Table of Contents - Trinity Christian Schools


Table of Contents - Trinity Christian Schools
“Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it. ”
Proverbs 22:6
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................ 3
School Hours .................................................................................... 3
Location/ School Phone Numbers ................................................ 3
Web Address .................................................................................... 3
Weather ............................................................................................. 3
Comments From Rob Winkler ....................................................... 4
Comments From Jill Roberts .......................................................... 4
Please Take Time... .......................................................................... 5
Non-Discriminatory Policy ............................................................ 5
Admissions Policy ........................................................................... 5
TCS Elementary (4-6) Honor Code................................................ 6
Enrollment Policy ............................................................................ 7
Statement of Faith ............................................................................ 7
Mission Statement............................................................................ 8
Core Values....................................................................................... 8
Educational Priorities of Trinity Christian School ............................. 9
Educational Objectives .................................................................... 9
Complaint Procedure .................................................................... 10
Administrative and Financial Information ....................................... 12
Policies Relating to Tuition / Fees Accounts ............................. 12
After School Care ........................................................................... 12
Miscellaneous Fees ........................................................................ 12
Textbooks ........................................................................................ 12
Miscellaneous Administrative Information ............................... 13
Financial Assistance ...................................................................... 13
Student Accident Insurance ......................................................... 13
Health and First Aid ...................................................................... 13
Medication Guidelines .................................................................. 13
Late Pick-Up Fee ............................................................................ 14
Withdrawal From School .............................................................. 14
Loading and Unloading Zones .................................................... 14
Dropping off Your Child .............................................................. 15
Pick-up ............................................................................................ 15
Red Flag Days................................................................................. 15
Traffic Rules .................................................................................... 16
Parenting ............................................................................................... 17
Parent Ministry .............................................................................. 17
All-Parent Orientation................................................................... 17
New Parent Meeting...................................................................... 17
Parent Participation ....................................................................... 17
Guidelines for Parents ................................................................... 18
Parenting Classes ........................................................................... 19
Observation .................................................................................... 19
Things to Look for During Classroom Observation ................. 19
Parent Activity Center (PAC Room) ........................................... 20
Father of the Day............................................................................ 20
Discipline and Rules ........................................................................... 21
Discipline ........................................................................................ 21
Tally System ................................................................................... 21
Classroom Guidelines for Discipline .......................................... 21
Detention (T1-6th) ........................................................................... 22
Citizenship Grade .......................................................................... 23
Lunches and Lunchroom Rules ................................................... 24
Leaving the Campus ..................................................................... 24
Visitors............................................................................................. 24
Green Pass....................................................................................... 25
Telephone/Cell Phone/Communication Devices .................... 25
General School Rules ..................................................................... 26
Dress Code ............................................................................................ 27
General Appearance ...................................................................... 28
Academic Assessment ......................................................................... 29
Grading ........................................................................................... 29
RenWeb ........................................................................................... 29
Pre-Kindergarten ........................................................................... 29
Kindergarten - 1st Grade .............................................................. 29
2nd - 6th Grade............................................................................... 29
Deficiencies ..................................................................................... 29
Learning Differences ..................................................................... 29
Attendance ...................................................................................... 31
Parent Request Day ....................................................................... 31
Make-up Work ............................................................................... 31
Medical / Dental Appointments ................................................. 31
Tardies ............................................................................................. 32
Homework ...................................................................................... 32
Late Work........................................................................................ 33
Promotion ....................................................................................... 33
Special Events ....................................................................................... 34
Class Parties .................................................................................... 34
Other Activities .............................................................................. 34
Communication to Parents ................................................................. 35
School Board Right to Change............................................................ 35
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:20-11:15 AM or
8:20 AM to 3:15 PM, Wednesday 8:20 AM – 2:45 PM
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:20 AM - 3:15 PM
Wednesday 8:20 AM – 2:45 PM
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:15 AM – 3:25 PM
Wednesday 8:15 AM – 2:55 PM
K, T1, 1st – 3rd grades
4th, 5th, and 6th grades
Students should not arrive before 7:40 AM. Children left after 11:30 AM or 3:30 PM (3:40 PM on UC)
will be taken to After School Care. A late fee is charged to parents picking up students after 11:30 AM
and 3:30 PM (3:40 PM on UC). (see page 12)
Superintendent ...........................................................................
School Business Office ...............................................................
Elementary School Principal .....................................................
Parent Activity Center ...............................................................
7008 Salem Avenue
Education 1 and Elem University Campus
Education 1
Pre-Kindergarten –6th Grades ……….791-6581
7th - 12th Grades .................... .……….791-6583
Hot Lunch................................ ……….791-6586
On occasion, school may be called off due to inclement weather (snow or ice). A parent alert call will be
sent by school officials via RenWeb. You may also listen to one of the following stations for information
regarding the closing of the school:
KFYO - 790 (AM)
KMAC -28
KJAK - 92.7 (FM)
KCBD -11
TCS will follow the LISD weather closing schedule.
In case of a 2 hour delay, school will begin at 10:15 a.m.
Welcome to the family of Trinity Christian School. It is with great excitement we look forward to this
God directed partnership. It is not a coincidence that you are a part of our school. We believe lifelong
successful learning takes place as the family, the church, and the school work together in unison.
Our mission here at TCS is to offer an excellent education with a Biblical foundation. Our motto of
“Raising the Standard” embodies our core belief that we are to grow in body, mind and spirit as we
experience an education that is rooted within a Biblical World View. TCS is a place where spiritual
character and academic excellence work in tandem. Everything we do at TCS is designed to
encourage the seeking of truth and to know what is good, with a goal of developing a disciplined
mind, and a wise, kind, and discerning heart.
The information contained in this handbook explains our philosophy, procedures, and expectations, a
roadmap designed to inform you of opportunities as well as responsibilities that we all share as a part
of TCS. We are honored with your partnership to the TCS family and look forward to working with
you in developing this generation of standard bearers.
May the Lord richly bless you,
Pastor Rob Winkler
Elementary Principal
With great joy and much anticipation, I welcome you to Trinity Christian Elementary school. I look
forward to getting to know each of you. It is truly a blessing and a privilege for me to serve you and
your family. May this be a year of growing together in faith, wisdom, and love.
What an exciting, yet somewhat perilous, time for families seeking to rear their children in today’s
world. Now, more than ever before, we must nurture and train up a generation who knows and
loves Jesus; a generation who is willing to whole-heartedly serve Him and be a beacon of light,
leading others to Him. At TCS, we believe the best way to achieve this goal is for the church, school,
and home to partner together to empower our children. Ecclesiastes 4:12 tells us, “A cord of three
strands is not easily broken.” Following God’s truth and trusting in the unrivaled strength of the
cord, our teachers and administrators stand ready to join hands with parents to “train up their
children in the way they should go”. (Proverbs 22:6).
We at TCS know the deep trust you put in us as you place your precious child in our care. We will
honor your trust. Our prayer for you and your child is that you will find your time at TCS to be one
of your greatest joys and fondest memories. May the LORD richly bless you and your family.
Serving Him,
Jill Roberts
This booklet will answer many important questions. As unresolved questions or problems arise,
please call or come in. Of course, it is always best to first discuss classroom problems directly with
the teacher involved. This will solve most problems in the best way. (Matthew 18:15)
TCS operates under the authority of Trinity Church, Inc., Lubbock, Texas, and receives substantial
support from the church. Tuition money received does not cover the expense of operating the school.
There is a need for financial support in the form of gift income from parents and friends. Gifts are tax
deductible. Contributions should be made payable to Trinity Christian School on a separate check
from tuition.
TCS is staffed by degreed Christian teachers and administrators and includes Pre-Kindergarten
through twelfth grade. The facilities are located on the Trinity Church Campus, South Loop 289 and
Canton Avenue and at 66th and University Avenue.
Trinity Christian School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights,
privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It
does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its
educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship programs, or athletic and other schooladministered programs.
1. Trinity Christian School (TCS) accepts applicants from families that are defined according to
the biblical perspective that marriage is between a male and a female.
2. TCS requires that at least one parent be a Christian. If the applicant is from a single-parent
home, that parent must be a Christian.
3. All applicants, 1st-6th grades, will be given an entrance exam. TCS requires that the applicant
score at grade level or above to be admitted. For those applicants who score below grade
level, further testing and assessment will be required in order to determine academic
4. Applicants 1st – 6th grades must have a completed Academic Reference from their previous
5. Admission is based on a combination of several factors: availability of space, application date,
testing, interview, and evaluation of prior school records.
6. Final acceptance is based upon admission committee’s approval.
7. Students who are admitted must agree to adhere to the TCS Statement of Faith and all policies
outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook and TCS Honor Code for 4th – 6th grades.
*Before testing, parent must provide most current report card and achievement test results.
Trinity Christian Elementary (4-6) School
Honor Code
The TCS Elementary Honor Code is established to reinforce the spiritual growth and
Godly character of each student at TCS.
1. I will do my best to grow in spirit and in truth. (2 Corinthians 5:9)
2. I will be diligent in my school work and responsibilities. (Colossians 3:23)
3. I will be a good steward of TCS property. (Including books, buildings and
playground.) (Psalm 24:1)
4. I will do my best to develop good social relationships with my classmates and my
teachers and take care to treat others in the way I want to be treated. I will not
participate in any form of bullying. This includes, but is not limited to, any social
media such as texting, Facebook, etc. (1 Timothy 4:12) (Matthew 7:12)
5. I understand that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and I will strive to keep it
pure and holy. (Ephesians 5:8)
6. I will abide by the rules and guidelines that the school has prayerfully established for
the guidance and well-being of the students. (Romans 3:1-2)
7. ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY – It is important for the parent and the student to know
that Trinity Christian School maintains a zero tolerance policy for any type of drug,
illegal substance or weapons. Students involved with the possession of, the sale of or
that are under the influence of any type of drug or illegal substance or in possession of
any weapon, will be subject to expulsion from Trinity Christian School.
We have read the above and understand that Trinity Christian School is a private educational
institution, and we accept that attendance at TCS is a privilege and not a right. We
understand that the purpose of the above honor code is for guidance and development as a
TCS student.
Student Signature _________________________________________________ Date____________
Parent Signature___________________________________________________ Date____________
Trinity Christian School’s biblical role is to work in conjunction with the home to mold students to be
Christ-like. On occasion, the atmosphere or conduct within a particular home may be counter or in
opposition to the biblical lifestyle the school teaches. This includes sexual immorality and/or
following religious beliefs that are in conflict with the TCS Statement of Faith, or inability to support
the moral principles of the school (TCS). In such cases, TCS reserves the right, within its sole
discretion, to refuse admission of an applicant or to discontinue enrollment of a student.
We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative, inerrant Word of God
(2 Timothy 3:15; 2 Peter 1:21)
We believe there is only one God, eternally existent in three persons - Father, Son and Holy
Spirit (Genesis 1:1; Matthew 28:19; John 10:30)
We believe in the deity of Christ (John 10:33); His virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23; Luke
1:35); His sinless life (Hebrews 4:15; 7:26); His miracles (John 2:11); His vicarious and atoning
death (1 Corinthians 15:3; Ephesians 1:7; Hebrews 2:9); His resurrection (John 11:25; 1
Corinthians 15:4); His ascension to the right hand of the Father (Mark 16:19); His personal
return in power and glory (Acts 1:11; Revelation 19:11).
We believe in the absolute necessity of regeneration by the Holy Spirit for salvation because of
the exceeding sinfulness of human nature; and that men are justified on the single ground of
faith in the shed blood of Christ and that only by God’s grace and through faith alone we are
saved (John 3:16-19; 5:24; Romans 3:23; 5:8-9; Ephesians 2:8-10; Titus 3:5).
We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the
resurrection of life, and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation (John 5:28-29).
We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 8:9; 1
Corinthians 12:12-13; Galatians 3:26-28).
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is
enabled to live a godly life (Romans 8:13-14; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19-20; Ephesians 4:30; 5:18).
Biblical Foundation. Excellent Education.
1. Christ-centered
(I John 2:6, I Peter 3:15)
A superior Christian education presents the plan of salvation to all. It is Bible-based, Christ-centered,
and bathed in prayer. Modeling and teaching godly leadership challenges students to use their Godgiven abilities to impact their homes, churches, and communities. The lives of our staff, the
personality of our campuses and the criteria which measure our entire program, exemplifies the
character and integrity of Christ.
2. Legacy
(Psalm 78:1-7, Deuteronomy 6:1-3, I Corinthians 3:2-3)
In order to preserve the Biblical heritage upon which our school was founded, we encourage our
students and families to pursue Biblical truth and values that will be passed to future generations.
While watching the godly examples of Christian educators, through the immersion in Christ-centered
curriculum, and with involvement in missions outreach, students are forming the basis for their own
personal legacy for the future.
3. Education and Learning
(Colossians 3:23, Proverbs 22:6)
We strive to honor God through quality education based on a Biblical Worldview. Excellent
instruction leads students to recognize their unique giftedness, and students are encouraged to
develop their God-given talents. We pursue a 100% graduation rate of students who remain life-long
learners. This education prepares students to effectively impact the world for Christ.
4. Partnerships
(Proverbs 22:6, Deuteronomy 6:4-7)
According to Deuteronomy 6:4-7, God specifically holds parents responsible for the education of their
children. The Christian family is God’s equipping ground for preparing future generations to know
and serve Jesus Christ. The Trinity Christian School education involves, encourages, and strengthens
students and parents as we partner to meet educational and spiritual goals.
5. Servanthood
(Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8)
Servanthood at Trinity Christian School begins with the school board and filters throughout the entire
school organization. The TCS staff strives to demonstrate servant leadership by exhibiting the
compassion of Christ. Interpersonal relationships among students model Christ’s love. (1
Corinthians 13)
Educational Priorities of Trinity Christian School
Trinity Christian School believes in:
Spiritual Salvation, Growth & Development
Students’ only hope of salvation is through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ at Calvary. (Romans 3:23,
6:23, 5:8 and Ephesians 2:8-9) A sequential and intense study of the character of God leads the
student to an understanding and application of his purpose and responsibilities in life which are
his as a Bible-centered Christian. (Ephesians 4:12)
Shared Home / School Responsibility
The parents have the primary responsibility for their child’s education. Therefore, a close
home/school relationship is vital. Open channels of communication and involvement are
extremely important for the total well-being of the student.
Christ-Centered Academic Development
Proverbs 2:1-7 is our basis for instruction. We are to stress in the order God has designed:
1) wisdom, 2) understanding, 3) discernment, and 4) knowledge. Attention to the fundamental
subjects are presented through a Christ-centered academic curriculum, thus equipping the student
for his life’s ministry. TCS encourages academic achievement in keeping with the God-given
abilities of each child.
Social Development
Social development is a highly significant aspect of education. Relationships are the foundation of
effective Christian modeling and are exemplified by Christian teachers and parents. Christcentered values are taught as the reference point for personal decision-making and applied
through daily interpersonal relationships.
Physical Development
Proper body care and development is emphasized in I Corinthians 3:16. Each student is led to an
appreciation of the value of his body and its care, a “temple holy unto God,” and its dedication to
the praise and service of God.
The love of country from a Christian perspective is taught and encouraged through music,
academic subjects, assemblies, and overall respect for the nation, its leaders, and our flag.
If you Have a Complaint…
Express it promptly
Keeping it to yourself can cause ill feelings and friction which decreases our effectiveness as
Christians. Jesus says that we cannot properly worship or serve God if there is a disagreement
between ourselves and someone else (Matthew 5:23-24). So get it out of your system. Express it
Tell it to the right person
Complaints about school policy or operations should be expressed directly to the school principal.
Complaints against specific individuals should be expressed first to the individual in question and
should be expressed to the principal only if you cannot work it out between yourselves or if you
feel they should know about it.
Express it clearly
Make sure the person you are expressing your complaint to knows all the details of the situation,
exactly what you are complaining about, and why. Misunderstanding of complaints can lead to
further problems and needless hard feelings.
Don’t broadcast it
Express your complaint only to the person who should hear it. Unnecessary worry, harm, and
hard feelings result when problems and dissatisfactions are expressed to persons other than those
directly involved with the problem, and an impression of disharmony is presented.
Pray about it
Ask God to help you make your complaint in such a way that it will result in the betterment of
our school. Read & think about such passages as Ephesians 4:1-3 and Colossians 3:12-13. Pray
about it!
If You Overhear or are Told a Complaint...
Express it promptly to the person who should hear it, and only him.
“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be
completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to
keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:1-3
“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion,
kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of
you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” Colossians 3:12-13
If a Complaint is Made To or About You...
Understand the problem
Make sure you know exactly what the complaint is and why it is being made. Ask the person
making the complaint, if necessary.
Give it prompt attention
Talk to the person who is complaining about you, or, if necessary, the principal, as soon as
possible. Try to agree on an effective solution to the problem as soon as possible. This will show
your concern and desire to cooperate and will stop the problem from getting bigger or worse.
Give it prompt attention.
Make it into a growth experience
Instead of taking offense at the complaint, realize that someone has pointed out something that
can help you to grow as a Christian. Solomon says many times that the wise man is one who can
accept and learn from counsel, reproof, and/or instruction. Learn from your mistake or from
what has displeased the complainer. Make it a growth experience.
Pray about it
Ask God’s wisdom in solving the problem and His help in putting the solution into effect. Pray
that all may work out for the good of the school and for the good of His kingdom. Pray for the
person who complained about you, and ask God to help you love them more. Above all, pray
about reconciliation.
Parents should go directly to the teacher if a problem arises with their child.
If the matter remains unresolved, it should then be taken to the principal. Upon request, unresolved
matters may then be appealed to the superintendent who has final review within the school. It is
very important that the chain of authority be followed in such cases. This is the clear biblical standard
of Matthew 18:15-17.
Administrative and Financial Information
1. Your total annual tuition is paid out over a ten month payment plan (August - May). The first
payment is due August 1st.
2. Tuition accounts are due on the first of each month, delinquent after the tenth. A forty dollar
late fee is charged to all accounts not paid by the tenth of each month.
3. Tuition accounts must be kept current. Students whose accounts remain delinquent may be
suspended from the classroom as of the first school day of the following month.
4. Tuition payments may be mailed to or dropped off at the Business Office at 7008 Salem Avenue,
or in any school office. Please do not give tuition payments to your child’s teacher. Please do
not put tuition payments or gifts to the school in the Trinity Church offerings. If you pay with
cash, please bring the correct amount. Change is not always available.
5. Online payments may be made through .
6. Do not include miscellaneous costs such as yearbook, school pictures, school trips, etc. with your
tuition payment. Separate checks are required.
7. More than two insufficient checks returned from your bank may result in your account being put
on a “cash only” basis.
8. Language Retraining fees are added to the base tuition at the time of placement, in addition to
your monthly tuition amount.
If you have any questions regarding your tuition costs and/or payment schedule, please call the
School Finance/Business Office at 792-3363, ext. 3297.
Trinity After School Care (ASC)
After school care will be provided, on a limited basis through Trinity Christian School After School
Care for an extra charge from 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. on Monday - Friday for those children who are
enrolled in TCS. For more information concerning Trinity After School Care, please call the
Elementary Office, 791-6581 or contact Rebekah Crane at
Miscellaneous Fees
Expenses for field trips, yearbook, school supplies, and school uniforms are not included in the
Registration Fee.
The cost of replacing lost or severely damaged textbooks will be paid by the student.
Financial Assistance
Limited assistance is available for families who have sacrificed to make Christian education a priority
in their budget, but who still are unable to meet their total tuition expense. Financial assistance forms
are available in the School Business Office, 7008 Salem Avenue, Lubbock. A family must be attending
TCS for a minimum of two years before making an application.
Student Accident Insurance
TCS provides Student Accident Insurance through ACSI. Benefits are supplemental to family medical
coverage. Call the Business Office regarding coverage and/or claim procedures. School insurance
will be filed only after family coverage has been filed.
Health and First Aid
Texas Law requires all students attending private or public schools, and childcare facilities to have
immunization against vaccine preventable diseases. It is TCS policy that students not meeting
minimum vaccine requirements be excluded from school unless Exceptions for Compliance is filed in
the nurse’s office. If the Exemption from Immunizations Affidavit is filed in the nurse’s office it must
be the original copy. Currently enrolled students who have been notified of a delinquent
immunization must have proof of receiving that immunization within 30 days of notice or that
student will be excluded from school until the immunization is received. New students to TCS must
provide proof of receiving the required vaccines before being allowed to enroll in school. A copy of
the Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements for Students may be obtained through the nurse’s
office or on
Students who are ill must be kept home from school. Students should not attend school if they have
had a temperature within the past 24 hours. (No fever medication and fever free for 24 hours.) If a
student has had emesis in the past 24 hours they should remain at home for 24 hours following the
last emesis. Students who arrive at school with an illness will be sent home. Parents will be asked to
pick up a student who becomes ill at school.
Visual and auditory tests are given to all new students. Current students are given the test on
alternating years. Spinal checks are given during the 5th and 9th grade year.
TCS reserves the right to send any student home who, in our opinion, would hinder or affect the
health of an individual or class group.
For more details on the TCS Medication policy or if you have any questions concerning this policy,
contact the school nurse.
Medication Guidelines
All medications must be kept by the school nurse unless other arrangements have been made by
the parent or guardian.
All medications must be brought to school in the original container. Prescription medication must
be properly labeled by a registered pharmacist. If a child requires an inhaler, the parent will
need to provide one to be kept in the child’s classroom or nurse’s office, depending on
arrangements set up between the nurse and the parent). The inhaler must be labeled with the
prescription authorized by the physician. The inhaler will accompany the student to PE to be
used in case of emergency during activities then returned to the teacher or nurse’s office.
A Medication Request Form, signed by the parents or legal guardian, is required before
medication can be given to a student. This will include all students using or carrying an inhaler.
If your child’s medical physician has requested an herbal substance or dietary supplement be
given at school, the medical physician must contact the school nurse to make appropriate
The school will provide simple first aid and administer the prescription drugs authorized by a
physician and non-prescription drugs authorized and provided by the parent. Students may not
take a medication without permission (Medication Request Form) from the parent or guardian.
Students are not allowed to carry medication on the school campus. If it is necessary for students
to take medication during school hours, parent must bring the medication to the nurse’s office to
make arrangements for administration.
All Diabetic Students must have an annual Individualized TCS Health Plan for Diabetic Care
completed and signed by parents or legal guardian. The Health Plan must be accompanied by a
Diabetes Management and Treatment Plan (DMPT) signed by the student’s physician.
Late Pick-Up Fee
Please pick up your child at 11:15 a.m. (AM Pre-Kindergarten), 3:15 p.m. (Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd), 3:25
p.m. (4th – 6th grades). On Wednesday afternoons, please pick up your child at 2:45 p.m. (PreKindergarten – 3rd) and 2:55 p.m. (4th – 6th grades). A late fee of $5 is charged if a child is not picked
up within fifteen minutes after dismissal time. After that, the charge is $5 per child per fifteen
minutes. This fee also applies to detention pick up. Detention students are released at 3:45 p.m.
(Canton Campus) and 3:55 p.m. (University Campus). Please exercise promptness. If your child is
picked up by someone other than the parent, the parent is ultimately responsible for the late fee.
Withdrawal From School
Should you decide to withdraw a student during the school year, please notify the Elementary school
Office. A verbal notice to your child’s teacher is not acceptable. A parent/guardian is required to
officially withdraw a student by signing a Parent Authorization to Withdraw form.
Families using the ten-month payment option may have a “Balance Due” or a refund (depending on
account status) at the time of withdrawal.
Loading and Unloading Zones
It is very important that great care and courtesy be exercised while dropping off and picking up
students at the school. Outlined below is the required traffic pattern that needs to be followed, as
well as some rules that will make our parking lot safer as we work together for the protection of our
children and ourselves.
Dropping Off Your Child
Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd Grade (Canton Campus)
Your child should not be dropped off before 7:40 a.m. Students PS-1st should go to Education 2,
Room 1. Students 2nd through 3rd should go to the lower floor.
Please drop off your child on the west end of campus. Enter the parking lot at the second entrance
past the playground area. You may park on the west parking lot and walk your child to class, or you
may drop your child at the steps leading to Education 2. During drop off, traffic may only flow South
to North.
4th – 6th Grade (University Campus)
Your child should not be dropped off before 7:40 a.m. Students arriving before 8:10 a.m.
should be dropped off at The Edge. DO NOT PARK IN THE FIRE LANE FOR ANY
REASON. Elementary students are not permitted in the Practice Gym at any time,
including before or after school.
Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd Grade
So that the teachers can account for all of their students, each child will stay with their homeroom
teacher after school. Please explain this procedure to anyone who picks up your child.
1. AM Pre-Kindergarten will be picked up at the West end of Ed.2. Teachers will bring classes
outside. Children in After School Care will be taken to their classes.
2. Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd Grades will be picked up on the west end of campus.
3. The children will stand in grade levels in the middle section of the parking lot.
 If your last name begins with A-L you will enter from the access road and drive down the
south side of the middle lane.
 If your last name begins with M-Z you will enter from the north and drive down the north
side of the middle section.
4. Red Flag Days – On days of inclement weather, a red flag will be posted in the parking lot.
Parents will need to park and go to each child’s classroom to get their children.
5. During school hours, there will be NO parking in the middle section (between the light poles), of
the west parking lot.
4th – 6th Grade
So that teachers may account for all of their students, each child will stay with their grade level
teacher on the parking lot, after school. Please explain this procedure to anyone who picks up your
1. 4th Grade students will be lined up across the front of the building.
2. 5th Grade students will be lined up on the sidewalk on the north side of the parking lot.
3. 6th Grade students will be lined up on the far west sidewalk of the parking lot.
4. Red Flag Days – On days of inclement weather, a red flag will be posted in the parking lot.
Students will be kept inside the building until you arrive. Please drive through the pick up line
and display your student’s last name on a piece of paper which is able to be seen by the teachers
who will then send your child to your vehicle.
6. Elementary students are not permitted in the Practice Gym at any time, including
before or after school.
1. You may park in designated parking and go with/for your child, or you may drive through
for drop-off or pick-up.
2. Do not allow younger children to cross the parking lot unless in custody of an adult.
3. Please use the crosswalks when proceeding between the parking lot and the school.
4. Do not park in the designated no-parking and cross-walk areas. Do not drive through the
orange cones.
5. Do not leave your car to enter the school when you are in the flow of traffic; park in
designated spaces if you have business in the school.
6. The parking lot speed limit is very slow (5mph).
7. Practice the rules of caution and courtesy even when you are in a great hurry. The safety of
our children is our number one priority.
8. Cell phones and electronic devices are prohibited in the school parking lot.
TCS was founded on the premise that parents are the child’s primary teachers and should be involved
in the child’s ongoing formal education. Never before has there been a greater need for bridging the
communication gap between the school and the home. TCS encourages parental involvement in our
school through many avenues.
All Parent Orientation
Parents whose children are enrolled in TCS are required to attend the Parent Orientation each year. It
is held in the Trinity Church Sanctuary. This meeting will include information about the handbook,
master calendar, parenting, introduction to staff, and other pertinent information for a successful
school year. Two updates are held by each teacher following the introductory meeting in the
New Parent Meeting
Both parents whose children are making application to TCS are required to attend a meeting with the
The following areas will be addressed:
Philosophy of TCS
Required parent participation
Complaint procedure
Parents are then asked to sign the following form which indicates they agree and will fulfill the
requirements for parents whose children are enrolled in TCS.
Parent involvement is an essential part of the student’s education at Trinity Christian School.
Each parent is required to do the following:
1. Observe your child in the classroom for one hour each semester.
2. Attend the August orientation meeting.
3. Attend one parenting class per semester. (Total – 2 parenting classes per year)
Parents will sign in at the parenting class and/or classes they attend and they will sign an observation
sheet in the school office. This will be the school’s record of your fulfillment of parenting
Failure to complete the parenting requirements for the school year will result in not being allowed to
register for the following year. Should a difficulty arise, a conference will need to be made with the
parenting director.
Trinity Christian School was founded on the premise that parents are their child’s primary teacher
and should be involved in their ongoing formal education. Under guidelines, parents are required to
participate in the following areas:
I have read the Statement of Faith of TCS and agree that my child will be taught
according to these scriptural guidelines.
I agree to come for a conference and administer discipline if I am called (according to
discipline guidelines.)
I agree to observe my child one hour per semester in the classroom. (If there is more
than one child, each parent must observe a total of one hour - not one hour per child.)
I agree to attend all required parenting.
New Parent Meeting
All Parent Orientation (August)
Parenting Classes (minimum: 1 per semester)
I agree with the philosophy of TCS that parents are the primary teachers of their
children. The school and home join hands to “train a child in the way he should go.”
Proverbs 22:6.
I understand the policy of coordinated dress for TCS and agree to adhere to this policy.
I understand the complaint procedure of TCS and I agree to follow the principles of
Matthew 18.
I understand if I do not meet the above Parenting requirements my child may not
remain enrolled at TCS.
_________ 9. Media:
______ YES, TCS may use pictures of my child in any manner or publications
supporting TCS.
______ NO, TCS may NOT use pictures of my child.
I have attended the TCS New Parent Meeting. I have heard the explanation of the above mentioned
areas. I agree with the statement of faith, philosophy, guidelines, and parenting requirements of TCS.
Trinity Christian School Board reserves the right to dismiss a family whom they consider to be
philosophically in conflict with the school.
Child’s Name/Grade
Signature of Parents
(To be signed by both parents, returned to the Elementary school office and put in child’s folder.)
Parenting Classes:
“Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
Parenting classes are an educational opportunity for parents to explore a variety of issues facing
today’s family. Designated classroom updates begin at 6:30 p.m. Classes meet from 7:15 - 8:00 p.m.
in the evenings. Morning Classes will be offered each month, on Thursday or Friday mornings at 8:30
a.m., excluding December, and May.
Observing one’s child in a classroom setting can provide the parent with helpful insight into their
child’s “world.” Each parent is required to observe in their child’s classroom for one hour per
semester (fall and spring) to fulfill the mandatory parenting requirement. Below are some helpful
things to remember when observing your child:
Please sign in on the classroom observation sheet the day and the hour you observe. (Remember
that you may visit any time, but you should try to avoid testing times, the first and last three
weeks of school, the day before a holiday, and special event days.)
Observing a party does not count as classroom observation.
There is a maximum of two adults allowed in the classroom per hour.
Younger children are not allowed in the classroom.
There should be little or no conversation with other observers or the children.
Please take a seat in the back of the room.
Please do not sit next to your child’s desk.
An appointment should be made if you wish to discuss your child’s progress. Please refrain
from conversing with the teacher about your child during observation. It is very important
that the teacher’s undivided attention be on the students.
Please turn cell phones to vibrate & leave the classroom to talk.
Please remember to pray for your child and your child’s teacher.
Things to Look for During Classroom Observation
 What is your child’s response to the teacher?
• What is your child’s response to other children in the classroom?
(At times, try to observe PE or Music when children are free to interact with students.)
• Does your child prefer group activities or do they prefer being alone?
• Do you see areas of weakness in your child’s academics?
• Do you see certain areas of their life where you need to help them develop godly character
• Is your child attentive?
• Do they ask questions when they do not understand?
• Does your child seem sleepy, tired, or fidgety?
• Does your child seem prepared for the day’s work?
• Is your child easily distracted?
Please realize that the earlier in the year that you observe, the more beneficial it will be for your child.
You may find areas where you may help your child as you become familiar with their world.
• My child needs more rest.
• My child needs more drill in math.
• My child needs to be more organized.
• My child needs to be more attentive.
My child needs to build more relationships with peers.
My child needs to learn to ask questions when they don’t understand.
My child needs to have a better concept of time segments.
My child needs to have more practice in sports activities.
My child is doing great!
If, after observing, you have questions concerning any area of the classroom, please feel free to
contact your child’s teacher.
Observation begins the 3rd week of school. It is recommended that you do not wait to observe until
the final week of the semester. You may not observe your child during Stanford Achievement Test
(SAT) assessment.
Parent Activity Center (PAC)
The Parent Activity Center is a place where parents may assist in areas of volunteer service for the
school. Moms and dads are invited to drop by the PAC at any time. It is a great place to get
acquainted with staff as well as other parents. Our Parent Coordinator will be there to greet you.
PAC extension is #1211.
Parent volunteer services are designated to:
 Promote Christian stewardship in the area of service.
 Set a godly example for the children in the area of service.
 Facilitate a greater understanding of the child’s growth and development in God’s kingdom
concerning teacher/peer relationships.
 Assist the teacher in the educational process.
Parent volunteers serve as room mothers, assistants to teachers, special project aides, story readers,
and resource volunteers. If you have any questions, please call the PAC.
Father of the Day
We realize that it is difficult for some fathers to spend a lengthy time in the classroom. We do,
however, want to emphasize the importance of the father’s role in the family and in the child’s
education. One of the ways we do this is to have a “Father of the Day.”
The father will be asked to come and share with the students in the classroom about his job, family, or
hobby. This is very important to the child. It makes them feel that their dad really cares if he takes a
few minutes of his day to share with his child’s friends.
If there is not a father in the home, the mother, an uncle, or grandfather may share with the child’s
class. Please let your child’s teacher know early in the year when your schedule allows for you to
share with the class.
Discipline and Rules
Good discipline means that the classroom is relatively free from confusion, disorder and anti-social
behavior. It means that each child, and the group as a whole, operate freely within a structured
framework which they understand, accept, and incorporate into their behavior without constant
reminder or punishment. Discipline is more than outward pressure. It involves inner understanding
and acceptance. The goal of discipline is to develop godly self-discipline.
Tally System
When a student breaks a classroom rule, they are issued a warning slip called a “tally.” A student,
T1-sixth grade, who receives three tallies in one week must serve a detention on a designated day for
30 minutes after school. If a student (All Day Kindergarten-6th grade) receives six tallies in one week,
or if a student in Pre-Kindergarten or ½ day kindergarten receives 5 tallies in a week, a conference is
called with the father (or mother if it is a single-parent home), the classroom teacher, the principal or
vice principal, and the student. At this time, a course of action is decided, and the parent determines
the type of discipline they wish to administer.
Tallies are given to students for misbehavior, for failure to observe school rules, and for irresponsible
conduct. The purpose of this discipline is to retrain, instruct, and correct. The goal of the tally system
is to encourage students to live enjoyably within the framework of normal school rules. If the system
is working properly, students are able to correct misbehavior at the earliest time in order to avoid
more serious consequences.
The following are classroom guidelines for discipline:
Put God First (At the discretion of the teacher, three to six tallies may be given.)
“Thou shalt love the Lord, thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” (Matthew 22:37)
Lack of reverence at appropriate times
Fist fight
Cut down
Outright disobedience
Respect for Others (one tally offense)
“Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Matthew 22:39)
Not letting someone in the door
Cutting in line
Talking during quiet time
Bothering another child
Excessive loud noises
Throwing items
Abusing another’s property
Ready Obedience (one tally offense)
“If you be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.” (Isaiah 1:19)
Not being in listening and learning position
Not following teacher’s instruction
Diligence to Duty (one tally offense)
“In whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God, the Father.”
(Colossians 3:17)
Irresponsibility to task.
Automatic Detention – ISS or OSS
 Profanity
 Cheating
 Fighting
 Possession of pornography
 Consistent failure to follow rules
Any teacher or staff member of Trinity Christian School may give direction to a student. The student
is expected to comply.
Simplified Rules for Pre-Kindergarten
• Instant obedience.
• The teacher is the leader.
• We will not hurt others with our words or bodies.
(Pre-Kindergarten – Kindergarten) When a child accumulates 3 tallies in a week the tallies will be
sent home to the parent.
(T1 – 6th) Three tallies accumulated in one week will result in a detention. Detention is held on
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday following the third tally. After the thirty minute detention, a parent
must pick up the child from the detention classroom. T1 through 3rd grade detention will be held in
Ed 2, Room 10. 4th through 6th grade detention will be held in the Music Room. Late fees apply if
student is not picked up on time.
A detention is given for consistent tardiness to class. (Three unexcused tardies per six weeks equal
one detention and each subsequent unexcused tardy during that six weeks will result in a detention.)
If a child has three dress code violations in a six week period, they will serve a detention and a
detention for each additional violation during that six week period.
Since the detention and behavioral standards for Trinity Christian School students are clearly stated,
the accumulation of detentions may be viewed as a sign that the student is “unwilling” to submit to
those standards. The school truly desires to assist Christian parents to teach their young people how
to view conformity, accountability, and submission and respect for authority from a positive biblical
We discipline students because we love them in Christ. Each time a student receives a detention, he
must secure a parent’s signature on that detention slip before it can be served. Failure to report to the
assigned detention will result in the reassignment of the original detention and the assignment of an
additional detention. We hope this process will increase the awareness in all homes regarding
frequency and cause for the detention(s).
If a child gets as many as three detentions in a semester, the teacher will have a conference
with the parents. An Excessive Detention Form will be filled out, listing the major reasons for
tallies, additional comments, and the required signature from the parents and teacher.
If a child gets as many as six detentions in a semester, a letter stating that the child is on
probation will be sent to the parents.
Following the seventh detention in a semester, the principal may recommend behavioral
probation or behavioral suspension for the child without opportunity to make up work.
In School Suspension (ISS); Students may not participate in extra-curricular activities. ISS
counts as 6 tallies.
Out of School Suspension (OSS); Students may not participate in extra-curricular activities.
OSS counts as 6 tallies.
Grades T1-6
Six Week Grading Period
5 or more
Each six-tally offense will count as two detentions.
Citizenship grades will be determined by all detentions, including tardies and dress code
TCS provides a lunch program using local vendors who provide a variety of weekly options.
Information sheets will be sent home. Students may also bring a sack lunch. Microwaves are
provided to heat lunch items. Students may not bring items needing mixing or more than one
heating process. The students have only thirty minutes for lunch. A lengthy microwave process
prohibits some students from using the microwaves due to the number of students and time needed.
If you wish to visit your child during lunch, you must first check in with the office and obtain a name
Lunchroom Rules for Students:
Students will enter cafeteria in orderly manner and be seated at designated tables for their
Students will be given permission to use microwaves by teacher on duty.
Students may talk quietly during lunch time, talking only to the students sitting around them.
Students may not talk during clean up time.
Students should not bring food to microwave that requires more than two minutes.
Students should not bring food to microwave that requires steps, such as stirring or removing
portions of the meal. No TV Dinners.
Students should not bring food with metal “pop top” lids.
Students may not bring food that requires boiling water, such as ramen noodles, mac-n-cheese,
No students should be out of their seat without teacher permission.
Parents may take their children off campus to lunch during the regular lunch period. Please
send a note to your child’s teacher that morning informing of such plans. No last minute
invitations for classmates will be permitted. Students not returning on time will be
considered tardy. Students must be checked out through the office.
Students are not permitted to leave the campus during school hours except by parental arrangement
and office approval. If students are to leave the campus after school with anyone other than a parent,
the person must know the family code word and give identification to the child’s teacher. This is for
your child’s protection. Parents are required to check out students at the administrative offices. This
is so that the school has knowledge of the whereabouts of students at all times.
Canton Campus
TCS Elementary Canton campus is closed with locked gates. Parents, students and visitors must
enter through the Education 2 office located at the Southwest corner. Students may be dropped off at
Education 2 each morning. All visitors on campus must sign in at the Education 2 office and wear a
name badge.
University Campus
TCS Elementary University campus is closed with locked doors. Parents, students and visitors must
enter through the South entrance doors. All visitors on campus must sign in at the office and wear a
name badge.
All visitors must check in at the school office. No one will be allowed in the classrooms or lunchroom
without a visitor badge.
Parents must obtain a “Green Pass” from the office in order to take the child off campus. The pass
allows the teacher to dismiss the child. If the child returns to school that day, the pass should be
returned to the homeroom teacher.
Student use of office telephones is limited to important or emergency calls only. Students are
required to have a telephone pass from a teacher before using an office phone.
Cell phones, headphones, blackberries, MP3 players, iPods, iPads, electronic readers, or any
communication devices are not to be visible or used during school hours. If a student is found with
these items, the student will receive 3 tallies, the device will be confiscated and a parent must
retrieve the device from the office after school and pay a $15 fee. If the electronic device is taken
from a student, the school reserves the right to view contents.
The only exception is for pre-approved use in classroom for academic purposes only.
Please read and discuss the following rules with your child.
Restrooms are to be quiet and orderly. Please discuss cleanliness and orderly conduct in the
Students are not allowed in the church buildings without permission. Please impress upon
your child that others are working in the church building and should not be disturbed.
When a ball rolls onto the public access road, a teacher is to be notified to secure ball.
Discuss with your child the fact that teachers other than their own will be on playground
duty. They should respect and obey them.
If your child is to ride their bike home or is allowed to walk home or to the JH/HS campus,
you must fill out a release form which may be obtained in the offices. This permission slip
will be made a part of their file.
Parking areas are off-limits to children. Students are to wait with the teacher, away from the
street parking lot.
When it is raining, snowing, blowing or exceptionally cold in the mornings, Pre-Kindergarten
through 3rd grade students are to go directly to their designated rooms in Ed. 2 where teachers
will supervise. 4th – 6th grade students go to the Edge.
Students are not permitted to chew gum during school hours.
Firearms, knives, chains and any item considered a weapon are not permitted on the school
grounds, campus or school-related activity. A violation is grounds for expulsion. Items will
be confiscated.
The TCS administration may conduct locker searches, book bag searches, and personal item
searches if reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing exists.
Pets are not allowed on the TCS campus.
Parents may not sit with their child during Chapel. There will be designated seating for
The office will not send out personal invitations by email or through RenWeb.
The office cannot give out personal phone numbers over the phone. Please do not call and
Students may not attempt to raise funds for non-TCS causes at school or school events.
Overall, our dress code is predicated on safety, neatness, modesty, and comfort. As you can
understand, TCS reserves the right to make the final decision in questionable areas of dress code.
Parents will be called at the discretion of the teacher or office staff when students do not follow the
dress code. We are grateful that the vast majority of our students and parents follow the dress code
without a problem. Thank you for standing with us. All Elementary School students (Prekindergarten - sixth grade) are required to wear designated coordinated dress on a daily basis.
(Acceptable online merchants are, and [uniform
sections only]). If a child receives 3 dress code violations in a six-week period, they will serve
detention. Each subsequent violation during that six weeks will result in a detention. See LeAnne
Lair for clarification.
Chapel Attire – Kindergarten – 6th Only
On chapel day, students K-6 are required to wear their chapel attire. Chapel attire begins on the 1st
Wednesday in October through the 2nd Wednesday in April. During extremely cold weather, below
42 for the high, girls may wear navy pants instead of skirts.
GIRLS: Required navy skirt, white shirt, modesty shorts, and required red sweater. Only solid Red,
White or Blue tights may be worn with chapel attire. During extremely cold weather, below 42 for
the high, girls may wear navy pants instead of skirts.
BOYS: Navy pants, white shirt, required red sweater, and belt
Daily Attire
1. Navy, plaid, or khaki shorts, skorts, skirts
& jumpers (should be no more than 3”
above the knee)
2. Navy or khaki pants and capris
3. Navy, red, khaki or white polo shirts &
4. Red sweaters -purchased through Designs
in Thread only (K-6 only)
5. TCS T-shirts and sweatshirts
6. Modesty shorts
7. Solid Red, White or Navy tights or leggings
8. Red, white, blue, black or brown belts with
a small buckle must be worn with any
pants, shorts, skorts or capris with belt
loops. (K-6 only)
9. Red, white or blue broadcloth blouse.
Ordered through Designs in Thread only.
1. Navy or khaki shorts
2. Navy or khaki pants
3. White oxford shirts
4. Navy, red, khaki or white polo shirts &
5. Red sweaters- purchased through Designs
in Threads only (K-6 only)
6. TCS T-shirts and sweatshirts
7. Black, blue or brown belts with small
buckles, must be worn with any shorts or
pants with belt loops. (K-6 only)
Please note:
 Red Sweaters, Girls Broadcloth Blouse, Girls Navy Skirt and Capri Pants must be purchased
through Designs In Thread.
 No cargo pants
 Pants, shorts, skirts, skorts and capri for girls and boys should have no design stitching, flap
pockets or large labels
 Polo shirts, turtlenecks or oxford shirts should be plain, bearing no logos, unless purchased
through Designs In Thread and bearing TCS approved logo.
 TCS t-shirts and sweatshirts may be purchased through the TCS Spirit Shop.
 Pre-Kindergarten uniforms do not include belts, tuck-ins or red sweaters.
Uniform selections may be purchased at the following locations. (Each location has a specified
school uniform department:
1. Designs In Thread is located at 5044 Frankford Ave, #200. The phone number is 806-794-3875.
Items may also be purchased online at .
2. Pants, shorts and shirts may also be purchased from the uniform section of the following:
Dillard’s, JC Penney, Target, Old Navy, Gap and Sears, and at
3. Trinity Outreach Center (formerly Heartline Storehouse Clothing Ministry) is a ministry of
Trinity Church. They have many good used uniforms at no cost. They are located at 3027 34th
Street. Storehouse hours are Monday & Tuesday 9:00-3:00 or Thursday 10:00-noon.
Hairstyles for boys should be trimmed above the collar and no lower than the bottom of the ear lobe
and cannot fall below the eyebrows. No designs, words or letters can be clippered into the hair.
Natural hair color may be lightened or darkened, but no unnatural hair colors will be acceptable.
Hats and caps should not be worn inside the buildings. Tattoos (including temporary tattoos) and
body piercing are not permissible. Girls may wear pierced earrings. Earrings are not permissible for
6th graders may wear light foundation to cover blemishes if needed. Eye makeup is not allowed. No
eye shadow, mascara, blush or colored lipstick may be worn.
For safety during PE activities, all students must wear lace-up shoes on their scheduled days of P.E.
Flip Flops are not acceptable at any time.
Jeans Day
Plain jeans, long denim shorts or denim capris may be worn on designated days with a TCS shirt or
tee shirt. No holes, sparkles or fancy stitching is allowed. Low rise, skinny or tight jeans, denim skirts
or denim skorts are not acceptable.
Parents, please label all personal belongings for your children.
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Academic Assessment
Student achievement in academics and character growth is reported each six weeks through report
cards. In addition, two parent conferences are scheduled annually. Parents may inquire at any time
about the academic progress of their child.
Parents may visit to gain access to their student’s grades, homework, report cards,
progress reports and all school information. Daily grades are updated weekly. Please contact the
Elementary school offices for information regarding access to the RenWeb website.
Pre-Kindergarten parents receive 3 written evaluations in October, March, and the end of the year.
Progress reports are sent home at the end of school.
Kindergarten - First Grade
Kindergarten and first grade students are given detailed task and character report cards.
Second - Sixth Grade
Grades two - six are given percentage grades according to the following distribution:
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 75-79
D = 70-74
F = 69 and below
Students in Language Retraining will receive progress reports each six weeks. The format of
Alphabetic Phonics therapy does not lend itself to traditional letter grades. Test results of pre and post
testing using the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test will be attached to the perm card at the completion
of therapy. No letter grade will be given for the class the student misses due to Language Retraining.
Interim Progress Reports (Deficiencies) will be distributed each six weeks, via email, to parents whose
children (3rd -6th grade) are not making satisfactory progress in basic skills or in character growth and
Learning Differences
TCS Elementary provides the following opportunities for students who learn differently:
The SSC provides cognitive activities and structured exercises that build one aptitude at a time. After
student is assessed, a program is designed specifically for the student.
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Alternative Instructional Methods (AIM) is a program for students in first through fourth grade who
have a language learning difference. It is a full-day program in which the students are taught in all
subjects using a multisensory approach. The teacher is trained in Alphabetic Phonics and uses those
techniques to teach academic concepts. A complete diagnostic battery of tests indicating the student
has a learning difference is required for placement in the AIM program.
Language Retraining is a three year multisensory program for teaching reading, spelling, and
handwriting to students who are having difficulty learning the skills of written language. Students
involved in the program go to a therapist, who works with them in small groups for one hour each day.
LISD Speech Therapist provides services twice monthly on TCS campus. Extra services through
private therapists are provided on TCS campus.
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Attendance at school provides a student with classroom experience. This experience is composed of
participation in class activities and direct instruction conducted by the classroom teacher. The
instructional program designed by each teacher is a progressive and sequential experience. It is
generally impossible for the experience to be “made up”. For this reason, failure of a student to attend
class will be seen as a serious problem and will not be allowed.
Regular attendance and promptness are required of all students. Students are to demonstrate
responsibility and dependability through their attendance. Both attendance and tardiness are
recorded, and compiled records of attendance are kept on file for reference. Students must attend 90%
of the school year in order to be promoted to the next higher grade. Students are permitted nine
absences per semester. An excess of eighteen for the year will result in possible retention and/or will
require tutoring by a certified teacher at the parent’s expense. Three hours per day of tutoring will be
required for each day missed after 18.
In all cases of absence, students will be required to complete the necessary make-up work. A note to
the teacher or a call to the office is required to verify an excused absence. The primary responsibility in
this matter lies with the student and parent, not the teacher. Arrangements for make-up work must be
made by contacting the teacher before or after school hours. Please realize that absences do affect
grades when students miss discussions, oral drills, initial instruction, and other activities.
Trinity Christian School requires parents to send a note or call the school one day in advance to make a
parent request day, or ONE WEEK in advance if requesting make-up work.
Parents are asked not to call the school office for make-up assignments. Students with excused
absences will be allowed the number of days absent for make-up work. For example, a student absent
three days who returns on Monday will have until Friday AM to complete homework and/or tests. A
student absent only on the day of a test may be required by the teacher to take the test immediately
upon return. There will be a homework folder kept in each classroom for work missed due to absence
(T1-sixth grade). The parent is responsible for going to the classroom for the folder. If the folder is
picked up before 3:15, all work may not be included in the folder.
When a student will be out of school due to a non-emergency family trip, a parent may request that
make-up work be sent with the student. Parents are asked to notify the teacher one week in advance
so that select school work can be collected by the teacher to send with the child. This allows the child
to keep up with the rest of the class while away from school. All material sent with the student is to
be completed and turned in to the teacher when they return to the classroom. If no material is sent
with the student, the make-up work will be given upon student’s return to school and normal absence
make-up policy will be followed. Points will be taken off for late papers.
Medical / dental appointments should be scheduled outside of school hours to avoid loss of school
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“Punctuality is showing a high esteem for others and their time.” Students should be in their
classrooms when the bell rings. Students arriving in homeroom after 8:20 a.m. are considered late to
their first period class. Students leaving campus for lunch should return to class on time: PS, K, T1, 1st
and 2nd grades should return by 12:00 p.m.; 3rd and 4th grades should return by 12:45 p.m., and 5th and
6th grades should return by 1:15 p.m. Students returning to class late from lunch will be given an
unexcused tardy. Three unexcused tardies in a six weeks will result in a detention, and each tardy after
the third will result in an additional detention until the end of the six weeks.
Unexcused first period tardies include such reasons as:
• Late Carpool
• Oversleeping
• Traffic
Excused first period tardies include such reasons as:
• Sickness
• Medical Appointments
• Accidents and unavoidable break-downs
• Unique, unavoidable circumstances, as confirmed by TCS
Homework is assigned as follows:
• In order to complete unfinished class work.
• To provide supplementary drill in math facts and general reading practice.
• As preparation time for a test in class later in the week.
• To prepare special projects (reports, science displays, etc.) needing time and resource outside of the
Homework assignments are kept to a minimum on weekends and no homework will be given on
Wednesday evenings.
10-20 minutes
Grade K, T1, 1
Grades 2, 3
20-30 minutes
Grades 4,5,6
40-60 minutes
If your student runs into a very extreme homework night, please let the teacher know there is a
Parents should monitor the “perfectionist” to prevent overload and burn out. A balance with
church, family, and other healthy activities remains our goal.
Incomplete homework is graded accordingly. A zero is given if no homework is turned in.
Please realize that absences do affect grades when students miss discussions, oral drills, initial
instruction, and other such activities.
There will be a homework folder kept in each classroom for work missed due to absence.
Parents, please check with the teacher at the end of the day after the children leave to obtain
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Assignments that are turned in late will be graded as follows:
Grades 2, 3
1 day late = minus 10 points
2 days late = zero
1 day late = minus 15 points
2 days late = zero
The last six weeks of the year, 6th graders will receive a zero on any work not completed on time.
Grades 4, 5, 6
To be eligible for promotion to the next higher grade, students shall:
Attain for the year an overall average of seventy or above, which is derived by averaging the
final numerical grade for language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science.
Attain a subject average of seventy or above in each of the following : language, reading and
Be present at least 90% of the school year.
TCS will not promote a student or recommend a student for the next academic level if academic
and attendance requirements have not been adequately met. In such a case summer course
work, or a suggested academic plan has to be completed and documented to justify promotion.
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Special Events
Teachers may have four parties per year in their classrooms. These include Thanksgiving , Christmas,
Valentine’s Day, and an end-of-school activity.
Birthday Celebrations!
If you would like to send cookies to school with your child on their birthday (or half birthday for
summer birthdays), the teacher will pass these out at the break time. Do not send cake, drinks,
decorations, favors, etc. You must contact your child’s teacher before you send refreshments. Teachers
will give special recognition to each student on their birthday. Children are not permitted to bring
invitations for birthday parties to school unless the entire class is invited. Special friends should
receive their invitations by mail or telephone.
Locker decorations are not permitted. This will eliminate innumerable problems with reference to hurt
Field Trips - Learning experiences planned by the teacher
God and Nation Day – 1st – 6th Grade celebration of freedoms
No TV Week
Grandparents’ Coffee
Parenting Classes
Science Fair - Designated grade levels
Sixth Grade Graduation
Speech Meet - Designated grade levels / each student makes a presentation
Spring Coordinated Dress Exchange / Sale
Purity Banquet for 6th grade
Weekly Chapels - Classes participate in chapel weekly
International Missions Day – Gives students and parents a heart for missions
Texas Day
Dad’s Day Picnic
Field Day
Spelling Bee
3rd - 6th Grade Class Trips, including 6th Grade Science Camp
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Monthly Calendar – Available on RenWeb
Yearly Calendar – Available on RenWeb
The TCS Roar - Available on RenWeb weekly
Parenting Classes - Monthly
Parent Teacher Conferences - Fifteen minute segments scheduled on designated date
(2 times per year)
TCS School Board reserves the right to change any policy or procedure at any time in its sole discretion
after reasonable notice to constituents.
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