March 2012 PDF - Big Springs Historical Society


March 2012 PDF - Big Springs Historical Society
The Big Springs Historical Society & Museum
Difficult times call for
creative measures…
… and we got creative this year!
The Village of Caledonia could not
renew their financial support of $5,000 to
the musuem, as they had in the previous
year. Like everyone, we too have seen our
costs rise and funding sources shrink.
Further consideration by the Village Board
resulted in ½ of the funding being restored
for which we were relieved and grateful.
Membership support is the largest source
of our income and we have worked hard
to earn that from you. Never-the-less, our
budget was dealt an unexpected blow, and
we needed a BIG idea.
Fortunately, our president, Sue Deragon
and her husband Jeff, owners of the Alhart
Funeral Home, helped launch what turned
into a really BIG fundraiser. With their
financial underwriting of an iPod Touch, a Kindle and an iTunes gift card we were
able to do better than just close the “gap.”
page 2…
Raffles like this one
Sean Sullivan and Jim Phillips
Fall 2005
Razing the Roof!
Volunteer Tom Pawlik
The Big Springs Historical Society turned 75 last year! And, while we really wanted
to throw a rip-roaring birthday party, we decided instead to invest in our wonderful
building. Thanks to curator Pat Garrett and our volunteer brigade the museum is almost
back together, safer, stronger, and able to withstand another 100 years.
The BSHS benefited by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services
and Heritage Preservation, which provided us with a roadmap for a successful renovation
project. Advice from consultants John Bero, architect, and Ralph Weigandt, conservator,
helped us identify our priorities which included a balanced approach to caring for a
historic building, not intended to be a museum but which now houses an irreplaceable
collection of community history. Our primary focus in the beginning was to restore
our second floor study hall to its original, classical appearance. We felt strongly that
conquering this daunting project would pave the way for fresh, creative exhibits, better
collections storage, and improvements to the military display, for which a donation has
been given. The magnitude of this project, both physically and financially was scary,
but thanks to the accounting and management skills of our CFO, Elke Phillips, we
felt confident we could see it through. As we examined the “to do list” we could see
something like this needed a project manager, and that man was (ta da!) Jim Phillips. Jim,
you answered the call and gave the museum a year and a half of your life! Your efforts and
your ability to coordinate the contractors and volunteers saved the museum thousands of
dollars and truly made this possible.
continued on page 2…
Passing Time
March 2012
…Razing the Roof continued
In taking on this huge project, Jim had the ongoing and consistent support of Don
Pullyblank, Paul Johnson, Dick Fisher, Bruce Szczech, Sean Sullivan, and Alan and Pat
Garrett; the periodic assistance of our board members and other volunteers; and, of
course, we can always count on our Tuesday night and Monday morning volunteers to
help out wherever needed. Additional staff were always present while contractors were
in the building, and lots of extra cleaning time by Mike Lafave was a necessity to keep
up with the mess.
After everything was removed upstairs and/or wrapped in heavy gauge plastic,
scaffolding was installed, blinds removed and countless other preparatory tasks
performed. The removal of the unsightly, suspended ceiling, and fluorescent tube
lighting made way for the repair and restoration of the original tin ceiling (hooray!)
The old fiberglass insulation was removed and rolled up, and set aside, awaiting
reinstallation above the tin ceiling. New electrical wiring to accommodate purchased
Above: Paul Johnson and Elke Phillips
gallery lighting and study hall lights was completed. When needed, plastering and
Below: Donald Griffin
repairs were made in anticipation of fresh painting. Then it became clear that our roof
was not going to hold on for much longer. Evidence of leaks made it indisputable
that patching and postponing could jeopardize the safety of our collection. Yikes! A
new roof? How would we do that? After acquiring bids, we contracted with Upstate
Roofing to completely tear off and re-roof our building with handsome green 50 year
shingles. We added 6 new roof turbines; vents, which will greatly improve the inside,
air quality and ensure the health of the building. Turns out our old building was
holding up 6 layers and more than seven tons of roofing and it was NOT happy!
Funds for the roof and the museum renovation came from numerous sources:
the estates of Jane Taylor Grabb and Jim Harrigan, donations in memory of Fiona
Maruska, John R. Harmon, Robert J. Bostwick, Ella McGinnis, Helen Anderson
and Vonnie Pullyblank. In addition capital funds were received from the Wm. H.
Cox Charitable Trust. Additional funding came from the BSHS Reserve Fund and
Operating Fund
supported by our …Creative Measures continued
membership and community at large. Thanks to our CFO Elke
members to either sell or buy tickets and mail them back to
Phillips, we were confident in our ability to meet the financial
us. The response was overwhelming! We ended the raffle at
responsibility this required.
the close of Hometown Holidays. The winners were Monica
With all of the talk in the news about the economy, it seems
(Nailos) Smith, who won the iPOD Touch, and Amy Krecker
right to point out that this small, but important, not-for-profit
who won the Shuffle. Sean Sullivan was back this year manning
organization infused $43,267 into the local economy last year
the raffle table and, with Alan Garret & Jim Phillips, brought
just with these two projects. We hired and paid Environmental
in over $700 from holiday gift baskets, a fresh holiday wreath
Consultants, Ace Hardware, Lowe’s, Henrietta Building Supplies,
made by Pat Mead, a Bank of Castile gift basket, a hand-made
Genesee Lumber Co., Maynard’s Electric, Mike Lauterborn
bird house donated by Ken Embling, and more.
Enterprises, Inc., Stafford Painters, and Upstate Roofing. Bruce
At the end of the day, the real winner was the museum
Szczech and Mike Monacelli kindly loaned us the scaffolding and
which took in over $5,000 from all of the raffles! WOWZA!
Rhett Clark, a trailer. The lights we purchased for the study hall
Thank you members and community members for supporting
were manufactured here in New York State. This, at a time when
this fundraiser, Alhart Funeral Home for donating the Apple
so many organizations are struggling; we chose to forge ahead with
products, Elke Phillips for keeping track of all the ticket sales
confidence and gratitude while at the same time contributing to
and income, and the volunteers who helped get the tickets out.
the health of the local economy.
Thank you Rene Kelly, and Mary Alice Sullivan for getting
Our fundraising efforts over the last eleven years, our loyal and
the tickets and the publicity printed. We hope this will be an
generous members, along with the discipline of excellent financial
idea we can try again, and that our members will participate as
management, and the ongoing support of our village, town, and
enthusiastically and generously once again.
business community, have ensured that our museum will be here
Thank you! We could not do it without you!!
for future generations to enjoy. Thank you!
Passing Time
Winter 2012
Eastern Star Shines at the Big Springs Museum
by Patricia Roggen, most recent Worthy Matron of Caledonia Chapter #451, Order of the Eastern Star.
It was my unhappy responsibility to return the Charter of our group to the Grand
About the Order of the
Chapter of the State of New York, thereby ending 102 years of fraternal friendship and
Eastern Star
love among the members who were dedicated to charity, truth and loving kindness.
The group was also an
Eastern Star is an Order
important part of Caledonia
composed of people of deep
society. Over the years, with
spiritual convictions, but it is
craft sales, dinners, dancing
not a religion. It is open people
on the spring floor of the
of all faiths. The personal
Masonic Temple third floor,
welfare of our members is vital
card parties and so many other
to all of those in the Eastern
entertainments you can only
Star, and it is considered
a privilege to help another
We will always be grateful to
member whenever we can.
the members of the museum for
The stated purposes of the
accepting our regalia including
organization are: Charitable,
our signets (the first one dating
Educational, Fraternal and
back to the first Chapter
Scientific; but there is much
meetings), our emblems of
more to it than that. Eastern
office, our Star Point emblems
Star strives to take good people
Big Springs Museum Representatives Karen Stalica and Sue Deragon
and all the items that are so dear
and, through uplifting and
gratefully accept the legacy of the local Eastern Star from and Worthy
to us. Having them here will
elevating associations of love
Matron of Caledonia Chapter #451 Patricia Roggen
ensure that our group retains a
and service, and through
permanent place in Caledonia
example, build an Order which
history. Our only way of thanking you for the wonderful work you are doing is by
is truly dedicated to charity, truth and
sharing the monies we had left in our treasury in the amount of $1000.
loving kindness.
The display of these items will also give many who come to view them a little better
understanding of what the Order of the Eastern Star is all about.
Sewing the Threads of Life
It’s lots of fun to be at the museum when “new/old” things arrive. Objects with a connection
to an individual, our community, or accompanied by a personal story, make accessioning a
pleasure. Thanks to volunteer, Sue Sickles for keeping track of the donations as they come in!
Caledonia resident, Kathryn (Bryce) Russ has been “going through some things” and found
some belongings passed down to her from her mother, Etta Simpson Bryce (born in 1886) and
her grandmother, Janet Anderson Bryce. Janet was the daughter of Scottish immigrants, Peter
and Margaret Anderson, who arrived at York Landing in the 1800’s, where Peter worked as a
wheelwright. Because manufactured clothing was not readily available in the early 20th century,
Etta would go to people’s homes and sew clothing or anything that was needed for a family. She
sewed from “sunrise to sunset” Kathryn remembers being told, and earned one dollar a day!
Anyone who knows Catherine, knows she too, is never far from a sewing machine or
needlework. When she recently donated a tiny, functioning toy sewing machine (a gift received
at age 6), a tin candy box of wonderful buttons (including some political ones), a child’s quilt made from mens’ shirting, and a doll
with clothes made by her mother, we were thrilled. During her lifetime, Kathryn held onto these things because they were part of her
connections to the women in her life; women who clearly influenced her by passing on their sewing skills, knowledge and wisdom. We
are grateful that the BSHS is the recipient of these special objects, and for the women’s history they represent. Thank you Kathryn for
entrusting them to us.
Passing Time
March 2012
The Bucks Stopped Here
Dick Thomas and friend find
time for a little PDA.
Kristen Tyler, Bob & Sally Estes, and Bill Tyler pose with some of their trophies.
In October, the leaves were a changin’ and the smell of autumn was in the air. It
seemed like the right time to invite Caledonia resident, Bob Estes to talk about his
lifelong passion for the white tailed deer. Happily, Bob said “Okay!”
A respected farmer and outdoorsman who also raises some funny looking cattle called
Texas Lomghorns at his farm on Maxwell Station Road, Bob is known for his biologist
level knowledge about deer. Believe it or not, there was a time when deer were not
common in Caledonia. The changing landscape over the last century from virgin forest
to open fields, has contributed to more available food, and fewer natural predators, and
contributed to the populations we see today. Bob founded and became president of the
New York State Big Buck Club in 1972. The intent of the club was to recognize trophy,
whitetail deer and the hunters who take them. Today it remains a nationally recognized
institution dedicated to New York’s hunting heritage, sportsmanship, and conservation.
Bob’s talk included mounted, trophy deer of astonishing size, and rarely seen by most
people. In addition, a piebald deer, a genetic anomaly, taken by accident on the Guthrie
farm in 1975, after farmers tried to protect it for over three years, was on display. Bob’s
wife, Sally, known far and wide for the
support she has given Bob and the Big
Buck Club since its inception was by
his side. Grandson, Bill Tyler and wife,
Kristen were in attendance and brought
the huge trophy whitetail she harvested
last year on the Estes farm.
This was great opportunity to reflect
upon a species we often take for granted.
Thank you to Dick Thomas, Conor
Sullivan, and Pat Garrett who transported
and installed these very heavy mounts,
and to the folks who allowed us to
display them. Dick also shared some of
Elke Phillips (Left) and Sue Deragon draw for the
winners of the Hometown Holidays Raffles.
his breathtaking photographs of majestic
whitetails seen here in our own back yard.
Hometown Holidays Raffle
and the winners are…
• Donna McWilliams won the four foot
santa donated by Sue Deragon
• Dick Thomas won the framed jigsaw
puzzle picture
• Jerry O’Donaghue won the Holiday
Arrangement Basket
• Mary Thomas won the Willow Tree
Angel Basket
• Elke Phillips won the Bird House
donated by Ken Embling
• Maureen Leopold won the
Pasta Basket
• Joe Calourie won the Popcorn
Basket donated by The Bank of
• Grace Layland won the Wreath
donated by Pat Mead
• Monica Smith won the ipod
donated by Alhart Funeral
• Amy Krecker won the Kindle
donated by Alhart Funeral
Passing Time
Winter 2012
The Sound of Music…
Graduate Student musician Sally Schaefer,
Ethnomusicologist Jim Kimball
Music continued to be a part of the programs we
hosted last year. Bach in the Afternoon, a program
created by SUNY Geneseo faculty member, violinist and scholar, Richard
Balkin was designed to make the music of Johann Sebastian Bach more accessible to,
and appreciated by, the public. This very enjoyable program was funded through a
Decentralization Grant from the New York State Council for the Arts and administered
by the Genesee Valley Council on the Arts.
In the fall, SUNY Geneseo professor and ethnomusicologist, Jim Kimball,
accompanied by graduate student Sally Schaefer, presented a program called Songs from
the Prohibition Era. Some of you will be pleased to know that our curator, Pat Garrett
was able to provide them with music from
our collection to augment the program!
The audience was perhaps surprised to
hear familiar tunes carried over from
the Civil War era with lyrics rewritten
to inspire allegiance to the Temperance
movement. Thank you to Diane Pawlik for
coordinating these entertaining programs.
To celebrate the completion of our
75th year as an organization, we were very
happy that Kinloch Nelson, a solo, finger
style guitarist with a career spanning over
40 years, performed to a full house after
our annual meeting. Kinloch performed a
diverse array of mesmerizing guitar pieces
on his beautiful guitars, one called a harp
guitar and one, which is called a Tunnel
13 guitar. This gorgeous instrument is
made from redwood reclaimed from the
infamous site of the last Great American
Train Robbery on Oregon’s Siskiyou
Line in 1923. Thanks to Don Griffin for
bringing this wonderfully gifted musician
Kinloch Nelson
to Caledonia.
Richard Balki
We appreciate the local teens who show up year
after year to give us a hand at the Hometown
Holiday luncheon. We couldn’t do it without them!
You barely ever see her, but Quille Westbrook is
always working in the kitchen to make sure your
hot food is hot, your cold food is cold, and it’s all
yummy and safe to eat.
Martha helps a young customer select just the right
Passing Time
March 2012
Thank You to the Following 2011 Members and New 2012
Members For Their Support (as of February 29, 2012)
Betty A. Ackerman................................ Donor
Maureen Alhart................................. Platinum
Ellen Alhart............................................. Silver
Wally & Sandy Ancker.....................Individual
Ron Anderson..................................Individual
Timothy E. Anderson.......................Individual
Floyd E. Anderson..................................Senior
Cathy Angell..................................Individual+
Frank & Marion Antinore....................... Silver
David & Aileen Ayers.............................. Silver
Dale J. Bailey.........................................Senior
Eric & Jane Baker ...................................Gold
Mary Ann Baker ...................................Senior
Edith Baldeck.........................................Senior
Robert J. Baldeck...................................Senior
John & Judy Ball................................. Family+
Audrose M. Banks..................................Senior
Jon & Elizabeth Barefoot........................ Silver
Marnie Barton........................................Senior
Helena Bass-Robin................................ Family
Wendy C. Benedict............................... Family
Eveline M. Bernard................................Senior
Eileen & Barry Bickford........................ Donor
Richard & Sharon Bickford................... Family
Ron & Bev Blazejewski......................... Family
Germaine L. Bostwick............................Senior
Robert A. Brown................................... Donor
Kathleen Brown.................................... Family
V. Anne Brown.......................................Senior
The Brunettes........................................ Family
Patrick & E. Jane Burk.......................... Family
Amy Burt.............................................. Family
Mary Byam............................................Senior
Cal. War Vet. Memorial, Inc............ Platinum
Caledonia Country Club.................. Platinum
Mark & Veronica Callan....................... Family
Tucker Callan.................................Individual+
Barbara A. & Joseph A. Caluorie........... Family
Chris Cappotelli...............................Individual
Martha Cappotelli............................. Platinum
Greg & Sharlene Carnes........................ Family
Jenell Carnes....................................Individual
Sue Carson.......................................Individual
Mary T. Cesarano...................................Senior
Cliff & Barb Chapman............................ Silver
Stephen Clary...................................Individual
June P. Clary...........................................Senior
Greg & Valerie Connor......................... Family
Peter & Pearl Coppini........................... Family
Cheryl R. Corsi..................................... Donor
Bill & Mary Cox................................... Family
Ruth Coyle.............................................Senior
Ernest E. Cripps.................................... Family
C. Joan Crunden................................... Family
Mary V. Cullinan...................................Senior
Donald J. Cunningham..........................Senior
Nancy Daley..........................................Gold+
Jayne E. Daley......................................... Silver
Victoria D’Angelo..................................Senior
R. S. Skelly & F. Dick Daniell................. Silver
Stacie Stone Davis............................Individual
Debbie Davis...................................Individual
Paul L. & Terry L. Day, Jr..................... Family
Diane W. De Roos.................................Senior
William & Elaine Dearcop...................... Silver
Betty DeNoon.................................. Honorary
Jeffery & Susan Deragon................... Platinum
Evan & Zach Diliberto............................ Silver
Dominic Diliberto.................................. Silver
David V. Dinolfo................................... Family
Tom & Loretta Dintruff.................... Platinum
Martha Dolan..................................Individual
Jim & Anne Dollard.............................. Family
Kathleen Donegan................................ Donor
Terry & Meg Donegan........................ Family+
Colleen & Patrick Donegan.................... Silver
Ruth Doolittle........................................Senior
Carol A. Downey...................................Senior
James & Victoria Dutton...................... Family
Mr. & Mrs. David Ebersole................... Family
Joyce & David Eichenberger................. Family
Joseph & Gerry Emery...........................Senior
Kirsten & Paul Estabrooks.......................Gold
Bob & Sally Estes.................................. Family
Kenneth & Betty Estes.......................... Family
Kathy & Matt Fairbrother....................... Silver
Elizabeth Fili..........................................Senior
Darlene Fisher..................................Individual
Dick Fisher.............................................. Silver
Thomas J. Fitzgibbon........................ Platinum
Larry & Janet Flynn.......................... Platinum
David L. Franke.....................................Senior
Bob Fraser................................................Gold
James & Lynne Freeman......................... Silver
Barry A. Ganzhorn, Sr............................Senior
Mrs. Helen Gardner...............................Senior
Alan & Pat Garrett.................................. Silver
Meg & Kevin Geer................................ Family
Betty Geer........................................Individual
Catherine Gilbert...................................Senior
Betsy Gilbert........................................... Silver
George G. Gleason III........................... Donor
Guy I. Goodrell................................Individual
Robert Goodwin....................................Senior
Margaret B. Grant..................................Senior
Dorothy Grant-Fletcher.........................Senior
Robert & Evelyn Grattan...................... Family
Kathleen & Roger L. Gray.................... Family
Donald E. Griffin.............................Individual
Vickie P. Gross.......................................Senior
Elizabeth K. Guthrie........................Individual
Marian Guthrie................................. Platinum
Sean Sullivan & Jean Guthrie............ Platinum
John Hamilton.................................Individual
Tom & Mary C. Hamilton...................Senior+
Jane Hanna........................................... Family
Nancy Hare..............................................Gold
Madelyn Harmon............................. Platinum
Karen P. Harris.......................................Senior
Gretchen & Gary Hartford..................... Silver
Charles & Kathleen Hartness................ Family
Scott & Joan Harvey......................... Platinum
Robert & Patricia Hassett.......................Senior
James Heffer.......................................... Family
Gordon F. Henry....................................Senior
James D. Henry...................................Senior+
Elaine Herman.......................................Senior
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Heuer........................ Family
Shannon S. Hickey...........................Individual
Sally M. Hilliard............................... Platinum
Bonnie Howlett....................................Senior+
Gail Hyde..............................................Senior
Beverly Ianiro.........................................Senior
James E. Jackson...................................... Silver
Karen Jake............................................. Family
Paul & Vineta Johnson.......................... Family
V. Craig & Patricia A. Johnson.......... Platinum
Marjorie A. Jones............................ Benefactor
Nancy Jones.......................................... Family
Laurel M. Jones................................Individual
Charles & Carolyn Joy.......................... Family
Larry & Lisa Kaminski.......................... Family
Martha & Mel Keenan.......................... Family
John & Pat Keenan............................... Family
Daniel & Barbara Keenan................... Family+
Gladys Keenan.......................................Senior
Elizabeth D. Keenan..............................Senior
Mark & Rene Kelly........................... Platinum
Passing Time
Winter 2012
Memberships continued…
Michael & Kathy Jo Kemnitz.................. Silver
Jon & Julia King................................... Family
Maureen Kingston..................................Senior
Mary K. & Matthew P. Klucznik....... Platinum
William H. Koch.................................... Silver
Alice Kohl..............................................Senior
Judy, Fritz & Joanne Kruchten.............. Family
Hazeltine Ladd...................................... Donor
Marge & John Landowski..................... Family
Gladys Latham....................................Senior +
Dolores Lathan.......................................Senior
Jim & Grace Layland.............................. Silver
Maureen & Steve Leupold................. Platinum
Gwendoline E. Lidstone.........................Senior
Karl E. Limner.......................................Senior
Harold & Kathleen Litteer...................... Silver
Paul F. & Barbara Lofgren..................... Family
Roger & Gladys Ludlum....................... Family
Harold & Priscilla Lynn........................ Family
Patricia MacIntyre................................... Silver
Aileen MacKay.......................................Senior
Jean Hennessey & Tony Macula............ Family
Karen Mallaber......................................Senior
Floyd & Sandra Manley........................ Family
Marie C. Manley....................................Senior
Don & Jeanne Manley...........................Senior
James & Molly Manning....................... Family
Don & Karen Marble.............................Senior
Barbara W. Martin................................ Family
Shannon Martin...............................Individual
Mrs. Helen Martin.......................... Platinum+
Carol Matthews....................................... Silver
Anne Marie Mattice............................ Family+
Barbara Mattice......................................Senior
Kelley McClenney............................Individual
Betty McClenney.................................... Silver
Dolores M. McCombs...........................Senior
Lorie McCreedy...................................... Silver
Margaret & Abby McEwen............. Benefactor
Robert J. McGinnis............................... Donor
Bill & Mary Ann McGinnis.................. Family
Frank & Betty McGlasson................... Family+
Robert E. McGrath, Jr............................Senior
Wallace McQuaig.................................... Silver
Bill & Karen McQuilkin....................... Family
Malcome & Barbara McVean.................Senior
Maxine Micheaux...................................Senior
Jack Miller..............................................Senior
Joan F. Mitchell......................................Senior
Robert & Julie Molisani........................ Family
Mike & Darcy Monacelli...................... Family
Brenda & Tony Montalbano................. Family
Mary E. Mooney....................................Senior
Frances A. Morey.............................Individual
William B. Muchmore...........................Senior
Michael & Kristin Murphy................... Family
Mary Ann Nailos........................... Benefactor+
Jim & Peggy Nailos............................... Family
Brenda & James Nelson........................ Family
Michael J. Nichols................................. Family
Charles & Edna Nichols........................ Family
Samantha & Shane Nickerson............... Family
Tim & Bernie Nothnagle...................... Family
Thomas E. & Polly Nothnagle................. Silver
David & Carol Nusbickel........................ Silver
Maureen Freeman O’Brien...............Individual
Aneta B. Ochs........................................Senior
James & Carole O’Donoghue............... Family
Helen O’Donoghue...............................Senior
Carl & Judy Offen................................ Family
The Rev. & Mrs. H. Outterson..............Senior
Padgett Business Services........................ Silver
Dan & Roxanne Pangrazio.................... Family
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Parnell.................. Family+
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Parr...................... Platinum
Diane & Tom Pawlik............................. Family
Nancy Emens Peckham....................Individual
Mary Ellen Perry.............................. Honorary
Rich & Judy Pettersen........................... Family
Jim & Elke Phillips......................... Benefactor
Jody Pitt.................................................Senior
Bob & Kathy Plum........................... Platinum
Tom & Robin Price................................. Silver
Bob & Betty Jane Pullyblank..................Senior
Donald E. Pullyblank.............................Senior
Dennis & Mary Quackenbush.............. Silver+
Maureen Randall....................................Senior
Paul & Danis Raymond........................ Family
John Raymond........................................ Silver
Cheryl Raymus......................................Senior
Janet E. Reed....................................Individual
David R. Reeves.................................... Family
Maureen Reeves.....................................Senior
Mary & Andrew Reid............................ Family
Bill Reinagel...........................................Senior
Nancy Reinert....................................... Family
Jackie Ridley.......................................... Family
Joan & Charlie Robinson...................... Family
Anne Rodgers........................................ Family
Allen & Patricia Roggen........................ Family
Margaret Roll...................................Individual
MIchael A. Romano................................ Silver
Lou & Karen Root................................ Family
James & Doris Rothrock......................Senior+
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Rountree...........Individual
Jack Rowlinson........................................ Silver
Elizabeth Rubenstein............................Senior+
Mari Runfola....................................Individual
Joe & Pam Rychlicki............................. Family
Stanley E. Rychlicki................................Senior
Joyce S. Sackett......................................Senior
William & Sharon Sandvik................... Family
Sally Santora..................................... Honorary
Ray & Laurie Sattora................................Gold
Charlene Sayers................................Individual
Mary A. Schirmer.................................Senior+
Helen & Paul Schrier........................ Platinum
Craig & Nancy Schroth........................ Family
Joan M. Schumaker................................. Silver
Laurence & Judith Schweichler............. Family
Carolyn L. Scott.....................................Senior
Thomas & Phyllis Shaughnessy............. Family
George & Kathryn Shaw..........................Gold
Robert J. Sheffer.................................... Family
Alan & Laurelie Sickles......................... Family
Harold & Mary Sickles......................... Family
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Sickles................... Silver
Sickles Corp......................................... Donor
Tom & Carole Sims.......................... Platinum
Nancy Skivington...................................Senior
John F. & Cathy S. Skivington................ Silver
Maria W. Slack.......................................Senior
Augustus J. Slocum................................Senior
Frances & William Smith...................... Family
Joan & Kathy Smith.............................. Family
Guendolen S. Smith.............................Senior+
Silas W. Smith, Jr............................... Platinum
Joe & Lyn Somers................................. Family
Sue & Steve Spencer.............................. Family
Thomas & Elaine Spicer........................ Family
Thomas E. & Karen H. Stalica.................Gold
Phyllis Stanewitz....................................Senior
Connie Steedman...................................Senior
Blanche & Paul E. Stein...........................Gold
Kathleen K. & Keith F. Stein............. Platinum
Eileen Stettinius.....................................Senior
Bill Stoddart.......................................... Silver+
David & Pauline Stone...........................Senior
Richard & Sandra Stryker..................... Family
Jerry Sullivan......................................... Donor
Mary Alice Sullivan..........................Individual
Bruce & Judy Szczech..............................Gold
Barbara & Doug Taggart....................... Family
Elizabeth Taillie................................ Honorary
James R. Taylor......................................Senior
Margaret L. Taylor..................................Senior
Dick & Mary Thomas......................... Family+
continued on page 8…
Passing Time
March 2012
Thank you to the following
Employers Matching Funds
organizations for their
generous & continuing support:
Alhart Funeral Home
 Bakers Green Houses
 The Bank of Castile
 Caledonia War Veterans Memorial, Inc.
 Five Star Bank
 Lakeville Liquor Store, Inc.
 Order of the Eastern Star
 Padgett Business Services
 Pleasant View Glass
 Sickles Corp.
 Thompkins Trust Company
 Town and Village of Caledonia
 TSS Form Industries
 Wm. Hamilton & Sons, Inc.
Dell Direct Giving Campaign (via Mary Ann Nailos)
Reitt Management & Research Co. (via Alan Garrett)
TSS Form Industries (via Sam Diliberto)
Individual Gifts Were
Received from:
Ellen Alhart for museum renovation
Mary Ann Nailos for museum renovation
Elke and Jim Phillips in Honor of Jim Rothrock
Legacies Received from the
Estates of:
Eileen V. Alhart
William S. Andaloro, MD
James D. Harrigan
Memorials Were Received in
Memory of:
Memberships continued…
Dick & Margaret Thomas......................................................... Gold
Mary Thomas.................................................................... Individual
John Thomas..................................................................... Individual
Helen Tiberio.................................................................... Individual
TJ & Kim Torre......................................................................Family
Mara L. Trojanski.............................................................. Individual
Teresa M. Truman................................................................... Senior
TSS Form Industries Corp.....................................................Donor
Tom & Sue Ulatowski............................................................. Senior
Jacqueline Guthrie Van Allen..................................................Family
Eileen Vogt..............................................................................Family
Jim & Jean Vokes....................................................................Family
Rose Volkman......................................................................... Senior
Lois Waldron.............................................................................Silver
Dianne & Jerry Walter............................................................Family
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Ward, III.............................................Family
Patricia Watson...................................................................Platinum
Annabelle B. Weber................................................................. Senior
Paul & Cindy Webster............................................................Family
Laura Westfall.........................................................................Family
Marybeth & Michael Whiting................................................. Gold+
Elizabeth Wilcox............................................................... Individual
Richard & Joanne Wilkins......................................................Family
Lynn L. Willard................................................................. Individual
Lewis & Ida Wilson................................................................Family
Wm. Hamilton & Son, Inc.......................................................Silver
Susan & James Wood........................................................ Individual
Terrance J. Yount.......................................................................Silver
Helen Anderson
William S. Andaloro, M.D.
Stuart Bolger
John R. Harmon
James D. Harrigan
Ella McGinnis
Vonnie Pullyblank
In Memoriam
The following individuals are sadly missed by many.
All hold a special place in our history and in our hearts.
Helen C. Anderson
Phillip Burt
Patrick M. Keefe
Marjorie A. LaFave
Vonnie Pullyblank
Johann (John) Stanewitz
Amanda C. Stone
Evelyn Taylor
Passing Time
Winter 2012
Some other folks we You Never Know Who You Might Meet at the
Museum by Richard K. LeRoy
need to thank…
 Ralph Wiegandt, Assistant
Director of Conservation
Education at the George
Eastman House in Rochester
for personally donating PEM
environmental monitors to
our museum. This was an
extremely generous gift and a
very important tool for us to use.
Thank you Ralph!
 Tom Milliman of Belcoda Rd.
for donating a picnic table for us
to sell at the Fall Festival.
 To Pat and Alan Garrett for
opening up their home for our
summer garage sale. Location,
location, location!
 To the Harrigan family who
donated many household items
and a lawnmower to our garage
sale making it a very successful
 Retiring Board president, Sue
Deragon, and trustees, Dick
Fisher, Ellen Alhart, Thank you
for your time and talents. Don’t
y’all be strangers now!
 Our founding members, whose
vision, hard work and passion
for the history of Caledonia and
Mumford continues to inspire
us to preserve and protect our
community’s heritage.
On July 24th I was at the Big
Springs Museum looking for Caledonia
Klondike gold prospectors who may have
accompanied my relative William Stearns
Dunn (1857-1941), who ventured north
in 1898.
While there, I noticed a lovely framed
sketch with the caption “Can you identify
this woman?” I was sure it was my greatgreat grandmother, Mary Ann Ensign
Brown (1827-1892). I returned home to
Scottsville and found the photo on which
this sketch seems to have been based. Pat
Garrett said they had hung the portrait
near the front door in hopes that someone
would identify the subject for them.
Then on September 19th, Pat called to
tell me of another impressive, unidentified
portrait, which I recognized as Mary Ann’s
husband, Dyer Dayton Stanley Brown (1819-1887). Scottsville had no repository for
such local treasures, so evidently the Big Springs Museum was chosen to receive them.
What a pleasure to have them both welcome visitors to the Museum!
New Posts for 2012
Meg Donegan, President
Meg has served as board member and vice-president of the Big Springs Historical
Society (BSHS) since 2007. During that time she has served as liaison between the BSHS
and the Cal-Mum School, and has been instrumental in bringing about several programs.
Don Griffin, Vice-President
Don has served as BSHS board member since 2007. During that time he has been
instrumental in bringing about several programs, and has donated much of his time and
talents whenever and wherever possible.
Sue Carson, Treasurer
Sue has served as a board member since 2009, and is a vice-president of Five-Star
Bank. She is also the secretary/treasurer of the Caledonia Fire District. We are very lucky
she is willing to bring her skills, dedication, and knowledge to this position.
Mary Thomas, Board Member
Until 2011 Mary had served as board member and secretary for 7 years. Mary and her
husband Dick have been tireless contributors and volunteers for the BSHS. She brings a
vast amount of organizational and educational skills to our board.
Anne Marie Mattice, Board Member
Anne Marie is currently the branch manager of The Bank of Castile in Caledonia. Her keen
interest in preserving local history brought her to our board. We are excited by the addition of
her passion, knowledge, sense of humor, and willingness to contribute to our Board.
Passing Time
March 2012
One Member’s Challenge
Passing Time
Winter 2012
Rethinking Grandmother
by Jean Guthrie
I stood in the old study hall of the school, now a museum, and watched as she put the dress on the form. Jim Taillie, my cousin,
had appeared with some old clothing, hoping to find a fitting repository for these bits of family heritage. Mary Ellen Perry, an expert
on clothing, went about her business and before long, in front of me stood a figure draped in black silk taffeta, fancy black beading and
a bustle. She was rather short with a tiny waist, she was elegant, formal, and, in truth, eerily commanding. I was transfixed! It was as if
this woman, Ellen Forbes Guthrie, had just time travelled to me, and was standing there asking me to answer for myself. I had heard
from “Bud” Nichols that she was a “proper woman.” He remembered her as a grandmother to his friend, Jim Guthrie, and as a teacher
in the Mumford Union School. But this was no schoolmarm standing in front of me today, this was a sophisticated woman who clearly
occupied a place in the society of the time which would have been around 1890. I knew very little about her other than having seen an
old photo in a desk drawer. In it, she was an old lady reading to my cousin Paul. This dress, and it’s three- dimensional presence helped
me ponder a person in a way I never considered. Educated at the Brockport Normal School to be a teacher, Ellen taught at various oneroom schools, eventually teaching at Mumford Union, next to the Mumford Post Office. She lived on Dakin Street. She was known for
hostessing soirees with refreshments and intellectual conversation, and word has it she corresponded with Susan B. Anthony.
Since that day, I have come across her college autograph book with many well wishes from friends and classmates. In it there is a page
with some admiring words from a suitor, who would later become her husband, my great grandfather, James J. Guthrie. While we often
have only bits and pieces with which to understand the past, at times, objects will talk to us, if we just give them a chance. I am grateful
our museum was here to be the place where that “conversation” could take place.
Ellen Forbes Guthrie
We welcome your own personal stories and memories of Caledonia
and Mumford. Please email them to bigspringshistoricalsociety@ or mail them to the museum at PO Box 41, Caledonia
NY 14423. Don’t forget to include your contact information.
Big Springs Historical Society &
2012 Officers:
President Meg Donegan
Vice-President Donald Griffin
Treasurer Sue Carson
Chief Financial Officer Elke Phillips
Secretary Martha Cappotelli
Curator Patty Garrett
Program/Grants Jean Guthrie
Docents Lois Waldron and Mike LaFave
Big Springs Historical Society & Museum
3095 Main Street
PO Box 41
Caledonia, New York 14423
Board Members:
Sue Deragon / Jean Guthrie / Rene Kelly /
Anne Marie Mattice / Diane Pawlik /
Karen Stalica / Sean Sullivan / Judy Szczech /
Mary Thomas
Museum Hours
Sundays 1-4 p.m.; Mondays 9-noon
or by appointment
Call 538-9880 or email at
with questions or for information.
Till We Meet Again…
Mark Your
April 22
Quilt Program, Peggy Roll
May 20
Afternoon Tea and Student Art Display
September 23, 2012, 2:00 pm
Whatchamacalits and Thingamajigs,
Jane Oakes
Sunday, October 2012
Don Hall
November 4, 2012, 2:00 pm
Scandals at the Whitehouse and
Presidential Gaffes, Patrick Weissend
While 2011 brought many
good times; it also brought its
share of sadness. Our museum
family lost two very special
women, Helen Anderson
and Vonnie Pullyblank.
These women were not only
exceptional volunteers, both
having contributed hundreds of
hours just managing our textile
collection and other projects, but
they were our beloved friends.
Their incredible commitment
to this organization cannot be measured. We relied upon their memories as life long
residents of Caledonia, and their unique skills. Helen sewed labels into thousands of
textiles, wrote hundreds of thank you notes, served years as a board member and ladled
“soup with a smile” during Hometown Holidays.
Vonnie entered data on over 3,000 objects into our computer system, ensuring our
grant-funded project was completed as promised. She made the best egg salad (the secret
is her recipe for hard boiled eggs!) during Hometown Holidays. She candidly shared
her opinions, and gave generously when we all needed a “reality check.” We shared a
lot of laughter and love, and a mutual appreciation for the museum that brought us all
So much more can and should be said about these women. They were wives, mothers,
sisters, and grandmothers, and with all they had to do, they chose to give their time to
this museum. Helen and Vonnie, we will forever cherish the times we got to share, and
with gratitude, remember the many ways you gave of yourselves to all of us.