June 2015 - International School of Stuttgart
June 2015 - International School of Stuttgart
“We learn more about ourselves and others by comparing our cultures.” EARLY LEARNING CLASS Class Teacher: Amanda Haworth Learning Assistant: Bianca Ginas “Wir lernen mehr über uns selbst und andere wenn wir unsere Kulturen vergleichen. Students will... Schueler werden ... • Understand that their classmates come from diverse cultures. • Verstehen dass ihre Klassenkameraden aus unterschiedlichen Kulturen kommen. • Be able to communicate about the different cultures in our class. Ethan and Chloe’s mother and grandmother presenting both their Mexican and Norwegian cultures. are from different places around the world • Sind fähig ueber die verschiedenen Kulturen in unserer Klasse zu • Wissen dass Kulturen sprechen. ähnlich sein können obwohl sie ünterschiedliche Herkunft • Know that cultures can be similar even though we haben. In our research unit, each student worked with his/her family on a cultural poster that gave examples of the culture from which their family came. Students enjoyed talking about the different cultures and making comparisons between their culture and their classmates’. Families presented their culture through a presentation or an activity: We also looked at the different cultural greetings and have been practicing some of them. Some students were able to • Melody and her father presented see similarities and differences between greetings and we Chinese New Year. looked on a map to find that some of these cultures are geographically near each other. • Emma (Grade 5) came to tell us about Fasching and let us try on the costume she wears. • Mihika and her mom came to talk to us about the Indian festival of Holi. We got to play Holi by mixing colors to throw at a cloth. 1.2 C Class Teacher: Amanda Clem German Team Teacher: Andrea Haake Learning Assistants: Aaron Chivington and Kirsten Donie Public Places Our research unit, Public Places, allowed our classroom to focus on communities of all types. We talked about animal communities and community networks in which we live. We also focused on teamwork and building friendships. With this in mind, our class participated in different team challenges each week as well as took time to write a personal reflection on how each student felt the task was performed. Story Writing MATHEMATIK In Mathematik haben wir gelernt, wie man zweistellige Zahlen addiert und subtrahiert. So langsam kennen wir uns mit Zahlen aus und wissen worauf wir achten müssen. In 1/2C, students entered the system.’ Families later had world of authors and the opportunity to visit us for illustrators by creating their a ‘literature morning’ where very own storybook. While all students presented their final students created their own pieces, answered questions story, some turned their about their personal process literature into a mini-film. and shared a German poem Our friends in grade 5 came they completed. to visit as part of our ‘buddy Wir haben auch über Brüche geredet, wie sie Teile von einem Ganzen darstellen. Wir haben gelernt sie zu malen und auch wie man sie mit Zahlen darstellt. Zur Übung gab es Schnitzeljagden im K l a s s e n z i m m e r, a n d e n einzelnen Stationen gab es immer eine Karte mit einer Au f g a b e , w e l c h e g e l ä s t werden müsste. Die letzten waren immer am Schwersten! “I learned to take my time.” - Tim “I’m reading my book about friendship to grade 5. I learned that many people can be alone but you can make more friends and have more fun.” Class Teacher: Matthew Knights German Team Teacher: Andrea Haake Learning Assistant: Malayika Keck 1.2 K BÜCHERWOCHE Während der Bücherwoche in der Schule haben wir uns mit einer Gastleserin ein Buch etwas näher angeschaut. Darin ging es, um das Beschreiben von Tieren. Creative Learning Dazu haben wir ganz viele Adjektive gesammelt, die ••• When would you use a half-full represent it. The children balloon, some drinking straws, a interessant klingen. thoroughly enjoyed this bit of tin-foil, some cotton wool, a celebration of their learning, and Wir haben dann unser paper plate, and an unlit candle? the anatomically-correct uses to The answer, of course, is when which they put these household you’re applying your learning materials was truly inspired! about the body’s digestive Lieblingstier gemalt und haben dann passende Adjektive auf Post-it Notes geschrieben und auf unser Tier geklebt. (Unten) system and making a collage to Theatrical Extravaganza! Acting out situations really brings knowledge to life, and also promotes excellent literacy and presentational skills. At our Class 1/2K Assembly, children performed with great gusto, putting across their message about befriending and respecting other life forms. What applies on Planet Mars applies equally on the school playground! Children had this to say about their acting experience: Georgios: “I spoke my lines loudly and clearly.” Alex, “I just enjoyed everything!” Siri: “I enjoyed the play, and learned my lines well.” Die Weite des Weltalls und so viele Planeten….. Damit wir die Reihenfolge der Planeten und deren Namen selbst uns merken können haben wir einen Merksatz gelernt: 3.4 K Class Teacher: Jennifer King German Team Teacher: Sylvia Karaca Learning Assistant: Ursula Sites Class 3/4K go on a Meadow Picnic as part of the “Grünes Klassenzimmer Projekt" In May, our Grünes Klassenzimmer expert, Frau Berg, took the children of class 3/4K on a picnic to a local meadow. However, this picnic had a difference!! The children had to go searching for different plants and herbs that were growing in the meadow to add to their picnic!! On the meadow picnic menu was: Kräuterquark, Kräuterbutter, and Holzofenbrot, all washed down with a meadow drink!! The children worked in small teams collecting different plants, washing and cutting them, mixing the herbs into the butter and Quark, writing and decorating the menu, as well as setting and decorating their picnic table. Then, at last, the picnic could begin! It was delicious! Afterwards, the children were able to play at the neighbouring playground! Great fun! Häufigste und einfach erkennbare ESSBARE WIESENKRÄUTER Löwenzahn Rot- und Weißklee Gänseblümchen Alles zusammen mit Naturquark oder auch mit Butter mischen und auf frischem Brot genießen! Gewaschene Blüten der oben genannten Wiesenblumen machen Brennnessel aus einem ganz gewöhnlichen Salat oder einer Suppe etwas Besonderes, Diese Wiesenblumen frisch zupfen (immer die jungen, kleinen Pflanzen), es sieht schön aus und schmeckt auch noch gut! gründlich waschen und klein schneiden. Maths Quest The 18th annual ECIS Maths Quest competition was held this year at the Oslo International School, Norway from 7th-10th M a y. T h i s e v e n t provides the opportunity for international schools from Europe, Nor th America and Asia to compete in a variety of m a t h e m a t i c a l ALL OF THE STUDENTS CONTRIBUTED challenges over three EXCELLENT PERFORMANCES TO AN EVENT days. There were 21 WHICH IS KNOWN FOR IT'S HIGH STANDARD, teams competing at this BUT ALSO FOR IT'S EMPHASIS ON TEAMWORK, year's event from CHALLENGE AND CELEBRATION OF THE WAY Europe, America, the MATHEMATICS CAN BRING PEOPLE FROM A Middle East and Russia. VARIETY OF CULTURES TOGETHER IN MANY WAYS. Congratulations goes to Jay Xiao, who came ISS sent two teams of students, one from each of our campuses. Those representing IS S were: Sindelfingen - Jay Xi ao, Sarah Tims, Mikolaj Dzierna nowski, Ren Miller 2nd out of 84 students in the individual challenge round. This is the highest an individual from Stuttgart has placed in the history of the competition. Well done, Jay! Next year we will be heading to Barcelona and are currently looking for extremely mathematically talented third graders, fourth graders and fifth Degerloch - Jasper Jo hn graders to be part of the 2016 team. , Elena Students need to be team players and Gustafson, Go Kimura Desiato and Samant ha Gribb able to tackle difficult challenges with a positive attitude. Coordinator: Cynthia Bolton Grade 5 Class Teacher: Owen Murphy German Team Teacher: Elke Clarus We a r e a l s o s t a r t i n g a n o t h e r important change - our transition from the primary years to the m i d d l e ye a r s . We ’ ve u s e d suggestions from our grade 5 & 6 students from the last few years, from their class teachers and from parents to put together a transition programme. Growing Up Grade 5 are growing up, maturing and getting ready for their next challenges. In fact, we are now in the final straight of the school year and in the last few months for Grade 5 as a 'Primary School' class. Die Klasse 5 “wächst”, reift und macht sich bereit für die nächste Herausforderung. In der Tat, wir sind nun in der Zielgeraden des Schuljahres und in den letzten Monaten für Grade 5 als 'Grundschule'-Klasse. In our research unit, we have been learning how our minds and bodies will change during the coming years. We have been very mature in our approach to learning about this and had some fantastic discussions as a class. We have also been learning about dangers to our health. In unserer Forschungseinheit haben wir gelernt, wie unser Geist und Körper sich in den kommenden Jahren ändern werden. Wir sind sehr angemessen mit diesem Thema umgegangen und hatte einige fantastische Diskussionen in der Klasse. Wir haben auch vieles über Gefahren für unsere Gesundheit erfahren. Und wir haben auch damit begonnen: Unser Übergang von den Grundschuljahren zu den Mittelschuljahren. So haben wir Vorschläge unserer Klassen 5 und 6 der letzten Jahre verwendet, von den Schülern, von ihrem Klassenlehrer und von den Eltern, um ein Übergangsprogramm zusammenzustellen. Wie Sie in den Bildern sehen können, besuchten wir unsere Klassenzimmer im MY- Bereich, verbrachten einen Morgen mit Klasse 6 in Mathematik, Sprache und Spanisch und haben unsere Klassenlehrerin für das n ä c h s t e J a h r, Fra u G o o d e , kennengelernt. Wir hörten auch mehr über das Programm von Mrs. JonesBürk in einer Präsentation für die Eltern, die dann einen anstrengenden Tag beendete. In the coming weeks, Grade 5 will be making more visits to Grade 6, as we get ready for next year and also meeting our middle years buddies. These are exciting times all round! First, Grade 6 came to tell us some information about what next year In den kommenden Wochen wird die holds in store for us. Then on Klasse 5 weitere Besuche in Klasse 6 Monday 27th April, we had a special Transition Day! As you can see in machen, damit wir uns bereit the pictures, we visited our machen können für das nächste Jahr classrooms in the middle years area, und auch Freunde in den MY finden. spent a morning joining Grade 6 for Dies sind aufregende Zeiten! Maths, Language and Spanish and then met our homeroom AUF UNS teacher for next year, Ms. Goode. We also heard more Grade 5 singing ‘Auf about the programme from Uns’ at the sch ool concert… Mrs. Jones-Bürk, who then finished a busy day with a "Hier geht jeder für jed en durchs presentation for parents. Feuer Zuerst gab uns Klasse 6 einige Informationen über das, was im nächsten Jahr auf uns zukommt. Danach, am Montag, 27. April, hatten wir einen besonderen Transition-Day! Im Regen stehen wir niemals allein Und solange unsere Herzen uns steuern Wird das auch imme r so sein" ROLE MODELS One of the most important challenges for any Grade 5 class, as the oldest children in the primary school, is to act as role models for our friends in the younger grades. As part of this, we have visited both Grade 1 / 2 classes to work together with the children. Firstly, we heard stories from our friends - both stories which they had written or pleasure reading books which they wanted to share with us. Then, we shared with them our instructional writing about playground games. The children in Grade 1 / 2 are excellent at engineering things with the materials which we have outside, but we hope that we have shared some great ideas which will help make playtime even more enjoyable! Eine der wichtigsten Herausforderungen für jede Klasse 5 Klasse, die ältesten Kinder in der Grundschule, ist es, als Vorbilder für unsere Freunde in den jüngeren Klassen zu handeln. In diesem Rahmen haben wir beide 1. und 2. Klassen besucht, um mit den Kindern zu arbeiten. Zuerst hörten wir Geschichten von unseren Freunden - sowohl Geschichten, die sie geschrieben hatte oder Bücher, die sie zum Vergnügen lesen und die sie mit uns teilen wollten. Danach haben wir über die Anleitungen und die Regeln der Spiele gesprochen, die wir auf dem Spielplatz spielen wollten. Die Kinder der Klassen 1/2 sind hervorragend beim Konstruieren mit den Materialien, die wir draußen fanden, aber wir hoffen, dass wir ein paar tolle Ideen geteilt haben, die dazu beitragen, dass die Spielzeit noch angenehmer wird! FIELD TRIP TO HEILBRONN For our research unit, Forces and Energy, we had a fantastic class trip to Experimenta in Heilbronn, where we looked particularly at the first floor of the exhibition, which is called E-Werk (Energie und Umwelt). This experience helps us achieve the learning objectives of our unit, such as: completing investigations, making scientific measurements and conclusions and describing situations in which forces (and changes in motion) act. Für unsere Forschungseinheit “Kräfte und Energie” hatten wir eine fantastische Klassenfahrt zur Experimenta in Heilbronn, wo wir uns vor allem in der ersten Etage der Ausstellung umsahen, dem sogenannten E-Werk (Energie und Umwelt). Diese Erfahrung half uns, die Lernziele unserer Einheit zu erreichen, wie beispielsweise: Wissenschaftliche Messungen und Schlussfolgerungen anzustellen und Situationen zu beschreiben, in denen Kräfte (und Veränderungen in der Bewegung) geschehen. “The media use persuasive techniques and structures to young adults in their selfhood development.” GRADE 6 LANGUAGE Homeroom Teacher: Gudrun Egle German Teacher: Elke Clarus English Teacher: Casey Gauss MYP GLOBAL CONTEXT: IDENTITIES AND RELATIONSHIPS After analysing advertisements from different media together as a class, students were given the task of creating their own television advertisement in their additional language. They had the additional challenge of choosing from a limited amount Students try to decide which item they would like to sell in their advertisements. of products (see pictures). Their planning and ad itself needed to demonstrate their understanding of the vocabulary we learned and practiced using Nach der gemeinsamen Analyse von Wortschatzes demonstrieren: Produkt, Anzeigen aus verschiedenen Medien M e d i u m , Zeuge, erhielten die Schüler die Aufgabe, ihre Überzeugungstechniken, Jingle, Slogan, in class: product, medium, eigenen Fernsehwerbung in ihrer Medienbotschaft und Zielgruppe. Sie t e s t i m o n i a l , p e r s u a s i v e Zusatzsprache zu erstellen. Sie hatten haben diese Herausforderung wirklich techniques, jingle, slogan, media die zusätzliche Herausforderung, die a n g e n o m m e n u n d k r e a t i v e , message and target audience. Auswahl aus einer begrenzten Anzahl überzeugende und professionelle They truly took this challenge von Produkten (siehe Bilder) zu Werbespots produziert. head-on and produced creative, treffen. Das Planen und die Anzeige persuasive and professional sollten das Verständnis des gelernten advertisements. und im Unterricht geübten Which persuasive techniques can I use to sell…? Pol (mother tongue French) used a testimonial to sell spectacles in German. Julia (mother tongue German) used film techniques, loaded words and a testimonial to sell BBQ sauce. Alex (mother tongue German) used glittering generalities and connection with the viewer to sell shampoo. GRADE 6 SCIENCE Science Teacher: Carrie Scafe Are you an atomist? Introduction to Chemistry “I am not an atomist, because an object, no matter how small, can be broken.” – Pol “I am not an atomist, because I believe that any substance that exists can be broken down, because there are so many In an introduction to chemistry, 6th grade possibilities that are possible to break down a substance. students were asked an age old question – And there is so much we don’t know yet. So why can you at least as old as ancient Greece: Is there a not break down any substance forever?” – Julia basic substance of which everything is made? Is there a particle that cannot be broken into something smaller? Does the atom exist? “Atomos” means unbreakable in Greek. Below are some of the student’s current views on the subject. Student Opinions – Are you an atomist? “I am an atomist, because I believe that there is a point where you can’t break things anymore. I think there is a basic substance “I am an atomist, because I think it can’t be broken down, because one day it is too small. “– Jonas “I am not an atomist, because nothing is unbreakable.” – Ren “I am not an atomist, because I think that we can break a substance down forever in different ways.” – Gabriel “I am an atomist, because I think there is a substance that can’t be broken down. “ — Marvin everything is made of. I think if you continue to In addition students are learning and applying various break things down, it will become so small that chemistry techniques for breaking down and identifying you can’t break it.” Lana substances as they try to figure out the basic “I am an atomist, because there is a point where you cannot break anything smaller. Why? …because everything is made out of a basic substance. “ Thomas components of a mystery substance. So far they haven’t reached an end! Homeroom and English Teacher: Casey Gauss German Teacher: Anja Knabe Grade 7 Language FABELN AUS ALLER WELT FABLES FROM AROUND THE WORLD MYP Global Context: Personal and Cultural Expression “Cultures express their values and beliefs through their word choice within the stories they tell; we can learn about those values and beliefs through comparing stories from different cultural communities.” In dual-language groups, students read fables from a variety of cultural contexts in their additional language. Working in dual-language g roups allowed mother-tongue speakers to help additional language learners understand the texts they were reading. As a group, students needed to choose one fable and transfer their understanding of the story’s plot, character-types and m o r a l i n t o a r e a l - l i fe h u m a n scenario. Their understanding of these three components needed to be clearly represented through their skit. See pictures of students reading, planning, and creating their scripts. In zweisprachigen Gruppen haben die Schüler und Schülerinnen in ihrer Zusatzsprache Fabeln aus u n t e r s c h i e d l i c h e n k u l t u re l l e n Kontexten gelesen. Die Lektüre in gemischtsprachigen Gruppen ermöglichte es den Muttersprachlern, den anderen Gruppenmitgliedern beim Verständnis der Texte zu helfen. Es war Aufgabe der Gruppen, sich jeweils eine der Fabeln auszuwählen und ihr Verständnis der Handlung der Fabel, der Figuren und der Moral dieser Geschichte in ein realistisches Szenario in einem menschlichen Lebensumfeld zu übertragen. Ihr Verständnis dieser drei Komponenten sollte durch ihre Darstellung klar deutlich werden. Anbei Fotos der Schüler beim Lesen und bei der Planung ihrer Szene. MIDDLE YEARS BOOK CLUBS In Grades 6-10, students partake in four book clubs per year in their language classes. What? Why? We know that reading is so extremely important, and yet, we don’t take time enough to celebrate the variety of great books that exist and share them with one another. The Pleasure Reading book clubs are our chance to do exactly that. How? One group plans their dual-language script using a mind-map. •We have four P.R. book clubs per school year. During these book clubs students need to: •Share one book they have chosen for pleasure reading •Summarize the story without giving away the ending •Explain why and to whom they would recommend it •Talk about the main and minor characters •State what genre the book is •Answer questions about the book from their classmates and teachers •Bring their Pleasure Reading book with them •Bring a book of a different genre for each club •Listen respectfully to others and be prepared to ask questions Grade 7 enjoys breakfast and sharing the great variety of books they have been reading. Grade 7 Individuals and Societies Teacher: Ray Schneider No One Expects the Russian Revolution by Tomas Stegmann Unhappily we stand The unjust times will end, We have made our demand. We came in peace, You brought us war, We lay dead, Upon the street, Where you and I, We dared to meet Tension builds, The river runs, With red blood spilled, Upon the stone. You tread upon, Our holy land, With strength and fire, Your force our hand. There is no hope, For those of us, Who are forced to war, Tread upon, crushed. And so we rise, We will not go on. There is only death here, Our home is changed, It must change once more. Bloody Nicholas, Your time has come. Tainted by shame, And burned by the vengeance of a nation, You have no place here. The house of special meaning awaits you, Your death is near, Our freedom can only be won when you have passed, And so your fall from glory must be tragic, You must fall so that we may rise. You dared to repress the inexorable march of time, But history will always repeat itself, It is the wheel of revolution, And it turns quickly, You cannot stop it, and neither can we. The Russian Revolu tion Recently, Grade 7 lea rned about the even ts of and the m the Russian Revolut ion and Civil War. Were these changes for the bette r or for the worse for the Russian people? Not an easy question to answer. Nevertheless , Grade 7 attempted to answer it from different perspe ctives. Students had the choice of a diary entry, rap, poem or a skit to demo nstrate their knowledge and understanding of dif fering viewpoints about the revolution. Sydney Go ttlieb wrote a moving and very realistic series of diary entries from the pers pective of Anastasia , one of the last Czar’s daught ers. Tomas Stegeman n wrote a vivid and detailed poem that encompas sed the Russian people’s str uggles and disappoint ment with the autocratic ru le of the Czar and th en the totalitarian rule of th e Communist party. Enjoy reading them! changes resulting fro The Tsar is gone. His ashes have been swept away by the raging storm of an angry people, His successors were foolish, They failed to keep themselves from the foolish mistakes of their predecessors, They too were removed with brutal force. And so a new leader must present himself. From the shade of exile, The father of our revolution returns, To take back this land for the Bolsheviks, And to lead our country, Until one day, On the 21st of the month of beginnings and endings, Your life was no more. Hail, our leader and our prophet. Burn the church and crush the cross, For a new religion is upon us. We once were free, but now it seems, That the best of days have left us. Our revolution came and went, For now our life is dreary, Our energy is spent. The guns of war, Fire once more, As red and white, Clash and fight, To see who will win this long fought war. Once we sought this future, Where all were equal, But maybe all are equal, And some are more equal than others. Anastasia’s Diary by Sydney Gottlieb May 18, 1914 - Father’s Birthday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - As daughter of the Tsar, I am allowed to do whatever I want. Or? Because sometimes, I don’t think the people of Russia are allowed to do whatever they want. I have been in the city center a couple of times and none of the people were wearing nice clothes and I saw some soldiers bossing a lot of people around, and threatening to shoot if they did otherwise. I wonder why Father would make such rules. I wonder what it would be like to be one of those peasants. Today father got whatever he wanted though. It’s his birthday today and our servants made him a big cake with strawberries and chocolate and whipped cream on top. He got chocolates from Mother, cards and little toys from my sisters, and Alexei gave him a fishing pole, so that they could go fishing sometime together and have some father-son bonding time. I gave father a very special gift I thought. it came from my heart and I had worked very long on it. It was a picture of me that I made of myself in the mirror. I put that picture in a frame of gold and around the edges I inscribed “The Loveliest Father”. Father didn’t seem to overjoyed, but he said he liked it. We celebrated very early, so that father could try out his new toys from my sisters and Alexei. While my brother and sisters were playing, I sat down with my Mother. She was teaching me how to sew when Father suddenly was urged to leave to his office to discuss something with his comrades. It was late at night before he came home. He had brought some news with him though. I am not sure whether it is good news or bad news, but he told us that we were going to enter World War I in August. I don’t know what to do now. I thought about the war. I heard today that the Russian Navy only had 4 battleships, 10 cruisers, 21 destroyers, 11 submarines and 50 torpedo boats. Is that enough to fight in a war? Anyway, I was excited and my parents were as well. It thought about the people though. I don’t think they’re happy because they have to send off loved ones to go fight for our country. I wouldn’t like it if Alexei were to go to war. I wonder if Father thinks about the people of Russia. I also wonder if Mother also thinks the same way about war. I have a lot of questions at the moment, after all, I’m only thirteen. But, it will have to wait for tomorrow. Today has been a very busy day. Yours truly, Anastasia August 14, 1914 - First Attack in WWI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - I have observed the people from the same balcony for 13 years. And once again I stand in the same exact place. Staring down on the people of Saint Petersburg in my Father’s Winter Palace. Today was the day that Russia would invade East Prussia, our first battle. Many people stood before us cheering. From then on, I thought that there was nothing to war. Everybody was cheering and yelling, so I couldn’t help myself but smile. Father was giving a long speech, but I wasn’t listening. I looked at all the people and how they acted. There were a couple people who didn’t look happy. I pinpointed one woman who looked like something disturbed or bothered her deep inside. But the little baby in her arms was teething on an old rag and was acting like nothing was happening. Finally, about 10,000 soldiers marched in a line. That’s when the crowd went absolutely wild. Whistling, yelling and cheering took over the town square. This went on for about 1 hour. After all the excitement, my father went to his study with Alexei, to keep track of what was happening in the battle, while mother and my sisters were knitting and reading while Mother was talking about today. I was reading but not really paying attention to any of the details because I was too busy thinking of what is yet to come in World War I. That’s all I wonder about nowadays. At dinner, I had heard some news about the battle. It wasn’t going to well. Germany apparently had so many tanks and missiles that we couldn’t keep up with them. Dinner was a bit awkward, because nobody could bring up a good conversation. That’s why I finished in a hurry so I could take some more photographs. I love photography, because I like to express my feelings through them and I can do cool things with them, like making myself faded so that I look like a ghost. Tonight Father and Mother were talking about Alexei. I was a little bit worried because they sounded stressed. I overheard them saying something about Hemophilia. That is where you have internal or external bleeding that doesn’t stop. I was very worried because if Alexei just bumped himself on a table, he would get an everlasting and expanding bruise. This is very bad news because we went on a fishing trip this weekend and when Alexei went on the boat there is no doubt that he might have bumped into the boat or a fishing rod. Immediately, Mother telephoned somebody and when she hung up, she seemed pleased yet a bit disappointed. I called for mother and she told me that there was a man named Rasputin going to call us. She said that he was a healer and a soothsayer, but he never did his work in person. Only over the telephone or he wrote letters to the person he was helping. I found that very suspicious. Some said he was tall, had greasy hair and had food bits on the tufts of his beard. He didn’t seem like a very soothing person to me, but we need to do everything we can to make Alexei better. I hope and pray that Alexei will survive. But if he does die, I want it to be peacefully. Just like how I should sleep tonight… peacefully. Yours Truly, Anastasia February 15, 1917 - February Revolution - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - These past months have been very uneasy. Father has made decisions which many people do not like. Several strikes and marches have been organized by the citizens. Flyers have been hung up around cities stating that Father should be taken out of power. It would be great disappointment to let down three centuries of Romanov rule go to waste because of Father. It would not only be embarrassing to him, but to us as well. We would probably be known as the last Romanov failure. But there have been some times where I have thought that Father had been a bit unfair. Such as when he brought Russia into World War I. At first it was exciting, but then as we started losing battles and people, many people began to suffer from famine. From the times when I went outside, all I saw was homeless people and several strikes. I guess today was the day that Father drew the line. The provisional government came to force father to abdicate his throne. Everybody was in shock. Everybody, including four of our servants were forced to pack up and leave the Winter palace that day. Olga was trying to comfort everybody because she was the only one which kept her head. Even Father was losing his mind. This had all come so quickly that we were moved out of the winter palace in less than 2 hours. There were many places we could of but Father chose the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg. We made ourselves comfortable, but everybody was still stressed. Especially Father. He kept on saying that he was a disgrace to his family. Olga, as calm as as she is, tried comforting everybody. Mother was also a bit uneasy, in that she didn’t know what to do with her life. Finally I said that we could just live like a normal family, but only a bit richer than the other people in Russia. Father thought that was an idea, and we finally chose that way to live. Yes, today was an eventful day, but we all got through it in the end. We weren’t as calm and collective as can be, but we got through it together and that’s what’s most important. Yours Truly, Anastasia November 1917 - November Revolution - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - Living like this was not easy. I didn’t have the same view, from my bedroom window. I have felt an uneasy tension in myself. I have heard that their was another political party trying to now overthrow the provisional government. I think they’re called the Bolsheviks. I have only heard little about the outside world. Father does not like talking about this sort of stuff with anybody. He might speak with mother a couple times but rarely does he ever speak of it. I felt as though my sisters and I have become closer, because we all need support now. Sometimes I feel that the abdication brought us more together as a family. Well, today was a coincidence that I overheard Mother and Father talking again. But it has finally been managed by the Bolsheviks to overthrow the provisional government. A man named Lenin has apparently returned as founder of the Bolsheviks. I have heard of him, because father killed his brother and exiled Lenin to Germany for about ten years. Anyway, as I heard Father stressing, Mother tried calming him. He doesn’t like hearing about it, nor talking about it. It hurts everyone in our family because to see Father so stressed. At dinner, he decided to explain the details of the event which took place today. I’ll try to remember what he said because, I want to look back to the days where Russia was a happy and peaceful environment. With Grandfather ruling and everybody living in peace and fairness. Yes, some of the things Father did was unfair and sometimes pretty horrible, but I just cannot afford to think like that, after all, he is my father. In any manner, after he talked about the November revolution, with Lenin and the Bolsheviks, he felt even more embarrassed. I understand completely. If a peasant were to overrule a king, that is a pretty /poor king, or in this case the poor king means father. He went up to bed after that. I felt bad for mother because with these revolutions taking place, father is not paying that much attention to mother, nor anyone else, but Alexei. I have tried to comfort Father with some pictures I took of myself and proposed I make one of him. But he bypassed my offer and called for Alexei instead. I wonder why Alexei gets to speak with him and we don’t. Not even Mother at times. There is one wish that I have and I hope this will one day become true… I wish that Russia will one day be a peaceful country again. I have faith in that this will be achieved one day in Russian history. Yours Truly, Anastasia July 17, 1918- Picture Day ----------------------------------------------------------------------This morning was a morning in which I will never forget. Summer sun, whistling birds and a soccer match outside in the yard, while Mother and Father were talking in their reclined beach chairs, I was setting up my camera to take some family pictures. But that got delayed when I was invited to play soccer as well. I asked Mother and Father to join and they surprisingly said yes. That was probably the best time of my life. I have never felt so close to my family before. Even though I am 16, I still don’t hesitate to act like a child. I didn’t have much time to act like one, so I never ponder on the idea that I am too old for something. Alas, the time flew as if 3 hours was only a half an hour. We had a great lunch of deer with sauce and potatoes. I liked it very much. Again we went outside because it was so nice. I forgot about my camera because I thought to myself that I would have enough time to make photos of the summer sun and the family. After lunch, I went outside to enjoy more sun and talk with my mother and my sisters. Father had gone somewhere in the house but I hadn’t bothered to ask where and why. I just wanted the sun and the outside world. I might not meet another day like this, where everybody, well, almost everybody was together in one place. I didn’t want this to go away. As we ate a big dinner of pork with sauce and vegetables, Mother said that we were going to take a family portrait right after dinner, so we needed to hurry. Some people were going to take a photograph of us to subdue rumors that we had escaped. I almost jumped out of my seat. Maybe I could ask the photographer about my photos and ask some questions that I had about lighting and setting up the camera. I also got my camera ready because I also wanted the photographer to take a picture with my camera. I have just finished the final touches to adjusting my camera and I am already dressed in my favorite dress. the one that was blue with yellow flowers and pearls. Ok, I must go now! I cannot wait to see what the picture looks like… Yours Truly, Anastasia END Teacher: Pamela Grimes Grade 7 Drama Drama Tech Prep Our students at the Sifi Campus are given the opportunity to develop their confidence in areas not specifically explored in the set curriculum. In Drama, some Grade 7 students, David, Gitae, Hunter, Makayla and Natasha, voluntarily exhibited their motivation towards exploring the lighting system in preparation for the Grade 7 Shadow Play. In cooperation with a Grade 9 student, Chris, they were We all Have a Story to Tell Grade 7 had the extraordinary opportunity to have a professional dancer, Adrian Turner, guide them through and support their current learning in Drama. Through the elements of movement, focus and mood, the students were able to initially create a guided dance routine in unison. In small groups, students pursued these elements even f u r t h e r, c r e a t i n g s c e n e s depicting love, courage, and tension, telling the stories which these young adults have to share. On the evening of June 12th, Grade 7 will be performing their newly devised shadow plays - as part of the Kult-Tour Goldberg Community Project - telling, once again, the stories they have to tell! able not only to support their class as they make final preparations for their shadow stories, but to gain firsthand knowledge and experience in “Drama Tech Prep”. Grade 8 experienced the lino print and created own posters to promote an event. After researching and comparing works of other artists critically they came up with their favorite animal and sketched with charcoal before carving and finally printing. GRADE 8 ART Homeroom teacher: Ray Schneider Art teacher: Stephanie Langer Homeroom and Spanish Teacher: Della Lawson GRADES 9.10 Sindelfingen Spanish Exchange 2014-2015 The families who received us were very kind and hospitable, This has been another ver y us - we learned that there is more to communication than just successful year for the Spanish language! Exchange Programme, which we share with our partner school, Instituto Sek Alborán, based in Almerimar, Andalusia, Spain. and allowed us to practise our Spanish by speaking slowly for Each of our day trips had a different theme: we had a history focus when we visited the Alcazaba in Almería, an impressive hilltop fortress dating back to the time when the Moors ruled Spain; a geography focus for our day trip to see the beautiful Students from grades 8, 9 and 10 underground caves near to Nerja; a business and industry came together to host our Spanish focus, whilst seeing the immense expanse of greenhouses and partners, back in November, and we a local fruit producer’s factory and finally a Spanish language enjoyed welcoming them into our and culture focus during our day in school. families and our region. The visitors went on day trips to see the The trip, of course, is not only about academic learning. Such Mercedes Benz Factory in exchange programmes provide an invaluable opportunity to Sindelfingen, as well as the museum experience everyday life in another country and culture and in Bad Cannstatt, Schloß as such, provide a platform for developing sound life skills - Ludwigsburg, The Wilhelma Zoo and being open-minded; moving out of your comfort zone and Stuttgart City Centre. Feedback taking a risk; communicating with everyone in the group to from our visitors and their teachers overcome challenges; being principled - thinking about how was very positive and I send my your contribution portrays ‘you’ and how it affects others. In thanks to all students and families other words, the exchange programme experience reinforces who made their stay with us so our IB Learner Profile skills. warm and welcoming. Our turn to visit Spain came in March 2015. Mr Kraft, 13 students and I flew to Málaga, from where we were collected by coach for the 2 hour bus-ride to Almerimar. I very much look forward to repeating the programme in the future, so that our current grade 7s will also be able to enjoy this excellent learning experience! Mrs Lawson La Escuela, by Harrison, Grade 9 La grados inferiores aquí pequeño. Tenemos un gimnasio en la colegio pero es pequeño. Tenemos un patio pero es pequeño. No hay ninguas cocinas. Esta es la grado 1 & 2. Grado 1 & 2 sala de clase moderno y exiguo. Esta es la grado 3 & 4 aulas. Grado 3 & 4 aulas es un poco grande entonces el grado 1 & 2. Grado 3 & 4 es también moderno. Grado 5 es grande entonces grado 1,2,3, y 4. Grado 5 es tembién moderno. Week Without Walls Biking to Weil der Stadt Using the “Rule of Thirds” to take a photograph of nature’s mollusk THE WEEK OF MAY 4TH, OUR MIDDLE YEARS STUDENTS AND STAFF PARTICIPATED IN A WEEK WITHOUT WALLS – EXPLORATION WEEK. Some of the activities which we undertook were: • Arts in Nature Day – depending upon their proclivities, students chose to spend a day in nature either focusing on painting/ drawing, filming, creating music or creatively writing. We returned to school for a time of sharing our “creations”. • Hike/Bike Day – students chose to participate in an all day instructional hiking or biking trip. Creating illustrations inspired by outdoor scenery • Mathematical Sports Day – we booked local facilities in order to play games which rely on a knowledge of angles, spin and calculation in order for a player to be successful. • Team Building Scavenger/Geocaching Activity/Science Day – students participated in various team building activities. • Reflection / Chili Cook Off Day – we used the morning to reflect on our learning over the course of the last few days and to put together various presentations which recorded and documented this. The late morning and early afternoon focus was on The Great Chili Cook Off to which parents were be invited as judges. The winner was Grade 6 with their meat variety of chili! Composing songs with nature’s influence