Fall 2010 - Trinity College School


Fall 2010 - Trinity College School
tcs news
fall 2010
volume 54
no. 2
Tales from the Gridiron
favourite things
photo gallery
annual report
What We Love About TCS
Reunion Weekend 2010
of the TCS Foundation
from the archives
Tales from the Gridiron
Excerpts from Hubie Sinclair’s essay, TCS Football:
A Kind of History.
alumni spotlights
What We Love About TCS
70 Annual Toronto Branch Dinner
Nearly 170 alumni, current and retired staff and faculty
celebrated at the Park Hyatt Hotel in November.
photo gallery
Circulation: 6,500 worldwide
Advancing scientific knowledge
from the Earth to outer space
Contributing Writers
Ashley DiNova, Vikki Spencer,
Hubie Sinclair ’46, staff of the
TCS advancement office and
others as credited.
Turning vision into reality with
her first feature film
We asked and you answered. Find out what Old Boys
and Old Girls love about the School on the Hill.
Mark Stewart ’80
May Charters ’94
Promoting cooperation in the
cause of sustainability
The mission of The TCS News is
to serve as a means of communication between the School and
its alumni, parents and friends.
The TCS News is published
twice annually by the advancement office.
Skip Willis ’66
Special Section
TCS Foundation Annual Report
A look back at the 2009-2010 year in fundraising.
in every issue:
Reunion Weekend 2010
Alumni from classes ending in ’5 and ’0 came back to
campus in May for a weekend of friendship and fun.
A Letter from The Lodge
Strategic Plan Updates
Class Notes
The Leaving Whim
Save the Date
Contributing Photographers
Don Aitchison, Kathy LaBranche,
Angie Collins, Stacey Moore and
staff of the TCS advancement
office and others as credited.
Please forward all
submissions to:
TCS Advancement Office
55 Deblaquire Street North
Port Hope, ON L1A 4K7
E-mail: alumni@tcs.on.ca
Telephone: 905-885-1295
All submissions will be published
at the discretion of the editor.
Vikki Armstrong
Publications Officer
Class Notes &
Milestones Editor
Tricia Mandryk
Canada Post Publications Mail
Agreement 40050087
A Letter from The Lodge
It is commonly understood that money cannot buy happiness. Friends, however, are a
critical factor to having a sense of self, of purpose, of meaning and happiness. After all
is said and done as a student at TCS, friendships are the lasting connection to your past
during a particularly formative time in your life.
friendships provide a context, through shared experiences
and memories, of defining who we were, who we are and who we
might be. Alumni most frequently tell us that “establishing friendships” is the most important aspect of their life at the School. I see
this daily on campus, at alumni receptions, weddings, and a host of
professional and social venues around the world.
I have recently read that there are now efforts being made to
classify different types of happiness. Our happiness can stem from
our ability to live a life of pleasure (doing the activities we love), a
life of engagement (finding purpose and attaining goals) or, most
importantly, a life of meaning (being a part of something larger than
ourselves, like family, society, spirituality). The point is that there
are different routes to happiness; different things make us happy for
different reasons.
In a similar manner, I believe that there are different types
of friendships. It is my sense that our best and strongest are our
“historical friendships”; the ones that were formed when you were a
child or adolescent. A friendship that was not based on a job, a hobby,
a friend of a friend or the location of a fence. A friendship whose
genesis had no proverbial “strings,” but was rooted in a time and
place in your life when you were vulnerable, uncertain, malleable.
A friendship that ultimately helped define who you are today. Whether you still regularly see or connect with those friends,
their impact on your life during a crucial period in your development
remains. Perhaps that is why, when you do see them again, even if
it is just once every five years at your reunion, you feel as if no time
has passed at all.
Our always-impressive attendance at Reunion Weekends and
the sheer volume of the Class Notes section of this publication are
testament to the richness of the friendships formed over 145 years
at Trinity College School. Thank you for staying in touch with us;
thank you for staying in touch with one another.
Stuart Grainger
P.S. Staying with the theme of connections, I hope you will check out my blog,
Head Lines, on the TCS Web site (www.tcs.on.ca/headlines). The blog now has a
comments feature, so I encourage you to let me know what you think!
fall 2010
I tcs news I 1
from the archives
Over the course of the previous school
year, the John D. Burns Archives had the
pleasure of hosting a frequent visitor
in the form of Hubie Sinclair ’46. Hubie
was keen to learn all he could about the
history of football at the School on the
Hill and spent many hours scouring the
archives collections for the stories and
images that chronicle Trinity College
School’s 145-year history on the gridiron.
His essay, TCS Football: A Kind of
History, was completed in spring 2010
2 I fall 2010 I tcs news
and was presented to many of the
School’s current football players and
coaches at a special evening during which
students also had the chance to watch
restored video of the 1957 football championships and to meet with Hubie and
Tom Lawson ’47, coach of the 1957 team.
This is an abridged version of Hubie’s
essay which we hope will inspire many
fond memories for alumni – both those
who played the game and those who have
supported our TCS teams over the years.
Opposite page: (from left) Keegan Irwin, Matt Richard,
Derek Allen and Patrick Kelley hold the CISAA league
championship trophy after their win at home in
November 2009
1 1883 first XV football team: (back, from left) H.P. Leader,
S.C. Peck, H.W. Beatty; (third row) E.L. Curry, Esq., M.A.
Mackenzie, L.L. McMurray, W.T. Lawless, C.J. Loewen,
J.A. Cosens; (second row) W.H.T. Cooper, H.B. Lewis
(captain), F.W. Tyler; (front) L. Blackburn, R. Cassells,
E.A. Mulligan, L. Boyd, R.S. Cassells
2 1 908 football team: (back, from left) W.L. Taylor,
C.L. Ingles Esq., S.A. Kayll, J.M. Reid, G.I. Drummond;
(middle) R.C. Dempster, J.C. Maynard, H. Savage;
(front) W.M. Pearce, G. Laing, G.G. Ross, G.C. Campbell
(captain), N.H. Macaulay, K.W. Edmiston, P.B. Harris,
B.A. Rhodes
3 A 1911 football game versus Peterborough
in the beginning…
matches between the two schools were
banned until 1891.
In 1902 the Little Big Four League was
founded with TCS pitted against Upper
Canada, Ridley and St. Andrew’s. And in
1908 TCS won its first championship. The
School’s team was sparked by the spirited
quarterbacking of Peter Campbell ’09, the
kicking of Jack Maynard ’09, the running
of W.L. Taylor ’09, and the sure tackling
of Buck Pearce ’09. Thirteen games were
contested without loss. Peter Campbell and
Jack Maynard began their famed passing
runs on the School’s football field. They
each went on to play for the University
of Toronto, where their teams were three
times winners of the Canadian Dominion
Title. Further LBF championships for TCS
followed in 1910 (N.M. “Styx” Macaulay ’11,
captain), and in 1911, with Harry Symons ’12
as the star quarterback.
At TCS football is as old as the School.
Starting in September 1865, a yearly match
was held with Trinity College. Far from the
modern game of strategy and execution
which sets football apart from most other
sports (cricket being another), in those early
days tripping was the great trick. Competing
on a Weston field without a blade of grass
on it, there was also the added danger of
falling into a hole. Even when the School
moved to Port Hope in 1868, at first there
was no noticeable improvement in physical
In 1883 TCS played host to Upper
Canada College – the first contest between
these two schools. “Fight, fight for Trinity!”
the local supporters shouted. And TCS
teammates did just that. The game finished
in a free-for-all fist fight, and further
When Phil Ketchum became TCS headmaster
in 1934 he was determined not to make a
fetish of athletics. But the School, he felt,
facing extreme financial difficulties, would
benefit from the prestige that a football
championship would achieve. He secured
the services of Milton Burt as coach. Burt
had previously coached the Sarnia Imperials, Western University and Queen’s.
Under Burt’s tutelage, TCS took advantage
of the newly introduced forward pass and
went to the air. In his first season they were
undefeated and untied. Team members
included Eric Cochran ’35, George Renison
’38, Jim Kerr ’37 and Hadley Armstrong ’37.
Outstanding TCS players during the next
six years were Wally Duggan ’41 (only the
School’s second “triple captain” – football,
hockey and cricket – the first being Charlie
Burns ’25), Ross LeMesurier ’42 and Syd
Lambert ’43.
fall 2010
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1945 Bigside football team: (back, from left) Headmaster Philip Ketchum, P.H. Gilbert, R.M. Kirkpatrick, D.A. Decker, J.R. McMurrich, E.D. Hibbard, B.A. Macdonald, T.W. Lawson, Mr. A.B.
Hodgetts (coach); (middle) W.A. Curtis, H.A. Hyde, R.S. Jarvis, W.J.A. Toole, T.McC. Wade, E.McC. Sinclair (captain), D.D. McIntyre, E. Howard, F.A.H. Greenwood; (front) R.P. Stokes,
J.B. French, D.W. Hawke, G.N. Fisher, K.C. Lambert, A.McN. Austin
My introduction to football at TCS
came in September 1942 when I arrived at
the School as a New Boy; the same year as
a 31-year-old Birnie Hodgetts joined the
teaching staff. Already a credited history
master at Pickering and Lakefield, at that
time Birnie was but a budding coach of
football, hockey, swimming and basketball. As Ted Jarvis, a former captain of the
University of Toronto Blues, was in charge
of Bigside (he later became headmaster
of Bishop Strachan School), Birnie was
assigned the task of coaching Middleside.
With degrees from the University of Toronto
and the University of Wisconsin, it was at
Wisconsin that Birnie learned intricacies
of the “Single Wing” and I-formation, for
which TCS soon became famous.
In those days (except for a handful
of boys who played soccer – mainly war
refugees from England, or from Bermuda)
almost all of the 288 TCS boarders had a
go at football. The Junior School fielded a
mighty team coached by Charles Tottenham.
Littleside, Middleside and Bigside boasted
full complements of strong, striving players.
As a TCS footballer, you worked your way
up through the system.
Under Birnie’s inspirational leadership, Middleside emerged as COSSA league
champions. The 1942 Middleside team
included Glenn Curtis ’44, Dick LeSueur
’44, Don Delahaye ’44, John “Froggie”
4 I fall 2010 I tcs news
Symons ’43 (captain) and me – to name a
few. At a victory banquet in Osler Hall at
the end of the season, a special tribute was
paid to the coach for shaping a really good
team without standout stars. Birnie replied
by saying: “Fundaments, not fancy players,
win games.”
“You need fear no disgrace,
regardless of the outcome, if
you have given of your best.”
- birnie hodgetts, bigside football
coach, 1944 to 1955
At the end of the 1943 season Ted Jarvis
moved on, and in 1944 Birnie Hodgetts
became coach of Bigside. Birnie was the best
teacher I ever had – both in the classroom
and on the field. “Schoolwork,” he said, “is
like a game of football. You’ve got to figure
things out, apply yourself, and then perform
to the best of your ability. Take a history test.
There are usually five questions. That means
a question is worth 20 marks. If you write
down 20 appropriate historical facts for
each of them, you should get 100%.” Many
of Birnie’s pupils did.
When in my fourth year at TCS I won
the School History Prize, I was as chuffed as
if I’d scored three unanswered touchdowns
in a LBF title game. After that (thanks to
Birnie), I found academic exams to be fun.
During my time at TCS the entire school
turned out as spectators for every home
match. There were specially dressed (male)
cheerleaders, and all the razzamatazz.
“She’s red as blood. She’s black as death.
Who’s that? Trinity. T-R-I-N-I-T-Y.” If you
played for the School, that night at dinner
you were clapped into your place at table
in Osler Hall. If you had a good game, you
were given a standing ovation. It created a
wonderfully rewarding atmosphere which
made all the hours of practice and hard
work worthwhile. It was uniquely TCS.
For the three years I was on Bigside
we were always judged to be the best
coached team in the league. Three times
we were LBF runners-up. But we were
never permitted to smoke the cigar. During
my final year, teammates included Dink
Decker ’46, Jim “Stick” McMurrich ’46,
Freddy Greenwood ’46, Tom Lawson ’47,
Ernie Howard ’46 and Harry Hyde ’47.
Tommy Wade ’46 (vice captain) and I were
on the LBF All Star team, and we were both
awarded Distinction caps.
In 1946 TCS was co-captained by Tom
Lawson and Jack French ’47. They won all
of their games up to Ridley, who beat them
badly. The most notable feature in ’46 was
that Bill Brewer (without question the finest
natural athlete who ever attended TCS),
Neville Conyers and Bill Cox – all of them
Bermudians – decided to chance their luck
at football. The first time Bill Brewer was
handed the ball he kicked it more than 60
yards. During the year his kicking ability
became the School’s secret weapon.
The 1950 season began inauspiciously.
After winning the first exhibition game,
TCS lost the next three. Few held out hope
for TCS in the LBF contests ahead. But the
team beat SAC 19-6, Ridley 13-0 and when
they trounced UCC 17-5, for the first time
in 16 years the championship was theirs.
Celebrating players carried Coach Hodgetts
on their shoulders in triumph from the field.
“Young, light, and full of ginger,” the Globe
and Mail called them. The paper – which
always reported LBF games fully – estimated
the number of spectators watching the
game in Toronto to be in excess of 3,000.
The running of Bob McDerment ’52, the
tackling of Hugh Clark ’52 and John Emery
’51, and the kicking of Ken Wright ’51 were
In 1951 confidence ran high that the
team would duplicate the feat of 1910-11 by
winning a second consecutive LBF championship. Fine play by Hugh Watts ’52, Bob
McDerment and Phil Muntz ’52 (who made
a spectacular 95-yard dash for a touchdown)
gave them a 32-12 win over Ridley. Subsequent defeats of UCC and SAC (on a field
drifted with snow) sealed the repeat title.
At the end of 1955 Birnie announced
that he would be stepping down as coach
of Bigside football to devote more time
to history and to write about it. “After 12
years of happy times, some disappointments, but many rewards,” Birnie said in
a farewell address, “I leave you with one
important thought…never carry the ball
like a loaf of bread.”
In 1956 Tom Lawson became coach of
Bigside football. After leaving TCS in 1947
(he had been co-captain of the 1946 team),
Tom went on to the University of Toronto.
From there he taught at Ashbury for two
years, then continued his studies at King’s
College, Cambridge. When returning from
the U.K. to Canada he accepted a one year
assignment teaching English at TCS. He
stayed at the School for more than 30 years.
In Tom’s first year as coach, his team
beat Ridley 14-13. And in 1957 Bigside
“simply bamboozled their opponents.” In
LBF games, not only did they win them all,
not a single point was scored against them.
With an extraordinary ground game, apart
from Tony Lash ’58 (quarterback) and Al
Shier ’58 (running back), the best players
(Ken Scott ’58, Blane Bowen ’58, T. Douglas
Higgins ’58 and Tim Kennish ’58) were all
linemen. Most members of the team had
begun their TCS football careers on an
unbeaten Boulden House side, then gained
valuable added experience playing together
for a total of five years. “They coached
themselves,” Tom Lawson said. “The real
coach was Birnie Hodgetts’ ghost.” The
whole team was awarded Distinction caps
for their outstanding play.
The 1957 Bigside team in action
Tom’s prize tale during his championship year was when he received a telephone
call a day or two before an exhibition game
to be played in Port Hope. The call came
from the coach (unnamed) of Toronto’s
Royal York Collegiate. “We’ll play our third
string,” the coach said, “to ensure a good
match.” “Don’t forget to bring your first
string,” Tom replied. On the day of the
game Tom was away in Ottawa performing
as best man at his brother’s wedding. Tim
Kennish and Tony Lash were left in charge.
When the visitors arrived, Royal York’s
captain asked: “Do you guys play tackle or
touch?” Tim answered: “You don’t expect
us to play tackle, do you?” To start the game,
the School kicked off. Royal York fumbled,
and TCS recovered, scoring a touchdown.
Royal York’s first string players were rapidly
dispensed to the field. Bigside thrashed
them, 124-1.
Tom continued to coach for another
three years, but without further success.
In his last year, in desperation, he introduced the Ohio Swing Shift. But it didn’t
work either. “Playing was one thing,” Tom
said. “But coaching was another. After a
while I realized that coaching required a
special sort of talent which (sadly) I did not
possess. I had no alternative but to give it
up.” Although several coaches tried their
best, for eight years Bigside football won
only one league game.
In 1966 Mike Hargraft ’53, a TCS teacher
and Old Boy, took charge. As it happened,
Mike had the talent. He saw football as a
vital element in the development of the
whole boy, and he took the game seriously.
His knowledge, his perceptive leadership,
his driving enthusiasm, his high expectations, enabled his teams to chalk up more
victories than any other TCS coach who had
gone before him.
In his first year, Mike’s team won a
couple of games. Not only did it breathe new
life into his players, it brought vitality back
to the School.
“Winning football games is not by
chance,” he said. “You must motivate your
players, develop a true team effort, and
persuade your team that they CAN win.”
He did all these things.
During Mike’s reign as coach (1966-1984),
TCS won 56 matches and five Little Big Four
and Independent School Athletic Association (ISAA) championships. The ISAA was
an expanded version of the LBF, adding
Appleby, Hillfield and Lakefield.
1969 brought Mike Hargraft his first LBF
championship as coach. His team was undefeated in eight games. “They were fantastic,”
Mike said. “They listened to instruction.
They practiced hard. They succeeded. What
more could a coach want?”
Under Mike’s guidance, TCS used a
T-formation to complement the Single
Wing. They split the long side end to get
one more receiver clear quickly, and to
improve blocking angles. Peter McNabb ’70
was arguably the best player TCS had ever
had. Jim Steer ’70 – tough, cool, violent –
was a great leader. Captain Ralph Keefer
’70 was the LBF All Star quarterback. And
Bruce Fulford ’70 was the backbone of the
line. Distinction caps went to all of the
above, as well as Tom Bell ’71 and John
Dewart ’71.
fall 2010
I tcs news I 5
Archives Notes
Port Hope House Tour
The John D. Burns Archives hosted a stop
on the 2010 Port Hope House Tour in the
Guild Room and Memorial Chapel this past
September. Twelve hundred tickets were
sold for the event this year and the visitors
enjoyed seeing such a wonderful piece of
local history, our school.
Thank you to all the volunteers who
helped out at the event. Student volunteers
were: Aftaab Bhullar ’11, Olivia BonhamCarter ’11, Clara Detlefsen ’13, Alex Jack
’12, Sandrine Nkunzimana ’13, Amanda
Pinto ’13 and Emily Stratford ’13. And, also
a special thank you to Assistant Archivist
Viola Lyons, Jan Lovekin and the entire
property department for all of their help.
New materials now available online
Over the summer, with the support of
TCS past parent and foundation director
Maria Phipps, we continued to add to our
collection of digitized records. We invite
you to visit the John D. Burns Archives at
www.tcs.on.ca under who we are. In our
online archives section, you will be able to
access back issues of The Record, as well
as The School on the Hill, Old Boys at War
and the photograph database, which now
houses more than 2,400 historical photos.
Thank you!
We thank the following for their recent
generous donations to the John D. Burns
• Pat and Tom Lawson ’47 (three folders
of materials that include tributes to
Headmaster P.A.C. Ketchum, news
clippings and various ephemera)
• Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wigle ’59
(a Junior School uniform)
6 I fall 2010 I tcs news
1983 Bigside football team: (back, from left) T. Davies, C. Barnes, D. Seymour, S. Kay, B. Carthwright, D. Paszek, M. Yates,
D. Kelly, R. Lawson, G. Rees, S. Rand, D. Hubbel, S. Wigle, G. Cape; (middle) Headmaster Rodger Wright, Mr. A.M. Campbell
(coach), D. Buckland (manager), C. Colangelo, G. Tommy (manager), E. Gibbard, T. Wells, D. King, T. Hyland, I. Collombin,
C. Wilson, R. Rolston, P. Faller, C. Flint, C. Campbell, Mr. M.A. Hargraft (coach), M. Finlayson; (front) P. Darrigo, N. FlemingWood (vice-captain), M. Bergagnini (co-captain), A. Davies (co-captain), J. Hamlin (vice-captain), D. Christ
1970s and 1980s
It took until 1973 for TCS to win another
ISAA championship. Rarely in the history of
the School had there been a team to match
Bigside 1973 in terms of spirit and desire to
win. The offensive line was continuously on
fire, and the defensive unit caused opponents
to make costly mistakes. Throughout the
season, the 33 TCS players were determined
not to be beaten. They loved to play football,
and they played it well. David G. Allen ’75,
Don Cameron ’75, David H.M. Allen ’75, John
Farncomb ’75, Nigel Wilson ’74 (the captain,
who scored four touchdowns against UCC),
plus Lou Hambrock ’74 and John Jacobsen
’74, were awarded Distinction caps.
In 1974 TCS won the championship
again, sharing it with UCC. John Farncomb
was captain, ably supported by David Allen,
Arne Hassel-Gren ’75 and Don Cameron.
The 1977 Bigside team won the ISAA
title once more, never being challenged
on the scoreboard. Larry Aitken ’78, Ken
Alton ’78 and Marlen Wells ’78 were
standout players on offense. Defensively,
Geoff Francolini ’78, Kurt Brandes ’78 and
Harry Taylor ’79 allowed only three scores
against them during league play.
In 1983 TCS came out as top dogs again.
Loaded with talent, 20 players on the team
received Full Colours, including Manolo
Bergagnini ’84, Derek Christ ’84, Andrew
Davies ’84, Rich Lawson ’84 and Tony
Hyland ’84.
After the 1984 season, Mike Hargraft
retired as Bigside head coach – although for
a while he continued to be involved as an
assistant. In recognition of his outstanding
record, the executive committee of TCS’s
Governing Body named the new football
field after him.
1990 and today…
Although Bigside in 1991 was dubbed the
team that couldn’t win the big one, this
time they did. Drew Allen’s first championship as coach was truly a team effort, with
no individuals to be singled out – yet Noble
Gibson ’93 and Robert Bourbeau ’92 won
Distinction caps. And quarterback Dana
Toering ’93 went on to star at McGill. TCS
scored 244 points, and had only 22 scored
In 1994 Bigside football enjoyed a
spectacular season, going undefeated
in regular league play. The Bears then
entered the Metro Bowl tournament where
they beat the number one ranked team in
Toronto. Although later eliminated, TCS
more than held its own. Distinction awards
went to Cam Snaith ’96, Mike Bayne ’96,
Erkka Laakkio ’96, Francois Chapdelaine ’95
(brother of Benoit ’97, captain of the 1995
and 1996 teams who would go on to win
the Hec Crighton Award with McMaster),
Mathieu Boisvert ’95 and Darrin Swackhamer ’95.
Carrying on from where the ’94 team left
off, Bigside 1995 beat UCC, SAC and Ridley
both home and away. In the playoffs the
Bears trounced Ridley and SAC and were
crowned ISAA champions once again.
Although made up mostly of rookies,
1 1 994 Bigside football team: (back, from left) B. Gibson, J. Powell, B. Mumford, G. McIntosh, B. McDonald, A. Rodney,
P. Boisvert, R. Ogilvie, M. Bayne, T. Benedict, J. Maynard, D. Cameron, J.F. Lord, A. Black, A. White; (middle) Mr. D. Allen
(coach), Mr. T. Langford (coach), A. McFadzean, J. Alger, K. Graham, C. Snaith, B. Mountain, B. Vadnais, J. Trenholme,
F.J. Cook, A. Carter, T. Grant, E. Laakkio, M. Morin, L. Arnoldi, S. McIntyre, D. Spence, T. Howell, Mr. G. Watson (coach),
Mr. L. Powell (coach), Headmaster Rodger Wright; (front) N. Remillard, K. Chan, P. McEntyre, R. Jamieson, D. Swackhamer,
M. Ross, C. Khattar, F. Chapdelaine, M. Boisvert, J. Payandeh, J. Trenholme, M. Saegert, S. McCuaig, Trevor, D. Needham
2 C
oach Drew Allen and son Derek ’10 celebrate winning the 2009 CISAA league football championship
the 1996 School team won a third straight
ISAA championship. Dave Cameron ’98 and
Metro Bowl All Star Andrew Purzner ’98
led the TCS team.
1997 was an historical year. Bigside football was the first team to win four consecutive ISAA championships. Whatever Head
Coach Allen was doing, he was urged to
keep doing it. But several indifferent years
followed. It was not until 2005 that Bigside
football resumed its winning ways.
The 2009 season started in a blaze of
sunshine, and finished in a blaze of glory.
With a blend of experience (Derek Allen
’10 and Keegan Irwin ’10 – each CISAA
All Stars – being in their third year on the
team); two-way linemen Matt Richard ’10,
Chris Robertson ’10 and Phil St. Martin ’10;
Hubie Sinclair ’46
Hubie Sinclair ’46 visited the School on Reunion Weekend
2010 with his godson, Howie Grant ’75 (left), and Geoff
Maier ’75
Littleside recruits Tevin Guthrie ’11, Dalton
Grassinger ’11, Cole Cryderman ’11 and
Drew Rider ’11; and newcomers Ade Ojo ’10,
JJ Joyal ’11, Matt Villeneuve ’11 and Derek
Cross ’11; prospects looked great.
In the early stages Coach Tom Langford’s defense dominated play. But under
Michel Cameron’s expert direction, the
offense did not take long to come alive.
First time through the schedule, TCS had
beaten everyone. The league was now called
the Canadian Independent School Athletic
Association (CISAA). Contestants consisted
of TCS, UCC, SAC, St. Mike’s and Villanova
(Ridley, Lakefield, Appleby and Hillfield
having earlier withdrawn, no longer able to
field competitive teams). In the final against
St. Mike’s, both the TCS defense and offense
clicked, and Ade Ojo’s running was phenomenal. With captain Derek Allen’s crushing
tackles leading the way, another championship was theirs.
It was a team to remember.
Lessons learned on the TCS football
field (then and now) were invaluable to
graduate players when they ventured into
the real world – arming them with advantages that could be found no place else. They
were uniquely well equipped to take up
Davidson Ketchum’s challenge of 1923:
“Hills higher still
we must climb with a will.
For the School on the Hill is watching.”
By Eldon “Hubie” McCuag Sinclair ’46
March 13, 1928 – october 12, 2010
It is with great sadness we learned of Hubie’s death
on October 12, 2010 at the age of 82.
Father to Brenda, Debbie, Tacye and Joseph,
and grandfather to Will, Keleigh and the late Dahlia,
Hubie was a friend to many in the TCS community
who were privileged to know him. As a student,
he excelled – co-head prefect, football captain,
winner of the Bronze Medal and recipient of the
Grand Challenge, Jim McMullen Memorial and Jack
Maynard Memorial trophies. After graduating he
continued to serve the School, as a board governor,
chair of the TCS Fund committee, chair of Reunion
Weekend 1956 and London, U.K. branch president.
We hope that in publishing this abridged
version of his essay, it will serve as a tribute to a man
who gave so much to our school community.
As Philip Ketchum said of Hubie in The Record (1946),
“…he thought and did his duty without any fuss,
playing his part for the love of it and the honour of
the School. Is it little wonder why we hate to see him
go? But Hubie has left his mark here and always we
shall remember him and his exceptional contribution
to school life. Ave atque vale (hail and farewell).”
Hubie was truly an inspiration to us all. He
embodied the enthusiasm, kindness and passion that
are Trinity College School. God bless and thank you,
Hubie; we will miss you.
Renée Hillier (archivist), Viola Lyons (archives
assistant) and Alaya Yassein ’09 (student intern)
-John D. Burns Archives at TCS
fall 2010
I tcs news I 7
What We Love
About TCS
What is your favourite thing about TCS? We asked and you answered. Here is just a sampling
of some of the things Old Boys and Old Girls love about the School on the Hill.
The new boys run through the school gates in the fall of 1980
1954 Christmas Carol Services in the Memorial Chapel
At the fall 2007 Rucus: (from left) Mira Trebilcock ’08, Montana Robertson ’08,
Olwyn Foley ’08
mud pit!
There is something about this daily gathering in the historic
Memorial Chapel that touches all of us: the time for reflection, for
hearing about upcoming events and sports results, the traditions of
the School Prayer and School Hymn. Chris Archibald ’70 writes of
his very first chapel service: “Immediately after dinner we headed
out the front door and, guided by the chapel bell, walked across
the Bigside football field up the hill past the Memorial Cross and
into the chapel. It took a few minutes but I finally spotted my
brother. I waved and he smiled but tried not to acknowledge my
existence. He did speak to me afterwards for a minute. We parted
and I looked out over the campus and watched the boys making
their way back to Boulden House. I felt a little homesick but then
started running to catch up with the others, many of whom are
to this day my best friends. It was the beginning of an incredible,
life-altering journey.”
To today’s students it’s known simply as Rucus. The first
Saturday of the school year when all students take part in a series
of (mis)adventures planned by each house – from waterslides to
tug of war – painting your face and body in your house colours,
and then that amazing moment when the main gates of the school
fly open and the new students rush through, straight towards
the mud pit. “When it finally comes to the run down to the mud
pit, the laughter of new and old students alike can be heard for
blocks,” reminisces Mira Trebilcock ’08. “Hours following the
event will be spent picking the mud and cleaning the paint off
of every part of your body...the warmth felt when you step in the
shower is not the water, but the sense of belonging and certainty
that, yes, TCS is going to be okay.”
8 I fall 2010 I tcs news
The winter 2002 Islander versus Mexico hockey game
Oxford Cup, fall 1960: Tony DuMoulin ’63 (left, in glasses), Doug Cooper ’61 (back),
Malcolm Blincow ’61 (front), Pat Day ’61 (right; eventual winner)
oxford cup
The Reverend William A. Johnson could have had little understanding when he started his small school in Weston that the TCS
of today would reach across the globe, and among the earliest of
the School’s international students were those from the islands.
Bermuda, Bahamas, Trinidad, Cayman, Jamaica, Barbados. St. Kitts,
St. Maarten, British Virgin Islands. These are just a few of the island
nations that have produced TCS alumni. And to the School they have
brought their culture and traditions. The annual Islander dance and
hockey game remain part of school life today. Trinidadian T.J. Lloyd
’03 counts among his fondest memories “the entire landscape after
the first snowfall...the awe in the faces of the students who had never
seen snow before their time at Trinity, myself included.”
In November 2010, the Oxford Cup was run for the 115th time on
the TCS campus. The first Oxford Challenge Cup was presented
in 1896 by four Old Boys – J.G. Browne, O.L. Bickford, W.R. Dibb
and H.F. Hamilton – in order to encourage running and to serve
as a training exercise for the School’s football players. For most of
its existence, five boys from each house would compete along a 4.2
mile (6.76 kilometre course). Today, the Oxford Cup race includes
family, alumni, staff and every student of the School running the
five kilometre cross-country route, culminating in the dreaded
climb up Mount Trinity. “Still one of the best cross-country
courses out there,” says Adam Campbell ’98 (a former member of
Canada’s national triathlon and duathlon teams).
Although no longer a fixture at the School, many alumni recall
fondly the School’s cadet corps and the men who led it, including
Sergeant-Major Sam Batt who spent 38 years at the School before his
retirement in 1959. The first cadet activity dates back to the Weston
years under the guidance of Sergeant-Major Goodwin, but it was in
1880 that a formal corps was initiated. In the early 1930s the corps
became affiliated with No. 10 Squadron of the RCAF and in 1955 was
named the best air cadet corps in the nation by the RCAF Association. Over the years, the TCS corps was inspected by a number of
distinguished gentlemen, among them Governor General Alexander
Cambridge, 1st Earl of Athlone (accompanied by Princess Alice,
grandmother of Richard Abel Smith ’51); Governor General Lord
Alexander; Admiral P.W. Nelles ’08 (chief of naval staff ); Air Marshal
C.R. Slemon (chief of air staff ); and, in 1939, by the war hero, Air
Marshal W.A. “Billy” Bishop, a day fondly recalled by Jim Hanna ’39.
The photograph of Billy Bishop submitted by Jim Hanna ’39
Cadet Inspection, May 1943: (cadets from front) Charles Campbell ’43, Sid Lambert ’43, Ted Parker ’44, Ken Scott ’43;
Admiral Percy Nelles ’08, Sergeant-Major Sam Batt, Philip Ketchum, young Tony Ketchum ’55
fall 2010
I tcs news I 9
the arts
The brass quintet in 1981: (from left) Michael Redner ’82, Doug Barber ’82, Manolo
Bergagnini ’84, Mark Dignam ’82, Britt Bedford-Jones ’82, Simon Wheeler ’82
Whether it was music, theatre or visual arts, many of you point to
these artistic endeavours – and the staff members who led them –
as having enriched their time at TCS. Jim Hanna ’39 recalls lessons
in drawing and painting from art master Carl Schaeffer, who served
Canada as a war artist and went on to gain international recognition
for his work. Many alumni remember fondly choirmaster Ed Cohu.
Actress, writer, producer and director Christie Will ’95 points to the
well-roundedness of her experience at TCS, and “the emphasis, and
encouragement, for students to strive for excellence in academics,
athletics and the arts: keeping all three at par.”
Christie Will (centre in red) and friends backstage of 1994’s Dracula
Students and faculty dine in Osler Hall in 1946
From bologna à la chef to third degree wings, TCS alumni have
wonderful memories of Osler Hall dining (Marlen Wells ’78 says he
was even a fan of Friday night liver and onions: “No one else ever ate
them. I got my fill!”). A particular favourite was Sunday brunch, as
Dan Pettigrew ’89 recalls, “...the roast beast and Yorkshire pudding
with butter, and chipping off a ball from the platter of really frozen
vanilla ice cream scoops for dessert.” Not only that, you shared
memories of a host of local Port Hope establishments: Jim’s Pizza,
the Olympia, Easton’s truck stop, Coffee Time. And, of course, the
TCS tuck shop. Whether boys were walking down to the Philps farm,
heading across the campus to be greeted by Mr. And Mrs. Grace (and
her honey donuts) or to the Russel House store and now the Bear
Boutique, a trip to the tuck shop remains a joyful experience.
A 1912 game of cricket on the campus
Hanging out in the dressing room after a 1952 hockey game
10 I fall 2010 I tcs news
There are as many favourite sports at TCS as there are sports
at TCS, but one thing alumni agree on is that time spent on the
field, the court, in the pool, on the ice or running across campus
was as important in your development and as strong a memory
as anything experienced at the School. Football or cross-country
running on a crisp fall morning, bus trips to hockey games and,
of course, the one indelible sign of spring: the preparation of the
cricket pitch. And then there are the coaches. For Russ Robb ’56,
it was being challenged by football coach Birnie Hodgetts, and
rousing half-time “fight talks” by Headmaster Philip Ketchum.
Andrew Black ’98 remembers a pick-up game of rugby as the boys
were readying for Speech Day, joined by Michael Stevens in his
academic robes: “To me, that image of playing barefoot in a tie,
wanting to play for just a little while longer before we all sat down
for the formal ceremony and said goodbye contained all the bittersweetness of the moment.”
the staff
Names too numerous to mention were offered up by Old Boys
and Old Girls – headmasters, teachers, housemasters and staff
from throughout the School’s history who made a difference and
who helped to make TCS a home away from home. Kenneth Scott
’43 remembers coming to TCS as a “war guest” having evacuated England during World War II and leaving behind everything
he knew. “Housemaster Dr. Glover, cricket coach Peter Lewis,
choirmaster Ed Cohu, Chaplain Eyre Dann and others understood
us and our concerns about our left-behind family’s well-being.
Above all, I praise Headmaster Philip Ketchum for taking us in and
providing the father image and a sanctuary.” “TCS became a safe
port,” says Francisco Camino Ivanissevich ’78, who recalls needing
the structure and, indeed, the discipline provided by the School’s
staff. “The experience lives in my soul and still, after 32 years, the
teachings are a part of my everyday life.”
TCS faculty, 1962: (back, from left) Jack Goering, John Burns, David Williams, Alan Franklin,
Rev. Keith Gleed, Tom Connell, Tom Lawson; (middle) Dennis Corbett, Roger Kirkpatrick,
Mike Hargraft, Jim Kerr, Dr. McDerment, Paul Godfrey, Geoff Dale, Tommy Wilson,
Edmund “Billie” Cohu, Jean Moore, Marion Garland, Bob Cojocar, Ralph Yates, John
Lindop, Angus Scott; (front) David Wing, Rig Morris, Peter Phippen, John Dennys, Hadley
Armstrong, Charles Tottenham, Philip Ketchum, Peter Lewis, Phil Bishop, Archie Humble,
Birnie Hodgetts
the campus
Osler Hall. Memorial Chapel. Trinity House. The squash courts. The
cricket pitch. The Old (W.A. Johnson) Classroom Block. The photos
lining the hallways that remind you that you are part of a 145-year
history. The sounds of the trains in the distance (“the rhythmic
rumble and haunting horns,” writes Nigel Godfrey ’56). The smell of
the leaves in fall. The crunch of the snow in winter. TCS is a beautiful
place, as you told us again and again. Colleen (Feddery) Landry ’98
remembers autumn runs through the apple orchard: “If there was
a light breeze blowing it would throw my senses into overload. The
leaves that had fallen to the ground would swirl around your legs and
even though I was supposed to be concentrating on running…and
fast, I couldn’t help but drag my feet a little and then kick up to send
the leaves into the air so that they would fall down, on and around
me, giving me the illusion that I was running super fast.”
When all is said and done, it is the friendships that are most
treasured by TCS alumni. Whether you played on a team together,
shared a class or slept in the same dormitory, a bond was formed
during your time here that has stayed with you, in some cases for
more than 70 years. As Stephen Osler ’69 writes, “Short of my
marriage to my wife Gay and our two daughters, the most valuable
thing in my life has been the friendships I gained at TCS.”
From 1946: (from left) Bill Phippen, Bill Long, Fred Greenwood
Students in 1911: (from left) Norman Macaulay, C.P. Burgess, Lionel Lindsay, Carew Martin
Do you have a favourite TCS memory? Share it with us by
e-mailing alumni@tcs.on.ca or posting it on our Facebook page
(www.facebook.com/trinitycollegeschool) and we can include
it in next issue’s Class Notes!
2010 graduates (from left) Michael Czegledy, Meghan Lyness , Dakota Wellman
fall 2010
I tcs news I 11
70th Annual Toronto Branch Dinner
Peter Kedwell and Ryan Rodrigues ’94
Peter Kedwell receives
Toronto Branch Medal
Nearly 170 alumni, current and retired
staff and faculty celebrated the 70th annual
Toronto Branch Dinner held at the Park Hyatt
Hotel the evening of November 4, 2010.
Among the highlights of the evening
was the presentation of honorary Old Girl
status to Erica Kerouac, a staff member in
the finance office who has given 20 years of
service to the School.
This year’s Toronto Branch Medal
recipient is Peter Kedwell, who retired
from the TCS faculty in June after a career
spanning 35 years at the School. Ryan
Rodrigues ’94, who was Peter’s advisee as
well as a student in his French class, spoke
about Peter’s impact: “There is no argument
– Peter Kedwell has had a profoundly positive
influence on thousands of TCS students.
Since 1975, Peter has been a teacher, coach,
school play director, housemaster, guidance counsellor and advisor, and friend.
By my quick calculation, he’s seen at least
15,000 students pass through the TCS gates
(roughly the population of Port Hope).”
Throughout the presentation, a slideshow
of photos and tributes from TCS alumni
and parents was played. For example, David
Moss ’96 wrote, “Peter was and continues to
be an amazing individual whose unwavering
support, care and appreciation for students,
colleagues and the School is noticed daily.
I feel privileged and honoured to have had
him as my advisor and lifelong friend.”
Peter came to TCS after attaining his
B.A. from Huron University College at the
University of Western Ontario (UWO) and
B.Ed. from the faculty of education at UWO,
followed by a teaching position in Labrador.
At TCS, in addition to his roles as teacher,
advisor, director and coach, he was also
head of the modern languages department,
assistant housemaster of Brent, housemaster of Brent and Ketchum, secretary to
the faculty and chair of the advisor-advisee
committee. And, beyond his work with
students and fellow faculty, Peter served the
School as the faculty representative on the
board of governors and member of what is
now known as the infrastructure committee.
Peter was accompanied on this special
evening by his daughter, Emily Kedwell ’03,
his sister Mary Ellen and her husband
Thom Wigle. He also noted how grateful
he was to see many of his former advisees
and even some of their parents in the audience. “Looking back on my career, I think
how lucky I was to find out so quickly
that teaching was what I wanted to do. Its
rewards have been immeasurable,” he said.
“Yes, every day brought fresh challenges and
inevitable anxieties and disappointments, but
the accomplishments, pride and successes
outweighed them.”
He spoke passionately about the role
teachers play in the lives of students: “We
often put in very long days. We are energetic
and excited about what we do. We are
motivated to grow and become better at
our craft. We believe our work is noble and
worthwhile. We enjoy a challenge and at the
same time we challenge our students.”
In honour of Peter’s career and in
support of teachers at TCS, a group of
alumni including Ryan worked with Peter
and the advancement office to establish the
Peter Kedwell Faculty Professional Development Fund. To date, about 115 donors have
contributed more than $30,000 towards
the fund’s goal of $50,000. Anyone wishing
to contribute to this fund may contact the
advancement office at 905-885-1295 or
1David Knight ’59, Michael Thompson ’58, Tim Kennish ’58
Adam Grossman ’91, Graeme McIntosh ’95
3Headmaster Stuart Grainger, Erica Kerouac
4Emily Kedwell ’03, Audra Branigan ’01, Erin Branigan ’03
Visit the media gallery at www.tcs.on.ca to see more photos as well as the slideshow presented at the Toronto Branch Dinner!
12 I fall 2010 I tcs news
alumni spotlight
Skip Willis ’66
long before anyone was talking about global warming, Old
Boy Errick “Skip” Willis ’66 was sitting in a classroom at Trinity
College School listening to master Tom Lawson ’47, caught up
in his teacher’s curiosity, the drive to understand the world
around him.
This curiosity led Skip to a degree in political theory at the
University of Manitoba where he was able to capitalize on his
early exposure to the political landscape. His father, Errick
Willis, was a Manitoba cabinet minister and former Lieutenant
Governor. “I developed an understanding and appreciation of
how the political process worked,” he recalls. Skip found his
career gravitating toward regulated industries, where he was
able to combine his political savvy with an understanding of the
business world. Between 1984 and 1986, he was lead negotiator
for the generic pharmaceutical industry in talks that led to
changes to the Patent Act in Canada.
Then, in 1985, he became interested in work being done on the
environment, specifically new technologies. “At the time we were
worried about the ozone layer. I was introduced to a technology,
a molecular sieve technology developed in Canada.” The sieve
would make it possible to capture and recycle specific parts of an
airstream (i.e. halogenated hydrocarbons) and there was excitement about the potential for the sieve in applications such as
methyl bromide, a fumigant used to kills pests on imported fruits
and vegetables.
Also in the mid 1980s, he was appointed as the business
advisor to the Canadian delegation for the Montreal Protocol
– a highly successful international treaty which addresses the
impact of ozone depleting substances on the environment – and
first heard of this thing called “climate change.” “At that point,
I had no idea what people were talking about,” Skip admits, but,
“I quickly understood the implications of it.” Unfortunately,
not everyone has been as willing to accept the climate change
warning. “When I started discussing issues with potential clients,
the most common response I got was ‘you’re kidding, right?’
There are still people today who are quite adamant in their rejection of climate change, who say it is just fear-mongering or that it
is a natural process and there is nothing we can do about it.”
But Skip disagrees and climate change has become the focus
of his work over the past 15 years. This included his former role as
vice president and managing director for the Canadian operations
of ICF International, which he helped to build into the largest
climate change consultancy firm in Canada, and his current career
as an independent consultant with Willis Climate Group. This new
role allows him to enjoy more time with his family, particularly
at their country home south of Creemore, Ontario, and to choose
jobs which interest him most.
Those jobs are geared towards change that is sustainable,
where businesspeople, policymakers and activists can indeed
find common ground and balance economic, political and environmental goals. “The most important thing I’ve learned over
time is that all of this is characterized as good guys versus bad
guys. In my experience I’ve found this to be misleading,” he says.
Now, he asks his partners – whether they are businesspeople or
activists – “Do you understand the value of half a loaf of bread?”
– meaning, are they prepared to see value in a solution that may
not meet 100% of their goals, but which moves them forward in
the right direction. For those who are willing to work together
to find solutions, make compromises and understand different
viewpoints, he sees a future where change is indeed possible.
All three of the alumni in this issue’s Spotlight are mentors in the BearTracks Mentorship Programme, where TCS
alumni help young alumni by offering advice on education and career paths. Young alumni looking for a mentor can
learn more about BearTracks online in the alumni section of www.tcs.on.ca under services for alumni. We have some
amazing mentors just waiting to share their expertise to you!
fall 2010
I tcs news I 13
alumni spotlight
Mark Stewart ’80
“a straight arrow.” That is how scientist Mark Stewart ’80
describes himself. His love of science and math as a Trinity
College School student led him to studying applied mathematics
at the undergraduate and graduate levels and directly into a job
with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
But Mark’s career is, in many ways, anything but a linear progression; each day brings a new challenge, new problems to solve and
new knowledge.
For two decades, Mark has worked at NASA’s John H. Glenn
Research Centre in Cleveland, Ohio, using math, science and
engineering to solve problems related to aeronautics, aerospace
and space applications. In addition to improving aircraft and
rocket propulsion systems, researchers at Glenn also focus on
materials research, microgravity and communications. Their
work helps improve everyday technologies (e.g., composite
aircraft, jet engine design), but these valuable improvements
rarely surface in headlines; they are more evolutionary than
“My job involves technical problem solving. These problems are always changing and require learning new material in
different fields,” Mark says. He adds that he loves this aspect
of discovery, of “venturing beyond tasks to look at interesting
questions.” Whether he is working on a computer simulation of
a nuclear thermal rocket or helping to design a self-validating
spreadsheet application, he is constantly being exposed to new
fields of understanding.
And, he notes, he is as proud of his mistakes as he is of his
successes. “I’m reminded of a singer/songwriter who produces a
‘best of’ album. One, maybe two, songs stand out; many efforts are
forgettable. However, each ‘try’ helps develop skill and intuition.”
In fact, Mark’s favourite word is “essay,” as in, “to try.”
His advice to young scientists: pursue your passion, not for
the hope of money or fame (“Most scientists work their entire
career for the grudging respect of their peers,” he notes), but
because you love what you do. “To find that passion, don’t be
afraid to try new things; valuable insights come from the fresh
perspective of ‘bent arrows.’”
Mark is also part of a successful team at home, where he and
wife Diana have raised two children – Cameron and Megan –
and their family embraces an active lifestyle. The Stewarts enjoy
travelling together, whether it is exploring the Far East, seeing
the rainforests and volcanoes of Costa Rica, or experiencing the
wilderness of Algonquin Park in Ontario. Back home in Ohio, they
can be found at the local recreation centre, running or swimming
(although Mark admits his children will soon be faster in the pool
than their parents).
What spans the divide between home and work life? For Mark,
it is the ability to not merely weather change, but to embrace
change as a learning opportunity. “Economics change, policies
change, scientific fashions change and, most importantly, you
change,” he notes. “Change offers a chance to grow.”
All three of the alumni in this issue’s Spotlight are mentors in the BearTracks Mentorship Programme, where TCS
alumni help young alumni by offering advice on education and career paths. Young alumni looking for a mentor can
learn more about BearTracks online in the alumni section of www.tcs.on.ca under services for alumni. We have some
amazing mentors just waiting to share their expertise to you!
14 I fall 2010 I tcs news
alumni spotlight
May Charters ’94
film making is in the blood for May Charters ’94, who is
currently touring with her first feature film, Lovers in a Dangerous
Time, on which she served as director, producer, writer and star,
alongside partner Mark Hug. May’s father, Rodney, has had a long
career in film and television, most recently as director of photography on the series 24. Brother Robin ’03 is also in the business
and worked with May as a producer, cinematographer and sound
designer on Lovers.
“I grew up on film sets as a child, which started something
in me,” May recalls. “I was bitten by the bug, as they say. I have
always known that no matter what I studied or where, the desire
to tell stories in any aspect won’t ever fade.” She followed her
artistic passion to England where she attended the London
Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. Next, she headed to Paris
to study painting, and then her love of film led her to studies at
the New York Film Academy.
After a stint as a flamenco dancer (still one of her great loves),
May headed west to Los Angeles, and it was in an acting class
there that she met Mark Hug and their partnership began. Over
the next six years they toiled, writing and filming as they could
afford to, funded by their work scouting models for noted fashion
photographer Bruce Weber.
Among the first group of girls to attend TCS in the 1992-1993
school year, May says the School instilled in her a strong work
ethic. “I can tackle any challenge thanks to the demands of the
School.” Any young person looking for a career in film needs
this kind of drive, and a willingness to adapt, she adds. “Say yes
to any small opportunity if it feels right. You never know where
it may lead or what great collaboration you’ll have throughout
your career,” she advises. “Create your own work if none is
available. And never give up on your dreams no matter how
hard it may seem.”
She is also a proponent of learning by doing. For May, this
meant making her own short films and working on a music video
to gain further experience in her craft, particularly keeping up
with the technological advances. The industry has come a long
way from the days when she would listen to the click and reel of
her father editing film on the Steinbeck machine which was kept
in May’s bedroom at their family home in Toronto. For their next
project, May and Mark have created a series of “Webisodes” called
the Zamboni Sisters, a mock talk show that will air online.
Meanwhile, May is enjoying travelling the film festival circuit
with Lovers in a Dangerous Time. What began as a labour of love
has turned into a real success story. The film has received several
honours, including Best Canadian Feature Film at the Okanagan
Film Festival and the Maverick Film Award at California’s
Method Fest. But even more rewarding for May is being able to
take part in screenings of her film. “It takes so much to make a
film,” she says. “To see it make its journey into a theatre with an
audience makes me proud...watching it play in front of a packed
audience and hearing them laugh, gasp or cry.”
All three of the alumni in this issue’s Spotlight are mentors in the BearTracks Mentorship Programme, where TCS
alumni help young alumni by offering advice on education and career paths. Young alumni looking for a mentor can
learn more about BearTracks online in the alumni section of www.tcs.on.ca under services for alumni. We have some
amazing mentors just waiting to share their expertise to you!
fall 2010
I tcs news I 15
With the launch of Strength of
Purpose: The Strategic Plan for Trinity
College School 2007-2012 in the fall
of 2007, our collective vision for the
School’s future was unveiled.
TCS remains committed to
providing regular updates on
progress made in the key areas
of our people, our programme
and our place.
To view the six strategic goals of our
plan or learn more about Strength of
Purpose, visit www.tcs.on.ca or contact
the advancement office for a copy of
the Strength of Purpose booklet.
The TCS community becomes more diverse
TCS is an international community where young minds can learn first-hand about
different cultures and develop a global perspective. This year our boarding
students are joining us from 32 countries around the world including Canada.
Some of the countries represented at TCS for the first time in recent history are
Uganda, Austria, Bangladesh, France, Anguilla and Dominica.
Leadership lessons mark week one
TCS began the school year with a focus on leadership. On September 10, Grade 11
and 12 students participated in the School’s first ever Global Leadership Seminar.
Led by facilitators from the Me to We organization, students were engaged
in activities geared towards team building, leadership development and
increasing their understanding of global citizenship. Students experimented with their own leadership styles and reflected on how they
work most successfully in a group. Grade 9 students bonded as a
class and expanded on their leadership skills during an overnight
visit to the Me to We Leadership Centre where they took part in
activities including exploring leadership styles, setting goals
and working together as a team. Grade 10 students took part in
a two-day trip to Youth Leadership Camps Canada where they
tackled challenges such as shelter building, high and low ropes,
and held a group workshop discussing key ideas and traits of
leaders. It is hoped that our students will be able to use these skills,
knowledge and awareness throughout the academic year and beyond.
Achieving an optimum balance
Highlighted in the School’s strategic plan is the intention to reduce the size of
the TCS community to achieve an optimum balance in size and composition.
Significant progress has been made toward this goal with the reduction in the
size of the student body; there are approximately 50 fewer students at TCS today
as compared to three years ago, which has also meant a modest reduction in
staffing. By carefully managing enrolment, the School has retained an optimum
balance between senior day and boarding students (42:58), international
boarding and Canadian boarding students (45:55) as well male and female
students (51:49).
Marketing Resources
Financial Resources
Online tools for prospective families
Understanding that much marketing and research – even campus
“visits” – take place online, the School is adding new tools to our
Web site for families considering TCS. Available soon will be an
interactive virtual tour of campus; biographies of our students from
Canada and abroad; an enhanced faculty and staff directory; and
world maps to view post-secondary destinations of our graduates
and countries from which our students hail. These new features will
give a richer view of our community and more clearly convey the
stories of the people, programme and place that comprise TCS.
150th anniversary fundraising campaign approved
In late spring, the TCS Board of Governors endorsed the recommendation of
the campaign planning committee to move forward with the most ambitious
fundraising campaign in TCS history. The campaign will occur over the next
five years culminating on the School’s 150th anniversary on May 1, 2015.
The primary fundraising focus will be financial assistance and endowment.
A new athletic centre for the Senior and Junior Schools is also proposed
along with enhanced facilities and programmes for academic and student
support. The final campaign goal will be announced once plans for facilities
are further advanced. A campaign cabinet has been established to lead the
fundraising appeal and to work closely with the TCS advancement office.
Members of the campaign cabinet to date include: Michael Burns ’56 P’81
(honorary chair), Tim Kennish ’58 (co-chair), Wendy Cecil P’06 ’08 (co-chair),
Headmaster Stuart Grainger, Chair of the Board Colin Brown ’75 P’06 ’06,
Chair of the TCS Foundation Michael Davies ’55 P’80 ’82 ’84 ’85, Vice Chair
of the Board Adam Howard ’76 P’08 ’11, John Barford ’74, George Booth ’61
and Isabel Tremblay ’94 as well as Doug Mann and David McCart from the
advancement office.
16 I fall 2009 I tcs news
Bolstering our residential programme
At TCS our academic, co-curricular and residential programmes comprise equal
parts of the 24-hour day. As such, we aim to further enhance our residential
curriculum this year, initiating discussions and formalizing additional
policies and procedures. New will be an opportunity for students
to foster their leadership skills by participating in the development of the weekend activities schedule. Already initiated
in September is the revitalization of the evening study
programme which sees the Grade 9 students in a separate
and more individualized study environment.
Co-curricular activities supported home and abroad
Co-curricular opportunities are abundant at TCS. This year
there is mandatory arts programming two days a week
for students in Grades 9 and 10 with new opportunities
added which include a play, band and drum line. The service
learning curriculum also offers many ways to get involved
and grow. In addition to annual international trips to Jamaica
and Ecuador, in 2011, the School in conjunction with the Jane Goodall
Institute’s Roots & Shoots programme will be taking service-minded students
to Uganda. As well, all Senior School students will participate in our second
annual Week Without Walls initiative which takes them out of the classroom to
a variety of hands-on service activities in the community, encouraging them to
be active citizens and inspiring future service to others.
Record numbers of students receive AP recognition
In May 2010, students in Grades 10-12 wrote their Advanced Placement
(AP) examinations – standardized university level exams offered by the U.S.
College Board. TCS students wrote 211 exams this year, twice the number
written two years ago, and our students maintained an outstanding level of
achievement with 27.5% earning the top grade of 5, and over 78% earning a
grade of 3 (qualified) or better. This year, 34 students, representing 23% of our
graduating class, achieved a grade that qualified them to be an AP Scholar.
The School’s previous single-year high was 13 AP Scholars. Five TCS students
achieved the title of Canadian National Scholars. And, impressively, the work
of two of our AP visual art students was selected by the College Board as
benchmark examples for global AP programmes. Our AP programme continues
to grow with an enrolment of over 230 students in 2010-2011 and the addition
of two more courses, giving this year’s students the choice of over 20 different
AP courses/exams.
Completion of curriculum mapping a focus for 2010-2011
The practice of curriculum mapping allows teachers to see the “big picture”
of the skills and content taught across different grade levels; it also helps
them to reflect on their teaching practices. Much progress has been made in
this important initiative over the past few years; most courses have now been
mapped, peer reviews were completed in August and the final courses will be
mapped this academic year. The aim is to have complete vertical alignment of
academic courses this school year which will assist teachers in creating their
own lessons and in helping students find common threads of understanding
between subjects. Ultimately, curriculum mapping will allow the full school
faculty to implement new curriculum strategies that reflect the needs of
students in the 21st century.
Growing our learning foundation
This past summer began the renewal of Boulden
House, home of the Junior School, with the
installation of a new science lab. Thanks to
funds raised through a Junior School gala and
designated gifts, the classroom has been
enlarged and five octagonal student stations
installed. Additional storage and work areas
surround the periphery of the room and the
cupboards have been equipped with new
science apparatus. From the enhancement
of the science programme to a focus on
the arts, there has been great excitement
on campus this fall for the ground-breaking
for the new visual arts wing. To be located
between LeVan Hall and the Ernest Howard
Squash Courts, the nearly 10,000-square-foot,
two-storey facility will include several “green”
building features and consist of both studios
and classroom space. Due to the planned
location of this new arts wing (set to open in
fall 2011), the old tennis courts needed to be
relocated. And this past September, the official
opening of the Arnold Massey ’55 Tennis Centre
took place. Mr. Massey was the lead donor
and led the fundraising appeal for this project,
which resulted in the construction of the four
named courts and gardens that comprise the
outstanding new tennis centre.
Habits of the heart and mind at the forefront
of TCS life
In a school committed to developing habits of the
heart and mind for lives of purpose and service,
learning does not just happen in the classroom.
Throughout the day, students of the Senior
School are reminded of the importance and
value of maintaining a culture of respect through
lessons learned in chapel, on the sports fields,
in discussions with adults of the TCS community
and within the residential programme. The Junior
School works closely with its
students to develop sound
attributes of the heart and
mind. Key attributes
such as perseverance,
courage and optimism
are applied to lessons
and discussed
regularly; recently
a visual display,
intended as a daily
reminder to parents,
staff and students alike,
was mounted in the main
entrance of Boulden House.
fall 2010
I tcs news I 17
photo gallery
Reunion Weekend 2010
The School on the Hill welcomed more than 200 alumni from years ending in ’5 and ’0
back to campus May 27-29.
this year’s reunion was truly an international event with Old Boys and Old Girls
coming from Hong Kong, New Zealand,
Germany, Mexico, the U.K. and the U.S.,
as well as from across Canada.
Reunion Weekend kicked off with the
22nd annual golf tournament at Dalewood
Golf & Curling Club. A special part of the
tournament is the dedication of the Jocko
Taylor award, given to an alumnus for
exceptional dedication, loyalty and service
to the School. This year’s recipient, Eric
Davies ’82, has been a long-time supporter
of the School and currently serves on the
board of governors and as chair of the
board’s infrastructure committee. Friday
night, each reunion class joined for its own
class dinner, at locations throughout Port
Hope and Cobourg, while the class of 2005
had a special celebration on campus at The
On Saturday, the Old Boys rugby game
was held, as well as Old Girls softball and
Old Boys baseball. Thanks to archivist
Renée Hillier and her archives assistant,
Viola Lyons, a display of collections from
the John D. Burns Archives was set up in
the School’s main foyer so that alumni could
look at old photos online, flip through their
old yearbooks and help identify former
classmates. School tours were led by current
students, who took alumni around campus
to view both old and new facilities.
Saturday night, alumni poured into
the newly-renovated Dick and Jane
LeVan Theatre to hear an update on the
School from Headmaster Stuart Grainger,
followed by performances from TCS vocal
sextet “Sixth Sense” and student Karen Yu
’11 on the marimba, as well as a slideshow
taking everyone back in time with photos
from 1950 to 2005. This was followed by
18 I fall 2010 I tcs news
cocktails on the terrace and the big event
of the weekend, the reunion dinner underneath the “big top.”
An impressive number of alumni
attended Sunday morning’s chapel service,
led by Father Don Aitchison and organist
Randy Mills, which was followed by brunch
in Osler Hall. Blue skies made the conditions
perfect for the Old Boys cricket match,
where the alumni provided the perfect
ending to Reunion Weekend by pulling out a
win against the current Bigside team.
Mark your calendar for Reunion Weekend 2011,
happening May 27-29, celebrating classes ending
in ’1 and ’6! To learn more, contact your year chair
or the TCS advancement office (905-885-1295 or
1Stuart Grainger, Barbara Brodeur, Jim Brodeur ’50,
Peter Kontak ’85
2Harry Jemmett ’55, Michael Davies ’55, D’Arcy Luxton ’55
3 The class of 1960: (back) Tom Eadie, Bob Bradley,
Bill Pearce, Pete Paterson, Peter Chubb, Nicholas
Ketchum, Eduardo Robson, Les Pidgeon, Kerry Martin,
Roger Yates; (middle) Max Ferro, Allan Wakefield,
Peter Glass, Paul Dumbrille, Ron Atkey, John Vanstone,
Bill Eakin; (front) Bill Cowen
4 Roger Glassco ’65, Richard Irvine ’65
5The class of 1980: (back) Steven Frank, Paul Baker,
Ed Markham, Marc Lafontaine, Douglas Macfarlane;
(front) Leslie Pindling, Chris Cowan, retired master
Tom Lawson ’47, Doug McGregor, Mark Stewart,
John Church
6The class of 1995: (back) Marc Morin, Mike Cogan,
Andrew Ennals, Julian Powell; (front) Courtney Christ,
Jon Walker, Kevin Chan, Gordon Turner
7Bill Pearce ’60, Penny Eakin, Bill Eakin ’60
8Mike Armstrong ’90, Jeff Rappell ’90, Matt Boswell ’90,
Blair Keiser ’90
9Nic Tsoi ’00, Max Saegert ’95, Morgan Martin ’00
10Colin Brown ’75, Loney Brown ’75, Evan McCowan ’75,
David Allen ’75
11Andrew Wilson ’05, Andrew Dickson ’05, Brendon
Watts ’05, Storm Pink ’05
12Bill Collom ’86 and son Max
13Liesl Richter ’05, Katie Stoneman ’05, Michelle
Churchman ’05
14Ted Hogan ’85, Stuart Grainger, David Lane ’85
15David Robertson ’85, Chris de Courcy-Ireland ’85,
Andrew Boyd ’85, Stuart Grainger, Peter Kontak ’85,
Peter Roe ’52
16Old Boys Rugby
View more photos of Reunion Weekend online in the media gallery at www.tcs.on.ca!
fall 2010
I tcs news I 19
Robert McDerment ’52
october 24, 1933 – august 17, 2010
In late summer, Trinity College
School was saddened to learn
of the passing of a treasured
Old Boy, Bob McDerment ’52.
The son of school physician
Dr. Robert McDerment and
Sally, Bob came to TCS at the
age of nine, beginning as a
day student and later moving
into boarding. After TCS, Bob
studied engineering at Queen’s
University and attained his
P.Eng. designation. This was
followed by a law degree from
Osgoode Hall and a long career
with the firm of Lang Michener.
He and wife Claire raised four
wonderful children, Mary, Robert,
Martha and Michael, and Bob enjoyed
his six grandchildren: Nicholas, Anna,
David, Katherine, James and Meredith.
He particularly loved spending time
with family at his farm in Cavan, Ontario
and cottage in Muskoka. His love of the
outdoors combined with a compassion
for children with learning disabilities
led Bob and friends to create Camp Kirk
near Kirkwood, Ontario.
At TCS, Bob was a co-head boy, a
three-sport captain in both the Junior
and Senior Schools, and a friend to many
classmates who he stayed in touch with
throughout his life. Classmate and year
chair John Strathy ’52 spoke at Bob’s
memorial service and shared these
“Bob McDerment was a person with
unparalleled discipline, a sense of leadership and a great allegiance to his faith.
His deportment, dress and stature were
his trademark. Bob possessed leadership
qualities from the very first day we met
at Trinity College School in 1946. We
were 12 years old. Bob had enrolled in
the Junior School in 1944, therefore he
was qualified to instill in us ‘new boys’
the discipline required to succeed at
TCS. We spent two years together in
the Junior School, where Bob excelled
as a student and also athletically,
winning four Distinction caps in the
Junior School for football and hockey.
A Distinction cap was awarded to a
team member who not only obtained
first team colours but excelled in that
particular sport. Very few were awarded.
“In the Senior School, 1948 to
1952, Bob capitalized on his newfound
experience and proceeded to expand on
his successes through knowledge and
common sense. Bob was a good student
and a terrific leader. His athletic abilities are well documented in the School
magazine called The Record. Bob was
on six first teams in cricket, hockey and,
most notably, football. In his final year,
1951-1952, he captained the hockey team
and co-captained the football team with
Hugh Watts ’52. McDerment and Watts
were also co-head prefects.
“As Claire and I will attest, it is well
known that one or two days before a big
game, Bob would sit in class planning
his and the team’s moves for Saturday’s
football game. Hence the following Bob
McDerment musings:
‘The score, 29-25, UCC in the lead,
fourth quarter, two minutes to go. TCS
has the ball, second and five. Into the
huddle, Bob, as quarterback, calls the
play on to the line. Norman Seagram
’52 is over the ball at centre. Hyp one,
two, three. Snaps the ball to Bob, who
is already looking down field. Bob spots
his receiver and, arm cocked, throws the
football over the heads of all the UCC
defenders into the hands of Eric Jackman
’53, who laterals to Gordon Currie ’52
over the line. Touchdown! The score,
31-29. TCS has won.’
“Back to the classroom: Bob has a
smile on his face, class is finished and as
far as the master teaching is concerned
his subject was well taught and absorbed
by all.
“Bob’s abilities were of the versatile
kind. He could run, kick and pass, which
culminated in winning the Little Big
Four football championships in 1950 and
1951. LBF is comprised of TCS, UCC, St.
Andrew’s and Ridley. Quite an achievement.
“In a 1951 editorial in The Record,
our school magazine, the following
quote exemplifies the spirit and talent of
Bob McDerment:
‘A team is only as good as its weakest
link. There were no weak links in 1951.
Special praise to those who were awarded
Distinction caps, eight players, one
of which was Bob McDerment. These
players were the foundation on which the
team was built. With excellent play in
each game, they were the important factor
in producing the football championship.
Second year in a row.’
“Bob had great values, great allegiance, leadership and good faith.
He was one of the cornerstones of our
graduating class in 1952, known to us as
the class of ’52.”
fall 2010
I tcs news I 41
special section
july 2009 – june 2010
Annual Report of
the TCS Foundation
The objectives of the Trinity College School Foundation are as follows: “To receive
and maintain a fund or funds and to apply from time to time all or part of the capital
and income there from for the purposes of Trinity College School.” In support of these
objectives, the foundation undertook a number of important initiatives in 2009-2010.
monitoring investment performance was particularly
vital as capital markets improved. The foundation’s investment
committee, chaired by Chris Brown ’63, continues to do an
admirable job working closely with our fund manager, McLean
Budden, and an overall investment return of 4.9% was achieved in
The finance and audit committee, chaired by Tim Powell ’62,
thoroughly reviewed our current investment income spending
policy and recommended changes to our draw rate to more
conservatively maintain the long-term value of our invested assets.
The annual draw rate was amended to 4% (versus the previous
year’s rate of 4.5%) of an eight-quarter average of the market value
of the fund, with the foundation paying the investment management and custodial fees.
Under the leadership of Maria Phipps P’99 ’03, the governance
committee completed a director self-evaluation process providing
constructive feedback regarding the governance of the foundation.
The overall value of the foundation’s assets decreased from
approximately $23.2 million to $22.2 million due to the transfer
of significant donations designated to important capital projects.
As a result of the generous support of the TCS community, the
past year included the opening of the renovated Dick and Jane
LeVan Theatre, the completion of the Arnold Massey Tennis
Centre and the approval of the new visual arts wing to be
completed by fall 2011.
42 I fall 2010 I tcs news
Donations totalling $1.62 million (not including new pledge
balances) were received over the year including approximately
$563,000 designated to endowments or other long-term funds.
Foundation directors continue to support the fundraising leadership of the TCS Board of Governors through the advancement
committee and the advancement office. All foundation directors
made personal donations this past year, achieving a 100% participation rate. Furthermore, several foundation directors served on
the planning committee for the School’s upcoming 150th anniversary fundraising campaign. Members of the foundation look
forward to supporting this important fundraising project as it
moves forward toward the School’s sesquicentennial in 2015.
Finally, I would like to acknowledge Ernie Howard ’46, who
has stepped down as a foundation director. On behalf of the board
of directors, I would like to thank Ernie for serving as one of the
founding directors of the TCS Foundation and am pleased to
note that he will continue his long service to TCS as an honorary
Michael Davies ’55 P’80 ’82 ’84 ’85
TCS Foundation Chair
TCS Foundation Statement
of Operations
Year ended June 30 (in dollars)
Investment income (loss)
Grants to TCS
Custodial and investment management fees
Administrative and general
Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses for the year (1,007,956)
Fund balances, beginning of year
Fund balances, end of year
Note: This statement reflects combined yearend totals for three funds: the unrestricted
fund, the restricted fund (funds restricted by donors for special purposes at Trinity
College School) and the endowment fund (funds where the donor has stipulated that the
principal be maintained permanently).
foundation assets
($ millions)
Michael Davies ’55, chair
Timothy Powell ’62, vice-chair
Robert Wilson-Rogers ’71, secretary
Derek Smith ’72, treasurer
A. Jeffrey Prince, assistant secretary/
Jim Binch ’66
Christopher Brown ’63
N. Thomas Conyers ’73
Santiago Cosio ’93
Jacqueline Fong
Ernest Howard ’46
Brian Lawson ’78
Arnold Massey ’55
Maria Phipps
Timothy Price ’59
governance committee
Michael Davies ’55
Maria Phipps, chair
Timothy Price ’59
Brian Westlake
Robert Wilson-Rogers ’71, secretary
investment committee
John Bellamy ’88
Jim Binch ’66
Christopher Brown ’63, chair
Kevin Foley ’88
David Hackett ’83, ex officio
John Hogarth ’78
Patrick Keeley ’88
Aaron Maybin ’97
A. Jeffrey Prince
William Wilder ’75
finance & audit committee
N. Thomas Conyers ’73
Brian Lawson ’78
Timothy Powell ’62, chair
Derek Smith ’72, treasurer
A. Jeffrey Prince
fall 2010
I tcs news I 43
Fundraising Highlights
The official opening and dedication of
the Dick and Jane LeVan Theatre took
place on May 6, 2010 in conjunction
with the School’s annual Spring Charity
Concert. The theatre was renovated from
an academic hall to a state-of-the-art
performing arts facility thanks to a generous
donation of $2.2 million from Jane LeVan.
Our successful fundraising campaign for the
Arnold Massey ’55 Tennis Centre raised
more than $300,000 to build four new
tennis courts surrounded by beautiful landscaping. The facility was officially opened in
September 2010.
Approval for construction of the new Visual
Arts Wing has been achieved and construction started in the fall of 2010, with the new
building scheduled to be completed by fall
The Annual Fund reached its goal for the
ninth consecutive year, raising $923,000 in
gifts and pledges for current school needs.
This included an amazing 50% participation amongst TCS parents. Annual Fund
projects included renovations to the Scott/
Burns and Ketchum House common rooms,
a seat sponsorship campaign in the Dick
and Jane LeVan Theatre, new scoreboards
for the arena and the main gymnasium, and
the establishment of a faculty professional
development fund in honour of retiring
faculty member Peter Kedwell.
The second annual Collin Cureatz
Memorial Shinny Tournament brought
100 hockey enthusiasts to campus and
raised close to $10,000 for the Cureatz
Memorial Bursary. Reunion Weekend
was also a big success, with 250 alumni
returning to TCS and raising $47,000 for
various projects on campus.
In April 2010, a wonderful Junior School
Gala was chaired by parents Joyce Arscott
and Danielle French, raising more than
$40,000 for a new science laboratory in
the Junior School which was constructed
over the summer.
The TCS Parents’ Guild donated $57,000
to numerous projects across campus,
including equipment for various classrooms,
Junior School library enhancements, house
outings, instruments for the new drum line,
the Week Without Walls community service
initiative and the guild bursary.
Fundraising Results
total gifts & pledges
annual giving totals
($ millions)
top alumni classes: participation
top alumni classes: total giving
(top class in each decade)
(top class in each decade)
Participation Rate
gift designation
Gifts & Pledges
(based on total gifts & pledges of $2. 366 million)
14% Highest Priority Needs
15% Endowed Scholarships & Bursaries
9% Other Financial Assistance
33% Facilities & Programmes
29% Visual Arts Wing
fall 2010
I tcs news I 45
Endowed Funds
Below are the top 20 endowed financial assistance funds based on market value as at June 30,
2010. The market value of the funds range from $151,846 to $1,517,771. A complete list of the
School’s endowed funds can be found online at www.tcs.on.ca in the alumni section under
support TCS.
1. R.C. Matthews Scholarship
2. TCS Fund Inc. (U.S. Foundation)
3. Hugh Labatt 1901 Bursary
4. G.E. Phipps ’22 Scholarship
5. Ewart R. Angus Scholarship
6. Donald F. Hunter Scholarship
7. Quebec National Scholarship
8. Ernest Ford Howard ’16 Memorial Bursary
9. Jackman Native National Scholarship
10. Western National Scholarship
11. G. Patrick H. Vernon ’45 Memorial Scholarship
12. Burns Atlantic National Scholarship
13. C. Stephen Deakin ’32 Bursary
14. Jean & Geoff Cirne Bursary
15. Past Parents’ Fund Bursary
16. Ontario National Scholarship
17. Son/Daughter of an Old Boy/Old Girl Bursary
18. D’Arcy Martin 1886 Bursary
19. TCS Parents’ Guild Bursary
20. John H. Bassett ’82 Memorial Scholarship
To learn more about how you can support TCS students, contact the advancement office at
905-885-1295 or advancement@tcs.on.ca, or go online at www.tcs.on.ca.
The W.A. Johnson Society recognizes those donors who have made a planned gift to
Trinity College School, such as through a bequest, life insurance, gift annuity or charitable
remainder trust/gift of residual interest. We thank them for their dedication and
commitment to TCS.
Anonymous (3)
John A. Beament ’44
Eleanor & Grant Beath
John N. Belyea ’80
Geoffrey L. Boone ’54
Donald J. Bowman ’77
Colin T. Brown ’75
Andrew H. Buntain ’91
H. Michael Burns ’56
R. Brian Cartwright ’86
Abby L. Colwell ’03
J. Douglas Cunningham ’59
Eric R.L. Davies ’82
Jennifer A. Drew ’92
Jonathan D.A. Good ’90
Joan Harrington
Anthony O. Hendrie ’52
William G. Harris ’51
Walter Howell
Francisco L. Camino Ivanissevich ’78
Ann E. McCurdy & Frank A. Lawler ’84
James A. Lawson ’50
Jeremy Main ’46
Aaron C.B. Maybin ’97
Robert M. McDerment ’52 (deceased)
A. David McGinnis ’33
Peter M. Pangman ’47
Nancy Passy
Karl E. Scott ’67
Derek A. Smith ’72
Neil D. Stephenson ’80
Stephen K. Suh ’79
W. Duncan Tingle ’63
Helen Venables
Robert W.F. Wilson-Rogers ’71
Should anyone wish for information on any of the School’s planned giving programmes,
please contact David McCart ’67, special advisor to the advancement office,
at dmccart@tcs.on.ca or 613-449-6359.
fall 2010
I tcs news I 47
The Leaving Whim
It’s Not Your Old School Tie
Speech Day has changed since the 1970s. Mercifully, there is no longer a guest speaker.
The only speech comes from the headmaster and it is upbeat and succinct. Instead of
roasting in the sun you’re in a big tent. There are a formidable array of awards and some
knee-buckling trophies. The graduating class sure looks different. And they change part of
their clothing during the ceremony.
the switch happens when the entire grad class is presented to
the Chair of the Governing Body onstage. I give them a handshake
and a diploma, but what they’ve got their eye on is farther down the
receiving line. It’s the maroon item with a black and white stripe,
neatly wrapped in cellophane and being dispensed by the president
of the TCS Alumni Association. The coveted Alumni Tie.
I think this tie represents more to the grads of today than it did
for us. They are proud to finish high school, but prouder still to be
graduates of TCS. Perhaps we didn’t appreciate the distinction. I can’t
imagine someone in my era fist pumping an alumni tie aloft stepping
off the stage to the applause of his friends and family. I suppose it is
part relief (especially from parents) and part celebration. As soon
as the new grads return to their seats you can hear the school ties
zipping off, and the alumni ties being secured for the first time.
In the modern grad photo – the last official thing our kids do as
students at TCS – the entire class sports this new accessory.
It’s what happens to those ties after the photo that is important.
If you call TCS your “old school” and by that you mean “former,” that
is fine. But if TCS becomes “old” as in “out of touch” or “irrelevant”
then your tie is destined to become a nostalgia item at the back of
your cupboard. That is why in our universe of more than 5,000 graduates there are legions of volunteers helping to promote and support
48 I fall 2010 I tcs news
an institution almost 150 years “old.” Although generations apart,
we have a shared experience and carry some piece of our character
that was shaped at the School. The values which TCS stands for
have not changed. But how to instill those values in young people
while preparing them for an uncertain world is a constant and
evolving challenge. How well we all meet that challenge will decide
whether we have earned the stripes on our alumni ties.
And it’s not a bad looking tie either! It’s not too formal or regimental. You can wear it anytime. I spot them often around Toronto,
and used to enjoy watching Peter Jennings ’57 anchoring the ABC
News in his. So my hope is the grads of today have indeed developed
habits of the heart and mind, and lead lives of purpose and service.
And while they do, I hope they don’t just wear their alumni ties –
I hope they wear them out.
Colin Brown ’75 is chair of the TCS Governing Body.
To learn more about our governors, trustees and honorary
trustees, visit the “who we are” section of www.tcs.on.ca.
Above photo: Class of 2010 graduates Taylor McCurdy and Kelly West quickly don their
new ties on Speech Day
Save the date
Friday, December 17, 2010
Not-so-young Alumni Christmas Party
( for graduates from 2001-2005)
Duke of York, Toronto (7:00-9:00 p.m.)
monday, December 20, 2010
Young Alumni Christmas Party
( for graduates from 2006-2010)
Gabby’s, Toronto (3:00-5:00 p.m.)
Friday, January 21, 2011
Winter Alumni Games (Old Boys Basketball)
Welcome to Maeve Strathy
This past summer, the TCS advancement office welcomed Maeve
Strathy as its new alumni development officer. Maeve is a recent
graduate of Laurier University in English and worked in the
Laurier advancement office the previous three summers and on a
part-time basis during the school year. She is focused on a career
in advancement and looks forward to joining the TCS advancement
team as we ramp up for a major fundraising campaign linked
to our 150th anniversary in 2015. Maeve attended high school in
Toronto but her family has a long association with TCS, including
her sister, Arundel Gibson ’94, her father, George Strathy ’67 and
her cousin, Jon Mackey ’97. Maeve looks forward to meeting many
TCS Old Boys and Old Girls in the coming months!
Friday, January 21, 2011
4 Annual TCS Squash Championships
Saturday, January 22, 2011
3 Annual Collin Cureatz Memorial Shinny
Friday, May 27, 2011
TCS Golf Tournament
May 27 to 29, 2011
Reunion Weekend
May 28 to 29, 2011
Spring Alumni Games (various sports TBA)
For up to date details or to register, visit the alumni section of
www.tcs.on.ca or contact the advancement office at 905-885-1295 or
Advancement Office
phone: 905-885-1295
fax: 905-885-3244
55 Deblaquire Street North
Port Hope, Ontario L1A 4K7
phone: 905-885-3217
fax: 905-885-9690
Our Mission
Developing habits of the heart and mind
for a life of purpose and service
Our Vision
Trinity College School will be
internationally regarded for excellence
in developing leaders of character,
purpose and vision due to the strength of
its people, programme and place.
Doug Mann
Executive Director of
Tricia Mandryk
Director of Advancement
Communications Office
phone: 905-885-3198
fax: 905-885-9690
e-mail: communications@tcs.on.ca
Ashley DiNova, Director of
Admissions Office
phone: 905-885-3209
fax: 905-885-7444
e-mail: admissions@tcs.on.ca
Kathy LaBranche, Director of Admissions
Jennifer Agnew-Pople
Manager, Parents Fund
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Annual Giving
Every gift makes a difference
As another class of young men and women graduate from Trinity
College School with an unparalleled education, we want to thank
you for your past donations to annual giving at TCS. Philanthropic
support plays a vital role in the School’s commitment and ability to
provide students with the highest quality of education experience.
Please make your gift today!
Donations can be made in one of the following ways:
1. Contact the TCS advancement office at 905-885-1295 or advancement@tcs.on.ca
2. Online at www.tcs.on.ca by clicking on Donate Now in the bottom right corner of any page
3. S
end your cheque or money order payable to “TCS Foundation” to:
Trinity College School, 55 Deblaquire Street North, Port Hope, ON L1A 4K7