposed in this book features a number
of traditional practices of Christian spirituality – such as
prayer, the Eucharist, confession, charity, etc. – presented
with a refreshed touch, explained in an attractive,
renovating way. These are empowering tools for the
reader, enabling means to discover a loving universe
strengthening that divine tenderness. It is a pathway for
a transforming experience, the beginning for a renewed
life and a new way to integrate into society. The journey
proposed in this work is suitable for both the sleepwalkers
of Christianity, but also for those who do not have faith.
My Mirror
The daily reading of the Gospel
can change one’s life
from Poéticas
do Viver Crente collection
My Mirror can be rightly seen as an unusual story of a
conversion, moreover as an autobiography of faith. The
author tells it in the first person: “I belong to that generation
that looked at the Church and faith as diminishing the
state of mind, almost an intellectual idiocy. And this
belittling observation included the Gospel as well...”. He
continues saying that when he finally decided to open the
Gospel and to expose himself to it, he felt involved in an
unpredictable encounter that has totally changed his life,
his vision. In these pages, Magalhães invites his readers
to contemplate some of the Gospel passages that made a
strong impact in him, such as to mark his journey of faith.
Released, January 2013
Sold: Italy, Catalonia
Worldwide Rights
New Release, October 2015
Worldwide Rights
International Rights
Contact: Rina Risitano •
José Frazão Correia
from Linhas
de Rumo collection
Mean-While (or The In-Between)
Faith Lives out of Affection
The Difficult Blessing of Life and Faith
Variations on a vital theme
«This is one of the most beautiful books of theology
wrote in Portugal in recent years».
This is a challenging text proposing a «grateful acknowledgment of God’s gift, shaped in the form of a loving
relationship.» The way this vision is shared rests on the
mastery of its author who belongs to a generation of
committed theologians, who see theology as the spiritual
wisdom that interlace the fabric of our daily life. In this
book José Frazão tells us that faith lives of free selfentrusting and mutual acceptance. Faith is the pre-vision
of a promise worthy of our affection and innermost desire.
Faith however is nourished by everyday human gesture, it
fosters the affection that binds us to God, and strengthens
the daring courage to be reborn.
José Tolentino Mendonça
Meanwhile encompasses both the promise and the fulfilment, achieved through the entrusting of ourselves,
day after day. Meanwhile, everything has been given and
everything remains to be done. Meanwhile, we believe,
the seed sown will germinate and the tree will bear fruit
after having been given the flower... Meanwhile, the lost
paradise will come to be a rebuilt city... So it is with the
faith in Jesus Christ. The grace is God’s gift. The cost of
the appreciation is human’s. But, in-between the gift of
grace and the cost of recognition, the difficult narrative of
faith takes place: in the everyday life, everyday encounter,
especially when the cost makes us forget the grace, the
banality drains the promise, the mistrust fades the joy...
Released, April 2013
Sold: Italy
Worldwide Rights
Released, March 2014
Sold: Italy
Worldwide Rights
International Rights
Contact: Rina Risitano •
Carlos Maria Antunes
Only the Poor Know
how to Become Bread
Interweaving fasting, inner self
and compassion
from Linhas
de Rumo collection
The heart alone is able to recognise the gift of grace and
discover that we are bread, the true aliment that nourishes
us, the one that truly satisfies us and uproots the devouring
spiral of greed. It is only in the shared bread that we learn
the art of living in togetherness, a delicate and fragile art,
in which we all are beginners.
Thus, Carlos Maria Antunes reveals us the prophetic
challenge of a mysticism of the open eyes: the spirituality
of an itinerant, accessible to everyone and very much
needed in our times.
Crossing our own Solitude
A Call to Spiritual Life
from Poéticas
do Viver Crente collection
The book stems from the personal experience of the
author, from his conviction that we get to Jesus by way
of solitude. The silence he proposes has nothing to do
with shutting us in an individualistic attitude and emotional
intimacy; it is rather a path, indeed the only path, towards
an authentic encounter with ourselves, with God, with our
brothers and sisters.
Touching, simple and profound, accessible to everyone.
Released, June 2011
Sold: Italy, Spain
Worldwide Rights
Released, February 2013
Sold: Italy, Spain
Worldwide Rights
International Rights
Contact: Rina Risitano •
Alexandre Palma
João Duque
from Linhas
from Linhas
de Rumo collection
de Rumo collection
The Trinity Is a Mystery
A Poetic of God
but We Can Talk about It
Aesthetics and Theology
Moving away from the illuminist and romantic vision,
Palma makes an appeal to the experience as a circular
movement that he calls, “Trinitarian hypothesis”. That
is, from the experience to the Trinity: a Trinitarian reflex
existing in us; from the Trinity to experience: the dwelling
light within our innermost self. We perceive that the
author is leading us onto a long journey to experience a
personal encounter with a personal God, a God One and
Triuno. In other words, he will not give in from attesting the
accessibility of a God-Communion.
This book is an act of hospitality. It gives way to a stranger,
the Triune-God, pointing to places where God seems to
have lost his place. It reminds us that our experience is
capable of God. Alexandre Palma runs the risk to return to
the mystery of a God so close and so free as to tell himself
in our “things” without exhausting himself in any of them.
This book presents various approaches to theological
aesthetic. Moving from the framework of the aesthetic
dimensions inherent to the human being – seen in the
contemporary cultural context, called postmodern – the
author points out the intrinsic human poetics as leading
to God. He debates the concepts of theological aesthetics
and beauty, advancing its own proposals and calling for a
poetic theology.
In order to accomplish these proposals, the author
presents several reflections on the artistic phenomenon
and its relation to Christian faith as intrinsic to Poetic
Theology, demonstrating that all such activities are places
where God is active in the world.
Finally, he develops some applications to concrete artistic
fields such as music and poetry, leading to some thinkers
such as Heidegger, Gadamer, Rahner and Virgilio Ferreira.
The conclusion is that the aesthetic dimension of faith and
theology are articulated in the bodily experience as an
absolute appeal, which calls for incarnate answers.
Released, November 2014
Worldwide Rights
New Release, November 2015
Worldwide Rights
International Rights
Contact: Rina Risitano •
FATIMA 1917-2017
preparing for Centenary of the
The Shrines of Portugal
Landmarks and Witnesses of a People’s Faith
People like to cherish the memory of events that evoke personal
experiences of faith and this connotation encompasses
geographical places that become themselves history and
heritage of a people or a community. This work collects
vast information about 161 shrines – dedicated and officially
recognised by the pontifical authority – spread all throughout
Portugal. There are also mentioned a range of small chapels
and oratories, even important monasteries and medieval
abbeys that are traditionally considered Shrines, thought not
canonically qualified as such, yet special places of cult. The
vast astonishing range shown developed along the centuries
up to the most recent ones like the well-known XX century
Shrine of Fatima.
688 pages
161 officially erected shrines
780 full colour photos
National and local geographical maps
Each shrine is presented
in its geographical context,
with documented historical
background, architectural
characteristics, spiritual heritage,
dedication and devotions,
pilgrimage tradition, liturgical
celebrations and festivities.
Released, May 2015
Worldwide Rights
International Rights
The coordination of this massive research, illustrations, writings and
production is the authorship of Maria Rosario Barardo in collaboration
with the editorial/production team of Paulinas Editora.
Maria Rosario Barardo graduated at the University of Lisbon as an
expert in History and Specialized Studies of Tourism Information, and
post-graduated in Medieval Studies and Renaissance History at the
University of Porto.
A Spiritual Handbook
of Fatima
A pilgrimage to one of the most
famous Marian shrines in the world
The book is meant to be a companion to pilgrims,
both before and during the pilgrimage to/in Fatima,
an indispensable instrument for the spiritual
preparation and a guide to living to the full the
spiritual experience at the sacred place. It will
nurture the deepening of personal emotions and
faith experience; facilitate the multiple languages
coral prayer with flocks of pilgrims from all over
the world at the chapel of apparitions, as well as
personal prayer moments.
Besides the historical and spiritual initiation about
the story of the apparitions and the message of the
Virgin Mary entrusted to the visionaries, the book
will provide itineraries to admire the simply beauty
of the setting around the shrine and visits to the
native small village of the three little shepherds,
Lúcia, Jacinta and Francisco.
Due to release, Fall 2016
The Little Shepherds of Fatima
This book is one of the most rigorous work and
trustworthy story of the Apparition of our Lady to
the three little shepherds at Cova di Iria, from
the beginning, 13 May 1917, up to the latest conversations with Sister Lucia before her death,
13 April 2005.
The author, Canon Fernando Silva, devoted years
of research work, scrutinizing texts, documentaries,
interviews and reports of every kind, both pros and
cons the events related to the three visionaries,
Lúcia, Jacinta and Francisco. He regards with
same interest and impartiality the position of those
who enthusiastically backed the divine intervention
in the events of Cova de Iria, known as “the cycles
of the Apparitions”, but also the documentation of
those who fought against that position.
Canon Silva handled such an amount of material
with scientific control and emotional freedom
without any proselytizing concern. Rather, aiming
at letting the readers enter the process, step by
step, know of the life of the three shepherds and
have a personal understanding of the events and
the message the Virgin Mary entrusted to them
and to us.
Revised and updated edition, 2015
Sold: English speaking countries,
Czech Republic, Italy.
Contact: Rina Risitano •