Utá|Ä|vt \ÅÅtvâÄtàx VÉÇvxÑà|ÉÇ - Basilica of the Immaculate


Utá|Ä|vt \ÅÅtvâÄtàx VÉÇvxÑà|ÉÇ - Basilica of the Immaculate
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\ÅÅtvâÄtàx VÉÇvxÑà|ÉÇ
Founded in 1854
Very Rev. Edward Murphy — Pastor
Fr. Carlos Lopera—- Associate Pastor
Deacon Lawrence Geinosky —Pastoral Associate
121 East Duval Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone (904) 359-0331
Fax (904) 356-8133
Email: pmoore@icjax.org
Website: www.icjax.org
June 26, 2016
Parish Activity Schedule
SUNDAY MASSES: Saturday 12:10 pm
(Fulfills the Sunday obligation)
Sunday 8:00 a.m. (Tridentine)
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. (Spanish)
WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday Through
Saturday 7:30 a.m. and 12:10 p.m.
CONFESSIONS: 30 minutes Before all
Every Monday at 7:15 & noon.
HOLY ROSARY: Monday-Friday, after the
a.m. Mass and Saturday at 11:30 a.m.
OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
planning to be married should consult with their
priest a minimum of eight to twelve months in
advance to determine which program they should
June 26, 2016
“No one who sets a hand to the plow
and looks to what was left behind
is fit for the kingdom of God.”
— Luke 9:62
12:00 People of the Parish
7:30 +Maxie Williams
By: Adult Choir
12:10 +Catalina Jaro
By: Family
7:30 +Lt. Keith Lisante
By: Diana & Tom Lisante
12:10 +Gayle Conant
By: Richard Conant
7:30 David & Josefina Gardinier
50th Wedding Anniversary
By: Susan Suarez
12:10 +Thomas Dutrieux, Sr.
By: Tommy
7:30 +Mr. & Mrs. Dale Smiley
By: Laura & Jeffrey Smiley
12:10 David Henn, Birthday
By: Mariel Rose Henn
7:30 +Jose Mojica
By: Luz Mojica
12:10 Sacred Heart
By: Vee Brittain
7:30 Connie Coins, Special
By: Vee Brittain
12:10 +Cezano B. Montemayor
By: Delores S. Motemayar & Family
Latin Mass
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
LARGE CANDLE: The large candles on the left of St.
Theresa’s statue are for use in the Church and are $3.00
CHOIR: Practice will be every other week until September.
The first Tuesday and the third Wednesday 7-8:30p.m.. We
welcome those who want to share their talents in singing the
Lord’s praises. Contact: Jerry Picard 374-4647
CCD: Classes will resume at the end of the Summer DRE:
Deacon Larry Geinosky 904-657-6524 lgeinosky@yahoo.com
R.C.I.A: Anyone interested in learning more about the
Catholic faith leading to full initiation into the Church at next
year’s Easter vigil, should contact Deacon Lawrence Geinosky
at 904-657-6524 . Class held every Sunday at 8:45 a.m. in the
Leon Hall
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: After the 7:30 a.m. Mass on
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday.
Volunteers needed.
FIRST FRIDAY SERVICES: All night Vigil every 1st Friday,
beginning at 8:00 p.m. with Rosary/Confessions; Tridentine
Mass - at 8:30 p.m.; Exposition of Blessed Sacrament at 9:30
p.m..; Vigil at 9:45 p.m.; Benediction at 7:00 a.m.
First Reading — The LORD tells Elijah to anoint Elisha as
prophet to succeed him (1 Kings 19:16b, 19-21).
Psalm — You are my inheritance, O Lord (Psalm 16).
ALLIANCE OF TWO HEARTS: Meets 4th Saturday, 8:30
a.m. in the Chapel of Leon Hall.
Second Reading — Use your freedom in Christ to serve one
another through love (Galatians 5:1, 13-18).
Gospel — While journeying to Jerusalem, Jesus speaks of the
costs of discipleship (Luke 9:51-62).
HOLY ROSARY: Monday to Friday, after the 7:30 a.m.
Mass, and Saturdays at 11:30 a.m.
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Is for: Peter’s Pence
Next week: Hall Maintenance
WOMAN’S COUNCIL: If interested, please contact Pam
Petit 904-725-8276
each month. 9 a.m. Meeting / 10am Adoration Chapel. please
contact Carol at 904.302.2926 or padrepioicjax@gmail.com
for faith/community/volunteerism 1st Tues. of the month at
5:45 in Leon Hall. Contact Joanne Mackey at 536 - 0534.
EMMAUS- YOUNG ADULTS –Tuesdays 7-9 pm in Leon hall
Contact :Emily Gehret 904-465-1501
Dear Parishioners,
During this Fortnight of Freedom for Religious Freedom some
people have found the Catholic Church’s objection to the HHS
Mandate by the federal government troubling. They cannot
understand the fuss over the government’s Affordable Care
Act and the coverage of contraception and abortifacient drugs.
The government, they argue, cannot bow down to every religious organization or faith and cater to their own tastes and
moral objections. There is a simple answer they say and it is if
a Catholic organization covers these objectionable drugs and
procedures then simply do not take them.
The problem with this argument is this: It lacks an understanding of the history of this debate and an oversimplification
of a very serious moral issue. In 2012, the Obama administration said it would respect conscience rights and would not
mandate abortion coverage. The United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops (USCCB) was encouraged, but very quickly
it became apparent that Obama’s pledge was empty; the
USCCB refused to support any legislation that might jeopardize conscience rights or mandate abortion coverage. The bill
passed, over the objection of the bishops, and then came the
directive of Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Kathleen Sebelius ordering religious institutions like hospitals
and universities to provide coverage for abortifacients, contraception and sterilization. On January 20, 2012 Sebelius said
that only churches would qualify for an exemption from paying for these services (even then they had to apply for an exemption); all other religious institutions, like hospitals and
universities, would have to comply. The latter would be punished because they do not discriminate insofar as they hire and
serve both Catholics and non-Catholics.
Then the Obama administration tried to come up with a compromise. As a compromise, HHS had allowed for-profit entities not previously exempted from the mandate to fill out a
form and send it to a third party who then provides contraceptives, including those believed to be abortion-inducing. "The
nonprofits can now directly inform the Department of Health
and Human Services of their religious objections," reported
The Washington Post. "HHS and the Labor Department will
then coordinate contraception coverage with insurers and third
party administrators. The nonprofits still have the option to
notify a third party directly."
Many plaintiffs against HHS' "compromise" or
“accommodation” have argued that filling out the form and
sending it to a third party who then provides the contraceptives
continues to be a violation of their religious beliefs. Consider
the case of the Little Sisters of the Poor.
The accommodation allows religiously affiliated employers
who provide notification of their objections to meeting the
requirements of the HHS mandate to secure insurance for their
employees that excludes the objectionable products and services. The government then requires the insurance companies
to notify the workers that they will get free contraceptive
coverage anyway, through a special arrangement directly
with the insurer. The result is therefore exactly the same as if
the Little Sisters purchased insurance compliant with the HHS
mandate. The employees get insurance coverage that pays for
100 percent of the cost of all contraception, including products
that act as abortifacients. Put another way, it is impossible for
the Little Sisters and the other plaintiffs in the case to offer
health insurance to their workers that does not result in full
coverage of all contraceptive products and services. This is the
fundamental problem with the administration’s accommodation — which really provides no accommodation at all. The
Little Sisters know, in advance of deciding to offer health insurance to their workers, that if they do so, it will necessarily
result in coverage of products and services that the Catholic
Church teaches are immoral to use. This is an impossible entanglement.
The Catholic Church is coming under increasing scrutiny by
the government because of its refusal to make concessions
with this accommodation. It puts religious organizations like
the Little Sisters of the Poor in an awkward and dangerous
moral position. The Church cannot materially cooperate in
any health plan that offers coverage for sterilization, abortifacient and contraceptive drugs. If it did, the Church would be
complicit in evil.
It’s easy to simplify this debate and tell Catholic employees
not to use their insurance policies for sterilization or contraception. But, the Church wants no part in any accommodation
or any link to something that supports very offensive medical
choices and drugs. The government needs to respect the conscience rights of our religious organizations.
For more information on this topic, I do suggest you visit the
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishop’s website: http://
usccb.org and check the tab on “Issues and Actions.” There
you will find a page dedicated to Religious Liberty. Please
take time to read these articles to understand better why the
U.S. bishops are taking such a strong stand.
Fr. Murphy
Join hundreds of men from around the diocese on Saturday, August
6th , for a powerful and challenging day of inspiration and renewal
with daily Mass and presentations by Bishop Felipe Estévez, Fr.
Michael Revak, Brs. Angelus and Innocent Montgomery, Hector
Molina, and Brian Sexton as emcee! Tickets are half off only $12.50
until June 21st! The price will go back to $25 after the Father’s Day
sale. After July 31st , the cost will be $35 until the day of the event.
After June 21st there is a special rate of $15 available for high
school youth, ages 14 - 18. Go to https://dcfl.org/mensconference/ to
purchase tickets, or call 551-2619 for further details. You can also
check out a special invitation from one of our speakers, Fr. Michael
Revak, and share this with other men you know. See you there!
Misas Dominicales: 2:00pm en español Confesiones: Media
hora antes de la Misa. Se puede también hacer cita llamando a
la Basílica.
Matrimonio: contactar al sacerdote 6 a 8 meses antes.
Clases de Bautismo , 1er Domingo del Mes.
Bautismos: Ultimo Domingo, Eucaristía, Confirmación de
Adutos: contactar a Blanca y a Noé (904)887-9216.
Mayor información: Carmen o Tony Mckinnon: (904)6291591- (904)312-1372
En 1943, el Obispo de Leiria ordenó a Sor Lucía poner el tercer secreto de Fátima por escrito, pero ella no se sentía en
libertad de hacerlo hasta 1944. Fue puesto en un sobre lacrado en el que Sor Lucía escribió que no debía abrirse hasta
4. La tercera parte del secreto de Fátima fue leída por varios
El secreto se mantuvo con el Obispo de Leiria hasta 1957,
cuando fue solicitado (junto con copias de otros escritos de la
Hermana Lucía) por la Congregación para la Doctrina de la
Fe. Según el Cardenal Tarcisio Bertone, el secreto fue leído
por Juan XXIII y Pablo VI.
"Juan Pablo II, por su parte, pidió el sobre que contiene la
tercera parte del ‘secreto’ tras el intento de asesinato que sufrió el 13 de mayo 1981".
Called to serve his country as a Nazi soldier, Franz eventually
refused, and this husband and father of three daughters
(Rosalie, Marie and Aloisia) was executed because of it. Challenged by his attorney that other Catholics were serving in the
army, Franz responded, “I can only act on my own conscience.
I do not judge anyone. I can only judge myself.” In his homily
at the beatification Mass, Cardinal José Saraiva Martins
quoted Giorgio La Pira, who wrote: “The holiness of our century will have this characteristic: It will be a holiness of laypeople. We encounter on the streets those who within 50 years
may be on the altars–along the streets, in factories, in parliament and in university classrooms.”
Am 2:6-10, 13-16; Ps 50:16bc-23;
Mt 8:18-22
Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12; Ps 5:4b-8; Mt 8:23-27
Wednesday: Day: Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-9;
2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19
Am 7:10-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 9:1-8
Am 8:4-6, 9-12; Ps 119:2, 10, 20, 30, 40,
131; Mt 9:9-13
Am 9:11-15; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 9:14-17
Is 66:10-14c; Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20;
Gal 6:14-18; Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 [1-9]
Después de leer el secreto, el Santo Padre se dio cuenta de la
conexión entre el intento de asesinato y Fátima: “fue la mano
de una madre que guió la trayectoria de la bala”, detalló. Fue
este Papa quien decidió publicarlo en el año 2000.
Para saber más del tercer secreto de Fátima puede ingresar al
siguiente enlace
If you wish to register as a parishioner of Immaculate Conception
Church, please complete the following and drop it into the offertory
collection basket.
5. Las claves del secreto: arrepentimiento y conversión
El entonces Cardenal Joseph Ratzinger (Papa Emérito Benedicto XVI), Prefecto de la Congregación para la Doctrina de
la Fe, señaló que la clave de la aparición de Fátima es su llamado al arrepentimiento y a la conversión. (Comentario Teológico)
Please indicate if you wish to receive offertory envelopes.
Las tres partes del secreto sirven para motivar al individuo al
arrepentimiento y lo hacen de una manera contundente.
6. La primera parte del secreto es una visión del infierno
City & Zip Code:
La primera parte del secreto -la visión del infierno- es para
muchos la más importante, porque revela a los individuos las
trágicas consecuencias de la falta de arrepentimiento y lo que
les espera en el mundo invisible si no se convierten.
Telephone No.
Offertory Envelopes YES__________
The Hall Renovation: monthly payment $3,547.59
Collected so far this month
Balance due
God may be calling you! Women’s Help Center is looking for
pro-life volunteers. Our center at Samuel Wells is located directly across from the largest abortion provider in Jacksonville, and we are in need of volunteers to donate just a few
hours each week at this center, either as a receptionist, prayer
warrior or sidewalk counselor. Training is provided. We ask
that you prayerfully consider giving a few hours of your time
each week to this beautiful ministry that helps women choose
life for their preborn babies.
Call (904) 398-5143 for more information.
MasterChef Junior
Now Casting Season 6!
We are looking for kids ages 8 - 13 who love to cook!
We will be holding several open casting calls nationwide and
one of our cities on our tour will be Jacksonville!
When: Saturday July 9th, 2016
Time: 9AM - 5PM
Where: TBD
How: For more information and to PRE-REGISTER,
visit www.MasterChefJuniorCasting.com
We are looking for kids who have a passion for food and cooking! If this sounds like your child or someone you know, please
let them know about this opportunity of a lifetime!
EPS is desperately in need of diapers (sizes: 4,5, and 6), diaper wipes, and diaper bags. For the month of JUNE please
bring any donations to the front altar where there will be a
collection box near the St. Michael statue.
Thank you.
Diocese Goal
Amount Pledged
Mass for LIFE, celebrated by Fr. Ed Murphy at Prince of
Peace Church, 6320 Bennett Road, July 2, 2016, 10:00
a.m. Join us in this special Mass of Thanksgiving for LIFE,
Freedom and Righteous Laws. For info, contact (904) 3822619
Immaculate Conception
Amount Paid
meets on the first Thursday of every month at 7p.m. at Assumption
Church, 2403 Atlantic Blvd., . Enjoy fellowship with men and women
who join to celebrate Mass, gather for a meal, and share the experience, strength and hope of their individual journeys.
For more information, visit www.catholicsinrecovery.org.
Is someone you love unable to get to church? “My Sunday Mass” will
bring spiritual comfort and joy for the homebound. For the Sunday
time and channel guide, visit: www.MySundayMass.org. Please Note:
For those who can get to church, the TV/online liturgy will not meet
the Sunday Mass obligation. Thank you for spreading the word about
Mass for the homebound!
Please join us in praying the Rosary each Sunday in front of
the Church at 9:30 am.
We pray the rosary for our country. We are praying for religious freedom, the right to live for all human beings, and for
peace around the world.
Patriotic Picnic
July 3, 12:30
Murray Hill Park
4200 Kingsbury St., 32205
YOU are invited to join the parish in celebrating Fortnight
For Freedom. Plans include: praying a Patriotic Rosary,
Shaving Cream Whiffle Ball, Relay Races. Hot dogs, and water provided. Please bring a side dish to share. Splash Zone
on site so bathing suits or change of clothing suggested.
9th Annual AMU Youth Conference – EXALT
All high school age youth from incoming freshman to outgoing
seniors are invited to join us for the 9th Annual Ave Maria
University Youth Conference “EXALT” July 15-17. “Rejoice
in the Lord always again I say Rejoice” Phil. 4:4. This incredible weekend will be full of faith, fellowship, music and great
speakers including: Father Stan Fortuna, C.F. R., Michael
Gormley (Gomer), Chris Padgett, Arlene Spenceley plus music
by Martin Doman and the AMU Band. The cost is $175 per
person and includes lodging, meals, and conference fee PLUS
a cool t-shirt! For more information
visit www.avemaria.edu/news-events/conferences/ or call
(239) 348-4725 or email conferences@avemaria.edu. Visit us
on Facebook!
Basilica Bookstore and Gift Shop
Open Wed-Sun 9 a.m. 2 p.m.
Check out our
Pre-Owned Book sale!
All books just
RSVP to Lauren at:904-803-4796
Attention: The Diocese of Saint Augustine treats all allegations of sexual misconduct seriously and deals with all allegations in a prompt, confidential and thorough manner. To Report Abuse Call: Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator
(904) 262-3200, ext. 129, or Department of Children and
Families, 1-800-96Abuse.
La Diocesis de San Augustine le da seria consideración a toda
acusasion de mala conducta sexual y dispone de todos dichos
casos de manera pronta, completa y confidencial. Para
reportar tal abuso, llame a: Coordinador Diocesano de
Auxilio a Victimas (904) 262-3200, ext. 129 o Departamento
de Ninos y Familias del Estado de la Florida 1-800-90Abuse
Do you have old religious
books at home? Drop them off
at the bookstore so that others
can benefit from the spiritual
Julia R. Martinez, Rosanne Pafford (Fr. Murphy’s sister), Jocelyn
Battisti, Joseph Fore, Jimmy Ossi, Joey Gill, Jennifer Spain & Family, Pauline Jones, Christine Cassara, Terra Watkins, Nicholas
Everhart, Pauline Stichweh, Georgette Pidal, Kate Cronk, Juanita
Rall, Nelta Nzuzu, Andrew Gilligan, Tammy Havey, Lucinda Bennett,
Carol Harden, Barry Beasley, Joseph Charles, Dorothy Hartman,
Ruben Parra, Lois Placke, Raymond Tubel ,Colby Larsen, James
Simonelli,, Sara Jones, Kristin Eaker, Don & Carol Lucus, Judy Pamula, Rosa Broadnax, Marie Walker, Harry P. , Iris D. ,Tony Strong
Fr. Antonio Leon, Mary Pappas, Augusto Suarez, Pat Mastroleo,
Annetta Jones, Fayvette Randall, Tom Pappas, Betty (B.J.) Johnson,
Julius Osuagwu, John Williams, , Rosa Maria Fluriach, Nick Debs;
John Lopez, Kelly La Duke, Lorraine Carroll, Elizabeth Yeager, Ray
Godfrey Lewis, Mary Pinkston, Carolyn Bautista, Daniel Urbanus,
John M. Sesnick, Ella Marie Nowicki, Minnie Thompson, George
Helow, Austin Steele, William Sundmacker, Harold Tarkington, Richard Overholt, Juan Martinez, Serafina Kinnare, George Kenefake,
Willie Cote, Rosa Smith, Stan Mazur, Jean Floyd, Dan Selhorst,Tena
DeSalvo, Edgardo Obenza, Charles Dalton, Thomas Mumford, Flo
Thibault, Richard Brazo, Sr., Jose Pellon, Larry Murray, Betty Ann
Salvatore, Chuck Brean, George Kowkabany, June Mahoney, Alberta
Zito, Regino Soto, Eugene Pagliocca, Daniel Balogh, Robert Gillespy,
Zena Filo, Richard Kopec, Marleen Walenberger, John Broadnax,
Dr. Isabella K. Sharpe, Joann Bastien, Terry Thomas, Concepcion
Martin, Joanie Griadek, Lella Serbi,,Crisenta Bacolor, Rudy DeGuzman, Orlando Bacolor, Mitch Nowicki & Palma Nowicki, Leo
Charles, Isaias Bautista, Don & Lucy Drinkwater, Shawn Boschen,
George Deihl, Graciela Goebertus, Rita & Lynne Tibbitts, Lucille
Sherrer, Freddie McClain, Nieves Solares
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Cyril of Alexandria
St. Irenaeus
Ss. Peter and Paul
The First Holy Martyrs of the Holy
Roman Church
Blessed Junípero Serra; Canada Day;
First Friday
First Saturday
Church Name: Immaculate Conception
Bulletin No. 022572
Contact: Patricia (904) 359-0331
OS: Windows 7
Software: Publisher 2007
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Special instructions: 550pcs