Summer 2011 - German Cultural Society


Summer 2011 - German Cultural Society
August 2011 . Volume 11.2 /
DKV Website
Our website has a great deal
of information about our
organization, but it also has
links to other clubs around
the world, like
and others.
On the home page, click on
German Links, then
Links to Other Clubs.
Deutscher Kulturverein
Dear Members, Liebe Mitglieder
As we approach the completion of our 65th year of existence (including the
time of our forerunner organization the American Aid Society) it is appropriate to
pause and reflect on who we are as an organization.
The Mission Statement of the German Cultural Society can be summarized as
• We are a non-political, non-sectarian, non-profit cultural organization chartered in the City of St Louis and the State of Missouri.
• It is the aim and purpose of the German Cultural Society to foster and preserve German heritage and culture.
• We emphasize the German/Danube Swabian traditions as espoused by our
founding members
• We have taken on the responsibility to have and maintain facilities to be used
by us as well as other cultural organizations to foster the German heritage in
the St Louis Metro region
• We strive to maintain good relationships with all ethnic groups in the St Louis
• We promote family values and offer and support supervised activities for
youth from kindergarten through college
• We are an American organization first
• We are not a social club but we celebrate in the spirit of German Gemuetlichkeit and invite people with similar interests to join our organization
In support of the above statements all groups and members are expected to
contribute their efforts towards the financial well-being of the Society. This year
we will be spending about $17,000 for Cultural Travel and the purchase of uniforms and costumes for participation in cultural events. To cover these costs, we
have substantially reduced our budget for facilities improvement this year.
Regarding our facilities….The German Cultural society has some 12,000 square
feet under roof at our Jefferson Avenue location. In addition, we have about
6,000 square feet under roof at our Donaupark location in Jefferson County. We
purchased the Donaupark property in 1995 and since that time have made substantial improvements to make the facilities usable for our own outdoor events
Deutscher Kuturverein
Toten Gedenktag
Memorial Tribute
Sunset Burial Park
Sunday, November 6, 2011
starting at 2:00 p.m.
Admission is free.
Everybody is welcome
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Deutscher Kulturverein
/ August 2011 . Volume 11.2
as well as other cultural organizations. We have taken on no debt, and our facilities are paid for.
In 2012, we will begin a major program to further improve the Donaupark. This
to make these facilities more user friendly and usable on a year around basis.
The work will consist of the installation of new building to house restroom facilities, a members meeting room, a small office and additional space for heating
and ventilating equipment and storage. In support of this addition, a new waste
treatment system is in place and operating. In addition, a new and upgraded
electrical system was constructed within the last two years. More information
on this effort to follow.
In September, we will be participating in the annual Tag der Donauschwaben
Trachtenfest and Dance competition. This year, the event, over the Labor Day
weekend, will be held in Mansfield, Ohio sponsored by the Liederkranz Club of
that city. Our Youth Group will be participating in the cultural dance competition.
In addition, our adult dance group, the Volkstanzgruppe, will also be represented. We plan to have two buses travel to Mansfield. John Unterreiner is our trip
coordinator. See John for details if you wish to participate.
This past June our organization participated in a Donauschwaben cultural workshop in Hungary. We were represented by eight people. This event was partially
underwritten by Danube Swabian Foundation and Umbrella organizations as
well as our Society. More details elsewhere in the Newsletter.
The Strassenfest Corporation has announced that they will not be sponsoring a
Strassenfest this year. This event in the past has contributed substantially to our
annual income. We have made commitments to participate in two other events
such as the Riverbend Oktoberfest in Alton as well as the
St Charles Oktoberfest.
How to reach us
Hall Rental
To order tickets
314.842.0332 or 314.843.4073
John Pappert
President Monika Lorenz
Vice president Ian Romvari
Treasurer Assistant Treasurer
John Haas
Controller Amanda Tate
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
Gaye McMullen
Kathy Stark
Financial Secretary
The Danube Swabian Settlement in Entre Rios in Brazil is
celebrating its sixtieth anniversary in January 2012. Our
Society has been invited to attend. If anyone is interested
in attending please contact me for further details.
Executive Committee
Let me close my remarks by wishing you a most enjoyable and safe summer season. Thanks for your past and
continued support of the German Cultural Society.
John Pappert, President
The purpose of the
German Cultural Society
Ursula Fox
All those listed above, and
Erin Stumpf
Käthe Tullmann
Mike Wendl
Josef Neulinger
Birgit Sterzl McMullen
Ralph Ulrich
If you have website changes,
send them to Bill Wolz, Webmaster,
“To foster and practice our culture, customs and folklore in all its
forms … meaning language, music, song, dance, crafts, sports
and good fellowship (Gemütlichkeit).”
To do this as good citizens of the country we live in and to promote understanding with other ethnic groups.
The German Cultural Society is a cultural, charitable, not for
profit and non-political organization.
Bill Wolz, Newsletter Editor
Please submit articles no later than:
· March 7 for the spring issue
· June 5th for the summer issue
· October 25 for the autumn issue
August 2011 . Volume 11.2 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
Donauschwäbische Wissenslauf
Welttreffen 2011
On behalf of the 8 members who attended the Welttreffen in Hungary, we thank you for
the opportunity to share our experiences through not only the newsletter, but also cultural
activities, dances and song.
The purpose of the meeting was to bring together Donauschwaben from around the world
for an intensive cultural immersion. The theme was DONAUSCHWABEN: Zukunft gestalten,
Tradition bewahren, und Weltweit zuhause (Shaping the future, preserving traditions, and at
home world wide.)
This issue features a few photos and an overview of the agenda. Look for more in upcomming issues.
This was an “ice breaker”, a getting to know each other
game, which represents the web of the Donauschwaben
family worldwide.
Singing with the Wemend Quartett
PAGE 4 /
Programm für das Welttreffen der Donauschwäbischer
Kulturgruppen in Harkany/
16. bis 28. Juni 2011
Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2011
Eintreffen der Teilnehmer und Verteilung
in die Zimmer (Arrival of participants and room assignments)
Freitag,17. Juni 2011
9:30 Begrüßung und Vorstellung der Teilnehmer (Greeting and Introductions)
13:30 Polka Grundkurs mit Peter Schweininger (basic Polka course)
16:30 Vortrag: Junge Schwaben in
Ungarn mit Peter Schweininger (Presentation of the
Young Swabians in Hungary)
Samstag, 18. Juni 2011
9:30 Einstudieren eines Tanzes mit
Peter Schweininger (dance class)
Franzen und Zoepfe flechten mit Anna Fernbach
(tatting and braiding)
4:00 Abfahrt nach Goercsoendoboka
Gegen Abend: evtl. Empfang beim Bürgermeister von
Görcsöndoboka (bus trip for
a reception with the Mayor
and walking tour of Görcsöndoboka, Schwabenball - an
evening of music and dance)
Sonntag, 19. Juni 2011
Vormittag frei (morning free)
12:00 Abfahrt nach Mohacs an die
Donau Gedenkfeier und Kranz
reinwerfen in die Donau als
Gruß an die Alte Heimat (bus trip to Mohacs on the
Donau to place a wreath to
in the Danube River as tribute to the Homeland)
2:30 Uhr Gottesdienst in Babarc
danach Kaffee und Kuchen
im Vereinshaus der Babarcer
Tanzgruppe, Abendessen (Catholic Mass in
Babarc followed by coffee
and cake at the Babarc Clubhouse, dance group performance, goulaschsuppe, and
live band entertainment)
Deutscher Kulturverein
/ August 2011 . Volume 11.2
Montag, 20. Juni 2011
1 (group 1 dance class)
Schwowische Halstuch/
Franzen Knuefpen mit Anna
Fernbach / Gruppe 2 (Swabian shawls/fringe tatting)
14:00 Fahrt zu einem Blaufärber (bus
trip to one of the last masters
of blue dye fabric processing)
17:00 Fahrt nach Boly. Weinprobe
im Weinkeller der Familie
Roth (drive to Boly for Wein
Tasting and dinner at the
Roth Winecellar/Winery)
9:30 Einstudieren von 2 Tänzen mit Frl. Mausz / Gruppe
1 (group 1 dance class)
Singen mit dem Wemender Quartett / Gruppe
2 (group 2 singing withthe
Wemend Quartett)
13:30 Weitertanzen mit Judit Mausz /
Gruppe 2 (group 2 dance class)
Singen mit dem Wemender Quartett / Gruppe 1 (group 1 singing)
17:00 Donauschwaebischer Wissenslauf (knowledge run - a game
played by walking through the
town following arrows drawn in
chalk on the ground until you
come to an x where you then
search for a question and write
down the answers to recieve
points for correct answers.
St. Louis came in 3rd place!
Look for a copy of the
questions and answers
in this issue to test your
Donauschwaben knowledge!
Dienstag, 21. Juni 2011
11:00 Fahrt nach Fuenfkirchen/Pecs
– Europäische Kulturhauptstadt
2010, Stadguehrung mit Zoltan Schmidt (bus trip to and
walking tour of Pecs = Hungarian city named the European
Culture Capital of 2010)
9:30 Einstudieren von Tänzen
mit Eva Treitz / Gruppe 1
(group 1 dance class)
Vortrag Josef Jerger – Weltdachverband der Donauschwaben und
Gedenkstätten in Ex-Jugoslawien
/ Gruppe 2 (group 2 lecture of
the Worldwide Donauschwaben organization and existing
memorials in ex-Yugoslavia)
10:45 Vortrag: Heilig Franz – Geschichte der Donauschwaben /
Gruppe 2 (group 2 lecture on
history of the Donauschwaben)
13:30 Groups 1 and 2 switch
Abend zur freien Verfuegung
(evening free)
Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2011
9:00 Fahrt nach Sombor und Gakowo/
Serbien zur Gedenkstätte des
der Donauschwaben (bus
trip to Gakowo, Serbia to
visit a memorial monument at
a Donauschwaben extermination camp and mass grave
Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011
9:30 Einstudieren von 2 Tänzen mit Frl. Mausz / Gruppe
Freitag, 24. Juni 2011
10:00 Vortrag von Frau EnglenderHock Iboliya – Heilmethoden
und Aberglaubens (presentation
of natural healing methods and
Donauschwaben superstitions)
13:00 Abfahrt nach Wemend Schwowische Hochzeit
(bus trip to Wemend to participate in the reinactment of
a Schwowische wedding)
Samstag, 25. Juni 2011
Sonntag, 26. Juni 2011
8:00 Abfahrt nach Liptod– Schlachten,
Wurst u. gefuelltes Kraut machen
und Strudel backen in Liptod
Montag, 27. Juni 2011
Vormittag frei (morning free)/
Nachmittag frei zum Kofferpacken (time for packing)
18:00 Abfahrt - Abschlussabend in
der Fülemüle Csarda in Villanykövest – mit Schwowischer Musik und Tanz
Dienstag, 28. Juni 2011
Nach dem Frühstück – Abschied
nehmen (after breakfast,
farewell and 3 hour bus
trip to Budapest Airport)
Respectfully submitted by Monika
Lorenz on behalf of Laura Ficken,
Herbert and Reiner Lorenz, Birgit SterzlMcMullen, Jennifer Taylor, and Ruth
and Veronica Vanderpluym.
August 2011 . Volume 11.2 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
Kids speech “auf Deutsch” to thank Stefan Ihas, event coordinator
Dancing with J. Mausz, “Schuster!”
Presentation of the wreath at the memorial / monument
in Gakowo, Serbia.
With the participants from Entre Rios, Brazil
Souvenir of Wemend. A wonderful lebkuchen mit Honig!
(gingerbread made with honey)
The girls with Stefan Ihas, Weltdachverband Jugendleiter Europa (Jugend
leader for Europe) and event coordinator.
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Deutscher Kulturverein
/ August 2011 . Volume 11.2
In the true Donauschwaben tradition, a
poem was read every morning before
activities started. The poem always had
some relevance to the activities for the
day. It was written by Anna Fernbach’s
son, Ralph Fernbach.
Fern im schönen Banaterland,
waren wir einst daheim,
da wo uns’re Wiege stand
und der Mutter güt’ge Hand,
sorgte für uns Kinderlein.
Herbert Lorenz is with Debbie and Ed Tullius, President of the Stifttung.
Wir denken oft und gern zurück,
an uns’rer Jugend größtes Glück,
an unsren schönen Heimatort,
„warum nur gingen alle fort?“
Jetzt ist es leer, im Dorf, im Herzen,
das was uns bleibt, sind nur die Schmerzen.
Es zog uns weg, in fremdes Land,
wo einst der Ahnen Wiege stand,
hier sollt‘ es sein, der Schwaben Glück,
doch zieht’s uns immer noch zurück.
So ab und zu, da keimt sie auf,
die Sehnsucht nach dem Elternhaus,
der Drang zu seh‘n, wo wir geboren,
der Schmerz zu seh‘n, was wir verloren.
„Die Felder, Wiesen und auch Auen,
ach könnt ich sie noch einmal schauen.“
Laura, Veronica and Reiner at the Schwowische Hochzeit
Recipe for squash/zucchini
1 kg Kürbis
1 Zwiebel
1 Knoblauchzehe
50 g Fett
20 g Mehl
Den Kürbis Schälen und ihn in Längsrichtung hobeln. Kurz stehen lassen und inzwischen die Zwiebel und den Knoblauch schneiden und
andünsten. Etwas Wasser und das Kürbisfleisch hinzugeben und 1520 Minuten kochen lassen. Mehl mit Sauerrahm anrühren und in das
Kürbisgemüse geben. Mit Essig und Salz abschmecken.
Nach Geschmack das Gemüse mit eingelegten Tomaten zubereiten.
So denkt man oft, doch was wär‘ dann?
Wär Frau dann froh und auch der Mann?
Man weiß es nicht, man kann’s nicht
das Herz bleibt schwer, mit tausend
Doch Leute jetzt heißt’s: „nicht verzagen“,
wir sind zwar hier, doch wir sind Schwaben.
Wenn wir wohin gehen, nehm‘n wir mit:
Essen, Trinken und Musik.
So werden wir uns immer finden,
wo’s lustig ist, mit kleinen Sünden,
wo jedermann sich mit viel Müh‘,
ob’s spät wird, oder besser früh,
sorgt um Aller Wohlergeh‘n,
dort werden wir uns wiederseh’n.
Wir werden singen, tanzen, lachen,
so wie wir es schon immer machen,
wir werden trinken und auch essen,
Banat, wir wer’n dich nie vergessen.
HASI und HANS, spielt auf zum Tanz.
©Ralph Fernbach
August 2011 . Volume 11.2 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
T rivia
D onauschwäbische W issenslauf
W elttreffen 2011
See if you can beat the Welttreffen team!
Don’t peek until you are finished!! Answers are on Page 26.
Station 1
Station 7
In welchem Ort wurde Frau Herta Müller Geboren? Where
was Herta Müller born?
Wer kämpft in der Schlacht von Mohács? Who fought in the
Battle of Mohács?
a) Temeschburg c) Nitzkydorf
a) Habsburger gegen Türken
Habsburger vs. Turkey
b) Modosch
d) Bakowa
Station 2
b) Ungarn gegen Türken
Hungary vs. Turkey
Wie alt wäre Ferencz Liszt im Jahre 2011 geworden?
How old would Ferencz Liszt have been in the year 2011?
c) Ungarn gegen Habsburg d) Heiliges Römisches Reich
Hungary vs. Habsburg Deutscher Nation gegen Türken
Holy Roman Empire vs. Turkey
a) 175
Station 8
b) 200
c) 150
d) 250
Wie lange benötigt man in einer „Ulmer Schachtel“ von Ulm
nach Wien?
How long does it take From Ulm to Vienna in an „Ulmer
Station 3
Was ist eine „Mulder“? What is a „Mulder“?
a) Bachbett / a streambed
b) ein Stück Acker / a part of an acre
c) ein Gefäß / a bin
d) eine Geige / a fiddle
a) 21 Tage / 21 days c) 10 Tage / 10 days b) 14 Tage / 14 days d) 07 Tage / 07 days
Station 9
Station 4
Wie werden folgende Begriffe im donauschwäbischen Dialekt
What are the following called in „schwowisch“ (Danube Swabian dialect)?
Was war Prinz Eugen?
Who was Prince Eugen?
a) Habsburger Herscher Habsburg Monarch
b) Feldherr / a Commander
a) Holunder / elderberries b) Stachelbeeren / gooseberries
c) Kartoffeln / potatoes
d) Marmelade / jam
c) Reiseschriftsteller d) Sohn von Königin Maria Theresia
writer of travel reports Son of Queen Maria
e) Pflaumen / plums f) Mais / corn
Station 10
Station 5
Wie viele Staaten liegen heute an der Donau? How many
countries surround the Danube today?
a) 10
b) 9
c) 8
d) 7
Was nimmt den donauschwäbischen Mädchen die Luft zum
What takes the breath away from Danube Swabian Girls?
a) ein schöner Mann / a handsome man
Station 6
b) viele Unterröcke / many underskirts (slips)
Von wem stammt der Roman „Der große Schwabenzug“?
Who wrote „Der große Schwabenzug“ (The great Swabian
c) ein enges Korset / a tight corset a) Johannes Weidenheim b) Ella Triebnigg-Pinkert
Station 11
c) Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn d) Peter Lukacz Tresz
Welche Stadt war berühmt für die Herstellung vom Emaille?
Which town was famous for their enamel products?
d) der rasante Klimawandel / The climate change
a) Berlin
c) Szekszárd
b) Temeschburg
d) Sombor /
Deutscher Kulturverein
/ August 2011 . Volume 11.2
Station 12
Station 14
Welche Volksgruppen lebten mit den Donauschwaben in
deren Siedlungsgebieten?
Which ethnical groups lived together in the Danube Swabian
Welche Länder sind zur Zeit im Weltdachverband vertreten?
Which Countries belong to the Weltdachverband?
Jede Antwort gibt 1 Punkt / 1 point for each country
Jede nennung gibt 1 Punkt / 1 point for each Country
Station 13
Zu welchen Ländern gehörte nach dem Weltkrieg.......?
Which Countries do the followings regions belong to since
World War 2.......?
Station 15
Wer ist zurzeit Präsident des Weltdachverbandes der
Who is President of the Weltdachverband der Donauschwaben?
a) die Batschka / the Batschka b) das Banat / the Banat
Station 16
c) das Sathmarer Gebiet
the Sathmar region ..................................................................................................
d) die schwäbische Türkei /
the Swabian part of Turkey
Welche Länder grenzen an Ungarn? / Which countries border
Jede Nennung gibt 1 Punkt / 1 point for each country
see Page 26
August 2011 . Volume 11.2 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
Upcoming Events
A Listing of Our Groups
Sunday, August 21
Performing Groups
beginning at 11am with Mass
See page 27 for details
Ladies’ Chorus
Coordinator: Käthe Tullmann ................... 314-842-6798
Music Director: Peggy Pancella
Choir Practice: Monday @ 7:30 p.m. at DKV Hall
Deutschmeister Blaskapelle
Deutschmeister Brass Band
September 10-11
Deutscher Kulturverein
Donau Park
See page 31 for details
For Information call 771-8368 or 842-0332
President: Pete Krege
Vice-President: John Ampleman .............636-532-0290
Secretary/Treasurer: Mary Weber
Members at large: Becky Fischer, Frank Schiro
Band Practice: Wednesdays @ 8:00 p.m. at DKV Hall
Dance Groups
Saturday, Oktober 1
St. Louis
German-American Day
DKV Hall
Children’s Dance Group (ages 3-9)
Practice: generally 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month
Call Birgit for practice and performance schedules
Practice: DKV Hall
Coordinator: Birgit Sterzl McMullen ........ 618-654-1340
Mittlere Tanzgruppe
Middle Dance Group (ages 10-14)
Coordinator: Ruth Vanderpluym .............. 618-538-9975
Saturday, Oktober 22
Deutscher Kuturverein
Liederabend und Tanz
Concert and Dance
DKV Hall
See page 29 for details
Damenchor & Deutschmeister Brass Band
See website/call Ruth for practice schedule.
Youth Group
Coordinator: Rosemarie Ficken …........... 314-487-3969
See website/call Rosemarie for practice schedules.
Practice: DKV Hall
Coordinator: Monika Lorenz
For practice & performance schedules contact:
Monika Lorenz ......................................... 314-894-5561
For Information call 771-8368 or 842-0332
PAGE 10 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
/ August 2011 . Volume 11.2
Bob and Gerhard Wanninger
Other Groups
Co-Chair: Susan Gallagher .................... 314-791-1561
Co-Chair: Pamela Wendl ....................... 317-849-4243
Assistant: Kathy Vollman
Instructor: Susi Goebel .......................... 314-432-1340
Classes: 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month
9:30-11:00 a.m. at DKV Hall
Please call Susan Gallagher for information & schedule.
Arts & Crafts Group
Coordinator: Käthe Tullmann ................... 314-842-6798
Please call for information and schedule.
Reading Circle (German Literature)
Coordinator: Käthe Tullmann ................... 314-842-6798
Meetings: Please call for the next scheduled meeting.
Natur- und Wandergruppe
Outdoors Group
Coordinator: Susi Goebel ........................ 314-432-1340
Call Susi Goebel for the next scheduled event.
Traditional Bavarian Dance Group
Coordinator & Instructor: John Unterreiner
................................................................. 314-846-9401
Please call for information.
Seniors’ Group
Rose Lengenfelder .................................. 314-631-4364
Becky Haas ............................................. 314-487-7852
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of each month weather permitting, 1-4 pm, DKV Hall. Please call for information.
August 2011 . Volume 11.2 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
A Listing of Our Groups cont.
Bar Committee
Groups that tend bar at events at our Hall and at
Donau-Park; the Bar Manager plans, orders and takes
delivery of bar supplies for all events.
Bar Manager: Hans Lengenfelder .......... 314-631-4364
Bar Co-Manager: Frank Rohatsch ......... 314-843-5295
Members of each group are listed in alphabetical order.
Bartenders - Group 1:
Herbert Fritz, John Haas, Sepp Messmer, Wally Meyer
Group 2:
Franz Heitzmann, Lorenz Kaiser, Sepp Neulinger,
Willy Tullmann.
Group 3:
Mathias Fett, Hans Lengenfelder, Steve Meinberg,
John Mueller
Group 4:
Eberhard Pfitzner, Matt Potje, Steve Potje
Group 5:
Liz Young, Marilyn Heidbrink, Susan Bauer,
Shannon O’Boyle
Terry Ficken
Group 6:
Joe Borasuk, James Provo, Rudi Sterzl
Walter Busch, Ralph Hoffarth, Erich Jenke,
Ann Mathes, Ian Romvari, Helga Thalheimer
Donau Park Development Group
- The Wednesday Group Meets every Wednesday to develop and maintain our
Donau Park in Jefferson County on a year-round basis.
Herbert Fritz, Ralph Hoffarth, Joe Kiry,
Frank Irovic, Hans Lengenfelder, Sepp Messmer,
Wally Meyer, John Mueller, Sepp Neulinger,
John Pappert, Matt Potje, Frank Rohatsch,
George Ruppe, Rudi Sterzl, Willy Tullmann,
George Wilhelm, Emmet Wuertz, Marvin Young.
PAGE 12 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
Service Groups
/ August 2011 . Volume 11.2
Markers · Monuments · Vases
G a r d e n S pa c e s · L a w n C r y p t s · M a u s o l e u m s
Cremain Niches
Responsible for the planning and executing of all
menus for DKV-sponsored events, including ordering
and receiving of the required supplies, the preparing
and serving of food, and the workman-like maintenance of our kitchen facilities and related equipment.
Annerose Klotz ....................................... 314-965-1730
Ray Vonderhaar ...................................... 636-464-3265
Pete Heddell, Ralph Hoffarth, Ken Klotz,
Affton Monument Co.
We Service All
10180 Gravois
St. Louis, MO 63123
Ann Mathes, Caroline & Sepp Messmer,
Margot Scheck, Ann Vonderhaar
The Festkomitee could not function without the numerous helpers who volunteer every time either in the
preparation or the serving of food. We need your help!
To help the Festkomitee, please call Annerose.
Lynn Stevenson · Jim Leininger
Family Service Counselors
Meets as required to plant and maintain flowers in both
Coordinator: Becky Haas
Kathy Heitzmann, Rose Lengenfelder, Barb Potje,
Anni Ruppe, Irma Wittendorfer
Hall Maintenance Organization
- The Thursday Group Meets every Thursday to maintain our hall on Jefferson
2906 Gravois
St. Louis, MO 63118
Avenue year-round.
Coordinator: Thomas Kaiser .................. 314-771-8368
Members: Henry Erk, Hans Fischer, Peter Freiling,
Nick Glasz
5255 Lemay Ferry Road
St. Louis, MO 63129
A thank you to all!
10151 Gravois
St. Louis, MO 63123
Named and unnamed--we appreciate all who help
throughout the year to make the German Cultural
Society the success that it is today.
August 2011 . Volume 11.2 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
Gardening Club 2011
of the Suntrup Family
OK I’m at it again got the dirty scoop on the gardening
sessions. Went out in April to work, but then followed a
deluge guessed it, rain, rain, rain and cold. We
couldn’t move any dirt (with or without a scoop) because
it was all mud. This was followed by “What a beautiful
day in the neighborhood” (Checked about beautiful day
comment. Lo and behold found the exact same term,
but oh my, the context was the exact opposite.
So Mother Nature indiscriminately decides how, when,
where she’ll show, or shine her bounty. Strange, that.)
on our “yardening” day. One of the gardeners insisted
she’d been talking to Mother Nature and adjured her
not to drop any precipitation while we did our prep work
when it WAS nice. You know, we did the usual chores,
weeding, digging, adding manure to the existing soil
and last but not least PLANTING flowers. We did ok. No
rain, soil was workable the Wednesday before Maifest,
and it wasn’t too cold.
Suntrup Nissan
6000 S. Lindbergh
St. Louis, MO 63123
Suntrup Hyundai
5926 S. Lindbergh
St. Louis, MO 63123
Suntrup Kia
3705 Lemay Ferry Road
St. Louis, MO 63125
Suntrup Volkswagen
6000 S. Lindbergh
St. Louis, MO 63123
Wow, did we get trounced on the day of Maifest?!?!!
She wasn’t about to let anyone decree what the weather
should or should not do. It blustered and blew, misted
[no it hit each time] but no dew. [No dew needed-wet
enough as it was]. There I think the sun’s about to shine.
Or not! That was only another cloud that had dumped a
load of water down on us.
Surprisingly more people than I would have dared estimate showed up to enjoy the fried chicken dinners, desserts, beer, oompapa music, and watching the exuberant youth dance in spite of the weather. The members
just know how to throw a spring extravaganza.
We want your business and we’ll earn it
Frank Rohatsch, Consultant
H. Joseph Rohatsch, Owner
Joseph M. Rohatsch, Manager
A heartfelt thank you to the following for their time, efforts in providing items and cash donations for the garden club and sale at the Maifest:
Mrs. Agnes Toth and Cathy Unterreiner
Franz Schager
Helene Wittmann Ruppe
Anni Wittmann Ruppe
Anni Konrad Ruppe and George Ruppe
3rd Generation of Collision Repair
Renate Edwards and Margot Scheck
We specialize in unibody car repair with bench
frame system and complete refinishing
Carolyn Messmer
Elisabeth Lawton
And now back to our normal routine. Two more knockout roses were purchased and planted. Yay!!!
So long ‘til next time!
Becky Haas, Coordinator
1701 Lemay Ferry Road
St. Louis, MO 63125
(314) 631-4884 • (314) 631-3018
Fax: (314) 638-7947 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
/ August 2011 . Volume 11.2
Spotlight on Unsung Heroes
This dedicated member was born in Liebling, Romania in June, 1931.
His father passed away when he was an infant, so he was raised by
his mother and step-father. He has vivid memories of his childhood
in Liebling. However, in November, 1944, when he was just 13 years
old, military occupation forced many to flee Liebling. The family fled
Liebling, and lived as refugees in Feldkirchen, Austria. They traveled
by wagons, and the living conditions were difficult with very little
food. In Austria, he went to school and worked with the farmers in
the fields.
In March of 1950, he, his parents, and half-brother Peter boarded the
S.S. Washington for the trip to America. The family arrived in New
York; His second cousin, John Hea, met the family and drove them
to St. Louis. In St. Louis, he found a job at a rope factory. He went
to school at night to become a machinist. He learned English and
became a U.S. citizen. He enjoyed going to the Liederkranz with his
friends and other family members. It was at the Leidertranz that he
met his beautiful wife of 54 years, Lisa. They were married in September 1955, and raised three children.
(See page 35 for the identity of this committed member)
August 2011 . Volume 11.2 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
St. Louis - Stuttgart Sister Cities Scholarships, Stipends & Internships
St. Louis-Stuttgart Sister Cities (SLSSC) offers scholarships
to students who want to study in Stuttgart and business
internships and exchange programs for high school and
university students. These could benefit the members of our
Youth Group.
If you are a student from St. Louis who would like to study
in Stuttgart, a student from Stuttgart planning to study in
St. Louis, or a student from either area with an interest in
experiencing an internship in the vicinity of your sister city,
we might be able to help. Why not check out the following
Scholarships for Study in Stuttgart
Stipends for Study in St. Louis
Internships in St. Louis & Stuttgart
K. Peter Etzkorn Scholarship
Internships in St. Louis & Stuttgart
For more information, please check out the Program’s website, or contact one of the following:
• Webster University
Mrs. Wilma Prifti, Director, German-American Business Internship Exchange Program
Webster University
Phone: +1 (314) 968-6912
St. Louis - Stuttgart Scholarship
If you are a student in the St. Louis area interested in enrolling in an accredited German language, business, arts, music,
sports, etc. program in the Stuttgart area, or are a St. Louis
metro-area teacher interested in taking your class on an
international, educational exchange trip to Germany, SLSSC
offers a scholarship and/or grant of up to $1000 to help you
in your endeavor.
To learn more and see if you qualify, check out the scholarship details about this and other opportunities like these:
• Berufsakadamie Villingen-Schwennigen
Frau Claudia Rzepka, Coordinator for German-American
Business Internship Exchange
Phone: +49 (07720) 3906-106
• Berufsakadamie Heidenheim
Frau Brigitte Ilg, Coordinator for International Programs
Berufsakademie Heidenheim
Phone: +49 (07321) 38-1967
For more information check out the Program’s website:
PAGE 16 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
/ August 2011 . Volume 11.2
Schulpost - Sommer 2011
WOW! Summer’s already half over! Just 7 weeks until the German School
Association begins another NEW school year. The key word is NEW. We’ve
been working all summer on to present a NEW German School for the
2011/2012 school year.
NEW Summer Immersion Weekend Classes – August 13 & 14
Our next Immersion Weekend is, Aug 13 & 14, 9:00 am– 4:00 pm daily at Shrewsbury City
Center, 5200 Shrewsbury Ave. Adults and children (age 5+).
Tuition: $150 (includes materials, snacks, lunches). Register at http://www.germanschoolstl.
org or for info call 314-452-8780.
NEW Location
Growing enrollment and demand for additional classes forced us to move to a NEW location
with more classrooms. We enjoyed our time at Abiding Savior, but on Sept 10, 2011 classes
will be held at: St. Paul’s Lutheran School, Manchester & Ballas Rds.
NEW Classes
Starting in September, we’ll add two NEW children’s classes: level A-2 and B-1. In April 2012,
students will again take the Zertifikat Deutsch exam. The German School is the only school
in the state of Missouri to offer these exams.
NEW Teachers
The German School takes pride in its highly-qualified teaching staff We’re very proud to
welcome our NEW teachers Eric Valera, Miriam Johnson, and Heidi Drake. We’ll also
welcome Student Teachers from Webster University as teaching assistants into our classes.
NEW Website
Visit our NEW website: The site includes class and registration
information, links to German-language radio, TV, newspapers, and magazines. Have photos to
share? Please scan and email them to Also find us on Facebook by
entering “German School” in the Search.
NEW Website Sponsors
The German School is seeking website sponsors to offset the cost of site maintenance. Almost
95% of students find us on our site. For info call 314-544-3990 or email
What else is NEW ?
The German School will have an booth at the FESTIVAL OF NATIONS, Aug 27-28 in Tower
Grove Park. We’re looking for booth volunteers (age 13+). No experience needed and its
always FUN. To volunteer, email or call 314-630-8407.
Don’t forget to register for Fall classes to learn a NEW language!!! Classes, especially children’s, are filling up quickly. Class sizes are limited, so register soon to
assure your space in class at
For info email: - call 314-452-8780 / 314-544-3990.
The German School Association wishes to thank the German Cultural Society for their
continued support. Vielen Dank!
August 2011 . Volume 11.2 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
/ /
Deutscher Kulturverein
Kindergarten Report
Join us with your children for
a little German!
Spring Happenings
The Kindergarten has had a busy spring and is now enjoying
a nice relaxing vacation until early September! From all of our
Kindergarten families. It was so nice to see so many people
come and support our Bingo & Kaffeeflatch in March! As
many of you know, this event which the Kindergarten sponsors, helps support our annual Easter egg hunt, Easter treats,
and Christmas Goody bags. The weather was on the cooler
side, but thanks to the turnout, we had a lovely day. We just
missed the heavy snow that followed that weekend!
We want to thank the close to 100 folks who came out to play
Bingo! (yeah!) By supporting this event, you support the Kindergarten! Our Kinder greatly appreciate this! We also want
to thank all those who donated cakes, attendance prizes,
and raffle prizes. We also want to thank: Mrs. Gerda Glasz
for preparing the coffee; John Unterreiner for setting up our
sound system; to Opa Mike Wendl for calling Bingo; to Frau
Susi Goebel (our wonderful Instructor) for helping with music,
decor, & general organization; and all our parent volunteers
for helping as runners, counting change, helping with refreshments and snacks, assistance with a silent auction item (new
this year!), and general set-up and clean-up of the hall.
To our Kindergarten families and parents: This event is possible because of your involvement and participation! To those
who were able to make it, ‘thank you.’ We appreciate your
child’s (or children’s) involvement in the Kindergarten, and
also recognize everyone who helps to make that involvement
possible during the school year. On behalf of the GCS, thank
you for providing your time, effort, participation, and support
to the society in order to make this a successful event.
Turning now to our Easter Egg Hunt…the weather was quite a
different story! Thank you to the hearty souls who braved the
wind, rain and mud to join the hunt! Thank you…thank you…
thank you (hundert mal) to the Deutschmeister Brass Band
whose members also braved the weather in order to come and
provide music for our concert! (Your music put many smiles
on otherwise literally “damp” faces that afternoon!) Thank you
also to Ralph Hoffarth for providing assistance with tables,
chairs, and refreshments.
I would like to personally thank Frau Kathy Vollmann, our Assistant Chair for communication, for all of her efforts this past
school year (she keeps the information moving!), and Frau
Susi Goebel, our Instructor, for all of her time and talent that
is given to the Kindergarten each year! Susi, what would we
do without you?
For the 2011-2012 school year, Kindergarten will officially resume again on Saturday, September 10th, 2011. Look for the
session schedule, announcements, and details to be forthcoming soon. We look forward to seeing all of our families in
the fall!
Submitted on behalf of the Kindergarten and Parent Steering
Committee. We hope that everyone is enjoying a wonderful
Nocheinmals, Vielen Dank! / August 2011 . Volume 11.2
Susan Gallagher
2-6 years old
Most 2nd and 4th Saturdays at 9:30 am
3652 South Jefferson Ave. St. Louis, 63118
Park & enter in rear of building
* Frau Susi presents basic circle games, hand and
finger games, and stories, snack and craft.
* Weihnachtfeier (Christmas party) happens every year
with Santa Claus and his goodies. As well as Bingo/
Kaffeeklatsch, Easter Egg Hunt & other events
Kindergarten next meeting: September 10, 2011
Der lieber Fritzchen
Schulwitze von der
Kinderseite “Blinde Kuh” (
Der erste Schultag. Mitten in der ersten Stunde packt Fritzchen
sein Brötchen aus.
Sagt die Lehrerin: “Du, hier gibt es aber kein Frühstück!”
Grinst Fritzchen: “Das dachte ich mir schon. Deshalb habe ich
mir ja auch was mitgebracht!”
Der Deutschlehrer trägt vor:
“Ich gehe, du gehst, er geht, wir gehen, ihr geht, sie gehen.”
Fritzchen, kannst du mir sagen, was das bedeutet?
“Tja, Ich würde sagen, alle sind weg!”
Sagt der Lehrer: alle Wörter die mit UN anfangen bedeuten
nichts Gutes wie zum Beispiel Unfrieden.
Fragt der Lehrer “Kennt noch jemand ein Wort mit UN am
Meldet sich Fritzchen und sagt: “Unterricht”.
“Unser Lehrer weiß auch nicht, was er will”,flüstert Fritzchen
dem Franz ins Ohr.
“Gestern hat er gesagt: Fünf und fünf ist zehn! Heute behauptet er, sechs und vier wäre zehn”
Die Lehrerin sagt: “Wer mir einen Satz bildet, in dem “Samen”
und “säen” vorkommt, der darf sofort nach Hause gehen.”
Fritzchen meldet sich: “Guten Tag zusammen. Morgen säen
wir uns wieder.”
Fritzchen kommt von der Schule und sagt zu seiner Mutter:
“Ich habe mich heute als einziger gemeldet.”
Fragt die Mutter: “Bei was denn?”
Antwortet Fritzchen: “Wer heute die Mathehausaufgaben vergessen hat.”
August 2011 . Volume 11.2 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
Our own Jugendgruppe with a traditional Maibaum (maypole) dance.
Two Monikas, Moni Lorenz and
Monika Schiro, enjoy the day.
The Jugendgruppe dancers kick up
their heels. Maifest is the beginning of
their dancing season!
PAGE 20 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
/ August 2011 . Volume 11.2
The Mittlere Tanzgruppe performs “Rheinländer für Zwei”
kids show off their
new Maifest dance;
some for the first
Mittlere Tanzgruppe children hone their dance steps at the
Maifest. We have many kids new to the middle group, and they
have learned a lot in a short time!
Our dance instructors have come home from the Hungarian
Treffen with lots of new dances and skills to teach all the dance
groups. See page 4 for more news about their trip.
August 2011 . Volume 11.2 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
Mittlere Tanzgruppe Report
Greetings from the Middle Dance Group. We have worked very hard so far this year! Many of
our dancers had their first performance ever at the Maifest! I’m so proud of all the kids. We
continue to work on the basic steps of polka and schottische. Our group also was able to
perform to live music thanks to Eric’s dad,
Herb Fischer! Hopefully, we will be able to
add more live music in the future. In the
meantime, we will begin work on a couple
of new dances for the fall. Our calendar
is already filling up with performances for
this year.
If you know someone between the ages of
9-13 (especially boys), please have them
come to a practice and give it a try.
Thanks to all the parents and grandparents who continue to support our group
and also thanks to Moni for her continued
Frau Ruthie VanderPluym
Our Mittlere Gruppe, ages 9 through 13.
We have a good number of Jugend,
ages 13 through 26.
Volkstanzgruppe ages 18 and up
to. . . We boot them out after
100 years of age!
PAGE 22 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
/ August 2011 . Volume 11.2
These Volks take time out for
a great performance between
shots of Schnapps!
The Volkstanzgruppe girls
show off their Röcke.
Wir lieben Oktoberfest!
Germans and Non-Germans alike have been celebrating Oktoberfest for 200 years. This fall will be no different. Ever since that famous Munich wedding celebration, Oktoberfests around the world have embodied
German culture and Gemutlichkeit to some extent. Here is a list of some local festivals taking place this fall.
DKV Oktoberfest - September 10 - 11 in Hillsboro, MO
The St. Louis German Cultural Society starts the Oktoberfest season with food, music, and dancing. It is two days of
fun for the whole family. Come to our Oktoberfest and bring
some friends, everyone is welcome.
Peoria Oktoberfest - September 16 - 18 in Peoria, IL
Their festival grounds are downtown on the Illinois river.
This well-run festival is less than 3 hours from St. Louis and
features great bands; St. Louis’s Spitzbuam is one of the
St. Charles Oktoberfest - September 23 - 25 in St.
Charles, MO
Pioneer Park on the Missouri river is an excellent location to
hear bands, watch dancers, and visit the many food and craft
booths. Our dance groups and the Deutschmeister Brass
Band look forward to performing in St. Charles every year.
Riverbend Oktoberfest - September 31 - October 2
in Alton, IL
2011 will be the first year for this festival just north of St.
Louis. They have scheduled our brass band and dancers,
plus other St. Louis-based German Bands. The Kartoffelfest
will be a festival within a festival.
Soulard Oktoberfest - October 7 - 9 in St. Louis, MO
This one promises bands from Germany and lots of beer. It
is considered one of the 10 best in North America based on
attendance and beer sales. This year will feature 5 stages,
Alphorns, and Clydesdales.
Hermann Oktoberfest - Every weekend in October in
Hermann, MO
Anyone who lives in Missouri knows that Herman is the place
to celebrate German heritage and wine. They actually make
beer and sausage there too, and they celebrate Oktoberfest
in the city parks as well as at the wineries.
So make plans to attend these festivals, some more authentic than the others, but all fun in their own way.
For links to these events, go to our website at
August 2011 . Volume 11.2 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
Kenrick’s Meats & Catering
4324 Weber Road, St. Louis, MO 63123
Phone: (314) 631-2440 - Fax: (314) 631-6452
Wir sind Ihre Party-Leute
“We’re your Party People”
Full Service Catering for All Occasions
Weddings n Rehearsals n Showers
Anniversaries n Family n Gatherings
Inquire about our Abundant Selection of Fine Foods
n Catering Pick-Up
n Delivery Available
n Box Lunches
n Gourmet Platters
n Hors D’oeuvres
Kenrick is a proud affiliate of the German Cultural Society
4324 Weber Road, St. Louis, MO 63123
Phone: (314) 631-2440 - Fax: (314) 631-6452
Kenrick’s Meats & Catering
PAGE 24 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
/ August 2011 . Volume 11.2
August 2011 . Volume 11.2 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
by Helga Thalheimer
On Saturday, April 2nd, the 50-piece Northwinds
Concert Band, under the direction of Larry Marsh,
presented the 2011 Frühstückskonzert (Breakfast
Concert) at the German Cultural Society Hall to benefit the German School Association. The concert also
featured the narration, in both, German and English,
by Renate Gerloff, and a few surprises by the children
of the German School Association.
The morning began at 9:00 a.m. with a complimentary continental breakfast, prepared by the German
School teachers and board members. During breakfast, guests were serenaded with a few songs by the
children of the German School.
The concert began at 10:00 a.m. with Renate Gerloff and Helga Thalheimer, President of the German
School Association, welcoming the audience. Larry
Marsh and the Northwinds Concert Band greeted
the audience with “Spiel mal wieder unsere schönen
Lieder”, a medley of well-known songs, and encouraged the audience to sing along. Renate Gerlach presented the poem “Der Mond ist aufgegangen” with a
solo by Ike Eichenberger, of the Northwinds Concert
Band. Following was a piece entitled “Romanze und
Rondo” featuring Hadley Haux, of the Northwinds
Concert Band, on the euphonium.
Larry Marsh had the audience clapping along to “Tiroler Holzhackerbuam Marsch” and followed with “A
Tribute to Charles Strouse.” The music of Charles
Strouse has touched most Americans and Larry included a few of his well-known pieces, such as “Put
on a Happy Face” from “Bye, Bye Birdie,” “Tomorrow” from “Annie” and “Applause” from “Applause.”
The Northwinds Concert Band, Renate Gerloff, and
the children from the German School Association
came together to present “Hans im Glück.” It was
narrated by Renate Gerloff, with musical interludes
by Larry Marsh and the Northwinds Concert Band,
and acted on stage by the children of the German
School. The children enchanted the audience with
their performances and, following the play, all of the
children of the German School took to the stage again
to perform the song, “Hänschenklein,” accompanied
on the piano by Michael Orzel.
Larry Marsh and the Northwinds Concert Band concluded the morning with “At Kitty O’Shea’s.” The
concert was magical and the audience showed its
appreciation with a standing ovation. Larry Marsh and
the Northwinds Concert Band thanked the audience
for its appreciation with a rousing encore of “Stars &
Stripes Forever.” This concert was such a treat and a
great way to celebrate a beautiful Spring day.
Mark Brooks, father of a German School student, recorded the concert and made it available on YouTube
A link is also available on the German School Facebook page. Go to Facebook, enter “German School
Association” in the Search. Become a friend of the
German School, view photos, and watch for our
T rivia answers
Donauschwäbische Wissenslauf - Welttreffen 2011 from pages 8-9
Station 1
c) Nitzkydorf
Station 2
b) 200
Station 3
c) ein Gefäß / a bin
Station 4
a) Atich
b) Akrasl
c) Grumbere
d) Beckmes, Leckwar
e) Brunje
f) Kukuruz
Station 5
a) 10
Station 6
c) Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn
Station 7
b) Ungarn gegen Türken
Hungary vs. Turkey
Station 8
b) 14 Tage / 14 days
Station 9
b) Feldherr / a Commander
Station 10
b) viele Unterröcke / many underskirts
Station 11
b) Temeschburg
Station 12
Ungarn, Rumänen, Bulgaren, Roma,
Juden, Serben, Schokazen, Slowene,
Slowaken, Ukraina, Russen
Station 13
Station 14
USA, Kanada, Brasilien, Argentinien,
Ungarn, Österreich, Kroatien, Serbien
und Deutschland
Station 15
Bernhard Krastl
Station 16
Österreich, Slowakei, Ukraine, Rumänien, Serbien, Kroatien und Slowenien /
Deutscher Kulturverein
/ August 2011 . Volume 11.2
D eutscher K ulturverein
The Traditional German Church Consecration Festival
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Starting at 11.00 A.M.
DKV Hall
The Ladies Choir will sing a German mass
to the accompaniment of the Deutschmeister Brass Band
At 11:00 a.m. In our hall.
Deutschmeister Brass Band, Kinder Tanzgruppe,
Mittlere Tanzgruppe, Jugendgruppe, Volkstanzgruppe
And an exhibition made by our Arts & Crafts group
Continuous entertainment
Traditional German food & drink
served after mass and throughout the afternoon
S ee you there !
August 2011 . Volume 11.2 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
/ /
Deutscher Kulturverein
/ August 2011 . Volume 11.2
Deutscher Kulturverein
Liederabend & Tanz
C oncert & D ance
Given by
the Ladies’ Chorus
the Deutschmeister Brass Band
October 22, 2011
8 p.m.
at the
DKV H all
A dmission : $10
K itchen O pens at 6 p . m .
F or tickets or information call :
M aria T halheimer @ 842-0332 or U rsula F ox @ 843-4073
Traditional Food & Drink!
August 2011 . Volume 11.2 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
24-Hour Service
Design and Build
Commercial & Industrial Electrical Contractors
ST. LOUIS, MO 63127
Gerhard Glassl
3630 South Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63118
Phone: (314) 865-3888
Fax: (314) 865-3301
314-842-5000 EXT. 46
Residential • Commercial
Althoff Contracting, Inc
Asphalt Paving & Sealing
(636) 677-8550
4620 Waldo Industrial Drive
High Ridge, MO 63049
Orville Althoff • Jim Althoff
PAGE 30 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
/ August 2011 . Volume 11.2
Saturday, September 10, 2011
5 p.m. - 11 p.m.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
at the Donau-Park Facilities in Jefferson County
Admission: Free, but please carpool
Continuous Entertainment
Die Spitzbuam on Saturday &
Deutschmeister Brass Band on Sunday
Dancing by the Kindertanzgruppe, the Mittlere Tanzgruppe,
the Jugendgruppe and the Volkstanzgruppe
Target Shooting Booth by the Schützenverein
Playground & Inflatable Jumper for the Children, Dachshund races
Traditional Oktoberfest Food, Dancing, and Gemütlichkeit!
Come one, come all! Admission is free!
August 2011 . Volume 11.2 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
The Kerwei is a traditional cultural celebration that is associated with the ethnic German population living in the
Balkan areas of Europe. Translation of the word “Kerwei”
(or Kirchweihfest) means church festival that is normally
celebrated in late summer or fall almost like a thanksgiving is in the U.S. In the small towns of the southeast
Danubian land (called Banat), Die Kerwei would involve
the greater part of a community which would stop its
normal daily activities and all would join in and give
thanks to God for all His blessings with music, dancing,
and traditional banquet celebrations.
It all started with Austrian Empress Maria Theresa who
saw a need to colonize the Balkan lands in the late
1700’s and lobbied emigration of people from central
Europe to this fertile land. Several waves (Schwabenzüge) of colonial settlers came to the Balken/Banat area
and the Austrian exchequer was instrumental in subsidizing the initial building of churches, schools, and a
Gemeindehaus/Wirtshaus (assembly hall) where people
could assemble and establish a functional urban community. The initial Kerwei was associated with the consecration of the newly built church. Although the initial
settlers endured much hardship from malaria fever, dysentery, and lack of food, some survived and eventually
built thriving communities in the Banat that collectively
is sometimes referred to as the “Breadbasket of Europe.” Die ersten hatten den Tod, die zweiten hatten die
Not, die dritten hatten das Brot. Die Kerwei symbolizes
not only the history of the church, the region, and its
people, but it is a special day on which thanks is given
for all God’s blessings. With young people celebrating
with music and dancing, it’s also an expression of hope
for still better things to come.
The Kerwei begins with a mass at which The Kerweizug
(a column of paired young couples participating in the
performances) is in attendance. The lead couple brings
in the Rosemarein Strauss (rosemary bush) to church
for a formal blessing by the officiating priest during the
solemn High Mass. The church is usually beautifully
decorated with tall candles and a white cloth with lace
border hanging gracefully over the altar. In general, the
town people have labored to spruce up their houses
for the upcoming event. It’s that time of the year when
young and old celebrate Kerwei.
The honor of carrying the rosemary bush into church for
a blessing is bestowed on the Vortänzer and Vortänzerin
from the Jugend (the lead couple). The rosemary bush,
also known as the Strauss, is decorated with various
colors of flowing ribbons and is a biblical symbol of Moses’ encounter with God near the burning bush when
he removed his sandals and prostrated himself before
the burning bush, acknowledging that he was indeed
on holy ground. The rosemary bush is a stark reminder
that there is the presence of God and holy ground in the
consecrated church.
For the festival the young men wear black trousers, white
shirts and black vests with silver buttons and black hats
decorated by their dance partners with flowers, ribbons
and sprigs of rosemarein.
Girls wear several layers of petticoats with a skirt of silk
or satin fabric, a white blouse, a black vest with a shawl
edged with silky fringe. A black satin apron trimmed
with black lace adorned with a wide satin ribbon completes the tracht.
As soon as the young couple carrying the Rosemarein Strauss steps outside of the church, there is the
sound of the brass band to greet the youthful couples in
the Kerweizug for their march through the streets with
the Rosemarein Strauss held high. The stirring march
music fills the air. Out on the streets the people follow
the Kerweizug to the Gemeindehaus/Wirtshaus that is
filled to overflowing with guests. The assembly hall (Gemeindehaus/Wirtshaus) is filled with the aroma of good
food including roasted meat, delicious soups and bakery products of all kinds not to mention the drinks that
help to quench everyone’s thirst. The banquet meal is
enjoyed by everyone especially the out-of-town guests
who would make a special trip to be at the Kerwei.
After the banquet, the brass band music (Blechmusik)
plays a featured role in the festivities that follow. Young
and old in attendance would intermittently participate
in the dancing. Much socializing is also conducted with
the visiting guests and friends. Older people are especially curious if there are special friendships developing
among any of the young couples in the Kerweizug.
At a certain point during the dancing, another important
part of the program is started. It is conducted inside or
outside depending on weather conditions. A small table
is placed in the center of the dance area. An auctioneer, previously identified, would escort the lead couple
(Vortänzer and Vortänzerin) to place the Rosemarein
Strauss on the table to be auctioned off to the highest
Continued on page 33 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
/ August 2011 . Volume 11.2
DIE KERWEI Continued from page 32
bidder. The Kerweizug forms a circle around the dance
floor and the auctioneer entertains bids from everyone
in attendance. The bulk of the bidding comes from the
young people, usually the members of the Kerweizug.
The bidding competition continues with intermittent
short stops during which the brassband plays short
sets of music, and wine is available from the table to
stimulate further bidding to drive the price to higher
and higher levels. At the end, when one bidder is left
who has made the highest bid, he receives the Rosemarein Strauss and promptly presents it to his partner
in the Kerweizug as a token of affection. Rumor has it,
that many times this is also an initial sign of true love
that bonds people to marriage at a later time. A special dance is played by the band for the winners of the
Kerwei Strauss. Family members and close friends alternately dance with the lucky couple and extend best
wishes for health and happiness.
After the auctioning of the Strauss, dancing resumes
with all guests participating. As the sun sets, many residents return home to feed their livestock. Usually, the
Kerweizug departs to eat an evening meal at the home
of the Vortänzer or Vortänzerin; but it was not unusual
that celebrations, like a Kerwei, could last several days.
Die Kerwei tradition as presented above is a somewhat
generic description. Since the Kerwei is practiced in
many places in the world, there are variations from town
to town, and country to country. But no matter which
variation is practiced, Die Kerwei seems to be an unforgettable experience that brings people together in
peace and harmony and leaves us with memories that
can last for a lifetime.
Mike and Betty Wendl
Reference: Pitzer, Sister Mary Agnes Theiszmann, “Es War Einmal”
Golla Graphics, Inc., (Publisher)
Friedrich Silcher
Featured Composer at Cole Camp Sängerfest 2011
Phillipp Friedrich Silcher
(1789 -1860), the son of
a schoolmaster, was born
in Schnait (today part of
Weinstadt, Baden). He is
known today as a German composer and collector of folk songs, but
he was also one of the
greatest music educators
of his era.
After he met Carl Maria
von Weber, Silcher dedicated himself entirely to
music in the seminary in
Ludwigsburg. He studied
composition and piano under Conradin Kreutzer and
Johann Nepomuk Hummel. From 1817 to 1860, he
was the musical director at the University of Tübingen. He is regarded as a major promoter of choral
Friedrich Silcher arranged many German and international folk songs that are in the repertoires of
German choirs and forever part of German culture.
In 1829 Silcher founded the “Akademische Liedertafel” in Tübingen and directed it until his death. He
was married to Luise Rosine Ensslin. They had two
daughters and one son.
Among his best known songs are:
• Ich hatt’ einen Kameraden
• Alle Jahre wieder
• Am Brunnen vor dem Tore (Original by Schubert,
best known for Silcher’s adaptation)
• Die Lorelei
• Abschied (Muss i’ denn zum Städtele hinaus or
Wooden Heart)
• Ännchen von Tharau
• Morgen muß ich fort von hier
The Silcher Museum, Silcher’s birth house, is today
a memorial and museum dedicated to the life and
work of the Swabian musician. It is a repository for
materials from Silcher’s life, exhibits of the Deutscher
Sängerbund and the Schwäbischer Sängerbund,
choral music, and Trachten (folk costumes).
See the Report for The Chor on page 37
August 2011 . Volume 11.2 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
Report from the Deutschmeister Brass Band
We are half way through our season and the pace is
about to pick up.
Even though the Gazebo in Carondelet Park was destroyed by fire, we were invited to play in the park
for a summer concert. A portable band stand is located where the Gazebo once stood, near the southeast entrance to the park. We have a new venue this
year, the Gateway Arch concert series, scheduled for
Sunday, September 4th, from 3:00 to 5:00 PM under
the Arch. After that the Oktoberfest season really gets
going. Check our web site for details.
For the first time ever, the stork has flown over a
member of the Deutschmeister. Teri Gudowicz, our
newest tuba player, will be a mom this fall. More news
to follow on this developing story.
This edition’s featured member is Jim Fassero, our
senior tuba player. Recruited 40 years ago by Dale
Stanley, Jim ranks second in age and third in seniority in the band. He started playing the tuba in eighth
grade. He also has played with the Belleville Phil-
harmonic for 25 years.
Before retiring, Jim was
a history teacher for 33
years. One of his most
memorable experiences
was as a guest conductor for the Oktoberfest
Band in München at the
real Oktoberfest.
We always welcome
new members to the
band. There is no audition required, but getting a microphone is another story.
For more information about joining the band or booking them, contact John Ampleman at 636-532-0290
or see our web site:
Reported by John Ampleman
4416 Highway 21 - Imperial, MO 63052
Greg A. Cole, Vice President
Claude A. Cole, President
(636) 296-5149
Fax: (636) 296-5152
Hours: 7:30-5:00 M-F
7:30-Noon Saturday
Closed Sunday
Complete line of building materials
Fully stocked hardware store
Personal service
PAGE 34 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
/ August 2011 . Volume 11.2
Gateway Podiatry
Unabhängige Zeitung für Deutschsprechende
Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur und Perspektiven
An independent voice for German speaking people everywhere
Politics, Business, Culture and Perspectives
Published in Canada
Adresse: 20355 Laidlaw Street South
Cannington, Ontario, Canada L0E 1E0
Verlag: Klugmann Communications Inc.
Hrsg.: Juri Klugmann
Ersch.: monatlich
Gegr.: Mai 1997
Telefon: (705) 432-2500
Fax: (705) 432-2800
FAX 314-644-5081
Henry Erk truly is a great man
with a big heart. He used his
talents to help family, friends
and neighbors make repairs on
their homes. He enjoyed coaching and playing soccer. He built
a Lionel train village, complete
with city and airport, with he enjoyed with his children, Henry,
John and Kathy, and grandchildren Daniel and Lisa. Family is
very important aspect of everyday life to Henry. He always
made time for family everyday
and during the holidays.
Henry always puts all of his energy into everything he
does. He volunteered to work at fests, helping with setup, tear down, and working at the Strassenfest and the
V.P. Fair, usually all three days. He makes videos of the
dance performances for the verein library. He works with
the Thursday group, making repairs at the hall. We are
grateful to have this member and his years of dedicated
service. He also was a bartender for many years.
He loves to go trout fishing with some of his friends from
the German Hall. He is a great gardener, growing vegetables, peaches (which he cans) and rosemary, specifically for Kirchweihfest. He is also a great cook, spending hours in the kitchen. He loves spending time with his
family, especially his grandchildren.
Henry greatly enjoyed his fifty-four year marriage to his
beautiful wife, Lisa. As all good Donauschwaben do,
Henry and Lisa worked very hard to build a new life in
St. Louis and raise their family. Tradition was important
to Henry and Lisa. They taught their children and grandchildren good values. Henry was devoted to his wife,
Lisa, their whole life together. For the last ten years of Lisa’s life, Henry woke early each morning to help her get
ready, and drive to and from her dialysis appointment
three times a week. He took very good care of her.
Henry resides in the Hampton Village area of South St.
Louis. He enjoys working in his garden daily and still
helps out at the hall on Thursdays. He also enjoys visiting with friends at festivals and spending time with his
granddaughter, Lisa. He and Lisa still run the Lionel train
set because it’s so much fun.
Submitted by Kathy Stark
August 2011 . Volume 11.2 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
As one of South City’s long-established, non-profit senior living residences,
the Altenheim is where you or your loved one can enjoy independence in a
beautiful residential setting — regardless of future medical needs. The Altenheim
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atmosphere with spacious private rooms. If more care is needed you
can feel secure knowing our 24-hour nursing care team is here for you.
The Altenheim’s private and semi-private rooms are complemented by a wonderful
line of services at no extra cost. Plus, you’ll enjoy delicious meals in our lovely
dining room overlooking the Mississippi River.
Call now for your tour…314-353-7225.
5408 South Broadway
20 minutes or less from anywhere in St. Louis
with easy access from I-55 and I-44.
PAGE 36 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
Handcrafted Gifts from
the Alps of Europe
The Chor
We dutifully practice every Monday evening at 7:30 p.m.
We recently concentrated on our performance at the St.
Louis District Saengerfest at Cole Camp, Mo., on June
11th. The emphasis was on Friedrich Silcher songs.
Thank goodness, we have an abundance of those in our
music cabinet. We rode with the Männerchor bus, which
saved us some money. In July we are on vacation, but in
August, we will start up with renewed energy (I hope).
If anyone is interested in joining, please call me at (314)
842-6798, or by e-mail at
We wish everyone a nice summer.
Käthe Tullmann for the Chor
/ August 2011 . Volume 11.2
Mason Woods Village
13422 Clayton Road
Corner of Mason and Clayton Road, right above Straub’s!
Arts and Crafts
Arts and Crafts took a well deserved rest after completing 27 carousels for the Donauschwaben Dachverband
meeting, which was hosted by St. Louis on May 29th
and 30th. These little carousels served as table decorations and were well received.
Most of the comments were, "they are so cute." The
design originated with Rosemarie Ficken, and we are
planning to expand on that design in the future. At this
point, our stock is depleted, and we must get back to
work with vim and vigor.
Anyone interested in joining us, please call me at (314)
842-6798, or e-mail at
Have a pleasant summer.
Käthe Tullmann for Arts & Crafts
Der Lesekreis hatte lange Ferien. Aber im Herbst wollen
wir uns wieder treffen. Ich ersuche alle Mitglieder dieser
Gruppe sich vorzubereiten, damit wir den Zweck unserer Gruppe (nämlich den Erhalt der deutschen Sprache)
erfüllen koennen.
Um weitere Auskunft rufen Sie bitte (314) 842-6798 oder
Wir wünschen einen angenehmen Sommer.
Käthe Tullmann fuer den Lesekreis
Tyrolean Wood Carvings & Nativity
Bavarian Pewter Ornaments & Jewelry
Castle Posters, Calendars & Keychains
Austrian Crystal & Candles
Swiss Kunsthandwerke
Call for showroom hours or visit us on the web:
August 2011 . Volume 11.2 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
Newsletter Staff
Editor HEAT P UM P S
Design, layout & advertisingElizabeth Young
Cover design & art preparation Mike Major
A.W. Heating &
Air Conditioning Corp.
Bill Wolz
Submissions John Unterreiner
Lisa Stroup
Editor Emeritus
Nick Messmer
Sepp Neulinger
How to contact the Newsletter
Bill Wolz:
To appear in a certain issue, articles or pictures must
be received no later than:
· March 7 for the spring issue
ST. LOUIS, MO 63123
· June 5th for the summer issue
· October 25 for the autumn issue
Membership Dues
Helga Thalheimer
Independent Travel Consultant
Certified Golf Specialist
Tahiti Tiare Specialist
Sixth Star Travel – A Virtuoso Member
Specializing in Luxury, Active, and Adventure Travel
Senior (62 and over ) Adult
$25.00 $25.00
Youth Group Dancers $10.00
Middle Group Dancers
$ 5.00
$ 5.00
Kinder Group Dancers
$ 5.00
$ 5.00
At least one parent must be a member for children in
the dance groups.
Office 314.255.2113
Toll Free 866.485.8175
Dues may be paid in person or by check made out to
“German Cultural Society” and mailed to:
Kathy Stark
9533 Donalds Ct
10073 Puttington Drive
St. Louis, MO 63123 USA
St. Louis, MO 63126
Thank you for your support which is needed and
Kathy Stark, Fin. Sec.
I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.
- Susan Sontag
PAGE 38 /
Deutscher Kulturverein
/ August 2011 . Volume 11.2
It’s competition year!
Vereinskalender für
Jahres 2011
Event Calendar
German Church Consecration Festival
SEP 10,11Oktoberfest
im Donau-Park
Saturday and Sunday
The traditional German Harvest Festival
Liederabend und Tanz *
An Evening of German Song and Dance
Memorial Tribute
Landestrachtenfest und
Annual Labor Day Weekend
Donauschwaben Festival
Tag des Deutschen
Day of the German Cultural Society
German Christmas Worship Service
Deutsche Weihnachtsfeier
German Christmas Celebration
Silvesterfeier *
New Year’s Eve Party
This is a fun event, and a great way to meet new
people from our group and those of other cities!
Meet us there!
*For tickets call: Maria Thalheimer .............. 842-0332
or Ursula Fox ............................................... 843-4073
Membership Meetings
The Membership Meetings are held every oddnumbered month (i.e. 1-JAN, 3-MAR, 5-MAY, 7-JUL,
9-SEP, 11-NOV) on the first Thursday of that month
at 7:30 p.m. at our Hall on Jefferson Avenue.
Executive Board Meetings
The Executive Board meets evey even-numbered
month (i.e. 2-FEB, 4-APR, 6-JUN, 8-AUG, 10-OCT,
12-DEC) on the first Thursday of that month at 7:30
p.m. at our Hall on Jefferson Avenue.
In 2011 the Landestrachtenfest will be
in Mansfield, Ohio
September 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 2011.
Our club will have two buses making the trip this
year, one leaving on Friday morning and one leaving
on Friday evening.
This year will be especially eventful as there will be
competition dancing by the Youth Groups from the
various cities for the “Awender Cultural Prize”.
Please contact John Unterreiner at 314-846-9401 or
at for more information.
A thank you to all - named or unnamed who help throughout the year to make the German Cultural
Society the success that it is today.
German Cultural Society
3652 South Jefferson Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63118
Addressee or current occupant
Published by the German Cultural Society of St. Louis three times each year,
and delivered to our members in the first week of April, in the weeks of Independence Day and Thanksgiving.
Hall & Office
Donau-Park Facilities in Jefferson County
5020 West Four Ridge Road, House Springs, MO 63051
Deutscher Kulturverein
German Cultural Society
Hall & Mailing Address:
3652 South Jefferson Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63118
Phone & Fax (314) 771-8368
Old Rte 21 - Shady Valley
From I-44: Take I-44 to the Jefferson Exit. Head south on
Jefferson. Go over Gravois Rd. About 2 miles past Gravois it will
be on your left hand side. It is a block before where Jefferson,
Broadway, and Chippewa come together.
From I-55: Take I-55 northbound to the 4500 Broadway exit.
Turn left. Proceed on Broadway to S. Jefferson. It will be a block
up on the right, once on Jefferson.
March 2011
From I-270, take Highway 21 south past Highway 141
to the 2nd exit, marked “Old Route 21 - Shady Valley”.
Go south (left) on Old Rte 21 to West Four Ridge Road.
Turn right.
The entrance to Donau-Park is the first driveway at the right.
Kulturverein /
August 2011 . Volume 11.2 /
Volume 11-1